diff options
authorErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2010-04-27 12:02:22 -0500
committerBarry Wardell <barry.wardell@gmail.com>2011-12-14 18:21:08 +0000
commit08ebc90094302d03573a613684b1b051d8180316 (patch)
parent2b53b1a9ff28a7495f3461f4f9cfb29d3ed19ea3 (diff)
CarpetLib: Begin to add new load balancing mechanism
Add new class bintree<T,D,P>. Add new routine balance<T>.
7 files changed, 1237 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/balance.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/balance.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9f5cad6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/balance.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+#include <cctk.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <limits>
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include "region.hh"
+#include "balance.hh"
+using namespace std;
+namespace CarpetLib {
+ // Interface for one item
+ struct item_ifc {
+ CCTK_REAL load() const;
+ item_ifc split (CCTK_REAL ratio_new_over_old);
+ };
+ // Declaration of template functions implementing an equivalen
+ // interface
+ template <typename item_t>
+ item_load (item_t const& item);
+ template <typename item_t>
+ item_t item_split (item_t& item, CCTK_REAL ratio_new_over_old);
+ // Default definitions of these template functions using the
+ // interface above
+ template <typename item_t>
+ item_load (item_t const& item)
+ {
+ return item.load();
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ item_t item_split (item_t& item, CCTK_REAL ratio_new_over_old)
+ {
+ return item.split (ratio_new_over_old);
+ }
+ // A collection of items
+ template <typename item_t>
+ class items_t {
+ typedef list<item_t> coll_t;
+ coll_t items;
+ typename coll_t::iterator find_largest_item ();
+ public:
+ items_t ();
+ items_t (vector<item_t> const& items_);
+ void add_item (item_t const& item);
+ bool empty () const;
+ size_t size () const;
+ CCTK_REAL load () const;
+ item_t& get_one_item ();
+ item_t& get_largest_item ();
+ item_t get_and_remove_largest_item ();
+ void copy_out (vector<item_t>& dst) const;
+ };
+ // A worker
+ template <typename item_t>
+ class worker_t: public items_t<item_t> {
+ public:
+ CCTK_REAL strength () const;
+ CCTK_REAL business () const;
+ };
+ // A collection of workers
+ template <typename item_t>
+ class workers_t {
+ typedef vector<worker_t<item_t> > coll_t;
+ coll_t workers;
+ typename coll_t::iterator find_least_busy_worker ();
+ typename coll_t::iterator find_most_busy_worker ();
+ public:
+ workers_t (int nworkers);
+ bool empty () const;
+ size_t size () const;
+ CCTK_REAL load () const;
+ CCTK_REAL strength () const;
+ CCTK_REAL ideal_business () const;
+ CCTK_REAL imbalance () const;
+ worker_t<item_t>& get_least_busy_worker ();
+ worker_t<item_t>& get_most_busy_worker ();
+ void ensure_same_size ();
+ void copy_out (vector<vector<item_t> >& dst) const;
+ };
+ template <typename item_t>
+ items_t<item_t>::items_t ()
+ {
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ items_t<item_t>::items_t (vector<item_t> const& items_)
+ {
+ for (typename vector<item_t>::const_iterator
+ p = items_.begin(); p != items_.end(); ++p)
+ {
+ add_item (*p);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ void
+ items_t<item_t>::add_item (item_t const& item)
+ {
+ items.push_back (item);
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ bool
+ items_t<item_t>::empty () const
+ {
+ return items.empty();
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ size_t
+ items_t<item_t>::size () const
+ {
+ return items.size();
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ items_t<item_t>::load () const
+ {
+ CCTK_REAL total_load = 0.0;
+ for (typename coll_t::const_iterator
+ p = items.begin(); p != items.end(); ++p)
+ {
+ total_load += item_load (*p);
+ }
+ return total_load;
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ typename items_t<item_t>::coll_t::iterator
+ items_t<item_t>::find_largest_item ()
+ {
+ typename coll_t::iterator max_item = items.end();
+ CCTK_REAL max_load = -1.0;
+ for (typename coll_t::iterator p = items.begin(); p != items.end(); ++p) {
+ if (item_load (*p) > max_load) {
+ max_item = p;
+ max_load = item_load (*max_item);
+ }
+ }
+ return max_item;
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ item_t&
+ items_t<item_t>::get_one_item ()
+ {
+ assert (not empty());
+ return items.front();
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ item_t&
+ items_t<item_t>::get_largest_item ()
+ {
+ typename coll_t::iterator const max_item = find_largest_item();
+ assert (max_item != items.end());
+ return *max_item;
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ item_t
+ items_t<item_t>::get_and_remove_largest_item ()
+ {
+ typename coll_t::iterator const max_item = find_largest_item();
+ assert (max_item != items.end());
+ item_t const item = *max_item;
+ items.erase (max_item);
+ return item;
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ void
+ items_t<item_t>::copy_out (vector<item_t>& dst) const
+ {
+ dst.resize (items.size());
+ copy (items.begin(), items.end(), dst.begin());
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ worker_t<item_t>::strength () const
+ {
+ return 1.0; // All workers have the same strength
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ worker_t<item_t>::business () const
+ {
+ return this->load() / strength();
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ workers_t<item_t>::workers_t (int const nworkers)
+ : workers (nworkers)
+ {
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ bool
+ workers_t<item_t>::empty () const
+ {
+ return workers.empty();
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ size_t
+ workers_t<item_t>::size () const
+ {
+ return workers.size();
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ workers_t<item_t>::load () const
+ {
+ CCTK_REAL total_load = 0.0;
+ for (typename coll_t::const_iterator
+ w = workers.begin(); w != workers.end(); ++w)
+ {
+ total_load += w->load();
+ }
+ return total_load;
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ workers_t<item_t>::strength () const
+ {
+ CCTK_REAL total_strength = 0.0;
+ for (typename coll_t::const_iterator
+ w = workers.begin(); w != workers.end(); ++w)
+ {
+ total_strength += w->strength();
+ }
+ return total_strength;
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ workers_t<item_t>::ideal_business () const
+ {
+ return load() / strength();
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ workers_t<item_t>::imbalance () const
+ {
+ assert (not empty());
+ CCTK_REAL max_load = 0.0;
+ CCTK_REAL avg_load = 0.0;
+ for (typename coll_t::const_iterator
+ w = workers.begin(); w != workers.end(); ++w)
+ {
+ max_load = max (max_load, w->business());
+ avg_load += w->business();
+ }
+ avg_load /= size();
+ return max_load - avg_load;
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ typename workers_t<item_t>::coll_t::iterator
+ workers_t<item_t>::find_least_busy_worker ()
+ {
+ typename coll_t::iterator min_worker = workers.end();
+ CCTK_REAL min_business = numeric_limits<CCTK_REAL>::max();
+ for (typename coll_t::iterator
+ w = workers.begin(); w != workers.end(); ++w)
+ {
+ if (w->business() < min_business) {
+ min_worker = w;
+ min_business = min_worker->business();
+ }
+ }
+ return min_worker;
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ typename workers_t<item_t>::coll_t::iterator
+ workers_t<item_t>::find_most_busy_worker ()
+ {
+ typename coll_t::iterator max_worker = workers.end();
+ CCTK_REAL max_business = 0.0;
+ for (typename coll_t::iterator
+ w = workers.begin(); w != workers.end(); ++w)
+ {
+ if (w->business() > max_business) {
+ max_worker = w;
+ max_business = max_worker->business();
+ }
+ }
+ return max_worker;
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ worker_t<item_t>&
+ workers_t<item_t>::get_least_busy_worker ()
+ {
+ typename coll_t::iterator const min_worker = find_least_busy_worker();
+ assert (min_worker != workers.end());
+ return *min_worker;
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ worker_t<item_t>&
+ workers_t<item_t>::get_most_busy_worker ()
+ {
+ typename coll_t::iterator const max_worker = find_most_busy_worker();
+ assert (max_worker != workers.end());
+ return *max_worker;
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ void
+ workers_t<item_t>::ensure_same_size ()
+ {
+ if (empty()) return; // nothing to do
+ size_t max_items = 0;
+ typename coll_t::iterator nonempty_worker = workers.end();
+ for (typename coll_t::iterator
+ w = workers.begin(); w != workers.end(); ++w)
+ {
+ if (nonempty_worker == workers.end() and not w->empty()) {
+ nonempty_worker = w;
+ }
+ max_items = max (max_items, w->size());
+ }
+ if (max_items == 0) return; // load is already equal
+ for (typename coll_t::iterator
+ w = workers.begin(); w != workers.end(); ++w)
+ {
+ // find a worker who has an item
+ typename coll_t::iterator const worker = w->empty() ? nonempty_worker : w;
+ while (w->size() < max_items) {
+ CCTK_REAL const ratio = 0.0; // create empty fill-up items
+ w->add_item (item_split (w->get_one_item(), ratio));
+ }
+ }
+ for (typename coll_t::const_iterator
+ w = workers.begin(); w != workers.end(); ++w)
+ {
+ assert (w->size() == max_items);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ void
+ workers_t<item_t>::copy_out (vector<vector<item_t> >& dst) const
+ {
+ dst.resize (workers.size());
+ for (size_t w = 0; w < workers.size(); ++w) {
+ workers.at(w).copy_out (dst.at(w));
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename item_t>
+ void
+ assign_item (items_t<item_t>& items, workers_t<item_t>& workers)
+ {
+ // Assign the largest item to the least busy worker
+ item_t const item = items.get_and_remove_largest_item ();
+ worker_t<item_t>& worker = workers.get_least_busy_worker ();
+ worker.add_item (item);
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ void
+ split_and_distribute (workers_t<item_t>& workers)
+ {
+ // Split the largest item of the most busy worker and give the
+ // remainder to another worker
+ worker_t<item_t>& worker = workers.get_most_busy_worker ();
+ item_t& item = worker.get_largest_item ();
+ // Determine how to split the item
+ CCTK_REAL const imbalance = worker.business() - workers.ideal_business();
+ // Should we even be here?
+ assert (imbalance > 0.0);
+ CCTK_REAL const item_business = item_load (item) / worker.strength();
+ // This should be the largest item!
+ assert (item_business > 0.0);
+ // Determine how much of the item to give away
+ CCTK_REAL const ratio = imbalance / item_business;
+ // A ratio of one or more indicates that the item should be given
+ // away in its entirety -- which would mean that something went
+ // wrong before
+ assert (ratio < 1.0);
+ // Split the item...
+ item_t const new_item = item_split (item, ratio);
+ // ...and give the remainder to someone else
+ worker_t<item_t>& new_worker = workers.get_least_busy_worker ();
+ // This should be someone else!
+ assert (&new_worker != &worker);
+ new_worker.add_item (new_item);
+ }
+ template <typename item_t>
+ void
+ balance (vector<item_t> const& items_,
+ vector<vector<item_t> >& split_items,
+ int const nworkers,
+ CCTK_REAL const max_imbalance,
+ bool const ensure_same_size)
+ {
+ assert (max_imbalance >= 0.0);
+ if (items_.empty()) return; // nothing to do
+ items_t<item_t> items (items_);
+ assert (nworkers > 0);
+ workers_t<item_t> workers (nworkers);
+ // Assign items
+ while (not items.empty()) {
+ assign_item (items, workers);
+ }
+ // TODO: To parallelise this: Group workers into groups, and
+ // assign work to these groups. Then balance the load
+ // recursively.
+ // Balance items
+ for (;;) {
+ // Measure imbalance
+ CCTK_REAL const imbalance = workers.imbalance();
+ // Are we done?
+ if (imbalance <= max_imbalance) break;
+ // Should we even be here?
+ assert (workers.size() > 1);
+ // Do something
+ split_and_distribute (workers);
+ // Ensure progress
+ assert (workers.imbalance() < imbalance);
+ }
+ if (ensure_same_size) {
+ workers.ensure_same_size ();
+ }
+ workers.copy_out (split_items);
+ }
+ template
+ void
+ balance (vector<region_t> const& items_,
+ vector<vector<region_t> >& split_items,
+ int const nworkers,
+ CCTK_REAL const max_imbalance,
+ bool const ensure_same_size);
+} // namespace CarpetLib
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/balance.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/balance.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccf7dad91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/balance.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#ifndef BALANCE_HH
+#define BALANCE_HH
+#include <cctk.h>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CarpetLib {
+ // This routine splits N items over P workers. It can split the
+ // items if necessary to ensure a maximum imbalance, and it can
+ // ensure (artificially) that each worker receives the same number
+ // of items.
+ template <typename T>
+ void
+ balance (vector<T> const& items_,
+ vector<vector<T> >& split_items_,
+ int nworkers,
+ CCTK_REAL max_imbalance,
+ bool ensure_same_size);
+} // namespace CarpetLib
+#endif // #ifndef BALANCE_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bintree.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bintree.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db3b27e1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bintree.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "region.hh"
+#include "bintree.hh"
+// Create an empty tree
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::bintree ()
+ : type (type_empty)
+ assert (invariant());
+ // This is unused
+ assert (0);
+// Create a tree branch from a list of bounds and subtrees
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::bintree (int const dir_, vect <T, 3> const & bounds_,
+ vect <bintree *, 2> const & subtrees_)
+ : type (type_branch), dir (dir_), bounds (bounds_), subtrees (subtrees_)
+ assert (dir>=0 and dir<D);
+ assert (invariant());
+// Create a tree leaf from a payload
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::bintree (P const & p_)
+ : type (type_leaf), p (p_)
+ assert (invariant());
+// Create a tree as copy from another tree
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::bintree (bintree const & t)
+ : type (t.type)
+ switch (type) {
+ case type_empty:
+ // do nothing
+ break;
+ case type_branch:
+ dir = t.dir;
+ bounds = t.bounds;
+ for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
+ subtrees[i] = new bintree (*t.subtrees[i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case type_leaf:
+ p = t.p;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ assert (invariant());
+// Copy a tree
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P> &
+bintree<T,D,P>::operator= (bintree const & t)
+ assert (invariant());
+ if (is_branch()) {
+ for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
+ delete subtrees[i];
+ }
+ }
+ type = t.type;
+ switch (type) {
+ case type_empty:
+ // do nothing
+ break;
+ case type_branch:
+ dir = t.dir;
+ bounds = t.bounds;
+ for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
+ subtrees[i] = new bintree (*t.subtrees[i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case type_leaf:
+ p = t.p;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+// Delete a tree (and its subtrees)
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::~bintree ()
+ assert (invariant());
+ if (is_branch()) {
+ for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
+ delete subtrees[i];
+ }
+ }
+// Compare trees
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::operator== (bintree const & t) const
+ assert (invariant());
+ assert (t.invariant());
+ if (type != t.type) return false;
+ switch (type) {
+ case type_empty:
+ break;
+ case type_branch:
+ if (dir != t.dir) return false;
+ if (any (bounds != t.bounds)) return false;
+ if (any (subtrees != t.subtrees)) return false;
+ break;
+ case type_leaf:
+ return p == t.p;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ return true;
+// Invariant
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::invariant () const
+ return empty() + is_branch() + is_leaf() == 1;
+// Find the leaf payload corresponding to a position
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+P const *
+bintree<T,D,P>::search (tvect const & ipos) const
+ assert (not empty());
+ if (is_leaf()) return & p;
+ int const i = ::asearch (ipos[dir], bounds);
+ if (i<0 or i>=2) return NULL; // not found
+ return subtrees[i]->search(ipos);
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+P *
+bintree<T,D,P>::search (tvect const & ipos)
+ assert (not empty());
+ if (is_leaf()) return & p;
+ int const i = ::asearch (ipos[dir], bounds);
+ if (i<0 or i>=2) return NULL; // not found
+ return subtrees[i]->search(ipos);
+// Const iterator
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::const_iterator::const_iterator (bintree const & f_)
+ : f(f_), i(0), it(0)
+ if (f.is_branch()) {
+ it = new const_iterator (* f.subtrees[i]);
+ while ((*it).done()) {
+ delete it;
+ it = 0;
+ ++ i;
+ if (done()) break;
+ // to do: use a new function "reset iterator" instead
+ it = new const_iterator (* f.subtrees[i]);
+ }
+ assert (done() or not (*it).done());
+ }
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::const_iterator::const_iterator (bintree const & f_, int)
+ : f(f_), it(0)
+ if (f.empty()) {
+ i = 0;
+ } else if (f.is_leaf()) {
+ i = 1;
+ } else {
+ i = 2;
+ }
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::const_iterator::~const_iterator ()
+ if (it) {
+ delete it;
+ }
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P> const &
+bintree<T,D,P>::const_iterator::operator* () const
+ assert (not done());
+ assert (not f.empty());
+ if (f.is_leaf()) {
+ return f;
+ } else {
+ assert (it);
+ return **it;
+ }
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::const_iterator::operator== (const_iterator const & it2) const
+ // assert (f == it2.f);
+ assert (&f == &it2.f);
+ if (i != it2.i) return false;
+ if (it == 0 and it2.it == 0) return true;
+ if (it == 0 or it2.it == 0) return false;
+ return *it == *it2.it;
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+typename bintree<T,D,P>::const_iterator &
+bintree<T,D,P>::const_iterator::operator++ ()
+ assert (not done());
+ assert (not f.empty());
+ if (f.is_leaf()) {
+ ++ i;
+ } else {
+ ++ *it;
+ while ((*it).done()) {
+ delete it;
+ it = 0;
+ ++ i;
+ if (done()) break;
+ // to do: use a new function "reset iterator" instead
+ it = new const_iterator (* f.subtrees[i]);
+ }
+ assert (done() or not (*it).done());
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::const_iterator::done () const
+ if (f.empty()) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (f.is_leaf()) {
+ return i > 0;
+ } else {
+ return i == 2;
+ }
+// Non-const iterator
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::iterator::iterator (bintree & f_)
+ : f(f_), i(0), it(0)
+ if (f.is_branch()) {
+ it = new iterator (* f.subtrees[i]);
+ while ((*it).done()) {
+ delete it;
+ it = 0;
+ ++ i;
+ if (done()) break;
+ // to do: use a new function "reset iterator" instead
+ it = new iterator (* f.subtrees[i]);
+ }
+ assert (done() or not (*it).done());
+ }
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::iterator::iterator (bintree & f_, int)
+ : f(f_), it(0)
+ if (f.empty()) {
+ i = 0;
+ } else if (f.is_leaf()) {
+ i = 1;
+ } else {
+ i = 2;
+ }
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::iterator::~iterator ()
+ if (it) {
+ delete it;
+ }
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P> &
+bintree<T,D,P>::iterator::operator* () const
+ assert (not done());
+ assert (not f.empty());
+ if (f.is_leaf()) {
+ return f;
+ } else {
+ assert (it);
+ return **it;
+ }
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::iterator::operator== (iterator const & it2) const
+ // assert (f == it2.f);
+ assert (&f == &it2.f);
+ if (i != it2.i) return false;
+ if (it == 0 and it2.it == 0) return true;
+ if (it == 0 or it2.it == 0) return false;
+ return *it == *it2.it;
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+typename bintree<T,D,P>::iterator &
+bintree<T,D,P>::iterator::operator++ ()
+ assert (not done());
+ assert (not f.empty());
+ if (f.is_leaf()) {
+ ++ i;
+ } else {
+ ++ *it;
+ while ((*it).done()) {
+ delete it;
+ it = 0;
+ ++ i;
+ if (done()) break;
+ // to do: use a new function "reset iterator" instead
+ it = new iterator (* f.subtrees[i]);
+ }
+ assert (done() or not (*it).done());
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::iterator::done () const
+ if (f.empty()) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (f.is_leaf()) {
+ return i > 0;
+ } else {
+ return i == 2;
+ }
+// Memory usage
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::memory () const
+ size_t size = sizeof *this;
+ if (is_branch()) {
+ for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
+ size += memoryof(*subtrees[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return size;
+// Output helper
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+bintree<T,D,P>::output (ostream & os) const
+ os << "bintree{";
+ if (empty()) {
+ os << "empty";
+ } else if (is_branch()) {
+ os << "branch:"
+ << "dir=" << dir << ","
+ << "subtrees=[";
+ for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
+ os << bounds[i] << ":[" << i << "]=" << *subtrees[i] << ":";
+ }
+ os << bounds[2] << "]";
+ } else {
+ os << "leaf:"
+ << "payload=" << p;
+ }
+ os << "}";
+// Generic arithmetic search
+template <typename T, int D>
+int asearch (T const t, vect <T, D> const & ts)
+ int imin = 0;
+ int imax = D - 1;
+ if (imax <= imin) {
+ return imin;
+ }
+ T tmin = ts[imin];
+ if (t < tmin) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ T tmax = ts[imax];
+ if (t >= tmax) {
+ return imax;
+ }
+ int isize = imax - imin;
+ for (;;) {
+ // check loop invariants
+ assert (imin < imax);
+ assert (t >= tmin);
+ assert (t < tmax);
+ if (imax == imin+1) {
+ return imin;
+ }
+ assert (tmax > tmin); // require that ts is strictly ordered
+ CCTK_REAL const rguess =
+ (imax - imin) * CCTK_REAL(t - tmin) / (tmax - tmin);
+ int const iguess = imin + max (1, int(floor(rguess)));
+ // handle round-off errors
+ if (iguess == imax) {
+ return imax - 1;
+ }
+ assert (iguess > imin and iguess < imax);
+ T const tguess = ts[iguess];
+ if (t < tguess) {
+ imax = iguess;
+ tmax = tguess;
+ } else {
+ imin = iguess;
+ tmin = tguess;
+ }
+ // check loop variant
+ int const newisize = imax - imin;
+ assert (newisize < isize);
+ isize = newisize;
+ }
+template class bintree <int, dim, pseudoregion_t>;
+template size_t memoryof (bintree <int, dim, pseudoregion_t> const & f);
+template ostream & operator<< (ostream & os, bintree <int, dim, pseudoregion_t> const & f);
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bintree.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bintree.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a7927d9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bintree.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#ifndef BINTREE_HH
+#define BINTREE_HH
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <vect.hh>
+using namespace std;
+// This is a binary tree data structure, i.e. a tree data structure
+// which decomposes a cuboid domain into two non-overlapping cuboid
+// subdomains. Each node splits a domain in exactly one direction.
+// Subdomains cannot be empty.
+// All intervals are closed at the lower and open at the upper
+// boundary. This makes it possible to combine adjacent such
+// intervals, obtaining again an interval with this property. (In
+// particular, if bboxes are stored, the upper bound of bboxes must be
+// increased by the stride to arrive at such intervals.)
+// Generic arithmetic search
+template <typename T, int D>
+int asearch (T t, vect <T, D> const & ts);
+// T: index space (usually integer, or maybe real)
+// D: number of dimensions (rank)
+// P: payload (e.g. region_t)
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+class bintree {
+ // Short name for a small vector
+ typedef vect <T, D> tvect;
+ enum tree_type_t { type_empty, type_branch, type_leaf } type;
+ // Direction in which the node is split (0 <= dir < D)
+ int dir;
+ // If this is a branch:
+ // 3 bounds, splitting the domain
+ vect <T, 3> bounds;
+ // 2 pointers to subtrees
+ vect <bintree *, 2> subtrees;
+ // If this is a leaf:
+ // just the payload
+ P p;
+ // Create an empty tree
+ bintree ();
+ // Create a tree branch from a list of bounds and subtrees
+ bintree (int dir_, vect <T, 3> const & bounds_,
+ vect <bintree *, 2> const & subtrees_);
+ // Create a tree leaf from a payload
+ bintree (P const & p_);
+ // Create a tree as copy from another tree
+ bintree (bintree const & t);
+ // Copy a tree
+ bintree & operator= (bintree const & t);
+ // Delete a tree (and its subtrees)
+ ~bintree ();
+ // Inquire tree properties
+ bool empty() const { return type == type_empty; }
+ bool is_branch() const { return type == type_branch; }
+ bool is_leaf() const { return type == type_leaf; }
+ // Compare trees
+ bool operator== (bintree const & t) const;
+ bool operator!= (bintree const & t) const
+ { return not (*this == t); }
+ // Invariant
+ bool invariant () const;
+ // Access the payload
+ P const & payload () const { assert (is_leaf()); return p; }
+ P & payload () { assert (is_leaf()); return p; }
+ // Find the leaf payload corresponding to a position
+ P const * search (tvect const & ipos) const;
+ P * search (tvect const & ipos);
+ class const_iterator {
+ bintree const & f;
+ int i;
+ const_iterator * it;
+ public:
+ const_iterator (bintree const & f_);
+ const_iterator (bintree const & f_, int);
+ ~const_iterator ();
+ private:
+ const_iterator (const_iterator const &);
+ const_iterator & operator= (const_iterator const &);
+ public:
+ bintree const & operator* () const;
+ bool operator== (const_iterator const & it2) const;
+ bool operator!= (const_iterator const & it2) const
+ { return not (*this == it2); }
+ const_iterator & operator++ ();
+ bool done () const;
+ };
+ class iterator {
+ bintree & f;
+ int i;
+ iterator * it;
+ public:
+ iterator (bintree & f_);
+ iterator (bintree & f_, int);
+ ~iterator ();
+ private:
+ iterator (iterator const &);
+ iterator & operator= (iterator const &);
+ public:
+ bintree & operator* () const;
+ bool operator== (iterator const & it2) const;
+ bool operator!= (iterator const & it2) const
+ { return not (*this == it2); }
+ iterator & operator++ ();
+ bool done () const;
+ };
+ // Memory usage
+ size_t memory () const CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_PURE;
+ // Output helper
+ void output (ostream & os) const;
+// Memory usage
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+inline size_t memoryof (bintree<T,D,P> const & f) CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_PURE;
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+inline size_t memoryof (bintree<T,D,P> const & f) { return f.memory(); }
+// Output
+template <typename T, int D, typename P>
+ostream &
+operator<< (ostream & os, bintree<T,D,P> const & f)
+ f.output (os);
+ return os;
+#endif // #ifndef BINTREE_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/make.code.defn b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/make.code.defn
index ccf896ae5..96d621172 100644
--- a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/make.code.defn
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/make.code.defn
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
# Main make.code.defn file for thorn CarpetLib -*-Makefile-*-
# Source files in this directory
-SRCS = bbox.cc \
+SRCS = balance.cc \
+ bbox.cc \
bboxset.cc \
+ bboxtree.cc \
+ bintree.cc \
commstate.cc \
data.cc \
defs.cc \
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/region.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/region.cc
index 00dabc410..eaf04d490 100644
--- a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/region.cc
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/region.cc
@@ -88,6 +88,50 @@ operator== (region_t const & a, region_t const & b)
+// Assign a load to a region
+region_t::load () const
+ return extent.size();
+// Split a region into two
+region_t::split (CCTK_REAL const ratio_new_over_old)
+ assert (ratio_new_over_old >= 0 and ratio_new_over_old <= 1);
+ if (extent.empty()) {
+ // Don't do anything for empty regions
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Choose a direction (prefer the z direction)
+ int const idir = maxloc1 (extent.shape());
+ int const np = extent.shape()[idir];
+ // Keep the lower part, and split off the upper part
+ int const new_np = floor (np * ratio_new_over_old + 0.5);
+ int const keep_np = np - new_np;
+ // Calculate new region extents
+ ivect const lo = extent.lower();
+ ivect const up = extent.upper();
+ ivect const str = extent.stride();
+ ivect const cut = lo + str * ivect::dir(idir) * keep_np;
+ // Copy the region
+ region_t newreg = *this;
+ // Set new extents
+ extent = ibbox (lo, cut-str, str);
+ newreg.extent = ibbox (cut, up, str);
+ // Mark cutting boundary as not outer boundary
+ outer_boundaries[idir][1] = false;
+ newreg.outer_boundaries[idir][0] = false;
+ return newreg;
// Combine a collection of regions. Regions can be combined if they
// abutt on boundaries which are not outer boundaries, ignoring the
// processor distribution. This should lead to a canonical
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/region.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/region.hh
index ed14b024d..f47c38617 100644
--- a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/region.hh
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/region.hh
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ struct region_t {
~region_t ();
bool invariant () const CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_PURE;
+ // For regridding
+ CCTK_REAL load () const;
+ region_t split (CCTK_REAL ratio_new_over_old);