path: root/lib/sbin
diff options
authorallen <allen@17b73243-c579-4c4c-a9d2-2d5706c11dac>1999-02-25 18:01:55 +0000
committerallen <allen@17b73243-c579-4c4c-a9d2-2d5706c11dac>1999-02-25 18:01:55 +0000
commit1be32274febe68fb80382847f28f28d84e6e0cea (patch)
tree9552da52c2e62d54b37e1df689f82f1e28a487f2 /lib/sbin
parent4d40661dd20e945a9e18ba7a0bbad4f4034fe568 (diff)
Hacked Runtest to make it work quickly ... but needs to be
done better. git-svn-id: 17b73243-c579-4c4c-a9d2-2d5706c11dac
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sbin')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sbin/ b/lib/sbin/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4600290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sbin/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+#!/bin/perl -s
+# Test Suite tool. Needs a few comments up here ...
+# Version: $Id$
+$config = $ARGV[0];
+if ($machine eq "CYGWIN_NT-4.0" || $machine eq "CYGWIN32_NT") {
+ $sep = "\\";
+ $seps = "\\\\";
+} else {
+ $sep = "/";
+ $seps = "/";
+$tolerance = 13;
+$ansinormal = "\033[0m";
+$ansibold = "\033[1m";
+print <<EOT;
+ Cactus Code Test Suite Tool
+ Paul Walker + Joan Masso
+$command = &defprompt("Enter Command to run cactus code","");
+$tests = &defprompt("Run All tests or go to Menu",
+ "All");
+# Get the active thorns list and test files with thorns
+$scratchdir = "configs$sep$config";
+if (!open (AT, "< $scratchdir${sep}ActiveThorns")) {
+ print "Can't open $scratchdir/ActiveThorns - no thorn tests";
+} else {
+ printf ("Reading Active Thorns\n");
+ while (<AT>) {
+ @t = split(' ');
+ foreach $T (@t) {
+ if (-d "packages${sep}$T${sep}test") {
+ @testfiles = (@testfiles, <packages${sep}$T${sep}test${sep}*.par>);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+foreach $t (@testfiles) {
+ open (IN, "< $t") || die "$t";
+ $j = <IN>;
+ $name = <IN>;
+ close IN;
+ $name =~ s/\#//;
+ $name =~ s/\n//;
+ $testnames{$t} = $name;
+if ($tests =~ /All/) {
+ foreach $t (@testfiles) {
+ &runtest($t);
+ }
+} else {
+ $choice = test01;
+ while (!($choice =~ /quit/i) ) {
+ print "\n--- Menu ---\n";
+ foreach $t (@testfiles) {
+ $t =~ m:${seps}([^${seps}]+).par$:;
+ $num = $1;
+ $inp{$num} = $t;
+ $sp = " ";
+ print "$num:$sp$testnames{$t}\n";
+ }
+ print "\n Enter Choice, eg test01 (quit to end) : ";
+ $choice = <STDIN>;
+ $choice =~ s/\n//;
+ $choice =~ s/\s//;
+ print "\n";
+ $ip = $inp{$choice};
+ if (!($choice =~ m/quit/i)) {
+ &runtest($ip);
+ }
+ }
+sub runtest {
+ local ($inpf) = @_;
+ $tsttop = ".${sep}TEST";
+ mkdir ($tsttop,0755);
+ $tp = $inpf;
+ $tp =~ s:^.*$seps::;
+ $tp =~ s/.par//;
+ if ($testnames{$inpf} =~ /SINGLE PROC/ && $nprocs > 1) {
+ print "Test $tp: $testnames{$inpf}\n";
+ print " This test only runs on a single processor\n";
+ print "$ansibold Test skipped on $nprocs processors$ansinormal\n";
+ print "\n\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($testnames{$inpf} !~ /SINGLE PRECISION/) {
+ print "Test $tp: $testnames{$inpf}\n";
+ print " This test works only in double precision\n";
+ print "$ansibold Test skipped$ansinormal\n";
+ print "\n\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($testnames{$inpf} =~ /SINGLE PRECISION/) {
+ print "Test $tp: $testnames{$inpf}\n";
+ print " This test works only in single precision\n";
+ print "$ansibold Test skipped$ansinormal\n";
+ print "\n\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $test_base_dir = $inpf;
+ $test_base_dir =~ s:[^${seps}]*$::;
+ $pretest = "$test_base_dir$tp.pretest";
+ $posttest = "$test_base_dir$tp.posttest";
+ print "Running $tp: $testnames{$inpf}\n";
+ unlink(<$tsttop${sep}$tp${sep}*.*>);
+# Run a pre-test script if it exists
+ if( -x $pretest)
+ {
+ print "Running pre-test script $pretest\n";
+ open (CMD, "(cd $tsttop; ..${sep}$pretest ..${sep}$test_base_dir) |");
+ open (LOG, "> $tsttop${sep}$tp.prestep.log");
+ while (<CMD>) {
+ print LOG;
+ }
+ close LOG;
+ close CMD;
+ $retcode = $? >> 8;
+ if($retcode > 0)
+ {
+ print "$pretest exited with error code $retcode\n";
+ print "Aborting test\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $cmd = "(..$sep$command ..$sep$inpf)";
+ chdir ($tsttop);
+ printf "Issuing $cmd\n";
+ $retcode = 0;
+ open (CMD, "$cmd |");
+ open (LOG, "> ${sep}$tp.log");
+ while (<CMD>) {
+ print LOG;
+ if( /Cactus exiting with return code (.*)/){
+ $retcode = $1 + 0;
+ }
+ }
+ close LOG;
+ close CMD;
+ chdir ("..");
+ $retcode = $? >> 8 if($retcode==0);
+ if($retcode != 0)
+ {
+ print "${ansibold}Cactus exited with error code $retcode $ansinormal \n";
+ print "Please check the logfile $tsttop$sep$tp.log\n\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ $indir = $inpf;
+ $indir =~ s:.par:${seps}:g;
+ @oldout = <$indir${sep}*.*l>;
+ $blewit = 0;
+ $reallyblewit = 0;
+ $nfiles = 0;
+ foreach $file (@oldout) {
+ $nfiles ++;
+ $newfile = $file;
+ $newfile =~ s:^.*${seps}([^${seps}]+)$:\1:;
+ $newfile = "$tsttop$sep$tp$sep$newfile";
+# print "Comparing $file with $newfile\n";
+ open (INORIG, "<$file");
+ open (INNEW, "<$newfile");
+ $nblow = 0;
+ $nrealblow = 0;
+ while ($oline = <INORIG>) {
+ $nline = <INNEW>;
+ # Now lets see if they differ.
+ if (!($nline eq $oline)) {
+# This is the new comparison (subtract last two numbers)
+ ($t1,$v1) = split(' ', $nline);
+ ($t2,$v2) = split(' ', $oline);
+ $vdiff = abs($v1 - $v2);
+ if ($vdiff > 0) {
+ # They diff. But do they differ strongly?
+ $nblow ++;
+ $exp = sprintf("%e",$vdiff);
+ $exp =~ s/^.*e-(\d+)/\1/;
+ #$exp = 0+$1;
+ unless ($exp >= $tolerance) {
+ #print "$v1 != $v2 ($vdiff [$exp] ) \n";
+ $nrealblow++;
+ } else {
+ #print "Difference is $vdiff [$exp]\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($nblow != 0) {
+ $blewit ++;
+ $stripfile = $newfile;
+ $stripfile =~ s:^.*${seps}(.*)$:\1:;
+ if ($nrealblow == 0) {
+ print " $stripfile differs at machine precision (which is OK!)\n";
+ } else {
+ $reallyblewit ++;
+ print "Substantial differences detected in $stripfile\n";
+ print " $newfile $file\n";
+ print " Differ on $nblow lines!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($nfiles == 0) {
+ printf(" $ansibold WARNING: ZERO files compared ! $ansinormal \n");
+ }
+ if ($blewit == 0) {
+ printf(" $ansibold Test succeeded!$ansinormal $nfiles files identical\n");
+ } else {
+ if ($reallyblewit == 0) {
+ printf "\n $ansibold Test passed to machine precision:$ansinormal ".
+ "$nfiles compared, $blewit files differ in the last digit\n";
+ } else {
+ printf "\n $ansibold TEST FAILED!!:$ansinormal ".
+ "$nfiles compared, $blewit files differ, $reallyblewit differ significantly\n";
+ }
+ }
+ printf ("\n\n");
+# Run a post-test script if it exists
+ if( -x $posttest)
+ {
+ print "Running post-test script $posttest\n";
+ open (CMD, "(cd $tsttop; ..$sep$posttest ..$sep$test_base_dir) |");
+ open (LOG, "> $tsttop$sep$tp.posttest.log");
+ while (<CMD>) {
+ print LOG;
+ }
+ close LOG;
+ close CMD;
+ $retcode = $? >> 8;
+ if($retcode > 0)
+ {
+ print "$posttest exited with error code $retcode\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+sub defprompt {
+ local ($pr, $de) = @_;
+ local ($res);
+ print "$pr [$de] \n";
+ print " --> ";
+ $res = <STDIN>;
+ if ($res =~ m/^\s*$/) {
+ $res = $de;
+ }
+ $res =~ s/\n//;
+ print "\n";
+ return $res;
+sub fpabs {
+ local ($val) = @_[0];
+ $val > 0 ? $val:-$val;