path: root/param.ccl
diff options
authorjthorn <jthorn@f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5>2003-03-14 14:47:41 +0000
committerjthorn <jthorn@f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5>2003-03-14 14:47:41 +0000
commit0d4f0b961f51d0bfdb550c31cde0d1e588ddb372 (patch)
tree2b3a030c9e8b4834c1b8cf68637e8e4988e72a73 /param.ccl
parentadd5117ad1e99aabddf8a9a7a1bfe1769191fc1c (diff)
permute order of parameters to put things the user is likely to
want to change closer to the top git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinAnalysis/AHFinderDirect/trunk@973 f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5
Diffstat (limited to 'param.ccl')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 299 deletions
diff --git a/param.ccl b/param.ccl
index 45eb259..bc56167 100644
--- a/param.ccl
+++ b/param.ccl
@@ -114,115 +114,124 @@ boolean print_timing_stats \
-# ***** parameters for the Jacobian matrix *****
+# ***** parameters for the initial guess for each apparent horizon shape *****
-keyword Jacobian_compute_method "how do we compute the Jacobian matrix?"
-# for debugging only"
-"numerical perturbation" :: "n.b. this is *very* slow"
-# use this for normal apparent horizon finding
-"symbolic differentiation with finite diff d/dr" :: \
- "fast, tricky programming, uses only gij, dx gij, Kij"
-# alas, this isn't implemented yet :(
-"symbolic differentiation" :: \
- "fast, tricky programming, uses gij, dx gij, dxx gij, Kij, dx Kij"
-} "symbolic differentiation with finite diff d/dr"
-# This parameter lists all known methods for storing the Jacobian and
-# solving linear systems with the Jacobian as the LHS matrix. See
-# "src/include/config.hh" for which of these are actually compiled in at
-# the moment. N.b. each compiled-in method requires linking with the
-# corresponding linear-solver library; see "src/make.configuration.defn"
-# for details on these libraries.
+# (Note that if at any time we fail to find the (an) apparent horizon,
+# then we reset our trial horizon surface to this initial guess before
+# next attempting to find this horizon.)
-keyword Jacobian_store_solve_method \
- "how do we store/linear-solve the Jacobian matrix?"
-# good for debugging, but very slow for large N_zones_per_right_angle
-"dense matrix/LAPACK" :: \
- "store as (Fortran) dense matrix, solve with LAPACK routines"
-# use this for normal runs
-"row-oriented sparse matrix/ILUCG" :: \
- "store as sparse matrix (row-oriented storage format), \
- solve with ILUCG (incomplete LU decomposition - conjugate gradient) method"
-} "row-oriented sparse matrix/ILUCG"
-# This parameter controls two different sorts of one-sided finite
-# differencing:
-# - numerical-perturbation Jacobian computations
-# - the finite differencing part of the "symbolic differentiation
-# with finite diff d/dr" Jacobian computation
-# Notes on this parameter:
-# - don't set it too small or roundoff errors will become large
-# - don't set it too large or finite differencing errors will become large
-# In practice the default value should be fine
-real Jacobian_perturbation_amplitude \
- "perturbation amplitude for 1-sided finite differencing for Jacobians"
+# n.b. Schwarzschild/EF is the special case spin=0 of Kerr/Kerr
+keyword initial_guess_method[5] \
+ "method used to set up initial guess for apparent horizon shape"
-(0.0:* :: "any real number > 0"
-} 1.0e-6
+"read from file" :: "read from input file"
+"Kerr/Kerr" :: \
+ "set to the (analytical) horizon of Kerr spacetime in Kerr coordinates"
+"Kerr/Kerr-Schild" :: \
+ "set to the (analytical) horizon of Kerr spacetime in Kerr-Schild coordinates"
+"coordinate sphere" :: "set to a coordinate sphere"
+"coordinate ellipsoid" :: "set to a coordinate ellipsoid"
+} "coordinate sphere"
-# if AHFinderDirect::method = "test Jacobian", should we test all
-# known methods for computing the Jacobian, or just the numerical perturbation
-# method (the latter may be useful of some other methods are broken)
-boolean test_all_Jacobian_compute_methods \
- "should we test all Jacobian computation methods, or just NP?"
+# parameters for initial_guess_method = "Kerr/Kerr"
+real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__x_posn[5] "x coordinate of Kerr BH"
-} "true"
-# ***** parameters for the Newton's-method solution of Theta(h) = 0 *****
+*:* :: "any real number"
+} 0.0
+real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__y_posn[5] "y coordinate of Kerr BH"
+*:* :: "any real number"
+} 0.0
+real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__z_posn[5] "z coordinate of Kerr BH"
+*:* :: "any real number"
+} 0.0
+real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__mass[5] "mass of Kerr BH"
+(0.0:* :: "BH mass = any real number > 0"
+} 1.0
+# n.b. my convention is that a=J/m^2 is dimensionless,
+# while MTW take a=J/m=m * (my a)
+real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__spin[5] "dimensionless spin a=J/m^2 of Kerr BH"
+(-1.0:1.0) :: \
+ "dimensionless BH spin = J/m^2 = any real number with absolute value < 1"
+} 0.6
-# The first time we (try to) find a given horizon, our initial guess
-# is likely to be rather inaccurate, so we may need a larger number of
-# iterations. But if we've found this horizon before, then we have its
-# previous position as an initial guess, so (assuming that we've been
-# scheduled at each time step) we shouldn't need as many iterations.
-int max_Newton_iterations__initial \
- "maximum number of Newton iterations before giving up \
- when initially finding a given horizon"
+# parameters for initial_guess_method = "Kerr/Kerr-Schild"
+real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__x_posn[5] "x coordinate of Kerr BH"
-(0:* :: "any positive integer"
-} 20
-int max_Newton_iterations__subsequent \
- "maximum number of Newton iterations before giving up \
- when re-finding a given horizon after finding it before"
+*:* :: "any real number"
+} 0.0
+real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__y_posn[5] "y coordinate of Kerr BH"
-(0:* :: "any positive integer"
-} 10
+*:* :: "any real number"
+} 0.0
+real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__z_posn[5] "z coordinate of Kerr BH"
+*:* :: "any real number"
+} 0.0
+real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__mass[5] "mass of Kerr BH"
+(0.0:* :: "BH mass = any real number > 0"
+} 1.0
+# n.b. my convention is that a=J/m^2 is dimensionless,
+# while MTW take a=J/m=m * (my a)
+real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__spin[5] "dimensionless spin a=J/m^2 of Kerr BH"
+(-1.0:1.0) :: \
+ "dimensionless BH spin = J/m^2 = any real number with absolute value < 1"
+} 0.6
-# To avoid the Newton iteration diverging if there is no horizon present
-# or if the initial guess is bad, we limit the distance the horizon may
-# move in any single Newton iteration (i.e. the infinity-norm of Delta_h)
-# to <= this fraction of the mean horizon radius
-real max_allowable_Delta_h_over_h \
- "don't let horizon move > this fraction of mean radius in a Newton iteration"
+# parameters for initial_guess_method = "sphere"
+real initial_guess__coord_sphere__x_center[5] "x coordinate of sphere center"
-(0.0:* :: "any positive real number"
-} 0.1
+*:* :: "any real number"
+} 0.0
+real initial_guess__coord_sphere__y_center[5] "y coordinate of sphere center"
+*:* :: "any real number"
+} 0.0
+real initial_guess__coord_sphere__z_center[5] "z coordinate of sphere center"
+*:* :: "any real number"
+} 0.0
+real initial_guess__coord_sphere__radius[5] "radius of sphere"
+(0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0"
+} 2.0
-# convergence tolerance for the Newton iteration
-real Theta_norm_for_convergence \
- "we declare the horizon to be found if ||Theta||_infinity <= this"
+# parameters for initial_guess_method = "ellipsoid"
+real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__x_center[5] \
+ "x coordinate of ellipsoid center"
-(0.0:* :: "any positive real number"
-} 1.0e-8
+*:* :: "any real number"
+} 0.0
+real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__y_center[5] \
+ "y coordinate of ellipsoid center"
+*:* :: "any real number"
+} 0.0
+real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__z_center[5] \
+ "z coordinate of ellipsoid center"
+*:* :: "any real number"
+} 0.0
+real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__x_radius[5] "x radius of ellipsoid"
+(0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0"
+} 2.0
+real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__y_radius[5] "y radius of ellipsoid"
+(0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0"
+} 2.0
+real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__z_radius[5] "z radius of ellipsoid"
+(0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0"
+} 2.0
@@ -382,6 +391,127 @@ string Jacobian_base_file_name "base file name for Jacobian output file(s)"
+# ***** parameters controlling how we handle errors/warnings *****
+# We currently "handle" the following errors/warnings by CCTK_VWarn();
+# these parameters give the warning levels (in the sense of the -W flag
+# to Cactus, and the first argument to CCTK_VWarn()) for various conditions:
+# point outside (or too close to boundary of) Cactus grid,
+# i.e. geometry interpolator returns CCTK_ERROR_INTERP_POINT_OUTSIDE
+# ... warning level if error occurs on first Newton iteration,
+# i.e. when evaluating expansion/Jacobian for initial guess
+# ... this may mean that driver::ghost_size is too small, especially
+# if any horizon crosses a symmetry boundary
+# ==> visible message by default
+int warn_level__point_outside__initial \
+ "warning level for point outside (or too close to boundary of) Cactus grid \
+ (error occurs on first Newton iteration)"
+-1:* :: "any valid Cactus warning level"
+} 1
+# ... warning level if error occurs on a subsequent Newton iteration
+# ... this probably "just" means there's no horizon in the grid
+# ==> no visible message by default
+int warn_level__point_outside__subsequent \
+ "warning level for point outside (or too close to boundary of) Cactus grid \
+ (error occurs on subsequent Newton iteration)"
+-1:* :: "any valid Cactus warning level"
+} 2
+# the Cactus configure process didn't find a finite() function,
+# so we're skipping the "check that the geometry is finite" tests
+# even though the user set check_that_geometry_is_finite = "true"
+int warn_level__skipping_finite_check \
+ "warning level if the user sets check_that_geometry_is_finite \
+ but the Cactus configure process doesn't find a finite() function \
+ so we have to skip the finite-geometry check"
+-1:* :: "any valid Cactus warning level"
+} 3
+# infinity and/or NaN in interpolated {g_ij, partial_k g_ij, K_ij}
+int warn_level__nonfinite_geometry \
+ "warning level if we find infinity and/or NaN in the interpolated geometry \
+ values {g_ij, partial_k g_ij, K_ij}"
+-1:* :: "any valid Cactus warning level"
+} 1
+# interpolated g_{ij} isn't positive definite
+# (usually this means we're too close to a singularity)
+# ... warning level if error occurs on first Newton iteration,
+# i.e. when evaluating expansion/Jacobian for initial guess
+int warn_level__gij_not_positive_definite__initial \
+ "warning level if the interpolated g_{ij} isn't positive definite \
+ (usually this means we're too close to a singularity) \
+ (error occurs on first Newton iteration)"
+-1:* :: "any valid Cactus warning level"
+} 2
+# ... warning level if error occurs on a subsequent Newton iteration
+int warn_level__gij_not_positive_definite__subsequent \
+ "warning level if the interpolated g_{ij} isn't positive definite \
+ (usually this means we're too close to a singularity) \
+ (error occurs on subsequent Newton iteration)"
+-1:* :: "any valid Cactus warning level"
+} 2
+# ***** parameters for the Newton's-method solution of Theta(h) = 0 *****
+# The first time we (try to) find a given horizon, our initial guess
+# is likely to be rather inaccurate, so we may need a larger number of
+# iterations. But if we've found this horizon before, then we have its
+# previous position as an initial guess, so (assuming that we've been
+# scheduled at each time step) we shouldn't need as many iterations.
+int max_Newton_iterations__initial \
+ "maximum number of Newton iterations before giving up \
+ when initially finding a given horizon"
+(0:* :: "any positive integer"
+} 20
+int max_Newton_iterations__subsequent \
+ "maximum number of Newton iterations before giving up \
+ when re-finding a given horizon after finding it before"
+(0:* :: "any positive integer"
+} 10
+# To avoid the Newton iteration diverging if there is no horizon present
+# or if the initial guess is bad, we limit the distance the horizon may
+# move in any single Newton iteration (i.e. the infinity-norm of Delta_h)
+# to <= this fraction of the mean horizon radius
+real max_allowable_Delta_h_over_h \
+ "don't let horizon move > this fraction of mean radius in a Newton iteration"
+(0.0:* :: "any positive real number"
+} 0.1
+# convergence tolerance for the Newton iteration
+real Theta_norm_for_convergence \
+ "we declare the horizon to be found if ||Theta||_infinity <= this"
+(0.0:* :: "any positive real number"
+} 1.0e-8
# ***** parameters to define the patch system(s) *****
@@ -510,30 +640,68 @@ int patch_overlap_width \
-# ***** parameters for computing surface integrals over the horizon *****
+# ***** parameters for the Jacobian matrix *****
+keyword Jacobian_compute_method "how do we compute the Jacobian matrix?"
+# for debugging only"
+"numerical perturbation" :: "n.b. this is *very* slow"
+# use this for normal apparent horizon finding
+"symbolic differentiation with finite diff d/dr" :: \
+ "fast, tricky programming, uses only gij, dx gij, Kij"
+# alas, this isn't implemented yet :(
+"symbolic differentiation" :: \
+ "fast, tricky programming, uses gij, dx gij, dxx gij, Kij, dx Kij"
+} "symbolic differentiation with finite diff d/dr"
-# In the descriptions, N is the number of grid zones in a patch
-# in either the rho or the sigma direction, i.e. it's 45 or 90 degrees
-# divided by delta_drho_dsigma.
+# This parameter lists all known methods for storing the Jacobian and
+# solving linear systems with the Jacobian as the LHS matrix. See
+# "src/include/config.hh" for which of these are actually compiled in at
+# the moment. N.b. each compiled-in method requires linking with the
+# corresponding linear-solver library; see "src/make.configuration.defn"
+# for details on these libraries.
-keyword integral_method "how do we compute integrals over the horizon?"
+keyword Jacobian_store_solve_method \
+ "how do we store/linear-solve the Jacobian matrix?"
-"trapezoid" :: "alternate name for trapezoid rule"
-"trapezoid rule" :: "trapezoid rule (2nd order for smooth functions)"
-"Simpson" :: "alternate name for Simpson's rule"
-"Simpson's rule" :: \
- "Simpson's rule (4th order for smooth fns, requires N to be even)"
-"Simpson (variant)" :: "alternate name for Simpson's rule variant"
-"Simpson's rule (variant)":: \
- "Simpson's rule variant (4th order for smooth fns, requires N >= 7)"
+# good for debugging, but very slow for large N_zones_per_right_angle
+"dense matrix/LAPACK" :: \
+ "store as (Fortran) dense matrix, solve with LAPACK routines"
+# use this for normal runs
+"row-oriented sparse matrix/ILUCG" :: \
+ "store as sparse matrix (row-oriented storage format), \
+ solve with ILUCG (incomplete LU decomposition - conjugate gradient) method"
+} "row-oriented sparse matrix/ILUCG"
-# choose this for normal use (assuming FINITE_DIFF_ORDER is set to 4
-# in "src/include/config.hh")
-"automatic choice" :: \
- "choose Simpson's rule or variant if applicable, otherwise trapezoid rule"
-} "automatic choice"
+# This parameter controls two different sorts of one-sided finite
+# differencing:
+# - numerical-perturbation Jacobian computations
+# - the finite differencing part of the "symbolic differentiation
+# with finite diff d/dr" Jacobian computation
+# Notes on this parameter:
+# - don't set it too small or roundoff errors will become large
+# - don't set it too large or finite differencing errors will become large
+# In practice the default value should be fine
+real Jacobian_perturbation_amplitude \
+ "perturbation amplitude for 1-sided finite differencing for Jacobians"
+(0.0:* :: "any real number > 0"
+} 1.0e-6
+# if AHFinderDirect::method = "test Jacobian", should we test all
+# known methods for computing the Jacobian, or just the numerical perturbation
+# method (the latter may be useful of some other methods are broken)
+boolean test_all_Jacobian_compute_methods \
+ "should we test all Jacobian computation methods, or just NP?"
+} "true"
@@ -673,7 +841,7 @@ boolean check_that_geometry_is_finite \
-# ***** parameters for the interpatch interpolator *****
+# ***** parameters for the interpatch interpolation *****
@@ -701,198 +869,30 @@ string interpatch_interpolator_pars \
-# ***** parameters for the initial guess for the apparent horizon shape *****
-# (Note that if at any time we fail to find the (an) apparent horizon,
-# then we reset our trial horizon surface to this initial guess before
-# next attempting to find this horizon.)
-# n.b. Schwarzschild/EF is the special case spin=0 of Kerr/Kerr
-keyword initial_guess_method[5] \
- "method used to set up initial guess for apparent horizon shape"
-"read from file" :: "read from input file"
-"Kerr/Kerr" :: \
- "set to the (analytical) horizon of Kerr spacetime in Kerr coordinates"
-"Kerr/Kerr-Schild" :: \
- "set to the (analytical) horizon of Kerr spacetime in Kerr-Schild coordinates"
-"coordinate sphere" :: "set to a coordinate sphere"
-"coordinate ellipsoid" :: "set to a coordinate ellipsoid"
-} "coordinate sphere"
-# parameters for initial_guess_method = "Kerr/Kerr"
-real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__x_posn[5] "x coordinate of Kerr BH"
-*:* :: "any real number"
-} 0.0
-real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__y_posn[5] "y coordinate of Kerr BH"
-*:* :: "any real number"
-} 0.0
-real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__z_posn[5] "z coordinate of Kerr BH"
-*:* :: "any real number"
-} 0.0
-real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__mass[5] "mass of Kerr BH"
-(0.0:* :: "BH mass = any real number > 0"
-} 1.0
-# n.b. my convention is that a=J/m^2 is dimensionless,
-# while MTW take a=J/m=m * (my a)
-real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__spin[5] "dimensionless spin a=J/m^2 of Kerr BH"
-(-1.0:1.0) :: \
- "dimensionless BH spin = J/m^2 = any real number with absolute value < 1"
-} 0.6
-# parameters for initial_guess_method = "Kerr/Kerr-Schild"
-real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__x_posn[5] "x coordinate of Kerr BH"
-*:* :: "any real number"
-} 0.0
-real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__y_posn[5] "y coordinate of Kerr BH"
-*:* :: "any real number"
-} 0.0
-real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__z_posn[5] "z coordinate of Kerr BH"
-*:* :: "any real number"
-} 0.0
-real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__mass[5] "mass of Kerr BH"
-(0.0:* :: "BH mass = any real number > 0"
-} 1.0
-# n.b. my convention is that a=J/m^2 is dimensionless,
-# while MTW take a=J/m=m * (my a)
-real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__spin[5] "dimensionless spin a=J/m^2 of Kerr BH"
-(-1.0:1.0) :: \
- "dimensionless BH spin = J/m^2 = any real number with absolute value < 1"
-} 0.6
-# parameters for initial_guess_method = "sphere"
-real initial_guess__coord_sphere__x_center[5] "x coordinate of sphere center"
-*:* :: "any real number"
-} 0.0
-real initial_guess__coord_sphere__y_center[5] "y coordinate of sphere center"
-*:* :: "any real number"
-} 0.0
-real initial_guess__coord_sphere__z_center[5] "z coordinate of sphere center"
-*:* :: "any real number"
-} 0.0
-real initial_guess__coord_sphere__radius[5] "radius of sphere"
-(0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0"
-} 2.0
-# parameters for initial_guess_method = "ellipsoid"
-real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__x_center[5] \
- "x coordinate of ellipsoid center"
-*:* :: "any real number"
-} 0.0
-real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__y_center[5] \
- "y coordinate of ellipsoid center"
-*:* :: "any real number"
-} 0.0
-real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__z_center[5] \
- "z coordinate of ellipsoid center"
-*:* :: "any real number"
-} 0.0
-real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__x_radius[5] "x radius of ellipsoid"
-(0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0"
-} 2.0
-real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__y_radius[5] "y radius of ellipsoid"
-(0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0"
-} 2.0
-real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__z_radius[5] "z radius of ellipsoid"
-(0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0"
-} 2.0
-# ***** parameters controlling how we handle errors/warnings *****
+# ***** parameters for computing line/surface integrals over the horizon *****
-# We currently "handle" the following errors/warnings by CCTK_VWarn();
-# these parameters give the warning levels (in the sense of the -W flag
-# to Cactus, and the first argument to CCTK_VWarn()) for various conditions:
+# In the descriptions, N is the number of grid zones in a patch
+# in either the rho or the sigma direction, i.e. it's 45 or 90 degrees
+# divided by delta_drho_dsigma.
-# point outside (or too close to boundary of) Cactus grid,
-# i.e. geometry interpolator returns CCTK_ERROR_INTERP_POINT_OUTSIDE
-# ... warning level if error occurs on first Newton iteration,
-# i.e. when evaluating expansion/Jacobian for initial guess
-# ... this may mean that driver::ghost_size is too small, especially
-# if any horizon crosses a symmetry boundary
-# ==> visible message by default
-int warn_level__point_outside__initial \
- "warning level for point outside (or too close to boundary of) Cactus grid \
- (error occurs on first Newton iteration)"
--1:* :: "any valid Cactus warning level"
-} 1
-# ... warning level if error occurs on a subsequent Newton iteration
-# ... this probably "just" means there's no horizon in the grid
-# ==> no visible message by default
-int warn_level__point_outside__subsequent \
- "warning level for point outside (or too close to boundary of) Cactus grid \
- (error occurs on subsequent Newton iteration)"
--1:* :: "any valid Cactus warning level"
-} 2
-# the Cactus configure process didn't find a finite() function,
-# so we're skipping the "check that the geometry is finite" tests
-# even though the user set check_that_geometry_is_finite = "true"
-int warn_level__skipping_finite_check \
- "warning level if the user sets check_that_geometry_is_finite \
- but the Cactus configure process doesn't find a finite() function \
- so we have to skip the finite-geometry check"
--1:* :: "any valid Cactus warning level"
-} 3
-# infinity and/or NaN in interpolated {g_ij, partial_k g_ij, K_ij}
-int warn_level__nonfinite_geometry \
- "warning level if we find infinity and/or NaN in the interpolated geometry \
- values {g_ij, partial_k g_ij, K_ij}"
+keyword integral_method "how do we compute integrals over the horizon?"
--1:* :: "any valid Cactus warning level"
-} 1
+"trapezoid" :: "alternate name for trapezoid rule"
+"trapezoid rule" :: "trapezoid rule (2nd order for smooth functions)"
+"Simpson" :: "alternate name for Simpson's rule"
+"Simpson's rule" :: \
+ "Simpson's rule (4th order for smooth fns, requires N to be even)"
+"Simpson (variant)" :: "alternate name for Simpson's rule variant"
+"Simpson's rule (variant)":: \
+ "Simpson's rule variant (4th order for smooth fns, requires N >= 7)"
-# interpolated g_{ij} isn't positive definite
-# (usually this means we're too close to a singularity)
-# ... warning level if error occurs on first Newton iteration,
-# i.e. when evaluating expansion/Jacobian for initial guess
-int warn_level__gij_not_positive_definite__initial \
- "warning level if the interpolated g_{ij} isn't positive definite \
- (usually this means we're too close to a singularity) \
- (error occurs on first Newton iteration)"
--1:* :: "any valid Cactus warning level"
-} 2
-# ... warning level if error occurs on a subsequent Newton iteration
-int warn_level__gij_not_positive_definite__subsequent \
- "warning level if the interpolated g_{ij} isn't positive definite \
- (usually this means we're too close to a singularity) \
- (error occurs on subsequent Newton iteration)"
--1:* :: "any valid Cactus warning level"
-} 2
+# choose this for normal use (assuming FINITE_DIFF_ORDER is set to 4
+# in "src/include/config.hh")
+"automatic choice" :: \
+ "choose Simpson's rule or variant if applicable, otherwise trapezoid rule"
+} "automatic choice"