path: root/test/test_ob/test_ob.par
diff options
authorrhaas <rhaas@850bcc8b-0e4f-0410-8c26-8d28fbf1eda9>2012-05-10 20:39:13 +0000
committerrhaas <rhaas@850bcc8b-0e4f-0410-8c26-8d28fbf1eda9>2012-05-10 20:39:13 +0000
commit6716595d6b6e56394634eacb9ebd8e3a4e51101a (patch)
tree98d27c80557d3f972df546c6e47e52a3e015f547 /test/test_ob/test_ob.par
parentc0bce9afdc9ac6e15cd213fc4fe0faa30513dfa1 (diff)
increase test tolerance by 100 since gxx is of order 100 not 1 anymore
make domain description play nicer with Carpet use NoExcision to remove innermost part of black hole singularity stagger points aways from origin reduce elliptic solver accuracy all of these hopefully make the test more robust to changes in the compiler git-svn-id: http://svn.cactuscode.org/arrangements/CactusNumerical/Dissipation/trunk@48 850bcc8b-0e4f-0410-8c26-8d28fbf1eda9
Diffstat (limited to 'test/test_ob/test_ob.par')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/test/test_ob/test_ob.par b/test/test_ob/test_ob.par
deleted file mode 100644
index 8da7a66..0000000
--- a/test/test_ob/test_ob.par
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-!DESC "distorted BH, no rotation, fixed mesh refinement evolution with carpet"
-# $Id$
-# Distorted BH
-# Frank Herrmann 19.Jun.2003
-# Edited IH 31.Jul.2003 for Carpet.
-# Edited RH 29.Apr.2012 for ML_BSSN.
-ActiveThorns = "ahfinderdirect sphericalsurface symbase CoordBase carpetioascii idaxibrillbh spacemask admcoupling admbase staticconformal admmacros coordgauge admanalysis mol ml_bssn ml_bssn_helper genericfd loopcontrol newrad tmunubase ml_admconstraints carpetinterp localinterp aeilocalinterp boundary time carpet carpetlib carpetregrid carpetreduce loopcontrol carpetslab cartgrid3d ioutil carpetiobasic carpetioscalar ellbase nanchecker dissipation localreduce reflectionsymmetry"
-#--- grid
-time::dtfac = 0.25
-grid::type = "coordbase"
-grid::avoid_origin = "no"
-grid::domain = "full"
-carpet::domain_from_coordbase = "yes"
-coordbase::xmin = -12.45
-coordbase::xmax = +12.35
-coordbase::ymin = -12.4
-coordbase::ymax = +12.4
-coordbase::zmin = -0.8
-coordbase::zmax = +12.0
-coordbase::boundary_size_x_lower = 2 #ghost size
-coordbase::boundary_size_y_lower = 2 #ghost size
-coordbase::boundary_size_z_lower = 2 #ghost size
-coordbase::boundary_size_x_upper = 2 #ghost size
-coordbase::boundary_size_y_upper = 2 #ghost size
-coordbase::boundary_size_z_upper = 2 #ghost size
-coordbase::boundary_shiftout_z_lower = 1
-reflectionsymmetry::avoid_origin_z = "no"
-reflectionsymmetry::reflection_z = "yes"
-carpetregrid::smart_outer_boundaries = "yes"
-carpet::grid_structure_filename = "grids"
-cactus::cctk_itlast = 4
-carpet::ghost_size = 2
-carpet::max_refinement_levels = 2
-carpetregrid::refinement_levels = 2
-carpet::prolongation_order_space = 3
-carpet::prolongation_order_time = 2
-carpet::use_buffer_zones = yes
-carpet::additional_buffer_zones = 1
-carpet::init_3_timelevels = "yes"
-carpetregrid::refined_regions = "manual-coordinate-list"
-carpetregrid::coordinates = "[ [ ([-0.2,-0.2,-0.2]:[4.0,4.0,4.0]:[0.2,0.2,0.2]) ] ]"
-#--- axisymmetric brill wave+bh
-admbase::initial_data = "axibrillbh"
-idaxibrillbh::amp = 0.1
-idaxibrillbh::eta0 = 0.0
-idaxibrillbh::sigma = 1.0
-idaxibrillbh::etamax = 6.0
-idaxibrillbh::n = 4
-idaxibrillbh::ne = 302
-idaxibrillbh::nq = 54
-idaxibrillbh::generate_StaticConformal_metric = false
-admbase::evolution_method = "ml_bssn"
-# this lies since generate_StaticConformal_metric == false (rev 79), but there
-# is a pesky ParamWarn since rev 48 that tests for this. If ML_BSSN ever tests
-# for this (and it should) we are cheesed
-admbase::metric_type = "static conformal"
-ml_bssn::timelevels = 3
-admbase::metric_timelevels = 3
-ML_ADMConstraints::timelevels = 3
-#--- numerics
-mol::ode_method = "icn"
-mol::initial_data_is_crap = "yes"
-ml_bssn::fdOrder = 2
-ml_bssn::my_initial_boundary_condition = "extrapolate-gammas"
-ml_bssn::ml_log_confac_bound = "flat"
-ml_bssn::ml_metric_bound = "flat"
-ml_bssn::ml_gamma_bound = "flat"
-ml_bssn::ml_trace_curv_bound = "flat"
-ml_bssn::ml_curv_bound = "flat"
-ml_bssn::ml_lapse_bound = "flat"
-ml_bssn::ml_dtlapse_bound = "flat"
-ml_bssn::ml_shift_bound = "flat"
-ml_bssn::ml_dtshift_bound = "flat"
-boundary::radpower = 3
-#--- gauge
-admbase::initial_lapse = "one"
-admbase::lapse_evolution_method = "ML_BSSN"
-admbase::dtlapse_evolution_method = "ML_BSSN"
-ML_BSSN::AlphaDriver = 1
-ML_BSSN::LapseAdvectionCoeff = 0
-ml_bssn::harmonicf = 2.0
-admbase::initial_shift = "zero"
-admbase::initial_dtshift = "zero"
-admbase::shift_evolution_method = "ML_BSSN"
-admbase::dtshift_evolution_method = "ML_BSSN"
-ml_bssn::ShiftGammaCoeff = 0.75
-ml_bssn::BetaDriver = 1.1
-ML_BSSN::ShiftAdvectionCoeff = 0
-#--- output
-io::out_dir = $parfile
-io::out_fileinfo = "none"
-ioscalar::outScalar_every = 2
-ioscalar::outScalar_vars = "admbase::alp admbase::metric admbase::shift ml_admconstraints::ML_mom ml_admconstraints::ML_ham dissipation::epsdisA"
-iobasic::outInfo_every = 2
-iobasic::outInfo_vars = "dissipation::epsdisA"
-ioascii::out1D_every = 1
-ioascii::out1D_vars = "admbase::alp admbase::metric admbase::curv admbase::shift ml_admconstraints::ML_mom ml_admconstraints::ML_ham dissipation::epsdisA"
-## ascii 2D output gets big
-#ioascii::out2D_every = 1
-#ioascii::out2D_vars = "admbase::alp admbase::metric admbase::curv admbase::shift admconstraints::momentum admconstraints::ham admconstraints::normalized_hamiltonian adm_bssn::adm_bs_phi adm_bssn::adm_bssn_metric adm_bssn::adm_bs_k adm_bssn::adm_bssn_gamma adm_bssn::adm_bssn_curv dissipation::epsdisA"
-#--- nanchecker
-nanchecker::check_every = 2
-nanchecker::check_vars ="admbase::alp admbase::metric admbase::curv admbase::shift"
-nanchecker::action_if_found ="terminate"
-#--- sphericalsurface
-sphericalsurface::nsurfaces = 1
-sphericalsurface::maxntheta = 100
-sphericalsurface::maxnphi = 100
-sphericalsurface::ntheta[0] = 100
-sphericalsurface::ntheta[1] = 100
-#--- ahfinderdirect
-AHFinderDirect::N_horizons = 1
-AHFinderDirect::find_every = 1
-AHFinderDirect::max_Newton_iterations__initial = 50
-AHFinderDirect::max_Newton_iterations__subsequent = 50
-AHFinderDirect::initial_guess__coord_sphere__radius [1] = 2.0
-ahfinderdirect::which_surface_to_store_info [1] = 0
-#--- dissipation
-dissipation::ah_slope = 2.0
-dissipation::epsdis = 0.2
-dissipation::verbose = "no"
-dissipation::extra_dissipation_in_horizons = "yes"
-dissipation::update_ah_every = 2
-dissipation::surface_number[0] = 0
-dissipation::horizon_number[0] = 1
-dissipation::extra_dissipation_at_outerbound = "yes"
-dissipation::outer_bound_npoints = 5
-dissipation::ob_slope = 1
-Dissipation::vars = "
- ML_BSSN::phi
- ML_BSSN::ML_metric
- ML_BSSN::ML_curv
- ML_BSSN::trK
- ML_BSSN::ML_Gamma
- ML_BSSN::ML_lapse
- ML_BSSN::ML_shift