diff options
authorjthorn <jthorn@f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5>2002-09-03 15:08:15 +0000
committerjthorn <jthorn@f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5>2002-09-03 15:08:15 +0000
commitf35b18c89fb683112994c8bc1322ae8417bb6d95 (patch)
parent5f02fdb219dd3f5383ccf27551edd065548f1558 (diff)
move these files here from ../gr/
since they're not really GR files, but rather higher-level driver stuff git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinAnalysis/AHFinderDirect/trunk@703 f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5
11 files changed, 2133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/driver/AHFinderDirect.hh b/src/driver/AHFinderDirect.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5435701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/driver/AHFinderDirect.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// AHFinderDirect.hh -- misc global-within-this-thorn stuff
+// $Header$
+// this enum holds the (a) decoded method parameter, i.e. it specifies
+// our top-level method
+enum method
+ {
+ method__horizon_function,
+ method__Jacobian_test,
+ method__Jacobian_test_NP_only,
+ method__Newton_solve // no comma
+ };
+// this enum holds the (a) decoded verbose_method parameter, i.e.
+// it specifies which (how many) informational messages we should print
+enum verbose_level
+ {
+ verbose_level__physics_highlights,
+ verbose_level__physics_details,
+ verbose_level__algorithm_highlights,
+ verbose_level__algorithm_details // no comma
+ };
+// this enum holds the (a) decoded Jacobian_method parameter,
+// i.e. it specifies how we compute the (a) Jacobian matrix
+enum Jacobian_method
+ {
+ Jacobian_method__numerical_perturb,
+ Jacobian_method__symbolic_diff_with_FD_dr,
+ Jacobian_method__symbolic_diff // no comma
+ };
+// This struct holds parameters for computing the Jacobian matrix.
+struct Jacobian_info
+ {
+ enum Jacobian_method Jacobian_method;
+ enum Jacobian_type Jacobian_storage_method;
+ fp perturbation_amplitude;
+ };
+// This struct holds parameters for solving the H(h) = 0 equations.
+struct solver_info
+ {
+ // stuff for Newton_solve()
+ int max_Newton_iterations;
+ bool output_h_and_H_at_each_Newton_iteration;
+ fp max_Delta_h_over_h;
+ fp H_norm_for_convergence;
+ fp Delta_h_norm_for_convergence;
+ bool final_H_update_if_exit_x_H_small;
+ };
+// This struct holds info for I/O
+struct IO_info
+ {
+ const char* h_base_file_name;
+ const char* H_base_file_name;
+ const char* Jacobian_base_file_name;
+ // this is used to choose file names
+ int time_iteration; // the Cactus time interation number
+ // (cctk_iteration)
+ };
+// (A single copy of) this struct holds all of our information about
+// a single apparent horizon.
+struct AH_info
+ {
+ patch_system* ps_ptr;
+ Jacobian* Jac_ptr;
+ bool AH_found;
+ fp centroid_x, centroid_y, centroid_z;
+ fp area, mass;
+ };
+// (A single copy of) this struct holds all of our state that's
+// persistent across Cactus scheduler calls.
+struct state
+ {
+ enum method method;
+ enum verbose_level verbose_level;
+ int timer_handle;
+ struct IO_info IO_info;
+ struct Jacobian_info Jac_info;
+ struct solver_info solver_info;
+ struct cactus_grid_info cgi;
+ struct geometry_info gi;
+ int N_horizons;
+ // this vector is indexed with a 0-origin integer hn ("horizon number")
+ std::vector<AH_info *> AH_info_ptrs;
+ };
+// prototypes for functions visible outside their source files
+// *** routines called from the Cactus scheduler ***
+// setup.cc
+extern "C"
+ void AHFinderDirect_setup(CCTK_ARGUMENTS);
+// initial_guess.cc
+extern "C"
+ void AHFinderDirect_initial_guess(CCTK_ARGUMENTS);
+// find_horizons.cc
+extern "C"
+ void AHFinderDirect_find_horizons(CCTK_ARGUMENTS);
+// Newton.cc
+// return true for success, false for failure to converge
+bool Newton_solve(patch_system& ps,
+ Jacobian& Jac,
+ const struct cactus_grid_info& cgi,
+ const struct geometry_info& gi,
+ const struct Jacobian_info& Jacobian_info,
+ const struct solver_info& solver_info,
+ struct IO_info& IO_info,
+ int hn, enum verbose_level verbose_level);
+// horizon_Jacobian.cc
+void horizon_Jacobian(patch_system& ps,
+ Jacobian& Jac,
+ const struct cactus_grid_info& cgi,
+ const struct geometry_info& gi,
+ const struct Jacobian_info& Jacobian_info,
+ bool print_msg_flag);
+// io.cc
+void input_gridfn(patch_system& ps, int unknown_gfn,
+ struct IO_info& IO_info, const char base_file_name[],
+ int hn, bool print_msg_flag, int AHF_iteration = 0);
+void output_gridfn(patch_system& ps, int unknown_gfn,
+ struct IO_info& IO_info, const char base_file_name[],
+ int hn, bool print_msg_flag, int AHF_iteration = 0);
+void print_Jacobians(const patch_system& ps,
+ const Jacobian* Jac_NP, const Jacobian* Jac_SD_FDdr,
+ struct IO_info& IO_info, const char base_file_name[],
+ int hn, bool print_msg_flag, int AHF_iteration = 0);
diff --git a/src/driver/Newton.cc b/src/driver/Newton.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63f6243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/driver/Newton.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// Newton.cc -- solve H(h) = 0 via Newton's method
+// $Id$
+// Newton_solve - driver to solve H(h) = 0 via Newton's method
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "util_Table.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "stdc.h"
+#include "config.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/util.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/array.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/cpm_map.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/linear_map.hh"
+using jtutil::error_exit;
+#include "../util/coords.hh"
+#include "../util/grid.hh"
+#include "../util/fd_grid.hh"
+#include "../util/patch.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_edge.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_interp.hh"
+#include "../util/ghost_zone.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_system.hh"
+#include "../elliptic/Jacobian.hh"
+#include "../gr/gfns.hh"
+#include "../gr/gr.hh"
+#include "AHFinderDirect.hh"
+// This function solves H(h) = 0 for h via Newton's method.
+// Arguments:
+// hn = the horizon number (used only in naming output files)
+// Results:
+// This function returns a success flag: this is true if (and only if)
+// it found an h satisfying H(h) = 0 to within the error tolerances,
+// otherwise it's false.
+bool Newton_solve(patch_system& ps,
+ Jacobian& Jac,
+ const struct cactus_grid_info& cgi,
+ const struct geometry_info& gi,
+ const struct Jacobian_info& Jacobian_info,
+ const struct solver_info& solver_info,
+ struct IO_info& IO_info,
+ int hn, enum verbose_level verbose_level)
+const bool print_more_msg_flag
+ = (verbose_level >= verbose_level__algorithm_details);
+ for (int iteration = 1 ;
+ iteration <= solver_info.max_Newton_iterations ;
+ ++iteration)
+ {
+ if (print_more_msg_flag)
+ "Newton iteration %d", iteration);
+ if (solver_info.output_h_and_H_at_each_Newton_iteration)
+ then output_gridfn(ps, gfns::gfn__h,
+ IO_info, IO_info.h_base_file_name,
+ hn, print_more_msg_flag, iteration);
+ jtutil::norm<fp> H_norms;
+ if (horizon_function(ps,
+ cgi, gi,
+ true, // yes, we want the Jacobian coeffs
+ print_more_msg_flag,
+ &H_norms))
+ then return false; // *** ERROR RETURN ***
+ if (print_more_msg_flag)
+ " H rms-norm=%.2e, infinity-norm=%.2e",
+ H_norms.rms_norm(), H_norms.infinity_norm());
+ if (solver_info.output_h_and_H_at_each_Newton_iteration)
+ then output_gridfn(ps, gfns::gfn__H,
+ IO_info, IO_info.H_base_file_name,
+ hn, print_more_msg_flag, iteration);
+ if (H_norms.infinity_norm() <= solver_info.H_norm_for_convergence)
+ then {
+ "==> finished (||H|| < %g)",
+ double(solver_info.H_norm_for_convergence));
+ return true; // *** NORMAL RETURN ***
+ }
+ // compute the Newton step
+ horizon_Jacobian(ps, Jac,
+ cgi, gi, Jacobian_info,
+ print_more_msg_flag);
+ if (print_more_msg_flag)
+ "solving linear system for Delta_h (%d unknowns)",
+ Jac.NN());
+ const fp rcond = Jac.solve_linear_system(gfns::gfn__H,
+ gfns::gfn__Delta_h);
+ if (rcond == 0.0)
+ then {
+ "Newton_solve: Jacobian matrix is numerically singular!");
+ return false; // *** ERROR RETURN ***
+ }
+ if (print_more_msg_flag)
+ then {
+ if (rcond > 0.0)
+ "done solving linear system (condition number %.2e)",
+ double(rcond));
+ "done solving linear system");
+ }
+ // if the Newton step is too large, scale it down
+ jtutil::norm<fp> h_norms;
+ ps.ghosted_gridfn_norms(gfns::gfn__h, h_norms);
+ const fp max_allowable_Delta_h
+ = solver_info.max_Delta_h_over_h * h_norms.mean();
+ jtutil::norm<fp> Delta_h_norms;
+ ps.gridfn_norms(gfns::gfn__Delta_h, Delta_h_norms);
+ const fp max_Delta_h = Delta_h_norms.infinity_norm();
+ const fp scale = (max_Delta_h > max_allowable_Delta_h)
+ ? max_allowable_Delta_h / max_Delta_h
+ : 1.0;
+ // take the Newton step (scaled if need be)
+ for (int pn = 0 ; pn < ps.N_patches() ; ++pn)
+ {
+ patch& p = ps.ith_patch(pn);
+ for (int irho = p.min_irho() ;
+ irho <= p.max_irho() ;
+ ++irho)
+ {
+ for (int isigma = p.min_isigma() ;
+ isigma <= p.max_isigma() ;
+ ++isigma)
+ {
+ p.ghosted_gridfn(gfns::gfn__h, irho,isigma)
+ -= scale * p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__Delta_h, irho,isigma);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (print_more_msg_flag)
+ then {
+ if (scale == 1.0)
+ "h += Delta_h (rms-norm=%.2e, infinity-norm=%.2e)",
+ Delta_h_norms.rms_norm(),
+ Delta_h_norms.infinity_norm());
+ "h += %g * Delta_h (infinity-norm clamped to %.2g)",
+ scale,
+ scale * Delta_h_norms.infinity_norm());
+ }
+ if ( scale * Delta_h_norms.infinity_norm()
+ <= solver_info.Delta_h_norm_for_convergence )
+ then {
+ "==> finished (||Delta_h|| < %g)",
+ double(solver_info.Delta_h_norm_for_convergence));
+ if (solver_info.final_H_update_if_exit_x_H_small)
+ then {
+ if (print_more_msg_flag)
+ " doing final H(h) evaluation");
+ if (horizon_function(ps, cgi, gi, false, true))
+ then return false; // *** ERROR RETURN ***
+ }
+ return true; // *** NORMAL RETURN ***
+ }
+ }
+ "Newton_solve: no convergence in %d iterations!",
+ solver_info.max_Newton_iterations);
+if (solver_info.final_H_update_if_exit_x_H_small)
+ then {
+ if (print_more_msg_flag)
+ " doing final H(h) evaluation");
+ if (horizon_function(ps, cgi, gi, false, true))
+ then return false; // *** ERROR RETURN ***
+ }
+return false; // *** ERROR RETURN ***
diff --git a/src/driver/ellipsoid.maple b/src/driver/ellipsoid.maple
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..349cc8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/driver/ellipsoid.maple
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# ellipsoid.maple -- compute equations for offset ellipsoid setup
+# $Header$
+# This program finds the intersection of an ellipsoid with an offset ray.
+# ellipsoid has center (A,B,C), radius (a,b,c)
+# angular coordinate system has center (U,V,W)
+# direction cosines wrt angular coordinate center are (alpha,beta,gamma)
+# but Maple predefines gamma = Euler's constant, so we use (xcos,ycos,zcos)
+# instead, i.e. a point has coordinates (U+xcos*r, V+ycos*r, W+zcos*r)
+# then the equation of the ellipsoid is
+# (U+xcos*r - A)^2 (V+ycos*r - B)^2 (W+zcos*r - C)^2
+# ----------------- + ---------------- + ----------------- = 1
+# a^2 b^2 c^2
+# to solve this, we introduce intermediate variables
+# AU = A - U
+# BV = B - V
+# CW = C - W
+eqn := (xcos*r - AU)^2/a^2 + (ycos*r - BV)^2/b^2 + (zcos*r - CW)^2/c^2 = 1;
+read "../maple/util.mm";
+read "../maple/codegen2.mm";
+[solve(eqn, r)];
+map(simplify, %);
+[r_plus = %[1], r_minus = %[2]];
+solnlist := [codegen[optimize](%)];
+print_name_list_dcl(temps_in_eqnlist(solnlist, [r_plus,r_minus]),
+ "fp", "ellipsoid.c");
+codegen[C](solnlist, filename="ellipsoid.c");
diff --git a/src/driver/find_horizons.cc b/src/driver/find_horizons.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e12ecf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/driver/find_horizons.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+// find_horizons.cc -- top level driver for finding apparent horizons
+// $Header$
+// <<<access to persistent data>>>
+// <<<prototypes for functions local to this file>>>
+// AHFinderDirect_find_horizons - top-level driver
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "util_Table.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "stdc.h"
+#include "config.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/util.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/array.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/cpm_map.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/linear_map.hh"
+using jtutil::error_exit;
+#include "../util/coords.hh"
+#include "../util/grid.hh"
+#include "../util/fd_grid.hh"
+#include "../util/patch.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_edge.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_interp.hh"
+#include "../util/ghost_zone.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_system.hh"
+#include "../elliptic/Jacobian.hh"
+#include "../gr/gfns.hh"
+#include "../gr/gr.hh"
+#include "AHFinderDirect.hh"
+// ***** access to persistent data *****
+extern struct state state;
+// ***** prototypes for functions local to this file
+namespace {
+bool find_horizon(enum method method,
+ enum verbose_level verbose_level, int timer_handle,
+ struct IO_info& IO_info,
+ struct Jacobian_info& Jac_info,
+ struct solver_info& solver_info,
+ struct cactus_grid_info& cgi, struct geometry_info& gi,
+ patch_system& ps, Jacobian* Jac_ptr,
+ int hn);
+ };
+// This function is called by the Cactus scheduler to find the apparent
+// horizon or horizons in the current slice.
+extern "C"
+ void AHFinderDirect_find_horizons(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+state.IO_info.time_iteration = cctk_iteration;
+if (state.timer_handle >= 0)
+ then CCTK_TimerResetI(state.timer_handle);
+ for (int hn = 0 ; hn < state.N_horizons ; ++hn)
+ {
+ struct AH_info& AH_info = * state.AH_info_ptrs[hn];
+ AH_info.AH_found
+ = find_horizon(state.method,
+ state.verbose_level, state.timer_handle,
+ state.IO_info, state.Jac_info, state.solver_info,
+ state.cgi, state.gi,
+ * AH_info.ps_ptr, AH_info.Jac_ptr,
+ hn);
+ // FIXME FIXME: compute the centroid, area, mass, ...
+ }
+if (state.timer_handle >= 0)
+ then {
+ printf("timer stats for computation:\n");
+ CCTK_TimerPrintDataI(state.timer_handle, -1);
+ }
+// This function finds (or more accurately tries to find) a single
+// apparent horizon.
+// Arguments:
+// timer_handle = a valid Cactus timer handle if we want to time the
+// apparent horizon process, or -ve to skip this
+// (we only time the computation, not the file I/O)
+// Jac_ptr = may be NULL if no Jacobian is needed (depending on method)
+// hn = the horizon number (used only in naming output files)
+// Results:
+// This function returns a success flag: this is true if (and only if)
+// it found an h satisfying H(h) = 0 to within the error tolerances,
+// otherwise it's false.
+namespace {
+bool find_horizon(enum method method,
+ enum verbose_level verbose_level, int timer_handle,
+ struct IO_info& IO_info,
+ struct Jacobian_info& Jac_info,
+ struct solver_info& solver_info,
+ struct cactus_grid_info& cgi, struct geometry_info& gi,
+ patch_system& ps, Jacobian* Jac_ptr,
+ int hn)
+bool success = false;
+const bool print_io_msg_flag
+ = verbose_level >= verbose_level__algorithm_highlights;
+switch (method)
+ {
+// just evaluate the horizon function
+case method__horizon_function:
+ {
+ jtutil::norm<fp> H_norms;
+ if (timer_handle >= 0)
+ then CCTK_TimerStartI(timer_handle);
+ horizon_function(ps, cgi, gi, false, true, &H_norms);
+ if (timer_handle >= 0)
+ then CCTK_TimerStopI(timer_handle);
+ " H(h) rms-norm %.2e, infinity-norm %.2e",
+ H_norms.rms_norm(), H_norms.infinity_norm());
+ output_gridfn(ps, gfns::gfn__H,
+ IO_info, IO_info.H_base_file_name,
+ hn, true);
+ break;
+ }
+// just compute/print the NP Jacobian
+case method__Jacobian_test_NP_only:
+ {
+ Jacobian& Jac_NP = *Jac_ptr;
+ horizon_function(ps, cgi, gi, true);
+ Jac_info.Jacobian_method = Jacobian_method__numerical_perturb;
+ horizon_Jacobian(ps, Jac_NP,
+ cgi, gi, Jac_info,
+ true);
+ print_Jacobians(ps,
+ & Jac_NP, NULL,
+ IO_info, IO_info.Jacobian_base_file_name,
+ hn, true);
+ break;
+ }
+// compute/print the Jacobian by all possible methods
+case method__Jacobian_test:
+ {
+ Jacobian& Jac_NP = *Jac_ptr;
+ horizon_function(ps, cgi, gi, true);
+ Jac_info.Jacobian_method = Jacobian_method__numerical_perturb;
+ horizon_Jacobian(ps, Jac_NP,
+ cgi, gi, Jac_info,
+ true);
+ // symbolic differentiation with finite diff d/dr
+ Jacobian& Jac_SD_FDdr
+ = new_Jacobian(ps, Jac_info.Jacobian_storage_method);
+ horizon_function(ps, cgi, gi, true);
+ Jac_info.Jacobian_method = Jacobian_method__symbolic_diff_with_FD_dr;
+ horizon_Jacobian(ps, Jac_SD_FDdr,
+ cgi, gi, Jac_info,
+ true);
+ print_Jacobians(ps,
+ & Jac_NP, & Jac_SD_FDdr,
+ IO_info, IO_info.Jacobian_base_file_name,
+ hn, true);
+ break;
+ }
+// find the apparent horizon via the Newton solver
+case method__Newton_solve:
+ {
+ Jacobian& Jac = *Jac_ptr;
+ if (timer_handle >= 0)
+ then CCTK_TimerStartI(timer_handle);
+ success = Newton_solve(ps, Jac,
+ cgi, gi,
+ Jac_info, solver_info, IO_info,
+ hn, verbose_level);
+ if (timer_handle >= 0)
+ then CCTK_TimerStopI(timer_handle);
+ output_gridfn(ps, gfns::gfn__h,
+ IO_info, IO_info.h_base_file_name,
+ hn, print_io_msg_flag);
+ output_gridfn(ps, gfns::gfn__H,
+ IO_info, IO_info.H_base_file_name,
+ hn, print_io_msg_flag);
+ break;
+ }
+" find_horizons(): unknown method=(int)%d!\n"
+" (this should never happen!)"
+ (int) method); /*NOTREACHED*/
+ }
+return success;
+ }
diff --git a/src/driver/horizon_Jacobian.cc b/src/driver/horizon_Jacobian.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ef098f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/driver/horizon_Jacobian.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+// horizon_Jacobian.cc -- evaluate Jacobian matrix of LHS function H(h)
+// $Id$
+// <<<prototypes for functions local to this file>>>
+// horizon_Jacobian - top-level driver to compute the Jacobian
+/// horizon_Jacobian_NP - compute the Jacobian by numerical perturbation
+/// horizon_Jacobian_partial_SD - compute the partial-deriv terms: symbolic diff
+/// add_ghost_zone_Jacobian - add ghost zone dependencies to Jacobian
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "util_Table.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "stdc.h"
+#include "config.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/util.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/array.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/cpm_map.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/linear_map.hh"
+using jtutil::error_exit;
+#include "../util/coords.hh"
+#include "../util/grid.hh"
+#include "../util/fd_grid.hh"
+#include "../util/patch.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_edge.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_interp.hh"
+#include "../util/ghost_zone.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_system.hh"
+#include "../elliptic/Jacobian.hh"
+#include "../gr/gfns.hh"
+#include "../gr/gr.hh"
+#include "AHFinderDirect.hh"
+// ***** prototypes for functions local to this file *****
+namespace {
+void horizon_Jacobian_NP(patch_system& ps,
+ Jacobian& Jac,
+ const struct cactus_grid_info& cgi,
+ const struct geometry_info& ii,
+ const struct Jacobian_info& Jacobian_info,
+ bool print_msg_flag);
+void horizon_Jacobian_partial_SD(patch_system& ps,
+ Jacobian& Jac,
+ const struct cactus_grid_info& cgi,
+ const struct geometry_info& gi,
+ const struct Jacobian_info& Jacobian_info,
+ bool print_msg_flag);
+void add_ghost_zone_Jacobian(const patch_system& ps,
+ Jacobian& Jac,
+ fp mol,
+ const patch& xp, const ghost_zone& xmgz,
+ int x_II,
+ int xm_irho, int xm_isigma);
+void horizon_Jacobian_dr_FD(patch_system& ps,
+ Jacobian& Jac,
+ const struct cactus_grid_info& cgi,
+ const struct geometry_info& gi,
+ const struct Jacobian_info& Jacobian_info,
+ bool print_msg_flag);
+ }
+// This function is a top-level driver to compute the Jacobian matrix
+// J[H(h)] of the LHS function H(h). It just decodes the Jacobian_method
+// parameter and calls the appropriate subfunction.
+void horizon_Jacobian(patch_system& ps,
+ Jacobian& Jac,
+ const struct cactus_grid_info& cgi,
+ const struct geometry_info& gi,
+ const struct Jacobian_info& Jacobian_info,
+ bool print_msg_flag)
+switch (Jacobian_info.Jacobian_method)
+ {
+case Jacobian_method__numerical_perturb:
+ horizon_Jacobian_NP(ps, Jac,
+ cgi, gi, Jacobian_info,
+ print_msg_flag);
+ break;
+case Jacobian_method__symbolic_diff:
+" horizon_Jacobian(): Jacobian_method == \"symbolic differentiation\"\n"
+" isn't implemented (yet); reverting to\n"
+" \"symbolic differentiation with finite diff d/dr\"");
+ // fall through
+case Jacobian_method__symbolic_diff_with_FD_dr:
+ horizon_Jacobian_partial_SD(ps, Jac,
+ cgi, gi, Jacobian_info,
+ print_msg_flag);
+ horizon_Jacobian_dr_FD(ps, Jac,
+ cgi, gi, Jacobian_info,
+ print_msg_flag);
+ break;
+ error_exit(PANIC_EXIT,
+"***** horizon_Jacobian(): unknown Jacobian_info.Jacobian_method=(int)%d!\n"
+" (this should never happen!)\n"
+ int(Jacobian_info.Jacobian_method)); /*NOTREACHED*/
+ }
+// This function computes the Jacobian matrix of the LHS function H(h)
+// by numerical perturbation of the H(h) function. The algorithm is as
+// follows:
+// we assume that H = H(h) has already been evaluated
+// save_H = H
+// for each point (y,JJ)
+// {
+// const fp save_h_y = h at y;
+// h at y += perturbation_amplitude;
+// evaluate H(h) (silently)
+// for each point (x,II)
+// {
+// Jac(II,JJ) = (H(II) - save_H(II)) / perturbation_amplitude;
+// }
+// h at y = save_h_y;
+// }
+// H = save_H
+// Inputs (angular gridfns, on ghosted grid):
+// h # shape of trial surface
+// H # H(h) assumed to already be computed
+// Outputs:
+// The Jacobian matrix is stored in the Jacobian object Jac.
+namespace {
+void horizon_Jacobian_NP(patch_system& ps,
+ Jacobian& Jac,
+ const struct cactus_grid_info& cgi,
+ const struct geometry_info& ii,
+ const struct Jacobian_info& Jacobian_info,
+ bool print_msg_flag)
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ " horizon Jacobian (numerical perturbation)");
+const fp epsilon = Jacobian_info.perturbation_amplitude;
+ps.gridfn_copy(gfns::gfn__H, gfns::gfn__save_H);
+ for (int ypn = 0 ; ypn < ps.N_patches() ; ++ypn)
+ {
+ patch& yp = ps.ith_patch(ypn);
+ if (print_msg_flag)
+ " perturbing in %s patch",
+ yp.name());
+ for (int y_irho = yp.min_irho() ; y_irho <= yp.max_irho() ; ++y_irho)
+ {
+ for (int y_isigma = yp.min_isigma() ;
+ y_isigma <= yp.max_isigma() ;
+ ++y_isigma)
+ {
+ const int JJ = ps.gpn_of_patch_irho_isigma(yp, y_irho,y_isigma);
+ const fp save_h_y = yp.ghosted_gridfn(gfns::gfn__h, y_irho,y_isigma);
+ yp.ghosted_gridfn(gfns::gfn__h, y_irho,y_isigma) += epsilon;
+ horizon_function(ps, cgi, ii);
+ for (int xpn = 0 ; xpn < ps.N_patches() ; ++xpn)
+ {
+ patch& xp = ps.ith_patch(xpn);
+ for (int x_irho = xp.min_irho() ;
+ x_irho <= xp.max_irho() ;
+ ++x_irho)
+ {
+ for (int x_isigma = xp.min_isigma() ;
+ x_isigma <= xp.max_isigma() ;
+ ++x_isigma)
+ {
+ const int II = ps.gpn_of_patch_irho_isigma(xp, x_irho,x_isigma);
+ const fp old_H = xp.gridfn(gfns::gfn__save_H, x_irho,x_isigma);
+ const fp new_H = xp.gridfn(gfns::gfn__H, x_irho,x_isigma);
+ Jac(II,JJ) = (new_H - old_H) / epsilon;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ yp.ghosted_gridfn(gfns::gfn__h, y_irho,y_isigma) = save_h_y;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ps.gridfn_copy(gfns::gfn__save_H, gfns::gfn__H);
+ }
+// This function computes the partial derivative terms in the Jacobian
+// matrix of the LHS function H(h), by symbolic differentiation from the
+// Jacobian coefficient (angular) gridfns. The computation is done a
+// Jacobian row at a time, using equation (25) of my 1996 apparent horizon
+// finding paper.
+// Inputs (angular gridfns, on ghosted grid):
+// h # shape of trial surface
+// H # H(h) assumed to already be computed
+// partial_H_wrt_partial_d_h # Jacobian coefficients
+// partial_H_wrt_partial_dd_h # (also assumed to already be computed)
+// Outputs:
+// The Jacobian matrix is stored in the Jacobian object Jac.
+namespace {
+void horizon_Jacobian_partial_SD(patch_system& ps,
+ Jacobian& Jac,
+ const struct cactus_grid_info& cgi,
+ const struct geometry_info& gi,
+ const struct Jacobian_info& Jacobian_info,
+ bool print_msg_flag)
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ " horizon Jacobian: partial-deriv terms (symbolic diff)");
+ for (int xpn = 0 ; xpn < ps.N_patches() ; ++xpn)
+ {
+ patch& xp = ps.ith_patch(xpn);
+ for (int x_irho = xp.min_irho() ; x_irho <= xp.max_irho() ; ++x_irho)
+ {
+ for (int x_isigma = xp.min_isigma() ;
+ x_isigma <= xp.max_isigma() ;
+ ++x_isigma)
+ {
+ //
+ // compute the main Jacobian terms for this grid point, i.e.
+ // partial H(this point x, Jacobian row II)
+ // ---------------------------------------------
+ // partial h(other points y, Jacobian column JJ)
+ //
+ // Jacobian row index
+ const int II = ps.gpn_of_patch_irho_isigma(xp, x_irho, x_isigma);
+ // Jacobian coefficients for this point
+ const fp Jacobian_coeff_rho
+ = xp.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_H_wrt_partial_d_h_1,
+ x_irho, x_isigma);
+ const fp Jacobian_coeff_sigma
+ = xp.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_H_wrt_partial_d_h_2,
+ x_irho, x_isigma);
+ const fp Jacobian_coeff_rho_rho
+ = xp.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_H_wrt_partial_dd_h_11,
+ x_irho, x_isigma);
+ const fp Jacobian_coeff_rho_sigma
+ = xp.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_H_wrt_partial_dd_h_12,
+ x_irho, x_isigma);
+ const fp Jacobian_coeff_sigma_sigma
+ = xp.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_H_wrt_partial_dd_h_22,
+ x_irho, x_isigma);
+ // partial_rho, partial_rho_rho
+ for (int m_irho = xp.molecule_min_m() ;
+ m_irho <= xp.molecule_max_m() ;
+ ++m_irho)
+ {
+ const int xm_irho = x_irho + m_irho;
+ const fp Jac_rho = Jacobian_coeff_rho
+ * xp.partial_rho_coeff(m_irho);
+ const fp Jac_rho_rho = Jacobian_coeff_rho_rho
+ * xp.partial_rho_rho_coeff(m_irho);
+ const fp Jac_sum = Jac_rho + Jac_rho_rho;
+ if (xp.is_in_nominal_grid(xm_irho, x_isigma))
+ then Jac(II, xp,xm_irho,x_isigma) += Jac_sum;
+ else add_ghost_zone_Jacobian
+ (ps, Jac,
+ Jac_sum,
+ xp, xp.minmax_rho_ghost_zone(m_irho < 0),
+ II, xm_irho, x_isigma);
+ }
+ // partial_sigma, partial_sigma_sigma
+ for (int m_isigma = xp.molecule_min_m() ;
+ m_isigma <= xp.molecule_max_m() ;
+ ++m_isigma)
+ {
+ const int xm_isigma = x_isigma + m_isigma;
+ const fp Jac_sigma = Jacobian_coeff_sigma
+ * xp.partial_sigma_coeff(m_isigma);
+ const fp Jac_sigma_sigma = Jacobian_coeff_sigma_sigma
+ * xp.partial_sigma_sigma_coeff(m_isigma);
+ const fp Jac_sum = Jac_sigma + Jac_sigma_sigma;
+ if (xp.is_in_nominal_grid(x_irho, xm_isigma))
+ then Jac(II, xp,x_irho,xm_isigma) += Jac_sum;
+ else add_ghost_zone_Jacobian
+ (ps, Jac,
+ Jac_sum,
+ xp, xp.minmax_sigma_ghost_zone(m_isigma < 0),
+ II, x_irho, xm_isigma);
+ }
+ // partial_rho_sigma
+ for (int m_irho = xp.molecule_min_m() ;
+ m_irho <= xp.molecule_max_m() ;
+ ++m_irho)
+ {
+ for (int m_isigma = xp.molecule_min_m() ;
+ m_isigma <= xp.molecule_max_m() ;
+ ++m_isigma)
+ {
+ const int xm_irho = x_irho + m_irho;
+ const int xm_isigma = x_isigma + m_isigma;
+ const fp Jac_rho_sigma
+ = Jacobian_coeff_rho_sigma
+ * xp.partial_rho_sigma_coeff(m_irho, m_isigma);
+ if (xp.is_in_nominal_grid(xm_irho, xm_isigma))
+ then Jac(II, xp,xm_irho,xm_isigma) += Jac_rho_sigma;
+ else {
+ const ghost_zone& xmgz
+ = xp.corner_ghost_zone_containing_point
+ (m_irho < 0, m_isigma < 0,
+ xm_irho, xm_isigma);
+ add_ghost_zone_Jacobian(ps, Jac,
+ Jac_rho_sigma,
+ xp, xmgz,
+ II, xm_irho, xm_isigma);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// This function adds the ghost-zone Jacobian dependency contributions
+// for a single ghost-zone point, to a Jacobian matrix.
+// Arguments:
+// ps = The patch system.
+// Jac = (out) The Jacobian matrix.
+// mol = The molecule coefficient.
+// xp = The patch containing the center point of the molecule.
+// xmgz = If the x+m point is in a ghost zone, this must be that ghost zone.
+// If the x+m point is not in a ghost zone, this argument is ignored.
+// x_II = The Jacobian row of the x point.
+// xm_(irho,isigma) = The coordinates (in xp) of the x+m point of the molecule.
+namespace {
+void add_ghost_zone_Jacobian(const patch_system& ps,
+ Jacobian& Jac,
+ fp mol,
+ const patch& xp, const ghost_zone& xmgz,
+ int x_II,
+ int xm_irho, int xm_isigma)
+const patch_edge& xme = xmgz.my_edge();
+const int xm_iperp = xme.iperp_of_irho_isigma(xm_irho, xm_isigma);
+const int xm_ipar = xme. ipar_of_irho_isigma(xm_irho, xm_isigma);
+// FIXME: this won't change from one call to another
+// ==> it would be more efficient to reuse the same buffer
+// across multiple calls on this function
+int global_min_ym, global_max_ym;
+ps.synchronize_Jacobian_global_minmax_ym(global_min_ym, global_max_ym);
+jtutil::array1d<fp> Jacobian_buffer(global_min_ym, global_max_ym);
+// on what other points y does this molecule point xm depend
+// via the patch_system::synchronize() operation?
+int y_iperp;
+int y_posn, min_ym, max_ym;
+const patch_edge& ye = ps.synchronize_Jacobian(xmgz,
+ xm_iperp, xm_ipar,
+ y_iperp,
+ y_posn, min_ym, max_ym,
+ Jacobian_buffer);
+const patch& yp = ye.my_patch();
+// add the Jacobian contributions from the ym points
+ for (int ym = min_ym ; ym <= max_ym ; ++ym)
+ {
+ const int y_ipar = y_posn + ym;
+ const int y_irho = ye. irho_of_iperp_ipar(y_iperp,y_ipar);
+ const int y_isigma = ye.isigma_of_iperp_ipar(y_iperp,y_ipar);
+ const int JJ = ps.gpn_of_patch_irho_isigma(yp, y_irho, y_isigma);
+ Jac(x_II,JJ) += mol*Jacobian_buffer(ym);
+ }
+ }
+// This function sums the d/dr terms into the Jacobian matrix of the
+// LHS function H(h), computing those terms by finite differencing.
+// The basic algorithm is that
+// Jac += diag[ (H(h+epsilon) - H(h)) / epsilon ]
+// Inputs (angular gridfns, on ghosted grid):
+// h # shape of trial surface
+// H # H(h) assumed to already be computed
+// Outputs:
+// Jac += d/dr terms
+namespace {
+void horizon_Jacobian_dr_FD(patch_system& ps,
+ Jacobian& Jac,
+ const struct cactus_grid_info& cgi,
+ const struct geometry_info& gi,
+ const struct Jacobian_info& Jacobian_info,
+ bool print_msg_flag)
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ " horizon Jacobian: d/dr terms (finite diff)");
+const fp epsilon = Jacobian_info.perturbation_amplitude;
+// compute H(h+epsilon)
+ps.gridfn_copy(gfns::gfn__H, gfns::gfn__save_H);
+ps.add_to_ghosted_gridfn(epsilon, gfns::gfn__h);
+horizon_function(ps, cgi, gi);
+ for (int pn = 0 ; pn < ps.N_patches() ; ++pn)
+ {
+ patch& p = ps.ith_patch(pn);
+ for (int irho = p.min_irho() ; irho <= p.max_irho() ; ++irho)
+ {
+ for (int isigma = p.min_isigma() ;
+ isigma <= p.max_isigma() ;
+ ++isigma)
+ {
+ const int II = ps.gpn_of_patch_irho_isigma(p, irho,isigma);
+ const fp old_H = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__save_H, irho,isigma);
+ const fp new_H = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__H, irho,isigma);
+ Jac(II,II) += (new_H - old_H) / epsilon;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// restore h and H
+ps.add_to_ghosted_gridfn(-epsilon, gfns::gfn__h);
+ps.gridfn_copy(gfns::gfn__save_H, gfns::gfn__H);
+ }
diff --git a/src/driver/initial_guess.cc b/src/driver/initial_guess.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bb62df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/driver/initial_guess.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+// initial_guess.cc -- top level driver for setting the initial guess
+// $Header$
+// <<<access to persistent data>>>
+// <<<prototypes for functions local to this file>>>
+// AHFinderDirect_initial_guess - top-level driver
+/// setup_Kerr_horizon - set up Kerr horizon in h (Kerr or Kerr-Schild coords)
+/// setup_ellipsoid - setup up a coordinate ellipsoid in h
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "util_Table.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "stdc.h"
+#include "config.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/util.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/array.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/cpm_map.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/linear_map.hh"
+using jtutil::error_exit;
+#include "../util/coords.hh"
+#include "../util/grid.hh"
+#include "../util/fd_grid.hh"
+#include "../util/patch.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_edge.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_interp.hh"
+#include "../util/ghost_zone.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_system.hh"
+#include "../elliptic/Jacobian.hh"
+#include "../gr/gfns.hh"
+#include "../gr/gr.hh"
+#include "AHFinderDirect.hh"
+// ***** access to persistent data *****
+extern struct state state;
+// ***** prototypes for functions local to this file *****
+namespace {
+void setup_Kerr_horizon(patch_system& ps,
+ fp x_posn, fp y_posn, fp z_posn,
+ fp m, fp a,
+ bool Kerr_Schild_flag,
+ bool my_print_msg_flag, bool ellipsoid_print_msg_flag);
+void setup_ellipsoid(patch_system& ps,
+ fp x_center, fp y_center, fp z_center,
+ fp x_radius, fp y_radius, fp z_radius,
+ bool print_msg_flag);
+ };
+// This function is called by the Cactus scheduler to set our initial guess
+// for the horizon position(s).
+extern "C"
+ void AHFinderDirect_initial_guess(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+const bool print_msg_flag
+ = state.verbose_level >= verbose_level__algorithm_highlights;
+const bool print_more_msg_flag
+ = state.verbose_level >= verbose_level__algorithm_details;
+struct IO_info& IO_info = state.IO_info;
+IO_info.time_iteration = cctk_iteration;
+ for (int hn = 0 ; hn < state.N_horizons ; ++hn)
+ {
+ struct AH_info& AH_info = * state.AH_info_ptrs[hn];
+ patch_system& ps = * AH_info.ps_ptr;
+ if (STRING_EQUAL(initial_guess_method, "read from file"))
+ then input_gridfn(ps, gfns::gfn__h,
+ IO_info, IO_info.h_base_file_name,
+ hn, print_msg_flag);
+ else if (STRING_EQUAL(initial_guess_method, "sphere"))
+ then setup_ellipsoid(ps,
+ initial_guess__sphere__x_center[hn],
+ initial_guess__sphere__y_center[hn],
+ initial_guess__sphere__z_center[hn],
+ initial_guess__sphere__radius[hn],
+ initial_guess__sphere__radius[hn],
+ initial_guess__sphere__radius[hn],
+ print_msg_flag);
+ else if (STRING_EQUAL(initial_guess_method, "ellipsoid"))
+ then setup_ellipsoid(ps,
+ initial_guess__ellipsoid__x_center[hn],
+ initial_guess__ellipsoid__y_center[hn],
+ initial_guess__ellipsoid__z_center[hn],
+ initial_guess__ellipsoid__x_radius[hn],
+ initial_guess__ellipsoid__y_radius[hn],
+ initial_guess__ellipsoid__z_radius[hn],
+ print_msg_flag);
+ else if (STRING_EQUAL(initial_guess_method, "Kerr/Kerr"))
+ then setup_Kerr_horizon(ps,
+ initial_guess__Kerr__x_posn[hn],
+ initial_guess__Kerr__y_posn[hn],
+ initial_guess__Kerr__z_posn[hn],
+ initial_guess__Kerr__mass[hn],
+ initial_guess__Kerr__spin[hn],
+ false, // use Kerr coords
+ print_msg_flag, print_more_msg_flag);
+ else if (STRING_EQUAL(initial_guess_method, "Kerr/Kerr-Schild"))
+ then setup_Kerr_horizon(ps,
+ initial_guess__Kerr__x_posn[hn],
+ initial_guess__Kerr__y_posn[hn],
+ initial_guess__Kerr__z_posn[hn],
+ initial_guess__Kerr__mass[hn],
+ initial_guess__Kerr__spin[hn],
+ true, // use Kerr-Schild coords
+ print_msg_flag, print_more_msg_flag);
+ else CCTK_VWarn(-1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
+ "unknown initial_guess_method=\"%s\"!",
+ initial_guess_method); /*NOTREACHED*/
+ // write initial guess back to the data file?
+ if (output_initial_guess != 0)
+ then output_gridfn(ps, gfns::gfn__h,
+ IO_info, IO_info.h_base_file_name,
+ hn, print_msg_flag);
+ }
+// This function sets up the horizon of a Kerr black hole in Kerr or
+// Kerr-Schild coordinates, on the nominal grid, in the h gridfn.
+// Kerr-Schild coordinates are described in MTW Exercise 33.8, page 903,
+// and the horizon is worked out on page 13.2 of my AHFinderDirect notes.
+// Arguments:
+// [xyz]_posn = The position of the Kerr black hole.
+// (m,a) = Describe the Kerr black hole. Note that my convention has
+// a=J/m^2 dimensionless, while MTW take a=J/m=m*(my a).
+// Kerr_Schild_flag = false to use Kerr coordinates,
+// true to use Kerr-Schild coordinates
+// my_print_msg_flag = true to print messages about the Kerr horizon itself,
+// false to skip these
+// ellipsoid_print_msg_flag = true to print messages about the ellipsoid
+// shape of the Kerr horizon,
+// false to skip these
+namespace {
+void setup_Kerr_horizon(patch_system& ps,
+ fp x_posn, fp y_posn, fp z_posn,
+ fp m, fp a,
+ bool Kerr_Schild_flag,
+ bool my_print_msg_flag, bool ellipsoid_print_msg_flag)
+const char* const name = Kerr_Schild_flag ? "Kerr-Schild" : "Kerr";
+if (my_print_msg_flag)
+ then {
+ "setting up Kerr/%s initial guess",
+ name);
+ " posn=(%g,%g,%g) mass=%g spin=J/m^2=%g",
+ double(x_posn), double(y_posn), double(z_posn),
+ double(m), double(a));
+ }
+// horizon in Kerr coordinates is coordinate sphere
+const fp r = m * (1.0 + sqrt(1.0 - a*a));
+// horizon in Kerr-Schild coordinates is coordinate ellipsoid
+const fp z_radius = r;
+const fp xy_radius = Kerr_Schild_flag ? r * sqrt(1.0 + a*a*m*m/(r*r)) : r;
+if (ellipsoid_print_msg_flag)
+ " horizon is coordinate %s",
+ Kerr_Schild_flag ? "ellipsoid" : "sphere");
+ x_posn, y_posn, z_posn,
+ xy_radius, xy_radius, z_radius,
+ ellipsoid_print_msg_flag);
+ }
+// This function sets up an ellipsoid in the gridfn h, using the
+// formulas in "ellipsoid.maple" and the Maple-generated C code in
+// "ellipsoid.c":
+// ellipsoid has center (A,B,C), radius (a,b,c)
+// angular coordinate system has center (U,V,W)
+// direction cosines wrt angular coordinate center are (xcos,ycos,zcos)
+// i.e. a point has coordinates (U+xcos*r, V+ycos*r, W+zcos*r)
+// then the equation of the ellipsoid is
+// (U+xcos*r - A)^2 (V+ycos*r - B)^2 (W+zcos*r - C)^2
+// ----------------- + ---------------- + ----------------- = 1
+// a^2 b^2 c^2
+// to solve this, we introduce intermediate variables
+// AU = A - U
+// BV = B - V
+// CW = C - W
+namespace {
+void setup_ellipsoid(patch_system& ps,
+ fp x_center, fp y_center, fp z_center,
+ fp x_radius, fp y_radius, fp z_radius,
+ bool print_msg_flag)
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then {
+ "setting h = ellipsoid: center=(%g,%g,%g)",
+ double(x_center), double(y_center), double(z_center));
+ " radius=(%g,%g,%g)",
+ double(x_radius), double(y_radius), double(z_radius));
+ }
+ for (int pn = 0 ; pn < ps.N_patches() ; ++pn)
+ {
+ patch& p = ps.ith_patch(pn);
+ for (int irho = p.min_irho() ; irho <= p.max_irho() ; ++irho)
+ {
+ for (int isigma = p.min_isigma() ;
+ isigma <= p.max_isigma() ;
+ ++isigma)
+ {
+ const fp rho = p.rho_of_irho(irho);
+ const fp sigma = p.sigma_of_isigma(isigma);
+ fp xcos, ycos, zcos;
+ p.xyzcos_of_rho_sigma(rho,sigma, xcos,ycos,zcos);
+ // set up variables used by Maple-generated code
+ const fp AU = x_center - ps.origin_x();
+ const fp BV = y_center - ps.origin_y();
+ const fp CW = z_center - ps.origin_z();
+ const fp a = x_radius;
+ const fp b = y_radius;
+ const fp c = z_radius;
+ // compute the solutions r_plus and r_minus
+ fp r_plus, r_minus;
+ #include "ellipsoid.c"
+ // exactly one of the solutions (call it r) should be positive
+ fp r;
+ if ((r_plus > 0.0) && (r_minus < 0.0))
+ then r = r_plus;
+ else if ((r_plus < 0.0) && (r_minus > 0.0))
+ then r = r_minus;
+ else CCTK_VWarn(-1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
+ "\n"
+" setup_ellipsoid():\n"
+" expected exactly one r>0 solution to quadratic, got 0 or 2!\n"
+" %s patch (irho,isigma)=(%d,%d) ==> (rho,sigma)=(%g,%g)\n"
+" direction cosines (xcos,ycos,zcos)=(%g,%g,%g)\n"
+" ==> r_plus=%g r_minus=%g\n"
+ ,
+ p.name(), irho, isigma,
+ double(rho), double(sigma),
+ double(xcos), double(ycos), double(zcos),
+ double(r_plus), double(r_minus));
+ // r = horizon radius at this grid point
+ p.ghosted_gridfn(gfns::gfn__h, irho,isigma) = r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/driver/io.cc b/src/driver/io.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94eb5bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/driver/io.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+// io.cc -- I/O routines for this thorn
+// $Header$
+// <<<prototypes for functions local to this file>>>
+// input_gridfn
+// output_gridfn
+// output_Jacobians
+/// io_file_name
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "util_Table.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "stdc.h"
+#include "config.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/util.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/array.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/cpm_map.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/linear_map.hh"
+using jtutil::error_exit;
+#include "../util/coords.hh"
+#include "../util/grid.hh"
+#include "../util/fd_grid.hh"
+#include "../util/patch.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_edge.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_interp.hh"
+#include "../util/ghost_zone.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_system.hh"
+#include "../elliptic/Jacobian.hh"
+#include "../gr/gfns.hh"
+#include "../gr/gr.hh"
+#include "AHFinderDirect.hh"
+// ***** prototypes for functions local to this file *****
+namespace {
+const char* io_file_name(struct IO_info& IO_info, const char base_file_name[],
+ int hn, int AHF_iteration = 0);
+ };
+// This function inputs a gridfn from a data file.
+// We assume that this gridfn is ghosted, but the ghost zones are *not*
+// present in the data file.
+void input_gridfn(patch_system& ps, int unknown_gfn,
+ struct IO_info& IO_info, const char base_file_name[],
+ int hn, bool print_msg_flag, int AHF_iteration = 0)
+const char* file_name = io_file_name(IO_info, base_file_name,
+ hn, AHF_iteration);
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ then {
+ if ( (unknown_gfn == gfns::gfn__h)
+ && (IO_info.time_iteration == 0) && (AHF_iteration == 0) )
+ " reading initial guess from \"%s\"", file_name);
+ " reading \"%s\"", file_name);
+ }
+ file_name,
+ false); // no ghost zones in data file
+// This function outputs a gridfn from a data file.
+// If the gridfn is h, then we also write out the xyz positions of the
+// horizon surface points.
+// FIXME FIXME: if the gridfn is not h, we assume that it's nominal-grid.
+void output_gridfn(patch_system& ps, int unknown_gfn,
+ struct IO_info& IO_info, const char base_file_name[],
+ int hn, bool print_msg_flag, int AHF_iteration = 0)
+const char* file_name = io_file_name(IO_info, base_file_name,
+ hn, AHF_iteration);
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ " writing \"%s\"", file_name);
+switch (unknown_gfn)
+ {
+case gfns::gfn__h:
+ " writing h to \"%s\"", file_name);
+ ps.print_ghosted_gridfn_with_xyz(unknown_gfn,
+ true, gfns::gfn__h,
+ file_name,
+ false); // no ghost zones
+ break;
+case gfns::gfn__H:
+ " writing H(h) to \"%s\"", file_name);
+ ps.print_gridfn(unknown_gfn,
+ file_name);
+ break;
+ " writing \"%s\"", file_name);
+ ps.print_gridfn(unknown_gfn,
+ file_name);
+ break;
+ }
+// This function prints one or two Jacobian matrices (and their difference
+// in the latter case) to a named output file.
+// Arguments:
+// A null Jacobian pointer means to skip that Jacobian.
+void print_Jacobians(const patch_system& ps,
+ const Jacobian* Jac_NP, const Jacobian* Jac_SD_FDdr,
+ struct IO_info& IO_info, const char base_file_name[],
+ int hn, bool print_msg_flag, int AHF_iteration = 0)
+if (Jac_NP == NULL)
+ then {
+ "print_Jacobinas(): Jac_NP == NULL is not (yet) supported!");
+ return; // *** ERROR RETURN ***
+ }
+const char* file_name = io_file_name(IO_info, base_file_name,
+ hn, AHF_iteration);
+if (print_msg_flag)
+ " writing %s to \"%s\"",
+ ((Jac_SD_FDdr == NULL) ? "NP Jacobian"
+ : "NP and SD_FDdr Jacobians"),
+ file_name);
+FILE *fileptr = fopen(file_name, "w");
+if (fileptr == NULL)
+ then CCTK_VWarn(-1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
+ "print_Jacobians(): can't open output file \"%s\"!",
+ file_name); /*NOTREACHED*/
+fprintf(fileptr, "# column 1 = x patch name\n");
+fprintf(fileptr, "# column 2 = x patch number\n");
+fprintf(fileptr, "# column 3 = x irho\n");
+fprintf(fileptr, "# column 4 = x isigma\n");
+fprintf(fileptr, "# column 5 = x II\n");
+fprintf(fileptr, "# column 6 = y patch name\n");
+fprintf(fileptr, "# column 7 = y patch number\n");
+fprintf(fileptr, "# column 8 = y irho\n");
+fprintf(fileptr, "# column 9 = y isigma\n");
+fprintf(fileptr, "# column 10 = y JJ\n");
+fprintf(fileptr, "# column 11 = Jac_NP(II,JJ)\n");
+if (Jac_SD_FDdr != NULL)
+ then {
+ fprintf(fileptr, "# column 12 = Jac_SD_FDdr(II,JJ)\n");
+ fprintf(fileptr, "# column 13 = abs error in Jac_SD_FDdr\n");
+ fprintf(fileptr, "# column 14 = rel error in Jac_SD_FDdr\n");
+ }
+ for (int xpn = 0 ; xpn < ps.N_patches() ; ++xpn)
+ {
+ patch& xp = ps.ith_patch(xpn);
+ for (int x_irho = xp.min_irho() ; x_irho <= xp.max_irho() ; ++x_irho)
+ {
+ for (int x_isigma = xp.min_isigma() ;
+ x_isigma <= xp.max_isigma() ;
+ ++x_isigma)
+ {
+ const int II = ps.gpn_of_patch_irho_isigma(xp, x_irho,x_isigma);
+ for (int ypn = 0 ; ypn < ps.N_patches() ; ++ypn)
+ {
+ patch& yp = ps.ith_patch(ypn);
+ for (int y_irho = yp.min_irho() ;
+ y_irho <= yp.max_irho() ;
+ ++y_irho)
+ {
+ for (int y_isigma = yp.min_isigma() ;
+ y_isigma <= yp.max_isigma() ;
+ ++y_isigma)
+ {
+ const int JJ = ps.gpn_of_patch_irho_isigma(yp, y_irho,y_isigma);
+ if (! Jac_NP->is_explicitly_stored(II,JJ))
+ then continue; // skip sparse points
+ const fp NP = (*Jac_NP)(II,JJ);
+ const fp SD_FDdr = (Jac_SD_FDdr == NULL) ? 0.0 : (*Jac_SD_FDdr)(II,JJ);
+ if ((NP == 0.0) && (SD_FDdr == 0.0))
+ then continue; // skip zero values (if == )
+ fprintf(fileptr,
+ "%s %d %d %d %d\t%s %d %d %d %d\t%.10g",
+ xp.name(), xpn, x_irho, x_isigma, II,
+ yp.name(), ypn, y_irho, y_isigma, JJ,
+ double(NP));
+ if (Jac_SD_FDdr != NULL)
+ then {
+ const fp abs_NP = jtutil::abs(NP );
+ const fp abs_SD_FDdr = jtutil::abs(SD_FDdr);
+ const fp max_abs = jtutil::max(abs_SD_FDdr, abs_NP);
+ const fp SD_FDdr_abs_error = SD_FDdr - NP;
+ const fp SD_FDdr_rel_error = SD_FDdr_abs_error / max_abs;
+ fprintf(fileptr,
+ "\t%.10g\t%e\t%e",
+ double(SD_FDdr),
+ double(SD_FDdr_abs_error), double(SD_FDdr_rel_error));
+ }
+ fprintf(fileptr, "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// This function encapsulates our file-naming conventions.
+// Arguments:
+// IO_info = note this is *not* const since we may keep things like
+// file positions etc here
+// base_file_name[] = from the parameter file
+// time_iteration = the Cactus time iteration number (cctk_iteration)
+// hn = the horizon number
+// AHF_iteration = the apparent horizon finder's internal iteration
+// number (>= 1) if this is an intermediate iterate,
+// or the default (0) if this is a final computed
+// horizon position
+// Results:
+// This function returns (a pointer to) the file name. The returned
+// result points into a private static buffer; the usual caveats apply.
+namespace {
+const char* io_file_name(struct IO_info& IO_info, const char base_file_name[],
+ int hn, int AHF_iteration = 0)
+const int N_file_name_buffer = 200;
+static char file_name_buffer[N_file_name_buffer];
+if (AHF_iteration == 0)
+ then snprintf(file_name_buffer, N_file_name_buffer,
+ "%s.t%d.ah%d.dat",
+ base_file_name, IO_info.time_iteration, hn);
+ else snprintf(file_name_buffer, N_file_name_buffer,
+ "%s.t%d.ah%d.it%d.dat",
+ base_file_name, IO_info.time_iteration, hn, AHF_iteration);
+return file_name_buffer;
+ }
diff --git a/src/driver/make.code.defn b/src/driver/make.code.defn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cac07f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/driver/make.code.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# specification of things to be compiled in this directory
+# $Header$
+# Source files in this directory
+SRCS = state.cc \
+ setup.cc \
+ initial_guess.cc \
+ find_horizons.cc Newton.cc horizon_Jacobian.cc \
+ io.cc
+# Subdirectories containing source files
diff --git a/src/driver/makefile b/src/driver/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4be4001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/driver/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Makefile for GR code
+# $Id: makefile,v 1.1 2002-09-03 15:08:15 jthorn Exp $
+# Environment Variables:
+# MAPLE_VERSION used via @ifdef for version control in Maple code;
+# typically set to something like MAPLE_V_RELEASE_4
+# (not presently used, but may be needed in the future)
+# Targets:
+# ellipsoid ==> compute ellipsoid equations
+ifneq ($(MAPLE_VERSION),)
+.PHONY : ellipsoid
+ellipsoid :
+ maple <ellipsoid.maple >ellipsoid.log
diff --git a/src/driver/setup.cc b/src/driver/setup.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62e3adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/driver/setup.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+// setup.cc -- top level driver to setup our persistent data structures
+// $Header$
+// <<<prototypes for functions local to this file>>>
+// <<<access to persistent data>>>
+// AHFinderDirect_driver - top-level driver
+/// decode_method - decode the method parameter
+/// decode_verbose_level - decode the verbose_level parameter
+/// decode_Jacobian_method - decode the Jacobian_method parameter
+/// decode_geometry_method - decode the geometry_method parameter
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "util_Table.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "stdc.h"
+#include "config.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/util.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/array.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/cpm_map.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/linear_map.hh"
+using jtutil::error_exit;
+#include "../util/coords.hh"
+#include "../util/grid.hh"
+#include "../util/fd_grid.hh"
+#include "../util/patch.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_edge.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_interp.hh"
+#include "../util/ghost_zone.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_system.hh"
+#include "../elliptic/Jacobian.hh"
+#include "../gr/gfns.hh"
+#include "../gr/gr.hh"
+#include "AHFinderDirect.hh"
+// ***** prototypes for functions local to this file *****
+namespace {
+enum method
+ decode_method(const char method_string[]);
+enum verbose_level
+ decode_verbose_level(const char verbose_level_string[]);
+enum Jacobian_method
+ decode_Jacobian_method(const char Jacobian_method_string[]);
+enum geometry_method
+ decode_geometry_method(const char geometry_method_string[]);
+ };
+// ***** access to persistent data *****
+extern struct state state;
+// This function is called by the Cactus scheduler to set up the
+// following data structures:
+// state.gi
+// state.cgi
+extern "C"
+ void AHFinderDirect_setup(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ "initializing AHFinderDirect data structures");
+state.N_horizons = N_horizons;
+ " to search for %d horizon%s",
+ state.N_horizons, ((state.N_horizons == 1) ? "" : "s"));
+// decode/copy parameters into structures
+state.method = decode_method(method);
+state.verbose_level = decode_verbose_level(verbose_level);
+state.timer_handle = (print_timing_stats != 0)
+ ? CCTK_TimerCreateI()
+ : -1;
+struct IO_info& IO_info = state.IO_info;
+IO_info.h_base_file_name = h_base_file_name;
+IO_info.H_base_file_name = H_of_h_base_file_name;
+IO_info.Jacobian_base_file_name = Jacobian_base_file_name;
+IO_info.time_iteration = 0;
+struct Jacobian_info& Jac_info = state.Jac_info;
+Jac_info.Jacobian_method = decode_Jacobian_method(Jacobian_method);
+ = decode_Jacobian_type(Jacobian_storage_method);
+Jac_info.perturbation_amplitude = Jacobian_perturbation_amplitude;
+struct solver_info& solver_info = state.solver_info;
+solver_info.max_Newton_iterations = max_Newton_iterations;
+ = (output_h_and_H_at_each_Newton_iteration != 0);
+solver_info.max_Delta_h_over_h = max_Delta_h_over_h;
+solver_info.H_norm_for_convergence = H_norm_for_convergence;
+solver_info.Delta_h_norm_for_convergence = Delta_h_norm_for_convergence;
+ = (final_H_update_if_exit_x_H_small != 0);
+// set up the Cactus grid info
+if (state.verbose_level >= verbose_level__algorithm_highlights)
+ then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " setting up Cactus grid info");
+struct cactus_grid_info& cgi = state.cgi;
+cgi.GH = cctkGH;
+cgi.coord_origin[0] = cctk_origin_space[0];
+cgi.coord_origin[1] = cctk_origin_space[1];
+cgi.coord_origin[2] = cctk_origin_space[2];
+cgi.coord_delta[0] = cctk_delta_space[0];
+cgi.coord_delta[1] = cctk_delta_space[1];
+cgi.coord_delta[2] = cctk_delta_space[2];
+cgi.gridfn_dims[0] = cctk_lsh[0];
+cgi.gridfn_dims[1] = cctk_lsh[1];
+cgi.gridfn_dims[2] = cctk_lsh[2];
+// CCTK_VarDataPtr() returns a void * , but we need a const fp *;
+// since static_cast<> won't change const-ness, we need a 2-stage cast
+// for this:
+#define DATA_PTR_CAST(void_ptr_) \
+ static_cast<const fp*>( const_cast<const void *>(void_ptr_) )
+cgi.g_dd_11_data = DATA_PTR_CAST(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "ADMBase::gxx"));
+cgi.g_dd_12_data = DATA_PTR_CAST(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "ADMBase::gxy"));
+cgi.g_dd_13_data = DATA_PTR_CAST(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "ADMBase::gxz"));
+cgi.g_dd_22_data = DATA_PTR_CAST(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "ADMBase::gyy"));
+cgi.g_dd_23_data = DATA_PTR_CAST(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "ADMBase::gyz"));
+cgi.g_dd_33_data = DATA_PTR_CAST(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "ADMBase::gzz"));
+cgi.K_dd_11_data = DATA_PTR_CAST(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "ADMBase::kxx"));
+cgi.K_dd_12_data = DATA_PTR_CAST(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "ADMBase::kxy"));
+cgi.K_dd_13_data = DATA_PTR_CAST(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "ADMBase::kxz"));
+cgi.K_dd_22_data = DATA_PTR_CAST(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "ADMBase::kyy"));
+cgi.K_dd_23_data = DATA_PTR_CAST(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "ADMBase::kyz"));
+cgi.K_dd_33_data = DATA_PTR_CAST(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "ADMBase::kzz"));
+// set up the geometry parameters and the geometry interpolator
+struct geometry_info& gi = state.gi;
+gi.geometry_method = decode_geometry_method(geometry_method);
+// parameters for geometry_method = "interpolate from Cactus grid"
+if (state.verbose_level >= verbose_level__algorithm_highlights)
+ then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " setting up geometry interpolator");
+gi.operator_handle = CCTK_InterpHandle(geometry_interpolator_name);
+if (gi.operator_handle < 0)
+ then CCTK_VWarn(-1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
+"AHFinderDirect_setup(): couldn't find interpolator \"%s\"!",
+ geometry_interpolator_name); /*NOTREACHED*/
+gi.param_table_handle = Util_TableCreateFromString(geometry_interpolator_pars);
+if (gi.param_table_handle < 0)
+ then CCTK_VWarn(-1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
+"AHFinderDirect_setup(): bad geometry-interpolator parameter(s) \"%s\"!",
+ geometry_interpolator_pars); /*NOTREACHED*/
+// parameters for geometry_method = "Schwarzschild/EF"
+gi.geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__mass = geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__mass;
+gi.geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__x_posn = geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__x_posn;
+gi.geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__y_posn = geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__y_posn;
+gi.geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__z_posn = geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__z_posn;
+gi.geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__epsilon = geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__epsilon;
+gi.geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__Delta_xyz= geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__Delta_xyz;
+// create AH-specific info for each AH
+// set up the interpatch interpolator
+if (state.verbose_level >= verbose_level__algorithm_highlights)
+ then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " setting up interpatch interpolator");
+const int interp_handle = CCTK_InterpHandle(interpatch_interpolator_name);
+if (interp_handle < 0)
+ then CCTK_VWarn(-1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
+"AHFinderDirect_setup(): couldn't find interpolator \"%s\"!",
+ interpatch_interpolator_name); /*NOTREACHED*/
+const int interp_param_table_handle
+ = Util_TableCreateFromString(interpatch_interpolator_pars);
+if (interp_param_table_handle < 0)
+ then CCTK_VWarn(-1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
+"AHFinderDirect_setup(): bad interpatch-interpolator parameter(s) \"%s\"!",
+ interpatch_interpolator_pars); /*NOTREACHED*/
+ for (int hn = 0 ; hn < N_horizons ; ++hn)
+ {
+ struct AH_info* AH_ptr = new AH_info;
+ // create the patch system
+ patch_system& ps
+ = *new patch_system
+ (origin_x[hn], origin_y[hn], origin_z[hn],
+ patch_system::type_of_name(patch_system_type),
+ N_ghost_points, N_overlap_points, delta_drho_dsigma,
+ gfns::nominal_min_gfn, gfns::nominal_max_gfn,
+ gfns::ghosted_min_gfn, gfns::ghosted_max_gfn,
+ interp_handle, interp_param_table_handle);
+ AH_ptr->ps_ptr = &ps;
+ // create the Jacobian matrix
+ AH_ptr->Jac_ptr = (state.method == method__horizon_function)
+ ? NULL // no Jacobian used for this case
+ : &new_Jacobian(ps, Jac_info.Jacobian_storage_method);
+ AH_ptr->AH_found = false;
+ AH_ptr->centroid_x = 0.0;
+ AH_ptr->centroid_y = 0.0;
+ AH_ptr->centroid_z = 0.0;
+ AH_ptr->area = 0.0;
+ AH_ptr->mass = 0.0;
+ state.AH_info_ptrs.push_back(AH_ptr);
+ }
+// This function decodes the method parameter (string) into an
+// internal enum for future use.
+namespace {
+enum method
+ decode_method(const char method_string[])
+if (STRING_EQUAL(method_string, "horizon function"))
+ then return method__horizon_function;
+else if (STRING_EQUAL(method_string, "Jacobian test"))
+ then return method__Jacobian_test;
+else if (STRING_EQUAL(method_string, "Jacobian test (NP only)"))
+ then return method__Jacobian_test_NP_only;
+else if (STRING_EQUAL(method_string, "Newton solve"))
+ then return method__Newton_solve;
+else CCTK_VWarn(-1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
+ "decode_method(): unknown method_string=\"%s\"!",
+ method_string); /*NOTREACHED*/
+ }
+// This function decodes the verbose_level parameter (string) into an
+// internal enum for future use.
+namespace {
+enum verbose_level
+ decode_verbose_level(const char verbose_level_string[])
+if (STRING_EQUAL(verbose_level_string, "physics highlights"))
+ then return verbose_level__physics_highlights;
+else if (STRING_EQUAL(verbose_level_string, "physics details"))
+ then return verbose_level__physics_details;
+else if (STRING_EQUAL(verbose_level_string, "algorithm highlights"))
+ then return verbose_level__algorithm_highlights;
+else if (STRING_EQUAL(verbose_level_string, "algorithm details"))
+ then return verbose_level__algorithm_details;
+else CCTK_VWarn(-1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
+"decode_verbose_level(): unknown verbose_level_string=\"%s\"!",
+ verbose_level_string); /*NOTREACHED*/
+ }
+// This function decodes the Jacobian_method parameter (string) into
+// an internal enum for future use.
+namespace {
+enum Jacobian_method
+ decode_Jacobian_method(const char Jacobian_method_string[])
+if (STRING_EQUAL(Jacobian_method_string,
+ "numerical perturbation"))
+ then return Jacobian_method__numerical_perturb;
+else if (STRING_EQUAL(Jacobian_method_string,
+ "symbolic differentiation with finite diff d/dr"))
+ then return Jacobian_method__symbolic_diff_with_FD_dr;
+else if (STRING_EQUAL(Jacobian_method_string,
+ "symbolic differentiation"))
+ then return Jacobian_method__symbolic_diff;
+else CCTK_VWarn(-1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
+"decode_Jacobian_method(): unknown Jacobian_method_string=\"%s\"!",
+ Jacobian_method_string); /*NOTREACHED*/
+ }
+// This function decodes the geometry_method parameter (string) into
+// an internal enum for future use.
+namespace {
+enum geometry_method
+ decode_geometry_method(const char geometry_method_string[])
+if (STRING_EQUAL(geometry_method_string, "interpolate from Cactus grid"))
+ then return geometry__interpolate_from_Cactus_grid;
+else if (STRING_EQUAL(geometry_method_string, "Schwarzschild/EF"))
+ then return geometry__Schwarzschild_EF;
+else CCTK_VWarn(-1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
+"decode_geometry_method(): unknown geometry_method_string=\"%s\"!",
+ geometry_method_string); /*NOTREACHED*/
+ }
diff --git a/src/driver/state.cc b/src/driver/state.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52d62c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/driver/state.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// state.cc -- persistent state information (data) for this thorn
+// $Header$
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "util_Table.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "stdc.h"
+#include "config.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/util.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/array.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/cpm_map.hh"
+#include "../jtutil/linear_map.hh"
+using jtutil::error_exit;
+#include "../util/coords.hh"
+#include "../util/grid.hh"
+#include "../util/fd_grid.hh"
+#include "../util/patch.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_edge.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_interp.hh"
+#include "../util/ghost_zone.hh"
+#include "../util/patch_system.hh"
+#include "../elliptic/Jacobian.hh"
+#include "../gr/gfns.hh"
+#include "../gr/gr.hh"
+#include "AHFinderDirect.hh"
+// The following data persists across Cactus scheduler calls.
+// The top-level drivers all share it.
+struct state state;