path: root/
diff options
authorAnton Khirnov <>2013-12-16 14:20:47 +0100
committerAnton Khirnov <>2013-12-16 14:20:47 +0100
commite960c7f6a8bbc8fadd57a83369aa010aff41d1bf (patch)
treee65ec319e19feecd6edbed9ca9e2185f93932e57 /
Initial commit.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..100f31f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,1156 @@
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+import pylab
+import scipy.interpolate
+import scipy.integrate
+import scipy.optimize
+import collections
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+axis_prop = { 'x' : 0, 'y' : 1, 'z' : 2 }
+axis_data = { 'x' : 2, 'y' : 1, 'z' : 0 }
+EPSILON = 1e-3
+def get_default_gridfunc(datafile):
+ """
+ Get the name of the default grid function from a given data file
+ """
+ funcs = datafile['Parameters and Global Attributes']['Datasets']
+ if funcs.dtype.type != np.string_:
+ funcs_str = ''.join(map(chr, funcs))
+ else:
+ funcs_str = funcs.value
+ return funcs_str.strip().split('\n')[0]
+def _get_iteration_from_time(datafile, time):
+ """
+ Get the simulation iteration with the given time.
+ """
+ for item in datafile.values():
+ try:
+ if item.attrs['time'] == time:
+ return item.attrs['timestep']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ raise ValueError("No timelevel with time %d" % (time))
+def _get_last_iteration(datafile, name, rl = 0):
+ """
+ Get the last iteration for which the data for the given gridfunction
+ on the given refinement level exists in the data file.
+ """
+ last_it = -1
+ for item in datafile.values():
+ try:
+ if (item.attrs['name'] == name and
+ item.attrs['level'] == rl):
+ last_it = max(last_it, item.attrs['timestep'])
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if last_it < 0:
+ raise KeyError("No compatible datafile in the file")
+ return last_it
+def _extract_paren(string):
+ """
+ From a string starting with a parentheses-like pairwise construct --
+ '(,[,{,<', extract the part inside it, taking into account nesting.
+ """
+ if string[0] == '[':
+ parens = ('[', ']')
+ elif string[0] == '(':
+ parens = ('(', ')')
+ elif string[0] == '{':
+ parens = ('{', '}')
+ elif string[0] == '<':
+ parens = ('<', '>')
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("String '%s' does not start with a recognized pairwise delimiter" % string)
+ cnt = 0
+ for i in xrange(len(string)):
+ if string[i] == parens[0]:
+ cnt += 1
+ elif string[i] == parens[1]:
+ cnt -= 1
+ if cnt == 0:
+ return string[:i + 1]
+ raise ValueError("Unbalanced parentheses")
+def _parse_grid_struct(string):
+ """
+ Parse the grid structure v5 string into a dict.
+ """
+ ret = {}
+ s = string
+ while len(s) > 0:
+ try:
+ key, tail = s.split(':', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ if len(ret) > 0:
+ return ret
+ else:
+ return string
+ val = _extract_paren(tail)
+ ret[key] = val
+ s = tail[len(val) + 1:]
+ return ret
+def _get_timestep(datafile):
+ """
+ Get the time step on the coarsest grid.
+ """
+ gridstruct = datafile['Parameters and Global Attributes']['Grid Structure v5']
+ if gridstruct.dtype.type != np.string_:
+ s = ''.join(map(chr, gridstruct))
+ else:
+ s = gridstruct.value
+ match ='grid_delta_times:\[(.*?)\],', s)
+ if match is None:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid grid structure entry")
+ deltas = eval('list(%s)' % (
+ return deltas[0]
+def _get_grid_spacing(datafile):
+ """
+ Get the numbers of grid points (not counting ghosts) in each direction.
+ """
+ gridstruct = datafile['Parameters and Global Attributes']['Grid Structure v5']
+ if gridstruct.dtype.type != np.string_:
+ s = ''.join(map(chr, gridstruct))
+ else:
+ s = gridstruct.value
+ struct = _parse_grid_struct(s)
+ match ='\[([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*)\]/[0-9]*\)', struct['grid_structure'])
+ gridpoints = np.array(map(int, (,,
+ match ='\[([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*)\]', struct['grid_ghosts'])
+ ghosts = np.array(map(int, (,,
+ gridpoints -= 2 * ghosts
+ return gridpoints
+def _get_data_axis(dataset, axis, axvalue):
+ """
+ Get a tuple of (coordinates, data) along the specified axis ('x', 'y', or 'z').
+ axvalue is the value of the other two axes, it may be a number for the same
+ value on both or an iterable with at least two elements for distinct values.
+ """
+ slicelist = [None] * 3
+ try:
+ if len(axvalue) > 2:
+ raise ValueError("Need at most two axis values")
+ elif len(axvalue) == 1:
+ axvalue = [axvalue] * 2
+ except TypeError:
+ axvalue = [axvalue] * 2
+ # data is stored in [z, y, x] order, properties are in normal [x, y, z] order
+ axes = collections.OrderedDict([["x", {"data_idx" : 2, "idx" : 0 }],
+ ["y", {"data_idx" : 1, "idx" : 1 }],
+ ["z", {"data_idx" : 0, "idx" : 2 }]])
+ # for the requested axis, just remove the ghost zones
+ ax = axes.pop(axis)
+ ghosts = dataset.attrs["cctk_nghostzones"][ax["idx"]]
+ delta = dataset.attrs["delta"][ax["idx"]]
+ origin = dataset.attrs["origin"][ax["idx"]]
+ slicelist[ax["data_idx"]] = slice(ghosts, -ghosts)
+ # for the other two axes, locate the proper values
+ while len(axes):
+ axname, ax = axes.popitem(last = False)
+ o = dataset.attrs["origin"][ax["idx"]]
+ d = dataset.attrs["delta"][ax["idx"]]
+ idx = int((axvalue.pop(0) - o) / d)
+ if idx >= dataset.shape[ax["data_idx"]]:
+ raise ValueError("Axis %s is outside the domain [%f, %f]" % (axname, o, o + d * dataset.shape[ax["data_idx"]]))
+ slicelist[ax["data_idx"]] = idx
+ data = dataset[tuple(slicelist)]
+ # now compute the corresponding distances from coordinate origin
+ r = np.array([(origin + ghosts * delta + n * delta) for n in xrange(data.shape[0])])
+ return r, data
+def plot(datafile, axis = "x", axisvalue = 0.0, iteration = "last", time = -1, gridfunc = None, rl = 0, c = -1, mod = None, label = None):
+ """
+ Draw a 2D plot.
+ """
+ # guess dataset name
+ if gridfunc is None:
+ gridfunc = get_default_gridfunc(datafile)
+ if time >= 0:
+ iteration = _get_iteration_from_time(datafile, time)
+ elif iteration == "last":
+ iteration = _get_last_iteration(datafile, gridfunc, rl)
+ dataset = datafile['%s it=%d tl=0 rl=%d%s' % (gridfunc, iteration, rl, " c=%d" % c if c >= 0 else "")]
+ if axis == "x" or axis == "y" or axis == "z":
+ r, data = _get_data_axis(dataset, axis, axisvalue)
+# elif len(axis) == 2 and re.match("[xyz]{2}", axis):
+# r, data = get_data_diagonal(dataset, axis)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid axis specifier %s" % axis)
+ if mod:
+ data = mod(data)
+ if not label:
+ label = "%s time=%f level=%d" % (gridfunc, dataset.attrs['time'], rl)
+ pylab.plot(r, data, label = label)
+ pylab.legend()
+def plot_diff(datafile, axis = "x", axisvalue = 0.0, it1 = 0, it2 = "last", time1 = -1, time2 = -1, gridfunc = None, rl = 0, absdiff = 0):
+ """
+ Plot a difference between two times or iterations.
+ """
+ # guess dataset name
+ if gridfunc is None:
+ gridfunc = get_default_gridfunc(datafile)
+ if time1 >= 0:
+ it1 = _get_iteration_from_time(datafile, time1)
+ elif it1 == "last":
+ it1 = _get_last_iteration(datafile, gridfunc, rl)
+ if time2 >= 0:
+ it2 = _get_iteration_from_time(datafile, time2)
+ elif it2 == "last":
+ it2 = _get_last_iteration(datafile, gridfunc, rl)
+ dataset1 = datafile['%s it=%d tl=0 rl=%d' % (gridfunc, it1, rl)]
+ dataset2 = datafile['%s it=%d tl=0 rl=%d' % (gridfunc, it2, rl)]
+ if axis == "x" or axis == "y" or axis == "z":
+ r, data1 = _get_data_axis(dataset1, axis, axisvalue)
+ r, data2 = _get_data_axis(dataset2, axis, axisvalue)
+# elif len(axis) == 2 and re.match("[xyz]{2}", axis):
+# r, data = get_data_diagonal(dataset, axis)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid axis specifier %s" % axis)
+ data = data1 - data2
+ if absdiff:
+ data = np.abs(data)
+ pylab.plot(r, data, label = "%s" % (gridfunc))
+ pylab.legend()
+def plot_convergence_time(datafiles, axis, gridfunc, rl):
+ pass
+def plot_convergence_space(datafiles, axis, gridfunc, rl):
+ pass
+def plot_convergence(datafiles, axis = "x", gridfunc = None, rl = 0, time = "last", mode = "selfconsistent"):
+ if mode == "selfconsistent" and len(datafiles) < 3:
+ raise ValueError("At least three data sets needed for self-consistent convergence plot")
+ elif len(datafiles) < 2:
+ raise ValueError("At least two data sets needed for convergence plot")
+ if gridfunc is None:
+ gridfunc = get_default_gridfunc(datafiles[0])
+ # check if the datafiles have changing time steps
+ prev_timestep = 0
+ timestep_changing = 0
+ for df in datafiles:
+ timestep = _get_timestep(df)
+ if prev_timestep == 0:
+ prev_timestep = timestep
+ elif prev_timestep != timestep:
+ timestep_changing = 1
+ break
+ datasets = [f['%s it=0 tl=0 rl=%d' % (gridfunc, rl)] for f in datafiles]
+ # check if our chosen datasets have different grid spacings
+ prev_spacing = None
+ spacing_changing = 0
+ for ds in datasets:
+ spacing = ds.attrs['delta']
+ if prev_spacing is None:
+ prev_spacing = spacing
+ elif not np.all(spacing == prev_spacing):
+ spacing_changing = 1
+ break
+ del datasets
+ if timestep_changing and spacing_changing:
+ raise ValueError("Both the time step and grid spacing change between files.")
+ if not timestep_changing and not spacing_changing:
+ raise ValueError("Neither the time step nor grid spacing change between files.")
+ if timestep_changing:
+ plot_convergence_time(datafiles, axis, gridfunc, rl)
+ else:
+ plot_convergence_space(datafiles, axis, gridfunc, rl)
+def dminus(arr, dir, dx):
+ """
+ Fourth order centered derivative in the given direction.
+ Second order centered derivatives are used for the points next to the
+ border ones and first order for the border points.
+ """
+ ret = np.empty_like(arr)
+ slicelist_ret = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape)
+ slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(1, None)
+ slicelist_m1 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape)
+ slicelist_m1[dir] = slice(0, -1)
+ slicelist_0 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape)
+ slicelist_0[dir] = slice(1, None)
+ ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_0)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_m1)]) / dx
+ slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(0, 1)
+ slicelist_m1[dir] = slice(1, 2)
+ slicelist_0[dir] = slice(0, 1)
+ ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_m1)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_0)]) / dx
+ return ret
+def dplus(arr, dir, dx):
+ """
+ Fourth order centered derivative in the given direction.
+ Second order centered derivatives are used for the points next to the
+ border ones and first order for the border points.
+ """
+ ret = np.empty_like(arr)
+ slicelist_ret = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape)
+ slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(0, -1)
+ slicelist_p1 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape)
+ slicelist_p1[dir] = slice(1, None)
+ slicelist_0 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape)
+ slicelist_0[dir] = slice(0, -1)
+ ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_p1)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_0)]) / dx
+ slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(-1, None)
+ slicelist_p1[dir] = slice(-2, -1)
+ slicelist_0[dir] = slice(-1, None)
+ ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_0)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_p1)]) / dx
+ return ret
+def diff4(arr, dir, dx, coeff = None, div = 12.):
+ """
+ Fourth order centered derivative in the given direction.
+ Second order centered derivatives are used for the points next to the
+ border ones and first order for the border points.
+ """
+ ret = np.zeros_like(arr)
+ slicelist_ret = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape)
+ slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(2, -2)
+ slicelist_0 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape)
+ slicelist_0[dir] = slice(2, -2)
+ slicelist_p1 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape)
+ slicelist_p1[dir] = slice(3, -1)
+ slicelist_p2 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape)
+ slicelist_p2[dir] = slice(4, None)
+ slicelist_m1 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape)
+ slicelist_m1[dir] = slice(1, -3)
+ slicelist_m2 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape)
+ slicelist_m2[dir] = slice(0, -4)
+ sl = (slicelist_p2, slicelist_p1, slicelist_0, slicelist_m1, slicelist_m2)
+ if coeff is None:
+ coeff = (-1, 8, 0, -8, 1)
+ for s, c in zip(sl, coeff):
+ ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] += c * arr[tuple(s)]
+ ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] /= (div * dx)
+ slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(0, 1)
+ slicelist_p1[dir] = slice(1, 2)
+ slicelist_m1[dir] = slice(0, 1)
+ ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_p1)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_m1)]) / dx
+ slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(-1, None)
+ slicelist_p1[dir] = slice(-1, None)
+ slicelist_m1[dir] = slice(-2, -1)
+ ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_p1)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_m1)]) / dx
+ slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(1, 2)
+ slicelist_p1[dir] = slice(2, 3)
+ slicelist_m1[dir] = slice(0, 1)
+ ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_p1)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_m1)]) / (2 * dx)
+ slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(-2, -1)
+ slicelist_p1[dir] = slice(-1, None)
+ slicelist_m1[dir] = slice(-3, -2)
+ ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_p1)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_m1)]) / (2 * dx)
+ return ret
+def get_meshgrid(datafile, gridfunc = None, rl = 0, c = -1, axis = "z"):
+ """
+ Get a tuple of coordinate mesh grids for the given data file.
+ """
+ if not gridfunc:
+ gridfunc = get_default_gridfunc(datafile)
+ dataset = datafile['%s it=0 tl=0 rl=%d%s' % (gridfunc, rl, " c=%d" % c if c >= 0 else "")]
+ o = dataset.attrs['origin']
+ d = dataset.attrs['delta']
+ if axis == 'z':
+ idx = (0, 1)
+ elif axis == 'y':
+ idx = (0, 2)
+ elif axis == 'x':
+ idx = (1, 2)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid axis %s' % axis)
+ shape = (dataset.shape[2], dataset.shape[1], dataset.shape[0])
+ return np.meshgrid(np.array([o[idx[0]] + n * d[idx[0]] for n in xrange(shape[idx[0]])]), np.array([o[idx[1]] + n * d[idx[1]] for n in xrange(shape[idx[1]])]))
+def _get_extrema(ar, rad = 3):
+ """
+ Find local extrema of a 1-D array.
+ Returned is a tuple (maxima, minima) of the (coordinate, value) of the
+ extrema. rad determines the number of points in each direction over which
+ the data must be monotonous for the center to be classified as an extremum.
+ """
+ maxima = []
+ minima = []
+ dar = diff4(ar, 0, 1)
+ spl = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(range(ar.shape[0]), ar)
+ for i in xrange(rad, len(ar) - rad):
+ maximum = minimum = True
+ for j in xrange(1, rad):
+ for dir in (1, -1):
+ idx = i + j * dir
+ if ar[idx] > ar[idx - dir]:
+ maximum = False
+ elif ar[idx] < ar[idx - dir]:
+ minimum = False
+ if maximum or minimum:
+ x = np.array(range(2 * rad + 1))
+ y = dar[i - rad : i + rad + 1]
+ roots = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(x, y).roots()
+ if len(roots) > 0:
+ root = roots[0] + i - rad
+ (maxima if maximum else minima).append((root, spl(root)))
+ return maxima, minima
+def _get_movement(coord_old, val_old, ex_new):
+ """
+ Return the number of points an extremum i in val_old moves in val_new
+ or None if no movement could be detected.
+ """
+ dist = None
+ for coord_new, val_new in ex_new:
+ ratio = val_new / val_old
+ dist_new = coord_new - coord_old
+ if ratio < 1.1 and ratio > 0.9 and (dist is None or abs(dist_new) < abs(dist)):
+ dist = dist_new
+ return dist
+def calc_movement(ar1, ar2):
+ """
+ Find all local extrema in ar1 and calculate how much the move in ar2.
+ Return the list of matched movements, in points.
+ """
+ maxima1, minima1 = _get_extrema(ar1)
+ maxima2, minima2 = _get_extrema(ar2)
+ ret = []
+ for coord, val in maxima1:
+ diff = _get_movement(coord, val, maxima2)
+ if diff is not None:
+ ret.append(diff)
+ for coord, val in minima1:
+ diff = _get_movement(coord, val, minima2)
+ if diff is not None:
+ ret.append(diff)
+ return ret
+def gf_itertime(datafile, rl = 0):
+ """
+ Find all iterations that are stored in the given datafile.
+ Return an ordered list of (iteration, time) tuples.
+ """
+ ret = set()
+ rl = ' rl=%d' % rl
+ for key in datafile.keys():
+ if not rl in key:
+ continue
+ match ='it=([0-9]*)', key)
+ if match:
+ ret.add((int(, datafile[key].attrs['time']))
+ return sorted(ret)
+def gf_iter(gridfunc, rl = 0):
+ """
+ Find all iterations that are stored in the given datafile.
+ Return an ordered list of iterations.
+ """
+ return zip(*gf_itertime(gridfunc, rl))[0]
+def gf_time(gridfunc, rl = 0):
+ """
+ Find all iterations that are stored in the given datafile.
+ Return an ordered list of times.
+ """
+ return zip(*gf_itertime(gridfunc, rl))[1]
+def trumpet_r(R, M = 1.0):
+ fac1 = ((2 * R + M + np.sqrt(4 * (R ** 2) + 4 * M * R + 3 * (M ** 2))) / 4)
+ fac2 = ((4 + 3 * np.sqrt(2)) * (2 * R - 3 * M)) / (8 * R + 6 * M + 3 * np.sqrt(8 * (R ** 2) + 8 * M * R + 6 * (M ** 2)))
+ return fac1 * (fac2 ** (1. / np.sqrt(2)))
+def trumpet_log1_C2(n):
+ s = np.sqrt(4 + 9 * (n ** 2))
+ a_c = np.sqrt((s - 3 * n) / (s + 3 * n))
+ C2 = ((3 * n + s) ** 3) / (128 * (n ** 3)) * np.exp(-2 * a_c / n)
+ return C2
+def _trumpet_log1_alphabar(alpha, R, M, n):
+ num = 3 * M - 2 * R + 2 * R * (alpha ** 2)
+ den = (R - 2 * M + n * R * alpha - R * (alpha ** 2))
+ ret = - n * num / (R * den)
+ return ret
+def _trumpet_log1_alpha_implicit(alpha, R, M, n):
+ C2 = trumpet_log1_C2(n)
+ return alpha ** 2 - 1 + 2 * M / R - C2 * np.exp(2 * alpha / n) / (R ** 4)
+def trumpet_log1_lapse(R, M = 1.0, n = 2.0):
+ R_c = (3 * (n ** 2) * M + np.sqrt((2 * n * M) ** 2 + (3 * (n ** 2) * M) ** 2)) / (4 * (n ** 2))
+ s = np.sqrt(4 + 9 * (n ** 2))
+ a_c = np.sqrt((s - 3 * n) / (s + 3 * n))
+ for i in xrange(R.shape[0]):
+ if R[i] > R_c:
+ break
+ tmp = scipy.integrate.odeint(_trumpet_log1_alphabar, a_c, [R_c, R[i - 1]], args = (M, n))[1]
+ ret1 = scipy.integrate.odeint(_trumpet_log1_alphabar, tmp, R[:i][::-1], args = (M, n))[::-1]
+ ret1 = ret1.reshape(ret1.shape[0])
+ tmp = scipy.integrate.odeint(_trumpet_log1_alphabar, a_c, [R_c, R[i]], args = (M, n))[1]
+ ret2 = scipy.integrate.odeint(_trumpet_log1_alphabar, tmp, R[i:], args = (M, n))
+ ret2 = ret2.reshape(ret2.shape[0])
+ return np.concatenate((ret1, ret2))
+def trumpet_log1_trk(R, M = 1.0, n = 2.0):
+ a = trumpet_log1_lapse(R, M, n)
+ b = np.sqrt((a ** 2) - (1 - 2 * M / R))
+ bbar = diff4(b, 0, R[1] - R[0])
+ K = 2 * b / R + bbar
+ return K
+def trumpet_lapse(R, M = 1.0):
+ C2 = 27. * (M ** 4) / 16
+ return np.sqrt(1 - 2 * M / R + C2 / (R ** 4))
+def trumpet_log1_r(R, M = 1.0, n = 2.0):
+ R_aux = np.linspace(1.32, 100, 10000)
+ alpha_aux = trumpet_log1_lapse(R_aux)
+ R_alpha_aux = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(alpha_aux, R_aux, s = 0)
+ alpha_s = alpha_aux[20]
+ coeff = R_alpha_aux(alpha_s) ** (1. / alpha_s)
+ def integrand_aux(a, R_alpha = R_alpha_aux, alpha = alpha_aux):
+ if a > alpha[-1]:
+ RR = 2 / (1 - a ** 2)
+ else:
+ RR = R_alpha(a)
+ ret = np.log(RR) / (a ** 2)
+ return ret
+ C0, err = scipy.integrate.quad(integrand_aux, alpha_s, 1)
+ alpha = trumpet_log1_lapse(R, M, n)
+ R_alpha = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(alpha, R, s = 0)
+ Rbar_alpha = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(alpha[1:-1], (R[2:] - R[:-2]) / (2 * (R[1] - R[0])), s = 0)
+ def integrand(a, R_alpha = R_alpha, alpha = alpha):
+ if a > alpha[-1]:
+ RR = 2 / (1 - a ** 2)
+ else:
+ RR = R_alpha(a)
+ ret = np.log(RR) / (a ** 2)
+ return ret
+ def integrand2(a, R_alpha = R_alpha, alpha = alpha):
+ if a > alpha[-1]:
+ RR = 2 / (1 - a)
+ Rbar = - 4 * a / ((1 - a ** 2) ** 2)
+ else:
+ RR = R_alpha(a)
+ Rbar = Rbar_alpha(a)
+ return Rbar / (RR * a)
+ r1 = []
+ r2 = []
+ if alpha[0] >= alpha_s:
+ i = 0
+ else:
+ for i in xrange(alpha.shape[0]):
+ if alpha[i] >= alpha_s:
+ break
+ for j in xrange(i):
+ a = alpha[j]
+ integral, err, = scipy.integrate.quad(integrand2, a, alpha_s)
+ r1.append(np.exp(-integral - C0) * coeff)
+ int_prev = 0
+ alpha_prev = alpha_s
+ for j in xrange(i, alpha.shape[0]):
+ a = alpha[j]
+ integral, err, = scipy.integrate.quad(integrand, alpha_prev, a)
+ integral += int_prev
+ alpha_prev = a
+ int_prev = integral
+ r2.append(np.exp(integral - C0) * R_alpha(a) ** (1. / a))
+ return np.array(r1 + r2)
+def calc_kretschmann(s, axis = 2, xoffset = 0):
+ rl = s.rl
+ sliceidx = [slice(0, 7), slice(0, 7), slice(xoffset, xoffset + 7)]
+ sliceidx[axis] = slice(None)
+ sliceidx = tuple(sliceidx)
+ offsetidx = [3] * 3
+ offsetidx[axis] = slice(None)
+ offsetidx = tuple(offsetidx)
+ #sliceidx = [slice(None)]*3
+ #sliceidx = tuple(sliceidx)
+ #offsetidx = [slice(None)]*3
+ #offsetidx = tuple(offsetidx)
+ # load grid functions
+ phi = s['phi'][sliceidx]
+ trK = s['trK'][sliceidx]
+ gt = np.array([[s['gt33'][sliceidx], s['gt23'][sliceidx], s['gt13'][sliceidx]],
+ [s['gt23'][sliceidx], s['gt22'][sliceidx], s['gt12'][sliceidx]],
+ [s['gt13'][sliceidx], s['gt12'][sliceidx], s['gt11'][sliceidx]]])
+ At = np.array([[s['At33'][sliceidx], s['At23'][sliceidx], s['At13'][sliceidx]],
+ [s['At23'][sliceidx], s['At22'][sliceidx], s['At12'][sliceidx]],
+ [s['At13'][sliceidx], s['At12'][sliceidx], s['At11'][sliceidx]]])
+ # compute derivatives needed later
+ dphi = np.array([diff4(phi, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 0, 1, 2])
+ d2phi = np.array([diff4(dphi, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 1, 2, 3])
+ dgt = np.array([diff4(gt, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 2, 3, 4])
+ d2gt = np.array([diff4(dgt, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 3, 4, 5])
+ dAt = np.array([diff4(At, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 2, 3, 4])
+ dtrK = np.array([diff4(trK, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 0, 1, 2])
+ phi = phi[offsetidx]
+ trK = trK[offsetidx]
+ gt = gt[(slice(None),) * 2 + offsetidx]
+ At = At[(slice(None),) * 2 + offsetidx]
+ dphi = dphi [(slice(None),) + offsetidx]
+ d2phi = d2phi[(slice(None),) * 2 + offsetidx]
+ dgt = dgt [(slice(None),) * 3 + offsetidx]
+ d2gt = d2gt [(slice(None),) * 4 + offsetidx]
+ dAt = dAt [(slice(None),) * 3 + offsetidx]
+ dtrK = dtrK [(slice(None),) + offsetidx]
+ e4phi = 1. / phi ** 2
+ gtu = np.zeros_like(gt)
+ for i in xrange(gt.shape[2]):
+ gtu[:, :, i] = np.linalg.inv(gt[:, :, i])
+ #for i in xrange(gt.shape[2]):
+ # for j in xrange(gt.shape[3]):
+ # for k in xrange(gt.shape[4]):
+ # gtu[:, :, i, j, k] = np.linalg.inv(gt[:, :, i, j, k])
+ g = e4phi * gt
+ gu = gtu / e4phi
+ K = e4phi * At + (1. / 3.) * trK * g
+ Dphi = -0.5 * dphi / phi
+ D2phi = - 0.5 * (d2phi - np.einsum('i...,j...->ij...', dphi, dphi) / phi) / phi
+ Dg = e4phi * (4 * np.einsum('i...,jk...->ijk...', Dphi, gt) + dgt)
+ D2g = e4phi * (4 * np.einsum('ij...,kl...->ijkl...', D2phi + 4 * np.einsum('i...,j...->ij...', Dphi, Dphi), gt) + 4 * np.einsum('i...,jkl...->ijkl...', Dphi, dgt) + 4 * np.einsum('i...,jkl...->jikl...', Dphi, dgt) + d2gt)
+ Gl = 0.5 * (np.einsum('cab...->abc...', Dg) + np.einsum('bac...->abc...', Dg) - Dg)
+ G = np.einsum('ij...,jkl...->ikl...', gu, Gl)
+ R = (0.5 * (np.einsum('adbc...->abcd...', D2g) + np.einsum('bcad...->abcd...', D2g) - np.einsum('bdac...->abcd...', D2g) - np.einsum('acbd...->abcd...', D2g)) +
+ np.einsum('ead...,ebc...->abcd...', Gl, G) - np.einsum('eac...,ebd...->abcd...', Gl, G))
+ A = R + np.einsum('ik...,jl...->ijkl...', K, K) - np.einsum('il...,jk...->ijkl...', K, K)
+ trA = np.einsum('kl...,kilj...->ij...', gu, A)
+ term1 = (np.einsum('ai...,bj...,ck...,dl...,abcd...,ijkl...', gu, gu, gu, gu, A, A))
+ term3 = 4 * np.einsum('ai...,bj...,ab...,ij...', gu, gu, trA, trA)
+ t1 = e4phi * (4 * np.einsum('i...,jk...->ijk...', Dphi, At) + dAt)
+ t2 = (1. / 3.) * (np.einsum('i...,jk...->ijk...', dtrK, g) + trK * Dg)
+ t3 = - np.einsum('iab...,ic...->bac...', G, K) - np.einsum('icb...,ia...->bac...', G, K)
+ CDK = t1 + t2 + t3
+ CDKu = np.einsum('ai...,bj...,ck...,ijk...->abc...', gu, gu, gu, CDK)
+ term2 = 8 * (np.einsum('abc...,bac...', CDK, CDKu) - np.einsum('abc...,abc...', CDK, CDKu))
+ return term1 + term2 + term3
+def calc_kretschmann2(s):
+ rl = s.rl
+ sliceidx = [slice(0, 7), slice(None), slice(None)]
+ sliceidx = tuple(sliceidx)
+ offsetidx = [3, slice(None), slice(None)]
+ offsetidx = tuple(offsetidx)
+ #sliceidx = [slice(None)]*3
+ #sliceidx = tuple(sliceidx)
+ #offsetidx = [slice(None)]*3
+ #offsetidx = tuple(offsetidx)
+ # load grid functions
+ phi = s['phi'][sliceidx]
+ trK = s['trK'][sliceidx]
+ gt = np.array([[s['gt33'][sliceidx], s['gt23'][sliceidx], s['gt13'][sliceidx]],
+ [s['gt23'][sliceidx], s['gt22'][sliceidx], s['gt12'][sliceidx]],
+ [s['gt13'][sliceidx], s['gt12'][sliceidx], s['gt11'][sliceidx]]])
+ At = np.array([[s['At33'][sliceidx], s['At23'][sliceidx], s['At13'][sliceidx]],
+ [s['At23'][sliceidx], s['At22'][sliceidx], s['At12'][sliceidx]],
+ [s['At13'][sliceidx], s['At12'][sliceidx], s['At11'][sliceidx]]])
+ # compute derivatives needed later
+ dphi = np.array([diff4(phi, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 0, 1, 2])
+ d2phi = np.array([diff4(dphi, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 1, 2, 3])
+ dgt = np.array([diff4(gt, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 2, 3, 4])
+ d2gt = np.array([diff4(dgt, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 3, 4, 5])
+ dAt = np.array([diff4(At, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 2, 3, 4])
+ dtrK = np.array([diff4(trK, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 0, 1, 2])
+ phi = phi[offsetidx]
+ trK = trK[offsetidx]
+ gt = gt[(slice(None),) * 2 + offsetidx]
+ At = At[(slice(None),) * 2 + offsetidx]
+ dphi = dphi [(slice(None),) + offsetidx]
+ d2phi = d2phi[(slice(None),) * 2 + offsetidx]
+ dgt = dgt [(slice(None),) * 3 + offsetidx]
+ d2gt = d2gt [(slice(None),) * 4 + offsetidx]
+ dAt = dAt [(slice(None),) * 3 + offsetidx]
+ dtrK = dtrK [(slice(None),) + offsetidx]
+ e4phi = 1. / phi ** 2
+ gtu = np.zeros_like(gt)
+ for i in xrange(gt.shape[2]):
+ for j in xrange(gt.shape[3]):
+ gtu[:, :, i, j] = np.linalg.inv(gt[:, :, i, j])
+ #for i in xrange(gt.shape[2]):
+ # for j in xrange(gt.shape[3]):
+ # for k in xrange(gt.shape[4]):
+ # gtu[:, :, i, j, k] = np.linalg.inv(gt[:, :, i, j, k])
+ g = e4phi * gt
+ gu = gtu / e4phi
+ K = e4phi * At + (1. / 3.) * trK * g
+ Dphi = -0.5 * dphi / phi
+ D2phi = - 0.5 * (d2phi - np.einsum('i...,j...->ij...', dphi, dphi) / phi) / phi
+ Dg = e4phi * (4 * np.einsum('i...,jk...->ijk...', Dphi, gt) + dgt)
+ D2g = e4phi * (4 * np.einsum('ij...,kl...->ijkl...', D2phi + 4 * np.einsum('i...,j...->ij...', Dphi, Dphi), gt) + 4 * np.einsum('i...,jkl...->ijkl...', Dphi, dgt) + 4 * np.einsum('i...,jkl...->jikl...', Dphi, dgt) + d2gt)
+ Gl = 0.5 * (np.einsum('cab...->abc...', Dg) + np.einsum('bac...->abc...', Dg) - Dg)
+ G = np.einsum('ij...,jkl...->ikl...', gu, Gl)
+ R = (0.5 * (np.einsum('adbc...->abcd...', D2g) + np.einsum('bcad...->abcd...', D2g) - np.einsum('bdac...->abcd...', D2g) - np.einsum('acbd...->abcd...', D2g)) +
+ np.einsum('ead...,ebc...->abcd...', Gl, G) - np.einsum('eac...,ebd...->abcd...', Gl, G))
+ A = R + np.einsum('ik...,jl...->ijkl...', K, K) - np.einsum('il...,jk...->ijkl...', K, K)
+ trA = np.einsum('kl...,kilj...->ij...', gu, A)
+ term1 = (np.einsum('ai...,bj...,ck...,dl...,abcd...,ijkl...', gu, gu, gu, gu, A, A))
+ term3 = 4 * np.einsum('ai...,bj...,ab...,ij...', gu, gu, trA, trA)
+ t1 = e4phi * (4 * np.einsum('i...,jk...->ijk...', Dphi, At) + dAt)
+ t2 = (1. / 3.) * (np.einsum('i...,jk...->ijk...', dtrK, g) + trK * Dg)
+ t3 = - np.einsum('iab...,ic...->bac...', G, K) - np.einsum('icb...,ia...->bac...', G, K)
+ CDK = t1 + t2 + t3
+ CDKu = np.einsum('ai...,bj...,ck...,ijk...->abc...', gu, gu, gu, CDK)
+ term2 = 8 * (np.einsum('abc...,bac...', CDK, CDKu) - np.einsum('abc...,abc...', CDK, CDKu))
+ return term1 + term2 + term3
+def l2norm(sd, it, gf, maxrl = None, minrl = None):
+ results = []
+ if maxrl is None:
+ maxrl = len(sd.rl) - 1
+ if minrl is None:
+ minrl = 0
+ prev_bounds_low = []
+ prev_bounds_high = []
+ for rl in sd.rl[maxrl:minrl:-1]:
+ s = rl.slice(it)
+ trim = tuple([slice(rl.ghosts[i], -rl.ghosts[i]) for i in xrange(3)])
+ data = s[gf][trim] ** 2
+ x = s.x[trim[0]]
+ y = s.y[trim[1]]
+ z = s.z[trim[2]]
+ if not prev_bounds_low:
+ while len(data.shape) > 0:
+ data = scipy.integrate.simps(data, dx = rl.dx[0])
+ results.append(data)
+ else:
+ res = 0.0
+ if prev_bounds_low[0] > x[0]:
+ for i, xx in enumerate(x):
+ if prev_bounds_low[0] <= xx:
+ break
+ tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(data[:, :, :i], dx = rl.dx[0])
+ while len(tmp.shape) > 0:
+ tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(tmp, dx = rl.dx[0])
+ res += tmp
+ if prev_bounds_low[1] > y[0]:
+ for i, yy in enumerate(y):
+ if prev_bounds_low[1] <= yy:
+ break
+ tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(data[:, :i], axis = 1, dx = rl.dx[0])
+ while len(tmp.shape) > 0:
+ tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(tmp, dx = rl.dx[0])
+ res += tmp
+ if prev_bounds_low[2] > z[0]:
+ for i, zz in enumerate(z):
+ if prev_bounds_low[2] <= zz:
+ break
+ tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(data[:i], axis = 0, dx = rl.dx[0])
+ while len(tmp.shape) > 0:
+ tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(tmp, dx = rl.dx[0])
+ res += tmp
+ if prev_bounds_high[0] < x[-1]:
+ for i, xx in enumerate(x):
+ if prev_bounds_high[0] >= xx:
+ i -= 1
+ break
+ tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(data[:, :, i:], dx = rl.dx[0])
+ while len(tmp.shape) > 0:
+ tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(tmp, dx = rl.dx[0])
+ res += tmp
+ if prev_bounds_high[1] < y[-1]:
+ for i, yy in enumerate(y):
+ if prev_bounds_high[1] >= yy:
+ i -= 1
+ break
+ tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(data[:, i:], axis = 1, dx = rl.dx[0])
+ while len(tmp.shape) > 0:
+ tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(tmp, dx = rl.dx[0])
+ res += tmp
+ if prev_bounds_high[2] < z[-1]:
+ for i, zz in enumerate(z):
+ if prev_bounds_high[2] >= zz:
+ i -= 1
+ break
+ tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(data[i:], axis = 0, dx = rl.dx[0])
+ while len(tmp.shape) > 0:
+ tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(tmp, dx = rl.dx[0])
+ res += tmp
+ results.append(res)
+ prev_bounds_low = [x[0], y[0], z[0]]
+ prev_bounds_high = [x[-1], y[-1], z[-1]]
+ return sum(results)
+class RefinedSlice:
+ # simulation time on this slice
+ time = -1
+ # simulation iteration on this slice
+ it = -1
+ # [x, y, z] coordinates of the origin of the grid on this slice
+ o = None
+ # a list of arrays of coordinate points along each direction [x, y, z]
+ c = None
+ # arrays of coordinate points along each direction
+ x = None
+ y = None
+ z = None
+ rl = None
+ # private
+ _sd = None
+ _rl = None
+ def __init__(self, sd, rl, time = -1, iteration = -1):
+ self._sd = sd
+ self._rl = rl
+ self.rl = rl
+ if iteration == 'last':
+ iteration = rl.itertimes[-1][0]
+ if time >= 0:
+ for it, t in rl.itertimes:
+ if abs(t - time) < EPSILON:
+ self.time = time
+ = it
+ break
+ if self.time < 0:
+ raise IndexError('No such time: ' + str(time))
+ elif iteration >= 0:
+ for it, t in rl.itertimes:
+ if it == iteration:
+ self.time = t
+ = it
+ break
+ if < 0:
+ raise IndexError('No such iteration: ' + str(iteration))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError('Neither time nor iteration provided')
+ # pick a representative datafile and get the grid properties from it
+ if 'H' in self._sd.df:
+ df = self._sd.df['H']
+ else:
+ df = self._sd.df.values()[0]
+ gf = get_default_gridfunc(df)
+ ds = df['%s it=%d tl=0 rl=%d' % (gf,, rl.n)]
+ self.o = ds.attrs['origin']
+ self.c = [np.linspace(self.o[axis_prop[i]], self.o[axis_prop[i]] + rl.dx[axis_prop[i]] * ds.shape[axis_data[i]], ds.shape[axis_data[i]], endpoint = False) for i in ('x', 'y', 'z')]
+ self.x, self.y, self.z = self.c
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ if key in self._sd.df:
+ gf = get_default_gridfunc(self._sd.df[key])
+ return self._sd.df[key]['%s it=%d tl=0 rl=%d' % (gf,, self._rl.n)]
+ elif key in
+ df =[key]
+ return df['%s it=%d tl=0 rl=%d' % (key,, self._rl.n)]
+ raise IndexError
+class RefinementLevel:
+ # refinement level number
+ n = -1
+ # [dx, dy, dz] grid spacings
+ dx = None
+ # number of ghost gridpoints in [x, y, z] dimensions
+ ghosts = None
+ # the time step
+ dt = 0.0
+ # a sorted tuple of all the (iteration, time) pairs for which the data
+ # is present on this refinement level
+ itertimes = None
+ # private
+ _sd = None
+ def __init__(self, sd, n):
+ self._sd = sd
+ self.n = n
+ def slice(self, iteration = -1, time = -1):
+ return RefinedSlice(self._sd, self, time, iteration)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'Refinement level %d; extent [%g, %g, %g] -- [%g, %g, %g] ([%g, %g, %g] -- [%g, %g, %g]); dx = [%g, %g, %g]; dt = %g' % \
+ (self.n, self.x[self.ghosts[0]], self.y[self.ghosts[1]], self.z[self.ghosts[2]],
+ self.x[-self.ghosts[0] - 1], self.y[-self.ghosts[1] - 1], self.z[-self.ghosts[2] - 1],
+ self.x[0], self.y[0], self.z[0], self.x[-1], self.y[-1], self.z[-1],
+ self.dx[0], self.dx[1], self.dx[2], self.dt)
+class SimulationData:
+ # directory name
+ dirname = None
+ # datafiles
+ df = None
+ # a dictionary of all the { gridfunction : datafile it is located in }
+ # pairs for this set of data
+ gf = None
+ # courant factor of the time integration (dx / dt)
+ courant = 0
+ # per-refinement level parameters
+ rl = None
+ def __init__(self, dirname):
+ self.dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname)
+ self.df = {}
+ = {}
+ # open all the hdf5 files in the dir
+ for f in os.listdir(dirname):
+ if not f.endswith('.h5') or f.startswith('checkpoint'):
+ continue
+ self.df[f[:-3]] = h5py.File('%s/%s' % (dirname, f), 'r')
+ if len(self.df) == 0:
+ raise ValueError('No HDF5 data files in the directory.')
+ for df in self.df.values():
+ funcs = df['Parameters and Global Attributes']['Datasets']
+ if funcs.dtype.type != np.string_:
+ funcs_str = ''.join(map(chr, funcs)).strip('\x00')
+ else:
+ funcs_str = funcs.value
+ for ds in funcs_str.strip().split():
+ if ds in
+ raise ValueError('Gridfunction %s present in more than one datafile: %s and %s' % (ds,[ds].filename, df.filename))
+[ds] = df
+ # pick a representative datafile and get the grid properties from it
+ if 'H' in self.df:
+ df = self.df['H']
+ else:
+ df = self.df.values()[0]
+ gf = get_default_gridfunc(df)
+ # get the refinement levels, iterations and times
+ self.rl = []
+ while True:
+ cur_rl = len(self.rl)
+ try:
+ ds = df['%s it=0 tl=0 rl=%d' % (gf, cur_rl)]
+ except KeyError:
+ break
+ self.rl.append(RefinementLevel(self, len(self.rl)))
+ rl = self.rl[-1]
+ rl.itertimes = gf_itertime(df, cur_rl)
+ rl.dx = ds.attrs['delta']
+ rl.ghosts = ds.attrs["cctk_nghostzones"]
+ rl.dt = _get_timestep(df) / (1 << (len(self.rl) - 1))
+ self.courant = self.rl[0].dx[0] / self.rl[0].dt
+ def __del__(self):
+ if self.df:
+ map(h5py.File.close, self.df.values())
+ def calc_velocities(self, get_data, rl = 0, t_start = 0, t_end = float('inf'), offsets = None):
+ rl = self.rl[rl]
+ dt = rl.itertimes[1][1] - rl.itertimes[0][1]
+ ret = []
+ for idx, (iter, t) in enumerate(rl.itertimes):
+ if t < t_start:
+ continue
+ if t > t_end:
+ break
+ data1 = get_data(self, iter)
+ if offsets is None:
+ step = int(self.courant)
+ offsets = xrange(step, 10 * step, step)
+ for offset in offsets:
+ diff_t = offset * dt
+ try:
+ data2 = get_data(self, rl.itertimes[idx + offset][0])
+ except IndexError:
+ break
+ mov = calc_movement(data1, data2)
+ for it in mov:
+ ret.append(it * rl.dx[0] / diff_t)
+ return ret