diff options
authorjthorn <jthorn@f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5>2003-06-04 11:49:29 +0000
committerjthorn <jthorn@f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5>2003-06-04 11:49:29 +0000
commit2e72b0e19eb45f00fb6fc7411d1bb9e3be0b3d8f (patch)
parentc37b4c96f3426ed7019be2dd9acd416853c16cf2 (diff)
import the rest (of that subset that I need) of UMFPACK into CVS
the make.code.* and wrap* routines are mine, everything else here is from UMFPACK v4.0 git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinAnalysis/AHFinderDirect/trunk@1092 f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5
59 files changed, 19658 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/README b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/README
index b19cca2..776817e 100644
--- a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/README
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/README
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
This directory contains a subset of the files from the
UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002) sparse matrix package.
UMFPACK is copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. Davis.
See License for the UMFPACK license.
See README.UMFPACK for the original UMFPACK README file, including
the url where the full package (including documentation) may be optained.
-make.code.defn controls compilation of this directory in Cactus.
+make.code.defn controls the Cactus compilation of this directory.
+umfpack_wsolve.c is a copy of umfpack_solve.c to work around
+limitations in the Cactus make.code.defn system.
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/make.code.defn b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/make.code.defn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4913278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/make.code.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Cactus specification of things to be compiled in this directory
+# $Header$
+# UMFPACK comes with a Makefile which compiles many of the source files
+# multiple times with different -D compiler options, both to generate the
+# 4 UMFPACK variants (real/complex, int/long), and for other purposes.
+# Alas, Cactus doesn't seem to provide any way to use a Makefile for
+# this subdirectory, and still use make.code.defn building for the
+# rest of this thorn. :( :(
+# Instead, we [have to] fake things with this make.code.defn and the
+# accompanying make.code.deps . Fortunately, we only need one UMFPACK
+# variant: We know it's real, but we actually want the integer datatype
+# to match Fortran's (since ../../elliptic/row_sparse_matrix.{cc,hh}
+# potentially use the same data structures for both UMFPACK and ILUCG
+# matrices, and ILUCG is Fortran). This ought to be determined by a
+# configure script, but for now (FIXME) we just hard-wire it to long
+# with -D compile flags set in make.code.deps .
+# For the other multiple-compilation and special-compilation-flags cases,
+# we use wrapper files which #define the appropriate symbols, then #include
+# the main UMFPACK source files.
+# Source files in this directory
+SRCS = \
+ umf_analyze.c \
+ umf_apply_order.c \
+ umf_assemble.c \
+ umf_blas3_update.c \
+ umf_build_tuples.c \
+ umf_build_tuples_usage.c \
+ umf_colamd.c \
+ umf_create_element.c \
+ umf_dump.c \
+ umf_extend_front.c \
+ umf_free.c \
+ umf_garbage_collection.c \
+ umf_get_memory.c \
+ umf_init_front.c \
+ umf_is_permutation.c \
+ umf_kernel.c \
+ umf_kernel_init.c \
+ umf_kernel_init_usage.c \
+ umf_kernel_wrapup.c \
+ umf_local_search.c \
+ umf_lsolve.c \
+ umf_ltsolve.c \
+ umf_malloc.c \
+ umf_mem_alloc_element.c \
+ umf_mem_alloc_head_block.c \
+ umf_mem_alloc_tail_block.c \
+ umf_mem_free_tail_block.c \
+ umf_mem_init_memoryspace.c \
+ umf_order_front_tree.c \
+ umf_realloc.c \
+ umf_row_search.c \
+ umf_scale_column.c \
+ umf_set_stats.c \
+ umf_solve.c \
+ umf_symbolic_usage.c \
+ umf_transpose.c \
+ umf_tuple_lengths.c \
+ umf_usolve.c \
+ umf_utsolve.c \
+ umf_valid_numeric.c \
+ umf_valid_symbolic.c \
+ umfpack_defaults.c \
+ umfpack_free_numeric.c \
+ umfpack_free_symbolic.c \
+ umfpack_get_lunz.c \
+ umfpack_get_numeric.c \
+ umfpack_get_symbolic.c \
+ umfpack_numeric.c \
+ umfpack_qsymbolic.c \
+ umfpack_solve.c \
+ umfpack_symbolic.c \
+ umfpack_timer.c \
+ umfpack_transpose.c \
+ \
+ wrap_umf_ltsolve.c \
+ wrap_umf_utsolve.c \
+ wrap_umfpack_wsolve.c
+# Subdirectories containing source files
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/make.code.deps b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/make.code.deps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0bea85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/make.code.deps
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# extra Make rules for Cactus compilation of things in this directory
+# $Header$
+# See the header comments in make.code.defn for general comments.
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_analyze.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_analyze.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0490ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_analyze.c
@@ -0,0 +1,883 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_analyze ========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Symbolic LL' factorization of A'*A, to get upper bounds on the size of
+ L and U for LU = PAQ, and to determine the frontal matrices and
+ (supernodal) column elimination tree. No fill-reducing column pre-ordering
+ is used.
+ Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if out of memory. UMF_analyze can only
+ run out of memory if anzmax (which is Ap [n_row]) is too small.
+ Uses workspace of size O(nonzeros in A). On input, the matrix A is
+ stored in row-form at the tail end of Ai. It is destroyed on output.
+ The rows of A must be sorted by increasing first column index.
+ The matrix is assumed to be valid.
+ Empty rows and columns have already been removed.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_order_front_tree.h"
+#include "umf_apply_order.h"
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL Int UMF_analyze
+ Int n_row, /* A is n_row-by-n_col */
+ Int n_col,
+ Int Ai [ ], /* Ai [Ap [0]..Ap[n_row]-1]: column indices */
+ /* destroyed on output. Note that this is NOT the */
+ /* user's Ai that was passed to UMFPACK_*symbolic */
+ /* size of Ai, Ap [n_row] = anzmax >= anz + n_col */
+ /* Ap [0] must be => n_col. The space to the */
+ /* front of Ai is used as workspace. */
+ Int Ap [ ], /* of size MAX (n_row, n_col) + 1 */
+ /* Ap [0..n_row]: row pointers */
+ /* Row i is in Ai [Ap [i] ... Ap [i+1]-1] */
+ /* rows must have smallest col index first, or be */
+ /* in sorted form. Used as workspace of size n_col */
+ /* and destroyed. */
+ /* Note that this is NOT the */
+ /* user's Ap that was passed to UMFPACK_*symbolic */
+ Int Up [ ], /* workspace of size n_col, and output column perm. */
+ /* temporary workspaces: */
+ Int W [ ], /* W [0..n_col-1] */
+ Int Link [ ], /* Link [0..n_col-1] */
+ /* output: information about each frontal matrix: */
+ Int Front_ncols [ ], /* size n_col */
+ Int Front_nrows [ ], /* of size n_col */
+ Int Front_npivcol [ ], /* of size n_col */
+ Int Front_parent [ ], /* of size n_col */
+ Int *nfr_out,
+ Int *p_ncompactions /* number of compactions in UMF_analyze */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* ==== local variables ================================================= */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ Int j, j3, col, k, row, parent, j2, pdest, p, p2, thickness, npivots, nfr,
+ frsize, i, *Winv, kk, npiv, jnext, krow, knext, pfirst,
+ jlast, ncompactions, *Stack, *Front_maxfr, *Front_order, *Front_child,
+ *Front_sibling, fprev, maxfrsize, bigf, fnext, bigfprev, f, Wflag,
+ npivcol, fallrows, fallcols, fpiv, frows, fcols ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Int nfr2, nchild ;
+ nfr = 0 ;
+ DEBUG0 (("UMF_analyze: anzmax "ID" anrow "ID" ancol "ID"\n",
+ Ap [n_row], n_row, n_col)) ;
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* ==== initializations ================================================= */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n_col ; j++)
+ {
+ Link [j] = EMPTY ;
+ W [j] = EMPTY ;
+ Up [j] = EMPTY ;
+ /* Frontal matrix data structure: */
+ Front_npivcol [j] = 0 ; /* number of pivot columns */
+ Front_nrows [j] = 0 ; /* number of rows, incl. pivot rows */
+ Front_ncols [j] = 0 ; /* number of cols, incl. pivot cols */
+ Front_parent [j] = EMPTY ; /* parent front */
+ /* Note that only non-pivotal columns are stored in a front (a "row" */
+ /* of U) during elimination. */
+ }
+ /* the rows must be sorted by increasing min col */
+ krow = 0 ;
+ pfirst = Ap [0] ;
+ jlast = EMPTY ;
+ jnext = EMPTY ;
+ Wflag = 0 ;
+ ASSERT (pfirst >= n_col) ; /* Ai must be large enough */
+ /* pdest points to the first free space in Ai */
+ pdest = 0 ;
+ ncompactions = 0 ;
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* === compute symbolic LL' factorization (unsorted) ==================== */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n_col ; j = jnext)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 (("\n\n============Front "ID" starting. nfr = "ID"\n", j, nfr)) ;
+ /* ================================================================== */
+ /* === garbage collection =========================================== */
+ /* ================================================================== */
+ if (pdest + (n_col-j) > pfirst)
+ {
+ /* we might run out ... compact the rows of U */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG0 (("UMF_analyze COMPACTION, j="ID" pfirst="ID"\n",
+ j, pfirst)) ;
+ for (row = 0 ; row < j ; row++)
+ {
+ if (Up [row] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* this is a live row of U */
+ DEBUG1 (("Live row: "ID" cols: ", row)) ;
+ p = Up [row] ;
+ ASSERT (Front_ncols [row] > Front_npivcol [row]) ;
+ p2 = p + (Front_ncols [row] - Front_npivcol [row]) ;
+ for ( ; p < p2 ; p++)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 ((ID, Ai [p])) ;
+ ASSERT (p < pfirst) ;
+ ASSERT (Ai [p] > row && Ai [p] < n_col) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("\nStarting to compact:\n")) ;
+ pdest = 0 ;
+ ncompactions++ ;
+ for (row = 0 ; row < j ; row++)
+ {
+ if (Up [row] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* this is a live row of U */
+ DEBUG1 (("Live row: "ID" cols: ", row)) ;
+ ASSERT (row < n_col) ;
+ p = Up [row] ;
+ ASSERT (Front_ncols [row] > Front_npivcol [row]) ;
+ p2 = p + (Front_ncols [row] - Front_npivcol [row]) ;
+ Up [row] = pdest ;
+ for ( ; p < p2 ; p++)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 ((ID, Ai [p])) ;
+ ASSERT (p < pfirst) ;
+ ASSERT (Ai [p] > row && Ai [p] < n_col) ;
+ Ai [pdest++] = Ai [p] ;
+ ASSERT (pdest <= pfirst) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG1 (("\nAFTER COMPACTION, j="ID" pfirst="ID"\n", j, pfirst)) ;
+ for (row = 0 ; row < j ; row++)
+ {
+ if (Up [row] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* this is a live row of U */
+ DEBUG1 (("Live row: "ID" cols: ", row)) ;
+ p = Up [row] ;
+ ASSERT (Front_ncols [row] > Front_npivcol [row]) ;
+ p2 = p + (Front_ncols [row] - Front_npivcol [row]) ;
+ for ( ; p < p2 ; p++)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 ((ID, Ai [p])) ;
+ ASSERT (p < pfirst) ;
+ ASSERT (Ai [p] > row && Ai [p] < n_col) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pdest + (n_col-j) > pfirst)
+ {
+ /* Out of memory! This is not supposed to happen ... */
+ /* it can't, if pfirst >= n_col */
+ return (FALSE) ; /* internal error! */
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* is the last front a child of this one? */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (jlast != EMPTY && Link [j] == jlast)
+ {
+ /* yes - create row j by appending to jlast */
+ DEBUG1 (("GOT:last front is child of this one: j "ID" jlast "ID"\n",
+ j, jlast)) ;
+ ASSERT (jlast >= 0 && jlast < j) ;
+ Up [j] = Up [jlast] ;
+ Up [jlast] = EMPTY ;
+ /* find the parent, delete column j, and update W */
+ parent = n_col ;
+ for (p = Up [j] ; p < pdest ; )
+ {
+ j3 = Ai [p] ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Initial row of U: col "ID" ", j3)) ;
+ ASSERT (j3 >= 0 && j3 < n_col) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("W: "ID" \n", W [j3])) ;
+ ASSERT (W [j3] == Wflag) ;
+ if (j == j3)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 (("Found column j at p = "ID"\n", p)) ;
+ Ai [p] = Ai [--pdest] ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (j3 < parent)
+ {
+ parent = j3 ;
+ }
+ p++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* delete jlast from the link list of j */
+ Link [j] = Link [jlast] ;
+ ASSERT (Front_nrows [jlast] > Front_npivcol [jlast]) ;
+ thickness = (Front_nrows [jlast] - Front_npivcol [jlast]) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Up [j] = pdest ;
+ parent = n_col ;
+ /* thickness: number of (nonpivotal) rows in frontal matrix j */
+ thickness = 0 ;
+ Wflag = j ;
+ }
+ /* ================================================================== */
+ /* === compute row j of A*A' ======================================== */
+ /* ================================================================== */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* flag the diagonal entry in row U, but do not add to pattern */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ ASSERT (pdest <= pfirst) ;
+ W [j] = Wflag ;
+ DEBUG1 (("\nComputing row "ID" of A'*A\n", j)) ;
+ DEBUG2 ((" col: "ID" (diagonal)\n", j)) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* find the rows the contribute to this column j */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ jnext = n_col ;
+ for (knext = krow ; knext < n_row ; knext++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Ap [knext] < Ap [knext+1]) ;
+ ASSERT (Ap [knext] >= pfirst && Ap [knext] <= Ap [n_row]) ;
+ jnext = Ai [Ap [knext]] ;
+ ASSERT (jnext >= j) ;
+ if (jnext != j)
+ {
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* rows krow ... knext-1 all have first column index of j */
+ /* (or are empty) */
+ /* row knext has first column index of jnext */
+ /* if knext = n_row, then jnext is n_col */
+ if (knext == n_row)
+ {
+ jnext = n_col ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (jnext > j) ;
+ ASSERT (jnext <= n_col) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* for each nonzero A (k,j) in column j of A do: */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (k = krow ; k < knext ; k++)
+ {
+ p = Ap [k] ;
+ p2 = Ap [k+1] ;
+ ASSERT (p < p2) ;
+ /* merge row k of A into W */
+ DEBUG2 ((" ---- A row "ID" ", k)) ;
+ ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < n_row) ;
+ ASSERT (Ai [p] == j) ;
+ DEBUG2 ((" p "ID" p2 "ID"\n cols:", p, p2)) ;
+ ASSERT (p >= pfirst && p < Ap [n_row]) ;
+ ASSERT (p2 > pfirst && p2 <= Ap [n_row]) ;
+ for ( ; p < p2 ; p++)
+ {
+ /* add to pattern if seen for the first time */
+ col = Ai [p] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= j && col < n_col) ;
+ DEBUG3 ((" "ID, col)) ;
+ if (W [col] != Wflag)
+ {
+ Ai [pdest++] = col ;
+ ASSERT (pdest <= pfirst) ;
+ /* flag this column has having been seen for row j */
+ W [col] = Wflag ;
+ if (col < parent)
+ {
+ parent = col ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ thickness++ ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG3 (("\nRow "ID" of A'A:\n", j)) ;
+ for (p = Up [j] ; p < pdest ; p++)
+ {
+ DEBUG3 ((" "ID, Ai [p])) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG3 (("\n")) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* delete rows up to but not including knext */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ krow = knext ;
+ pfirst = Ap [knext] ;
+ /* we can now use Ai [0..pfirst-1] as workspace for rows of U */
+ /* ================================================================== */
+ /* === compute jth row of U ========================================= */
+ /* ================================================================== */
+ /* for each nonzero U (k,j) in column j of U (1:j-1,:) do */
+ for (k = Link [j] ; k != EMPTY ; k = Link [k])
+ {
+ /* merge row k of U into W */
+ DEBUG2 ((" ---- U row "ID, k)) ;
+ ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (Up [k] != EMPTY) ;
+ p = Up [k] ;
+ ASSERT (Front_ncols [k] > Front_npivcol [k]) ;
+ p2 = p + (Front_ncols [k] - Front_npivcol [k]) ;
+ DEBUG2 ((" p "ID" p2 "ID"\n cols:", p, p2)) ;
+ ASSERT (p <= pfirst) ;
+ ASSERT (p2 <= pfirst) ;
+ for ( ; p < p2 ; p++)
+ {
+ /* add to pattern if seen for the first time */
+ col = Ai [p] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= j && col < n_col) ;
+ DEBUG3 ((ID, col)) ;
+ if (W [col] != Wflag)
+ {
+ Ai [pdest++] = col ;
+ ASSERT (pdest <= pfirst) ;
+ /* flag this col has having been seen for row j */
+ W [col] = Wflag ;
+ if (col < parent)
+ {
+ parent = col ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ /* mark the row k as deleted */
+ Up [k] = EMPTY ;
+ ASSERT (Front_nrows [k] > Front_npivcol [k]) ;
+ thickness += (Front_nrows [k] - Front_npivcol [k]) ;
+ ASSERT (Front_parent [k] == j) ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG3 (("\nRow "ID" of U prior to supercolumn detection:\n", j));
+ for (p = Up [j] ; p < pdest ; p++)
+ {
+ DEBUG3 ((" "ID, Ai [p])) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG3 (("\n")) ;
+ /* ================================================================== */
+ /* === quicky mass elimination ====================================== */
+ /* ================================================================== */
+ /* this code detects some supernodes, but it might miss */
+ /* some because the elimination tree (created on the fly) */
+ /* is not yet post-ordered, and because the pattern of A'*A */
+ /* is also computed on the fly. */
+ /* j2 is incremented because the pivot columns are not stored */
+ for (j2 = j+1 ; j2 < jnext ; j2++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (j2 >= 0 && j2 < n_col) ;
+ if (W [j2] != Wflag || Link [j2] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* the loop above terminated with j2 at the first non-supernode */
+ DEBUG1 (("jnext = "ID"\n", jnext)) ;
+ ASSERT (j2 <= jnext) ;
+ jnext = j2 ;
+ j2-- ;
+ DEBUG1 (("j2 = "ID"\n", j2)) ;
+ ASSERT (j2 < n_col) ;
+ npivots = j2-j+1 ;
+ /* rows j:j2 have the same nonzero pattern, except for columns j:j2-1 */
+ if (j2 > j)
+ {
+ /* supernode detected, prune the pattern of new row j */
+ ASSERT (parent == j+1) ;
+ ASSERT (j2 < n_col) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Supernode detected, j "ID" to j2 "ID"\n", j, j2)) ;
+ parent = n_col ;
+ p2 = pdest ;
+ pdest = Up [j] ;
+ for (p = Up [j] ; p < p2 ; p++)
+ {
+ col = Ai [p] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (W [col] == Wflag) ;
+ if (col > j2)
+ {
+ /* keep this col in the pattern of the new row j */
+ Ai [pdest++] = col ;
+ if (col < parent)
+ {
+ parent = col ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("Parent ["ID"] = "ID"\n", j, parent)) ;
+ ASSERT (parent > j2) ;
+ if (parent == n_col)
+ {
+ /* this front has no parent - it is the root of a subtree */
+ parent = EMPTY ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG3 (("\nFinal row "ID" of U after supercolumn detection:\n", j)) ;
+ for (p = Up [j] ; p < pdest ; p++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Ai [p] >= 0 && Ai [p] < n_col) ;
+ DEBUG3 ((" "ID" ("ID")", Ai [p], W [Ai [p]])) ;
+ ASSERT (W [Ai [p]] == Wflag) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG3 (("\n")) ;
+ /* ================================================================== */
+ /* === frontal matrix =============================================== */
+ /* ================================================================== */
+ /* front has Front_npivcol [j] pivot columns */
+ /* entire front is Front_nrows [j] -by- Front_ncols [j] */
+ /* j is first column in the front */
+ npivcol = npivots ;
+ fallrows = thickness ;
+ fallcols = npivots + pdest - Up [j] ;
+ /* number of pivots in the front (rows and columns) */
+ fpiv = MIN (npivcol, fallrows) ;
+ /* size of contribution block */
+ frows = fallrows - fpiv ;
+ fcols = fallcols - fpiv ;
+ if (frows == 0 || fcols == 0)
+ {
+ /* front has no contribution block and thus needs no parent */
+ Up [j] = EMPTY ;
+ parent = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ Front_npivcol [j] = npivots ;
+ Front_nrows [j] = fallrows ;
+ Front_ncols [j] = fallcols ;
+ Front_parent [j] = parent ;
+ ASSERT (npivots > 0) ;
+ /* Front_parent [j] is the first column of the parent frontal matrix */
+ DEBUG1 (("\n\n==== Front "ID", pivot columns "ID":"ID" all front: "ID
+ "-by-"ID"\n", j, j,j+npivots-1, Front_nrows [j], Front_ncols [j])) ;
+ nfr++ ;
+ /* ================================================================== */
+ /* === prepare this row for its parent ============================== */
+ /* ================================================================== */
+ if (parent != EMPTY)
+ {
+ Link [j] = Link [parent] ;
+ Link [parent] = j ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (jnext > j) ;
+ jlast = j ;
+ }
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* === scan the fronts ================================================== */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ *nfr_out = nfr ;
+ /* use Ap for Front_child and use Link for Front_sibling [ */
+ Front_child = Ap ;
+ Front_sibling = Link ;
+ /* use W for Front_maxfr [ */
+ Front_maxfr = W ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n_col ; j++)
+ {
+ Front_child [j] = EMPTY ;
+ Front_sibling [j] = EMPTY ;
+ Front_maxfr [j] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("\n\n========================================FRONTS:\n")) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* find max front size for tree rooted at node j, for each front j */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n_col ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 ((""ID" : npiv "ID" nrows "ID" ncols "ID" parent "ID" ",
+ j, Front_npivcol [j], Front_nrows [j], Front_ncols [j],
+ Front_parent [j])) ;
+ if (Front_npivcol [j] > 0)
+ {
+ /* this is a frontal matrix */
+ parent = Front_parent [j] ;
+ frsize = Front_nrows [j] * Front_ncols [j] ;
+ DEBUG1 ((" a front, frsize "ID", true parent: "ID"\n", frsize,
+ parent)) ;
+ Front_maxfr [j] = MAX (Front_maxfr [j], frsize) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Front_maxfr [j = "ID"] = "ID"\n", j, Front_maxfr [j])) ;
+ if (parent != EMPTY)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Front_npivcol [parent] > 0) ;
+ ASSERT (parent > j) ;
+ /* find the maximum frontsize of self and children */
+ Front_maxfr [parent] = MAX (Front_maxfr [parent],
+ Front_maxfr [j]) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Front_maxfr [parent = "ID"] = "ID"\n",
+ parent, Front_maxfr [parent]));
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* place the children in link lists - bigger fronts will tend to be last */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (j = n_col-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
+ {
+ if (Front_npivcol [j] > 0)
+ {
+ /* this is a frontal matrix */
+ parent = Front_parent [j] ;
+ if (parent != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* place the front in link list of the children its parent */
+ Front_sibling [j] = Front_child [parent] ;
+ Front_child [parent] = j ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG1 (("\n\n========================================FRONTS (again):\n")) ;
+ nfr2 = 0 ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n_col ; j++)
+ {
+ if (Front_npivcol [j] > 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 (( ""ID" : nfr "ID" npiv "ID" nrows "ID" ncols "ID
+ " parent "ID" maxfr "ID"\n", j, nfr2,
+ Front_npivcol [j], Front_nrows [j], Front_ncols [j],
+ Front_parent [j], Front_maxfr [j])) ;
+ /* this is a frontal matrix */
+ /* dump the link list of children */
+ DEBUG1 ((" Children: ")) ;
+ for (f = Front_child [j] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Front_sibling [f])
+ {
+ DEBUG1 ((ID, f)) ;
+ ASSERT (Front_parent [f] == j) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("\n")) ;
+ parent = Front_parent [j] ;
+ if (parent != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* Assert that the parent front can absorb the child element */
+ ASSERT (Front_npivcol [parent] > 0) ;
+ ASSERT ((Front_nrows [j] - Front_npivcol [j])
+ <= Front_nrows [parent]) ;
+ ASSERT ((Front_ncols [j] - Front_npivcol [j])
+ <= Front_ncols [parent]) ;
+ }
+ nfr2++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (nfr == nfr2) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Order the front tree via depth-first-search */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n_col ; i++)
+ {
+ if (Front_npivcol [i] > 0 && Front_child [i] != EMPTY)
+ {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG1 (("Before partial sort, front "ID"\n", i)) ;
+ nchild = 0 ;
+ for (f = Front_child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Front_sibling [f])
+ {
+ DEBUG1 ((" "ID" "ID"\n", f, Front_maxfr [f])) ;
+ nchild++ ;
+ }
+ /* find the biggest front in the child list */
+ fprev = EMPTY ;
+ maxfrsize = EMPTY ;
+ bigfprev = EMPTY ;
+ bigf = EMPTY ;
+ for (f = Front_child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Front_sibling [f])
+ {
+ frsize = Front_maxfr [f] ;
+ if (frsize >= maxfrsize)
+ {
+ /* this is the biggest seen so far */
+ maxfrsize = frsize ;
+ bigfprev = fprev ;
+ bigf = f ;
+ }
+ fprev = f ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (bigf != EMPTY) ;
+ fnext = Front_sibling [bigf] ;
+ DEBUG1 (("bigf "ID" maxfrsize "ID" bigfprev "ID" fnext "ID" fprev "
+ ID"\n", bigf, maxfrsize, bigfprev, fnext, fprev)) ;
+ if (fnext != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* if fnext is EMPTY, then bigf is already at the end of list */
+ if (bigfprev == EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* delete bigf from the front of the list */
+ Front_child [i] = fnext ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* delete bigf from the middle of the list */
+ Front_sibling [bigfprev] = fnext ;
+ }
+ /* put bigf at the end of the list */
+ Front_sibling [bigf] = EMPTY ;
+ ASSERT (Front_child [i] != EMPTY) ;
+ ASSERT (fprev != bigf) ;
+ ASSERT (fprev != EMPTY) ;
+ Front_sibling [fprev] = bigf ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG1 (("After partial sort, front "ID"\n", i)) ;
+ for (f = Front_child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Front_sibling [f])
+ {
+ DEBUG1 ((" "ID" "ID"\n", f, Front_maxfr [f])) ;
+ ASSERT (Front_npivcol [f] > 0) ;
+ nchild-- ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (nchild == 0) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Front_maxfr no longer needed ] */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* postorder the supernodal column elimination tree */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* use W for Front_order ( */
+ Front_order = W ;
+ /* use Ai as Stack for UMF_order_front_tree [ */
+ Stack = Ai ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n_col ; i++)
+ {
+ Front_order [i] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_nbug = n_col ; /* frontal id's are in the range 0..n_col-1 */
+ UMF_fbug = nfr ; /* total number of frontal matrices */
+ k = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n_col ; i++)
+ {
+ if (Front_parent [i] == EMPTY && Front_npivcol [i] != 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 (("Root of front tree "ID"\n", i)) ;
+ k = UMF_order_front_tree (i, k, Front_child, Front_sibling,
+ Front_order, Stack) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Stack no longer needed ] */
+ /* Front_child, Front_sibling no longer needed ] */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct the column permutation (return in Up) */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Front_order [i] = k means that front i is kth front in the new order. */
+ /* i is in the range 0 to n_col-1, and k is in the range 0 to nfr-1 */
+ /* Use Ai as workspace for Winv [ */
+ Winv = Ai ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < nfr ; k++)
+ {
+ Winv [k] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ /* compute the inverse of Front_order, so that Winv [k] = i */
+ /* if Front_order [i] = k */
+ DEBUG1 (("\n\nComputing output column permutation:\n")) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n_col ; i++)
+ {
+ k = Front_order [i] ;
+ if (k != EMPTY)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 (("Front "ID" new order: "ID"\n", i, k)) ;
+ ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < nfr) ;
+ ASSERT (Winv [k] == EMPTY) ;
+ Winv [k] = i ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Use Up as output permutation */
+ kk = 0 ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < nfr ; k++)
+ {
+ i = Winv [k] ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Old Front "ID" New Front "ID" npivots "ID" nrows "ID" ncols "ID"\n",
+ i, k, Front_npivcol [i], Front_nrows [i], Front_ncols [i])) ;
+ ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (Front_npivcol [i] > 0) ;
+ for (npiv = 0 ; npiv < Front_npivcol [i] ; npiv++)
+ {
+ Up [kk] = i + npiv ;
+ DEBUG1 ((" Cperm ["ID"] = "ID"\n", kk, Up [kk])) ;
+ kk++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (kk == n_col) ;
+ /* Winv no longer needed ] */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* apply the postorder traversal to renumber the frontal matrices */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* use Ai as workspace */
+ UMF_apply_order (Front_npivcol, Front_order, Ai, n_col, nfr) ;
+ UMF_apply_order (Front_nrows, Front_order, Ai, n_col, nfr) ;
+ UMF_apply_order (Front_ncols, Front_order, Ai, n_col, nfr) ;
+ UMF_apply_order (Front_parent, Front_order, Ai, n_col, nfr) ;
+ /* fix the parent to refer to the new numbering */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ parent = Front_parent [i] ;
+ if (parent != EMPTY)
+ {
+ ASSERT (parent >= 0 && parent < n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (Front_order [parent] >= 0 && Front_order [parent] < nfr) ;
+ Front_parent [i] = Front_order [parent] ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Front_order longer needed ) */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG1 (("\nFinal frontal matrices:\n")) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 (("Final front "ID": npiv "ID" nrows "ID" ncols "ID" parent "
+ ID"\n", i, Front_npivcol [i], Front_nrows [i],
+ Front_ncols [i], Front_parent [i])) ;
+ }
+ *p_ncompactions = ncompactions ;
+ return (TRUE) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_apply_order.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_apply_order.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7ced0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_apply_order.c
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_apply_order ====================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Apply post-ordering of supernodal elimination tree.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL void UMF_apply_order
+ Int Front [ ],
+ const Int Order [ ],
+ Int Temp [ ],
+ Int n_col,
+ Int nfr
+ Int i, k ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n_col ; i++)
+ {
+ k = Order [i] ;
+ if (k != EMPTY)
+ {
+ Temp [k] = Front [i] ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < nfr ; k++)
+ {
+ Front [k] = Temp [k] ;
+ }
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_assemble.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_assemble.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57a5623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_assemble.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1037 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_assemble ========================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Degree update and numerical assembly */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_mem_free_tail_block.h"
+GLOBAL void UMF_assemble
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int e, i, row, col, i2, nrows, ncols, f, tpi, extcdeg, extrdeg, rdeg0,
+ cdeg0, son_list, next, scan_pivrow, scan_pivcol, nrows_to_assemble,
+ ncols_to_assemble, ngetrows, j, j2,
+ nrowsleft, /* number of rows remaining in C */
+ ncolsleft, /* number of columns remaining in C */
+ prior_Lson, prior_Uson, *E, *Cols, *Rows, *Wm, *Woo,
+ *Row_tuples, *Row_degree, *Row_tlen,
+ *Col_tuples, *Col_degree, *Col_tlen ;
+ Unit *Memory, *p ;
+ Element *ep ;
+ Tuple *tp, *tp1, *tp2, *tpend ;
+ Entry
+ *C, /* a pointer into the contribution block */
+ *Fx, /* Fx [0..fnrows_max-1, 0..fncols_max-1] working array*/
+ *Fcol, /* a column of F */
+ *Frow ; /* a row of F */
+ Int
+ *Frows, /* Frows [0.. ]: row indices of F */
+ *Fcols, /* Fcols [0.. ]: column indices of F */
+ *Frpos,
+ *Fcpos,
+ fnrows, /* number of rows in contribution block in F */
+ fncols ; /* number of columns in contribution block in F */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Int j3, n_row, n_col ;
+ n_row = Work->n_row ;
+ n_col = Work->n_col ;
+ DEBUG3 (("::Assemble SCANS 1-4\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_current_front (Numeric, Work, TRUE) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ fncols = Work->fncols ;
+ fnrows = Work->fnrows ;
+ Fcols = Work->Fcols ;
+ Frows = Work->Frows ;
+ Fcpos = Work->Fcpos ;
+ Frpos = Work->Frpos ;
+ Fx = Work->Fx ;
+ Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ;
+ Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ;
+ Row_tuples = Numeric->Uip ;
+ Row_tlen = Numeric->Uilen ;
+ Col_tuples = Numeric->Lip ;
+ Col_tlen = Numeric->Lilen ;
+ E = Work->E ;
+ Memory = Numeric->Memory ;
+ Wm = Work->Wm ;
+ Woo = Work->Woo ; /* must be of size at least fnrows_max */
+ rdeg0 = Work->rdeg0 ;
+ cdeg0 = Work->cdeg0 ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG6 (("============================================\n")) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("Degree update, assembly.\n")) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("pivot row pattern: fncols="ID"\n", fncols)) ;
+ for (j3 = 0 ; j3 < fncols ; j3++) DEBUG6 ((ID, Fcols [j3])) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("\npivot col pattern: fnrows="ID"\n", fnrows)) ;
+ for (j3 = 0 ; j3 < fnrows ; j3++) DEBUG6 ((ID, Frows [j3])) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("\n")) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* determine the largest actual frontal matrix size */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Numeric->maxfrsize = MAX (Numeric->maxfrsize,
+ (fnrows + Work->fnpiv) * (fncols + Work->fnpiv)) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* assemble from prior elements into the current frontal matrix */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG2 (("New assemble start [\n")) ;
+ /* Currently no rows or columns are marked. No elements are scanned, */
+ /* that is, (ep->next == EMPTY) is true for all elements */
+ son_list = 0 ; /* start creating son_list [ */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* determine if most recent element is Lson or Uson of current front */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (!Work->do_extend)
+ {
+ prior_Uson = ( Work->pivcol_in_front && !Work->pivrow_in_front) ;
+ prior_Lson = (!Work->pivcol_in_front && Work->pivrow_in_front) ;
+ if (prior_Uson || prior_Lson)
+ {
+ e = Work->prior_element ;
+ if (e != EMPTY)
+ {
+ ASSERT (E [e]) ;
+ p = Memory + E [e] ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ ep->next = son_list ;
+ son_list = e ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG2 (("e "ID" is Prior son "ID" "ID"\n",
+ e, prior_Uson, prior_Lson)) ;
+ UMF_dump_element (Numeric, Work, e, FALSE) ;
+ ASSERT (E [e]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Work->prior_element = EMPTY ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* SCAN1-row: scan the element lists of each new row in the pivot col */
+ /* and compute the external column degree for each frontal */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ scan_pivrow = Work->scan_pivrow ;
+ for (i2 = Work->fscan_row ; i2 < fnrows || scan_pivrow ; )
+ {
+ /* Get a row */
+ if (scan_pivrow)
+ {
+ /* pivot row is new to this front. Scan it */
+ row = Work->pivrow ;
+ scan_pivrow = FALSE ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ row = Frows [i2++] ;
+ }
+ DEBUG6 (("SCAN1-row: "ID"\n", row)) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (0, Numeric, Work, row, FALSE) ;
+ tpi = Row_tuples [row] ;
+ if (!tpi) continue ;
+ tp = (Tuple *) (Memory + tpi) ;
+ tp1 = tp ;
+ tp2 = tp ;
+ tpend = tp + Row_tlen [row] ;
+ for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
+ {
+ e = tp->e ;
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
+ if (!E [e]) continue ; /* element already deallocated */
+ f = tp->f ;
+ p = Memory + E [e] ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
+ Rows = ((Int *) p) + ep->ncols ;
+ if (Rows [f] == EMPTY) continue ; /* row already assembled */
+ ASSERT (row == Rows [f]) ;
+ if (ep->cdeg < cdeg0)
+ {
+ /* first time seen in scan1-row */
+ ep->cdeg = ep->nrowsleft + cdeg0 ;
+ DEBUG6 (("e "ID" First seen: cdeg: "ID" ", e, ep->cdeg-cdeg0)) ;
+ ASSERT (ep->ncolsleft > 0 && ep->nrowsleft > 0) ;
+ }
+ ep->cdeg-- ; /* decrement external column degree */
+ DEBUG6 (("e "ID" New ext col deg: "ID"\n", e, ep->cdeg - cdeg0)) ;
+ /* this element is not yet in the new son list */
+ if (ep->cdeg == cdeg0 && ep->next == EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* A new LUson or Uson has been found */
+ ep->next = son_list ;
+ son_list = e ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (ep->cdeg >= cdeg0) ;
+ *tp2++ = *tp ; /* leave the tuple in the list */
+ }
+ Row_tlen [row] = tp2 - tp1 ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* SCAN1-col: scan the element lists of each new col in the pivot row */
+ /* and compute the external row degree for each frontal */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ scan_pivcol = Work->scan_pivcol ;
+ for (j2 = Work->fscan_col ; j2 < fncols || scan_pivcol ; )
+ {
+ /* Get a column */
+ if (scan_pivcol)
+ {
+ /* pivot col is new to this front. Scan it */
+ col = Work->pivcol ;
+ scan_pivcol = FALSE ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ col = Fcols [j2++] ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("SCAN 1-col: "ID"\n", col)) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (1, Numeric, Work, col, FALSE) ;
+ tpi = Col_tuples [col] ;
+ if (!tpi) continue ;
+ tp = (Tuple *) (Memory + tpi) ;
+ tp1 = tp ;
+ tp2 = tp ;
+ tpend = tp + Col_tlen [col] ;
+ for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
+ {
+ e = tp->e ;
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
+ if (!E [e]) continue ; /* element already deallocated */
+ f = tp->f ;
+ p = Memory + E [e] ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
+ Cols = (Int *) p ;
+ if (Cols [f] == EMPTY) continue ; /* column already assembled */
+ ASSERT (col == Cols [f]) ;
+ if (ep->rdeg < rdeg0)
+ {
+ /* first time seen in scan1-col */
+ ep->rdeg = ep->ncolsleft + rdeg0 ;
+ DEBUG6 (("e "ID" First seen: rdeg: "ID" ", e, ep->rdeg-rdeg0)) ;
+ ASSERT (ep->ncolsleft > 0 && ep->nrowsleft > 0) ;
+ }
+ ep->rdeg-- ; /* decrement external row degree */
+ DEBUG6 (("e "ID" New ext row degree: "ID"\n", e, ep->rdeg-rdeg0)) ;
+ if (ep->rdeg == rdeg0 && ep->next == EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* A new LUson or Lson has been found */
+ ep->next = son_list ;
+ son_list = e ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (ep->rdeg >= rdeg0) ;
+ *tp2++ = *tp ; /* leave the tuple in the list */
+ }
+ Col_tlen [col] = tp2 - tp1 ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* assemble new sons via full scans */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ next = EMPTY ;
+ for (e = son_list ; e > 0 ; e = next)
+ {
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel && E [e]) ;
+ p = Memory + E [e] ;
+ DEBUG2 (("New son: "ID"\n", e)) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_element (Numeric, Work, e, FALSE) ;
+ GET_ELEMENT (ep, p, Cols, Rows, ncols, nrows, C) ;
+ nrowsleft = ep->nrowsleft ;
+ ncolsleft = ep->ncolsleft ;
+ next = ep->next ;
+ ep->next = EMPTY ;
+ extrdeg = (ep->rdeg < rdeg0) ? ncolsleft : (ep->rdeg - rdeg0) ;
+ extcdeg = (ep->cdeg < cdeg0) ? nrowsleft : (ep->cdeg - cdeg0) ;
+ ncols_to_assemble = ncolsleft - extrdeg ;
+ nrows_to_assemble = nrowsleft - extcdeg ;
+ if (extrdeg == 0 && extcdeg == 0)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* this is an LUson - assemble an entire contribution block */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG6 (("LUson found: "ID"\n", e)) ;
+ if (nrows == nrowsleft)
+ {
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* no rows assembled out of this LUson yet */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* compute the compressed column offset vector*/
+ /* [ use Wm [0..nrows-1] for offsets */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Rows [i] ;
+ Row_degree [row] -= ncolsleft ;
+ Wm [i] = Frpos [row] ;
+ }
+ if (ncols == ncolsleft)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* no rows or cols assembled out of LUson yet */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [j] ;
+ Col_degree [col] -= nrowsleft ;
+ Fcol = Fx + Fcpos [col] ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ /* Fcol [Wm [i]] += C [i] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (Fcol [Wm [i]], C [i]) ;
+ }
+ C += nrows ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* only cols have been assembled out of LUson */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [j] ;
+ if (col >= 0)
+ {
+ Col_degree [col] -= nrowsleft ;
+ Fcol = Fx + Fcpos [col] ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ /* Fcol [Wm [i]] += C [i] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (Fcol [Wm [i]], C [i]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ C += nrows ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ] done using Wm [0..nrows-1] for offsets */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* some rows have been assembled out of this LUson */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* compute the compressed column offset vector*/
+ /* [ use Woo,Wm [0..nrowsleft-1] for offsets */
+ ngetrows = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Rows [i] ;
+ if (row >= 0)
+ {
+ Row_degree [row] -= ncolsleft ;
+ Woo [ngetrows] = i ;
+ Wm [ngetrows++] = Frpos [row] ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (ngetrows == nrowsleft) ;
+ if (ncols == ncolsleft)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* only rows have been assembled out of this LUson */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [j] ;
+ Col_degree [col] -= nrowsleft ;
+ Fcol = Fx + Fcpos [col] ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrowsleft ; i++)
+ {
+ /* Fcol [Wm [i]] += C [Woo [i]] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (Fcol [Wm [i]], C [Woo [i]]) ;
+ }
+ C += nrows ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* both rows and columns have been assembled out of LUson */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [j] ;
+ if (col >= 0)
+ {
+ Col_degree [col] -= nrowsleft ;
+ Fcol = Fx + Fcpos [col] ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrowsleft ; i++)
+ {
+ /* Fcol [Wm [i]] += C [Woo [i]] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (Fcol [Wm [i]], C [Woo [i]]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ C += nrows ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ] done using Woo,Wm [0..nrowsleft-1] */
+ }
+ /* deallocate the element: remove from ordered list */
+ UMF_mem_free_tail_block (Numeric, E [e]) ;
+ E [e] = 0 ;
+ }
+ else if (extcdeg == 0)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* this is a Uson - assemble all possible columns */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG6 (("New USON: "ID"\n", e)) ;
+ ASSERT (extrdeg > 0) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("New uson "ID" cols to do "ID"\n", e, ncols_to_assemble)) ;
+ if (ncols_to_assemble > 0)
+ {
+ if (nrows == nrowsleft)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* no rows have been assembled out of this Uson yet */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* compute the compressed column offset vector */
+ /* [ use Wm [0..nrows-1] for offsets */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Rows [i] ;
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ Row_degree [row] -= ncols_to_assemble ;
+ Wm [i] = Frpos [row] ;
+ }
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [j] ;
+ if ((col >= 0) && (Fcpos [col] >= 0))
+ {
+ Col_degree [col] -= nrowsleft ;
+ Fcol = Fx + Fcpos [col] ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ /* Fcol [Wm [i]] += C [i] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (Fcol [Wm [i]], C [i]) ;
+ }
+ /* flag the column as assembled from Uson */
+ Cols [j] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ C += nrows ;
+ }
+ /* ] done using Wm [0..nrows-1] for offsets */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* some rows have been assembled out of this Uson */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* compute the compressed column offset vector*/
+ /* [ use Woo,Wm [0..nrows-1] for offsets */
+ ngetrows = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Rows [i] ;
+ if (row >= 0)
+ {
+ Row_degree [row] -= ncols_to_assemble ;
+ ASSERT (row < n_row && Frpos [row] >= 0) ;
+ Woo [ngetrows] = i ;
+ Wm [ngetrows++] = Frpos [row] ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (ngetrows == nrowsleft) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [j] ;
+ if ((col >= 0) && (Fcpos [col] >= 0))
+ {
+ Col_degree [col] -= nrowsleft ;
+ Fcol = Fx + Fcpos [col] ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrowsleft ; i++)
+ {
+ /* Fcol [Wm [i]] += C [Woo [i]] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (Fcol [Wm [i]], C [Woo [i]]) ;
+ }
+ /* flag the column as assembled from Uson */
+ Cols [j] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ C += nrows ;
+ }
+ /* ] done using Woo,Wm */
+ }
+ ep->ncolsleft = extrdeg ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* this is an Lson - assemble all possible rows */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG6 (("New LSON: "ID"\n", e)) ;
+ ASSERT (extrdeg == 0 && extcdeg > 0) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("New lson "ID" rows to do "ID"\n", e, nrows_to_assemble)) ;
+ if (nrows_to_assemble > 0)
+ {
+ /* compute the compressed column offset vector */
+ /* [ use Woo,Wm [0..nrows-1] for offsets */
+ ngetrows = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Rows [i] ;
+ if ((row >= 0) && (Frpos [row] >= 0))
+ {
+ ASSERT (row < n_row) ;
+ Row_degree [row] -= ncolsleft ;
+ Woo [ngetrows] = i ;
+ Wm [ngetrows++] = Frpos [row] ;
+ /* flag the row as assembled from the Lson */
+ Rows [i] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (nrowsleft - ngetrows == extcdeg) ;
+ ASSERT (ngetrows == nrows_to_assemble) ;
+ if (ncols == ncolsleft)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* no columns assembled out this Lson yet */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [j] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ Col_degree [col] -= nrows_to_assemble ;
+ Fcol = Fx + Fcpos [col] ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows_to_assemble ; i++)
+ {
+ /* Fcol [Wm [i]] += C [Woo [i]] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (Fcol [Wm [i]], C [Woo [i]]) ;
+ }
+ C += nrows ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* some columns have been assembled out of this Lson */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [j] ;
+ ASSERT (col < n_col) ;
+ if (col >= 0)
+ {
+ Col_degree [col] -= nrows_to_assemble ;
+ Fcol = Fx + Fcpos [col] ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows_to_assemble ; i++)
+ {
+ /* Fcol [Wm [i]] += C [Woo [i]] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (Fcol [Wm [i]], C [Woo [i]]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ C += nrows ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ] done using Woo,Wm */
+ ep->nrowsleft = extcdeg ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Note that garbage collection, and build tuples */
+ /* both destroy the son list. */
+ /* ] son_list now empty */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* If frontal matrix extended, assemble old L/Usons from new rows/cols */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* SCAN2-row: assemble rows of old Lsons from the new rows */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG7 (("Current frontal matrix: (prior to scan2-row)\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_current_front (Numeric, Work, TRUE) ;
+ if (Work->do_scan2row)
+ {
+ scan_pivrow = Work->scan_pivrow ;
+ for (i2 = Work->fscan_row ; i2 < fnrows || scan_pivrow ; )
+ {
+ /* Get a row */
+ if (scan_pivrow)
+ {
+ /* pivot row is new to this front. Scan it */
+ row = Work->pivrow ;
+ scan_pivrow = FALSE ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ row = Frows [i2++] ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG6 (("SCAN2-row: "ID"\n", row)) ;
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (0, Numeric, Work, row, FALSE) ;
+ tpi = Row_tuples [row] ;
+ if (!tpi) continue ;
+ tp = (Tuple *) (Memory + tpi) ;
+ tp1 = tp ;
+ tp2 = tp ;
+ tpend = tp + Row_tlen [row] ;
+ for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
+ {
+ e = tp->e ;
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
+ if (!E [e]) continue ; /* element already deallocated */
+ f = tp->f ;
+ p = Memory + E [e] ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
+ Cols = (Int *) p ;
+ Rows = Cols + ep->ncols ;
+ if (Rows [f] == EMPTY) continue ; /* row already assembled */
+ ASSERT (row == Rows [f] && row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ if (ep->rdeg == rdeg0)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* this is an old Lson - assemble just one row */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* flag the row as assembled from the Lson */
+ Rows [f] = EMPTY ;
+ nrows = ep->nrows ;
+ ncols = ep->ncols ;
+ p += UNITS (Int, ncols + nrows) ;
+ C = ((Entry *) p) + f ;
+ DEBUG6 (("Old LSON: "ID"\n", e)) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_element (Numeric, Work, e, FALSE) ;
+ nrowsleft = ep->nrowsleft ;
+ ncolsleft = ep->ncolsleft ;
+ Frow = Fx + Frpos [row] ;
+ DEBUG6 (("LSON found (in scan2-row): "ID"\n", e)) ;
+ Row_degree [row] -= ncolsleft ;
+ if (ncols == ncolsleft)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* no columns assembled out this Lson yet */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [j] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ Col_degree [col] -- ;
+ /* Frow [Fcpos [col]] += *C ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (Frow [Fcpos [col]], *C) ;
+ C += nrows ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* some columns have been assembled out of this Lson */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [j] ;
+ if (col >= 0)
+ {
+ ASSERT (col < n_col) ;
+ Col_degree [col] -- ;
+ /* Frow [Fcpos [col]] += *C ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (Frow [Fcpos [col]], *C) ;
+ }
+ C += nrows ;
+ }
+ }
+ ep->nrowsleft-- ;
+ ASSERT (ep->nrowsleft > 0) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *tp2++ = *tp ; /* leave the tuple in the list */
+ }
+ }
+ Row_tlen [row] = tp2 - tp1 ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG7 (("row assembled in scan2-row: "ID"\n", row)) ;
+ if (row != Work->pivrow)
+ {
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (0, Numeric, Work, row, FALSE) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG7 (("Current frontal matrix: (scan 1b)\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_current_front (Numeric, Work, TRUE) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* SCAN2-col: assemble columns of old Usons from the new columns */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG7 (("Current frontal matrix: (prior to scan2-col)\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_current_front (Numeric, Work, TRUE) ;
+ if (Work->do_scan2col)
+ {
+ scan_pivcol = Work->scan_pivcol ;
+ for (j2 = Work->fscan_col ; j2 < fncols || scan_pivcol ; )
+ {
+ /* Get a column */
+ if (scan_pivcol)
+ {
+ /* pivot col is new to this front. Scan it */
+ col = Work->pivcol ;
+ scan_pivcol = FALSE ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ col = Fcols [j2++] ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("SCAN2-col: "ID"\n", col)) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (1, Numeric, Work, col, FALSE) ;
+ tpi = Col_tuples [col] ;
+ if (!tpi) continue ;
+ tp = (Tuple *) (Memory + tpi) ;
+ tp1 = tp ;
+ tp2 = tp ;
+ tpend = tp + Col_tlen [col] ;
+ for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
+ {
+ e = tp->e ;
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
+ if (!E [e]) continue ; /* element already deallocated */
+ f = tp->f ;
+ p = Memory + E [e] ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
+ Cols = (Int *) p ;
+ if (Cols [f] == EMPTY)
+ {
+ continue ; /* column already assembled */
+ }
+ ASSERT (col == Cols [f] && col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ if (ep->cdeg == cdeg0)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* this is an old Uson - assemble just one column */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* flag the column as assembled from the Uson */
+ Cols [f] = EMPTY ;
+ nrows = ep->nrows ;
+ ncols = ep->ncols ;
+ Rows = Cols + ncols ;
+ p += UNITS (Int, ep->ncols + nrows) ;
+ C = ((Entry *) p) + f * nrows ;
+ DEBUG6 (("Old USON: "ID"\n", e)) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_element (Numeric, Work, e, FALSE) ;
+ nrowsleft = ep->nrowsleft ;
+ ncolsleft = ep->ncolsleft ;
+ Fcol = Fx + Fcpos [col] ;
+ DEBUG6 (("USON found (in scan2-col): "ID"\n", e)) ;
+ Col_degree [col] -= nrowsleft ;
+ if (nrows == nrowsleft)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* no rows assembled out of this Uson yet */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Rows [i] ;
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ Row_degree [row]-- ;
+ /* Fcol [Frpos [row]] += C [i] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (Fcol [Frpos [row]], C [i]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* some rows have been assembled out of this Uson */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Rows [i] ;
+ if (row >= 0)
+ {
+ ASSERT (row < n_row) ;
+ Row_degree [row]-- ;
+ /* Fcol [Frpos [row]] += C [i] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (Fcol [Frpos [row]], C [i]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ep->ncolsleft-- ;
+ ASSERT (ep->ncolsleft > 0) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *tp2++ = *tp ; /* leave the tuple in the list */
+ }
+ }
+ Col_tlen [col] = tp2 - tp1 ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG7 (("Column assembled in scan2-col: "ID"\n", col)) ;
+ if (col != Work->pivcol)
+ {
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (1, Numeric, Work, col, FALSE) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG7 (("Current frontal matrix: after scan2-col\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_current_front (Numeric, Work, TRUE) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* done. the remainder of this routine is used only when in debug mode */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* when debugging: make sure the assembly did everything that it could */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG3 (("::Assemble done\n")) ;
+ scan_pivrow = TRUE ;
+ for (i2 = 0 ; i2 < fnrows || scan_pivrow ; )
+ {
+ /* Get a row */
+ if (scan_pivrow)
+ {
+ /* pivot row is new to this front. Scan it */
+ row = Work->pivrow ;
+ scan_pivrow = FALSE ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ row = Frows [i2++] ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("DEBUG SCAN 1: "ID"\n", row)) ;
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (0, Numeric, Work, row, TRUE) ;
+ tpi = Row_tuples [row] ;
+ if (!tpi) continue ;
+ tp = (Tuple *) (Memory + tpi) ;
+ tpend = tp + Row_tlen [row] ;
+ for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
+ {
+ e = tp->e ;
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
+ if (!E [e]) continue ; /* element already deallocated */
+ f = tp->f ;
+ p = Memory + E [e] ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
+ Rows = ((Int *) p) + ep->ncols ;
+ if (Rows [f] == EMPTY) continue ; /* row already assembled */
+ ASSERT (row == Rows [f]) ;
+ extrdeg = (ep->rdeg < rdeg0) ? ep->ncolsleft : (ep->rdeg - rdeg0) ;
+ extcdeg = (ep->cdeg < cdeg0) ? ep->nrowsleft : (ep->cdeg - cdeg0) ;
+ DEBUG6 ((
+ "e "ID" After assembly ext row deg: "ID" ext col degree "ID"\n",
+ e, extrdeg, extcdeg)) ;
+ /* no Lsons in any row */
+ ASSERT (extrdeg > 0) ;
+ /* Uson external row degree is = number of cols left */
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (extcdeg == 0, extrdeg == ep->ncolsleft)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ scan_pivcol = TRUE ;
+ for (j2 = 0 ; j2 < fncols || scan_pivcol ; )
+ {
+ /* Get a column */
+ if (scan_pivcol)
+ {
+ /* pivot col is new to this front. Scan it */
+ col = Work->pivcol ;
+ scan_pivcol = FALSE ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ col = Fcols [j2++] ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("DEBUG SCAN 2: "ID"\n", col)) ;
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (1, Numeric, Work, col, TRUE) ;
+ tpi = Col_tuples [col] ;
+ if (!tpi) continue ;
+ tp = (Tuple *) (Memory + tpi) ;
+ tpend = tp + Col_tlen [col] ;
+ for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
+ {
+ e = tp->e ;
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
+ if (!E [e]) continue ; /* element already deallocated */
+ f = tp->f ;
+ p = Memory + E [e] ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
+ Cols = (Int *) p ;
+ if (Cols [f] == EMPTY) continue ; /* column already assembled */
+ ASSERT (col == Cols [f]) ;
+ extrdeg = (ep->rdeg < rdeg0) ? ep->ncolsleft : (ep->rdeg - rdeg0) ;
+ extcdeg = (ep->cdeg < cdeg0) ? ep->nrowsleft : (ep->cdeg - cdeg0) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("e "ID" After assembly ext col deg: "ID"\n", e, extcdeg)) ;
+ /* no Usons in any column */
+ ASSERT (extcdeg > 0) ;
+ /* Lson external column degree is = number of rows left */
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (extrdeg == 0, extcdeg == ep->nrowsleft)) ;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_blas3_update.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_blas3_update.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0deee0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_blas3_update.c
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_blas3_update ===================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL void UMF_blas3_update
+ WorkType *Work
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Entry *A, *B, *C ;
+ Int k, m, n, d ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* perform the matrix-matrix multiply */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG5 (("In UMF_blas3_update "ID" "ID" "ID"\n",
+ Work->fnpiv, Work->fnrows, Work->fncols)) ;
+ k = Work->fnpiv ;
+ Work->fnpiv = 0 ; /* no more pivots in frontal working array */
+ Work->fnzeros = 0 ;
+ m = Work->fnrows ;
+ n = Work->fncols ;
+ if (k == 0 || m == 0 || n == 0)
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ d = Work->fnrows_max ;
+ C = Work->Fx ;
+ A = C + (Work->fncols_max - k) * d ;
+ B = C + d - k ;
+ DEBUG5 (("DO RANK-NB UPDATE of frontal:\n")) ;
+ DEBUG5 (("DGEMM : "ID" "ID" "ID"\n", k, m, n)) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* C = C - A*B */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (k == 1)
+ {
+#ifdef USE_NO_BLAS
+ /* no BLAS available - use plain C code instead */
+ Int i, j ;
+ Entry b_sj, *c_ij, *a_is ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
+ {
+ b_sj = B [j*d] ;
+ if (IS_NONZERO (b_sj))
+ {
+ c_ij = & C [j*d] ;
+ a_is = & A [0] ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < m ; i++)
+ {
+ /* (*c_ij++) -= b_sj * (*a_is++) ; */
+ MULT_SUB (*c_ij, b_sj, *a_is) ;
+ c_ij++ ;
+ a_is++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ BLAS_GER (m, n, A, B, C, d) ;
+#endif /* USE_NO_BLAS */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef USE_NO_BLAS
+ /* no BLAS available - use plain C code instead */
+ Int i, j, s ;
+ Entry b_sj, *c_ij, *a_is ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
+ {
+ for (s = 0 ; s < k ; s++)
+ {
+ b_sj = B [s+j*d] ;
+ if (IS_NONZERO (b_sj))
+ {
+ c_ij = & C [j*d] ;
+ a_is = & A [s*d] ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < m ; i++)
+ {
+ /* (*c_ij++) -= b_sj * (*a_is++) ; */
+ MULT_SUB (*c_ij, b_sj, *a_is) ;
+ c_ij++ ;
+ a_is++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ BLAS_GEMM (m, n, k, A, B, C, d) ;
+#endif /* USE_NO_BLAS */
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("blas3 "ID" "ID" "ID"\n", k, Work->fnrows, Work->fncols)) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_build_tuples.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_build_tuples.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2c4710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_build_tuples.c
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_build_tuples ===================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Construct the tuple lists from a set of packed elements (no holes in
+ elements, no internal or external fragmentation, and a packed (0..Work->nel)
+ element name space). Assume no tuple lists are currently allocated, but
+ that the tuple lengths have been initialized by UMF_tuple_lengths.
+ Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if not enough memory.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_mem_alloc_tail_block.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMF_build_tuples
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int e, nrows, ncols, nel, *Rows, *Cols, row, col, n_row, n_col, *E,
+ *Row_tuples, *Row_degree, *Row_tlen, tlen, tsize,
+ *Col_tuples, *Col_degree, *Col_tlen ;
+ Element *ep ;
+ Unit *p ;
+ Tuple tuple, *tp ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ E = Work->E ;
+ Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ; /* for NON_PIVOTAL_COL macro */
+ Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ; /* for NON_PIVOTAL_ROW macro */
+ Row_tuples = Numeric->Uip ;
+ Row_tlen = Numeric->Uilen ;
+ Col_tuples = Numeric->Lip ;
+ Col_tlen = Numeric->Lilen ;
+ n_row = Work->n_row ;
+ n_col = Work->n_col ;
+ nel = Work->nel ;
+ DEBUG3 (("BUILD_TUPLES: n_row "ID" n_col "ID" nel "ID"\n",
+ n_row, n_col, nel)) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* allocate space for the tuple lists */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Garbage collection and memory reallocation have already attempted to */
+ /* ensure that there is enough memory for all the tuple lists. If */
+ /* memory allocation fails here, then there is nothing more to be done. */
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ if (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row))
+ {
+ tlen = MAX (4, Row_tlen [row] + 1) ;
+ tsize = UNITS (Tuple, tlen) ;
+ Row_tuples [row] = UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block (Numeric, tsize) ;
+ if (!Row_tuples [row])
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ; /* out of memory for row tuples */
+ }
+ Row_tlen [row] = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* push on stack in reverse order, so column tuples are in the order */
+ /* that they will be deleted. */
+ for (col = n_col-1 ; col >= 0 ; col--)
+ {
+ if (NON_PIVOTAL_COL (col))
+ {
+ tlen = MAX (4, Col_tlen [col] + 1) ;
+ tsize = UNITS (Tuple, tlen) ;
+ Col_tuples [col] = UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block (Numeric, tsize) ;
+ if (!Col_tuples [col])
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ; /* out of memory for col tuples */
+ }
+ Col_tlen [col] = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_memory (Numeric) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* create the tuple lists (exclude element 0) */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* for all elements, in order of creation */
+ for (e = 1 ; e <= nel ; e++)
+ {
+ DEBUG9 (("Adding tuples for element: "ID" at "ID"\n", e, E [e])) ;
+ ASSERT (E [e]) ; /* no external fragmentation */
+ p = Numeric->Memory + E [e] ;
+ GET_ELEMENT_PATTERN (ep, p, Cols, Rows, ncols) ;
+ nrows = ep->nrows ;
+ ASSERT (e != 0) ;
+ ASSERT (e == 0 || nrows == ep->nrowsleft) ;
+ ASSERT (e == 0 || ncols == ep->ncolsleft) ;
+ tuple.e = e ;
+ for (tuple.f = 0 ; tuple.f < ncols ; tuple.f++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [tuple.f] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (Col_tuples [col]) ;
+ tp = ((Tuple *) (Numeric->Memory + Col_tuples [col]))
+ + Col_tlen [col]++ ;
+ *tp = tuple ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (1, Numeric, Work, col, FALSE) ;
+ }
+ for (tuple.f = 0 ; tuple.f < nrows ; tuple.f++)
+ {
+ row = Rows [tuple.f] ;
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ ASSERT (Row_tuples [row]) ;
+ tp = ((Tuple *) (Numeric->Memory + Row_tuples [row]))
+ + Row_tlen [row]++ ;
+ *tp = tuple ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (0, Numeric, Work, row, FALSE) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* the tuple lists are now valid, and can be scanned */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_memory (Numeric) ;
+ UMF_dump_matrix (Numeric, Work, FALSE) ;
+ DEBUG3 (("BUILD_TUPLES: done\n")) ;
+ return (TRUE) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_build_tuples_usage.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_build_tuples_usage.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f87606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_build_tuples_usage.c
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_build_tuples_usage =============================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Return number of Units needed for UMF_build_tuples */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMF_build_tuples_usage
+ const Int Col_tlen [ ],
+ const Int Col_degree [ ],
+ const Int Row_tlen [ ],
+ const Int Row_degree [ ],
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ double *dusage /* input and output argument */
+ Int row, col, usage ;
+ double du ;
+ /* note: tuple lengths are initialized, but the tuple lists themselves */
+ /* may not be. */
+ usage = 0 ;
+ du = 0 ;
+ if (!Col_tlen || !Col_degree)
+ {
+ /* Col_tlen and Col_degree arrays are missing, so this is the */
+ /* initial matrix, with one element per column. */
+ usage += n_col * (1 + UNITS (Tuple, 4)) ;
+ du += ((double) n_col) * (1 + DUNITS (Tuple, 4)) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ if (NON_PIVOTAL_COL (col))
+ {
+ usage += 1 + UNITS (Tuple, MAX (4, Col_tlen [col] + 1)) ;
+ du += 1 + DUNITS (Tuple, MAX (4, Col_tlen [col] + 1)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (Row_tlen && Row_degree) ;
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ if (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row))
+ {
+ usage += 1 + UNITS (Tuple, MAX (4, Row_tlen [row] + 1)) ;
+ du += 1 + DUNITS (Tuple, MAX (4, Row_tlen [row] + 1)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* roundoff error in du is at most 3*n*epsilon */
+ /* (here, and in UMF_kernel_init_usage) */
+ /* Ignore NaN or Inf behavior here. */
+ du = MAX (du, (double) usage * (1.0 + MAX_EPSILON)) ;
+ du += (((double) n_row) + 2*((double) n_col)) * MAX_EPSILON ;
+ du = ceil (du) ;
+ DEBUG0 (("UMF_build_tuples_usage "ID" %g\n", usage, *dusage)) ;
+ *dusage += du ;
+ return (usage) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_colamd.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_colamd.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01b1251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_colamd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3077 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_colamd =========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+UMF_colamd: an approximate minimum degree column ordering algorithm,
+ used as a preordering for UMFPACK.
+ Colamd computes a permutation Q such that the Cholesky factorization of
+ (AQ)'(AQ) has less fill-in and requires fewer floating point operations
+ than A'A. This also provides a good ordering for sparse partial
+ pivoting methods, P(AQ) = LU, where Q is computed prior to numerical
+ factorization, and P is computed during numerical factorization via
+ conventional partial pivoting with row interchanges. Colamd is the
+ column ordering method used in SuperLU, part of the ScaLAPACK library.
+ It is also available as built-in function in MATLAB Version 6,
+ available from MathWorks, Inc. (http://www.mathworks.com). This
+ routine can be used in place of colmmd in MATLAB. By default, the \
+ and / operators in MATLAB perform a column ordering (using colmmd
+ or colamd) prior to LU factorization using sparse partial pivoting,
+ in the built-in MATLAB lu(A) routine.
+ This code is derived from Colamd Version 2.0.
+ The authors of the COLAMD code itself are Stefan I. Larimore and Timothy A.
+ Davis, University of Florida. The algorithm was developed in collaboration
+ with John Gilbert, Xerox PARC, and Esmond Ng, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
+ The AMD metric on which this is based is by Patrick Amestoy, T. Davis,
+ and Iain Duff.
+ UMFPACK Version: see above.
+ COLAMD Version 2.0 was released on January 31, 2000.
+ This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, under
+ grants DMS-9504974 and DMS-9803599.
+UMFPACK: Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. Davis. All Rights Reserved.
+See the UMFPACK README file for the License for your use of this code.
+ Both UMFPACK and the original unmodified colamd/symamd library are
+ available at http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse.
+Changes for inclusion in UMFPACK:
+ * symamd, symamd_report, and colamd_report removed
+ * additional terms added to RowInfo, ColInfo, and stats
+ * Frontal matrix information computed for UMFPACK
+ * routines renamed
+ * column elimination tree post-ordering incorporated. In the original
+ version 2.0, this was performed in colamd.m.
+For more information, see:
+ Amestoy, P. R. and Davis, T. A. and Duff, I. S.,
+ An approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm,
+ SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applic, vol 17, no 4., pp 886-905, 1996.
+ Davis, T. A. and Gilbert, J. R. and Larimore, S. I. and Ng, E. G.,
+ A column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm,
+ Univ. of Florida, CISE Dept., TR-00-005, Gainesville, FL
+ Oct. 2000. Submitted to ACM Trans. Math. Softw.
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === Description of user-callable routines ================================ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ colamd_recommended: removed for UMFPACK
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ colamd_set_defaults:
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ C syntax:
+ #include "colamd.h"
+ colamd_set_defaults (Int knobs [COLAMD_KNOBS]) ;
+ Purpose:
+ Sets the default parameters. The use of this routine is optional.
+ Arguments:
+ double knobs [COLAMD_KNOBS] ; Output only.
+ Let c = knobs [COLAMD_DENSE_COL], r = knobs [COLAMD_DENSE_ROW].
+ Colamd: rows with more than max (16, r*16*sqrt(n_col))
+ entries are removed prior to ordering. Columns with more than
+ max (16, c*16*sqrt(n_row)) entries are removed prior to
+ ordering, and placed last in the output column ordering.
+ Symamd: removed for UMFPACK.
+ COLAMD_DENSE_ROW and COLAMD_DENSE_COL are defined as 0 and 1,
+ respectively, in colamd.h. Default values of these two knobs
+ are both 0.5. Currently, only knobs [0] and knobs [1] are
+ used, but future versions may use more knobs. If so, they will
+ be properly set to their defaults by the future version of
+ colamd_set_defaults, so that the code that calls colamd will
+ not need to change, assuming that you either use
+ colamd_set_defaults, or pass a (double *) NULL pointer as the
+ knobs array to colamd or symamd.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ colamd:
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ C syntax:
+ #include "colamd.h"
+ Int UMF_colamd (Int n_row, Int n_col, Int Alen, Int *A, Int *p,
+ double knobs [COLAMD_KNOBS], Int stats [COLAMD_STATS]) ;
+ Purpose:
+ Computes a column ordering (Q) of A such that P(AQ)=LU or
+ (AQ)'AQ=LL' have less fill-in and require fewer floating point
+ operations than factorizing the unpermuted matrix A or A'A,
+ respectively.
+ Returns:
+ TRUE (1) if successful, FALSE (0) otherwise.
+ Arguments:
+ Int n_row ; Input argument.
+ Number of rows in the matrix A.
+ Restriction: n_row >= 0.
+ Colamd returns FALSE if n_row is negative.
+ Int n_col ; Input argument.
+ Number of columns in the matrix A.
+ Restriction: n_col >= 0.
+ Colamd returns FALSE if n_col is negative.
+ Int Alen ; Input argument.
+ Restriction (see note):
+ Alen >= 2*nnz + 8*(n_col+1) + 6*(n_row+1) + n_col
+ Colamd returns FALSE if these conditions are not met.
+ Note: this restriction makes an modest assumption regarding
+ the size of the two typedef's structures in colamd.h.
+ We do, however, guarantee that
+ Alen >= UMF_COLAMD_RECOMMENDED (nnz, n_row, n_col)
+ will be sufficient.
+ Int A [Alen] ; Input and output argument.
+ A is an integer array of size Alen. Alen must be at least as
+ large as the bare minimum value given above, but this is very
+ low, and can result in excessive run time. For best
+ performance, we recommend that Alen be greater than or equal to
+ UMF_COLAMD_RECOMMENDED (nnz, n_row, n_col), which adds
+ nnz/5 to the bare minimum value given above.
+ On input, the row indices of the entries in column c of the
+ matrix are held in A [(p [c]) ... (p [c+1]-1)]. The row indices
+ in a given column c need not be in ascending order, and
+ duplicate row indices may be be present. However, colamd will
+ work a little faster if both of these conditions are met
+ (Colamd puts the matrix into this format, if it finds that the
+ the conditions are not met).
+ The matrix is 0-based. That is, rows are in the range 0 to
+ n_row-1, and columns are in the range 0 to n_col-1. Colamd
+ returns FALSE if any row index is out of range.
+ A holds the inverse permutation on output.
+ Int p [n_col+1] ; Both input and output argument.
+ p is an integer array of size n_col+1. On input, it holds the
+ "pointers" for the column form of the matrix A. Column c of
+ the matrix A is held in A [(p [c]) ... (p [c+1]-1)]. The first
+ entry, p [0], must be zero, and p [c] <= p [c+1] must hold
+ for all c in the range 0 to n_col-1. The value p [n_col] is
+ thus the total number of entries in the pattern of the matrix A.
+ Colamd returns FALSE if these conditions are not met.
+ On output, if colamd returns TRUE, the array p holds the column
+ permutation (Q, for P(AQ)=LU or (AQ)'(AQ)=LL'), where p [0] is
+ the first column index in the new ordering, and p [n_col-1] is
+ the last. That is, p [k] = j means that column j of A is the
+ kth pivot column, in AQ, where k is in the range 0 to n_col-1
+ (p [0] = j means that column j of A is the first column in AQ).
+ If colamd returns FALSE, then no permutation is returned, and
+ p is undefined on output.
+ double knobs [COLAMD_KNOBS] ; Input argument.
+ See colamd_set_defaults for a description.
+ The behavior is undefined if knobs contains NaN's.
+ (UMFPACK does not call umf_colamd with NaN-valued knobs).
+ Int stats [COLAMD_STATS] ; Output argument.
+ Statistics on the ordering, and error status.
+ See colamd.h for related definitions.
+ Colamd returns FALSE if stats is not present.
+ stats [0]: number of dense or empty rows ignored.
+ stats [1]: number of dense or empty columns ignored (and
+ ordered last in the output permutation p)
+ Note that a row can become "empty" if it
+ contains only "dense" and/or "empty" columns,
+ and similarly a column can become "empty" if it
+ only contains "dense" and/or "empty" rows.
+ stats [2]: number of garbage collections performed.
+ This can be excessively high if Alen is close
+ to the minimum required value.
+ stats [3]: status code. < 0 is an error code.
+ > 1 is a warning or notice.
+ 0 OK. Each column of the input matrix contained
+ row indices in increasing order, with no
+ duplicates.
+ -11 Columns of input matrix jumbled
+ (unsorted columns or duplicate entries).
+ stats [4]: the bad column index
+ stats [5]: the bad row index
+ -1 A is a null pointer
+ -2 p is a null pointer
+ -3 n_row is negative
+ stats [4]: n_row
+ -4 n_col is negative
+ stats [4]: n_col
+ -5 number of nonzeros in matrix is negative
+ stats [4]: number of nonzeros, p [n_col]
+ -6 p [0] is nonzero
+ stats [4]: p [0]
+ -7 A is too small
+ stats [4]: required size
+ stats [5]: actual size (Alen)
+ -8 a column has a zero or negative number of
+ entries (changed for UMFPACK)
+ stats [4]: column with <= 0 entries
+ stats [5]: number of entries in col
+ -9 a row index is out of bounds
+ stats [4]: column with bad row index
+ stats [5]: bad row index
+ stats [6]: n_row, # of rows of matrx
+ -10 unused
+ -999 (unused; see symamd.c)
+ Future versions may return more statistics in the stats array.
+ Example:
+ See http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~davis/colamd/example.c
+ for a complete example.
+ To order the columns of a 5-by-4 matrix with 11 nonzero entries in
+ the following nonzero pattern
+ x 0 x 0
+ x 0 x x
+ 0 x x 0
+ 0 0 x x
+ x x 0 0
+ with default knobs and no output statistics, do the following:
+ #include "colamd.h"
+ #define ALEN UMF_COLAMD_RECOMMENDED (11, 5, 4)
+ Int A [ALEN] = {1, 2, 5, 3, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 4} ;
+ Int p [ ] = {0, 3, 5, 9, 11} ;
+ Int stats [COLAMD_STATS] ;
+ UMF_colamd (5, 4, ALEN, A, p, (double *) NULL, stats) ;
+ The permutation is returned in the array p, and A is destroyed.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ symamd: does not appear in this version for UMFPACK
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ colamd_report: does not appear in this version for UMFPACK
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ symamd_report: does not appear in this version for UMFPACK
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === Scaffolding code definitions ======================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* ------------------ */
+/* UMFPACK debugging control is in umf_config.h */
+/* ------------------ */
+ Our "scaffolding code" philosophy: In our opinion, well-written library
+ code should keep its "debugging" code, and just normally have it turned off
+ by the compiler so as not to interfere with performance. This serves
+ several purposes:
+ (1) assertions act as comments to the reader, telling you what the code
+ expects at that point. All assertions will always be true (unless
+ there really is a bug, of course).
+ (2) leaving in the scaffolding code assists anyone who would like to modify
+ the code, or understand the algorithm (by reading the debugging output,
+ one can get a glimpse into what the code is doing).
+ (3) (gasp!) for actually finding bugs. This code has been heavily tested
+ and "should" be fully functional and bug-free ... but you never know...
+ To enable debugging, comment out the "#define NDEBUG" above. For a MATLAB
+ mexFunction, you will also need to modify mexopts.sh to remove the -DNDEBUG
+ definition. The code will become outrageously slow when debugging is
+ enabled. To control the level of debugging output, set an environment
+ variable D to 0 (little), 1 (some), 2, 3, or 4 (lots). When debugging,
+ you should see the following message on the standard output:
+ colamd: debug version, D = 1 (THIS WILL BE SLOW!)
+ or a similar message for symamd. If you don't, then debugging has not
+ been enabled.
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === Include files ======================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* ------------------ */
+/* modified for UMFPACK: */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_colamd.h"
+#include "umf_order_front_tree.h"
+#include "umf_apply_order.h"
+/* ------------------ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === Definitions ========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* ------------------ */
+/* UMFPACK: duplicate definitions moved to umf_internal.h */
+/* ------------------ */
+/* Row and column status */
+#define ALIVE (0)
+#define DEAD (-1)
+/* Column status */
+#define DEAD_PRINCIPAL (-1)
+#define DEAD_NON_PRINCIPAL (-2)
+/* Macros for row and column status update and checking. */
+#define ROW_IS_DEAD(r) ROW_IS_MARKED_DEAD (Row[r].shared2.mark)
+#define ROW_IS_MARKED_DEAD(row_mark) (row_mark < ALIVE)
+#define ROW_IS_ALIVE(r) (Row [r].shared2.mark >= ALIVE)
+#define COL_IS_DEAD(c) (Col [c].start < ALIVE)
+#define COL_IS_ALIVE(c) (Col [c].start >= ALIVE)
+#define COL_IS_DEAD_PRINCIPAL(c) (Col [c].start == DEAD_PRINCIPAL)
+#define KILL_ROW(r) { Row [r].shared2.mark = DEAD ; }
+#define KILL_PRINCIPAL_COL(c) { Col [c].start = DEAD_PRINCIPAL ; }
+#define KILL_NON_PRINCIPAL_COL(c) { Col [c].start = DEAD_NON_PRINCIPAL ; }
+/* ------------------ */
+/* UMFPACK: Colamd reporting mechanism moved to umf_internal.h */
+/* ------------------ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === Prototypes of PRIVATE routines ======================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+PRIVATE Int init_rows_cols
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ Colamd_Row Row [],
+ Colamd_Col Col [],
+ Int A [],
+ Int p [],
+ Int stats [COLAMD_STATS]
+) ;
+PRIVATE void init_scoring
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ Colamd_Row Row [],
+ Colamd_Col Col [],
+ Int A [],
+ Int head [],
+ double knobs [COLAMD_KNOBS],
+ Int *p_n_row2,
+ Int *p_n_col2,
+ Int *p_max_deg
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK */
+ , Int *p_ndense_row /* number of dense rows */
+ , Int *p_nempty_row /* number of original empty rows */
+ , Int *p_nnewlyempty_row /* number of newly empty rows */
+ , Int *p_ndense_col /* number of dense cols (excl "empty" cols) */
+ , Int *p_nempty_col /* number of original empty cols */
+ , Int *p_nnewlyempty_col /* number of newly empty cols */
+) ;
+PRIVATE Int find_ordering
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ Int Alen,
+ Colamd_Row Row [],
+ Colamd_Col Col [],
+ Int A [],
+ Int head [],
+ Int n_col2,
+ Int max_deg,
+ Int pfree
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ , Int Front_npivcol [ ]
+ , Int Front_nrows [ ]
+ , Int Front_ncols [ ]
+ , Int Front_parent [ ]
+ , Int Front_cols [ ]
+ , Int *p_nfr
+ /* ------------------ */
+) ;
+/* ------------------ */
+/* order_children deleted for UMFPACK: */
+/* ------------------ */
+PRIVATE void detect_super_cols
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Int n_col,
+ Colamd_Row Row [],
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ Colamd_Col Col [],
+ Int A [],
+ Int head [],
+ Int row_start,
+ Int row_length
+) ;
+PRIVATE Int garbage_collection
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ Colamd_Row Row [],
+ Colamd_Col Col [],
+ Int A [],
+ Int *pfree
+) ;
+PRIVATE Int clear_mark
+ Int n_row,
+ Colamd_Row Row []
+) ;
+/* ------------------ */
+/* print_report deleted for UMFPACK */
+/* ------------------ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === Debugging prototypes and definitions ================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+/* ------------------ */
+/* debugging macros moved for UMFPACK */
+/* ------------------ */
+PRIVATE void debug_deg_lists
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ Colamd_Row Row [],
+ Colamd_Col Col [],
+ Int head [],
+ Int min_score,
+ Int should,
+ Int max_deg
+) ;
+PRIVATE void debug_mark
+ Int n_row,
+ Colamd_Row Row [],
+ Int tag_mark,
+ Int max_mark
+) ;
+PRIVATE void debug_matrix
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ Colamd_Row Row [],
+ Colamd_Col Col [],
+ Int A []
+) ;
+PRIVATE void debug_structures
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ Colamd_Row Row [],
+ Colamd_Col Col [],
+ Int A [],
+ Int n_col2
+) ;
+/* ------------------ */
+/* dump_super added for UMFPACK: */
+PRIVATE void dump_super
+ Int super_c,
+ Colamd_Col Col [],
+ Int n_col
+) ;
+/* ------------------ */
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === USER-CALLABLE ROUTINES: ============================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === colamd_set_defaults ================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ The colamd_set_defaults routine sets the default values of the user-
+ controllable parameters for colamd:
+ knobs [0] rows with knobs[0]*n_col entries or more are removed
+ prior to ordering in colamd. Rows and columns with
+ knobs[0]*n_col entries or more are removed prior to
+ ordering in symamd and placed last in the output
+ ordering.
+ knobs [1] columns with knobs[1]*n_row entries or more are removed
+ prior to ordering in colamd, and placed last in the
+ column permutation. Symamd ignores this knob.
+ knobs [2..19] unused, but future versions might use this
+GLOBAL void UMF_colamd_set_defaults
+ /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
+ double knobs [COLAMD_KNOBS] /* knob array */
+ /* === Local variables ================================================== */
+ Int i ;
+ if (!knobs)
+ {
+ return ; /* UMFPACK always passes knobs array */
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < COLAMD_KNOBS ; i++)
+ {
+ knobs [i] = 0 ;
+ }
+ knobs [COLAMD_DENSE_ROW] = 0.2 ; /* default changed for UMFPACK */
+ knobs [COLAMD_DENSE_COL] = 0.2 ; /* default changed for UMFPACK */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === symamd removed for UMFPACK =========================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === colamd =============================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ The colamd routine computes a column ordering Q of a sparse matrix
+ A such that the LU factorization P(AQ) = LU remains sparse, where P is
+ selected via partial pivoting. The routine can also be viewed as
+ providing a permutation Q such that the Cholesky factorization
+ (AQ)'(AQ) = LL' remains sparse.
+GLOBAL Int UMF_colamd /* returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise*/
+ /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
+ Int n_row, /* number of rows in A */
+ Int n_col, /* number of columns in A */
+ Int Alen, /* length of A */
+ Int A [], /* row indices of A */
+ Int p [], /* pointers to columns in A */
+ double knobs [COLAMD_KNOBS],/* parameters (uses defaults if NULL) */
+ Int stats [COLAMD_STATS] /* output statistics and error codes */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: each Front_ array is of size n_col */
+ , Int Front_npivcol [ ] /* # pivot cols in each front */
+ , Int Front_nrows [ ] /* # of rows in each front (incl. pivot rows) */
+ , Int Front_ncols [ ] /* # of cols in each front (incl. pivot cols) */
+ , Int Front_parent [ ] /* parent of each front */
+ , Int Front_cols [ ] /* link list of pivot columns for each front */
+ , Int *p_nfr /* total number of frontal matrices */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* === Local variables ================================================== */
+ Int i ; /* loop index */
+ Int nnz ; /* nonzeros in A */
+ Int Row_size ; /* size of Row [], in integers */
+ Int Col_size ; /* size of Col [], in integers */
+ Int need ; /* minimum required length of A */
+ Colamd_Row *Row ; /* pointer into A of Row [0..n_row] array */
+ Colamd_Col *Col ; /* pointer into A of Col [0..n_col] array */
+ Int n_col2 ; /* number of non-dense, non-empty columns */
+ Int n_row2 ; /* number of non-dense, non-empty rows */
+ Int ngarbage ; /* number of garbage collections performed */
+ Int max_deg ; /* maximum row degree */
+ double default_knobs [COLAMD_KNOBS] ; /* default knobs array */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* debugging initializations moved for UMFPACK */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ Int f, j, nchild, ndense_row, nempty_row, parent,
+ nrows, ncols, frsize, ndense_col, nempty_col, k, col, nfr,
+ *Front_child, *Front_sibling, *Front_maxfr, *Front_order,
+ fprev, maxfrsize, bigf, fnext, bigfprev, *Stack ;
+ Int nnewlyempty_col, nnewlyempty_row ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* === Check the input arguments ======================================== */
+ if (!stats)
+ {
+ DEBUG0 (("colamd: stats not present\n")) ;
+ return (FALSE) ; /* UMFPACK: always passes stats [ ] */
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < COLAMD_STATS ; i++)
+ {
+ stats [i] = 0 ;
+ }
+ stats [COLAMD_INFO1] = -1 ;
+ stats [COLAMD_INFO2] = -1 ;
+ if (!A) /* A is not present */
+ {
+ /* UMFPACK: always passes A [ ] */
+ DEBUG0 (("colamd: A not present\n")) ;
+ stats [COLAMD_STATUS] = COLAMD_ERROR_A_not_present ;
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ if (!p) /* p is not present */
+ {
+ /* UMFPACK: always passes p [ ] */
+ DEBUG0 (("colamd: p not present\n")) ;
+ stats [COLAMD_STATUS] = COLAMD_ERROR_p_not_present ;
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ if (n_row < 0) /* n_row must be >= 0 */
+ {
+ /* UMFPACK: does not call UMF_colamd if n <= 0 */
+ DEBUG0 (("colamd: nrow negative "ID"\n", n_row)) ;
+ stats [COLAMD_STATUS] = COLAMD_ERROR_nrow_negative ;
+ stats [COLAMD_INFO1] = n_row ;
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ if (n_col < 0) /* n_col must be >= 0 */
+ {
+ /* UMFPACK: does not call UMF_colamd if n <= 0 */
+ DEBUG0 (("colamd: ncol negative "ID"\n", n_col)) ;
+ stats [COLAMD_STATUS] = COLAMD_ERROR_ncol_negative ;
+ stats [COLAMD_INFO1] = n_col ;
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ nnz = p [n_col] ;
+ if (nnz < 0) /* nnz must be >= 0 */
+ {
+ /* UMFPACK: does not call UMF_colamd if nnz < 0 */
+ DEBUG0 (("colamd: number of entries negative "ID"\n", nnz)) ;
+ stats [COLAMD_STATUS] = COLAMD_ERROR_nnz_negative ;
+ stats [COLAMD_INFO1] = nnz ;
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ if (p [0] != 0) /* p [0] must be exactly zero */
+ {
+ DEBUG0 (("colamd: p[0] not zero "ID"\n", p [0])) ;
+ stats [COLAMD_STATUS] = COLAMD_ERROR_p0_nonzero ;
+ stats [COLAMD_INFO1] = p [0] ;
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ /* === If no knobs, set default knobs =================================== */
+ if (!knobs)
+ {
+ /* UMFPACK: always passes the knobs */
+ UMF_colamd_set_defaults (default_knobs) ;
+ knobs = default_knobs ;
+ }
+ /* === Allocate the Row and Col arrays from array A ===================== */
+ Col_size = UMF_COLAMD_C (n_col) ;
+ Row_size = UMF_COLAMD_R (n_row) ;
+ need = 2*nnz + n_col + Col_size + Row_size ;
+ if (need > Alen)
+ {
+ /* UMFPACK: always passes enough space */
+ /* not enough space in array A to perform the ordering */
+ DEBUG0 (("colamd: Need Alen >= "ID", given only Alen = "ID"\n",
+ need, Alen)) ;
+ stats [COLAMD_STATUS] = COLAMD_ERROR_A_too_small ;
+ stats [COLAMD_INFO1] = need ;
+ stats [COLAMD_INFO2] = Alen ;
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ Alen -= Col_size + Row_size ;
+ Col = (Colamd_Col *) &A [Alen] ;
+ Row = (Colamd_Row *) &A [Alen + Col_size] ;
+ /* === Construct the row and column data structures ===================== */
+ if (!init_rows_cols (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, A, p, stats))
+ {
+ /* input matrix is invalid */
+ DEBUG0 (("colamd: Matrix invalid\n")) ;
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ /* === UMFPACK: Initialize front info =================================== */
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ Front_npivcol [col] = 0 ;
+ Front_nrows [col] = 0 ;
+ Front_ncols [col] = 0 ;
+ Front_parent [col] = EMPTY ;
+ Front_cols [col] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ /* === Initialize scores, kill dense rows/columns ======================= */
+ init_scoring (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, A, p, knobs,
+ &n_row2, &n_col2, &max_deg
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ , &ndense_row, &nempty_row, &nnewlyempty_row
+ , &ndense_col, &nempty_col, &nnewlyempty_col
+ /* ------------------ */
+ ) ;
+ ASSERT (n_row2 == n_row - nempty_row - nnewlyempty_row - ndense_row) ;
+ ASSERT (n_col2 == n_col - nempty_col - nnewlyempty_col - ndense_col) ;
+ /* === Order the supercolumns =========================================== */
+ ngarbage = find_ordering (n_row, n_col, Alen, Row, Col, A, p,
+ n_col2, max_deg, 2*nnz
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ , Front_npivcol, Front_nrows, Front_ncols, Front_parent, Front_cols
+ , &nfr
+ /* ------------------ */
+ ) ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* changed for UMFPACK: */
+ /* use A [0..4*nfr-1] as workspace [ [ [ */
+ Front_child = A ;
+ Front_sibling = Front_child + nfr ;
+ Front_maxfr = Front_sibling + nfr ;
+ Front_order = Front_maxfr + nfr ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < nfr ; j++)
+ {
+ Front_child [j] = EMPTY ;
+ Front_sibling [j] = EMPTY ;
+ Front_maxfr [j] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ /* === find maxfr for each front ======================================== */
+ DEBUG1 (("\n\n========================================FRONTS:\n")) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < nfr ; j++)
+ {
+ parent = Front_parent [j] ;
+ nrows = Front_nrows [j] ;
+ ncols = Front_ncols [j] ;
+ frsize = nrows * ncols ;
+ DEBUG1 ((""ID" : npiv "ID" nrows "ID" ncols "ID" parent "ID" ",
+ j, Front_npivcol [j], nrows, ncols, parent)) ;
+ Front_maxfr [j] = MAX (Front_maxfr [j], frsize) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Front_maxfr [j = "ID"] = "ID"\n", j, Front_maxfr[j]));
+ if (parent != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* find the maximum frontsize of self and children */
+ Front_maxfr [parent] = MAX (Front_maxfr [parent], Front_maxfr [j]) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Front_maxfr [parent = "ID"] = "ID"\n",
+ parent, Front_maxfr [parent])) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* === put the fronts in the child lists ================================ */
+ /* try to put them in order of smaller to larger */
+ for (j = nfr-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
+ {
+ parent = Front_parent [j] ;
+ if (parent != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* place the front in the link list of the children its parent */
+ /* bigger fronts will tend to be at the end of the list */
+ Front_sibling [j] = Front_child [parent] ;
+ Front_child [parent] = j ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* === Order the front tree via depth-first-search ====================== */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ if (Front_child [i] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 (("Before partial sort, front "ID"\n", i)) ;
+ nchild = 0 ;
+ for (f = Front_child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Front_sibling [f])
+ {
+ DEBUG1 ((" "ID" "ID"\n", f, Front_maxfr [f])) ;
+ nchild++ ;
+ }
+ /* find the biggest front in the child list */
+ fprev = EMPTY ;
+ maxfrsize = EMPTY ;
+ bigfprev = EMPTY ;
+ bigf = EMPTY ;
+ for (f = Front_child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Front_sibling [f])
+ {
+ frsize = Front_maxfr [f] ;
+ if (frsize >= maxfrsize)
+ {
+ /* this is the biggest seen so far */
+ maxfrsize = frsize ;
+ bigfprev = fprev ;
+ bigf = f ;
+ }
+ fprev = f ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (bigf != EMPTY) ;
+ fnext = Front_sibling [bigf] ;
+ DEBUG1 (("bigf "ID" maxfrsize "ID" bigfprev "ID" fnext "ID" fprev"
+ ID"\n", bigf, maxfrsize, bigfprev, fnext, fprev)) ;
+ if (fnext != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* if fnext is EMPTY, then bigf is already at the end of list */
+ if (bigfprev == EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* delete bigf from the front of the list */
+ Front_child [i] = fnext ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* delete bigf from the middle of the list */
+ Front_sibling [bigfprev] = fnext ;
+ }
+ /* put bigf at the end of the list */
+ Front_sibling [bigf] = EMPTY ;
+ ASSERT (Front_child [i] != EMPTY) ;
+ ASSERT (fprev != bigf) ;
+ ASSERT (fprev != EMPTY) ;
+ Front_sibling [fprev] = bigf ;
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("After partial sort, front "ID"\n", i)) ;
+ for (f = Front_child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Front_sibling [f])
+ {
+ DEBUG1 ((" "ID" "ID"\n", f, Front_maxfr [f])) ;
+ ASSERT (Front_npivcol [f] > 0) ;
+ nchild-- ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (nchild == 0) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Front_maxfr no longer needed ] */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_nbug = nfr ; /* frontal id's are in the range 0..nfr-1 */
+ UMF_fbug = nfr ; /* total number of frontal matrices */
+ /* use Front_maxfr as workspace for stack */
+ Stack = Front_maxfr ;
+ k = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ if (Front_parent [i] == EMPTY)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 (("Root of front tree "ID"\n", i)) ;
+ k = UMF_order_front_tree (i, k, Front_child, Front_sibling,
+ Front_order, Stack) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Front_child, Front_sibling no longer needed ] */
+ /* use A [0..nfr-1] as workspace */
+ UMF_apply_order (Front_npivcol, Front_order, A, nfr, nfr) ;
+ UMF_apply_order (Front_nrows, Front_order, A, nfr, nfr) ;
+ UMF_apply_order (Front_ncols, Front_order, A, nfr, nfr) ;
+ UMF_apply_order (Front_parent, Front_order, A, nfr, nfr) ;
+ UMF_apply_order (Front_cols, Front_order, A, nfr, nfr) ;
+ /* fix the parent to refer to the new numbering */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ parent = Front_parent [i] ;
+ if (parent != EMPTY)
+ {
+ Front_parent [i] = Front_order [parent] ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Front_order longer needed ] */
+ /* === Order the columns in the fronts ================================== */
+ /* use A [0..n_col-1] as inverse permutation */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n_col ; i++)
+ {
+ A [i] = -1 ;
+ }
+ k = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Front_npivcol [i] > 0) ;
+ for (col = Front_cols [i] ; col != EMPTY ; col = Col [col].nextcol)
+ {
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ p [k++] = col ;
+ ASSERT (A [col] == -1) ;
+ A [col] = k ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* === Order the "dense" and null columns =============================== */
+ ASSERT (k == n_col2) ;
+ if (n_col2 < n_col)
+ {
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ if (A [col] == -1)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 (("colamd dense or null col "ID" k: "ID"\n", col, k)) ;
+ k = Col [col].shared2.order ;
+ ASSERT (k >= n_col2 && k < n_col) ;
+ p [k] = col ;
+ A [col] = k ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* === Return statistics in stats ======================================= */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* modified for UMFPACK */
+ stats [COLAMD_DENSE_ROW] = ndense_row ;
+ stats [COLAMD_EMPTY_ROW] = nempty_row ;
+ stats [COLAMD_NEWLY_EMPTY_ROW] = nnewlyempty_row ;
+ stats [COLAMD_DENSE_COL] = ndense_col ;
+ stats [COLAMD_EMPTY_COL] = nempty_col ;
+ stats [COLAMD_NEWLY_EMPTY_COL] = nnewlyempty_col ;
+ ASSERT (ndense_col + nempty_col + nnewlyempty_col == n_col - n_col2) ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ stats [COLAMD_DEFRAG_COUNT] = ngarbage ;
+ *p_nfr = nfr ;
+ DEBUG1 (("colamd: done.\n")) ;
+ return (TRUE) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === colamd_report removed for UMFPACK ==================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === symamd_report removed for UMFPACK ==================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === NON-USER-CALLABLE ROUTINES: ========================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* There are no user-callable routines beyond this point in the file */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === init_rows_cols ======================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ Takes the column form of the matrix in A and creates the row form of the
+ matrix. Also, row and column attributes are stored in the Col and Row
+ structs. If the columns are un-sorted or contain duplicate row indices,
+ this routine will also sort and remove duplicate row indices from the
+ column form of the matrix. Returns FALSE if the matrix is invalid,
+ TRUE otherwise. Not user-callable.
+PRIVATE Int init_rows_cols /* returns TRUE if OK, or FALSE otherwise */
+ /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
+ Int n_row, /* number of rows of A */
+ Int n_col, /* number of columns of A */
+ Colamd_Row Row [], /* of size n_row+1 */
+ Colamd_Col Col [], /* of size n_col+1 */
+ Int A [], /* row indices of A, of size Alen */
+ Int p [], /* pointers to columns in A, of size n_col+1 */
+ Int stats [COLAMD_STATS] /* colamd statistics */
+ /* === Local variables ================================================== */
+ Int col ; /* a column index */
+ Int row ; /* a row index */
+ Int *cp ; /* a column pointer */
+ Int *cp_end ; /* a pointer to the end of a column */
+ /* rp and rp_end not used for UMFPACK */
+ Int last_row ; /* previous row */
+ /* === Initialize columns, and check column pointers ==================== */
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ Col [col].start = p [col] ;
+ Col [col].length = p [col+1] - p [col] ;
+ if (Col [col].length < 0)
+ {
+ /* column pointers must be non-decreasing */
+ stats [COLAMD_STATUS] = COLAMD_ERROR_col_length_negative ;
+ stats [COLAMD_INFO1] = col ;
+ stats [COLAMD_INFO2] = Col [col].length ;
+ DEBUG0 (("colamd: col "ID" length "ID" <= 0\n",
+ col, Col [col].length));
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ Col [col].shared1.thickness = 1 ;
+ Col [col].shared2.score = 0 ;
+ Col [col].shared3.prev = EMPTY ;
+ Col [col].shared4.degree_next = EMPTY ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ Col [col].nextcol = EMPTY ;
+ Col [col].lastcol = col ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ }
+ /* p [0..n_col] no longer needed, used as "head" in subsequent routines */
+ /* === Scan columns, compute row degrees, and check row indices ========= */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* stats [COLAMD_INFO3] = 0 ; */
+ /* number of duplicate or unsorted row indices - not computed in UMFPACK */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ Row [row].length = 0 ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* removed for UMFPACK */
+ /* Row [row].shared2.mark = -1 ; */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ Row [row].thickness = 1 ;
+ Row [row].front = EMPTY ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ }
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ last_row = -1 ;
+ cp = &A [p [col]] ;
+ cp_end = &A [p [col+1]] ;
+ while (cp < cp_end)
+ {
+ row = *cp++ ;
+ /* make sure row indices within range */
+ if (row < 0 || row >= n_row)
+ {
+ stats [COLAMD_STATUS] = COLAMD_ERROR_row_index_out_of_bounds ;
+ stats [COLAMD_INFO1] = col ;
+ stats [COLAMD_INFO2] = row ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* not needed in UMFPACK: */
+ /* stats [COLAMD_INFO3] = n_row ; */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ DEBUG0 (("colamd: row "ID" col "ID" out of bounds\n", row,col));
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* changed for UMFPACK */
+ if (row <= last_row)
+ {
+ /* row index are unsorted or repeated (or both), thus col */
+ /* is jumbled. This is an error condition for UMFPACK */
+ stats [COLAMD_STATUS] = COLAMD_ERROR_jumbled_matrix ;
+ stats [COLAMD_INFO1] = col ;
+ stats [COLAMD_INFO2] = row ;
+ DEBUG1 (("colamd: row "ID" col "ID" unsorted/duplicate\n",
+ row, col)) ;
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* changed for UMFPACK - jumbled columns not tolerated */
+ Row [row].length++ ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ last_row = row ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* === Compute row pointers ============================================= */
+ /* row form of the matrix starts directly after the column */
+ /* form of matrix in A */
+ Row [0].start = p [n_col] ;
+ Row [0].shared1.p = Row [0].start ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* removed for UMFPACK */
+ /* Row [0].shared2.mark = -1 ; */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ for (row = 1 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ Row [row].start = Row [row-1].start + Row [row-1].length ;
+ Row [row].shared1.p = Row [row].start ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* removed for UMFPACK */
+ /* Row [row].shared2.mark = -1 ; */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ }
+ /* === Create row form ================================================== */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* jumbled matrix case removed for UMFPACK */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ cp = &A [p [col]] ;
+ cp_end = &A [p [col+1]] ;
+ while (cp < cp_end)
+ {
+ A [(Row [*cp++].shared1.p)++] = col ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* === Clear the row marks and set row degrees ========================== */
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ Row [row].shared2.mark = 0 ;
+ Row [row].shared1.degree = Row [row].length ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* recreate columns for jumbled matrix case removed for UMFPACK */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ return (TRUE) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === init_scoring ========================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ Kills dense or empty columns and rows, calculates an initial score for
+ each column, and places all columns in the degree lists. Not user-callable.
+PRIVATE void init_scoring
+ /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
+ Int n_row, /* number of rows of A */
+ Int n_col, /* number of columns of A */
+ Colamd_Row Row [], /* of size n_row+1 */
+ Colamd_Col Col [], /* of size n_col+1 */
+ Int A [], /* column form and row form of A */
+ Int head [], /* of size n_col+1 */
+ double knobs [COLAMD_KNOBS],/* parameters */
+ Int *p_n_row2, /* number of non-dense, non-empty rows */
+ Int *p_n_col2, /* number of non-dense, non-empty columns */
+ Int *p_max_deg /* maximum row degree */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK */
+ , Int *p_ndense_row /* number of dense rows */
+ , Int *p_nempty_row /* number of original empty rows */
+ , Int *p_nnewlyempty_row /* number of newly empty rows */
+ , Int *p_ndense_col /* number of dense cols (excl "empty" cols) */
+ , Int *p_nempty_col /* number of original empty cols */
+ , Int *p_nnewlyempty_col /* number of newly empty cols */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* === Local variables ================================================== */
+ Int c ; /* a column index */
+ Int r, row ; /* a row index */
+ Int *cp ; /* a column pointer */
+ Int deg ; /* degree of a row or column */
+ Int *cp_end ; /* a pointer to the end of a column */
+ Int *new_cp ; /* new column pointer */
+ Int col_length ; /* length of pruned column */
+ Int score ; /* current column score */
+ Int n_col2 ; /* number of non-dense, non-empty columns */
+ Int n_row2 ; /* number of non-dense, non-empty rows */
+ Int dense_row_count ; /* remove rows with more entries than this */
+ Int dense_col_count ; /* remove cols with more entries than this */
+ Int min_score ; /* smallest column score */
+ Int max_deg ; /* maximum row degree */
+ Int next_col ; /* Used to add to degree list.*/
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK */
+ Int ndense_row ; /* number of dense rows */
+ Int nempty_row ; /* number of empty rows */
+ Int nnewlyempty_row ; /* number of newly empty rows */
+ Int ndense_col ; /* number of dense cols (excl "empty" cols) */
+ Int nempty_col ; /* number of original empty cols */
+ Int nnewlyempty_col ; /* number of newly empty cols */
+ Int ne ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Int debug_count ; /* debug only. */
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ /* === Extract knobs ==================================================== */
+ /* --------------------- */
+ /* old dense row/column knobs:
+ dense_row_count = MAX (0, MIN (knobs [COLAMD_DENSE_ROW] * n_col, n_col)) ;
+ dense_col_count = MAX (0, MIN (knobs [COLAMD_DENSE_COL] * n_row, n_row)) ;
+ */
+ /* new, for UMFPACK: */
+ /* Note: if knobs contains a NaN, this is undefined: */
+ dense_row_count =
+ dense_col_count =
+ /* Make sure dense_*_count is between 0 and n: */
+ dense_row_count = MAX (0, MIN (dense_row_count, n_col)) ;
+ dense_col_count = MAX (0, MIN (dense_col_count, n_row)) ;
+ /* --------------------- */
+ DEBUG1 (("colamd: densecount: "ID" "ID"\n",
+ dense_row_count, dense_col_count)) ;
+ max_deg = 0 ;
+ n_col2 = n_col ;
+ n_row2 = n_row ;
+ /* --------------------- */
+ /* added for UMFPACK */
+ ndense_col = 0 ;
+ nempty_col = 0 ;
+ nnewlyempty_col = 0 ;
+ ndense_row = 0 ;
+ nempty_row = 0 ;
+ nnewlyempty_row = 0 ;
+ /* --------------------- */
+ /* === Kill empty columns =============================================== */
+ /* Put the empty columns at the end in their natural order, so that LU */
+ /* factorization can proceed as far as possible. */
+ for (c = n_col-1 ; c >= 0 ; c--)
+ {
+ deg = Col [c].length ;
+ if (deg == 0)
+ {
+ /* this is a empty column, kill and order it last */
+ Col [c].shared2.order = --n_col2 ;
+ /* --------------------- */
+ /* added for UMFPACK */
+ nempty_col++ ;
+ /* --------------------- */
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("colamd: null columns killed: "ID"\n", n_col - n_col2)) ;
+ /* === Count null rows ================================================== */
+ for (r = 0 ; r < n_row ; r++)
+ {
+ deg = Row [r].shared1.degree ;
+ if (deg == 0)
+ {
+ /* this is an original empty row */
+ nempty_row++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* === Kill dense columns =============================================== */
+ /* Put the dense columns at the end, in their natural order */
+ for (c = n_col-1 ; c >= 0 ; c--)
+ {
+ /* skip any dead columns */
+ if (COL_IS_DEAD (c))
+ {
+ continue ;
+ }
+ deg = Col [c].length ;
+ if (deg > dense_col_count)
+ {
+ /* this is a dense column, kill and order it last */
+ Col [c].shared2.order = --n_col2 ;
+ /* --------------------- */
+ /* added for UMFPACK */
+ ndense_col++ ;
+ /* --------------------- */
+ /* decrement the row degrees */
+ cp = &A [Col [c].start] ;
+ cp_end = cp + Col [c].length ;
+ while (cp < cp_end)
+ {
+ Row [*cp++].shared1.degree-- ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("colamd: Dense and null columns killed: "ID"\n", n_col - n_col2)) ;
+ /* === Kill dense and empty rows ======================================== */
+ ne = 0 ;
+ for (r = 0 ; r < n_row ; r++)
+ {
+ deg = Row [r].shared1.degree ;
+ ASSERT (deg >= 0 && deg <= n_col) ;
+ /* --------------------- */
+ /* added for UMFPACK */
+ if (deg > dense_row_count)
+ {
+ /* There is at least one dense row. Continue ordering, but */
+ /* symbolic factorization will be redone after UMF_colamd is done.*/
+ ndense_row++ ;
+ }
+ if (deg == 0)
+ {
+ /* this is a newly empty row, or original empty row */
+ ne++ ;
+ }
+ /* --------------------- */
+ if (deg > dense_row_count || deg == 0)
+ {
+ /* kill a dense or empty row */
+ KILL_ROW (r) ;
+ /* --------------------- */
+ /* added for UMFPACK */
+ Row [r].thickness = 0 ;
+ /* --------------------- */
+ --n_row2 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* keep track of max degree of remaining rows */
+ max_deg = MAX (max_deg, deg) ;
+ }
+ }
+ nnewlyempty_row = ne - nempty_row ;
+ DEBUG1 (("colamd: Dense rows killed: "ID"\n", ndense_row)) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("colamd: Dense and null rows killed: "ID"\n", n_row - n_row2)) ;
+ /* === Compute initial column scores ==================================== */
+ /* At this point the row degrees are accurate. They reflect the number */
+ /* of "live" (non-dense) columns in each row. No empty rows exist. */
+ /* Some "live" columns may contain only dead rows, however. These are */
+ /* pruned in the code below. */
+ /* now find the initial matlab score for each column */
+ for (c = n_col-1 ; c >= 0 ; c--)
+ {
+ /* skip dead column */
+ if (COL_IS_DEAD (c))
+ {
+ continue ;
+ }
+ score = 0 ;
+ cp = &A [Col [c].start] ;
+ new_cp = cp ;
+ cp_end = cp + Col [c].length ;
+ while (cp < cp_end)
+ {
+ /* get a row */
+ row = *cp++ ;
+ /* skip if dead */
+ if (ROW_IS_DEAD (row))
+ {
+ continue ;
+ }
+ /* compact the column */
+ *new_cp++ = row ;
+ /* add row's external degree */
+ score += Row [row].shared1.degree - 1 ;
+ /* guard against integer overflow */
+ score = MIN (score, n_col) ;
+ }
+ /* determine pruned column length */
+ col_length = (Int) (new_cp - &A [Col [c].start]) ;
+ if (col_length == 0)
+ {
+ /* a newly-made null column (all rows in this col are "dense" */
+ /* and have already been killed) */
+ DEBUG2 (("Newly null killed: "ID"\n", c)) ;
+ Col [c].shared2.order = --n_col2 ;
+ /* --------------------- */
+ /* added for UMFPACK */
+ nnewlyempty_col++ ;
+ /* --------------------- */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* set column length and set score */
+ ASSERT (score >= 0) ;
+ ASSERT (score <= n_col) ;
+ Col [c].length = col_length ;
+ Col [c].shared2.score = score ;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("colamd: Dense, null, and newly-null columns killed: "ID"\n",
+ n_col-n_col2)) ;
+ /* At this point, all empty rows and columns are dead. All live columns */
+ /* are "clean" (containing no dead rows) and simplicial (no supercolumns */
+ /* yet). Rows may contain dead columns, but all live rows contain at */
+ /* least one live column. */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ debug_structures (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, A, n_col2) ;
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ /* === Initialize degree lists ========================================== */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ debug_count = 0 ;
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ /* clear the hash buckets */
+ for (c = 0 ; c <= n_col ; c++)
+ {
+ head [c] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ min_score = n_col ;
+ /* place in reverse order, so low column indices are at the front */
+ /* of the lists. This is to encourage natural tie-breaking */
+ for (c = n_col-1 ; c >= 0 ; c--)
+ {
+ /* only add principal columns to degree lists */
+ if (COL_IS_ALIVE (c))
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("place "ID" score "ID" minscore "ID" ncol "ID"\n",
+ c, Col [c].shared2.score, min_score, n_col)) ;
+ /* === Add columns score to DList =============================== */
+ score = Col [c].shared2.score ;
+ ASSERT (min_score >= 0) ;
+ ASSERT (min_score <= n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (score >= 0) ;
+ ASSERT (score <= n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (head [score] >= EMPTY) ;
+ /* now add this column to dList at proper score location */
+ next_col = head [score] ;
+ Col [c].shared3.prev = EMPTY ;
+ Col [c].shared4.degree_next = next_col ;
+ /* if there already was a column with the same score, set its */
+ /* previous pointer to this new column */
+ if (next_col != EMPTY)
+ {
+ Col [next_col].shared3.prev = c ;
+ }
+ head [score] = c ;
+ /* see if this score is less than current min */
+ min_score = MIN (min_score, score) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ debug_count++ ;
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG1 (("colamd: Live cols "ID" out of "ID", non-princ: "ID"\n",
+ debug_count, n_col, n_col-debug_count)) ;
+ ASSERT (debug_count == n_col2) ;
+ debug_deg_lists (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, head, min_score, n_col2, max_deg) ;
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ /* === Return number of remaining columns, and max row degree =========== */
+ *p_n_col2 = n_col2 ;
+ *p_n_row2 = n_row2 ;
+ *p_max_deg = max_deg ;
+ /* --------------------- */
+ /* added for UMFPACK */
+ *p_ndense_row = ndense_row ;
+ *p_nempty_row = nempty_row ; /* original empty rows */
+ *p_nnewlyempty_row = nnewlyempty_row ;
+ *p_ndense_col = ndense_col ;
+ *p_nempty_col = nempty_col ; /* original empty cols */
+ *p_nnewlyempty_col = nnewlyempty_col ;
+ /* --------------------- */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === find_ordering ======================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ Order the principal columns of the supercolumn form of the matrix
+ (no supercolumns on input). Uses a minimum approximate column minimum
+ degree ordering method. Not user-callable.
+PRIVATE Int find_ordering /* return the number of garbage collections */
+ /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
+ Int n_row, /* number of rows of A */
+ Int n_col, /* number of columns of A */
+ Int Alen, /* size of A, 2*nnz + n_col or larger */
+ Colamd_Row Row [], /* of size n_row+1 */
+ Colamd_Col Col [], /* of size n_col+1 */
+ Int A [], /* column form and row form of A */
+ Int head [], /* of size n_col+1 */
+ Int n_col2, /* Remaining columns to order */
+ Int max_deg, /* Maximum row degree */
+ Int pfree /* index of first free slot (2*nnz on entry) */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ , Int Front_npivcol [ ]
+ , Int Front_nrows [ ]
+ , Int Front_ncols [ ]
+ , Int Front_parent [ ]
+ , Int Front_cols [ ]
+ , Int *p_nfr /* number of fronts */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* === Local variables ================================================== */
+ Int k ; /* current pivot ordering step */
+ Int pivot_col ; /* current pivot column */
+ Int *cp ; /* a column pointer */
+ Int *rp ; /* a row pointer */
+ Int pivot_row ; /* current pivot row */
+ Int *new_cp ; /* modified column pointer */
+ Int *new_rp ; /* modified row pointer */
+ Int pivot_row_start ; /* pointer to start of pivot row */
+ Int pivot_row_degree ; /* number of columns in pivot row */
+ Int pivot_row_length ; /* number of supercolumns in pivot row */
+ Int pivot_col_score ; /* score of pivot column */
+ Int needed_memory ; /* free space needed for pivot row */
+ Int *cp_end ; /* pointer to the end of a column */
+ Int *rp_end ; /* pointer to the end of a row */
+ Int row ; /* a row index */
+ Int col ; /* a column index */
+ Int max_score ; /* maximum possible score */
+ Int cur_score ; /* score of current column */
+ unsigned Int hash ; /* hash value for supernode detection */
+ Int head_column ; /* head of hash bucket */
+ Int first_col ; /* first column in hash bucket */
+ Int tag_mark ; /* marker value for mark array */
+ Int row_mark ; /* Row [row].shared2.mark */
+ Int set_difference ; /* set difference size of row with pivot row */
+ Int min_score ; /* smallest column score */
+ Int col_thickness ; /* "thickness" (no. of columns in a supercol) */
+ Int max_mark ; /* maximum value of tag_mark */
+ Int pivot_col_thickness ; /* number of columns represented by pivot col */
+ Int prev_col ; /* Used by Dlist operations. */
+ Int next_col ; /* Used by Dlist operations. */
+ Int ngarbage ; /* number of garbage collections performed */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Int debug_d ; /* debug loop counter */
+ Int debug_step = 0 ; /* debug loop counter */
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ Int pivot_row_thickness ; /* number of rows represented by pivot row */
+ Int nfr = 0 ; /* number of fronts */
+ Int child ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* === Initialization and clear mark ==================================== */
+ max_mark = MAX_MARK (n_col) ; /* defined in umfpack.h */
+ tag_mark = clear_mark (n_row, Row) ;
+ min_score = 0 ;
+ ngarbage = 0 ;
+ DEBUG1 (("colamd: Ordering, n_col2="ID"\n", n_col2)) ;
+ /* === Order the columns ================================================ */
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_col2 ; /* 'k' is incremented below */)
+ {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ if (debug_step % 100 == 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG2 (("\n... Step k: "ID" out of n_col2: "ID"\n", k, n_col2)) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUG3 (("\n-----Step k: "ID" out of n_col2: "ID"\n", k, n_col2)) ;
+ }
+ debug_step++ ;
+ debug_deg_lists (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, head,
+ min_score, n_col2-k, max_deg) ;
+ debug_matrix (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, A) ;
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ /* === Select pivot column, and order it ============================ */
+ /* make sure degree list isn't empty */
+ ASSERT (min_score >= 0) ;
+ ASSERT (min_score <= n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (head [min_score] >= EMPTY) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (debug_d = 0 ; debug_d < min_score ; debug_d++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (head [debug_d] == EMPTY) ;
+ }
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ /* get pivot column from head of minimum degree list */
+ while (head [min_score] == EMPTY && min_score < n_col)
+ {
+ min_score++ ;
+ }
+ pivot_col = head [min_score] ;
+ ASSERT (pivot_col >= 0 && pivot_col <= n_col) ;
+ next_col = Col [pivot_col].shared4.degree_next ;
+ head [min_score] = next_col ;
+ if (next_col != EMPTY)
+ {
+ Col [next_col].shared3.prev = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (COL_IS_ALIVE (pivot_col)) ;
+ DEBUG3 (("Pivot col: "ID"\n", pivot_col)) ;
+ /* remember score for defrag check */
+ pivot_col_score = Col [pivot_col].shared2.score ;
+ /* the pivot column is the kth column in the pivot order */
+ Col [pivot_col].shared2.order = k ;
+ /* increment order count by column thickness */
+ pivot_col_thickness = Col [pivot_col].shared1.thickness ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* changed for UMFPACK: */
+ k += pivot_col_thickness ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ ASSERT (pivot_col_thickness > 0) ;
+ /* === Garbage_collection, if necessary ============================= */
+ needed_memory = MIN (pivot_col_score, n_col - k) ;
+ if (pfree + needed_memory >= Alen)
+ {
+ pfree = garbage_collection (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, A, &A [pfree]) ;
+ ngarbage++ ;
+ /* after garbage collection we will have enough */
+ ASSERT (pfree + needed_memory < Alen) ;
+ /* garbage collection has wiped out the Row[].shared2.mark array */
+ tag_mark = clear_mark (n_row, Row) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ debug_matrix (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, A) ;
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ }
+ /* === Compute pivot row pattern ==================================== */
+ /* get starting location for this new merged row */
+ pivot_row_start = pfree ;
+ /* initialize new row counts to zero */
+ pivot_row_degree = 0 ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ pivot_row_thickness = 0 ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* [ tag pivot column as having been visited so it isn't included */
+ /* in merged pivot row */
+ Col [pivot_col].shared1.thickness = -pivot_col_thickness ;
+ /* pivot row is the union of all rows in the pivot column pattern */
+ cp = &A [Col [pivot_col].start] ;
+ cp_end = cp + Col [pivot_col].length ;
+ while (cp < cp_end)
+ {
+ /* get a row */
+ row = *cp++ ;
+ DEBUG4 (("Pivot col pattern "ID" "ID"\n", ROW_IS_ALIVE(row), row)) ;
+ /* skip if row is dead */
+ if (ROW_IS_DEAD (row))
+ {
+ continue ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ /* sum the thicknesses of all the rows */
+ ASSERT (Row [row].thickness > 0) ;
+ pivot_row_thickness += Row [row].thickness ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ rp = &A [Row [row].start] ;
+ rp_end = rp + Row [row].length ;
+ while (rp < rp_end)
+ {
+ /* get a column */
+ col = *rp++ ;
+ /* add the column, if alive and untagged */
+ col_thickness = Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
+ if (col_thickness > 0 && COL_IS_ALIVE (col))
+ {
+ /* tag column in pivot row */
+ Col [col].shared1.thickness = -col_thickness ;
+ ASSERT (pfree < Alen) ;
+ /* place column in pivot row */
+ A [pfree++] = col ;
+ pivot_row_degree += col_thickness ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ DEBUG4 (("\t\t\tNew live column in pivot row: "ID"\n",col));
+ /* ------------------ */
+ }
+/* ------------------ */
+/* added for UMFPACK */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ if (col_thickness < 0 && COL_IS_ALIVE (col))
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("\t\t\tOld live column in pivot row: "ID"\n",col));
+ }
+/* ------------------ */
+ }
+ }
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ /* pivot_row_thickness is the number of rows in frontal matrix */
+ /* both pivotal rows and nonpivotal rows */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* clear tag on pivot column */
+ Col [pivot_col].shared1.thickness = pivot_col_thickness ; /* ] */
+ max_deg = MAX (max_deg, pivot_row_degree) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG3 (("check2\n")) ;
+ debug_mark (n_row, Row, tag_mark, max_mark) ;
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ /* === Kill all rows used to construct pivot row ==================== */
+ /* also kill pivot row, temporarily */
+ cp = &A [Col [pivot_col].start] ;
+ cp_end = cp + Col [pivot_col].length ;
+ while (cp < cp_end)
+ {
+ /* may be killing an already dead row */
+ row = *cp++ ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ DEBUG2 (("Kill row in pivot col: "ID" alive? "ID", front "ID"\n",
+ row, ROW_IS_ALIVE (row), Row [row].front)) ;
+ if (ROW_IS_ALIVE (row) && Row [row].front != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* Row [row].front is a child of current front */
+ child = Row [row].front ;
+ Front_parent [child] = nfr ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------ */
+ KILL_ROW (row) ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ Row [row].thickness = 0 ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ }
+ /* === Select a row index to use as the new pivot row =============== */
+ pivot_row_length = pfree - pivot_row_start ;
+ if (pivot_row_length > 0)
+ {
+ /* pick the "pivot" row arbitrarily (first row in col) */
+ pivot_row = A [Col [pivot_col].start] ;
+ DEBUG3 (("Pivotal row is "ID"\n", pivot_row)) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* there is no pivot row, since it is of zero length */
+ pivot_row = EMPTY ;
+ ASSERT (pivot_row_length == 0) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (Col [pivot_col].length > 0 || pivot_row_length == 0) ;
+ /* === Approximate degree computation =============================== */
+ /* Here begins the computation of the approximate degree. The column */
+ /* score is the sum of the pivot row "length", plus the size of the */
+ /* set differences of each row in the column minus the pattern of the */
+ /* pivot row itself. The column ("thickness") itself is also */
+ /* excluded from the column score (we thus use an approximate */
+ /* external degree). */
+ /* The time taken by the following code (compute set differences, and */
+ /* add them up) is proportional to the size of the data structure */
+ /* being scanned - that is, the sum of the sizes of each column in */
+ /* the pivot row. Thus, the amortized time to compute a column score */
+ /* is proportional to the size of that column (where size, in this */
+ /* context, is the column "length", or the number of row indices */
+ /* in that column). The number of row indices in a column is */
+ /* monotonically non-decreasing, from the length of the original */
+ /* column on input to colamd. */
+ /* === Compute set differences ====================================== */
+ DEBUG3 (("** Computing set differences phase. **\n")) ;
+ /* pivot row is currently dead - it will be revived later. */
+ DEBUG3 (("Pivot row: \n")) ;
+ /* for each column in pivot row */
+ rp = &A [pivot_row_start] ;
+ rp_end = rp + pivot_row_length ;
+ while (rp < rp_end)
+ {
+ col = *rp++ ;
+ ASSERT (COL_IS_ALIVE (col) && col != pivot_col) ;
+ DEBUG3 ((" Col: "ID"\n", col)) ;
+ /* clear tags used to construct pivot row pattern */
+ col_thickness = -Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
+ ASSERT (col_thickness > 0) ;
+ Col [col].shared1.thickness = col_thickness ;
+ /* === Remove column from degree list =========================== */
+ cur_score = Col [col].shared2.score ;
+ prev_col = Col [col].shared3.prev ;
+ next_col = Col [col].shared4.degree_next ;
+ ASSERT (cur_score >= 0) ;
+ ASSERT (cur_score <= n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (cur_score >= EMPTY) ;
+ if (prev_col == EMPTY)
+ {
+ head [cur_score] = next_col ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Col [prev_col].shared4.degree_next = next_col ;
+ }
+ if (next_col != EMPTY)
+ {
+ Col [next_col].shared3.prev = prev_col ;
+ }
+ /* === Scan the column ========================================== */
+ cp = &A [Col [col].start] ;
+ cp_end = cp + Col [col].length ;
+ while (cp < cp_end)
+ {
+ /* get a row */
+ row = *cp++ ;
+ row_mark = Row [row].shared2.mark ;
+ /* skip if dead */
+ if (ROW_IS_MARKED_DEAD (row_mark))
+ {
+ continue ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (row != pivot_row) ;
+ set_difference = row_mark - tag_mark ;
+ /* check if the row has been seen yet */
+ if (set_difference < 0)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Row [row].shared1.degree <= max_deg) ;
+ set_difference = Row [row].shared1.degree ;
+ }
+ /* subtract column thickness from this row's set difference */
+ set_difference -= col_thickness ;
+ ASSERT (set_difference >= 0) ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* aggressive row absorption removed for UMFPACK */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* save the new mark */
+ Row [row].shared2.mark = set_difference + tag_mark ;
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ debug_deg_lists (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, head,
+ min_score, n_col2-k-pivot_row_degree, max_deg) ;
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ /* === Add up set differences for each column ======================= */
+ DEBUG3 (("** Adding set differences phase. **\n")) ;
+ /* for each column in pivot row */
+ rp = &A [pivot_row_start] ;
+ rp_end = rp + pivot_row_length ;
+ while (rp < rp_end)
+ {
+ /* get a column */
+ col = *rp++ ;
+ ASSERT (COL_IS_ALIVE (col) && col != pivot_col) ;
+ hash = 0 ;
+ cur_score = 0 ;
+ cp = &A [Col [col].start] ;
+ /* compact the column */
+ new_cp = cp ;
+ cp_end = cp + Col [col].length ;
+ DEBUG4 (("Adding set diffs for Col: "ID".\n", col)) ;
+ while (cp < cp_end)
+ {
+ /* get a row */
+ row = *cp++ ;
+ ASSERT(row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ row_mark = Row [row].shared2.mark ;
+ /* skip if dead */
+ if (ROW_IS_MARKED_DEAD (row_mark))
+ {
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* changed for UMFPACK: */
+ DEBUG4 ((" Row "ID", dead\n", row)) ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ continue ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* changed for UMFPACK: */
+ /* ASSERT (row_mark > tag_mark) ; */
+ DEBUG4 ((" Row "ID", set diff "ID"\n", row, row_mark-tag_mark));
+ ASSERT (row_mark >= tag_mark) ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* compact the column */
+ *new_cp++ = row ;
+ /* compute hash function */
+ hash += row ;
+ /* add set difference */
+ cur_score += row_mark - tag_mark ;
+ /* integer overflow... */
+ cur_score = MIN (cur_score, n_col) ;
+ }
+ /* recompute the column's length */
+ Col [col].length = (Int) (new_cp - &A [Col [col].start]) ;
+ /* === Further mass elimination ================================= */
+ if (Col [col].length == 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("further mass elimination. Col: "ID"\n", col)) ;
+ /* nothing left but the pivot row in this column */
+ pivot_row_degree -= Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
+ ASSERT (pivot_row_degree >= 0) ;
+ /* order it */
+ Col [col].shared2.order = k ;
+ /* increment order count by column thickness */
+ k += Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ pivot_col_thickness += Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
+ /* add to column list of front ... */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG1 (("Mass")) ;
+ dump_super (col, Col, n_col) ;
+ Col [Col [col].lastcol].nextcol = Front_cols [nfr] ;
+ Front_cols [nfr] = col ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* === Prepare for supercolumn detection ==================== */
+ DEBUG4 (("Preparing supercol detection for Col: "ID".\n", col));
+ /* save score so far */
+ Col [col].shared2.score = cur_score ;
+ /* add column to hash table, for supercolumn detection */
+ hash %= n_col + 1 ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" Hash = "ID", n_col = "ID".\n", hash, n_col)) ;
+ ASSERT (hash <= n_col) ;
+ head_column = head [hash] ;
+ if (head_column > EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* degree list "hash" is non-empty, use prev (shared3) of */
+ /* first column in degree list as head of hash bucket */
+ first_col = Col [head_column].shared3.headhash ;
+ Col [head_column].shared3.headhash = col ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* degree list "hash" is empty, use head as hash bucket */
+ first_col = - (head_column + 2) ;
+ head [hash] = - (col + 2) ;
+ }
+ Col [col].shared4.hash_next = first_col ;
+ /* save hash function in Col [col].shared3.hash */
+ Col [col].shared3.hash = (Int) hash ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* The approximate external column degree is now computed. */
+ /* === Supercolumn detection ======================================== */
+ DEBUG3 (("** Supercolumn detection phase. **\n")) ;
+ detect_super_cols (
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ n_col, Row,
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ Col, A, head, pivot_row_start, pivot_row_length) ;
+ /* === Kill the pivotal column ====================================== */
+ KILL_PRINCIPAL_COL (pivot_col) ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ /* add columns to column list of front */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG1 (("Pivot")) ;
+ dump_super (pivot_col, Col, n_col) ;
+ Col [Col [pivot_col].lastcol].nextcol = Front_cols [nfr] ;
+ Front_cols [nfr] = pivot_col ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* === Clear mark =================================================== */
+ tag_mark += (max_deg + 1) ;
+ if (tag_mark >= max_mark)
+ {
+ DEBUG2 (("clearing tag_mark\n")) ;
+ tag_mark = clear_mark (n_row, Row) ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG3 (("check3\n")) ;
+ debug_mark (n_row, Row, tag_mark, max_mark) ;
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ /* === Finalize the new pivot row, and column scores ================ */
+ DEBUG3 (("** Finalize scores phase. **\n")) ;
+ DEBUG3 (("pivot_row_degree "ID"\n", pivot_row_degree)) ;
+ /* for each column in pivot row */
+ rp = &A [pivot_row_start] ;
+ /* compact the pivot row */
+ new_rp = rp ;
+ rp_end = rp + pivot_row_length ;
+ while (rp < rp_end)
+ {
+ col = *rp++ ;
+ DEBUG3 (("Col "ID" \n", col)) ;
+ /* skip dead columns */
+ if (COL_IS_DEAD (col))
+ {
+ DEBUG3 (("dead\n")) ;
+ continue ;
+ }
+ *new_rp++ = col ;
+ /* add new pivot row to column */
+ A [Col [col].start + (Col [col].length++)] = pivot_row ;
+ /* retrieve score so far and add on pivot row's degree. */
+ /* (we wait until here for this in case the pivot */
+ /* row's degree was reduced due to mass elimination). */
+ DEBUG3 ((" cur_score "ID" ", cur_score)) ;
+ cur_score = Col [col].shared2.score + pivot_row_degree ;
+ DEBUG3 (("ID", cur_score)) ;
+ /* calculate the max possible score as the number of */
+ /* external columns minus the 'k' value minus the */
+ /* columns thickness */
+ max_score = n_col - k - Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
+ DEBUG3 ((" max_score "ID" ", max_score)) ;
+ /* make the score the external degree of the union-of-rows */
+ cur_score -= Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
+ DEBUG3 ((" cur_score "ID" ", cur_score)) ;
+ /* make sure score is less or equal than the max score */
+ cur_score = MIN (cur_score, max_score) ;
+ ASSERT (cur_score >= 0) ;
+ /* store updated score */
+ Col [col].shared2.score = cur_score ;
+ DEBUG3 ((" "ID"\n", cur_score)) ;
+ /* === Place column back in degree list ========================= */
+ ASSERT (min_score >= 0) ;
+ ASSERT (min_score <= n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (cur_score >= 0) ;
+ ASSERT (cur_score <= n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (head [cur_score] >= EMPTY) ;
+ next_col = head [cur_score] ;
+ Col [col].shared4.degree_next = next_col ;
+ Col [col].shared3.prev = EMPTY ;
+ if (next_col != EMPTY)
+ {
+ Col [next_col].shared3.prev = col ;
+ }
+ head [cur_score] = col ;
+ /* see if this score is less than current min */
+ min_score = MIN (min_score, cur_score) ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ debug_deg_lists (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, head,
+ min_score, n_col2-k, max_deg) ;
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ /* frontal matrix can have more pivot cols than pivot rows for */
+ /* singular matrices. */
+ /* number of candidate pivot columns */
+ Front_npivcol [nfr] = pivot_col_thickness ;
+ /* all rows (not just size of contrib. block) */
+ Front_nrows [nfr] = pivot_row_thickness ;
+ /* all cols */
+ Front_ncols [nfr] = pivot_col_thickness + pivot_row_degree ;
+ Front_parent [nfr] = EMPTY ;
+ pivot_row_thickness -= pivot_col_thickness ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Front "ID" Pivot_row_thickness after pivot cols elim: "ID"\n",
+ nfr, pivot_row_thickness)) ;
+ pivot_row_thickness = MAX (0, pivot_row_thickness) ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* === Resurrect the new pivot row ================================== */
+ if (pivot_row_degree > 0
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ && pivot_row_thickness > 0
+ /* ------------------ */
+ )
+ {
+ /* update pivot row length to reflect any cols that were killed */
+ /* during super-col detection and mass elimination */
+ Row [pivot_row].start = pivot_row_start ;
+ Row [pivot_row].length = (Int) (new_rp - &A[pivot_row_start]) ;
+ Row [pivot_row].shared1.degree = pivot_row_degree ;
+ Row [pivot_row].shared2.mark = 0 ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ Row [pivot_row].thickness = pivot_row_thickness ;
+ Row [pivot_row].front = nfr ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* pivot row is no longer dead */
+ }
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG1 (("Front "ID" : "ID" "ID" "ID" ", nfr,
+ Front_npivcol [nfr], Front_nrows [nfr], Front_ncols [nfr])) ;
+ DEBUG1 ((" cols:[ ")) ;
+ debug_d = 0 ;
+ for (col = Front_cols [nfr] ; col != EMPTY ; col = Col [col].nextcol)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 ((" "ID, col)) ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (COL_IS_DEAD (col)) ;
+ debug_d++ ;
+ ASSERT (debug_d <= pivot_col_thickness) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (debug_d == pivot_col_thickness) ;
+ DEBUG1 ((" ]\n ")) ;
+ nfr++ ; /* one more front */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ }
+ /* === All principal columns have now been ordered ====================== */
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ *p_nfr = nfr ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ return (ngarbage) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === order_children deleted for UMFPACK =================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === detect_super_cols ==================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ Detects supercolumns by finding matches between columns in the hash buckets.
+ Check amongst columns in the set A [row_start ... row_start + row_length-1].
+ The columns under consideration are currently *not* in the degree lists,
+ and have already been placed in the hash buckets.
+ The hash bucket for columns whose hash function is equal to h is stored
+ as follows:
+ if head [h] is >= 0, then head [h] contains a degree list, so:
+ head [h] is the first column in degree bucket h.
+ Col [head [h]].headhash gives the first column in hash bucket h.
+ otherwise, the degree list is empty, and:
+ -(head [h] + 2) is the first column in hash bucket h.
+ For a column c in a hash bucket, Col [c].shared3.prev is NOT a "previous
+ column" pointer. Col [c].shared3.hash is used instead as the hash number
+ for that column. The value of Col [c].shared4.hash_next is the next column
+ in the same hash bucket.
+ Assuming no, or "few" hash collisions, the time taken by this routine is
+ linear in the sum of the sizes (lengths) of each column whose score has
+ just been computed in the approximate degree computation.
+ Not user-callable.
+PRIVATE void detect_super_cols
+ /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* these two parameters are only needed when debugging is enabled: */
+ Int n_col, /* number of columns of A */
+ Colamd_Row Row [], /* of size n_row+1 */
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ Colamd_Col Col [], /* of size n_col+1 */
+ Int A [], /* row indices of A */
+ Int head [], /* head of degree lists and hash buckets */
+ Int row_start, /* pointer to set of columns to check */
+ Int row_length /* number of columns to check */
+ /* === Local variables ================================================== */
+ Int hash ; /* hash value for a column */
+ Int *rp ; /* pointer to a row */
+ Int c ; /* a column index */
+ Int super_c ; /* column index of the column to absorb into */
+ Int *cp1 ; /* column pointer for column super_c */
+ Int *cp2 ; /* column pointer for column c */
+ Int length ; /* length of column super_c */
+ Int prev_c ; /* column preceding c in hash bucket */
+ Int i ; /* loop counter */
+ Int *rp_end ; /* pointer to the end of the row */
+ Int col ; /* a column index in the row to check */
+ Int head_column ; /* first column in hash bucket or degree list */
+ Int first_col ; /* first column in hash bucket */
+ /* === Consider each column in the row ================================== */
+ rp = &A [row_start] ;
+ rp_end = rp + row_length ;
+ while (rp < rp_end)
+ {
+ col = *rp++ ;
+ if (COL_IS_DEAD (col))
+ {
+ continue ;
+ }
+ /* get hash number for this column */
+ hash = Col [col].shared3.hash ;
+ ASSERT (hash <= n_col) ;
+ /* === Get the first column in this hash bucket ===================== */
+ head_column = head [hash] ;
+ if (head_column > EMPTY)
+ {
+ first_col = Col [head_column].shared3.headhash ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ first_col = - (head_column + 2) ;
+ }
+ /* === Consider each column in the hash bucket ====================== */
+ for (super_c = first_col ; super_c != EMPTY ;
+ super_c = Col [super_c].shared4.hash_next)
+ {
+ ASSERT (COL_IS_ALIVE (super_c)) ;
+ ASSERT (Col [super_c].shared3.hash == hash) ;
+ length = Col [super_c].length ;
+ /* prev_c is the column preceding column c in the hash bucket */
+ prev_c = super_c ;
+ /* === Compare super_c with all columns after it ================ */
+ for (c = Col [super_c].shared4.hash_next ;
+ c != EMPTY ; c = Col [c].shared4.hash_next)
+ {
+ ASSERT (c != super_c) ;
+ ASSERT (Col [c].shared3.hash == hash) ;
+ /* not identical if lengths or scores are different */
+ if (Col [c].length != length ||
+ Col [c].shared2.score != Col [super_c].shared2.score)
+ {
+ prev_c = c ;
+ continue ;
+ }
+ /* compare the two columns */
+ cp1 = &A [Col [super_c].start] ;
+ cp2 = &A [Col [c].start] ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < length ; i++)
+ {
+ /* the columns are "clean" (no dead rows) */
+ ASSERT (ROW_IS_ALIVE (*cp1)) ;
+ ASSERT (ROW_IS_ALIVE (*cp2)) ;
+ /* row indices will same order for both supercols, */
+ /* no gather scatter nessasary */
+ if (*cp1++ != *cp2++)
+ {
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* the two columns are different if the for-loop "broke" */
+ if (i != length)
+ {
+ prev_c = c ;
+ continue ;
+ }
+ /* === Got it! two columns are identical =================== */
+ ASSERT (Col [c].shared2.score == Col [super_c].shared2.score) ;
+ Col [super_c].shared1.thickness += Col [c].shared1.thickness ;
+ Col [c].shared1.parent = super_c ;
+ Col [c].shared2.order = EMPTY ;
+ /* remove c from hash bucket */
+ Col [prev_c].shared4.hash_next = Col [c].shared4.hash_next ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ /* add c to end of list of super_c */
+ ASSERT (Col [super_c].lastcol >= 0) ;
+ ASSERT (Col [super_c].lastcol < n_col) ;
+ Col [Col [super_c].lastcol].nextcol = c ;
+ Col [super_c].lastcol = Col [c].lastcol ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* dump the supercolumn */
+ DEBUG1 (("Super")) ;
+ dump_super (super_c, Col, n_col) ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ }
+ }
+ /* === Empty this hash bucket ======================================= */
+ if (head_column > EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* corresponding degree list "hash" is not empty */
+ Col [head_column].shared3.headhash = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* corresponding degree list "hash" is empty */
+ head [hash] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ }
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === garbage_collection =================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ Defragments and compacts columns and rows in the workspace A. Used when
+ all avaliable memory has been used while performing row merging. Returns
+ the index of the first free position in A, after garbage collection. The
+ time taken by this routine is linear is the size of the array A, which is
+ itself linear in the number of nonzeros in the input matrix.
+ Not user-callable.
+PRIVATE Int garbage_collection /* returns the new value of pfree */
+ /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
+ Int n_row, /* number of rows */
+ Int n_col, /* number of columns */
+ Colamd_Row Row [], /* row info */
+ Colamd_Col Col [], /* column info */
+ Int A [], /* A [0 ... Alen-1] holds the matrix */
+ Int *pfree /* &A [0] ... pfree is in use */
+ /* === Local variables ================================================== */
+ Int *psrc ; /* source pointer */
+ Int *pdest ; /* destination pointer */
+ Int j ; /* counter */
+ Int r ; /* a row index */
+ Int c ; /* a column index */
+ Int length ; /* length of a row or column */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Int debug_rows ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Defrag..\n")) ;
+ for (psrc = &A[0] ; psrc < pfree ; psrc++) ASSERT (*psrc >= 0) ;
+ debug_rows = 0 ;
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ /* === Defragment the columns =========================================== */
+ pdest = &A[0] ;
+ for (c = 0 ; c < n_col ; c++)
+ {
+ if (COL_IS_ALIVE (c))
+ {
+ psrc = &A [Col [c].start] ;
+ /* move and compact the column */
+ ASSERT (pdest <= psrc) ;
+ Col [c].start = (Int) (pdest - &A [0]) ;
+ length = Col [c].length ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < length ; j++)
+ {
+ r = *psrc++ ;
+ if (ROW_IS_ALIVE (r))
+ {
+ *pdest++ = r ;
+ }
+ }
+ Col [c].length = (Int) (pdest - &A [Col [c].start]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* === Prepare to defragment the rows =================================== */
+ for (r = 0 ; r < n_row ; r++)
+ {
+ if (ROW_IS_ALIVE (r))
+ {
+ if (Row [r].length == 0)
+ {
+ /* this row is of zero length. cannot compact it, so kill it */
+ DEBUG3 (("Defrag row kill\n")) ;
+ KILL_ROW (r) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* save first column index in Row [r].shared2.first_column */
+ psrc = &A [Row [r].start] ;
+ Row [r].shared2.first_column = *psrc ;
+ /* flag the start of the row with the one's complement of row */
+ *psrc = ONES_COMPLEMENT (r) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ debug_rows++ ;
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* === Defragment the rows ============================================== */
+ psrc = pdest ;
+ while (psrc < pfree)
+ {
+ /* find a negative number ... the start of a row */
+ if (*psrc++ < 0)
+ {
+ psrc-- ;
+ /* get the row index */
+ r = ONES_COMPLEMENT (*psrc) ;
+ ASSERT (r >= 0 && r < n_row) ;
+ /* restore first column index */
+ *psrc = Row [r].shared2.first_column ;
+ /* move and compact the row */
+ ASSERT (pdest <= psrc) ;
+ Row [r].start = (Int) (pdest - &A [0]) ;
+ length = Row [r].length ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < length ; j++)
+ {
+ c = *psrc++ ;
+ if (COL_IS_ALIVE (c))
+ {
+ *pdest++ = c ;
+ }
+ }
+ Row [r].length = (Int) (pdest - &A [Row [r].start]) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ debug_rows-- ;
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ }
+ }
+ /* ensure we found all the rows */
+ ASSERT (debug_rows == 0) ;
+ /* === Return the new value of pfree ==================================== */
+ return ((Int) (pdest - &A [0])) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === clear_mark =========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ Clears the Row [].shared2.mark array, and returns the new tag_mark.
+ Return value is the new tag_mark. Not user-callable.
+PRIVATE Int clear_mark /* return the new value for tag_mark */
+ /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
+ Int n_row, /* number of rows in A */
+ Colamd_Row Row [] /* Row [0 ... n-1].shared2.mark is set to zero */
+ /* === Local variables ================================================== */
+ Int r ;
+ for (r = 0 ; r < n_row ; r++)
+ {
+ if (ROW_IS_ALIVE (r))
+ {
+ Row [r].shared2.mark = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ------------------ */
+ return (1) ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === print_report removed for UMFPACK ===================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === colamd debugging routines ============================================ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* When debugging is disabled, the remainder of this file is ignored. */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === debug_structures ===================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ At this point, all empty rows and columns are dead. All live columns
+ are "clean" (containing no dead rows) and simplicial (no supercolumns
+ yet). Rows may contain dead columns, but all live rows contain at
+ least one live column.
+PRIVATE void debug_structures
+ /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ Colamd_Row Row [],
+ Colamd_Col Col [],
+ Int A [],
+ Int n_col2
+ /* === Local variables ================================================== */
+ Int i ;
+ Int c ;
+ Int *cp ;
+ Int *cp_end ;
+ Int len ;
+ Int score ;
+ Int r ;
+ Int *rp ;
+ Int *rp_end ;
+ Int deg ;
+ /* === Check A, Row, and Col ============================================ */
+ for (c = 0 ; c < n_col ; c++)
+ {
+ if (COL_IS_ALIVE (c))
+ {
+ len = Col [c].length ;
+ score = Col [c].shared2.score ;
+ DEBUG4 (("initial live col "ID" "ID" "ID"\n", c, len, score)) ;
+ ASSERT (len > 0) ;
+ ASSERT (score >= 0) ;
+ ASSERT (Col [c].shared1.thickness == 1) ;
+ cp = &A [Col [c].start] ;
+ cp_end = cp + len ;
+ while (cp < cp_end)
+ {
+ r = *cp++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i = Col [c].shared2.order ;
+ ASSERT (i >= n_col2 && i < n_col) ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (r = 0 ; r < n_row ; r++)
+ {
+ if (ROW_IS_ALIVE (r))
+ {
+ i = 0 ;
+ len = Row [r].length ;
+ deg = Row [r].shared1.degree ;
+ ASSERT (len > 0) ;
+ ASSERT (deg > 0) ;
+ rp = &A [Row [r].start] ;
+ rp_end = rp + len ;
+ while (rp < rp_end)
+ {
+ c = *rp++ ;
+ if (COL_IS_ALIVE (c))
+ {
+ i++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (i > 0) ;
+ }
+ }
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === debug_deg_lists ====================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ Prints the contents of the degree lists. Counts the number of columns
+ in the degree list and compares it to the total it should have. Also
+ checks the row degrees.
+PRIVATE void debug_deg_lists
+ /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ Colamd_Row Row [],
+ Colamd_Col Col [],
+ Int head [],
+ Int min_score,
+ Int should,
+ Int max_deg
+ /* === Local variables ================================================== */
+ Int deg ;
+ Int col ;
+ Int have ;
+ Int row ;
+ /* === Check the degree lists =========================================== */
+ if (n_col > 10000 && UMF_debug <= 0)
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ have = 0 ;
+ DEBUG4 (("Degree lists: "ID"\n", min_score)) ;
+ for (deg = 0 ; deg <= n_col ; deg++)
+ {
+ col = head [deg] ;
+ if (col == EMPTY)
+ {
+ continue ;
+ }
+ DEBUG4 ((ID":", deg)) ;
+ while (col != EMPTY)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 ((" "ID, col)) ;
+ have += Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
+ col = Col [col].shared4.degree_next ;
+ }
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG4 (("should "ID" have "ID"\n", should, have)) ;
+ ASSERT (should == have) ;
+ /* === Check the row degrees ============================================ */
+ if (n_row > 10000 && UMF_debug <= 0)
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ if (ROW_IS_ALIVE (row))
+ {
+ ASSERT (Row [row].shared1.degree <= max_deg) ;
+ }
+ }
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === debug_mark =========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ Ensures that the tag_mark is less that the maximum and also ensures that
+ each entry in the mark array is less than the tag mark.
+PRIVATE void debug_mark
+ /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
+ Int n_row,
+ Colamd_Row Row [],
+ Int tag_mark,
+ Int max_mark
+ /* === Local variables ================================================== */
+ Int r ;
+ /* === Check the Row marks ============================================== */
+ ASSERT (tag_mark > 0 && tag_mark <= max_mark) ;
+ if (n_row > 10000 && UMF_debug <= 0)
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ for (r = 0 ; r < n_row ; r++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Row [r].shared2.mark < tag_mark) ;
+ }
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === debug_matrix ========================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ Prints out the contents of the columns and the rows.
+PRIVATE void debug_matrix
+ /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ Colamd_Row Row [],
+ Colamd_Col Col [],
+ Int A []
+ /* === Local variables ================================================== */
+ Int r ;
+ Int c ;
+ Int *rp ;
+ Int *rp_end ;
+ Int *cp ;
+ Int *cp_end ;
+ /* === Dump the rows and columns of the matrix ========================== */
+ if (UMF_debug < 3)
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ DEBUG3 (("DUMP MATRIX:\n")) ;
+ for (r = 0 ; r < n_row ; r++)
+ {
+ DEBUG3 (("Row "ID" alive? "ID"\n", r, ROW_IS_ALIVE (r))) ;
+ if (ROW_IS_DEAD (r))
+ {
+ continue ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* changed for UMFPACK: */
+ DEBUG3 (("start "ID" length "ID" degree "ID" thickness "ID"\n",
+ Row [r].start, Row [r].length, Row [r].shared1.degree,
+ Row [r].thickness)) ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ rp = &A [Row [r].start] ;
+ rp_end = rp + Row [r].length ;
+ while (rp < rp_end)
+ {
+ c = *rp++ ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" "ID" col "ID"\n", COL_IS_ALIVE (c), c)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (c = 0 ; c < n_col ; c++)
+ {
+ DEBUG3 (("Col "ID" alive? "ID"\n", c, COL_IS_ALIVE (c))) ;
+ if (COL_IS_DEAD (c))
+ {
+ continue ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* changed for UMFPACK: */
+ DEBUG3 (("start "ID" length "ID" shared1[thickness,parent] "ID
+ " shared2 [order,score] "ID"\n", Col [c].start, Col [c].length,
+ Col [c].shared1.thickness, Col [c].shared2.score));
+ /* ------------------ */
+ cp = &A [Col [c].start] ;
+ cp_end = cp + Col [c].length ;
+ while (cp < cp_end)
+ {
+ r = *cp++ ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" "ID" row "ID"\n", ROW_IS_ALIVE (r), r)) ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------ */
+ /* added for UMFPACK: */
+ DEBUG1 (("Col")) ;
+ dump_super (c, Col, n_col) ;
+ /* ------------------ */
+ }
+/* ------------------ */
+/* dump_super added for UMFPACK: */
+PRIVATE void dump_super
+ Int super_c,
+ Colamd_Col Col [],
+ Int n_col
+ Int col, ncols ;
+ DEBUG1 ((" =[ ")) ;
+ ncols = 0 ;
+ for (col = super_c ; col != EMPTY ; col = Col [col].nextcol)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 ((" "ID, col)) ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ if (col != super_c)
+ {
+ ASSERT (COL_IS_DEAD (col)) ;
+ }
+ if (Col [col].nextcol == EMPTY)
+ {
+ ASSERT (col == Col [super_c].lastcol) ;
+ }
+ ncols++ ;
+ ASSERT (ncols <= Col [super_c].shared1.thickness) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (ncols == Col [super_c].shared1.thickness) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("]\n")) ;
+/* ------------------ */
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_create_element.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_create_element.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..623693b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_create_element.c
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_create_element =================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Factorization of a frontal matrix is complete. Create a new element for
+ later assembly into a subsequent frontal matrix. Returns TRUE if
+ successful, FALSE if out of memory.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_mem_alloc_element.h"
+#include "umf_mem_alloc_tail_block.h"
+#include "umf_mem_free_tail_block.h"
+#include "umf_get_memory.h"
+#include "umf_blas3_update.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMF_create_element
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int j, col, row, *Fcols, *Frows, fnrows, fncols, *Cols, len, needunits, t1,
+ t2, size, e, i, *E, *Fcpos, *Frpos, *Rows, eloc, fnrows_max, f,
+ got_memory, *Row_tuples, *Row_degree, *Row_tlen, *Col_tuples, max_mark,
+ *Col_degree, *Col_tlen, nn, n_row, n_col ;
+ Entry *C, *Fcol ;
+ Element *ep ;
+ Unit *p, *Memory ;
+ Tuple *tp, *tp1, *tp2, tuple, *tpend ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ double gprob_save ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* apply pending updates, if any */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (Work->fnpiv > 0)
+ {
+ UMF_blas3_update (Work) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ;
+ Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ;
+ Row_tuples = Numeric->Uip ;
+ Row_tlen = Numeric->Uilen ;
+ Col_tuples = Numeric->Lip ;
+ Col_tlen = Numeric->Lilen ;
+ n_row = Work->n_row ;
+ n_col = Work->n_col ;
+ nn = MAX (n_row, n_col) ;
+ Fcols = Work->Fcols ;
+ Frows = Work->Frows ;
+ Fcpos = Work->Fcpos ;
+ Frpos = Work->Frpos ;
+ Memory = Numeric->Memory ;
+ fncols = Work->fncols ;
+ fnrows = Work->fnrows ;
+ fnrows_max = Work->fnrows_max ;
+ tp = (Tuple *) NULL ;
+ tp1 = (Tuple *) NULL ;
+ tp2 = (Tuple *) NULL ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* add the current frontal matrix to the degrees of each column, */
+ /* and place the modified columns back in the degree lists */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
+ {
+ /* add the current frontal matrix to the degree */
+ ASSERT (Fcols [j] >= 0 && Fcols [j] < n_col) ;
+ Col_degree [Fcols [j]] += fnrows ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* add the current frontal matrix to the degrees of each row */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ /* add the current frontal matrix to the degree */
+ ASSERT (Frows [i] >= 0 && Frows [i] < n_row) ;
+ Row_degree [Frows [i]] += fncols ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Reset the external degree counters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ E = Work->E ;
+ max_mark = MAX_MARK (nn) ;
+ if (!Work->pivcol_in_front)
+ {
+ /* clear the external column degrees. no more Usons of current front */
+ Work->cdeg0 += (nn + 1) ;
+ if (Work->cdeg0 >= max_mark)
+ {
+ /* guard against integer overflow. This is very rare */
+ Work->cdeg0 = 1 ;
+ for (e = 0 ; e <= Work->nel ; e++)
+ {
+ if (E [e])
+ {
+ ep = (Element *) (Memory + E [e]) ;
+ ep->cdeg = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!Work->pivrow_in_front)
+ {
+ /* clear the external row degrees. no more Lsons of current front */
+ Work->rdeg0 += (nn + 1) ;
+ if (Work->rdeg0 >= max_mark)
+ {
+ /* guard against integer overflow. This is very rare */
+ Work->rdeg0 = 1 ;
+ for (e = 0 ; e <= Work->nel ; e++)
+ {
+ if (E [e])
+ {
+ ep = (Element *) (Memory + E [e]) ;
+ ep->rdeg = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* clear row/col offsets */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (!Work->pivrow_in_front)
+ {
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
+ {
+ Fcpos [Fcols [j]] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!Work->pivcol_in_front)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ Frpos [Frows [i]] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fncols <= 0 || fnrows <= 0)
+ {
+ /* no element to create */
+ DEBUG2 (("Element evaporation\n")) ;
+ Work->prior_element = EMPTY ;
+ return (TRUE) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* create element for later assembly */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ needunits = 0 ;
+ got_memory = FALSE ;
+ eloc = UMF_mem_alloc_element (Numeric, fnrows, fncols, &Rows, &Cols, &C,
+ &needunits, &ep) ;
+ if (!eloc)
+ {
+ /* do garbage collection, realloc, and try again */
+ if (!UMF_get_memory (Numeric, Work, needunits))
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ; /* out of memory */
+ }
+ got_memory = TRUE ;
+ Memory = Numeric->Memory ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ gprob_save = UMF_gprob ;
+ UMF_gprob = 0 ;
+ eloc = UMF_mem_alloc_element (Numeric, fnrows, fncols, &Rows, &Cols, &C,
+ &needunits, &ep) ;
+ ASSERT (eloc >= 0) ;
+ if (!eloc)
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ; /* out of memory */
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_gprob = gprob_save ;
+ }
+ e = ++(Work->nel) ; /* get the name of this new frontal matrix */
+ Work->prior_element = e ;
+ DEBUG8 (("wrapup e "ID" nel "ID"\n", e, Work->nel)) ;
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= n_col + MIN (n_row,n_col)) ;
+ ASSERT (E [e] == 0) ;
+ E [e] = eloc ;
+ if (Work->pivcol_in_front)
+ {
+ /* the new element is a Uson of the next frontal matrix */
+ ep->cdeg = Work->cdeg0 ;
+ }
+ if (Work->pivrow_in_front)
+ {
+ /* the new element is an Lson of the next frontal matrix */
+ ep->rdeg = Work->rdeg0 ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* copy frontal matrix into the new element */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ Rows [i] = Frows [i] ;
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fncols ; i++)
+ {
+ Cols [i] = Fcols [i] ;
+ }
+ Fcol = Work->Fx ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ C [i] = Fcol [i] ;
+ }
+ Fcol += fnrows_max ;
+ C += fnrows ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* add tuples for the new element */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ tuple.e = e ;
+ if (got_memory)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* UMF_get_memory ensures enough space exists for each new tuple */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* place (e,f) in the element list of each column */
+ for (tuple.f = 0 ; tuple.f < fncols ; tuple.f++)
+ {
+ col = Fcols [tuple.f] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (Col_tuples [col]) ;
+ tp = ((Tuple *) (Memory + Col_tuples [col])) + Col_tlen [col]++ ;
+ *tp = tuple ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* place (e,f) in the element list of each row */
+ for (tuple.f = 0 ; tuple.f < fnrows ; tuple.f++)
+ {
+ row = Frows [tuple.f] ;
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ ASSERT (Row_tuples [row]) ;
+ tp = ((Tuple *) (Memory + Row_tuples [row])) + Row_tlen [row]++ ;
+ *tp = tuple ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* might not have enough space for each tuple */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* place (e,f) in the element list of each column */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (tuple.f = 0 ; tuple.f < fncols ; tuple.f++)
+ {
+ col = Fcols [tuple.f] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ t1 = Col_tuples [col] ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Placing on col:"ID" , tuples at "ID"\n",
+ col, Col_tuples [col])) ;
+ size = 0 ;
+ len = 0 ;
+ if (t1)
+ {
+ p = Memory + t1 ;
+ tp = (Tuple *) p ;
+ size = GET_BLOCK_SIZE (p) ;
+ len = Col_tlen [col] ;
+ tp2 = tp + len ;
+ }
+ needunits = UNITS (Tuple, len + 1) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("len: "ID" size: "ID" needunits: "ID"\n",
+ len, size, needunits));
+ if (needunits > size && t1)
+ {
+ /* prune the tuples */
+ tp1 = tp ;
+ tp2 = tp ;
+ tpend = tp + len ;
+ for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
+ {
+ e = tp->e ;
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
+ if (!E [e]) continue ; /* element already deallocated */
+ f = tp->f ;
+ p = Memory + E [e] ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
+ Cols = (Int *) p ;
+ ;
+ if (Cols [f] == EMPTY) continue ; /* already assembled */
+ ASSERT (col == Cols [f]) ;
+ *tp2++ = *tp ; /* leave the tuple in the list */
+ }
+ len = tp2 - tp1 ;
+ Col_tlen [col] = len ;
+ needunits = UNITS (Tuple, len + 1) ;
+ }
+ if (needunits > size)
+ {
+ /* no room exists - reallocate elsewhere */
+ DEBUG1 (("REALLOCATE Col: "ID", size "ID" to "ID"\n",
+ col, size, 2*needunits)) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_allocfail = FALSE ;
+ if (UMF_gprob > 0) /* a double relop, but ignore NaN case */
+ {
+ double rrr = ((double) (rand ( ))) /
+ (((double) RAND_MAX) + 1) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Check random %e %e\n", rrr, UMF_gprob)) ;
+ UMF_allocfail = rrr < UMF_gprob ;
+ if (UMF_allocfail) DEBUG1 (("Random gar. (col tuple)\n")) ;
+ }
+ needunits = MIN (2*needunits, (Int) UNITS (Tuple, nn)) ;
+ t2 = UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block (Numeric, needunits) ;
+ if (!t2)
+ {
+ /* get memory, reconstruct all tuple lists, and return */
+ return (UMF_get_memory (Numeric, Work, 0)) ;
+ }
+ Col_tuples [col] = t2 ;
+ tp2 = (Tuple *) (Memory + t2) ;
+ if (t1)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++)
+ {
+ *tp2++ = *tp1++ ;
+ }
+ UMF_mem_free_tail_block (Numeric, t1) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* place the new (e,f) tuple in the element list of the column */
+ Col_tlen [col]++ ;
+ *tp2 = tuple ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* place (e,f) in the element list of each row */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (tuple.f = 0 ; tuple.f < fnrows ; tuple.f++)
+ {
+ row = Frows [tuple.f] ;
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ t1 = Row_tuples [row] ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Placing on row:"ID" , tuples at "ID"\n",
+ row, Row_tuples [row])) ;
+ size = 0 ;
+ len = 0 ;
+ if (t1)
+ {
+ p = Memory + t1 ;
+ tp = (Tuple *) p ;
+ size = GET_BLOCK_SIZE (p) ;
+ len = Row_tlen [row] ;
+ tp2 = tp + len ;
+ }
+ needunits = UNITS (Tuple, len + 1) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("len: "ID" size: "ID" needunits: "ID"\n",
+ len, size, needunits)) ;
+ if (needunits > size && t1)
+ {
+ /* prune the tuples */
+ tp1 = tp ;
+ tp2 = tp ;
+ tpend = tp + len ;
+ for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
+ {
+ e = tp->e ;
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
+ if (!E [e])
+ {
+ continue ; /* element already deallocated */
+ }
+ f = tp->f ;
+ p = Memory + E [e] ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
+ Cols = (Int *) p ;
+ Rows = Cols + (ep->ncols) ;
+ if (Rows [f] == EMPTY) continue ; /* already assembled */
+ ASSERT (row == Rows [f]) ;
+ *tp2++ = *tp ; /* leave the tuple in the list */
+ }
+ len = tp2 - tp1 ;
+ Row_tlen [row] = len ;
+ needunits = UNITS (Tuple, len + 1) ;
+ }
+ if (needunits > size)
+ {
+ /* no room exists - reallocate elsewhere */
+ DEBUG1 (("REALLOCATE Row: "ID", size "ID" to "ID"\n",
+ row, size, 2*needunits)) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_allocfail = FALSE ;
+ if (UMF_gprob > 0) /* a double relop, but ignore NaN case */
+ {
+ double rrr = ((double) (rand ( ))) /
+ (((double) RAND_MAX) + 1) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Check random %e %e\n", rrr, UMF_gprob)) ;
+ UMF_allocfail = rrr < UMF_gprob ;
+ if (UMF_allocfail) DEBUG1 (("Random gar. (row tuple)\n")) ;
+ }
+ needunits = MIN (2*needunits, (Int) UNITS (Tuple, nn)) ;
+ t2 = UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block (Numeric, needunits) ;
+ if (!t2)
+ {
+ /* get memory, reconstruct all tuple lists, and return */
+ return (UMF_get_memory (Numeric, Work, 0)) ;
+ }
+ Row_tuples [row] = t2 ;
+ tp2 = (Tuple *) (Memory + t2) ;
+ if (t1)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++)
+ {
+ *tp2++ = *tp1++ ;
+ }
+ UMF_mem_free_tail_block (Numeric, t1) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* place the new (e,f) tuple in the element list of the row */
+ Row_tlen [row]++ ;
+ *tp2 = tuple ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG1 (("Done extending\nFINAL: element row pattern: len="ID"\n", fncols));
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++) DEBUG1 ((""ID"\n", Fcols [j])) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("FINAL: element col pattern: len="ID"\n", fnrows)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fnrows ; j++) DEBUG1 ((""ID"\n", Frows [j])) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Fcols [j] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (1, Numeric, Work, col, TRUE) ;
+ }
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fnrows ; j++)
+ {
+ row = Frows [j] ;
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (0, Numeric, Work, row, TRUE) ;
+ }
+ if (n_row < 1000 && n_col < 1000)
+ {
+ UMF_dump_memory (Numeric) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("New element, after filling with stuff: "ID"\n", e)) ;
+ UMF_dump_element (Numeric, Work, e, TRUE) ;
+ if (nn < 1000)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("Matrix dump, after New element: "ID"\n", e)) ;
+ UMF_dump_matrix (Numeric, Work, TRUE) ;
+ }
+ return (TRUE) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_dump.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_dump.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6428239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_dump.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1163 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_dump ============================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* These routines, and external variables, are used only when debugging. */
+/* If debugging is disabled (for normal operation) then this entire file */
+/* becomes empty */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+/* These global debugging variables and arrays do not exist if debugging */
+/* is disabled at compile time (which is the default). */
+GLOBAL Int UMF_debug = -1 ;
+GLOBAL Int UMF_nbug = -999 ;
+GLOBAL Int UMF_fbug = -999 ;
+GLOBAL Int UMF_allocfail = FALSE ;
+GLOBAL double UMF_gprob = -1.0 ;
+/* static debugging arrays used only in UMF_dump_rowcol */
+PRIVATE Int UMF_DBflag = 0 ;
+PRIVATE Int UMF_DBscatter [UMF_DBMAX+1] ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_DBinit =========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* clear the debugging arrays */
+PRIVATE void UMF_DBinit
+ void
+ Int i ;
+ /* Int_MAX is defined in umfpack.h */
+ if (UMF_DBflag < 1 || UMF_DBflag == Int_MAX)
+ {
+ /* clear the debugging arrays */
+ UMF_DBflag = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i <= UMF_DBMAX ; i++)
+ {
+ UMF_DBscatter [i] = 0 ;
+ UMF_DBpacked [i] = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ UMF_DBflag++ ;
+ /* UMF_DBflag > UMF_DBscatter [0...UMF_DBmax] is now true */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_dump_dense ======================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL void UMF_dump_dense
+ Entry *Fx,
+ Int dim,
+ Int m,
+ Int n
+ /* dump Fx [1..m,1..n], with column dimenstion dim */
+ Int i, j;
+ if (UMF_debug < 7) return ;
+ if (!Fx)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 (("No dense matrix allocated\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ DEBUG8 ((" dimension= "ID" rows= "ID" cols= "ID"\n", dim, m, n)) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < m ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG9 ((ID": ", i)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
+ {
+ EDEBUG9 (Fx [i+j*dim]) ;
+ if (j % 6 == 5) DEBUG9 (("\n ")) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG9 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < m ; i++)
+ {
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
+ {
+ if (IS_ZERO (Fx [i+j*dim]))
+ {
+ DEBUG8 ((".")) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUG8 (("X")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG8 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_dump_element ===================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL void UMF_dump_element
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work,
+ Int e,
+ Int clean
+ Int i, j, k, *Rows, *Cols, nrows, ncols, *E, row, col,
+ *Row_degree, *Col_degree ;
+ Entry *C ;
+ Element *ep ;
+ Unit *p ;
+ if (UMF_debug < 7) return ;
+ DEBUG7 (("\n====================ELEMENT: "ID" ", e)) ;
+ if (!Numeric || !Work || !Numeric->Memory)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" No Numeric, Work\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ DEBUG7 ((" nel: "ID" of "ID, e, Work->nel)) ;
+ if (e <= Work->nelorig) DEBUG7 ((" Original ")) ;
+ E = Work->E ;
+ if (!E)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" No elements\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (e < 0 || e > Work->nel)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 (("e out of range!\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (!E [e])
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" deallocated\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ DEBUG7 (("\n")) ;
+ Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ;
+ Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ;
+ p = Numeric->Memory + E [e] ;
+ DEBUG7 (("ep "ID"\n", p-Numeric->Memory)) ;
+ GET_ELEMENT (ep, p, Cols, Rows, ncols, nrows, C) ;
+ DEBUG7 (("nrows "ID" nrowsleft "ID"\n", nrows, ep->nrowsleft)) ;
+ DEBUG7 (("ncols "ID" ncolsleft "ID"\n", ncols, ep->ncolsleft)) ;
+ DEBUG7 (("cdeg-cdeg0 "ID" rdeg-rdeg0 "ID" next "ID"\n",
+ ep->cdeg - Work->cdeg0, ep->rdeg - Work->rdeg0, ep->next)) ;
+ DEBUG8 (("rows: ")) ;
+ k = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < ep->nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Rows [i] ;
+ if (row >= 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG8 ((" "ID, row)) ;
+ ASSERT (row < Work->n_row) ;
+ if ((k++ % 10) == 9) DEBUG8 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG8 (("\ncols: ")) ;
+ k = 0 ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ep->ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [j] ;
+ if (col >= 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG8 ((" "ID, col)) ;
+ ASSERT (col < Work->n_col) ;
+ if ((k++ % 10) == 9) DEBUG8 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG8 (("\nvalues:\n")) ;
+ if (UMF_debug >= 9)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < ep->nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Rows [i] ;
+ if (row >= 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG9 ((ID": ", row)) ;
+ k = 0 ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ep->ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [j] ;
+ if (col >= 0)
+ {
+ EDEBUG9 (C [i+j*ep->nrows]) ;
+ if (k++ % 6 == 5) DEBUG9 (("\n ")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG9 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG7 (("====================\n")) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_dump_rowcol ====================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* dump a row or a column, from one or more memory spaces */
+/* return exact degree */
+GLOBAL void UMF_dump_rowcol
+ Int dumpwhich, /* 0 for row, 1 for column */
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work,
+ Int dumpindex, /* row or column index to dump */
+ Int check_degree /* true if degree is to be checked */
+ Int f, nrows, j, jj, len, e, deg, index, n_row, n_col, *Cols, *Rows, nn,
+ dumpdeg, ncols, preve, *E, tpi, *Pattern, approx_deg, not_in_use ;
+ Tuple *tp, *tend ;
+ Element *ep ;
+ Int *Row_tuples, *Row_degree, *Row_tlen ;
+ Int *Col_tuples, *Col_degree, *Col_tlen ;
+ Entry value, *C ;
+ Unit *p ;
+ Int is_there ;
+ /* clear the debugging arrays */
+ UMF_DBinit () ;
+ if (dumpwhich == 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 (("\n====================ROW: "ID, dumpindex)) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUG7 (("\n====================COL: "ID, dumpindex)) ;
+ }
+ if (dumpindex == EMPTY)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" (EMPTY)\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ deg = 0 ;
+ approx_deg = 0 ;
+ if (!Numeric || !Work)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" No Numeric, Work\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ n_row = Work->n_row ;
+ n_col = Work->n_col ;
+ nn = MAX (n_row, n_col) ;
+ E = Work->E ;
+ Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ;
+ Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ;
+ Row_tuples = Numeric->Uip ;
+ Row_tlen = Numeric->Uilen ;
+ Col_tuples = Numeric->Lip ;
+ Col_tlen = Numeric->Lilen ;
+ if (!E
+ || !Row_tuples || !Row_degree || !Row_tlen
+ || !Col_tuples || !Col_degree || !Col_tlen)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" No E, Rows, Cols\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (dumpwhich == 0)
+ {
+ /* dump a row */
+ ASSERT (dumpindex >= 0 && dumpindex < n_row) ;
+ if (!NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (dumpindex))
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" Pivotal\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ len = Row_tlen [dumpindex] ;
+ dumpdeg = Row_degree [dumpindex] ;
+ tpi = Row_tuples [dumpindex] ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* dump a column */
+ ASSERT (dumpindex >= 0 && dumpindex < n_col) ;
+ if (!NON_PIVOTAL_COL (dumpindex))
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" Pivotal\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ len = Col_tlen [dumpindex] ;
+ dumpdeg = Col_degree [dumpindex] ;
+ tpi = Col_tuples [dumpindex] ;
+ }
+ p = Numeric->Memory + tpi ;
+ tp = (Tuple *) p ;
+ if (!tpi)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" Nonpivotal, No tuple list tuples "ID" tlen "ID"\n",
+ tpi, len)) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (p >= Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail) ;
+ ASSERT (p < Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size) ;
+ DEBUG7 ((" degree: "ID" len: "ID"\n", dumpdeg, len)) ;
+ not_in_use = (p-1)->header.size - UNITS (Tuple, len) ;
+ DEBUG7 ((" Tuple list: p+1: "ID" size: "ID" units, "ID" not in use\n",
+ p-Numeric->Memory, (p-1)->header.size, not_in_use)) ;
+ ASSERT (not_in_use >= 0) ;
+ tend = tp + len ;
+ preve = 0 ;
+ for ( ; tp < tend ; tp++)
+ {
+ /* row/col of element e, offset is f: */
+ /* DEBUG8 ((" (tp="ID")\n", tp)) ; */
+ e = tp->e ;
+ f = tp->f ;
+ DEBUG8 ((" (e="ID", f="ID")\n", e, f)) ;
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
+ /* dump the pattern and values */
+ if (E [e])
+ {
+ p = Numeric->Memory + E [e] ;
+ GET_ELEMENT (ep, p, Cols, Rows, ncols, nrows, C) ;
+ if (dumpwhich == 0)
+ {
+ Pattern = Cols ;
+ jj = ep->ncols ;
+ is_there = Rows [f] >= 0 ;
+ if (is_there) approx_deg += ep->ncolsleft ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Pattern = Rows ;
+ jj = ep->nrows ;
+ is_there = Cols [f] >= 0 ;
+ if (is_there) approx_deg += ep->nrowsleft ;
+ }
+ if (!is_there)
+ {
+ DEBUG8 (("\t\tnot present\n")) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (j = 0 ; j < jj ; j++)
+ {
+ index = Pattern [j] ;
+ value =
+ C [ (dumpwhich == 0) ? (f+nrows*j) : (j+nrows*f) ] ;
+ if (index >= 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG8 (("\t\t"ID":", index)) ;
+ EDEBUG8 (value) ;
+ DEBUG8 (("\n")) ;
+ if (dumpwhich == 0)
+ {
+ /* col must be in the range 0..n_col-1 */
+ ASSERT (index < n_col) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* row must be in the range 0..n_row-1 */
+ ASSERT (index < n_row) ;
+ }
+ if (nn <= UMF_DBMAX)
+ {
+ if (UMF_DBscatter [index] != UMF_DBflag)
+ {
+ UMF_DBpacked [deg++] = index ;
+ UMF_DBscatter [index] = UMF_DBflag ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* the (e,f) tuples should be in order of their creation */
+ /* this means that garbage collection will not jumble them */
+ ASSERT (preve < e) ;
+ preve = e ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUG8 (("\t\tdeallocated\n")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nn <= UMF_DBMAX)
+ {
+ if (deg > 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" Assembled, actual deg: "ID" : ", deg)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ index = UMF_DBpacked [j] ;
+ DEBUG8 ((ID" ", index)) ;
+ if (j % 20 == 19) DEBUG8 (("\n ")) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_DBscatter [index] == UMF_DBflag) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG7 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (check_degree)
+ {
+ DEBUG8 ((" approx_deg "ID" dumpdeg "ID"\n", approx_deg, dumpdeg)) ;
+ ASSERT (approx_deg == dumpdeg) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG7 (("====================\n")) ;
+ /* deg is now the exact degree */
+ /* if nn <= UMF_DBMAX, then UMF_DBscatter [i] == UMF_DBflag for every i */
+ /* in the row or col, and != UMF_DBflag if not */
+ return ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_dump_matrix ====================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL void UMF_dump_matrix
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work,
+ Int check_degree
+ Int e, row, col, intfrag, frag, n_row, n_col, *E, fullsize, actualsize ;
+ Element *ep ;
+ Unit *p ;
+ DEBUG6 (("=================================================== MATRIX:\n")) ;
+ if (!Numeric || !Work)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 (("No Numeric or Work allocated\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (!Numeric->Memory)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 (("No Numeric->Memory\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ n_row = Work->n_row ;
+ n_col = Work->n_col ;
+ DEBUG6 (("n_row "ID" n_col "ID" nz "ID"\n", n_row, n_col, Work->nz)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("============================ ELEMENTS: "ID" \n", Work->nel)) ;
+ intfrag = 0 ;
+ E = Work->E ;
+ if (!E)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 (("No elements allocated\n")) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (e = 0 ; e <= Work->nel ; e++)
+ {
+ UMF_dump_element (Numeric, Work, e, FALSE) ;
+ if (e > 0 && E [e])
+ {
+ p = Numeric->Memory + E [e] ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ ASSERT (ep->nrowsleft > 0 || ep->ncolsleft > 0) ;
+ fullsize = GET_BLOCK_SIZE (p) ;
+ actualsize = GET_ELEMENT_SIZE (ep->nrowsleft,ep->ncolsleft);
+ frag = fullsize - actualsize ;
+ intfrag += frag ;
+ DEBUG7 (("dump el: "ID", full "ID" actual "ID" frag: "ID
+ " intfrag: "ID"\n", e, fullsize, actualsize, frag,
+ intfrag)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG6 (("CURRENT INTERNAL FRAG in elements: "ID" \n", intfrag)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("======================================== ROWS: "ID"\n", n_row)) ;
+ UMF_debug -= 2 ;
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (0, Numeric, Work, row, check_degree) ;
+ }
+ UMF_debug += 2 ;
+ DEBUG6 (("======================================== COLS: "ID"\n", n_col)) ;
+ UMF_debug -= 2 ;
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (1, Numeric, Work, col, check_degree) ;
+ }
+ UMF_debug += 2 ;
+ DEBUG6 (("============================================= END OF MATRIX:\n"));
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_dump_current_front =============================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL void UMF_dump_current_front
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work,
+ Int check
+ Entry *Fx ;
+ Int fnrows_max, fncols_max, fnrows, fncols, fnpiv, *Frows, *Fcols,
+ i, j, *Fcpos, *Frpos ;
+ if (!Work) return ;
+ DEBUG7 (("\n\n========CURRENT FRONTAL MATRIX:\n")) ;
+ Fx = Work->Fx ;
+ Frows = Work->Frows ;
+ Fcols = Work->Fcols ;
+ Frpos = Work->Frpos ;
+ Fcpos = Work->Fcpos ;
+ fnrows_max = Work->fnrows_max ;
+ fncols_max = Work->fncols_max ;
+ fnrows = Work->fnrows ;
+ fncols = Work->fncols ;
+ fnpiv = Work->fnpiv ;
+ DEBUG6 (("=== fnpiv= "ID"\n", fnpiv)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("fncols_max fnrows_max "ID" "ID"\n", fncols_max,fnrows_max)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("fncols fnrows "ID" "ID"\n", fncols, fnrows)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("Pivot row pattern:\n")) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((ID" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n", j, Fcols [j], Fcpos [Fcols [j]],
+ j < fncols)) ;
+ if (check)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Fcols [j] >= 0 && Fcols [j] < Work->n_col) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (Fcpos [Fcols [j]] == j * fnrows_max) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG6 (("Pivot col pattern:\n")) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((ID" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n", i, Frows [i], Frpos [Frows [i]],
+ i < fnrows)) ;
+ if (check)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Frows [i] >= 0 && Frows [i] < Work->n_row) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (Frpos [Frows [i]] == i) ;
+ }
+ if (UMF_debug < 7) return ;
+ DEBUG7 (("C block: ")) ;
+ UMF_dump_dense (Fx, fnrows_max, fnrows, fncols) ;
+ DEBUG7 (("L block: ")) ;
+ UMF_dump_dense (Fx+(fncols_max-fnpiv)*fnrows_max, fnrows_max, fnrows,fnpiv);
+ DEBUG7 (("U block: ")) ;
+ UMF_dump_dense (Fx+(fnrows_max-fnpiv), fnrows_max, fnpiv, fncols) ;
+ if (fnpiv > 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 (("Pivot entry: ")) ;
+ EDEBUG7 (Fx [(fnrows_max-fnpiv)+(fncols_max-fnpiv)*fnrows_max]) ;
+ DEBUG7 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_dump_lu ========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL void UMF_dump_lu
+ NumericType *Numeric
+ Int i, n_row, n_col, *Cperm, *Rperm ;
+ DEBUG6 (("=============================================== LU factors:\n")) ;
+ if (!Numeric)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 (("No LU factors allocated\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ n_row = Numeric->n_row ;
+ n_col = Numeric->n_col ;
+ DEBUG6 (("n_row: "ID" n_col: "ID"\n", n_row, n_col)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("nLentries: "ID" nUentries: "ID"\n",
+ Numeric->nLentries, Numeric->nUentries)) ;
+ if (Numeric->Cperm)
+ {
+ Cperm = Numeric->Cperm ;
+ DEBUG7 (("Column permutations: (new: old)\n")) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n_col ; i++)
+ {
+ if (Cperm [i] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((ID": "ID"\n", i, Cperm [i])) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUG7 (("No Numeric->Cperm allocatated\n")) ;
+ }
+ if (Numeric->Rperm)
+ {
+ Rperm = Numeric->Rperm ;
+ DEBUG7 (("row permutations: (new: old)\n")) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n_row ; i++)
+ {
+ if (Rperm [i] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((ID": "ID"\n", i, Rperm [i])) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUG7 (("No Numeric->Rperm allocatated\n")) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG6 (("========================================= END OF LU factors:\n"));
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_dump_memory ====================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL void UMF_dump_memory
+ NumericType *Numeric
+ Unit *p ;
+ Int prevsize, s ;
+ Int found ;
+ if (!Numeric)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 (("No memory space S allocated\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ DEBUG6 (("\n ============================================== MEMORY:\n")) ;
+ if (!Numeric || !Numeric->Memory)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 (("No memory space Numeric allocated\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ DEBUG6 (("S: "ID"\n", (Int) Numeric)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("S->ihead : "ID"\n", Numeric->ihead)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("S->itail : "ID"\n", Numeric->itail)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("S->size : "ID"\n", Numeric->size)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("S->ngarbage : "ID"\n", Numeric->ngarbage)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("S->nrealloc : "ID"\n", Numeric->nrealloc)) ;
+ DEBUG6 ((" in use at head : "ID"\n", Numeric->ihead)) ;
+ DEBUG6 ((" free space : "ID"\n",
+ Numeric->itail - Numeric->ihead)) ;
+ DEBUG6 ((" blocks in use at tail : "ID"\n",
+ Numeric->size - Numeric->itail)) ;
+ DEBUG6 ((" total in use : "ID"\n",
+ Numeric->size - (Numeric->itail - Numeric->ihead))) ;
+ prevsize = 0 ;
+ found = FALSE ;
+ ASSERT (0 <= Numeric->ihead) ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric->ihead <= Numeric->itail) ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric->itail <= Numeric->size) ;
+ p = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail ;
+ while (p < Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size)
+ {
+ DEBUG8 (("p: "ID" p+1: "ID" prevsize: "ID" size: "ID,
+ p-Numeric->Memory, p+1-Numeric->Memory,
+ p->header.prevsize, p->header.size)) ;
+ if (p->header.size < 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG8 ((" free")) ;
+ }
+ if (p == Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail)
+ {
+ ASSERT (p->header.prevsize == 0) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT (p->header.prevsize > 0) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (p->header.size != 0) ;
+ s = prevsize >= 0 ? prevsize : -prevsize ;
+ ASSERT (p->header.prevsize == s) ;
+ /* no adjacent free blocks */
+ ASSERT (p->header.size > 0 || prevsize > 0) ;
+ if (Numeric->ibig != EMPTY)
+ {
+ if (p == Numeric->Memory + Numeric->ibig)
+ {
+ ASSERT (p->header.size < 0) ;
+ DEBUG8 ((" <===== Numeric->ibig")) ;
+ found = TRUE ;
+ }
+ }
+ s = p->header.size ;
+ prevsize = s ;
+ s = s >= 0 ? s : -s ;
+ p = p + 1 + s ;
+ DEBUG8 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (p == Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size) ;
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (Numeric->ibig != EMPTY, found)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("============================================= END OF MEMORY:\n"));
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_dump_packed_memory =============================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL void UMF_dump_packed_memory
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work
+ Unit *p, *p3 ;
+ Int prevsize, col, row, *Rows, *Cols, ncols, nrows, k, esize,
+ *Row_tuples, *Row_degree, *Col_tuples, *Col_degree ;
+ Entry *C ;
+ Element *ep ;
+ Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ;
+ Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ;
+ Row_tuples = Numeric->Uip ;
+ Col_tuples = Numeric->Lip ;
+ DEBUG6 (("============================================ PACKED MEMORY:\n")) ;
+ if (!Numeric || !Numeric->Memory)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 (("No memory space S allocated\n")) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ DEBUG6 (("S: "ID"\n", (Int) Numeric)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("S->ihead : "ID"\n", Numeric->ihead)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("S->itail : "ID"\n", Numeric->itail)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("S->size : "ID"\n", Numeric->size)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("S->ngarbage : "ID"\n", Numeric->ngarbage)) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("S->nrealloc : "ID"\n", Numeric->nrealloc)) ;
+ DEBUG6 ((" in use at head : "ID"\n", Numeric->ihead)) ;
+ DEBUG6 ((" free space : "ID"\n",
+ Numeric->itail - Numeric->ihead)) ;
+ DEBUG6 ((" blocks in use at tail : "ID"\n",
+ Numeric->size - Numeric->itail)) ;
+ DEBUG6 ((" total in use : "ID"\n",
+ Numeric->size - (Numeric->itail - Numeric->ihead))) ;
+ ASSERT (0 <= Numeric->ihead) ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric->ihead <= Numeric->itail) ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric->itail <= Numeric->size) ;
+ for (row = 0 ; row < Work->n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row), !Row_tuples [row])) ;
+ }
+ for (col = 0 ; col < Work->n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (NON_PIVOTAL_COL (col), !Col_tuples [col])) ;
+ }
+ prevsize = 0 ;
+ p = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail ;
+ while (p < Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size)
+ {
+ DEBUG9 (("====================\n")) ;
+ DEBUG7 (("p: "ID" p+1: "ID" prevsize: "ID" size: "ID"\n",
+ p-Numeric->Memory, p+1-Numeric->Memory,
+ p->header.prevsize, p->header.size)) ;
+ ASSERT (p->header.size > 0) ;
+ if (p == Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail)
+ {
+ ASSERT (p->header.prevsize == 0) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT (p->header.prevsize > 0) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (p->header.prevsize == prevsize) ;
+ prevsize = p->header.size ;
+ if (p != Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size - 2)
+ {
+ p3 = p + 1 ;
+ /* this is a packed element */
+ GET_ELEMENT (ep, p3, Cols, Rows, ncols, nrows, C) ;
+ DEBUG9 (("ep "ID"\n nrows "ID" ncols "ID"\n",
+ (p+1)-Numeric->Memory, ep->nrows, ep->ncols)) ;
+ DEBUG9 (("rows:")) ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < ep->nrows; k++)
+ {
+ row = Rows [k] ;
+ DEBUG9 ((" "ID, row)) ;
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row <= Work->n_row) ;
+ if ((k % 10) == 9) DEBUG9 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG9 (("\ncols:")) ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < ep->ncols; k++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [k] ;
+ DEBUG9 ((" "ID, col)) ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col <= Work->n_col) ;
+ if ((k % 10) == 9) DEBUG9 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG9 (("\nvalues: ")) ;
+ if (UMF_debug >= 9)
+ {
+ UMF_dump_dense (C, ep->nrows, ep->nrows, ep->ncols) ;
+ }
+ esize = GET_ELEMENT_SIZE (ep->nrows, ep->ncols) ;
+ DEBUG9 (("esize: "ID"\n", esize)) ;
+ ASSERT (esize <= p->header.size) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* this is the final marker block */
+ ASSERT (p->header.size == 1) ;
+ }
+ p = p + 1 + p->header.size ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (Numeric->ibig == EMPTY) ;
+ ASSERT (p == Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("======================================END OF PACKED MEMORY:\n")) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_dump_col_matrix ================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* This code is the same for real or complex matrices. */
+GLOBAL void UMF_dump_col_matrix
+ const double Ax [ ], /* Ax [0..nz-1]: real values, in column order */
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ const double Az [ ], /* Az [0..nz-1]: imag values, in column order */
+ const Int Ai [ ], /* Ai [0..nz-1]: row indices, in column order */
+ const Int Ap [ ], /* Ap [0..n_col]: column pointers */
+ Int n_row, /* number of rows of A */
+ Int n_col, /* number of columns of A */
+ Int nz /* number of entries */
+ Int col, p, p1, p2, row ;
+ if (!Ai || !Ap) return ;
+ DEBUG6 (("============================================ COLUMN FORM:\n")) ;
+ ASSERT (n_col >= 0) ;
+ nz = Ap [n_col] ;
+ DEBUG2 (("UMF_dump_col: nz "ID"\n", nz)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("n_row "ID" & "ID"\n", n_row, &n_row)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("n_col "ID" & "ID"\n", n_col, &n_col)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Ap & "ID" to & "ID"\n", Ap, Ap + (n_col+1) - 1)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Ai & "ID" to & "ID"\n", Ai, Ai + (nz) - 1)) ;
+ if (Ax) DEBUG2 (("Ax & "ID" to & "ID"\n", Ax, Ax + (nz) - 1)) ;
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ if (Az) DEBUG2 (("Az & "ID" to & "ID"\n", Az, Az + (nz) - 1)) ;
+ DEBUG6 ((" n_row = "ID", n_col ="ID" nz = "ID" Ap [0] "ID", Ap [n] "ID"\n",
+ n_row, n_col, nz, Ap [0], Ap [n_col])) ;
+ ASSERT (Ap [0] == 0) ;
+ ASSERT (Ap [n_col] == nz) ;
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ p1 = Ap [col] ;
+ p2 = Ap [col+1] ;
+ DEBUG6 (("col: "ID", length "ID"\n", col, p2 - p1)) ;
+ ASSERT (p2 >= p1) ;
+ for (p = p1 ; p < p2 ; p++)
+ {
+ row = Ai [p] ;
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("\t"ID" ", row)) ;
+ if (Ax)
+ {
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ if (Az)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 ((" (%e+%ei) ", Ax [p], Az [p])) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUG6 ((" %e", Ax [p])) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG6 ((" %e", Ax [p])) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG6 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG6 (("========================================== COLUMN FORM done\n")) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_dump_chain ======================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL void UMF_dump_chain
+ Int frontid,
+ Int Front_parent [ ],
+ Int Front_npivcol [ ],
+ Int Front_nrows [ ],
+ Int Front_ncols [ ],
+ Int nfr
+ Int i, len = 0 ;
+ /* print a list of contiguous parents */
+ i = frontid ;
+ ASSERT (Front_parent [i] == EMPTY ||
+ (Front_parent [i] > i && Front_parent [i] < nfr)) ;
+ len++ ;
+ DEBUG3 (("Chain:\n "ID" ["ID","ID"]("ID"-by-"ID")\n", i,
+ Front_npivcol [i],
+ MIN (Front_npivcol [i], Front_nrows [i]),
+ Front_nrows [i],
+ Front_ncols [i])) ;
+ for (i = frontid ; i < nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Front_parent [i] == EMPTY ||
+ (Front_parent [i] > i && Front_parent [i] < nfr)) ;
+ if (Front_parent [i] == i+1)
+ {
+ len++ ;
+ DEBUG3 (("\t"ID" ["ID","ID"]("ID"-by-"ID")\n", i+1,
+ Front_npivcol [i+1],
+ MIN (Front_npivcol [i+1], Front_nrows [i+1]),
+ Front_nrows [i+1],
+ Front_ncols [i+1])) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUG2 (("Length of chain: "ID"\n", len)) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_dump_start ======================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL void UMF_dump_start
+ void
+ FILE *ff ;
+ /* get the debug print level from the "debug.umf" file, if it exists */
+ UMF_debug = 0 ;
+ ff = fopen ("debug.umf", "r") ;
+ if (ff)
+ {
+ (void) fscanf (ff, ID, &UMF_debug) ;
+ (void) fclose (ff) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG0 (("umfpack: debug version (SLOW!) ")) ;
+ DEBUG0 ((" BLAS: ")) ;
+#if defined (USE_NO_BLAS)
+ DEBUG0 (("none.")) ;
+#elif defined (USE_C_BLAS)
+ DEBUG0 (("C-BLAS.")) ;
+#elif defined (USE_MATLAB_BLAS)
+ DEBUG0 (("built-in MATLAB BLAS.")) ;
+#elif defined (USE_SUNPERF_BLAS)
+ DEBUG0 (("Sun Performance Library BLAS.")) ;
+#elif defined (USE_SCSL_BLAS)
+#elif defined (USE_FORTRAN_BLAS)
+ DEBUG0 (("Fortran BLAS.")) ;
+ DEBUG0 ((" MATLAB: ")) ;
+ DEBUG0 (("mexFunction.\n")) ;
+ DEBUG0 (("yes (uses MathWorks internal ut* routines).\n")) ;
+ DEBUG0 (("no.\n")) ;
+ UMF_gprob = -1.0 ;
+ ff = fopen ("gprob.umf", "r") ;
+ if (ff)
+ {
+ (void) fscanf (ff, "%lg", &UMF_gprob) ;
+ (void) fclose (ff) ;
+ }
+ if (UMF_gprob > 1.0) UMF_gprob = 1.0 ;
+ DEBUG1 (("factor: UMF_gprob: %e UMF_debug "ID"\n", UMF_gprob, UMF_debug)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof: (bytes / int / Units) \n")) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof (Int) %u %u %u\n",
+ sizeof (Int), sizeof (Int) / sizeof (int), UNITS (Int, 1) )) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof (int) %u %u %u\n",
+ sizeof (int), sizeof (int) / sizeof (int), UNITS (int, 1) )) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof (size_t) %u %u %u\n",
+ sizeof (size_t), sizeof (size_t) / sizeof (size_t), UNITS (size_t, 1) )) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof (long) %u %u %u\n",
+ sizeof (long), sizeof (long) / sizeof (long), UNITS (long, 1) )) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof (double) %u %u %u\n",
+ sizeof (double), sizeof (double) / sizeof (int), UNITS (double, 1) )) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof (Unit) %u %u %u\n",
+ sizeof (Unit), sizeof (Unit) / sizeof (int), UNITS (Unit, 1) )) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof (Entry) %u %u %u\n",
+ sizeof (Entry), sizeof (Entry) / sizeof (int), UNITS (Entry, 1) )) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof (Tuple) %u %u %u\n",
+ sizeof (Tuple), sizeof (Tuple) / sizeof (int), UNITS (Tuple, 1) )) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof (Tuple *) %u %u %u\n",
+ sizeof (Tuple *), sizeof (Tuple *) / sizeof (int), UNITS (Tuple *, 1) )) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof (Element) %u %u %u\n",
+ sizeof (Element), sizeof (Element) / sizeof (int), UNITS (Element, 1) )) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof (Element *) %u %u %u\n",
+ sizeof (Element *), sizeof (Element *) / sizeof (int),
+ UNITS (Element *, 1) )) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof (WorkType) %u %u %u\n",
+ sizeof (WorkType), sizeof (WorkType) / sizeof (int),
+ UNITS (WorkType, 1) )) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof (NumericType) %u %u %u\n",
+ sizeof (NumericType), sizeof (NumericType) / sizeof (int),
+ UNITS (NumericType, 1) )) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("sizeof (SymbolicType) %u %u %u\n",
+ sizeof (SymbolicType), sizeof (SymbolicType) / sizeof (int),
+ UNITS (SymbolicType, 1) )) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_dump_rowmerge ==================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL void UMF_dump_rowmerge
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ SymbolicType *Symbolic,
+ WorkType *Work
+ Int *Front_leftmostdesc, *Front_1strow, *Front_new1strow, row1, row2,
+ fleftmost, nfr, n_row, *Row_degree, i, frontid, row ;
+ nfr = Symbolic->nfr ;
+ DEBUG3 (("\n================== Row merge sets: nfr "ID"\n", nfr)) ;
+ Front_leftmostdesc = Symbolic->Front_leftmostdesc ;
+ Front_1strow = Symbolic->Front_1strow ;
+ Front_new1strow = Work->Front_new1strow ;
+ n_row = Symbolic->n_row ;
+ Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ;
+ frontid = Work->frontid ;
+ for (i = frontid ; i <= nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG3 (("----------------------\n")) ;
+ if (i == nfr) DEBUG3 (("Dummy: ")) ;
+ DEBUG3 (("Front "ID" 1strow "ID" new1strow "ID" leftmostdesc "ID,
+ i, Front_1strow [i], Front_new1strow [i], Front_leftmostdesc [i])) ;
+ DEBUG3 ((" parent "ID" pivcol\n", Symbolic->Front_parent [i],
+ Symbolic->Front_npivcol [i])) ;
+ if (i == nfr)
+ {
+ fleftmost = -1 ;
+ row1 = Front_new1strow [i] ;
+ row2 = n_row-1 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fleftmost = Front_leftmostdesc [i] ;
+ row1 = Front_new1strow [fleftmost] ;
+ row2 = Front_1strow [i+1] - 1 ;
+ }
+ DEBUG3 (("Leftmost: "ID" Rows ["ID" to "ID"], search ["ID" to "ID"]\n",
+ fleftmost, Front_1strow [i], row2, row1, row2)) ;
+ for (row = row1 ; row <= row2 ; row++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ DEBUG3 ((" Row "ID" live: "ID"\n", row, NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row))) ;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_extend_front.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_extend_front.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99335f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_extend_front.c
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_extend_front ===================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Called by kernel. */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL void UMF_extend_front
+ WorkType *Work
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Entry *Fx, *Flast, *Fd, *Fs, *Fcol, *Frow, temp, *Flrow, *Fu ;
+ Int j, i, fnpiv, *Frows, row, col, i2, *Wrow, *Wcol,
+ *Frpos, *Fcpos, *Fcols, pivcol, pivrow, fnrows_extended, rrdeg, ccdeg,
+ fncols_extended, fnrows_max, fncols_max, fnrows, fncols,
+ fspos, fdpos, fs, j2, j3, col2, row2, fncols_orig ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Int debug_ok ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Frows = Work->Frows ;
+ Frpos = Work->Frpos ;
+ Fcols = Work->Fcols ;
+ Fcpos = Work->Fcpos ;
+ Fx = Work->Fx ;
+ pivcol = Work->pivcol ;
+ pivrow = Work->pivrow ;
+ fnrows_max = Work->fnrows_max ;
+ fncols_max = Work->fncols_max ;
+ fnrows = Work->fnrows ;
+ fncols = Work->fncols ;
+ fncols_orig = fncols ;
+ rrdeg = Work->rrdeg ;
+ ccdeg = Work->ccdeg ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ if (fncols == 0 || fnrows == 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG2 (("Extending empty front "ID" "ID"\n", fnrows,fncols)) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG6 (("Pivot row, before shift and extension: "ID"\n", fncols)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" "ID" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n",
+ j, Fcols [j], Fcpos [Fcols [j]], j < fncols)) ;
+ ASSERT (Fcpos [Fcols [j]] == j * fnrows_max) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG6 (("Pivot col, before shift and extension: "ID"\n", fnrows)) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" "ID" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n",
+ i, Frows [i], Frpos [Frows [i]], i < fnrows)) ;
+ ASSERT (Frpos [Frows [i]] == i) ;
+ }
+ if (Work->pivcol_in_front)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 (("Extended part of pivot col, before shift/extension: "ID"\n",
+ fnrows)) ;
+ for (i = fnrows ; i < fnrows + ccdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" "ID" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n",
+ i, Frows [i], Frpos [Frows [i]], i < fnrows)) ;
+ ASSERT (Frpos [Frows [i]] == i) ;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("Work->fnpiv "ID"\n", Work->fnpiv)) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* pivot column already updated */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ fnpiv = Work->fnpiv ;
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* === Shift pivot row and column ======================================= */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* move the pivot column into place */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ fdpos = (fncols_max - fnpiv - 1) * fnrows_max ;
+ Fd = Fx + fdpos ; /* Fd: destination of pivot column */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /*
+ DEBUG7 (("Complete frontal matrix prior to pivcol swap (incl unused):\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_dense (Fx, fnrows_max, fnrows_max, fncols_max) ;
+ */
+ if (Work->pivcol_in_front)
+ {
+ fspos = Fcpos [pivcol] ;
+ fs = fspos / fnrows_max ;
+ /* Fs: current position of pivot column */
+ Fs = Fx + fspos ;
+ /* Flast: position of last column in front */
+ Flast = Fx + (fncols - 1) * fnrows_max ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* pivot column is in current front - shift into place */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ DEBUG6 (("Swap/shift pivot column in front\n")) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("fspos: "ID" flpos: "ID" fdpos: "ID"\n",
+ fspos, (fncols - 1) * fnrows_max, fdpos)) ;
+ if (Flast != Fd)
+ {
+ if (Fs == Flast)
+ {
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* move Fs => Fd */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG6 (("col case 1\n")) ;
+ /* column of the contribution block: */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ Fd [i] = Fs [i] ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* column of the U2 block */
+ for (i = fnrows_max - fnpiv ; i < fnrows_max ; i++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (IS_ZERO (Fs [i])) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* move Fs => Fd */
+ /* move Flast => Fs */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG6 (("col case 2\n")) ;
+ /* column of the contribution block: */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ Fd [i] = Fs [i] ;
+ Fs [i] = Flast [i] ;
+ }
+ /* column of the U2 block */
+ for (i = fnrows_max - fnpiv ; i < fnrows_max ; i++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (IS_ZERO (Fs [i])) ;
+ Fs [i] = Flast [i] ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (Fs != Fd)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* swap Fs <=> Fd */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG6 (("col case 3\n")) ;
+ /* column of the contribution block: */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ temp = Fd [i] ;
+ Fd [i] = Fs [i] ;
+ Fs [i] = temp ;
+ }
+ /* column of the U2 block */
+ for (i = fnrows_max - fnpiv ; i < fnrows_max ; i++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (IS_ZERO (Fs [i])) ;
+ Fs [i] = Fd [i] ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* move column Flast to Fs in the Fcols pattern */
+ col2 = Fcols [fncols - 1] ;
+ Fcols [fs] = col2 ;
+ Fcpos [col2] = fspos ;
+ /* one less column in the contribution block */
+ fncols = --(Work->fncols) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* pivot column is not in front - tack onto L block */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ DEBUG6 (("Pivot column not in front\ncol case 5\n")) ;
+ /* column of L */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ CLEAR (Fd [i]) ;
+ }
+ /* column of U2 */
+ for (i = fnrows_max - fnpiv ; i < fnrows_max ; i++)
+ {
+ CLEAR (Fd [i]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* move pivot column to Fd */
+ Fcpos [pivcol] = fdpos ;
+ /* scan starts at the first new column in Fcols */
+ /* also scan the pivot column if it was not in the front */
+ Work->fscan_col = fncols ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG6 (("Pivot row, after shift but before extension: "ID"\n", fncols)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" "ID" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n",
+ j, Fcols [j], Fcpos [Fcols [j]], j < fncols)) ;
+ ASSERT (Fcpos [Fcols [j]] == j * fnrows_max) ;
+ }
+ /*
+ DEBUG7 (("Complete frontal matrix after pivot col swap (incl unused):\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_dense (Fx, fnrows_max, fnrows_max, fncols_max) ;
+ */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* move pivot row into place */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ fdpos = fnrows_max - fnpiv - 1 ;
+ Fd = Fx + fdpos ; /* Fd: destination of pivot row */
+ if (Work->pivrow_in_front)
+ {
+ fspos = Frpos [pivrow] ;
+ /* Fs: current position of pivot column in front */
+ Fs = Fx + fspos ;
+ /* Flast: position of last row in front */
+ Flast = Fx + (fnrows - 1) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* pivot row is in current front - shift into place */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ DEBUG6 (("Swap/shift pivot row in front:\n")) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("fspos: "ID" flpos: "ID" fdpos: "ID"\n",
+ fspos, fnrows-1, fdpos)) ;
+ if (Flast != Fd)
+ {
+ if (Fs == Flast)
+ {
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* move Fs => Fd */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG6 (("row case 1\n")) ;
+ /* row of the contribution block: */
+ j2 = fncols * fnrows_max ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < j2 ; j += fnrows_max)
+ {
+ Fd [j] = Fs [j] ;
+ }
+ /* row of the L2 block: */
+ j2 = fncols_max * fnrows_max ;
+ j = (fncols_max - fnpiv - 1) * fnrows_max ;
+ for ( ; j < j2 ; j += fnrows_max)
+ {
+ Fd [j] = Fs [j] ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* move Fs => Fd */
+ /* move Flast => Fs */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG6 (("row case 2\n")) ;
+ /* row of the contribution block: */
+ j2 = fncols * fnrows_max ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < j2 ; j += fnrows_max)
+ {
+ Fd [j] = Fs [j] ;
+ Fs [j] = Flast [j] ;
+ }
+ /* row of the L2 block: */
+ j2 = fncols_max * fnrows_max ;
+ j = (fncols_max - fnpiv - 1) * fnrows_max ;
+ for ( ; j < j2 ; j += fnrows_max)
+ {
+ Fd [j] = Fs [j] ;
+ Fs [j] = Flast [j] ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (Fs != Fd)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* swap Fs <=> Fd */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG6 (("row case 3\n")) ;
+ /* row of the contribution block: */
+ j2 = fncols * fnrows_max ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < j2 ; j += fnrows_max)
+ {
+ temp = Fd [j] ;
+ Fd [j] = Fs [j] ;
+ Fs [j] = temp ;
+ }
+ /* row of the L2 block: */
+ j2 = fncols_max * fnrows_max ;
+ j = (fncols_max - fnpiv - 1) * fnrows_max ;
+ for ( ; j < j2 ; j += fnrows_max)
+ {
+ temp = Fd [j] ;
+ Fd [j] = Fs [j] ;
+ Fs [j] = temp ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* move row Flast to Fs in the Frows pattern */
+ row2 = Frows [fnrows-1] ;
+ Frows [fspos] = row2 ;
+ Frpos [row2] = fspos ;
+ if (Work->pivcol_in_front && ccdeg > 0)
+ {
+ /* move row Fe to Flast in the extended Frows pattern */
+ row2 = Frows [fnrows + ccdeg - 1] ;
+ Frows [fnrows-1] = row2 ;
+ Frpos [row2] = fnrows-1 ;
+ }
+ /* one less row in the contribution block */
+ fnrows = --(Work->fnrows) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* update pivot row */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (fnpiv > 0 && fncols > 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 (("Update pivot row (but not pivot entry itself):\n")) ;
+ Fu = Fd + 1 ;
+ Flrow = Fd + (fncols_max - fnpiv) * fnrows_max ;
+#ifdef USE_NO_BLAS
+ /* no BLAS available - use plain C code instead */
+ j2 = 0 ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
+ {
+ i2 = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnpiv ; i++)
+ {
+ /* Fd [j2] -= Fu [i+j*fnrows_max] * Flrow [i2] ; */
+ MULT_SUB (Fd [j2], Fu [i+j*fnrows_max], Flrow [i2]) ;
+ i2 += fnrows_max ;
+ }
+ j2 += fnrows_max ;
+ }
+ BLAS_GEMV_ROW (fnpiv, fncols, Fu, Flrow, Fd, fnrows_max) ;
+#endif /* USE_NO_BLAS */
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* pivot row is not in front - tack onto U block */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ DEBUG6 (("Pivot row not in current front\nrow case 5\n")) ;
+ /* row of U */
+ j2 = fncols * fnrows_max ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < j2 ; j += fnrows_max)
+ {
+ CLEAR (Fd [j]) ;
+ }
+ /* row of L2 */
+ j2 = fncols_max * fnrows_max ;
+ j = (fncols_max - fnpiv - 1) * fnrows_max ;
+ for ( ; j < j2 ; j += fnrows_max)
+ {
+ CLEAR (Fd [j]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* move pivot row to Fd */
+ Frpos [pivrow] = fdpos ;
+ /* scan1 starts at the first new row in Frows */
+ /* also scan the pivot row if it was not in the front */
+ Work->fscan_row = fnrows ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ debug_ok = TRUE ;
+ DEBUG6 (("Pivot col, before shift but before extension: "ID"\n", fnrows)) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" "ID" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n",
+ i, Frows [i], Frpos [Frows [i]], i < fnrows)) ;
+ debug_ok = debug_ok && (Frpos [Frows [i]] == i) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (debug_ok) ;
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* === EXTEND PATTERN OF FRONT ========================================== */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* extend row pattern of the front with the new pivot column extension */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ fnrows_extended = fnrows ;
+ fncols_extended = fncols ;
+ if (Work->pivcol_in_front)
+ {
+ /* extended pattern and position already in Frows and Frpos */
+ fnrows_extended += ccdeg ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ debug_ok = TRUE ;
+ for (i = fnrows ; i < fnrows + ccdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Frows [i] ;
+ DEBUG2 ((" row:: "ID" (ext)\n", row)) ;
+ debug_ok = debug_ok && (Frpos [row] == i) && (row != pivrow) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (debug_ok) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* extended pattern is in Wcol, not yet in the front */
+ Wcol = Work->Wcol ;
+ ASSERT (Wcol == Work->Wm) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < ccdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Wcol [i] ;
+ DEBUG2 ((" row:: "ID" (ext)\n", row)) ;
+ ASSERT (Frpos [row] == EMPTY);
+ ASSERT (row != pivrow) ;
+ Frows [fnrows_extended] = row ;
+ Frpos [row] = fnrows_extended ;
+ fnrows_extended++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (fnpiv + fnrows_extended <= fnrows_max) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* extend the column pattern of the front with the new pivot row */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (Work->pivrow_in_front)
+ {
+ if (Work->pivcol_in_front)
+ {
+ /* fill in the hole made when the pivot column was removed */
+ if (rrdeg > fncols_orig)
+ {
+ Fcols [fncols] = Fcols [--rrdeg] ;
+ fncols_extended = rrdeg ;
+ for (i = fncols ; i < rrdeg ; i++)
+ {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ col = Fcols [i] ;
+ ASSERT (col != pivcol) ;
+ DEBUG2 ((" col:: "ID" (ext)\n", col)) ;
+ ASSERT (Fcpos [col] < 0) ;
+ Fcpos [Fcols [i]] = i * fnrows_max ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Wrow = Work->Wrow ;
+ for (i = fncols_orig ; i < rrdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ col = Wrow [i] ;
+ if (col != pivcol)
+ {
+ DEBUG2 ((" col:: "ID" (ext)\n", col)) ;
+ ASSERT (Fcpos [col] < 0) ;
+ Fcols [fncols_extended] = col ;
+ Fcpos [col] = fncols_extended * fnrows_max ;
+ fncols_extended++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Wrow = Work->Wrow ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < rrdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ col = Wrow [i] ;
+ if (col != pivcol && Fcpos [col] < 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG2 ((" col:: "ID" (ext)\n", col)) ;
+ Fcols [fncols_extended] = col ;
+ Fcpos [col] = fncols_extended * fnrows_max ;
+ fncols_extended++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ ASSERT (fnpiv + fncols_extended <= fncols_max) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("Pivot row, after shift and extension: "ID" "ID"\n",
+ fncols,fncols_extended)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols_extended ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" "ID" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n",
+ j, Fcols [j], Fcpos [Fcols [j]], j < fncols)) ;
+ ASSERT (Fcpos [Fcols [j]] == j * fnrows_max) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG6 (("Pivot col, after shift and extension: "ID" "ID"\n",
+ fnrows,fnrows_extended)) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows_extended ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((" "ID" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n",
+ i, Frows [i], Frpos [Frows [i]], i < fnrows)) ;
+ ASSERT (Frpos [Frows [i]] == i) ;
+ }
+ /*
+ DEBUG7 (("Complete frontal matrix after all swaps (incl unused):\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_dense (Fx, fnrows_max, fnrows_max, fncols_max) ;
+ */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* Prepare for degree update and next local pivot search */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG6 (("JUST BEFORE SCAN3A/4A:\nPivot row pattern:\n")) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols_extended ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((ID" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n",
+ j, Fcols [j], Fcpos [Fcols [j]], j < fncols)) ;
+ ASSERT (Fcpos [Fcols [j]] == j * fnrows_max) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG6 (("Pivot col pattern:\n")) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows_extended ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG7 ((ID" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n",
+ i, Frows [i], Frpos [Frows [i]], i < fnrows)) ;
+ ASSERT (Frpos [Frows [i]] == i) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Finished with step fnpiv (except for assembly and scale of pivot col) */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ fnpiv = ++(Work->fnpiv) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG6 (("EXT: pivot row pattern: len="ID"\n", fncols_extended)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols_extended ; j++) DEBUG7 ((ID"\n", Fcols [j])) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("EXT: pivot col pattern: len="ID"\n", fnrows_extended)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fnrows_extended ; j++) DEBUG7 ((ID"\n", Frows [j])) ;
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* === EXTEND NUMERICAL FRONT =========================================== */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Zero the newly extended frontal matrix */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Fcol = Fx + fncols * fnrows_max ;
+ i2 = fnrows_max - fnpiv ;
+ for (j = fncols ; j < fncols_extended ; j++)
+ {
+ /* zero the new columns in the contribution block: */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows_extended ; i++)
+ {
+ CLEAR (Fcol [i]) ;
+ }
+ /* zero the new columns in U block: */
+ for (i = i2 ; i < fnrows_max ; i++)
+ {
+ CLEAR (Fcol [i]) ;
+ }
+ Fcol += fnrows_max ;
+ }
+ Frow = Fx + fnrows ;
+ j3 = fncols_max - fnpiv ;
+ for (i = fnrows ; i < fnrows_extended ; i++)
+ {
+ /* zero the new rows in the contribution block: */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
+ {
+ CLEAR (Frow [j * fnrows_max]) ;
+ }
+ /* zero the new rows in L block: */
+ for (j = j3 ; j < fncols_max ; j++)
+ {
+ CLEAR (Frow [j * fnrows_max]) ;
+ }
+ Frow++ ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* finalize extended row and column pattern of the frontal matrix */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Work->fnrows = fnrows_extended ;
+ Work->fncols = fncols_extended ;
+ Work->scan_pivcol = !Work->pivcol_in_front ;
+ Work->scan_pivrow = !Work->pivrow_in_front ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_free.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_free.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df8cf4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_free.c
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_free ============================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Free a block previously allocated by UMF_malloc and return NULL.
+ Usage is p = UMF_free (p), to ensure that we don't free it twice.
+ Also maintains the UMFPACK malloc count.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#if defined (UMF_MALLOC_COUNT) || !defined (NDEBUG)
+#include "umf_malloc.h"
+GLOBAL void *UMF_free
+ void *p
+ if (p)
+ {
+ /* see umf_config.h for the memory allocator selection */
+ FREE (p) ;
+#if defined (UMF_MALLOC_COUNT) || !defined (NDEBUG)
+ /* One more object has been free'd. Keep track of the count. */
+ /* (purely for sanity checks). */
+ UMF_malloc_count-- ;
+ }
+ return ((void *) NULL) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_garbage_collection.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_garbage_collection.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ffe43c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_garbage_collection.c
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_garbage_collection =============================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Compress the elements at the tail of Numeric->Memory, and delete the tuples.
+ Elements are renumbered. The new numbering space is compressed, and
+ in the order of element creation (original elements of A first, followed
+ by the new elements in the order that they were formed).
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL void UMF_garbage_collection
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int size, e, n_row, n_col, nrows, ncols, nrowsleft, ncolsleft, prevsize,
+ csize, size2, i2, j2, i, j, cdeg, rdeg, *E, row, col, n_inner,
+ *Rows, *Cols, *Rows2, *Cols2, nel, e2, *Row_tuples, *Col_tuples,
+ *Row_degree, *Col_degree ;
+ Entry *C, *C1, *C3, *C2 ;
+ Unit *psrc, *pdest, *p, *pnext ;
+ Element *epsrc, *epdest ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Int nmark ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ; /* for NON_PIVOTAL_COL macro */
+ Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ; /* for NON_PIVOTAL_ROW macro */
+ Row_tuples = Numeric->Uip ;
+ Col_tuples = Numeric->Lip ;
+ E = Work->E ;
+ n_row = Work->n_row ;
+ n_col = Work->n_col ;
+ n_inner = MIN (n_row, n_col) ;
+ /* note that the tuple lengths (Col_tlen and Row_tlen) are updated, but */
+ /* the tuple lists themselves are stale and are about to be destroyed */
+ /* and recreated. Do not attempt to scan them until they are recreated. */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG0 (("::::GARBAGE COLLECTION::::\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_memory (Numeric) ;
+ Numeric->ngarbage++ ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* delete the tuple lists by marking the blocks as free */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* do not modify Row_tlen and Col_tlen */
+ /* those are needed for UMF_build_tuples */
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ if (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row) && Row_tuples [row])
+ {
+ DEBUG2 (("row "ID" tuples "ID"\n", row, Row_tuples [row])) ;
+ p = Numeric->Memory + Row_tuples [row] - 1 ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Freeing tuple list row "ID", p-S "ID", size "ID"\n",
+ row, p-Numeric->Memory, p->header.size)) ;
+ ASSERT (p->header.size > 0) ;
+ ASSERT (p >= Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail) ;
+ ASSERT (p < Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size) ;
+ p->header.size = -p->header.size ;
+ Row_tuples [row] = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ if (NON_PIVOTAL_COL (col) && Col_tuples [col])
+ {
+ DEBUG2 (("col "ID" tuples "ID"\n", col, Col_tuples [col])) ;
+ p = Numeric->Memory + Col_tuples [col] - 1 ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Freeing tuple list col "ID", p-S "ID", size "ID"\n",
+ col, p-Numeric->Memory, p->header.size)) ;
+ ASSERT (p->header.size > 0) ;
+ ASSERT (p >= Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail) ;
+ ASSERT (p < Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size) ;
+ p->header.size = -p->header.size ;
+ Col_tuples [col] = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* mark the elements, and compress the name space */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ nel = Work->nel ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ nmark = 0 ;
+ e2 = 0 ;
+ ASSERT (!E [0]) ; /* current version never uses element zero */
+ for (e = 0 ; e <= nel ; e++) /* for all elements in order of creation */
+ {
+ if (E [e])
+ {
+ psrc = Numeric->Memory + E [e] ;
+ psrc-- ; /* get the header of this block */
+ if (e > 0)
+ {
+ e2++ ; /* do not renumber element zero */
+ }
+ ASSERT (psrc->header.size > 0) ;
+ psrc->header.size = e2 ; /* store the new name in the header */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ nmark++ ;
+ DEBUG7 ((ID":: Mark e "ID" at psrc-S "ID", new e "ID"\n",
+ nmark, e, psrc-Numeric->Memory, e2)) ;
+ E [e] = 0 ;
+ if (e == Work->nelorig)
+ {
+ /* this is the highest numbered original element */
+ Work->nelorig = e2 ;
+ }
+ if (e == Work->prior_element)
+ {
+ Work->prior_element = e2 ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* all 1..e2 are now in use (element zero may or may not be in use) */
+ Work->nel = e2 ;
+ nel = Work->nel ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (e = 0 ; e <= n_col + n_inner ; e++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (!E [e]) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* compress the elements */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* point to tail marker block of size 1 + header */
+ psrc = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size - 2 ;
+ pdest = psrc ;
+ prevsize = psrc->header.prevsize ;
+ DEBUG7 (("Starting the compression:\n")) ;
+ while (prevsize > 0)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* move up to the next element above the current header, and */
+ /* get the element name and size */
+ /* (if it is an element, the name will be positive) */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ size = prevsize ;
+ psrc -= (size + 1) ;
+ e = psrc->header.size ;
+ prevsize = psrc->header.prevsize ;
+ /* top block at tail has prevsize of 0 */
+ /* a free block will have a negative size, so skip it */
+ /* otherwise, if size > 0, it holds the element name, not the size */
+ DEBUG8 (("psrc-S: "ID" prevsize: "ID" size: "ID, psrc-Numeric->Memory,
+ prevsize, size)) ;
+ if (e >= 0)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* this is an element, compress and move from psrc down to pdest */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG7 (("\n")) ;
+ DEBUG7 ((ID":: Move element "ID": from: "ID" \n",
+ nmark, e, psrc-Numeric->Memory)) ;
+ nmark-- ;
+ ASSERT (e <= nel) ;
+ ASSERT (E [e] == 0) ;
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get the element scalars, and pointers to C, Rows, and Cols: */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ p = psrc + 1 ;
+ GET_ELEMENT (epsrc, p, Cols, Rows, ncols, nrows, C) ;
+ nrowsleft = epsrc->nrowsleft ;
+ ncolsleft = epsrc->ncolsleft ;
+ cdeg = epsrc->cdeg ;
+ rdeg = epsrc->rdeg ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG7 ((" nrows "ID" nrowsleft "ID"\n", nrows, nrowsleft)) ;
+ DEBUG7 ((" ncols "ID" ncolsleft "ID"\n", ncols, ncolsleft)) ;
+ DEBUG8 ((" Rows:")) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++) DEBUG8 ((" "ID, Rows [i])) ;
+ DEBUG8 (("\n Cols:")) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++) DEBUG8 ((" "ID, Cols [j])) ;
+ DEBUG8 (("\n")) ;
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* determine the layout of the new element */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ csize = nrowsleft * ncolsleft ;
+ size2 = UNITS (Element, 1)
+ + UNITS (Int, nrowsleft + ncolsleft)
+ + UNITS (Entry, csize) ;
+ DEBUG7 (("Old size "ID" New size "ID"\n", size, size2)) ;
+ pnext = pdest ;
+ pnext->header.prevsize = size2 ;
+ pdest -= (size2 + 1) ;
+ DEBUG7 (("Move element from psrc-S "ID" to pdest-S "ID"\n",
+ psrc-Numeric->Memory, pdest-Numeric->Memory));
+ ASSERT (e > 0 || size == size2) ;
+ ASSERT (size2 <= size) ;
+ ASSERT (psrc + 1 + size <= pnext) ;
+ ASSERT (psrc <= pdest) ;
+ p = pdest + 1 ;
+ epdest = (Element *) p ;
+ p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
+ Cols2 = (Int *) p ;
+ Rows2 = Cols2 + ncolsleft ;
+ p += UNITS (Int, nrowsleft + ncolsleft) ;
+ C2 = (Entry *) p ;
+ ASSERT (epdest >= epsrc) ;
+ ASSERT (Rows2 >= Rows) ;
+ ASSERT (Cols2 >= Cols) ;
+ ASSERT (C2 >= C) ;
+ ASSERT (p + UNITS (Entry, csize) == pnext) ;
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* move the contribution block */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* overlap = psrc + size + 1 > pdest ; */
+ if (nrowsleft < nrows || ncolsleft < ncols)
+ {
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* compress contribution block in place prior to moving it */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG7 (("Compress C in place prior to move (incl unused):\n"));
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_dense (C, nrows, nrows, ncols) ;
+ C1 = C ;
+ C3 = C ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ if (Cols [j] >= 0)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ if (Rows [i] >= 0)
+ {
+ *C3++ = C1 [i] ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ C1 += nrows ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (C3-C == csize) ;
+ DEBUG8 (("Newly compressed contrib. block (all in use):\n")) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_dense (C, nrowsleft, nrowsleft, ncolsleft) ;
+ }
+ /* shift the contribution block down */
+ C += csize ;
+ C2 += csize ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < csize ; i++)
+ {
+ *--C2 = *--C ;
+ }
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* move the row indices */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ i2 = nrowsleft ;
+ for (i = nrows - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Rows2+i2 >= Rows+i) ;
+ if (Rows [i] >= 0)
+ {
+ Rows2 [--i2] = Rows [i] ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (i2 == 0) ;
+ j2 = ncolsleft ;
+ for (j = ncols - 1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Cols2+j2 >= Cols+j) ;
+ if (Cols [j] >= 0)
+ {
+ Cols2 [--j2] = Cols [j] ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (j2 == 0) ;
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct the new header */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* E [0...e] is now valid */
+ E [e] = (pdest + 1) - Numeric->Memory ;
+ epdest = (Element *) (pdest + 1) ;
+ epdest->next = EMPTY ; /* destroys the son list */
+ epdest->ncols = ncolsleft ;
+ epdest->nrows = nrowsleft ;
+ epdest->ncolsleft = ncolsleft ;
+ epdest->nrowsleft = nrowsleft ;
+ epdest->rdeg = rdeg ;
+ epdest->cdeg = cdeg ;
+ ASSERT (size2 <= size) ;
+ pdest->header.prevsize = 0 ;
+ pdest->header.size = size2 ;
+ DEBUG7 (("After moving it:\n")) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_element (Numeric, Work, e, FALSE) ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUG8 ((" free\n")) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG7 (("psrc "ID" tail "ID"\n",
+ psrc-Numeric->Memory, Numeric->itail)) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (psrc == Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail) ;
+ ASSERT (nmark == 0) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* final tail pointer */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ ASSERT (pdest >= Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail) ;
+ Numeric->itail = pdest - Numeric->Memory ;
+ pdest->header.prevsize = 0 ;
+ Numeric->ibig = EMPTY ;
+ Numeric->tail_usage = Numeric->size - Numeric->itail ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* clear the unused E [nel+1 .. n_col + n_inner] */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (e = nel+1 ; e <= n_col + n_inner ; e++)
+ {
+ E [e] = 0 ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_packed_memory (Numeric, Work) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_get_memory.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_get_memory.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af7a0c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_get_memory.c
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_get_memory ======================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Reallocate the workspace (Numeric->Memory) and shift elements downwards.
+ needunits: increase in size so that the free space is at least this many
+ Units (to which the tuple lengths is added).
+ Return TRUE if successful, FALSE if out of memory.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_garbage_collection.h"
+#include "umf_tuple_lengths.h"
+#include "umf_build_tuples.h"
+#include "umf_mem_free_tail_block.h"
+#include "umf_realloc.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMF_get_memory
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work,
+ Int needunits
+ Int i, minsize, newsize, newmem, costly, row, col, *Row_tlen, *Col_tlen,
+ n_row, n_col, *Row_degree, *Col_degree ;
+ Unit *mnew, *p ;
+ double nsize, bsize ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get and check parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ ASSERT (Numeric) ;
+ ASSERT (Work) ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric->Memory) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG1 (("::::GET MEMORY::::\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_memory (Numeric) ;
+ n_row = Work->n_row ;
+ n_col = Work->n_col ;
+ Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ; /* for NON_PIVOTAL_ROW macro */
+ Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ; /* for NON_PIVOTAL_COL macro */
+ Row_tlen = Numeric->Uilen ;
+ Col_tlen = Numeric->Lilen ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* initialize the tuple list lengths */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ if (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row))
+ {
+ Row_tlen [row] = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ if (NON_PIVOTAL_COL (col))
+ {
+ Col_tlen [col] = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* determine how much memory is needed for the tuples */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ nsize = (double) needunits + 2 ;
+ needunits += UMF_tuple_lengths (Numeric, Work, &nsize) ;
+ needunits += 2 ; /* add 2, so that newmem >= 2 is true if realloc'd */
+ /* note: Col_tlen and Row_tlen are updated, but the tuple lists */
+ /* themselves are not. Do not attempt to scan the tuple lists. */
+ /* They are now stale, and are about to be destroyed and recreated. */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* determine the desired new size of memory */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG0 (("UMF_get_memory: needunits: "ID"\n", needunits)) ;
+ minsize = Numeric->size + needunits ;
+ nsize += (double) Numeric->size ;
+ bsize = ((double) Int_MAX) / sizeof (Unit) - 1 ;
+ if (nsize > bsize) /* a double relop, but ignore NaN case */
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ; /* the minimum size is larger than Int_MAX */
+ }
+ newsize = (Int) (UMF_REALLOC_INCREASE * ((double) minsize)) ;
+ if (newsize < 0 || nsize > bsize)
+ {
+ newsize = (Int) bsize ; /* we cannot increase the size beyond bsize */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newsize = MAX (newsize, minsize) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG0 ((
+ "REALLOC MEMORY: needunits "ID" old size: "ID" new size: "ID" Units \n",
+ needunits, Numeric->size, newsize)) ;
+ /* Forget where the biggest free block is (we no longer need it) */
+ /* since garbage collection will occur shortly. */
+ Numeric->ibig = EMPTY ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* reallocate the memory, if possible, and make it bigger */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ mnew = (Unit *) NULL ;
+ while (!mnew)
+ {
+ mnew = (Unit *) UMF_realloc (Numeric->Memory, newsize, sizeof (Unit)) ;
+ if (!mnew)
+ {
+ if (newsize == minsize) /* last realloc attempt failed */
+ {
+ /* We failed to get the minimum. Just stick with the */
+ /* current allocation and hope that garbage collection */
+ /* can recover enough space. */
+ mnew = Numeric->Memory ; /* no new memory available */
+ newsize = Numeric->size ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* otherwise, reduce the request and keep trying */
+ newsize = (Int) (UMF_REALLOC_REDUCTION * ((double) newsize)) ;
+ newsize = MAX (minsize, newsize) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (mnew) ;
+ /* see if realloc had to copy, rather than just extend memory */
+ costly = (mnew != Numeric->Memory) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* extend the tail portion of memory downwards */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Numeric->Memory = mnew ;
+ newmem = newsize - Numeric->size ;
+ ASSERT (newmem == 0 || newmem >= 2) ;
+ if (newmem >= 2)
+ {
+ /* reallocation succeeded */
+ /* point to the old tail marker block of size 1 + header */
+ p = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size - 2 ;
+ /* create a new block out of the newly extended memory */
+ p->header.size = newmem - 1 ;
+ i = Numeric->size - 1 ;
+ p += newmem ;
+ /* create a new tail marker block */
+ p->header.prevsize = newmem - 1 ;
+ p->header.size = 1 ;
+ Numeric->size = newsize ;
+ /* free the new block */
+ UMF_mem_free_tail_block (Numeric, i) ;
+ Numeric->nrealloc++ ;
+ if (costly)
+ {
+ Numeric->ncostly++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("Done with realloc memory\n")) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* garbage collection on the tail of Numeric->memory (destroys tuples) */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ UMF_garbage_collection (Numeric, Work) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* rebuild the tuples */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ return (UMF_build_tuples (Numeric, Work)) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_init_front.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_init_front.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15a33cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_init_front.c
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_init_front ======================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL void UMF_init_front
+ WorkType *Work
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int i, fsize, pivrow, pivcol, j, fnrows_max, fncols_max,
+ row, col, *Frows, *Fcols, *Fcpos, *Frpos, fncols, fnrows, src, dest,
+ *Wrow ;
+ Entry *Fx, *F ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* current front is defined by pivot row and column */
+ pivrow = Work->pivrow ;
+ pivcol = Work->pivcol ;
+ Frows = Work->Frows ;
+ Fcols = Work->Fcols ;
+ Frpos = Work->Frpos ;
+ Fcpos = Work->Fcpos ;
+ Work->fnpiv = 1 ;
+ Work->fnzeros = 0 ;
+ /* dynamic front dimensions, but fixed across one chain */
+ fnrows_max = Work->fnrows_max ;
+ fncols_max = Work->fncols_max ;
+ fsize = fnrows_max * fncols_max ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* place pivot column pattern in frontal matrix */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (Work->pivcol_in_front)
+ {
+ /* append the pivot column extension */
+ /* note that all we need to do is increment the size, since the */
+ /* candidate pivot column pattern is already in place in */
+ /* Frows [0 ... Work->fnrows-1] (the old pattern), and */
+ /* Frows [Work->fnrows ... Work->fnrows + Work->ccdeg - 1] (the new */
+ /* pattern). */
+ /* if both pivrow and pivcol are in front, then we extend the old one */
+ /* in UMF_extend_front, rather than starting a new one here. */
+ ASSERT (!Work->pivrow_in_front) ;
+ dest = Work->fnrows ;
+ Work->fscan_row = dest ; /* only scan the new rows */
+ dest += Work->ccdeg ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* this is a completely new column */
+ dest = 0 ;
+ Work->fscan_row = 0 ; /* scan all the rows */
+ ASSERT (Work->Wcol == Work->Wm) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < Work->ccdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Work->Wcol [i] ;
+ Frows [dest] = row ;
+ Frpos [row] = dest ;
+ dest++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ Work->fnrows = dest ;
+ /* place pivot row index into position */
+ Frpos [pivrow] = fnrows_max - 1 ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG3 (("New Pivot col "ID" now in front, length "ID"\n",
+ pivcol, Work->fnrows)) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < Work->fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("row "ID" position "ID"\n", Frows [i], Frpos [Frows [i]])) ;
+ ASSERT (Frpos [Frows [i]] == i) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* place pivot row pattern in frontal matrix */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (Work->pivrow_in_front)
+ {
+ /* append the pivot row extension */
+ src = Work->fncols ;
+ dest = Work->fncols ;
+ Work->fscan_col = dest ; /* only scan the new columns */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* this is a completely new row */
+ src = 0 ;
+ dest = 0 ;
+ Work->fscan_col = 0 ; /* scan all the columns */
+ }
+ Wrow = Work->Wrow ;
+ for ( ; src < Work->rrdeg ; src++)
+ {
+ col = Wrow [src] ;
+ if (col != pivcol)
+ {
+ Fcols [dest] = col ;
+ Fcpos [col] = dest * fnrows_max ;
+ dest++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ Work->fncols = dest ;
+ /* place pivot column index into position */
+ Fcpos [pivcol] = (fncols_max - 1) * fnrows_max ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG3 (("New Pivot row "ID" now in front, length "ID" fnrows_max "ID"\n",
+ pivrow, Work->fncols, fnrows_max)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < Work->fncols ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("col "ID" position "ID" ("ID")\n",
+ Fcols [j], Fcpos [Fcols [j]], j*fnrows_max)) ;
+ ASSERT (Fcpos [Fcols [j]] == j * fnrows_max) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* clear the frontal matrix */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ fncols = Work->fncols ;
+ fnrows = Work->fnrows ;
+ Fx = Work->Fx ;
+ /* clear the contribution block and the pivot row */
+ F = Fx ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ ASSERT ((&F[i] >= Fx) && (&F[i] < Fx+fsize)) ;
+ CLEAR (F [i]) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT ((&F[fnrows_max-1] >= Fx) && (&F[fnrows_max-1] < Fx+fsize)) ;
+ CLEAR (F [fnrows_max - 1]) ;
+ F += fnrows_max ;
+ }
+ /* clear the pivot column (excl pivot itself) */
+ F = Fx + Fcpos [pivcol] ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fnrows ; j++)
+ {
+ ASSERT ((&F[j] >= Fx) && (&F[j] < Fx+fsize)) ;
+ CLEAR (F [j]) ;
+ }
+ /* clear the pivot entry */
+ j = fsize-1 ;
+ DEBUG2 (("j "ID" fsize "ID"\n", j, fsize)) ;
+ ASSERT ((&Fx[j] >= Fx) && (&Fx[j] < Fx+fsize)) ;
+ CLEAR (Fx [j]) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* current workspace usage: */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Fx [0..fnrows_max-1, 0..fncols_max-1]: */
+ /* space for the new frontal matrix. */
+ /* Fx (i,j) is located at Fx [i+j*fnrows_max] */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* make sure the pivot row and column are scanned in assembly phase */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Work->scan_pivrow = TRUE ;
+ Work->scan_pivcol = TRUE ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_is_permutation.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_is_permutation.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad54b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_is_permutation.c
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_is_permutation =================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Return TRUE if P is a r-permutation vector, FALSE otherwise */
+/* P [0..r-1] must be an r-permutation of 0..n-1 */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMF_is_permutation
+ const Int P [ ], /* permutation of size r */
+ Int W [ ], /* workspace of size n */
+ Int n,
+ Int r
+ Int i, k ;
+ if (!P)
+ {
+ /* if P is (Int *) NULL, this is the identity permutation */
+ return (TRUE) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (W) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ W [i] = FALSE ;
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < r ; k++)
+ {
+ i = P [k] ;
+ if (i < 0 || i >= n)
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ if (W [i])
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ W [i] = TRUE ;
+ }
+ return (TRUE) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_kernel.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_kernel.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..318088b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_kernel.c
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_kernel =========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Primary factorization routine. Called by UMFPACK_numeric.
+ Returns:
+ UMFPACK_OK if successful,
+ UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory if out of memory, or
+ UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern if pattern of matrix (Ap and/or Ai)
+ has changed since the call to UMFPACK_*symbolic.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_init_front.h"
+#include "umf_assemble.h"
+#include "umf_scale_column.h"
+#include "umf_local_search.h"
+#include "umf_create_element.h"
+#include "umf_extend_front.h"
+#include "umf_blas3_update.h"
+#include "umf_kernel_init.h"
+#include "umf_kernel_wrapup.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMF_kernel
+ const Int Ap [ ],
+ const Int Ai [ ],
+ const double Ax [ ],
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ const double Az [ ],
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work,
+ SymbolicType *Symbolic
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int j, frontid1, frontid2, chain, nchains, *Chain_start, status,
+ *Chain_maxrows, *Chain_maxcols, *Front_npivcol, jmax, nb ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* initialize memory space and load the matrix */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (!UMF_kernel_init (Ap, Ai, Ax,
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Az,
+ Numeric, Work, Symbolic))
+ {
+ /* UMF_kernel_init is guaranteed to succeed, since UMFPACK_numeric */
+ /* either allocates enough space or if not, UMF_kernel does not get */
+ /* called. So running out of memory here is a fatal error, and means */
+ /* that the user changed Ap and/or Ai since the call to */
+ /* UMFPACK_*symbolic. */
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get the symbolic factorization */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ nchains = Symbolic->nchains ;
+ Chain_start = Symbolic->Chain_start ;
+ Chain_maxrows = Symbolic->Chain_maxrows ;
+ Chain_maxcols = Symbolic->Chain_maxcols ;
+ Front_npivcol = Symbolic->Front_npivcol ;
+ DEBUG0 (("Starting Kernel, nchains "ID"\n", nchains)) ;
+ nb = Symbolic->nb ;
+ Work->nextcand = 0 ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* factorize each chain of frontal matrices */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (chain = 0 ; chain < nchains ; chain++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Work->fnrows == 0 && Work->fncols == 0 && Work->fnpiv == 0) ;
+ frontid1 = Chain_start [chain] ;
+ frontid2 = Chain_start [chain+1] - 1 ;
+ Work->fnrows_max = Chain_maxrows [chain] ;
+ Work->fncols_max = Chain_maxcols [chain] ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Starting chain "ID". start "ID" end "ID" maxrows "ID
+ " maxcols "ID"\n", chain, frontid1, frontid2, Work->fnrows_max,
+ Work->fncols_max)) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* factorize each front in the chain */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (Work->frontid = frontid1 ; Work->frontid <= frontid2 ; Work->frontid++)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* there are no 0-by-c or r-by-0 fronts, where c and r are > 0 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* a front is either 0-by-0, or r-by-c */
+ DEBUG2 (("\n\n::: "ID" : Npiv: "ID" size "ID"-by-"ID"\n",
+ Work->frontid, Work->npiv,
+ Work->fnrows, Work->fncols)) ;
+ ASSERT ((Work->fnrows == 0 && Work->fncols == 0)
+ ||(Work->fnrows != 0 && Work->fncols != 0)) ;
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Initialize the pivot column candidate set */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* next pivot (in range 0 to n-1) */
+ Work->ncand = Front_npivcol [Work->frontid] ;
+ jmax = MIN (MAX_CANDIDATES, Work->ncand) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < jmax ; j++)
+ {
+ Work->Candidates [j] = Work->nextcand++ ;
+ DEBUG3 ((""ID" Candidate: "ID"\n", j, Work->Candidates [j])) ;
+ }
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Assemble and factorize the current frontal matrix */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ while (Work->ncand > 0)
+ {
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get the pivot row and column */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ status = UMF_local_search (Numeric, Work, Symbolic) ;
+ if (status == UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern) ;
+ }
+ if (status == UMFPACK_WARNING_singular_matrix)
+ {
+ /* no pivot found, try again */
+ DEBUG0 (("No pivot found; try again, ncand: "ID"\n",
+ Work->ncand)) ;
+ continue ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* extend the frontal matrix, or start a new one */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (Work->do_extend)
+ {
+ /* apply pending updates if front would grow too much */
+ if (Work->do_update)
+ {
+ UMF_blas3_update (Work) ;
+ }
+ /* extend the current front */
+ UMF_extend_front (Work) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* finish the current front (if any) and start a new one */
+ if (!UMF_create_element (Numeric, Work))
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
+ }
+ UMF_init_front (Work) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Numerical & symbolic assembly into current frontal matrix */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ UMF_assemble (Numeric, Work) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* scale the pivot column, and save row and column of U and L */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (!UMF_scale_column (Numeric, Work))
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Numerical update if enough pivots accumulated */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (Work->fnpiv >= nb)
+ {
+ UMF_blas3_update (Work) ;
+ }
+ Work->pivrow_in_front = FALSE ;
+ Work->pivcol_in_front = FALSE ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* If front is empty, evaporate it */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (Work->fnrows == 0 || Work->fncols == 0)
+ {
+ /* This does not create an element, just evaporates. */
+ /* It ensures that a front is not 0-by-c or c-by-0. */
+ DEBUG1 (("Evaporate empty front:\n")) ;
+ (void) UMF_create_element (Numeric, Work) ;
+ Work->fnrows = 0 ;
+ Work->fncols = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Wrapup the current frontal matrix. This is the last in a chain */
+ /* in the column elimination tree. The next frontal matrix */
+ /* cannot overlap with the current one, which will be its sibling */
+ /* in the column etree. */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (!UMF_create_element (Numeric, Work))
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* current front is now empty */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ Work->fnrows = 0 ;
+ Work->fncols = 0 ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* end the last Lchain and Uchain and finalize the LU factors */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ UMF_kernel_wrapup (Numeric, Symbolic, Work) ;
+ /* note that the matrix may be singular */
+ return (UMFPACK_OK) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_kernel_init.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_kernel_init.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eb7270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_kernel_init.c
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_kernel_init ====================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Initialize the kernel, build tuple lists. Assumes elements are packed.
+ Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if out of memory or if the pattern has
+ changed since UMFPACK_*symbolic. UMFPACK_numeric allocates at least enough
+ space for UMF_kernel_init to succeed; otherwise it does not call
+ UMF_kernel_init. So an out-of-memory condition means that the pattern must
+ have gotten larger.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_tuple_lengths.h"
+#include "umf_build_tuples.h"
+#include "umf_mem_init_memoryspace.h"
+#include "umf_mem_alloc_element.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMF_kernel_init
+ const Int Ap [ ], /* user's input matrix (not modified) */
+ const Int Ai [ ],
+ const double Ax [ ],
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ const double Az [ ],
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work,
+ SymbolicType *Symbolic
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int row, k, oldcol, size, e, p1, p2, p, *ip, nz, *Rows, *Cols, *E, i, *Upos,
+ *Lpos, n_row, n_col, *Wp, *Cperm_init, *Frpos, *Fcpos, *Row_degree, nn,
+ *Row_tlen, *Col_degree, *Col_tlen, deg, oldrow, newrow, ilast,
+ *Rperm_init, col, n_inner ;
+ double unused = 0 ;
+ Entry *xp, *C ;
+ Element *ep ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ double gprob_save = UMF_gprob ;
+ UMF_gprob = 0 ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG0 (("KERNEL INIT\n")) ;
+ n_row = Symbolic->n_row ;
+ n_col = Symbolic->n_col ;
+ nn = MAX (n_row, n_col) ;
+ n_inner = MIN (n_row, n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (n_row > 0 && n_col > 0) ;
+ Cperm_init = Symbolic->Cperm_init ;
+ Rperm_init = Symbolic->Rperm_init ;
+ nz = Ap [n_col] ;
+ if (nz < 0 || Ap [0] != 0 || nz != Symbolic->nz)
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ; /* pattern changed */
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* initialize the Numeric->Memory space for LU, elements, and tuples */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ UMF_mem_init_memoryspace (Numeric) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* initialize the Work and Numeric objects */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* current front is empty */
+ Work->fnpiv = 0 ;
+ Work->fncols = 0 ;
+ Work->fnrows = 0 ;
+ Work->fnzeros = 0 ;
+ Work->overlap = 0 ;
+ Work->nz = nz ;
+ Work->prior_element = EMPTY ;
+ Work->ulen = 0 ;
+ Work->llen = 0 ;
+ Work->npiv = 0 ;
+ Work->frontid = 0 ;
+ Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ;
+ Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ;
+ /* Row_tuples = Numeric->Uip ; */
+ Row_tlen = Numeric->Uilen ;
+ /* Col_tuples = Numeric->Lip ; */
+ Col_tlen = Numeric->Lilen ;
+ Frpos = Work->Frpos ;
+ Fcpos = Work->Fcpos ;
+ Wp = Work->Wp ;
+ /* D = Numeric->D ; */
+ Upos = Numeric->Upos ;
+ Lpos = Numeric->Lpos ;
+ /* D [0..min(n_row,n_col)] = 0 ; no need to initialize this */
+ for (row = 0 ; row <= n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ Lpos [row] = EMPTY ;
+ /* Row_tuples [row] = 0 ; set in UMF_build_tuples */
+ Row_degree [row] = 0 ;
+ Row_tlen [row] = 0 ;
+ /* Frpos [row] = EMPTY ; do this later */
+ }
+ for (col = 0 ; col <= n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ Upos [col] = EMPTY ;
+ /* Col_tuples [col] = 0 ; set in UMF_build_tuples */
+ /* Col_degree [col] = 0 ; initialized below */
+ Col_tlen [col] = 0 ;
+ Fcpos [col] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i <= nn ; i++)
+ {
+ Wp [i] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ Work->Wpflag = -2 ;
+ /* When cleared, Wp [0..nn] is < 0 and > wpflag. */
+ /* In row search, Wp [col] is set to wpflag, which is negative. */
+ /* In col search, Wp [row] is set to a position, which is >= 0. */
+ /* Wp is cleared immediately after the row and col searches. */
+ /* no need to initialize Wm, Wio, Woi, and Woo */
+ /* clear the external degree counters */
+ Work->cdeg0 = 1 ;
+ Work->rdeg0 = 1 ;
+ E = Work->E ;
+ Numeric->n_row = n_row ;
+ Numeric->n_col = n_col ;
+ Numeric->npiv = 0 ;
+ Numeric->nnzpiv = 0 ;
+ Numeric->min_udiag = 0.0 ;
+ Numeric->max_udiag = 0.0 ;
+ Numeric->rcond = 0.0 ;
+ Numeric->isize = 0 ;
+ Numeric->nLentries = 0 ;
+ Numeric->nUentries = 0 ;
+ Numeric->lnz = 0 ;
+ Numeric->unz = 0 ;
+ Numeric->maxfrsize = 0 ;
+ Numeric->flops = 0. ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* allocate the elements, copy the columns of A, and initialize degrees */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* also apply the row and column pre-ordering. */
+ DEBUG3 (("LOAD_MATRIX:\n")) ;
+ /* construct the inverse row permutation (use Frpos as temp) */
+ for (newrow = 0 ; newrow < n_row ; newrow++)
+ {
+ oldrow = Rperm_init [newrow] ;
+ ASSERT (oldrow >= 0 && oldrow < n_row) ;
+ Frpos [oldrow] = newrow ;
+ }
+ e = 0 ;
+ E [e] = 0 ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; k++)
+ {
+ oldcol = Cperm_init [k] ;
+ ASSERT (oldcol >= 0 && oldcol < n_col) ;
+ p1 = Ap [oldcol] ;
+ p2 = Ap [oldcol+1] ;
+ deg = p2 - p1 ;
+ Col_degree [k] = deg ;
+ if (deg < 0)
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ; /* pattern changed */
+ }
+ else if (deg > 0)
+ {
+ e++ ;
+ E [e] = UMF_mem_alloc_element (Numeric, deg, 1, &Rows, &Cols, &C,
+ &size, &ep) ;
+ if (E [e] <= 0)
+ {
+ /* We ran out of memory, which can only mean that */
+ /* the pattern (Ap and or Ai) has changed (gotten larger). */
+ DEBUG0 (("Pattern has gotten larger - alloc el. failed\n")) ;
+ DEBUG0 (("column k = "ID" size "ID"\n", k, size)) ;
+ return (FALSE) ; /* pattern changed */
+ }
+ Cols [0] = k ;
+ ip = Rows ;
+ xp = C ;
+ ilast = -1 ;
+ for (p = p1 ; p < p2 ; p++)
+ {
+ oldrow = Ai [p] ;
+ if (oldrow <= ilast || oldrow >= n_row)
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ; /* pattern changed */
+ }
+ ilast = oldrow ;
+ newrow = Frpos [oldrow] ;
+ *ip++ = newrow ;
+ ASSIGN (*xp, Ax [p], Az [p]) ;
+ xp++ ;
+ Row_degree [newrow]++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Work->nel = e ;
+ Work->nelorig = e ;
+ Col_degree [n_col] = 0 ;
+ for (e++ ; e <= n_col + n_inner ; e++)
+ {
+ E [e] = 0 ;
+ }
+ /* Frpos no longer needed */
+ for (row = 0 ; row <= n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ Frpos [row] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* build the tuple lists */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* if the memory usage changes, then the pattern has changed */
+ (void) UMF_tuple_lengths (Numeric, Work, &unused) ;
+ if (!UMF_build_tuples (Numeric, Work))
+ {
+ /* We ran out of memory, which can only mean that */
+ /* the pattern (Ap and or Ai) has changed (gotten larger). */
+ DEBUG0 (("Pattern has gotten larger - build tuples failed\n")) ;
+ return (FALSE) ; /* pattern changed */
+ }
+ Numeric->init_usage = Numeric->max_usage ;
+ if (Symbolic->num_mem_init_usage != Numeric->init_usage)
+ {
+ /* the pattern (Ap and or Ai) has changed */
+ DEBUG0 (("Pattern has changed in size\n")) ;
+ return (FALSE) ; /* pattern changed */
+ }
+ /* NOTE: this test does not detect all changes to Ap and/or Ai since the */
+ /* last call to UMFPACK_*symbolic. The pattern can change with the memory*/
+ /* usage remaining the same. */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct the row merge sets */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (i = 0 ; i <= Symbolic->nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ Work->Front_new1strow [i] = Symbolic->Front_1strow [i] ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_rowmerge (Numeric, Symbolic, Work) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("Column form of original matrix:\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_col_matrix (Ax,
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Az,
+ Ai, Ap, n_row, n_col, nz) ;
+ UMF_gprob = gprob_save ;
+ UMF_dump_memory (Numeric) ;
+ UMF_dump_matrix (Numeric, Work, FALSE) ;
+ DEBUG0 (("kernel init done...\n")) ;
+ return (TRUE) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_kernel_init_usage.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_kernel_init_usage.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9020415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_kernel_init_usage.c
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_kernel_init_usage ================================================ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Return number of Units needed for initial elements by UMF_kernel_init */
+/* (including the tuples). */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_build_tuples_usage.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMF_kernel_init_usage
+ const Int Ap [ ],
+ const Int Row_degree [ ],
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ double *dusage /* input and output argument */
+ Int col, cdeg, usage ;
+ /* elements: */
+ usage = 0 ;
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ DEBUG2 (("col "ID" Ap["ID"] = "ID" Ap ["ID"] "ID"\n",
+ col, col+1, Ap [col+1], col, Ap [col])) ;
+ cdeg = Ap [col+1] - Ap [col] ;
+ ASSERT (cdeg >= 0) ;
+ if (cdeg > 0)
+ {
+ usage += GET_ELEMENT_SIZE (cdeg, 1) + 1 ;
+ *dusage += DGET_ELEMENT_SIZE (cdeg, 1) + 1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG0 (("UMF_kernel_init_usage : original elements: "ID" %g\n",
+ usage, *dusage)) ;
+ /* tuples: */
+ usage += UMF_build_tuples_usage ((Int *) NULL, (Int *) NULL,
+ Row_degree, Row_degree, n_row, n_col, dusage) ;
+ DEBUG0 (("UMF_kernel_init_usage : all: "ID" %g\n", usage, *dusage)) ;
+ return (usage) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_kernel_wrapup.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_kernel_wrapup.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f686271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_kernel_wrapup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_kernel_wrapup ==================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* The matrix is factorized. Finish the LU data structure. */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL void UMF_kernel_wrapup
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ SymbolicType *Symbolic,
+ WorkType *Work
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int i, k, col, row, llen, ulen, *ip, *Rperm, *Cperm, *Lilen, npiv, lp,
+ *Uilen, *Lip, *Uip, *Cperm_init, up, pivrow, pivcol, *Lpos, *Upos, *Wr,
+ *Wc, *Wp, *Frpos, *Fcpos, *Row_degree, *Col_degree, *Rperm_init,
+ n_row, n_col, n_inner ;
+ Entry *D ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_matrix (Numeric, Work, FALSE) ;
+ DEBUG0 (("Kernel complete, Starting Kernel wrapup\n")) ;
+ n_row = Symbolic->n_row ;
+ n_col = Symbolic->n_col ;
+ n_inner = MIN (n_row, n_col) ;
+ Rperm = Numeric->Rperm ;
+ Cperm = Numeric->Cperm ;
+ Lilen = Numeric->Lilen ;
+ Uilen = Numeric->Uilen ;
+ Upos = Numeric->Upos ;
+ Lpos = Numeric->Lpos ;
+ Lip = Numeric->Lip ;
+ Uip = Numeric->Uip ;
+ D = Numeric->D ;
+ npiv = Work->npiv ;
+ Numeric->npiv = npiv ;
+ Numeric->ulen = Work->ulen ;
+ ASSERT (n_row == Numeric->n_row) ;
+ ASSERT (n_col == Symbolic->n_col) ;
+ DEBUG0 (("Wrap-up: npiv "ID" ulen "ID"\n", npiv, Numeric->ulen)) ;
+ ASSERT (npiv <= n_inner) ;
+ /* this will be nonzero only if matrix is singular or rectangular */
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (npiv == n_col, Work->ulen == 0)) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* check if matrix is singular or rectangular */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Col_degree = Cperm ; /* for NON_PIVOTAL_COL macro */
+ Row_degree = Rperm ; /* for NON_PIVOTAL_ROW macro */
+ if (npiv < n_row)
+ {
+ /* finalize the row permutation */
+ k = npiv ;
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ if (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row))
+ {
+ Rperm [row] = ONES_COMPLEMENT (k) ;
+ Lpos [row] = EMPTY ;
+ Uip [row] = EMPTY ;
+ Uilen [row] = 0 ;
+ k++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (k == n_row) ;
+ }
+ if (npiv < n_col)
+ {
+ /* finalize the col permutation */
+ k = npiv ;
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ if (NON_PIVOTAL_COL (col))
+ {
+ Cperm [col] = ONES_COMPLEMENT (k) ;
+ Upos [col] = EMPTY ;
+ Lip [col] = EMPTY ;
+ Lilen [col] = 0 ;
+ k++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (k == n_col) ;
+ }
+ if (npiv < n_inner)
+ {
+ /* finalize the diagonal of U */
+ for (k = npiv ; k < n_inner ; k++)
+ {
+ CLEAR (D [k]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* save the pattern of the last row of U */
+ if (Numeric->ulen > 0)
+ {
+ Numeric->Upattern = Work->Upattern ;
+ Work->Upattern = (Int *) NULL ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (Numeric->nnzpiv <= npiv) ;
+ if (Numeric->nnzpiv < n_inner)
+ {
+ /* the rest of the diagonal is zero, so min_udiag becomes 0 */
+ Numeric->min_udiag = 0.0 ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* size n_row, n_col workspaces that can be used here: */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Frpos = Work->Frpos ; /* of size n_row+1 */
+ Fcpos = Work->Fcpos ; /* of size n_col+1 */
+ Wp = Work->Wp ; /* of size MAX(n_row,n_col)+1 */
+ /* Work->Upattern ; cannot be used (in Numeric) */
+ Wr = Work->Lpattern ; /* of size n_row+1 */
+ Wc = Work->E ; /* of size n_col+n_inner+1 */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct Rperm from inverse permutations */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* use Frpos for temporary copy of inverse row permutation [ */
+ for (pivrow = 0 ; pivrow < n_row ; pivrow++)
+ {
+ k = Rperm [pivrow] ;
+ ASSERT (k < 0) ;
+ ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < n_row) ;
+ Wp [k] = pivrow ;
+ Frpos [pivrow] = k ;
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_row ; k++)
+ {
+ Rperm [k] = Wp [k] ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct Cperm from inverse permutation */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* use Fcpos for temporary copy of inverse column permutation [ */
+ for (pivcol = 0 ; pivcol < n_col ; pivcol++)
+ {
+ k = Cperm [pivcol] ;
+ ASSERT (k < 0) ;
+ ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < n_col) ;
+ Wp [k] = pivcol ;
+ /* save a copy of the inverse column permutation in Fcpos */
+ Fcpos [pivcol] = k ;
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; k++)
+ {
+ Cperm [k] = Wp [k] ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; k++)
+ {
+ col = Cperm [k] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (Fcpos [col] == k) ; /* col is the kth pivot */
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_row ; k++)
+ {
+ row = Rperm [k] ;
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ ASSERT (Frpos [row] == k) ; /* row is the kth pivot */
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_lu (Numeric) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* permute Lpos, Upos, Lilen, Lip, Uilen, and Uip */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (k = 0 ; k < npiv ; k++)
+ {
+ pivrow = Rperm [k] ;
+ Wr [k] = Uilen [pivrow] ;
+ Wp [k] = Uip [pivrow] ;
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < npiv ; k++)
+ {
+ Uilen [k] = Wr [k] ;
+ Uip [k] = Wp [k] ;
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < npiv ; k++)
+ {
+ pivrow = Rperm [k] ;
+ Wp [k] = Lpos [pivrow] ;
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < npiv ; k++)
+ {
+ Lpos [k] = Wp [k] ;
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < npiv ; k++)
+ {
+ pivcol = Cperm [k] ;
+ Wc [k] = Lilen [pivcol] ;
+ Wp [k] = Lip [pivcol] ;
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < npiv ; k++)
+ {
+ Lilen [k] = Wc [k] ;
+ Lip [k] = Wp [k] ;
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < npiv ; k++)
+ {
+ pivcol = Cperm [k] ;
+ Wp [k] = Upos [pivcol] ;
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < npiv ; k++)
+ {
+ Upos [k] = Wp [k] ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* terminate the last Uchain and last Lchain */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Upos [npiv] = EMPTY ;
+ Lpos [npiv] = EMPTY ;
+ Uip [npiv] = EMPTY ;
+ Lip [npiv] = EMPTY ;
+ Uilen [npiv] = 0 ;
+ Lilen [npiv] = 0 ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* convert U to the new pivot order */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (k = 0 ; k < npiv ; k++)
+ {
+ up = Uip [k] ;
+ if (up < 0)
+ {
+ /* this is the start of a new Uchain (with a pattern) */
+ ulen = Uilen [k] ;
+ DEBUG4 (("K "ID" New U. ulen "ID" End_Uchain 1\n", k, ulen)) ;
+ if (ulen > 0)
+ {
+ up = -up ;
+ ip = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < ulen ; i++)
+ {
+ col = *ip ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" old col "ID" new col "ID"\n", col, Fcpos [col]));
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ *ip++ = Fcpos [col] ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ulen = Numeric->ulen ;
+ if (ulen > 0)
+ {
+ /* convert last pivot row of U to the new pivot order */
+ DEBUG4 (("K "ID" (last)\n")) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < ulen ; i++)
+ {
+ col = Numeric->Upattern [i] ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" old col "ID" new col "ID"\n", col, Fcpos [col])) ;
+ Numeric->Upattern [i] = Fcpos [col] ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Fcpos no longer needed ] */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* convert L to the new pivot order */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (k = 0 ; k < npiv ; k++)
+ {
+ llen = Lilen [k] ;
+ DEBUG4 (("K "ID" New L. llen "ID" \n", k, llen)) ;
+ if (llen > 0)
+ {
+ lp = Lip [k] ;
+ if (lp < 0)
+ {
+ /* this starts a new Lchain */
+ lp = -lp ;
+ }
+ ip = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + lp) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < llen ; i++)
+ {
+ row = *ip ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" old row "ID" new row "ID"\n", row, Frpos [row])) ;
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ *ip++ = Frpos [row] ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Frpos no longer needed ] */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* combine symbolic and numeric permutations */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Cperm_init = Symbolic->Cperm_init ;
+ Rperm_init = Symbolic->Rperm_init ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_row ; k++)
+ {
+ Rperm [k] = Rperm_init [Rperm [k]] ;
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; k++)
+ {
+ Cperm [k] = Cperm_init [Cperm [k]] ;
+ }
+ /* Work object will be freed immediately upon return (to UMF_kernel */
+ /* and then to UMFPACK_numeric). */
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_local_search.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_local_search.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d70ba6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_local_search.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1487 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_local_search ===================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Perform pivot search to find pivot row and pivot column.
+ The pivot column is selected from the candidate set (a supercolumn from
+ colamd), and then removed from that set.
+ Called by kernel.
+ Modifies front, but keeps current Frows and Fcols unchanged (new entries
+ are appended). This can be undone if the current front must be written
+ out after the pivot is found. The numerical values of the front are
+ unchanged.
+ The current frontal matrix might be empty (Fx not allocated, Work->fnrows
+ and Work->fncols are both zero).
+ Returns UMFPACK_OK if successful, or UMFPACK_WARNING_singular_matrix, or
+ UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern if not.
+/* ========================================================================== */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_row_search.h"
+#include "umf_mem_free_tail_block.h"
+#define IN 0
+#define OUT 1
+#define IN_IN 0
+#define IN_OUT 1
+#define OUT_IN 2
+#define OUT_OUT 3
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL Int UMF_local_search
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work,
+ SymbolicType *Symbolic
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Entry *Fx, *Fl, *Fu, *Fs, *C, *Fd ;
+ double relax, relax2, relax3 ;
+ Int pos, nrows, *Cols, *Rows, e, f, jmax, status, max_cdeg, fnzeros,
+ j, col, i, row, cdeg [2], rdeg [2][2], fnpiv, nothing [2], new_LUsize,
+ pivrow [2][2], pivcol [2], *Wp, *Fcpos, *Frpos, new_fnzeros,
+ *Wm, *Wio, *Woi, *Woo, *Frows, *Fcols, fnrows, fncols, *E,
+ deg, nr_in, nc, src, dest, thiscost, bestcost, nr_out, *Wcol, do_update,
+ extra_cols, extra_rows, extra_zeros, relaxed_front, do_extend,
+ fnrows_max, fncols_max, tpi, *Col_tuples, *Col_degree, *Col_tlen,
+ jj, jcand [2], freebie [2], did_rowmerge ;
+ Unit *Memory, *p ;
+ Tuple *tp, *tpend, *tp1, *tp2 ;
+ Element *ep ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Int debug_ok, n_row, n_col, *Row_degree ;
+ Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ; /* for NON_PIVOTAL_ROW macro only */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Memory = Numeric->Memory ;
+ E = Work->E ;
+ Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ;
+ Col_tuples = Numeric->Lip ;
+ Col_tlen = Numeric->Lilen ;
+ Wp = Work->Wp ;
+ Wm = Work->Wm ;
+ Woi = Work->Woi ;
+ Wio = Work->Wio ;
+ Woo = Work->Woo ; /* size at least fncols_max */
+ Fx = Work->Fx ;
+ Fcpos = Work->Fcpos ;
+ Frpos = Work->Frpos ;
+ Frows = Work->Frows ;
+ Fcols = Work->Fcols ;
+ fnrows = Work->fnrows ;
+ fncols = Work->fncols ;
+ fnrows_max = Work->fnrows_max ;
+ fncols_max = Work->fncols_max ;
+ fnpiv = Work->fnpiv ;
+ nothing [0] = EMPTY ;
+ nothing [1] = EMPTY ;
+ relax = Numeric->relax ;
+ relax2 = Numeric->relax2 ;
+ relax3 = Numeric->relax3 ;
+ fnzeros = Work->fnzeros ;
+ new_fnzeros = fnzeros ;
+ jj = EMPTY ;
+ /* The pivot column degree cannot exceed max_cdeg */
+ max_cdeg = fnrows_max - fnpiv ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ n_row = Work->n_row ;
+ n_col = Work->n_col ;
+ DEBUG2 (("LOCAL SEARCH: current frontal matrix: # candidates: "ID"\n",
+ Work->ncand)) ;
+ UMF_dump_current_front (Numeric, Work, TRUE) ;
+ if (UMF_debug > 0 || MAX (n_row, n_col) < 1000)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < MAX (n_row, n_col) ; i++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Wp [i] < 0) ;
+ ASSERT (Wp [i] > Work->Wpflag) ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (Work->Wpflag < EMPTY) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("candidates: ")) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < Work->ncand ; j++) DEBUG2 ((ID" ", Work->Candidates [j]));
+ DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* === PIVOT SEARCH ===================================================== */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* initialize */
+ pivcol [IN] = EMPTY ;
+ pivcol [OUT] = EMPTY ;
+ /* Int_MAX is defined in umfpack.h */
+ cdeg [IN] = Int_MAX ;
+ cdeg [OUT] = Int_MAX ;
+ pivrow [IN][IN] = EMPTY ;
+ pivrow [IN][OUT] = EMPTY ;
+ pivrow [OUT][IN] = EMPTY ;
+ pivrow [OUT][OUT] = EMPTY ;
+ rdeg [IN][IN] = Int_MAX ;
+ rdeg [IN][OUT] = Int_MAX ;
+ rdeg [OUT][IN] = Int_MAX ;
+ rdeg [OUT][OUT] = Int_MAX ;
+ freebie [IN] = FALSE ;
+ freebie [OUT] = FALSE ;
+ Work->pivot_case = EMPTY ;
+ bestcost = EMPTY ;
+ nr_out = EMPTY ;
+ nr_in = EMPTY ;
+ jcand [IN] = EMPTY ;
+ jcand [OUT] = EMPTY ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* find shortest column in the front, and shortest column not in the */
+ /* front, from the candidate pivot column set */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* If there are too many candidates, then only look at the first */
+ /* MAX_CANDIDATES of them. Otherwise, if there are O(n) candidates, */
+ /* this code could take O(n^2) time. */
+ jmax = MIN (MAX_CANDIDATES, Work->ncand) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG2 (("Max candidates "ID", Work->ncand "ID" jmax "ID"\n",
+ MAX_CANDIDATES, Work->ncand, jmax)) ;
+ /* get the first candidate */
+ col = Work->Candidates [0] ;
+ DEBUG3 (("Pivot column candidate: "ID" j = "ID"\n", col, j)) ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ deg = Col_degree [col] ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG3 (("Pivot column candidate: "ID" cost: "ID" Fcpos[col] "ID"\n",
+ col, deg, Fcpos [col])) ;
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (1, Numeric, Work, col, TRUE) ;
+ if (Fcpos [col] >= 0)
+ {
+ /* best column in front, so far */
+ pivcol [IN] = col ;
+ cdeg [IN] = deg ;
+ jcand [IN] = 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* best column not in front, so far */
+ pivcol [OUT] = col ;
+ cdeg [OUT] = deg ;
+ jcand [OUT] = 0 ;
+ }
+ /* look at the rest of the candidates */
+ for (j = 1 ; j < jmax ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Work->Candidates [j] ;
+ DEBUG3 (("Pivot column candidate: "ID" j = "ID"\n", col, j)) ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ deg = Col_degree [col] ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG3 (("Pivot column candidate: "ID" cost: "ID" Fcpos[col] "ID"\n",
+ col, deg, Fcpos [col])) ;
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (1, Numeric, Work, col, TRUE) ;
+ if (Fcpos [col] >= 0)
+ {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Int fs ;
+ fs = Fcpos [col] / fnrows_max ;
+ ASSERT (fs >= 0 && fs < fncols) ;
+ if (deg < cdeg [IN] || (deg == cdeg [IN] && col < pivcol [IN]))
+ {
+ /* best column in front, so far */
+ pivcol [IN] = col ;
+ cdeg [IN] = deg ;
+ jcand [IN] = j ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (deg < cdeg [OUT] || (deg == cdeg [OUT] && col < pivcol [OUT]))
+ {
+ /* best column not in front, so far */
+ pivcol [OUT] = col ;
+ cdeg [OUT] = deg ;
+ jcand [OUT] = j ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("Pivcol in "ID" out "ID"\n", pivcol [IN], pivcol [OUT])) ;
+ ASSERT ((pivcol [IN] >= 0 && pivcol [IN] < n_col)
+ || (pivcol [OUT] >= 0 && pivcol [OUT] < n_col)) ;
+ cdeg [IN] = EMPTY ;
+ cdeg [OUT] = EMPTY ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct candidate column in front, and search for pivot rows */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (pivcol [IN] != EMPTY)
+ {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG2 (("col[IN] column "ID" in front at position = "ID"\n",
+ pivcol [IN], Fcpos [pivcol [IN]])) ;
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (1, Numeric, Work, pivcol [IN], TRUE) ;
+ /* the only way we can have a pivcol[IN] is if the front is not empty */
+ ASSERT (fnrows > 0 && fncols > 0) ;
+ Fs = Fx + Fcpos [pivcol [IN]] ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* update column in front (permanent) */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ DEBUG6 (("Update pivot column:\n")) ;
+ Fl = Fx + (fncols_max - fnpiv) * fnrows_max ;
+ Fu = Fs + (fnrows_max - fnpiv) ;
+#ifdef USE_NO_BLAS
+ /* no BLAS available - use plain C code instead */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fnpiv ; j++)
+ {
+ Entry Fuj ;
+ Fuj = Fu [j] ;
+ if (IS_NONZERO (Fuj))
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ /* Fs [i] -= Fuj * Fl [i+j*fnrows_max] ; */
+ MULT_SUB (Fs [i], Fuj, Fl [i+j*fnrows_max]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ BLAS_GEMV_COL (fnrows, fnpiv, Fl, Fu, Fs, fnrows_max) ;
+#endif /* USE_NO_BLAS */
+ /* zero out the column of U, in case this doesn't become pivot column */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fnpiv ; j++)
+ {
+ CLEAR (Fu [j]) ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG6 (("Fs after update: fnrows="ID"\n", fnrows)) ;
+ DEBUG6 ((" Work->fnpiv="ID" \n", fnpiv)) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 ((ID" "ID" "ID, i, Frows [i], Frpos [Frows [i]])) ;
+ EDEBUG6 (Fs [i]) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* construct the candidate column in the front */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ cdeg [IN] = fnrows ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* check Frpos */
+ DEBUG5 (("COL ASSEMBLE: cdeg "ID"\nREDUCE COL in "ID" max_cdeg "ID"\n",
+ cdeg [IN], pivcol [IN], max_cdeg)) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < cdeg [IN] ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Frows [i] ;
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ ASSERT (Frpos [row] == i) ;
+ }
+ if (UMF_debug > 0 || n_row < 1000)
+ {
+ Int cnt = cdeg [IN] ;
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ if (Frpos [row] == EMPTY) cnt++ ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (cnt == n_row) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (pivcol [IN] >= 0 && pivcol [IN] < n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (NON_PIVOTAL_COL (pivcol [IN])) ;
+ tpi = Col_tuples [pivcol [IN]] ;
+ if (tpi)
+ {
+ tp = (Tuple *) (Memory + tpi) ;
+ tp1 = tp ;
+ tp2 = tp ;
+ tpend = tp + Col_tlen [pivcol [IN]] ;
+ for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
+ {
+ e = tp->e ;
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
+ if (!E [e]) continue ; /* element already deallocated */
+ f = tp->f ;
+ p = Memory + E [e] ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
+ Cols = (Int *) p ;
+ if (Cols [f] == EMPTY) continue ; /* column already assembled */
+ ASSERT (pivcol [IN] == Cols [f]) ;
+ Rows = Cols + ep->ncols ;
+ nrows = ep->nrows ;
+ p += UNITS (Int, ep->ncols + nrows) ;
+ C = ((Entry *) p) + f * nrows ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Rows [i] ;
+ if (row >= 0) /* skip this if already gone from element */
+ {
+ ASSERT (row < n_row) ;
+ pos = Frpos [row] ;
+ if (pos < 0)
+ {
+ if (cdeg [IN] >= max_cdeg)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern) ;
+ }
+ /* new entry in the pattern - save Frpos */
+ Frpos [row] = cdeg [IN] ;
+ Frows [cdeg [IN]] = row ;
+ /* this will be discarded */
+ Fs [cdeg [IN]++] = C [i] ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* entry already in pattern - sum the values */
+ /* Fs [pos] += C [i] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (Fs [pos], C [i]) ;
+ if (pos < fnrows)
+ {
+ /* just did a permanent assembly of a single */
+ /* entry into the current front */
+ CLEAR (C [i]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *tp2++ = *tp ; /* leave the tuple in the list */
+ }
+ Col_tlen [pivcol [IN]] = tp2 - tp1 ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG4 (("Reduced column: cdeg in "ID"\n", cdeg [IN])) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < cdeg [IN] ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 ((" "ID" "ID" "ID, i, Frows [i], Frpos [Frows [i]])) ;
+ EDEBUG6 (Fs [i]) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("\n")) ;
+ ASSERT (i == Frpos [Frows [i]]) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (cdeg [IN] + fnpiv <= fnrows_max) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* cdeg [IN] is now the exact degree of this column */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ nr_in = cdeg [IN] - fnrows ;
+ /* since there are no 0-by-x fronts, if there is a pivcol [IN] the */
+ /* front must have at least one row. */
+ ASSERT (cdeg [IN] > 0) ;
+ /* new degree of pivcol [IN], excluding current front is nr_in */
+ /* column expands by nr_in rows */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* search for two candidate pivot rows */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* for the IN_IN pivot row (if any), */
+ /* extend the pattern in place, using Fcols */
+ status = UMF_row_search (Numeric, Work, Symbolic, cdeg [IN], Frows,
+ pivrow [IN], rdeg [IN], Fcols, Wio, nothing, Fs, pivcol [IN],
+ freebie) ;
+ ASSERT (!freebie [IN] && !freebie [OUT]) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* fatal error if matrix pattern has changed since symbolic analysis */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (status == UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern) ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* we now must have a structural pivot */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Since the pivcol[IN] exists, there must be at least one row in the */
+ /* current frontal matrix, and so we must have found a structural */
+ /* pivot. The numerical value might be zero, of course. */
+ ASSERT (status != UMFPACK_WARNING_singular_matrix) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* evaluate IN_IN option */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (pivrow [IN][IN] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* the current front would become an (implicit) LUson */
+ /* cost is how much the current front would expand */
+ /* pivrow[IN][IN] candidates are not found via row merge search */
+ ASSERT (cdeg [IN] > 0) ;
+ nc = rdeg [IN][IN] - fncols ;
+ thiscost =
+ /* each column in front (except pivot column) grows by nr_in: */
+ (nr_in * (fncols - 1)) +
+ /* new columns not in old front: */
+ (nc * (cdeg [IN] - 1)) ;
+ /* no extra cost to relaxed amalgamation */
+ ASSERT (fnrows + nr_in == cdeg [IN]) ;
+ ASSERT (fncols + nc == rdeg [IN][IN]) ;
+ /* relaxed_front = ((fncols-1) + nc) * ((fnrows-1) + nr_in) ; */
+ do_extend = TRUE ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Evaluating option IN-IN:\n")) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Work->fnzeros "ID" fnpiv "ID" nr_in "ID" nc "ID"\n",
+ Work->fnzeros, fnpiv, nr_in, nc)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("fncols "ID" fnrows "ID"\n", fncols, fnrows)) ;
+ /* determine if BLAS-3 update should be applied before extending. */
+ /* update if too many zero entries accumulate in the LU block */
+ fnzeros = Work->fnzeros + fnpiv * (nr_in + nc) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("fnzeros "ID"\n", fnzeros)) ;
+ new_LUsize = (fnpiv+1) * (fnrows + nr_in + fncols + nc) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("new_LUsize "ID"\n", new_LUsize)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("relax2 %g\n", relax2)) ;
+ /* relax2 parameter uses a double relop, but ignore NaN case: */
+ do_update = (((double) fnzeros) / ((double) new_LUsize)) > relax2 ;
+ DEBUG2 (("do_update "ID"\n", do_update))
+ DEBUG2 (("option IN IN : nr "ID" nc "ID" cost "ID"(0) relax "ID
+ "\n", nr_in, nc, thiscost, do_extend)) ;
+ /* this is the best option seen so far */
+ Work->pivot_case = IN_IN ;
+ bestcost = thiscost ;
+ /* do the amalgamation and extend the front */
+ Work->do_extend = do_extend ;
+ Work->do_update = do_update ;
+ new_fnzeros = fnzeros ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* evaluate IN_OUT option */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (pivrow [IN][OUT] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* the current front would become a Uson of the new front */
+ ASSERT (cdeg [IN] > 0) ;
+ /* must be at least one row outside the front */
+ /* (the pivrow [IN][OUT] itself) */
+ ASSERT (nr_in >= 1) ;
+ /* count columns not in current front */
+ nc = 0 ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ debug_ok = FALSE ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < rdeg [IN][OUT] ; i++)
+ {
+ col = Wio [i] ;
+ DEBUG6 (("counting col "ID" Fcpos[] = "ID"\n", col,
+ Fcpos [col])) ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ if (Fcpos [col] < 0) nc++ ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* we must see the pivot column somewhere */
+ if (col == pivcol [IN])
+ {
+ ASSERT (Fcpos [col] >= 0) ;
+ debug_ok = TRUE ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (debug_ok) ;
+ thiscost =
+ /* each row in front grows by nc: */
+ (nc * fnrows) +
+ /* new rows not affected by front: */
+ ((nr_in-1) * (rdeg [IN][OUT]-1)) ;
+ /* check the cost of relaxed IN_OUT amalgamation */
+ extra_cols = ((fncols-1) + nc ) - (rdeg [IN][OUT] - 1) ;
+ ASSERT (extra_cols >= 0) ;
+ ASSERT (fncols + nc == extra_cols + rdeg [IN][OUT]) ;
+ extra_zeros = (nr_in-1) * extra_cols ; /* symbolic fill-in */
+ ASSERT (fnrows + nr_in == cdeg [IN]) ;
+ ASSERT (fncols + nc == rdeg [IN][OUT] + extra_cols) ;
+ /* size of relaxed front: */
+ relaxed_front = ((fncols-1) + nc) * (fnrows + (nr_in-1)) ;
+ /* do relaxed amalgamation if the extra zeros are no more */
+ /* than a fraction (default 0.25) of the relaxed front */
+ /* if relax = 0: no extra zeros allowed */
+ /* if relax = +inf: always amalgamate */
+ /* relax parameter uses a double relop, but ignore NaN case: */
+ do_extend = ((double) extra_zeros)
+ < (relax * (double) relaxed_front) ;
+ if (do_extend)
+ {
+ /* count the cost of relaxed amalgamation */
+ thiscost += extra_zeros ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Evaluating option IN-OUT:\n")) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Work->fnzeros "ID" fnpiv "ID" nr_in "ID" nc "ID"\n",
+ Work->fnzeros, fnpiv, nr_in, nc)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("fncols "ID" fnrows "ID"\n", fncols, fnrows)) ;
+ /* determine if BLAS-3 update to be applied before extending. */
+ /* update if too many zero entries accumulate in the LU block */
+ fnzeros = Work->fnzeros + fnpiv * (nr_in + nc) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("fnzeros "ID"\n", fnzeros)) ;
+ new_LUsize = (fnpiv+1) * (fnrows + nr_in + fncols + nc) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("new_LUsize "ID"\n", new_LUsize)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("relax3 %g\n", relax3)) ;
+ /* relax3 parameter uses a double relop, but ignore NaN case: */
+ do_update = (((double) fnzeros) / ((double) new_LUsize)) > relax3 ;
+ DEBUG2 (("do_update "ID"\n", do_update))
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do_update = TRUE ;
+ fnzeros = 0 ;
+ DEBUG2 (("IN-OUT do_update forced true: "ID"\n", do_update))
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("option IN OUT: nr "ID" nc "ID" cost "ID"("ID") relax "ID
+ "\n", nr_in, nc, thiscost, extra_zeros, do_extend)) ;
+ if (bestcost == EMPTY || thiscost < bestcost)
+ {
+ /* this is the best option seen so far */
+ Work->pivot_case = IN_OUT ;
+ bestcost = thiscost ;
+ Work->do_extend = do_extend ;
+ Work->do_update = do_update ;
+ new_fnzeros = fnzeros ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct candidate column not in front, and search for pivot rows */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (bestcost != 0 && pivcol [OUT] != EMPTY)
+ {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG2 (("out_col column "ID" NOT in front at position = "ID"\n",
+ pivcol [OUT], Fcpos [pivcol [OUT]])) ;
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (1, Numeric, Work, pivcol [OUT], TRUE) ;
+ /* Find an empty column in the current frontal matrix to use */
+ /* as workspace. There must be one; otherwise, there couldn't be a */
+ /* candidate pivot column outside the current front. */
+ /* Fd: destination of final pivot column, currently unoccupied */
+ /* Use Fd as temporary workspace to construct the pivcol [OUT] */
+ Fd = Fx + (fncols_max - fnpiv - 1) * fnrows_max ;
+ ASSERT (fncols + fnpiv < fncols_max) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* construct the candidate column (currently not in the front) */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Construct the column in Fd, Wm, using Wp for the positions: */
+ /* Wm [0..cdeg [OUT]-1] list of row indices in the column */
+ /* Fd [0..cdeg [OUT]-1] list of corresponding numerical values */
+ /* Wp [0..n-1] starts as all negative, and ends that way too. */
+ cdeg [OUT] = 0 ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* check Wp */
+ DEBUG5 (("COL ASSEMBLE: cdeg 0\nREDUCE COL out "ID"\n", pivcol [OUT])) ;
+ if (UMF_debug > 0 || MAX (n_row, n_col) < 1000)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < MAX (n_row, n_col) ; i++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Wp [i] < 0) ;
+ ASSERT (Wp [i] > Work->Wpflag) ;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG5 (("max_cdeg: "ID"\n", max_cdeg)) ;
+ ASSERT (pivcol [OUT] >= 0 && pivcol [OUT] < n_col) ;
+ tpi = Col_tuples [pivcol [OUT]] ;
+ if (tpi)
+ {
+ tp = (Tuple *) (Memory + tpi) ;
+ tp1 = tp ;
+ tp2 = tp ;
+ tpend = tp + Col_tlen [pivcol [OUT]] ;
+ for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
+ {
+ e = tp->e ;
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
+ if (!E [e]) continue ; /* element already deallocated */
+ f = tp->f ;
+ p = Memory + E [e] ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
+ Cols = (Int *) p ;
+ if (Cols [f] == EMPTY) continue ; /* column already assembled */
+ ASSERT (pivcol [OUT] == Cols [f]) ;
+ Rows = Cols + ep->ncols ;
+ nrows = ep->nrows ;
+ p += UNITS (Int, ep->ncols + nrows) ;
+ C = ((Entry *) p) + f * nrows ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Rows [i] ;
+ if (row >= 0) /* skip this if already gone from element */
+ {
+ ASSERT (row < n_row) ;
+ pos = Wp [row] ;
+ if (pos < 0)
+ {
+ if (cdeg [OUT] >= max_cdeg)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern) ;
+ }
+ /* new entry in the pattern - save Wp */
+ Wp [row] = cdeg [OUT] ;
+ Wm [cdeg [OUT]] = row ;
+ Fd [cdeg [OUT]++] = C [i] ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* entry already in pattern - sum the values */
+ /* Fd [pos] += C [i] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (Fd [pos], C [i]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *tp2++ = *tp ; /* leave the tuple in the list */
+ }
+ Col_tlen [pivcol [OUT]] = tp2 - tp1 ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG4 (("Reduced column: cdeg out "ID"\n", cdeg [OUT])) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < cdeg [OUT] ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 ((" "ID" "ID" "ID, i, Wm [i], Wp [Wm [i]])) ;
+ EDEBUG6 (Fd [i]) ;
+ DEBUG6 (("\n")) ;
+ ASSERT (i == Wp [Wm [i]]) ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Clear Wp */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < cdeg [OUT] ; i++)
+ {
+ Wp [Wm [i]] = EMPTY ; /* clear Wp */
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* new degree of pivcol [OUT] is cdeg [OUT] */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* search for two candidate pivot rows */
+ status = UMF_row_search (Numeric, Work, Symbolic, cdeg [OUT], Wm,
+ pivrow [OUT], rdeg [OUT], Woi, Woo, pivrow [IN], Fd, pivcol [OUT],
+ freebie) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* fatal error if matrix pattern has changed since symbolic analysis */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (status == UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern) ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* check for rectangular, singular matrix */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (status == UMFPACK_WARNING_singular_matrix)
+ {
+ /* Pivot column is empty, and row-merge set is empty too. */
+ /* The matrix is structurally singular. */
+ DEBUG0 (("Warning: pivcol [OUT]: "ID" discard\n", pivcol [OUT])) ;
+ /* remove the failed pivcol [OUT] from candidate set */
+ jj = jcand [OUT] ;
+ ASSERT (jj >= 0 && jj < jmax) ;
+ ASSERT (pivcol [OUT] == Work->Candidates [jj]) ;
+ if (Work->ncand > MAX_CANDIDATES)
+ {
+ Work->Candidates [jj] = Work->nextcand++ ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ col = Work->Candidates [Work->ncand - 1] ;
+ Work->Candidates [jj] = col ;
+ Work->Candidates [Work->ncand - 1] = 0 ;
+ if (col == pivcol [IN])
+ {
+ ASSERT (jcand [IN] == Work->ncand-1) ;
+ jcand [IN] = jj ;
+ }
+ }
+ Work->ncand-- ;
+ /* delete all of the tuples, and all contributions to this column */
+ DEBUG1 (("Prune tuples of dead outcol: "ID"\n", pivcol [OUT])) ;
+ Col_tlen [pivcol [OUT]] = 0 ;
+ UMF_mem_free_tail_block (Numeric, Col_tuples [pivcol [OUT]]) ;
+ Col_tuples [pivcol [OUT]] = 0 ;
+ if (pivcol [IN] == EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* no pivot found at all */
+ return (UMFPACK_WARNING_singular_matrix) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Fd [0 .. cdeg[OUT]-1], the workspace column in the frontal matrix, */
+ /* no longer needed */
+ if (freebie [IN])
+ {
+ /* the "in" row is the same as the "in" row for the "in" column */
+ Woi = Fcols ;
+ rdeg [OUT][IN] = rdeg [IN][IN] ;
+ DEBUG4 (("Freebie in, row "ID"\n", pivrow [IN][IN])) ;
+ }
+ if (freebie [OUT])
+ {
+ /* the "out" row is the same as the "out" row for the "in" column */
+ Woo = Wio ;
+ rdeg [OUT][OUT] = rdeg [IN][OUT] ;
+ DEBUG4 (("Freebie out, row "ID"\n", pivrow [IN][OUT])) ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* evaluate OUT_IN option */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (pivrow [OUT][IN] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* the current front would become an Lson of the new front */
+ did_rowmerge = (cdeg [OUT] == 0) ;
+ if (did_rowmerge)
+ {
+ /* pivrow [OUT][IN] was found via row merge search */
+ /* it is not (yet) in the pivot column pattern (add it now) */
+ if (cdeg [OUT] >= max_cdeg)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern) ;
+ }
+ /* new entry in the pattern */
+ Wm [0] = pivrow [OUT][IN] ;
+ cdeg [OUT] = 1 ;
+ ASSERT (nr_out == EMPTY) ;
+ }
+ nc = rdeg [OUT][IN] - fncols ;
+ ASSERT (nc >= 1) ;
+ /* count rows not in current front */
+ nr_out = 0 ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ debug_ok = FALSE ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < cdeg [OUT] ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Wm [i] ;
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ if (Frpos [row] < 0 || Frpos [row] >= fnrows) nr_out++ ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* we must see the pivot row somewhere */
+ if (row == pivrow [OUT][IN])
+ {
+ ASSERT (Frpos [row] >= 0) ;
+ debug_ok = TRUE ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (debug_ok) ;
+ thiscost =
+ /* each column in front grows by nr_out: */
+ (nr_out * fncols) +
+ /* new cols not affected by front: */
+ ((nc-1) * (cdeg [OUT]-1)) ;
+ /* check the cost of relaxed OUT_IN amalgamation */
+ extra_rows = ((fnrows-1) + nr_out) - (cdeg [OUT] - 1) ;
+ ASSERT (extra_rows >= 0) ;
+ ASSERT (fnrows + nr_out == extra_rows + cdeg [OUT]) ;
+ extra_zeros = (nc-1) * extra_rows ; /* symbolic fill-in */
+ ASSERT (fnrows + nr_out == cdeg [OUT] + extra_rows) ;
+ ASSERT (fncols + nc == rdeg [OUT][IN]) ;
+ /* size of relaxed front: */
+ relaxed_front = (fncols + (nc-1)) * ((fnrows-1) + nr_out) ;
+ /* do relaxed amalgamation if the extra zeros are no more */
+ /* than a fraction (default 0.25) of the relaxed front */
+ /* if relax = 0: no extra zeros allowed */
+ /* if relax = +inf: always amalgamate */
+ if (did_rowmerge)
+ {
+ do_extend = FALSE ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* relax parameter uses a double relop, but ignore NaN case: */
+ do_extend = ((double) extra_zeros)
+ < (relax * (double) relaxed_front) ;
+ }
+ if (do_extend)
+ {
+ /* count the cost of relaxed amalgamation */
+ thiscost += extra_zeros ;
+ /* determine if BLAS-3 update to be applied before extending. */
+ /* update if too many zero entries accumulate in the LU block */
+ DEBUG2 (("Evaluating option OUT-IN:\n")) ;
+ DEBUG2 ((" Work->fnzeros "ID" fnpiv "ID" nr_out "ID" nc "ID"\n",
+ Work->fnzeros, fnpiv, nr_out, nc)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("fncols "ID" fnrows "ID"\n", fncols, fnrows)) ;
+ fnzeros = Work->fnzeros + fnpiv * (nr_out + nc) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("fnzeros "ID"\n", fnzeros)) ;
+ new_LUsize = (fnpiv+1) * (fnrows + nr_out + fncols + nc) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("new_LUsize "ID"\n", new_LUsize)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("relax3 %g\n", relax3)) ;
+ /* relax3 parameter uses a double relop, but ignore NaN case: */
+ do_update = (((double) fnzeros) / ((double) new_LUsize)) > relax3 ;
+ DEBUG2 (("do_update "ID"\n", do_update))
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do_update = TRUE ;
+ fnzeros = 0 ;
+ DEBUG2 (("OUT-IN do_update forced true: "ID"\n", do_update))
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("option OUT IN : nr "ID" nc "ID" cost "ID"("ID") relax "ID
+ "\n", nr_out, nc, thiscost, extra_zeros, do_extend)) ;
+ if (bestcost == EMPTY || thiscost < bestcost)
+ {
+ /* this is the best option seen so far */
+ Work->pivot_case = OUT_IN ;
+ bestcost = thiscost ;
+ Work->do_extend = do_extend ;
+ Work->do_update = do_update ;
+ new_fnzeros = fnzeros ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* evaluate OUT_OUT option */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (pivrow [OUT][OUT] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ did_rowmerge = (cdeg [OUT] == 0) ;
+ if (did_rowmerge)
+ {
+ /* pivrow [OUT][OUT] was found via row merge search */
+ /* it is not (yet) in the pivot column pattern (add it now) */
+ if (cdeg [OUT] >= max_cdeg)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern) ;
+ }
+ /* new entry in the pattern */
+ Wm [0] = pivrow [OUT][OUT] ;
+ cdeg [OUT] = 1 ;
+ ASSERT (nr_out == EMPTY) ;
+ nr_out = 1 ;
+ }
+ /* count rows not in current front */
+ if (nr_out == EMPTY)
+ {
+ nr_out = 0 ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ debug_ok = FALSE ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < cdeg [OUT] ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Wm [i] ;
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
+ if (Frpos [row] < 0 || Frpos [row] >= fnrows) nr_out++ ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* we must see the pivot row somewhere */
+ if (row == pivrow [OUT][OUT])
+ {
+ ASSERT (Frpos [row] < 0 || Frpos [row] >= fnrows) ;
+ debug_ok = TRUE ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (debug_ok) ;
+ }
+ /* count columns not in current front */
+ nc = 0 ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ debug_ok = FALSE ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < rdeg [OUT][OUT] ; i++)
+ {
+ col = Woo [i] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ if (Fcpos [col] < 0) nc++ ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* we must see the pivot column somewhere */
+ if (col == pivcol [OUT])
+ {
+ ASSERT (Fcpos [col] < 0) ;
+ debug_ok = TRUE ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (debug_ok) ;
+ extra_cols = (fncols + (nc-1)) - (rdeg [OUT][OUT] - 1) ;
+ extra_rows = (fnrows + (nr_out-1)) - (cdeg [OUT] - 1) ;
+ ASSERT (extra_rows >= 0) ;
+ ASSERT (extra_cols >= 0) ;
+ extra_zeros = ((nc-1) * extra_rows) + ((nr_out-1) * extra_cols) ;
+ ASSERT (fnrows + nr_out == cdeg [OUT] + extra_rows) ;
+ ASSERT (fncols + nc == rdeg [OUT][OUT] + extra_cols) ;
+ thiscost =
+ /* new columns: */
+ ((nc-1) * (cdeg [OUT]-1)) +
+ /* old columns in front grow by nr_out-1: */
+ ((nr_out-1) * (fncols - extra_cols)) ;
+ /* size of relaxed front: */
+ relaxed_front = (fncols + (nc-1)) * (fnrows + (nr_out-1)) ;
+ /* do relaxed amalgamation if the extra zeros are no more */
+ /* than a fraction (default 0.25) of the relaxed front */
+ /* if relax = 0: no extra zeros allowed */
+ /* if relax = +inf: always amalgamate */
+ if (did_rowmerge)
+ {
+ do_extend = FALSE ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* relax parameter uses a double relop, but ignore NaN case: */
+ do_extend = ((double) extra_zeros)
+ < (relax * (double) relaxed_front) ;
+ }
+ if (do_extend)
+ {
+ /* count the cost of relaxed amalgamation */
+ thiscost += extra_zeros ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Evaluating option OUT-OUT:\n")) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Work->fnzeros "ID" fnpiv "ID" nr_out "ID" nc "ID"\n",
+ Work->fnzeros, fnpiv, nr_out, nc)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("fncols "ID" fnrows "ID"\n", fncols, fnrows)) ;
+ /* determine if BLAS-3 update to be applied before extending. */
+ /* update if too many zero entries accumulate in the LU block */
+ fnzeros = Work->fnzeros + fnpiv * (nr_out + nc) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("fnzeros "ID"\n", fnzeros)) ;
+ new_LUsize = (fnpiv+1) * (fnrows + nr_out + fncols + nc) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("new_LUsize "ID"\n", new_LUsize)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("relax3 %g\n", relax3)) ;
+ /* relax3 parameter uses a double relop, but ignore NaN case: */
+ do_update = (((double) fnzeros) / ((double) new_LUsize)) > relax3 ;
+ DEBUG2 (("do_update "ID"\n", do_update))
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do_update = TRUE ;
+ fnzeros = 0 ;
+ DEBUG2 (("OUT-OUT do_update forced true: "ID"\n", do_update))
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("option OUT OUT: nr "ID" nc "ID" cost "ID"\n",
+ rdeg [OUT][OUT], cdeg[OUT], thiscost)) ;
+ if (bestcost == EMPTY || thiscost < bestcost)
+ {
+ /* this is the best option seen so far */
+ Work->pivot_case = OUT_OUT ;
+ bestcost = thiscost ;
+ Work->do_extend = do_extend ;
+ Work->do_update = do_update ;
+ new_fnzeros = fnzeros ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* At this point, a structural pivot has been found. */
+ /* It may be numerically zero, however. */
+ ASSERT (Work->pivot_case != EMPTY) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("local seach, best option "ID", best cost "ID"\n",
+ Work->pivot_case, bestcost)) ;
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* Pivot row and column, and extension, now determined */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ Work->fnzeros = new_fnzeros ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* finalize the pivot row and column */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ switch (Work->pivot_case)
+ {
+ case IN_IN:
+ DEBUG2 (("IN-IN option selected\n")) ;
+ Work->pivcol_in_front = TRUE ;
+ Work->pivrow_in_front = TRUE ;
+ Work->pivcol = pivcol [IN] ;
+ Work->pivrow = pivrow [IN][IN] ;
+ Work->Wcol = (Int *) NULL ; /* not accessed */
+ Work->ccdeg = nr_in ;
+ Work->Wrow = Fcols ;
+ Work->rrdeg = rdeg [IN][IN] ;
+ jj = jcand [IN] ;
+ break ;
+ case IN_OUT:
+ DEBUG2 (("IN-OUT option selected\n")) ;
+ Work->pivcol_in_front = TRUE ;
+ Work->pivrow_in_front = FALSE ;
+ Work->pivcol = pivcol [IN] ;
+ Work->pivrow = pivrow [IN][OUT] ;
+ Work->Wcol = (Int *) NULL ; /* not accessed */
+ Work->ccdeg = nr_in ;
+ Work->Wrow = Wio ;
+ Work->rrdeg = rdeg [IN][OUT] ;
+ jj = jcand [IN] ;
+ break ;
+ case OUT_IN:
+ DEBUG2 (("OUT-IN option selected\n")) ;
+ Work->pivcol_in_front = FALSE ;
+ Work->pivrow_in_front = TRUE ;
+ Work->pivcol = pivcol [OUT] ;
+ Work->pivrow = pivrow [OUT][IN] ;
+ Work->Wcol = Wm ;
+ Work->ccdeg = cdeg [OUT] ;
+ /* Wrow might be equivalenced to Fcols (Freebie in): */
+ Work->Wrow = Woi ;
+ Work->rrdeg = rdeg [OUT][IN] ;
+ /* Work->Wrow[0..fncols-1] is not there. See Fcols instead */
+ jj = jcand [OUT] ;
+ break ;
+ case OUT_OUT:
+ DEBUG2 (("OUT-OUT option selected\n")) ;
+ Work->pivcol_in_front = FALSE ;
+ Work->pivrow_in_front = FALSE ;
+ Work->pivcol = pivcol [OUT] ;
+ Work->pivrow = pivrow [OUT][OUT] ;
+ Work->Wcol = Wm ;
+ Work->ccdeg = cdeg [OUT] ;
+ /* Wrow might be equivalenced to Wio (Freebie out): */
+ Work->Wrow = Woo ;
+ Work->rrdeg = rdeg [OUT][OUT] ;
+ jj = jcand [OUT] ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ Wcol = Work->Wcol ;
+ if (!Work->pivcol_in_front && pivcol [IN] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* clear Frpos if pivcol [IN] was searched, but not selected */
+ for (i = fnrows ; i < cdeg [IN] ; i++)
+ {
+ Frpos [Frows [i]] = EMPTY;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* remove pivot column from candidate pivot column list */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ ASSERT (jj >= 0 && jj < jmax) ;
+ ASSERT (Work->pivcol == Work->Candidates [jj]) ;
+ if (Work->ncand > MAX_CANDIDATES)
+ {
+ Work->Candidates [jj] = Work->nextcand++ ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Work->Candidates [jj] = Work->Candidates [Work->ncand - 1] ;
+ Work->Candidates [Work->ncand - 1] = 0 ;
+ }
+ Work->ncand-- ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ if (!Work->pivcol_in_front)
+ {
+ DEBUG2 (("All of Wcol, size "ID"\n", Work->ccdeg)) ;
+ ASSERT (Wcol == Work->Wm) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < Work->ccdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Wcol [i] ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Wcol row "ID" Frpos[row] "ID"\n", row, Frpos [row])) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUG2 (("All of old Frows, size "ID"\n", fnrows)) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Frows [i] ;
+ DEBUG2 (("old Frows row "ID" Frpos[row] "ID"\n", row, Frpos [row]));
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("All of (new part of Frows), size "ID"\n",Work->ccdeg));
+ for (i = fnrows ; i < fnrows + Work->ccdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Frows [i] ;
+ DEBUG2 (("new Frows row "ID" Frpos[row] "ID"\n", row, Frpos [row])) ;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("All of Wrow, size "ID"\n", Work->rrdeg)) ;
+ if (Work->pivrow_in_front)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fncols ; i++)
+ {
+ col = Fcols [i] ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Wrow col "ID" Fcpos[col] "ID"\n", col, Fcpos [col])) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("---\n")) ;
+ for (i = fncols ; i < Work->rrdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ col = Work->Wrow [i] ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Wrow col "ID" Fcpos[col] "ID"\n", col, Fcpos [col])) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < Work->rrdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ col = Work->Wrow [i] ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Wrow col "ID" Fcpos[col] "ID"\n", col, Fcpos [col])) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* remove pivot row index from pattern of pivot column pattern, */
+ /* unless extend_front needs it. Compress the pivot column pattern. */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ src = 0 ;
+ dest = 0 ;
+ if (Work->pivcol_in_front)
+ {
+ pos = Frpos [Work->pivrow] ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ if ( Work->pivrow_in_front)
+ {
+ ASSERT (pos < fnrows && pos >= 0) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT (pos < cdeg [IN] && pos >= fnrows) ;
+ }
+ if (!Work->pivrow_in_front)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Work->ccdeg > 0) ;
+ ASSERT (cdeg [IN] > fnrows) ;
+ /* remove the pivot row index by shifting the last entry into */
+ /* its position */
+ cdeg [IN]-- ;
+ Work->ccdeg-- ;
+ row = Frows [cdeg [IN]] ;
+ Frows [pos] = row ;
+ Frpos [row] = pos ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (Work->do_extend)
+ {
+ /* all cases, when front is being extended */
+ for ( ; src < Work->ccdeg ; src++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Wcol == Work->Wm) ;
+ row = Wcol [src] ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Pruning Wcol, row "ID" (do_extend)", row)) ;
+ if (row != Work->pivrow && Frpos [row] < 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG2 ((" keep")) ;
+ Wcol [dest++] = row ;
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (Work->pivcol_in_front, Frpos [row] < 0)) ;
+ }
+ /* now Wcol contains only the new rows */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for ( ; src < Work->ccdeg ; src++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Wcol == Work->Wm) ;
+ row = Wcol [src] ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Pruning Wcol, row "ID" (no extend)", row)) ;
+ if (row != Work->pivrow)
+ {
+ DEBUG2 ((" keep")) ;
+ Wcol [dest++] = row ;
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ Work->ccdeg = dest ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* determine whether to do scan2-row and scan2-col */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (Work->do_extend)
+ {
+ Work->do_scan2row = (fncols > 0) ;
+ Work->do_scan2col = (fnrows > 0) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Work->do_scan2row = (fncols > 0) && Work->pivrow_in_front ;
+ Work->do_scan2col = (fnrows > 0) && Work->pivcol_in_front ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG2 (("LOCAL SEARCH DONE: pivot column "ID" pivot row: "ID,
+ Work->pivcol, Work->pivrow)) ;
+ DEBUG2 ((" do_extend: "ID"\n", Work->do_extend)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("do_update: "ID"\n", Work->do_update)) ;
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (0, Numeric, Work, Work->pivrow, TRUE) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Pivot Wrow "ID":\n", Work->pivrow)) ;
+ if (Work->pivrow_in_front || Work->do_extend)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fncols ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG3 ((" col:: "ID" \n", Fcols [i])) ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = ((Work->pivrow_in_front) ? fncols : 0) ; i < Work->rrdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ if (col != Work->pivcol && Fcpos [col] < 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG3 ((" col:: "ID" (new)\n", Work->Wrow [i])) ;
+ }
+ }
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (1, Numeric, Work, Work->pivcol, TRUE) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Pivot "ID":\n", Work->pivcol)) ;
+ if (Work->pivcol_in_front || Work->do_extend)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG3 ((" row:: "ID" \n", Frows [i])) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Work->pivcol_in_front)
+ {
+ for (i = fnrows ; i < fnrows + Work->ccdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Frows [i] ;
+ DEBUG3 ((" row:: "ID" (new, in Frows already)\n", Frows [i])) ;
+ ASSERT (row != Work->pivrow) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < Work->ccdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Wcol == Work->Wm) ;
+ row = Wcol [i] ;
+ DEBUG3 ((" row:: "ID" (new)\n", row)) ;
+ ASSERT (row != Work->pivrow) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Pivot row and column have been found */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /*
+ If pivot column index is in the front:
+ pivot column pattern (or just extension) is in
+ Work->Wcol [0..Work->ccdeg-1]
+ otherwise
+ pivot column pattern is in Frows [0.. fnrows + Work->ccdeg-1],
+ and Frpos [row] is already set properly.
+ In both cases, the pivot row index has been removed from
+ the pivot column pattern.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ If pivot row index is in the front:
+ pivot row pattern (or just extension) is in
+ Work->Wrow [fncols..Work->rrdeg-1]
+ otherwise
+ pivot row pattern is in Work->Wrow [0..Work->rrdeg-1]
+ The pivot row pattern has not been pruned.
+ */
+ return (UMFPACK_OK) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_lsolve.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_lsolve.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e091b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_lsolve.c
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_lsolve =========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* solves Lx = b, where L is the lower triangular factor of a matrix */
+/* B is overwritten with the solution X. */
+/* Returns the floating point operation count */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL double UMF_lsolve
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ Entry X [ ], /* b on input, solution x on output */
+ Int Pattern [ ] /* a work array of size n */
+ Int k, deg, *ip, j, row, *Lpos, *Lilen, *Lip, llen, lp, newLchain,
+ pos, npiv ;
+ Entry *xp, xk ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (Numeric->n_row != Numeric->n_col) return (0.) ;
+ npiv = Numeric->npiv ;
+ Lpos = Numeric->Lpos ;
+ Lilen = Numeric->Lilen ;
+ Lip = Numeric->Lip ;
+ deg = 0 ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG4 (("Lsolve start:\n")) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < Numeric->n_row ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("Lsolve start "ID": ", j)) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (X [j]) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < npiv ; k++)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* make column of L in Pattern [0..deg-1] */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ lp = Lip [k] ;
+ newLchain = (lp < 0) ;
+ if (newLchain)
+ {
+ lp = -lp ;
+ deg = 0 ;
+ DEBUG4 (("start of chain for column of L\n")) ;
+ }
+ /* remove pivot row */
+ pos = Lpos [k] ;
+ if (pos != EMPTY)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 ((" k "ID" removing row "ID" at position "ID"\n",
+ k, Pattern [pos], pos)) ;
+ ASSERT (!newLchain) ;
+ ASSERT (deg > 0) ;
+ ASSERT (pos >= 0 && pos < deg) ;
+ ASSERT (Pattern [pos] == k) ;
+ Pattern [pos] = Pattern [--deg] ;
+ }
+ /* concatenate the pattern */
+ ip = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + lp) ;
+ llen = Lilen [k] ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < llen ; j++)
+ {
+ row = *ip++ ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" row "ID" k "ID"\n", row, k)) ;
+ ASSERT (row > k) ;
+ Pattern [deg++] = row ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* use column k of L */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ xk = X [k] ;
+ if (IS_NONZERO (xk))
+ {
+ xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + lp + UNITS (Int, llen)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 ((" row "ID" k "ID" value", Pattern [j], k)) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (*xp) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ /* X [Pattern [j]] -= xk * (*xp) ; */
+ MULT_SUB (X [Pattern [j]], xk, *xp) ;
+ xp++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (j = 0 ; j < Numeric->n_row ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("Lsolve done "ID": ", j)) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (X [j]) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG4 (("Lsolve done.\n")) ;
+ return (MULTSUB_FLOPS * ((double) Numeric->lnz)) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_ltsolve.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_ltsolve.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..238bfba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_ltsolve.c
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_ltsolve ========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Solves L'x = b or L.'x=b, where L is the lower triangular factor of a */
+/* matrix. B is overwritten with the solution X. */
+/* Returns the floating point operation count */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL double
+UMF_lhsolve /* solve L'x=b (complex conjugate transpose) */
+UMF_ltsolve /* solve L.'x=b (array transpose) */
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ Entry X [ ], /* b on input, solution x on output */
+ Int Pattern [ ] /* a work array of size n */
+ Int k, deg, *ip, j, row, *Lpos, *Lilen, kstart, kend, *Lip, llen,
+ lp, pos, npiv ;
+ Entry *xp, xk ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (Numeric->n_row != Numeric->n_col) return (0.) ;
+ npiv = Numeric->npiv ;
+ Lpos = Numeric->Lpos ;
+ Lilen = Numeric->Lilen ;
+ Lip = Numeric->Lip ;
+ kstart = npiv ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG4 (("Ltsolve start:\n")) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < Numeric->n_row ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("Ltsolve start "ID": ", j)) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (X [j]) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ for (kend = npiv-1 ; kend >= 0 ; kend = kstart-1)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* find the start of this Lchain */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* for (kstart = kend ; kstart >= 0 && Lip [kstart] > 0 ; kstart--) ; */
+ kstart = kend ;
+ while (kstart >= 0 && Lip [kstart] > 0)
+ {
+ kstart-- ;
+ }
+ /* the Lchain goes from kstart to kend */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* scan the whole chain to find the pattern of the last column of L */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ deg = 0 ;
+ DEBUG4 (("start of chain for column of L\n")) ;
+ for (k = kstart ; k <= kend ; k++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < npiv) ;
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* make column k of L in Pattern [0..deg-1] */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* remove pivot row */
+ pos = Lpos [k] ;
+ if (pos != EMPTY)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 ((" k "ID" removing row "ID" at position "ID"\n",
+ k, Pattern [pos], pos)) ;
+ ASSERT (k != kstart) ;
+ ASSERT (deg > 0) ;
+ ASSERT (pos >= 0 && pos < deg) ;
+ ASSERT (Pattern [pos] == k) ;
+ Pattern [pos] = Pattern [--deg] ;
+ }
+ /* concatenate the pattern */
+ lp = Lip [k] ;
+ if (k == kstart)
+ {
+ lp = -lp ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (lp > 0) ;
+ ip = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + lp) ;
+ llen = Lilen [k] ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < llen ; j++)
+ {
+ row = *ip++ ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" row "ID" k "ID"\n", row, k)) ;
+ ASSERT (row > k) ;
+ Pattern [deg++] = row ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Pattern [0..deg-1] is now the pattern of column kend */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* solve using this chain, in reverse order */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ DEBUG4 (("Unwinding Lchain\n")) ;
+ for (k = kend ; k >= kstart ; k--)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* use column k of L */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < npiv) ;
+ lp = Lip [k] ;
+ if (k == kstart)
+ {
+ lp = -lp ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (lp > 0) ;
+ llen = Lilen [k] ;
+ xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + lp + UNITS (Int, llen)) ;
+ xk = X [k] ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 ((" row "ID" k "ID" value", Pattern [j], k)) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (*xp) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ /* xk -= X [Pattern [j]] * conjugate (*xp) ; */
+ MULT_SUB_CONJ (xk, X [Pattern [j]], *xp) ;
+ /* xk -= X [Pattern [j]] * (*xp) ; */
+ MULT_SUB (xk, X [Pattern [j]], *xp) ;
+ xp++ ;
+ }
+ X [k] = xk ;
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct column k-1 of L */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* un-concatenate the pattern */
+ deg -= llen ;
+ /* add pivot row */
+ pos = Lpos [k] ;
+ if (pos != EMPTY)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 ((" k "ID" adding row "ID" at position "ID"\n",
+ k, k, pos)) ;
+ ASSERT (k != kstart) ;
+ ASSERT (pos >= 0 && pos <= deg) ;
+ Pattern [deg++] = Pattern [pos] ;
+ Pattern [pos] = k ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (j = 0 ; j < Numeric->n_row ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("Ltsolve done "ID": ", j)) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (X [j]) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG4 (("Ltsolve done.\n")) ;
+ return (MULTSUB_FLOPS * ((double) Numeric->lnz)) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_malloc.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_malloc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98f5567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_malloc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_malloc =========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Allocate a block of n objects, each of a given size. This routine does not
+ handle the case when the size is 1 (allocating char's) because of potential
+ integer overflow. UMFPACK never does that.
+ Also maintains the UMFPACK malloc count.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#if defined (UMF_MALLOC_COUNT) || !defined (NDEBUG)
+ UMF_malloc_count is a count of the objects malloc'd by UMFPACK.
+ It is increased by 7 by UMFPACK_*symbolic, and by 15 or 16 by
+ UMFPACK_*numeric. It is reduced by the same amount by the corresponding
+ UMFPACK_free_* routines. If you suspect a memory leak in your program
+ (caused by not properly destroying the Symbolic and Numeric objects)
+ then compile with -DUMF_MALLOC_COUNT and check value of UMF_malloc_count.
+ By default, UMF_MALLOC_COUNT is not defined, and thus UMFPACK has
+ no global variables.
+GLOBAL Int UMF_malloc_count = 0 ;
+GLOBAL void *UMF_malloc
+ Int n_objects,
+ size_t size_of_object
+ size_t size ;
+ void *p ;
+ /* For exhaustive statement coverage testing only! */
+ /* Pretend to fail, to test out-of-memory conditions. */
+ umf_fail-- ;
+ if (umf_fail <= umf_fail_hi && umf_fail >= umf_fail_lo) { return ((void *) NULL) ; }
+ /* make sure that we allocate something */
+ n_objects = MAX (1, n_objects) ;
+ size = (size_t) n_objects ;
+ ASSERT (size_of_object > 1) ;
+ if (size > Int_MAX / size_of_object)
+ {
+ /* object is too big for integer pointer arithmetic */
+ return ((void *) NULL) ;
+ }
+ size *= size_of_object ;
+ /* see umf_config.h for the memory allocator selection */
+ p = ALLOCATE (size) ;
+#if defined (UMF_MALLOC_COUNT) || !defined (NDEBUG)
+ if (p)
+ {
+ /* One more object has been malloc'ed. Keep track of the count. */
+ /* (purely for sanity checks). */
+ UMF_malloc_count++ ;
+ }
+ return (p) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_alloc_element.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_alloc_element.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac45b51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_alloc_element.c
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_mem_alloc_element ================================================ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* The UMF_mem_* routines manage the Numeric->Memory memory space. */
+/* Allocate a nrows-by-ncols element, and initialize it. */
+/* Returns the index into Numeric->Memory if successful, or 0 on failure. */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_mem_alloc_tail_block.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMF_mem_alloc_element
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ Int nrows,
+ Int ncols,
+ Int **Rows,
+ Int **Cols,
+ Entry **C,
+ Int *size,
+ Element **epout
+ Element *ep ;
+ Unit *p ;
+ Int i ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric) ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric->Memory) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_allocfail = FALSE ;
+ if (UMF_gprob > 0)
+ {
+ double rrr = ((double) (rand ( ))) / (((double) RAND_MAX) + 1) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("Check random %e %e\n", rrr, UMF_gprob)) ;
+ UMF_allocfail = rrr < UMF_gprob ; /* a double relop, but ignore NaN case */
+ if (UMF_allocfail)
+ {
+ DEBUG0 (("Random garbage collection (alloc_element)\n"));
+ }
+ }
+ *size = GET_ELEMENT_SIZE (nrows, ncols) ;
+ if (INT_OVERFLOW (DGET_ELEMENT_SIZE (nrows, ncols) + 1))
+ {
+ DEBUG0 (("alloc element failed - problem too large\n")) ;
+ return (0) ; /* problem is too large */
+ }
+ i = UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block (Numeric, *size) ;
+ (*size)++ ;
+ if (!i)
+ {
+ DEBUG0 (("alloc element failed - out of memory\n")) ;
+ return (0) ; /* out of memory */
+ }
+ p = Numeric->Memory + i ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ DEBUG2 (("alloc_element done ("ID" x "ID"): p: "ID" i "ID"\n",
+ nrows, ncols, p-Numeric->Memory, i)) ;
+ /* Element data structure, in order: */
+ p += UNITS (Element, 1) ; /* (1) Element header */
+ *Cols = (Int *) p ; /* (2) col [0..ncols-1] indices */
+ *Rows = *Cols + ncols ; /* (3) row [0..nrows-1] indices */
+ p += UNITS (Int, ncols + nrows) ;
+ *C = (Entry *) p ; /* (4) C [0..nrows-1, 0..ncols-1] */
+ ep->nrows = nrows ; /* initialize the header information */
+ ep->ncols = ncols ;
+ ep->nrowsleft = nrows ;
+ ep->ncolsleft = ncols ;
+ ep->cdeg = 0 ;
+ ep->rdeg = 0 ;
+ ep->next = EMPTY ;
+ DEBUG2 (("new block size: "ID" ", GET_BLOCK_SIZE (Numeric->Memory + i))) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Element size needed "ID"\n", GET_ELEMENT_SIZE (nrows, ncols))) ;
+ *epout = ep ;
+ /* return the offset into Numeric->Memory */
+ return (i) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_alloc_head_block.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_alloc_head_block.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d62a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_alloc_head_block.c
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_mem_alloc_head_block ============================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* The UMF_mem_* routines manage the Numeric->Memory memory space. */
+/* allocate nunits from head of Numeric->Memory. No header allocated. */
+/* Returns the index into Numeric->Memory if successful, or 0 on failure. */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMF_mem_alloc_head_block
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ Int nunits
+ Int p, usage ;
+ DEBUG2 (("GET BLOCK: from head, size "ID" ", nunits)) ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric) ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric->Memory) ;
+ if (nunits > (Numeric->itail - Numeric->ihead))
+ {
+ DEBUG2 ((" failed\n")) ;
+ return (0) ;
+ }
+ /* return p as an offset from Numeric->Memory */
+ p = Numeric->ihead ;
+ Numeric->ihead += nunits ;
+ DEBUG2 ((ID"\n", p)) ;
+ usage = Numeric->ihead + Numeric->tail_usage ;
+ Numeric->max_usage = MAX (Numeric->max_usage, usage) ;
+ return (p) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_alloc_tail_block.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_alloc_tail_block.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8f9b39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_alloc_tail_block.c
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block ============================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* The UMF_mem_* routines manage the Numeric->Memory memory space. */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+/* allocate nunits from tail of Numeric->Memory */
+/* (requires nunits+1, for header). */
+/* Returns the index into Numeric->Memory if successful, or 0 on failure. */
+GLOBAL Int UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ Int nunits
+ Int bigsize, usage ;
+ Unit *p, *pnext, *pbig ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric) ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric->Memory) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ if (UMF_allocfail)
+ {
+ /* pretend to fail, to test garbage_collection */
+ UMF_allocfail = FALSE ; /* don't fail the next time */
+ return (0) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block, size: "ID" + 1 = "ID": ",
+ nunits, nunits+1)) ;
+ bigsize = 0 ;
+ pbig = (Unit *) NULL ;
+ ASSERT (nunits > 0) ; /* size must be positive */
+ if (Numeric->ibig != EMPTY)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Numeric->ibig > Numeric->itail) ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric->ibig < Numeric->size) ;
+ pbig = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->ibig ;
+ bigsize = -pbig->header.size ;
+ ASSERT (bigsize > 0) ; /* Numeric->ibig is free */
+ ASSERT (pbig->header.prevsize >= 0) ; /* prev. is not free */
+ }
+ if (pbig && bigsize >= nunits)
+ {
+ /* use the biggest block, somewhere in middle of memory */
+ p = pbig ;
+ pnext = p + 1 + bigsize ;
+ /* next is in range */
+ ASSERT (pnext < Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size) ;
+ /* prevsize of next = this size */
+ ASSERT (pnext->header.prevsize == bigsize) ;
+ /* next is not free */
+ ASSERT (pnext->header.size > 0) ;
+ bigsize -= nunits + 1 ;
+ if (bigsize < 4)
+ {
+ /* internal fragmentation would be too small */
+ /* allocate the entire free block */
+ p->header.size = -p->header.size ;
+ DEBUG2 (("GET BLOCK: p: "ID" size: "ID", all of big: "ID" size: "
+ ID"\n", p-Numeric->Memory, nunits, Numeric->ibig,
+ p->header.size)) ;
+ /* no more biggest block */
+ Numeric->ibig = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* allocate just the first nunits Units of the free block */
+ p->header.size = nunits ;
+ /* make a new free block */
+ Numeric->ibig += nunits + 1 ;
+ pbig = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->ibig ;
+ pbig->header.size = -bigsize ;
+ pbig->header.prevsize = nunits ;
+ pnext->header.prevsize = bigsize ;
+ DEBUG2 (("GET BLOCK: p: "ID" size: "ID", some of big: "ID" left: "
+ ID"\n", p-Numeric->Memory, nunits, Numeric->ibig, bigsize)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* allocate from the top of tail */
+ pnext = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail ;
+ DEBUG2 (("GET BLOCK: from tail ")) ;
+ if ((nunits + 1) > (Numeric->itail - Numeric->ihead))
+ {
+ DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ return (0) ;
+ }
+ Numeric->itail -= (nunits + 1) ;
+ p = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail ;
+ p->header.size = nunits ;
+ p->header.prevsize = 0 ;
+ pnext->header.prevsize = nunits ;
+ DEBUG2 (("p: "ID" size: "ID", new tail "ID"\n",
+ p-Numeric->Memory, nunits, Numeric->itail)) ;
+ }
+ Numeric->tail_usage += p->header.size + 1 ;
+ usage = Numeric->ihead + Numeric->tail_usage ;
+ Numeric->max_usage = MAX (Numeric->max_usage, usage) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_debug -= 10 ;
+ UMF_dump_memory (Numeric) ;
+ UMF_debug += 10 ;
+ /* p points to the header. Add one to point to the usable block itself. */
+ /* return the offset into Numeric->Memory */
+ return ((p - Numeric->Memory) + 1) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_free_tail_block.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_free_tail_block.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..520277f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_free_tail_block.c
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_mem_free_tail_block ============================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* The UMF_mem_* routines manage the Numeric->Memory memory space. */
+/* free a block from the tail of Numeric->memory */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL void UMF_mem_free_tail_block
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ Int i
+ Unit *pprev, *pnext, *p, *pbig ;
+ Int sprev ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric) ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric->Memory) ;
+ if (i == EMPTY || i == 0) return ; /* already deallocated */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get the block */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ p = Numeric->Memory + i ;
+ p-- ; /* get the corresponding header */
+ DEBUG2 (("free block: p: "ID, p-Numeric->Memory)) ;
+ ASSERT (p >= Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail) ;
+ ASSERT (p < Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size) ;
+ ASSERT (p->header.size > 0) ; /* block not already free */
+ ASSERT (p->header.prevsize >= 0) ;
+ Numeric->tail_usage -= p->header.size + 1 ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* merge with next free block, if any */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ pnext = p + 1 + p->header.size ;
+ DEBUG2 (("size: "ID" next: "ID" ", p->header.size, pnext-Numeric->Memory)) ;
+ ASSERT (pnext < Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size) ;
+ ASSERT (pnext->header.prevsize == p->header.size) ;
+ ASSERT (pnext->header.size != 0) ;
+ if (pnext->header.size < 0)
+ {
+ /* next block is also free - merge with current block */
+ p->header.size += (-pnext->header.size) + 1 ;
+ DEBUG2 ((" NEXT FREE ")) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* merge with previous free block, if any */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ if (p == Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail)
+ {
+ DEBUG2 ((" at top of tail ")) ;
+ ASSERT (p->header.prevsize == 0) ;
+ }
+ if (p > Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail)
+ {
+ ASSERT (p->header.prevsize > 0) ;
+ pprev = p - 1 - p->header.prevsize ;
+ DEBUG2 ((" prev: "ID" ", pprev-Numeric->Memory)) ;
+ ASSERT (pprev >= Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail) ;
+ sprev = pprev->header.size ;
+ if (sprev < 0)
+ {
+ /* previous block is also free - merge it with current block */
+ ASSERT (p->header.prevsize == -sprev) ;
+ pprev->header.size = p->header.size + (-sprev) + 1 ;
+ p = pprev ;
+ DEBUG2 ((" PREV FREE ")) ;
+ /* note that p may now point to Numeric->itail */
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT (p->header.prevsize == sprev) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* free the block, p */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ pnext = p + 1 + p->header.size ;
+ ASSERT (pnext < Numeric->Memory + Numeric->size) ;
+ if (p == Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail)
+ {
+ /* top block in list is freed */
+ Numeric->itail = pnext - Numeric->Memory ;
+ pnext->header.prevsize = 0 ;
+ DEBUG2 ((" NEW TAIL : "ID" ", Numeric->itail)) ;
+ ASSERT (pnext->header.size > 0) ;
+ if (Numeric->ibig != EMPTY && Numeric->ibig <= Numeric->itail)
+ {
+ /* the big free block is now above the tail */
+ Numeric->ibig = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* keep track of the biggest free block seen */
+ if (Numeric->ibig == EMPTY)
+ {
+ Numeric->ibig = p - Numeric->Memory ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pbig = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->ibig ;
+ if (-(pbig->header.size) < p->header.size)
+ {
+ Numeric->ibig = p - Numeric->Memory ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* flag the block as free, somewhere in the middle of the tail */
+ pnext->header.prevsize = p->header.size ;
+ p->header.size = -p->header.size ;
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("new p: "ID" freesize: "ID"\n", p-Numeric->Memory,
+ -p->header.size)) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_debug -= 10 ;
+ UMF_dump_memory (Numeric) ;
+ UMF_debug += 10 ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_init_memoryspace.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_init_memoryspace.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4d1c5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_mem_init_memoryspace.c
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_mem_init_memoryspace ============================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* The UMF_mem_* routines manage the Numeric->Memory memory space. */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+/* initialize the LU and element workspace (Numeric->Memory) */
+GLOBAL void UMF_mem_init_memoryspace
+ NumericType *Numeric
+ Unit *p ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric) ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric->size >= 4) ;
+ DEBUG0 (("Init memory space, size "ID"\n", Numeric->size)) ;
+ Numeric->ngarbage = 0 ;
+ Numeric->nrealloc = 0 ;
+ Numeric->ncostly = 0 ;
+ Numeric->ibig = EMPTY ;
+ Numeric->ihead = 0 ;
+ Numeric->itail = Numeric->size ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_allocfail = FALSE ;
+ /* allocate the 2-unit tail marker block and initialize it */
+ Numeric->itail -= 2 ;
+ p = Numeric->Memory + Numeric->itail ;
+ DEBUG2 (("p "ID" tail "ID"\n", p-Numeric->Memory, Numeric->itail)) ;
+ Numeric->tail_usage = 2 ;
+ p->header.prevsize = 0 ;
+ p->header.size = 1 ;
+ /* allocate a 1-unit head marker block at the head of memory */
+ /* this is done so that an offset of zero is treated as a NULL pointer */
+ Numeric->ihead++ ;
+ /* initial usage in Numeric->Memory */
+ Numeric->max_usage = 3 ;
+ Numeric->init_usage = Numeric->max_usage ;
+ /* Note that UMFPACK_*symbolic ensures that Numeric->Memory is of size */
+ /* at least 3, so this initialization will always succeed. */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG2 (("init_memoryspace, all free (except one unit at head\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_memory (Numeric) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_order_front_tree.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_order_front_tree.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d322c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_order_front_tree.c
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_order_front_tree ================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Post-ordering of supernodal column elimination tree.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMF_order_front_tree
+ Int root,
+ Int k,
+ Int Front_child [ ], /* input argument, destroyed */
+ const Int Front_sibling [ ],
+ Int Front_order [ ],
+ Int Stack [ ]
+ Int f, head, h, i ;
+/* recursive version (Stack [ ] is not used):
+ i = root ;
+ for (f = Front_child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Front_sibling [f])
+ {
+ k = UMF_order_front_tree (f, k, Front_child, Front_sibling,
+ Front_order) ;
+ }
+ Front_order [i] = k++ ;
+ return (k) ;
+ /* push root on the stack */
+ head = 0 ;
+ Stack [0] = root ;
+ while (head >= 0)
+ {
+ /* get head of stack */
+ i = Stack [head] ;
+ DEBUG1 (("head of stack "ID" \n", i)) ;
+ ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < UMF_nbug && head <= UMF_fbug) ;
+ if (Front_child [i] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* the children of i are not yet ordered */
+ /* push each child onto the stack in reverse order */
+ /* so that small ones at the head of the list get popped first */
+ /* and the biggest one at the end of the list gets popped last */
+ for (f = Front_child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Front_sibling [f])
+ {
+ head++ ;
+ }
+ h = head ;
+ ASSERT (head <= UMF_fbug) ;
+ for (f = Front_child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Front_sibling [f])
+ {
+ Stack [h--] = f ;
+ DEBUG1 (("push "ID" on stack\n", f)) ;
+ ASSERT (f >= 0 && f < UMF_nbug) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (Stack [h] == i) ;
+ /* delete child list so that i gets ordered next time we see it */
+ Front_child [i] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* the children of i (if there were any) are already ordered */
+ /* remove i from the stack and order it. Front i is kth front */
+ head-- ;
+ DEBUG1 (("pop "ID" order "ID"\n", i, k)) ;
+ Front_order [i] = k++ ;
+ ASSERT (k <= UMF_fbug) ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG1 (("\nStack:")) ;
+ for (h = head ; h >= 0 ; h--)
+ {
+ Int j = Stack [h] ;
+ DEBUG1 ((" "ID, j)) ;
+ ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < UMF_nbug) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG1 (("\n\n")) ;
+ ASSERT (head < UMF_fbug) ;
+ }
+ return (k) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_realloc.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_realloc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34ccc68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_realloc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_realloc ========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Realloc a block previously allocated by UMF_malloc.
+ Return NULL on failure (in which case the block is still allocated, and will
+ be kept at is present size). This routine is only used for Numeric->Memory.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL void *UMF_realloc
+ void *p,
+ Int n_objects,
+ size_t size_of_object
+ size_t size ;
+ /* For exhaustive statement coverage testing only! */
+ /* Pretend to fail, to test out-of-memory conditions. */
+ umf_realloc_fail-- ;
+ if (umf_realloc_fail <= umf_realloc_hi && umf_realloc_fail >= umf_realloc_lo) { return ((void *) NULL) ; }
+ /* make sure that we allocate something */
+ n_objects = MAX (1, n_objects) ;
+ size = (size_t) n_objects ;
+ ASSERT (size_of_object > 1) ;
+ if (size > Int_MAX / size_of_object)
+ {
+ /* object is too big for integer pointer arithmetic */
+ return ((void *) NULL) ;
+ }
+ size *= size_of_object ;
+ DEBUG0 (("UMF_realloc n_objects "ID" size_of_object "ID"\n",
+ n_objects, (Int) size_of_object)) ;
+ /* see umf_config.h for the memory allocator selection */
+ return (REALLOCATE (p, size)) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_row_search.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_row_search.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d65afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_row_search.c
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_row_search ======================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Find two candidate pivot rows in a column: the best one in the front,
+ and the best one not in the front. Return the two pivot row patterns and
+ their exact degrees. Called by UMF_local_search.
+ Returns UMFPACK_OK if successful, or UMFPACK_WARNING_singular_matrix or
+ UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern if not.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#define IN 0
+#define OUT 1
+GLOBAL Int UMF_row_search
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work,
+ SymbolicType *Symbolic,
+ Int cdeg, /* length of column */
+ const Int Pattern [ ], /* pattern of column */
+ Int pivrow [2], /* pivrow [IN] and pivrow [OUT] */
+ Int rdeg [2], /* rdeg [IN] and rdeg [OUT] */
+ Int W_i [ ], /* pattern of pivrow [IN], */
+ /* either Fcols or Woi */
+ Int W_o [ ], /* pattern of pivrow [OUT], */
+ /* either Wio or Woo */
+ Int prior_pivrow [2], /* the two other rows just scanned, if any */
+ const Entry Fcol [ ], /* numerical values in column */
+ /* (a column in the front) */
+ Int pivcol, /* the candidate column being searched */
+ Int freebie [ ]
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ double maxval, toler, value ;
+ Int i, row, deg, *Wp, col, *Frpos, fnrows, *E, j, ncols, *Cols, *Rows,
+ e, f, wpflag, *Fcpos, fncols, tpi, max_rdeg, nans_in_col ;
+ Tuple *tp, *tpend, *tp1, *tp2 ;
+ Unit *Memory, *p ;
+ Element *ep ;
+ Int *Row_tuples, *Row_degree, *Row_tlen ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ;
+ Row_tuples = Numeric->Uip ;
+ Row_tlen = Numeric->Uilen ;
+ Wp = Work->Wp ;
+ Frpos = Work->Frpos ;
+ E = Work->E ;
+ Memory = Numeric->Memory ;
+ fnrows = Work->fnrows ;
+ /* pivot row degree cannot exceed max_rdeg */
+ max_rdeg = Work->fncols_max - Work->fnpiv ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* scan pivot column for candidate rows */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ maxval = 0.0 ;
+ nans_in_col = FALSE ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < cdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ APPROX_ABS (value, Fcol [i]) ;
+ if (SCALAR_IS_NAN (value))
+ {
+ nans_in_col = TRUE ;
+ maxval = value ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ /* This test can now ignore the NaN case: */
+ maxval = MAX (maxval, value) ;
+ }
+ /* if maxval is zero, the matrix is numerically singular */
+ toler = Numeric->relpt * maxval ;
+ if (SCALAR_IS_ZERO (toler))
+ {
+ /* guard against underflow, and relpt=0 means relpt=1 */
+ toler = maxval ;
+ }
+ DEBUG5 (("Row_search begins [ maxval %g toler %g\n", maxval, toler)) ;
+ if (SCALAR_IS_NAN (toler))
+ {
+ nans_in_col = TRUE ;
+ }
+ if (!nans_in_col)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < cdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ double a ;
+ APPROX_ABS (a, Fcol [i]) ;
+ /* No NaN's exist in this column */
+ ASSERT (!SCALAR_IS_NAN (toler)) ;
+ if (a >= toler) /* a double relop, but no NaN's exist here. */
+ {
+ row = Pattern [i] ;
+ deg = Row_degree [row] ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG6 ((ID" Candidate row "ID" deg "ID" absval %g\n", i, row,
+ deg, a)) ;
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (0, Numeric, Work, row, TRUE) ;
+ if (Frpos [row] >= 0 && Frpos [row] < fnrows)
+ {
+ /* row is in the current front */
+ DEBUG4 ((" in front\n")) ;
+ if (deg < rdeg [IN]
+ || (deg == rdeg [IN] && row < pivrow [IN]))
+ {
+ /* best row in front, so far */
+ pivrow [IN] = row ;
+ rdeg [IN] = deg ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* row is not in the current front */
+ DEBUG4 ((" NOT in front\n")) ;
+ if (deg < rdeg [OUT]
+ || (deg == rdeg[OUT] && row < pivrow[OUT]))
+ {
+ /* best row not in front, so far */
+ pivrow [OUT] = row ;
+ rdeg [OUT] = deg ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* if cdeg > 0 then we must have found a pivot row ... unless NaN's */
+ /* exist. Try with no numerical tests if no pivot found. */
+ if (cdeg > 0 && pivrow [IN] == EMPTY && pivrow [OUT] == EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* cleanup for the NaN case */
+ DEBUG0 (("Found a NaN in pivot column!\n")) ;
+ /* grab the first entry in the pivot column, ignoring degree and */
+ /* numerical stability. */
+ row = Pattern [0] ;
+ deg = Row_degree [row] ;
+ if (Frpos [row] >= 0 && Frpos [row] < fnrows)
+ {
+ /* row is in the current front */
+ DEBUG4 ((" in front\n")) ;
+ pivrow [IN] = row ;
+ rdeg [IN] = deg ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* row is not in the current front */
+ DEBUG4 ((" NOT in front\n")) ;
+ pivrow [OUT] = row ;
+ rdeg [OUT] = deg ;
+ }
+ /* We are now guaranteed to have a pivot, no matter how broken */
+ /* (non-IEEE compliant) the underlying numerical operators are. */
+ /* This is particularly a problem for Microsoft compilers (they do */
+ /* not handle NaN's properly). Now try to find a sparser pivot, if */
+ /* possible. */
+ for (i = 1 ; i < cdeg ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Pattern [i] ;
+ deg = Row_degree [row] ;
+ if (Frpos [row] >= 0 && Frpos [row] < fnrows)
+ {
+ /* row is in the current front */
+ DEBUG4 ((" in front\n")) ;
+ if (deg < rdeg [IN] || (deg == rdeg [IN] && row < pivrow [IN]))
+ {
+ /* best row in front, so far */
+ pivrow [IN] = row ;
+ rdeg [IN] = deg ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* row is not in the current front */
+ DEBUG4 ((" NOT in front\n")) ;
+ if (deg < rdeg [OUT] || (deg == rdeg[OUT] && row < pivrow[OUT]))
+ {
+ /* best row not in front, so far */
+ pivrow [OUT] = row ;
+ rdeg [OUT] = deg ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* We found a pivot if there are entries (even zero ones) in pivot col */
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (cdeg > 0, pivrow [IN] != EMPTY || pivrow [OUT] != EMPTY)) ;
+ /* If there are no entries in the pivot column, then no pivot is found */
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (cdeg== 0, pivrow [IN] == EMPTY && pivrow [OUT] == EMPTY)) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* check for singular matrix */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (cdeg == 0)
+ {
+ if (fnrows > 0)
+ {
+ /*
+ Get the pivrow [OUT][IN] from the current front.
+ The frontal matrix looks like this:
+ pivcol[OUT]
+ |
+ v
+ x x x x 0 <- so grab this row as the pivrow [OUT][IN].
+ x x x x 0
+ x x x x 0
+ 0 0 0 0 0
+ The current frontal matrix has some rows in it. The degree
+ of the pivcol[OUT] is zero. The column is empty, and the
+ current front does not contribute to it.
+ */
+ pivrow [IN] = Work->Frows [0] ;
+ DEBUG0 (("Got zero pivrow[OUT][IN] "ID" from current front\n",
+ pivrow [IN])) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ Get a pivot row from the row-merge tree, use as
+ pivrow [OUT][OUT]. pivrow [IN] remains EMPTY.
+ This can only happen if the current front is 0-by-0.
+ */
+ Int *Front_leftmostdesc, *Front_1strow, *Front_new1strow, row1,
+ row2, fleftmost, nfr, n_row, frontid ;
+ ASSERT (Work->fncols == 0) ;
+ Front_leftmostdesc = Symbolic->Front_leftmostdesc ;
+ Front_1strow = Symbolic->Front_1strow ;
+ Front_new1strow = Work->Front_new1strow ;
+ nfr = Symbolic->nfr ;
+ n_row = Numeric->n_row ;
+ frontid = Work->frontid ;
+ DEBUG0 (("Warning: pivcol: "ID" is empty front "ID"\n",
+ pivcol, frontid)) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG1 (("Calling dump rowmerge\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_rowmerge (Numeric, Symbolic, Work) ;
+ /* Row-merge set is the non-pivotal rows in the range */
+ /* Front_new1strow [Front_leftmostdesc [frontid]] to */
+ /* Front_1strow [frontid+1] - 1. */
+ /* If this is empty, then use the empty rows, in the range */
+ /* Front_new1strow [nfr] to n_row-1. */
+ /* If this too is empty, then pivrow [OUT] will be empty. */
+ /* In both cases, update Front_new1strow [...]. */
+ fleftmost = Front_leftmostdesc [frontid] ;
+ row1 = Front_new1strow [fleftmost] ;
+ row2 = Front_1strow [frontid+1] - 1 ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Leftmost: "ID" Rows ["ID" to "ID"] srch ["ID" to "ID"]\n",
+ fleftmost, Front_1strow [frontid], row2, row1, row2)) ;
+ /* look in the range row1 ... row2 */
+ for (row = row1 ; row <= row2 ; row++)
+ {
+ DEBUG2 ((" Row: "ID"\n", row)) ;
+ if (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row))
+ {
+ /* found it */
+ DEBUG2 ((" Row: "ID" found\n", row)) ;
+ ASSERT (Frpos [row] == EMPTY) ;
+ pivrow [OUT] = row ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ Front_new1strow [fleftmost] = row ;
+ if (pivrow [OUT] == EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* not found, look in empty row set in "dummy" front */
+ row1 = Front_new1strow [nfr] ;
+ row2 = n_row-1 ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Empty: "ID" Rows ["ID" to "ID"] srch["ID" to "ID"]\n",
+ nfr, Front_1strow [nfr], row2, row1, row2)) ;
+ /* look in the range row1 ... row2 */
+ for (row = row1 ; row <= row2 ; row++)
+ {
+ DEBUG2 ((" Empty Row: "ID"\n", row)) ;
+ if (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row))
+ {
+ /* found it */
+ DEBUG2 ((" Empty Row: "ID" found\n", row)) ;
+ ASSERT (Frpos [row] == EMPTY) ;
+ pivrow [OUT] = row ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ Front_new1strow [nfr] = row ;
+ }
+ if (pivrow [OUT] == EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* Row-merge set is empty. We can just discard */
+ /* the candidate pivot column. */
+ DEBUG0 (("Warning: row-merge set empty\n")) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_WARNING_singular_matrix) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct the candidate row in the front, if any */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG4 (("pivrow [IN]: "ID"\n", pivrow [IN])) ;
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (0, Numeric, Work, pivrow [IN], TRUE) ;
+ if (pivrow [IN] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* the row merge candidate row is not pivrow [IN] */
+ freebie [IN] = (pivrow [IN] == prior_pivrow [IN]) && (cdeg > 0) ;
+ ASSERT (cdeg >= 0) ;
+ if (!freebie [IN])
+ {
+ /* include current front in the degree of this row */
+ Fcpos = Work->Fcpos ;
+ fncols = Work->fncols ;
+ wpflag = Work->Wpflag ;
+ ASSERT (wpflag < EMPTY) ;
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct the pattern of the IN row */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* check Fcols */
+ fncols, pivrow [IN])) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Work->Fcols [j] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < Work->n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (Fcpos [col] >= 0) ;
+ }
+ if (UMF_debug > 0 || Work->n_col < 1000)
+ {
+ Int cnt = fncols ;
+ for (col = 0 ; col < Work->n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ if (Fcpos [col] < 0) cnt++ ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (cnt == Work->n_col) ;
+ }
+ /* check Wp */
+ if (UMF_debug > 0 || MAX (Work->n_row, Work->n_col) < 1000)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < MAX (Work->n_row, Work->n_col) ; i++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Wp [i] < 0) ;
+ ASSERT (Wp [i] > wpflag) ;
+ }
+ }
+ rdeg [IN] = fncols ;
+ ASSERT (pivrow [IN] >= 0 && pivrow [IN] < Work->n_row) ;
+ ASSERT (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (pivrow [IN])) ;
+ /* add the pivot column itself */
+ if (Wp [pivcol] > wpflag && Fcpos [pivcol] < 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG0 (("Adding pivot col to pivrow [IN] pattern\n")) ;
+ if (rdeg [IN] >= max_rdeg)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern) ;
+ }
+ Wp [pivcol] = wpflag ;
+ W_i [rdeg [IN]++] = pivcol ;
+ }
+ tpi = Row_tuples [pivrow [IN]] ;
+ if (tpi)
+ {
+ tp = (Tuple *) (Memory + tpi) ;
+ tp1 = tp ;
+ tp2 = tp ;
+ tpend = tp + Row_tlen [pivrow [IN]] ;
+ for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
+ {
+ e = tp->e ;
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
+ if (!E [e])
+ {
+ continue ; /* element already deallocated */
+ }
+ f = tp->f ;
+ p = Memory + E [e] ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
+ Cols = (Int *) p ;
+ ncols = ep->ncols ;
+ Rows = Cols + ncols ;
+ if (Rows [f] == EMPTY)
+ {
+ continue ; /* row already assembled */
+ }
+ ASSERT (pivrow [IN] == Rows [f]) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [j] ;
+ if ((col >= 0) && (Wp [col] > wpflag) && Fcpos [col] <0)
+ {
+ if (rdeg [IN] >= max_rdeg)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern) ;
+ }
+ Wp [col] = wpflag ;
+ W_i [rdeg [IN]++] = col ;
+ }
+ }
+ *tp2++ = *tp ; /* leave the tuple in the list */
+ }
+ Row_tlen [pivrow [IN]] = tp2 - tp1 ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG4 (("Reduced IN row:\n")) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fncols ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 ((" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n",
+ j, Work->Fcols [j], Fcpos [Work->Fcols [j]])) ;
+ ASSERT (Fcpos [Work->Fcols [j]] >= 0) ;
+ }
+ for (j = fncols ; j < rdeg [IN] ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 ((" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n", j, W_i [j], Wp [W_i [j]]));
+ ASSERT (Wp [W_i [j]] == wpflag) ;
+ }
+ /* mark the end of the pattern in case we scan it by mistake */
+ /* Note that this means W_i must be of size >= fncols_max + 1 */
+ W_i [rdeg [IN]] = EMPTY ;
+ /* rdeg [IN] is now the exact degree of the IN row */
+ /* clear Work->Wp. All Wp [0..n] is now negative, and */
+ /* greater than Work->wpflag */
+ Work->Wpflag-- ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct the candidate row not in the front, if any */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG4 (("pivrow [OUT]: "ID"\n", pivrow [OUT])) ;
+ UMF_dump_rowcol (0, Numeric, Work, pivrow [OUT], TRUE) ;
+ /* If this is a candidate row from the row merge set, force it to be */
+ /* scanned (ignore prior_pivrow [OUT]). */
+ if (pivrow [OUT] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ freebie [OUT] = (pivrow [OUT] == prior_pivrow [OUT]) && cdeg > 0 ;
+ ASSERT (cdeg >= 0) ;
+ if (!freebie [OUT])
+ {
+ wpflag = Work->Wpflag ;
+ ASSERT (wpflag < EMPTY) ;
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct the pattern of the row */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* check Wp */
+ if (UMF_debug > 0 || MAX (Work->n_row, Work->n_col) < 1000)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < MAX (Work->n_row, Work->n_col) ; i++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Wp [i] < 0) ;
+ ASSERT (Wp [i] > wpflag) ;
+ }
+ }
+ rdeg [OUT] = 0 ;
+ ASSERT (pivrow [OUT] >= 0 && pivrow [OUT] < Work->n_row) ;
+ /* add the pivot column itself */
+ if (Wp [pivcol] > wpflag)
+ {
+ DEBUG0 (("Adding pivot col to pivrow [OUT] pattern\n")) ;
+ if (rdeg [OUT] >= max_rdeg)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern) ;
+ }
+ Wp [pivcol] = wpflag ;
+ W_o [rdeg [OUT]++] = pivcol ;
+ }
+ tpi = Row_tuples [pivrow [OUT]] ;
+ if (tpi)
+ {
+ tp = (Tuple *) (Memory + tpi) ;
+ tp1 = tp ;
+ tp2 = tp ;
+ tpend = tp + Row_tlen [pivrow [OUT]] ;
+ for ( ; tp < tpend ; tp++)
+ {
+ e = tp->e ;
+ ASSERT (e > 0 && e <= Work->nel) ;
+ if (!E [e])
+ {
+ continue ; /* element already deallocated */
+ }
+ f = tp->f ;
+ p = Memory + E [e] ;
+ ep = (Element *) p ;
+ p += UNITS (Element, 1) ;
+ Cols = (Int *) p ;
+ ncols = ep->ncols ;
+ Rows = Cols + ncols ;
+ if (Rows [f] == EMPTY)
+ {
+ continue ; /* row already assembled */
+ }
+ ASSERT (pivrow [OUT] == Rows [f]) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [j] ;
+ if ((col >= 0) && (Wp [col] > wpflag))
+ {
+ if (rdeg [OUT] >= max_rdeg)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_different_pattern) ;
+ }
+ Wp [col] = wpflag ;
+ W_o [rdeg [OUT]++] = col ;
+ }
+ }
+ *tp2++ = *tp ; /* leave the tuple in the list */
+ }
+ Row_tlen [pivrow [OUT]] = tp2 - tp1 ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG4 (("Reduced row OUT:\n")) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < rdeg [OUT] ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG6 ((" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n", j, W_o [j], Wp [W_o [j]])) ;
+ ASSERT (Wp [W_o [j]] == wpflag) ;
+ }
+ /* mark the end of the pattern in case we scan it by mistake */
+ /* Note that this means W_o must be of size >= fncols_max + 1 */
+ W_o [rdeg [OUT]] = EMPTY ;
+ /* rdeg [OUT] is now the exact degree of the row */
+ /* clear Work->Wp. All Wp [0..n] is now negative, and */
+ /* greather than Work->Wpflag */
+ Work->Wpflag-- ;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG5 (("Row_search end ] \n")) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_OK) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_scale_column.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_scale_column.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c778a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_scale_column.c
@@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_scale_column ===================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Scale the current pivot column, and log the permutation.
+ Store the LU factors. Called by the kernel.
+ Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if out of memory.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_mem_alloc_head_block.h"
+#include "umf_mem_free_tail_block.h"
+#include "umf_get_memory.h"
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL Int UMF_scale_column
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int i, k, k1, fnrows_max, fnrows, fncols, *Frpos, *Fcpos, pos, row, col,
+ pivrow, pivcol, *Frows, *Fcols, *Lpattern, *Upattern, *Lpos, *Upos,
+ llen, ulen, fncols_max, fnpiv, uilen, lnz, unz, *Row_tuples,
+ *Col_tuples, *Rperm, *Cperm, *Lilen, *Uilen, *Lip, *Uip, *Li, *Ui,
+ pivcol_position, newLchain, newUchain, pivrow_position, p, size, lip,
+ uip, lnzi, lnzx, unzx, lnz2i, lnz2x, unz2i, unz2x, zero_pivot,
+ is_nonzero, nan_pivot ;
+ Entry *D, x, pivot_value, *Fx, *Fcol, *Frow, *Lval, *Uval ;
+ double d ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Int *Col_degree, *Row_degree ;
+ UMF_allocfail = FALSE ;
+ if (UMF_gprob > 0) /* a double relop, but ignore NaN case */
+ {
+ double rrr = ((double) (rand ( ))) / (((double) RAND_MAX) + 1) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("Check random %e %e\n", rrr, UMF_gprob)) ;
+ UMF_allocfail = rrr < UMF_gprob ; /* a double relop, but ignore NaN case */
+ if (UMF_allocfail)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 (("Random garbage collection (scale_column)\n")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ fnrows = Work->fnrows ;
+ fncols = Work->fncols ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Rperm = Numeric->Rperm ;
+ Cperm = Numeric->Cperm ;
+ Lpos = Numeric->Lpos ;
+ Upos = Numeric->Upos ;
+ Lilen = Numeric->Lilen ;
+ Uilen = Numeric->Uilen ;
+ Lip = Numeric->Lip ;
+ Uip = Numeric->Uip ;
+ D = Numeric->D ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ k = Work->npiv++ ;
+ Fx = Work->Fx ;
+ fnrows_max = Work->fnrows_max ;
+ fncols_max = Work->fncols_max ;
+ fnpiv = Work->fnpiv ;
+ Frpos = Work->Frpos ;
+ Fcpos = Work->Fcpos ;
+ Frows = Work->Frows ;
+ Fcols = Work->Fcols ;
+ pivrow = Work->pivrow ;
+ pivcol = Work->pivcol ;
+ ASSERT (pivrow >= 0 && pivrow < Work->n_row) ;
+ ASSERT (pivcol >= 0 && pivcol < Work->n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (k < MIN (Work->n_row, Work->n_col)) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ; /* for NON_PIVOTAL_COL macro */
+ Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ; /* for NON_PIVOTAL_ROW macro */
+ if (k % 1000 == 0) DEBUG0 (("step "ID"\n", k)) ;
+ Row_tuples = Numeric->Uip ;
+ Col_tuples = Numeric->Lip ;
+ Lpattern = Work->Lpattern ;
+ llen = Work->llen ;
+ Upattern = Work->Upattern ;
+ ulen = Work->ulen ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Frpos [row] >= 0 for each row in pivot column pattern. */
+ /* offset into pattern is given by: */
+ /* Frpos [row] == offset - 1 */
+ /* Frpos [pivrow] is the offset of the latest pivot row */
+ /* Fcpos [col] >= 0 for each col in pivot row pattern. */
+ /* Fcpos [col] == (offset - 1) * fnrows_max */
+ /* Fcpos [pivcol] is the offset of the latest pivot column */
+ /* Fcols [0..fncols-1] is the pivot row pattern (excl pivot cols) */
+ /* Frows [0..fnrows-1] is the pivot col pattern (excl pivot rows) */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG7 (("Current frontal matrix: (prior to pivcol scale)\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_current_front (Numeric, Work, TRUE) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ {
+ Int row, col, i, lcnt, ucnt ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Store column of L, k = "ID", llen "ID"\n", k, llen)) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < llen ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Lpattern [i] ;
+ ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < Work->n_row) ;
+ DEBUG2 ((" Lpattern["ID"] "ID" Lpos "ID, i, row, Lpos [row])) ;
+ if (row == pivrow) DEBUG2 ((" <- pivot row")) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ ASSERT (i == Lpos [row]) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("Store row of U, k = "ID", ulen "ID"\n", k, ulen)) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < ulen ; i++)
+ {
+ col = Upattern [i] ;
+ DEBUG2 ((" Upattern["ID"] "ID, i, col)) ;
+ if (col == pivcol) DEBUG2 ((" <- pivot col")) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < Work->n_col) ;
+ ASSERT (i == Upos [col]) ;
+ }
+ lcnt = 0 ;
+ ucnt = 0 ;
+ if (Work->n_row < 1000)
+ {
+ for (row = 0 ; row < Work->n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ if (NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (row) && Lpos [row] != EMPTY) lcnt++ ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (lcnt == llen) ;
+ }
+ if (Work->n_col < 1000)
+ {
+ for (col = 0 ; col < Work->n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ if (NON_PIVOTAL_COL (col) && Upos [col] != EMPTY) ucnt++ ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (ucnt == ulen) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* remove pivot row from L */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* remove pivot row index from current column of L */
+ /* if a new Lchain starts, then all entries are removed later */
+ DEBUG2 (("Removing pivrow from Lpattern, k = "ID"\n", k)) ;
+ pivrow_position = Lpos [pivrow] ;
+ if (pivrow_position != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* place the last entry in the column in the */
+ /* position of the pivot row index */
+ ASSERT (pivrow == Lpattern [pivrow_position]) ;
+ row = Lpattern [--llen] ;
+ Lpattern [pivrow_position] = row ;
+ Lpos [row] = pivrow_position ;
+ Lpos [pivrow] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* store the pivot value, for the diagonal matrix D */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* fnpiv-th pivot in frontal matrix located in */
+ /* Fx (fnrows_max-fnpiv, fncols_max-fnpiv) */
+ Fcol = Fx + (fncols_max - fnpiv) * fnrows_max ;
+ pivot_value = Fcol [fnrows_max - fnpiv] ;
+ D [k] = pivot_value ;
+ ABS (d, pivot_value) ;
+ zero_pivot = SCALAR_IS_ZERO (d) ;
+ nan_pivot = SCALAR_IS_NAN (d) ;
+ if (k == 0)
+ {
+ Numeric->min_udiag = d ;
+ Numeric->max_udiag = d ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* min (abs (diag (U))) behaves as follows: If any entry is zero,
+ then the result is zero (regardless of the presence of NaN's).
+ Otherwise, if any entry is NaN, then the result is NaN. Otherwise,
+ the result is the smallest absolute value on the diagonal of U.
+ */
+ if (SCALAR_IS_NONZERO (Numeric->min_udiag))
+ {
+ if (zero_pivot || nan_pivot)
+ {
+ Numeric->min_udiag = d ;
+ }
+ else if (!SCALAR_IS_NAN (Numeric->min_udiag))
+ {
+ /* d and min_udiag are both non-NaN */
+ Numeric->min_udiag = MIN (Numeric->min_udiag, d) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ max (abs (diag (U))) behaves as follows: If any entry is NaN
+ then the result is NaN. Otherise, the result is the largest
+ absolute value on the diagonal of U.
+ */
+ if (nan_pivot)
+ {
+ Numeric->max_udiag = d ;
+ }
+ else if (!SCALAR_IS_NAN (Numeric->max_udiag))
+ {
+ /* d and max_udiag are both non-NaN */
+ Numeric->max_udiag = MAX (Numeric->max_udiag, d) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!zero_pivot)
+ {
+ /* the pivot is nonzero, but might be Inf or NaN */
+ Numeric->nnzpiv++ ;
+ }
+ DEBUG4 (("Pivot abs value: %g nnzpiv: "ID" D["ID"]=", d, Numeric->nnzpiv, k)) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (pivot_value) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* scale pivot column and count nonzeros in kth column of L */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ lnz = 0 ;
+ lnz2i = 0 ;
+ lnz2x = llen ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ EDEBUG4 (Fcol [i]) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (pivot_value) ;
+ if (IS_NONZERO (Fcol [i]))
+ {
+ /* Fcol [i] is nonzero, NaN, or Inf */
+ /* Fcol [i] = Fcol [i] / pivot_value ; */
+ DIV (x, Fcol [i], pivot_value) ;
+ Fcol [i] = x ;
+ /* underflow may have occured, so check if result is zero */
+ is_nonzero = IS_NONZERO (x) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Fcol [i] is zero. Do not divide by pivot value. */
+ is_nonzero = FALSE ;
+ }
+ DEBUG4 (("pivot column: "ID" is_nonzero "ID, i, is_nonzero)) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (Fcol [i]) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ /* if we start a new Lchain: */
+ if (is_nonzero)
+ {
+ /* one new integer and one new Entry */
+ DEBUG4 ((" got an entry \n")) ;
+ lnz++ ;
+ }
+ /* if we continue the prior Lchain: */
+ row = Frows [i] ;
+ ASSERT (row != pivrow) ;
+ pos = Lpos [row] ;
+ if (pos == EMPTY && is_nonzero)
+ {
+ /* row is not in the Lpattern, add it if Fcol [i] is nonzero */
+ lnz2i++ ;
+ lnz2x++ ;
+ }
+ DEBUG3 (("Scale L col, row "ID" pos "ID" scaled value", row, pos)) ;
+ EDEBUG3 (Fcol [i]) ;
+ DEBUG3 ((" ::: lnz "ID" lnz2i "ID" lnz2x "ID"\n", lnz, lnz2i, lnz2x)) ;
+ }
+ /* determine if we start a new Lchain or continue the old one */
+ if (llen == 0 || zero_pivot)
+ {
+ /* llen == 0 means there is no prior Lchain */
+ /* D [k] == 0 means the pivot column is empty */
+ newLchain = TRUE ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newLchain =
+ /* storage for starting a new Lchain */
+ UNITS (Entry, lnz) + UNITS (Int, lnz)
+ <=
+ /* storage for continuing a prior Lchain */
+ UNITS (Entry, lnz2x) + UNITS (Int, lnz2i) ;
+ }
+ if (newLchain)
+ {
+ /* start a new chain for column k of L */
+ DEBUG2 (("Start new Lchain, k = "ID"\n", k)) ;
+ pivrow_position = EMPTY ;
+ /* clear the prior Lpattern */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < llen ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Lpattern [i] ;
+ Lpos [row] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ llen = 0 ;
+ lnzi = lnz ;
+ lnzx = lnz ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* continue the prior Lchain */
+ DEBUG2 (("Continue Lchain, k = "ID"\n", k)) ;
+ lnzi = lnz2i ;
+ lnzx = lnz2x ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* count the nonzeros in the row of U */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* store the numerical entries and find new nonzeros */
+ Frow = Fx + (fnrows_max - fnpiv) ;
+ unz = 0 ;
+ unz2i = 0 ;
+ unz2x = ulen ;
+ DEBUG2 (("unz2x is "ID"\n", unz2x)) ;
+ /* if row k does not end a Uchain, pivcol will not be included in ulen */
+ pivcol_position = Upos [pivcol] ;
+ if (pivcol_position != EMPTY)
+ {
+ unz2x-- ;
+ DEBUG2 (("(exclude pivcol) unz2x is now "ID"\n", unz2x)) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (unz2x >= 0) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fncols ; i++)
+ {
+ x = Frow [i * fnrows_max] ;
+ is_nonzero = IS_NONZERO (x) ;
+ /* if we start a new Uchain */
+ if (is_nonzero)
+ {
+ unz++ ;
+ DEBUG2 (("If Unew: "ID, unz)) ;
+ EDEBUG2 (x) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ /* if we continue the prior Uchain */
+ col = Fcols [i] ;
+ ASSERT (col != pivcol) ;
+ pos = Upos [col] ;
+ if (pos == EMPTY && is_nonzero)
+ {
+ /* add this new nonzero entry to the U pattern, if nonzero */
+ unz2i++ ;
+ unz2x++ ;
+ DEBUG2 (("If old: "ID" :", unz2x)) ;
+ EDEBUG2 (x) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (k == 0, ulen == 0)) ;
+ /* determine if we start a new Uchain or continue the old one */
+ if (ulen == 0 || zero_pivot)
+ {
+ /* ulen == 0 means there is no prior Uchain */
+ /* D [k] == 0 means the matrix is singular (pivot row might */
+ /* not be empty, however, but start a new Uchain to prune zero */
+ /* entries for the deg > 0 test in UMF_u*solve) */
+ newUchain = TRUE ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newUchain =
+ /* approximate storage for starting a new Uchain */
+ UNITS (Entry, unz) + UNITS (Int, unz)
+ <=
+ /* approximate storage for continuing a prior Uchain */
+ UNITS (Entry, unz2x) + UNITS (Int, unz2i) ;
+ /* this would be exact, except for the Int to Unit rounding, */
+ /* because the Upattern is stored only at the end of the Uchain */
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* allocate space for the column of L and the row of U */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ size = UNITS (Int, lnzi) + UNITS (Entry, lnzx) ;
+ if (newUchain)
+ {
+ /* store the pattern of the last row in the prior Uchain */
+ size += UNITS (Int, ulen) ;
+ unzx = unz ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unzx = unz2x ;
+ }
+ size += UNITS (Entry, unzx) ;
+ p = UMF_mem_alloc_head_block (Numeric, size) ;
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ /* do garbage collection, realloc, and try again */
+ if (!UMF_get_memory (Numeric, Work, size))
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ; /* out of memory */
+ }
+ p = UMF_mem_alloc_head_block (Numeric, size) ;
+ }
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ; /* out of memory */
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* store the column of L */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ lip = p ;
+ Li = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + p) ;
+ p += UNITS (Int, lnzi) ;
+ Lval = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + p) ;
+ p += UNITS (Entry, lnzx) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < lnzx ; i++)
+ {
+ CLEAR (Lval [i]) ;
+ }
+ /* store the numerical entries */
+ if (newLchain)
+ {
+ /* flag the first column in the Lchain by negating Lip [k] */
+ lip = -lip ;
+ ASSERT (llen == 0) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ x = Fcol [i] ;
+ DEBUG4 (("Store column, i "ID" is_nonzero(x) "ID"\n", i,
+ IS_NONZERO (x))) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (x) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (Fcol [i]) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ if (IS_NONZERO (x))
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("Store column, i "ID" is_nonzero(x) "ID"\n", i,
+ IS_NONZERO (x))) ;
+ row = Frows [i] ;
+ pos = llen++ ;
+ Lpattern [pos] = row ;
+ Lpos [row] = pos ;
+ Li [pos] = row ;
+ Lval [pos] = x ;
+ DEBUG2 (("(newLchain) New entry in Lpattern: row "ID" pos "ID
+ "\n", row, pos)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("(newLchain) Store Lval row "ID" pos "ID" value",
+ row, pos)) ;
+ EDEBUG2 (x) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT (llen > 0) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fnrows ; i++)
+ {
+ x = Fcol [i] ;
+ if (IS_NONZERO (x))
+ {
+ row = Frows [i] ;
+ pos = Lpos [row] ;
+ if (pos == EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* add this new nonzero entry to the L pattern */
+ pos = llen++ ;
+ DEBUG2 (("New entry in Lpattern: row "ID" pos "ID"\n",
+ row, pos)) ;
+ ASSERT (llen <= lnzx) ;
+ Lpattern [pos] = row ;
+ Lpos [row] = pos ;
+ *Li++ = row ;
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("Store Lval row "ID" pos "ID" value", row, pos)) ;
+ EDEBUG2 (x) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ ASSERT (row == Lpattern [pos]) ;
+ ASSERT (pos < lnzx) ;
+ Lval [pos] = x ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG4 (("llen "ID" lnzx "ID"\n", llen, lnzx)) ;
+ ASSERT (llen == lnzx) ;
+ ASSERT (lnz <= llen) ;
+ Numeric->lnz += lnz ;
+ Numeric->nLentries += lnzx ;
+ Work->llen = llen ;
+ Numeric->isize += lnzi ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* store the row of U */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ uip = p ;
+ if (newUchain)
+ {
+ /* starting a new Uchain - flag this by negating Uip [k] */
+ uip = -uip ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Start new Uchain, k = "ID"\n", k)) ;
+ pivcol_position = EMPTY ;
+ /* end the prior Uchain */
+ /* save the current Upattern, and then */
+ /* clear it and start a new Upattern */
+ DEBUG2 (("Ending prior chain, k-1 = "ID"\n", k-1)) ;
+ uilen = ulen ;
+ Ui = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + p) ;
+ Numeric->isize += ulen ;
+ p += UNITS (Int, ulen) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < ulen ; i++)
+ {
+ col = Upattern [i] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < Work->n_col) ;
+ Upos [col] = EMPTY ;
+ Ui [i] = col ;
+ }
+ ulen = 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* continue the prior Uchain */
+ DEBUG2 (("Continue Uchain, k = "ID"\n", k)) ;
+ ASSERT (k > 0) ;
+ /* remove pivot col index from current row of U */
+ /* if a new Uchain starts, then all entries are removed later */
+ DEBUG2 (("Removing pivcol from Upattern, k = "ID"\n", k)) ;
+ if (pivcol_position != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* place the last entry in the row in the */
+ /* position of the pivot col index */
+ ASSERT (pivcol == Upattern [pivcol_position]) ;
+ col = Upattern [--ulen] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < Work->n_col) ;
+ Upattern [pivcol_position] = col ;
+ Upos [col] = pivcol_position ;
+ Upos [pivcol] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ /* this row continues the Uchain. Keep track of how much */
+ /* to trim from the k-th length to get the length of the */
+ /* (k-1)st row of U */
+ uilen = unz2i ;
+ }
+ Uval = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + p) ;
+ /* p += UNITS (Entry, unzx), no need to increment p */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < unzx ; i++)
+ {
+ CLEAR (Uval [i]) ;
+ }
+ if (newUchain)
+ {
+ ASSERT (ulen == 0) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fncols ; i++)
+ {
+ x = Frow [i * fnrows_max] ;
+ if (IS_NONZERO (x))
+ {
+ /* add this new nonzero entry to the U pattern */
+ col = Fcols [i] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < Work->n_col) ;
+ pos = ulen++ ;
+ Upattern [pos] = col ;
+ Upos [col] = pos ;
+ Uval [pos] = x ;
+ DEBUG2 (("(newUchain) New entry in Upattern: col "ID" pos "ID
+ "\n", col, pos)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("(newUchain) Store Uval col "ID" pos "ID" value",
+ col, pos)) ;
+ EDEBUG2 (x) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT (ulen > 0) ;
+ /* store the numerical entries and find new nonzeros */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < fncols ; i++)
+ {
+ x = Frow [i * fnrows_max] ;
+ if (IS_NONZERO (x))
+ {
+ col = Fcols [i] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < Work->n_col) ;
+ pos = Upos [col] ;
+ if (pos == EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* add this new nonzero entry to the U pattern */
+ ASSERT (ulen < unzx) ;
+ pos = ulen++ ;
+ Upattern [pos] = col ;
+ Upos [col] = pos ;
+ DEBUG2 (("New entry in Upattern: col "ID" pos "ID"\n",
+ col, pos)) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("Store Uval col "ID" pos "ID" value", col, pos)) ;
+ EDEBUG2 (x) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ ASSERT (col == Upattern [pos]) ;
+ ASSERT (pos < unzx) ;
+ Uval [pos] = x ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (ulen == unzx) ;
+ ASSERT (unz <= ulen) ;
+ Numeric->unz += unz ;
+ Numeric->nUentries += unzx ;
+ Work->ulen = ulen ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Work->ulen = "ID" at end of pivot step, k: "ID"\n", ulen, k)) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* count the "true" flops, based on LU pattern only */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* the outer product is not done here, but in the BLAS */
+ Numeric->flops += DIV_FLOPS * lnz /* scale pivot column */
+ + MULTSUB_FLOPS * (lnz*unz) ; /* outer product */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ /* A pivot step is complete */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG7 (("Current frontal matrix: (after pivcol scale)\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_current_front (Numeric, Work, TRUE) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* remove pivot row and column from frontal pattern */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Frpos [pivrow] = EMPTY ;
+ Fcpos [pivcol] = EMPTY ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* deallocate the pivot row and pivot column tuples */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ UMF_mem_free_tail_block (Numeric, Row_tuples [pivrow]) ;
+ UMF_mem_free_tail_block (Numeric, Col_tuples [pivcol]) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* the pivot column is fully assembled and scaled, and is now the */
+ /* k-th column of L. The pivot row is the k-th row of U. */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG5 (("number of pivots prior to this one: "ID"\n", k)) ;
+ /* save row and column inverse permutation */
+ k1 = ONES_COMPLEMENT (k) ;
+ Rperm [pivrow] = k1 ; /* aliased with Row_degree */
+ Cperm [pivcol] = k1 ; /* aliased with Col_degree */
+ ASSERT (!NON_PIVOTAL_ROW (pivrow)) ;
+ ASSERT (!NON_PIVOTAL_COL (pivcol)) ;
+ Lpos [pivrow] = pivrow_position ;
+ Upos [pivcol] = pivcol_position ;
+ Lip [pivcol] = lip ; /* aliased with Col_tuples */
+ Lilen [pivcol] = lnzi ; /* aliased with Col_tlen */
+ Uip [pivrow] = uip ; /* aliased with Row_tuples */
+ Uilen [pivrow] = uilen ; /* aliased with Row_tlen */
+ return (TRUE) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_set_stats.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_set_stats.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6497b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_set_stats.c
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_set_stats ======================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Sets statistics in Info array. Calculates everything in double precision,
+ rather than Int or size_t, so that usage estimates can be computed even if
+ the problem is so large that it would cause integer overflow.
+ This routine has many double relop's, but the NaN case is ignored.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_symbolic_usage.h"
+GLOBAL void UMF_set_stats
+ double Info [ ],
+ SymbolicType *Symbolic,
+ double max_usage, /* peak size of Numeric->Memory, in Units */
+ double num_mem_size, /* final size of Numeric->Memory, in Units */
+ double flops, /* "true flops" */
+ double lnz, /* nz in L */
+ double unz, /* nz in U */
+ double maxfrsize, /* largest front size */
+ double ulen, /* size of Numeric->Upattern */
+ double npiv, /* number of pivots found */
+ Int what /* ESTIMATE or ACTUAL */
+ double sym_size, work_usage, nn, n_row, n_col, n_inner, num_On_size1,
+ num_On_size2, num_usage, maxncols, maxnrows ;
+ n_col = Symbolic->n_col ;
+ n_row = Symbolic->n_row ;
+ nn = MAX (n_row, n_col) ;
+ n_inner = MIN (n_row, n_col) ;
+ maxncols = Symbolic->maxncols ;
+ maxnrows = Symbolic->maxnrows ;
+ /* final Symbolic object size */
+ sym_size = UMF_symbolic_usage (Symbolic->n_row, Symbolic->n_col,
+ Symbolic->nchains, Symbolic->nfr) ;
+ /* size of O(n) part of Numeric object during factorization, */
+ /* except Numeric->Memory and Numeric->Upattern */
+ num_On_size1 =
+ DUNITS (NumericType, 1) /* Numeric structure */
+ + DUNITS (Entry, n_inner+1) /* D */
+ + 4 * DUNITS (Int, n_row+1) /* Rperm, Lpos, Uilen, Uip */
+ + 4 * DUNITS (Int, n_col+1) ; /* Cperm, Upos, Lilen, Lip */
+ /* size of O(n) part of Numeric object after factorization, */
+ /* except Numeric->Memory and Numeric->Upattern */
+ num_On_size2 =
+ DUNITS (NumericType, 1) /* Numeric structure */
+ + DUNITS (Entry, n_inner+1) /* D */
+ + DUNITS (Int, n_row+1) /* Rperm */
+ + DUNITS (Int, n_col+1) /* Cperm */
+ + 4 * DUNITS (Int, npiv+1) ; /* Lpos, Uilen, Uip, Upos, Lilen, Lip */
+ /* peak size of Numeric->Memory */
+ Info [UMFPACK_VARIABLE_PEAK + what] = max_usage ;
+ /* final size of Numeric->Memory */
+ Info [UMFPACK_VARIABLE_FINAL + what] = num_mem_size ;
+ /* final size of Numeric object, including Numeric->Memory and ->Upattern */
+ Info [UMFPACK_NUMERIC_SIZE + what] =
+ num_On_size2
+ + num_mem_size /* final Numeric->Memory size */
+ + DUNITS (Int, ulen) ; /* Numeric->Upattern (from Work->Upattern) */
+ /* largest front size (Work->Fx size, or actual size used) */
+ Info [UMFPACK_MAX_FRONT_SIZE + what] = maxfrsize ;
+ /* UMF_kernel work usage */
+ work_usage =
+ /* Work-> arrays */
+ DUNITS (Entry, Symbolic->maxfrsize) /* Fx */
+ + 2 * DUNITS (Int, n_row+1) /* Frpos, Lpattern */
+ + 2 * DUNITS (Int, n_col+1) /* Fcpos, Upattern */
+ + DUNITS (Int, n_col+n_inner+1) /* E */
+ + DUNITS (Int, nn + 1) /* Wp */
+ + 3 * DUNITS (Int, maxncols + 1) /* Fcols, Wio, Woi */
+ + 2 * DUNITS (Int, maxnrows + 1) /* Frows, Wm */
+ + DUNITS (Int, MAX (maxnrows, maxncols) + 1) /* Woo */
+ + DUNITS (Int, Symbolic->nfr + 1) ; /* Front_new1strow */
+ /* Peak memory for just UMFPACK_numeric. This excludes Numeric->Upattern */
+ /* since it includes the equivalenced Work->Upattern array. */
+ num_usage = sym_size + num_On_size1 + work_usage + max_usage ;
+ /* peak memory usage for both UMFPACK_*symbolic and UMFPACK_numeric. */
+ Info [UMFPACK_PEAK_MEMORY + what] =
+ MAX (Symbolic->peak_sym_usage, num_usage) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_FLOPS + what] = flops ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_LNZ + what] = lnz ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_UNZ + what] = unz ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_solve.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_solve.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c16d8c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_solve.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_solve ============================================================ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Not user-callable. Solves a linear system using the numerical factorization
+ computed by UMFPACK_numeric. No workspace is dynamically allocated. Counts
+ flops, but excludes floating-point comparisons (thus real abs (...) are
+ zero flops, but complex abs (...) takes 6 flops).
+ Returns UMFPACK_OK if successful, UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing if
+ required arguments are missing, UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_system if the sys
+ string is not valid or if the matrix A is not square.
+ Uses the sparse backward error method of Arioli, Demmel, and Duff
+ (Solving sparse linear systems with sparse backward error, SIAM J. Matrix
+ Analysis and Applic., vol 10, pp. 165-190).
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_lsolve.h"
+#include "umf_usolve.h"
+#include "umf_ltsolve.h"
+#include "umf_utsolve.h"
+PRIVATE Int do_step
+ double omega [3],
+ Int step,
+ const double B2 [ ],
+ Entry X [ ],
+ const Entry W [ ],
+ const double Y [ ],
+ const double Z2 [ ],
+ Entry S [ ],
+ Int n,
+ double Info [UMFPACK_INFO]
+) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_solve ============================================================ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL Int UMF_solve
+ Int sys,
+ const Int Ap [ ],
+ const Int Ai [ ],
+ const double Ax [ ],
+ double Xx [ ],
+ const double Bx [ ],
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ const double Az [ ],
+ double Xz [ ],
+ const double Bz [ ],
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ Int irstep,
+ double Info [UMFPACK_INFO],
+ Int Pattern [ ], /* size n */
+ double SolveWork [ ] /* if irstep>0 real: size 5*n. complex:10*n */
+ /* otherwise real: size n. complex: 4*n */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int *Rperm, *Cperm, i, n, p, step, j, nz, status ;
+ Entry axx, wi, xj, zi, xi, aij, *W, *Z, *S, *X, bi ;
+ double omega [3], d, *Z2, *Y, z2i, yi, *B2 ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* initializations */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_lu (Numeric) ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric && Xx && Bx && Pattern && SolveWork && Info) ;
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ ASSERT (Xz && Bz) ;
+ nz = 0 ;
+ omega [0] = 0. ;
+ omega [1] = 0. ;
+ omega [2] = 0. ;
+ Rperm = Numeric->Rperm ;
+ Cperm = Numeric->Cperm ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_IR_TAKEN] = 0 ;
+ /* UMFPACK_solve does not call this routine if A is rectangular */
+ ASSERT (Numeric->n_row == Numeric->n_col) ;
+ n = Numeric->n_row ;
+ if (Numeric->nnzpiv < n
+ || SCALAR_IS_ZERO (Numeric->rcond) || SCALAR_IS_NAN (Numeric->rcond))
+ {
+ /* Note that systems involving just L return UMFPACK_OK, even if */
+ /* A is singular (L is always has a unit diagonal). */
+ DEBUG0 (("Warning, matrix is singular in umf_solve\n")) ;
+ status = UMFPACK_WARNING_singular_matrix ;
+ irstep = 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = UMFPACK_OK ;
+ }
+ irstep = MAX (0, irstep) ; /* make sure irstep is >= 0 */
+ W = (Entry *) SolveWork ; /* Entry W [0..n-1] */
+ Z = (Entry *) NULL ; /* unused if no iterative refinement */
+ S = (Entry *) NULL ;
+ Y = (double *) NULL ;
+ Z2 = (double *) NULL ;
+ B2 = (double *) NULL ;
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ X = (Entry *) (SolveWork + 2*n) ; /* Entry X [0..n-1] */
+ if (irstep > 0)
+ {
+ if (!Ap || !Ai || !Ax || !Az)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing) ;
+ }
+ Z = (Entry *) (SolveWork + 4*n) ; /* Entry Z [0..n-1] */
+ S = (Entry *) (SolveWork + 6*n) ; /* Entry S [0..n-1] */
+ Y = (double *) (SolveWork + 8*n) ; /* double Y [0..n-1] */
+ B2 = (double *) (SolveWork + 9*n) ; /* double B2 [0..n-1] */
+ Z2 = (double *) Z ; /* double Z2 [0..n-1], equiv. to Z */
+ }
+ X = (Entry *) Xx ; /* Entry X [0..n-1] */
+ if (irstep > 0)
+ {
+ if (!Ap || !Ai || !Ax)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing) ;
+ }
+ Z = (Entry *) (SolveWork + n) ; /* Entry Z [0..n-1] */
+ S = (Entry *) (SolveWork + 2*n) ; /* Entry S [0..n-1] */
+ Y = (double *) (SolveWork + 3*n) ; /* double Y [0..n-1] */
+ B2 = (double *) (SolveWork + 4*n) ; /* double B2 [0..n-1] */
+ Z2 = (double *) Z ; /* double Z2 [0..n-1], equiv. to Z */
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* determine which system to solve */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (sys == UMFPACK_A)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* solve Ax=b with optional iterative refinement */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (irstep > 0)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* using iterative refinement: compute Y and B2 */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ nz = Ap [n] ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_NZ] = nz ;
+ /* A is stored by column */
+ /* Y (i) = ||A_i||, 1-norm of row i of A */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ Y [i] = 0. ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] += (ABS_FLOPS + 1) * nz ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
+ {
+ for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ /* Y [Ai [p]] += ABS (Ax [p]) ; */
+ ASSIGN (aij, Ax [p], Az [p]) ;
+ ABS (d, aij) ;
+ Y [Ai [p]] += d ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* B2 = abs (B) */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* B2 [i] = ABS (B [i]) ; */
+ ASSIGN (bi, Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ ABS (B2 [i], bi) ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (step = 0 ; step <= irstep ; step++)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Solve Ax=b (step 0): */
+ /* x = Q (U \ (L \ (Pb))) */
+ /* and then perform iterative refinement (step > 0): */
+ /* x = x + Q (U \ (L \ (P (b-Ax)))) */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (step == 0)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* W [i] = B [Rperm [i]] ; */
+ ASSIGN (W [i], Bx [Rperm [i]], Bz [Rperm [i]]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* Z [i] = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (Z [i], Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ xi = X [i] ;
+ for (p = Ap [i] ; p < Ap [i+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ /* Z [Ai [p]] -= Ax [p] * xi ; */
+ ASSIGN (aij, Ax [p], Az [p]) ;
+ MULT_SUB (Z [Ai [p]], aij, xi) ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ W [i] = Z [Rperm [i]] ;
+ }
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] += UMF_lsolve (Numeric, W, Pattern) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] += UMF_usolve (Numeric, W, Pattern) ;
+ if (step == 0)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ X [Cperm [i]] = W [i] ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* X [Cperm [i]] += W [i] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (X [Cperm [i]], W [i]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* sparse backward error estimate */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (irstep > 0)
+ {
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* A is stored by column */
+ /* W (i) = (b-Ax)_i, residual */
+ /* Z2 (i) = (|A||x|)_i */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* W [i] = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (W [i], Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ Z2 [i] = 0. ;
+ }
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
+ {
+ xj = X [j] ;
+ for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ i = Ai [p] ;
+ /* axx = Ax [p] * xj ; */
+ ASSIGN (aij, Ax [p], Az [p]) ;
+ MULT (axx, aij, xj) ;
+ /* W [i] -= axx ; */
+ DECREMENT (W [i], axx) ;
+ /* Z2 [i] += ABS (axx) ; */
+ ABS (d, axx) ;
+ Z2 [i] += d ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (do_step (omega, step, B2, X, W, Y, Z2, S, n, Info))
+ {
+ /* iterative refinement is done */
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (sys == UMFPACK_At)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* solve A'x=b with optional iterative refinement */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* A' is the complex conjugate transpose */
+ if (irstep > 0)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* using iterative refinement: compute Y */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ nz = Ap [n] ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_NZ] = nz ;
+ /* A' is stored by row */
+ /* Y (i) = ||A'_i||, 1-norm of row i of A' */
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] += (ABS_FLOPS + 1) * nz ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ yi = 0. ;
+ for (p = Ap [i] ; p < Ap [i+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ /* yi += ABS (Ax [p]) ; */
+ /* note that abs (aij) is the same as abs (conj (aij)) */
+ ASSIGN (aij, Ax [p], Az [p]) ;
+ ABS (d, aij) ;
+ yi += d ;
+ }
+ Y [i] = yi ;
+ }
+ /* B2 = abs (B) */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* B2 [i] = ABS (B [i]) ; */
+ ASSIGN (bi, Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ ABS (B2 [i], bi) ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (step = 0 ; step <= irstep ; step++)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Solve A'x=b (step 0): */
+ /* x = P' (L' \ (U' \ (Q'b))) */
+ /* and then perform iterative refinement (step > 0): */
+ /* x = x + P' (L' \ (U' \ (Q' (b-A'x)))) */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (step == 0)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* W [i] = B [Cperm [i]] ; */
+ ASSIGN (W [i], Bx [Cperm [i]], Bz [Cperm [i]]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* Z [i] = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (Z [i], Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ zi = Z [i] ;
+ for (p = Ap [i] ; p < Ap [i+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ /* zi -= conjugate (Ax [p]) * X [Ai [p]] ; */
+ ASSIGN (aij, Ax [p], Az [p]) ;
+ MULT_SUB_CONJ (zi, X [Ai [p]], aij) ;
+ }
+ Z [i] = zi ;
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ W [i] = Z [Cperm [i]] ;
+ }
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] += UMF_uhsolve (Numeric, W, Pattern) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] += UMF_lhsolve (Numeric, W, Pattern) ;
+ if (step == 0)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ X [Rperm [i]] = W [i] ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* X [Rperm [i]] += W [i] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (X [Rperm [i]], W [i]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* sparse backward error estimate */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (irstep > 0)
+ {
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* A' is stored by row */
+ /* W (i) = (b-A'x)_i, residual */
+ /* Z (i) = (|A'||x|)_i */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* wi = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (wi, Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ z2i = 0. ;
+ for (p = Ap [i] ; p < Ap [i+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ /* axx = conjugate (Ax [p]) * X [Ai [p]] ; */
+ ASSIGN (aij, Ax [p], Az [p]) ;
+ MULT_CONJ (axx, X [Ai [p]], aij) ;
+ /* wi -= axx ; */
+ DECREMENT (wi, axx) ;
+ /* z2i += ABS (axx) ; */
+ ABS (d, axx) ;
+ z2i += d ;
+ }
+ W [i] = wi ;
+ Z2 [i] = z2i ;
+ }
+ if (do_step (omega, step, B2, X, W, Y, Z2, S, n, Info))
+ {
+ /* iterative refinement is done */
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (sys == UMFPACK_Aat)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* solve A.'x=b with optional iterative refinement */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* A' is the array transpose */
+ if (irstep > 0)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* using iterative refinement: compute Y */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ nz = Ap [n] ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_NZ] = nz ;
+ /* A.' is stored by row */
+ /* Y (i) = ||A.'_i||, 1-norm of row i of A.' */
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] += (ABS_FLOPS + 1) * nz ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ yi = 0. ;
+ for (p = Ap [i] ; p < Ap [i+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ /* yi += ABS (Ax [p]) ; */
+ ASSIGN (aij, Ax [p], Az [p]) ;
+ ABS (d, aij) ;
+ yi += d ;
+ }
+ Y [i] = yi ;
+ }
+ /* B2 = abs (B) */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* B2 [i] = ABS (B [i]) ; */
+ ASSIGN (bi, Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ ABS (B2 [i], bi) ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (step = 0 ; step <= irstep ; step++)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Solve A.'x=b (step 0): */
+ /* x = P' (L.' \ (U.' \ (Q'b))) */
+ /* and then perform iterative refinement (step > 0): */
+ /* x = x + P' (L.' \ (U.' \ (Q' (b-A.'x)))) */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (step == 0)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* W [i] = B [Cperm [i]] ; */
+ ASSIGN (W [i], Bx [Cperm [i]], Bz [Cperm [i]]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* Z [i] = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (Z [i], Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ zi = Z [i] ;
+ for (p = Ap [i] ; p < Ap [i+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ /* zi -= Ax [p] * X [Ai [p]] ; */
+ ASSIGN (aij, Ax [p], Az [p]) ;
+ MULT_SUB (zi, aij, X [Ai [p]]) ;
+ }
+ Z [i] = zi ;
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ W [i] = Z [Cperm [i]] ;
+ }
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] += UMF_utsolve (Numeric, W, Pattern) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] += UMF_ltsolve (Numeric, W, Pattern) ;
+ if (step == 0)
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ X [Rperm [i]] = W [i] ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* X [Rperm [i]] += W [i] ; */
+ ASSEMBLE (X [Rperm [i]], W [i]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* sparse backward error estimate */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (irstep > 0)
+ {
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* A.' is stored by row */
+ /* W (i) = (b-A.'x)_i, residual */
+ /* Z (i) = (|A.'||x|)_i */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* wi = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (wi, Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ z2i = 0. ;
+ for (p = Ap [i] ; p < Ap [i+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ /* axx = Ax [p] * X [Ai [p]] ; */
+ ASSIGN (aij, Ax [p], Az [p]) ;
+ MULT (axx, aij, X [Ai [p]]) ;
+ /* wi -= axx ; */
+ DECREMENT (wi, axx) ;
+ /* z2i += ABS (axx) ; */
+ ABS (d, axx) ;
+ z2i += d ;
+ }
+ W [i] = wi ;
+ Z2 [i] = z2i ;
+ }
+ if (do_step (omega, step, B2, X, W, Y, Z2, S, n, Info))
+ {
+ /* iterative refinement is done */
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (sys == UMFPACK_Pt_L)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Solve P'Lx=b: x = L \ Pb */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* X [i] = B [Rperm [i]] ; */
+ ASSIGN (X [i], Bx [Rperm [i]], Bz [Rperm [i]]) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] = UMF_lsolve (Numeric, X, Pattern) ;
+ status = UMFPACK_OK ;
+ }
+ else if (sys == UMFPACK_L)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Solve Lx=b: x = L \ b */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* X [i] = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (X [i], Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] = UMF_lsolve (Numeric, X, Pattern) ;
+ status = UMFPACK_OK ;
+ }
+ else if (sys == UMFPACK_Lt_P)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Solve L'Px=b: x = P' (L' \ b) */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* W [i] = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (W [i], Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] = UMF_lhsolve (Numeric, W, Pattern) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ X [Rperm [i]] = W [i] ;
+ }
+ status = UMFPACK_OK ;
+ }
+ else if (sys == UMFPACK_Lat_P)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Solve L.'Px=b: x = P' (L.' \ b) */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* W [i] = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (W [i], Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] = UMF_ltsolve (Numeric, W, Pattern) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ X [Rperm [i]] = W [i] ;
+ }
+ status = UMFPACK_OK ;
+ }
+ else if (sys == UMFPACK_Lt)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Solve L'x=b: x = L' \ b */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* X [i] = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (X [i], Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] = UMF_lhsolve (Numeric, X, Pattern) ;
+ status = UMFPACK_OK ;
+ }
+ else if (sys == UMFPACK_Lat)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Solve L.'x=b: x = L.' \ b */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* X [i] = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (X [i], Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] = UMF_ltsolve (Numeric, X, Pattern) ;
+ status = UMFPACK_OK ;
+ }
+ else if (sys == UMFPACK_U_Qt)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Solve UQ'x=b: x = Q (U \ b) */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* W [i] = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (W [i], Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] = UMF_usolve (Numeric, W, Pattern) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ X [Cperm [i]] = W [i] ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (sys == UMFPACK_U)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Solve Ux=b: x = U \ b */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* X [i] = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (X [i], Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] = UMF_usolve (Numeric, X, Pattern) ;
+ }
+ else if (sys == UMFPACK_Q_Ut)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Solve QU'x=b: x = U' \ Q'b */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* X [i] = B [Cperm [i]] ; */
+ ASSIGN (X [i], Bx [Cperm [i]], Bz [Cperm [i]]) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] = UMF_uhsolve (Numeric, X, Pattern) ;
+ }
+ else if (sys == UMFPACK_Q_Uat)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Solve QU.'x=b: x = U.' \ Q'b */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* X [i] = B [Cperm [i]] ; */
+ ASSIGN (X [i], Bx [Cperm [i]], Bz [Cperm [i]]) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] = UMF_utsolve (Numeric, X, Pattern) ;
+ }
+ else if (sys == UMFPACK_Ut)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Solve U'x=b: x = U' \ b */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* X [i] = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (X [i], Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] = UMF_uhsolve (Numeric, X, Pattern) ;
+ }
+ else if (sys == UMFPACK_Uat)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Solve U'x=b: x = U' \ b */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* X [i] = B [i] ; */
+ ASSIGN (X [i], Bx [i], Bz [i]) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] = UMF_utsolve (Numeric, X, Pattern) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_system) ;
+ }
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ /* copy the solution back, from Entry X [ ] to double Xx [ ]and Xz [ ]*/
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ Xx [i] = REAL_COMPONENT (X [i]) ;
+ Xz [i] = IMAG_COMPONENT (X [i]) ;
+ }
+ /* return UMFPACK_OK, or UMFPACK_WARNING_singular_matrix */
+ /* Note that systems involving just L will return UMFPACK_OK */
+ return (status) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === do_step ============================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* Perform one step of iterative refinement, for Ax=b or A'x=b */
+PRIVATE Int do_step /* return TRUE if iterative refinement done */
+ double omega [3],
+ Int step, /* which step of iterative refinement to do */
+ const double B2 [ ], /* abs (B) */
+ Entry X [ ],
+ const Entry W [ ],
+ const double Y [ ],
+ const double Z2 [ ],
+ Entry S [ ],
+ Int n,
+ double Info [UMFPACK_INFO]
+ double last_omega [3], tau, nctau, d1, wd1, d2, wd2, xi, yix, wi, xnorm ;
+ Int i ;
+ /* DBL_EPSILON is a standard ANSI C term defined in <float.h> */
+ /* It is the smallest positive x such that 1.0+x != 1.0 */
+ nctau = 1000 * n * DBL_EPSILON ;
+ DEBUG0 (("nctau = %30.20e\n", nctau)) ;
+ /* for approximate flop count, assume d1 > tau is always true */
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_FLOPS] += (2*ABS_FLOPS + 5) * n ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* save the last iteration in case we need to reinstate it */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ last_omega [0] = omega [0] ;
+ last_omega [1] = omega [1] ;
+ last_omega [2] = omega [2] ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* compute sparse backward errors: omega [1] and omega [2] */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* xnorm = ||x|| maxnorm */
+ xnorm = 0.0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ /* xi = ABS (X [i]) ; */
+ ABS (xi, X [i]) ;
+ if (SCALAR_IS_NAN (xi))
+ {
+ xnorm = xi ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ /* no NaN's to consider here: */
+ xnorm = MAX (xnorm, xi) ;
+ }
+ omega [1] = 0. ;
+ omega [2] = 0. ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ yix = Y [i] * xnorm ;
+ tau = (yix + B2 [i]) * nctau ;
+ d1 = Z2 [i] + B2 [i] ;
+ /* wi = ABS (W [i]) ; */
+ ABS (wi, W [i]) ;
+ if (SCALAR_IS_NAN (d1))
+ {
+ omega [1] = d1 ;
+ omega [2] = d1 ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ if (SCALAR_IS_NAN (tau))
+ {
+ omega [1] = tau ;
+ omega [2] = tau ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ if (d1 > tau) /* a double relop, but no NaN's here */
+ {
+ wd1 = wi / d1 ;
+ if (SCALAR_IS_NAN (wd1))
+ {
+ omega [1] = wd1 ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ /* no NaN's to consider here: */
+ omega [1] = MAX (omega [1], wd1) ;
+ }
+ else if (tau > 0.0) /* a double relop, but no NaN's here */
+ {
+ d2 = Z2 [i] + yix ;
+ wd2 = wi / d2 ;
+ if (SCALAR_IS_NAN (wd2))
+ {
+ omega [2] = wd2 ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ /* no NaN's to consider here: */
+ omega [2] = MAX (omega [2], wd2) ;
+ }
+ }
+ omega [0] = omega [1] + omega [2] ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_OMEGA1] = omega [1] ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_OMEGA2] = omega [2] ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* stop the iterations if the backward error is small, or NaN */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Info [UMFPACK_IR_TAKEN] = step ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_IR_ATTEMPTED] = step ;
+ if (SCALAR_IS_NAN (omega [0]))
+ {
+ DEBUG0 (("omega[0] is NaN - done.\n")) ;
+ if (step > 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG0 (("last iteration better\n")) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ X [i] = S [i] ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_OMEGA1] = last_omega [1] ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_OMEGA2] = last_omega [2] ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_IR_TAKEN] = step - 1 ;
+ }
+ return (TRUE) ;
+ }
+ if (omega [0] < DBL_EPSILON) /* double relop, but no NaN case here */
+ {
+ DEBUG0 (("omega[0] too small - done.\n")) ;
+ return (TRUE) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* stop if insufficient decrease in omega */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* double relop, but no NaN case here: */
+ if (step > 0 && omega [0] > last_omega [0] / 2)
+ {
+ DEBUG0 (("stop refinement\n")) ;
+ if (omega [0] > last_omega [0])
+ {
+ /* last iteration better than this one, reinstate it */
+ DEBUG0 (("last iteration better\n")) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ X [i] = S [i] ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_OMEGA1] = last_omega [1] ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_OMEGA2] = last_omega [2] ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_IR_TAKEN] = step - 1 ;
+ return (TRUE) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* save current solution in case we need to reinstate */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ S [i] = X [i] ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* iterative refinement continues */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ return (FALSE) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_symbolic_usage.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_symbolic_usage.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9b25ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_symbolic_usage.c
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_symbolic_usage =================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Returns the final size of the Symbolic object, in Units */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL double UMF_symbolic_usage
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ Int nchains,
+ Int nfr
+ double units =
+ DUNITS (SymbolicType, 1) /* Symbolic structure */
+ + DUNITS (Int, n_col+1) /* Cperm_init */
+ + DUNITS (Int, n_row+1) /* Rperm_init */
+ + 3*DUNITS (Int, nchains+1) /* Chain_ */
+ + 4*DUNITS (Int, nfr+1) ; /* Front_ */
+ return (units) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_transpose.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_transpose.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b23aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_transpose.c
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_transpose ======================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Not user-callable. Computes a permuted transpose, R = (A (P,Q(1:nq)))' in
+ MATLAB notation, where R is in column-form. A is n_row-by-n_col, the
+ row-form matrix R is n_row-by-nq, where nq <= n_col. A may be singular.
+ The complex version can do transpose (') or array transpose (.').
+ Uses Gustavson's method (Two Fast Algorithms for Sparse Matrices:
+ Multiplication and Permuted Transposition, ACM Trans. on Math. Softw.,
+ vol 4, no 3, pp. 250-269).
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_is_permutation.h"
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL Int UMF_transpose
+ Int n_row, /* A is n_row-by-n_col */
+ Int n_col,
+ const Int Ap [ ], /* size n_col+1 */
+ const Int Ai [ ], /* size nz = Ap [n_col] */
+ const double Ax [ ], /* size nz if present */
+ const Int P [ ], /* P [k] = i means original row i is kth row in A(P,Q)*/
+ /* P is identity if not present */
+ /* size n_row, if present */
+ const Int Q [ ], /* Q [k] = j means original col j is kth col in A(P,Q)*/
+ /* Q is identity if not present */
+ /* size nq, if present */
+ Int nq, /* size of Q, ignored if Q is (Int *) NULL */
+ /* output matrix: Rp, Ri, Rx, and Rz: */
+ Int Rp [ ], /* size n_row+1 */
+ Int Ri [ ], /* size nz */
+ double Rx [ ], /* size nz, if present */
+ Int W [ ], /* size max (n_row,n_col) workspace */
+ Int check /* if true, then check inputs */
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ , const double Az [ ] /* size nz */
+ , double Rz [ ] /* size nz */
+ , Int do_conjugate /* if true, then do conjugate transpose */
+ /* otherwise, do array transpose */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int i, j, k, p, bp, nz, newj, ilast, do_values ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* check inputs */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ ASSERT (n_col >= 0) ;
+ nz = Ap ? Ap [n_col] : 0 ;
+ DEBUG2 (("UMF_transpose: nz "ID"\n", nz)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("n_row "ID" & "ID"\n", n_row, &n_row)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("n_col "ID" & "ID"\n", n_col, &n_col)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Ap & "ID" to & "ID"\n", Ap, Ap + (n_col+1) - 1)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Ai & "ID" to & "ID"\n", Ai, Ai + (nz) - 1)) ;
+ if (Ax) DEBUG2 (("Ax & "ID" to & "ID"\n", Ax, Ax + (nz) - 1)) ;
+ if (P) DEBUG2 (("P & "ID" to & "ID"\n", P , P + (n_row) - 1)) ;
+ if (Q) DEBUG2 (("Q & "ID" to & "ID"\n", Q , Q + (n_col) - 1)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Rp & "ID" to & "ID"\n", Rp, Rp + (n_row+1) - 1)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("Ri & "ID" to & "ID"\n", Ri, Ri + (nz) - 1)) ;
+ if (Rx) DEBUG2 (("Rx & "ID" to & "ID"\n", Rx, Rx + (nz) - 1)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("W & "ID" to & "ID"\n", W, W + MAX(n_row,n_col) - 1)) ;
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ if (Az) DEBUG2 (("Az & "ID" to & "ID"\n", Az, Az + (nz) - 1)) ;
+ if (Rz) DEBUG2 (("Rz & "ID" to & "ID"\n", Rz, Rz + (nz) - 1)) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("do_conjugate "ID" & "ID"\n", do_conjugate, &do_conjugate)) ;
+ if (check)
+ {
+ /* UMFPACK_symbolic skips this check */
+ /* UMFPACK_transpose always does this check */
+ if (!Ai || !Ap || !Ri || !Rp || !W)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing) ;
+ }
+ if (n_row <= 0 || n_col <= 0) /* n_row,n_col must be > 0 */
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_n_nonpositive) ;
+ }
+ nz = Ap [n_col] ;
+ if (nz < 0) /* nz must be >= 0 */
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_nz_negative) ;
+ }
+ if (!UMF_is_permutation (P, W, n_row, n_row) ||
+ !UMF_is_permutation (Q, W, nq, nq))
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_permutation) ;
+ }
+ if (Ap [0] != 0)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_Ap0_nonzero) ;
+ }
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n_col ; j++)
+ {
+ if (Ap [j] > Ap [j+1])
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_col_length_negative) ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n_col ; j++)
+ {
+ ilast = -1 ;
+ for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ i = Ai [p] ;
+ if (i < 0 || i >= n_row)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_row_index_out_of_bounds) ;
+ }
+ if (i <= ilast)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_jumbled_matrix) ;
+ }
+ ilast = i ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG2 (("UMF_transpose, input matrix:\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_col_matrix (Ax,
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Az,
+ Ai, Ap, n_row, n_col, nz) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* count the entries in each row of A */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* use W as workspace for RowCount */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n_row ; i++)
+ {
+ W [i] = 0 ;
+ Rp [i] = 0 ;
+ }
+ if (Q)
+ {
+ for (newj = 0 ; newj < nq ; newj++)
+ {
+ j = Q [newj] ;
+ ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n_col) ;
+ for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ i = Ai [p] ;
+ ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n_row) ;
+ W [i]++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n_col ; j++)
+ {
+ for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ i = Ai [p] ;
+ ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n_row) ;
+ W [i]++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* compute the row pointers for R = A (P,Q) */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (P)
+ {
+ Rp [0] = 0 ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_row ; k++)
+ {
+ i = P [k] ;
+ ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n_row) ;
+ Rp [k+1] = Rp [k] + W [i] ;
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_row ; k++)
+ {
+ i = P [k] ;
+ ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n_row) ;
+ W [i] = Rp [k] ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Rp [0] = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n_row ; i++)
+ {
+ Rp [i+1] = Rp [i] + W [i] ;
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n_row ; i++)
+ {
+ W [i] = Rp [i] ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (Rp [n_row] <= Ap [n_col]) ;
+ /* at this point, W holds the permuted row pointers */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct the row form of B */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ do_values = Ax && Rx ;
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ do_values = do_values && Az && Rz ;
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ if (do_conjugate && do_values)
+ {
+ if (Q)
+ {
+ /* R = A (P,Q)' */
+ for (newj = 0 ; newj < nq ; newj++)
+ {
+ j = Q [newj] ;
+ ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n_col) ;
+ for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ bp = W [Ai [p]]++ ;
+ Ri [bp] = newj ;
+ Rx [bp] = Ax [p] ;
+ Rz [bp] = -Az [p] ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* R = A (P,:)' */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n_col ; j++)
+ {
+ for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ bp = W [Ai [p]]++ ;
+ Ri [bp] = j ;
+ Rx [bp] = Ax [p] ;
+ Rz [bp] = -Az [p] ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (Q)
+ {
+ if (do_values)
+ {
+ /* R = A (P,Q).' */
+ for (newj = 0 ; newj < nq ; newj++)
+ {
+ j = Q [newj] ;
+ ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n_col) ;
+ for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ bp = W [Ai [p]]++ ;
+ Ri [bp] = newj ;
+ Rx [bp] = Ax [p] ;
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Rz [bp] = Az [p] ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* R = pattern of A (P,Q).' */
+ for (newj = 0 ; newj < nq ; newj++)
+ {
+ j = Q [newj] ;
+ ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n_col) ;
+ for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ Ri [W [Ai [p]]++] = newj ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (do_values)
+ {
+ /* R = A (P,:).' */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n_col ; j++)
+ {
+ for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ bp = W [Ai [p]]++ ;
+ Ri [bp] = j ;
+ Rx [bp] = Ax [p] ;
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Rz [bp] = Az [p] ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* R = pattern of A (P,:).' */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n_col ; j++)
+ {
+ for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ Ri [W [Ai [p]]++] = j ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_row ; k++)
+ {
+ if (P)
+ {
+ i = P [k] ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i = k ;
+ }
+ DEBUG3 ((ID": W[i] "ID" Rp[k+1] "ID"\n", i, W [i], Rp [k+1])) ;
+ ASSERT (W [i] == Rp [k+1]) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG2 (("UMF_transpose, output matrix:\n")) ;
+ UMF_dump_col_matrix (Rx,
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Rz,
+ Ri, Rp, n_col, n_row, Rp [n_row]) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_OK) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_tuple_lengths.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_tuple_lengths.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12fea0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_tuple_lengths.c
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_tuple_lengths ==================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Determine the tuple list lengths, and the amount of memory required for */
+/* them. Return the amount of memory needed to store all the tuples. */
+/* This routine assumes that the tuple lists themselves are either already */
+/* deallocated, or will be shortly (so Row[ ].tlen and Col[ ].tlen are */
+/* overwritten) */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_build_tuples_usage.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMF_tuple_lengths
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work,
+ double *dusage
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int e, nrows, ncols, nel, i, *Rows, *Cols, row, col, n_row, n_col, *E,
+ *Row_degree, *Row_tlen, *Col_degree, *Col_tlen, usage ;
+ Element *ep ;
+ Unit *p ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ E = Work->E ;
+ Row_degree = Numeric->Rperm ;
+ Col_degree = Numeric->Cperm ;
+ Row_tlen = Numeric->Uilen ;
+ Col_tlen = Numeric->Lilen ;
+ n_row = Work->n_row ;
+ n_col = Work->n_col ;
+ nel = Work->nel ;
+ DEBUG3 (("TUPLE_LENGTHS: n_row "ID" n_col "ID" nel "ID"\n",
+ n_row, n_col, nel)) ;
+ /* tuple list lengths already initialized to zero */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* scan each element: count tuple list lengths (include element 0) */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (e = 0 ; e <= nel ; e++) /* for all elements, in any order */
+ {
+ if (E [e])
+ {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ UMF_dump_element (Numeric, Work, e, FALSE) ;
+ p = Numeric->Memory + E [e] ;
+ GET_ELEMENT_PATTERN (ep, p, Cols, Rows, ncols) ;
+ nrows = ep->nrows ;
+ ASSERT (e != 0) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++)
+ {
+ row = Rows [i] ;
+ ASSERT (row == EMPTY || (row >= 0 && row < n_row)) ;
+ if (row >= 0)
+ {
+ Row_tlen [row] ++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < ncols ; i++)
+ {
+ col = Cols [i] ;
+ ASSERT (col == EMPTY || (col >= 0 && col < n_col)) ;
+ if (col >= 0)
+ {
+ Col_tlen [col] ++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* note: tuple lengths are now modified, but the tuple lists are not */
+ /* updated to reflect that fact. */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* determine the required memory to hold all the tuple lists */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ usage = UMF_build_tuples_usage (Col_tlen, Col_degree,
+ Row_tlen, Row_degree, n_row, n_col, dusage) ;
+ return (usage) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_usolve.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_usolve.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4347eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_usolve.c
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_usolve =========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* solves Ux = b, where U is the upper triangular factor of a matrix. */
+/* B is overwritten with the solution X. */
+/* Returns the floating point operation count */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL double UMF_usolve
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ Entry X [ ], /* b on input, solution x on output */
+ Int Pattern [ ] /* a work array of size n */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int k, deg, j, *ip, col, *Upos, *Uilen, pos,
+ *Uip, n, ulen, up, newUchain, npiv ;
+ Entry *xp, xk, *D ;
+ double flops ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (Numeric->n_row != Numeric->n_col) return (0.) ;
+ n = Numeric->n_row ;
+ npiv = Numeric->npiv ;
+ Upos = Numeric->Upos ;
+ Uilen = Numeric->Uilen ;
+ Uip = Numeric->Uip ;
+ D = Numeric->D ;
+ /* start by counting the division by D [0..n-1] */
+ flops = n ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG4 (("Usolve start: npiv = "ID" n = "ID"\n", npiv, n)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("Usolve start "ID": ", j)) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (X [j]) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ /* handle the singular part of D, up to just before the last pivot */
+ flops += (n-npiv) ;
+ for (k = n-1 ; k >= npiv ; k--)
+ {
+ /* Note that D [k] is identically zero. */
+ ASSERT (IS_ZERO (D [k])) ;
+ xk = X [k] ;
+ /* X [k] = xk / D [k] ; */
+ DIV (X [k], xk, D [k]) ;
+ }
+ deg = Numeric->ulen ;
+ if (deg > 0)
+ {
+ /* make last pivot row of U (singular matrices only) */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 (("Last row of U: j="ID"\n", j)) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Last row of U: Upattern[j]="ID"\n",
+ Numeric->Upattern [j]) );
+ Pattern [j] = Numeric->Upattern [j] ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (k = npiv-1 ; k >= 0 ; k--)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* use row k of U */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ up = Uip [k] ;
+ ulen = Uilen [k] ;
+ newUchain = (up < 0) ;
+ if (newUchain)
+ {
+ up = -up ;
+ xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + up + UNITS (Int, ulen)) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ;
+ }
+ xk = X [k] ;
+ flops += 2*deg ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 ((" k "ID" col "ID" value", k, Pattern [j])) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (*xp) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ /* xk -= X [Pattern [j]] * (*xp) ; */
+ MULT_SUB (xk, X [Pattern [j]], *xp) ;
+ xp++ ;
+ }
+ /* Go ahead and divide by zero if D [k] is zero */
+ /* X [k] = xk / D [k] ; */
+ DIV (X [k], xk, D [k]) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* make row k-1 of U in Pattern [0..deg-1] */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (newUchain)
+ {
+ /* next row is a new Uchain */
+ deg = ulen ;
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (k == 0, deg == 0)) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("end of chain for row of U "ID" deg "ID"\n", k-1, deg)) ;
+ ip = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ col = *ip++ ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" k "ID" col "ID"\n", k-1, col)) ;
+ ASSERT (k <= col) ;
+ Pattern [j] = col ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ deg -= ulen ;
+ DEBUG4 (("middle of chain for row of U "ID" deg "ID"\n", k, deg)) ;
+ ASSERT (deg >= 0) ;
+ pos = Upos [k] ;
+ if (pos != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* add the pivot column */
+ DEBUG4 (("k "ID" add pivot entry at pos "ID"\n", k, pos)) ;
+ ASSERT (pos >= 0 && pos <= deg) ;
+ Pattern [deg++] = Pattern [pos] ;
+ Pattern [pos] = k ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("Usolve done "ID": ", j)) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (X [j]) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG4 (("Usolve done.\n")) ;
+ return (DIV_FLOPS * ((double) n) + MULTSUB_FLOPS * ((double) Numeric->unz));
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_utsolve.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_utsolve.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19eeb64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_utsolve.c
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_utsolve ========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* solves U'x = b or U.'x=b, where U is the upper triangular factor of a */
+/* matrix. B is overwritten with the solution X. */
+/* Returns the floating point operation count */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL double
+UMF_uhsolve /* solve U'x=b (complex conjugate transpose) */
+UMF_utsolve /* solve U.'x=b (array transpose) */
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ Entry X [ ], /* b on input, solution x on output */
+ Int Pattern [ ] /* a work array of size n */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int k, deg, j, *ip, col, *Upos, *Uilen, kstart, kend, up,
+ *Uip, n, uhead, ulen, pos, npiv ;
+ Entry *xp, xk, *D ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (Numeric->n_row != Numeric->n_col) return (0.) ;
+ n = Numeric->n_row ;
+ npiv = Numeric->npiv ;
+ Upos = Numeric->Upos ;
+ Uilen = Numeric->Uilen ;
+ Uip = Numeric->Uip ;
+ D = Numeric->D ;
+ kend = 0 ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG4 (("Utsolve start: npiv "ID" n "ID"\n", npiv, n)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("Utsolve start "ID": ", j)) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (X [j]) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ for (kstart = 0 ; kstart < npiv ; kstart = kend + 1)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* find the end of this Uchain */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ DEBUG4 (("kstart "ID" kend "ID"\n", kstart, kend)) ;
+ /* for (kend = kstart ; kend < npiv && Uip [kend+1] > 0 ; kend++) ; */
+ kend = kstart ;
+ while (kend < npiv && Uip [kend+1] > 0)
+ {
+ kend++ ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* scan the whole Uchain to find the pattern of the first row of U */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ k = kend+1 ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\nKend "ID" K "ID"\n", kend, k)) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* start with last row in Uchain of U in Pattern [0..deg-1] */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (k == npiv)
+ {
+ deg = Numeric->ulen ;
+ if (deg > 0)
+ {
+ /* make last pivot row of U (singular matrices only) */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ Pattern [j] = Numeric->Upattern [j] ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < npiv) ;
+ up = -Uip [k] ;
+ ASSERT (up > 0) ;
+ deg = Uilen [k] ;
+ DEBUG4 (("end of chain for row of U "ID" deg "ID"\n", k-1, deg)) ;
+ ip = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ col = *ip++ ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" k "ID" col "ID"\n", k-1, col)) ;
+ ASSERT (k <= col) ;
+ Pattern [j] = col ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* empty the stack at the bottom of Pattern */
+ uhead = n ;
+ for (k = kend ; k > kstart ; k--)
+ {
+ /* Pattern [0..deg-1] is the pattern of row k of U */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* make row k-1 of U in Pattern [0..deg-1] */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < npiv) ;
+ ulen = Uilen [k] ;
+ /* delete, and push on the stack */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ulen ; j++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (uhead >= deg) ;
+ Pattern [--uhead] = Pattern [--deg] ;
+ }
+ DEBUG4 (("middle of chain for row of U "ID" deg "ID"\n", k, deg)) ;
+ ASSERT (deg >= 0) ;
+ pos = Upos [k] ;
+ if (pos != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* add the pivot column */
+ DEBUG4 (("k "ID" add pivot entry at position "ID"\n", k, pos)) ;
+ ASSERT (pos >= 0 && pos <= deg) ;
+ Pattern [deg++] = Pattern [pos] ;
+ Pattern [pos] = k ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Pattern [0..deg-1] is now the pattern of the first row in Uchain */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* solve using this Uchain, in reverse order */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ DEBUG4 (("Unwinding Uchain\n")) ;
+ for (k = kstart ; k <= kend ; k++)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct row k */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < npiv) ;
+ pos = Upos [k] ;
+ if (pos != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* remove the pivot column */
+ DEBUG4 (("k "ID" add pivot entry at position "ID"\n", k, pos)) ;
+ ASSERT (k > kstart) ;
+ ASSERT (pos >= 0 && pos < deg) ;
+ ASSERT (Pattern [pos] == k) ;
+ Pattern [pos] = Pattern [--deg] ;
+ }
+ up = Uip [k] ;
+ ulen = Uilen [k] ;
+ if (k > kstart)
+ {
+ /* concatenate the deleted pattern; pop from the stack */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < ulen ; j++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (deg <= uhead && uhead < n) ;
+ Pattern [deg++] = Pattern [uhead++] ;
+ }
+ DEBUG4 (("middle of chain, row of U "ID" deg "ID"\n", k, deg)) ;
+ ASSERT (deg >= 0) ;
+ }
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* use row k of U */
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Go ahead and divide by zero if D [k] is zero. */
+ /* xk = X [k] / conjugate (D [k]) ; */
+ DIV_CONJ (xk, X [k], D [k]) ;
+ /* xk = X [k] / D [k] ; */
+ DIV (xk, X [k], D [k]) ;
+ X [k] = xk ;
+ if (IS_NONZERO (xk))
+ {
+ if (k == kstart)
+ {
+ up = -up ;
+ xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + up + UNITS (Int, ulen)) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ;
+ }
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 ((" k "ID" col "ID" value", k, Pattern [j])) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (*xp) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ /* X [Pattern [j]] -= xk * conjugate (*xp) ; */
+ MULT_SUB_CONJ (X [Pattern [j]], xk, *xp) ;
+ /* X [Pattern [j]] -= xk * (*xp) ; */
+ MULT_SUB (X [Pattern [j]], xk, *xp) ;
+ xp++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (uhead == n) ;
+ }
+ for (k = npiv ; k < n ; k++)
+ {
+ /* Note that D [k] is identically zero. */
+ ASSERT (IS_ZERO (D [k])) ;
+ /* For conjugate solve, D [k] == conjugate (D [k]), in this case */
+ /* xk = X [k] / D [k] ; */
+ DIV (xk, X [k], D [k]) ;
+ X [k] = xk ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 (("Utsolve done "ID": ", j)) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (X [j]) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG4 (("Utsolve done.\n")) ;
+ return (DIV_FLOPS * ((double) n) + MULTSUB_FLOPS * ((double) Numeric->unz));
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_valid_numeric.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_valid_numeric.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1fd91d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_valid_numeric.c
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_valid_numeric ==================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Returns TRUE if the Numeric object is valid, FALSE otherwise. */
+/* Does not check everything. UMFPACK_report_numeric checks more. */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMF_valid_numeric
+ NumericType *Numeric
+ /* This routine does not check the contents of the individual arrays, so */
+ /* it can miss some errors. All it checks for is the presence of the */
+ /* arrays, and the Numeric "valid" entry. */
+ if (!Numeric)
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ if (Numeric->valid != NUMERIC_VALID)
+ {
+ /* Numeric does not point to a NumericType object */
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ if (Numeric->n_row <= 0 || Numeric->n_col <= 0 || !Numeric->D ||
+ !Numeric->Rperm || !Numeric->Cperm ||
+ !Numeric->Lpos || !Numeric->Upos ||
+ !Numeric->Lilen || !Numeric->Uilen || !Numeric->Lip || !Numeric->Uip ||
+ !Numeric->Memory || (Numeric->ulen > 0 && !Numeric->Upattern))
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ return (TRUE) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_valid_symbolic.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_valid_symbolic.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7ddc35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umf_valid_symbolic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMF_valid_symbolic =================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+/* Returns TRUE if the Symbolic object is valid, FALSE otherwise. */
+/* The UMFPACK_report_symbolic routine does a more thorough check. */
+GLOBAL Int UMF_valid_symbolic
+ SymbolicType *Symbolic
+ /* This routine does not check the contents of the individual arrays, so */
+ /* it can miss some errors. All it checks for is the presence of the */
+ /* arrays, and the Symbolic "valid" entry. */
+ if (!Symbolic)
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ if (Symbolic->valid != SYMBOLIC_VALID)
+ {
+ /* Symbolic does not point to a SymbolicType object */
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ if (!Symbolic->Cperm_init || !Symbolic->Rperm_init ||
+ !Symbolic->Front_npivcol || !Symbolic->Front_1strow ||
+ !Symbolic->Front_leftmostdesc ||
+ !Symbolic->Front_parent || !Symbolic->Chain_start ||
+ !Symbolic->Chain_maxrows || !Symbolic->Chain_maxcols ||
+ Symbolic->n_row <= 0 || Symbolic->n_col <= 0)
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ;
+ }
+ return (TRUE) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_defaults.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_defaults.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57d8433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_defaults.c
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMFPACK_defaults ===================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ User-callable. Sets default control parameters. See umfpack_defaults.h
+ for details.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL void UMFPACK_defaults
+ double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL]
+ Int i ;
+ if (!Control)
+ {
+ /* silently return if no Control array */
+ return ;
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < UMFPACK_CONTROL ; i++)
+ {
+ Control [i] = 0 ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* default control settings: can be modified at run-time */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* used in UMFPACK_report_* routines: */
+ /* used in UMFPACK_*symbolic: */
+ /* used in UMFPACK_numeric: */
+ /* used in UMFPACK_*solve: */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* compile-time settings: cannot be modified at run-time */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef USE_NO_BLAS
+ /* use externally-provided BLAS (dgemm, dger, dgemv, zgemm, zgeru, zgemv) */
+ /* do not use the BLAS - use in-line C code instead */
+ /* use mxMalloc, mxFree, mxRealloc, and mexPrintf */
+ /* use mxAssert if debugging is enabled */
+ /* use internal utMalloc, utFree, utRealloc, and utPrintf routines. */
+ /* use utDivideComplex and utFdlibm_hypot for complex version. */
+ /* use utAssert if debugging is enabled. */
+ /* use ANSI C malloc, free, realloc, and print */
+ /* use ANSI C assert if debugging is enabled */
+ /* uses the non-standard getrusage to get CPU time (Solaris) */
+ /* uses the ANSI standard clock routine to get CPU time */
+ /* this may wrap around */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* UMFPACK is compiled in debug mode. */
+ /* This is exceedingly slow. */
+ PRINTF (("UMFPACK is running in debug mode. This is very slow!\n")) ;
+ /* UMFPACK is compiled in normal (non-debug) mode */
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_free_numeric.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_free_numeric.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e7d339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_free_numeric.c
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMFPACK_free_numeric ================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* User-callable. Free the entire Numeric object.
+ See UMFPACK_free_numeric.h for details.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_free.h"
+GLOBAL void UMFPACK_free_numeric
+ void **NumericHandle
+ NumericType *Numeric ;
+ if (!NumericHandle)
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ Numeric = *((NumericType **) NumericHandle) ;
+ if (!Numeric)
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Numeric->D) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Numeric->Rperm) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Numeric->Cperm) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Numeric->Lpos) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Numeric->Lilen) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Numeric->Lip) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Numeric->Upos) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Numeric->Uilen) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Numeric->Uip) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Numeric->Upattern) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Numeric->Memory) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Numeric) ;
+ *NumericHandle = (void *) NULL ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_free_symbolic.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_free_symbolic.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2389ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_free_symbolic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMFPACK_free_symbolic ================================================ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ User-callable. See umfpack_free_symbolic.h for details.
+ All 10 objects comprising the Symbolic object are free'd via UMF_free.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_free.h"
+GLOBAL void UMFPACK_free_symbolic
+ void **SymbolicHandle
+ SymbolicType *Symbolic ;
+ if (!SymbolicHandle)
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ Symbolic = *((SymbolicType **) SymbolicHandle) ;
+ if (!Symbolic)
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Symbolic->Cperm_init) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Symbolic->Rperm_init) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Symbolic->Front_npivcol) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Symbolic->Front_parent) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Symbolic->Front_1strow) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Symbolic->Front_leftmostdesc) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Symbolic->Chain_start) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Symbolic->Chain_maxrows) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Symbolic->Chain_maxcols) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Symbolic) ;
+ *SymbolicHandle = (void *) NULL ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_get_lunz.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_get_lunz.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7b7ec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_get_lunz.c
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMFPACK_get_lunz ===================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ User-callable. Determines the number of nonzeros in L and U, and the size
+ of L and U.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_valid_numeric.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMFPACK_get_lunz
+ Int *lnz,
+ Int *unz,
+ Int *n_row,
+ Int *n_col,
+ Int *nz_udiag,
+ void *NumericHandle
+ NumericType *Numeric ;
+ Numeric = (NumericType *) NumericHandle ;
+ if (!UMF_valid_numeric (Numeric))
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_Numeric_object) ;
+ }
+ if (!lnz || !unz || !n_row || !n_col || !nz_udiag)
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing) ;
+ }
+ *n_row = Numeric->n_row ;
+ *n_col = Numeric->n_col ;
+ /* number of nz's in L below diagonal, plus the unit diagonal of L */
+ *lnz = Numeric->lnz + MIN (Numeric->n_row, Numeric->n_col) ;
+ /* number of nz's in U above diagonal, plus nz's on diagaonal of U */
+ *unz = Numeric->unz + Numeric->nnzpiv ;
+ /* number of nz's on the diagonal */
+ *nz_udiag = Numeric->nnzpiv ;
+ return (UMFPACK_OK) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_get_numeric.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_get_numeric.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55b9b87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_get_numeric.c
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMFPACK_get_numeric ================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ User-callable. Gets the LU factors and the permutation vectors held in the
+ Numeric object. L is returned in sparse row form with sorted rows, U is
+ returned in sparse column form with sorted columns, and P and Q are
+ returned as permutation vectors. See umfpack_get_numeric.h for a more
+ detailed description.
+ Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if the Numeric object is invalid or
+ if out of memory.
+ Dynamic memory usage: calls UMF_malloc twice, for a total space of
+ 2*n integers, and then frees all of it via UMF_free when done.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_valid_numeric.h"
+#include "umf_malloc.h"
+#include "umf_free.h"
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+PRIVATE Int init_count ;
+PRIVATE void get_L
+ Int Lp [ ],
+ Int Lj [ ],
+ double Lx [ ],
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ double Lz [ ],
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ Int Pattern [ ],
+ Int Wi [ ]
+) ;
+PRIVATE void get_U
+ Int Up [ ],
+ Int Ui [ ],
+ double Ux [ ],
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ double Uz [ ],
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ Int Pattern [ ],
+ Int Wi [ ]
+) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL Int UMFPACK_get_numeric
+ Int Lp [ ],
+ Int Lj [ ],
+ double Lx [ ],
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ double Lz [ ],
+ Int Up [ ],
+ Int Ui [ ],
+ double Ux [ ],
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ double Uz [ ],
+ Int P [ ],
+ Int Q [ ],
+ double Dx [ ],
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ double Dz [ ],
+ void *NumericHandle
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ NumericType *Numeric ;
+ Int getL, getU, *Rperm, *Cperm, k, nn, n_row, n_col, *Wi, *Pattern,
+ n_inner ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ init_count = UMF_malloc_count ;
+ Wi = (Int *) NULL ;
+ Pattern = (Int *) NULL ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* check input parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Numeric = (NumericType *) NumericHandle ;
+ if (!UMF_valid_numeric (Numeric))
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_Numeric_object) ;
+ }
+ n_row = Numeric->n_row ;
+ n_col = Numeric->n_col ;
+ nn = MAX (n_row, n_col) ;
+ n_inner = MIN (n_row, n_col) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* allocate workspace */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ getL = Lp && Lj && Lx && Lz ;
+ getU = Up && Ui && Ux && Uz ;
+ getL = Lp && Lj && Lx ;
+ getU = Up && Ui && Ux ;
+ if (getL || getU)
+ {
+ Wi = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nn, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Pattern = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nn, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ if (!Wi || !Pattern)
+ {
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Wi) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Pattern) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count + 2) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get contents of Numeric */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (P)
+ {
+ Rperm = Numeric->Rperm ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_row ; k++)
+ {
+ P [k] = Rperm [k] ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Q)
+ {
+ Cperm = Numeric->Cperm ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; k++)
+ {
+ Q [k] = Cperm [k] ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (getL)
+ {
+ get_L (Lp, Lj, Lx,
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Lz,
+ Numeric, Pattern, Wi) ;
+ }
+ if (getU)
+ {
+ get_U (Up, Ui, Ux,
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Uz,
+ Numeric, Pattern, Wi) ;
+ }
+ if (Dx)
+ {
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_inner ; k++)
+ {
+ Dx [k] = REAL_COMPONENT (Numeric->D [k]) ;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ if (Dz)
+ {
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_inner ; k++)
+ {
+ Dz [k] = IMAG_COMPONENT (Numeric->D [k]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* free the workspace */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Wi) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Pattern) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_OK) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === get_L ================================================================ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ The matrix L is stored in the following arrays in the Numeric object:
+ Int Lpos [0..npiv]
+ Int Lip [0..npiv], index into Numeric->Memory
+ Int Lilen [0..npiv]
+ Unit *(Numeric->Memory), pointer to memory space holding row indices
+ and numerical values
+ where npiv is the number of pivot entries found. If A is n_row-by-n_col,
+ then npiv <= MIN (n_row,n_col).
+ Let L_k denote the pattern of entries in column k of L (excluding the
+ diagonal).
+ An Lchain is a sequence of columns of L whose nonzero patterns are related.
+ The start of an Lchain is denoted by a negative value of Lip [k].
+ To obtain L_k:
+ (1) If column k starts an Lchain, then L_k is stored in its entirety.
+ |Lip [k]| is an index into Numeric->Memory for the integer row indices
+ in L_k. The number of entries in the column is |L_k| = Lilen [k].
+ This defines the pattern of the "leading" column of this chain.
+ Lpos [k] is not used for the first column in the chain. Column zero
+ is always a leading column.
+ (2) If column k does not start an Lchain, then L_k is represented as a
+ superset of L_k-1. Define Lnew_k such that (L_k-1 - {k} union Lnew_k)
+ = L_k, where Lnew_k and (L_k-1)-{k} are disjoint. Lnew_k are the
+ entries in L_k that are not in L_k-1. Lpos [k] holds the position of
+ pivot row index k in the prior pattern L_k-1 (if it is present), so
+ that the set subtraction (L_k-1)-{k} can be computed quickly, when
+ computing the pattern of L_k from L_k-1. The number of new entries in
+ L_k is stored in Lilen [k] = |Lnew_k|.
+ Note that this means we must have the pattern L_k-1 to compute L_k.
+ In both cases (1) and (2), we obtain the pattern L_k.
+ The numerical values are stored in Numeric->Memory, starting at the index
+ |Lip [k]| + Lilen [k]. It is stored in the same order as the entries
+ in L_k, after L_k is obtained from cases (1) or (2), above.
+ The advantage of using this "packed" data structure is that it can
+ dramatically reduce the amount of storage needed for the pattern of L.
+ The disadvantage is that it can be difficult for the user to access,
+ and it does not match the sparse matrix data structure used in MATLAB.
+ Thus, this routine is provided to create a conventional sparse matrix
+ data structure for L, in sparse-row form. A row-form of L appears to
+ MATLAB to be a column-oriented from of the transpose of L. If you would
+ like a column-form of L, then use UMFPACK_transpose (an example of this
+ is in umfpackmex.c).
+/* ========================================================================== */
+PRIVATE void get_L
+ Int Lp [ ], /* of size n_row+1 */
+ Int Lj [ ], /* of size lnz, where lnz = Lp [n_row] */
+ double Lx [ ], /* of size lnz */
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ double Lz [ ], /* of size lnz */
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ Int Pattern [ ], /* workspace of size n_row */
+ Int Wi [ ] /* workspace of size n_row */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int deg, *ip, j, row, n_row, n_col, n_inner, *Lpos, *Lilen, *Lip, p, llen,
+ lnz2, lp, newLchain, k, pos, npiv ;
+ Entry *xp, value ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG4 (("get_L start:\n")) ;
+ n_row = Numeric->n_row ;
+ n_col = Numeric->n_col ;
+ n_inner = MIN (n_row, n_col) ;
+ npiv = Numeric->npiv ;
+ Lpos = Numeric->Lpos ;
+ Lilen = Numeric->Lilen ;
+ Lip = Numeric->Lip ;
+ deg = 0 ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* count the nonzeros in each row of L */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_inner ; row++)
+ {
+ /* include the diagonal entry in the row counts */
+ Wi [row] = 1 ;
+ }
+ for (row = n_inner ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ Wi [row] = 0 ;
+ }
+ /* count the nonzero entries in L */
+ for (k = 0 ; k < npiv ; k++)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* make column of L in Pattern [0..deg-1] */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ lp = Lip [k] ;
+ newLchain = (lp < 0) ;
+ if (newLchain)
+ {
+ lp = -lp ;
+ deg = 0 ;
+ DEBUG4 (("start of chain for column of L\n")) ;
+ }
+ /* remove pivot row */
+ pos = Lpos [k] ;
+ if (pos != EMPTY)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 ((" k "ID" removing row "ID" at position "ID"\n",
+ k, Pattern [pos], pos)) ;
+ ASSERT (!newLchain) ;
+ ASSERT (deg > 0) ;
+ ASSERT (pos >= 0 && pos < deg) ;
+ ASSERT (Pattern [pos] == k) ;
+ Pattern [pos] = Pattern [--deg] ;
+ }
+ /* concatenate the pattern */
+ ip = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + lp) ;
+ llen = Lilen [k] ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < llen ; j++)
+ {
+ row = *ip++ ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" row "ID" k "ID"\n", row, k)) ;
+ ASSERT (row > k && row < n_row) ;
+ Pattern [deg++] = row ;
+ }
+ xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + lp + UNITS (Int, llen)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 ((" row "ID" k "ID" value", Pattern [j], k)) ;
+ row = Pattern [j] ;
+ value = *xp++ ;
+ EDEBUG4 (value) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ if (IS_NONZERO (value))
+ {
+ Wi [row]++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct the final row form of L */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* create the row pointers */
+ lnz2 = 0 ;
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ Lp [row] = lnz2 ;
+ lnz2 += Wi [row] ;
+ Wi [row] = Lp [row] ;
+ }
+ Lp [n_row] = lnz2 ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric->lnz + n_inner == lnz2) ;
+ /* add entries from the rows of L */
+ for (k = 0 ; k < npiv ; k++)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* make column of L in Pattern [0..deg-1] */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ lp = Lip [k] ;
+ newLchain = (lp < 0) ;
+ if (newLchain)
+ {
+ lp = -lp ;
+ deg = 0 ;
+ DEBUG4 (("start of chain for column of L\n")) ;
+ }
+ /* remove pivot row */
+ pos = Lpos [k] ;
+ if (pos != EMPTY)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 ((" k "ID" removing row "ID" at position "ID"\n",
+ k, Pattern [pos], pos)) ;
+ ASSERT (!newLchain) ;
+ ASSERT (deg > 0) ;
+ ASSERT (pos >= 0 && pos < deg) ;
+ ASSERT (Pattern [pos] == k) ;
+ Pattern [pos] = Pattern [--deg] ;
+ }
+ /* concatenate the pattern */
+ ip = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + lp) ;
+ llen = Lilen [k] ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < llen ; j++)
+ {
+ row = *ip++ ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" row "ID" k "ID"\n", row, k)) ;
+ ASSERT (row > k) ;
+ Pattern [deg++] = row ;
+ }
+ xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + lp + UNITS (Int, llen)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 ((" row "ID" k "ID" value", Pattern [j], k)) ;
+ row = Pattern [j] ;
+ value = *xp++ ;
+ EDEBUG4 (value) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ if (IS_NONZERO (value))
+ {
+ p = Wi [row]++ ;
+ Lj [p] = k ;
+ Lx [p] = REAL_COMPONENT (value) ;
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Lz [p] = IMAG_COMPONENT (value) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* add all of the diagonal entries (L is unit diagonal) */
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_inner ; row++)
+ {
+ p = Wi [row]++ ;
+ Lj [p] = row ;
+ Lx [p] = 1. ;
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Lz [p] = 0. ;
+ ASSERT (Wi [row] == Lp [row+1]) ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG6 (("L matrix (stored by rows):")) ;
+ UMF_dump_col_matrix (Lx,
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Lz,
+ Lj, Lp, n_inner, n_row, Numeric->lnz+n_inner) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("get_L done:\n")) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === get_U ================================================================ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ The matrix U is stored in the following arrays in the Numeric object:
+ Int Upos [0..npiv]
+ Int Uip [0..npiv], index into Numeric->Memory
+ Int Uilen [0..npiv]
+ Unit *(Numeric->Memory), pointer to memory space holding column indices
+ and numerical values
+ where npiv is the number of pivot entries found. If A is n_row-by-n_col,
+ then npiv <= MIN (n_row,n_col).
+ Let U_k denote the pattern of entries in row k of U (excluding the
+ diagonal).
+ A Uchain is a sequence of columns of U whose nonzero patterns are related.
+ The start of a Uchain is denoted by a negative value of Uip [k].
+ To obtain U_k-1:
+ (1) If row k is the start of a Uchain then Uip [k] is negative and |Uip [k]|
+ is an index into Numeric->Memory for the integer column indices in
+ U_k-1. The number of entries in the row is |U_k-1| = Uilen [k]. This
+ defines the pattern of the "trailing" row of this chain that ends at
+ row k-1.
+ (2) If row k is not the start of a Uchain, then U_k-1 is a subset of U_k.
+ The indices in U_k are arranged so that last Uilen [k] entries of
+ U_k are those indices not in U_k-1. Next, the pivot column index k is
+ added if it appears in row U_k-1 (it never appears in U_k). Upos [k]
+ holds the position of pivot column index k in the pattern U_k-1 (if it
+ is present), so that the set union (U_k-1)+{k} can be computed quickly,
+ when computing the pattern of U_k-1 from U_k.
+ Note that this means we must have the pattern U_k to compute L_k-1.
+ In both cases (1) and (2), we obtain the pattern U_k.
+ The numerical values are stored in Numeric->Memory. If k is the start of a
+ Uchain, then the offset is |Uip [k]| plus the size of the space needed to
+ store the pattern U_k-1. Otherwise, Uip [k] is the offset itself of the
+ numerical values, since in this case no pattern is stored.
+ The numerical values are stored in the same order as the entries in U_k,
+ after U_k is obtained from cases (1) or (2), above.
+ The advantage of using this "packed" data structure is that it can
+ dramatically reduce the amount of storage needed for the pattern of U.
+ The disadvantage is that it can be difficult for the user to access,
+ and it does not match the sparse matrix data structure used in MATLAB.
+ Thus, this routine is provided to create a conventional sparse matrix
+ data structure for U, in sparse-column form.
+/* ========================================================================== */
+PRIVATE void get_U
+ Int Up [ ], /* of size n_col+1 */
+ Int Ui [ ], /* of size unz, where unz = Up [n_col] */
+ double Ux [ ], /* of size unz */
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ double Uz [ ], /* of size unz */
+ NumericType *Numeric,
+ Int Pattern [ ], /* workspace of size n_col */
+ Int Wi [ ] /* workspace of size n_col */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int deg, j, *ip, col, *Upos, *Uilen, *Uip, n_col, ulen,
+ unz2, p, k, up, newUchain, pos, npiv ;
+ Entry *xp, *D, value ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Int nnzpiv = 0 ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG4 (("get_U start:\n")) ;
+ n_col = Numeric->n_col ;
+ npiv = Numeric->npiv ;
+ Upos = Numeric->Upos ;
+ Uilen = Numeric->Uilen ;
+ Uip = Numeric->Uip ;
+ D = Numeric->D ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* count the nonzeros in each column of U */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (col = 0 ; col < npiv ; col++)
+ {
+ /* include the diagonal entry in the column counts */
+ DEBUG4 (("D ["ID"] = ", col)) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (D [col]) ;
+ Wi [col] = IS_NONZERO (D [col]) ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" is nonzero: "ID"\n", Wi [col])) ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ nnzpiv += IS_NONZERO (D [col]) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG4 (("nnzpiv "ID" "ID"\n", nnzpiv, Numeric->nnzpiv)) ;
+ ASSERT (nnzpiv == Numeric->nnzpiv) ;
+ for (col = npiv ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ /* diagonal entries are zero for structurally singular part */
+ Wi [col] = 0 ;
+ }
+ deg = Numeric->ulen ;
+ if (deg > 0)
+ {
+ /* make last pivot row of U (singular matrices only) */
+ DEBUG0 (("Last pivot row of U: ulen "ID"\n", deg)) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ Pattern [j] = Numeric->Upattern [j] ;
+ DEBUG0 ((" column "ID"\n", Pattern [j])) ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (k = npiv-1 ; k >= 0 ; k--)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* use row k of U */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ up = Uip [k] ;
+ ulen = Uilen [k] ;
+ newUchain = (up < 0) ;
+ if (newUchain)
+ {
+ up = -up ;
+ xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + up + UNITS (Int, ulen)) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ;
+ }
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 ((" k "ID" col "ID" value\n", k, Pattern [j])) ;
+ col = Pattern [j] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ value = *xp++ ;
+ EDEBUG4 (value) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ if (IS_NONZERO (value))
+ {
+ Wi [col]++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* make row k-1 of U in Pattern [0..deg-1] */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (newUchain)
+ {
+ /* next row is a new Uchain */
+ deg = ulen ;
+ DEBUG4 (("end of chain for row of U "ID" deg "ID"\n", k-1, deg)) ;
+ ip = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ col = *ip++ ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" k "ID" col "ID"\n", k-1, col)) ;
+ ASSERT (k <= col) ;
+ Pattern [j] = col ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ deg -= ulen ;
+ DEBUG4 (("middle of chain for row of U "ID" deg "ID"\n", k-1, deg));
+ ASSERT (deg >= 0) ;
+ pos = Upos [k] ;
+ if (pos != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* add the pivot column */
+ DEBUG4 (("k "ID" add pivot entry at position "ID"\n", k, pos)) ;
+ ASSERT (pos >= 0 && pos <= deg) ;
+ Pattern [deg++] = Pattern [pos] ;
+ Pattern [pos] = k ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct the final column form of U */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* create the column pointers */
+ unz2 = 0 ;
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ Up [col] = unz2 ;
+ unz2 += Wi [col] ;
+ }
+ Up [n_col] = unz2 ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Numeric->unz "ID" npiv "ID" nnzpiv "ID" unz2 "ID"\n",
+ Numeric->unz, npiv, Numeric->nnzpiv, unz2)) ;
+ ASSERT (Numeric->unz + Numeric->nnzpiv == unz2) ;
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ Wi [col] = Up [col+1] ;
+ }
+ /* add all of the diagonal entries */
+ for (col = 0 ; col < npiv ; col++)
+ {
+ if (IS_NONZERO (D [col]))
+ {
+ p = --(Wi [col]) ;
+ Ui [p] = col ;
+ Ux [p] = REAL_COMPONENT (D [col]) ;
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Uz [p] = IMAG_COMPONENT (D [col]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* add all the entries from the rows of U */
+ deg = Numeric->ulen ;
+ if (deg > 0)
+ {
+ /* make last pivot row of U (singular matrices only) */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ Pattern [j] = Numeric->Upattern [j] ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (k = npiv-1 ; k >= 0 ; k--)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* use row k of U */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ up = Uip [k] ;
+ ulen = Uilen [k] ;
+ newUchain = (up < 0) ;
+ if (newUchain)
+ {
+ up = -up ;
+ xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + up + UNITS (Int, ulen)) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ;
+ }
+ xp += deg ;
+ for (j = deg-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
+ {
+ DEBUG4 ((" k "ID" col "ID" value", k, Pattern [j])) ;
+ col = Pattern [j] ;
+ ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
+ value = *(--xp) ;
+ EDEBUG4 (value) ;
+ DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ if (IS_NONZERO (value))
+ {
+ p = --(Wi [col]) ;
+ Ui [p] = k ;
+ Ux [p] = REAL_COMPONENT (value) ;
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Uz [p] = IMAG_COMPONENT (value) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* make row k-1 of U in Pattern [0..deg-1] */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ if (newUchain)
+ {
+ /* next row is a new Uchain */
+ deg = ulen ;
+ DEBUG4 (("end of chain for row of U "ID" deg "ID"\n", k-1, deg)) ;
+ ip = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
+ {
+ col = *ip++ ;
+ DEBUG4 ((" k "ID" col "ID"\n", k-1, col)) ;
+ ASSERT (k <= col) ;
+ Pattern [j] = col ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ deg -= ulen ;
+ DEBUG4 (("middle of chain for row of U "ID" deg "ID"\n", k-1, deg));
+ ASSERT (deg >= 0) ;
+ pos = Upos [k] ;
+ if (pos != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* add the pivot column */
+ DEBUG4 (("k "ID" add pivot entry at position "ID"\n", k, pos)) ;
+ ASSERT (pos >= 0 && pos <= deg) ;
+ Pattern [deg++] = Pattern [pos] ;
+ Pattern [pos] = k ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG6 (("U matrix:")) ;
+ UMF_dump_col_matrix (Ux,
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Uz,
+ Ui, Up, Numeric->n_row, n_col, Numeric->unz + Numeric->nnzpiv) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_get_symbolic.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_get_symbolic.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb1d251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_get_symbolic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMFPACK_get_symbolic ================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ User-callable. Gets the symbolic information held in the Symbolic object.
+ See umfpack_get_symbolic.h for a more detailed description.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_valid_symbolic.h"
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL Int UMFPACK_get_symbolic
+ Int *p_n_row,
+ Int *p_n_col,
+ Int *p_nz,
+ Int *p_nfr,
+ Int *p_nchains,
+ Int Ptree [ ],
+ Int Qtree [ ],
+ Int Front_npivcol [ ],
+ Int Front_parent [ ],
+ Int Front_1strow [ ],
+ Int Front_leftmostdesc [ ],
+ Int Chain_start [ ],
+ Int Chain_maxrows [ ],
+ Int Chain_maxcols [ ],
+ void *SymbolicHandle
+ SymbolicType *Symbolic ;
+ Int k, n_row, n_col, nfr, nchains, *p ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* check inputs */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Symbolic = (SymbolicType *) SymbolicHandle ;
+ if (!UMF_valid_symbolic (Symbolic))
+ {
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_Symbolic_object) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get contents of Symbolic */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ n_row = Symbolic->n_row ;
+ n_col = Symbolic->n_col ;
+ nfr = Symbolic->nfr ;
+ nchains = Symbolic->nchains ;
+ if (p_n_row)
+ {
+ *p_n_row = n_row ;
+ }
+ if (p_n_col)
+ {
+ *p_n_col = n_col ;
+ }
+ if (p_nz)
+ {
+ *p_nz = Symbolic->nz ;
+ }
+ if (p_nfr)
+ {
+ *p_nfr = nfr ;
+ }
+ if (p_nchains)
+ {
+ *p_nchains = nchains ;
+ }
+ if (Ptree)
+ {
+ p = Symbolic->Rperm_init ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_row ; k++)
+ {
+ Ptree [k] = p [k] ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Qtree)
+ {
+ p = Symbolic->Cperm_init ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; k++)
+ {
+ Qtree [k] = p [k] ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Front_npivcol)
+ {
+ p = Symbolic->Front_npivcol ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k <= nfr ; k++)
+ {
+ Front_npivcol [k] = p [k] ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Front_parent)
+ {
+ p = Symbolic->Front_parent ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k <= nfr ; k++)
+ {
+ Front_parent [k] = p [k] ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Front_1strow)
+ {
+ p = Symbolic->Front_1strow ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k <= nfr ; k++)
+ {
+ Front_1strow [k] = p [k] ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Front_leftmostdesc)
+ {
+ p = Symbolic->Front_leftmostdesc ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k <= nfr ; k++)
+ {
+ Front_leftmostdesc [k] = p [k] ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Chain_start)
+ {
+ p = Symbolic->Chain_start ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k <= nchains ; k++)
+ {
+ Chain_start [k] = p [k] ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Chain_maxrows)
+ {
+ p = Symbolic->Chain_maxrows ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < nchains ; k++)
+ {
+ Chain_maxrows [k] = p [k] ;
+ }
+ Chain_maxrows [nchains] = 0 ;
+ }
+ if (Chain_maxcols)
+ {
+ p = Symbolic->Chain_maxcols ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < nchains ; k++)
+ {
+ Chain_maxcols [k] = p [k] ;
+ }
+ Chain_maxcols [nchains] = 0 ;
+ }
+ return (UMFPACK_OK) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_numeric.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_numeric.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2f43c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_numeric.c
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMFPACK_numeric ====================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ User-callable. Factorizes A into its LU factors, given a symbolic
+ pre-analysis computed by UMFPACK_symbolic. See umfpack_numeric.h for a
+ description.
+ Dynamic memory usage: UMFPACK_numeric makes the heaviest usage of memory
+ space of all UMFPACK routines. Here is an outline of how it uses memory:
+ 1) calls UMF_malloc 14 times, to obtain temporary workspace of size f
+ Entry's and 2*(n_row+1) + 2*(n_col+1) + (n_col+n_inner+1) +
+ (nn+1) + 3*(c+1) + 2*(r+1) + max(r,c) + (nfr+1) integers
+ where f is the size of the working array used for the frontal
+ matrices, r is the maximum number of rows in the working array,
+ c is the maximum number of columns in the working array (f is
+ less than or equal to r*c, and typically f=r*c), n_inner is
+ min (n_row,n_col), nn is max (n_row,n_col), and nfr is the number
+ of frontal matrices. For a square matrix, this is f Entry's and
+ about 7n + 3c + 2r + max(r,c) + nfr integers.
+ 2) calls UMF_malloc 10 times, for a total space of sizeof (NumericType)
+ bytes, 4*(n_row+1) + 4*(n_row+1) integers, and (n_inner+1) Entry's.
+ sizeof (NumericType) is a small constant. This space is part of the
+ permanent Numeric object (which holds the LU factors) and is not
+ freed on return via UMF_free unless an error occurs.
+ 3) calls UMF_malloc once, to allocate the variable-sized part of the
+ Numeric object, whose size in Units is the larger of:
+ (Control [UMFPACK_ALLOC_INIT]) * (the approximate upper bound
+ computed by UMFPACK_symbolic), and the minimum required to start the
+ numerical factorization. The default value of
+ Control [UMFPACK_ALLOC_INIT] is 1.0. This request is reduced if it
+ fails. This object is not freed on return via UMF_free unless
+ an error occurs.
+ 4) During numerical factorization (inside UMF_kernel), the variable-size
+ block of memory is increased in size via a call to UMF_realloc if
+ it is found to be too small. This is rare with the default control
+ setting of 1.0 (I've never observed it to happen, but it
+ theoretically could happen). During factorization, this block holds
+ the pattern and values of L and U at the top end, and the elements
+ (contibution blocks) at the bottom end.
+ For a square nonsingular matrix, the peak memory usage at this point
+ is roughly:
+ r*c + n Entry's
+ 15n + 3c + 2r + max(r,c) + nfr integers
+ plus peak size of the variable-sized part of the Numeric object
+ plus the size of the Symbolic object (2n to 9n integers)
+ where r is the maximum number of rows in the working array used
+ to hold the current frontal matrix, and c is the maximum number of
+ columns in the working array.
+ The peak value of the variable-sized object is estimated in
+ The size of the Symbolic object is in Info [UMFPACK_SYMBOLIC_SIZE],
+ and is between 2*n and 9*n integers.
+ 5) After numerical factorization all of the objects allocated in step
+ (1) are freed via UMF_free, except that one object of size n_col+1
+ is kept if there are nonzeros in the last pivot row.
+ 6) The variable-sized block is reduced to hold just L and U, via a call
+ to UMF_realloc, since the frontal matrices are no longer needed.
+ 7) This leaves a total of 11 or 12 objects allocated by UMF_malloc that
+ form the LU factorization. These remain if UMFPACK_numeric was
+ successful. Otherwise, they are all freed via UMF_free.
+ The final size of the Numeric object for a square nonsingular matrix
+ is roughly:
+ n Entry's
+ 8n integers
+ plus final size of the variable-sized part of the Numeric object
+ Dynamic memory usage of UMFPACK_free_numeric:
+ 1) It frees, via UMF_free, all 11 or 12 objects allocated for the
+ Numeric object, in a prior call to UMFPACK_numeric.
+/* ========================================================================== */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_valid_symbolic.h"
+#include "umf_set_stats.h"
+#include "umf_kernel.h"
+#include "umf_malloc.h"
+#include "umf_free.h"
+#include "umf_realloc.h"
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+PRIVATE Int init_count ;
+PRIVATE Int work_alloc
+ WorkType *Work
+) ;
+PRIVATE void free_work
+ WorkType *Work
+) ;
+PRIVATE Int numeric_alloc
+ NumericType **NumericHandle,
+ SymbolicType *Symbolic,
+ double alloc_init
+) ;
+PRIVATE void error
+ NumericType **Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work
+) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+ const Int Ap [ ],
+ const Int Ai [ ],
+ const double Ax [ ],
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ const double Az [ ],
+ void *SymbolicHandle,
+ void **NumericHandle,
+ const double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL],
+ double User_Info [UMFPACK_INFO]
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ NumericType *Numeric ;
+ SymbolicType *Symbolic ;
+ WorkType WorkSpace, *Work ;
+ Int n_row, n_col, n_inner, newsize, i, status, *inew, npiv, ulen ;
+ Unit *mnew ;
+ double Info2 [UMFPACK_INFO], *Info, alloc_init, relax, relpt, tstart, tend,
+ relax2, relax3 ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get the amount of time used by the process so far */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ tstart = umfpack_timer ( ) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* initialize and check inputs */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ init_count = UMF_malloc_count ;
+ if (Control)
+ {
+ /* use the Control array passed to us by the caller; look for NaN's */
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ relpt = Control [UMFPACK_PIVOT_TOLERANCE] ;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ alloc_init = Control [UMFPACK_ALLOC_INIT] ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* no Control passed - use defaults instead */
+ }
+ relpt = MAX (0.0, MIN (relpt, 1.0)) ;
+ relax = MAX (0.0, relax) ;
+ relax2 = MAX (0.0, relax2) ;
+ relax3 = MAX (0.0, relax3) ;
+ alloc_init = MAX (0.0, alloc_init) ;
+ if (User_Info)
+ {
+ /* return Info in user's array */
+ Info = User_Info ;
+ {
+ Info [i] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* no Info array passed - use local one instead */
+ Info = Info2 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < UMFPACK_INFO ; i++)
+ {
+ Info [i] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ }
+ Symbolic = (SymbolicType *) SymbolicHandle ;
+ Numeric = (NumericType *) NULL ;
+ if (!UMF_valid_symbolic (Symbolic))
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_Symbolic_object ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_Symbolic_object) ;
+ }
+ n_row = Symbolic->n_row ;
+ n_col = Symbolic->n_col ;
+ n_inner = MIN (n_row, n_col) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_NROW] = n_row ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_NCOL] = n_col ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_UNIT] = (double) (sizeof (Unit)) ;
+ if (!Ap || !Ai || !Ax || !NumericHandle
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ || !Az
+ )
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_NZ] = Ap [n_col] ;
+ *NumericHandle = (void *) NULL ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* allocate the Work object */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Work = &WorkSpace ;
+ Work->n_row = n_row ;
+ Work->n_col = n_col ;
+ Work->nfr = Symbolic->nfr ;
+ Work->maxfrsize = Symbolic->maxfrsize ;
+ Work->maxnrows = Symbolic->maxnrows ;
+ Work->maxncols = Symbolic->maxncols ;
+ if (!work_alloc (Work))
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
+ error (&Numeric, Work) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count + 14) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* allocate Numeric object */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (!numeric_alloc (&Numeric, Symbolic, alloc_init))
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
+ error (&Numeric, Work) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG0 (("malloc: init_count "ID" UMF_malloc_count "ID"\n",
+ init_count, UMF_malloc_count)) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count + 14 + 11) ;
+ /* set control parameters */
+ Numeric->relpt = relpt ;
+ Numeric->relax = relax ;
+ Numeric->relax2 = relax2 ;
+ Numeric->relax3 = relax3 ;
+ Numeric->alloc_init = alloc_init ;
+ DEBUG0 (("umf control: relpt %g relax [%g %g %g] init %g inc %g red %g\n",
+ relpt, relax, relax2, relax3, alloc_init,
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* factorize */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ status = UMF_kernel (Ap, Ai, Ax,
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Az,
+ Numeric, Work, Symbolic) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = status ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_VARIABLE_INIT] = Numeric->init_usage ;
+ if (status < 0)
+ {
+ /* out of memory, or pattern has changed */
+ error (&Numeric, Work) ;
+ return (status) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG0 (("malloc: init_count "ID" UMF_malloc_count "ID"\n",
+ init_count, UMF_malloc_count)) ;
+ npiv = Numeric->npiv ; /* = n_inner for nonsingular matrices */
+ ulen = Numeric->ulen ; /* = 0 for square nonsingular matrices */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* free Work object */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ DEBUG0 (("malloc: init_count "ID" UMF_malloc_count "ID"\n",
+ init_count, UMF_malloc_count)) ;
+ free_work (Work) ;
+ DEBUG0 (("malloc: init_count "ID" UMF_malloc_count "ID"\n",
+ init_count, UMF_malloc_count)) ;
+ DEBUG0 (("Numeric->ulen: "ID"\n", ulen)) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count + 11 + (ulen > 0)) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* reduce Lpos, Lilen, Lip, Upos, Uilen and Uip to size npiv+1 */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* This is only needed for rectangular or singular matrices. */
+ if (npiv < n_row)
+ {
+ /* reduce Lpos, Uilen, and Uip from size n_row+1 to size npiv */
+ inew = (Int *) UMF_realloc (Numeric->Lpos, npiv+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ if (inew)
+ {
+ Numeric->Lpos = inew ;
+ }
+ inew = (Int *) UMF_realloc (Numeric->Uilen, npiv+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ if (inew)
+ {
+ Numeric->Uilen = inew ;
+ }
+ inew = (Int *) UMF_realloc (Numeric->Uip, npiv+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ if (inew)
+ {
+ Numeric->Uip = inew ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (npiv < n_col)
+ {
+ /* reduce Upos, Lilen, and Lip from size n_col+1 to size npiv */
+ inew = (Int *) UMF_realloc (Numeric->Upos, npiv+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ if (inew)
+ {
+ Numeric->Upos = inew ;
+ }
+ inew = (Int *) UMF_realloc (Numeric->Lilen, npiv+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ if (inew)
+ {
+ Numeric->Lilen = inew ;
+ }
+ inew = (Int *) UMF_realloc (Numeric->Lip, npiv+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ if (inew)
+ {
+ Numeric->Lip = inew ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* reduce Numeric->Upattern from size n_col+1 to size ulen+1 */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* This is only needed for singular matrices, or if n_row < n_col. */
+ /* If ulen is zero, the object does not exist. */
+ DEBUG4 (("ulen: "ID" Upattern "ID"\n", ulen, (Int) Numeric->Upattern)) ;
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (ulen == 0, Numeric->Upattern == (Int *) NULL)) ;
+ if (ulen > 0 && ulen < n_col)
+ {
+ inew = (Int *) UMF_realloc (Numeric->Upattern, ulen+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ if (inew)
+ {
+ Numeric->Upattern = inew ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* reduce Numeric->Memory to hold just the LU factors at the head */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ newsize = Numeric->ihead ;
+ if (newsize < Numeric->size)
+ {
+ mnew = (Unit *) UMF_realloc (Numeric->Memory, newsize, sizeof (Unit)) ;
+ if (mnew)
+ {
+ /* realloc succeeded (how can it fail since the size is reduced?) */
+ Numeric->Memory = mnew ;
+ Numeric->size = newsize ;
+ }
+ }
+ Numeric->ihead = Numeric->size ;
+ Numeric->itail = Numeric->ihead ;
+ Numeric->tail_usage = 0 ;
+ Numeric->ibig = EMPTY ;
+ /* UMF_mem_alloc_tail_block can no longer be called (no tail marker) */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* report the results and return the Numeric object */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ UMF_set_stats (
+ Info,
+ Symbolic,
+ (double) Numeric->max_usage, /* actual peak Numeric->Memory */
+ (double) Numeric->size, /* actual final Numeric->Memory */
+ Numeric->flops, /* actual "true flops" */
+ (double) Numeric->lnz + n_inner, /* actual nz in L */
+ (double) Numeric->unz + Numeric->nnzpiv, /* actual nz in U */
+ (double) Numeric->maxfrsize, /* actual largest front size */
+ (double) ulen, /* actual Numeric->Upattern size */
+ (double) npiv, /* actual # pivots found */
+ Info [UMFPACK_NUMERIC_DEFRAG] = Numeric->ngarbage ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_NUMERIC_REALLOC] = Numeric->nrealloc ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_NUMERIC_COSTLY_REALLOC] = Numeric->ncostly ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_COMPRESSED_PATTERN] = Numeric->isize ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_LU_ENTRIES] = Numeric->nLentries + Numeric->nUentries +
+ Numeric->npiv ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_UDIAG_NZ] = Numeric->nnzpiv ;
+ /* estimate of the recipricol of the condition number. */
+ if (SCALAR_IS_ZERO (Numeric->min_udiag)
+ || SCALAR_IS_ZERO (Numeric->max_udiag))
+ {
+ /* rcond is zero if there is any zero on the diagonal, */
+ /* even if NaN's are also present. */
+ Numeric->rcond = 0.0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* estimate of the recipricol of the condition number. */
+ /* This is NaN if diagonal is zero-free, but has one or more NaN's. */
+ Numeric->rcond = Numeric->min_udiag / Numeric->max_udiag ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_RCOND] = Numeric->rcond ;
+ if (Numeric->nnzpiv < n_inner
+ || SCALAR_IS_ZERO (Numeric->rcond) || SCALAR_IS_NAN (Numeric->rcond))
+ {
+ /* there are zeros and/or NaN's on the diagonal of U */
+ DEBUG0 (("Warning, matrix is singular in umfpack_numeric\n")) ;
+ DEBUG0 (("nnzpiv "ID" n_inner "ID" rcond %g\n", Numeric->nnzpiv,
+ n_inner, Numeric->rcond)) ;
+ status = UMFPACK_WARNING_singular_matrix ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = status ;
+ }
+ Numeric->valid = NUMERIC_VALID ;
+ *NumericHandle = (void *) Numeric ;
+ /* Numeric has 11 or 12 objects */
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count + 11 + (ulen > 0)) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get the time used by UMFPACK_numeric */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ tend = umfpack_timer ( ) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_NUMERIC_TIME] = MAX (0, tend - tstart) ;
+ /* return UMFPACK_OK or UMFPACK_WARNING_singular_matrix */
+ return (status) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === numeric_alloc ======================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* Allocate the Numeric object */
+PRIVATE Int numeric_alloc
+ NumericType **NumericHandle,
+ SymbolicType *Symbolic,
+ double alloc_init
+ Int n_row, n_col, n_inner, min_usage, trying ;
+ NumericType *Numeric ;
+ double nsize, bsize ;
+ ASSERT (Symbolic) ;
+ n_row = Symbolic->n_row ;
+ n_col = Symbolic->n_col ;
+ n_inner = MIN (n_row, n_col) ;
+ *NumericHandle = (NumericType *) NULL ;
+ /* 1 allocation: accounted for in UMF_set_stats (num_fixed_size) */
+ Numeric = (NumericType *) UMF_malloc (1, sizeof (NumericType)) ;
+ if (!Numeric)
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ; /* out of memory */
+ }
+ Numeric->valid = 0 ;
+ *NumericHandle = Numeric ;
+ /* 9 allocations: accounted for in UMF_set_stats (num_fixed_size) */
+ Numeric->D = (Entry *) UMF_malloc (n_inner+1, sizeof (Entry)) ;
+ Numeric->Rperm = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_row+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Numeric->Cperm = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Numeric->Lpos = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_row+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Numeric->Lilen = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Numeric->Lip = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Numeric->Upos = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Numeric->Uilen = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_row+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Numeric->Uip = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_row+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Numeric->Memory = (Unit *) NULL ;
+ Numeric->Upattern = (Int *) NULL ; /* used for singular matrices only */
+ if (!Numeric->D || !Numeric->Rperm || !Numeric->Cperm || !Numeric->Upos ||
+ !Numeric->Lpos || !Numeric->Lilen || !Numeric->Uilen || !Numeric->Lip ||
+ !Numeric->Uip)
+ {
+ return (FALSE) ; /* out of memory */
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* allocate initial Numeric->Memory for LU factors and elements */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ nsize = (alloc_init * Symbolic->num_mem_usage_est) * (1.0 + MAX_EPSILON) ;
+ nsize = ceil (nsize) ;
+ min_usage = Symbolic->num_mem_init_usage ;
+ /* Numeric->Memory must be large enough for UMF_kernel_init */
+ /* double relop, but ignore NaN case. */
+ nsize = MAX (ceil ((double) min_usage * (1.0 + MAX_EPSILON)), nsize) ;
+ /* Numeric->Memory cannot be larger in size than Int_MAX / sizeof(Unit) */
+ /* For ILP32 mode: 2GB (nsize cannot be bigger than 256 Mwords) */
+ bsize = ((double) Int_MAX) / sizeof (Unit) - 1 ;
+ DEBUG0 (("bsize %g\n", bsize)) ;
+ nsize = MIN (nsize, bsize) ; /* double relop, but ignore NaN case. */
+ Numeric->size = (Int) nsize ;
+ DEBUG0 (("Num init %g usage_est %g numsize "ID" minusage "ID"\n",
+ alloc_init, Symbolic->num_mem_usage_est, Numeric->size, min_usage)) ;
+ /* allocates 1 object: */
+ /* keep trying until successful, or memory request is too small */
+ trying = TRUE ;
+ while (trying)
+ {
+ Numeric->Memory = (Unit *) UMF_malloc (Numeric->size, sizeof (Unit)) ;
+ if (Numeric->Memory)
+ {
+ DEBUG0 (("Successful Numeric->size: "ID"\n", Numeric->size)) ;
+ return (TRUE) ;
+ }
+ /* too much, reduce the request (but not below the minimum) */
+ /* and try again */
+ trying = Numeric->size > min_usage ;
+ Numeric->size = (Int)
+ (UMF_REALLOC_REDUCTION * ((double) Numeric->size)) ;
+ Numeric->size = MAX (min_usage, Numeric->size) ;
+ }
+ return (FALSE) ; /* we failed to allocate Numeric->Memory */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === work_alloc =========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* Allocate the Work object. Return TRUE if successful. */
+PRIVATE Int work_alloc
+ WorkType *Work
+ Int n_row, n_col, nn, n_inner, maxfrsize, maxnrows, maxncols, nfr ;
+ n_row = Work->n_row ;
+ n_col = Work->n_col ;
+ nn = MAX (n_row, n_col) ;
+ n_inner = MIN (n_row, n_col) ;
+ nfr = Work->nfr ;
+ maxfrsize = Work->maxfrsize ;
+ maxnrows = Work->maxnrows ;
+ maxncols = Work->maxncols ;
+ /* largest front will be maxnrows-by-maxncols, at most */
+ DEBUG1 (("Allocating frontal matrix, size "ID" ("ID"-by-"ID") saved: "ID
+ "\n", maxfrsize, maxnrows, maxncols,
+ (maxnrows * maxncols) - maxfrsize)) ;
+ /* 13 allocations, freed in free_work: */
+ /* accounted for in UMF_set_stats (work_usage) */
+ Work->Fx = (Entry *) UMF_malloc (maxfrsize, sizeof (Entry)) ;
+ Work->Frpos = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_row + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Work->Fcpos = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Work->Lpattern = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_row + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Work->Wp = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nn + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Work->Frows = (Int *) UMF_malloc (maxnrows + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Work->Fcols = (Int *) UMF_malloc (maxncols + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Work->Wio = (Int *) UMF_malloc (maxncols + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Work->Woi = (Int *) UMF_malloc (maxncols + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Work->Woo = (Int *) UMF_malloc (MAX (maxnrows, maxncols) + 1, sizeof (Int));
+ Work->Wm = (Int *) UMF_malloc (maxnrows + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Work->E = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col + n_inner + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Work->Front_new1strow = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nfr + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ /* 1 allocation, may become part of Numeric (if singular or rectangular): */
+ Work->Upattern = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ return (Work->Fx && Work->Frpos
+ && Work->Fcpos && Work->Lpattern && Work->Upattern
+ && Work->E && Work->Frows && Work->Fcols && Work->Wio
+ && Work->Woi && Work->Woo && Work->Wm && Work->Wp
+ && Work->Front_new1strow) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === free_work ============================================================ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+PRIVATE void free_work
+ WorkType *Work
+ if (Work)
+ {
+ /* free 13 or 14 objects (Upattern may already be gone) */
+ Work->Fx = (Entry *) UMF_free ((void *) Work->Fx) ;
+ Work->Frpos = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) Work->Frpos) ;
+ Work->Fcpos = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) Work->Fcpos) ;
+ Work->Lpattern = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) Work->Lpattern) ;
+ Work->Upattern = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) Work->Upattern) ;
+ Work->Wp = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) Work->Wp) ;
+ Work->Frows = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) Work->Frows) ;
+ Work->Fcols = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) Work->Fcols) ;
+ Work->Wio = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) Work->Wio) ;
+ Work->Woi = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) Work->Woi) ;
+ Work->Woo = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) Work->Woo) ;
+ Work->Wm = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) Work->Wm) ;
+ Work->E = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) Work->E) ;
+ Work->Front_new1strow =
+ (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) Work->Front_new1strow) ;
+ }
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === error ================================================================ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* Error return from UMFPACK_numeric. Free all allocated memory. */
+PRIVATE void error
+ NumericType **Numeric,
+ WorkType *Work
+ free_work (Work) ;
+ UMFPACK_free_numeric ((void **) Numeric) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_qsymbolic.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_qsymbolic.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..061d3ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_qsymbolic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1347 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMFPACK_qsymbolic ==================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ User-callable. Performs a symbolic factorization.
+ See umfpack_qsymbolic.h and umfpack_symbolic.h for details.
+ Dynamic memory usage of UMFPACK_qsymbolic:
+ 1) calls UMF_malloc 6 times, for workspace of total size (C + 5*n_col)
+ integers. The value of C is determined by the macro
+ max (2*nz, 3*n_col) + 8*n_col + 6*n_row + n_col + nz/5, or typically
+ about 2.2*nz + 9*n_col + 6*n_row, where nz is the number of entries in
+ A. If A is square, this is 2.2*nz + 15*n.
+ 2) three more calls to UMF_malloc are made, for a total space of
+ (n_row+1 + n_col+1) integers + sizeof (SymbolicType).
+ sizeof (SymbolicType) is a small constant. This space is part of the
+ Symbolic object and is not freed unless an error occurs. The analysis
+ (UMF_colamd and/or UMF_analyze) is then performed.
+ This is about 2n if A is square.
+ 3) UMF_malloc is called 7 times, for a total workspace of
+ (4*(nfr+1)+3*(nchains+1)) integers, where nfr is the total number of
+ frontal matrices and nchains is the total number of frontal matrix
+ chains, and where nchains <= nfr <= n_col. This space is part of the
+ Symbolic object and is not free'd unless an error occurs. This is
+ between 7 and about 7n integers when A is square.
+ Thus, the peak memory usage of UMFPACK_symbolic occurs at this point.
+ For a square matrix, it is at most about (2.2*nz + 24*n) integers for
+ temporary workspace, plus between 2*n and 9*n integers for the final
+ Symbolic object.
+ 4) The 6 workspace objects allocated in step (1) are free'd via
+ UMF_free. The final Symbolic object consists of 10 allocated objects.
+ Its final total size is lies roughly between 2*n and 9*n for a square
+ matrix. If an error occurs, all 10 objects are free'd via UMF_free.
+ Dynamic memory usage of UMFPACK_free_symbolic:
+ 1) All 10 objects comprising the Symbolic object are free'd via UMF_free.
+/* ========================================================================== */
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_symbolic_usage.h"
+#include "umf_colamd.h"
+#include "umf_set_stats.h"
+#include "umf_analyze.h"
+#include "umf_transpose.h"
+#include "umf_is_permutation.h"
+#include "umf_kernel_init_usage.h"
+#include "umf_malloc.h"
+#include "umf_free.h"
+typedef struct /* SWorkType */
+ Int *Front_npivcol ;
+ Int *Front_nrows ;
+ Int *Front_ncols ;
+ Int *Front_parent ;
+ Int *Front_cols ; /* in UMF_colamd only */
+ Int *Ci ;
+} SWorkType ;
+PRIVATE void free_work
+ SWorkType *SWork
+) ;
+PRIVATE void error
+ SymbolicType **Symbolic,
+ SWorkType *SWork
+) ;
+#define SYM_WORK_USAGE(n_col,Clen) (DUNITS (Int, Clen) + 5*DUNITS (Int, n_col))
+/* required size of Ci for code that calls UMF_transpose and UMF_analyze below*/
+#define UMF_ANALYZE_CLEN(nz,n_row,n_col,nn) \
+ ((n_col) + MAX ((nz),1) + 3*(nn)+1 + (n_col))
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+PRIVATE Int init_count ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL Int UMFPACK_qsymbolic
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ const Int Ap [ ],
+ const Int Ai [ ],
+ const Int Q [ ],
+ void **SymbolicHandle,
+ const double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL],
+ double User_Info [UMFPACK_INFO]
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int colamd_ok, i, nz, maxfrsize, s, j, newj, status, maxoldpiv, chain_npiv,
+ maxnrows, maxncols, nfr, col, nchains, maxrows, maxcols, p, nb, nn,
+ *Chain_start, *Chain_maxrows, *Chain_maxcols, *Front_npivcol, *Ci,
+ Clen, colamd_stats [COLAMD_STATS], fpiv, frows, fcols, n_inner,
+ child, cr, cc, cp, parent, *Link, *Row_degree, row, *Front_parent,
+ head_usage, tail_usage, max_usage, analyze_compactions,
+ lf, uf, init_tail_usage, k, do_colamd, do_UMF_analyze, too_large,
+ fpivcol, fallrows, fallcols, *InFront, *F1,
+ *Front_1strow, f1rows, kk, *Cperm_init, *Rperm_init, newrow,
+ *Front_leftmostdesc, Clen_analyze ;
+ double knobs [COLAMD_KNOBS], flops, f, r, c, tstart, tend,
+ *Info, Info2 [UMFPACK_INFO], drow, dcol, dusage, dlf, duf, dmax_usage,
+ dhead_usage, dh, dlnz, dunz, dmaxfrsize, dClen, dClen_analyze ;
+ Int nempty_row, nempty_col ;
+ SymbolicType *Symbolic ;
+ SWorkType SWorkSpace, *SWork ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ double f2 ;
+ Int lf2, uf2 ;
+ UMF_dump_start ( ) ;
+ init_count = UMF_malloc_count ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get the amount of time used by the process so far */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ tstart = umfpack_timer ( ) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* check input parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (Control)
+ {
+ /* use the Control array passed to us by the caller. */
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ drow = Control [UMFPACK_DENSE_ROW] ;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dcol = Control [UMFPACK_DENSE_COL] ;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nb = (Int) Control [UMFPACK_BLOCK_SIZE] ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* no Control passed - use defaults instead */
+ }
+ nb = MAX (1, nb) ;
+ DEBUG0 (("nb = "ID"\n", nb)) ;
+ if (User_Info)
+ {
+ /* return Info in user's array */
+ Info = User_Info ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* no Info array passed - use local one instead */
+ Info = Info2 ;
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < UMFPACK_INFO ; i++)
+ {
+ Info [i] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ nn = MAX (n_row, n_col) ;
+ n_inner = MIN (n_row, n_col) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_NROW] = n_row ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_NCOL] = n_col ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_UNIT] = (double) (sizeof (Unit)) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_INT] = (double) (sizeof (int)) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_LONG] = (double) (sizeof (long)) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_POINTER] = (double) (sizeof (void *)) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_ENTRY] = (double) (sizeof (Entry)) ;
+ if (!Ai || !Ap || !SymbolicHandle)
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing) ;
+ }
+ *SymbolicHandle = (void *) NULL ;
+ if (n_row <= 0 || n_col <= 0) /* n_row, n_col must be > 0 */
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_n_nonpositive ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_n_nonpositive) ;
+ }
+ nz = Ap [n_col] ;
+ DEBUG0 (("In UMFPACK_symbolic, n_row "ID" n_col "ID" nz "ID"\n",
+ n_row, n_col, nz)) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_NZ] = nz ;
+ if (nz < 0)
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_nz_negative ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_nz_negative) ;
+ }
+ if (Q)
+ {
+ do_colamd = FALSE ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do_colamd = TRUE ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* determine amount of memory required for UMFPACK_symbolic */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* The size of Clen required for UMF_colamd is always larger than */
+ /* UMF_analyze, but the max is included here in case that changes in */
+ /* future versions. */
+ dClen = UMF_COLAMD_RECOMMENDED ((double) nz, (double) n_row,
+ (double) n_col) ;
+ dClen_analyze = UMF_ANALYZE_CLEN ((double) nz, (double) n_row,
+ (double) n_col, (double) nn) ;
+ dClen = MAX (dClen, dClen_analyze) ;
+ too_large = INT_OVERFLOW (dClen * sizeof (Int)) ;
+ if (too_large)
+ {
+ /* Problem is too large for array indexing (Ci [i]) with an Int i. */
+ /* Cannot even analyze the problem to determine upper bounds on */
+ /* memory usage. Need to use the long integer version, umfpack_*l_*. */
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_problem_too_large ;
+ SYM_WORK_USAGE (n_col, dClen) +
+ UMF_symbolic_usage (n_row, n_col, n_col, n_col) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_problem_too_large) ;
+ }
+ Clen = UMF_COLAMD_RECOMMENDED (nz, n_row, n_col) ;
+ Clen_analyze = UMF_ANALYZE_CLEN (nz, n_row, n_col, nn) ;
+ Clen = MAX (Clen, Clen_analyze) ;
+ /* worst case total memory usage for UMFPACK_symbolic (revised below) */
+ SYM_WORK_USAGE (n_col, Clen) +
+ UMF_symbolic_usage (n_row, n_col, n_col, n_col) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* allocate workspace */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Symbolic = (SymbolicType *) NULL ;
+ SWork = &SWorkSpace ; /* used for UMFPACK_symbolic only */
+ /* Note that SWork->Front_* does not include the dummy placeholder front. */
+ /* This space is accounted for by the SYM_WORK_USAGE (n_col, Clen) macro. */
+ SWork->Ci = (Int *) UMF_malloc (Clen, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ SWork->Front_npivcol = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ SWork->Front_nrows = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ SWork->Front_ncols = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ SWork->Front_parent = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ SWork->Front_cols = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ if (!SWork->Ci || !SWork->Front_npivcol || !SWork->Front_nrows ||
+ !SWork->Front_ncols || !SWork->Front_parent || !SWork->Front_cols)
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
+ error (&Symbolic, SWork) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* allocate the first part of the Symbolic object (header and Cperm_init) */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Symbolic = (SymbolicType *) UMF_malloc (1, sizeof (SymbolicType)) ;
+ if (!Symbolic)
+ {
+ /* If we fail here, Symbolic is NULL and thus it won't be */
+ /* dereferenced by UMFPACK_free_symbolic, as called by error ( ). */
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
+ error (&Symbolic, SWork) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
+ }
+ /* We now know that Symbolic has been allocated */
+ Symbolic->valid = 0 ;
+ Symbolic->Chain_start = (Int *) NULL ;
+ Symbolic->Chain_maxrows = (Int *) NULL ;
+ Symbolic->Chain_maxcols = (Int *) NULL ;
+ Symbolic->Front_npivcol = (Int *) NULL ;
+ Symbolic->Front_parent = (Int *) NULL ;
+ Symbolic->Front_1strow = (Int *) NULL ;
+ Symbolic->Front_leftmostdesc = (Int *) NULL ;
+ Symbolic->Cperm_init = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Symbolic->Rperm_init = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_row+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Cperm_init = Symbolic->Cperm_init ;
+ Rperm_init = Symbolic->Rperm_init ;
+ if (!Symbolic->Cperm_init || !Symbolic->Rperm_init)
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
+ error (&Symbolic, SWork) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG0 (("(1)Symbolic UMF_malloc_count - init_count = "ID"\n",
+ UMF_malloc_count - init_count)) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count + 9) ;
+ Symbolic->n_row = n_row ;
+ Symbolic->n_col = n_col ;
+ Symbolic->nz = nz ;
+ Symbolic->drow = drow ;
+ Symbolic->dcol = dcol ;
+ Symbolic->nb = nb ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* use colamd or input column ordering Q */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (do_colamd)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* copy the matrix into colamd workspace (colamd destroys its input) */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ Ci = SWork->Ci ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nz ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG5 (("Ai "ID": "ID"\n", i, Ai [i])) ;
+ Ci [i] = Ai [i] ;
+ }
+ /* load the column pointers into Cperm_init [0..n_col] */
+ for (col = 0 ; col <= n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ DEBUG5 (("Ap "ID": "ID"\n", col, Ap [col])) ;
+ Cperm_init [col] = Ap [col] ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* set UMF_colamd defaults */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ UMF_colamd_set_defaults (knobs) ;
+ knobs [COLAMD_DENSE_ROW] = drow ;
+ knobs [COLAMD_DENSE_COL] = dcol ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* check input matrix and find the initial column pre-ordering */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ colamd_ok = UMF_colamd (n_row, n_col, Clen, SWork->Ci,
+ Cperm_init, knobs, colamd_stats,
+ SWork->Front_npivcol,
+ SWork->Front_nrows,
+ SWork->Front_ncols,
+ SWork->Front_parent,
+ /* used in UMF_colamd only: */ SWork->Front_cols,
+ &nfr) ;
+ /* get number of truly empty rows and columns */
+ nempty_row = colamd_stats [COLAMD_EMPTY_ROW] ;
+ nempty_col = colamd_stats [COLAMD_EMPTY_COL] ;
+ if (!colamd_ok)
+ {
+ /* This will be modified below. It is not (yet) an internal */
+ /* error. It is only an internal error if is it not modified */
+ /* below (colamd_stats missing). */
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_internal_error ;
+ }
+ s = colamd_stats [COLAMD_STATUS] ;
+ if (s == COLAMD_OK)
+ {
+ status = UMFPACK_OK ;
+ }
+ else if (s == COLAMD_ERROR_jumbled_matrix)
+ {
+ status = UMFPACK_ERROR_jumbled_matrix ;
+ }
+ else if (s == COLAMD_ERROR_p0_nonzero)
+ {
+ status = UMFPACK_ERROR_Ap0_nonzero ;
+ }
+ else if (s == COLAMD_ERROR_row_index_out_of_bounds)
+ {
+ status = UMFPACK_ERROR_row_index_out_of_bounds ;
+ }
+ else if (s == COLAMD_ERROR_col_length_negative)
+ {
+ status = UMFPACK_ERROR_col_length_negative ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* these errors "cannot" happen */
+ /* COLAMD_ERROR_A_too_small */
+ /* COLAMD_ERROR_A_not_present */
+ /* COLAMD_ERROR_p_not_present */
+ /* COLAMD_ERROR_out_of_memory */
+ /* COLAMD_ERROR_internal_error */
+ /* COLAMD_ERROR_nrow_negative */
+ /* COLAMD_ERROR_ncol_negative */
+ /* COLAMD_ERROR_nnz_negative */
+ status = UMFPACK_ERROR_internal_error ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = status ;
+ if (status != UMFPACK_OK)
+ {
+ error (&Symbolic, SWork) ;
+ return (status) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_NDENSE_ROW] = colamd_stats [COLAMD_DENSE_ROW] ;
+ + colamd_stats [COLAMD_NEWLY_EMPTY_ROW] ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_NDENSE_COL] = colamd_stats [COLAMD_DENSE_COL] ;
+ + colamd_stats [COLAMD_NEWLY_EMPTY_COL] ;
+ /* re-analyze if any "dense" rows or cols ignored by UMF_colamd */
+ do_UMF_analyze =
+ colamd_stats [COLAMD_DENSE_ROW] > 0 ||
+ colamd_stats [COLAMD_DENSE_COL] > 0 ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 (("Cperm_init ["ID"] = "ID"\n", col, Cperm_init[col]));
+ }
+ /* make sure colamd returned a valid permutation */
+ ASSERT (Cperm_init) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (Cperm_init, SWork->Ci, n_col, n_col)) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* do not call colamd - use input Q instead */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ Int length ;
+ /* use Ci as workspace to check input permutation */
+ if (!UMF_is_permutation (Q, SWork->Ci, n_col, n_col))
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_permutation ;
+ error (&Symbolic, SWork) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_permutation) ;
+ }
+ if (Ap [0] != 0)
+ {
+ error (&Symbolic, SWork) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_Ap0_nonzero) ;
+ }
+ nempty_col = 0 ;
+ /* check Ap input */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n_col ; j++)
+ {
+ length = Ap [j+1] - Ap [j] ;
+ if (length == 0)
+ {
+ /* this is an empty column */
+ DEBUG1 (("Original empty column: "ID"\n", j)) ;
+ nempty_col++ ;
+ }
+ if (length < 0)
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_col_length_negative ;
+ error (&Symbolic, SWork) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_col_length_negative) ;
+ }
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_NEMPTY_ROW] = 0 ; /* this is fixed below */
+ Info [UMFPACK_NEMPTY_COL] = nempty_col ;
+ if (nempty_col == 0)
+ {
+ /* copy the user's input permutation */
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; k++)
+ {
+ Cperm_init [k] = Q [k] ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* partition the user's input permutation */
+ /* move empty columns last */
+ k = n_col ;
+ for (j = n_col-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
+ {
+ col = Q [j] ;
+ length = Ap [col+1] - Ap [col] ;
+ if (length == 0)
+ {
+ Cperm_init [--k] = col ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Moving empty col "ID" last: "ID"\n", col, k)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (n_col-k == nempty_col) ;
+ /* move remaining columns first */
+ k = 0 ;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n_col ; j++)
+ {
+ col = Q [j] ;
+ length = Ap [col+1] - Ap [col] ;
+ if (length != 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG1 (("Non empty col "ID" at: "ID"\n", col, k)) ;
+ Cperm_init [k++] = col ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ do_UMF_analyze = TRUE ;
+ }
+ Cperm_init [n_col] = EMPTY ; /* unused in Cperm_init */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG3 (("Cperm_init column permutation:\n")) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (Cperm_init, SWork->Ci, n_col, n_col)) ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; k++)
+ {
+ DEBUG3 ((ID"\n", Cperm_init [k])) ;
+ }
+ /* ensure that empty columns have been placed last in A (:,Cperm_init) */
+ for (newj = 0 ; newj < n_col ; newj++)
+ {
+ /* empty columns will be last in A (:, Cperm_init (1:n_col)) */
+ j = Cperm_init [newj] ;
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (newj >= n_col-nempty_col, Ap [j+1] - Ap [j] == 0)) ;
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (newj < n_col-nempty_col, Ap [j+1] - Ap [j] > 0)) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* analyze, using the given ordering, or using colamd's ordering */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (do_UMF_analyze)
+ {
+ Int *W, *Bp, *Bi, *Cperm2, ok, ilast, *P, Clen2, bsize, Clen0 ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Ci [0 .. Clen-1] holds the following work arrays:
+ first Clen0 entries empty space, where Clen0 =
+ Clen - (nn+1 + 2*nn + n_col)
+ and Clen0 >= nz + n_col
+ next nn+1 entries Bp [0..nn]
+ next nn entries Link [0..nn-1]
+ next nn entries W [0..nn-1]
+ last n_col entries Cperm2 [0..n_col-1]
+ */
+ Ci = SWork->Ci ;
+ Clen0 = Clen - (nn+1 + 2*nn + n_col) ;
+ Bp = Ci + Clen0 ;
+ Link = Bp + (nn+1) ;
+ W = Link + nn ;
+ Cperm2 = W + nn ;
+ ASSERT (Cperm2 + n_col == Ci + Clen) ;
+ ASSERT (Clen0 >= nz + n_col) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* P = order that rows will be used in UMF_analyze */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* use W to mark rows, and use Link for row permutation P [ [ */
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ W [row] = FALSE ;
+ }
+ P = Link ;
+ k = 0 ;
+ for (newj = 0 ; newj < n_col ; newj++)
+ {
+ /* empty columns will be last in A (:,Cperm_init) */
+ j = Cperm_init [newj] ;
+ ilast = -1 ;
+ for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ row = Ai [p] ;
+ if (row < 0 || row >= n_row)
+ {
+ UMFPACK_ERROR_row_index_out_of_bounds ;
+ error (&Symbolic, SWork) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_row_index_out_of_bounds) ;
+ }
+ if (row <= ilast)
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_jumbled_matrix ;
+ error (&Symbolic, SWork) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_jumbled_matrix) ;
+ }
+ if (!W [row])
+ {
+ /* this row has just been see for the first time */
+ W [row] = TRUE ;
+ P [k++] = row ;
+ }
+ ilast = row ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If the matrix has truly empty rows, then P will not be */
+ /* complete, and visa versa. The matrix is structurally singular. */
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (do_colamd, nempty_row == n_row-k)) ;
+ nempty_row = n_row - k ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_NEMPTY_ROW] = nempty_row ;
+ if (k < n_row)
+ {
+ /* complete P by putting empty rows last in their natural order, */
+ /* rather than declaring an error (the matrix is singular) */
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ if (!W [row])
+ {
+ /* W [row] = TRUE ; (not required) */
+ P [k++] = row ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* contents of W no longer needed ] */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DEBUG3 (("Induced row permutation:\n")) ;
+ ASSERT (k == n_row) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (P, W, n_row, n_row)) ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_row ; k++)
+ {
+ DEBUG3 ((ID"\n", P [k])) ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* B = row-form of the pattern of A (P, Cperm_init (1:n_col)) */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Ci [0 .. Clen-1] holds the following work arrays:
+ first Clen2 entries empty space, must be at least >= n_col
+ next max (nz,1) Bi [0..max (nz,1)-1]
+ next nn+1 entries Bp [0..nn]
+ next nn entries Link [0..nn-1]
+ next nn entries W [0..nn-1]
+ last n_col entries Cperm2 [0..n_col-1]
+ This memory usage is accounted for by the UMF_ANALYZE_CLEN
+ macro.
+ */
+ Clen2 = Clen0 ;
+ bsize = MAX (nz, 1) ;
+ Clen2 -= bsize ;
+ Bi = Ci + Clen2 ;
+ ASSERT (Clen2 >= n_col) ;
+ /* skip error test (already done, above). Do pattern only. */
+ (void) UMF_transpose (n_row, n_col, Ap, Ai, (double *) NULL, P,
+ Cperm_init, n_col - nempty_col, Bp, Bi, (double *) NULL, W, FALSE
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ , (double *) NULL, (double *) NULL, FALSE
+ ) ;
+ /* contents of P (same as Link) and W not needed */
+ /* still need Link and W as work arrays, though ] */
+ ASSERT (Bp [0] == 0) ;
+ ASSERT (Bp [n_row] == nz) ;
+ /* increment Bp to point into Ci, not Bi */
+ for (i = 0 ; i <= n_row ; i++)
+ {
+ Bp [i] += Clen2 ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (Bp [0] == Clen0 - bsize) ;
+ ASSERT (Bp [n_row] <= Clen0) ;
+ /* Ci [0 .. Clen-1] holds the following work arrays:
+ first Clen0 entries Ci [0 .. Clen0-1], where the col indices
+ of B are at the tail end of this part,
+ and Bp [0] = Clen2 >= n_col. Note
+ that Clen0 = Clen2 + max (nz,1).
+ next nn+1 entries Bp [0..nn]
+ next nn entries Link [0..nn-1]
+ next nn entries W [0..nn-1]
+ last n_col entries Cperm2 [0..n_col-1]
+ */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* analyze */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* only analyze the non-empty part of the matrix */
+ ok = UMF_analyze (n_row - nempty_row, n_col - nempty_col,
+ Ci, Bp, Cperm2, W, Link,
+ SWork->Front_ncols, SWork->Front_nrows, SWork->Front_npivcol,
+ SWork->Front_parent, &nfr, &analyze_compactions) ;
+ if (!ok)
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_internal_error ;
+ error (&Symbolic, SWork) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_internal_error) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_SYMBOLIC_DEFRAG] += analyze_compactions ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* combine the input permutation and UMF_analyze's permutation */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ /* Cperm2 is the column etree post-ordering */
+ ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (Cperm2, W,
+ n_col-nempty_col, n_col-nempty_col)) ;
+ /* Note that the empty columns remain at the end of Cperm_init */
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_col - nempty_col ; k++)
+ {
+ W [k] = Cperm_init [Cperm2 [k]] ;
+ }
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_col - nempty_col ; k++)
+ {
+ Cperm_init [k] = W [k] ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (Cperm_init, W, n_col, n_col)) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* determine the size of the Symbolic object */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ nchains = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ if (SWork->Front_parent [i] != i+1)
+ {
+ nchains++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ Symbolic->nchains = nchains ;
+ Symbolic->nfr = nfr ;
+ /* final size of Symbolic object */
+ UMF_symbolic_usage (n_row, n_col, nchains, nfr) ;
+ /* actual peak memory usage for UMFPACK_symbolic (actual nfr, nchains) */
+ Symbolic->peak_sym_usage = Info [UMFPACK_SYMBOLIC_PEAK_MEMORY] ;
+ DEBUG0 (("Number of fronts: "ID"\n", nfr)) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* allocate the second part of the Symbolic object (Front_*, Chain_*) */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Note that Symbolic->Front_* does include the dummy placeholder front */
+ Symbolic->Front_npivcol = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nfr+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Symbolic->Front_parent = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nfr+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Symbolic->Front_1strow = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nfr+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Symbolic->Front_leftmostdesc = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nfr+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Symbolic->Chain_start = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nchains+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Symbolic->Chain_maxrows = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nchains+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ Symbolic->Chain_maxcols = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nchains+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ if (!Symbolic->Front_npivcol || !Symbolic->Front_parent ||
+ !Symbolic->Front_1strow || !Symbolic->Front_leftmostdesc ||
+ !Symbolic->Chain_start || !Symbolic->Chain_maxrows ||
+ !Symbolic->Chain_maxcols)
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
+ error (&Symbolic, SWork) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG0 (("(2)Symbolic UMF_malloc_count - init_count = "ID"\n",
+ UMF_malloc_count - init_count)) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count + 16) ;
+ Front_npivcol = Symbolic->Front_npivcol ;
+ Front_parent = Symbolic->Front_parent ;
+ Front_1strow = Symbolic->Front_1strow ;
+ Front_leftmostdesc = Symbolic->Front_leftmostdesc ;
+ Chain_start = Symbolic->Chain_start ;
+ Chain_maxrows = Symbolic->Chain_maxrows ;
+ Chain_maxcols = Symbolic->Chain_maxcols ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* find row degrees and assign rows to fronts */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Use SWork->Ci as temporary workspace for Row_degree, InFront, and F1 */
+ Row_degree = SWork->Ci ; /* [ of size n_row */
+ InFront = Row_degree + n_row ; /* [ of size n_row */
+ F1 = InFront + n_row ; /* [ of size nfr+1 */
+ ASSERT (Clen >= 2*n_row + nfr+1) ;
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ Row_degree [row] = 0 ;
+ InFront [row] = nfr ; /* empty rows go to dummy front nfr */
+ }
+ newj = 0 ;
+ k = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ fpivcol = SWork->Front_npivcol [i] ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Front "ID" k "ID" npivcol "ID" nrows "ID" ncols "ID"\n",
+ i, k, fpivcol, SWork->Front_nrows [i], SWork->Front_ncols [i])) ;
+ k += fpivcol ;
+ /* copy Front info into Symbolic object from SWork */
+ Front_npivcol [i] = fpivcol ;
+ Front_parent [i] = SWork->Front_parent [i] ;
+ f1rows = 0 ;
+ /* for all pivot columns in front i */
+ for (kk = 0 ; kk < fpivcol ; kk++, newj++)
+ {
+ j = Cperm_init [newj] ;
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (newj >= n_col-nempty_col, Ap [j+1] - Ap [j] == 0));
+ for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
+ {
+ row = Ai [p] ;
+ if (Row_degree [row] == 0)
+ {
+ /* this row belongs to front i */
+ DEBUG1 ((" Row "ID" in Front "ID"\n", row, i)) ;
+ InFront [row] = i ;
+ f1rows++ ;
+ }
+ Row_degree [row]++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ Front_1strow [i] = f1rows ;
+ }
+ /* assign empty columns to dummy placehold front nfr */
+ DEBUG1 (("Dummy Cols in Front "ID" :: "ID"\n", nfr, n_col-k)) ;
+ Front_npivcol [nfr] = n_col - k ;
+ Front_parent [nfr] = EMPTY ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* find initial row permutation */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* determine the first row in each front (in the new row ordering) */
+ k = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ f1rows = Front_1strow [i] ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Front "ID" :: npivcol "ID" parent "ID,
+ i, Front_npivcol [i], Front_parent [i])) ;
+ DEBUG1 ((" 1st rows in Front "ID" : "ID"\n", i, f1rows)) ;
+ Front_1strow [i] = k ;
+ k += f1rows ;
+ }
+ /* assign empty rows to dummy placehold front nfr */
+ DEBUG1 (("Rows in Front "ID" (dummy): "ID"\n", nfr, n_row-k)) ;
+ Front_1strow [nfr] = k ;
+ DEBUG1 (("nfr "ID" 1strow[nfr] "ID" nrow "ID"\n", nfr, k, n_row)) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i <= nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ F1 [i] = Front_1strow [i] ;
+ }
+ for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
+ {
+ i = InFront [row] ;
+ newrow = F1 [i]++ ;
+ Rperm_init [newrow] = row ;
+ }
+ Rperm_init [n_row] = EMPTY ; /* unused */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n_row ; k++)
+ {
+ DEBUG2 (("Rperm_init ["ID"] = "ID"\n", k, Rperm_init [k])) ;
+ }
+ /* ] done using F1 */
+ /* ] done using InFront */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* find the leftmost descendant of each front */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (i = 0 ; i <= nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ Front_leftmostdesc [i] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ /* start at i and walk up the tree */
+ DEBUG2 (("Walk up front tree from "ID"\n", i)) ;
+ j = i ;
+ while (j != EMPTY && Front_leftmostdesc [j] == EMPTY)
+ {
+ DEBUG3 ((" Leftmost desc of "ID" is "ID"\n", j, i)) ;
+ Front_leftmostdesc [j] = i ;
+ j = Front_parent [j] ;
+ DEBUG3 ((" go to j = "ID"\n", j)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* compute memory and flop estimates */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ nchains = 0 ; /* number of chains */
+ Chain_start [0] = 0 ; /* front 0 starts a new chain */
+ maxrows = 1 ;
+ maxcols = 1 ;
+ maxfrsize = 1 ;
+ dmaxfrsize = 1 ;
+ chain_npiv = 0 ; /* number of pivots in current chain */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* simulate UMF_kernel_init */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Numeric->Memory usage estimate, in Units */
+ head_usage = 1 ; /* head marker (see UMF_mem_init_memoryspace) */
+ init_tail_usage = 2 ; /* tail marker (see UMF_mem_init_memoryspace) */
+ dusage = 3 ; /* head and tail markers */
+ dhead_usage = 1 ;
+ /* elements and tuples at tail*/
+ init_tail_usage += UMF_kernel_init_usage (Ap, Row_degree, n_row, n_col,
+ &dusage) ;
+ /* ] done using Row_degree */
+ ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (Rperm_init, SWork->Ci, n_row, n_row)) ;
+ tail_usage = init_tail_usage ;
+ DEBUG2 (("tail_usage: "ID" (initial)\n", tail_usage)) ;
+ max_usage = head_usage + init_tail_usage ;
+ dmax_usage = dusage ;
+ Symbolic->num_mem_init_usage = max_usage ;
+ too_large = INT_OVERFLOW (dusage * sizeof (Unit)) ;
+ if (too_large)
+ {
+ /* Initial memory usage, for input matrix only, */
+ /* has encountered integer overflow. This is an error */
+ /* condition, but keep going to compute other statistics. */
+ Info [UMFPACK_VARIABLE_INIT_ESTIMATE] = dusage ; /* too large */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_VARIABLE_INIT_ESTIMATE] = (double) max_usage ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* simulate UMF_kernel */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Use SWork->Ci as temporary workspace for link lists */
+ Link = SWork->Ci ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ Link [i] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ dlnz = MIN (n_row, n_col) ; /* upper limit of nz in L (incl diag) */
+ dunz = dlnz ; /* upper limit of nz in U (incl diag) */
+ flops = 0 ; /* flop count upper bound */
+ DEBUG1 (("Umfpack symbolic, fronts: nfr = "ID"\n", nfr)) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ fpivcol = Front_npivcol [i] ; /* # candidate pivot columns */
+ fallrows = SWork->Front_nrows [i] ; /* all rows (not just Schur comp*/
+ fallcols = SWork->Front_ncols [i] ; /* all cols (not just Schur comp*/
+ parent = Front_parent [i] ; /* parent in column etree */
+ DEBUG1 (("\nFront "ID" fpivcol "ID" fallrows "ID" fallcols "ID"\n",
+ i, fpivcol, fallrows, fallcols)) ;
+ /* determine the max size of the contribution block */
+ fpiv = MIN (fpivcol, fallrows) ; /* # pivot rows and cols */
+ frows = fallrows - fpiv ; /* max # rows in Schur comp. */
+ fcols = fallcols - fpiv ; /* max # cols in Schur comp. */
+ DEBUG1 ((" "ID" : fpiv "ID" frows "ID" fcols "ID" parent "ID"\n",
+ i, fpiv, frows, fcols, parent)) ;
+ /* UMF_analyze can generate 0-by-c sized frontal matrices */
+ ASSERT (fpiv >= 0 && fcols >= 0 && frows >= 0) ;
+ /* assemble all children of front i in column etree */
+ for (child = Link [i] ; child != EMPTY ; child = Link [child])
+ {
+ ASSERT (child >= 0 && child < i) ;
+ ASSERT (Front_parent [child] == i) ;
+ /* free the child element */
+ cp = MIN (Front_npivcol [child], SWork->Front_nrows [child]);
+ cr = SWork->Front_nrows [child] - cp ;
+ cc = SWork->Front_ncols [child] - cp ;
+ ASSERT (cp >= 0 && cr >= 0 && cc >= 0) ;
+ tail_usage -= GET_ELEMENT_SIZE (cr, cc) + 1 ;
+ dusage -= DGET_ELEMENT_SIZE (cr, cc) + 1 ;
+ /* remove it from tuple lists */
+ tail_usage -= (cr + cc) * UNITS (Tuple, 1) ;
+ dusage -= ((double) cr + (double) cc) * UNITS (Tuple, 1) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("tail_usage: "ID" (assembled "ID" of size "ID")\n",
+ tail_usage, child,
+ GET_ELEMENT_SIZE (cr, cc) + 1 + (cr + cc) * UNITS (Tuple, 1))) ;
+ }
+ /* the flop count excludes the BLAS2 calls during pivot search */
+ /* the assembly required to search a column, and assembly between */
+ /* frontal matrices. Those are "mushy" flops. */
+ /* The flop count computed here is "canonical". */
+ /* factorize the frontal matrix */
+ f = (double) fpiv ; /* # of pivots */
+ r = (double) frows ; /* # rows in Schur complement */
+ c = (double) fcols ; /* # cols in Schur complement */
+ flops += DIV_FLOPS * (f*r + (f-1)*f/2) /* scale pivot columns */
+ /* f outer products: */
+ + MULTSUB_FLOPS * (f*r*c + (r+c)*(f-1)*f/2 + (f-1)*f*(2*f-1)/6) ;
+ /* count nonzeros in L and U */
+ lf = (fpiv*fpiv-fpiv)/2 + fpiv*frows ; /* nz in L below diagonal */
+ uf = (fpiv*fpiv-fpiv)/2 + fpiv*fcols ; /* nz in U above diagonal */
+ /* store the f columns of L and f rows of U */
+ head_usage +=
+ UNITS (Entry, lf + uf) /* numerical values (excl diagonal) */
+ + UNITS (Int, frows + fcols + fpiv) ; /* indices (compressed) */
+ /* count nonzeros and memory usage in double precision */
+ dlf = (f*f-f)/2 + f*r ; /* nz in L below diagonal */
+ duf = (f*f-f)/2 + f*c ; /* nz in U above diagonal */
+ dlnz += dlf ;
+ dunz += duf ;
+ dh =
+ DUNITS (Entry, dlf + duf) /* numerical values (excl diagonal) */
+ + DUNITS (Int, r + c + f) ; /* indices (compressed) */
+ dusage += dh ;
+ dhead_usage += dh ;
+ if (parent != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* create new element */
+ tail_usage += GET_ELEMENT_SIZE (frows, fcols) + 1 ;
+ dusage += DGET_ELEMENT_SIZE (frows, fcols) + 1 ;
+ /* place new element in tuple lists */
+ tail_usage += (frows + fcols) * UNITS (Tuple, 1) ;
+ dusage += (r + c) * UNITS (Tuple, 1) ;
+ DEBUG2 (("tail_usage: "ID" (create "ID" of size "ID")\n",
+ tail_usage, i,
+ GET_ELEMENT_SIZE (frows, fcols) + 1
+ + (frows + fcols) * UNITS (Tuple, 1))) ;
+ /* place in link list of parent */
+ Link [i] = Link [parent] ;
+ Link [parent] = i ;
+ }
+ /* keep track of peak Numeric->Memory usage */
+ max_usage = MAX (max_usage, head_usage + tail_usage) ;
+ /* max_usage may encounter integer overflow, so dmax_usage also kept. */
+ /* account for possible roundoff errors in dusage. */
+ /* Ignore NaN case. */
+ dusage *= (1.0 + MAX_EPSILON) ;
+ dusage = MAX (dusage,
+ (double) (head_usage + tail_usage) * (1.0 + MAX_EPSILON)) ;
+ dmax_usage = MAX (dmax_usage, dusage) ;
+ dhead_usage *= (1.0 + MAX_EPSILON) ;
+ dhead_usage = MAX (dhead_usage,
+ (double) head_usage * (1.0 + MAX_EPSILON)) ;
+ /* at most nb or chain_npiv pending pivots from old fronts */
+ maxoldpiv = MIN (nb, chain_npiv) ;
+ maxrows = MAX (maxrows, maxoldpiv + fallrows) ;
+ maxcols = MAX (maxcols, maxoldpiv + fallcols) ;
+ DEBUG1 ((" ID: chain_npiv "ID" fpiv "ID" fallrows "ID,
+ i, chain_npiv, fpiv, fallrows)) ;
+ DEBUG1 ((" fallcols "ID" maxoldpiv "ID" maxrows "ID" maxcols "ID"\n",
+ fallcols, maxoldpiv, maxrows, maxcols)) ;
+ chain_npiv += fpiv ;
+ if (parent != i+1)
+ {
+ /* this is the end of a chain */
+ Chain_maxrows [nchains] = maxrows ;
+ Chain_maxcols [nchains] = maxcols ;
+ /* Ignore NaN case. */
+ dmaxfrsize = MAX (dmaxfrsize, (double) maxrows * (double) maxcols) ;
+ maxfrsize = MAX (maxfrsize, maxrows * maxcols) ;
+ nchains++ ;
+ Chain_start [nchains] = i+1 ;
+ maxrows = 1 ;
+ maxcols = 1 ;
+ chain_npiv = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ dhead_usage = ceil (dhead_usage) ;
+ dmax_usage = ceil (dmax_usage) ;
+ tail_usage -= init_tail_usage ;
+ /* all tuples and elements are now deallocated */
+ DEBUG0 (("final tail_usage: "ID"\n", tail_usage)) ;
+ ASSERT (tail_usage == 0) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("dmaxfrsize %30.20g Int_MAX %30d\n", dmaxfrsize, Int_MAX)) ;
+ /* check if the frontal matrix is too big */
+ too_large = too_large || INT_OVERFLOW (dmaxfrsize * sizeof (Entry)) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* find the biggest frontal matrix, for all chains */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ maxnrows = 1 ;
+ maxncols = 1 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nchains ; i++)
+ {
+ maxnrows = MAX (maxnrows, Chain_maxrows [i]) ;
+ maxncols = MAX (maxncols, Chain_maxcols [i]) ;
+ }
+ /* information to keep for numeric factorization */
+ Symbolic->maxfrsize = maxfrsize ;
+ Symbolic->maxnrows = maxnrows ;
+ Symbolic->maxncols = maxncols ;
+ Symbolic->num_mem_usage_est = dmax_usage ;
+ Symbolic->num_mem_size_est = dhead_usage ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* estimate total memory usage in UMFPACK_numeric */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ UMF_set_stats (
+ Info,
+ Symbolic,
+ dmax_usage, /* estimated peak size of Numeric->Memory */
+ dhead_usage, /* estimated final size of Numeric->Memory */
+ flops, /* estimated "true flops" */
+ dlnz, /* estimated nz in L */
+ dunz, /* estimated nz in U */
+ dmaxfrsize, /* estimated largest front size */
+ (double) n_col, /* worst case Numeric->Upattern size */
+ (double) n_inner, /* max possible pivots to be found */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nchains ; i++)
+ {
+ DEBUG2 (("Chain "ID" start "ID" end "ID" maxrows "ID" maxcols "ID"\n",
+ i, Chain_start [i], Chain_start [i+1] - 1,
+ Chain_maxrows [i], Chain_maxcols [i])) ;
+ UMF_dump_chain (Chain_start [i],
+ SWork->Front_parent,
+ SWork->Front_npivcol,
+ SWork->Front_nrows,
+ SWork->Front_ncols,
+ nfr) ;
+ }
+ fpivcol = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
+ {
+ fpivcol = MAX (fpivcol, Front_npivcol [i]) ;
+ }
+ DEBUG0 (("Max pivot cols in any front: "ID"\n", fpivcol)) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("Largest front: maxnrows "ID" maxncols "ID" maxfrsize "ID"\n",
+ maxnrows, maxncols, maxfrsize)) ;
+ DEBUG1 (("(savings "ID") nchains "ID"\n",
+ (maxnrows*maxncols) - maxfrsize, nchains)) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* is the problem too large? */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (too_large)
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_problem_too_large ;
+ error (&Symbolic, SWork) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_problem_too_large) ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* UMFPACK_symbolic was successful, return the object handle */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Symbolic->valid = SYMBOLIC_VALID ;
+ *SymbolicHandle = (void *) Symbolic ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* free workspace */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ free_work (SWork) ;
+ /* Symbolic contains 10 objects */
+ DEBUG0 (("(3)Symbolic UMF_malloc_count - init_count = "ID"\n",
+ UMF_malloc_count - init_count)) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count + 10) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get the time used by UMFPACK_*symbolic */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ tend = umfpack_timer ( ) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_SYMBOLIC_TIME] = MAX (0, tend - tstart) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_OK) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === free_work ============================================================ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+PRIVATE void free_work
+ SWorkType *SWork
+ ASSERT (SWork) ;
+ SWork->Ci = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SWork->Ci) ;
+ SWork->Front_npivcol = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SWork->Front_npivcol) ;
+ SWork->Front_nrows = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SWork->Front_nrows) ;
+ SWork->Front_ncols = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SWork->Front_ncols) ;
+ SWork->Front_parent = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SWork->Front_parent) ;
+ SWork->Front_cols = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SWork->Front_cols) ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === error ================================================================ */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* Error return from UMFPACK_symbolic. Free all allocated memory. */
+PRIVATE void error
+ SymbolicType **Symbolic,
+ SWorkType *SWork
+ free_work (SWork) ;
+ UMFPACK_free_symbolic ((void **) Symbolic) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_solve.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_solve.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f949f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_solve.c
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMFPACK_solve ======================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ User-callable. Solves a linear system using the numerical factorization
+ computed by UMFPACK_numeric. See umfpack_solve.h for more details.
+ For umfpack_*_solve:
+ Dynamic memory usage: UMFPACK_solve calls UMF_malloc twice, for
+ workspace of size c*n*sizeof(double) + n*sizeof(Int), where c is
+ defined below. On return, all of this workspace is free'd via UMF_free.
+ For umfpack_*_wsolve:
+ Pattern is a workspace of size n Integers. The double array W must be
+ at least of size c*n, where c is defined below.
+ If iterative refinement is requested, and Ax=b, A'x=b or A.'x=b is being
+ solved, and the matrix A is not singular, then c is 5 for the real version
+ and 10 for the complex version. Otherwise, c is 1 for the real version and
+ 4 for the complex version.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_valid_numeric.h"
+#include "umf_solve.h"
+#ifndef WSOLVE
+#include "umf_malloc.h"
+#include "umf_free.h"
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+PRIVATE Int init_count ;
+#ifdef WSOLVE
+ Int sys,
+ const Int Ap [ ],
+ const Int Ai [ ],
+ const double Ax [ ],
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ const double Az [ ],
+ double Xx [ ],
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ double Xz [ ],
+ const double Bx [ ],
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ const double Bz [ ],
+ void *NumericHandle,
+ const double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL],
+ double User_Info [UMFPACK_INFO]
+#ifdef WSOLVE
+ , Int Pattern [ ],
+ double W [ ]
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ NumericType *Numeric ;
+ Int n, i, irstep, status ;
+ double Info2 [UMFPACK_INFO], *Info, tstart, tend ;
+#ifndef WSOLVE
+ Int *Pattern, wsize ;
+ double *W ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get the amount of time used by the process so far */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ tstart = umfpack_timer ( ) ;
+#ifndef WSOLVE
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ init_count = UMF_malloc_count ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get parameters */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (!Control)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (SCALAR_IS_NAN (Control [UMFPACK_IRSTEP]))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ irstep = (Int) Control [UMFPACK_IRSTEP] ;
+ }
+ if (User_Info)
+ {
+ /* return Info in user's array */
+ Info = User_Info ;
+ for (i = UMFPACK_IR_TAKEN ; i <= UMFPACK_SOLVE_TIME ; i++)
+ {
+ Info [i] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* no Info array passed - use local one instead */
+ Info = Info2 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < UMFPACK_INFO ; i++)
+ {
+ Info [i] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ }
+ Numeric = (NumericType *) NumericHandle ;
+ if (!UMF_valid_numeric (Numeric))
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_Numeric_object ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_Numeric_object) ;
+ }
+ Info [UMFPACK_NROW] = Numeric->n_row ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_NCOL] = Numeric->n_col ;
+ if (Numeric->n_row != Numeric->n_col)
+ {
+ /* only square systems can be handled */
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_system ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_system) ;
+ }
+ n = Numeric->n_row ;
+ if (Numeric->nnzpiv < n
+ || SCALAR_IS_ZERO (Numeric->rcond) || SCALAR_IS_NAN (Numeric->rcond))
+ {
+ /* turn off iterative refinement if A is singular */
+ /* or if U has NaN's on the diagonal. */
+ irstep = 0 ;
+ }
+ if (!Xx || !Bx
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ || !Xz || !Bz
+ )
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing) ;
+ }
+ if (sys >= UMFPACK_Pt_L)
+ {
+ /* no iterative refinement except for nonsingular Ax=b, A'x=b, A.'x=b */
+ irstep = 0 ;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* allocate or check the workspace */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef WSOLVE
+ if (!W || !Pattern)
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing) ;
+ }
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ if (irstep > 0)
+ {
+ wsize = 10*n ; /* W, X, Z, S, Y, B2 */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wsize = 4*n ; /* W, X */
+ }
+ if (irstep > 0)
+ {
+ wsize = 5*n ; /* W, Z, S, Y, B2 */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wsize = n ; /* W */
+ }
+ Pattern = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ W = (double *) UMF_malloc (wsize, sizeof (double)) ;
+ if (!W || !Pattern)
+ {
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) W) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Pattern) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
+ }
+#endif /* WSOLVE */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* solve the system */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ status = UMF_solve (sys, Ap, Ai, Ax, Xx, Bx,
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ Az, Xz, Bz,
+ Numeric, irstep, Info, Pattern, W) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* free the workspace (if allocated) */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef WSOLVE
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) W) ;
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) Pattern) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* get the time used by UMFPACK_*solve */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = status ;
+ if (status >= 0)
+ {
+ tend = umfpack_timer ( ) ;
+ Info [UMFPACK_SOLVE_TIME] = MAX (0, tend - tstart) ;
+ }
+ return (status) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_symbolic.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_symbolic.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e51a0eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_symbolic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMFPACK_symbolic ===================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ User-callable. Performs a symbolic factorization.
+ See umfpack_symbolic.h for details.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+GLOBAL Int UMFPACK_symbolic
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ const Int Ap [ ],
+ const Int Ai [ ],
+ void **SymbolicHandle,
+ const double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL],
+ double Info [UMFPACK_INFO]
+ Int *Qinit = (Int *) NULL ;
+ return (UMFPACK_qsymbolic (n_row, n_col, Ap, Ai, Qinit, SymbolicHandle,
+ Control, Info)) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_timer.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_timer.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29c9b5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_timer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === umfpack_timer ======================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ User-callable. Returns the time in seconds used by the process. BE
+ CAREFUL: if you compare the run time of UMFPACK with other sparse matrix
+ packages, be sure to use the same timer. See umfpack_timer.h for details.
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* use getrusage for accurate process times (and no overflow) */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ This works under Solaris, SGI Irix, Linux, IBM RS 6000 (AIX), and Compaq
+ Alpha. It might work on other Unix systems, too. Includes both the "user
+ time" and the "system time". The system time is the time spent by the
+ operating system on behalf of the process, and thus should be charged to
+ the process.
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+double umfpack_timer ( void )
+ struct rusage ru ;
+ double user_time, sys_time ;
+ (void) getrusage (RUSAGE_SELF, &ru) ;
+ user_time =
+ ru.ru_utime.tv_sec /* user time (seconds) */
+ + 1e-6 * ru.ru_utime.tv_usec ; /* user time (microseconds) */
+ sys_time =
+ ru.ru_stime.tv_sec /* system time (seconds) */
+ + 1e-6 * ru.ru_stime.tv_usec ; /* system time (microseconds) */
+ return (user_time + sys_time) ;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Generic ANSI C: use the ANSI clock function */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* This is portable, but may overflow. On Sun Solaris, when compiling in */
+/* 32-bit mode, the overflow occurs in only 2147 seconds (about 36 minutes). */
+#include <time.h>
+double umfpack_timer ( void )
+ return (((double) (clock ( ))) / ((double) (CLOCKS_PER_SEC))) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_transpose.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_transpose.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db50e36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/umfpack_transpose.c
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* === UMFPACK_transpose ==================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================== */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* UMFPACK Version 4.0 (Apr 11, 2002), Copyright (c) 2002 by Timothy A. */
+/* Davis. All Rights Reserved. See README for License. */
+/* email: davis@cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ User callable. Computes a permuted transpose, R = (A (P,Q))' in MATLAB
+ notation. See umfpack_transpose.h for details. A and R can be rectangular.
+ The matrix A may be singular.
+ The complex version can do transpose (') or array transpose (.').
+ Dynamic memory usage:
+ A single call to UMF_malloc is made, for a workspace of size
+ max (n_row,n_col,1) * sizeof(Int). This is then free'd on return,
+ via UMF_free.
+#include "umf_internal.h"
+#include "umf_transpose.h"
+#include "umf_malloc.h"
+#include "umf_free.h"
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+PRIVATE Int init_count ;
+/* ========================================================================== */
+GLOBAL Int UMFPACK_transpose
+ Int n_row,
+ Int n_col,
+ const Int Ap [ ], /* size n_col+1 */
+ const Int Ai [ ], /* size nz = Ap [n_col] */
+ const double Ax [ ], /* size nz, if present */
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ const double Az [ ], /* size nz, if present */
+ const Int P [ ], /* P [k] = i means original row i is kth row in A(P,Q)*/
+ /* P is identity if not present */
+ /* size n_row, if present */
+ const Int Q [ ], /* Q [k] = j means original col j is kth col in A(P,Q)*/
+ /* Q is identity if not present */
+ /* size n_col, if present */
+ Int Rp [ ], /* size n_row+1 */
+ Int Ri [ ], /* size nz */
+ double Rx [ ] /* size nz, if present */
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ , double Rz [ ] /* size nz, if present */
+ , Int do_conjugate /* if true, then to conjugate transpose */
+ /* otherwise, do array transpose */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* local variables */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Int status, *W, nn ;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ init_count = UMF_malloc_count ;
+ UMF_dump_start ( ) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* allocate workspace */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ nn = MAX (n_row, n_col) ;
+ nn = MAX (nn, 1) ;
+ W = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nn, sizeof (Int)) ;
+ if (!W)
+ {
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count) ;
+ return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count + 1) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* C = (A (P,Q))' or (A (P,Q)).' */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ status = UMF_transpose (n_row, n_col, Ap, Ai, Ax, P, Q, n_col, Rp, Ri, Rx,
+#ifdef COMPLEX
+ , Az, Rz, do_conjugate
+ ) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* free the workspace */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ (void) UMF_free ((void *) W) ;
+ ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count) ;
+ return (status) ;
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/wrap_umf_ltsolve.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/wrap_umf_ltsolve.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9642bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/wrap_umf_ltsolve.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#include "umf_ltsolve.c"
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/wrap_umf_utsolve.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/wrap_umf_utsolve.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37e5c0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/wrap_umf_utsolve.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#include "umf_utsolve.c"
diff --git a/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/wrap_umfpack_wsolve.c b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/wrap_umfpack_wsolve.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c02853a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/wrap_umfpack_wsolve.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#define WSOLVE
+#include "umfpack_solve.c"