path: root/Tools/CodeGen/ConservationCalculation.m
diff options
authorIan Hinder <ian.hinder@aei.mpg.de>2010-09-30 20:56:58 +0200
committerIan Hinder <ian.hinder@aei.mpg.de>2010-10-01 10:04:53 +0200
commit8794a2109ccb9330e0a3ff138fd7d3d99e699a37 (patch)
treec723090ec48bc9552ade9c20543d7ece1d346549 /Tools/CodeGen/ConservationCalculation.m
parent479530a00b62a629c923ab22387949e55ac9a2e8 (diff)
ConservationCalculation.m: Add new package for creating code for solving systems of conservation laws using finite volume methods
Work-in-progress - doesn't generate all the required calculations yet
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/CodeGen/ConservationCalculation.m')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/ConservationCalculation.m b/Tools/CodeGen/ConservationCalculation.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..162ff27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/ConservationCalculation.m
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+(* Copyright 2010 Ian Hinder
+ This file is part of Kranc.
+ Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Kranc; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+BeginPackage["ConservationCalculation`", {"Errors`", "Helpers`", "Kranc`",
+ "MapLookup`", "KrancGroups`", "CalculationFunction`", "Differencing`"}];
+ConservationDifferencingOperators[] :=
+ DiffPlus[i_] -> DiffPlusOp[i],
+ DiffMinus[i_] -> DiffMinusOp[i],
+ ShiftMinus[i_] -> 1/shift[i]
+zeroRHSCalc[calc_] :=
+ Name -> lookup[calc,Name] <> "_zero_rhs",
+ Schedule -> {"in MoL_CalcRHS"},
+ Equations ->
+ (Map[First, lookup[calc, Equations]] /. {flux[v_, rest___] :> (dot[v] -> 0)})
+minmodVar[v_, i_, vLeft_, vRight_] :=
+ slopeL -> DiffMinus[v, i],
+ slopeR -> DiffPlus[v, i],
+ slope -> MinMod[slopeL, slopeR],
+ vLeft -> v - 0.5 slope,
+ vRight -> v + 0.5 slope
+vanLeerVar[v_, i_, vLeft_, vRight_] :=
+ slopeL -> DiffMinus[v, i],
+ slopeR -> DiffPlus[v, i],
+ slope -> VanLeer[slopeL, slopeR],
+ vLeft -> v - 0.5 slope,
+ vRight -> v + 0.5 slope
+leftSymbol[v_] :=
+ Symbol["Global`" <> ToString[v] <> "Left"];
+rightSymbol[v_] :=
+ Symbol["Global`" <> ToString[v] <> "Right"];
+(* Return the list of conserved variables in a calculation *)
+consVars[calc_] :=
+ (Map[First, lookup[calc, Equations]] /. {flux[v_, rest___] :> v})
+(* Return the list of variables to reconstruct in a calculation *)
+reconsVars[calc_] :=
+ Module[{allGFs, calcSyms, gfsUsed, conserved, primitive},
+ allGFs = allGroupVariables[lookup[calc, Groups]];
+ Print["allGFs = ", allGFs];
+ calcSyms = calculationSymbols[calc];
+ Print["calcSyms = ", calcSyms];
+ gfsUsed = Intersection[allGFs, calcSyms];
+ Print["gfsUsed = ", gfsUsed];
+ conserved = consVars[calc];
+ Print["conserved = ", conserved];
+ primitive = Complement[gfsUsed, conserved];
+ Print["primitive = ", primitive];
+ primitive];
+(* Return the variables for which Left and Right GFs need to be created *)
+lrGFs[calc_] :=
+ Module[{allGFs, calcSyms, gfsUsed, conserved, primitive},
+ Print["1"];
+ Print[calc];
+ allGFs = allGroupVariables[lookup[calc, Groups]];
+ Print["2"];
+ calcSyms = calculationSymbols[calc];
+ Print["3"];
+ gfsUsed = Intersection[allGFs, calcSyms];
+ Print["4"];
+ conserved = consVars[calc];
+ Print["5"];
+ primitive = Complement[gfsUsed, conserved];
+ Print["6"];
+ Join[primitive, conserved]];
+reconstructCalc[calc_, i_] :=
+ Name -> lookup[calc,Name] <> "_reconstruct_" <> ToString[i],
+ Where -> Interior,
+ Schedule -> {"in MoL_CalcRHS after " <>
+ If[i == 1, lookup[calc,Name] <> "_zero_rhs",
+ lookup[calc,Name] <> "_rhs_" <> ToString[i-1]]},
+ Shorthands -> {slopeL, slopeR, slope},
+ ApplyBCs -> True,
+ Equations ->
+ Flatten[Table[minmodVar[v,i, leftSymbol[v], rightSymbol[v]],
+ {v, reconsVars[calc]}], 1]
+fluxCalc[i_] :=
+ Name -> "eulerauto_flux_" <> ToString[i],
+ ApplyBCs -> True,
+ Where -> Interior,
+ Schedule -> {"in MoL_CalcRHS after eulerauto_conserved_flux_" <> ToString[i]},
+ Shorthands -> {vRightTemp[ui]},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ vRightTemp[ui] -> ShiftMinus[vRight[ui],i],
+ DenF -> 1/2 (eulerDenFlux[rhoLeft, vLeft, pLeft, i] +
+ eulerDenFlux[ShiftMinus[rhoRight,i],
+ vRightTemp,
+ ShiftMinus[pRight,i], i] +
+ alpha (ShiftMinus[DenRight,i] - DenLeft)),
+ SF[uj] -> 1/2 (eulerSFlux[rhoLeft, vLeft, pLeft, {i, uj}] +
+ eulerSFlux[ShiftMinus[rhoRight, i],
+ vRightTemp,
+ ShiftMinus[pRight, i], {i, uj}] +
+ alpha (ShiftMinus[SRight[uj],i] - SLeft[uj])),
+ EnF -> 1/2 (eulerEnFlux[rhoLeft, vLeft, pLeft, EnLeft, i] +
+ eulerEnFlux[ShiftMinus[rhoRight,i],
+ vRightTemp,
+ ShiftMinus[pRight,i], ShiftMinus[EnRight,i], i] +
+ alpha (ShiftMinus[EnRight,i] - EnLeft))
+ }
+rhs[i_] :=
+ Name -> "eulerauto_rhs_" <> ToString[i],
+ Schedule -> {"in MoL_CalcRHS after eulerauto_flux_" <> ToString[i]},
+ Where -> Interior,
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ dot[Den] -> dot[Den] - PDplus[DenF, i],
+ dot[S[uj]] -> dot[S[uj]] - PDplus[SF[uj], i],
+ dot[En] -> dot[En] - PDplus[EnF, i]
+ }
+(* Given a ConservationCalculation structure, return a list of
+ calculations which should be scheduled to solve that conservation
+ law. *)
+ProcessConservationCalculation[calc_] :=
+ Module[{},
+ {
+ zeroRHSCalc[calc],
+ Sequence@@Flatten[
+ Table[
+ {reconstructCalc[calc, i] (*,
+ conservedFluxCalc[i],
+ fluxCalc[i],
+ rhs[i] *) }, {i, 1, 1}], 1]
+ }];
+(* Return all the new groups which need to be created for this
+ conservation calculation *)
+ConservationCalculationDeclaredGroups[calc_] :=
+ Module[{},
+ Print["CCG"];
+ Print["lrGFs = ", lrGFs[calc]];
+ Map[CreateGroup[
+ ToString[#]<>"_lr_group",
+ {leftSymbol[#], rightSymbol[#]}, {}] &, lrGFs[calc]]];