path: root/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dh.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dh.cc')
1 files changed, 689 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dh.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dh.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7e8778ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dh.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dh.cc,v 1.57 2004/09/17 16:37:26 schnetter Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "dist.hh"
+#include "ggf.hh"
+#include "vect.hh"
+#include "dh.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Constructors
+template<int D>
+dh<D>::dh (gh<D>& h,
+ const ivect& lghosts, const ivect& ughosts,
+ const int prolongation_order_space, const int buffer_width)
+ : h(h),
+ lghosts(lghosts), ughosts(ughosts),
+ prolongation_order_space(prolongation_order_space),
+ buffer_width(buffer_width)
+ assert (all(lghosts>=0 && ughosts>=0));
+ assert (prolongation_order_space>=0);
+ assert (buffer_width>=0);
+ h.add(this);
+ recompose (false);
+// Destructors
+template<int D>
+dh<D>::~dh ()
+ h.remove(this);
+// Helpers
+template<int D>
+int dh<D>::prolongation_stencil_size () const {
+ assert (prolongation_order_space>=0);
+ return prolongation_order_space/2;
+// Modifiers
+template<int D>
+void dh<D>::recompose (const bool do_prolongate) {
+ boxes.clear();
+ boxes.resize(h.reflevels());
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ boxes.at(rl).resize(h.components(rl));
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).resize(h.mglevels(rl,c));
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ const ibbox intr = h.extents.at(rl).at(c).at(ml);
+ // Interior
+ // (the interior of the grid has the extent as specified by
+ // the user)
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior = intr;
+ // Exterior (add ghost zones)
+ // (the content of the exterior is completely determined by
+ // the interior of this or other components; the content of
+ // the exterior is redundant)
+ ivect ldist(lghosts), udist(ughosts);
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ if (h.outer_boundaries.at(rl).at(c)[d][0]) ldist[d] = 0;
+ if (h.outer_boundaries.at(rl).at(c)[d][1]) udist[d] = 0;
+ }
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior = intr.expand(ldist, udist);
+ // Boundaries (ghost zones only)
+ // (interior + boundaries = exterior)
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).boundaries
+ = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior - intr;
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ // Sync boxes
+ const int cs = h.components(rl);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_sync.resize(cs);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_sync.resize(cs);
+ // Refinement boxes
+ if (rl>0) {
+ const int csm1 = h.components(rl-1);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_ref_coarse.resize(csm1);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_coarse.resize(csm1);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_bnd_coarse.resize(csm1);
+ }
+ if (rl<h.reflevels()-1) {
+ const int csp1 = h.components(rl+1);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_fine.resize(csp1);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_ref_fine.resize(csp1);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_ref_bnd_fine.resize(csp1);
+ }
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ const ibset& bnds = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).boundaries;
+ // Sync boxes
+ for (int cc=0; cc<h.components(rl); ++cc) {
+ assert (ml<h.mglevels(rl,cc));
+ // intersect boundaries with interior of that component
+ ibset ovlp = bnds & boxes.at(rl).at(cc).at(ml).interior;
+ ovlp.normalize();
+ for (typename ibset::const_iterator b=ovlp.begin();
+ b!=ovlp.end(); ++b) {
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c ).at(ml).recv_sync.at(cc).push_back(*b);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(cc).at(ml).send_sync.at(c ).push_back(*b);
+ }
+ } // for cc
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ const ibbox& intr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior;
+ const ibbox& extr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior;
+ // Multigrid boxes
+ if (ml>0) {
+ const ibbox intrf = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml-1).interior;
+ const ibbox extrf = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml-1).exterior;
+ // Restriction (interior)
+ {
+ // (the restriction must fill all of the interior of the
+ // coarse grid, and may use the exterior of the fine grid)
+ const ibbox recv = intr;
+ assert (intr.empty() || ! recv.empty());
+ const ibbox send = recv.expanded_for(extrf);
+ assert (intr.empty() || ! send.empty());
+ // TODO: put the check back in, taking outer boundaries
+ // into account
+#if 0
+ assert (send.is_contained_in(extrf));
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml-1).send_mg_coarse.push_back(send);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml ).recv_mg_fine .push_back(recv);
+ }
+ // Prolongation (interior)
+ {
+ // (the prolongation may use the exterior of the coarse
+ // grid, and may fill only the interior of the fine grid,
+ // and the bbox must be as large as possible)
+ const ibbox recv = extr.contracted_for(intrf) & intrf;
+ assert (intr.empty() || ! recv.empty());
+ const ibbox send = recv.expanded_for(extr);
+ assert (intr.empty() || ! send.empty());
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml-1).recv_mg_coarse.push_back(recv);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml ).send_mg_fine .push_back(send);
+ }
+ } // if not finest multigrid level
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ const ibbox& intr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior;
+ const ibbox& extr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior;
+ // Refinement boxes
+ if (rl<h.reflevels()-1) {
+ for (int cc=0; cc<h.components(rl+1); ++cc) {
+ const ibbox intrf = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).interior;
+ // Prolongation (interior)
+ // TODO: prefer boxes from the same processor
+ {
+ // (the prolongation may use the exterior of the coarse
+ // grid, and must fill all of the interior of the fine
+ // grid)
+ const int pss = prolongation_stencil_size();
+ ibset recvs
+ = extr.expand(-pss,-pss).contracted_for(intrf) & intrf;
+ const iblistvect& rrc
+ = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).recv_ref_coarse;
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator lvi=rrc.begin();
+ lvi!=rrc.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ recvs -= *li;
+ }
+ }
+ recvs.normalize();
+ assert (recvs.setsize() <= 1);
+ if (recvs.setsize() == 1) {
+ const ibbox recv = *recvs.begin();
+ const ibbox send = recv.expanded_for(extr);
+ assert (! send.empty());
+ assert (send.is_contained_in(extr));
+ boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).recv_ref_coarse.at(c )
+ .push_back(recv);
+ boxes.at(rl ).at(c ).at(ml).send_ref_fine .at(cc)
+ .push_back(send);
+ }
+ }
+ } // for cc
+ } // if not finest refinement level
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ const ibbox& intr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior;
+ const ibbox& extr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior;
+ // Refinement boxes
+ if (rl<h.reflevels()-1) {
+ for (int cc=0; cc<h.components(rl+1); ++cc) {
+ const ibbox intrf = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).interior;
+ const ibbox& extrf = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).exterior;
+ const ibset& bndsf = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).boundaries;
+ // Prolongation (boundaries)
+ // TODO: prefer boxes from the same processor
+ {
+ // (the prolongation may use the exterior of the coarse
+ // grid, and must fill all of the boundary of the fine
+ // grid)
+ const int pss = prolongation_stencil_size();
+ // Prolongation boundaries
+ ibset pbndsf = bndsf;
+ {
+ // Do not count what is synced
+ const iblistvect& rs
+ = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).recv_sync;
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator lvi=rs.begin();
+ lvi!=rs.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ pbndsf -= *li;
+ }
+ }
+ pbndsf.normalize();
+ }
+ // Buffer zones
+ ibset buffers;
+ {
+ for (typename ibset::const_iterator pbi=pbndsf.begin();
+ pbi!=pbndsf.end(); ++pbi) {
+ buffers |= (*pbi).expand(buffer_width, buffer_width) & extrf;
+ }
+ buffers.normalize();
+ }
+ // Add boundaries
+ const ibbox maxrecvs
+ = extr.expand(-pss,-pss).contracted_for(extrf);
+ ibset recvs = buffers & maxrecvs;
+ recvs.normalize();
+ {
+ // Do not prolongate what is already prolongated
+ const iblistvect& rrbc
+ = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).recv_ref_bnd_coarse;
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator lvi=rrbc.begin();
+ lvi!=rrbc.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ recvs -= *li;
+ }
+ }
+ recvs.normalize();
+ }
+ {
+ for (typename ibset::const_iterator ri = recvs.begin();
+ ri != recvs.end(); ++ri) {
+ const ibbox & recv = *ri;
+ const ibbox send = recv.expanded_for(extr);
+ assert (! send.empty());
+ assert (send.is_contained_in(extr));
+ assert (send.is_contained_in(extr.expand(-pss,-pss)));
+ boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).recv_ref_bnd_coarse.at(c )
+ .push_back(recv);
+ boxes.at(rl ).at(c ).at(ml).send_ref_bnd_fine .at(cc)
+ .push_back(send);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // for cc
+ } // if not finest refinement level
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ const ibbox& intr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior;
+ const ibbox& extr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior;
+ // Refinement boxes
+ if (rl<h.reflevels()-1) {
+ for (int cc=0; cc<h.components(rl+1); ++cc) {
+ const ibbox intrf = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).interior;
+ // Restriction (interior)
+ {
+ // (the restriction may fill the interior of the of the
+ // coarse grid, and may use the interior of the fine
+ // grid, and the bbox must be as large as possible)
+ // (the restriction must not use points that are filled
+ // by boundary prolongation)
+ ibset sends = intrf & intr.expanded_for(intrf);
+ // remove what is received during boundary prolongation
+ for (int ccc=0; ccc<h.components(rl); ++ccc) {
+ const iblist& sendlist
+ = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).recv_ref_bnd_coarse.at(ccc);
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator sli = sendlist.begin();
+ sli != sendlist.end(); ++sli) {
+ sends -= *sli;
+ }
+ }
+ sends.normalize();
+ for (typename ibset::const_iterator si = sends.begin();
+ si != sends.end(); ++si) {
+ const ibbox recv = (*si).contracted_for(intr);
+ if (! recv.empty()) {
+ const ibbox & send = recv.expanded_for(intrf);
+ assert (! send.empty());
+ boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).send_ref_coarse.at(c )
+ .push_back(send);
+ boxes.at(rl ).at(c ).at(ml).recv_ref_fine .at(cc)
+ .push_back(recv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // for cc
+ } // if not finest refinement level
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ // Boundaries that are not synced, or are neither synced nor
+ // prolonged to from coarser grids (outer boundaries)
+ ibset& sync_not = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).sync_not;
+ ibset& recv_not = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_not;
+ // The whole boundary
+ sync_not = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).boundaries;
+ recv_not = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).boundaries;
+ // Subtract boxes received during synchronisation
+ const iblistvect& recv_sync = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_sync;
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator lvi=recv_sync.begin();
+ lvi!=recv_sync.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ sync_not -= *li;
+ recv_not -= *li;
+ }
+ }
+ // Subtract boxes received during prolongation
+ const iblistvect& recv_ref_bnd_coarse
+ = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_bnd_coarse;
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator
+ lvi=recv_ref_bnd_coarse.begin();
+ lvi!=recv_ref_bnd_coarse.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ recv_not -= *li;
+ }
+ }
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ // Calculate bases
+ bases.resize(h.reflevels());
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ if (h.components(rl)==0) {
+ bases.at(rl).resize(0);
+ } else {
+ bases.at(rl).resize(h.mglevels(rl,0));
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,0); ++ml) {
+ bases.at(rl).at(ml).exterior = ibbox();
+ bases.at(rl).at(ml).interior = ibbox();
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ bases.at(rl).at(ml).exterior
+ = (bases.at(rl).at(ml).exterior
+ .expanded_containing(boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior));
+ bases.at(rl).at(ml).interior
+ = (bases.at(rl).at(ml).interior
+ .expanded_containing(boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior));
+ }
+ bases.at(rl).at(ml).boundaries
+ = bases.at(rl).at(ml).exterior - bases.at(rl).at(ml).interior;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (output_bboxes) {
+ cout << endl << h << endl;
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "dh bboxes:" << endl;
+ cout << "rl=" << rl << " c=" << c << " ml=" << ml << endl;
+ cout << "exterior=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior << endl;
+ cout << "interior=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior << endl;
+ cout << "send_mg_fine=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_mg_fine << endl;
+ cout << "send_mg_coarse=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_mg_coarse << endl;
+ cout << "recv_mg_fine=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_mg_fine << endl;
+ cout << "recv_mg_coarse=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_mg_coarse << endl;
+ cout << "send_ref_fine=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_ref_fine << endl;
+ cout << "send_ref_coarse=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_ref_coarse << endl;
+ cout << "recv_ref_fine=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_fine << endl;
+ cout << "recv_ref_coarse=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_coarse << endl;
+ cout << "send_sync=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_sync << endl;
+ cout << "send_ref_bnd_fine=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_ref_bnd_fine << endl;
+ cout << "boundaries=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).boundaries << endl;
+ cout << "recv_sync=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_sync << endl;
+ cout << "recv_ref_bnd_coarse=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_bnd_coarse << endl;
+ cout << "sync_not=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).sync_not << endl;
+ cout << "recv_not=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_not << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ if (h.components(rl)>0) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,0); ++ml) {
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "dh bases:" << endl;
+ cout << "rl=" << rl << " ml=" << ml << endl;
+ cout << "exterior=" << bases.at(rl).at(ml).exterior << endl;
+ cout << "interior=" << bases.at(rl).at(ml).interior << endl;
+ cout << "boundaries=" << bases.at(rl).at(ml).boundaries << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // if output_bboxes
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ // Assert that all boundaries are synced or received
+ {
+ const ibset& sync_not = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).sync_not;
+#if 0
+ const ibset& recv_not = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_not;
+ // Check that no boundaries are left over
+ if (rl==0) assert (sync_not.empty());
+#if 0
+ assert (recv_not.empty());
+ }
+ // Assert that the interior is received exactly once during
+ // prolongation, and that nothing else is received
+ {
+ if (rl==0) {
+ const iblistvect& recv_ref_coarse
+ = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_coarse;
+ assert (recv_ref_coarse.empty());
+ } else { // rl!=0
+ const iblistvect& recv_ref_coarse
+ = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_coarse;
+ ibset intr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior;
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator
+ lvi=recv_ref_coarse.begin();
+ lvi!=recv_ref_coarse.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ const int old_sz = intr.size();
+ const int this_sz = li->size();
+ intr -= *li;
+ const int new_sz = intr.size();
+ // TODO
+ assert (new_sz + this_sz == old_sz);
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO
+ // This need not be empty at outer boundaries. Check that
+ // those are indeed outer boundaries! But what size of the
+ // boundary region should be used for that?
+#if 0
+ assert (intr.empty());
+ }
+ }
+ // Assert that the boundaries are received at most once during
+ // prolongation and synchronisation, and that nothing else is
+ // received
+ {
+ const iblistvect& recv_sync = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_sync;
+ const iblistvect& recv_ref_bnd_coarse
+ = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_bnd_coarse;
+ ibset bnds = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).boundaries;
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator lvi=recv_sync.begin();
+ lvi!=recv_sync.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ const int old_sz = bnds.size();
+ const int this_sz = li->size();
+ bnds -= *li;
+ const int new_sz = bnds.size();
+ assert (new_sz + this_sz == old_sz);
+ }
+ }
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator
+ lvi=recv_ref_bnd_coarse.begin();
+ lvi!=recv_ref_bnd_coarse.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ const int old_sz = bnds.size();
+ const int this_sz = li->size();
+ bnds -= *li;
+ const int new_sz = bnds.size();
+ // TODO
+ // The new size can be larger if part of the
+ // prolongation went into the buffer zone.
+// assert (new_sz + this_sz == old_sz);
+ assert (new_sz + this_sz >= old_sz);
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO
+ // This need not be empty at outer boundaries. Check that
+ // those are indeed outer boundaries! But what size of the
+ // boundary region should be used for that?
+#if 0
+ assert (bnds.empty());
+ }
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ if (! save_memory_during_regridding) {
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::iterator f=gfs.begin(); f!=gfs.end(); ++f) {
+ (*f)->recompose_crop ();
+ }
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::iterator f=gfs.begin(); f!=gfs.end(); ++f) {
+ (*f)->recompose_allocate (rl);
+ }
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::iterator f=gfs.begin(); f!=gfs.end(); ++f) {
+ (*f)->recompose_fill (state, rl, do_prolongate);
+ }
+ }
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::reverse_iterator f=gfs.rbegin(); f!=gfs.rend(); ++f) {
+ (*f)->recompose_free (rl);
+ }
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::iterator f=gfs.begin(); f!=gfs.end(); ++f) {
+ (*f)->recompose_bnd_prolongate (state, rl, do_prolongate);
+ }
+ }
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::iterator f=gfs.begin(); f!=gfs.end(); ++f) {
+ (*f)->recompose_sync (state, rl, do_prolongate);
+ }
+ }
+ } // for rl
+ } else { // save memory
+ ggf<D>* vectorleader = NULL;
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::iterator f=gfs.begin(); f!=gfs.end(); ++f) {
+ (*f)->recompose_crop ();
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ (*f)->recompose_allocate (rl);
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ (*f)->recompose_fill (state, rl, do_prolongate);
+ }
+ assert ((*f)->vectorlength >= 1);
+ if ((*f)->vectorlength == 1) {
+ assert (! vectorleader);
+ (*f)->recompose_free (rl);
+ } else {
+ // treat vector groups specially: delete the leader only
+ // after all other elements have been deleted
+ if ((*f)->vectorindex == 0) {
+ // first element: delete nothing
+ if (rl == 0) {
+ assert (! vectorleader);
+ vectorleader = *f;
+ }
+ assert (vectorleader);
+ } else {
+ assert (vectorleader);
+ (*f)->recompose_free (rl);
+ if ((*f)->vectorindex == (*f)->vectorlength-1) {
+ // this was the last element: delete the leader as well
+ vectorleader->recompose_free (rl);
+ if (rl == h.reflevels()-1) {
+ vectorleader = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ (*f)->recompose_bnd_prolongate (state, rl, do_prolongate);
+ }
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ (*f)->recompose_sync (state, rl, do_prolongate);
+ }
+ } // for rl
+ } // for gf
+ assert (! vectorleader);
+ } // save memory
+// Grid function management
+template<int D>
+void dh<D>::add (ggf<D>* f) {
+ gfs.push_back(f);
+template<int D>
+void dh<D>::remove (ggf<D>* f) {
+ gfs.remove(f);
+// Output
+template<int D>
+void dh<D>::output (ostream& os) const {
+ os << "dh<" << D << ">:"
+ << "ghosts=[" << lghosts << "," << ughosts << "],"
+ << "gfs={";
+ int cnt=0;
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::const_iterator f = gfs.begin();
+ f != gfs.end(); ++f) {
+ if (cnt++) os << ",";
+ (*f)->output(os);
+ }
+ os << "}";
+template class dh<3>;