path: root/Tools/CodeGen/TensorTools.m
diff options
authorErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2008-05-12 13:31:49 -0500
committerIan Hinder <ian.hinder@aei.mpg.de>2009-04-27 21:37:25 +0200
commitd3fdc7d16052db3d13d643088433ea181c1fc447 (patch)
treecd6a53e1db200c9a04653b098c5459029cdb6630 /Tools/CodeGen/TensorTools.m
parent701e5893f2149bb1c6dd1918c439c8e49fe9bb9b (diff)
Add new tensor Zero3.
Add new FD operators. PD operators are translated into FD operators by applying Jacobians. Add a set of rules to simplify FD expressions, similar to the rules for PD expressions.
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/CodeGen/TensorTools.m')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/TensorTools.m b/Tools/CodeGen/TensorTools.m
index 51757e8..589367f 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/TensorTools.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/TensorTools.m
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
(* Place these symbols in the sym context *)
-{D1, D2, D3, D11, D22, D33, D21, D31, D32, D12, D13, D23, dot, Eps}
+{D1, D2, D3, D11, D22, D33, D21, D31, D32, D12, D13, D23, dot, Eps, Zero3}
BeginPackage["TensorTools`", {"Errors`", "MapLookup`"}];
@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ compatibility with MathTensor.";*)
Lie::usage = "Lie[x,V] is the Lie derivative of expression x with
respect to the TensorTools vector V (specified without an index).";
+FD::usage = "FD[x,i1, i2, ...] represents the local partial derivative of x
+with respect to the indices i1, i2, ...";
MatrixOfComponents::usage = "MatrixOfComponents[tensor] returns a
matrix of the components of a two-tensor";
@@ -86,17 +89,29 @@ registered using DefineConnection into partial derivatives.";
LieToPD::usage = "LieToPD[x] converts all Lie derivatives in x ";
+PDtoFD::usage = "PDtoFD[x] converts all partial derivatives in x
+into local partial derivatives.";
DefineConnection::usage = "DefineConnection[cd, pd, ch] registers a
connection with TensorTools. The covariant derivative operator will be cd,
the partial derivative operator will be pd, and the Christoffel symbol will
be ch.";
+DefineJacobian::usage = "DefineJacobian[pd, fd, J, dJ] registers a
+Jacobian with TensorTools. The partial derivative operator will be pd,
+the local partial derivative operator will be fd, and the Jacobian and its
+derivative will be J and dJ.";
+ResetJacobians::usage = "ResetJacobians unregisters all Jacobians.";
KD::usage = "KD[x,y] is the Kronecker delta symbol. It can be given
tensorial or numerical indices.";
Eps::usage = "Eps[i,j,...] is the alternating symbol. It can be given
tensorial or numerical indices.";
+Zero3::usage = "Zero3[i,j,k] is zero.";
Euc::usage = "Euc[i,j] is the Euclidian metric. It can be given
tensorial or numerical indices.";
@@ -379,7 +394,7 @@ Unprotect[Times];
Times[TensorProduct[], x_] = x;
-Format[x_ t:TensorProduct[((Tensor[__] | CD[__] | PD[__]) ..)]] :=
+Format[x_ t:TensorProduct[((Tensor[__] | CD[__] | PD[__] | FD[__]) ..)]] :=
SequenceForm[x," ",t];
Format[x_ t:Tensor[__]] :=
@@ -387,7 +402,7 @@ Format[x_ t:Tensor[__]] :=
-Format[TensorProduct[t:((Tensor[__] | CD[__] | PD[__]) ..)]] :=
+Format[TensorProduct[t:((Tensor[__] | CD[__] | PD[__] | FD[__]) ..)]] :=
Format[t:TensorProduct[x__]] := Infix[t,null];
@@ -450,7 +465,7 @@ Protect[Equal];
expanded, and tensor components and derivatives in single-symbol
form suitable for code generation *)
MakeExplicit[x_] :=
- ((((makeSplit[makeSum[LieToPD[CDtoPD[x]]]] /. componentNameRule) /. KDrule) /. EpsilonRule)
+ ((((makeSplit[makeSum[PDtoFD[LieToPD[CDtoPD[x]]]]] /. componentNameRule) /. KDrule) /. EpsilonRule)
/. derivativeNameRule) /. TensorProduct -> Times;
MakeExplicit[l:List[Rule[_, _] ..]] :=
@@ -850,6 +865,7 @@ PDReduce :=
PD[x:(_Real | _Integer), is__] := 0;
Format[PD[x_ ? AtomQ, is:((TensorIndex[_,_] | _Integer) ..)]] :=
SequenceForm[x, ",", is];
@@ -858,6 +874,7 @@ Format[PD[Tensor[k_,inds__], is:((TensorIndex[_,_] | _Integer) ..)]] :=
Format[PD[x_, is:((TensorIndex[_,_] | _Integer) ..)]] :=
SequenceForm["(",x,")", ",", is];
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -910,7 +927,7 @@ LieToPDRuleTensorProduct :=
LieToPDRule :=
Lie[x_, v_] :>
- Module[{di},
+ Module[{di, diLower, diUpper},
diLower = dummyNotIn[x];
diUpper = toggleIndex[diLower];
v[diUpper] PD[x,diLower] + Apply[Plus,Map[LietoPDTerm[x, #, v] &, indicesIn[x]]]];
@@ -932,6 +949,135 @@ LieToPD[x_] :=
x //. LieToPDFullRule //. removeSingleTensorProducts;
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Local Partial Derivatives
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+jacobians = {};
+DefineJacobian[pd_, fd_, J_, dJ_] :=
+ Module[{},
+ jacobians = Join[jacobians, {{pd, fd, J, dJ}}]];
+ResetJacobians := Module[{}, jacobians = {}];
+(* This is duplicated (and extended!) from the PD case. *)
+(* Reduction rules *)
+FDLeibnizTimes :=
+ FD[x_ y_, i_] :> FD[x,i] y + x FD[y,i];
+FDLeibnizTensorProduct :=
+ FD[TensorProduct[s_, t__], i_] :>
+ TensorProduct[FD[s,i],t] + TensorProduct[s,FD[TensorProduct[t],i]];
+FDLinearity :=
+ FD[x_ + y_,i_] :> FD[x,i] + FD[y,i];
+FDFlatten :=
+ FD[FD[x_,is__],js__] :> FD[x,is,js];
+FDUnflatten :=
+ FD[x_, i_, is__] :> FD[FD[x,i],is];
+FDJacobi :=
+ FD[J[i_,j_], k_] :> dJ[i,j,k];
+FDConst :=
+ FD[x:(_Real | _Integer), is__] -> 0;
+FDReduce :=
+ x_ :> (((((((x //. FDUnflatten) //. FDJacobi) //. FDLeibnizTimes) //. FDLeibnizTensorProduct) //. FDLinearity) //. FDFlatten) //. FDConst);
+Format[FD[x_ ? AtomQ, is:((TensorIndex[_,_] | _Integer) ..)]] :=
+ SequenceForm[x, ",", is];
+Format[FD[Tensor[k_,inds__], is:((TensorIndex[_,_] | _Integer) ..)]] :=
+ SequenceForm[k, inds, ",", is];
+Format[FD[x_, is:((TensorIndex[_,_] | _Integer) ..)]] :=
+ SequenceForm["(",x,")", ",", is];
+(* After the PD is converted to a FD, it will contain a dummy index.
+ This needs careful attention, so instead of leaving the result in
+ its TensorProduct wrapper, we remove it and use a Times instead.
+ This will force the dummy indices to be checked and relabelled
+ automatically, and the result placed into a TensorProduct when it
+ is clean. *)
+PDtoFDRuleTensorProduct :=
+ TensorProduct[t1___, PD[x_,i___], t2___] :>
+ (TensorProduct[t1, t2] /. PDtoFDRuleTensorProduct) PD[x,i]
+(* Convert a PD into an FD. *)
+PFdummies := {};
+setDummies[x_] := Module[{dums},
+ dums=remainingLowerIndices[x];
+ (* Print["Setting PFdummies to",dums]; *)
+ PFdummies:=dums];
+newDummy := Module[{fst,rem},
+ fst=First[PFdummies]; rem=Rest[PFdummies];
+ (* Print["new dummy",fst]; *)
+ PFdummies:=rem; fst];
+PDtoFDRule1[t_] :=
+ PD[x_, i_] :>
+ Module[{la, ua},
+ (* la = lz; *)
+ (* la = dummyNotIn[{t,x,i}]; *)
+ la = newDummy;
+ ua = toggleIndex[la];
+ J[ua,i] FD[x,la]];
+PDtoFDRule2[t_] :=
+ PD[x_, i_, j_] :>
+ Module[{la, ua, lb, ub},
+ (* la = lz; *)
+ (* la = dummyNotIn[{t,x,i,j}]; *)
+ la = newDummy;
+ ua = toggleIndex[la];
+ (* lb = ly; *)
+ (* lb = dummyNotIn[{t,x,i,j,la}]; *)
+ lb = newDummy;
+ ub = toggleIndex[lb];
+ dJ[ua,i,j] FD[x,la] + J[ua,i] J[ub,j] FD[x,la,lb]];
+PDtoFDRule[t_] :=
+ x_ :> (((x /. PDtoFDRule2[t]) /. PDtoFDRule1[t]) //. FDReduce);
+PDtoFDDefaultJacobian[x_] := Module[{y,z},
+ y = x /. PDtoFDRuleTensorProduct;
+ setDummies[y];
+ z = y /. PDtoFDRule[y];
+ setDummies[0];
+ z /. removeSingleTensorProducts];
+PDtoFDForJacobian[x_, jacobian_] :=
+ Module[{pd,fd,j,dj, y, result},
+ pd = jacobian[[1]];
+ fd = jacobian[[2]];
+ j = jacobian[[3]];
+ dj = jacobian[[4]];
+ y = x /. {pd :> PD, fd :> FD, j :> J, dj :> dJ};
+ result = PDtoFDDefaultJacobian[y];
+ result /. {J :> j, dJ :> dj}];
+PDtoFDForJacobians[x_, js_] :=
+ If[js == {},
+ x,
+ PDtoFDForJacobians[PDtoFDForJacobian[x, First[js]], Rest[js]]];
+PDtoFD[x_] :=
+ PDtoFDForJacobians[x, jacobians];
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kronecker delta
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -953,6 +1099,12 @@ EpsilonRule := Eps[x__] :> Signature[Map[Abs, {x}]];
Euc[a_,b_] := If[a == b, 1, 0];
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Zero3
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+Zero3[a_,b_,c_] := 0;
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)