diff options
authorlanfer <lanfer@1d96b42b-98df-4a6a-9d84-1b24288d4588>1999-09-03 17:57:58 +0000
committerlanfer <lanfer@1d96b42b-98df-4a6a-9d84-1b24288d4588>1999-09-03 17:57:58 +0000
commitc15500f177e9c1966a5286f2b12388c5ac24ece1 (patch)
parentc9d3c127a42d1740c1f1f85e65e034b311addb4f (diff)
The CactusElliptic arrangement
git-svn-id: http://svn.cactuscode.org/arrangements/CactusElliptic/EllPETSc/trunk@2 1d96b42b-98df-4a6a-9d84-1b24288d4588
10 files changed, 2186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f1411a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Cactus Code Thorn EllPETSc
+Authors : ...
+Managed by : ... <...@...........>
+Version : ...
+CVS info : $Header$
+1. Purpose of the thorn
+This thorn does ...
+2. Dependencies of the thorn
+This thorn additionally requires implementations and thorns ...
+3. Thorn distribution
+This thorn is available to ...
+4. Additional information
diff --git a/interface.ccl b/interface.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccaef7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Interface definition for thorn EllPETSc
+# $Header$
+implements: ellpetsc
+CCTK_REAL petscworkspace type=GF
+ wsp
+} "Workspace for the elliptic PETSc solver"
diff --git a/param.ccl b/param.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7066256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/param.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Parameter definitions for thorn PETSc_Elliptic
+# $Header$
+shares: grid
+USES KEYWORD domain ""
+KEYWORD petsc_verbose "PETSc verbose output"
+"no" :: "No output"
+"yes" :: "Some output"
+"debug":: "Tons of output"
+} "yes"
+LOGICAL petsc_reuse "Reuse parts of the PETSc structure"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL petsc_coeff_to_one "Divide each line of the matrix by the central value?"
+} "no"
+STRING petsc_KSP_type "See the PETSc Manual, p 49 for options, or look at petsc_ell source"
+ ::
+STRING petsc_PC_type "See the PETSc Manual, p 49 for options, or look at petsc_ell source"
+ ::
+KEYWORD petsc_nablaform "PETSC nabla form"
+ "up" :: ""
+ "down" :: ""
+} "down"
+#FIXME At the moment we pass toltype explicitly from LinearEllitpic
+#CCTK_INT PetscTolStyle "PETSc Tolerance flavors FIXME"
+# 0: :: ""
+#} 0
diff --git a/schedule.ccl b/schedule.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f561e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/schedule.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Schedule definitions for thorn EllPETSc
+# $Header$
+STORAGE: petscworkspace
+COMMUNICATION: petscworkspace
+schedule EllPETSc_Register at CCTK_INITIAL
+} "Register the PETSc solvers"
diff --git a/src/Startup.c b/src/Startup.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05c3336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Startup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "CactusElliptic/LinearElliptic/src/LinearElliptic.h"
+int EllPETSc_Register(cGH *GH) {
+ void petsc_confmetric(cGH *GH, int *MetricPsiI, int *FieldI, int *MI,
+ int *NI, int *TolArray);
+ printf("PETSc: Registering petsc_confmetric...");
+ Ell_RegisterSolver(petsc_confmetric,"petsc","Ell_LinConfMetric");
+ printf("... done \n ");
diff --git a/src/make.code.defn b/src/make.code.defn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d4e1ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/make.code.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Main make.code.defn file for thorn JacobiElliptic
+# $Header$
+# Source files in this directory
+SRCS = Startup.c petsc_wrapper.c petsc_confmetric_solver.c
+# Subdirectories containing source files
+SYS_INC_DIRS += /usr/local/mpich/include
+SYS_INC_DIRS += /usr/local/mpich/build/LINUX/ch_p4/include
+SYS_INC_DIRS += $(PETSC_DIR) $(PETSC_DIR)/include \
+ $(PETSC_DIR)/bmake/$(PETSC_ARCH)
diff --git a/src/make.configuration.defn b/src/make.configuration.defn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abb7803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/make.configuration.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Main make.code.defn file for thorn PETSc_Elliptic
+# $Header$
+#on linux system: the lapack libs (in rpms) are compiled with f2c/g77
+#and need the -lg2c or -lf2c to be linked
+#keep them at the end of lapack
+MYLIBS := petsc petscdm petsccontrib \
+ petscts petscsnes petscsles \
+ petscmat petscvec \
+ blas lapack g2c \
+ mpich $(LIBS)
+EXTRAFLAGS = -I$(PETSC_DIR)/bmake/linux/base
diff --git a/src/petsc_confmetric.c b/src/petsc_confmetric.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc3affb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/petsc_confmetric.c
@@ -0,0 +1,945 @@
+ @file PETScEll_conformal.c
+ @date Wed Apr 9 09:31:24 1997
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @desc
+ A nabla phi - M phi = N elliptic solver based around PETSc.
+ For information, see the documentation for @seeroutine petscEll_conformal
+ @enddesc
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_Flesh.h"
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include "sles.h"
+#include "CactusPUGH/PUGH/src/include/pugh.h"
+#define DEBUG
+/*Don't know what these actually mean! FIXME */
+/* A few convenient macros */
+#define a(i,j,k) a[i+1 + 3*(j+1 + 3*(k+1))]
+#define SQR(a) ((a)*(a))
+/* Some useful definitions to deal with the upper metric */
+#define Uxx(i,j,k) uxx3[DATINDEX(pughGH,(i),(j),(k))]
+#define Uxy(i,j,k) uxy3[DATINDEX(pughGH,(i),(j),(k))]
+#define Uxz(i,j,k) uxz3[DATINDEX(pughGH,(i),(j),(k))]
+#define Uyy(i,j,k) uyy3[DATINDEX(pughGH,(i),(j),(k))]
+#define Uyz(i,j,k) uyz3[DATINDEX(pughGH,(i),(j),(k))]
+#define Uzz(i,j,k) uzz3[DATINDEX(pughGH,(i),(j),(k))]
+/* Place the matrix in global space so we can keep it around
+ with the memory stripped out. Thanks, Barry! */
+static int trips=0;
+static Mat *A; /* linear system matrix */
+static Vec soln, b; /* approx solution, RHS */
+static SLES sles; /* linear solver context */
+void *GetDataPtr_NextTL(cGH *GH, const char *field) {
+ int index, tlevel;
+ char *err;
+ index = CCTK_VarIndex(field);
+ if (index<0) {
+ err = (char*) malloc( 256*sizeof(char));
+ sprintf(err,"ERROR: Index for >%s< not found",field);
+ CCTK_WARN(1,err);
+ if (err) free(err);
+ }
+ return((CCTK_REAL*)CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH,0,index));
+/* This passing matches that of in the convention in the
+ elliptic registration routine see LinearElliptic.h*/
+void petsc_confmetric_solver(cGH *GH, int *MetricPsiI, int MetricPsiISize,
+ int *FieldIndex, int *MIndex, int *NIndex,
+ int *AbsTol, int *RelTol) {
+ DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS /* CCTK passed parameters */
+ void *GetDataPtr_NextTL(cGH *GH, const char *field);
+ int CCTK_GetArgc(void); /* PETSc wnats to know the prog. name */
+ void CCTK_GetArgv(char **argv); /* and parameters, don't think they can be passed through */
+ PC pc; /* preconditioner context */
+ KSP ksp; /* Krylov subspace method context */
+ int num_A; /* Number of A-arrays as needed ny Dan's MG */
+ double norm; /* norm of solution error */
+ int ierr; /* Check the return status of petsc */
+ int retcode; /* Check the return status of CCTK */
+ double a[27]; /* The stencil array */
+ int idx[27]; /* The column of the stencil array */
+ int rank; /* Rank of the matrix/vector */
+ int its; /* Number of iterations */
+ /* Loopers */
+ int i,j,k,l,m,n;
+ /* loop limits put in for stencil_w !=1 Ed Evans 1/19/98 */
+ int imin,imax,jmin,jmax,kmin,kmax,interior;
+ pGH *pughGH; /* The pugh Extension handle */
+ int myproc; /* out processor */
+ /* Tolerances */
+ CCTK_REAL rtol, atol, tolerance;
+ /* Values to assemble the matrix */
+ CCTK_REAL two=2.0, four=4.0, tmp;
+ CCTK_REAL pm4, psixp,psiyp,psizp,det;
+ CCTK_REAL dx,dy,dz;
+ CCTK_REAL uxx,uxy,uxz,uyy,uyz,uzz;
+ CCTK_REAL Gxxx,Gxxy,Gxxz,Gxyy,Gxyz,Gxzz; /* Christoffels */
+ CCTK_REAL Gyxx,Gyxy,Gyxz,Gyyy,Gyyz,Gyzz;
+ CCTK_REAL Gzxx,Gzxy,Gzxz,Gzyy,Gzyz,Gzzz;
+ CCTK_REAL dxxx,dxxy,dxxz,dxyy,dxyz,dxzz;
+ CCTK_REAL dyxx,dyxy,dyxz,dyyy,dyyz,dyzz;
+ CCTK_REAL dzxx,dzxy,dzxz,dzyy,dzyz,dzzz;
+ CCTK_REAL *values;
+ int nxs,nys,nzs; /* Size of the grid with stencils off... */
+ int startpoint=0; /* My starting index (per proc) */
+ int endpoint; /* One more than my end */
+ int pstart, pend; /* A check for PETSc layout */
+ int pvstart, pvend; /* A check for PETSc layout */
+ int verbose; /* Is the solver verbose */
+ int debug; /* Is the solver debug-verbose */
+ int octant; /* Apply octant BCs inside */
+ int nabla_form; /* Which form of the nable */
+ int reuse; /* Do PETSc reuse tricks? */
+ int matnormalize; /* Normalize the central mat value to one? */
+ CCTK_REAL ac; /* Storage for a(0,0,0) for renorm */
+ int pctype, ksptype; /* Which PC and KSP to use. See below for
+ monster nested if statement. */
+ int PetscTolStyle;
+ /* For the upper metric form of nabla */
+ CCTK_REAL *uxx3, *uxy3, *uxz3, *uyy3, *uyz3, *uzz3;
+ /* Pointers to the data of : petsc workspace/ the GF to solve /
+ metric / psi / derivs(psi) / Mlinear / Nlinear(source) */
+ CCTK_REAL *wsp =NULL, *ell_field=NULL;
+ CCTK_REAL *gxx =NULL, *gxy =NULL;
+ CCTK_REAL *gxz =NULL, *gyy =NULL;
+ CCTK_REAL *gyz =NULL, *gzz =NULL;
+ CCTK_REAL *psix=NULL, *psiy=NULL, *psiz=NULL;
+ /* Get some parameters */
+ octant = CCTK_Equals(domain,"octant");
+ verbose = CCTK_Equals(petsc_verbose,"yes")||CCTK_Equals(petsc_verbose,"debug");
+ debug = CCTK_Equals(petsc_verbose,"debug");
+ reuse = 0; /*$CCTK_Equals(petsc_reuse,"yes");$*/
+ matnormalize = 0; /*$CCTK_Equals(petsc_coeff_to_one,"yes");$*/
+ /* FIXME, the TolAbs/TolRel will be evaluated here */
+ PetscTolStyle=0;
+ tolerance =AbsTol[0];
+ printf("\n**** PETSC !!!!****\n\n");
+ /* Get the link to pugh Extension */
+ pughGH = (pGH*)GH->extensions[CCTK_GHExtensionHandle("PUGH")];
+ if (!pughGH) CCTK_WARN(0,"ETERNAL ERROR: Cannot find PUGH Extension Handle\n");
+ /* Things to do on first iteration */
+ if (trips==0) {
+ int argc,i;
+ char **argv;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (debug)
+ printf("PETSc: initial trip: %d \n",trips);
+ /* Get the commandline arguments */
+ argc = CCTK_GetArgc();
+ argv = (char**) malloc ((argc+1)*sizeof(char*));
+ for (i=0;i<argc;i++)
+ argv[i] = (char*) malloc (256*sizeof(char));
+ CCTK_GetArgv(argv);
+ /* Set the PETSc communicator to set of PUGH and
+ initialzie PETSc */
+ ierr = PetscSetCommWorld(pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv,NULL,NULL);
+ CCTK_INFO("PETSc initialized");
+ }
+ trips++;
+ /* Create a array of matrices A */
+ /* num_A = MultiGridCount(); */
+ num_A = 1;
+ A=(Mat*) malloc (sizeof(Mat)*num_A);
+ /* Get the data ptr of these GFs, They all have to be
+ on the same timelevel */
+ /* derive the metric data pointer from the index array.
+ Note the ordering in the metric */
+ ell_field = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH,0,*FieldIndex);
+ Mlin = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH,0,*MIndex);
+ Nlin = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH,0,*NIndex);
+ gxx = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH, 0, MetricPsiI[0]);
+ gxy = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH, 0, MetricPsiI[1]);
+ gxz = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH, 0, MetricPsiI[2]);
+ gyy = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH, 0, MetricPsiI[3]);
+ gyz = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH, 0, MetricPsiI[4]);
+ gzz = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH, 0, MetricPsiI[5]);
+ /* FIXME: evolved derivatives should go! -> Einstein specific*/
+ if (conformal) {
+ psi = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH, 0, MetricPsiI[6]);
+ psix =(CCTK_REAL*) GetDataPtr_NextTL(GH,"einstein::psix");
+ psiy =(CCTK_REAL*) GetDataPtr_NextTL(GH,"einstein::psiy");
+ psiz =(CCTK_REAL*) GetDataPtr_NextTL(GH,"einstein::psiz");
+ }
+ wsp = GetDataPtr_NextTL(GH,"ellpetsc::wsp");
+ /* initialize the linear index lookup table, after it's
+ filled up (below), the -1 indicates a boundary */
+ for (i=0;i<pughGH->npoints;i++) wsp[i] = -1.0;
+ /* Get myproc from the CCTK, get the gridspacing */
+ myproc = pugh_MyProc(GH);
+ dx = GH->cctk_delta_space[0];
+ dy = GH->cctk_delta_space[1];
+ dz = GH->cctk_delta_space[2];
+ /* We fix the lower and upper boundary indices, that actually "active" in
+ the sense that they are no ghostzones: */
+ imin=((pughGH->neighbors[pughGH->myproc][XDM]<0) && !(octant) ? 1 :
+ pughGH->nghostzones);
+ imax=((pughGH->neighbors[pughGH->myproc][XDP]<0) ? pughGH->lnx-1 :
+ pughGH->lnx-GH->cctk_nghostzones[0]);
+ jmin=((pughGH->neighbors[pughGH->myproc][YDM]<0) && !(octant) ? 1 :
+ GH->cctk_nghostzones[1]);
+ jmax=((pughGH->neighbors[pughGH->myproc][YDP]<0) ? pughGH->lny-1 :
+ pughGH->lny-GH->cctk_nghostzones[1]);
+ kmin=((pughGH->neighbors[pughGH->myproc][ZDM]<0) && !(octant) ? 1 :
+ GH->cctk_nghostzones[2]);
+ kmax=((pughGH->neighbors[pughGH->myproc][ZDP]<0) ? pughGH->lnz-1 :
+ pughGH->lnz-GH->cctk_nghostzones[2]);
+ /* We need to get the global index of gridpoints (gps) owned on my proc. For that
+ we have to know how many gps are there before my processors (i<myproc),
+ so we count them here. (that's minus the ghostszones (we use PUGH's "rn"
+ variables (number of gp on proc[#] in direction [i]) and subtract the
+ ghostzones if nec.) */
+ for (i=0;i<myproc;i++) {
+ nxs=pughGH->rnx[i];
+ nxs=((pughGH->neighbors[i][XDM]<0) && !(octant) ? nxs-1 :
+ nxs-GH->cctk_nghostzones[0]);
+ nxs=((pughGH->neighbors[i][XDP]<0) ? nxs-1 : nxs-GH->cctk_nghostzones[0]);
+ nys=pughGH->rny[i];
+ nys=((pughGH->neighbors[i][YDM]<0) && !(octant) ? nys-1 :
+ nys-GH->cctk_nghostzones[1]);
+ nys=((pughGH->neighbors[i][YDP]<0) ? nys-1 : nys-GH->cctk_nghostzones[1]);
+ nzs=pughGH->rnz[i];
+ nzs=((pughGH->neighbors[i][ZDM]<0) && !(octant) ? nzs-1 :
+ nzs-GH->cctk_nghostzones[2]);
+ nzs=((pughGH->neighbors[i][ZDP]<0) ? nzs-1 : nzs-GH->cctk_nghostzones[2]);
+ printf("PROC: %d nxyzs %d %d %d \n",i,nxs,nys,nzs);
+ startpoint += nxs*nys*nzs;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("STARTPOINT: %d \n",startpoint);
+ /* ...we save that as a start ...*/
+ endpoint = startpoint;
+ /* ...and continue running over our own region to get our endpoint */
+ for (k=imin;k<kmax;k++)
+ for (j=jmin;j<jmax;j++)
+ for (i=imin;i<imax;i++)
+ wsp[DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j,k)] = endpoint++;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("ENDPOINT: %d \n",endpoint);
+#endif DEBUG
+ /* So now each point has a unique index of its own. If we
+ do a sync that means each processor knows the indiced
+ in the ghost zones (eg, on its neighbors) in a FD stencil
+ of 1 */
+ retcode = pugh_SyncGroup(GH,"ellpetsc::petscworkspace");
+ /* So woohoo. Now for each point in our ijk space, we have
+ information about our row in the matrix (workspace->data[ijk])
+ as well as the column for the stencil of the neighbors
+ (workspace->data[DATINDEX(GH,i+1,j,k)] etc...). So onwards */
+ /* FIXME I don't think this works for stencil=2 ! */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (debug)
+ CCTK_DumpGHInfo(GH);
+ nxs = pughGH->nx-2;
+ nys = pughGH->ny-2;
+ nzs = pughGH->nz-2;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (debug) {
+ printf("nxyzs %d %d %d \n",nxs,nys,nzs);
+ printf("lnxyz: %d %d %d \n",pughGH->lnx,pughGH->lny,pughGH->lnz);
+ }
+ /* Suck off boundaries... */
+ rank = nxs*nys*nzs;
+ /* Create the petsc matrix A and vectors x and b efficiently.
+ Now for efficiency we have to be really careful here. By
+ setting up the index array, we are abandoning the 19-way
+ tri-diagonal system so we can lay out our matrices on the
+ processors with the data. (One one proc we will still
+ get 19 way tridiagonal). So we want each processor
+ to own only part of the matrix/vector but we know exactly
+ what it is, eg, from startpoint to endpoint-1 is on our
+ local processor (that is, row-wise ; all columns are local).
+ So we can use MatCreateMPIAIJ for exactly this, and
+ VecCreateMPI for the vectors.
+ */
+ /* FIXME: perhaps only set up only on first iteration, this was a hack
+ by PAUL, using some inofficical petsc code, check if this is
+ "official", yet */
+ /*$if (trips == 0 || reuse == 0) {$*/
+ if (verbose) CCTK_INFO("Creating Matrices and Vectors ....");
+ ierr = MatCreateMPIAIJ(pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD,
+ (endpoint-startpoint), /* # of rows */
+ (endpoint-startpoint), /* This is confusing */
+ rank,rank, /* Matrix size */
+ 19,PETSC_NULL, /* Diagonal */
+ 19,PETSC_NULL, /* Off diagonal */
+ &A[0]); /* The output */
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecCreateMPI(pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD,(endpoint-startpoint),rank,&soln);
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecCreateMPI(pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD,(endpoint-startpoint),rank,&b);
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /*$}$*/
+ /*$else {$*/
+ /* ierr = MatRestoreValuesMemory(A); */
+ /*$CCTK_WARN(0,"no reuse");
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ }$*/
+ /* Compare the PETSc layout to Cactus, this better be a match */
+ ierr = VecGetOwnershipRange(soln,&pvstart,&pvend);
+ ierr = MatGetOwnershipRange(A[0],&pstart,&pend);
+ printf("CAC M-Layout: %d %d \n",startpoint, endpoint);
+ printf("PET M-Layout: %d %d \n",pstart, pend);
+ printf("PET V-Layout: %d %d \n",pvstart,pvend);
+ if (pstart != startpoint && pend != endpoint)
+ CCTK_WARN(1,"WARNING: PETSC and data layouts differ! (why??)\n");
+ nabla_form = 2;
+ if (verbose)
+ CCTK_INFO("Forming nabla with lower g and finite difference of g");
+ if (verbose)
+ CCTK_INFO("Creating the coefficient matrix");
+ if (verbose && matnormalize)
+ CCTK_INFO ("With diagonal renormalized to one");
+ for (k=kmin;k<kmax;k++) {
+ for (j=jmin;j<jmax;j++) {
+ for (i=imin;i<imax;i++) {
+ if (wsp[DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j,k)] >= 0) { /* FIXME */
+ CCTK_REAL tdxgxx, tdxgxy, tdxgxz, tdxgyy, tdxgyz, tdxgzz;
+ CCTK_REAL tdygxx, tdygxy, tdygxz, tdygyy, tdygyz, tdygzz;
+ CCTK_REAL tdzgxx, tdzgxy, tdzgxz, tdzgyy, tdzgyz, tdzgzz;
+ /* Set up indices */
+ int ijk; /* The data point for the array */
+ int ig, jg, kg; /* The position in global space */
+ int I,J; /* The col and row in the matrix */
+ CCTK_REAL rhsval = 0;
+ for (I=0;I<27;I++) a[I] = 0.0;
+ /* these guys are easy */
+ ijk = DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j,k); /* get linear index */
+ ig = i + GH->cctk_lbnd[0];
+ jg = j + GH->cctk_lbnd[1];
+ kg = k + GH->cctk_lbnd[2];
+ /* Get the row we are working on */
+ I = wsp[ijk];
+ /* Setup Temporaries / Psi derivatives on psi */
+ if (conformal) {
+ pm4 = 1./pow(psi[ijk],4.0);
+ psixp = psix[ijk];
+ psiyp = psiy[ijk];
+ psizp = psiz[ijk];
+ } else {
+ pm4 = 1.0;
+ psixp = 0.0;
+ psiyp = 0.0;
+ psizp = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (nabla_form == 2) {
+ /* Use finite differences of g for the d's */
+ int ijkp, ijkm;
+ /* X derivatives */
+ ijkp = DATINDEX(pughGH,i+1,j,k);
+ ijkm = DATINDEX(pughGH,i-1,j,k);
+ tdxgxx = (gxx[ijkp] - gxx[ijkm])/(2.0*dx);
+ tdxgxy = (gxy[ijkp] - gxy[ijkm])/(2.0*dx);
+ tdxgxz = (gxz[ijkp] - gxz[ijkm])/(2.0*dx);
+ tdxgyy = (gyy[ijkp] - gyy[ijkm])/(2.0*dx);
+ tdxgyz = (gyz[ijkp] - gyz[ijkm])/(2.0*dx);
+ tdxgzz = (gzz[ijkp] - gzz[ijkm])/(2.0*dx);
+ /* Y derivatives */
+ ijkp = DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j+1,k);
+ ijkm = DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j-1,k);
+ tdygxx = (gxx[ijkp] - gxx[ijkm])/(2.0*dy);
+ tdygxy = (gxy[ijkp] - gxy[ijkm])/(2.0*dy);
+ tdygxz = (gxz[ijkp] - gxz[ijkm])/(2.0*dy);
+ tdygyy = (gyy[ijkp] - gyy[ijkm])/(2.0*dy);
+ tdygyz = (gyz[ijkp] - gyz[ijkm])/(2.0*dy);
+ tdygzz = (gzz[ijkp] - gzz[ijkm])/(2.0*dy);
+ /* X derivatives */
+ ijkp = DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j,k+1);
+ ijkm = DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j,k-1);
+ tdzgxx = (gxx[ijkp] - gxx[ijkm])/(2.0*dz);
+ tdzgxy = (gxy[ijkp] - gxy[ijkm])/(2.0*dz);
+ tdzgxz = (gxz[ijkp] - gxz[ijkm])/(2.0*dz);
+ tdzgyy = (gyy[ijkp] - gyy[ijkm])/(2.0*dz);
+ tdzgyz = (gyz[ijkp] - gyz[ijkm])/(2.0*dz);
+ tdzgzz = (gzz[ijkp] - gzz[ijkm])/(2.0*dz);
+ /* great ... so start hacking away at the coefficients.
+ If this looks a lot like sor_conformal.F it is... */
+ /* Form upper metric - compute determinant */
+ det= -(SQR(gxz[ijk])*gyy[ijk]) +
+ 2*gxy[ijk]*gxz[ijk]*gyz[ijk] -
+ gxx[ijk]*SQR(gyz[ijk]) -
+ SQR(gxy[ijk])*gzz[ijk] +
+ gxx[ijk]*gyy[ijk]*gzz[ijk];
+ /*invert metric. This is the conformal upper metric. */
+ uxx=(-SQR(gyz[ijk]) + gyy[ijk]*gzz[ijk])/det;
+ uxy=(gxz[ijk]*gyz[ijk] - gxy[ijk]*gzz[ijk])/det;
+ uyy=(-SQR(gxz[ijk]) + gxx[ijk]*gzz[ijk])/det;
+ uxz=(-gxz[ijk]*gyy[ijk] + gxy[ijk]*gyz[ijk])/det;
+ uyz=(gxy[ijk]*gxz[ijk] - gxx[ijk]*gyz[ijk])/det;
+ uzz=(-SQR(gxy[ijk]) + gxx[ijk]*gyy[ijk])/det;
+ /* Coeff. Contributions from second derivative */
+ /* X derivative */
+ a(-1,0,0) = pm4 * uxx / (dx*dx);
+ a(0,0,0) = -two * pm4 * uxx / (dx*dx);
+ a(1,0,0) = pm4 * uxx / (dx*dx);
+ /* Y derivative */
+ a(0,-1,0) = pm4 * uyy / (dy*dy);
+ a(0,0,0) = a(0,0,0) - two * pm4 * uyy / (dy*dy);
+ a(0,1,0) = pm4 * uyy / (dy*dy);
+ /* Z derivative */
+ a(0,0,-1) = pm4 * uzz / (dz*dz);
+ a(0,0,0) = a(0,0,0) - two * pm4 * uzz / (dz*dz);
+ a(0,0,1) = pm4 * uzz / (dz*dz);
+ /* Mixed XY */
+ a(1,1,0) = two * pm4 * uxy / (dx*dy);
+ a(-1,-1,0)= two * pm4 * uxy / (dx*dy);
+ a(1,-1,0) = -two * pm4 * uxy / (dx*dy);
+ a(-1,1,0) = -two * pm4 * uxy / (dx*dy);
+ /* Mixed XZ */
+ a(1,0,1) = two * pm4 * uxz / (dx*dz);
+ a(-1,0,-1)= two * pm4 * uxz / (dx*dz);
+ a(1,0,-1) = -two * pm4 * uxz / (dx*dz);
+ a(-1,0,1) = -two * pm4 * uxz / (dx*dz);
+ /* Mixed YZ */
+ a(0,1,1) = two * pm4 * uyz / (dz*dy);
+ a(0,-1,-1)= two * pm4 * uyz / (dz*dy);
+ a(0,-1,1) = -two * pm4 * uyz / (dz*dy);
+ a(0,1,-1) = -two * pm4 * uyz / (dz*dy);
+ /* Great so now form christoffels. Remember that
+ G_kij = psi^4 (2 * (psi_j/psi g_ik + psi_i/psi g_jk -
+ psi_k/psi g_ij)
+ + D_jik + D_ijk - D_kij)
+ Since these are the DOWN christoffels, store them in d...
+ NOTE however that since we will up these, we can drop the
+ psi^4 here and psi^-4 from the up metric. */
+ /* These three have lots of cancelations */
+ dxxx = (two * psixp * gxx[ijk] + tdxgxx);
+ dxxy = (two * psiyp * gxx[ijk] + tdygxx);
+ dxxz = (two * psizp * gxx[ijk] + tdzgxx);
+ /* This one has a reduction of two identical terms */
+ dxyy = (four * psiyp * gxy[ijk] -
+ two * psixp * gyy[ijk] +
+ two * tdygxy - tdxgyy);
+ /* As does this one */
+ dxzz = (four * psizp * gxz[ijk] -
+ two * psixp * gzz[ijk] +
+ two * tdzgxz - tdxgzz);
+ /* And this one is completely general */
+ dxyz = (two * psiyp * gxz[ijk] +
+ two * psizp * gxy[ijk] -
+ two * psixp * gyz[ijk] +
+ tdzgxy + tdygxz - tdxgyz);
+ /* Now do it twice more without the explanations */
+ dyyy = (two * psiyp * gyy[ijk] + tdygyy);
+ dyxy = (two * psixp * gyy[ijk] + tdxgyy);
+ dyyz = (two * psizp * gyy[ijk] + tdzgyy);
+ dyxx = (four * psixp * gxy[ijk] -
+ two * psiyp * gxx[ijk] +
+ two * tdxgxy - tdygxx);
+ dyzz = (four * psizp * gyz[ijk] -
+ two * psiyp * gzz[ijk] +
+ two * tdzgyz - tdygzz);
+ dyxz = (two * psizp * gxy[ijk] +
+ two * psixp * gyz[ijk] -
+ two * psiyp * gxz[ijk] +
+ tdzgxy + tdxgyz - tdygxz);
+ dzzz = (two * psizp * gzz[ijk] + tdzgzz);
+ dzxz = (two * psixp * gzz[ijk] + tdxgzz);
+ dzyz = (two * psiyp * gzz[ijk] + tdygzz);
+ dzxx = (four * psixp * gxz[ijk] -
+ two * psizp * gxx[ijk] +
+ two * tdxgxz - tdzgxx);
+ dzyy = (four * psiyp * gyz[ijk] -
+ two * psizp * gyy[ijk] +
+ two * tdygyz - tdzgyy);
+ dzxy = (two * psiyp * gxz[ijk] +
+ two * psixp * gyz[ijk] -
+ two * psizp * gxy[ijk] +
+ tdxgyz + tdygxz - tdzgxy);
+ /* And now raise the first index */
+ Gxxx = uxx*dxxx + uxy*dyxx + uxz*dzxx;
+ Gxxy = uxx*dxxy + uxy*dyxy + uxz*dzxy;
+ Gxxz = uxx*dxxz + uxy*dyxz + uxz*dzxz;
+ Gxyy = uxx*dxyy + uxy*dyyy + uxz*dzyy;
+ Gxyz = uxx*dxyz + uxy*dyyz + uxz*dzyz;
+ Gxzz = uxx*dxzz + uxy*dyzz + uxz*dzzz;
+ Gyxx = uxy*dxxx + uyy*dyxx + uyz*dzxx;
+ Gyxy = uxy*dxxy + uyy*dyxy + uyz*dzxy;
+ Gyxz = uxy*dxxz + uyy*dyxz + uyz*dzxz;
+ Gyyy = uxy*dxyy + uyy*dyyy + uyz*dzyy;
+ Gyyz = uxy*dxyz + uyy*dyyz + uyz*dzyz;
+ Gyzz = uxy*dxzz + uyy*dyzz + uyz*dzzz;
+ Gzxx = uxz*dxxx + uyz*dyxx + uzz*dzxx;
+ Gzxy = uxz*dxxy + uyz*dyxy + uzz*dzxy;
+ Gzxz = uxz*dxxz + uyz*dyxz + uzz*dzxz;
+ Gzyy = uxz*dxyy + uyz*dyyy + uzz*dzyy;
+ Gzyz = uxz*dxyz + uyz*dyyz + uzz*dzyz;
+ Gzzz = uxz*dxzz + uyz*dyzz + uzz*dzzz;
+ /* Great. So now start adding the summed contributions
+ from the first derivative. Note that these all have a
+ sign change since the term comes in - ... */
+ /* g^ij G ^x_ij */
+ tmp = uxx * Gxxx + uyy * Gxyy + uzz * Gxzz +
+ two * uxy * Gxxy +
+ two * uxz * Gxxz +
+ two * uyz * Gxyz;
+ a(1,0,0) = a(1,0,0) - pm4 * tmp / (two*dx);
+ a(-1,0,0) = a(-1,0,0) + pm4 * tmp / (two*dx);
+ /* g^ij G^y_ij */
+ tmp = uxx * Gyxx + uyy * Gyyy + uzz * Gyzz +
+ two * uxy * Gyxy +
+ two * uxz * Gyxz +
+ two * uyz * Gyyz;
+ a(0,1,0) = a(0,1,0) - pm4 * tmp / (two*dy);
+ a(0,-1,0) = a(0,-1,0) + pm4 * tmp / (two*dy);
+ /* g^ij G^z_ij */
+ tmp = uxx * Gzxx + uyy * Gzyy + uzz * Gzzz +
+ two * uxy * Gzxy +
+ two * uxz * Gzxz +
+ two * uyz * Gzyz;
+ a(0,0,1) = a(0,0,1) - pm4 * tmp / (two*dz);
+ a(0,0,-1) = a(0,0,-1) + pm4 * tmp / (two*dz);
+ }
+ /* M phi */
+ a(0,0,0) = a(0,0,0) - Mlin[ijk];
+ /* Great now set the values of the matrix. This is
+ really painful due to the boundaries (here we force
+ dirichlet). */
+ VecSetValues(soln,1,&I,&(ell_field[ijk]),INSERT_VALUES);
+ /* Put in the octant boundary conditions.
+ We do these by reflecting the -1 stencil if we are at a
+ boundary at -1. That is, imagine the 1D laplace equation
+ with the boundary condition a(0) = a(1). This means
+ the point 1 stencil (which is our first stencil in
+ the matrix) becomes
+ a(0) + a(2) - 2 a(1) = rho(i) * deltax ->
+ a(2) - 2 a(1) + a(1) = rho(i) * deltax
+ OK so think about this with a general stenci
+ S_0 a_0 + S_1 a_1 + S_2 a_2 = rho_1 ->
+ S_0 a_1 + S_1 a_1 + S_2 a_2 = rho_1 ->
+ (S_0 + S_1) a_1 + S_2 a_2 = rho_1
+ eg, S_0 -> 0 and S_1 -> S_1 + S_0
+ Great, so implement this in 3D. It is a bit trickier,
+ since we don't want to zero neighbors in the wrong
+ direction, but not impossible.
+ */
+ if (octant)
+ for (l=-1;l<=0;l++)
+ for (m=-1;m<=0;m++)
+ for (n=-1;n<=0;n++)
+ if (l*m*n == 0)
+ if (wsp[DATINDEX(pughGH,i+l,j+m,k+n)] < 0 &&
+ (ig == imin || jg == jmin || kg == kmin))
+ {
+ /* We are on an inner boundary point, eg,
+ at an inner face */
+ int ll,mm,nn;
+ /* Only zero the guys at the boundaries */
+ ll = (ig == imin ? 0 : l);
+ mm = (jg == jmin ? 0 : m);
+ nn = (kg == kmin ? 0 : n);
+ a(ll,mm,nn) += a(l,m,n);
+ a(l,m,n) = 0.0;
+ }
+ /* renormalize */
+ if (matnormalize) {
+ ac = a(0,0,0);
+ for (J=0;J<27;J++) a[J] = a[J] / ac;
+ }
+ else ac = 1;
+ /* This is the new way-clever look. Note it relies
+ heavily on the index array in the workspace and
+ on multiple processors it will *NOT* make a
+ 19-way banded matrix. */
+ for (l=-1;l<=1;l++)
+ for (m=-1;m<=1;m++)
+ for (n=-1;n<=1;n++) {
+ if (l*m*n == 0) { /* This is the 19 point ... if none are
+ * zero, then we have no stencil here.
+ */
+ if (wsp[DATINDEX(pughGH,i+l,j+m,k+n)] < 0) {
+ /* This is a boundary. */
+ rhsval += a(l,m,n) * ell_field[DATINDEX(pughGH,i+l,j+m,k+n)];
+ }
+ else {
+ J = wsp[DATINDEX(pughGH,i+l,j+m,k+n)];
+ ierr = MatSetValues(A[0],1,&I,1,&J,&(a(l,m,n)),INSERT_VALUES);
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rhsval = -rhsval + Nlin[ijk] / ac;
+ /* printf("RHS(%d %d %d)+N: %f",i,j,k,rhsval);*/
+ ierr = VecSetValues(b,1,&I,&rhsval,INSERT_VALUES);
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (verbose) CCTK_INFO ("Assembling the vectors");
+ ierr = MatAssemblyBegin(A[0],MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecAssemblyBegin(soln); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecAssemblyBegin(b); CHKERRA(ierr)
+ ierr = MatAssemblyEnd(A[0],MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecAssemblyEnd(soln); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecAssemblyEnd(b); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = MatSetOption(A[0],MAT_NO_NEW_NONZERO_LOCATIONS); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ OptionsSetValue("-ksp_monitor","");
+ ierr = SLESCreate(pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD,&sles); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /*
+ Set operators. Here the matrix that defines the linear system
+ also serves as the preconditioning matrix. At a later date
+ we can probably optimize this using SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN
+ and a static trip-though flag (eg, on the second trip
+ through do something different). Also we need to think about
+ using A to precondition itself. Since I don't know what this
+ means, we'll leave it for now. */
+ ierr = SLESSetOperators(sles,A[0],A[0],DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /* Set linear solver defaults for this problem. Later this
+ should be replaced/modified with appropriate parsing from the
+ parameter parser. For now it is not. These defaults are
+ reasonable, I hope. */
+ ierr = SLESGetKSP(sles,&ksp); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = SLESGetPC(sles,&pc); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /* Get the PC Type */
+ if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_PC_type,"PCJACOBI"))
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCJACOBI);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_PC_type,"PCBJACOBI"))
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCBJACOBI);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_PC_type,"PCICC"))
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCICC);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_PC_type,"PCILU"))
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCILU);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_PC_type,"PCASM"))
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCASM);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_PC_type,"PCLU"))
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCLU);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_PC_type,"PCNONE"))
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCNONE);
+ else {
+ CCTK_WARN(1,"Don't understand petsc_PC_type. Using PCNONE\n");
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCNONE);
+ }
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /* Now the same thing for the KSP Type */
+ if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPBCGS"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPBCGS);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPRICHARDSON"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPRICHARDSON);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPCHEBYCHEV"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPCHEBYCHEV);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPCG"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPCG);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPGMRES"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPGMRES);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPCGS"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPCGS);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPTFQMR"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPTFQMR);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPTCQMR"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPTCQMR);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPCR"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPCR);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPLSQR"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPLSQR);
+ else {
+ CCTK_WARN (1,"I don't understand petsc_KSP_type. Using BiCGSTAB\n");
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPBCGS);
+ }
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /* Set up tolerances */
+ if (PetscTolStyle == ELLCONV_ABSOLUTE) {
+ rtol = 1.0e-15;
+ atol = tolerance;
+ } else if (PetscTolStyle == ELLCONV_RELATIVE) {
+ rtol = tolerance;
+ atol = 1.0e-15;
+ } else if (PetscTolStyle == ELLCONV_EITHER) {
+ rtol = tolerance;
+ atol = tolerance;
+ } else {
+ printf("PETSC Solver: PetscTolStyle set incorrectly [%d]\n",
+ PetscTolStyle);
+ }
+ ierr = KSPSetTolerances(ksp,rtol,atol,PETSC_DEFAULT,
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /* We are warned in the manual that
+ The default technique for orthogonalization of the Hessenberg matrix
+ in GMRES is the modified Gram-Schmidt method, which employs many
+ VecDot() operations and can thus be slow in parallel. A fast approach
+ is to use the unmodified Gram-Schmidt method, which can be set with
+ ierr = KSPGMRESSetOrthogonalization(KSP ksp,
+ KSPGMRESUnmodifiedGramSchmidtOrthogonalization);
+ or the options database command
+ -ksp_gmres_unmodifiedgramschmidt. Note that this algorithm is
+ numerically unstable, but may deliver much better speed
+ performance. One can also use unmodifed Gram-Schmidt with
+ iterative refinement, by setting the orthogonalization routine,
+ KSPGMRESIROrthog(), by using the command line option
+ -ksp_gmres_irorthog.
+ So this my not be a smart thing to do. But lets put it here
+ so we can turn it on or off later.
+ */
+ /*$ierr = KSPGMRESSetOrthogonalization(ksp,
+ KSPGMRESUnmodifiedGramSchmidtOrthogonalization);
+ CHKERRA(ierr);$*/
+ /* We also learn that ...
+ By default, KSP assumes an initial guess of zero by zeroing the
+ initial value for the solution vector that is given. To use a
+ nonzero initial guess, the user must call
+ ierr = KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(KSP ksp);
+ */
+ CCTK_INFO("KSPSetInitialGuess\n");
+ ierr = KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(ksp); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /*
+ Set runtime options. Since we don't use PETSC runtime options
+ but rather use the CACTUS parameter parser, we do this before
+ we parse things out. But that may not be such a good idea.
+ So lets put it here.
+ */
+ ierr = SLESSetFromOptions(sles); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /* OK so finally we are able to ... */
+ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ Solve the linear system
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+ CCTK_INFO("SLES solve...");
+ ierr = SLESSolve(sles,b,soln,&its); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /* Here we can form a "res = Ax - b" and find its norm to get
+ an idea of how well we've converged. Put this in later
+ but we can do it using MatMultAdd() after we flip the sign
+ on b with VecScale() (into res, a new vector, then find the
+ norm of res with VecNorm()
+ */
+ /* Now since we now have local layout, we can just get the values
+ from the soln vector now matter how many processors we are
+ on (eg, the VecCreateMPI has made the solution local) */
+ VecGetArray(soln,&values);
+ for (k=kmin;k<kmax;k++) {
+ for (j=jmin;j<jmax;j++) {
+ for (i=imin;i<imax;i++) {
+ /* Set up indices */
+ int ijk; /* The data point for the array */
+ int ig, jg, kg; /* The position in global space */
+ int I,J; /* The col and row in the matrix */
+ CCTK_REAL rhsval = 0;
+ /* these guys are easy */
+ ijk = DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j,k);
+ if (wsp[ijk] >= 0) {
+ ig = i + GH->cctk_lbnd[0];
+ jg = j + GH->cctk_lbnd[1];
+ kg = k + GH->cctk_lbnd[2];
+ /* Now this one. "Fortran-order" the matrix. But remember
+ we have stripped off the ghost zones. Hence ig-1 and nxs...
+ */
+ I =wsp[ijk]-startpoint;
+ ell_field[ijk] = values[I];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ VecRestoreArray(soln,&values);
+ /* Sync var in CCTK speak. */
+ pugh_SyncGroup(GH,"ellpetsc::petscworkspace");
+ /* And finally free up the matrix memory FIXME
+ ierr = MatReleaseValuesMemory(A); CHKERRA(ierr); */
+ /* This code is not used anymore */
+ if (verbose) CCTK_INFO("Destroying Matrices");
+ ierr = SLESDestroy(sles); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecDestroy(soln); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecDestroy(b); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = MatDestroy(A[0]); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ free(A);
+ /*$PetscFinalize();$*/
diff --git a/src/petsc_confmetric_solver.c b/src/petsc_confmetric_solver.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c60312e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/petsc_confmetric_solver.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1064 @@
+ @file PETScEll_conformal.c
+ @date Wed Apr 9 09:31:24 1997
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @desc
+ A nabla phi - M phi = N elliptic solver based around PETSc.
+ For information, see the documentation for @seeroutine petscEll_conformal
+ @enddesc
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_Flesh.h"
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include "sles.h"
+#include "CactusPUGH/PUGH/src/include/pugh.h"
+#define DEBUG
+/*Don't know what these actually mean! FIXME */
+/* A few convenient macros */
+#define a(i,j,k) a[i+1 + 3*(j+1 + 3*(k+1))]
+#define SQR(a) ((a)*(a))
+/* Some useful definitions to deal with the upper metric */
+#define Uxx(i,j,k) uxx3[DATINDEX(pughGH,(i),(j),(k))]
+#define Uxy(i,j,k) uxy3[DATINDEX(pughGH,(i),(j),(k))]
+#define Uxz(i,j,k) uxz3[DATINDEX(pughGH,(i),(j),(k))]
+#define Uyy(i,j,k) uyy3[DATINDEX(pughGH,(i),(j),(k))]
+#define Uyz(i,j,k) uyz3[DATINDEX(pughGH,(i),(j),(k))]
+#define Uzz(i,j,k) uzz3[DATINDEX(pughGH,(i),(j),(k))]
+/* Place the matrix in global space so we can keep it around
+ with the memory stripped out. Thanks, Barry! */
+static int trips=0;
+static Mat *A; /* linear system matrix */
+static Vec soln, b; /* approx solution, RHS */
+static SLES sles; /* linear solver context */
+void *GetDataPtr_NextTL(cGH *GH, const char *field) {
+ int index, tlevel;
+ char *err;
+ index = CCTK_VarIndex(field);
+ if (index<0) {
+ err = (char*) malloc( 256*sizeof(char));
+ sprintf(err,"ERROR: Index for >%s< not found",field);
+ CCTK_WARN(1,err);
+ if (err) free(err);
+ }
+ return((CCTK_REAL*)CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH,0,index));
+/* This passing matches that of in the convention in the
+ elliptic registration routine see LinearElliptic.h*/
+void petsc_confmetric_solver(cGH *GH, int *MetricPsiI, int MetricPsiISize,
+ int *FieldIndex, int *MIndex, int *NIndex,
+ int *AbsTol, int *RelTol) {
+ DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS /* CCTK passed parameters */
+ void *GetDataPtr_NextTL(cGH *GH, const char *field);
+ int CCTK_GetArgc(void); /* PETSc wnats to know the prog. name */
+ void CCTK_GetArgv(char **argv); /* and parameters, don't think they can be passed through */
+ PC pc; /* preconditioner context */
+ KSP ksp; /* Krylov subspace method context */
+ int num_A; /* Number of A-arrays as needed ny Dan's MG */
+ double norm; /* norm of solution error */
+ int ierr; /* Check the return status of petsc */
+ int retcode; /* Check the return status of CCTK */
+ double a[27]; /* The stencil array */
+ int idx[27]; /* The column of the stencil array */
+ int rank; /* Rank of the matrix/vector */
+ int its; /* Number of iterations */
+ /* Loopers */
+ int i,j,k,l,m,n;
+ /* loop limits put in for stencil_w !=1 Ed Evans 1/19/98 */
+ int imin,imax,jmin,jmax,kmin,kmax,interior;
+ pGH *pughGH; /* The pugh Extension handle */
+ int myproc; /* out processor */
+ /* Tolerances */
+ CCTK_REAL rtol, atol, tolerance;
+ /* Values to assemble the matrix */
+ CCTK_REAL two=2.0, four=4.0, tmp;
+ CCTK_REAL pm4, psixp,psiyp,psizp,det;
+ CCTK_REAL dx,dy,dz;
+ CCTK_REAL uxx,uxy,uxz,uyy,uyz,uzz;
+ CCTK_REAL Gxxx,Gxxy,Gxxz,Gxyy,Gxyz,Gxzz; /* Christoffels */
+ CCTK_REAL Gyxx,Gyxy,Gyxz,Gyyy,Gyyz,Gyzz;
+ CCTK_REAL Gzxx,Gzxy,Gzxz,Gzyy,Gzyz,Gzzz;
+ CCTK_REAL dxxx,dxxy,dxxz,dxyy,dxyz,dxzz;
+ CCTK_REAL dyxx,dyxy,dyxz,dyyy,dyyz,dyzz;
+ CCTK_REAL dzxx,dzxy,dzxz,dzyy,dzyz,dzzz;
+ CCTK_REAL *values;
+ int nxs,nys,nzs; /* Size of the grid with stencils off... */
+ int startpoint=0; /* My starting index (per proc) */
+ int endpoint; /* One more than my end */
+ int pstart, pend; /* A check for PETSc layout */
+ int pvstart, pvend; /* A check for PETSc layout */
+ int verbose; /* Is the solver verbose */
+ int debug; /* Is the solver debug-verbose */
+ int octant; /* Apply octant BCs inside */
+ int conformal; /* Do we have conformal metric ? */
+ int nabla_form; /* Which form of the nable */
+ int reuse; /* Do PETSc reuse tricks? */
+ int matnormalize; /* Normalize the central mat value to one? */
+ CCTK_REAL ac; /* Storage for a(0,0,0) for renorm */
+ int pctype, ksptype; /* Which PC and KSP to use. See below for
+ monster nested if statement. */
+ int PetscTolStyle;
+ /* For the upper metric form of nabla */
+ CCTK_REAL *uxx3, *uxy3, *uxz3, *uyy3, *uyz3, *uzz3;
+ /* Pointers to the data of : petsc workspace/ the GF to solve /
+ metric / psi / derivs(psi) / Mlinear / Nlinear(source) */
+ CCTK_REAL *wsp =NULL, *ell_field=NULL;
+ CCTK_REAL *gxx =NULL, *gxy =NULL;
+ CCTK_REAL *gxz =NULL, *gyy =NULL;
+ CCTK_REAL *gyz =NULL, *gzz =NULL;
+ CCTK_REAL *psix=NULL, *psiy=NULL, *psiz=NULL;
+ octant = CCTK_Equals(domain,"octant");
+ verbose = CCTK_Equals(petsc_verbose,"yes")||CCTK_Equals(petsc_verbose,"debug");
+ debug = CCTK_Equals(petsc_verbose,"debug");
+ reuse = 0;
+ matnormalize = 0;
+ if (MetricPsiISize==7) conformal=1;
+ else if (MetricPsiISize==7) conformal=0;
+ else CCTK_WARN(0,"Size of the Metric must be either 7 (metric+conformal) or 6 (metric)");
+ /* FIXME, the TolAbs/TolRel will be evaluated here */
+ PetscTolStyle=0;
+ tolerance =AbsTol[0];
+ printf("\n**** PETSC !!!!****\n\n");
+ /* Get the link to pugh Extension */
+ pughGH = (pGH*)GH->extensions[CCTK_GHExtensionHandle("PUGH")];
+ if (!pughGH) CCTK_WARN(0,"ETERNAL ERROR: Cannot find PUGH Extension Handle\n");
+ /* Things to do on first iteration */
+ if (trips==0) {
+ int argc,i;
+ char **argv;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (debug)
+ printf("PETSc: initial trip: %d \n",trips);
+ /* Get the commandline arguments */
+ argc = CCTK_GetArgc();
+ argv = (char**) malloc ((argc+1)*sizeof(char*));
+ for (i=0;i<argc;i++)
+ argv[i] = (char*) malloc (256*sizeof(char));
+ CCTK_GetArgv(argv);
+ /* Set the PETSc communicator to set of PUGH and
+ initialzie PETSc */
+ ierr = PetscSetCommWorld(pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv,NULL,NULL);
+ CCTK_INFO("PETSc initialized");
+ }
+ trips++;
+ /* Create a array of matrices A */
+ /* num_A = MultiGridCount(); */
+ num_A = 1;
+ A=(Mat*) malloc (sizeof(Mat)*num_A);
+ /* Get the data ptr of these GFs, They all have to be
+ on the same timelevel */
+ /* derive the metric data pointer from the index array.
+ Note the ordering in the metric */
+ ell_field = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH,0,*FieldIndex);
+ Mlin = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH,0,*MIndex);
+ Nlin = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH,0,*NIndex);
+ gxx = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH, 0, MetricPsiI[0]);
+ gxy = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH, 0, MetricPsiI[1]);
+ gxz = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH, 0, MetricPsiI[2]);
+ gyy = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH, 0, MetricPsiI[3]);
+ gyz = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH, 0, MetricPsiI[4]);
+ gzz = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH, 0, MetricPsiI[5]);
+ /* FIXME: evolved derivatives should go! -> Einstein specific*/
+ if (conformal) {
+ psi = (CCTK_REAL*) CCTK_VarDataPtrI(GH, 0, MetricPsiI[6]);
+ psix =(CCTK_REAL*) GetDataPtr_NextTL(GH,"einstein::psix");
+ psiy =(CCTK_REAL*) GetDataPtr_NextTL(GH,"einstein::psiy");
+ psiz =(CCTK_REAL*) GetDataPtr_NextTL(GH,"einstein::psiz");
+ }
+ wsp = GetDataPtr_NextTL(GH,"ellpetsc::wsp");
+ /* initialize the linear index lookup table, after it's
+ filled up (below), the -1 indicates a boundary */
+ for (i=0;i<pughGH->npoints;i++) wsp[i] = -1.0;
+ /* Get myproc from the CCTK, get the gridspacing */
+ myproc = pugh_MyProc(GH);
+ dx = GH->cctk_delta_space[0];
+ dy = GH->cctk_delta_space[1];
+ dz = GH->cctk_delta_space[2];
+ /* We fix the lower and upper boundary indices, that actually "active" in
+ the sense that they are no ghostzones: */
+ imin=((pughGH->neighbors[pughGH->myproc][XDM]<0) && !(octant) ? 1 :
+ pughGH->nghostzones);
+ imax=((pughGH->neighbors[pughGH->myproc][XDP]<0) ? pughGH->lnx-1 :
+ pughGH->lnx-GH->cctk_nghostzones[0]);
+ jmin=((pughGH->neighbors[pughGH->myproc][YDM]<0) && !(octant) ? 1 :
+ GH->cctk_nghostzones[1]);
+ jmax=((pughGH->neighbors[pughGH->myproc][YDP]<0) ? pughGH->lny-1 :
+ pughGH->lny-GH->cctk_nghostzones[1]);
+ kmin=((pughGH->neighbors[pughGH->myproc][ZDM]<0) && !(octant) ? 1 :
+ GH->cctk_nghostzones[2]);
+ kmax=((pughGH->neighbors[pughGH->myproc][ZDP]<0) ? pughGH->lnz-1 :
+ pughGH->lnz-GH->cctk_nghostzones[2]);
+ /* We need to get the global index of gridpoints (gps) owned on my proc. For that
+ we have to know how many gps are there before my processors (i<myproc),
+ so we count them here. (that's minus the ghostszones (we use PUGH's "rn"
+ variables (number of gp on proc[#] in direction [i]) and subtract the
+ ghostzones if nec.) */
+ for (i=0;i<myproc;i++) {
+ nxs=pughGH->rnx[i];
+ nxs=((pughGH->neighbors[i][XDM]<0) && !(octant) ? nxs-1 :
+ nxs-GH->cctk_nghostzones[0]);
+ nxs=((pughGH->neighbors[i][XDP]<0) ? nxs-1 : nxs-GH->cctk_nghostzones[0]);
+ nys=pughGH->rny[i];
+ nys=((pughGH->neighbors[i][YDM]<0) && !(octant) ? nys-1 :
+ nys-GH->cctk_nghostzones[1]);
+ nys=((pughGH->neighbors[i][YDP]<0) ? nys-1 : nys-GH->cctk_nghostzones[1]);
+ nzs=pughGH->rnz[i];
+ nzs=((pughGH->neighbors[i][ZDM]<0) && !(octant) ? nzs-1 :
+ nzs-GH->cctk_nghostzones[2]);
+ nzs=((pughGH->neighbors[i][ZDP]<0) ? nzs-1 : nzs-GH->cctk_nghostzones[2]);
+ printf("PROC: %d nxyzs %d %d %d \n",i,nxs,nys,nzs);
+ startpoint += nxs*nys*nzs;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("STARTPOINT: %d \n",startpoint);
+ /* ...we save that as a start ...*/
+ endpoint = startpoint;
+ /* ...and continue running over our own region to get our endpoint */
+ for (k=imin;k<kmax;k++)
+ for (j=jmin;j<jmax;j++)
+ for (i=imin;i<imax;i++)
+ wsp[DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j,k)] = endpoint++;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("ENDPOINT: %d \n",endpoint);
+#endif DEBUG
+ /* So now each point has a unique index of its own. If we
+ do a sync that means each processor knows the indiced
+ in the ghost zones (eg, on its neighbors) in a FD stencil
+ of 1 */
+ retcode = pugh_SyncGroup(GH,"ellpetsc::petscworkspace");
+ /* So woohoo. Now for each point in our ijk space, we have
+ information about our row in the matrix (workspace->data[ijk])
+ as well as the column for the stencil of the neighbors
+ (workspace->data[DATINDEX(GH,i+1,j,k)] etc...). So onwards */
+ /* FIXME I don't think this works for stencil=2 ! */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (debug)
+ CCTK_DumpGHInfo(GH);
+ nxs = pughGH->nx-2;
+ nys = pughGH->ny-2;
+ nzs = pughGH->nz-2;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (debug) {
+ printf("nxyzs %d %d %d \n",nxs,nys,nzs);
+ printf("lnxyz: %d %d %d \n",pughGH->lnx,pughGH->lny,pughGH->lnz);
+ }
+ /* Suck off boundaries... */
+ rank = nxs*nys*nzs;
+ /* Create the petsc matrix A and vectors x and b efficiently.
+ Now for efficiency we have to be really careful here. By
+ setting up the index array, we are abandoning the 19-way
+ tri-diagonal system so we can lay out our matrices on the
+ processors with the data. (One one proc we will still
+ get 19 way tridiagonal). So we want each processor
+ to own only part of the matrix/vector but we know exactly
+ what it is, eg, from startpoint to endpoint-1 is on our
+ local processor (that is, row-wise ; all columns are local).
+ So we can use MatCreateMPIAIJ for exactly this, and
+ VecCreateMPI for the vectors.
+ */
+ /* FIXME: perhaps only set up only on first iteration, this was a hack
+ by PAUL, using some inofficical petsc code, check if this is
+ "official", yet */
+ /*$if (trips == 0 || reuse == 0) {$*/
+ if (verbose) CCTK_INFO("Creating Matrices and Vectors ....");
+ ierr = MatCreateMPIAIJ(pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD,
+ (endpoint-startpoint), /* # of rows */
+ (endpoint-startpoint), /* This is confusing */
+ rank,rank, /* Matrix size */
+ 19,PETSC_NULL, /* Diagonal */
+ 19,PETSC_NULL, /* Off diagonal */
+ &A[0]); /* The output */
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecCreateMPI(pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD,(endpoint-startpoint),rank,&soln);
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecCreateMPI(pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD,(endpoint-startpoint),rank,&b);
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /*$}$*/
+ /*$else {$*/
+ /* ierr = MatRestoreValuesMemory(A); */
+ /*$CCTK_WARN(0,"no reuse");
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ }$*/
+ /* Compare the PETSc layout to Cactus, this better be a match */
+ ierr = VecGetOwnershipRange(soln,&pvstart,&pvend);
+ ierr = MatGetOwnershipRange(A[0],&pstart,&pend);
+ printf("CAC M-Layout: %d %d \n",startpoint, endpoint);
+ printf("PET M-Layout: %d %d \n",pstart, pend);
+ printf("PET V-Layout: %d %d \n",pvstart,pvend);
+ if (pstart != startpoint && pend != endpoint)
+ CCTK_WARN(1,"WARNING: PETSC and data layouts differ! (why??)\n");
+ /* Decide on the nabla form in PETSc: */
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS(petsc_nablaform,"down")) {
+ if (verbose)
+ CCTK_INFO("Forming nabla with lower g and finite difference of dg \n");
+ nabla_form = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS(petsc_nablaform,"up")) {
+ if (verbose)
+ CCTK_INFO("Forming nabla with upper g and finite difference of dg \n");
+ nabla_form = 3;
+ uxx3 = malloc(pughGH->npoints*sizeof(CCTK_REAL));
+ uxy3 = malloc(pughGH->npoints*sizeof(CCTK_REAL));
+ uxz3 = malloc(pughGH->npoints*sizeof(CCTK_REAL));
+ uyy3 = malloc(pughGH->npoints*sizeof(CCTK_REAL));
+ uyz3 = malloc(pughGH->npoints*sizeof(CCTK_REAL));
+ uzz3 = malloc(pughGH->npoints*sizeof(CCTK_REAL));
+ for (i=0;i<pughGH->npoints;i++) {
+ CCTK_REAL det;
+ CCTK_REAL p12;
+ det= -(SQR(gxz[i])*gyy[i]) +
+ 2*gxy[i]*gxz[i]*gyz[i] -
+ gxx[i]*SQR(gyz[i]) -
+ SQR(gxy[i])*gzz[i] +
+ gxx[i]*gyy[i]*gzz[i];
+ if (conformal) {
+ pm4 = 1./pow(psi[i],4.0);
+ p12 = pow(psi[i],12.0);
+ } else {
+ pm4 = 1.0;
+ p12 = 1.0;
+ }
+ /*invert metric. This is the conformal upper metric. */
+ uxx3[i]=(-SQR(gyz[i]) + gyy[i]*gzz[i])/det*pm4;
+ uxy3[i]=(gxz[i]*gyz[i] - gxy[i]*gzz[i])/det*pm4;
+ uyy3[i]=(-SQR(gxz[i]) + gxx[i]*gzz[i])/det*pm4;
+ uxz3[i]=(-gxz[i]*gyy[i] + gxy[i]*gyz[i])/det*pm4;
+ uyz3[i]=(gxy[i]*gxz[i] - gxx[i]*gyz[i])/det*pm4;
+ uzz3[i]=(-SQR(gxy[i]) + gxx[i]*gyy[i])/det*pm4;
+ det = det*p12;
+ /* Rescaling for the uppermetric solver */
+ Mlin[i] = Mlin[i]*sqrt(det);
+ Nlin[i] = Nlin[i]*sqrt(det);
+ uxx3[i]=uxx3[i]/(2.*dx*dx)*sqrt(det);
+ uyy3[i]=uyy3[i]/(2.*dy*dy)*sqrt(det);
+ uzz3[i]=uzz3[i]/(2.*dz*dz)*sqrt(det);
+ uxy3[i]=uxy3[i]/(4.*dx*dy)*sqrt(det);
+ uxz3[i]=uxz3[i]/(4.*dx*dz)*sqrt(det);
+ uyz3[i]=uyz3[i]/(4.*dy*dz)*sqrt(det);
+ }
+ }
+ else CCTK_WARN(0,"Don't know how to form nabla!\n");
+ if (verbose)
+ CCTK_INFO("Creating the coefficient matrix...");
+ if (verbose && matnormalize)
+ CCTK_INFO ("...with diagonal renormalized to one");
+ for (k=kmin;k<kmax;k++) {
+ for (j=jmin;j<jmax;j++) {
+ for (i=imin;i<imax;i++) {
+ if (wsp[DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j,k)] >= 0) {
+ CCTK_REAL tdxgxx, tdxgxy, tdxgxz, tdxgyy, tdxgyz, tdxgzz;
+ CCTK_REAL tdygxx, tdygxy, tdygxz, tdygyy, tdygyz, tdygzz;
+ CCTK_REAL tdzgxx, tdzgxy, tdzgxz, tdzgyy, tdzgyz, tdzgzz;
+ /* Set up indices */
+ int ijk; /* The data point for the array */
+ int ig, jg, kg; /* The position in global space */
+ int I,J; /* The col and row in the matrix */
+ CCTK_REAL rhsval = 0;
+ for (I=0;I<27;I++) a[I] = 0.0;
+ /* these guys are easy */
+ ijk = DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j,k); /* get linear index */
+ ig = i + GH->cctk_lbnd[0];
+ jg = j + GH->cctk_lbnd[1];
+ kg = k + GH->cctk_lbnd[2];
+ /* Get the row we are working on */
+ I = wsp[ijk];
+ /* Setup Temporaries / Psi derivatives on psi */
+ if (conformal) {
+ pm4 = 1./pow(psi[ijk],4.0);
+ psixp = psix[ijk];
+ psiyp = psiy[ijk];
+ psizp = psiz[ijk];
+ } else {
+ pm4 = 1.0;
+ psixp = 0.0;
+ psiyp = 0.0;
+ psizp = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (nabla_form == 2) {
+ /* Use finite differences of g for the d's */
+ int ijkp, ijkm;
+ /* X derivatives */
+ ijkp = DATINDEX(pughGH,i+1,j,k);
+ ijkm = DATINDEX(pughGH,i-1,j,k);
+ tdxgxx = (gxx[ijkp] - gxx[ijkm])/(2.0*dx);
+ tdxgxy = (gxy[ijkp] - gxy[ijkm])/(2.0*dx);
+ tdxgxz = (gxz[ijkp] - gxz[ijkm])/(2.0*dx);
+ tdxgyy = (gyy[ijkp] - gyy[ijkm])/(2.0*dx);
+ tdxgyz = (gyz[ijkp] - gyz[ijkm])/(2.0*dx);
+ tdxgzz = (gzz[ijkp] - gzz[ijkm])/(2.0*dx);
+ /* Y derivatives */
+ ijkp = DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j+1,k);
+ ijkm = DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j-1,k);
+ tdygxx = (gxx[ijkp] - gxx[ijkm])/(2.0*dy);
+ tdygxy = (gxy[ijkp] - gxy[ijkm])/(2.0*dy);
+ tdygxz = (gxz[ijkp] - gxz[ijkm])/(2.0*dy);
+ tdygyy = (gyy[ijkp] - gyy[ijkm])/(2.0*dy);
+ tdygyz = (gyz[ijkp] - gyz[ijkm])/(2.0*dy);
+ tdygzz = (gzz[ijkp] - gzz[ijkm])/(2.0*dy);
+ /* X derivatives */
+ ijkp = DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j,k+1);
+ ijkm = DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j,k-1);
+ tdzgxx = (gxx[ijkp] - gxx[ijkm])/(2.0*dz);
+ tdzgxy = (gxy[ijkp] - gxy[ijkm])/(2.0*dz);
+ tdzgxz = (gxz[ijkp] - gxz[ijkm])/(2.0*dz);
+ tdzgyy = (gyy[ijkp] - gyy[ijkm])/(2.0*dz);
+ tdzgyz = (gyz[ijkp] - gyz[ijkm])/(2.0*dz);
+ tdzgzz = (gzz[ijkp] - gzz[ijkm])/(2.0*dz);
+ /* great ... so start hacking away at the coefficients.
+ /* Form upper metric - compute determinant */
+ det= -(SQR(gxz[ijk])*gyy[ijk]) +
+ 2*gxy[ijk]*gxz[ijk]*gyz[ijk] -
+ gxx[ijk]*SQR(gyz[ijk]) -
+ SQR(gxy[ijk])*gzz[ijk] +
+ gxx[ijk]*gyy[ijk]*gzz[ijk];
+ /*invert metric. This is the conformal upper metric. */
+ uxx=(-SQR(gyz[ijk]) + gyy[ijk]*gzz[ijk])/det;
+ uxy=(gxz[ijk]*gyz[ijk] - gxy[ijk]*gzz[ijk])/det;
+ uyy=(-SQR(gxz[ijk]) + gxx[ijk]*gzz[ijk])/det;
+ uxz=(-gxz[ijk]*gyy[ijk] + gxy[ijk]*gyz[ijk])/det;
+ uyz=(gxy[ijk]*gxz[ijk] - gxx[ijk]*gyz[ijk])/det;
+ uzz=(-SQR(gxy[ijk]) + gxx[ijk]*gyy[ijk])/det;
+ /* Coeff. Contributions from second derivative */
+ /* X derivative */
+ a(-1,0,0) = pm4 * uxx / (dx*dx);
+ a(0,0,0) = -two * pm4 * uxx / (dx*dx);
+ a(1,0,0) = pm4 * uxx / (dx*dx);
+ /* Y derivative */
+ a(0,-1,0) = pm4 * uyy / (dy*dy);
+ a(0,0,0) = a(0,0,0) - two * pm4 * uyy / (dy*dy);
+ a(0,1,0) = pm4 * uyy / (dy*dy);
+ /* Z derivative */
+ a(0,0,-1) = pm4 * uzz / (dz*dz);
+ a(0,0,0) = a(0,0,0) - two * pm4 * uzz / (dz*dz);
+ a(0,0,1) = pm4 * uzz / (dz*dz);
+ /* Mixed XY */
+ a(1,1,0) = two * pm4 * uxy / (dx*dy);
+ a(-1,-1,0)= two * pm4 * uxy / (dx*dy);
+ a(1,-1,0) = -two * pm4 * uxy / (dx*dy);
+ a(-1,1,0) = -two * pm4 * uxy / (dx*dy);
+ /* Mixed XZ */
+ a(1,0,1) = two * pm4 * uxz / (dx*dz);
+ a(-1,0,-1)= two * pm4 * uxz / (dx*dz);
+ a(1,0,-1) = -two * pm4 * uxz / (dx*dz);
+ a(-1,0,1) = -two * pm4 * uxz / (dx*dz);
+ /* Mixed YZ */
+ a(0,1,1) = two * pm4 * uyz / (dz*dy);
+ a(0,-1,-1)= two * pm4 * uyz / (dz*dy);
+ a(0,-1,1) = -two * pm4 * uyz / (dz*dy);
+ a(0,1,-1) = -two * pm4 * uyz / (dz*dy);
+ /* Great so now form christoffels. Remember that
+ G_kij = psi^4 (2 * (psi_j/psi g_ik + psi_i/psi g_jk -
+ psi_k/psi g_ij)
+ + D_jik + D_ijk - D_kij)
+ Since these are the DOWN christoffels, store them in d...
+ NOTE however that since we will up these, we can drop the
+ psi^4 here and psi^-4 from the up metric. */
+ /* These three have lots of cancelations */
+ dxxx = (two * psixp * gxx[ijk] + tdxgxx);
+ dxxy = (two * psiyp * gxx[ijk] + tdygxx);
+ dxxz = (two * psizp * gxx[ijk] + tdzgxx);
+ /* This one has a reduction of two identical terms */
+ dxyy = (four * psiyp * gxy[ijk] -
+ two * psixp * gyy[ijk] +
+ two * tdygxy - tdxgyy);
+ /* As does this one */
+ dxzz = (four * psizp * gxz[ijk] -
+ two * psixp * gzz[ijk] +
+ two * tdzgxz - tdxgzz);
+ /* And this one is completely general */
+ dxyz = (two * psiyp * gxz[ijk] +
+ two * psizp * gxy[ijk] -
+ two * psixp * gyz[ijk] +
+ tdzgxy + tdygxz - tdxgyz);
+ /* Now do it twice more without the explanations */
+ dyyy = (two * psiyp * gyy[ijk] + tdygyy);
+ dyxy = (two * psixp * gyy[ijk] + tdxgyy);
+ dyyz = (two * psizp * gyy[ijk] + tdzgyy);
+ dyxx = (four * psixp * gxy[ijk] -
+ two * psiyp * gxx[ijk] +
+ two * tdxgxy - tdygxx);
+ dyzz = (four * psizp * gyz[ijk] -
+ two * psiyp * gzz[ijk] +
+ two * tdzgyz - tdygzz);
+ dyxz = (two * psizp * gxy[ijk] +
+ two * psixp * gyz[ijk] -
+ two * psiyp * gxz[ijk] +
+ tdzgxy + tdxgyz - tdygxz);
+ dzzz = (two * psizp * gzz[ijk] + tdzgzz);
+ dzxz = (two * psixp * gzz[ijk] + tdxgzz);
+ dzyz = (two * psiyp * gzz[ijk] + tdygzz);
+ dzxx = (four * psixp * gxz[ijk] -
+ two * psizp * gxx[ijk] +
+ two * tdxgxz - tdzgxx);
+ dzyy = (four * psiyp * gyz[ijk] -
+ two * psizp * gyy[ijk] +
+ two * tdygyz - tdzgyy);
+ dzxy = (two * psiyp * gxz[ijk] +
+ two * psixp * gyz[ijk] -
+ two * psizp * gxy[ijk] +
+ tdxgyz + tdygxz - tdzgxy);
+ /* And now raise the first index */
+ Gxxx = uxx*dxxx + uxy*dyxx + uxz*dzxx;
+ Gxxy = uxx*dxxy + uxy*dyxy + uxz*dzxy;
+ Gxxz = uxx*dxxz + uxy*dyxz + uxz*dzxz;
+ Gxyy = uxx*dxyy + uxy*dyyy + uxz*dzyy;
+ Gxyz = uxx*dxyz + uxy*dyyz + uxz*dzyz;
+ Gxzz = uxx*dxzz + uxy*dyzz + uxz*dzzz;
+ Gyxx = uxy*dxxx + uyy*dyxx + uyz*dzxx;
+ Gyxy = uxy*dxxy + uyy*dyxy + uyz*dzxy;
+ Gyxz = uxy*dxxz + uyy*dyxz + uyz*dzxz;
+ Gyyy = uxy*dxyy + uyy*dyyy + uyz*dzyy;
+ Gyyz = uxy*dxyz + uyy*dyyz + uyz*dzyz;
+ Gyzz = uxy*dxzz + uyy*dyzz + uyz*dzzz;
+ Gzxx = uxz*dxxx + uyz*dyxx + uzz*dzxx;
+ Gzxy = uxz*dxxy + uyz*dyxy + uzz*dzxy;
+ Gzxz = uxz*dxxz + uyz*dyxz + uzz*dzxz;
+ Gzyy = uxz*dxyy + uyz*dyyy + uzz*dzyy;
+ Gzyz = uxz*dxyz + uyz*dyyz + uzz*dzyz;
+ Gzzz = uxz*dxzz + uyz*dyzz + uzz*dzzz;
+ /* Great. So now start adding the summed contributions
+ from the first derivative. Note that these all have a
+ sign change since the term comes in - ... */
+ /* g^ij G ^x_ij */
+ tmp = uxx * Gxxx + uyy * Gxyy + uzz * Gxzz +
+ two * uxy * Gxxy +
+ two * uxz * Gxxz +
+ two * uyz * Gxyz;
+ a(1,0,0) = a(1,0,0) - pm4 * tmp / (two*dx);
+ a(-1,0,0) = a(-1,0,0) + pm4 * tmp / (two*dx);
+ /* g^ij G^y_ij */
+ tmp = uxx * Gyxx + uyy * Gyyy + uzz * Gyzz +
+ two * uxy * Gyxy +
+ two * uxz * Gyxz +
+ two * uyz * Gyyz;
+ a(0,1,0) = a(0,1,0) - pm4 * tmp / (two*dy);
+ a(0,-1,0) = a(0,-1,0) + pm4 * tmp / (two*dy);
+ /* g^ij G^z_ij */
+ tmp = uxx * Gzxx + uyy * Gzyy + uzz * Gzzz +
+ two * uxy * Gzxy +
+ two * uxz * Gzxz +
+ two * uyz * Gzyz;
+ a(0,0,1) = a(0,0,1) - pm4 * tmp / (two*dz);
+ a(0,0,-1) = a(0,0,-1) + pm4 * tmp / (two*dz);
+ } /* end if nable_form==2 */
+ else {
+ /* nabla_form==3: Upper Metric Nabla Form */
+ a(0,0,0) = -Uxx(i+1,j,k) -2.*Uxx(i,j,k) -Uxx(i-1,j,k)
+ -Uyy(i,j+1,k) -2.*Uyy(i,j,k) -Uyy(i,j-1,k)
+ -Uzz(i,j,k+1) -2.*Uzz(i,j,k) -Uzz(i,j,k-1);
+ /*$ae = uxx(i+1,j,k)+uxx(i,j,k)$*/
+ a(1,0,0) = Uxx(i+1,j,k) + Uxx(i,j,k);
+ /*$aw = uxx(i-1,j,k)+uxx(i,j,k)$*/
+ a(-1,0,0) = Uxx(i-1,j,k)+Uxx(i,j,k);
+ /*$an = uyy(i,j+1,k)+uyy(i,j,k)$*/
+ a(0,1,0) = Uyy(i,j+1,k)+Uyy(i,j,k);
+ /*$as = uyy(i,j-1,k)+uyy(i,j,k)$*/
+ a(0,-1,0) = Uyy(i,j-1,k)+Uyy(i,j,k);
+ /*$at = uzz(i,j,k+1)+uzz(i,j,k)$*/
+ a(0,0,1) = Uzz(i,j,k+1)+Uzz(i,j,k);
+ /*$ab = uzz(i,j,k-1)+uzz(i,j,k)$*/
+ a(0,0,-1) = Uzz(i,j,k-1)+Uzz(i,j,k);
+ /*$ane = uxy(i,j+1,k)+uxy(i+1,j,k)$*/
+ a(1,1,0) = Uxy(i,j+1,k)+Uxy(i+1,j,k);
+ /*$anw = - uxy(i-1,j,k)-uxy(i,j+1,k)$*/
+ a(-1,1,0) = - Uxy(i-1,j,k)-Uxy(i,j+1,k);
+ /*$ase = - uxy(i+1,j,k)-uxy(i,j-1,k)$*/
+ a(1,-1,0) = - Uxy(i+1,j,k)-Uxy(i,j-1,k);
+ /*$asw = uxy(i-1,j,k)+uxy(i,j-1,k)$*/
+ a(-1,-1,0) = Uxy(i-1,j,k)+Uxy(i,j-1,k);
+ /*$ate = uxz(i,j,k+1)+uxz(i+1,j,k)$*/
+ a(1,0,1) = Uxz(i,j,k+1)+Uxz(i+1,j,k);
+ /*$atw = - uxz(i-1,j,k)-uxz(i,j,k+1)$*/
+ a(-1,0,1) = - Uxz(i-1,j,k)-Uxz(i,j,k+1);
+ /*$abe = - uxz(i+1,j,k)-uxz(i,j,k-1)$*/
+ a(1,0,-1) = - Uxz(i+1,j,k)-Uxz(i,j,k-1);
+ /*$abw = uxz(i-1,j,k)+uxz(i,j,k-1)$*/
+ a(-1,0,-1) = Uxz(i-1,j,k)+Uxz(i,j,k-1);
+ /*$atn = uyz(i,j+1,k)+uyz(i,j,k+1)$*/
+ a(0,1,1) = Uyz(i,j+1,k)+Uyz(i,j,k+1);
+ /*$ats = - uyz(i,j,k+1)-uyz(i,j-1,k)$*/
+ a(0,-1,1) = - Uyz(i,j,k+1)-Uyz(i,j-1,k);
+ /*$abn = - uyz(i,j,k-1)-uyz(i,j+1,k)$*/
+ a(0,1,-1) = - Uyz(i,j,k-1)-Uyz(i,j+1,k);
+ /*$asb = uyz(i,j,k-1)+uyz(i,j-1,k)$*/
+ a(0,-1,-1) = Uyz(i,j,k-1)+Uyz(i,j-1,k);
+ } /* end nabla_form=3 */
+ /* M phi */
+ a(0,0,0) = a(0,0,0) - Mlin[ijk];
+ /* Great now set the values of the matrix. This is
+ really painful due to the boundaries (here we force
+ dirichlet). */
+ VecSetValues(soln,1,&I,&(ell_field[ijk]),INSERT_VALUES);
+ /* Put in the octant boundary conditions.
+ We do these by reflecting the -1 stencil if we are at a
+ boundary at -1. That is, imagine the 1D laplace equation
+ with the boundary condition a(0) = a(1). This means
+ the point 1 stencil (which is our first stencil in
+ the matrix) becomes
+ a(0) + a(2) - 2 a(1) = rho(i) * deltax ->
+ a(2) - 2 a(1) + a(1) = rho(i) * deltax
+ OK so think about this with a general stenci
+ S_0 a_0 + S_1 a_1 + S_2 a_2 = rho_1 ->
+ S_0 a_1 + S_1 a_1 + S_2 a_2 = rho_1 ->
+ (S_0 + S_1) a_1 + S_2 a_2 = rho_1
+ eg, S_0 -> 0 and S_1 -> S_1 + S_0
+ Great, so implement this in 3D. It is a bit trickier,
+ since we don't want to zero neighbors in the wrong
+ direction, but not impossible.
+ */
+ if (octant)
+ for (l=-1;l<=0;l++)
+ for (m=-1;m<=0;m++)
+ for (n=-1;n<=0;n++)
+ if (l*m*n == 0)
+ if (wsp[DATINDEX(pughGH,i+l,j+m,k+n)] < 0 &&
+ (ig == imin || jg == jmin || kg == kmin))
+ {
+ /* We are on an inner boundary point, eg,
+ at an inner face */
+ int ll,mm,nn;
+ /* Only zero the guys at the boundaries */
+ ll = (ig == imin ? 0 : l);
+ mm = (jg == jmin ? 0 : m);
+ nn = (kg == kmin ? 0 : n);
+ a(ll,mm,nn) += a(l,m,n);
+ a(l,m,n) = 0.0;
+ }
+ /* renormalize */
+ if (matnormalize) {
+ ac = a(0,0,0);
+ for (J=0;J<27;J++) a[J] = a[J] / ac;
+ }
+ else ac = 1;
+ /* This is the new way-clever look. Note it relies
+ heavily on the index array in the workspace and
+ on multiple processors it will *NOT* make a
+ 19-way banded matrix. */
+ for (l=-1;l<=1;l++)
+ for (m=-1;m<=1;m++)
+ for (n=-1;n<=1;n++) {
+ if (l*m*n == 0) { /* This is the 19 point ... if none are
+ * zero, then we have no stencil here.
+ */
+ if (wsp[DATINDEX(pughGH,i+l,j+m,k+n)] < 0) {
+ /* This is a boundary. */
+ rhsval += a(l,m,n) * ell_field[DATINDEX(pughGH,i+l,j+m,k+n)];
+ }
+ else {
+ J = wsp[DATINDEX(pughGH,i+l,j+m,k+n)];
+ ierr = MatSetValues(A[0],1,&I,1,&J,&(a(l,m,n)),INSERT_VALUES);
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rhsval = -rhsval + Nlin[ijk] / ac;
+ /* printf("RHS(%d %d %d)+N: %f",i,j,k,rhsval);*/
+ ierr = VecSetValues(b,1,&I,&rhsval,INSERT_VALUES);
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (verbose) CCTK_INFO ("Assembling the vectors");
+ ierr = MatAssemblyBegin(A[0],MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecAssemblyBegin(soln); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecAssemblyBegin(b); CHKERRA(ierr)
+ ierr = MatAssemblyEnd(A[0],MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecAssemblyEnd(soln); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecAssemblyEnd(b); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = MatSetOption(A[0],MAT_NO_NEW_NONZERO_LOCATIONS); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ if (nabla_form == 3) {
+ if (verbose)
+ printf ("Freeing upper metric storage\n");
+ free(uxx3);
+ free(uxy3);
+ free(uxz3);
+ free(uyy3);
+ free(uyz3);
+ free(uzz3);
+ }
+ if (trips==0)
+ OptionsSetValue("-ksp_monitor","");
+ ierr = SLESCreate(pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD,&sles); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /*
+ Set operators. Here the matrix that defines the linear system
+ also serves as the preconditioning matrix. At a later date
+ we can probably optimize this using SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN
+ and a static trip-though flag (eg, on the second trip
+ through do something different). Also we need to think about
+ using A to precondition itself. Since I don't know what this
+ means, we'll leave it for now. */
+ ierr = SLESSetOperators(sles,A[0],A[0],DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /* Set linear solver defaults for this problem. Later this
+ should be replaced/modified with appropriate parsing from the
+ parameter parser. For now it is not. These defaults are
+ reasonable, I hope. */
+ ierr = SLESGetKSP(sles,&ksp); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = SLESGetPC(sles,&pc); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /* Get the PC Type */
+ if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_PC_type,"PCJACOBI"))
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCJACOBI);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_PC_type,"PCBJACOBI"))
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCBJACOBI);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_PC_type,"PCICC"))
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCICC);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_PC_type,"PCILU"))
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCILU);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_PC_type,"PCASM"))
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCASM);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_PC_type,"PCLU"))
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCLU);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_PC_type,"PCNONE"))
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCNONE);
+ else {
+ CCTK_WARN(1,"Don't understand petsc_PC_type. Using PCNONE\n");
+ ierr = PCSetType(pc,PCNONE);
+ }
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /* Now the same thing for the KSP Type */
+ if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPBCGS"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPBCGS);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPRICHARDSON"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPRICHARDSON);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPCHEBYCHEV"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPCHEBYCHEV);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPCG"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPCG);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPGMRES"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPGMRES);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPCGS"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPCGS);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPTFQMR"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPTFQMR);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPTCQMR"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPTCQMR);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPCR"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPCR);
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(petsc_KSP_type,"KSPLSQR"))
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPLSQR);
+ else {
+ CCTK_WARN (1,"I don't understand petsc_KSP_type. Using BiCGSTAB\n");
+ ierr = KSPSetType(ksp,KSPBCGS);
+ }
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /* Set up tolerances */
+ if (PetscTolStyle == ELLCONV_ABSOLUTE) {
+ rtol = 1.0e-15;
+ atol = tolerance;
+ } else if (PetscTolStyle == ELLCONV_RELATIVE) {
+ rtol = tolerance;
+ atol = 1.0e-15;
+ } else if (PetscTolStyle == ELLCONV_EITHER) {
+ rtol = tolerance;
+ atol = tolerance;
+ } else {
+ printf("PETSC Solver: PetscTolStyle set incorrectly [%d]\n",
+ PetscTolStyle);
+ }
+ ierr = KSPSetTolerances(ksp,rtol,atol,PETSC_DEFAULT,
+ CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /* We are warned in the manual that
+ The default technique for orthogonalization of the Hessenberg matrix
+ in GMRES is the modified Gram-Schmidt method, which employs many
+ VecDot() operations and can thus be slow in parallel. A fast approach
+ is to use the unmodified Gram-Schmidt method, which can be set with
+ ierr = KSPGMRESSetOrthogonalization(KSP ksp,
+ KSPGMRESUnmodifiedGramSchmidtOrthogonalization);
+ or the options database command
+ -ksp_gmres_unmodifiedgramschmidt. Note that this algorithm is
+ numerically unstable, but may deliver much better speed
+ performance. One can also use unmodifed Gram-Schmidt with
+ iterative refinement, by setting the orthogonalization routine,
+ KSPGMRESIROrthog(), by using the command line option
+ -ksp_gmres_irorthog.
+ So this my not be a smart thing to do. But lets put it here
+ so we can turn it on or off later.
+ */
+ /*$ierr = KSPGMRESSetOrthogonalization(ksp,
+ KSPGMRESUnmodifiedGramSchmidtOrthogonalization);
+ CHKERRA(ierr);$*/
+ /* We also learn that ...
+ By default, KSP assumes an initial guess of zero by zeroing the
+ initial value for the solution vector that is given. To use a
+ nonzero initial guess, the user must call
+ ierr = KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(KSP ksp);
+ */
+ CCTK_INFO("KSPSetInitialGuess\n");
+ ierr = KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(ksp); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /*
+ Set runtime options. Since we don't use PETSC runtime options
+ but rather use the CACTUS parameter parser, we do this before
+ we parse things out. But that may not be such a good idea.
+ So lets put it here.
+ */
+ ierr = SLESSetFromOptions(sles); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /* OK so finally we are able to ... */
+ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ Solve the linear system
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+ CCTK_INFO("SLES solve...");
+ ierr = SLESSolve(sles,b,soln,&its); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ /* Here we can form a "res = Ax - b" and find its norm to get
+ an idea of how well we've converged. Put this in later
+ but we can do it using MatMultAdd() after we flip the sign
+ on b with VecScale() (into res, a new vector, then find the
+ norm of res with VecNorm()
+ */
+ /* Now since we now have local layout, we can just get the values
+ from the soln vector now matter how many processors we are
+ on (eg, the VecCreateMPI has made the solution local) */
+ VecGetArray(soln,&values);
+ for (k=kmin;k<kmax;k++) {
+ for (j=jmin;j<jmax;j++) {
+ for (i=imin;i<imax;i++) {
+ /* Set up indices */
+ int ijk; /* The data point for the array */
+ int ig, jg, kg; /* The position in global space */
+ int I,J; /* The col and row in the matrix */
+ CCTK_REAL rhsval = 0;
+ /* these guys are easy */
+ ijk = DATINDEX(pughGH,i,j,k);
+ if (wsp[ijk] >= 0) {
+ ig = i + GH->cctk_lbnd[0];
+ jg = j + GH->cctk_lbnd[1];
+ kg = k + GH->cctk_lbnd[2];
+ /* Now this one. "Fortran-order" the matrix. But remember
+ we have stripped off the ghost zones. Hence ig-1 and nxs...
+ */
+ I =wsp[ijk]-startpoint;
+ ell_field[ijk] = values[I];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ VecRestoreArray(soln,&values);
+ /* Sync var in CCTK speak. */
+ pugh_SyncGroup(GH,"ellpetsc::petscworkspace");
+ /* And finally free up the matrix memory FIXME
+ ierr = MatReleaseValuesMemory(A); CHKERRA(ierr); */
+ /* This code is not used anymore */
+ if (verbose) CCTK_INFO("Destroying Matrices");
+ ierr = SLESDestroy(sles); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecDestroy(soln); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = VecDestroy(b); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ ierr = MatDestroy(A[0]); CHKERRA(ierr);
+ free(A);
+ /*$PetscFinalize();$*/
diff --git a/src/petsc_wrapper.c b/src/petsc_wrapper.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cc39a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/petsc_wrapper.c
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_Flesh.h"
+void petsc_metric(cGH *GH, int *MetricI, int *FieldIndex,
+ int *MIndex, int *NIndex,
+ int *AbsTol, int *RelTol) {
+ void petsc_confmetric_solver(cGH *GH, int *MetricI, int MetricISize,
+ int *FieldIndex, int *MIndex, int *NIndex,
+ int *AbsTol, int *RelTol);
+ petsc_confmetric_solver(GH, MetricI, 6,
+ FieldIndex, MIndex, NIndex,
+ AbsTol, RelTol);
+void petsc_confmetric(cGH *GH, int *MetricPsiI, int *FieldIndex,
+ int *MIndex, int *NIndex,
+ int *AbsTol, int *RelTol) {
+ void petsc_confmetric_solver(cGH *GH, int *MetricI, int MetricSize,
+ int *FieldIndex, int *MIndex, int *NIndex,
+ int *AbsTol, int *RelTol);
+ petsc_confmetric_solver(GH, MetricPsiI, 7,
+ FieldIndex, MIndex, NIndex,
+ AbsTol, RelTol);