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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 741 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/External/Optimize.m b/Tools/External/Optimize.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f51225..0000000
--- a/Tools/External/Optimize.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,741 +0,0 @@
-(* :Title: Expression Optimization. *)
-(* :Author: Mark Sofroniou *)
-(* :Summary:
- This package adds the procedure Optimize for performing common
- sub-expression optimization on Mathematica expressions.
- An optimized Module and an optimized compiled Module is also possible.
- The function Horner factors uni-variate and multi-variate polynomials
- in efficient computational form.
- The function Cost measures the computational expense of numerical
- evaluation of an expression.
- The additional package Format.m (MathSource) enables the production of
- efficient C and Fortran code. *)
-(* :Context: Optimize` *)
-(* :Package Version: 1.2 *)
-(* :Copyright: Copyright 1993-4, Mark Sofroniou.
- Permission is hereby granted to modify and/or make copies of
- this file for any purpose other than direct profit, or as part
- of a commercial product, provided this copyright notice is left
- intact. Sale, other than for the cost of media, is prohibited.
- Permission is hereby granted to reproduce part or all of
- this file, provided that the source is acknowledged. *)
-(* :History:
- Modified Optimize syntax and improved performance, August 1994.
- Significantly revised and publicly released May, 1994.
- Original Version by Mark Sofroniou, September, 1993. *)
-(* :Keywords:
- Assign, C, CAssign, Common, Compile, Cost, CForm, FORTRAN,
- FortranAssign, FortranForm, Horner, Optimize, Optimization,
- Polynomial, Sub-Expression, Syntactic. *)
-(* :Source:
- Mark Sofroniou, Ph.D. Thesis, Loughborough University, Loughborough,
- Leicestershire LE11 3TU, England. *)
-(* :Mathematica Version: 2.2 *)
-(* :Limitations:
- This package enables syntactic optimization in linear time.
- Optimization is used in the sense of improving the arithmetic
- operation count and compactness of the code, rather than the
- best possible.
- Expressions containing non-binary arithmetic operators (Plus
- and Times) are optimized by matching only entire sub-expressions
- possibly after extracting numeric coefficients.
- These operations rarely dominate the computational cost.
- Options enable control over the optimization process.
- The issue of numerical stability has not been addressed. *)
-Cost::usage = "Cost[expr,options] returns a list of Mathematica operators
-present in expr, providing a count of the basic arithmetic operations and
-function calls. Cost has attribute HoldAll so that arguments are maintained
-in unevaluated form. Some examples of the behaviour (using options):\n
-1+2*3 is counted as an addition and a multiplication.
-a+b+c is counted as two additions and a*b*c as two multiplications.\n
-Power[E,x] is counted as the exponential function Exp[x].
-Power[x,-1] is counted as a division.\n
-Power[x,y] is calculated as y-1 multiplications for integer y."
-Horner::usage = "Horner[poly] puts the polynomial poly in Horner or nested form
-with respect to the default variables Variables[poly]. This is an efficient form
-for numerical evaluation. Horner[poly,vars] specifies the variable ordering
-explicitly as the List vars. Multinomial conversion is applied recursively.
-Horner factorisation of rational polynomials is possible as Horner[p1/p2] or
-Horner[p1/p2,v1,v2]. Pre-conditioning of the coefficients is sometimes necessary
-to attain numerical stability and more efficient methods exist in this case.
-Horner's rule is optimal if no pre-conditioning is assumed, requiring n
-multiplications and n additions to evaluate a polynomial of degree n."
-Optimize::usage = "Optimize[expr,opts]\n
-Optimize transforms expr into a sequence of optimization statements and an
-optimized expression. Optimization is performed in linear time (O(n) operations)
-providing an efficient means of reducing the arithmetic operation count - not the
-best possible. The optimization performed is mainly syntactic (only exact common
-sub-expressions are matched) with a few heuristics. Options opts control the
-type of optimizations performed and the format of the output."
-(* Options: *)
-CostDivide::usage = "CostDivide is an option of Cost specifying whether
-to consider negative exponentiations as divisions. The setting All
-corresponds to the standard evaluation procedure and the compiler.
-The setting Share counts only one division in an expression such as
-(x^-2)*(y^-2) in correspondence with OuputForm and C and FORTRAN code
-translation. CostDivide may evaluate to All, Share or False.
-See also CostPower"
-CostExp::usage = "CostExp is an option of Cost specifying whether to
-consider Power[E,x] as a call to the exponential function Exp[x].
-CostExp may evaluate to True or False."
-CostNull::usage = "CostNull is an option of Cost specifying a
-list of symbols to be omitted for the purposes of costing. This is
-useful, for example, for removing named arrays from consideration
-(which have the same syntax as functions).
-CostNull may evaluate to a (possibly empty) list of symbols."
-CostPower::usage="CostPower is an option of Cost specifying whether to
-consider Power[x,y] as calculated using two function calls, namely
-Exp[y*Log[x]]. The setting Integer assumes in addition that integer
-powers are calculated using y-1 multiplications. This is particularly
-useful when costing expressions optimized using the option
-OptimizePower->Binary. CostPower may evaluate to Integer, True or False.
-See also CostDivide"
-Binary::usage = "Binary is an argument of the option OptimizePower
-specifying whether to perform repeated binary factoring of exponents."
-OptimizeCoefficients::usage = "OptimizeCoefficients is an option of
-Optimize specifying whether to extract numerical coefficients in
-expressions with head Plus and Times. OptimizeCoefficients may
-evaluate to True or False."
-OptimizeFunction::usage = "OptimizeFunction is an option of Optimize
-specifying whether to optimize common sub-expressions which are
-neither atoms (?AtomQ) nor expressions with head Plus, Power,
-or Times. OptimizeFunction may evaluate to True or False."
-OptimizeNull::usage = "OptimizeNull is an option of Optimize specifying
-a list of symbols to be disregarded during the optimization process.
-This is useful, for example, for specifying a named array (which has the
-same syntax as a function). OptimizeNull may evaluate to a (possibly empty)
-list of symbols."
-OptimizePlus::usage = "OptimizePlus is an option of Optimize specifying
-whether to extract common sub-expressions with head Plus. Only exact
-sub-expressions are matched. Numerical coefficients may be extracted
-using OptimizeCoefficients. OptimizePlus may evaluate to True or False."
-OptimizePower::usage = "OptimizePower is an option of Optimize
-specifying whether to optimize sub-expressions with head Power.
-Integer and rational powers can be factored efficiently by repeated
-binary exponentiation. OptimizePower may evaluate to True, False,
-or Binary."
-OptimizeProcedure::usage = "OptimizeProcedure is an option of Optimize
-specifying the form of the output returned. The setting True returns a
-Module wrapped in Hold. Function, Compile and SetDelayed all know
-about Optimize and make use of the option OptimizeProcedure (automatically
-removing Hold). Applying ReleaseHold recovers the original (unoptimized)
-expression. With the setting False a list of transformation
-rules is returned together with the optimized expression. A definition
-{optrules,optexpr} = Optimize[expr] enables the original
-(unoptimized) expression to be recovered as optexpr //. Dispatch[optrules]."
-OptimizeTimes::usage = "OptimizeTimes is an option of Optimize specifying
-whether to extract common sub-expressions with head Times. Only exact
-sub-expressions are matched. Numerical coefficients may be extracted
-using OptimizeCoefficients. OptimizeTimes may evaluate to True or False."
-OptimizeVariable::usage = "OptimizeVariable is an option of Optimize
-specifying a pair {symb,form} where symb is the optimization variable
-to introduce and form is the type of format to use.
-The format can be either Sequence (o1,o2,...) or Array (o[1],o[2],...).
-Consecutively numbered variables are returned."
-(* Default optimization symbol. *)
-o::usage="o is the default optimization symbol introduced by
-Optimize when performing common sub-expression optimization."
-Unprotect[Binary, Cost, CostDivide, CostExp, CostNull, CostPower, Horner, o,
-Optimize, OptimizeCoefficients, OptimizeFunction, OptimizeNull, OptimizePlus,
-OptimizePower, OptimizeProcedure, OptimizeTimes, OptimizeVariable];
-(* Function to check the data types of Cost options with error
- messages. *)
-Options[Cost] = {CostDivide->All,CostExp->True,
-Cost::args = "The `1` did not evaluate to `2`.";
-costerrmssgs = {{"option CostDivide","All, Share or False"},
-{"option CostExp","True or False"},
-{"option CostNull","a (possibly empty) list of symbols"},
-{"option CostAsAtom","Integer, True or False"}};
- Module[{costdiv,costexp,costnull,costpower,types,defaults=Options[Cost]},
- optlist = {costdiv,costexp,costnull,costpower} =
- Map[First,defaults] /. {opts} /. defaults;
- types = {MatchQ[costdiv,All|Share|False],
- MatchQ[costexp,True|False],
- MatchQ[costnull,{___Symbol}],
- MatchQ[costpower,Integer|True|False]};
- Check[
- MapThread[
- If[#1,#1,Message[Cost::args,Apply[Sequence,#2]]]&,
- {types,costerrmssgs}
- ]; optlist, (* Return list of option values. *)
- $Failed, (* Option of wrong type. *)
- Cost::args (* Check only for these messages. *)
- ]
- ];
- Module[{optvals},
- optvals /;
- And[
- (optvals = CostOptTest[opts])=!=$Failed,
- optvals = MainCost[Unevaluated[expr],Evaluate[optvals]]; True
- ]
- ];
-(* Function for counting cost of basic operations. *)
- Block[{CostFunction},
-(* Prevent evaluation during costing. *)
- SetAttributes[{CostFunction},HoldAll];
-(* Rules to cost expressions. *)
- If[costexp, CostFunction[Power[E,_]]:= Exp ];
-(* Integer powers as multiplications and divisions. *)
- If[costpower===Integer,
- If[MatchQ[costdiv,All|Share],
- CostFunction[Power[_,y_Integer?Positive]]:= (y-1) Times;
- CostFunction[Power[_,y_Integer?Negative]]:= Divide + (-y-1) Times,
- CostFunction[Power[_,y_Integer]]:= (Abs[y]-1) Times (* No divisions. *)
- ]
- ];
-(* x^y calculated as Exp[y Log[x]]. *)
- If[MatchQ[costpower,Integer|True],
- If[MatchQ[costdiv,All|Share],
- CostFunction[Power[_,_?Negative]]:= Divide+Exp+Log ];
- CostFunction[_Power]:= Exp+Log
- ];
-(* Add back in occurrances of shared divisions. *)
- If[costdiv===Share,
-(* Pure reciprocal case. *)
- Literal[CostFunction[e:Times[Power[_,_?Negative]..]]]:=
- (1-Length[Unevaluated[e]]) Divide + (Length[Unevaluated[e]]-1) Times;
-(* Mixed case: (a*b..)/(c*d..). Similar to above, but don't count first
- division as a multiplication. Hence: Length[num]-1+Length[denom]-1 = Length[e]-2. *)
- Literal[CostFunction[e:(Times[___,Power[_,_?Negative],___]..)]]:=
- (1-Count[Unevaluated[e],Power[_,_?Negative]]) Divide +
- (Length[Unevaluated[e]]-2) Times;
- ];
-(* Arithmetic operators. *)
- CostFunction[x_Plus]:= (Length[Unevaluated[x]]-1) Plus;
- CostFunction[x_Times]:= (Length[Unevaluated[x]]-1) Times;
-(* Ignore Lists. *)
- CostFunction[x_List]:= 0;
-(* Cost remaining functions. *)
- CostFunction[x_]:= Head[Unevaluated[x]];
-(* Cost required operators. *)
- DeleteCases[
- If[Head[#]===Plus,Apply[List,#],{#}]&[
- Apply[Plus,
- Map[CostFunction, Level[Unevaluated[{expr}],-2,Unevaluated] ]
- ]
- ],
- Apply[Alternatives,Times[costnull,_.]] (* Remove specified operands. *)
- ]
- ]; (* End of MainCost *)
-(* Horner's rule. *)
-(* Default variables. *)
- Block[{$RecursionLimit=Infinity},
- HornerRule[ Expand[p1], Variables[p1] ]/
- HornerRule[ Expand[p2], Variables[p2] ]
- ];
- Block[{$RecursionLimit=Infinity},
- HornerRule[Expand[#],Variables[#]]& @ Normal[ser]
- ];
- Block[{$RecursionLimit=Infinity},
- HornerRule[Expand[poly],Variables[poly]]
- ];
-(* Specified variables. *)
- Block[{$RecursionLimit=Infinity},
- Times[
- HornerRule[ Expand[p1], varsp1 ],
- Power[ HornerRule[ Expand[p2], varsp2 ], -1]
- ]
- ];
- Block[{$RecursionLimit=Infinity},
- HornerRule[ Expand[Normal[ser]], vars]
- ];
- Block[{$RecursionLimit=Infinity},
- HornerRule[ Expand[poly], vars ]
- ];
- Block[{$RecursionLimit=Infinity},
- HornerRule[ Expand[poly], var ]
- ];
-(* No variables found by Variables. *)
-HornerRule[poly_,{}]:= poly;
-HornerRule[0,_]:= 0;
-(* Horner's rule for multi-variate polynomials as recursive univariate
- decomposition. *)
- Fold[
- SumCoeffs,
- 0,
-(* Pair off variable with coefficients as {var^exp,hcoeff} where hcoeff
- is the coefficient in Horner form. *)
- Thread[{
- v^Offsets[#],
- Map[ HornerRule[#,{rem}]&, GetCoeffs[poly,v,#] ]
- }]& @ Reverse[ Exponent[poly,v,Union[{##}]&] ] (* Powers sorted in descending order. *)
- ];
-(* Horner's rule for uni-variate polynomials. *)
- Fold[
- SumCoeffs,
- 0,
-(* Pair off variable with coefficients as {var^exp,coeff}. *)
- Thread[{
- v^Offsets[#], GetCoeffs[poly,v,#]
- }]& @ Reverse[ Exponent[poly,v,Union[{##}]&] ] (* Powers sorted in descending order. *)
- ];
-(* Calculate offset powers as successive differences (not necessarily
- incremental). *)
-Offsets[e:{_}]:= e;
-Offsets[e_]:= Join[-Drop[e,1],{0}] + e;
-(* Accumulate Horner form of polynomial. *)
-SumCoeffs[sum_,{v_,c_}]:= v (c + sum);
-(* Can eventually be replaced by CoefficientList when bugs are fixed. *)
-GetCoeffs[c_,v_,0]:= Coefficient[c,v,0];
-GetCoeffs[c_,v_,p_]:= Coefficient[c,v^p];
-(* Optimization of expressions. *)
-(* Function to check the data types of Optimize options with
- error messages. *)
-Options[Optimize] = {OptimizeCoefficients->False,OptimizeFunction->True,
-Optimize::args = "The `1` did not evaluate to `2`.";
-opterrmsgs = {
- {"option OptimizeCoefficients","True or False"},
- {"option OptimizeFunction","True or False"},
- {"option OptimizeNull","a (possibly empty) list of symbols"},
- {"option OptimizePlus","True or False"},
- {"option OptimizePower","True, False or Binary"},
- {"option OptimizeProcedure","True or False"},
- {"option OptimizeTimes","True or False"},
- {"option OptimizeVariable","a pair of the form {Symbol,Sequence|Array}"}};
- Module[{defaults,types,optcoeff,optfunc,optlist,optnull,optplus,
- optpower,optproc,opttimes,optoutv},
- defaults = Options[Optimize];
- optlist = {optcoeff,optfunc,optnull,optplus,optpower,optproc,opttimes,
- optoutv} = Map[First,defaults] /. {opts} /. defaults;
- types = {
- MatchQ[optcoeff,True|False],
- MatchQ[optfunc,True|False],
- MatchQ[optnull,{___Symbol}],
- MatchQ[optplus,True|False],
- MatchQ[optpower,Binary|True|False],
- MatchQ[optproc,True|False],
- MatchQ[opttimes,True|False],
- MatchQ[optoutv,{_Symbol,Sequence|Array}]};
- Check[
- MapThread[
- If[#1,#1,Message[Optimize::args,Apply[Sequence,#2]]]&,
- {types,opterrmsgs}
- ]; optlist, (* Return list of option values. *)
- $Failed, (* Option of wrong type. *)
- Optimize::args (* Check only for these messages. *)
- ]
- ]; (* End of OptimizeOptionTest. *)
-(* Default optimization symbol is o. *)
- Module[{optvals},
- optvals /;
- And[
- (optvals = OptimizeOptionTest[opts])=!=$Failed,
- optvals = MainOptimize[expr,optvals]; True
- ]
- ];
-(* Define optimization function. All expression heads are wrapped
- in Hold to prevent re-evaluation during the optimization process. *)
- opttimes_,{outvar_,outform_}}]:=
- index=0,keeprules,MakeBins,MakeRule,outvar,OptRule,optexpr,optvar},
-(* Store sub-expression by making a new DownValue for OptRule and replace
- expression by a new optimization variable. *)
- SetAttributes[MakeRule,HoldAll];
- MakeRule[e_]:= (OptRule[e]:=OptRule[e]=#; #)& @ optvar[++index];
-(* Rules for reciprocals. *)
- If[optpower=!=False,
- OptRule[e:Hold[Power][_,-1]]:= MakeRule[e];
- OptRule[Hold[Power][x_,y_?(NumberQ[#]&&Negative[#]&)]]:=
- OptRule[Hold[Power][OptRule[Hold[Power][x,-y]],-1]];
- ];
-(* Rules to binary factor integer and rational powers. *)
- Switch[optpower,
-(* Rules for binary decomposition of positive powers. *)
- Binary,
-(* Save all binary power optimizations (even if they only occur once). *)
- MakeBins[e_]:= OptRule[e]=optvar[++index];
-(* Calculate and store binary power decomposition. *)
- BinPowDecomp[p_]:= BinPowDecomp[p]=
- 2^(-1+Flatten[Position[Reverse[IntegerDigits[p,2]],1]]);
-(* Decompose as products of binary powers. *)
- binprod[{p_}]:= p;
- binprod[{p__}]:= OptRule[ Hold[Times][p] ];
- OptRule[Hold[Power][x_,p_Integer]]:=
- binprod[ BinPowRule[x,BinPowDecomp[p]] ];
- SetAttributes[BinPowRule,{Listable}];
-(* Binary power stopping criterion. *)
- BinPowRule[e_,1]:= e;
-(* Store all binary powers. *)
- BinPowRule[x_,p_]:=
- BinPowRule[x,p]=
- MakeBins[ Hold[Power][BinPowRule[x,Quotient[p,2]],2] ];
-(* Rule for positive rational power with unit numerator. *)
- OptRule[e:Hold[Power][_,Rational[1,_]]]:= MakeBins[e];
-(* Rules to binary decompose fractional exponents. *)
- OptRule[Hold[Power][x_,Rational[y_,z_]]]:=
- If[y<z,
-(* Rule to decompose rational power as: x^(n/m) -> (x^(1/m))^n. *)
- OptRule[ Hold[Power][ OptRule[Hold[Power][x,Rational[1,z]]] ,y] ],
-(* Rule to decompose rational power as: x^(c/d) -> x^(q+r/d) -> x^(q)*x^(r/d). *)
- OptRule[
- Hold[Times][
- OptRule[ Hold[Power][ x, Quotient[y,z] ] ],
- OptRule[ Hold[Power][ OptRule[Hold[Power][x,Rational[1,z]]], Mod[y,z]] ]
- ]
- ]
- ];
-(* Rule for general (non-numeric) and non-binary powers. *)
- OptRule[e:Blank[Hold[Power]]]:= MakeRule[e],
-(* Rule for literal powers. *)
- True,
- OptRule[e:Blank[Hold[Power]]]:= MakeRule[e],
- False,
- OptRule[e:Blank[Hold[Power]]]:= e (* Else disregard head Power. *)
- ];
-(* Plus rules. *)
- If[optplus,
-(* Extract numerical coefficient. *)
- If[optcoeff,
- OptRule[ Hold[Plus][n_?NumberQ,x_,y__] ]:=
- OptRule[ Hold[Plus][ n, OptRule[Hold[Plus][x,y]] ] ]
- ];
-(* Store literal sub-expression. *)
- OptRule[e:Blank[Hold[Plus]]]:= MakeRule[e],
- OptRule[e:Blank[Hold[Plus]]]:= e (* Else disregard head Plus. *)
- ]; (* End of rules for expressions with head Plus. *)
-(* Times rules. *)
- If[opttimes,
-(* Extract numerical coefficient. *)
- If[optcoeff,
- OptRule[ Hold[Times][n_?NumberQ,x_,y__] ]:=
- OptRule[ Hold[Times][ n, OptRule[Hold[Times][x,y]] ] ]
- ];
-(* Store literal sub-expression. *)
- OptRule[e:Blank[Hold[Times]]]:= MakeRule[e],
- OptRule[e:Blank[Hold[Times]]]:= e (* Else disregard head Times. *)
- ]; (* End of rules for expressions with head Times. *)
-(* Rule for functions. *)
- If[optfunc,
- OptRule[e_]:= MakeRule[e],
- OptRule[e_]:= e (* Else disregard remaining expressions. *)
- ];
-(* Don't make rules for specified symbols, but enable argument evaluation. *)
- Map[(HoldHead[e:Blank[#]]:= Operate[Hold,e])&, optnull ];
-(* Wrap up function heads to prevent re-evaluation. Enables held
- functions arguments to be evaluated. *)
- HoldHead[e_]:= OptRule[Operate[Hold,e]];
-(* Map function for creating optimization rules at non-atomic levels.
- Include special case of binary power factorisation. *)
- optexpr = If[ Head[expr]===Power&&optpower===Binary, HoldHead[#], # ]& @
- Map[ HoldHead, expr, -2 ];
-(* Find occurances of temporary variables in optimized expression and
- in optimization rules. Decide which temporary variables to keep and
- which to discard by pattern look-up. *)
- downvals = DownValues[OptRule];
-(* Discard rules by assigning optimization variable to subexpression.
- Head replacement makes this efficient by avoiding re-evaluation. *)
- Cases[downvals,Literal[_:>(OptRule[rhs_]=lhs_)]:>(lhs=rhs)];
-(* Substitute discarded rules into optimized expression. *)
- optexpr = optexpr;
-(* Save ordered list of repeated rules. *)
- keeprules =
- Sort[
- Cases[downvals,Literal[_[OptRule[rhs:_]]:>lhs:_optvar]:>lhs->rhs]
- ];
-(* Format optimization variable. Reset index for consecutively numbered
- output variables. *)
- index = 0;
- If[outform===Sequence,
-(* Write optimization variable as consecutive symbols o1, o2, ...
- Store indexing string function (not localised). *)
- istr[i_]:= istr[i]=ToString[i];
- (optvar[i_]:= optvar[i]=ToExpression[#<>istr[++index]])& @ ToString[outvar],
-(* Write optimization variable as a consecutive array o[1], o[2], ... *)
- optvar[i_]:= optvar[i]=outvar[++index]
- ];
-(* Create a Module or leave as a list of replacement rules and
- apply formatting rules for optimization variable. *)
- If[keeprules==={},
- If[optproc, expr, {{},expr} ], (* No optimization performed *)
- If[optproc,
- MakeProc[outvar,outform,ReleaseHold[keeprules],ReleaseHold[optexpr]],
- ReleaseHold[ {keeprules, optexpr} ]
- ]
- ]
-]; (* End of MainOptimize.*)
-(* Convert output to a held module. *)
- (Hold[ Module[#,optseq; optexpr] ] /. Rule->Set)& @
- If[optform===Sequence, First[Thread[{optseq},Rule]], {optvar}];
-(* Create an optimized procedure. *)
-RemoveHold[expr_Hold]:= Apply[Unevaluated,expr];
-RemoveHold[expr_]:= Unevaluated[expr];
-(* SetDelayed definition. *)
-Optimize /:
- (lhs_:=Optimize[expr_,opts___?OptionQ]):=
- (Unevaluated[lhs]:=#)& @
- RemoveHold[ Optimize[expr,OptimizeProcedure->True,opts] ];
-(* Compile definition. *)
-Optimize /:
- Compile[args_,Optimize[expr_,opts___?OptionQ],info___]:=
- Compile[Unevaluated[args],#,info]& @
- RemoveHold[ Optimize[expr,OptimizeProcedure->True,opts] ];
-(* Function definition. *)
-Optimize /:
- Function[args_,Optimize[expr_,opts___?OptionQ],attr___]:=
- ReleaseHold[
- Function[
- args,
- Evaluate[Optimize[expr,OptimizeProcedure->True,opts]],
- attr
- ]
- ];
-End[]; (* End `Private` Context. *)
-(* Protect exported symbols. *)
-Protect[Binary, Cost, CostDivide, CostExp, CostNull, CostPower, Horner, o,
-Optimize, OptimizeCoefficients, OptimizeFunction, OptimizeNull, OptimizePlus,
-OptimizePower, OptimizeProcedure, OptimizeTimes, OptimizeVariable];
-EndPackage[]; (* End package Context. *)