path: root/test/schw-0050MoL.par
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/schw-0050MoL.par')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/schw-0050MoL.par b/test/schw-0050MoL.par
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df3b3a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/schw-0050MoL.par
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Note: The output directory for this test is identical to that of
+# schw-0050.par, so to activate this test simply symlink
+# schw-0050.parMoL to this directory, i.e.
+# ln -s schw-0050 schw-0050MoL
+# (assuming your file system allows symlinks. Otherwise a simple copy
+# will work as well.)
+# cartoon, using BSSN_MoL
+ActiveThorns = "admbase admcoupling admmacros coordgauge spacemask staticconformal idanalyticbh time pugh pughreduce pughslab cartgrid3d ioascii ioutil iobasic cartoon2d bssn_mol mol admconstraints boundary nanchecker"
+IOBasic::outScalar_vars = " admbase::metric admbase::curv admbase::lapse admbase::shift staticconformal::psi adm_bssn::adm_bssn_metric adm_bssn::adm_bssn_curv adm_bssn::adm_bssn_k adm_bssn::adm_bssn_gamma adm_bssn::adm_bssn_phi admconstraints::momy admconstraints::ham "
+IOBasic::outInfo_vars = " admconstraints::ham admbase::alp "
+IOASCII::out1D_vars = " admbase::metric admbase::curv admbase::lapse admbase::shift staticconformal::psi adm_bssn::adm_bssn_metric adm_bssn::adm_bssn_curv adm_bssn::adm_bssn_k adm_bssn::adm_bssn_gamma adm_bssn::adm_bssn_phi admconstraints::momy admconstraints::ham "
+# schwarzschild initial data
+admbase::initial_data = "bl_bh"
+admbase::metric_type = "static conformal"
+idanalyticbh::bl_M_1 = 1.0
+#generic machine outputdir
+# Cartoon grid
+driver::global_nx = 51
+driver::global_ny = 5
+driver::global_nz = 51
+grid::type = "byrange"
+grid::xmin = -0.15
+grid::xmax = 4.85
+grid::ymin = -0.2
+grid::ymax = 0.2
+grid::zmin = -4.85
+grid::zmax = 4.85
+time::dtfac = 0.25
+grid::domain = "bitant"
+grid::bitant_plane = "xy"
+driver::ghost_size_x = 2
+driver::ghost_size_y = 2
+driver::ghost_size_z = 2
+cactus::cctk_itlast = 10
+grid::avoid_originy = "no"
+cartoon2d::stencil = "yes"
+cartoon2d::order = 3
+adm_bssn::cartoon = "yes"
+cartoon2d::cartoon_active = "yes"
+admconstraints::cartoon = "yes"
+# Standard ADM_BSSN evolution
+admbase::evolution_method = "adm_bssn"
+methodoflines::ode_method = "icn"
+adm_bssn::ICN_itnum = 3
+adm_bssn::stencil_size = 2
+adm_bssn::advection = "upwind2"
+adm_bssn::bound = "newrad"
+boundary::radpower = 3
+# 1+log
+admbase::initial_lapse = "one"
+admbase::lapse_evolution_method = "1+log"
+adm_bssn::lapsesource = "modified"
+adm_bssn::harmonic_f = 2.0
+# Gamma2 shift
+admbase::initial_shift = "zero"
+admbase::shift_evolution_method = "gamma2"
+adm_bssn::ShiftGammaCoeff = 0.75
+adm_bssn::BetaDriver = 4.0
+adm_bssn::ShiftAlpPower = 1
+adm_bssn::ShiftPsiPower = 4
+# 1D output
+IOBasic::outScalar_every = 1
+IOASCII::out1D_every = 1
+IOBasic::outInfo_every = 1
+IO::out_fileinfo = "none"