path: root/Carpet/Carpet/src/LoadBalanceReal/carpet_region.F90
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Diffstat (limited to 'Carpet/Carpet/src/LoadBalanceReal/carpet_region.F90')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Carpet/Carpet/src/LoadBalanceReal/carpet_region.F90 b/Carpet/Carpet/src/LoadBalanceReal/carpet_region.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60a8f5dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/Carpet/src/LoadBalanceReal/carpet_region.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+module carpet_region
+ implicit none
+ integer, parameter :: wp = selected_real_kind(12,99)
+ ! These empty arrays are used to initialize variables to either the
+ ! min or max possible number of kind wp or integer.
+ real(wp), dimension(2:1) :: empty
+ integer, dimension(2:1) :: iempty
+ ! Note that using intent on pointer arguments requires fortran 2003.
+ ! It is not allowed in fortran 90 or 95.
+ ! The basic range structure with lower and upper bounds and the stride
+ type range
+ integer :: lower, upper, stride
+ end type range
+ ! The basic box structure: a length 3 vector of ranges.
+ type bbox
+ type(range), dimension(3) :: dim
+ end type bbox
+ ! The outer boundary information structure.
+ type boundary
+ integer, dimension(3,2) :: obound
+ end type boundary
+! A super region structure similar to the Carpet tree structure.
+ type ptr
+ type(superregion2), pointer :: point
+ end type ptr
+ type superregion2
+ type(bbox) :: extent
+ type(boundary) :: outer_boundaries
+ integer :: map
+ integer :: processor
+ real(wp) :: frac
+ type(ptr), pointer :: children(:)
+ end type superregion2
+ type superregion2slim
+ type(bbox) :: extent
+ type(boundary) :: outer_boundaries
+ integer :: map
+ integer :: processor
+ end type superregion2slim
+ contains
+! Routine to allocate memory for a super region. Input is the bbox
+! structure, outer boundary information structure and map number.
+! The processor id is initialized to -1 and the pointer to the children
+! is nullified.
+ subroutine create_sregion ( box, outerbound, map, sregion )
+ type(bbox), intent(in) :: box
+ type(boundary), intent(in) :: outerbound
+ integer, intent(in) :: map
+! The intent has been removed to make it compile with gfortran 4.1.
+! type(superregion2), pointer, intent(out) :: sregion
+ type(superregion2), pointer :: sregion
+! gfortran dies with an internal compiler error on this initialization.
+! type(superregion2), pointer, intent(out) :: sregion => null()
+ allocate ( sregion )
+ sregion%extent = box
+ sregion%outer_boundaries = outerbound
+ sregion%map = map
+ sregion%processor = -1
+ sregion%frac = 0.0_wp
+ nullify(sregion%children)
+ end subroutine create_sregion
+! Routine to nullify the pointers of the children. This has to be used
+! before destroying a temporary super region and assumes another super
+! region has children with pointers to these super regions as well.
+! The use of intent(in) on the sregion just ensures that sregion itself
+! is not modified. Its childrens pointer can be nullified.
+ subroutine disassociate ( sregion )
+! The intent has been removed to make it compile with gfortran 4.1.
+! type(superregion2), pointer, intent(in) :: sregion
+ type(superregion2), pointer :: sregion
+ integer :: n, i
+! Only do something if the children are associated.
+ if ( associated(sregion%children) ) then
+ n = size(sregion%children)
+ do i = 1, n
+ nullify ( sregion%children(i)%point )
+ end do
+ end if
+ end subroutine disassociate
+! Routine to assign the pointers of the children of sregion1 to the same
+! super regions as sregion2.
+ subroutine point_to_children ( sregion1, sregion2 )
+! The intent has been removed to make it compile with gfortran 4.1.
+! type(superregion2), pointer, intent(inout) :: sregion1
+! type(superregion2), pointer, intent(in) :: sregion2
+ type(superregion2), pointer :: sregion1
+ type(superregion2), pointer :: sregion2
+ integer :: n1, n2, i
+! Only do something if sregion2 actually has children.
+ if ( associated(sregion2%children) ) then
+ n2 = size(sregion2%children)
+! If sregion1 has children as well make sure to deallocate their
+! sub tree (this probably shouldn't happen.
+ if ( associated(sregion1%children) ) then
+ n1 = size(sregion1%children)
+ do i = 1, n1
+ call destroy_sregion ( sregion1%children(i)%point )
+ end do
+ end if
+! Allocate the children and assign the pointers.
+ allocate ( sregion1%children(n2) )
+ do i = 1, n2
+ sregion1%children(i)%point => sregion2%children(i)%point
+ end do
+! Otherwise print a warning. This should not happen.
+ else
+ print*, 'Warning sregion2 has no children'
+ end if
+ end subroutine point_to_children
+! Routine to recursively deallocate memory for a super region.
+ recursive subroutine destroy_sregion ( sregion )
+! The intent has been removed to make it compile with gfortran 4.1.
+! type(superregion2), pointer, intent(inout) :: sregion
+ type(superregion2), pointer :: sregion
+ integer :: n, i
+! If the super region has children.
+ if ( associated(sregion%children) ) then
+! Find out how many children.
+ n = size(sregion%children)
+! Loop over all children.
+ do i = 1, n
+! If the children has children call recursively.
+ if ( associated ( sregion%children(i)%point ) ) then
+ call destroy_sregion ( sregion%children(i)%point )
+ end if
+ end do
+! Then deallocate the storage for the children pointers.
+ if ( n > 0 ) then
+ deallocate ( sregion%children )
+ end if
+ end if
+! Finally deallocate storage for the super region itself.
+ deallocate (sregion)
+ end subroutine destroy_sregion
+! Routine to recursively print all information about a super region tree
+! structure to stdout.
+ recursive subroutine print_tree ( sregion )
+! The intent has been removed to make it compile with gfortran 4.1.
+! type(superregion2), pointer, intent(in) :: sregion
+ type(superregion2), pointer :: sregion
+ integer :: n, i
+! Only do something if the super region pointer is associated with a
+! valid target.
+ if ( associated(sregion) ) then
+ print*, 'bbox = ', sregion%extent
+ print*, 'outer_boundaries = ', sregion%outer_boundaries
+ print*, 'map = ', sregion%map
+ print*, 'processor = ', sregion%processor
+ print*, 'fraction = ', sregion%frac
+! If the super region has no children...
+ if ( .not. associated(sregion%children) ) then
+ print*, 'No children '
+ print*
+! Otherwise call recursively for all the children.
+ else
+ n = size(sregion%children)
+ print*, 'Number of children = ', n
+ print*
+ print*
+ do i = 1, n
+ call print_tree ( sregion%children(i)%point )
+ print*
+ end do
+ end if
+ else
+ print*, "Pointer to super region not associated"
+ print*
+ end if
+ end subroutine print_tree
+! Split a super region into an arbitrary number of pieces in direction dir.
+! The number of pieces is size(frac)+1. The integer array frac contains the
+! upper boundary of the n first regions to split and has to be ordered with
+! the largest element smaller than the size of the super region in direction
+! dir. There is currently no check that this is indeed the case.
+ subroutine split_sregion ( sregion, dir, frac )
+! The intent has been removed to make it compile with gfortran 4.1.
+! type(superregion2), pointer, intent(in) :: sregion
+ type(superregion2), pointer :: sregion
+ integer, intent(in) :: dir
+ integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: frac
+ type(bbox), dimension(size(frac)+1) :: newboxes
+ type(boundary), dimension(size(frac)+1) :: newboundaries
+ integer :: n, i, lo, up, str
+! Determine the size of frac.
+ n = size(frac)
+! Only do something if n is larger than 0.
+ if (n>0) then
+! Allocate storage for the the children pointers.
+ allocate(sregion%children(n+1))
+! Determine the low and high boundaries and the stride of the super
+! region.
+ lo = sregion%extent%dim(dir)%lower
+ up = sregion%extent%dim(dir)%upper
+ str = sregion%extent%dim(dir)%stride
+! copy the bbox and boundary information from the super region.
+ do i = 1, n+1
+ newboxes(i) = sregion%extent
+ newboundaries(i) = sregion%outer_boundaries
+ end do
+! Update the lower and upper boundaries of the children regions
+! according to the number of points passed in through frac.
+! Also set the outer boundary information to 0.
+ do i = 1, n
+ newboxes(i)%dim(dir)%upper = lo + ( frac(i) - 1 ) * str
+ newboxes(i+1)%dim(dir)%lower = newboxes(i)%dim(dir)%upper + str
+ newboundaries(i)%obound(dir,2) = 0
+ newboundaries(i+1)%obound(dir,1) = 0
+ end do
+! Allocate memory for the children and copy the bbox and outer boundary
+! information in. nullify the pointers of the children to ensure that
+! they are correctly disassociated.
+ do i = 1, n+1
+ allocate ( sregion%children(i)%point )
+ sregion%children(i)%point%extent = newboxes(i)
+ sregion%children(i)%point%outer_boundaries = newboundaries(i)
+ sregion%children(i)%point%map = sregion%map
+ sregion%children(i)%point%processor = sregion%processor
+ sregion%children(i)%point%frac = 0.0_wp
+ nullify(sregion%children(i)%point%children)
+ end do
+ end if
+ end subroutine split_sregion
+end module carpet_region