path: root/Tools/CodeGen/Jacobian.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/CodeGen/Jacobian.m')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/Jacobian.m b/Tools/CodeGen/Jacobian.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31f6b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/Jacobian.m
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+(* Copyright 2011 Ian Hinder
+ This file is part of Kranc.
+ Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Kranc; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+BeginPackage["Jacobian`", {"Errors`", "Helpers`", "Kranc`", "Differencing`", "MapLookup`", "CodeGen`", "KrancGroups`"}];
+Options[JacobianQ] = ThornOptions;
+JacobianQ[opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
+ Length[OptionValue[Jacobian]] > 0;
+(* Assign a shorthand containing the Jacobian multiplied by the passed
+ 1st derivative *)
+jacobianShorthand[d:(deriv_[var_, i_])] :=
+ Module[{},
+ derivToJacDeriv[d] ->
+ IfThen["use_jacobian", Sum[Symbol["J"<>ToString[j]<>ToString[i]] deriv[var, j], {j, 1 3}], deriv[var, i]]
+ ];
+(* Assign a shorthand containing the Jacobian multiplied by the passed
+ 2nd derivative *)
+jacobianShorthand[d:(deriv_[var_, i_,j_])] :=
+ Module[{ip,jp},
+ {ip,jp} = Sort[{i,j}]; (* dJ is symmetric in the last two indices *)
+ derivToJacDeriv[d] ->
+ IfThen["use_jacobian", Sum[Symbol["dJ"<>ToString[a]<>ToString[ip]<>ToString[jp]] deriv[var, a], {a, 1 3}] +
+ Sum[Symbol["J"<>ToString[a]<>ToString[i]] Symbol["J"<>ToString[b]<>ToString[j]] deriv[var, a, b], {a, 1 3}, {b, 1, 3}],
+ deriv[var, i, j]]
+ ];
+(* Convert a 1st derivative to a Jacobian-multiplied derivative *)
+derivToJacDeriv[deriv_[var_, i_]] :=
+ Symbol["Global`Jac"<>ToString[deriv]<>ToString[i]<>ToString[var]];
+(* Convert a 2nd derivative to a Jacobian-multiplied derivative *)
+derivToJacDeriv[deriv_[var_, i_, j_]] :=
+ Symbol["Global`Jac"<>ToString[deriv]<>ToString[i]<>ToString[j]<>ToString[var]];
+(* Given a calculation containing partial derivatives, return a
+ version of the calculation with all the partial derivatives multiplied
+ by the Jacobian *)
+Options[InsertJacobian] = ThornOptions;
+InsertJacobian[calc_List, opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
+ Module[{pdDefs, derivs, newShortDefs, newShorts, combinedShorts, combinedEqs, combinedCalc, eqs, newEqs},
+ pdDefs = OptionValue[PartialDerivatives];
+ derivs = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[pdDefs, lookup[calc, Equations]];
+ If[Length[derivs] === 0, Return[calc]];
+ newShortDefs = Map[jacobianShorthand, derivs];
+ newShorts = Map[First, newShortDefs];
+ combinedShorts = Join[lookupDefault[calc, Shorthands, {}], newShorts];
+ eqs = lookup[calc, Equations];
+ newEqs = eqs /. (x_?(MemberQ[derivs, #] &) :> derivToJacDeriv[x]);
+ combinedEqs = Join[newShortDefs, newEqs];
+ combinedCalc = mapReplace[mapReplace[mapEnsureKey[calc, Shorthands, {}], Shorthands, combinedShorts], Equations, combinedEqs];
+ combinedCalc];
+(* Define local pointers to the members of the Jacobian and Jacobian
+ derivatives groups *)
+CreateJacobianVariables[] :=
+CommentedBlock["Jacobian variable pointers",
+ {"bool const use_jacobian = (!CCTK_IsFunctionAliased(\"MultiPatch_GetMap\") || MultiPatch_GetMap(cctkGH) != jacobian_identity_map)\n && strlen(jacobian_group) > 0;\n",
+ "if (use_jacobian && strlen(jacobian_derivative_group) == 0)\n",
+ "{\n",
+ " CCTK_WARN (1, \"GenericFD::jacobian_group and GenericFD::jacobian_derivative_group must both be set to valid group names\");\n",
+ "}\n\n",
+ "CCTK_REAL const *restrict jacobian_ptrs[9];\n",
+ "if (use_jacobian) GenericFD_GroupDataPointers(cctkGH, jacobian_group,\n",
+ " 9, jacobian_ptrs);\n",
+ "\n",
+ Table[{"CCTK_REAL const *restrict const J",i,j," = use_jacobian ? jacobian_ptrs[",(i-1)*3+j-1,"] : 0;\n"},{i,1,3},{j,1,3}],
+ "\n",
+ "CCTK_REAL const *restrict jacobian_derivative_ptrs[18];\n",
+ "if (use_jacobian) GenericFD_GroupDataPointers(cctkGH, jacobian_derivative_group,\n",
+ " 18, jacobian_derivative_ptrs);\n",
+ "\n",
+ Module[{syms = Flatten[Table[{"dJ",i,j,k},{i,1,3},{j,1,3},{k,j,3}],2]},
+ MapIndexed[{"CCTK_REAL const *restrict const ", #1, " = use_jacobian ? jacobian_derivative_ptrs[", #2-1, "] : 0;\n"} &, syms]]}];
+(* List of symbols which should be allowed in a calculation *)
+JacobianSymbols[] :=
+ Map[Symbol, Join[Flatten[Table[FlattenBlock[{"dJ",i,j,k}],{i,1,3},{j,1,3},{k,j,3}],2],
+ Flatten[Table[FlattenBlock[{"J",i,j}],{i,1,3},{j,1,3}],1]]];
+(* Parameters to inherit from GenericFD *)
+JacobianGenericFDParameters[] :=
+ {{Name -> "jacobian_group", Type -> "CCTK_STRING"},
+ {Name -> "jacobian_derivative_group", Type -> "CCTK_STRING"},
+ {Name -> "jacobian_identity_map", Type -> "CCTK_INT"}};
+(* The symbols which are used for the Jacobian variables in the
+ generated source code. These do not have to coincide with the
+ actual variable names, as the variable pointers are read using
+ CCTK_VarDataPtr. *)
+JacobianGroups[] :=
+ {{"unknown::unknown", {Global`J11, Global`J12, Global`J13, Global`J21, Global`J22, Global`J23, Global`J31, Global`J32, Global`J33}},
+ {"unknown::unknown", {Global`dJ111, Global`dJ112, Global`dJ113, Global`dJ122, Global`dJ123, Global`dJ133,
+ Global`dJ211, Global`dJ212, Global`dJ213, Global`dJ222, Global`dJ223, Global`dJ233,
+ Global`dJ311, Global`dJ312, Global`dJ313, Global`dJ322, Global`dJ323, Global`dJ333}}};
+JacobianCheckGroups[groups_] :=
+ Module[{int},
+ int = Intersection[allGroupVariables[groups], allGroupVariables[JacobianGroups[]]];
+ If[int =!= {},
+ Throw["Error: Some group variables conflict with reserved Jacobian variable names: " <> ToString[int]]]];
+(* These gridfunctions are only given local variable copies if the use_jacobian variable is true *)
+JacobianConditionalGridFunctions[] :=
+ {("dJ" ~~ DigitCharacter ~~ DigitCharacter ~~ DigitCharacter) | ("J" ~~ DigitCharacter ~~ DigitCharacter),
+ "use_jacobian",
+ None};