path: root/bindings/python/notmuch/
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1 files changed, 370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/python/notmuch/ b/bindings/python/notmuch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eebd6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/notmuch/
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+This file is part of notmuch.
+Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+option) any later version.
+Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with notmuch. If not, see <>.
+Copyright 2010 Sebastian Spaeth <>'
+from ctypes import c_char_p, c_void_p, c_long
+from notmuch.globals import nmlib, STATUS, NotmuchError
+from notmuch.message import Messages
+from notmuch.tag import Tags
+from datetime import date
+class Threads(object):
+ """Represents a list of notmuch threads
+ This object provides an iterator over a list of notmuch threads
+ (Technically, it provides a wrapper for the underlying
+ *notmuch_threads_t* structure). Do note that the underlying
+ library only provides a one-time iterator (it cannot reset the
+ iterator to the start). Thus iterating over the function will
+ "exhaust" the list of threads, and a subsequent iteration attempt
+ will raise a :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED. Also
+ note, that any function that uses iteration will also
+ exhaust the messages. So both::
+ for thread in threads: print thread
+ as well as::
+ number_of_msgs = len(threads)
+ will "exhaust" the threads. If you need to re-iterate over a list of
+ messages you will need to retrieve a new :class:`Threads` object.
+ Things are not as bad as it seems though, you can store and reuse
+ the single Thread objects as often as you want as long as you
+ keep the parent Threads object around. (Recall that due to
+ hierarchical memory allocation, all derived Threads objects will
+ be invalid when we delete the parent Threads() object, even if it
+ was already "exhausted".) So this works::
+ db = Database()
+ threads = Query(db,'').search_threads() #get a Threads() object
+ threadlist = []
+ for thread in threads:
+ threadlist.append(thread)
+ # threads is "exhausted" now and even len(threads) will raise an
+ # exception.
+ # However it will be kept around until all retrieved Thread() objects are
+ # also deleted. If you did e.g. an explicit del(threads) here, the
+ # following lines would fail.
+ # You can reiterate over *threadlist* however as often as you want.
+ # It is simply a list with Thread objects.
+ print (threadlist[0].get_thread_id())
+ print (threadlist[1].get_thread_id())
+ print (threadlist[0].get_total_messages())
+ """
+ #notmuch_threads_get
+ _get = nmlib.notmuch_threads_get
+ _get.restype = c_void_p
+ def __init__(self, threads_p, parent=None):
+ """
+ :param threads_p: A pointer to an underlying *notmuch_threads_t*
+ structure. These are not publically exposed, so a user
+ will almost never instantiate a :class:`Threads` object
+ herself. They are usually handed back as a result,
+ e.g. in :meth:`Query.search_threads`. *threads_p* must be
+ valid, we will raise an :exc:`NotmuchError`
+ (STATUS.NULL_POINTER) if it is `None`.
+ :type threads_p: :class:`ctypes.c_void_p`
+ :param parent: The parent object
+ (ie :class:`Query`) these tags are derived from. It saves
+ a reference to it, so we can automatically delete the db
+ object once all derived objects are dead.
+ :TODO: Make the iterator work more than once and cache the tags in
+ the Python object.(?)
+ """
+ if threads_p is None:
+ self._threads = threads_p
+ #store parent, so we keep them alive as long as self is alive
+ self._parent = parent
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """ Make Threads an iterator """
+ return self
+ def next(self):
+ if self._threads is None:
+ raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED)
+ if not nmlib.notmuch_threads_valid(self._threads):
+ self._threads = None
+ raise StopIteration
+ thread = Thread(Threads._get (self._threads), self)
+ nmlib.notmuch_threads_move_to_next(self._threads)
+ return thread
+ def __len__(self):
+ """len(:class:`Threads`) returns the number of contained Threads
+ .. note:: As this iterates over the threads, we will not be able to
+ iterate over them again! So this will fail::
+ threads = Database().create_query('').search_threads()
+ if len(threads) > 0: #this 'exhausts' threads
+ # next line raises NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED)!!!
+ for thread in threads: print thread
+ """
+ if self._threads is None:
+ raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED)
+ i=0
+ # returns 'bool'. On out-of-memory it returns None
+ while nmlib.notmuch_threads_valid(self._threads):
+ nmlib.notmuch_threads_move_to_next(self._threads)
+ i += 1
+ # reset self._threads to mark as "exhausted"
+ self._threads = None
+ return i
+ def __del__(self):
+ """Close and free the notmuch Threads"""
+ if self._threads is not None:
+ nmlib.notmuch_messages_destroy (self._threads)
+class Thread(object):
+ """Represents a single message thread."""
+ """notmuch_thread_get_thread_id"""
+ _get_thread_id = nmlib.notmuch_thread_get_thread_id
+ _get_thread_id.restype = c_char_p
+ """notmuch_thread_get_authors"""
+ _get_authors = nmlib.notmuch_thread_get_authors
+ _get_authors.restype = c_char_p
+ """notmuch_thread_get_subject"""
+ _get_subject = nmlib.notmuch_thread_get_subject
+ _get_subject.restype = c_char_p
+ """notmuch_thread_get_toplevel_messages"""
+ _get_toplevel_messages = nmlib.notmuch_thread_get_toplevel_messages
+ _get_toplevel_messages.restype = c_void_p
+ _get_newest_date = nmlib.notmuch_thread_get_newest_date
+ _get_newest_date.restype = c_long
+ _get_oldest_date = nmlib.notmuch_thread_get_oldest_date
+ _get_oldest_date.restype = c_long
+ """notmuch_thread_get_tags"""
+ _get_tags = nmlib.notmuch_thread_get_tags
+ _get_tags.restype = c_void_p
+ def __init__(self, thread_p, parent=None):
+ """
+ :param thread_p: A pointer to an internal notmuch_thread_t
+ Structure. These are not publically exposed, so a user
+ will almost never instantiate a :class:`Thread` object
+ herself. They are usually handed back as a result,
+ e.g. when iterating through :class:`Threads`. *thread_p*
+ must be valid, we will raise an :exc:`NotmuchError`
+ (STATUS.NULL_POINTER) if it is `None`.
+ :param parent: A 'parent' object is passed which this message is
+ derived from. We save a reference to it, so we can
+ automatically delete the parent object once all derived
+ objects are dead.
+ """
+ if thread_p is None:
+ self._thread = thread_p
+ #keep reference to parent, so we keep it alive
+ self._parent = parent
+ def get_thread_id(self):
+ """Get the thread ID of 'thread'
+ The returned string belongs to 'thread' and will only be valid
+ for as long as the thread is valid.
+ :returns: String with a message ID
+ :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the thread
+ is not initialized.
+ """
+ if self._thread is None:
+ raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED)
+ return Thread._get_thread_id(self._thread)
+ def get_total_messages(self):
+ """Get the total number of messages in 'thread'
+ :returns: The number of all messages in the database
+ belonging to this thread. Contrast with
+ :meth:`get_matched_messages`.
+ :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the thread
+ is not initialized.
+ """
+ if self._thread is None:
+ raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED)
+ return nmlib.notmuch_thread_get_total_messages(self._thread)
+ def get_toplevel_messages(self):
+ """Returns a :class:`Messages` iterator for the top-level messages in
+ 'thread'
+ This iterator will not necessarily iterate over all of the messages
+ in the thread. It will only iterate over the messages in the thread
+ which are not replies to other messages in the thread.
+ To iterate over all messages in the thread, the caller will need to
+ iterate over the result of :meth:`Message.get_replies` for each
+ top-level message (and do that recursively for the resulting
+ messages, etc.).
+ :returns: :class:`Messages`
+ :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError`
+ * STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if query is not inited
+ * STATUS.NULL_POINTER if search_messages failed
+ """
+ if self._thread is None:
+ raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED)
+ msgs_p = Thread._get_toplevel_messages(self._thread)
+ if msgs_p is None:
+ return Messages(msgs_p,self)
+ def get_matched_messages(self):
+ """Returns the number of messages in 'thread' that matched the query
+ :returns: The number of all messages belonging to this thread that
+ matched the :class:`Query`from which this thread was created.
+ Contrast with :meth:`get_total_messages`.
+ :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the thread
+ is not initialized.
+ """
+ if self._thread is None:
+ raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED)
+ return nmlib.notmuch_thread_get_matched_messages(self._thread)
+ def get_authors(self):
+ """Returns the authors of 'thread'
+ The returned string is a comma-separated list of the names of the
+ authors of mail messages in the query results that belong to this
+ thread.
+ The returned string belongs to 'thread' and will only be valid for
+ as long as this Thread() is not deleted.
+ """
+ if self._thread is None:
+ raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED)
+ return Thread._get_authors(self._thread)
+ def get_subject(self):
+ """Returns the Subject of 'thread'
+ The returned string belongs to 'thread' and will only be valid for
+ as long as this Thread() is not deleted.
+ """
+ if self._thread is None:
+ raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED)
+ return Thread._get_subject(self._thread)
+ def get_newest_date(self):
+ """Returns time_t of the newest message date
+ :returns: A time_t timestamp.
+ :rtype: c_unit64
+ :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the message
+ is not initialized.
+ """
+ if self._thread is None:
+ raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED)
+ return Thread._get_newest_date(self._thread)
+ def get_oldest_date(self):
+ """Returns time_t of the oldest message date
+ :returns: A time_t timestamp.
+ :rtype: c_unit64
+ :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the message
+ is not initialized.
+ """
+ if self._thread is None:
+ raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED)
+ return Thread._get_oldest_date(self._thread)
+ def get_tags(self):
+ """ Returns the message tags
+ In the Notmuch database, tags are stored on individual
+ messages, not on threads. So the tags returned here will be all
+ tags of the messages which matched the search and which belong to
+ this thread.
+ The :class:`Tags` object is owned by the thread and as such, will only
+ be valid for as long as this :class:`Thread` is valid (e.g. until the
+ query from which it derived is explicitely deleted).
+ :returns: A :class:`Tags` iterator.
+ :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError`
+ * STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the thread
+ is not initialized.
+ """
+ if self._thread is None:
+ raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED)
+ tags_p = Thread._get_tags(self._thread)
+ if tags_p == None:
+ raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NULL_POINTER)
+ return Tags(tags_p, self)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """A str(Thread()) is represented by a 1-line summary"""
+ thread = {}
+ thread['id'] = self.get_thread_id()
+ ###TODO: How do we find out the current sort order of Threads?
+ ###Add a "sort" attribute to the Threads() object?
+ # date = notmuch_thread_get_oldest_date (thread);
+ #else
+ # date = notmuch_thread_get_newest_date (thread);
+ thread['date'] = date.fromtimestamp(self.get_newest_date())
+ thread['matched'] = self.get_matched_messages()
+ thread['total'] = self.get_total_messages()
+ thread['authors'] = self.get_authors()
+ thread['subject'] = self.get_subject()
+ thread['tags'] = self.get_tags()
+ return "thread:%(id)s %(date)12s [%(matched)d/%(total)d] %(authors)s; %(subject)s (%(tags)s)" % (thread)
+ def __del__(self):
+ """Close and free the notmuch Thread"""
+ if self._thread is not None:
+ nmlib.notmuch_thread_destroy (self._thread)