path: root/src/EOS_Omni_MultiVarCalls.F90
diff options
authorcott <cott@8e189c6b-2ab8-4400-aa02-70a9cfce18b9>2012-03-08 00:19:42 +0000
committercott <cott@8e189c6b-2ab8-4400-aa02-70a9cfce18b9>2012-03-08 00:19:42 +0000
commit6cbf58a21d102f26fdd7545727af1c7d3224a318 (patch)
tree569c5494309fce26afb195a075cc4e5f92a4594b /src/EOS_Omni_MultiVarCalls.F90
parent349050347107f7ab34eebe8f9ca166cb117e09c9 (diff)
* add aliased routine to compute deps/drho|p and deps/dp|rho
git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinEOS/EOS_Omni/trunk@57 8e189c6b-2ab8-4400-aa02-70a9cfce18b9
Diffstat (limited to 'src/EOS_Omni_MultiVarCalls.F90')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/EOS_Omni_MultiVarCalls.F90 b/src/EOS_Omni_MultiVarCalls.F90
index 664a31f..a989fd3 100644
--- a/src/EOS_Omni_MultiVarCalls.F90
+++ b/src/EOS_Omni_MultiVarCalls.F90
@@ -202,3 +202,104 @@ subroutine EOS_Omni_EOS_dpderho_dpdrhoe(eoskey,keytemp,rf_precision,npoints,&
end select
end subroutine EOS_Omni_EOS_dpderho_dpdrhoe
+ subroutine EOS_Omni_EOS_DEpsByDRho_DEpsByDPress(eoskey,keytemp,rf_precision,npoints,&
+ rho,eps,temp,ye,depsdrho,depsdpress,keyerr,anyerr)
+ use EOS_Omni_Module
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_INT, intent(in) :: eoskey,keytemp,npoints
+ CCTK_INT, intent(out) :: keyerr(npoints)
+ CCTK_INT, intent(out) :: anyerr
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: rf_precision
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: rho(npoints),ye(npoints)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(inout) :: eps(npoints), temp(npoints)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: depsdrho(npoints)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: depsdpress(npoints)
+ ! local vars
+ integer :: i
+ character(256) :: warnstring
+ real*8 :: hybrid_local_gamma
+ real*8 :: hybrid_local_k_cgs
+ real*8 :: hybrid_dp_poly,hybrid_dp_th1,hybrid_dp_th2
+ ! temporary vars for nuc_eos
+ real*8 :: xrho,xye,xtemp,xenr,xent
+ real*8 :: xprs,xmunu,xcs2
+ real*8 :: xdedt,xdpderho,xdpdrhoe
+ anyerr = 0
+ keyerr(:) = 0
+ select case (eoskey)
+ case (1)
+ ! polytropic EOS
+ if(keytemp.eq.1) then
+ do i=1,npoints
+ eps(i) = press_gf * poly_k_cgs * &
+ (rho(i)*inv_rho_gf)**(poly_gamma) / &
+ (poly_gamma - 1.0d0) / rho(i)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ do i=1,npoints
+ depsdpress(i) = 1.0d0/(poly_gamma - 1.0d0)/rho(i)
+ depsdrho(i) = depsdpress(i) * press_gf * poly_k_cgs * &
+ poly_gamma * inv_rho_gf * &
+ (rho(i)*inv_rho_gf) ** (poly_gamma - 1.d0)
+ enddo
+ case (2)
+ ! gamma-law EOS
+ if(keytemp.eq.1) then
+ do i=1,npoints
+ eps(i) = press_gf * gl_k_cgs * &
+ (rho(i)*inv_rho_gf)**(gl_gamma) / &
+ (gl_gamma - 1.0d0) / rho(i)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ do i=1,npoints
+ depsdpress(i) = 1.0/( (gl_gamma - 1.0d0) * &
+ rho(i))
+ depsdrho(i) = -eps(i)/rho(i)
+ enddo
+ case (3)
+ ! hybrid EOS
+ do i=1,npoints
+ if(rho(i).gt.hybrid_rho_nuc) then
+ hybrid_local_gamma = hybrid_gamma2
+ hybrid_local_k_cgs = hybrid_k2_cgs
+ else
+ hybrid_local_gamma = hybrid_gamma1
+ hybrid_local_k_cgs = hybrid_k1_cgs
+ endif
+ hybrid_dp_poly = hybrid_local_gamma * press_gf * &
+ hybrid_local_k_cgs * rho(i)**(hybrid_local_gamma - 1.0d0) * &
+ inv_rho_gf**hybrid_local_gamma
+ hybrid_dp_th1 = - hybrid_local_gamma * press_gf * hybrid_local_k_cgs * &
+ (hybrid_gamma_th - 1.d0) / (hybrid_local_gamma - 1.d0) * &
+ rho(i)**(hybrid_local_gamma - 1.d0) * inv_rho_gf**hybrid_local_gamma
+ hybrid_dp_th2 = (hybrid_gamma_th - 1.d0) * eps(i) &
+ - (hybrid_gamma_th - 1.d0) * (hybrid_local_gamma - hybrid_gamma1) / &
+ (hybrid_gamma1 - 1.d0) / (hybrid_gamma2 - 1.d0) * &
+ press_gf * hybrid_k1_cgs * inv_rho_gf**hybrid_gamma1 * &
+ hybrid_rho_nuc**(hybrid_gamma1 - 1.d0)
+ xdpdrhoe = hybrid_dp_poly + hybrid_dp_th1 + hybrid_dp_th2
+ xdpderho = (hybrid_gamma_th - 1.0d0) * rho(i)
+ depsdpress(i) = 1.0 / xdpderho
+ depsdrho(i) = - xdpdrhoe * depsdpress(i)
+ enddo
+ case (4)
+ write(warnstring,*) "depsdrho and depsdpress not implemented yet for hot nuclear EOS"
+ call CCTK_WARN(0,warnstring)
+ case DEFAULT
+ write(warnstring,*) "eoskey ",eoskey," not implemented!"
+ call CCTK_WARN(0,warnstring)
+ end select
+ end subroutine EOS_Omni_EOS_DEpsByDRho_DEpsByDPress