path: root/lib
diff options
authorallen <allen@17b73243-c579-4c4c-a9d2-2d5706c11dac>2000-04-12 14:25:01 +0000
committerallen <allen@17b73243-c579-4c4c-a9d2-2d5706c11dac>2000-04-12 14:25:01 +0000
commit0818696f3d2c1434d90e005da3a892619b13638e (patch)
tree1936af1b9da730e553f723009abb4daf03d735e0 /lib
parent32e8625c2313d15656dd0fefa4916e8087a7a98d (diff)
First version
git-svn-id: 17b73243-c579-4c4c-a9d2-2d5706c11dac
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sbin/ b/lib/sbin/
index 36cbd8a1..28765078 100644
--- a/lib/sbin/
+++ b/lib/sbin/
@@ -1,58 +1,364 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -s
-$sbin_dir = "lib/sbin";
+# ->> <<- #
+# #
+# standard help function #
+# #
+if ($h || $help) {
+ print "--> <--\n";
+ print "Options:\n";
+ print "\t-th= : (semi opt) thorn to process\n";
+ print "\t-arr= : (semi opt) arrangement to process\n";
+ print "\t-processall : (opt) process all arrangements\n";
+ print "\t-directory= : (opt) dir. of arrangements (default arrangements/)\n";
+ print "\t-dump : (opt) dumps output to screen, not in Latex\n";
+ print "\t-scope= : (opt) restricted/global/private/shares/all (default all)\n";
+ print "\t-sort= : (opt) by: scope, type, name (currently unavail.)\n";
+ print "\t-grouping= : (opt) file ouput grouping scope (bythorn/byarrangement/all)\n";
+ print "\t-document : (opt) creates a TeX document, not just a table\n";
+ print "\t-width= : (opt) fixed width of table (default 150mm)\n";
+ print "\t-spacing= : (opt) vertical spacing between elements (default 6mm)\n";
+ print "\t-h/-help : (opt) this screen\n";
+ print "Example:\n";
+ print "\tperl -s /lib/sbin/ -outfile=mytable.tex -width=8.5cm\n";
+ exit 0;
+# #
+# This program will take as input a thorn, and output a latex table #
+# that contains the information in that thorns param.ccl file. #
+# #
+$sbin_dir = "lib/sbin";
require "$sbin_dir/";
require "$sbin_dir/";
-$thorn{"WaveToy"} = "arrangements/CactusWave/IDScalarWave";
-%parameter_database = &create_parameter_database(%thorn);
+if (! $width) {$width="150mm";}
+if (! $spacing) {$spacing="6mm";}
+if (((! $th) && (! $arr)) && ! $processall) {
+ die "\nNo -th= or -arr= (or -processall) specified, nothing to process!\n";
+if (! $directory) {$directory="arrangements/";}
+if (! $grouping) {$grouping="bythorn";}
+@valid_types = qw(restricted global private shared);
+print $start_directory;
+@arrangements = &Find_Directories($directory);
+&StartDocument("MasterTable") if ((! $dump) && ($grouping eq "all"));
+foreach $arrangement (@arrangements) {
+ @thorns = &Find_Directories($directory . $arrangement);
- &latex_database(%parameter_database);
+ &StartDocument($arrangement) if ((! $dump) && ($grouping eq "byarrangement"));
+ foreach $thorn (@thorns) {
+ if (($processall) || (($thorn eq $th) || ($arr eq $arrangement))) {
+ &StartDocument($thorn) if ((! $dump) && ($grouping eq "bythorn"));
+ $thorn{$thorn} = "${directory}/${arrangement}/${thorn}";
+ %parameter_database = &create_parameter_database(%thorn);
+ &ReadLatexDatabase(%parameter_database);
+ &FormatTable;
-# @routine print_parameter_database
-# @date Wed Sep 16 14:58:52 1998
-# @author Tom Goodale
-# @desc
-# Prints out a parameter database.
-# @enddesc
-# @calls
-# @calledby
-# @history
-# @endhistory
-sub latex_database
+ &EndDocument if ((! $dump) && ($grouping eq "bythorn"));
+ }
+ }
+ &EndDocument if ((! $dump) && ($grouping eq "byarrangement"));
+&EndDocument if ((! $dump) && ($grouping eq "all"));
+# ReadLatexDataBase #
+# Calls, which will read in the param.ccl file #
+# from a single thorn and return all data as a %hash table, which we #
+# will then parse to put into our own %hash tables named according to #
+# the variable names. #
+# #
+# %(variable_name) : any number of hashes created with their names #
+# being the variable names, they then have $keys #
+# (descriptions) with $values (well, values) #
+# (e.g.) $name{"default"} = "Cactus"; #
+# @global \ #
+# @restricted \ -> arrays containing the names of the relative #
+# @private / hashes that are contained within their scopes #
+# @shared / (masterlist contained in @valid_types) #
+sub ReadLatexDatabase
my(%parameter_database) = @_;
+ my(@temp) = ();
+ my($temp) = "";
- $nvars = 0;
- foreach $field ( sort keys %parameter_database )
+ foreach $field (sort keys %parameter_database)
- print "$field: $parameter_database{$field}\n";
- $field =~ /(.*)\s(.*)\s(.*)/;
- if ($field =~ /default/)
- {
- $default = $parameter_database{$field};
- }
- elsif ($field =~ /description/)
- {
- $description = $parameter_database{$field};
- }
- elsif ($field =~ /type/)
- {
- $type = $parameter_database{$field};
- $field =~ /\w*\s(\w*)\stype/;
- $name = $1;
- print "Variable $name has default $default\n";
- print " -> $description\n";
- $variable[nvars] = $name;
- $vars++;
+ &Clean;
+ #################
+ #################
+ if ($field =~ /\sPRIVATE\s/) {
+ @private = split/ /, $parameter_database{$field};
+ } elsif ($field =~ /\sRESTRICTED\s/) {
+ @restricted = split/ /, $parameter_database{$field};
+ } elsif ($field =~ /\sSHARES\s+(\w+)\s+var/) {
+ @temp = split/ /, $parameter_database{$field};
+ foreach $var (@temp) {
+ $$var{"shared"}=$1;
+ }
+ push @shared, @temp;
+ } else {
+ #####################
+ #####################
+ $field =~ /(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(.*)/;
+ $name = $2;
+ $field_des=$3;
+ $temp = $1;
+ $name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $$name{$field_des}=$parameter_database{$field};
+ $$name{"name"} = $name;
+ $$name{"thorn"} = $temp;
+ }
+ } #-- foreach
+ print "\n";
+ ################################
+ # ADD ELEMENT $$table{"scope"} #
+ ################################
+ foreach $group_name (@valid_types) {
+ foreach $table (@$group_name) {
+ $$table{"scope"} = $group_name;
+ if ($$table{"shared"}) {
+ $$table{"scope"} .= " from " . $$table{"shared"};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} ## END :ReadLatexDatabase:
+# FormatTable #
+# Primary function to be used to format the LaTex output to whatever #
+# sorting or grouping mechanism specified by the user. #
+sub FormatTable {
+ if ($scope) {
+ if ($dump) {
+ &Dump($scope);
+ } else {
+ &CreateLatexTable($scope);
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach $type (@valid_types) {
+ if ($dump) {
+ &Dump($type);
+ } else {
+ &CreateLatexTable($type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n";
+} ## END :FormatTable:
+# CreateLatexTable #
+# Intermediary function in the process of creating a LaTex table that#
+# loops through an array (of name passed in) and outputs LaTex in #
+# THE ORDER SPECIFIED IN THAT ARRAY. So, there you have it, the #
+# foundation for sorting. :) #
+sub CreateLatexTable {
+ my ($group_name) = $_[0];
+ foreach $table (@$group_name) {
+ if (lc($$table{"thorn"}) eq lc($thorn)) {
+ &LatexTableElement;
+ }
+ }
+} ## END :CreateLatexTable:
+# StartDocument #
+# Opens the file OUT with the name sent in to this function a .tex #
+# extension in the working directory for output of LaTeX code. #
+# #
+# If specified with the -document flag on the command line, this #
+# function will also print basic LaTeX commands to start a document #
+sub StartDocument {
+ my ($group_name) = $_[0];
+ die "Cannot group tables for output, internal error in &StartDocument" if (! defined $group_name);
+ chdir ($start_directory);
+ open(OUT, ">${group_name}.tex") || die "cannot open ${group_name}.tex for output: $!";
+ $oldfilehandle = select OUT;
+ if ($document) {
+ print "\\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]\{article\} \n";
+ print "\\begin\{document\} \n\n";
+ }
+} ## :StartDocument:
+# EndDocument #
+# Ends a LaTeX document (if -document) specified, and closes the OUT #
+# file, which is used to write the LaTeX table to. #
+sub EndDocument {
+ if ($document) {
+ print "\\end\{document\} \n";
+ }
+ close OUT;
+ select $oldfilehandle;
+} ## :EndDocument:
+# LatexTableElement #
+# Takes whatever table element is currently reffered to by $table #
+# and prints it out into a LaTeX table. Only nifty things it curr. #
+# does is NOT print ranges for BOOLEAN and SHARED elements. #
+sub LatexTableElement {
+ print "\\begin\{tabular*\}\{$width\}\{|c|c|c|\@\{\\extracolsep\{\\fill\}\}r|\} \\hline \n";
+ print "\{\\bf Name\} & \{\\bf Default\} & \{\\bf Scope\} & \{\\bf Type\} \\\\ \n";
+ print "\\hline \n";
+ print "$table & $$table{\"default\"} & $$table{\"scope\"} & $$table{\"type\"} \\\\ \n";
+ print "\\hline\\hline \n";
+ print "\\multicolumn\{4\}\{|l|\}\{\\rule[-2mm]\{-2mm\}\{0.5cm\}\{\\bf Description\}~\\vline~ \n";
+ print "\{\\it $$table{\"description\"}\}\} \\\\ \n";
+ print "\\hline \n";
+ print "\\end\{tabular*\} \n\n";
+ if (($$table{"type"} ne "BOOLEAN") && ! $$table{"shared"}) {
+ print "\\vspace\{1mm\} \n\n";
+ print "\\begin\{tabular*\}\{$width\}\{|c|l@\{\\extracolsep\{\\fill\}\}r|\} \\hline \n";
+ print "\{\\bf Range\} & & \\\\ \n";
+ print "\\hline\\hline \n";
+ for ($i=1; $i <= $$table{"ranges"}; $i++) {
+ print "$$table{\"range $i range\"} & $$table{\"range $i description\"} & \\\\ \\hline \n";
+ }
+ print "\\end\{tabular*\} \n\n";
+ }
+ print "\\vspace\{$spacing\} \n\n";
+} ## END :LatexTableElement:
+# Find_Directories #
+# Finds the current directories that are not CVS stuff contained w/in#
+# the directory name that is sent to this function, used to find #
+# thorns and arrangements in this program. #
+sub Find_Directories {
+ my(@good_directories);
+ print "<$start_directory>\n " . "<".`pwd`.">\n";
+ chdir ("$start_directory") || die "DAMN";
+ print "<$start_directory>\n " . "<".`pwd`.">\n";
+ chdir("$_[0]") || die "cannot change directory to $_[0] : $!";
+ open(LS, "ls -p|");
+ while(chomp($name = <LS>)) {
+ if ((($name =~ /\/$/) && ($name ne "History/")) && ($name ne "CVS/")) {
+ $name =~ s#/##;
+ push(@good_directories, $name);
+ }
+ }
+ close(LS);
+ chdir ($start_directory);
+ return (@good_directories);
+} ## END :Find_Directories:
+# SortByType #
+# Sorts the ouput by "type" within their respective thorns, as we can#
+# have repetitive variable names within different thorns, currently #
+# output is restricted to internal (within thorn) sorting. #
+sub SortByType {
+ if (lc($$a{"type"}) cmp lc($$b{"type"}) < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ } elsif (lc($$a{"type"}) cmp lc($$b{"type"}) > 0) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+} ## END :SortByType:
+# SortByName #
+# Sorts the ouput by "name" within their respective thorns, as we can#
+# have repetitive variable names within different thorns, currently #
+# output is restricted to internal (within thorn) sorting. #
+sub SortByType {
+ if (lc($$a{"name"}) cmp lc($$b{"name"}) < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ } elsif (lc($$a{"name"}) cmp lc($$b{"name"}) > 0) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+} ## END :SortByName:
+# Dump #
+# Function to dump output to the screen rather than to a .tex file #
+# table, this does NOT create latex, simple provides an easy way to #
+# view the variables from the command line without use of Latex. #
+sub Dump {
+ my ($group_name) = $_[0];
+ print "\n$thorn $group_name variables:\n";
+ foreach $value (@$group_name) {
+ if (lc($$value{"thorn"}) eq lc($thorn)) {
+ print "\t$value:\n";
+ foreach $key (keys %$value) {
+ print "\t\t$key -> $$value{$key}\n";
+ }
+} ## END :Dump:
+# Clean #
+# Function to perform any cleaning that may need to be done to #
+# variables before they are put into a hash of their name. #
+sub Clean {
+} ## END :Clean: