path: root/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bbox.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bbox.cc')
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bbox.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bbox.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9269e042d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bbox.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bbox.cc,v 1.26 2004/06/26 15:08:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "vect.hh"
+#include "bbox.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Constructors
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D>::bbox (): _lower(T(1)), _upper(T(0)), _stride(T(1)) { }
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D>::bbox (const bbox& b)
+ : _lower(b._lower), _upper(b._upper), _stride(b._stride)
+{ }
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D>& bbox<T,D>::operator= (const bbox& b) {
+ _lower=b._lower; _upper=b._upper; _stride=b._stride;
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D>::bbox (const vect<T,D>& lower, const vect<T,D>& upper,
+ const vect<T,D>& stride)
+ : _lower(lower), _upper(upper), _stride(stride)
+ assert (all(_stride>T(0)));
+ assert (all((_upper-_lower)%_stride == T(0)));
+ if (numeric_limits<T>::is_integer && numeric_limits<T>::is_signed) {
+ // prevent accidental wrap-around
+ assert (all(_lower < numeric_limits<T>::max() / 2));
+ assert (all(_lower > numeric_limits<T>::min() / 2));
+ assert (all(_upper < numeric_limits<T>::max() / 2));
+ assert (all(_upper > numeric_limits<T>::min() / 2));
+ }
+// Accessors
+template<class T, int D>
+T bbox<T,D>::size () const {
+ if (empty()) return 0;
+// return prod((shape()+stride()-1)/stride());
+ const vect<T,D> sh((shape()+stride()-1)/stride());
+ T sz = 1, max = numeric_limits<T>::max();
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ assert (sh[d] <= max);
+ sz *= sh[d];
+ max /= sh[d];
+ }
+ return sz;
+// Queries
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::contains (const vect<T,D>& x) const {
+ return all(x>=lower() && x<=upper());
+// Operators
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::operator== (const bbox& b) const {
+ if (empty() && b.empty()) return true;
+ assert (all(stride()==b.stride()));
+ return all(lower()==b.lower() && upper()==b.upper());
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::operator!= (const bbox& b) const {
+ return ! (*this == b);
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::operator< (const bbox& b) const {
+ // An arbitraty order: empty boxes come first, then sorted by lower
+ // bound, then by upper bound, then by coarseness
+ if (b.empty()) return false;
+ if (empty()) return true;
+ for (int d=D-1; d>=0; --d) {
+ if (lower()[d] < b.lower()[d]) return true;
+ if (lower()[d] > b.lower()[d]) return false;
+ }
+ for (int d=D-1; d>=0; --d) {
+ if (upper()[d] < b.upper()[d]) return true;
+ if (upper()[d] > b.upper()[d]) return false;
+ }
+ for (int d=D-1; d>=0; --d) {
+ if (stride()[d] > b.stride()[d]) return true;
+ if (stride()[d] < b.stride()[d]) return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::operator> (const bbox& b) const {
+ return b < *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::operator<= (const bbox& b) const {
+ return ! (b > *this);
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::operator>= (const bbox& b) const {
+ return b <= *this;
+// Intersection
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D> bbox<T,D>::operator& (const bbox& b) const {
+ assert (all(stride()==b.stride()));
+ vect<T,D> lo = max(lower(),b.lower());
+ vect<T,D> up = min(upper(),b.upper());
+ return bbox(lo,up,stride());
+// Containment
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::is_contained_in (const bbox& b) const {
+ if (empty()) return true;
+ // no alignment check
+ return all(lower()>=b.lower() && upper()<=b.upper());
+// Alignment check
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::is_aligned_with (const bbox& b) const {
+ return all(stride()==b.stride() && (lower()-b.lower()) % stride() == T(0));
+// Expand the bbox a little by multiples of the stride
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D> bbox<T,D>::expand (const vect<T,D>& lo, const vect<T,D>& hi) const {
+ // Allow expansion only into directions where the extent is not negative
+ assert (all(lower()<=upper() || (lo==T(0) && hi==T(0))));
+ const vect<T,D> str = stride();
+ const vect<T,D> lb = lower() - lo * str;
+ const vect<T,D> ub = upper() + hi * str;
+ return bbox(lb,ub,str);
+// Find the smallest b-compatible box around *this
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D> bbox<T,D>::expanded_for (const bbox& b) const {
+ if (empty()) return bbox(b.lower(), b.lower()-b.stride(), b.stride());
+ const vect<T,D> str = b.stride();
+ const vect<T,D> loff = ((lower() - b.lower()) % str + str) % str;
+ const vect<T,D> uoff = ((upper() - b.lower()) % str + str) % str;
+ const vect<T,D> lo = lower() - loff; // go outwards
+ const vect<T,D> up = upper() + (str - uoff) % str;
+ return bbox(lo,up,str);
+// Find the largest b-compatible box inside *this
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D> bbox<T,D>::contracted_for (const bbox& b) const {
+ if (empty()) return bbox(b.lower(), b.lower()-b.stride(), b.stride());
+ const vect<T,D> str = b.stride();
+ const vect<T,D> loff = ((lower() - b.lower()) % str + str) % str;
+ const vect<T,D> uoff = ((upper() - b.lower()) % str + str) % str;
+ const vect<T,D> lo = lower() + (str - loff) % str; // go inwards
+ const vect<T,D> up = upper() - uoff;
+ return bbox(lo,up,str);
+// Smallest bbox containing both boxes
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D> bbox<T,D>::expanded_containing (const bbox& b) const {
+ if (empty()) return b;
+ if (b.empty()) return *this;
+ assert (is_aligned_with(b));
+ const vect<T,D> lo = min(lower(), b.lower());
+ const vect<T,D> up = max(upper(), b.upper());
+ const vect<T,D> str = min(stride(), b.stride());
+ return bbox(lo,up,str);
+// Iterators
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D>::iterator::iterator (const bbox& box, const vect<T,D>& pos)
+ : box(box), pos(pos) {
+ if (box.empty()) this->pos=box.upper();
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::iterator::operator!= (const iterator& i) const {
+ return any(pos!=i.pos);
+template<class T, int D>
+typename bbox<T,D>::iterator& bbox<T,D>::iterator::operator++ () {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ pos[d]+=box.stride()[d];
+ if (pos[d]<=box.upper()[d]) break;
+ pos[d]=box.lower()[d];
+ }
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+typename bbox<T,D>::iterator bbox<T,D>::begin () const {
+ return iterator(*this, lower());
+template<class T, int D>
+typename bbox<T,D>::iterator bbox<T,D>::end () const {
+ return iterator(*this, lower());
+// Input
+template<class T,int D>
+void bbox<T,D>::input (istream& is) {
+ try {
+ skipws (is);
+ consume (is, '(');
+ is >> _lower;
+ skipws (is);
+ consume (is, ':');
+ is >> _upper;
+ skipws (is);
+ consume (is, ':');
+ is >> _stride;
+ skipws (is);
+ consume (is, ')');
+ } catch (input_error &err) {
+ cout << "Input error while reading a bbox" << endl;
+ throw err;
+ }
+ if (any(_stride<=T(0))) {
+ cout << "While reading the bbox " << *this << ":" << endl
+ << " The stride is not positive." << endl;
+ throw input_error();
+ }
+ if (any((_upper-_lower)%_stride != T(0))) {
+ cout << "While reading the bbox " << *this << ":" << endl
+ << " The stride does not evenly divide the extent." << endl;
+ throw input_error();
+ }
+ assert (all(_stride>T(0)));
+ assert (all((_upper-_lower)%_stride == T(0)));
+// Output
+template<class T,int D>
+void bbox<T,D>::output (ostream& os) const {
+ os << "(" << lower() << ":" << upper() << ":" << stride() << ")";
+// Note: We need all dimensions all the time.
+template class bbox<int,0>;
+template class bbox<int,1>;
+template class bbox<int,2>;
+template class bbox<int,3>;
+template class bbox<double,3>;