path: root/src/patch/patch.hh
diff options
authorjthorn <jthorn@f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5>2002-09-11 12:03:46 +0000
committerjthorn <jthorn@f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5>2002-09-11 12:03:46 +0000
commit9e972a6ffb98b844e22a81c5150c02479d768b73 (patch)
tree1b1b751bf2c5907bd702263cd3a3b401b50d60dd /src/patch/patch.hh
parent7b50e8689753d66ee0db4d1ffd4b3aa54a929351 (diff)
add code to compute surface integrals of gridfns over patches
and over the whole patch system -- note the volume element isn't included yet git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinAnalysis/AHFinderDirect/trunk@709 f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5
Diffstat (limited to 'src/patch/patch.hh')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/patch/patch.hh b/src/patch/patch.hh
index 8a90d56..950a7f6 100644
--- a/src/patch/patch.hh
+++ b/src/patch/patch.hh
@@ -252,6 +252,107 @@ public:
+ // ***** gridfn operations *****
+ //
+ //
+ // The following enum describes the integration methods supported
+ // by integrate_gridfn() .
+ //
+ // For convenience of exposition we describe the methods as if for
+ // 1-D integration, but integrate_gridfn() actually does 2-D
+ // (surface) integration over the patch.
+ //
+ // Suppose we're computing $\int_{x_0}^{x^N} f(x) \, dx$, using the
+ // equally spaced integration points $f_0$, $f_1$, \dots, $f_N$,
+ // spaced $\Delta x$ apart. Then the integration methods are as
+ // follows, with the convention that $\langle X \rangle$ denotes
+ // indefinite repetition of the "X" terms, depending on N:
+ //
+ enum integration_method
+ {
+ // Trapezoid rule
+ // ... character-string name "trapezoid" or "trapezoid rule"
+ // ... 2nd order accurate for smooth functions
+ // ... requires N >= 1
+ // $$
+ // \Delta x \left[
+ // \half f_0
+ // + \langle
+ // f_k
+ // \rangle
+ // + \half f_N
+ // \right]
+ // $$
+ integration_method__trapezoid,
+ // Simpson's rule
+ // ... character-string name "Simpson" or "Simpson's rule"
+ // ... 4th order accurate for smooth functions
+ // ... requires N >= 2 and N even
+ // $$
+ // \Delta x \left[
+ // \frac{1}{3} f_0
+ // + \frac{4}{3} f_1
+ // + \langle
+ // \frac{2}{3} f_{2k} + \frac{4}{3} f_{2k+1}
+ // \rangle
+ // + \frac{1}{3} f_N
+ // \right]
+ // $$
+ integration_method__Simpson,
+ // Simpson's rule, variant form
+ // ... characgter-string name "Simpson (variant)"
+ // or "Simpson's rule (variant)"
+ // ... described in Numerical Recipes 1st edition (4.1.14)
+ // ... 4th order accurate for smooth functions
+ // ... requires N >= 7
+ // $$
+ // \Delta x \left[
+ // \frac{17}{48} f_0
+ // + \frac{59}{48} f_1
+ // + \frac{43}{48} f_2
+ // + \frac{49}{48} f_3
+ // + \langle
+ // f_k
+ // \rangle
+ // + \frac{49}{48} f_{N-3}
+ // + \frac{43}{48} f_{N-2}
+ // + \frac{59}{48} f_{N-1}
+ // + \frac{17}{48} f_N
+ // \right]
+ // $$
+ integration_method__Simpson_variant // no comma here!
+ };
+ // decode character string name into internal enum
+ static
+ enum integration_method
+ decode_integration_method(const char method_string[]);
+ // integrate a gridfn: computes an approximation to the surface
+ // integral
+ // area_weighting_flag ? $\int f(\rho,\sigma) \, dA$
+ // : $\int f(\rho,\sigma) \, d\rho \, d\sigma$
+ // where $dA$ is the area element in $(\rho,sigma)$ coordinates
+ // ... integration method selected by method argument
+ // FIXME: right now this is ignored :( :(
+ fp integrate_gridfn(int src_gfn,
+ bool area_weighting_flag,
+ enum integration_method method)
+ const;
+ // compute integration coefficient $c_i$ where
+ // $\int_{x_0}^{x_N} f(x) \, dx
+ // \approx \Delta x \, \sum_{i=0}^N c_i f(x_i)$
+ static
+ fp integration_coeff(enum integration_method method, int N, int i);
+ //
// ***** patch edges ****