diff options
authorIan Hinder <ian.hinder@aei.mpg.de>2010-08-07 17:37:01 +0200
committerIan Hinder <ian.hinder@aei.mpg.de>2010-08-09 18:00:22 +0200
commitc596fcf0dd3c1c43540b54089feb78b245bd4cd1 (patch)
parentc0f9e97da2304c37321d3611e438acbe1674573a (diff)
KrancDoc.tex: More updates to documentation
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/KrancDoc.tex b/Doc/KrancDoc.tex
index 11af087..d495c06 100644
--- a/Doc/KrancDoc.tex
+++ b/Doc/KrancDoc.tex
@@ -85,17 +85,16 @@ For example, Kranc makes uses of existing Cactus thorns which provide:
computational grid.
\item Scheduling of parts of the code based upon parameters.
\item Standard efficient time integrators such as fourth order
-Runge-Kutta and iterative Crank-Nicolson via the {\em MoL} thorn
-written by I.~Hawke.
+ Runge-Kutta via the {\em MoL} thorn written by I.~Hawke.
\item Mesh refinement \cite{Schnetter}; i.e., using variable resolution
across the numerical grid, so that the computational resources are
focused on interesting parts of the simulation.
-\item Automatic parallelization of the code to run across multiple
+\item Automatic parallelization of the code via MPI to run across multiple
processors on a supercomputer or cluster, both to improve
computational speed and to use larger grids than can be stored in the
memory of a single node.
\item Output of grid variables to permanent storage in a structured
+format, for example HDF5.
These tasks are completely separate from the physics and numerical
analysis side of the problem, but are necessary in most numerical
@@ -202,14 +201,17 @@ structure has the following form:
\bf Key & \bf Type & \bf Description & \bf Default\\
Name & String & The name of the calculation & (none) \\
Equations & List of rules & The assignments that this calculation will perform & \{\} \\
Schedule & List of Strings & Cactus schedule specifications & Automatic \\
Shorthands & List of Symbols & Temporary variables which will be used in this calculation & \{\} \\
- CollectList & List of Symbols & Variables which will be used by Collect in Simplify & \{\} \\
Where & Everywhere / Interior / Boundary & Which part of the grid this calculation will be performed on & Everywhere \\
+ ConditionalOnKeyword & \{String, String\} &
+ The calculation will only be performed if the parameter named by the first string has the value specified by the second string. & \\
+ ConditionalOnKeywords & \{\{String, String\}, \ldots \} &
+ The same as ConditionalOnKeyword, but all the parameters must have their corresponding values for the calculation to be performed.& \\
+ ConditionalOnTextuals & List of Strings & Conditional expressions to be inserted in the Cactus schedule.ccl for the calculation to be performed. & \{\} \\
+ CollectList & List of Symbols & Variables which will be used by Collect in Simplify & \{\} \\
NoSimplify & True/False & Whether to disable simplification of the equations for this calculation & False \\
- ConditionalOnTextuals & List of Strings & Conditional expressions to be inserted in the Cactus schedule.ccl & \{\} \\
DeclarationIncludes & List of Strings & Cactus include files to use in this thorn & \{\} \\
@@ -222,8 +224,9 @@ values if omitted.
The name of a calculation is a string which will be used as the
function name in Cactus, as well as the base of the filename of the
-source file implementing the calculation in the generated thorn. For
+source file implementing the calculation in the generated thorn.
\begin{minipage}{0.8 \textwidth}
@@ -233,76 +236,176 @@ Name -> "wave_calc_rhs"
+The equation list is a list of assignments to perform in the
+calculation loop. Each equation is of the form
+\begin{minipage}{0.8 \textwidth}
+variable -> expression
+When the calculation is performed, for each point in the grid, {\it
+expression} is evaluated and placed into the grid function {\it
+variable}. Here {\it expression} may contain partial derivatives of
+grid functions which have been defined in a PartialDerivatives
+structure. {\it variable} may be either a grid function or a
+shorthand. Using the notation {\tt dot[{\it gf}]} for {\it variable}
+represents a time derivative of the grid function {\it gf}; this
+should be used when the calculation is scheduled in {\tt MoL\_CalcRHS}
+for calculating the right hand sides of the evolution equations.
+It is possible to use the same variable (either a grid function or a
+shorthand) on both the left hand side and the right hand side of an
+equation assignment. However, in that case the variable must not be
+differentiated on the right hand side, as this would lead to a result
+which depended on the ordering of the loop over the grid points, which
+is almost certainly not what is intended. Kranc will detect such a
+differentiation and abort with an error. See the option
+ProhibitAssignmentToGridFunctionsRead to CreateThorn in
+Sec.\ref{sec:createthornopts} if you want to prohibit such assignments
-This is a Cactus schedule specification describing
-when in the simulation the calculation will be performed. At its
-simplest, it can be given as one of the following:
-\item {\tt "at INITIAL"}
-\item {\tt "in MoL\_CalcRHS"}
-\item {\tt "at ANALYSIS"}
-so that the calculation is performed in either the initial data time
-bin, the schedule group for calculating right hand sides of evolution
-equations, or the analysis time bin. This is given as a list to allow
-the calculation to be scheduled at multiple points. Omitting the
-schedule information causes Kranc to schedule the calculation
-automatically. Currently, this is used for analysis quantities which
-are scheduled in \verb|MoL_PseudoEvolution| and have boundary
-conditions applied after them.
+This is a list of Cactus schedule specifications describing when in
+the simulation the calculation will be performed. Multiple schedule
+strings can be provided to allow the calculation to be scheduled at
+multiple points. Omitting the schedule information causes Kranc to
+schedule the calculation automatically. Currently, this is used for
+analysis quantities which are scheduled in \verb|MoL_PseudoEvolution|
+and have boundary conditions applied after them.
+\begin{minipage}{0.8 \textwidth}
+Schedule -> {"at INITIAL"}
+Schedule -> {"in MoL_CalcRHS"}
+Schedule -> {"at ANALYSIS"}
-This is a list of variables which are to be considered as
-shorthands for the purposes of this calculation. These are variables
+This is a list of variables which are to be considered as shorthands
+for the purposes of this calculation. These are temporary variables
which are defined locally in the loop and are not grid functions
-defined over the whole grid. They are used as temporary intermediate
-variables when setting more complicated grid functions. For example,
+defined over the whole grid. They are used as intermediate variables
+when setting more complicated grid functions. Since they are defined
+only pointwise, they cannot be differentiated.
\begin{minipage}{0.8 \textwidth}
Shorthands -> {a,b}
+Shorthands -> {hInv[ua,ub], alpha, Ric[la,lb]}
-would define two shorthands called $a$ and $b$ which can be assigned
-to and used in the equations.
+Different calculations need to be evaluated on different portions of
+the numerical grid. For example, a calculation which implements a
+boundary condition needs to be performed on the boundary points only.
+A calculation which contains derivatives needs to be performed on the
+interior of the grid only. A calculation which does not contain
+derivatives can be performed even in the ghost zones, so that a
+potentially time-consuming synchronisation can be avoided. The Where
+option can have values of Everywhere, Interior or Boundary
+corresponding to these choices. There is currently no check that a
+calculation containing derivatives is not performed on the entire
+grid, nor that the number of ghost zones selected by the user at run
+time is compatible with the finite differencing operator chosen.
+\begin{minipage}{0.8 \textwidth}
+Where -> Everywhere
-The equation list is a list of assignments to perform in the
-calculation loop. Each equation is of the form
+This key allows a calculation to be performed conditionally based on
+the value of a parameter set by the user at run time. Setting
\begin{minipage}{0.8 \textwidth}
-variable -> expression
+ConditionalOnKeyword -> {<param>, <value>}
-When the calculation is performed, for each point in the grid, {\it
-expression} is evaluated and placed into the grid function {\it
-variable}. Here {\it expression} may contain partial derivatives of
-grid functions which have been defined in a PartialDerivatives
-structure. {\it variable} may be either a grid function or a
-shorthand. Using the notation {\tt dot[{\it gf}]} for {\it variable}
-represents a time derivative of the grid function {\it gf}; this
-should be used when the calculation is scheduled in {\tt MoL\_CalcRHS}
-for calculating the right hand sides of the evolution equations.
+where \verb|<param>| is a string naming a keyword parameter defined in
+the KeywordParameters option to CreateThorn will cause the calculation
+to be performed only if that parameter is set to \verb|<value>|.
-The arrangement of the terms in the equations can have a marked effect
-on both compile time and run time. It is often helpful to tell
+\begin{minipage}{0.8 \textwidth}
+ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"gauge_condition", "harmonic"}
+The ConditionalOnKeywords key takes a list of
+\verb|{<param>, <value>}| pairs as described under
+ConditionalOnKeyword. All the parameters must match for the
+calculation to be scheduled.
+This key can be set to a string which is used verbatim in the Cactus
+schedule.ccl file. Any valid Cactus conditional string can be used.
+The arrangement of the terms in the equations can have a significant
+effect on both compile time and run time. It is often helpful to tell
Mathematica to collect the coefficients of certain types of term,
-rather than expanding out entire expressions. To this end, the user
-can include a {\em CollectList} entry in a calculation; this is a list
-of variables whose coefficients should be collected during
+rather than expanding out entire expressions. The user can include a
+{\em CollectList} entry in a calculation; this is a list of variables
+whose coefficients should be collected during simplification.
+Setting this option to True stops Kranc from simplifying the right
+hand sides of expressions in this calculation. This could be used
+because the user has found a way of writing the expressions which
+leads to faster code than if Kranc's simplification is used, or
+because the expressions are so complicated that the simplification
+takes a very long time to perform.
+\begin{minipage}{0.8 \textwidth}
+NoSimplify -> True
-Note that the system is not designed to allow the same grid function
-to be set more than once in a single loop of a calculation. This
-limitation may be removed in the future.
+This is a list of filenames which will be \verb|#include|ed in the
+generated code inside the calculation function but before the loop
+over grid points.
+\subsubsection{{\it Calculation Example}}
The following example is taken from the Kranc implementation of the
NOR formulation of Einstein's equations. It is a calculation which
@@ -469,7 +572,7 @@ dot[v] -> PDstandard2nd[v,1] + Diss2nd[v]
A PartialDerivatives structure is given as an argument to the thorn
-generation functions.
+generation function CreateThorn.
\subsection{Data structure: GroupDefinition}