path: root/Tools/CodeGen/KrancThorn.m
diff options
authorBarry Wardell <barry.wardell@gmail.com>2010-08-11 20:21:20 +0200
committerBarry Wardell <barry.wardell@gmail.com>2010-08-11 20:21:20 +0200
commitb6822104efbb225c3e024387a953411a40b973c5 (patch)
tree3fee82c9c108c7726b0bca76418e5660011f5d4d /Tools/CodeGen/KrancThorn.m
parent079231c3536bb898e14248fac8ec14dc12ba917b (diff)
Factor out tensor code into a separate package which can eventually be used as a wrapper around TensorTools and xTensor.
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/CodeGen/KrancThorn.m')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/KrancThorn.m b/Tools/CodeGen/KrancThorn.m
index c290293..f6565f8 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/KrancThorn.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/KrancThorn.m
@@ -28,12 +28,9 @@
BeginPackage["KrancThorn`", {"CodeGen`", "Thorn`",
"MapLookup`", "KrancGroups`", "Differencing`",
"CalculationFunction`", "Errors`", "Helpers`", "CactusBoundary`",
- "TensorTools`", "Param`", "Schedule`", "Interface`", "Kranc`"}];
+ "Param`", "Schedule`", "Interface`", "Kranc`"}];
CreateKrancThorn::usage = "Construct a Kranc thorn";
-CreateKrancThornTT::usage = "Construct a Kranc thorn using TensorTools";
-CreateKrancThornxTensor::usage = "Construct a Kranc thorn using xTensor";
-CreateGroupFromTensor::usage = "";
@@ -311,231 +308,5 @@ createKrancMoLRegister[evolvedGroupNames_, nonevolvedGroupNames_, groups_, imple
molregister = CreateMoLRegistrationSource[molspec, False];
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Tensor Tools
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-CreateKrancThornTT[groups_, parentDirectory_, thornName_, opts___] :=
- Module[{calcs, expCalcs, expGroups, options, derivs, expDerivs, reflectionSymmetries, declaredGroups},
- InfoMessage[Terse, "Processing tensorial arguments"];
- calcs = lookup[{opts}, Calculations];
- derivs = lookupDefault[{opts}, PartialDerivatives, {}];
- Map[CheckCalculationTensors, calcs];
- expCalcs = Map[makeCalculationExplicit, calcs];
- InfoMessage[Info, "Group definitions:", groups];
- expDerivs = Flatten[Map[MakeExplicit,derivs],1];
- expGroups = Map[makeGroupExplicit, groups];
- options = Join[DeleteCases[{opts}, Calculations -> _], {Calculations -> expCalcs}];
- options = Join[DeleteCases[options, PartialDerivatives -> _], {PartialDerivatives -> expDerivs}];
- declaredGroups = lookupDefault[{opts}, DeclaredGroups, {}];
- evolutionTimelevels = lookupDefault[{opts}, EvolutionTimelevels, 3];
- defaultEvolutionTimelevels = lookupDefault[{opts}, DefaultEvolutionTimelevels, evolutionTimelevels];
- InfoMessage[Info, "Declared groups: " <> ToString[declaredGroups]];
- InfoMessage[Terse, "Computing reflection symmetries"];
- reflectionSymmetries = computeReflectionSymmetries[declaredGroups, groups];
- InfoMessage[Info, "Reflection symmetries: ", reflectionSymmetries];
- InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating (component-based) Kranc thorn"];
- CreateKrancThorn[expGroups, parentDirectory, thornName, Apply[Sequence, options],
- ReflectionSymmetries -> reflectionSymmetries]];
-computeReflectionSymmetries[declaredGroups_, groups_] :=
- Module[{variables, syms},
- variables = variablesFromGroups[declaredGroups, groups];
- syms = Flatten[Map[ReflectionSymmetriesOfTensor, variables], 1];
- syms];
-makeCalculationExplicit[calc_] :=
- mapValueMapMultiple[calc,
- {Shorthands -> MakeExplicit,
- CollectList -> MakeExplicit,
- Equations -> MakeExplicit}];
-makeGroupExplicit[g_] :=
- Module[{variables, newVariables, newGroup},
- variables = groupVariables[g];
- newVariables = RemoveDuplicates[MakeExplicit[variables]];
- newGroup = SetGroupVariables[g, newVariables];
- newGroup];
-tensorTypeString[k_, inds_] :=
- Module[{},
- InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Tensor attributes of " <> ToString[k], TensorAttributes[k]];
- If[HasTensorAttribute[k, TensorManualCartesianParities],
- "ManualCartesian",
- If[Length[inds] == 0,
- "Scalar",
- Apply[StringJoin, Map[If[IndexIsUpper[#], "U", "D"] &, inds]]]]];
-CreateGroupFromTensor[T:Tensor[k_, is__]] :=
- CreateGroupFromTensor[k, {is}];
-reflectionParityString[l_] :=
- Module[{chars},
- If[!ListQ[l] || !Length[l] == 3,
- ThrowError["Expecting a list of three parities for TensorManualCartesianParities, must be 1 or -1"]];
- chars= Map[Switch[#, -1, "-", +1, "+", _,
- ThrowError["Expecting a list of three parities for TensorManualCartesianParities, must be 1 or -1"]] &,
- l];
- Apply[StringJoin, chars]];
-CreateGroupFromTensor[k_, inds_] :=
- Module[{ttypeString, nInds, tags, group, vars},
- InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Creating group from tensor with kernel " <> ToString[k] <> " and indices " <> ToString[inds]];
- ttypeString = tensorTypeString[k, inds];
- InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Tensor type string: ", ttypeString];
- nInds = Length[inds];
- If[nInds == 2 && GetTensorAttribute[k, Symmetries] == {{2,1},1},
- ttypeString = ttypeString <> "_sym"];
- If[nInds == 3 && GetTensorAttribute[k, Symmetries] == {{1,3,2},1},
- ttypeString = ttypeString <> "_sym"];
- tags = {"tensortypealias" -> ttypeString, "tensorweight" -> GetTensorAttribute[k, TensorWeight]};
- If[HasTensorAttribute[k, TensorSpecial],
- tags = Append[tags, "tensorspecial" -> GetTensorAttribute[k, TensorSpecial]]];
- If[HasTensorAttribute[k, TensorManualCartesianParities],
- tags = Append[tags, "cartesianreflectionparities" ->
- reflectionParityString[GetTensorAttribute[k, TensorManualCartesianParities]]]];
- If[HasTensorAttribute[k, TensorParity],
- tags = Append[tags, "tensorparity" -> GetTensorAttribute[k, TensorParity]]];
- vars = If[nInds == 0, {k}, {Apply[Tensor, {k, Apply[Sequence,inds]}]}];
- group = CreateGroup[ToString[k] <> "_group", vars, {Tags -> tags}];
- Return[group]];
-CreateGroupFromTensor[x_] :=
- If[IsTensor[x],
- CreateGroupFromTensor[x, {}],
- ThrowError["CreateGroupFromTensor: Not a tensor", x]];
-CheckEquationTensors[eq_] :=
- Module[{},
- CheckTensors[eq]];
-CheckCalculationTensors[calc_] :=
- Module[{eqs},
- If[mapContains[calc, Shorthands],
- CheckTensors[lookup[calc, Shorthands]]];
- eqs = lookup[calc, Equations];
- Map[CheckEquationTensors, eqs]];
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- xTensor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-CreateKrancThornxTensor[groups_, parentDirectory_, thornName_, opts___] :=
- Module[{calcs, expCalcs, expGroups, options, derivs, expDerivs, reflectionSymmetries, declaredGroups},
- InfoMessage[Terse, "Processing tensorial arguments"];
- calcs = lookup[{opts}, Calculations];
- derivs = lookupDefault[{opts}, PartialDerivatives, {}];
- Map[CheckCalculationTensors, calcs];
- expCalcs = Map[makeCalculationExplicit, calcs];
- InfoMessage[Info, "Group definitions:", groups];
- expDerivs = Flatten[Map[xTensorMakeExplicit,derivs],1];
- expGroups = Map[makeGroupExplicit, groups];
- options = Join[DeleteCases[{opts}, Calculations -> _], {Calculations -> expCalcs}];
- options = Join[DeleteCases[options, PartialDerivatives -> _], {PartialDerivatives -> expDerivs}];
- declaredGroups = lookupDefault[{opts}, DeclaredGroups, {}];
- evolutionTimelevels = lookupDefault[{opts}, EvolutionTimelevels, 3];
- defaultEvolutionTimelevels = lookupDefault[{opts}, DefaultEvolutionTimelevels, evolutionTimelevels];
- InfoMessage[Info, "Declared groups: " <> ToString[declaredGroups]];
- InfoMessage[Terse, "Computing reflection symmetries"];
- reflectionSymmetries = computeReflectionSymmetries[declaredGroups, groups];
- InfoMessage[Info, "Reflection symmetries: ", reflectionSymmetries];
- InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating (component-based) Kranc thorn"];
- CreateKrancThorn[expGroups, parentDirectory, thornName, Apply[Sequence, options],
- ReflectionSymmetries -> reflectionSymmetries]];
-computeReflectionSymmetries[declaredGroups_, groups_] :=
- Module[{variables, syms},
- variables = variablesFromGroups[declaredGroups, groups];
- syms = Flatten[Map[xTensorReflectionSymmetriesOfTensor, variables], 1];
- syms];
-makeCalculationExplicit[calc_] :=
- mapValueMapMultiple[calc,
- {Shorthands -> xTensorMakeExplicit,
- CollectList -> xTensorMakeExplicit,
- Equations -> xTensorMakeExplicit}];
-makeGroupExplicit[g_] :=
- Module[{variables, newVariables, newGroup},
- variables = groupVariables[g];
- newVariables = RemoveDuplicates[xTensorMakeExplicit[variables]];
- newGroup = SetGroupVariables[g, newVariables];
- newGroup];
-tensorTypeString[k_, inds_] :=
- Module[{},
- InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Tensor attributes of " <> ToString[k], TensorAttributes[k]];
- If[HasTensorAttribute[k, TensorManualCartesianParities],
- "ManualCartesian",
- If[Length[inds] == 0,
- "Scalar",
- Apply[StringJoin, Map[If[IndexIsUpper[#], "U", "D"] &, inds]]]]];
-CreateGroupFromTensor[T:Tensor[k_, is__]] :=
- CreateGroupFromTensor[k, {is}];
-reflectionParityString[l_] :=
- Module[{chars},
- If[!ListQ[l] || !Length[l] == 3,
- ThrowError["Expecting a list of three parities for TensorManualCartesianParities, must be 1 or -1"]];
- chars= Map[Switch[#, -1, "-", +1, "+", _,
- ThrowError["Expecting a list of three parities for TensorManualCartesianParities, must be 1 or -1"]] &,
- l];
- Apply[StringJoin, chars]];
-CreateGroupFromTensor[t_Symbol?xTensorQ[inds___]] :=
- Module[{ttypeString, nInds, tags, group, vars},
- InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Creating group from tensor with kernel " <> ToString[t] <> " and indices " <> ToString[inds]];
- ttypeString = tensorTypeString[k, {inds}];
- InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Tensor type string: ", ttypeString];
- nInds = Length[inds];
- If[nInds == 2 && GetTensorAttribute[k, Symmetries] == {{2,1},1},
- ttypeString = ttypeString <> "_sym"];
- If[nInds == 3 && GetTensorAttribute[k, Symmetries] == {{1,3,2},1},
- ttypeString = ttypeString <> "_sym"];
- tags = {"tensortypealias" -> ttypeString, "tensorweight" -> GetTensorAttribute[k, TensorWeight]};
- If[HasTensorAttribute[k, TensorSpecial],
- tags = Append[tags, "tensorspecial" -> GetTensorAttribute[k, TensorSpecial]]];
- If[HasTensorAttribute[k, TensorManualCartesianParities],
- tags = Append[tags, "cartesianreflectionparities" ->
- reflectionParityString[GetTensorAttribute[k, TensorManualCartesianParities]]]];
- If[HasTensorAttribute[k, TensorParity],
- tags = Append[tags, "tensorparity" -> GetTensorAttribute[k, TensorParity]]];
- vars = If[nInds == 0, {k}, {Apply[Tensor, {k, Apply[Sequence,inds]}]}];
- group = CreateGroup[ToString[t] <> "_group", vars, {Tags -> tags}];
- Return[group]];
-CreateGroupFromTensor[x_] :=
- If[IsTensor[x],
- CreateGroupFromTensor[x, {}],
- ThrowError["CreateGroupFromTensor: Not a tensor", x]];
-CheckEquationTensors[eq_] :=
- Module[{},
- CheckTensors[eq]];
-CheckCalculationTensors[calc_] :=
- Module[{eqs},
- If[mapContains[calc, Shorthands],
- CheckTensors[lookup[calc, Shorthands]]];
- eqs = lookup[calc, Equations];
- Map[CheckEquationTensors, eqs]];