path: root/libavformat/mxf.c
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* cosmetics: Fix spelling mistakesVittorio Giovara2016-05-04
* mxf: Support AACLuca Barbato2014-08-17
* mxf: Add additional H264 PictureEssenceCodingLuca Barbato2014-03-19
* mxf: Introduce ff_mxf_get_samples_per_frameMatthieu Bouron2014-03-06
* mxf: Add DNxHD ULTomas Härdin2014-02-21
* mxf: Add uncompressed 422 8-bit rawvideo ULPhilip de Nier2014-02-21
* Replace PIX_FMT_* -> AV_PIX_FMT_*, PixelFormat -> AVPixelFormatAnton Khirnov2012-10-08
* Replace all CODEC_ID_* with AV_CODEC_ID_*Anton Khirnov2012-08-07
* mxfdec: set pixel format for cdci picture formatsPhilip de Nier2012-07-10
* mxf: Add PictureEssenceCoding UL for V210.Tomas Härdin2011-12-21
* mxf: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Intra supportBaptiste Coudurier2011-12-21
* Employ FF_ARRAY_ELEMS instead of manually calculating array length.Diego Biurrun2011-09-08
* Replace FFmpeg with Libav in licence headersMans Rullgard2011-03-19
* Make ff_mxf_pixel_layouts static to mxf.c.Diego Elio Pettenò2011-01-25
* mxfdec: Improve parsing of the PixelLayout itemTomas Härdin2010-06-30
* Define AVMediaType enum, and use it instead of enum CodecType, whichStefano Sabatini2010-03-30
* reuse MXFCodecUL for data def and simplifyBaptiste Coudurier2009-02-08
* remove implicit header inclusions from mxf.hBaptiste Coudurier2009-02-08
* cosmetics: Remove pointless period after copyright statement non-sentences.Diego Biurrun2009-01-19
* put back mxf_essence_container_uls in demuxer as static constBaptiste Coudurier2008-08-31
* Ok-ed parts from patch by zhentan feng.Zhentan Feng2008-08-19
* Factorize common code out of the mxf demuxer.Zhentan Feng2008-08-18
* remove mxf.c, previously copied to mxfdec.cBaptiste Coudurier2008-08-07
* cosmetics: Fix mxf codec long name.Diego Biurrun2008-07-16
* include track id in error messageBaptiste Coudurier2008-06-28
* unset Track sets, relying in AVStream->priv_data and will be freed in av_clos...Baptiste Coudurier2008-06-27
* Make long_names in lavf/lavdev optional depending on CONFIG_SMALL.Stefano Sabatini2008-06-03
* Use full path for #includes from another directory.Diego Biurrun2008-05-09
* just skip klv packet, when no corresponding stream is foundBaptiste Coudurier2008-03-16
* support AVDISCARD_ALLBaptiste Coudurier2008-03-06
* add constBaptiste Coudurier2008-02-01
* init uid to 0Baptiste Coudurier2008-01-19
* indentationBaptiste Coudurier2008-01-19
* correctly handle sony mpeg4 extradataBaptiste Coudurier2008-01-19
* check if read child returned errorBaptiste Coudurier2008-01-19
* simplify with matching lenBaptiste Coudurier2008-01-19
* simplify and detect better non frame wrapped mappingsBaptiste Coudurier2008-01-19
* cosmetics: read_metadata -> readBaptiste Coudurier2008-01-19
* cosmeticsBaptiste Coudurier2008-01-19
* remove unused crypto context uidBaptiste Coudurier2008-01-19
* support dynamically allocated local tags, used by encrypted filesBaptiste Coudurier2008-01-19
* check malloc returnBaptiste Coudurier2008-01-19
* add some dv container ulsBaptiste Coudurier2008-01-19
* simplify by checking min matching lenBaptiste Coudurier2008-01-19
* check av_new_stream return valueBaptiste Coudurier2008-01-08
* Use dynamically allocated ByteIOContext in AVFormatContextBjörn Axelsson2007-11-21
* add D-10 NTSC supportBaptiste Coudurier2007-09-21
* extract correct d10 aes3 audio channels numberBaptiste Coudurier2007-09-21
* Replace all occurrences of AVERROR_IO with AVERROR(EIO).Panagiotis Issaris2007-07-19
* cosmetics remove struct name with typedefBaptiste Coudurier2007-06-03