path: root/libavutil/adler32.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* adler32: Fix doxy group definitionTimothy Gu2014-04-07
* doxy: provide a start page and document libavutilLuca Barbato2011-11-22
* Replace FFmpeg with Libav in licence headersMans Rullgard2011-03-19
* adler32: add API documentationMåns Rullgård2010-06-30
* Replace many includes of libavutil/common.h with what is actually neededMåns Rullgård2010-03-09
* Globally rename the header inclusion guard names.Stefano Sabatini2008-08-31
* add missing #include "common.h" to libavutil headersMåns Rullgård2008-03-19
* Reapply r12489: Add pure, const and malloc attributes to proper functionsZuxy Meng2008-03-19
* revert r12489.Benoit Fouet2008-03-18
* Pure, const and malloc attributes to libavutil.Zuxy Meng2008-03-18
* Add FFMPEG_ prefix to all multiple inclusion guards.Diego Biurrun2007-10-17
* include all prerequisites in header filesMåns Rullgård2007-06-16
* Change license headers to say 'FFmpeg' instead of 'this program/this library'Diego Biurrun2006-10-07
* Add official LGPL license headers to the files that were missing them.Diego Biurrun2006-09-10
* move adler32 to libavutilMåns Rullgård2006-07-13