path: root/Carpet/Carpet/src/LoadBalanceReal/carpet_boxtypes.F90
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Diffstat (limited to 'Carpet/Carpet/src/LoadBalanceReal/carpet_boxtypes.F90')
1 files changed, 776 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Carpet/Carpet/src/LoadBalanceReal/carpet_boxtypes.F90 b/Carpet/Carpet/src/LoadBalanceReal/carpet_boxtypes.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a03d312c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/Carpet/src/LoadBalanceReal/carpet_boxtypes.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+module carpet_boxtypes
+ use carpet_region
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ghostsize
+ real(wp) :: alpha
+ logical :: limit_size
+ integer :: granularity
+ integer :: granularity_boundary
+ integer :: procid
+ contains
+! The basic calculation of the cost in each of the 3 directions.
+ subroutine cost_box ( reg, cost )
+ type(bbox), intent(in) :: reg
+ integer, dimension(3), intent(out) :: cost
+ integer :: i
+ do i = 1, 3
+ cost(i) = (reg%dim(i)%upper - reg%dim(i)%lower)/reg%dim(i)%stride + 1
+ end do
+ end subroutine cost_box
+! Find a sorted list of the best options for splitting npoints in 2 chunks
+! among nprocs processors. The fractional remainder is passed in through
+! fract. The maximum allowed number of options to return is nmax, and the
+! actual number of returned options is nact. The result is returned in
+! np (number of procs for the first chunk) and nc (a measure of the
+! imabalance of the split.
+ subroutine choosenprocs ( npoints, nprocs, fract, nmax, nact, np, nc )
+ integer, intent(in) :: npoints, nmax
+ real(wp), intent(in) :: nprocs, fract
+ integer, intent(out) :: nact
+ integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: np
+ real(wp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: nc
+ integer :: idealcost
+ integer :: quot, i, j, round, ind
+ real(wp) :: c1, c2, currentimbal
+ logical :: exchange
+! The idealcost should be npoints/nprocs but I rescale with nprocs for
+! The purpose of avoiding some problems with floating point comparisons.
+ idealcost = npoints
+! Initialize the cost to the maximum possible floating point number.
+ nc = minval( empty )
+! initialize the actual returned number of options to 0.
+ nact = 0
+! Initialize an integer index to zero. Used to keep track where the current
+! option should be inserted in the result vector.
+ ind = 1
+! Calculate the starting number of processors to start the search with
+! (quot) as the largest integer smaller than nprocs.
+ quot = floor(nprocs)
+! If the fractional part we have to leave unsplit is larger than 1
+! decrement quot by 1.
+ if ( fract > 1.0_wp ) quot = quot-1
+! If nprocs has zero fractional part, we can start at quot/2 due to
+! symmetry.
+ if ( .not. ( nprocs>quot ) ) then
+ quot = quot / 2
+ end if
+! Try all options until reaching a single processor.
+ options: do i=quot, 1, -1
+! Calculate the number of points that will yield the smallest imbalance.
+ round = nint(real(npoints,wp)/nprocs*i)
+! Calculate the imbalance for the current choice of processors.
+! This has been scaled by nprocs (like idealcost has been above).
+ c1 = abs ( (round*nprocs)/i - idealcost )
+ c2 = abs ( (npoints-round)/(nprocs-i)*nprocs - idealcost )
+ currentimbal = max ( c1, c2 )
+! Initialize the boolean exchange that keeps track of whether the current
+! choice needs to replace an entry in the return vectors.
+ exchange = .false.
+! Start from the current number of entries in the return vector and check
+! if the current choice is better than any of them. If so indicate that
+! an exchange has to happen and record the index.
+ do j = nact, 1, -1
+ if ( currentimbal < nc(j) ) then
+ exchange = .true.
+ ind = j
+ end if
+ end do
+! If an exchange has to happen, shift all elements with indices higher
+! than or equal to ind to the right.
+ if (exchange) then
+ np(ind:nmax) = eoshift(np(ind:nmax),-1)
+ nc(ind:nmax) = eoshift(nc(ind:nmax),-1)
+ end if
+! If we don't need to do an exchange, and if nact<nmax add the current
+! case after the previous entries.
+ if (nact<nmax .and. .not.exchange) then
+ nact = nact+1
+ np(nact) = i
+ nc(nact) = currentimbal
+ end if
+! If the return vectors are empty or an exhange has to be done, insert
+! the current choice at the appropriate position (ind) and increment the
+! number of elements in the return vector (capped at nmax)
+ if (nact == 0 .or. exchange) then
+ nact = min(nact+1,nmax)
+ np(ind) = i
+ nc(ind) = currentimbal
+ end if
+ end do options
+! This is commented out for now. Used to return only the elements that are
+! as good as the best case.
+! nbad = nact + 1
+! do i = 2, nact
+! if ( abs(nc(i)-nc(i-1))>1.0d-10 ) nbad = i
+! end do
+! nact = nbad - 1
+ end subroutine choosenprocs
+! Calculate a measure of the load imbalance of a super region.
+! The measure is a weighted sum taking into account the imbalance in the
+! number of points (computation) and the imbalance in the number of ghost
+! zones (communication). Ghost zones are added with a multiplication factor
+! of alpha.
+ subroutine calc_imbalance ( sregion, imbalance )
+! The intent has been removed to make it compile with gfortran 4.1.
+! type(superregion2), pointer, intent(in) :: sregion
+ type(superregion2), pointer :: sregion
+ real(wp), intent(out) :: imbalance
+ integer, dimension(3) :: cost
+ real(wp) :: maxcost, maxgcost, n
+ real(wp) :: idealcost, idealgcost
+! Initialize counter and accumulation variables
+ n = 0.0_wp
+ maxcost = 0.0_wp
+ idealcost = 0.0_wp
+ maxgcost = 0.0_wp
+ idealgcost = 0.0_wp
+! Traverse the tree structure and add values for all leaves.
+ call traverse_tree ( sregion )
+! Calculate the ideal cost
+ idealcost = idealcost/n
+ idealgcost = idealgcost/n
+! Calculate the imbalance
+ imbalance = ( maxcost/idealcost - 1.0_wp ) &
+ + alpha * ( maxgcost/idealgcost - 1.0_wp )
+ contains
+! Routine to traverse the tree and accumulate the cost of the leaves.
+ recursive subroutine traverse_tree ( sreg )
+! The intent has been removed to make it compile with gfortran 4.1.
+! type(superregion2), pointer, intent(in) :: sreg
+ type(superregion2), pointer :: sreg
+ integer :: ich, nch, tcost, gcost
+! If the region has children recursively traverse the children.
+ if ( associated(sreg%children) ) then
+ nch = size(sreg%children)
+ do ich = 1, nch
+ call traverse_tree ( sreg%children(ich)%point )
+ end do
+! Otherwise it's a leaf and we accumulate the cost and update the
+! maximum cost.
+ else
+ call cost_box ( sreg%extent, cost )
+ tcost = product ( cost, mask = cost /= 0 )
+ gcost = product ( cost+2*ghostsize, mask = cost /= 0 ) - tcost
+ tcost = tcost
+ gcost = gcost
+ maxcost = max ( maxcost, tcost / sreg%frac )
+ maxgcost = max ( maxgcost, gcost / sreg%frac )
+ idealcost = idealcost + tcost
+ idealgcost = idealgcost + gcost
+ n = n + sreg%frac
+ end if
+ end subroutine traverse_tree
+ end subroutine calc_imbalance
+! Assign processor numbers to the leaves in a tree starting from start_proc.
+ subroutine AssignProcs ( minproc, maxproc, frac1, frac2, sregion )
+ integer, intent(in) :: minproc, maxproc
+ real(wp ), intent(in) :: frac1, frac2
+ logical :: lower_is_outer, upper_is_outer
+ integer :: boundarysize, minsize
+! The intent has been removed to make it compile with gfortran 4.1.
+! type(superregion2), pointer, intent(inout) :: sregion
+ type(superregion2), pointer :: sregion
+ character :: msg*200
+! Initialize.
+ if ( frac1 == 0 ) then
+ procid = minproc
+ else
+ procid = minproc + 1
+ end if
+! Traverse the tree.
+ call traverse_treep ( sregion )
+ contains
+! Routine to traverse the tree and assign processor ids to the leaves.
+ recursive subroutine traverse_treep ( sreg )
+! The intent has been removed to make it compile with gfortran 4.1.
+! type(superregion2), pointer, intent(inout) :: sreg
+ type(superregion2), pointer :: sreg
+ integer :: ich, nch, maxcost, np
+ integer, dimension(3) :: cost
+ integer, dimension(1) :: mydim
+! If the region has children recursively traverse the children.
+ if ( associated(sreg%children) ) then
+ nch = size(sreg%children)
+ do ich = 1, nch
+ call traverse_treep ( sreg%children(ich)%point )
+ end do
+! Otherwise it's a leaf and we assign the processor id and increment it.
+ else
+ if ( sreg%frac == 1.0_wp ) then
+ sreg%processor = procid
+ procid = procid + 1
+ else
+ call cost_box ( sreg%extent, cost )
+ maxcost = maxval(cost)
+ mydim = maxloc (cost)
+ lower_is_outer = sreg%outer_boundaries%obound(mydim(1),1)/=0
+ upper_is_outer = sreg%outer_boundaries%obound(mydim(1),2)/=0
+ if (frac1 == 0.0_wp) then
+ np = 0
+ else if (frac2 == 0.0_wp) then
+ np = maxcost
+ else
+ np = nint(frac1/(frac1+frac2)*maxcost)
+ end if
+ if (limit_size) then
+ boundarysize = ghostsize
+ minsize = boundarysize+ghostsize
+ if (lower_is_outer .and. np>0 .and. np<minsize) then
+ if (np<minsize/2) then
+ np = 0
+ else
+ np = minsize
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (upper_is_outer .and. &
+ np<maxcost .and. np>maxcost-minsize) then
+ if (np>maxcost-minsize/2) then
+ np = maxcost
+ else
+ np = maxcost-minsize
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ if ((lower_is_outer .and. np>0 .and. np<minsize) .or. &
+ (upper_is_outer .and. &
+ np<maxcost .and. np>maxcost-minsize)) then
+ write (msg, '("Not enough grid points: np=",i4," gs=",i4, "maxcost=",i4)') &
+ np, boundarysize, maxcost
+ end if
+ if (np>0 .and. np<maxcost) then
+ call split_sregion ( sreg, mydim(1), (/ np /) )
+ sreg%processor = -1
+ sreg%children(1)%point%processor = minproc
+ sreg%children(1)%point%frac = frac1
+ sreg%children(2)%point%processor = maxproc
+ sreg%children(2)%point%frac = frac2
+ else if (np==0) then
+ sreg%processor = maxproc
+ else if (np==maxcost) then
+ sreg%processor = minproc
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end subroutine traverse_treep
+ end subroutine AssignProcs
+! Routine to sum up the load of an array of super regions. Return the result
+! in the pre-allocated array of length nprocs. The array should be
+! initialized to zero.
+ subroutine calc_proc_load ( sregions, proc_load )
+ type(ptr), dimension(:), intent(in) :: sregions
+ integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: proc_load
+ integer :: i
+! For each of the super regions in the array.
+ do i = 1, size(sregions)
+! Traverse the tree and
+ call traverse_treel ( sregions(i)%point )
+ end do
+ contains
+! Routine to traverse the tree and add the load of each leaf to the
+! assigned processor.
+ recursive subroutine traverse_treel ( sreg )
+! The intent has been removed to make it compile with gfortran 4.1.
+! type(superregion2), pointer, intent(in) :: sreg
+ type(superregion2), pointer :: sreg
+ integer, dimension(3) :: cost
+ integer :: ich, nch
+! If the region has children recursively traverse the children.
+ if ( associated(sreg%children) ) then
+ nch = size(sreg%children)
+ do ich = 1, nch
+ call traverse_treel ( sreg%children(ich)%point )
+ end do
+! Otherwise it's a leaf and we calculate the cost and accumulate it
+! into the correct spot in the proc_load array.
+ else
+ call cost_box ( sreg%extent, cost )
+ proc_load(sreg%processor+1) = proc_load(sreg%processor+1) + &
+ product ( cost )
+ end if
+ end subroutine traverse_treel
+ end subroutine calc_proc_load
+! Split a superregion (newreg) recursively into smaller boxes while trying
+! to minimize the load imbalance. Here we allow for fractional processor
+! numbers, nprocs. The fraction that should be left unsplit is given by
+! fract (0.0<=fract<2). The inputs maxchoices and maxfactor are used to
+! determine how many options to examine at a given recursion level. The
+! variable clevel should be initialized to 0 and is used to keep track of
+! the recursion level. The number of options testes is counter and returned
+! in ncount.
+ recursive subroutine SplitRegionsRecursive ( nprocs, fract, maxchoices, &
+ maxfactor, clevel, &
+ newreg, ncount )
+ real(wp), intent(in) :: nprocs, fract
+ integer, intent(in) :: maxchoices, maxfactor
+ integer, intent(inout) :: clevel
+! The intent has been removed to make it compile with gfortran 4.1.
+! type(superregion2), pointer, intent(inout) :: newreg
+ type(superregion2), pointer :: newreg
+ integer, intent(inout) :: ncount
+ type(bbox) :: reg
+ integer, dimension(3) :: cost
+ integer :: maxcost, ngood, i, np1, lo1, up1, str
+ real(wp) :: p1, p2
+ integer, dimension(1) :: mydim
+ integer, dimension(maxchoices) :: npr
+ real(wp), dimension(maxchoices) :: ncr
+ type(ptr), dimension(maxchoices) :: newregarr
+ real(wp), dimension(maxchoices) :: imbalancearr
+ logical :: lower_is_outer, upper_is_outer
+ integer :: boundarysize, minsize
+ type(bbox) :: reg1, reg2
+ integer, dimension(1) :: minimbalanceloc
+ integer :: nlocal
+ character :: msg*200
+! Extract the bounding box information
+ reg = newreg%extent
+! Make sure the array with the test super regions are nullified.
+ do i = 1, maxchoices
+ nullify ( newregarr(i)%point )
+ end do
+! Initialize the imbalance array to max floating point value.
+ imbalancearr(:) = minval(empty)
+! Increment the recursion level variable.
+ clevel = clevel + 1
+! Calculate the number of choices to examine at the current recursion
+! level based on the value of maxchoices and maxfactor.
+ nlocal = max ( maxchoices - ( clevel - 1) / maxfactor, 1 )
+! If we are called with nprocs==max(1,fract) mark the region to be a leaf
+! in the tree, increment the choice counter and decrement the recursion
+! level counter and return.
+ if (nprocs <= max(1.0_wp,fract+0.000001_wp) ) then
+ ncount = ncount + 1
+ clevel = clevel - 1
+ newreg%processor = 1
+ newreg%frac = nprocs
+ return
+ end if
+! Calculate the cost of the current region.
+ call cost_box ( reg, cost )
+! Find the dimension with the most points.
+ maxcost = maxval(cost)
+ mydim = maxloc (cost)
+! Get the list of chunk options to investigate.
+ call choosenprocs ( cost(mydim(1)), nprocs, fract, nlocal, ngood, &
+ npr, ncr )
+! Loop over the chunk options to investigate.
+ chunks: do i=1, ngood
+! Initialize the super region.
+ allocate ( newregarr(i)%point )
+ newregarr(i)%point = newreg
+! Find the processor numbers of the two chunks (p1 always an integer).
+ p1 = npr(i)
+ p2 = nprocs - npr(i)
+! Find the number of points in each of the 2 chunks while making
+! sure the chunks are not too small compared to the ghostsize if
+! limit_size is true.
+! Take also the granularity into account.
+! At the outer boundary, take also the boundary size into account,
+! assuming that the boundary size is equal to the ghost size.
+! (Boundary points cannot be split, and near a boundary, the
+! minimum number of interior points is the number of ghost points.)
+ np1 = nint((real(maxcost,wp)*p1)/nprocs/granularity)*granularity
+! TODO: Take granularity_boundary into account as well!
+! TODO: Take granularity into account when limiting!
+ if (limit_size) then
+ lower_is_outer = &
+ newregarr(i)%point%outer_boundaries%obound(mydim(1),1)/=0
+ upper_is_outer = &
+ newregarr(i)%point%outer_boundaries%obound(mydim(1),2)/=0
+ boundarysize = ghostsize
+ minsize = boundarysize+ghostsize
+ if (lower_is_outer .and. np1>0 .and. np1<minsize) then
+ np1 = minsize
+ end if
+ if (upper_is_outer .and. np1<maxcost .and. np1>maxcost-minsize) then
+ np1 = maxcost-minsize
+ end if
+ if ((lower_is_outer .and. np1>0 .and. np1<minsize) .or. &
+ (upper_is_outer .and. np1<maxcost .and. np1>maxcost-minsize)) then
+ write (msg, '("Not enough grid points: np=",i4," gs=",i4, "maxcost=",i4)') &
+ np1, boundarysize, maxcost
+ end if
+ end if
+! Split the region (reg) into two regions (reg1, reg2) taking the
+! stride into account.
+ reg1 = reg
+ reg2 = reg
+ lo1 = reg%dim(mydim(1))%lower
+ up1 = reg%dim(mydim(1))%upper
+ str = reg%dim(mydim(1))%stride
+ reg1%dim(mydim(1))%upper = lo1 + (np1 - 1)*str
+ reg2%dim(mydim(1))%lower = reg1%dim(mydim(1))%upper + str
+! Add the new leaves to the tree.
+ call split_sregion ( newregarr(i)%point, mydim(1), (/ np1 /) )
+! Split region reg1 among p1 processors and region reg2 among p2
+! processors adding the new regions to the super region.
+ call SplitRegionsRecursive ( p1, fract, maxchoices, maxfactor, &
+ clevel, &
+ newregarr(i)%point%children(1)%point, &
+ ncount )
+ call SplitRegionsRecursive ( p2, fract, maxchoices, maxfactor, &
+ clevel, &
+ newregarr(i)%point%children(2)%point, &
+ ncount )
+! Calculate the load imbalance of the resulting super region.
+ call calc_imbalance ( newregarr(i)%point, imbalancearr(i) )
+! If the balance is perfect exit the do loop and don't do any further
+! tests.
+ if ( imbalancearr(i) == 0.0_wp ) then
+ ngood = i
+ exit
+ end if
+ end do chunks
+! Find the location of the minimum load imbalance.
+ minimbalanceloc = minloc ( imbalancearr(1:ngood) )
+! Insert the best choice into the tree structure
+ call point_to_children ( newreg, newregarr(minimbalanceloc(1))%point )
+! Cut the connection between the best choice and its children.
+ call disassociate ( newregarr(minimbalanceloc(1))%point )
+! Deallocate all the tested options.
+ do i = 1, ngood
+ call destroy_sregion ( newregarr(i)%point )
+ end do
+! Decrement the recursion level counter.
+ clevel = clevel - 1
+ end subroutine SplitRegionsRecursive
+! Routine to return the union of 2 pre-sorted arrays of integers.
+! only n1 elements of list1 and n2 elements of list2 are actually used.
+! The number of elements in the union is n. The union is returned in list.
+ subroutine union (n1, list1, n2, list2, n, list )
+ integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2
+ integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: list1, list2
+ integer, intent(out) :: n
+ integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: list
+ integer :: j, k, newl
+! Initialize n and list to 0. The integers j and k are used to march through
+! the 2 input arrays and are initialized to 1 if the lists have some
+! valid elements and 0 otherwise.
+ n = 0; list = 0; j = min(1,n1); k = min(1,n2)
+! Initialize the output array to 0
+ list = 0
+! If both input arrays are 0, so are the output array and we are done.
+ if (n1==0 .and. n2==0) then
+ return
+ end if
+! Repeat until j>n1 and k>n2.
+ loop: do
+! If there are still valid elements in both list1 and list2...
+ lists: if ( (j>0 .and. j<=n1) .and. (k>0 .and. k<=n2) ) then
+! The next element to add to list is the minimum of the current values
+! in list1 and list2
+ newl = min ( list1(j), list2(k) )
+! If the element is not already in the output list....
+ both: if ( n > 0 ) then
+ if ( newl > list(n) ) then
+! Add the element
+ n = n + 1
+ list(n) = newl
+! If the added element comes from list1 increment j
+ if ( list1(j) == list(n) ) j = j+1
+! If the added element comes from list2 increment j
+ if ( list2(k) == list(n) ) k = k+1
+ end if
+! Or if the output list is empty
+ else both
+! Add the element
+ n = n + 1
+ list(n) = newl
+! If the added element comes from list1 increment j
+ if ( list1(j) == list(n) ) j = j+1
+! If the added element comes from list2 increment j
+ if ( list2(k) == list(n) ) k = k+1
+ end if both
+! If there there is only valid elements left in list1
+ else if (j>0 .and. j<=n1) then lists
+! Add the current element of list1 to list if it is not already there
+! or list is empty and increment j.
+ newl = list1(j)
+ list_one: if ( n > 0 ) then
+ if ( newl > list(n) ) then
+ n = n + 1
+ list(n) = newl
+ j = j+1
+ end if
+ else list_one
+ n = n + 1
+ list(n) = newl
+ j = j+1
+ end if list_one
+! If there there is only valid elements left in list2
+ else if (k>0 .and. k<=n2) then lists
+! Add the current element of list2 to list if it is not already there
+! or list is empty and increment k.
+ newl = list2(k)
+ list_two: if ( n > 0 ) then
+ if ( newl > list(n) ) then
+ n = n + 1
+ list(n) = newl
+ k = k+1
+ end if
+ else list_two
+ n = n + 1
+ list(n) = newl
+ k = k+1
+ end if list_two
+ end if lists
+! If both list1 and list2 have been fully traversed then exit.
+ if ( j > n1 .and. k > n2 ) exit
+ end do loop
+ end subroutine union
+! Routine to figure out how many processors to assign to a list of super
+! regions and if necessary split super regions into regions to maintain load
+! balance across all regions. Returns a lits of potentially split super
+! regions and 2 arrays containing the minimum and maximum processor id
+! assigned to all leaf regions in the list of super region tree structures.
+ subroutine SplitSuperRegions ( sregion, nprocs )
+ type(ptr), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: sregion
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprocs
+ integer :: i, nregs, totcost, &
+ clevel, ncount, maxcost, np
+ logical :: lower_is_outer, upper_is_outer
+ integer :: boundarysize, minsize
+ integer, dimension(1) :: mydir
+ integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: cost
+ integer, dimension(3) :: mycost
+ integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: lcost
+ real(wp) :: idealcost, nrprocs
+ real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable :: nsplit, accumsplit, frac1, frac2
+ real(wp) :: fract
+ integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: accumcost, minmap, maxmap, &
+ splitnum
+ character :: msg*200
+! Set nregs to the number of super regions in the input list.
+ nregs = size(sregion)
+! Allocate helper arrays.
+ allocate ( cost(nregs), accumcost(nregs+1), minmap(nregs), &
+ maxmap(nregs), nsplit(nregs), accumsplit(nregs+1), &
+ frac1(nregs), frac2(nregs), lcost(nregs,3), splitnum(nregs) )
+! Set cost to the total cost of each super region and accumcost to the
+! accumulated cost.
+ accumcost(1) = 0
+ do i = 1, nregs
+ call cost_box ( sregion(i)%point%extent, lcost(i,:) )
+ cost(i) = product ( lcost(i,:) )
+ accumcost(i+1) = accumcost(i) + cost(i)
+ end do
+! Calculate the total cost (of all super regions) as well as the idealcost.
+! Note that totcost is an integer, while idealcost is real.
+ totcost = sum ( cost )
+ idealcost = real(totcost,wp) / nprocs
+! Calculate the ideal processor location for the beginning and end of each
+! super region, the fractional number of processors to be assigned to this
+! region as well as the accumulated fractional processor count.
+ accumsplit(1) = 0.0_wp
+ do i = 1, nregs
+ minmap(i) = floor(accumcost(i)/idealcost)
+ maxmap(i) = ceiling(accumcost(i+1)/idealcost) - 1
+ nsplit(i) = cost(i)/idealcost
+ accumsplit(i+1) = accumsplit(i)+nsplit(i)
+ end do
+! Calculate the size of the fractional regions at the beginning and the
+! end of each super region.
+ do i = 1, nregs
+ if ( maxmap(i) > minmap(i) ) then
+ frac1(i) = ceiling(accumsplit(i))-accumsplit(i)
+ frac2(i) = accumsplit(i+1)-floor(accumsplit(i+1))
+ else
+ frac1(i) = 0.0_wp
+ frac2(i) = 0.0_wp
+ end if
+ end do
+! Loop over the super regions.
+ do i = 1, nregs
+ nrprocs = nsplit(i)
+! If the region begins and ends on the same processor, don't split
+! but just assign the region to that processor.
+ if ( maxmap(i) == minmap(i) ) then
+ sregion(i)%point%processor = minmap(i)
+ sregion(i)%point%frac = nrprocs
+! Otherwise split the region.
+ else
+! Initialize counter variables used in the recursive routine.
+ clevel = 0
+ ncount = 0
+! Calculate the fractional part that has to be left unsplit. This is
+! the sum of the fractional leftovers at either end.
+ fract = frac1(i)+frac2(i)
+! If nrprocs > fract (fuzzy logic) then split recursively on nrprocs
+! processors with fract left unsplit (0.0<fract<2.0) and then
+! assign processors to the resulting regions.
+ if ( abs ( nrprocs - fract ) > 0.000001_wp ) then
+ call SplitRegionsRecursive ( nrprocs, fract, 4, 3, &
+ clevel, sregion(i)%point, ncount )
+ call AssignProcs ( minmap(i), maxmap(i), frac1(i), frac2(i), &
+ sregion(i)%point )
+! Otherwise we just need to split the superregion into 2 regions
+! of size fract1 and fract2.
+ else
+! Find the cost of the region.
+ call cost_box ( sregion(i)%point%extent, mycost )
+! Find the direction of maximal cost.
+ maxcost = maxval(mycost)
+ mydir = maxloc (mycost)
+! Find the number of gridpoints in direction mydir of the first
+! split region.
+ np = nint(frac1(i)/fract*mycost(mydir(1)))
+ if (limit_size) then
+ lower_is_outer = &
+ sregion(i)%point%outer_boundaries%obound(mydir(1),1)/=0
+ upper_is_outer = &
+ sregion(i)%point%outer_boundaries%obound(mydir(1),2)/=0
+ boundarysize = ghostsize
+ minsize = boundarysize+ghostsize
+ if (lower_is_outer .and. np>0 .and. np<minsize) then
+ np = minsize
+ end if
+ if (upper_is_outer .and. np<maxcost .and. np>maxcost-minsize) then
+ np = maxcost-minsize
+ end if
+ if ((lower_is_outer .and. np>0 .and. np<minsize) .or. &
+ (upper_is_outer .and. &
+ np<maxcost .and. np>maxcost-minsize)) then
+ write (msg, '("Not enough grid points: np=",i4," gs=",i4, "maxcost=",i4)') &
+ np, boundarysize, maxcost
+ end if
+ end if
+! Split the region.
+ call split_sregion ( sregion(i)%point, mydir(1), (/ np /) )
+! Assign the processors to the resulting regions.
+ sregion(i)%point%processor = -1
+ sregion(i)%point%children(1)%point%processor = minmap(i)
+ sregion(i)%point%children(1)%point%frac = frac1(i)
+ sregion(i)%point%children(2)%point%processor = maxmap(i)
+ sregion(i)%point%children(2)%point%frac = frac2(i)
+ end if
+ end if
+ end do
+! Deallocate local helper arrays.
+ deallocate ( cost, accumcost, minmap, &
+ maxmap, nsplit, accumsplit, &
+ frac1, frac2, lcost, splitnum )
+ end subroutine SplitSuperRegions
+end module carpet_boxtypes