path: root/src/EHFinder_Generator_Sources2.F90
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1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/EHFinder_Generator_Sources2.F90 b/src/EHFinder_Generator_Sources2.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aab47e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/EHFinder_Generator_Sources2.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+! Calculation of the sources for the level set function.
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+subroutine EHFinder_Generator_Sources2(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ use EHFinder_mod
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_INT :: i, j, k
+ CCTK_INT :: interp_handle, table_handle, status, coord_system_handle
+ character(len=200) :: gen_interp
+ CCTK_INT :: gen_interp_len
+ character(len=7) :: gen_order
+ CCTK_INT, dimension(1) :: lsh
+ CCTK_POINTER, dimension(3) :: interp_coords
+ CCTK_POINTER, dimension(3) :: out_arrays
+ CCTK_INT, dimension(3) :: in_arrays
+ CCTK_INT, dimension(3), parameter :: op_indices = (/ 0, 1, 2 /), &
+ op_codes = (/ 0, 0, 0 /)
+ CCTK_INT, dimension(3) :: out_types
+ CCTK_REAL :: alp2, psi4, dfux, dfuy, dfuz, factor
+ CCTK_REAL :: idetg, guxx, guxy, guxz, guyy, guyz, guzz
+ out_types = CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL
+ ! Convert the generator_interpolator string parameter to a Fortran string.
+ call CCTK_FortranString ( gen_interp_len, generator_interpolator, &
+ gen_interp )
+ ! Get the corresponding interpolator handle.
+ call CCTK_InterpHandle ( interp_handle, gen_interp )
+ if ( interp_handle .lt. 0 ) then
+ call CCTK_WARN( 0, "Cannot get handle for interpolation. Forgot to activate an implementation providing interpolation operators??" )
+ end if
+ ! Convert the interpolation order parameter to a Fortran string to be placed
+ ! in the interpolator table. Note that the order is assumed to contain only
+ ! 1 digit.
+ write(gen_order,'(a6,i1)') 'order=',generator_interpolation_order
+ ! Create the table directly from the string.
+ call Util_TableCreateFromString ( table_handle, gen_order )
+ if ( table_handle .lt. 0 ) then
+ call CCTK_WARN( 0, "Cannot create parameter table for interpolator" )
+ end if
+ ! Get the 3D coordinate system handle.
+ call CCTK_CoordSystemHandle ( coord_system_handle, "cart3d" )
+ if ( coord_system_handle .lt. 0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN( 0, "Cannot get handle for cart3d coordinate system. Forgot to activate an implementation providing coordinates ??" )
+ endif
+#include "include/physical_part.h"
+ ! Find out how many interpolation points are located on this processor.
+ call CCTK_GrouplshGN ( status, cctkGH, 1, lsh, "ehfinder::generators" )
+ if ( status .lt. 0 ) then
+ call CCTK_WARN ( 0, "cannot get local size for surface arrays" )
+ end if
+ ! Set the pointers to the points to be interpolated to.
+ interp_coords(1) = CCTK_PointerTo(xg)
+ interp_coords(2) = CCTK_PointerTo(yg)
+ interp_coords(3) = CCTK_PointerTo(zg)
+ ! Set the pointers to the output arrays.
+ out_arrays(1) = CCTK_PointerTo(dxg)
+ out_arrays(2) = CCTK_PointerTo(dyg)
+ out_arrays(3) = CCTK_PointerTo(dzg)
+ ! Set the indices to the input grid functions.
+ call CCTK_VarIndex ( in_arrays(1), "ehfinder::xgf" )
+ call CCTK_VarIndex ( in_arrays(2), "ehfinder::ygf" )
+ call CCTK_VarIndex ( in_arrays(3), "ehfinder::zgf" )
+ ! Set the operand indices table entry, corresponding
+ ! to interpolation of ehfinder::generator_gf (3)
+ call Util_TableSetIntArray ( status, table_handle, 3, &
+ op_indices, "operand_indices" )
+ if ( status .lt. 0 ) then
+ call CCTK_WARN ( 0, "Cannot set operand indices array in parameter table" )
+ endif
+ ! Set the corresponding table entry for the operation codes.
+ call Util_TableSetIntArray ( status, table_handle, 3, &
+ op_codes, "operation_codes" )
+ if ( status .lt. 0 ) then
+ call CCTK_WARN ( 0, "Cannot set operation codes array in parameter table" )
+ endif
+ ! Check the metric type. At present physical and static_conformal are
+ ! supported.
+ if ( CCTK_EQUALS ( metric_type, 'physical' ) ) then
+ do k = kzl, kzr
+ do j = jyl, jyr
+ do i = ixl, ixr
+ if ( eh_mask(i,j,k) .ge. 0 ) then
+ ! calculate the square of the lapse.
+ alp2 = alp(i,j,k)**2
+ ! Calculate the inverse of the 3-metric.
+ guxx = gyy(i,j,k) * gzz(i,j,k) - gyz(i,j,k)**2
+ guxy = gxz(i,j,k) * gyz(i,j,k) - gxy(i,j,k) * gzz(i,j,k)
+ guxz = gxy(i,j,k) * gyz(i,j,k) - gxz(i,j,k) * gyy(i,j,k)
+ idetg = one / ( gxx(i,j,k) * guxx + &
+ gxy(i,j,k) * guxy + &
+ gxz(i,j,k) * guxz )
+ guxx = idetg * guxx
+ guxy = idetg * guxy
+ guxz = idetg * guxz
+ guyy = ( gxx(i,j,k) * gzz(i,j,k) - gxz(i,j,k)**2 ) * idetg
+ guyz = ( gxy(i,j,k) * gxz(i,j,k) - gxx(i,j,k) * gyz(i,j,k) ) * idetg
+ guzz = ( gxx(i,j,k) * gyy(i,j,k) - gxy(i,j,k)**2 ) * idetg
+ ! Raise the index of the partial derivatives of f.
+ dfux = guxx * dfx(i,j,k) + guxy * dfy(i,j,k) + guxz * dfz(i,j,k)
+ dfuy = guxy * dfx(i,j,k) + guyy * dfy(i,j,k) + guyz * dfz(i,j,k)
+ dfuz = guxz * dfx(i,j,k) + guyz * dfy(i,j,k) + guzz * dfz(i,j,k)
+ ! Calculate the overall multiplication factor.
+ factor = alp2 / sqrt ( alp2 * ( dfux * dfx(i,j,k) + &
+ dfuy * dfy(i,j,k) + &
+ dfuz * dfz(i,j,k) ) )
+ ! Finally obtain dx^i/dt.
+ xgf(i,j,k) = - betax(i,j,k) + factor * dfux
+ ygf(i,j,k) = - betay(i,j,k) + factor * dfuy
+ zgf(i,j,k) = - betaz(i,j,k) + factor * dfuz
+ else
+ xgf(i,j,k) = zero
+ ygf(i,j,k) = zero
+ zgf(i,j,k) = zero
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ else if ( CCTK_EQUALS ( metric_type, 'static conformal' ) ) then
+ do i = 1, lsh(1)
+ alp2 = alpg(i)**2
+! The inverse of psi^4
+ psi4 = one / psig(i)**4
+ guxx = gyyg(i) * gzzg(i) - gyzg(i)**2
+ guxy = gxzg(i) * gyzg(i) - gxyg(i) * gzzg(i)
+ guxz = gxyg(i) * gyzg(i) - gxzg(i) * gyyg(i)
+! The determinant divided by psi^4.
+ idetg = psi4 / ( gxxg(i) * guxx + &
+ gxyg(i) * guxy + &
+ gxzg(i) * guxz )
+! The inverse metric. Since the determinant is already divided
+! by psi^4, this gives the inverse of the physical metric.
+ guxx = idetg * guxx
+ guxy = idetg * guxy
+ guxz = idetg * guxz
+ guyy = ( gxxg(i) * gzzg(i) - gxzg(i)**2 ) * idetg
+ guyz = ( gxyg(i) * gxzg(i) - gxxg(i) * gyzg(i) ) * idetg
+ guzz = ( gxxg(i) * gyyg(i) - gxyg(i)**2 ) * idetg
+ dfux = guxx * dfxg(i) + guxy * dfyg(i) + guxz * dfzg(i)
+ dfuy = guxy * dfxg(i) + guyy * dfyg(i) + guyz * dfzg(i)
+ dfuz = guxz * dfxg(i) + guyz * dfyg(i) + guzz * dfzg(i)
+ factor = alp2 / sqrt ( alp2 * ( dfux * dfxg(i) + &
+ dfuy * dfyg(i) + &
+ dfuz * dfzg(i) ) )
+ dxg(i) = - betaxg(i) + factor * dfux
+ dyg(i) = - betayg(i) + factor * dfuy
+ dzg(i) = - betazg(i) + factor * dfuz
+ end do
+ end if
+ ! Call the interpolator.
+ call CCTK_InterpGridArrays ( status, cctkGH, 3, interp_handle, &
+ table_handle, coord_system_handle, &
+ interp_coords, 3, in_arrays, &
+ 3, out_types, out_arrays )
+ if ( status .lt. 0 ) then
+ call CCTK_INFO ( 'Interpolation failed.' )
+ end if
+ return
+end subroutine EHFinder_Generator_Sources2