path: root/src/patch
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/patch')
4 files changed, 458 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/src/patch/patch.cc b/src/patch/patch.cc
index 92262ef..dde6dcd 100644
--- a/src/patch/patch.cc
+++ b/src/patch/patch.cc
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
// x_patch::x_patch
// y_patch::y_patch
+// patch::decode_integration_method
+// patch::integrate_gridfn
+// patch::integration_coeff
// patch::ghost_zone_on_edge
// patch::corner_ghost_zone_containing_point
// patch::ghost_zone_containing_point
@@ -21,9 +24,11 @@
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
+#include <cstring>
#include <assert.h>
using std::fprintf;
using std::printf;
+using std::strcmp;
#include "cctk.h"
@@ -156,6 +161,137 @@ y_patch::y_patch(patch_system &my_patch_system_in, int patch_number_in,
+// This function decodes the character-string name of an integration method
+// into an enum integration_method . See the comments in "patch.hh" on the
+// declaration of enum integration_method for details on the methods and
+// their character-string names.
+ enum patch::integration_method
+ patch::decode_integration_method(const char method_string[])
+if ( STRING_EQUAL(method_string, "trapezoid")
+ || STRING_EQUAL(method_string, "trapezoid rule") )
+ then return integration_method__trapezoid;
+else if ( STRING_EQUAL(method_string, "Simpson")
+ || STRING_EQUAL(method_string, "Simpson's rule") )
+ then return integration_method__Simpson;
+else if ( STRING_EQUAL(method_string, "Simpson (variant)")
+ || STRING_EQUAL(method_string, "Simpson's rule (variant)") )
+ then return integration_method__Simpson_variant;
+else error_exit(ERROR_EXIT,
+"***** patch::decode_integration_method():\n"
+" unknown method_string=\"%s\"!\n"
+ method_string); /*NOTREACHED*/
+// This function computes an approximation to the (surface) integral of
+// a gridfn over the patch's nominal area,
+// area_weighting_flag ? $\int f(\rho,\sigma) \, dA$
+// : $\int f(\rho,\sigma) \, d\rho \, d\sigma$
+// where $f(\rho,\sigma)$ is the gridfn and $dA$ is the area element in
+// $(\rho,sigma)$ coordinates.
+// The integration scheme is selected based on the method argument.
+// Bugs:
+// The way the integration coefficients are computed is somewhat inefficient.
+fp patch::integrate_gridfn(int src_gfn,
+ bool area_weighting_flag,
+ enum integration_method method)
+ const
+fp sum = 0.0;
+ for (int irho = min_irho() ; irho <= max_irho() ; ++irho)
+ {
+ for (int isigma = min_isigma() ; isigma <= max_isigma() ; ++isigma)
+ {
+ sum += gridfn(src_gfn, irho,isigma)
+ * integration_coeff(method,
+ max_irho()-min_irho(),
+ irho -min_irho())
+ * integration_coeff(method,
+ max_isigma()-min_isigma(),
+ isigma -min_isigma());
+ }
+ }
+return delta_rho() * delta_sigma() * sum;
+// This function computes the integration coefficients for
+// integrate_gridfn() . That is, if we write
+// $\int_{x_0}^{x_N} f(x) \, dx
+// \approx \Delta x \, \sum_{i=0}^N c_i f(x_i)$
+// then this function computes $c_i$.
+// Arguments:
+// method = Specifies the integration method.
+// N = The number of integration intervals.
+// i = Specifies the point at which the coefficient is desired.
+ fp patch::integration_coeff(enum integration_method method, int N, int i)
+assert(i >= 0);
+assert(i <= N);
+switch (method)
+ {
+case integration_method__trapezoid:
+ if ((i == 0) || (i == N))
+ then return 0.5;
+ else return 1.0;
+case integration_method__Simpson:
+ if ((N % 2) != 0)
+ then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT,
+"***** patch::integration_coeff():\n"
+" Simpson's rule requires N to be even, but N=%d!\n",
+ if ((i == 0) || (i == N))
+ then return 1.0/3.0;
+ else if ((i % 2) == 0)
+ then return 2.0/3.0;
+ else return 4.0/3.0;
+case integration_method__Simpson_variant:
+ if (N < 7)
+ then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT,
+"***** patch::integration_coeff():\n"
+" Simpson's rule (variant) requires N >= 7, but N=%d!\n",
+ if ((i == 0) || (i == N))
+ then return 17.0/48.0;
+ else if ((i == 1) || (i == N-1))
+ then return 59.0/48.0;
+ else if ((i == 2) || (i == N-2))
+ then return 43.0/48.0;
+ else if ((i == 3) || (i == N-3))
+ then return 49.0/48.0;
+ else return 1.0;
+ error_exit(ERROR_EXIT,
+"***** patch::integration_coeff(): unknown method=(int)%d!\n"
+" (this should never happen!)\n"
+ int(method)); /*NOTREACHED*/
+ }
// This function returns a reference to the ghost zone on a specified
// edge, after first assert()ing that the edge belongs to this patch.
diff --git a/src/patch/patch.hh b/src/patch/patch.hh
index 8a90d56..950a7f6 100644
--- a/src/patch/patch.hh
+++ b/src/patch/patch.hh
@@ -252,6 +252,107 @@ public:
+ // ***** gridfn operations *****
+ //
+ //
+ // The following enum describes the integration methods supported
+ // by integrate_gridfn() .
+ //
+ // For convenience of exposition we describe the methods as if for
+ // 1-D integration, but integrate_gridfn() actually does 2-D
+ // (surface) integration over the patch.
+ //
+ // Suppose we're computing $\int_{x_0}^{x^N} f(x) \, dx$, using the
+ // equally spaced integration points $f_0$, $f_1$, \dots, $f_N$,
+ // spaced $\Delta x$ apart. Then the integration methods are as
+ // follows, with the convention that $\langle X \rangle$ denotes
+ // indefinite repetition of the "X" terms, depending on N:
+ //
+ enum integration_method
+ {
+ // Trapezoid rule
+ // ... character-string name "trapezoid" or "trapezoid rule"
+ // ... 2nd order accurate for smooth functions
+ // ... requires N >= 1
+ // $$
+ // \Delta x \left[
+ // \half f_0
+ // + \langle
+ // f_k
+ // \rangle
+ // + \half f_N
+ // \right]
+ // $$
+ integration_method__trapezoid,
+ // Simpson's rule
+ // ... character-string name "Simpson" or "Simpson's rule"
+ // ... 4th order accurate for smooth functions
+ // ... requires N >= 2 and N even
+ // $$
+ // \Delta x \left[
+ // \frac{1}{3} f_0
+ // + \frac{4}{3} f_1
+ // + \langle
+ // \frac{2}{3} f_{2k} + \frac{4}{3} f_{2k+1}
+ // \rangle
+ // + \frac{1}{3} f_N
+ // \right]
+ // $$
+ integration_method__Simpson,
+ // Simpson's rule, variant form
+ // ... characgter-string name "Simpson (variant)"
+ // or "Simpson's rule (variant)"
+ // ... described in Numerical Recipes 1st edition (4.1.14)
+ // ... 4th order accurate for smooth functions
+ // ... requires N >= 7
+ // $$
+ // \Delta x \left[
+ // \frac{17}{48} f_0
+ // + \frac{59}{48} f_1
+ // + \frac{43}{48} f_2
+ // + \frac{49}{48} f_3
+ // + \langle
+ // f_k
+ // \rangle
+ // + \frac{49}{48} f_{N-3}
+ // + \frac{43}{48} f_{N-2}
+ // + \frac{59}{48} f_{N-1}
+ // + \frac{17}{48} f_N
+ // \right]
+ // $$
+ integration_method__Simpson_variant // no comma here!
+ };
+ // decode character string name into internal enum
+ static
+ enum integration_method
+ decode_integration_method(const char method_string[]);
+ // integrate a gridfn: computes an approximation to the surface
+ // integral
+ // area_weighting_flag ? $\int f(\rho,\sigma) \, dA$
+ // : $\int f(\rho,\sigma) \, d\rho \, d\sigma$
+ // where $dA$ is the area element in $(\rho,sigma)$ coordinates
+ // ... integration method selected by method argument
+ // FIXME: right now this is ignored :( :(
+ fp integrate_gridfn(int src_gfn,
+ bool area_weighting_flag,
+ enum integration_method method)
+ const;
+ // compute integration coefficient $c_i$ where
+ // $\int_{x_0}^{x_N} f(x) \, dx
+ // \approx \Delta x \, \sum_{i=0}^N c_i f(x_i)$
+ static
+ fp integration_coeff(enum integration_method method, int N, int i);
+ //
// ***** patch edges ****
diff --git a/src/patch/patch_system.cc b/src/patch/patch_system.cc
index 575556f..c8ed7d0 100644
--- a/src/patch/patch_system.cc
+++ b/src/patch/patch_system.cc
@@ -23,10 +23,12 @@
// patch_system::patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn
// patch_system::ghosted_patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn
+// patch_system::set_gridfn_to_constant
// patch_system::gridfn_copy
// patch_system::add_to_ghosted_gridfn
// patch_system::gridfn_norms
// patch_system::ghosted_gridfn_norms
+// patch_system::integrate_gridfn
// patch_system::print_unknown_gridfn
// patch_system::read_unknown_gridfn
@@ -93,6 +95,9 @@ using jtutil::error_exit;
// be 1; in general
// N_overlap_points = 2*N_extend_points + 1
// delta_drho_dsigma = Grid spacing (both rho and sigma) in degrees.
+// print_msg_flag = true to print CCTK_VInfo messages describing the
+// construction process,
+// false to skip this (and be silent except for errors)
patch_system::patch_system(fp origin_x_in, fp origin_y_in, fp origin_z_in,
enum patch_system_type type_in,
@@ -100,7 +105,8 @@ patch_system::patch_system(fp origin_x_in, fp origin_y_in, fp origin_z_in,
fp delta_drho_dsigma,
int min_gfn_in, int max_gfn_in,
int ghosted_min_gfn_in, int ghosted_max_gfn_in,
- int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle)
+ int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle,
+ bool print_msg_flag)
: global_coords_(origin_x_in, origin_y_in, origin_z_in),
@@ -124,53 +130,63 @@ switch (type_in)
case full_sphere_patch_system:
- N_ghost_points, N_extend_points,
- delta_drho_dsigma);
+ N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma,
+ print_msg_flag);
setup_gridfn_storage(min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in,
- ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in);
+ ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in,
+ print_msg_flag);
- interp_par_table_handle);
+ interp_par_table_handle,
+ print_msg_flag);
case plus_z_hemisphere_patch_system:
- N_ghost_points, N_extend_points,
- delta_drho_dsigma);
+ N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma,
+ print_msg_flag);
setup_gridfn_storage(min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in,
- ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in);
+ ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in,
+ print_msg_flag);
- interp_par_table_handle);
+ interp_par_table_handle,
+ print_msg_flag);
case plus_xy_quadrant_patch_system:
- N_ghost_points, N_extend_points,
- delta_drho_dsigma);
+ N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma,
+ print_msg_flag);
setup_gridfn_storage(min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in,
- ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in);
+ ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in,
+ print_msg_flag);
- interp_par_table_handle);
+ interp_par_table_handle,
+ print_msg_flag);
case plus_xz_quadrant_patch_system:
- N_ghost_points, N_extend_points,
- delta_drho_dsigma);
+ N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma,
+ print_msg_flag);
setup_gridfn_storage(min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in,
- ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in);
+ ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in,
+ print_msg_flag);
- interp_par_table_handle);
+ interp_par_table_handle,
+ print_msg_flag);
case plus_xyz_octant_patch_system:
- N_ghost_points, N_extend_points,
- delta_drho_dsigma);
+ N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma,
+ print_msg_flag);
setup_gridfn_storage(min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in,
- ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in);
+ ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in,
+ print_msg_flag);
- interp_par_table_handle);
+ interp_par_table_handle,
+ print_msg_flag);
@@ -213,23 +229,28 @@ delete gridfn_storage_;
void patch_system::create_patches(const struct patch_info patch_info_in[],
int N_ghost_points, int N_extend_points,
- fp delta_drho_dsigma)
+ fp delta_drho_dsigma,
+ bool print_msg_flag)
- " constructing %s patch system",
- name_of_type(type()));
- " at origin (%g,%g,%g)",
- double(origin_x()), double(origin_y()), double(origin_z()));
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then {
+ " constructing %s patch system",
+ name_of_type(type()));
+ " at origin (%g,%g,%g)",
+ double(origin_x()), double(origin_y()), double(origin_z()));
+ }
N_grid_points_ = 0;
ghosted_N_grid_points_ = 0;
for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn)
const struct patch_info& pi = patch_info_in[pn];
- " constructing %s patch",
- pi.name);
+ if (print_msg_flag)
+ " constructing %s patch",
+ pi.name);
struct patch *p;
switch (pi.ctype)
@@ -322,7 +343,8 @@ ghosted_starting_gpn_[N_patches_] = ghosted_N_grid_points_;
void patch_system::setup_gridfn_storage
(int min_gfn_in, int max_gfn_in,
- int ghosted_min_gfn_in, int ghosted_max_gfn_in)
+ int ghosted_min_gfn_in, int ghosted_max_gfn_in,
+ bool print_msg_flag)
const int N_gridfns_in = jtutil::how_many_in_range(min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in);
const int ghosted_N_gridfns_in
@@ -334,14 +356,17 @@ const int ghosted_gfn_stride = ghosted_N_grid_points();
const int N_storage = gfn_stride * N_gridfns_in;
const int ghosted_N_storage = ghosted_gfn_stride * ghosted_N_gridfns_in;
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " setting up gridfn storage");
- " gfn=[%d,%d] ghosted_gfn=[%d,%d]",
- min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in,
- ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in);
- " N_grid_points()=%d ghosted_N_grid_points()=%d",
- N_grid_points(), ghosted_N_grid_points());
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then {
+ CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " setting up gridfn storage");
+ " gfn=[%d,%d] ghosted_gfn=[%d,%d]",
+ min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in,
+ ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in);
+ " N_grid_points()=%d ghosted_N_grid_points()=%d",
+ N_grid_points(), ghosted_N_grid_points());
+ }
// storage arrays for all gridfns
gridfn_storage_ = new fp[N_storage];
@@ -370,8 +395,11 @@ ghosted_gridfn_storage_ = new fp[ghosted_N_storage];
p.setup_gridfn_storage(gridfn_pars, ghosted_gridfn_pars);
- " checking that storage is partitioned properly");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then {
+ " checking that storage is partitioned properly");
+ }
// check to make sure storage for distinct gridfns
// forms a partition of the overall storage array
@@ -508,9 +536,12 @@ const patch& plast = ith_patch(N_patches()-1);
void patch_system::interlink_full_sphere_patch_system
(int N_overlap_points,
- int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle)
+ int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle,
+ bool print_msg_flag)
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " interlinking full sphere patch system");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ " interlinking full sphere patch system");
patch& pz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+z"));
patch& px = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+x"));
@@ -520,7 +551,8 @@ patch& my = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("-y"));
patch& mz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("-z"));
// create the ghost zones
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones");
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, px, N_overlap_points);
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, py, N_overlap_points);
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, mx, N_overlap_points);
@@ -535,7 +567,8 @@ create_interpatch_ghost_zones(mz, mx, N_overlap_points);
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(mz, my, N_overlap_points);
// finish setting up the interpatch ghost zones
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup");
finish_interpatch_setup(pz, px,
interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle);
@@ -584,9 +617,12 @@ assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup();
void patch_system::interlink_plus_z_hemisphere_patch_system
(int N_overlap_points,
- int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle)
+ int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle,
+ bool print_msg_flag)
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " interlinking +z hemisphere patch system");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ " interlinking +z hemisphere patch system");
patch& pz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+z"));
patch& px = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+x"));
@@ -595,7 +631,8 @@ patch& mx = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("-x"));
patch& my = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("-y"));
// create the ghost zones
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones");
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, px, N_overlap_points);
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, py, N_overlap_points);
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, mx, N_overlap_points);
@@ -610,7 +647,8 @@ mx.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(mx.min_rho_patch_edge());
// finish setting up the interpatch ghost zones
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup");
finish_interpatch_setup(pz, px,
interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle);
@@ -647,9 +685,12 @@ assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup();
void patch_system::interlink_plus_xy_quadrant_patch_system
(int N_overlap_points,
- int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle)
+ int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle,
+ bool print_msg_flag)
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " interlinking +xy quadrant patch system");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ " interlinking +xy quadrant patch system");
patch& pz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+z"));
patch& px = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+x"));
@@ -657,7 +698,8 @@ patch& py = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+y"));
patch& mz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("-z"));
// create the ghost zones
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones");
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, px, N_overlap_points);
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, py, N_overlap_points);
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(px, py, N_overlap_points);
@@ -674,7 +716,8 @@ create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zones(mz.max_rho_patch_edge(),
// finish setting up the interpatch ghost zones
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup");
finish_interpatch_setup(pz, px,
interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle);
@@ -702,9 +745,12 @@ assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup();
void patch_system::interlink_plus_xz_quadrant_patch_system
(int N_overlap_points,
- int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle)
+ int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle,
+ bool print_msg_flag)
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " interlinking +xz quadrant patch system");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ " interlinking +xz quadrant patch system");
patch& pz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+z"));
patch& px = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+x"));
@@ -712,7 +758,8 @@ patch& py = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+y"));
patch& my = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("-y"));
// create the ghost zones
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones");
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, px, N_overlap_points);
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, py, N_overlap_points);
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, my, N_overlap_points);
@@ -729,7 +776,8 @@ create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zones(py.max_sigma_patch_edge(),
// finish setting up the interpatch ghost zones
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup");
finish_interpatch_setup(pz, px,
interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle);
@@ -757,16 +805,20 @@ assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup();
void patch_system::interlink_plus_xyz_octant_patch_system
(int N_overlap_points,
- int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle)
+ int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle,
+ bool print_msg_flag)
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " interlinking +xyz octant patch system");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ " interlinking +xyz octant patch system");
patch& pz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+z"));
patch& px = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+x"));
patch& py = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+y"));
// create the ghost zones
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones");
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, px, N_overlap_points);
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, py, N_overlap_points);
create_interpatch_ghost_zones(px, py, N_overlap_points);
@@ -780,7 +832,8 @@ create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zones(px.min_sigma_patch_edge(),
// finish setting up the interpatch ghost zones
-CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup");
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup");
finish_interpatch_setup(pz, px,
interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle);
@@ -990,7 +1043,8 @@ error_exit(ERROR_EXIT,
// design would be to return this via a patch*& argument, but the design
// used here seems slightly cleaner to use in practice.)
-patch& patch_system::patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn(int gpn, int& irho, int& isigma)
+const patch&
+ patch_system::patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn(int gpn, int& irho, int& isigma)
assert( gpn >= 0 );
@@ -1001,7 +1055,7 @@ assert( gpn < N_grid_points() );
// n.b. [pn+1] is ok since starting_gpn_[] has size N_patches()+1
if ((gpn >= starting_gpn_[pn]) && (gpn < starting_gpn_[pn+1]))
then {
- patch& p = ith_patch(pn);
+ const patch& p = ith_patch(pn);
const int gpn_in_patch = gpn - starting_gpn_[pn];
assert( gpn_in_patch >= 0 );
assert( gpn_in_patch < p.N_grid_points() );
@@ -1034,7 +1088,8 @@ error_exit(PANIC_EXIT,
// design would be to return this via a patch*& argument, but the design
// used here seems slightly cleaner to use in practice.)
-patch& patch_system::ghosted_patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn
+const patch&
+ patch_system::ghosted_patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn
(int gpn, int& irho, int& isigma)
@@ -1048,7 +1103,7 @@ assert( gpn < ghosted_N_grid_points() );
if ( (gpn >= ghosted_starting_gpn_[pn])
&& (gpn < ghosted_starting_gpn_[pn+1]))
then {
- patch& p = ith_patch(pn);
+ const patch& p = ith_patch(pn);
const int gpn_in_patch = gpn - ghosted_starting_gpn_[pn];
assert( gpn_in_patch >= 0 );
assert( gpn_in_patch < p.ghosted_N_grid_points() );
@@ -1071,6 +1126,28 @@ error_exit(PANIC_EXIT,
+// This function sets a (nominal-grid) gridfn to a constant value.
+void patch_system::set_gridfn_to_constant(fp a, int dst_gfn)
+ for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn)
+ {
+ patch& p = ith_patch(pn);
+ for (int irho = p.min_irho() ; irho <= p.max_irho() ; ++irho)
+ {
+ for (int isigma = p.min_isigma() ;
+ isigma <= p.max_isigma() ;
+ ++isigma)
+ {
+ p.gridfn(dst_gfn, irho,isigma) = a;
+ }
+ }
+ }
// This function copies one (nominal-grid) gridfn to another.
void patch_system::gridfn_copy(int src_gfn, int dst_gfn)
@@ -1120,6 +1197,7 @@ void patch_system::add_to_ghosted_gridfn(fp delta, int ghosted_dst_gfn)
// This function computes norms of a nominal-grid gridfn.
void patch_system::gridfn_norms(int src_gfn, jtutil::norm<fp>& norms)
+ const
if (! is_valid_gfn(src_gfn))
then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT,
@@ -1130,7 +1208,7 @@ norms.reset();
for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn)
- patch& p = ith_patch(pn);
+ const patch& p = ith_patch(pn);
for (int irho = p.min_irho() ; irho <= p.max_irho() ; ++irho)
for (int isigma = p.min_isigma() ;
@@ -1150,6 +1228,7 @@ norms.reset();
void patch_system::ghosted_gridfn_norms(int ghosted_src_gfn,
jtutil::norm<fp>& norms)
+ const
if (! is_valid_ghosted_gfn(ghosted_src_gfn))
then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT,
@@ -1159,7 +1238,7 @@ norms.reset();
for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn)
- patch& p = ith_patch(pn);
+ const patch& p = ith_patch(pn);
for (int irho = p.ghosted_min_irho() ;
irho <= p.ghosted_max_irho() ;
@@ -1175,6 +1254,35 @@ norms.reset();
+// This function computes an approximation to the (surface) integral of
+// a gridfn over the whole patch system,
+// area_weighting_flag ? $\int f(\rho,\sigma) \, dA$
+// : $\int f(\rho,\sigma) \, d\rho \, d\sigma$
+// where $f(\rho,\sigma)$ is the gridfn and $dA$ is the area element in
+// $(\rho,sigma)$ coordinates.
+// The integration scheme is selected based on the method argument.
+// Bugs:
+// The way the integration coefficients are computed is somewhat inefficient.
+fp patch_system::integrate_gridfn(int src_gfn,
+ bool area_weighting_flag,
+ enum patch::integration_method method)
+ const
+fp integral = 0.0;
+ for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn)
+ {
+ const patch& p = ith_patch(pn);
+ integral += p.integrate_gridfn(src_gfn, area_weighting_flag, method);
+ }
+return integral;
@@ -1483,7 +1591,7 @@ global_min_ym_ = +INT_MAX;
global_max_ym_ = -INT_MAX;
for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn)
- patch& p = ith_patch(pn);
+ const patch& p = ith_patch(pn);
// n.b. these loops must use _int_ variables for the loop
// to terminate!
for (int want_min = false ; want_min <= true ; ++want_min)
diff --git a/src/patch/patch_system.hh b/src/patch/patch_system.hh
index 5688d48..75ca8cc 100644
--- a/src/patch/patch_system.hh
+++ b/src/patch/patch_system.hh
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ class patch_system
// what patch-system type are supported?
+ // (see "patch_system_info.hh" for detailed descriptions of these)
enum patch_system_type {
@@ -52,7 +53,8 @@ public:
// maximum number of patches in any patch-system type
- static const int max_N_patches = 6;
+ static
+ const int max_N_patches = 6;
// decode patch system type into N_patches
@@ -102,7 +104,9 @@ public:
int N_patches() const { return N_patches_; }
// get patches by patch number
- patch &ith_patch(int pn) const
+ const patch &ith_patch(int pn) const
+ { return * all_patches_[pn]; }
+ patch &ith_patch(int pn)
{ return * all_patches_[pn]; }
// find a patch by name, return patch number; error_exit() if not found
@@ -241,6 +245,9 @@ private:
// ***** gridfn operations *****
+ // dst = a
+ void set_gridfn_to_constant(fp a, int dst_gfn);
// dst = src
void gridfn_copy(int src_gfn, int dst_gfn);
@@ -248,8 +255,21 @@ public:
void add_to_ghosted_gridfn(fp delta, int ghosted_dst_gfn);
// compute norms of gridfn
- void gridfn_norms(int src_gfn, jtutil::norm<fp>& norms);
- void ghosted_gridfn_norms(int ghosted_src_gfn, jtutil::norm<fp>& norms);
+ void gridfn_norms(int src_gfn, jtutil::norm<fp>& norms)
+ const;
+ void ghosted_gridfn_norms(int ghosted_src_gfn, jtutil::norm<fp>& norms)
+ const;
+ // integrate a gridfn: computes an approximation to the surface
+ // integral over the whole patch system
+ // area_weighting_flag ? $\int f(\rho,\sigma) \, dA$
+ // : $\int f(\rho,\sigma) \, d\rho \, d\sigma$
+ // where $dA$ is the area element in $(\rho,sigma)$ coordinates
+ // ... integration method selected by method argument
+ fp integrate_gridfn(int src_gfn,
+ bool area_weighting_flag,
+ enum patch::integration_method method)
+ const;
@@ -353,9 +373,11 @@ public:
// ... n.b. we return patch as a reference via the function result;
// an alternative would be to have a patch*& argument
- patch& patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn(int gpn, int& irho, int& isigma)
+ const patch&
+ patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn(int gpn, int& irho, int& isigma)
- patch& ghosted_patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn(int gpn, int& irho, int& isigma)
+ const patch&
+ ghosted_patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn(int gpn, int& irho, int& isigma)
// access actual gridfn data arrays
@@ -387,7 +409,8 @@ public:
fp delta_drho_dsigma,
int min_gfn_in, int max_gfn_in,
int ghosted_min_gfn_in, int ghosted_max_gfn_in,
- int interp_handle_in, int interp_par_table_handle_in);
+ int interp_handle_in, int interp_par_table_handle_in,
+ bool print_msg_flag);
@@ -401,29 +424,36 @@ private:
// does *NOT* set up gridfns
void create_patches(const struct patch_info patch_info_in[],
int N_ghost_points, int N_extend_points,
- fp delta_drho_dsigma);
+ fp delta_drho_dsigma,
+ bool print_msg_flag);
// setup all gridfns with contiguous-across-patches storage
void setup_gridfn_storage
(int min_gfn_in, int max_gfn_in,
- int ghosted_min_gfn_in, int ghosted_max_gfn_in);
+ int ghosted_min_gfn_in, int ghosted_max_gfn_in,
+ bool print_msg_flag);
// create/interlink ghost zones
void interlink_full_sphere_patch_system
(int N_overlap_points,
- int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle);
+ int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle,
+ bool print_msg_flag);
void interlink_plus_z_hemisphere_patch_system
(int N_overlap_points,
- int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle);
+ int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle,
+ bool print_msg_flag);
void interlink_plus_xy_quadrant_patch_system
(int N_overlap_points,
- int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle);
+ int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle,
+ bool print_msg_flag);
void interlink_plus_xz_quadrant_patch_system
(int N_overlap_points,
- int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle);
+ int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle,
+ bool print_msg_flag);
void interlink_plus_xyz_octant_patch_system
(int N_overlap_points,
- int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle);
+ int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle,
+ bool print_msg_flag);
// create/interlink a pair of periodic-symmetry ghost zones