path: root/lbup/
diff options
authorAnton Khirnov <>2020-02-15 11:05:43 +0100
committerAnton Khirnov <>2020-02-15 11:05:43 +0100
commit00bf9f3eafff6f29b4fcf18d7c1f2ab2b1310c16 (patch)
treeb5430fa827e48b6e42e3f49a1b4e188675bef6d3 /lbup/
parent1c33c917bbcad2924bb722f77c7aaa4f511a299c (diff)
Rename bupper to lbup.
bupper already exists. lbup is a randomly chosen word containing bup
Diffstat (limited to 'lbup/')
1 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lbup/ b/lbup/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d3ffe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lbup/
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+import contextlib
+import errno
+import logging
+import re
+import socket
+import subprocess
+from .exceptions import BackupException, RemoteExecException
+from . import repository
+from . import ssh_remote
+from . import _ssh_client
+def _parse_name(name):
+ """
+ Parse a backup name into a remote specification.
+ """
+ # split off the username
+ if not '@' in name:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid backup name: "%s", must be of format user@host')
+ username, _, host = name.partition('@')
+ port = 22 # overridden later if specified in name
+ colons = host.count(':')
+ if colons >= 2: # IPv6 literal, possibly with port
+ m = re.match(r'\[(.+)\](:\d+)?', host, re.ASCII | re.IGNORECASE)
+ if m is not None: # [literal]:port
+ host, port = m.groups()
+ elif colons == 1: # host:port
+ host, _, port = host.partition(':')
+ return ssh_remote.SSHRemote(host, port, username)
+class Target(ABC):
+ name = None
+ dirs = None
+ excludes = None
+ _logger = None
+ def __init__(self, name, dirs, excludes = None, logger = None):
+ if excludes is None:
+ excludes = []
+ = name
+ self.dirs = dirs
+ self.excludes = excludes
+ if logger is None:
+ self._logger = logging.getLogger(
+ else:
+ self._logger = logger
+ def _log_command(self, name, retcode, stdout, stderr):
+ self._logger.debug('%s finished with return code %d' % (name, retcode))
+ def sanitize(b):
+ LOG_LEN = 128
+ # truncate and decode
+ s = b[:LOG_LEN].decode('utf-8', errors = 'backslashreplace')
+ # replace newlines with literal \n's
+ s = r'\n'.join(s.splitlines())
+ # add ellipsis if truncated
+ if len(b) > LOG_LEN:
+ s += '[...]'
+ return s
+ if len(stdout) > 0:
+ self._logger.debug('%s stdout: %s' % (name, sanitize(stdout)))
+ if len(stderr) > 0:
+ self._logger.debug('%s stderr: %s' % (name, sanitize(stderr)))
+ def _do_save(self, bup_exec, path_prefix = '', index_opts = None, save_opts = None):
+ excludes = [path_prefix + '/' + e for e in self.excludes]
+ dirs = [path_prefix + '/' + d for d in self.dirs]
+ if index_opts is None:
+ index_opts = []
+ if save_opts is None:
+ save_opts = []
+ # index
+ cmd = bup_exec + ['index', '--update', '--one-file-system'] + index_opts
+ cmd.extend(['--exclude=%s' % e for e in excludes])
+ cmd.extend(dirs)
+ self._logger.debug('Executing index command: ' + str(cmd))
+ res_idx =, capture_output = True)
+ self._log_command('Index', res_idx.returncode,
+ res_idx.stdout, res_idx.stderr)
+ # save
+ cmd = bup_exec + ['save', '-n',] + save_opts + dirs
+ self._logger.debug('Executing save command: ' + str(cmd))
+ res_save =, capture_output = True)
+ self._log_command('Save', res_save.returncode,
+ res_save.stdout, res_save.stderr)
+ retcode = 0
+ output = b''
+ if res_idx.returncode != 0:
+ retcode = res_idx.returncode
+ output += res_idx.stderr + res_idx.stdout
+ if res_save.returncode != 0:
+ retcode = res_save.returncode
+ output += res_save.stderr + res_save.stdout
+ result = repository.StepResult(retcode, output)
+ return result
+ @abstractmethod
+ def save(self, data_dir):
+ pass
+class TargetLocal(Target):
+ def save(self, data_dir):
+ return self._do_save(['bup'])
+class TargetSSH(Target):
+ _remote = None
+ def __init__(self, name, dirs, excludes = None, logger = None,
+ remote = None, remote_bupdir = None):
+ if remote is None:
+ remote = _parse_name(name)
+ if remote.proxy_remote is not None:
+ raise NotImplementedError('Proxy remote not implemented')
+ if remote.port != 22:
+ raise NotImplementedError('Specifying port not implemented')
+ self._remote = remote
+ if remote_bupdir is None:
+ remote_bupdir = '$HOME/.bup'
+ self._remote_bupdir = remote_bupdir
+ super().__init__(name, dirs, excludes, logger)
+ def _paramiko_exec_cmd(self, client, cmd):
+ self._logger.debug('Client %s: executing command: %s' % (client, cmd))
+ res = client.exec_command(cmd)
+ chan = res[0].channel
+ chan.settimeout(64)
+ try:
+ out, err = res[1].read(), res[2].read()
+ except socket.timeout as t:
+ raise RemoteExecException('Timeout waiting for command output',
+ errno.ETIMEDOUT, b'') from t
+ chan.recv_exit_status()
+ if chan.exit_status != 0:
+ raise RemoteExecException('Error executing "%s"' % cmd,
+ chan.exit_status, err + out)
+ self._log_command('Remote command', chan.exit_status, out, err)
+ return out.decode('utf-8', errors = 'backslashreplace')
+ def _resolve_remote_bupdir(self, ssh):
+ bupdir = self._paramiko_exec_cmd(ssh, 'realpath -e ' + self._remote_bupdir).splitlines()
+ if (len(bupdir) != 1 or len(bupdir[0]) <= 1 or bupdir[0][0] != '/' or
+'\s', bupdir[0])):
+ raise BackupException('Invalid BUP_DIR on the remote target: %s' % str(bupdir))
+ return bupdir[0]
+ def save(self, data_dir):
+ with _ssh_client.SSHConnection(self._remote) as ssh:
+ remote_bupdir = self._resolve_bupdir(ssh)
+ bup_exec = ['bup', 'on', '%s@%s' % (self._remote.username,,
+ '-d', remote_bupdir]
+ return self._do_save(['bup', 'on', '%s@%s' % (self._remote.username,])
+class TargetSSHLXCLVM(TargetSSH):
+ """
+ This target backs up an LXC container that lives on its own LVM logical
+ volume. Requires root-capable login on the container's host.
+ :param SSHRemote parent_remote:
+ """
+ _parent_remote = None
+ _lxc_username = None
+ _lxc_containername = None
+ def __init__(self, name, dirs, excludes = None, logger = None,
+ target_remote = None, target_remote_bupdir = None,
+ parent_remote = None,
+ lxc_username = None, lxc_containername = None,
+ snapshot_size = '20G'):
+ if parent_remote is None:
+ raise ValueError('parent_remote not specified')
+ if lxc_username is None:
+ lxc_username = parent_remote.usename
+ self._parent_remote = parent_remote
+ self._lxc_username = lxc_username
+ self._lxc_containername = lxc_containername
+ self._snapshot_size = snapshot_size
+ super().__init__(name, dirs, excludes, logger, target_remote, target_remote_bupdir)
+ def save(self, data_dir):
+ with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
+ parent = stack.enter_context(_ssh_client.SSHConnection(self._parent_remote))
+ container = stack.enter_context(_ssh_client.SSHConnection(self._remote))
+ # resolve the path to BUP_DIR on the container
+ container_bupdir = self._resolve_remote_bupdir(container)
+ # make sure the mount directory exists
+ # due to how bup index works, the mount directory has to stay the
+ # same for each backup
+ # we use BUP_DIR/lbup_mount
+ container_mountpoint = '%s/%s' % (container_bupdir, 'lbup_mount')
+ self._paramiko_exec_cmd(container, 'mkdir -p -m 700 ' + container_mountpoint)
+ save_opts = ['--strip-path', container_mountpoint]
+ # get the PID of the container's init
+ cmd_template = 'su -s /bin/sh -c "{command}" %s' % self._lxc_username
+ container_pid = self._paramiko_exec_cmd(parent, cmd_template.format(
+ command = 'lxc-info -H -p -n %s' % self._lxc_containername)).rstrip('\n')
+ # make sure it's a number
+ if not re.fullmatch('[0-9]+', container_pid):
+ raise BackupException('Invalid container PID: %s' % container_pid)
+ # get the LV/VG for the container's rootfs
+ container_rootfs = self._paramiko_exec_cmd(parent, cmd_template.format(
+ command = 'lxc-info -H -c lxc.rootfs.path -n %s' %
+ self._lxc_containername)).rstrip('\n')
+ # oct-escape certain characters as they are in /proc/mounts
+ # see seq_path[_root]() in linux
+ container_rootfs = container_rootfs.translate(
+ { ord(' ') : r'\040', ord('\t') : r'\011',
+ ord('\n') : r'\012', ord('\\') : r'\0134'})
+ # make sure the rootfs path is
+ # - non-empty
+ # - an absolute path
+ # - contains no whitespace
+ if (len(container_rootfs) <= 1 or container_rootfs[0] != '/' or
+'\s', container_rootfs)):
+ raise BackupException('Unxpected container rootfs directory: %s' % container_rootfs)
+ # find the device node and the filesystem type for the container rootfs
+ mountlines = self._paramiko_exec_cmd(parent,
+ 'grep "%s" /proc/mounts' % container_rootfs).splitlines()
+ if len(mountlines) != 1:
+ raise BackupException('Expected exactly one matching mount line for the '
+ 'container root, got %d' % len(mountlines))
+ mountline = mountlines[0].split()
+ if len(mountline) < 2 or mountline[1] != container_rootfs:
+ raise BackupException('Invalid mount line: %s' % mountline)
+ lv_path = mountline[0]
+ lv_fstype = mountline[2]
+ # make sure the LV path is
+ # - non-empty
+ # - an absolute path
+ # - contains no whitespace
+ # and that the FS type is non-empty
+ if (len(lv_path) <= 1 or lv_path[0] != '/' or
+'\s', lv_path) or len(lv_fstype) < 1):
+ raise BackupException('Unexpected LV path/FS type: %s\t%s' % (lv_path, lv_fstype))
+ # find the LV and VG names
+ lvdisplay = self._paramiko_exec_cmd(parent,
+ 'lvdisplay -C --noheadings -o lv_name,vg_name ' + lv_path).split()
+ if len(lvdisplay) != 2:
+ raise BackupException('Unexpected lvdisplay output: %s' % str(lvdisplay))
+ lv_name, vg_name = lvdisplay
+ if len(lv_name) < 1 or len(vg_name) < 1:
+ raise BackupException('Unexpected LV/VG name: %s\t%s' % (lv_name, vg_name))
+ # create a read-only snapshot
+ snapshot_name = 'lbup_' + lv_name
+ self._paramiko_exec_cmd(parent,
+ 'lvcreate --permission r --snapshot -L {size} -n {name} {origin}'
+ .format(size = self._snapshot_size, name = snapshot_name,
+ origin = lv_path))
+ stack.callback(lambda: self._paramiko_exec_cmd(parent,
+ 'lvremove -f %s/%s' % (vg_name, snapshot_name)))
+ # execute the backup
+ # wait for the new node to be created
+ self._paramiko_exec_cmd(parent, 'udevadm settle')
+ # we cannot trust any binaries located inside the container, since a
+ # compromised container could use them to execute arbitrary code
+ # with real root privileges, thus nullifying the point of
+ # unprivileged containers)
+ # so we ship a special tool, 'nsmount', which has to be
+ # installed on the parent, to mount the snapshot into the
+ # container mount namespace
+ self._paramiko_exec_cmd(parent,
+ 'nsmount m {pid} {mountpoint} {devpath} {fstype}'.format(
+ pid = container_pid, mountpoint = container_mountpoint,
+ devpath = '/dev/%s/%s' % (vg_name, snapshot_name),
+ fstype = lv_fstype))
+ bup_exec = ['bup', 'on', '%s@%s' % (self._remote.username,,
+ '-d', container_bupdir]
+ try:
+ ret = self._do_save(bup_exec, path_prefix = container_mountpoint,
+ save_opts = save_opts, index_opts = ['--no-check-device'])
+ finally:
+ self._paramiko_exec_cmd(parent,
+ 'nsmount u {pid} {mountpoint}'.format(
+ pid = container_pid, mountpoint = container_mountpoint))
+ return ret