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1 files changed, 24 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/doc/general.texi b/doc/general.texi
index 80c9ecdac5..6b00282b3f 100644
--- a/doc/general.texi
+++ b/doc/general.texi
@@ -260,14 +260,14 @@ following image formats are supported:
@tab Portable PixelMap image
@item PTX @tab @tab X
@tab V.Flash PTX format
-@item RAS @tab @tab X
- @tab Sun Rasterfile
@item SGI @tab X @tab X
@tab SGI RGB image format
-@item Targa @tab X @tab X
- @tab Targa (.TGA) image format
+@item Sun Rasterfile @tab @tab X
+ @tab Sun RAS image format
@item TIFF @tab X @tab X
@tab YUV, JPEG and some extension is not supported yet.
+@item Truevision Targa @tab X @tab X
+ @tab Targa (.TGA) image format
@end multitable
@code{X} means that encoding (resp. decoding) is supported.
@@ -284,17 +284,11 @@ following image formats are supported:
@item 8SVX fibonacci @tab @tab X
@item American Laser Games MM @tab @tab X
@tab Used in games like Mad Dog McCree.
-@item AMV @tab @tab X
+@item AMV Video @tab @tab X
@tab Used in Chinese MP3 players.
-@item Apple Animation @tab X @tab X
- @tab fourcc: 'rle '
-@item Apple Graphics @tab @tab X
- @tab fourcc: 'smc '
@item Apple MJPEG-B @tab @tab X
@item Apple QuickDraw @tab @tab X
@tab fourcc: qdrw
-@item Apple Video @tab @tab X
- @tab fourcc: rpza
@item Asus v1 @tab X @tab X
@tab fourcc: ASV1
@item Asus v2 @tab X @tab X
@@ -361,7 +355,7 @@ following image formats are supported:
@tab fourcc: ULTI
@item id Cinematic video @tab @tab X
@tab Used in Quake II.
-@item id RoQ @tab X @tab X
+@item id RoQ video @tab X @tab X
@tab Used in Quake III, Jedi Knight 2, other computer games.
@item Intel H.263 @tab @tab X
@item Intel Indeo 2 @tab @tab X
@@ -402,9 +396,16 @@ following image formats are supported:
@tab fourcc: VP60,VP61,VP62
@item planar RGB @tab @tab X
@tab fourcc: 8BPS
-@item QPEG @tab @tab X
+@item Q-team QPEG @tab @tab X
@tab fourccs: QPEG, Q1.0, Q1.1
@item QuickTime 8BPS video @tab @tab X
+@item QuickTime Animation (RLE) video @tab X @tab X
+ @tab fourcc: 'rle '
+@item QuickTime Graphics (SMC) @tab @tab X
+ @tab fourcc: 'smc '
+@item QuickTime video (RPZA) @tab @tab X
+ @tab fourcc: rpza
+@item Raw Video @tab X @tab X
@item RealVideo 1.0 @tab X @tab X
@item RealVideo 2.0 @tab X @tab X
@item RealVideo 3.0 @tab @tab X
@@ -412,6 +413,8 @@ following image formats are supported:
@item RealVideo 4.0 @tab @tab X
@item Renderware TXD (TeXture Dictionary) @tab @tab X
@tab Texture dictionaries used by the Renderware Engine.
+@item RL2 video @tab @tab X
+ @tab used in some games by Entertainment Software Partners
@item RTjpeg @tab @tab X
@tab Video encoding used in NuppelVideo files.
@item Sierra VMD video @tab @tab X
@@ -422,17 +425,17 @@ following image formats are supported:
@item Snow @tab X @tab X
@tab experimental wavelet codec (fourcc: SNOW)
@item Sony PlayStation MDEC (Motion DECoder) @tab @tab X
-@item Sorenson Video 1 @tab X @tab X
+@item Sorenson Vector Quantizer 1 @tab X @tab X
@tab fourcc: SVQ1
-@item Sorenson Video 3 @tab @tab X
+@item Sorenson Vector Quantizer 3 @tab @tab X
@tab fourcc: SVQ3
-@item Sunplus MJPEG @tab @tab X
+@item Sunplus JPEG (SP5X) @tab @tab X
@tab fourcc: SP5X
@item TechSmith Screen Capture Codec @tab @tab X
@tab fourcc: TSCC
@item Theora @tab E @tab X
@tab encoding supported through external library libtheora
-@item Tiertex Seq video @tab @tab X
+@item Tiertex Limited SEQ video @tab @tab X
@tab Codec used in DOS CD-ROM FlashBack game.
@item VMware Screen Codec / VMware Video @tab @tab X
@tab Codec used in videos captured by VMware.
@@ -535,14 +538,14 @@ following image formats are supported:
@item Nellymoser ASAO @tab X @tab X
@item Nintendo Gamecube THP ADPCM @tab @tab X
@item QCELP / PureVoice @tab @tab X
-@item Qdesign QDM2 @tab @tab X
+@item QDesign Music Codec 2 @tab @tab X
@tab There are still some distortions.
@item QT IMA ADPCM @tab X @tab X
-@item RA144 @tab @tab X
+@item RealAudio 1.0 (14.4K) @tab @tab X
@tab Real 14400 bit/s codec
-@item RA288 @tab @tab X
+@item RealAudio 2.0 (28.8K) @tab @tab X
@tab Real 28800 bit/s codec
-@item RADnet @tab IX @tab IX
+@item RealAudio 3.0 (dnet) @tab IX @tab X
@tab Real low bitrate AC-3 codec
@item SEGA CRI ADX ADPCM @tab X @tab X
@tab Used in Sega Dreamcast games.