path: root/src/interp3.F
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authorryoji <ryoji@971fb155-194f-0410-9daf-e2eca44e59f5>2000-02-14 16:05:57 +0000
committerryoji <ryoji@971fb155-194f-0410-9daf-e2eca44e59f5>2000-02-14 16:05:57 +0000
commit605e01b46d8b0ee092f9a172a07e5874ea91c864 (patch)
tree8c3019e291af9ae84b5b40521ec3e900cf7153b1 /src/interp3.F
parent75444093e440ec29368d719e053f9e0bd435695e (diff)
remove from here.
git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinInitialData/DistortedBHIVP/trunk@11 971fb155-194f-0410-9daf-e2eca44e59f5
Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp3.F')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 264 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp3.F b/src/interp3.F
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bbdf90..0000000
--- a/src/interp3.F
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-c /*@@
-c @routine interp3
-c @date Fri Feb 14 08:46:53 1997
-c @author Ryoji Takahashi
-c @desc
-c Interpolates from 3D data var with coordinates x, y, and z and
-c sizes nx , ny, and nz onto 1D data out with position outx, outy
-c ,and outz nout points.
-c <p>
-c This has linear, quadratic and cubic interpolators in it.
-c Or will one day very soon.
-c @enddesc
-c @calls
-c @calledby numerical_nonaxi
- subroutine interp3(dat,x,y,z,nx,ny,nz,out,outx,outy,outz,nout
- $ ,order)
- implicit none
- integer nx,ny,nz,nout
- real*8 dat(nx,ny,nz), x(nx), y(ny), z(nz)
- real*8 out(nout),outx(nout),outy(nout),outz(nout)
- integer order
-c Interpolation goes from ibelow to ibelow+[1,2,3] depending on order
- integer i,j,k,l,m,ibelow,jbelow,kbelow,pt
- real*8 xsym,ysym,zsym,findx,findy,findz,frac
- real*8 ydir(order+1)
- real*8 zdir(order+1)
- real*8 f(4), fp(4,4), fl(4)
- real*8 dbh_linear, dbh_quad, dbh_cubic
- real*8 dx, dy, dz, PI
- integer twobhjsad
- pi = 4.0d0*atan(1.0d0)
- dx = x(2) - x(1)
- dy = y(2) - y(1)
- dz = z(2) - z(1)
-c Loop over all out points
- do pt=1,nout
- zsym = 1.0D0
- ysym = 1.0D0
- xsym = 1.0D0
-c Check bounds
- findx = outx(pt)
- if (findx .lt. x(1)) then
- write (*,*) "Below inner bound at ",pt,outx(pt)
- endif
- if (findx .gt. x(nx)) then
- write (*,*) "Above x bounds at ",pt,outx(pt),x(nx)
- endif
- findy = outy(pt)
- if (findy .lt. y(1)) then
- write (*,*) "Below y inner bound at ",pt,outy(pt)
- endif
- if (findy .gt. y(ny)) then
- write (*,*) "Below y inner bound at ",pt,outy(pt)
- endif
- findz = outz(pt)+pi
- if (findz .lt. z(1)) then
- write (*,*) "Below z inner bound at ",pt,outz(pt)
- endif
- if (findz .gt. z(nz)) then
- write (*,*) "Below z inner bound at ",pt,outz(pt)
- endif
-c Locate ourselves in i,j space
-c do i=1,nx
-c if (x(i) .lt. findx) then
-c ibelow = i
-c endif
-c enddo
-c Assume a regular grid
- ibelow = (findx-x(1))/dx+1
- if (order .eq. 3 .and. ibelow .gt. 1) then
- ibelow = ibelow - 1
- endif
- if (ibelow + order .gt. nx) then
- ibelow = nx - order
- endif
-c do i=1,ny
-c if (y(i) .lt. findy) then
-c jbelow = i
-c endif
-c enddo
-c Assume a regular grid
- jbelow = (findy-y(1))/dy+1
- if (order .eq. 3 .and. jbelow .gt. 1) then
- jbelow = jbelow - 1
- endif
- if (jbelow + order .gt. ny) then
- jbelow = ny - order
- endif
-c do i=1,nz
-c if (z(i) .lt. findz) then
-c kbelow = i
-c endif
-c enddo
-c Assume a regular grid
- kbelow = (findz-z(1))/dz+1
- if (order .eq. 3 .and. kbelow .gt. 1) then
- kbelow = kbelow - 1
- endif
- if (kbelow + order .gt. nz) then
- kbelow = nz - order
- endif
-c write (*,*) "PT :",findx,findy
-c write (*,*) "SYM:",sym
-c write (*,*) "BOUND X ",ibelow,x(ibelow),x(ibelow+1)
-c write (*,*) "BOUND Y ",jbelow,y(jbelow),y(jbelow+1)
-c write (*,*) "BOUND z ",kbelow,z(kbelow),z(kbelow+1)
-c So do the interpolation
- if (order .eq. 1) then
-c Interp in the x direction
-! frac = (findx-x(ibelow))/(x(ibelow+1)-x(ibelow))
- do l = 1,2
- do m = 1,2
- f(1) = dat(ibelow,jbelow+l-1,kbelow+m-1)
- f(2) = dat(ibelow+1,jbelow+l-1,kbelow+m-1)
- fp(l,m) = dbh_linear(f,x(ibelow),dx,findx)
- enddo
- enddo
-c Now take our 2x2 plane and interp to the center of both
-c in the y direction
-! frac = (findy-y(jbelow))/(y(jbelow+1)-y(jbelow))
- do m = 1,2
- f(1) = fp(1,m)
- f(2) = fp(2,m)
- fl(m) = dbh_linear(f,y(jbelow),dy,findy)
- enddo
-c And finally, interp in the z direction
- out(pt) = xsym * ysym * zsym *
- $ dbh_linear(fl,z(kbelow),dz,findz)
- else if (order .eq. 2) then
-c Load up for calls to poly2inter
- do l=1,3
- do m=1,3
- f(1) = dat(ibelow,jbelow+l-1,kbelow+m-1)
- f(2) = dat(ibelow+1,jbelow+l-1,kbelow+m-1)
- f(3) = dat(ibelow+2,jbelow+l-1,kbelow+m-1)
- fp(l,m) = dbh_quad(f,x(ibelow),dx,findx)
- enddo
- enddo
-c Now take our 2x2 plane and interp to the center of both
-c in the y direction
- do m=1,3
- f(1) = fp(1,m)
- f(2) = fp(2,m)
- f(3) = fp(3,m)
- fl(m) = dbh_quad(f,y(jbelow),dy,findy)
- enddo
-c And finally, interp in the z direction
- out(pt) = xsym * ysym * zsym *
- $ dbh_quad(fl,z(kbelow),dz,findz)
- else if (order .eq. 3) then
-c Load up for calls to cubic
- do l=1,4
- do m=1,4
- f(1) = dat(ibelow,jbelow+l-1,kbelow+m-1)
- f(2) = dat(ibelow+1,jbelow+l-1,kbelow+m-1)
- f(3) = dat(ibelow+2,jbelow+l-1,kbelow+m-1)
- f(4) = dat(ibelow+3,jbelow+l-1,kbelow+m-1)
- fp(l,m) = dbh_cubic(f,x(ibelow),dx,findx)
- enddo
- enddo
-c Now take our 2x2 plane and interp to the center of both
-c in the y direction
- do m=1,4
- f(1) = fp(1,m)
- f(2) = fp(2,m)
- f(3) = fp(3,m)
- f(4) = fp(4,m)
- fl(m) = dbh_cubic(f,y(jbelow),dy,findz)
- enddo
-c And finally, interp in the z direction
- out(pt) = xsym * ysym * zsym *
- $ dbh_cubic(fl,z(kbelow),dz,findz)
- else
- write (*,*) "ORDER set wrong in interp3d",order
- stop
- endif
- enddo
- return
- end
- real*8 function dbh_linear(f, x0, dx, findx)
- implicit none
- real*8 f(2),x0,dx,findx
- real*8 frac
- frac = (findx-x0)/dx
- dbh_linear = (frac)*f(2) + (1.0-frac)*f(1)
- return
- end
- real*8 function dbh_quad(f, x0, dx, findx)
- implicit none
- real*8 f(3),x0, dx, findx, dbh_quad
- real*8 f0,f1,f2
- real*8 a,b,c, dx2, x02, o2dx2
-c Mathematica tells us
-c - List(List(Rule(c,(2*dx**2*f0 + 3*dx*f0*x0 - 4*dx*f1*x0
-c - + dx*f2*x0 + f0*x0**2 - 2*f1*x0**2 + f2*x0**2)
-c - /(2*dx**2)), Rule(b,(-3*dx*f0 + 4*dx*f1 - dx*f2 - 2*f0*x0
-c - + 4*f1*x0 - 2*f2*x0)/(2*dx**2)),Rule(a,(f0 - 2*f1 +
-c - f2)/(2*dx**2))))
- f0 = f(1)
- f1 = f(2)
- f2 = f(3)
- dx2 = dx**2
- x02 = x0**2
- o2dx2 = 1.0D0/(2.0D0*dx2)
- c = (2.0D0*dx2*f0 + dx*x0*(3.0D0*f0 - 4.0D0*f1 + f2) +
- $ x02*(f0 - 2.0D0*f1 + f2))*o2dx2
- b = (dx * (-3.0D0*f0 + 4.0D0*f1 - f2) + x0 * (- 2.0D0*f0 +
- $ 4.0D0*f1 - 2.0D0*f2))*o2dx2
- a = (f0 - 2.0D0*f1 + f2)*o2dx2
- dbh_quad = a*findx**2 + b*findx + c
- end
- real*8 function dbh_cubic(f, x0, dx, findx)
- implicit none
- real*8 a,b,c,d,dbh_cubic
- real*8 f(4),x0,dx,findx
- a = -(f(1)-3.0*f(2)+3.0*f(3)-f(4)) / (6.0*(dx**3))
- b = (f(1)-2.0*f(2)+f(3))/(2.0*(dx**2)) +
- $ (f(1)-3.0*f(2)+3.0*f(3)-f(4))*(dx+x0)/(2.0*(dx**3))
- c = ((dx**2)*(-11.0*f(1) + 18.0*f(2) - 9.0*f(3) + 2.0*f(4)) +
- $ dx*x0* (-12.0*f(1) + 30.0*f(2) - 24.0*f(3) + 6.0*f(4)) +
- $ (x0**2)*( -3.0*f(1) + 9.0*f(2) - 9.0*f(3) + 3.0*f(4))) /
- $ (6.0*(dx**3))
- d = ((dx**3)* ( 6.0*f(1) ) +
- $ (dx**2)*x0*( 11.0*f(1) - 18.0*f(2) + 9.0*f(3) - 2.0*f(4)) +
- $ (x0**2)*dx*( 6.0*f(1) - 15.0*f(2) + 12.0*f(3) - 3.0*f(4)) +
- $ (x0**3)* ( 1.0*f(1) - 3.0*f(2) + 3.0*f(3) - 1.0*f(4)))/
- $ (6.0*(dx**3))
- dbh_cubic = ((a*findx + b)*findx + c)*findx + d
- return
- end