path: root/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3
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Diffstat (limited to 'CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3')
9 files changed, 736 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/README b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7b1e569c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/README
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+CVS info : $Header:$
+Cactus Code Thorn ReductionTest
+Thorn Author(s) : Christian D. Ott <cott@aei.mpg.de>
+Thorn Maintainer(s) : Christian D. Ott <cott@aei.mpg.de>
+Purpose of the thorn:
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/doc/documentation.tex b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/doc/documentation.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a85f9ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/doc/documentation.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+% *======================================================================*
+% Cactus Thorn template for ThornGuide documentation
+% Author: Ian Kelley
+% Date: Sun Jun 02, 2002
+% $Header: /cactusdevcvs/Cactus/doc/ThornGuide/template.tex,v 1.12 2004/01/07 20:12:39 rideout Exp $
+% Thorn documentation in the latex file doc/documentation.tex
+% will be included in ThornGuides built with the Cactus make system.
+% The scripts employed by the make system automatically include
+% pages about variables, parameters and scheduling parsed from the
+% relevant thorn CCL files.
+% This template contains guidelines which help to assure that your
+% documentation will be correctly added to ThornGuides. More
+% information is available in the Cactus UsersGuide.
+% Guidelines:
+% - Do not change anything before the line
+% except for filling in the title, author, date, etc. fields.
+% - Each of these fields should only be on ONE line.
+% - Author names should be separated with a \\ or a comma.
+% - You can define your own macros, but they must appear after
+% the START CACTUS THORNGUIDE line, and must not redefine standard
+% latex commands.
+% - To avoid name clashes with other thorns, 'labels', 'citations',
+% 'references', and 'image' names should conform to the following
+% convention:
+% For example, an image wave.eps in the arrangement CactusWave and
+% thorn WaveToyC should be renamed to CactusWave_WaveToyC_wave.eps
+% - Graphics should only be included using the graphicx package.
+% More specifically, with the "\includegraphics" command. Do
+% not specify any graphic file extensions in your .tex file. This
+% will allow us to create a PDF version of the ThornGuide
+% via pdflatex.
+% - References should be included with the latex "\bibitem" command.
+% - Use \begin{abstract}...\end{abstract} instead of \abstract{...}
+% - Do not use \appendix, instead include any appendices you need as
+% standard sections.
+% - For the benefit of our Perl scripts, and for future extensions,
+% please use simple latex.
+% *======================================================================*
+% Example of including a graphic image:
+% \begin{figure}[ht]
+% \begin{center}
+% \includegraphics[width=6cm]{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyFigure}
+% \end{center}
+% \caption{Illustration of this and that}
+% \label{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyLabel}
+% \end{figure}
+% Example of using a label:
+% \label{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyLabel}
+% Example of a citation:
+% \cite{MyArrangement_MyThorn_Author99}
+% Example of including a reference
+% \bibitem{MyArrangement_MyThorn_Author99}
+% {J. Author, {\em The Title of the Book, Journal, or periodical}, 1 (1999),
+% 1--16. {\tt http://www.nowhere.com/}}
+% *======================================================================*
+% If you are using CVS use this line to give version information
+% $Header: /cactusdevcvs/Cactus/doc/ThornGuide/template.tex,v 1.12 2004/01/07 20:12:39 rideout Exp $
+% Use the Cactus ThornGuide style file
+% (Automatically used from Cactus distribution, if you have a
+% thorn without the Cactus Flesh download this from the Cactus
+% homepage at www.cactuscode.org)
+% The author of the documentation
+\author{Christian D. Ott \textless cott@aei.mpg.de\textgreater}
+% The title of the document (not necessarily the name of the Thorn)
+% the date your document was last changed, if your document is in CVS,
+% please use:
+% \date{$ $Date: 2004/01/07 20:12:39 $ $}
+\date{April 18 2006}
+% Do not delete next line
+% Add all definitions used in this documentation here
+% \def\mydef etc
+% Add an abstract for this thorn's documentation
+% The following sections are suggestive only.
+% Remove them or add your own.
+\section{Physical System}
+\section{Numerical Implementation}
+\section{Using This Thorn}
+\subsection{Obtaining This Thorn}
+\subsection{Basic Usage}
+\subsection{Special Behaviour}
+\subsection{Interaction With Other Thorns}
+\subsection{Support and Feedback}
+\subsection{Thorn Source Code}
+\subsection{Thorn Documentation}
+% Do not delete next line
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/interface.ccl b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/interface.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46ce46253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/interface.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Interface definition for thorn ReductionTest
+# $Header:$
+implements: ReductionTest3
+inherits: grid
+CCTK_REAL myredvar TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=3 tags='ProlongationParameter="Whisky::Whisky_Prolongation_Type" tensortypealias="Scalar" tensorweight=+1.0 interpolator="matter"'
+CCTK_REAL center_of_mass_helpers TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=3 tags='prolongation="none"'
+ dMx,dMy,dMz
+CCTK_REAL center_of_mass TYPE=SCALAR
+ Mx,My,Mz,Mr
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/par/reductiontest.par b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/par/reductiontest.par
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b3eb6155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/par/reductiontest.par
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+#--- Base and Driver Thorns
+ActiveThorns = "time
+ coordbase
+ mol
+ boundary
+ spacemask
+ symbase
+ aeilocalinterp
+ nanchecker
+ constants
+ ioutil
+ initbase
+ carpet
+ carpetlib
+ carpetregrid2
+ carpetreduce
+ carpetinterp
+ loopcontrol
+ cartgrid3d
+ carpetslab
+ triggerterminationmanual
+ RotatingSymmetry90
+ ReflectionSymmetry
+ Slab
+ "
+#--- Output related thorns
+ActiveThorns = " carpetioascii
+ carpetioscalar
+ carpetiohdf5
+ carpetiobasic
+ "
+#--- Spacetime :-)
+ActiveThorns = "
+ ReductionTest3
+ "
+############################# Flesh Stuff ##################################
+Cactus::cctk_run_title = "Reduction Test"
+Cactus::cctk_full_warnings = yes
+Cactus::highlight_warning_messages = no
+#Cactus::cctk_timer_output = "full"
+Cactus::cctk_itlast = 64
+############################# Output Related ##################################
+IO::out_dir = $par
+IO::checkpoint_dir = $par
+IO::recover_dir = $par
+iohdf5::out_dir = $par
+IO::out_single_precision = yes
+#--- checkpoint recovery
+io::recover = no
+iohdf5::checkpoint = no
+io::checkpoint_every = 32
+io::checkpoint_keep = 3
+carpetiohdf5::use_reflevels_from_checkpoint = "yes"
+IOBasic::outInfo_vars = "Carpet::average_physical_time_per_hour"
+carpetioscalar::outScalar_vars = "
+ "
+carpetioascii::out0D_vars = "
+ "
+carpetioascii::out1D_vars = "
+ "
+iohdf5::out_vars = "
+ "
+#--- output frequency
+iohdf5::out_criterion = "divisor"
+carpetioascii::out1D_criterion = "divisor"
+carpetioascii::out2D_criterion = "divisor"
+carpetioascii::out0D_criterion = "divisor"
+carpetioscalar::outScalar_criterion = "divisor"
+#carpetioscalar::outScalar_dt = 0.203
+#carpetioscalar::out0D_dt = 0.203
+#IOASCII::out1D_dt =
+#IOASCII::out2D_dt = -1
+carpetioscalar::outScalar_every = 32
+carpetioascii::out0D_every = 32
+carpetioascii::out1D_every = 256
+carpetioascii::out2D_every = -1
+iohdf5::out_every = -1
+carpetiobasic::outInfo_every = 1
+carpetiobasic::real_min = 1.0e-2
+IOASCII::one_file_per_group = yes
+IOASCII::output_symmetry_points = no
+IOASCII::out1D_d = no
+############################# Driver ##################################
+# Carpet Parameters
+Carpet::domain_from_coordbase = yes
+Carpet::max_refinement_levels = 2
+driver::ghost_size = 3
+Carpet::use_buffer_zones = yes
+Carpet::prolongation_order_space = 3
+Carpet::prolongation_order_time = 2
+Carpet::init_fill_timelevels = yes
+Carpet::verbose = no
+Carpet::veryverbose = no
+Carpet::output_timers_every = 4096
+CarpetLib::print_timestats_every = 4096
+CarpetLib::print_memstats_every = 4096
+############################# Grid ##################################
+CoordBase::domainsize = "minmax"
+CoordBase::xmin = 0.0
+CoordBase::ymin = 0.0
+CoordBase::zmin = 0.0
+CoordBase::xmax = 40.0
+CoordBase::ymax = 40.0
+CoordBase::zmax = 40.0
+CoordBase::spacing = "gridspacing"
+CoordBase::dx = 1.0
+CoordBase::dy = 1.0
+CoordBase::dz = 1.0
+CartGrid3D::type = "coordbase"
+CartGrid3D::domain = "full"
+CartGrid3D::avoid_originx = no
+CartGrid3D::avoid_originy = no
+CartGrid3D::avoid_originz = no
+CoordBase::boundary_size_x_lower = 3
+CoordBase::boundary_size_y_lower = 3
+CoordBase::boundary_size_z_lower = 3
+CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_x_lower = 1
+CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_y_lower = 1
+CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_z_lower = 1
+ReflectionSymmetry::reflection_z = yes
+ReflectionSymmetry::avoid_origin_z = no
+#CoordBase::boundary_size_x_upper = 3
+#CoordBase::boundary_size_y_upper = 3
+#CoordBase::boundary_size_z_upper = 3
+CarpetRegrid2::min_distance = 0
+CarpetRegrid2::boundary_shiftout = -10
+CarpetRegrid2::ensure_proper_nesting = yes
+CarpetRegrid2::num_centres = 1
+CarpetRegrid2::num_levels_1 = 1
+CarpetRegrid2::position_x_1 = 0
+CarpetRegrid2::position_y_1 = 0
+CarpetRegrid2::position_z_1 = 0
+CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[1] = 20.0 # 1.6
+#CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[2] = 40.0 # 0.8
+#CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[3] = 20.0 # 0.4
+#CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[4] = 12.0 # 0.2
+CarpetRegrid2::regrid_every = 16
+CarpetRegrid2::movement_threshold_1 = 0.0e0
+CarpetRegrid2::radius_change_threshold_1 = 0.0e0
+############################# Time Integration ##################################
+# Time integration parameters
+MoL::ODE_Method = "RK3"
+MoL::Generic_Type = "RK"
+MoL::MoL_Intermediate_Steps = 3
+MoL::MoL_Num_Scratch_Levels = 2
+Time::dtfac = 0.25
+############################ Analysis ###############################
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/param.ccl b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/param.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..160649261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/param.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Parameter definitions for thorn ReductionTest
+# $Header:$
+shares: grid
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/schedule.ccl b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/schedule.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92a70fce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/schedule.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Schedule definitions for thorn ReductionTest
+# $Header:$
+STORAGE: center_of_mass center_of_mass_helpers[3] myredvar[3]
+ SYNC: center_of_mass_helpers
+} "Setup integrands for CoM calculation"
+ SYNC: center_of_mass_helpers
+} "Setup integrands for CoM calculation"
+SCHEDULE CoM3_Local AT Postregridinitial
+ SYNC: center_of_mass_helpers
+} "Setup integrands for CoM calculation"
+SCHEDULE CoM3_Local AT Postregrid
+ SYNC: center_of_mass_helpers
+} "Setup integrands for CoM calculation"
+} "CoM Reductions"
+#SCHEDULE CoM3 AT Postregrid AFTER CoM3_Local
+# LANG: C
+#} "CoM Reductions"
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/src/CoM.c b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/src/CoM.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2347e3e9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/src/CoM.c
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "util_Table.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+void CoM3_Local(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ int i,j,k,index;
+ int nx = cctk_lsh[0];
+ int ny = cctk_lsh[1];
+ int nz = cctk_lsh[2];
+ for (k=0;k<nz;k++)
+ for (j=0;j<ny;j++)
+ for (i=0;i<nx;i++) {
+ index = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k);
+ dMx[index] = myredvar[index]*x[index];
+ dMy[index] = myredvar[index]*y[index];
+ dMz[index] = myredvar[index]*z[index];
+ }
+ int varindex = -1;
+ int ierr = 0;
+ int cf = 1.0;
+ int reduction_handle;
+ int vartype;
+ CCTK_REAL d3x,tiny,denstotal;
+ CCTK_REAL sym_factor1,sym_factor2,sym_factor3;
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS(domain,"bitant")){
+ sym_factor1 = 2.0e0;
+ sym_factor2 = 2.0e0;
+ sym_factor3 = 0.0e0;
+ } else if (CCTK_EQUALS(domain,"octant")){
+ sym_factor1 = 8.0e0;
+ sym_factor2 = 0.0e0;
+ sym_factor3 = 0.0e0;
+ } else {
+ sym_factor1 = 1.0e0;
+ sym_factor2 = 1.0e0;
+ sym_factor3 = 1.0e0;
+ }
+ reduction_handle = CCTK_ReductionHandle("sum");
+ varindex = CCTK_VarIndex("ReductionTest3::myredvar");
+ assert(varindex>=0);
+ ierr = CCTK_Reduce(cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle,
+ 1, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, (void *)&denstotal, 1, varindex);
+ assert(!ierr);
+ varindex = CCTK_VarIndex("ReductionTest3::dMx");
+ assert(varindex>=0);
+ ierr = CCTK_Reduce(cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle,
+ 1, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, (void *)Mx, 1, varindex);
+ assert(!ierr);
+ varindex = CCTK_VarIndex("ReductionTest3::dMy");
+ assert(varindex>=0);
+ ierr = CCTK_Reduce(cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle,
+ 1, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, (void *)My, 1, varindex);
+ assert(!ierr);
+ varindex = CCTK_VarIndex("ReductionTest3::dMz");
+ assert(varindex>=0);
+ ierr = CCTK_Reduce(cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle,
+ 1, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, (void *)Mz, 1, varindex);
+ assert(!ierr);
+ denstotal = sym_factor1*denstotal;
+ *Mx = sym_factor2*(*Mx)/(denstotal);
+ *My = sym_factor2*(*My)/(denstotal);
+ *Mz = sym_factor3*(*Mz)/(denstotal);
+ *Mr = sqrt( (*Mx)*(*Mx)+(*My)*(*My)+(*Mz)*(*Mz) );
+ CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING,"Mr: %15.6E Mx: %15.6E My: %15.6E Mz %15.6E",*Mr,*Mx,*My,*Mz);
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/src/make.code.defn b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/src/make.code.defn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f1f90aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/src/make.code.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Main make.code.defn file for thorn ReductionTest
+# $Header:$
+# Source files in this directory
+SRCS = CoM.c
+# Subdirectories containing source files
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/test/reductiontest.par b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/test/reductiontest.par
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85a483338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/test/reductiontest.par
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#--- Base and Driver Thorns
+ActiveThorns = " time
+ carpet
+ carpetlib
+ carpetregrid
+ carpetreduce
+ carpetslab
+ cartgrid3d
+ coordbase
+ mol
+ boundary
+ spacemask
+ carpetiobasic
+ carpetioscalar
+ carpetioascii
+ ioutil
+ symbase
+ aeilocalinterp
+ carpetinterp
+ "
+#--- Spacetime :-)
+ActiveThorns = " admbase
+ staticconformal
+ admconstraints
+ admcoupling
+ coordgauge
+ admmacros
+ bssn_mol
+ "
+#--- Hydrodynamics
+ActiveThorns = " whisky
+ whisky_init_data
+ whisky_rnsid
+ eos_base
+ eos_polytrope
+ reductiontest
+ "
+################## Output Related Stuff ##################################
+IOBasic::outInfo_vars = "whisky::rho admbase::alp"
+iobasic::outInfo_every = 1
+IOScalar::outScalar_vars = "whisky::rho admbase::alp"
+ioscalar::outScalar_every = 1
+IOASCII::out1D_vars = "whisky::rho admbase::alp"
+ioascii::out1D_every = 1
+#--- general
+#--- output directories
+IO::out_dir = $parfile
+#--- checkpoint recovery
+io::recover = "no"
+#--- output frequency
+io::out_single_precision = "yes"
+############################# DRIVER #####################################
+#--- Benchmarking
+carpet::constant_load_per_processor = "yes"
+#--- performance & infrastructure
+carpetlib::use_collective_communication_buffers = "yes"
+carpet::enable_all_storage = "no"
+CarpetLib::save_memory_during_regridding = "yes"
+#--- Carpet prolongation order settings
+Carpet::prolongation_order_space = 3
+Carpet::prolongation_order_time = 2
+#--- Carpet initial data setup parameters
+Carpet::init_3_timelevels = "yes"
+Carpet::init_each_timelevel = "no"
+#--- Grid Setup and carpet parameters
+carpet::buffer_width = 6
+driver::ghost_size = 3
+cartgrid3d::type = "box"
+cartgrid3d::domain = "full"
+cartgrid3d::avoid_origin = "no"
+cartgrid3d::dxyz = 1.0
+driver::global_nx = 30
+driver::global_ny = 30
+driver::global_nz = 30
+cactus::cctk_itlast = 128
+Carpet::domain_from_coordbase = "no"
+carpet::max_refinement_levels = 3
+carpetregrid::refinement_levels = 1
+carpetregrid::regrid_every = 16
+carpetregrid::num_new_levels = 1
+carpetregrid::activate_levels_on_regrid = "fixed"
+carpet::veryverbose = "no"
+carpet::verbose = "no"
+################## Spacetime Related Stuff #############################
+admbase::evolution_method = "adm_bssn"
+admbase::lapse_evolution_method = "1+log"
+admbase::shift_evolution_method = "static"
+boundary::radpower = 2
+admconstraints::bound = "static"
+bssn_mol::timelevels = 3
+######################## Hydro Related Stuff ###########################
+whisky::timelevels = 3
+whisky::whisky_rho_central = 1.61930347e-08
+whisky::riemann_solver = "Marquina"
+whisky::whisky_eos_type = "Polytype"
+whisky::whisky_eos_table = "2D_Polytrope"
+whisky::recon_method = "ppm"
+whisky::ppm_detect = "yes"
+whisky::whisky_stencil = 3
+whisky::bound = "none"
+whisky::EoS_Change = "no"
+EOS_Polytrope::eos_gamma = 2.0
+EOS_Polytrope::eos_k = 1.0
+EOS_Polytrope::use_cgs = "yes"
+EOS_Polytrope::gamma_ini = 2.0
+#------ Atmosphere treatment
+SpaceMask::use_mask = yes
+whisky::rho_rel_min = 1.e-5
+#------ Atmosphere only for
+whisky::initial_atmosphere_factor = 0.99
+####################### Initial Data #####################################
+admbase::initial_data = "rnsid"
+admbase::initial_lapse = "rnsid"
+admbase::initial_shift = "rnsid"
+admbase::metric_type = "physical"
+rnsid::axes_ratio = 1.0
+rnsid::accuracy = 1e-7
+rnsid::RNS_Gamma = 2.0
+rnsid::RNS_K = 100.0
+rnsid::recover_2Dmodel = "no"
+rnsid::save_2Dmodel = "no"
+#rnsid::mdiv = 151
+#rnsid::sdiv = 301
+##################### Infrastructure Related Stuff ########################
+#--- Time integration
+mol::ode_method = "icn"
+MoL::Generic_Type = "RK"
+MoL::MoL_Intermediate_Steps = 3
+time::dtfac = 0.375
+#---- Timer output
+cactus::cctk_timer_output = "FULL"