path: root/Carpet/CarpetWeb/publications/bib2xhtml
diff options
authorErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2009-09-03 16:19:15 -0500
committerBarry Wardell <barry.wardell@gmail.com>2011-12-14 16:42:31 +0000
commit11c4d98017cbb86d08e15fd1b549180184b58a26 (patch)
tree2546a154c6f7bc0bec87de7316125ae7d1453569 /Carpet/CarpetWeb/publications/bib2xhtml
parentf520477b1c14e02f1495cfa8d3e09f4e21ab34d0 (diff)
Import Carpet
Ignore-this: 309b4dd613f4af2b84aa5d6743fdb6b3
Diffstat (limited to 'Carpet/CarpetWeb/publications/bib2xhtml')
1 files changed, 1254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetWeb/publications/bib2xhtml b/Carpet/CarpetWeb/publications/bib2xhtml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b63bc196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetWeb/publications/bib2xhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,1254 @@
+#!/opt/local/bin/perl -w
+eval 'exec /opt/local/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
+ if 0;
+$version = '$Id: bib2xhtml 2.26 2007/06/14 14:59:44 dds Exp $';
+# Convert from bibtex to XHTML.
+# (C) Copyright 1995, 1996 David Hull.
+# (David Hull / hull@cs.uiuc.edu / http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/dlhull)
+# (C) Copyright 2002-2007 Diomidis Spinellis
+# http://www.spinellis.gr
+# This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the
+# files README and COPYING for details.
+# This source code contains UTF-8 characters. You might want to use
+# an appropriate editor, if you want to view/modify the LaTeX to Unicode
+# substitution commands.
+use Getopt::Std;
+require 'ctime.pl';
+eval {use PDF::API2};
+$have_pdf_api = 1 unless (defined $@ && $@ ne '');
+# Label styles.
+$label_styles{'plain'} = $LABEL_PLAIN = 1;
+$label_styles{'ordered'} = $LABEL_ORDERED = 2;
+$label_styles{'numbered'} = $LABEL_NUMBERED = 3;
+$label_styles{'default'} = $LABEL_DEFAULT = 4;
+$list_start[$LABEL_PLAIN] = 'ul class="bib2xhtml"';
+$list_end[$LABEL_PLAIN] = "/ul";
+$list_start[$LABEL_ORDERED] = 'ol class="bib2xhtml"';
+$list_end[$LABEL_ORDERED] = "/ol";
+$list_start[$LABEL_NUMBERED] = 'dl compact="1" class="bib2xhtml"';
+$list_end[$LABEL_NUMBERED] = "/dl";
+$list_start[$LABEL_DEFAULT] = 'dl class="bib2xhtml"';
+$list_end[$LABEL_DEFAULT] = "/dl";
+@tmpfiles = ();
+sub usage {
+ $program = $0;
+ $program =~ s+^.*/++;
+ print STDERR <<_EOF_;
+usage: $program [-a] [-b bibtex-options] [-c] [-d delim] [-D mappings]
+ [-e extended-information] [-h heading] [-i] [-k]
+ [-m macro file] [-r] [-s style] [-t] [-u] [-v]
+ sourcefile [htmlfile]
+ -a Write abstract to htmlfile.
+ -b bibtex-options
+ Options to pass to bibtex.
+ -c Sort chronologically, by year and then by author.
+ -d delim
+ Specify bibliography delimiter.
+ -D mappings
+ Specify file path to URL mappings.
+ -e extended-information
+ Specify the extended metadata information (page count, size, PDF icon)
+ that will be included in each citation.
+ -h heading
+ String to use instead of default title when creating a new htmlfile.
+ If updating an existing htmlfile, this option is ignored.
+ -i Use included citations
+ -k In labeled styles append to the label of each entry its bibtex key.
+ -m macro file
+ Specify an additional macro file.
+ -r Sort in reverse chronological order.
+ -s style
+ Control style of bibliography:
+ (empty, plain, alpha, named, unsort, or unsortlist).
+ -t Write timestamp to htmlfile.
+ -u Output a Unicode-coded document.
+ -v Report the version number.
+ exit(1);
+# Return the command needed to open a (perhaps compressed) file,
+# as well as the type of compression.
+sub openCommand {
+ local($path) = @_;
+ local($cmd);
+ local($cmp);
+command: {
+ ($path =~ m/\.Z$/ &&
+ ($cmd = "uncompress -c $path |", $cmp = "Compressed", last command));
+ ($path =~ m/\.g?z$/ &&
+ ($cmd = "gzip -d -c $path |", $cmp = "Gzipped", last command));
+ ($cmd = "<$path", $cmp = "", last command);
+ }
+ ($cmd, $cmp);
+@paperTypes = ("PostScript", "PDF", "DVI", "DOI");
+sub PostScriptPageCount {
+ local($cmd) = @_;
+ local($pageCount);
+ #print "in PostScriptPageCount $cmd\n";
+ open(FILE, $cmd) || (warn "error opening $cmd: $!\n", return undef);
+ local($_);
+ local($/) = "\n";
+ while (<FILE>) {
+ last line if m/^%%EndComments/;
+ if (m/^%%Pages:\s*(\d+)/) {
+ $pageCount = $1 if ($1 > 0);
+ last line;
+ }
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ $pageCount;
+sub PDFPageCount {
+ return undef unless ($have_pdf_api);
+ my($file) = @_;
+ $file =~ s/^\<//;
+ # print "in PDFPageCount $file\n";
+ my($pdf);
+ eval {$pdf = PDF::API2->open($file)};
+ return undef if (defined $@ && $@ ne '');
+ return $pdf->pages;
+sub DVIPageCount {
+ local($cmd) = @_;
+ local($pageCount);
+ #print "in DVIPageCount $cmd\n";
+ if ($cmd =~ m/^</) {
+ # Simple file.
+ $cmd = "dviselect : $cmd >/dev/null";
+ } else {
+ # Compressed file.
+ $cmd .= "dviselect : >/dev/null";
+ }
+ # Look at dviselect's stderr.
+ open(DVISELECT, "-|") || (open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT"), exec $cmd);
+ local($_);
+ local($/) = "\n";
+ while (<DVISELECT>) {
+ if (m/[Ww]rote (\d+) pages/) {
+ $pageCount = $1;
+ last line;
+ }
+ }
+ close(DVISELECT);
+ $pageCount;
+# Make an intelligent link to a paper file.
+sub doPaperLinks {
+ local($file);
+ local($url);
+ local($paper, $ppaper);
+ local($cstr, $pstr, $sstr);
+ foreach $paper (@paperTypes) {
+ $ppaper = $paper unless defined($notype); # Paper type
+ $sstr = ""; # size string
+ $pstr = ""; # pages string
+ $cstr = ""; # compression type string
+ if (($url) = m/\<\!\-\- $paper:[\s\n]+(\S+)[\s\n]+\-\-\>/) {
+ # If $url looks like a file (doesn't begin with http://, ftp://,
+ # etc.), get more info.
+ if ($paper ne 'DOI' && $url !~ m/^[^\:\/]+\:\//) {
+ local($file) = $url;
+ local($path);
+ local($dir);
+ foreach $dir (@filedir) {
+ $path = join('/', $dir, $file);
+ if ( -f $path) {
+ if (defined $dirmap{$dir}) {
+ $url = join('/', $dirmap{$dir}, $file);
+ } else {
+ $url = $path;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! -f $path) {
+ print STDERR "couldn't find $file\n";
+ next papertype;
+ }
+ local($opencmd);
+ local($size);
+ local($pageCountRoutine);
+ local($pageCount) = 0;
+ ($opencmd, $cstr) = &openCommand($path);
+ # Get size.
+ $size = -s _;
+ if (! defined $nosize) {
+ if ($size < 1000) {
+ $sstr = ", $size bytes";
+ } elsif ($size < 1000000) {
+ $sstr = sprintf ", %.1f kbyte", $size / 1000;
+ } elsif ($size < 1000000000) {
+ $sstr = sprintf ", %.1f Mbyte", $size / 1000000;
+ } else {
+ $sstr = sprintf ", %.1f Gbyte", $size / 1000000000;
+ }
+ }
+ # Get page count.
+ $pageCountRoutine = $paper . "PageCount";
+ $pageCount = &$pageCountRoutine($opencmd);
+ $pstr = ", $pageCount pages" if (defined $pageCount && !defined $nopages);
+ # Get compression type.
+ $cstr = "$cstr " if ($cstr ne "");
+ undef $cstr if (defined $nocompression);
+ } elsif ($paper eq 'DOI' &&
+ (($url =~ m/^doi:(.*)/i) ||
+ ($url =~ m/^http:\/\/[\w.]+\/(.*)/i) ||
+ ($url =~ m/^(.*)$/))) {
+ # Convert the DOI URL into an HTTP link
+ $url = "http://dx.doi.org/$1";
+ $ppaper = "doi:$1" unless (defined($nodoi));
+ }
+ $ppaper = $typeicon{$paper} if (defined $typeicon{$paper});
+ #print STDERR "found $paper $file$pstr$sstr\n";
+ if ($nobrackets) {
+ s/\<\!\-\- $paper:[\s\n]+\S+[\s\n]+\-\-\>/<a href=\"$url\">${cstr}$ppaper<\/a>$pstr$sstr/;
+ } else {
+ s/\<\!\-\- $paper:[\s\n]+\S+[\s\n]+\-\-\>/(<a href=\"$url\">${cstr}$ppaper<\/a>$pstr$sstr)/;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# html_encode(string)
+# Protect character entities in string.
+sub html_encode {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ s/&/&amp;/g; # Must be first.
+ s/</&lt;/g;
+ s/>/&gt;/g;
+ s/"/&quot;/g;
+ $_;
+# Convert $_ into an HTML entity representation
+sub html_ent {
+ # Accents.
+ s/\\i\b/i/g; # dotless i.
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{([AEIOUaeiou])\1\}/&$2acute;/g; # acute accent \'{x}
+ s/\\\'([AEIOUaeiou])/&$1acute;/g; # acute accent \'x
+ s/\\\`(\001\d+)\{([AEIOUaeiou])\1\}/&$2grave;/g; # grave accent \`{x}
+ s/\\\`([AEIOUaeiou])/&$1grave;/g; # grave accent \`x
+ s/\\\"(\001\d+)\{([AEIOUaeiouy])\1\}/&$2uml;/g; # umlaut \"{x}
+ s/\\\"([AEIOUaeiouy])/&$1uml;/g; # umlaut \"x
+ s/\\\~(\001\d+)\{([ANOano])\1\}/&$2tilde;/g; # tilde \~{x}
+ s/\\\~([ANOano])/&$1tilde;/g; # tilde \~x
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{([AEIOUaeiou])\1\}/&$2circ;/g; # circumflex \^{x}
+ s/\\\^([AEIOUaeiou])/&$1circ;/g; # circumflex \^x
+ s/\\c(\001\d+)\{([Cc])\1\}/&$2cedil;/g; # cedilla \c{x}
+ # The following accents have no HTML equivalent.
+ # (This list is still not complete.)
+ s/\\u(\001\d+)\{(.)\1\}/$2/g; # breve accent \u{x}
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{(.)\1\}/$2/g; # hacek accent \v{x}
+ s/\\([lL])\b/$1/g; # slashed l
+ s/\\\=(\001\d+)\{(.)\1\}/$2/g; # macron \={x}
+ s/\\\=(.)/$1/g; # macron accent \=x
+ s/\\\.(\001\d+)\{(.)\1\}/$2/g; # dot \.{x}
+ s/\\\.(.)/$1/g; # dot accent \.x
+ # Other special characters.
+ s/\\([Oo])\b\s*/&$1slash;/g; # \[Oo] -> &[Oo]slash;
+ s/\\AA\b\s*/&Aring;/g; # \AA -> &Aring;
+ s/\\aa\b\s*/&aring;/g; # \aa -> &aring;
+ s/\\AE\b\s*/&AElig;/g; # \AE -> &AElig;
+ s/\\ae\b\s*/&aelig;/g; # \ae -> &aelig;
+ s/\\ss\b\s*/&szlig;/g; # \ss -> &szlig;
+ s/\\S\b\s*/&sect;/g; # \S -> &sect;
+ s/\\P\b\s*/&para;/g; # \P -> &para;
+ s/\\pounds\b\s*/&pound;/g; # \pounds -> &pound;
+ s/\?\`/&iquest;/g; # ?` -> &iquest;
+ s/\!\`/&iexcl;/g; # !` -> &iexcl;
+ # Other special characters.
+ # Try to be careful to not change the dashes in HTML comments
+ # (<!-- comment -->) to &ndash;s.
+ s/\-\-\-/&mdash;/g; # --- -> &mdash;
+ s/([^\!])\-\-([^\>])/$1&ndash;$2/g; # -- -> &ndash;
+ #s/\-\-\-/\227/g; # --- -> &mdash;
+ #s/([^\!])\-\-([^\>])/$1\226$2/g; # -- -> &ndash;
+ # Upper and lower case greek
+ s/\\([aA]lpha)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([bB]eta)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([gG]amma)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([dD]elta)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\varepsilon\b/&epsilon;/g;
+ s/\\([eE]psilon)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([zZ]eta)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([eE]ta)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([tT]heta)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\vartheta\b/&theta;/g;
+ s/\\([iI]ota)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([kK]appa)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([lL]ambda)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([mM]u)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([nN]u)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([xX]i)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([oO]micron)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([pP]i)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\varpi\b/&pi;/g;
+ s/\\([rR]ho)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\varrho\b/&rho;/g;
+ s/\\([sS]igma)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\varsigma\b/&sigmaf;/g;
+ s/\\([tT]au)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([uU]psilon)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([pP]hi)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\varphi\b/&phi;/g;
+ s/\\([cC]hi)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([pP]si)\b/&$1;/g;
+ s/\\([oO]mega)\b/&$1;/g;
+# Convert $_ into a UTF-8 character
+sub utf_ent {
+ # Accents.
+ s/\\i\b/ı/g; # dotless i.
+ # acute accent \'{x}
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{A\1\}/Á/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{C\1\}/Ć/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{E\1\}/É/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{I\1\}/Í/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{L\1\}/Ĺ/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{N\1\}/Ń/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{O\1\}/Ó/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{R\1\}/Ŕ/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{S\1\}/Ś/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{U\1\}/Ú/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{Y\1\}/Ý/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{Z\1\}/Ź/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{a\1\}/á/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{c\1\}/ć/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{e\1\}/é/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{ı\1\}/í/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{i\1\}/í/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{l\1\}/ĺ/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{n\1\}/ń/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{o\1\}/ó/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{r\1\}/ŕ/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{s\1\}/ś/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{u\1\}/ú/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{y\1\}/ý/g;
+ s/\\\'(\001\d+)\{z\1\}/ź/g;
+ # acute accent \'x
+ s/\\\'A/Á/g;
+ s/\\\'C/Ć/g;
+ s/\\\'E/É/g;
+ s/\\\'I/Í/g;
+ s/\\\'L/Ĺ/g;
+ s/\\\'N/Ń/g;
+ s/\\\'O/Ó/g;
+ s/\\\'R/Ŕ/g;
+ s/\\\'S/Ś/g;
+ s/\\\'U/Ù/g;
+ s/\\\'Y/Ý/g;
+ s/\\\'Z/Ź/g;
+ s/\\\'a/á/g;
+ s/\\\'c/ć/g;
+ s/\\\'e/é/g;
+ s/\\\'i/í/g;
+ s/\\\'ı/í/g;
+ s/\\\'l/ĺ/g;
+ s/\\\'n/ń/g;
+ s/\\\'o/ó/g;
+ s/\\\'r/ŕ/g;
+ s/\\\'s/ś/g;
+ s/\\\'u/ú/g;
+ s/\\\'y/ý/g;
+ s/\\\'z/ź/g;
+ # grave accent \`{x}
+ s/\\\`(\001\d+)\{A\1\}/À/g;
+ s/\\\`(\001\d+)\{E\1\}/È/g;
+ s/\\\`(\001\d+)\{I\1\}/Ì/g;
+ s/\\\`(\001\d+)\{O\1\}/Ò/g;
+ s/\\\`(\001\d+)\{U\1\}/Ù/g;
+ s/\\\`(\001\d+)\{a\1\}/à/g;
+ s/\\\`(\001\d+)\{e\1\}/è/g;
+ s/\\\`(\001\d+)\{i\1\}/ì/g;
+ s/\\\`(\001\d+)\{o\1\}/ò/g;
+ s/\\\`(\001\d+)\{u\1\}/ù/g;
+ # grave accent \`x
+ s/\\\`A/À/g;
+ s/\\\`E/È/g;
+ s/\\\`I/Ì/g;
+ s/\\\`O/Ò/g;
+ s/\\\`U/Ù/g;
+ s/\\\`a/à/g;
+ s/\\\`e/è/g;
+ s/\\\`i/ì/g;
+ s/\\\`o/ò/g;
+ s/\\\`u/ù/g;
+ # umlaut \"{x}
+ s/\\\"(\001\d+)\{A\1\}/Ä/g;
+ s/\\\"(\001\d+)\{E\1\}/Ë/g;
+ s/\\\"(\001\d+)\{I\1\}/Ï/g;
+ s/\\\"(\001\d+)\{O\1\}/Ö/g;
+ s/\\\"(\001\d+)\{U\1\}/Ü/g;
+ s/\\\"(\001\d+)\{Y\1\}/Ÿ/g;
+ s/\\\"(\001\d+)\{a\1\}/ä/g;
+ s/\\\"(\001\d+)\{e\1\}/ë/g;
+ s/\\\"(\001\d+)\{i\1\}/ï/g;
+ s/\\\"(\001\d+)\{o\1\}/ö/g;
+ s/\\\"(\001\d+)\{u\1\}/ü/g;
+ s/\\\"(\001\d+)\{y\1\}/ÿ/g;
+ # umlaut \"x
+ s/\\\"A/Ä/g;
+ s/\\\"E/Ë/g;
+ s/\\\"I/Ï/g;
+ s/\\\"O/Ö/g;
+ s/\\\"U/Ü/g;
+ s/\\\"Y/Ÿ/g;
+ s/\\\"a/ä/g;
+ s/\\\"e/ë/g;
+ s/\\\"i/ï/g;
+ s/\\\"o/ö/g;
+ s/\\\"u/ü/g;
+ s/\\\"y/ÿ/g;
+ # tilde \~{x}
+ s/\\\~(\001\d+)\{A\1\}/Ã/g;
+ s/\\\~(\001\d+)\{N\1\}/Ñ/g;
+ s/\\\~(\001\d+)\{O\1\}/Õ/g;
+ s/\\\~(\001\d+)\{a\1\}/ã/g;
+ s/\\\~(\001\d+)\{n\1\}/ñ/g;
+ s/\\\~(\001\d+)\{o\1\}/õ/g;
+ # tilde \~x
+ s/\\\~A/Ã/g;
+ s/\\\~N/Ñ/g;
+ s/\\\~O/Õ/g;
+ s/\\\~a/ã/g;
+ s/\\\~n/ñ/g;
+ s/\\\~O/õ/g;
+ # circumflex \^{x}
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{A\1\}/Â/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{E\1\}/Ê/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{G\1\}/Ĝ/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{H\1\}/Ĥ/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{I\1\}/Î/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{J\1\}/Ĵ/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{O\1\}/Ô/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{U\1\}/Û/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{W\1\}/Ŵ/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{Y\1\}/Ŷ/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{a\1\}/â/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{e\1\}/ê/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{g\1\}/ĝ/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{h\1\}/ĥ/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{i\1\}/î/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{j\1\}/ĵ/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{o\1\}/ô/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{u\1\}/û/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{w\1\}/ŵ/g;
+ s/\\\^(\001\d+)\{y\1\}/ŷ/g;
+ # circumflex \^x
+ s/\\\^A/Â/g;
+ s/\\\^E/Ê/g;
+ s/\\\^G/Ĝ/g;
+ s/\\\^H/Ĥ/g;
+ s/\\\^I/Î/g;
+ s/\\\^J/Ĵ/g;
+ s/\\\^O/Ô/g;
+ s/\\\^U/Û/g;
+ s/\\\^W/Ŵ/g;
+ s/\\\^Y/Ŷ/g;
+ s/\\\^a/â/g;
+ s/\\\^e/ê/g;
+ s/\\\^g/ĝ/g;
+ s/\\\^h/ĥ/g;
+ s/\\\^i/î/g;
+ s/\\\^J/ĵ/g;
+ s/\\\^o/ô/g;
+ s/\\\^u/û/g;
+ s/\\\^w/ŵ/g;
+ s/\\\^y/ŷ/g;
+ # cedilla \c{x}
+ s/\\c(\001\d+)\{C\1\}/Ç/g;
+ s/\\c(\001\d+)\{c\1\}/ç/g;
+ s/\\c(\001\d+)\{K\1\}/Ķ/g;
+ s/\\c(\001\d+)\{k\1\}/ķ/g;
+ s/\\c(\001\d+)\{L\1\}/Ļ/g;
+ s/\\c(\001\d+)\{l\1\}/ļ/g;
+ s/\\c(\001\d+)\{N\1\}/Ņ/g;
+ s/\\c(\001\d+)\{n\1\}/ņ/g;
+ s/\\c(\001\d+)\{N\1\}/Ŗ/g;
+ s/\\c(\001\d+)\{n\1\}/ŗ/g;
+ # double acute accent \H{x}
+ s/\\H(\001\d+)\{O\1\}/Ő/g;
+ s/\\H(\001\d+)\{U\1\}/Ű/g;
+ s/\\H(\001\d+)\{o\1\}/ő/g;
+ s/\\H(\001\d+)\{u\1\}/ű/g;
+ # breve accent \u{x}
+ s/\\u(\001\d+)\{A\1\}/Ă/g;
+ s/\\u(\001\d+)\{E\1\}/Ĕ/g;
+ s/\\u(\001\d+)\{G\1\}/Ğ/g;
+ s/\\u(\001\d+)\{I\1\}/Ĭ/g;
+ s/\\u(\001\d+)\{O\1\}/Ŏ/g;
+ s/\\u(\001\d+)\{U\1\}/Ŭ/g;
+ s/\\u(\001\d+)\{a\1\}/ă/g;
+ s/\\u(\001\d+)\{e\1\}/ĕ/g;
+ s/\\u(\001\d+)\{g\1\}/ğ/g;
+ s/\\u(\001\d+)\{i\1\}/ĭ/g;
+ s/\\u(\001\d+)\{o\1\}/ŏ/g;
+ s/\\u(\001\d+)\{u\1\}/ŭ/g;
+ # hacek/caron? accent \v{x}
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{C\1\}/Č/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{D\1\}/Ď/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{E\1\}/Ě/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{L\1\}/Ľ/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{N\1\}/Ň/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{R\1\}/Ř/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{S\1\}/Š/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{T\1\}/Ť/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{Z\1\}/Ž/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{c\1\}/č/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{d\1\}/ď/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{e\1\}/ě/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{l\1\}/ľ/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{n\1\}/ň/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{r\1\}/ř/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{s\1\}/š/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{t\1\}/ť/g;
+ s/\\v(\001\d+)\{z\1\}/ž/g;
+ # macron \={x}
+ s/\\\=(\001\d+)\{A\1\}/Ā/g;
+ s/\\\=(\001\d+)\{E\1\}/Ē/g;
+ s/\\\=(\001\d+)\{O\1\}/Ō/g;
+ s/\\\=(\001\d+)\{U\1\}/Ū/g;
+ s/\\\=(\001\d+)\{a\1\}/ā/g;
+ s/\\\=(\001\d+)\{e\1\}/ē/g;
+ s/\\\=(\001\d+)\{o\1\}/ō/g;
+ s/\\\=(\001\d+)\{u\1\}/ū/g;
+ # macron \=x
+ s/\\\=A/Ā/g;
+ s/\\\=E/Ē/g;
+ s/\\\=O/Ō/g;
+ s/\\\=U/Ū/g;
+ s/\\\=a/ā/g;
+ s/\\\=e/ē/g;
+ s/\\\=o/ō/g;
+ s/\\\=u/ū/g;
+ # dot \.{x}
+ s/\\\.(\001\d+)\{G\1\}/Ġ/g;
+ s/\\\.(\001\d+)\{L\1\}/Ŀ/g;
+ s/\\\.(\001\d+)\{Z\1\}/Ż/g;
+ s/\\\.(\001\d+)\{g\1\}/ġ/g;
+ s/\\\.(\001\d+)\{l\1\}/ŀ/g;
+ s/\\\.(\001\d+)\{z\1\}/ż/g;
+ # dot \.x
+ s/\\\.G/Ġ/g;
+ s/\\\.L/Ŀ/g;
+ s/\\\.Z/Ż/g;
+ s/\\\.g/ġ/g;
+ s/\\\.l/ŀ/g;
+ s/\\\.z/ż/g;
+ # slashed l
+ s/\\l\b/ł/g;
+ s/\\L\b/Ł/g;
+ # krouzek \accent23x or \accent'27
+ s/\{\\accent2[37]\s*u\}/ů/g;
+ s/\\accent2[37]\s*u/ů/g;
+ # Other special characters.
+ s/\\O\b\s*/Ø/g;
+ s/\\o\b\s*/ø/g;
+ s/\\AA\b\s*/Å/g;
+ s/\\aa\b\s*/å/g;
+ s/\\AE\b\s*/Æ/g;
+ s/\\ae\b\s*/æ/g;
+ s/\\OE\b\s*/Œ/g;
+ s/\\oe\b\s*/œ/g;
+ s/\\ss\b\s*/ß/g;
+ s/\\S\b\s*/§/g;
+ s/\\P\b\s*/¶/g;
+ s/\\pounds\b\s*/£/g;
+ s/\?\`/¿/g;
+ s/\!\`/¡/g;
+ # en and em dashes
+ # Try to be careful to not change the dashes in HTML comments
+ # (<!-- comment -->) to &ndash;s.
+ s/\-\-\-/—/g; # --- -> &#x2014
+ s/([^\!])\-\-([^\>])/$1–$2/g; # -- -> &#x2013
+ # Upper case Greek
+ s/\\Alpha\b/Α/g;
+ s/\\Beta\b/Β/g;
+ s/\\Gamma\b/Γ/g;
+ s/\\Delta\b/Δ/g;
+ s/\\Epsilon\b/Ε/g;
+ s/\\Zeta\b/Ζ/g;
+ s/\\Eta\b/Η/g;
+ s/\\Theta\b/Θ/g;
+ s/\\Iota\b/Ι/g;
+ s/\\Kappa\b/Κ/g;
+ s/\\Lambda\b/Λ/g;
+ s/\\Mu\b/Μ/g;
+ s/\\Nu\b/Ν/g;
+ s/\\Xi\b/Ξ/g;
+ s/\\Omicron\b/Ο/g;
+ s/\\Pi\b/Π/g;
+ s/\\Rho\b/Ρ/g;
+ s/\\Sigma\b/Σ/g;
+ s/\\Tau\b/Τ/g;
+ s/\\Upsilon\b/Υ/g;
+ s/\\Phi\b/Φ/g;
+ s/\\Chi\b/Χ/g;
+ s/\\Psi\b/Ψ/g;
+ s/\\Omega\b/Ω/g;
+ # Lower case Greek
+ s/\\alpha\b/α/g;
+ s/\\beta\b/β/g;
+ s/\\gamma\b/γ/g;
+ s/\\delta\b/δ/g;
+ s/\\varepsilon\b/ε/g;
+ s/\\epsilon\b/ε/g;
+ s/\\zeta\b/ζ/g;
+ s/\\eta\b/η/g;
+ s/\\theta\b/θ/g;
+ s/\\vartheta\b/θ/g;
+ s/\\iota\b/ι/g;
+ s/\\kappa\b/κ/g;
+ s/\\lambda\b/λ/g;
+ s/\\mu\b/μ/g;
+ s/\\nu\b/ν/g;
+ s/\\xi\b/ξ/g;
+ s/\\omicron\b/ο/g;
+ s/\\pi\b/π/g;
+ s/\\varpi\b/π/g;
+ s/\\rho\b/ρ/g;
+ s/\\varrho\b/ρ/g;
+ s/\\sigma\b/σ/g;
+ s/\\varsigma\b/ς/g;
+ s/\\tau\b/τ/g;
+ s/\\upsilon\b/υ/g;
+ s/\\phi\b/φ/g;
+ s/\\varphi\b/φ/g;
+ s/\\chi\b/χ/g;
+ s/\\psi\b/ψ/g;
+ s/\\omega\b/ω/g;
+# Prevent "identifier used only once" warnings.
+$opt_a = $opt_b = $opt_c = $opt_D = $opt_d = $opt_e = $opt_h = $opt_m = $opt_r = undef;
+$opt_i = $opt_k = $opt_s = $opt_t = $opt_v = $opt_u = undef;
+$macrofile = '';
+$command_line = &html_encode(join(' ', $0, @ARGV));
+getopts("ab:cd:D:e:h:ikm:rs:tuv") || &usage;
+if (defined($opt_v)) {
+ print "$version\n";
+ exit 0;
+&usage if (($#ARGV < 0) || ($#ARGV > 1));
+if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/\.bib$/) {
+ $bibfile = $ARGV[0];
+ $bibfile =~ s/\.bib$//;
+ $delimiter = $bibfile;
+} elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/\.aux$/) {
+ if ($opt_i) {
+ print STDERR "source file must be a bibliography (.bib) file when run with the -i switch \n";
+ &usage;
+ }
+ $citefile = $ARGV[0];
+ $citefile =~ s/\.aux$//;
+ $delimiter = $citefile;
+} else {
+ print STDERR "Unknown file extension on $ARGV[0]\n";
+ &usage;
+$htmlfile = $ARGV[1] if ($#ARGV == 1);
+$delimiter = $opt_d if (defined($opt_d));
+$title = (defined($opt_h) ? $opt_h : "Bibliography generated from $ARGV[0]");
+$macrofile = "$opt_m," if (defined($opt_m));
+$opt_s = 'empty' if (! defined $opt_s);
+style: {
+ ($opt_s eq 'empty') &&
+ ($bstfile = "html-n",
+ $label_style = $LABEL_PLAIN,
+ last style);
+ ($opt_s eq 'plain') &&
+ ($bstfile = "html-n",
+ $label_style = $LABEL_NUMBERED,
+ last style);
+ ($opt_s eq 'alpha') &&
+ ($bstfile = "html-a",
+ $label_style = $LABEL_DEFAULT,
+ last style);
+ ($opt_s eq 'named') &&
+ ($bstfile = "html-n",
+ $label_style = $LABEL_DEFAULT,
+ last style);
+ ($opt_s eq 'unsort') &&
+ ($bstfile = "html-u",
+ $label_style = $LABEL_NUMBERED,
+ last style);
+ ($opt_s eq 'unsortlist') &&
+ ($bstfile = "html-u",
+ #$label_style = $LABEL_PLAIN,
+ $label_style = $LABEL_ORDERED,
+ last style);
+ ($opt_s =~ s/\.bst$//) &&
+ ($bstfile = $opt_s,
+ # label-style will be defined in .bst file.
+ last style);
+ print STDERR "Unknown style: $_\n";
+ &usage;
+if ($bstfile eq "html-u" && ($opt_r || $opt_c)) {
+ print STDERR "Unsorted styles do not support a sort specification\n";
+ exit(1);
+$bstfile .= "c" if (defined ($opt_c));
+$bstfile .= "r" if (defined ($opt_r));
+$bstfile .= "a" if (defined ($opt_a));
+# Extended information is specified as a sequence of
+# (PostScript|PDF|DVI|DOI):icon or
+# (notype|nosize|nopages|nocompression|nodoi|nobrackets)
+# Set correspondingly the associative array %typeicon and the no* variables
+# Example usage:
+# perl bib2xhtml -e 'nosize,nopages,PDF:<img src="pdficon_small.gif" alt="PDF" border="0" />' example.bib >example.html
+undef $nopages;
+undef $nosize;
+undef $nodoi;
+undef $notype;
+undef $nocompression;
+undef $nobrackets;
+if (defined($opt_e)) {
+ my(@opts) = split(/,/, $opt_e);
+ for $opt (@opts) {
+ if ($opt =~ m/(PostScript|PDF|DVI|DOI):(.*)/) {
+ $typeicon{$1} = $2;
+ } elsif ($opt =~ m/(notype|nosize|nopages|nocompression|nodoi|nobrackets)/) {
+ eval "\$$1 = 1";
+ } else {
+ print STDERR qq{Invalid extended information specification: $opt
+This can be a comma-separated list of the following specifications:
+PostScript|PDF|DVI|DOI:new-text (e.g. PDF file icon)
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ }
+# PostScript and PDF files are assumed to be in same directory
+# as the target HTML file.
+if (defined($htmlfile) && ($htmlfile =~ m+(^.*)/+)) {
+ push @filedir, $1;
+} else {
+ push @filedir, "."
+if (defined $opt_D) {
+ local($dir, $url);
+ foreach $dir (split(/\,/, $opt_D)) {
+ $url = $dir;
+ if ($dir =~ s/\@(.*)$//) { $url = $1; }
+ push @filedir, $dir;
+ $dirmap{$dir} = $url;
+ }
+open(HTMLFILE, (defined($htmlfile) ? ">$htmlfile$$" : ">&STDOUT"));
+if (defined($htmlfile) && open(OHTMLFILE, "$htmlfile")) {
+ $mode = (stat OHTMLFILE)[2] & 0xfff;
+ $updating = 1;
+} else {
+ $mode = 0644;
+ $updating = 0;
+ # An existing HTML file does not exist, so output some boilerplate.
+ if ($opt_u) {
+ $enc = 'UTF-8';
+ } else {
+ $enc = 'US-ASCII';
+ }
+ print HTMLFILE
+qq{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="$enc"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html
+ PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=$enc" />} . q{
+<meta name="Generator" content="$Id: bib2xhtml 2.26 2007/06/14 14:59:44 dds Exp $" />
+$beginstring = "<!-- BEGIN CITATIONS $delimiter -->";
+$endstring = "<!-- END CITATIONS $delimiter -->";
+@citations = ();
+if ($opt_i && $updating) {
+ loop:
+ while (<OHTMLFILE>) {
+ print HTMLFILE;
+ last loop if m/^$beginstring$/;
+ }
+ loop:
+ while (<OHTMLFILE>) {
+ print HTMLFILE;
+ last loop if m/^$endstring$/;
+ push(@citations, $2) if m/^([^\\]*)?(.+\})(.*)?$/;
+ }
+ push(@citations, "\\bibdata{$bibfile}");
+# Create an .aux file for bibtex to read.
+$auxfile = "bib$$";
+push(@tmpfiles, "$auxfile.aux");
+open(AUXFILE, ">$auxfile" . ".aux");
+print AUXFILE "\\relax\n\\bibstyle{$bstfile}\n";
+if (defined($citefile)) {
+ $citefile .= ".aux";
+ open(CITEFILE, "<$citefile") || die "error opening $citefile: $!\n";
+ while (<CITEFILE>) {
+ print AUXFILE $_ if (m/^\\(citation|bibdata){/);
+ }
+ close(CITEFILE);
+} elsif (@citations) {
+ foreach $citation (@citations) {
+ print AUXFILE "$citation\n";
+ }
+} else {
+ print AUXFILE "\\citation{*}\n\\bibdata{$macrofile$bibfile}\n";
+# run bibtex, redirecting bibtex's output from STDOUT to STDERR.
+push(@tmpfiles, "$auxfile.blg");
+push(@tmpfiles, "$auxfile.bbl");
+#Flush HTMLFILE to avoid duplicate buffer writes after the fork
+$| = 1; $| = 0;
+# We attempt to fork in order to redirect bibtex's stdout to stderr.
+# This is needed when bib2xhtml is generating its output on the
+# standard output.
+# The shell redirection syntax used in the system() alternative
+# is by no means portable.
+eval { fork || (open(STDOUT, ">&STDERR"),
+ # Handle leakage in Win32 prevents the final rename()
+ close(HTMLFILE),
+ close(OHTMLFILE),
+ exec('bibtex', (split(/\s+/, ($opt_b ? $opt_b : "")), $auxfile)));
+ wait; };
+# fork is not implemented on some non-Unix platforms.
+if ($@) {
+ # The fork failed (perhaps not implemented on this system).
+ system("bibtex $opt_b $auxfile 1>&2");
+$beginstring = "<!-- BEGIN BIBLIOGRAPHY $delimiter -->";
+$endstring = "<!-- END BIBLIOGRAPHY $delimiter -->";
+if ($updating) {
+ while (<OHTMLFILE>) {
+ last loop if m/^$beginstring$/;
+ print HTMLFILE;
+ }
+ while (<OHTMLFILE>) {
+ last loop if m/^$endstring$/;
+ }
+print HTMLFILE "$beginstring\n";
+print HTMLFILE <<EOF;
+<!-- Generated by: $command_line -->
+# Now we make two passes over the .bbl file. In the first pass, we
+# just collect the {cite, label} pairs, which we will use later for
+# crossrefs.
+$t = $auxfile . ".bbl";
+$/ = "";
+# Make a first pass through the .bbl file, collecting citation/label pairs.
+open(BBLFILE, "<$t") || die "error opening $t: $!\n";
+$nentry = 0;
+while (<BBLFILE>) {
+ # Check for definitions at start of .bbl file.
+ if (($nentry == 0) && (m/^#/)) {
+ if ((m/#\s*label-style:\s*(\S+)/) && (! defined $label_style)) {
+ $label_style = $label_styles{$1};
+ if (! defined $label_style) {
+ print STDERR "label style unknown: \n";
+ next loop;
+ }
+ }
+ next loop;
+ }
+ $nentry++;
+ ($bcite, $blabel) = m+<dt><a name=\"([^\"]*)\">\[([^\]]*)\]</a></dt><dd>+;
+ $blabel = "$nentry" if ($label_style == $LABEL_NUMBERED);
+ $bibcite{$bcite} = $blabel;
+$label_style = $LABEL_DEFAULT if (! defined $label_style);
+$list_start = $list_start[$label_style];
+$list_end = $list_end[$label_style];
+if (defined($opt_t)) {
+ print HTMLFILE "$nentry references, last updated " . &ctime(time) . "<p />\n";
+print HTMLFILE "<$list_start>\n\n";
+#foreach $key (sort (keys(%bibcite))) {
+# print "$key : $bibcite{$key}\n";
+open(BBLFILE, "<$t") || die "error opening $t: $!\n";
+$nentry = 0;
+while (<BBLFILE>) {
+ # Skip definitions at start of .bbl file.
+ next loop if (($nentry == 0) && (m/^#/));
+ $nentry++;
+ # Protect \{, \}, and \$, and then assign matching {} pairs a unique ID.
+ s/\\\{/\002/g;
+ s/\\\}/\003/g;
+ s/\\\$/\004/g;
+ {
+ local ($c, $l, $z) = (0, 0, ());
+ s/([\{\}])/join("","\001",($1 eq "\{" ? $z[$l++]=$c++ : $z[--$l]),$1)/ge;
+ }
+ # bibtex sometimes breaks long lines by inserting "%\n". We remove
+ # that because it might accidently break the line in the middle
+ # of a URL. We don't need to deal with TeX comments in general
+ # because bibtex seems to munge them up anyway, so there shouldn't
+ # be any in the bibliography file.
+ s/\%\n//g;
+ # bibtex's add.period$ knows how to avoid adding extra periods
+ # when a block already ends in a period. bib2xhtml's modifications
+ # of bibtex's style files break that. We fix it here.
+ s/(\.(<\/cite>|<\/a>|\')+)\./$1/g;
+ # Adjust beginning of entry based on bibliography style.
+ if ($label_style == $LABEL_PLAIN || $label_style == $LABEL_ORDERED) {
+ s:<dt>(<a name=\"[^\"]*\">)\[[^\]]*\](</a>)</dt><dd>:<li>$1$2:;
+ s:</dd>:</li>:;
+ # Attempt to fix up empty <a name=...></a> tag, which some browsers
+ # don't handle properly (even though it *is* legal HTML).
+ # First try to combine a <a name=...></a> with a following <A ".
+ s:(<a name=\"[^\"]*\")></a><a\b:$1:
+ # If that doesn't work, try to swallow following word.
+ or s:(<a name=\"[^\"]*\">)</a>([\w]+):$1$2<\/a>:;
+ } elsif ($label_style == $LABEL_NUMBERED) {
+ s:(<dt><a name=\"[^\"]*\">\[)[^\]]*(\]</a></dt><dd>):$1$nentry$2:;
+ }
+ # Append the key name, if asked so
+ if ($opt_k && ($label_style == $LABEL_NUMBERED || $label_style == $LABEL_DEFAULT)) {
+ # $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
+ s:(<dt><a name=\")([^\"]*)(\">\[)([^\]]*)(\]</a></dt><dd>):$1$2$3$4 --- $2$5:;
+ }
+ # Attempt to fix up crossrefs.
+ while (m/(\\(cite(label)?)(\001\d+)\{([^\001]+)\4\})/) {
+ $old = $1;
+ $cmd = $2;
+ $doxref = defined($3);
+ $bcite = $5;
+ if (! defined $bibcite{$bcite}) {
+ $blabel = " [" . $bcite . "]";
+ } elsif ($doxref) {
+ $blabel = " <a href=\"#$bcite\">[" . $bibcite{$bcite} . "]<\/a>";
+ } else {
+ $blabel = " [" . $bibcite{$bcite} . "]";
+ }
+ $old =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
+ s/\s*$old/$blabel/g;
+ }
+ # In some styles crossrefs become something like
+ # "In Doe and Roe [Doe and Roe, 1995]." Change this to
+ # "In [Doe and Roe, 1995]." to remove the redundancy.
+ s/In (<a href=\"[^\"]*\">)([^\[]+) \[(\2)/In $1\[$2/;
+ # Handle the latex2html commands \htmladdnormallink{text}{url}
+ # and \htmladdnormallinkfoot{text}{url}.
+ s/\\htmladdnormallink(foot)?(\001\d+)\{([^\001]+)\2\}(\001\d+)\{([^\001]+)\4\}/<a href="$5">$3<\/a>/g;
+ s/\&amp;/\005/g; # Protect original &amp; sequences
+ s/\\?&/&amp;/g; # \& -> &amp; and & -> &amp;
+ s/\005/&amp;/g; # Restore original &amp; sequences
+ if ($opt_u) {
+ utf_ent();
+ } else {
+ html_ent();
+ }
+ # Handle \char123 -> &123;.
+ while (m/\\char([\'\"]?[0-9a-fA-F]+)/) {
+ $o = $r = $1;
+ if ($r =~ s/^\'//) {
+ $r = oct($r);
+ } elsif ($r =~ s/^\"//) {
+ $r = hex($r);
+ }
+ s/\\char$o\s*/&#$r;/g;
+ }
+ s/{\\etalchar\001(\d+)\{(.)}\001\1\}/$2/g; # {\etalchar{x}} -> x
+ s/\\par\b/<p \/>/g;
+ # \url{text} -> <a href"text">text</a>
+ s/\\url(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/<a href="$2">$2<\/a>/g;
+ # remove spaces from urls
+ while (m+<a href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>+s) {
+ my $before = $`;
+ my $url = $1;
+ my $text = $2;
+ my $after = $'; #'
+ $url =~ s/ //g;
+ $_ = "$before\<a_ href=\"$url\">$text</a>$after";
+ }
+ s/<a_ /<a /g;
+ # There's no way to easily handle \rm and \textrm because
+ # HTML has no tag to convert back to plain text. Since it's very
+ # difficult to do the right thing, we do the wrong thing, and just
+ # remove them.
+ s/(\001\d+)\{\\rm\s+([^\001]*)\1\}/$2/g; # {\rm text} -> text
+ s/\\textrm(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/$2/g; # \textrm{text} -> text
+ # This doesn't create correct HTML, because HTML doesn't allow nested
+ # character style tags. Oh well.
+ s/(\001\d+)\{\\em\s+([^\001]*)\1\}/<em>$2<\/em>/g; # {\em text} -> <EM>text</EM>
+ s/(\001\d+)\{\\it\s+([^\001]*)\1\}/<i>$2<\/i>/g; # {\it text} -> <I>text</I>
+ s/(\001\d+)\{\\bf\s+([^\001]*)\1\}/<b>$2<\/b>/g; # {\bf text} -> <B>text</B>
+ s/(\001\d+)\{\\tt\s+([^\001]*)\1\}/<tt>$2<\/tt>/g; # {\tt text} -> <TT>text</TT>
+ s/\\emph(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/<em>$2<\/em>/g; # \emph{text} -> <EM>text</EM>
+ s/\\textit(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/<i>$2<\/i>/g; # \textit{text} -> <I>text</I>
+ s/\\textbf(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/<b>$2<\/b>/g; # \textbf{text} -> <B>text</B>
+ s/\\texttt(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/<tt>$2<\/tt>/g;# \textit{text} -> <TT>text</TT>
+ s/\\mathrm(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/$2/g; # \mathrm{text} -> text
+ s/\\mathnormal(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/$2/g; # \mathnormal{text} -> text
+ s/\\mathsf(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/$2/g; # \mathsf{text} -> text
+ s/\\mathbf(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/<b>$2<\/b>/g; # \mathbf{text} -> <B>text</B>
+ s/\\mathcal(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/<i>$2<\/i>/g;# \mathcal{text} -> <I>text</I>
+ s/\\mathit(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/<i>$2<\/i>/g; # \mathit{text} -> <I>text</I>
+ s/\\mathtt(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/<tt>$2<\/tt>/g;# \mathtt{text} -> <TT>text</TT>
+ # {\boldmath $mathstuff$} -> <B>mathstuff</B>
+# s/(\001\d+)\{\s*\\boldmath ?([^A-Za-z\{\}][^\{\}]*)\}/<b>$1<\/b>/g;
+sub domath {
+ local($t) = @_;
+ $t =~ s/\^(\001\d+)\{\\circ\1\}/\&\#176;/g; # ^{\circ}->degree
+ $t =~ s/\^\\circ/\&\#176;/g; # ^\circ->degree
+# $t =~ s/\^(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/<sup>$2<\/sup>/g; # ^{x}
+ $t =~ s/\^(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/<sup>$2<\/sup>/g; # ^{x}
+ $t =~ s/\^(\w)/<sup>$1<\/sup>/g; # ^x
+# $t =~ s/\_(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/<sub>$2<\/sub>/g; # _{x}
+ $t =~ s/\_(\001\d+)\{(.*)\1\}/<sub>$2<\/sub>/g; # _{x}
+ $t =~ s/\_(\w)/<sub>$1<\/sub>/g; # _x
+ $t;
+ # Handle superscripts and subscripts in inline math mode.
+ s/(\$([^\$]+)\$)/&domath($2)/ge; # $ ... $
+ s/(\\\((([^\\]|\\[^\(\)])+)\\\))/&domath($2)/ge; # \( ... \)
+ # Remove \mbox.
+ s/\\mbox(\001\d+)\{([^\001]*)\1\}/$2/g; # \mbox{x}
+ # Escape tildes protecting URLs
+ # For some reason /g doesn't work
+ while (s/(\<a href\=\"[^<]*?)\~/$1\005/g) { ; }
+ if ($opt_u) {
+ s/([^\\])~/$1 /g; # ~ non-breaking space - &#xa0;
+ s/\\\,/ /g; # \, thin space - &#x2009;
+ s/\\ldots\b\s*/…/g; # Horizontal ellipsis
+ s/\\dots\b\s*/…/g; # Horizontal ellipsis
+ } else {
+ s/([^\\])~/$1&nbsp;/g; # ~ non-breaking space
+ s/\\\,/&thinsp;/g; # \, thin space
+ s/\\ldots\b/&hellip;/g; # Horizontal ellipsis
+ s/\\dots\b/&hellip;/g; # Horizontal ellipsis
+ }
+ s/\005/\~/g; # Unescape tildes
+ s/\\ / /g; # \ (normal space)
+ s/\\textasciitilde\b\s*/~/g; # \textasciitilde -> ~
+ # Non-alphabetic macros that we keep.
+ s/\\([\#\&\%\~\_\^\|])/$1/g;
+ # Non-alphabetic macros that we remove.
+ # (discretionary hyphen)
+ # (italic correction)
+ s/\\\W//g;
+ # Clean up things we don't handle.
+# s/\\//g;
+ # The format {\Xyz{Abc}} is interpreted by BibTeX as a single letter
+ # whose text is given by "Abc". If we see this pattern, it is
+ # likely that discarding the \Xyz will do the right thing.
+ s/\001(\d+)\{\\[A-Za-z]+\001(\d+)\{([^\001]*)\001\2\}\001\1\}/$3/g;
+ # Macro names may be meaningful, so keep them and don't run them together.
+ s/\\([A-Za-z]+)/ $1 /g;
+ # Remove an empty <a href=...></a> tag that bad cross-referencing
+ # in the BibTeX file may have left us with.
+ s+In <a href=\"[^\"]*\"></a>++;
+ &doPaperLinks;
+ # Get rid of { } ids, and put protected { } back.
+ s/\001\d+[\{\}]//g;
+ tr/\002\003\004/{}$/;
+ print HTMLFILE $_;
+print HTMLFILE "<$list_end>\n\n$endstring\n";
+if ($updating) {
+ while (<OHTMLFILE>) {
+ print HTMLFILE;
+ }
+ close (OHTMLFILE);
+} else {
+ print HTMLFILE "</body></html>\n";
+if (defined ($htmlfile)) {
+ #$mode &= 0777;
+ #print "setting $htmlfile$$ to $mode\n";
+ #printf("mode = %lo\n", $mode);
+ chmod($mode, "$htmlfile$$");
+ rename("$htmlfile$$", $htmlfile);