path: root/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenCalculation.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenCalculation.m')
1 files changed, 680 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenCalculation.m b/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenCalculation.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..befc256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenCalculation.m
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+(* ::Package:: *)
+(* Copyright 2004 Sascha Husa, Ian Hinder, Christiane Lechner
+ This file is part of Kranc.
+ Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Kranc; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+BeginPackage["CalculationFunction`", {"CodeGenCactus`", "CodeGenC`", "CodeGen`",
+ "CodeGenKranc`",
+ "MapLookup`", "KrancGroups`", "Differencing`", "Errors`",
+ "Helpers`", "Kranc`", "Optimize`", "Jacobian`", "Profile`", "Vectorisation`",
+ "Calculation`", "DGFE`", "OpenCL`"}];
+CreateCalculationFunction::usage = "";
+(* This flag determines whether you want to generate debugging code to
+ do CCTK_INFO on the variables as they are translated. This can
+ help find problems in the construction of the translator maps. *)
+debugInLoop = False;
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ General Utility Functions (could be moved outside this package)
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+VerifyListContent[l_, type_, while_] :=
+ Module[{types},
+ If[!(Head[l] === List),
+ ThrowError["Expecting a list of ", type,
+ " objects, but found the following, which is not a List object. Error occured ", while, l]];
+ types = Union[Map[Head, l]];
+ If [!(types === {type}) && !(types === {}),
+ ThrowError["Expecting a list of ", type ,
+ " objects, but found the following types of object: ",
+ ToString[types], " in ", l, while]]];
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Calculations
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+CheckGroupStorage[groupNames_, calcName_] :=
+ Module[{ignoreGroups, groupsNames2},
+ ignoreGroups = {"TmunuBase::stress_energy_scalar", "TmunuBase::stress_energy_vector",
+ "TmunuBase::stress_energy_tensor"};
+ groupNames2 = Select[groupNames, !MemberQ[ignoreGroups, #] &];
+ {"\nconst char* const groups[] = {\n ",
+ Riffle[Map[Quote,groupNames2], ",\n "],
+ "};\n",
+ "GenericFD_AssertGroupStorage(cctkGH, ", Quote[calcName],", ", Length[groupNames2], ", groups);\n"}];
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Variables
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+removeRHS[x_] :=
+ Module[{string = ToString[x]},
+ If[StringMatchQ[string, "*rhs"],
+ ToExpression@StringDrop[string, -3],
+ x]];
+(* Take a grid function name and return a name suitable for use in a local
+ computation *)
+localName[x_] :=
+ ToString[x] <> "L";
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Predefinitions
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+definePreDefinitions[pDefs_] :=
+ CommentedBlock["Initialize predefined quantities",
+ Map[DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], #[[1]], #[[2]]] &, pDefs]];
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Equations
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+equationUsesShorthand[eq_, shorthand_] :=
+ Length[Cases[{Last[eq]}, shorthand, Infinity]] != 0;
+(* Check that the given list of equations assigns things in the
+ correct order. Specifically, shorthands must not be used before
+ they are assigned. *)
+checkEquationAssignmentOrder[eqs_, shorthands_] :=
+ Module[{},
+ Map[checkShorthandAssignmentOrder[eqs,#] &, shorthands]];
+printEq[eq_] :=
+ Module[{lhs, rhs, rhsSplit, split, rhsString},
+ lhs = First@eq;
+ rhs = Last@eq;
+ split[ x_ + y___] := { x, " + ..."};
+ split[-x_ + y___] := {-x, " + ..."};
+ split[ x_ ] := { x, ""};
+ rhsSplit = split[Expand@ProcessExpression[rhs,False]];
+ rhsString = ToString@CForm[rhsSplit[[1]]] <> rhsSplit[[2]];
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, " " <> ToString@lhs <> " -> " <> rhsString]];
+(* Collect and simplify terms *)
+simpCollect[collectList_, eqrhs_, localvar_, debug_] :=
+ Module[{rhs, collectCoeff, all, localCollectList},
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, localvar];
+ rhs = eqrhs;
+ rhs = rhs /. Abs[MathTensor`Detg] -> MathTensor`Detg;
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, "ByteCount[rhs]: ", ByteCount@rhs];
+ localCollectList = collectList /. VAR :> removeRHS@localvar;
+ collectCoeff = Collect[rhs, localCollectList];
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, "ByteCount[terms collected]: ", ByteCount@collectCoeff];
+ all = Profile["Collect/Simplify", Collect[rhs, localCollectList, Simplify]];
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, "ByteCount[simplified rhs]: ", ByteCount@all];
+ all];
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Shorthands
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+defContainsShorthand[def_, shorthands_] :=
+Module[{allAtoms, c},
+ allAtoms = Union[Level[def, {-1}]];
+ c = Intersection[shorthands, allAtoms];
+ c != {}];
+checkShorthandAssignmentOrder[eqs_, shorthand_] :=
+ Module[{useBooleans, uses, firstUse, lhss, assignments},
+ (* Make a list of booleans describing, for each equation, whether it
+ uses the given shorthand *)
+ useBooleans = Map[equationUsesShorthand[#, shorthand] &, eqs];
+ uses = Position[useBooleans, True];
+ lhss = Map[First, eqs];
+ (* The equation numbers that define this shorthand *)
+ assignments = Position[lhss, shorthand];
+ If[Length[uses] == 0 && Length[assignments] >= 1,
+ InfoMessage[Warning, "WARNING: Shorthand ", shorthand,
+ " is defined but not used in this equation list."]];
+ If[Length[uses] == 0, Return[]];
+ (* The number of the first equation to use this shorthand *)
+ firstUse = First[uses];
+ If[Length[assignments] > 1,
+ InfoMessage[Warning, "WARNING: Shorthand ", shorthand, " is defined more than once."]];
+ If[Length[assignments] == 0,
+ ThrowError["Shorthand", shorthand, "is not defined in this equation list", eqs]];
+ If[assignments[[1]] >= firstUse,
+ ThrowError["Shorthand", shorthand,
+ "is used before it is defined in this equation list", eqs]]];
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Partial derivatives
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Split the list of partial derivative definitions into those
+ containing shorthands, and those that do not. *)
+splitPDDefsWithShorthands[pddefs_, shorthands_] :=
+ Module[{defsWithShorts, defsWithoutShorts},
+ defsWithShorts = Select[pddefs, defContainsShorthand[#, shorthands] &];
+ defsWithoutShorts = Select[pddefs, ! defContainsShorthand[#, shorthands] &];
+ Return[{defsWithoutShorts, defsWithShorts}]];
+pdCanonicalOrdering[name_[inds___] -> x_] :=
+ Module[{is},
+ is = {inds};
+ If[Length[is] == 2,
+ Return[{name[f_,2,1] -> name[f,1,2],
+ name[f_,3,1] -> name[f,1,3],
+ name[f_,3,2] -> name[f,2,3]}],
+ {}]];
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Calculation function generation
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+Options[CreateCalculationFunction] = Join[ThornOptions,{Debug -> False}];
+ CreateCalculationFunction[calcp_, opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
+ Module[{gfs, allSymbols, knownSymbols,
+ shorts, eqs, parameters, parameterRules, odeGroups,
+ functionName, dsUsed, groups, pddefs, cleancalc, eqLoop, where,
+ addToStencilWidth, pDefs, haveCondTextuals, condTextuals, calc,
+ kernelCall, DGFEDefs, DGFEInit, DGFECall, debug, useJacobian,
+ imp, gridName, stencilSize},
+ debug = OptionValue[Debug];
+ useJacobian = OptionValue[UseJacobian] && lookupDefault[calcp, UseJacobian, True];
+ imp = lookup[calcp, Implementation];
+ gridName = lookup[calcp, GFAccessFunction];
+ functionName = ToString@lookup[calcp, Name];
+ bodyFunctionName = functionName <> "_Body";
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating calculation function: " <> functionName];
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Calculation sets "<>ToString[Map[First,lookup[calcp, Equations]]]];
+ calc = If[useJacobian, InsertJacobian[calcp, opts], calcp];
+ cleancalc = RemoveUnusedShorthands[calc];
+ If[OptionValue[CSE],
+ cleancalc = EliminateCommonSubexpressions[cleancalc, opts]];
+ shorts = lookupDefault[cleancalc, Shorthands, {}];
+ eqs = lookup[cleancalc, Equations];
+ parameters = lookupDefault[cleancalc, Parameters, {}];
+ groups = lookup[cleancalc, Groups];
+ odeGroups = lookupDefault[cleancalc, ODEGroups, {}];
+ If[useJacobian, groups = Join[groups, JacobianGroups[]]];
+ pddefs = lookupDefault[cleancalc, PartialDerivatives, {}];
+ where = lookupDefault[cleancalc, Where, Everywhere];
+ addToStencilWidth = lookupDefault[cleancalc, AddToStencilWidth, 0];
+ pDefs = lookup[cleancalc, PreDefinitions];
+ haveCondTextuals = mapContains[cleancalc, ConditionalOnTextuals];
+ VerifyCalculation[cleancalc];
+ gfs = allGroupVariables[groups];
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, " " <> ToString[Length@shorts] <> " shorthands"];
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, " " <> ToString[Length@gfs] <> " grid functions"];
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, " " <> ToString[Length@groups] <> " groups"];
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Shorthands: ", shorts];
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Grid functions: ", gfs];
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Groups: ", Map[groupName, groups]];
+ If[Length@lookupDefault[cleancalc, CollectList, {}] > 0,
+ eqs = Map[First[#] -> simpCollect[lookup[cleancalc, CollectList],
+ Last[#],
+ First[#], debug] &,
+ eqs],
+ (* else *)
+ If[!lookupDefault[cleancalc, NoSimplify, False],
+ eqs = Map[(InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Simplifying "<>ToString[#[[1]], InputForm]<>" -> ..."]; Simplify[#, {r>=0}]) &, eqs]]];
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Equations:"];
+ (* Wrap parameters with ToReal unless they are part of the condition in an IfThen *)
+ parameterRules = Map[(#->ToReal[#])&, parameters];
+ eqs = eqs /. Prepend[parameterRules, IfThen[cond_, x_, y_] :> IfThen[cond, x/.parameterRules, y/.parameterRules]];
+ (* Map[printEq, eqs]; *)
+ Scan[InfoMessage[InfoFull, " " <> ToString@First[#]<>" = ..."] &, eqs];
+ (* Compute necessary stencil size *)
+ stencilSize = StencilSize[pddefs, eqs, functionName, OptionValue[ZeroDimensions],
+ lookup[{opts}, IntParameters, {}]];
+ If[!VectorQ[stencilSize],
+ stencilSize = MapThread[Max,Map[Last,stencilSize[[2]]]]];
+ If[where === Automatic,
+ where = If[MatchQ[stencilSize, {0,0,0}] =!= True, Interior, Everywhere]];
+ (* Check all the function names *)
+ functionsPresent = FunctionsInCalculation[cleancalc]; (* Not currently used *)
+ (* Check that there are no shorthands defined with the same name as a grid function *)
+ If[!(Intersection[shorts, gfs] === {}),
+ ThrowError["The following shorthands are already declared as grid functions:",
+ Intersection[shorts, gfs]]];
+ (* check that the passed in textual condition makes sense *)
+ If[haveCondTextuals,
+ condTextuals = lookup[cleancalc, ConditionalOnTextuals];
+ If[! MatchQ[condTextuals, {_String ...}],
+ ThrowError["ConditionalOnTextuals entry in calculation expected to be of the form {string, ...}, but was ", condTextuals, "Calculation is ", calc]];
+ ];
+ (* Check that there are no unknown symbols in the calculation *)
+ allSymbols = CalculationSymbols[cleancalc];
+ knownSymbols = Join[lookupDefault[cleancalc, AllowedSymbols, {}], gfs, shorts, parameters,
+ {dx,dy,dz,dt,idx,idy,idz,t, usejacobian, Pi, E, Symbol["i"], Symbol["j"], Symbol["k"], normal1, normal2,
+ normal3, tangentA1, tangentA2, tangentA3, tangentB1, tangentB2, tangentB3},
+ If[useJacobian, JacobianSymbols[], {}]];
+ unknownSymbols = Complement[allSymbols, knownSymbols];
+ If[unknownSymbols != {},
+ ThrowError["Unknown symbols in calculation. Symbols are:", unknownSymbols,
+ "Calculation is:", cleancalc]];
+ kernelCall = Switch[where,
+ Everywhere,
+ "GenericFD_LoopOverEverything(cctkGH, " <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n",
+ Interior,
+ "GenericFD_LoopOverInterior(cctkGH, " <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n",
+ InteriorNoSync,
+ "GenericFD_LoopOverInterior(cctkGH, " <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n",
+ Boundary | BoundaryNoSync,
+ "GenericFD_LoopOverBoundary(cctkGH, " <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n",
+ BoundaryWithGhosts,
+ "GenericFD_LoopOverBoundaryWithGhosts(cctkGH, " <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n",
+ _,
+ ThrowError["Unknown 'Where' entry in calculation " <>
+ functionName <> ": " <> ToString[where]]];
+ DGFEDefs = If[OptionValue[UseDGFE], DGFEDefinitions[cleancalc, eqs, gfs], {}];
+ DGFEInit = If[OptionValue[UseDGFE], DGFEInitialise[cleancalc], {}];
+ DGFECallCode = If[OptionValue[UseDGFE] && lookupDefault[cleancalc, UseDGFE, False],
+ DGFECall[cleancalc_],
+ {}];
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull,"Generating function"];
+ {
+ DGFEDefs,
+ lookup[calcp,BodyFunction][{
+ (* OpenCL kernel prologue *)
+ (* We could (or probably should) write this into a source file of its own *)
+ If[OptionValue[UseOpenCL], {OpenCLPrologue[]}, {}],
+ Module[
+ {kernelCode},
+ kernelCode =
+ {
+ CommentedBlock["Include user-supplied include files",
+ Map[IncludeFile, lookupDefault[cleancalc, DeclarationIncludes, {}]]],
+ lookup[calcp,InitFDVariables],
+ definePreDefinitions[pDefs],
+ If[useJacobian, CreateJacobianVariables[], {}],
+ If[Cases[{pddefs}, SBPDerivative[_], Infinity] != {},
+ CommentedBlock["Compute Summation By Parts derivatives",
+ IncludeFile["sbp_calc_coeffs.h"]],
+ {}],
+ If[gfs != {},
+ {
+ eqLoop = If[lookup[calcp, SimpleCode, False],
+ simpleEquationLoop,
+ equationLoop][eqs, cleancalc, gfs, shorts, {}, groups, odeGroups,
+ pddefs, where, addToStencilWidth, opts]},
+ {}]
+ };
+ If[OptionValue[UseOpenCL], kernelCode = OpenCLProcessKernel[kernelCode]];
+ kernelCode],
+ (* OpenCL kernel epilogue *)
+ If[OptionValue[UseOpenCL], OpenCLEpilogue[cleancalc, imp, functionName], {}]
+ }], (* <BodyFunction *)
+ If[lookup[calcp,CallerFunction],
+ DefineCCTKSubroutine[functionName,
+ FlattenBlock[{
+ If[haveCondTextuals, Map[ConditionalOnParameterTextual["!(" <> # <> ")", "return;\n"] &,condTextuals], {}],
+ ConditionalOnParameterTextual["verbose > 1",
+ "CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING,\"Entering " <> bodyFunctionName <> "\");\n"],
+ ConditionalOnParameterTextual["cctk_iteration % " <> functionName <> "_calc_every != " <>
+ functionName <> "_calc_offset", "return;\n"],
+ CheckGroupStorage[GroupsInCalculation[cleancalc, imp], functionName],
+ "\n",
+ CheckStencil[pddefs, eqs, functionName, OptionValue[ZeroDimensions],
+ lookup[{opts}, IntParameters, {}]],
+ If[where === Everywhere && !OptionValue[UseDGFE] && MatchQ[stencilSize, {0,0,0}] =!= True,
+ ThrowError["Calculation "<>functionName<>" uses derivative operators but is computed Everywhere. Specify Where -> Interior for calculations that use derivative operators."]];
+ "\n",
+ DGFEInit,
+ kernelCall,
+ DGFECallCode,
+ ConditionalOnParameterTextual["verbose > 1",
+ "CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING,\"Leaving " <> bodyFunctionName <> "\");\n"]
+ }]],
+ (* else *)
+ ""]
+ }]];
+Options[equationLoop] = ThornOptions;
+ equationLoop[eqs_, cleancalc_, gfs_, shorts_, incs_, groups_, odeGroups_, pddefs_,
+ where_, addToStencilWidth_,
+ opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
+ Module[{rhss, lhss, gfsInRHS, gfsInLHS, gfsOnlyInRHS, localGFs,
+ localMap, eqs2, derivSwitch, code, functionName, calcCode,
+ gfsInBoth, gfsDifferentiated,
+ gfsDifferentiatedAndOnLHS, declare, eqsReplaced,
+ arraysInRHS, arraysInLHS, arraysOnlyInRHS, odeVars,
+ generateEquationCode, groupedIfs, IfThenGroup, noSimplify,
+ gridName, useJacobian},
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Equation loop"];
+ useJacobian = OptionValue[UseJacobian] && lookupDefault[cleancalc, UseJacobian, True];
+ gridName = Function[x,FlattenBlock[lookup[cleancalc, GFAccessFunction][x]]];
+ rhss = Map[#[[2]] &, eqs];
+ lhss = Map[#[[1]] &, eqs];
+ orderings = Flatten[Map[pdCanonicalOrdering, pddefs], 1];
+ eqsOrdered = (eqs //. orderings);
+ odeVars = variablesFromGroups[odeGroups, groups];
+ gfsInRHS = Union[Cases[rhss, _ ? (MemberQ[gfs,#] &), Infinity]];
+ gfsInLHS = Union[Cases[lhss, _ ? (MemberQ[gfs,#] &), Infinity]];
+ gfsOnlyInRHS = Complement[gfsInRHS, gfsInLHS];
+ gfsInBoth = Intersection[gfsInRHS,gfsInLHS];
+ If[OptionValue[ProhibitAssignmentToGridFunctionsRead] &&
+ gfsInBoth =!= {},
+ ThrowError["The calculation " <> ToString@lookup[cleancalc, Name] <>
+ " has the grid functions " <> ToString[gfsInBoth] <>
+ " on both the left hand side and the right hand side. This is" <>
+ " not allowed with the option" <>
+ " ProhibitAssignmentToGridFunctionsRead -> True."]];
+ localGFs = Map[localName, gfs];
+ localMap = Map[# -> localName[#] &, gfs];
+ derivSwitch =
+ GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[pddefs, eqsOrdered,
+ OptionValue[ZeroDimensions]] != {};
+ gfsDifferentiated = Map[First,
+ GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[pddefs, eqsOrdered,
+ OptionValue[ZeroDimensions]]];
+ gfsDifferentiatedAndOnLHS = Intersection[gfsDifferentiated, gfsInLHS];
+ If[gfsDifferentiatedAndOnLHS =!= {},
+ ThrowError["The calculation " <> ToString@lookup[cleancalc, Name] <>
+ " has both assignments to, and derivatives of, the grid functions " <>
+ ToString[gfsDifferentiatedAndOnLHS] <>
+ ". This is not allowed, as it gives results which are dependent" <>
+ " on the ordering of the loop over grid points."]];
+ (* Replace the partial derivatives *)
+ {defsWithoutShorts, defsWithShorts} = splitPDDefsWithShorthands[pddefs, shorts];
+ eqs2 = ReplaceDerivatives[defsWithoutShorts, eqsOrdered, True,
+ OptionValue[ZeroDimensions],lookup[cleancalc, MacroPointer]];
+ eqs2 = ReplaceDerivatives[defsWithShorts, eqs2, False, OptionValue[ZeroDimensions], lookup[cleancalc, MacroPointer]];
+ checkEquationAssignmentOrder[eqs2, shorts];
+ functionName = ToString@lookup[cleancalc, Name];
+ (* Replace grid functions with their local forms *)
+ eqsReplaced = eqs2 /. localMap;
+ gridFunctionsFreeQ[x_] :=
+ Module[
+ {r},
+ (* Print["groups = ", groups]; *)
+ (* Print["gridFunctionsFreeQ[", x, "] ="]; *)
+ r = GridFunctionsInExpression[x, groups/.localMap] === {};
+ (* Print[" ", r]; *)
+ r];
+ (* Construct a list, corresponding to the list of equations,
+ marking those which need their LHS variables declared. We
+ declare variables at the same time as assigning to them as it
+ gives a performance increase over declaring them separately at
+ the start of the loop. The local variables for the grid
+ functions which appear in the RHSs have been declared and set
+ already (DeclareMaybeAssignVariableInLoop below), so assignments
+ to these do not generate declarations here. *)
+ declare = Block[{$RecursionLimit=Infinity},MarkFirst[First /@ eqsReplaced, Map[localName, gfsInRHS]]];
+ (* Replace consecutive IfThen statements with the same condition by a single IfThenGroup *)
+ groupedIfs = Thread[{declare, eqsReplaced}] //.
+ {{x___, {deca_, a_->IfThen[cond_, at_, af_]}, {decb_, b_->IfThen[cond_, bt_, bf_]}, y___} :>
+ {x, {{deca, decb}, IfThenGroup[cond, {a->at, b->bt}, {a->af, b->bf}]}, y} /; gridFunctionsFreeQ[cond],
+ {x___, {deca_, IfThenGroup[cond_, at_, af_]}, {decb_, b_->IfThen[cond_, bt_, bf_]}, y___} :>
+ {x, {Join[deca, {decb}], IfThenGroup[cond, Join[at, {b->bt}], Join[af, {b->bf}]]}, y},
+ {x___, {deca_, IfThenGroup[cond_, at_, af_]}, {decb_, IfThenGroup[cond_, bt_, bf_]}, y___} :>
+ {x, {Join[deca, decb], IfThenGroup[cond, Join[at, bt], Join[af, bf]]}, y}};
+ noSimplify = lookupDefault[cleancalc, NoSimplify, False];
+ (* Generate actual code strings. Try to declare variables as they are assigned, but
+ it is only possible to do this outside all if(){} statements. *)
+ generateEquationCode[{declare2_, eq2_}] :=
+ Module[{ret, vars, preDeclare, cond},
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Generating code for " <> ToString[eq2[[1]], InputForm]];
+ Which[
+ SameQ[Head[eq2[[2]]], IfThen],
+ ret = AssignVariableFromExpression[eq2[[1]],
+ eq2[[2]] /. IfThen[cond_, x__]:> IfThen[Scalar[cond], x], declare2, OptionValue[UseVectors], noSimplify];,
+ SameQ[Head[eq2], IfThenGroup],
+ vars = eq2[[2,All,1]];
+ cond = eq2[[1]];
+ preDeclare = Pick[vars, declare2];
+ ret = {Map[DeclareVariableNoInit[#, DataType[]] &, Complement[Union[preDeclare], localName/@gfsInRHS]], {"\n"},
+ Conditional[GenerateCodeFromExpression[Scalar[cond], False],
+ Riffle[AssignVariableFromExpression[#[[1]], #[[2]], False, OptionValue[UseVectors], noSimplify]& /@ eq2[[2]], "\n"],
+ Riffle[AssignVariableFromExpression[#[[1]], #[[2]], False, OptionValue[UseVectors], noSimplify]& /@ eq2[[3]], "\n"]]};,
+ True,
+ ret = AssignVariableFromExpression[eq2[[1]], eq2[[2]], declare2, OptionValue[UseVectors], noSimplify];
+ ];
+ ret
+ ];
+ groupedIfsArrays = Select[groupedIfs, MemberQ[Map[localName, odeVars], #[[2]][[1]]] &];
+ groupedIfs = Select[groupedIfs, !MemberQ[Map[localName, odeVars], #[[2]][[1]]] &];
+ calcCode = Riffle[generateEquationCode /@ groupedIfs, "\n"];
+ calcCodeArrays = Riffle[generateEquationCode /@ groupedIfsArrays, "\n"];
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Finished generating equation code"];
+ assignLocalFunctions[gs_, useVectors_, useJacobian_, NameFunc_] :=
+ Module[{conds, varPatterns, varsInConds, simpleVars, code},
+ conds =
+ {{"eT" ~~ _ ~~ _, "assume_stress_energy_state>=0 ? assume_stress_energy_state : *stress_energy_state", "ToReal(0.0)"}}; (* This should be passed as an option *)
+ If[useJacobian,
+ conds = Append[conds, JacobianConditionalGridFunctions[]]];
+ varPatterns = Map[First, conds];
+ varsInConds = Map[Function[pattern, Select[gs,StringMatchQ[ToString[#], pattern] &]], varPatterns];
+ simpleVars = Complement[gs, Flatten[varsInConds]];
+ code = {"\n",
+ Map[DeclareMaybeAssignVariableInLoop[
+ DataType[], localName[#], NameFunc[#],
+ False,"", useVectors] &, simpleVars],
+ {"\n",
+ Riffle[
+ MapThread[
+ If[Length[#2] > 0,
+ {DeclareVariables[localName/@#2, DataType[]],"\n",
+ Conditional[#1,
+ Table[AssignVariableInLoop[localName[var], NameFunc[var], useVectors], {var, #2}],
+ Sequence@@If[#3 =!= None, {Table[AssignVariableInLoop[localName[var], #3, False (*useVectors*)], {var, #2}]}, {}]]},
+ (* else *)
+ {}] &,
+ {Map[#[[2]]&, conds], varsInConds, Map[#[[3]]&, conds]}], "\n"]}};
+ code
+ ];
+ assignLocalGridFunctions[gs_, useVectors_, useJacobian_] := assignLocalFunctions[gs, useVectors, useJacobian, gridName];
+ assignLocalArrayFunctions[gs_] := assignLocalFunctions[gs, False, False, ArrayName];
+ (* separate grid and array variables *)
+ arraysInRHS = Intersection[odeVars, gfsInRHS];
+ arraysInLHS = Intersection[odeVars, gfsInLHS];
+ arraysOnlyInRHS = Complement[arraysInRHS, arraysInLHS];
+ gfsInRHS = Complement[gfsInRHS, odeVars];
+ gfsInLHS = Complement[gfsInLHS, odeVars];
+ gfsOnlyInRHS = Complement[gfsInRHS, gfsInLHS];
+ {
+ CommentedBlock["Assign local copies of arrays functions",
+ assignLocalArrayFunctions[arraysInRHS]],
+ CommentedBlock["Calculate temporaries and arrays functions", calcCodeArrays],
+ CommentedBlock["Copy local copies back to grid functions",
+ Map[AssignVariableInLoop[ArrayName[#], localName[#]] &, arraysInLHS]],
+ lookup[cleancalc,LoopFunction][
+ {
+ (* DeclareDerivatives[defsWithoutShorts, eqsOrdered], *)
+ (* TODO: Only make local copies for variables that are actually
+ used later on; see e.g. variablesReadInCalc for how to make the
+ distinction *)
+ CommentedBlock["Assign local copies of grid functions",
+ assignLocalGridFunctions[gfsInRHS, OptionValue[UseVectors], useJacobian]],
+ CommentedBlock["Include user supplied include files",
+ Map[IncludeFile, incs]],
+ CommentedBlock["Precompute derivatives",
+ PrecomputeDerivatives[defsWithoutShorts, eqsOrdered,
+ lookup[{opts}, IntParameters, {}],
+ OptionValue[ZeroDimensions],
+ lookup[cleancalc, MacroPointer]]],
+ CommentedBlock["Calculate temporaries and grid functions", calcCode],
+ If[debugInLoop,
+ Map[InfoVariable[#[[1]]] &, (eqs2 /. localMap)],
+ ""],
+ localsToGridFunctions[gfsInLHS, gridName,
+ Which[OptionValue[UseOpenCL], "OpenCL",
+ OptionValue[UseVectors], "Vectors",
+ True, "Default"]],
+ If[debugInLoop, Map[InfoVariable[gridName[#]] &, gfsInLHS], ""]}, opts]}]];
+Options[simpleEquationLoop] = ThornOptions;
+ simpleEquationLoop[eqs_, cleancalc_, gfs_, shorts_, incs_, groups_, odeGroups_, pddefs_,
+ where_, addToStencilWidth_,
+ opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
+ Module[
+ {functionName, eqs2, gridName},
+ functionName = ToString@lookup[cleancalc, Name];
+ eqs2 = eqs;
+ eqs2 = ReplaceDerivatives[pddefs, eqs2, False, OptionValue[ZeroDimensions],
+ lookup[cleancalc, MacroPointer]];
+ gridName = lookup[cleancalc, GFAccessFunction];
+ lookup[cleancalc,LoopFunction][
+ {
+ CommentedBlock[
+ "Calculate temporaries and grid functions",
+ If[OptionValue[UseVectors],
+ VectorisationSimpleAssign[FlattenBlock[gridName[#]] & /@ Map[First, eqs2],
+ Map[Last, eqs2]],
+ Map[
+ AssignVariableFromExpression[FlattenBlock@gridName[#[[1]]], #[[2]], False, False, True] &, eqs2]]]
+ }, opts]]];
+(* Unsorted *)
+GridFunctionsInExpression[x_, groups_] :=
+ Union[Cases[x, _ ? (MemberQ[allGroupVariables[groups],#] &), Infinity]];
+(* Copy local variables back to their grid functions *)
+ localsToGridFunctions[gfsInLHS_List, gridName_, method_String] :=
+ CommentedBlock[
+ "Copy local copies back to grid functions",
+ localsToGridFunctions2[gridName /@ gfsInLHS, localName /@ gfsInLHS, method]]];
+ localsToGridFunctions2[gridNames_List, localNames_List, "OpenCL"] :=
+ OpenCLLocalsToGridFunctions[gridNames, localNames]];
+ localsToGridFunctions2[gridNames_List, localNames_List, "Vectors"] :=
+ VectorisationLocalsToGridFunctions[gridNames, localNames]];
+ localsToGridFunctions2[gridNames_List, localNames_List, "Default"] :=
+ MapThread[AssignVariableInLoop, {gridNames, localNames}]];