path: root/Tools/CodeGen
diff options
authorianhin <ianhin>2006-06-19 22:25:00 +0000
committerianhin <ianhin>2006-06-19 22:25:00 +0000
commit14775f6ae62228c165d07db4e38cae38e25359ee (patch)
tree1831a596dc1429cc881a2f3a17a27d03e574eb1e /Tools/CodeGen
parent6a9803b7c29a142918c4e7d5ffa1c57af050c592 (diff)
Replacement for KrancThorns.m. This is a completely new API for Kranc
which is designed to be much easier to use and much easier to maintain. Instead of multiple types of thorn, there is just one, and most of the functionality from the old types is present in this new type. Some functionality (for example the TRIGGERS mechanism for evaluated quantities) has not been implemented, but if there is demand these things can be added. The new API is documented in Doc/KrancDoc.tex and there is an example in Examples/Maxwell/EMTT2.m. This is such a significant change that the major version number of Kranc has been increased from 1 to 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/CodeGen')
1 files changed, 788 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/KrancThorn.m b/Tools/CodeGen/KrancThorn.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..666d816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/KrancThorn.m
@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* Copyright 2004 Sascha Husa, Ian Hinder, Christiane Lechner
+ This file is part of Kranc.
+ Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+(* Generate Cactus Thorns from a high-level interface *)
+{Calculations, DeclaredGroups, RealParameters, IntParameters, KeywordParameters,
+ InheritedRealParameters,InheritedIntParameters, Parameters,
+ PartialDerivatives, InheritedImplementations, ConditionalOnKeyword, ReflectionSymmetries, ZeroDimensions};
+BeginPackage["KrancThorn`", {"CodeGen`", "sym`", "Thorn`",
+ "MapLookup`", "KrancGroups`", "Differencing`",
+ "CalculationFunction`", "Errors`", "Helpers`", "CactusBoundary`",
+ "TensorTools`"}];
+CreateKrancThorn::usage = "Construct a Kranc thorn";
+CreateKrancThornTT::usage = "Construct a Kranc thorn using TensorTools";
+CreateGroupFromTensor::usage = "";
+VerifyGroups[gs_] :=
+ If[!ListQ[gs],
+ ThrowError["Not a list of group definitions: ", gs],
+ Map[VerifyGroup, gs]];
+VerifyGroupNames[gns_] :=
+ If[!ListQ[gns],
+ ThrowError["Not a list of group names: ", gns],
+ Map[VerifyGroupName, gns]];
+VerifyNewCalculation[calc_] :=
+ Module[{},
+ If[Head[calc] != List,
+ ThrowError["Invalid Calculation structure: " <> ToString[calc]]];
+ VerifyListContent[calc, Rule];
+ If[mapContains[calc, Shorthands],
+ VerifyListContent[lookup[calc, Shorthands], Symbol]];
+ If[mapContains[calc, Equations],
+ VerifyListContent[lookup[calc, Equations], Rule],
+ ThrowError["Invalid Calculation structure. Must contain Equations element: " <> ToString[calc]]];
+ ];
+cktCheckNamedArgs[l_] :=
+Module[{allowed = {Calculations,
+ DeclaredGroups, Implementation, InheritedImplementations,
+ EvolutionTimelevels, RealParameters, IntParameters, KeywordParameters,
+ InheritedRealParameters,InheritedIntParameters, PartialDerivatives, ReflectionSymmetries, ZeroDimensions}, used, unrecognized},
+ used = Map[First, l];
+ unrecognized = Complement[used, allowed];
+ If[Length[unrecognized] > 0,
+ ThrowError["Unrecognized named arguments: ", unrecognized]]
+replaceDots[x_] :=
+ x /. (dot[y_] :> Symbol[ToString[y] <> "rhs"]);
+CreateKrancThorn[groupsOrig_, parentDirectory_, thornName_, opts___] :=
+ Module[{calcs, declaredGroups, implementation,
+ inheritedImplementations, includeFiles, evolutionTimelevels,
+ realParams, intParams, inheritedRealParams, inheritedIntParams,
+ partialDerivs, coordGroup, evolvedGroups, nonevolvedGroups,
+ interface, evolvedGroupDefinitions, rhsGroupDefinitions, thornspec,
+ allParams, boundarySources, reflectionSymmetries, realParamDefs, intParamDefs},
+(* Return[];*)
+ (* Parse named arguments *)
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Processing arguments to CreateKrancThorn"];
+ cktCheckNamedArgs[{opts}];
+ calcs = lookupDefault[{opts}, Calculations, {}];
+ declaredGroups = lookupDefault[{opts}, DeclaredGroups, {}];
+ implementation = lookupDefault[{opts}, Implementation, thornName];
+ inheritedImplementations = lookupDefault[{opts},
+ InheritedImplementations, {}];
+ includeFiles = lookupDefault[{opts},
+ includeFiles, {}];
+ evolutionTimelevels = lookupDefault[{opts}, EvolutionTimelevels, 3];
+ realParams = lookupDefault[{opts}, RealParameters, {}];
+ intParams = lookupDefault[{opts}, IntParameters, {}];
+ realParamDefs = makeFullParamDefs[realParams];
+ intParamDefs = makeFullParamDefs[intParams];
+ keywordParams = lookupDefault[{opts}, KeywordParameters, {}];
+ inheritedRealParams = lookupDefault[{opts}, InheritedRealParameters, {}];
+ inheritedIntParams = lookupDefault[{opts}, InheritedIntParameters, {}];
+ partialDerivs = lookupDefault[{opts}, PartialDerivatives, {}];
+ reflectionSymmetries = lookupDefault[{opts}, ReflectionSymmetries, {}];
+(* Print["partialDerivs == ", partialDerivs];*)
+ coordGroup = {"grid::coordinates", {sym`x,sym`y,sym`z,sym`r}};
+ groups = Join[groupsOrig, {coordGroup}];
+ includeFiles = Join[includeFiles, {"GenericFD.h"}];
+ inheritedImplementations = Join[inheritedImplementations, {"Grid",
+ "GenericFD"}, CactusBoundary`GetInheritedImplementations[]];
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Verifying arguments"];
+ (* Check parameters *)
+ VerifyGroups[groups];
+ VerifyString[parentDirectory];
+ VerifyString[thornName];
+ VerifyString[implementation];
+ VerifyGroupNames[declaredGroups];
+(* Map[VerifyStringList, {realParams, intParams, inheritedRealParams, inheritedIntParams}];*)
+(* Print["declaredGroups == ", declaredGroups];*)
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating startup file"];
+ startup = CreateStartupFile[thornName, thornName];
+ (* Get the different types of group *)
+ evolvedGroups = extractEvolvedGroups[declaredGroups, calcs, groups];
+ nonevolvedGroups = extractNonevolvedGroups[declaredGroups, calcs, groups];
+ (* Replace the dots in the calculation *)
+ calcs = replaceDots[calcs];
+ (* Add the RHS groups *)
+ evolvedGroupDefinitions = Map[groupFromName[#, groups] &, evolvedGroups];
+ rhsGroupDefinitions = Map[evolvedGroupToRHSGroup[#, evolvedGroupDefinitions] &, evolvedGroups];
+ groups = Join[groups, rhsGroupDefinitions];
+ (* Add the groups into the calcs *)
+ calcs = Map[Join[#, {Groups -> groups}] &, calcs];
+ nonevolvedGroupsWithRHS = Join[nonevolvedGroups, Map[groupName, rhsGroupDefinitions]];
+ (* Construct the interface file *)
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating interface file"];
+ interface = createKrancInterface[nonevolvedGroupsWithRHS,
+ evolvedGroups, groups, evolutionTimelevels, implementation,
+ inheritedImplementations, includeFiles];
+(* Print["interface == ", interface];*)
+ (* Construct the param file *)
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating param file"];
+ param = createKrancParam[evolvedGroups, nonevolvedGroups, groups, thornName, realParamDefs,
+ intParamDefs, keywordParams, inheritedRealParams, inheritedIntParams];
+ (* Construct the schedule file *)
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating schedule file"];
+ schedule = createKrancScheduleFile[calcs, groups, evolvedGroups,
+ nonevolvedGroupsWithRHS, thornName, evolutionTimelevels];
+ boundarySources = CactusBoundary`GetSources[evolvedGroups, groups,
+ implementation, thornName];
+ (* Create the MoL registration file (we do this for every thorn,
+ even if it does not evolve any variables. This could be fixed
+ later. *)
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating MoL registration file"];
+ molregister = createKrancMoLRegister[evolvedGroups, nonevolvedGroups, groups, implementation, thornName];
+ Module[{allGFs = Join[variablesFromGroups[evolvedGroups, groups],
+ variablesFromGroups[nonevolvedGroups, groups]]},
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating symmetry registration file"];
+ symregister = CreateSymmetriesRegistrationSource[thornName, implementation, allGFs, reflectionSymmetries, False]];
+ (* Write the differencing header file *)
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating differencing header file"];
+ diffHeader = CreateDifferencingHeader[partialDerivs, lookupDefault[{opts}, ZeroDimensions, {}]];
+ ext = CodeGen`SOURCESUFFIX;
+ (* Construct a source file for each calculation *)
+ allParams = Join[Map[paramName, realParamDefs], Map[paramName, intParamDefs],
+ Map[unqualifiedName, inheritedRealParams],
+ Map[unqualifiedName, inheritedIntParams]];
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating calculation source files"];
+ calcSources = Map[CreateSetterSourceWrapper[#, allParams, partialDerivs] &, calcs];
+ calcFilenames = Map[lookup[#, Name] <> ext &, calcs];
+ (* Makefile *)
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating make file"];
+ make = CreateMakefile[Join[{"Startup.c", "RegisterMoL.c", "RegisterSymmetries.c"}, calcFilenames,
+ Map[lookup[#, Filename] &, boundarySources]]];
+ (* Put all the above together and generate the Cactus thorn *)
+ thornspec = {Name -> thornName,
+ Directory -> parentDirectory,
+ Interface -> interface,
+ Schedule -> schedule,
+ Param -> param,
+ Makefile -> make,
+ Sources -> Join[{
+ {Filename -> "Startup.c", Contents -> startup},
+ {Filename -> "RegisterMoL.c", Contents -> molregister},
+ {Filename -> "RegisterSymmetries.c", Contents -> symregister},
+ {Filename -> "Differencing.h", Contents -> diffHeader}},
+ MapThread[{Filename -> #1, Contents -> #2} &,
+ {calcFilenames, calcSources}], boundarySources
+ ]
+ };
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating thorn"];
+ CreateThorn[thornspec];
+ ];
+CalculationEvolvedVars[calc_] :=
+ Module[{eqs, evolved, lhss},
+ VerifyNewCalculation[calc];
+ eqs = lookup[calc, Equations];
+ lhss = Map[First, eqs];
+ evolved = Cases[lhss, dot[v_] -> v];
+ Return[evolved]
+ ];
+extractEvolvedGroups[declaredGroups_, calcs_, groups_] :=
+ Module[{evolvedVars, evolvedGroups},
+ VerifyGroupNames[declaredGroups];
+ VerifyGroups[groups];
+ VerifyList[calcs];
+ Map[VerifyNewCalculation, calcs];
+ evolvedVars = Apply[Join, Map[CalculationEvolvedVars, calcs]];
+ evolvedGroups = containingGroups[evolvedVars, groups];
+(* Print["evolvedGroups == ", evolvedGroups];*)
+ Return[evolvedGroups]
+ ];
+extractNonevolvedGroups[declaredGroups_, calcs_, groups_] :=
+ Module[{allVars, evolvedVars, evolvedGroups, nonevolvedGroups},
+ VerifyGroupNames[declaredGroups];
+ VerifyGroups[groups];
+ VerifyList[calcs];
+ Map[VerifyNewCalculation, calcs];
+ allVars = variablesFromGroups[declaredGroups, groups];
+ evolvedVars = Apply[Join, Map[CalculationEvolvedVars, calcs]];
+ evolvedGroups = containingGroups[evolvedVars, groups];
+ nonevolvedGroups = Complement[declaredGroups, evolvedGroups];
+ Return[nonevolvedGroups]
+ ];
+nonevolvedGroupInterfaceStructure[group_] :=
+ Name -> groupName[group],
+ VariableType -> "CCTK_REAL",
+ Timelevels -> nonevolvedTimelevels[group],
+ GridType -> "GF",
+ Comment -> groupName[group],
+ Visibility -> "public",
+ Tags -> Join[GroupTags[group] (* , {"Prolongation" -> "None"} *) ],
+ Variables -> groupVariables[group]
+evolvedGroupInterfaceStructure[group_, timelevels_] :=
+ Name -> groupName[group],
+ VariableType -> "CCTK_REAL",
+ Timelevels -> timelevels,
+ GridType -> "GF",
+ Comment -> groupName[group],
+ Visibility -> "public",
+ Tags -> GroupTags[group],
+ Variables -> groupVariables[group]
+nonevolvedTimelevels[group_] :=
+ Module[{tls = GroupTimelevels[group]},
+ If[ tls === False, 1, tls]];
+createKrancInterface[nonevolvedGroups_, evolvedGroups_, groups_,
+ evolutionTimelevels_, implementation_, inheritedImplementations_,
+ includeFiles_] :=
+ Module[{registerEvolved, registerConstrained,
+ nonevolvedGroupStructures, evolvedGroupStructures, groupStructures,
+ interface},
+ VerifyGroupNames[nonevolvedGroups];
+ VerifyGroupNames[evolvedGroups];
+ VerifyGroups[groups];
+ VerifyInteger[evolutionTimelevels];
+ VerifyString[implementation];
+ VerifyStringList[inheritedImplementations];
+ VerifyStringList[includeFiles];
+ (* These are the aliased functions that are USED by this thorn from other thorns *)
+ registerEvolved =
+ {
+ Name -> "MoLRegisterEvolved",
+ Type -> "CCTK_INT",
+ ArgString -> "CCTK_INT IN EvolvedIndex, CCTK_INT IN RHSIndex"
+ };
+ registerConstrained =
+ {
+ Name -> "MoLRegisterConstrained",
+ Type -> "CCTK_INT",
+ ArgString -> "CCTK_INT IN ConstrainedIndex"
+ };
+ (* For each group declared in this thorn, we need an entry in the
+ interface file. Each evolved group needs an associated rhs
+ group, but these are constructed at a higher level and are
+ listed in the nonevolved groups. *)
+ nonevolvedGroupStructures =
+ Map[nonevolvedGroupInterfaceStructure[groupFromName[#, groups]] &,
+ nonevolvedGroups];
+(* Print["nonevolvedGroupStructures == ", nonevolvedGroupStructures];*)
+ evolvedGroupStructures =
+ Map[evolvedGroupInterfaceStructure[groupFromName[#, groups],
+ evolutionTimelevels] &, evolvedGroups];
+ groupStructures = Join[nonevolvedGroupStructures, evolvedGroupStructures];
+ interface = CreateInterface[implementation, inheritedImplementations,
+ Join[includeFiles, CactusBoundary`GetIncludeFiles[]], groupStructures,
+ UsesFunctions ->
+ Join[{registerEvolved, registerConstrained },
+ CactusBoundary`GetUsedFunctions[]]];
+ Return[interface];
+ ];
+VerifyQualifiedName[name_] :=
+ If[! StringQ[name] || ! StringMatchQ[name, "*::*"],
+ ThrowError["Not a name with an implementation:", name]];
+implementationFromQualifiedName[name_] :=
+ Module[{colon},
+ VerifyQualifiedName[name];
+ colon = First[First[StringPosition[name, ":", 1]]];
+ StringDrop[name, colon - 1 - StringLength[name]]];
+unqualifiedName[name_] :=
+ Module[{colon},
+ VerifyQualifiedName[name];
+ colon = First[First[StringPosition[name, ":", 1]]];
+ Return[StringDrop[name, colon + 1]]];
+krancParamStruct[definition_, type_, inherited_] :=
+ Module[{},
+ Join[
+ {Name -> lookup[definition, Name],
+ Type -> type,
+ Default -> lookup[definition, Default],
+ Description -> lookup[definition, Name],
+ Visibility -> "restricted"},
+ If[inherited,
+ {},
+ {AllowedValues -> {{Value -> "*:*", Description -> "no restrictions"}}}]]];
+krancKeywordParamStruct[struct_] :=
+ Name -> lookup[struct, Name],
+ Type -> "KEYWORD",
+ Default -> lookup[struct, Default],
+ Description -> lookupDefault[struct, Description, lookup[struct, Name]],
+ Visibility -> lookupDefault[struct, Visibility, "private"],
+ AllowedValues -> Map[{Value -> #, Description -> #} &, lookup[struct, AllowedValues]]
+makeFullParamDefs[params_] :=
+ Module[{p},
+ p = Map[If[!ListQ[#], {Name -> #, Default -> 0}, #] &, params];
+ p];
+paramName[paramDef_] :=
+ lookup[paramDef, Name];
+inheritParameters[imp_, reals_, ints_] :=
+ Module[{theseReals, theseInts, realStructs, intStructs},
+ theseReals = Select[reals, implementationFromQualifiedName[#] == imp &];
+ theseInts = Select[ints, implementationFromQualifiedName[#] == imp &];
+ theseRealsNoImp = makeFullParamDefs[Map[unqualifiedName, theseReals]];
+ theseIntsNoImp = makeFullParamDefs[Map[unqualifiedName, theseInts]];
+ realStructs = Map[krancParamStruct[#, "CCTK_REAL", True] &, theseRealsNoImp];
+ intStructs = Map[krancParamStruct[#, "CCTK_INT", True] &, theseIntsNoImp];
+ If[(Length[theseReals] + Length[theseInts]) > 0,
+ Return[{Name -> imp, UsedParameters -> Join[realStructs, intStructs]}],
+ Return[{}]]
+ ];
+createKrancParam[evolvedGroups_, nonevolvedGroups_, groups_, thornName_,
+ reals_, ints_, keywords_, inheritedReals_, inheritedInts_] :=
+ Module[{nEvolved, nPrimitive, evolvedMoLParam, evolvedGFs,
+ constrainedMoLParam, genericfdStruct, realStructs, intStructs,
+ allInherited, implementationNames, molImplementation,
+ userImplementations, implementations, params, paramspec, param},
+(* Map[VerifyStringList, {reals, ints, inheritedReals, inheritedInts}];*)
+ (* reals and ints are symbols containing parameter names. The
+ inherited ones have implementation names as well *)
+ evolvedGFs = variablesFromGroups[evolvedGroups, groups];
+ nEvolved = Length[variablesFromGroups[evolvedGroups, groups]];
+(* nPrimitive = Length[variablesFromGroups[nonevolvedGroups, groups]];*)
+ nPrimitive = Length[getConstrainedVariables[evolvedGroups, groups]];
+ evolvedMoLParam =
+ {
+ Name -> thornName <> "_MaxNumEvolvedVars",
+ Type -> "CCTK_INT",
+ Default -> nEvolved,
+ Description -> "Number of evolved variables used by this thorn",
+ Visibility -> "restricted",
+ AccumulatorBase -> "MethodofLines::MoL_Num_Evolved_Vars",
+ AllowedValues -> {{Value -> ToString[nEvolved] <> ":" <> ToString[nEvolved] ,
+ Description -> "Number of evolved variables used by this thorn"}}
+ };
+ constrainedMoLParam =
+ {
+ Name -> thornName <> "_MaxNumConstrainedVars",
+ Type -> "CCTK_INT",
+ Default -> nPrimitive,
+ Description -> "Number of constrained variables used by this thorn",
+ Visibility -> "restricted",
+ AccumulatorBase -> "MethodofLines::MoL_Num_Constrained_Vars",
+ AllowedValues -> {{Value -> ToString[nPrimitive] <> ":" <> ToString[nPrimitive] ,
+ Description -> "Number of constrained variables used by this thorn"}}
+ };
+ genericfdStruct =
+ {
+ Name -> "GenericFD",
+ UsedParameters ->
+ {{Name -> "stencil_width", Type -> "CCTK_INT"},
+ {Name -> "stencil_width_x", Type -> "CCTK_INT"},
+ {Name -> "stencil_width_y", Type -> "CCTK_INT"},
+ {Name -> "stencil_width_z", Type -> "CCTK_INT"},
+ {Name -> "boundary_width", Type -> "CCTK_INT"}}
+ };
+ realStructs = Map[krancParamStruct[#, "CCTK_REAL", False] &, reals];
+(* Print["realStructs == ", realStructs];*)
+ intStructs = Map[krancParamStruct[#, "CCTK_INT", False] &, ints];
+ keywordStructs = Map[krancKeywordParamStruct, keywords];
+ allInherited = Join[inheritedReals, inheritedInts];
+(* Print["allInherited == ", allInherited];*)
+ implementationNames = Union[Map[implementationFromQualifiedName, allInherited]];
+(* Print["implementationNames == ", implementationNames];*)
+ molImplementation =
+ {
+ Name -> "MethodOfLines",
+ UsedParameters ->
+ {
+ {Name -> "MoL_Num_Evolved_Vars", Type -> "CCTK_INT"},
+ {Name -> "MoL_Num_Constrained_Vars", Type -> "CCTK_INT"}
+ }
+ };
+ userImplementations = Map[inheritParameters[#, inheritedReals,inheritedInts] &,
+ implementationNames];
+(* Print["userImplementations == ", userImplementations]; *)
+ implementations = Join[userImplementations, {genericfdStruct, molImplementation}];
+ params = Join[realStructs, intStructs, keywordStructs, {evolvedMoLParam, constrainedMoLParam},
+ CactusBoundary`GetParameters[evolvedGFs, evolvedGroups]];
+ paramspec = {Implementations -> implementations,
+ NewParameters -> params};
+ param = CreateParam[paramspec];
+ Return[param]
+ ];
+simpleGroupStruct[groupName_, timelevels_] :=
+ Group -> groupName,
+ Timelevels -> timelevels
+groupsSetInCalc[calc_, groups_] :=
+ Module[{gfs, eqs, lhss, gfsInLHS, lhsGroupNames},
+ gfs = allVariables[groups];
+ eqs = lookup[calc, Equations];
+ lhss = Map[First, eqs];
+ gfsInLHS = Union[Cases[lhss, _ ? (MemberQ[gfs,#] &), Infinity]];
+ lhsGroupNames = containingGroups[gfsInLHS, groups];
+ Return[lhsGroupNames]
+ ];
+(* Each calculation can be scheduled at multiple points, so this
+ function returns a LIST of schedule structures for each calculation
+ *)
+scheduleCalc[calc_, groups_] :=
+ Module[{points, conditional, keyword, value},
+ conditional = mapContains[calc, ConditionalOnKeyword];
+ If[conditional,
+ keywordConditional = lookup[calc, ConditionalOnKeyword];
+ If[! MatchQ[keywordConditional, {lhs_String, rhs_String}],
+ ThrowError["ConditionalOnKeyword entry in calculation expected to be of the form parameter == value, but was ", keywordConditional, "Calculation is ", calc]];
+ keyword = keywordConditional[[1]];
+ value = keywordConditional[[2]];
+ ];
+ Map[
+ Join[
+ {
+ Name -> lookup[calc, Name],
+ SchedulePoint -> #,
+ SynchronizedGroups -> groupsSetInCalc[calc, groups],
+ Language -> CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE,
+ Comment -> lookup[calc, Name]
+ },
+ If[conditional, {Conditional -> {Parameter -> keyword, Value -> value}},
+ {}]
+ ] &,
+ lookup[calc, Schedule]]];
+createKrancScheduleFile[calcs_, groups_, evolvedGroups_, nonevolvedGroups_, thornName_,
+ evolutionTimelevels_] :=
+ Module[{scheduledCalcs, scheduledStartup, scheduleMoLRegister, globalStorageGroups, scheduledFunctions, schedule},
+ scheduledCalcs = Flatten[Map[scheduleCalc[#, groups] &, calcs], 1];
+ scheduledStartup =
+ {
+ Name -> thornName <> "_Startup",
+ SchedulePoint -> "at STARTUP",
+ Language -> "C",
+ Options -> "meta",
+ Comment -> "create banner"
+ };
+ scheduleMoLRegister =
+ {
+ Name -> thornName <> "_RegisterVars",
+ SchedulePoint -> "in MoL_Register",
+ Language -> "C",
+ Options -> "meta",
+ Comment -> "Register Variables for MoL"
+ };
+ scheduleRegisterSymmetries =
+ {
+ Name -> thornName <> "_RegisterSymmetries",
+ SchedulePoint -> "at BASEGRID",
+ Language -> "C",
+ Options -> "meta",
+ Comment -> "register symmetries"
+ };
+ globalStorageGroups = Join[Map[simpleGroupStruct[#, 1] &, nonevolvedGroups],
+ Map[simpleGroupStruct[#, evolutionTimelevels] &, evolvedGroups]];
+ scheduledFunctions =
+ Join[{scheduledStartup, scheduleMoLRegister, scheduleRegisterSymmetries},
+ scheduledCalcs, CactusBoundary`GetScheduledFunctions[thornName, evolvedGroups]];
+ schedule = CreateSchedule[globalStorageGroups,
+ CactusBoundary`GetScheduledGroups[thornName], scheduledFunctions];
+ Return[schedule]
+ ];
+CreateSetterSourceWrapper[calc_, parameters_, derivs_] :=
+ Module[{modCalc},
+ modCalc = Join[calc /. ((Equations -> {es___}) -> (Equations -> {{es}})),
+ {Parameters -> parameters},
+ {PartialDerivatives -> derivs}];
+ source = CreateSetterSource[{modCalc}, False, Include -> {}];
+ Return[source]
+ ];
+(* FIXME: This is still not quite right. We only want to have those variables that
+ we set as constrained, but I don't think this can hurt.*)
+getConstrainedVariables[evolvedGroupNames_, groups_] :=
+ Module[{evolvedGFs, allVariables, constrainedVariables},
+ evolvedGFs = variablesFromGroups[evolvedGroupNames, groups];
+ allVariables = Flatten[Map[groupVariables, groups],1];
+ constrainedVariables = Complement[allVariables, Join[evolvedGFs, Map[Symbol[addrhs[#]] &, evolvedGFs]]];
+ constrainedVariables
+ ];
+createKrancMoLRegister[evolvedGroupNames_, nonevolvedGroupNames_, groups_, implementation_, thornName_] :=
+ Module[{molspec, evolvedGFs, constrainedVariables},
+ evolvedGFs = variablesFromGroups[evolvedGroupNames, groups];
+ nonevolvedGFs = variablesFromGroups[nonevolvedGroupNames, groups];
+ constrainedVariables = getConstrainedVariables[evolvedGroupNames, groups];
+ molspec =
+ {
+ EvolvedGFs -> Map[qualifyGFName[#, groups, implementation]& , evolvedGFs],
+(* PrimitiveGFs -> Map[qualifyGFName[#, groups, implementation]& , nonevolvedGFs],*)
+ PrimitiveGFs -> Map[qualifyGFName[#, groups, implementation]& , constrainedVariables],
+ BaseImplementation -> implementation,
+ ThornName -> thornName
+ };
+(* Print["Constrained variables == ", Map[qualifyGFName[#, groups, implementation]& , constrainedVariables]];*)
+ molregister = CreateMoLRegistrationSource[molspec, False];
+ Return[molregister]];
+CreateKrancThornTT[groups_, parentDirectory_, thornName_, opts___] :=
+ Module[{calcs, expCalcs, expGroups, options, derivs, expDerivs, reflectionSymmetries, declaredGroups},
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Processing tensorial arguments"];
+ calcs = lookup[{opts}, Calculations];
+ derivs = lookupDefault[{opts}, PartialDerivatives, {}];
+ Map[CheckCalculationTensors, calcs];
+ expCalcs = Map[makeCalculationExplicit, calcs];
+ InfoMessage[Info, "Group definitions:", groups];
+ expDerivs = Flatten[Map[MakeExplicit,derivs],1];
+ expGroups = Map[makeGroupExplicit, groups];
+ options = Join[DeleteCases[{opts}, Calculations -> _], {Calculations -> expCalcs}];
+ options = Join[DeleteCases[options, PartialDerivatives -> _], {PartialDerivatives -> expDerivs}];
+ declaredGroups = lookupDefault[{opts}, DeclaredGroups, {}];
+ InfoMessage[Info, "Declared groups: " <> ToString[declaredGroups]];
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Computing reflection symmetries"];
+ reflectionSymmetries = computeReflectionSymmetries[declaredGroups, groups];
+ InfoMessage[Info, "Reflection symmetries: ", reflectionSymmetries];
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating (component-based) Kranc thorn"];
+ CreateKrancThorn[expGroups, parentDirectory, thornName, Apply[Sequence, options],
+ ReflectionSymmetries -> reflectionSymmetries]];
+computeReflectionSymmetries[declaredGroups_, groups_] :=
+ Module[{variables, syms},
+ variables = variablesFromGroups[declaredGroups, groups];
+ syms = Flatten[Map[ReflectionSymmetriesOfTensor, variables], 1];
+ syms];
+makeCalculationExplicit[calc_] :=
+ mapValueMapMultiple[calc,
+ {Shorthands -> MakeExplicit,
+(* CollectList -> makeExplicit, *)
+ Equations -> MakeExplicit}];
+makeGroupExplicit[g_] :=
+ Module[{variables, newVariables, newGroup},
+ variables = groupVariables[g];
+ newVariables = RemoveDuplicates[MakeExplicit[variables]];
+ newGroup = SetGroupVariables[g, newVariables];
+ newGroup];
+tensorTypeString[k_, inds_] :=
+ Module[{},
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Tensor attributes of " <> ToString[k], TensorAttributes[k]];
+ If[HasTensorAttribute[k, TensorManualCartesianParities],
+ "ManualCartesian",
+ If[Length[inds] == 0,
+ "Scalar",
+ Apply[StringJoin, Map[If[IndexIsUpper[#], "U", "D"] &, inds]]]]];
+CreateGroupFromTensor[T:Tensor[k_, is__]] :=
+ CreateGroupFromTensor[k, {is}];
+reflectionParityString[l_] :=
+ Module[{chars},
+ If[!ListQ[l] || !Length[l] == 3,
+ ThrowError["Expecting a list of three parities for TensorManualCartesianParities, must be 1 or -1"]];
+ chars= Map[Switch[#, -1, "-", +1, "+", _,
+ ThrowError["Expecting a list of three parities for TensorManualCartesianParities, must be 1 or -1"]] &,
+ l];
+ Apply[StringJoin, chars]];
+CreateGroupFromTensor[k_, inds_] :=
+ Module[{ttypeString, nInds, tags, group, vars},
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Creating group from tensor with kernel " <> ToString[k] <> " and indices " <> ToString[inds]];
+ ttypeString = tensorTypeString[k, inds];
+ InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Tensor type string: ", ttypeString];
+ nInds = Length[inds];
+ If[nInds == 2 && GetTensorAttribute[k, Symmetries] == {{2,1},1},
+ ttypeString = ttypeString <> "_sym"];
+ tags = {"tensortypealias" -> ttypeString, "tensorweight" -> GetTensorAttribute[k, TensorWeight]};
+ If[HasTensorAttribute[k, TensorSpecial],
+ tags = Append[tags, "tensorspecial" -> GetTensorAttribute[k, TensorSpecial]]];
+ If[HasTensorAttribute[k, TensorManualCartesianParities],
+ tags = Append[tags, "cartesianreflectionparities" ->
+ reflectionParityString[GetTensorAttribute[k, TensorManualCartesianParities]]]];
+ vars = If[nInds == 0, {k}, {Apply[Tensor, {k, Apply[Sequence,inds]}]}];
+ group = CreateGroup[ToString[k] <> "_group", vars, {Tags -> tags}];
+ Return[group]
+CreateGroupFromTensor[x_] :=
+ If[IsTensor[x],
+ CreateGroupFromTensor[x, {}],
+ ThrowError["CreateGroupFromTensor: Not a tensor", x]];
+CreateGroupNameFromTensor[T:Tensor[k_, is__]] :=
+ ToString[k];
+CreateGroupNameFromTensor[x_] :=
+ ToString[x];
+CreateNamedGroupFromTensor[name_, T:Tensor[k_, is__]] :=
+ {name, T};
+CreateNamedGroupFromTensor[name_, x_] :=
+ {name, {x}};
+CheckEquationTensors[eq_] :=
+ Module[{},
+ CheckTensors[eq]];
+CheckCalculationTensors[calc_] :=
+ Module[{eqs},
+ eqs = lookup[calc, Equations];
+ Map[CheckEquationTensors, eqs]];