path: root/lib/sbin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sbin/')
1 files changed, 505 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sbin/ b/lib/sbin/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c6c89d50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sbin/
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -s
+#use strict;
+use vars qw($cctk_home $debug $verbose $h $help $spacing $width $cellsintable $document_type $outdir $arrangements_dir $thornlist);
+# ->> <<- #
+# #
+# standard help function #
+# #
+if ($h || $help) {
+ print "--> <--\n";
+ print "Options:\n";
+# print "\t-th= : (semi opt) thorn to process\n";
+# print "\t-arr= : (semi opt) arrangement to process\n";
+# print "\t-processall : (opt) process all arrangements\n";
+ print "\t-thornlist= : (opt) thornlist to process\n";
+ print "\n";
+# print "\t-grouping= : (opt) file ouput grouping scope (bythorn/byarrangement/all)\n";
+ print "\t-directory= : (opt) dir. of arrangements (default arrangements/)\n";
+ print "\t-outdir= : (opt) directory to dump output files, default is .\n";
+ print "\n";
+# print "\t-dump : (opt) dumps output to screen, not in Latex\n";
+ print "\t-document_type : (opt) creates a TeX document, not just a table\n";
+# print "\t-section : (opt) makes this a section of a greater document\n";
+ print "\t-cellsintable= : (opt) the number of cells in any given table\n";
+ print "\t-spacing= : (opt) vertical spacing between elements (default 6mm)\n";
+ print "\t-width= : (opt) fixed width of table (default 150mm)\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "\t-verbose : (opt) gives verbose output to screen\n";
+ print "\t-h/-help : (opt) this screen\n";
+ print "Example:\n";
+ print "\tperl -s /lib/sbin/ -processall -document -outdir=testdirectory -document \n";
+ exit 0;
+# @file
+# @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002
+# @author Ian Kelley
+# @desc
+# This program will take as input a thornlist, and outputs a latex table
+# that contains the information in the thorns' interface.ccl file(s). This latex
+# table can then be used as a stand-alone document, or as a section of a large
+# "ThornGuide"
+# @enddesc
+# @version
+# setup the cctk_home, if it doesn't exist, we leave it blank
+$cctk_home .= '/' if (($cctk_home !~ /\/$/) && (defined $cctk_home));
+# set up the sbin dir, tacking cctk_home on the front
+my $sbin_dir = "${cctk_home}lib/sbin";
+# common procedures used to create the thornguide(s)
+require "$sbin_dir/";
+# for use of create_parametere_database
+require "$sbin_dir/";
+require "$sbin_dir/";
+# for reading of the thornlist routine: %thorns = &ReadThornlist($thornlist)
+require "$sbin_dir/";
+my $start_directory = `pwd`;
+chomp ($start_directory);
+my @valid_groups = qw(private public protected);
+$width ||= "150mm";
+$spacing ||= "3mm";
+$cellsintable ||= 6;
+# set some variables in ThornUtils(.pm) namespace
+$ThornUtils::cctk_home = $cctk_home;
+$ThornUtils::start_directory = $start_directory;
+$ThornUtils::verbose = $verbose;
+$ThornUtils::debug = $debug;
+# set some defaults
+$document_type ||= 'section';
+my %thorns;
+my %arrangements;
+my %system_database;
+my %interface_database;
+my %arrangements_database;
+my %pathsToThorns;
+my @listOfThorns;
+#@valid_groups = qw(private protected public);
+# get/setup the output directory and the arrangements directory
+$outdir = ThornUtils::SetupOutputDirectory($outdir);
+$arrangements_dir = ThornUtils::GetArrangementsDir($arrangements_dir);
+# determine thornlist, create one if one doesn't exist
+if (defined $thornlist) {
+ # provided by, returns a hash with a list of the thorns in our thornlist
+ %thorns = &ReadThornlist($thornlist);
+ @listOfThorns = keys %thorns;
+} else {
+ # we don't have a thornlist, go find all thorns in arrangements directory
+ @listOfThorns = ThornUtils::CreateThornlist($arrangements_dir);
+# this will return us a hash with keys as thorn names, and values as absolute paths to the
+# thorn's directory param.ccl can be located in that path.
+# We need this information to create a parameter database using create_parameter_database
+# We are not doing ''one'' call to parameter_database as we easily could, because there is NO WAY
+# (currently) to distinguish between two identical thorns in different arrangements. So we
+# would get stuff from Alphathorns/IOHDF5 in CactusBase/IOHDF5, or/and visa-versa.
+#ThornUtils::ClassifyThorns(\%arrangements, @listOfThorns);
+%pathsToThorns = ThornUtils::GetThornPaths(\@listOfThorns, $arrangements_dir, "interface.ccl", 1);
+%interface_database = &create_interface_database(scalar(keys %system_database), %system_database, %pathsToThorns);
+%arrangements_database = &ReadInterfaceDatabase(\%interface_database);
+#$arrangements_database{$arrangement}->{$thorn} = &ReadInterfaceDatabase(\%interface_database, "$arrangement/$thorn");
+#foreach my $arrangement (keys %arrangements) {
+# foreach my $thorn (@{$arrangements{$arrangement}}) {
+# $arrangements_database{$arrangement}->{$thorn} = &ReadInterfaceDatabase(\%interface_database, "$arrangement/$thorn");
+# }
+#exit 0;
+#exit 0;
+# lets go through, one arrangement at a time
+#foreach my $arrangement (keys %arrangements)
+# print "\narrangement=$arrangement" if ($debug);
+ # now each thorn in the given arrangement
+ # foreach my $thorn (@{$arrangements{$arrangement}})
+ # {
+ # print "\n\tthorn=$thorn" if ($debug);
+ # get the path for this individual thorn
+ # %pathsToThorns = ThornUtils::GetThornPaths(["$arrangement/$thorn"], $arrangements_dir, "interface.ccl");
+ # now we create a parameter database (for one thorn), using the function
+ # &create_parameter_database which is provided by ''
+ # %interface_database = &create_interface_database(scalar(keys %system_database), %system_database, %pathsToThorns);
+ # Go split up the information we have recieved (again, for just this one thorn)
+# $arrangements_database{$arrangement}->{$thorn} = &ReadInterfaceDatabase(\%interface_database);
+# }
+#exit 0;
+# just dump out the data-structure if we are in debug mode, don't create any files
+if ($debug) {
+ ThornUtils::Dump(\%arrangements_database);
+ print "\n";
+ exit 0;
+} else {
+ ThornUtils::ProcessAllArrangements(\%arrangements_database);
+print "\nFinished.\n";
+#%interface_database = &create_interface_database(scalar(keys %system_database), %system_database, %$thorn);
+# ReadLatexDataBase #
+# Calls, which will read in the param.ccl file #
+# from a single thorn and return all data as a %hash table, which we #
+# will then parse to put into our own %hash tables named according to #
+# the variable names. #
+# #
+# %(variable_name) : any number of hashes created with their names #
+# being the variable names, they then have $keys #
+# (descriptions) with $values (well, values) #
+# (e.g.) $name{"default"} = "Cactus"; #
+# @global \ #
+# @restricted \ -> arrays containing the names of the relative #
+# @private / hashes that are contained within their scopes #
+# @shared / (masterlist contained in @valid_types) #
+sub ReadInterfaceDatabase
+ my (%interfaceDatabase) = %{$_[0]};
+# my $interested = $_[1];
+ #my (%arrangementsDatabase) = %{$_[1]};
+ my %newDatabase;
+ # my %thorn;
+ foreach (sort keys %interfaceDatabase)
+ {
+ #next if (! (lc($_) cmp lc($interested)));
+# print "\n--> :<->: [$_] = [$interfaceDatabase{$_}]";
+ print "\n--> [$_] = [$interfaceDatabase{$_}]" if (($debug>1) && ($verbose));
+ # save he original key, as we will make it all lower case later
+ # and need the original for hash keys
+ my $old_key = $_;
+ # just in case they have declared it, but put nothing in it.
+ # if they did, don't waste our time parsing it.
+ #next if (! $interfaceDatabase{$old_key} =~ /\w/);
+ # drop the keys to lower-case, as they are all upper-case
+ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ /^(.*?)\/(.*?)( |$)/;
+ my ($arrangement, $thorn) = ($1, $2);
+ next if /^implementation/;
+ next if ($interfaceDatabase{$old_key} !~ /\w/);
+ if (/^([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+)$/) {
+print #STDERR "\n($1) ($2) ($3) ($4) ($5) ($6) [$interfaceDatabase{$old_key}]";
+ # $arrangementsDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$1}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4}->{$5}->{$6} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key};
+ $newDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4}->{$5}->{$6} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key};
+ } elsif (/^([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+)$/) {
+print STDERR "\n($1) ($2) ($3) ($4) ($5) ($6) [$interfaceDatabase{$old_key}]";
+# $arrangementsDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$1}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4}->{$5} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key};
+ $newDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4}->{$5} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key};
+ } elsif (/^([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+)$/) {
+ if ($2 eq "group") {
+ $newDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{"group details"}->{$3}->{$4} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key};
+ } else {
+ $newDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key};
+ }
+print STDERR "\n($1) ($2) ($3) ($4) ($5) ($6) [$interfaceDatabase{$old_key}]";
+# $arrangementsDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$1}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key};
+ } elsif (/^([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+)$/) {
+print STDERR "\n($1) ($2) ($3) ($4) ($5) ($6) [$interfaceDatabase{$old_key}]";
+ #$arrangementsDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$1}->{$2}->{$3} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key};
+ $newDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$2}->{$3} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key};
+ } elsif (/^([^\s]+) ([^\s]+)$/) {
+print STDERR "\n($1) ($2) ($3) ($4) ($5) ($6) [$interfaceDatabase{$old_key}]";
+ # $arrangementsDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$1}->{$2} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key};
+ $newDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$2} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key};
+ } else {
+ print "\n--> Confused: [$_] = [$interfaceDatabase{$_}]";
+ }
+ }
+ return %newDatabase;
+ #return %arrangementsDatabase;
+ #delete $interfaceDatabase{$interested};
+ #return \%thorn;
+# @routine ProcessOneThorn
+# @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002
+# @author Ian Kelley
+# @desc
+# @enddesc
+# @version
+sub ProcessOneThorn
+ # get the thorn hash
+ my (%thorn) = %{$_[0]};
+ my $arrangement = $_[1];
+ my $thorn = $_[2];
+ my $latex_output = "";
+ my $ofh = ThornUtils::StartDocument("inter", $thorn, $outdir, $arrangement, "Interfaces", $document_type);
+ # go get the latex for setting the width of the columns based on the longest variable we have
+ # (contained in the vaor $paragraph_len
+# if (defined $thorn{"variables"}) {
+# $latex_output = ThornUtils::SetWidth($TABLE_WIDTH, ThornUtils::CleanForLatex(FindMaxVarLen($thorn{"variables"})));
+# }
+ # go through each group, then find all variables in the specific group type and generate the tables calling
+ # the function &CreateLatexTable
+ &LatexTableElement(\%thorn);
+ # foreach my $group_type (sort keys %{$thorn{"groups"}})
+ # {
+ # foreach my $variable_name (sort @{$thorn{"groups"}{$group_type}})
+ # {
+ # send in the 'variable' hash, the name of the variable, and the longest variable in this thorn
+# $latex_output .= &CreateLatexTable($thorn{"variables"}{$variable_name}, $variable_name);
+## }
+# }
+ print $latex_output;
+ ThornUtils::EndDocument($ofh, $document_type);
+# LatexTableElement #
+# Takes whatever table element is currently reffered to by $table #
+# and prints it out into a LaTeX table. Only nifty things it curr. #
+# does is NOT print ranges for BOOLEAN and SHARED elements. #
+sub LatexTableElement
+ # get the stuff passed in, first is a hash of the given variable, second is the name of the variable,
+ # and third is the to-date longest variable in the thorn (for latex column formatting)
+ my %thorn = %{$_[0]};
+ # get the different properties of the variable, and clean then up so we can output good latex
+ my $variable_name = ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($_[1]);
+ my @temp;
+ print "\n\\vspace\{$spacing\} \\subsection\*\{General\}";
+ PrintVar("Implements", $thorn{"implements"});
+ PrintVar("Inherits", $thorn{"inherits"}) if ($thorn{"inherits"} !~ /^$/);
+ #$thorn{"implements"}
+ #$thorn{"inherits"};
+ my $printgridtitle = 1;
+ foreach my $group_scope (@valid_groups)
+ {
+ next if (! defined $thorn{$group_scope});
+ my @groups = split/\s+/, $thorn{$group_scope}->{"groups"};
+# foreach (@groups) {
+# print STDERR "\n$_ is var in $group_scope [$thorn{$group_scope}->{\"groups\"}]";
+# }
+ next if (@groups < 1);
+ print "\n\\subsection\*\{Grid Variables\}" if ($printgridtitle);
+ my $gs_scope = $group_scope;
+ $gs_scope =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+ print "\n\\vspace\{5mm\}\\subsubsection\{$gs_scope GROUPS\}\n";
+ print "\n\\vspace\{5mm\}\n\n\\begin\{tabular*\}\{$width\}\{|c|c\@\{\\extracolsep\{\\fill\}\}|rl|\} \\hline \n";
+ print "~ \{\\bf Group Names\} ~ & ~ \{\\bf Variable Names\} ~ &\{\\bf Details\} ~ & ~\\\\ \n";
+ print "\\hline \n";
+ $printgridtitle = 0;
+ my $counter = 0;
+ foreach my $group (@groups)
+ {
+ next if ($thorn{"group"}->{$group} =~ /^$/);
+ if (( ! ($counter % $cellsintable)) && ($counter ne 0) )
+ {
+ print "\\end\{tabular*\} \n\n";
+ print "\n\n\\vspace\{5mm\}";
+ print "\n\\vspace\{5mm\}\n\n\\begin\{tabular*\}\{$width\}\{|c|c\@\{\\extracolsep\{\\fill\}\}|rl|\} \\hline \n";
+ print "~ \{\\bf Group Names\} ~ & ~ \{\\bf Variable Names\} ~ &\{\\bf Details\} ~ & ~ \\\\ \n";
+ print "\\hline \n";
+ }
+ # print group name
+ print ThornUtils::ToLower(ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($group));
+ my $firstpass = 1;
+ my @group_variables = split/\s+/, ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($thorn{"group"}{$group});
+ $counter++;
+ my $var_counter = 0;
+ foreach my $group_detail (keys %{$thorn{"group details"}->{$group}})
+ {
+ my $value = ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($thorn{"group details"}->{$group}->{$group_detail});
+ # print nothign as we are dealing with the same group
+ if (! $firstpass) {
+ print "~ &"; $firstpass=0;
+ }
+ my $new_counter = 1;
+ if (@temp = split/,/, $value)
+ {
+ foreach my $val (@temp)
+ {
+ if ($new_counter--) {
+ print " & $group_variables[$var_counter] & " . ExpandGroupName($group_detail) . " & $val \\\\ \n";
+ } else {
+ print "& ~ & " . ExpandGroupName($group_detail) ." & $val \\\\ \n";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "$group_variables[$var_counter] & " . ExpandGroupName($group_detail) . " & $val \\\\ \n";
+ }
+ $var_counter++;
+ } #foreach %{thorn...}
+ print "\\hline \n";
+ } #foreach @groups
+ print "\\end\{tabular*\} \n\n";
+ delete $thorn{$group_scope};
+ } # foreach @valid_groups
+ print "\n\n\\vspace\{5mm\}";
+ #&PrintData("HEADER");
+ #&PrintData("SOURCE");
+ #&PrintData("FUNCTION");
+} ## END :LatexTableElement:
+sub PrintVar {
+ my $title = shift;
+ my $var = shift;
+ my @temp;
+ print "\n\n\\noindent \{\\bf ". ThornUtils::Translate(ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($title)) ."\}: ";
+ if (@temp = split/\s+/, $var)
+ {
+ foreach (@temp) {
+ print "\n\n" . ThornUtils::ToLower(ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($_));
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "\n\n" . ThornUtils::ToLower(ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($var));
+ }
+ print "\n\\vspace\{2mm\}";
+sub ExpandGroupName {
+ my $name = shift;
+ if ($name eq "stype") {
+ return "stagger type";
+ } elsif ($name eq "gtype") {
+ return "group type";
+ } elsif ($name eq "dim") {
+ return "dimensions";
+ } elsif ($name eq "distrib") {
+ return "distribution";
+ } elsif ($name eq "vtype") {
+ return "variable type";
+ } elsif ($name eq "timelevels") {
+ return "timelevels";
+ } else {
+ return ThornUtils::ToLower(ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($name));
+ }
+sub PrintData
+ my $type = shift;
+ my @todo = qw(add uses provides);
+ my $heading;
+ my @clean_values;
+ my %add; my %uses; my %provides;
+ my $section = &Translate($type."s");
+ print "\n\n\\noindent \\subsection\*\{$section\}" if (($add{$type} !~ /^$/) || ($uses{$type} !~ /^$/) || ($provides{$type} !~ /^$/));
+ foreach my $todo (@todo)
+ {
+ if ($$todo{$type} !~ /^$/)
+ {
+ @clean_values = split/\s+/, &Clean($$todo{$type});
+ $heading = &Translate($todo);
+ $heading .= $heading =~ /s$/ ? "" : "s";
+ print "\n\n\\noindent \{\\bf $heading\}:\n\n";
+ foreach (@clean_values)
+ {
+ my $check = "$type $_ TO";
+ $check =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+ if ((defined $$todo{$check}) && ($$todo{$check} ne $_)) {
+ $check = "$_ to " . $$todo{$check};
+ print "\n\n" . $check;
+ } else {
+ print "\n\n$_";
+ }
+ }
+ } #if
+ }
+} ## END :PrintData: