path: root/libavutil/intmath.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* lavu: add av_ctz() for trailing zero bit countJustin Ruggles2012-11-05
* ARM: reinstate optimised intmath.hMans Rullgard2012-10-20
* avutil: remove inline av_log2 from public APIMans Rullgard2012-10-20
* Move avutil tables only used in libavcodec to libavcodec.Diego Biurrun2012-10-11
* x86: remove FASTDIV inline asmMans Rullgard2012-08-22
* configure: Drop fastdiv optionDiego Biurrun2012-08-22
* doxy: provide a start page and document libavutilLuca Barbato2011-11-22
* Replace FFmpeg with Libav in licence headersMans Rullgard2011-03-19
* Remove macro duplication between common.h and intmath.hMåns Rullgård2010-07-07
* intmath: whitespace cosmeticsMåns Rullgård2010-07-07
* Fix build on configurations without fast av_log2()Måns Rullgård2010-03-09
* Move ff_sqrt() to libavutil/intmath.hMåns Rullgård2010-03-08
* Move FASTDIV macro to intmath.hMåns Rullgård2010-01-19
* Optimise av_log2 with clz when availableMåns Rullgård2010-01-14