path: root/Examples
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Examples')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Examples/Burgers.m b/Examples/Burgers.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60ab50a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/Burgers.m
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+(* Derivatives *)
+derivatives =
+ PDstandard2nd[i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,1,i],
+ PDstandard2nd[i_, i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[2,1,i],
+ PDstandard2nd[i_, j_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,1,i] *
+ StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,1,j],
+ PDstandard4th[i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,2,i],
+ PDstandard4th[i_, i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[2,2,i],
+ PDstandard4th[i_, j_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,2,i] *
+ StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,2,j],
+ PDonesided2nd[1] -> dir[1] (-shift[1]^(2 dir[1]) + 4 shift[1]^dir[1] - 3 )/(2 spacing[1]),
+ PDonesided2nd[2] -> dir[2] (-shift[2]^(2 dir[2]) + 4 shift[2]^dir[2] - 3 )/(2 spacing[2]),
+ PDonesided2nd[3] -> dir[3] (-shift[3]^(2 dir[3]) + 4 shift[3]^dir[3] - 3 )/(2 spacing[3])
+ PDplus[i_] -> DPlus[i],
+ DiffPlus[i_] -> DiffPlusOp[i],
+ DiffMinus[i_] -> DiffMinusOp[i]
+(* PD = PDstandard2nd; *)
+PD = PDplus;
+(* Tensors *)
+(* Register the tensor quantities with the TensorTools package *)
+Map[DefineTensor, {u, uF, uR, uLeft}];
+(* Groups *)
+evolvedGroups = Map[CreateGroupFromTensor, {u}];
+nonevolvedGroups = Map[CreateGroupFromTensor, {uF, uLeft, uR}];
+declaredGroups = Join[evolvedGroups, nonevolvedGroups];
+declaredGroupNames = Map[First, declaredGroups];
+groups = Join[declaredGroups];
+(* Initial data *)
+initialSineCalc =
+ Name -> "burgers_initial_sine",
+ Schedule -> {"at CCTK_INITIAL as burgers_initial"},
+ ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"initial_data", "sine"},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ u -> 1 + amp Sin[2 Pi x]
+ }
+initialShockCalc =
+ Name -> "burgers_initial_shock",
+ Schedule -> {"at CCTK_INITIAL as burgers_initial"},
+ ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"initial_data", "shock"},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ u -> uR0 UnitStep[x-0.5] + uL0 (1-UnitStep[x-0.5])
+ }
+(* Evolution equations *)
+burgersFlux[u_] := 1/2 u^2;
+zeroRHSCalc[] :=
+ Name -> "burgers_zero_rhs",
+ Schedule -> {"in MoL_CalcRHS"},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ dot[u] -> 0
+ }
+reconstructCalc[i_] :=
+ Name -> "burgers_reconstruct_" <> ToString[i],
+ Where -> Interior,
+ Schedule -> {"in MoL_CalcRHS after " <>
+ If[i == 1, "burgers_zero_rhs", "burgers_rhs_" <> ToString[i-1]]},
+ Shorthands -> {slopeL, slopeR, slope},
+ ApplyBCs -> True,
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ slopeL -> DiffMinus[u, i],
+ slopeR -> DiffPlus[u, i],
+ slope -> IfThen[Abs[slopeL] < Abs[slopeR], slopeL, slopeR],
+ uLeft -> u - 0.5 slope,
+ uR -> u + 0.5 slope
+ }
+fluxCalc[f_, i_] :=
+ Name -> "burgers_flux_" <> ToString[i],
+ Schedule -> {"in MoL_CalcRHS after burgers_reconstruct_" <> ToString[i]},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ uF -> 1/2 (f[uLeft] + f[uR] + alpha (uLeft - uR))
+ }
+rhs[i_] :=
+ Name -> "burgers_rhs_" <> ToString[i],
+ Schedule -> {"in MoL_CalcRHS after burgers_flux_" <> ToString[i]},
+ Where -> Interior,
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ dot[u] -> dot[u] + PDplus[uF, i]
+ }
+makeConservationCalcs[f_] :=
+({ zeroRHSCalc[]} ~Join~ Flatten[Table[
+ {reconstructCalc[i],
+ fluxCalc[f, i],
+ rhs[i]}, {i, 1, 1}], 1]);
+realParameters = {sigma, v0, amp, uL0, uR0, alpha};
+keywordParameters = {
+ {
+ Name -> "initial_data",
+ Default -> "sine",
+ AllowedValues -> {"sine", "shock"}
+ }
+(* Construct the thorn *)
+calculations =
+ initialSineCalc,
+ initialShockCalc
+} ~Join~ makeConservationCalcs[burgersFlux];
+CreateKrancThornTT[groups, ".", "Burgers",
+ Calculations -> calculations,
+ DeclaredGroups -> declaredGroupNames,
+ PartialDerivatives -> derivatives,
+ RealParameters -> realParameters,
+ KeywordParameters -> keywordParameters];