path: root/Tests
diff options
authorIan Hinder <ian.hinder@aei.mpg.de>2012-11-14 10:28:31 +0100
committerIan Hinder <ian.hinder@aei.mpg.de>2012-11-14 10:28:31 +0100
commitc905eea76cb66ea1f2e1b35370f3b5bffbb8ec27 (patch)
tree605c2c0746885f73da6755f509a962a993cd5f9e /Tests
parentd75251ed3fdfced898bbd1c9c8e940c15896640f (diff)
Add TestTensorTools.m (script version of TestTensorTools.nb)
Currently just copied in the content unmodified
Diffstat (limited to 'Tests')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tests/TestTensorTools.m b/Tests/TestTensorTools.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..423160b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/TestTensorTools.m
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+(* Initialise *)
+$Path = Join[{"../Tools/CodeGen", "../Tools/MathematicaMisc"}, $Path];
+<< TensorTools`
+enhancedTimes = False;
+(* Definitions *)
+SetAttributes[test, HoldFirst]
+test[t_, r1_] :=
+ Module[{r},
+ r = If[enhancedTimes, r1 /. Times -> TensorProduct, r1];
+ If[Expand[Evaluate[t]] === Expand[r], testsPassed++;
+ Print[Style[HoldForm[t], TextAlignment -> Center]];
+ Print[Style["\[DownArrow]", TextAlignment -> Center]];
+ Print[Style[Expand[r], TextAlignment -> Center]];
+ Print[Style["Pass ", Darker@Green, TextAlignment -> Right]];,
+ testsFailed++; Print@Grid[
+ {{"Input:", HoldForm@t},
+ {"Expected:", Expand[r], FullForm[Expand@r]}, {"Result:",
+ Expand@Evaluate[t], FullForm[Expand@Evaluate[t]]}},
+ Alignment -> Left, Spacings -> {1, 2}];
+ Print[Style["Fail ", Red, TextAlignment -> Right]];]]
+reportResults[] :=
+ If[testsFailed > 0,
+ Style[ToString[testsFailed] <> " test" <>
+ If[testsFailed > 1, "s", ""] <> " failed", Red, Bold,
+ TextAlignment -> Center],
+ Style["All " <> ToString[testsPassed] <> " test" <>
+ If[testsPassed > 1, "s", ""] <> " passed", Darker@Green, Bold,
+ TextAlignment -> Center]]
+(* Tests *)
+testsPassed = 0; testsFailed = 0;
+DefineTensor /@ {S, T, u, v, w};
+(* We currently only test with correct input as it is CheckTensor's
+ responsibility to check that the input is correct. This should be
+ changed. *)
+(* makeSum *)
+makeSum = TensorTools`Private`makeSum
+test[makeSum[1], 1];
+test[makeSum[x], x];
+test[makeSum[x^2], x^2];
+test[makeSum[x^2 + 1], 1 + x^2];
+test[makeSum[S[ua]], S[ua]];
+test[makeSum[S[la]], S[la]];
+test[makeSum[x S[ua]], x S[ua]];
+test[makeSum[x S[ua] + T[ua]], x S[ua] + T[ua]];
+test[makeSum[S[ua] T[la]], S[1] T[1] + S[2] T[2] + S[3] T[3]];
+test[makeSum[u[ua] v[la]], u[1] v[1] + u[2] v[2] + u[3] v[3]];
+test[makeSum[a S[ua] T[la] + 1], a (S[1] T[1] + S[2] T[2] + S[3] T[3]) + 1];
+test[makeSum[S[ua] T[la] + u[ua] v[la]],
+ S[1] T[1] + S[2] T[2] + S[3] T[3] + u[1] v[1] + u[2] v[2] + u[3] v[3]];
+test[makeSum[a (S[ua] T[la] + x) + b (u[ua] v[la] + y)],
+ a (S[1] T[1] + S[2] T[2] + S[3] T[3] + x) +
+ b (u[1] v[1] + u[2] v[2] + u[3] v[3] + y)];
+ S[ua] T[la] u[ub] v[lb]], (S[1] T[1] + S[2] T[2] + S[3] T[3]) (u[1] v[1] +
+ u[2] v[2] + u[3] v[3])];
+test[makeSum[f[S[la]]], f[S[la]]];
+test[makeSum[f[S[la] T[ua]]], f[S[1] T[1] + S[2] T[2] + S[3] T[3]]];
+test[makeSum[f[g[S[la] T[ua]]]], f[g[S[1] T[1] + S[2] T[2] + S[3] T[3]]]];
+test[makeSum[T[ua] f[S[la]]], T[1] f[S[1]] + T[2] f[S[2]] + T[3] f[S[3]]];
+test[makeSum[Sqrt[T[la] S[ua]]], Sqrt[S[1] T[1] + S[2] T[2] + S[3] T[3]]];
+test[makeSum[IfThen[cond, T[la] S[ua], 0]],
+ IfThen[cond, S[1] T[1] + S[2] T[2] + S[3] T[3], 0]];
+test[makeSum[IfThen[cond, T[la] S[ua], u[la] v[ua]]],
+ IfThen[cond, S[1] T[1] + S[2] T[2] + S[3] T[3],
+ u[1] v[1] + u[2] v[2] + u[3] v[3]]];
+(* makeSplit *)
+makeSplit = TensorTools`Private`makeSplit;
+test[makeSplit[S[la]], {S[1], S[2], S[3]}];
+test[makeSplit[S[la, lb]], {S[1, 1], S[1, 2], S[1, 3], S[2, 1], S[2, 2],
+ S[2, 3], S[3, 1], S[3, 2], S[3, 3]}];
+test[makeSplit[S[la] T[lb]], {S[1] T[1], S[1] T[2], S[1] T[3], S[2] T[1],
+ S[2] T[2], S[2] T[3], S[3] T[1], S[3] T[2], S[3] T[3]}];
+test[makeSplit[S[la] -> T[la]], {S[1] -> T[1], S[2] -> T[2], S[3] -> T[3]}];
+(* MakeExplicit *)
+test[MakeExplicit[S[la] T[ua] v[lb]], (S1 T1 + S2 T2 + S3 T3) {v1, v2, v3}];
+test[MakeExplicit[S[la] -> v[la]], {S1 -> v1, S2 -> v2, S3 -> v3}];
+ S[la] IfThen[1, T[ua], v[ua]]], {S1 IfThen[1, T1, v1] +
+ S2 IfThen[1, T2, v2] + S3 IfThen[1, T3, v3]}];
+test[MakeExplicit[Sqrt[S[ua] T[la]]], {Sqrt[S1 T1 + S2 T2 + S3 T3]}];
+test[MakeExplicit[Sqrt[u[ua] v[la]]], {Sqrt[u1 v1 + u2 v2 + u3 v3]}];
+test[FullSimplify[MakeExplicit[MatrixInverse[u[ua, ub]] u[lb, lc]]],
+ {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}];
+(* Partial derivatives *)
+test[MakeExplicit[PD[u[la], lb]], {PD[u1, 1], PD[u1, 2], PD[u1, 3], PD[u2, 1],
+ PD[u2, 2], PD[u2, 3], PD[u3, 1], PD[u3, 2], PD[u3, 3]}];
+test[MakeExplicit[PD[u[ua], la]], {PD[u1, 1], PD[u2, 2], PD[u3, 3]}];
+test[Simplify[MakeExplicit[PD[MatrixInverse[u[ua, ub]] u[lb, lc], ld]]], {0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0}];
+test[FullSimplify[MakeExplicit[PD[MatrixInverse[u[ua, ub]], ld] u[lb, lc]] +
+ MakeExplicit[MatrixInverse[u[ua, ub]] PD[u[lb, lc], ld]]],
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0}];