diff options
authorIan Hinder <ian.hinder@aei.mpg.de>2011-10-28 18:56:40 +0200
committerIan Hinder <ian.hinder@aei.mpg.de>2011-10-28 18:56:49 +0200
commit8c8df5bf89c35e4117c4678b77a87fecc5266195 (patch)
parent4afe01326f6d81ea681cebfd54570a5d13884678 (diff)
parent661fda00d65e80e192bc561c5d8e9eafd60e8e3f (diff)
Merge branch opencl into master
22 files changed, 1715 insertions, 1181 deletions
diff --git a/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/configuration.ccl b/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/configuration.ccl
index 477b219..664b79a 100644
--- a/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/configuration.ccl
+++ b/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/configuration.ccl
@@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ PROVIDES GenericFD
diff --git a/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/src/GenericFD.h b/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/src/GenericFD.h
index 401b4e0..ace83a0 100644
--- a/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/src/GenericFD.h
+++ b/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/src/GenericFD.h
@@ -43,18 +43,30 @@ extern "C" {
#include "MathematicaCompat.h"
#ifdef KRANC_C
+ /* Grid function access */
+ /* var is a pointer to a grid point, i,j,k are offsets with respect
+ to that point.
+ For example: KRANC_GFINDEX3D_OFFSET(&u[ind3d],-1,-1,0) */
+#ifndef VECTORISE
+ /* standard, thorn Vectors is not used */
+ /* simple implementation */
+ /* # define KRANC_GFOFFSET3D(var,i,j,k) ((var)[di*(i)+dj*(j)+dk*(k)]) */
+ /* more efficient implementation for some compilers */
+# define KRANC_GFOFFSET3D(var,i,j,k) \
+ (*(CCTK_REAL const*)&((char const*)(var))[cdi*(i)+cdj*(j)+cdk*(k)])
+ /* vectorised version */
+# define KRANC_GFOFFSET3D(var,i,j,k) \
+ vec_loadu_maybe3((i),(j),(k), \
+ *(CCTK_REAL const*)& \
+ ((char const*)(var))[cdi*(i)+cdj*(j)+cdk*(k)])
int sgn(CCTK_REAL x);
int GenericFD_GetBoundaryWidth(cGH const * restrict const cctkGH);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-// Define the restrict qualifier
-# undef restrict
-# define restrict CCTK_CXX_RESTRICT
-# endif
void GenericFD_GetBoundaryInfo(cGH const * restrict cctkGH,
int const * restrict cctk_lsh,
int const * restrict cctk_lssh,
diff --git a/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/src/MathematicaCompat.h b/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/src/MathematicaCompat.h
index 1823cd8..25ec32c 100644
--- a/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/src/MathematicaCompat.h
+++ b/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/src/MathematicaCompat.h
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
#define Cosh(x) (cosh(x))
#define Tanh(x) (tanh(x))
+#define Csch(x) (1./sinh(x))
#ifdef KRANC_C
# define Sign(x) (copysign(1.0,(x)))
# define ToReal(x) ((CCTK_REAL)(x))
@@ -38,38 +40,6 @@
# define ToReal(x) (real((x),kind(khalf)))
-#if 0
-/* TODO: use fma(x,y,z) to implement fmadd and friends? Note that fma
- may be unsupported, or may be slow. */
-/* #define fmadd(x,y,z) ((x)*(y)+(z)) */
-/* #define fmsub(x,y,z) ((x)*(y)-(z)) */
-/* #define fnmadd(x,y,z) (-(z)-(x)*(y)) */
-/* #define fnmsub(x,y,z) (+(z)-(x)*(y)) */
-#define fpos(x) (+(x))
-#define fneg(x) (-(x))
-#define fmul(x,y) ((x)*(y))
-#define fdiv(x,y) ((x)/(y))
-#define fadd(x,y) ((x)+(y))
-#define fsub(x,y) ((x)-(y))
-#define fmadd(x,y,z) (fadd(fmul(x,y),z))
-#define fmsub(x,y,z) (fsub(fmul(x,y),z))
-#define fnmadd(x,y,z) (fsub(fneg(z),fmul(x,y)))
-#define fnmsub(x,y,z) (fsub(z,fmul(x,y)))
-#define kexp(x) (exp(x))
-#define kfabs(x) (fabs(x))
-#define kfmax(x,y) (fmax(x,y))
-#define kfmin(x,y) (fmin(x,y))
-#define klog(x) (log(x))
-#define kpow(x,y) (pow(x,y))
-#define ksqrt(x) (sqrt(x))
#ifdef KRANC_C
# define E M_E
# define Pi M_PI
diff --git a/Bin/kranc b/Bin/kranc
index 9f16432..e82e75a 100755
--- a/Bin/kranc
+++ b/Bin/kranc
@@ -1,9 +1,22 @@
-# Assume that this script is called from the Kranc/Bin directory
+set -e
+# Assume that this script is called from the Kranc/Bin directory.
+# This will not work if someone creates a symlink to the kranc script
+# somewhere else
export KRANCDIR=$(dirname $0)/..
+if [ ! -r "$KRANCDIR/Tools/CodeGen" ]; then
+ echo "Cannot find Kranc (the kranc script must be run directly from the Kranc/Bin directory - symbolic links are not currently allowed)"
+ exit 1
+echo "Using Kranc installation at $KRANCDIR"
+# It would be good to find a portable way to canonicalise KRANCDIR.
while getopts "v" flag
case $flag in
diff --git a/Examples/Laplace.m b/Examples/Laplace.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad8a28f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/Laplace.m
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+groups = {{"phi_group", {phi}}};
+derivatives =
+ PDstandard[i_] ->
+ StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,fdOrder/2,i],
+ PDstandard[i_, i_] ->
+ StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[2,fdOrder/2,i],
+ PDstandard[i_, j_] ->
+ StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,fdOrder/2,i] StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,fdOrder/2,j]
+PD = PDstandard;
+initialCalc =
+ Name -> "Laplace_initial",
+ Schedule -> {"AT INITIAL"},
+ Where -> Interior,
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ phi -> phi0 Sum[4/(Pi n) Sin[n Pi x/Lx] Sinh[n Pi y/Lx]/Sinh[n Pi Ly/Lx], {n, 1, 1, 2}]
+ }
+initialBoundaryCalc =
+ Name -> "Laplace_initial_boundary",
+ Schedule -> {"AT INITIAL after Laplace_initial"},
+ Where -> Boundary,
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ phi -> IfThen[Abs[y-Ly]<10^-10, phi0, 0]
+ }
+evolveCalc =
+ Name -> "Laplace_relax",
+ Schedule -> {"in MoL_CalcRHS", "AT ANALYSIS"},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ dot[phi] -> mu Euc[ui,uj] PD[phi,li,lj]
+ }
+boundaryCalc =
+ Name -> "Laplace_boundary",
+ Schedule -> {"in MoL_RHSBoundaries", "AT ANALYSIS"},
+ Where -> Boundary,
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ dot[phi] -> 0
+ }
+ groups, ".",
+ "Laplace",
+ Calculations -> {initialCalc, initialBoundaryCalc, evolveCalc, boundaryCalc},
+ PartialDerivatives -> derivatives,
+ ZeroDimensions -> {3},
+ RealParameters -> {Lx,Ly,phi0,mu},
+ IntParameters -> {{Name -> fdOrder, Default -> 2, AllowedValues -> {2, 4}}},
+ DeclaredGroups -> {"phi_group"}];
diff --git a/Examples/laplace.par b/Examples/laplace.par
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a63db80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/laplace.par
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+Cactus::cctk_final_time = 1
+Cactus::terminate = "time"
+ActiveThorns = "IOUtil Carpet CarpetLib CarpetSlab CoordBase CoordBase SymBase CartGrid3D Slab CarpetIOBasic CarpetIOASCII CarpetIOScalar Laplace Time MoL Boundary GenericFD CarpetReduce LoopControl CarpetIOHDF5 HDF5"
+CoordBase::domainsize = minmax
+CoordBase::boundary_size_x_lower = 1
+CoordBase::boundary_size_y_lower = 1
+CoordBase::boundary_size_z_lower = 0
+CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_x_lower = 0
+CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_y_lower = 0
+CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_z_lower = 1
+CoordBase::boundary_size_x_upper = 1
+CoordBase::boundary_size_y_upper = 1
+CoordBase::boundary_size_z_upper = 0
+CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_x_upper = 0
+CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_y_upper = 0
+CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_z_upper = 1
+CartGrid3D::type = "coordbase"
+CartGrid3D::domain = "full"
+CartGrid3D::avoid_origin = "no"
+CoordBase::xmin = 0
+CoordBase::ymin = 0
+CoordBase::zmin = 0
+CoordBase::xmax = 1
+CoordBase::ymax = 1
+CoordBase::zmax = 0
+CoordBase::dx = 0.02
+CoordBase::dy = 0.02
+CoordBase::dz = 0.02
+driver::ghost_size_x = 1
+driver::ghost_size_y = 1
+driver::ghost_size_z = 0
+Carpet::domain_from_coordbase = "yes"
+Carpet::poison_new_timelevels = "yes"
+Carpet::check_for_poison = "no"
+Carpet::max_refinement_levels = 1
+Carpet::prolongation_order_space = 3
+Carpet::prolongation_order_time = 2
+Carpet::init_each_timelevel = no
+Carpet::print_timestats_every = 0
+Time::timestep = 0.0001
+Time::timestep_method = "given"
+MethodOfLines::ode_method = "generic"
+MethodOfLines::generic_type = "RK"
+MethodOfLines::MoL_Intermediate_Steps = 1
+MethodOfLines::MoL_Num_Scratch_Levels = 1
+# MethodOfLines::ode_method = "RK2"
+# MethodOfLines::MoL_NaN_Check = "no"
+# MethodOfLines::initial_data_is_crap = "yes"
+# MethodOfLines::MoL_Intermediate_Steps = 2
+# MethodOfLines::MoL_Num_Scratch_Levels = 1
+IO::out_dir = $parfile
+IOBasic::outInfo_every = 100
+IOBasic::outInfo_reductions = "minimum maximum"
+IOBasic::outInfo_vars = "
+ Carpet::physical_time_per_hour
+ Laplace::phi
+ Laplace::phirhs
+IOScalar::outScalar_every = 10
+IOScalar::outScalar_reductions = "norm2"
+IOScalar::outScalar_vars = "Laplace::phirhs"
+Laplace::Lx = 1
+Laplace::Ly = 1
+Laplace::phi0 = 1
+Laplace::mu = 1
+IOHDF5::out_every = 100
+IOHDF5::out_vars = "
+ Laplace::phi
+ Laplace::phirhs
+# TimerReport::out_every = 0
+# TimerReport::n_top_timers = 50
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/CalculationBoundaries.m b/Tools/CodeGen/CalculationBoundaries.m
index 3d331ab..3a66aba 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/CalculationBoundaries.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/CalculationBoundaries.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
BeginPackage["CalculationBoundaries`", {"Errors`", "Helpers`",
- "Kranc`", "MapLookup`", "KrancGroups`", "CodeGen`"}];
+ "Kranc`", "MapLookup`", "KrancGroups`", "CodeGen`", "CodeGenCactus`", "CodeGenC`"}];
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/CalculationFunction.m b/Tools/CodeGen/CalculationFunction.m
index 35e9625..1fd5894 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/CalculationFunction.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/CalculationFunction.m
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-BeginPackage["CalculationFunction`", {"CodeGen`",
+BeginPackage["CalculationFunction`", {"CodeGenCactus`", "CodeGenC`", "CodeGen`",
"MapLookup`", "KrancGroups`", "Differencing`", "Errors`",
- "Helpers`", "Kranc`", "Optimize`", "Jacobian`"}];
+ "Helpers`", "Kranc`", "Optimize`", "Jacobian`", "Profile`"}];
CreateCalculationFunction::usage = "";
VerifyCalculation::usage = "";
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ VerifyListContent[l_, type_, while_] :=
If[!(Head[l] === List),
ThrowError["Expecting a list of ", type,
- " objects, but found the following, which is not a List object: ", l, while]];
+ " objects, but found the following, which is not a List object. Error occured ", while, l]];
types = Union[Map[Head, l]];
If [!(types === {type}) && !(types === {}),
ThrowError["Expecting a list of ", type ,
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ simpCollect[collectList_, eqrhs_, localvar_, debug_] :=
collectCoeff = Collect[rhs, localCollectList];
InfoMessage[InfoFull, "ByteCount[terms collected]: ", ByteCount@collectCoeff];
- all = Collect[rhs, localCollectList, Simplify];
+ all = Profile["Collect/Simplify", Collect[rhs, localCollectList, Simplify]];
InfoMessage[InfoFull, "ByteCount[simplified rhs]: ", ByteCount@all];
@@ -373,11 +373,13 @@ pdCanonicalOrdering[name_[inds___] -> x_] :=
Options[CreateCalculationFunction] = ThornOptions;
-CreateCalculationFunction[calcp_, debug_, imp_, opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
+ CreateCalculationFunction[calcp_, debug_, imp_, opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
Module[{gfs, allSymbols, knownSymbols,
shorts, eqs, parameters, parameterRules,
functionName, dsUsed, groups, pddefs, cleancalc, eqLoop, where,
- addToStencilWidth, pDefs, haveCondTextuals, condTextuals, calc},
+ addToStencilWidth, pDefs, haveCondTextuals, condTextuals, calc,
+ kernelCall},
calc = If[OptionValue[UseJacobian], InsertJacobian[calcp, opts], calcp];
@@ -451,7 +453,7 @@ CreateCalculationFunction[calcp_, debug_, imp_, opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
(* Check that there are no unknown symbols in the calculation *)
allSymbols = calculationSymbols[cleancalc];
knownSymbols = Join[lookupDefault[cleancalc, AllowedSymbols, {}], gfs, shorts, parameters,
- {dx,dy,dz,idx,idy,idz,t, Pi, E, Symbol["i"], Symbol["j"], Symbol["k"], normal1, normal2,
+ {dx,dy,dz,dt,idx,idy,idz,t, Pi, E, Symbol["i"], Symbol["j"], Symbol["k"], normal1, normal2,
normal3, tangentA1, tangentA2, tangentA3, tangentB1, tangentB2, tangentB3},
If[OptionValue[UseJacobian], JacobianSymbols[], {}]];
@@ -461,26 +463,41 @@ CreateCalculationFunction[calcp_, debug_, imp_, opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
ThrowError["Unknown symbols in calculation. Symbols are:", unknownSymbols,
"Calculation is:", cleancalc]];
+ kernelCall = Switch[where,
+ Everywhere,
+ "GenericFD_LoopOverEverything(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n",
+ Interior,
+ "GenericFD_LoopOverInterior(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n",
+ InteriorNoSync,
+ "GenericFD_LoopOverInterior(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n",
+ Boundary,
+ "GenericFD_LoopOverBoundary(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n",
+ BoundaryWithGhosts,
+ "GenericFD_LoopOverBoundaryWithGhosts(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n",
+ _,
+ ThrowError["Unknown 'Where' entry in calculation " <>
+ functionName <> ": " <> ToString[where]]];
- DefineFunction[bodyFunctionName, "static void", "cGH const * restrict const cctkGH, int const dir, int const face, CCTK_REAL const normal[3], CCTK_REAL const tangentA[3], CCTK_REAL const tangentB[3], int const min[3], int const max[3], int const n_subblock_gfs, CCTK_REAL * restrict const subblock_gfs[]",
+ DefineFunction[bodyFunctionName, "static void", "cGH const * restrict const cctkGH, int const dir, int const face, CCTK_REAL const normal[3], CCTK_REAL const tangentA[3], CCTK_REAL const tangentB[3], int const imin[3], int const imax[3], int const n_subblock_gfs, CCTK_REAL * restrict const subblock_gfs[]",
- If[!OptionValue[UseLoopControl], DeclareGridLoopVariables[], {}],
- DeclareFDVariables[],
- ConditionalOnParameterTextual["verbose > 1",
- "CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING,\"Entering " <> bodyFunctionName <> "\");\n"],
- ConditionalOnParameterTextual["cctk_iteration % " <> functionName <> "_calc_every != " <>
- functionName <> "_calc_offset", "return;\n"],
+ (* OpenCL kernel prologue *)
+ (* We could (or probably should) write this into a source file of its own *)
+ If[OptionValue[UseOpenCL],
+ {
+ "char const * const source =\n"
+ },
+ {
+ }],
- CheckGroupStorage[groupsInCalculation[cleancalc, imp], functionName],
+ If[OptionValue[UseOpenCL], Stringify, Identity][{
- "\n",
- CheckStencil[pddefs, eqs, functionName, lookup[{opts}, IntParameters, {}]],
+ If[!OptionValue[UseLoopControl], DeclareGridLoopVariables[], {}],
- If[haveCondTextuals, Map[ConditionalOnParameterTextual["!(" <> # <> ")", "return;\n"] &,condTextuals], {}],
+ DeclareFDVariables[],
CommentedBlock["Include user-supplied include files",
Map[IncludeFile, lookupDefault[cleancalc, DeclarationIncludes, {}]]],
@@ -499,38 +516,65 @@ CreateCalculationFunction[calcp_, debug_, imp_, opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
eqLoop = equationLoop[eqs, cleancalc, gfs, shorts, {}, groups,
pddefs, where, addToStencilWidth, opts]},
- ConditionalOnParameterTextual["verbose > 1",
- "CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING,\"Leaving " <> bodyFunctionName <> "\");\n"],
- Switch[where,
- Everywhere,
- DefineCCTKSubroutine[functionName,
- "GenericFD_LoopOverEverything(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n"],
- Interior,
- DefineCCTKSubroutine[functionName,
- "GenericFD_LoopOverInterior(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n"],
- InteriorNoSync,
- DefineCCTKSubroutine[functionName,
- "GenericFD_LoopOverInterior(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n"],
- Boundary,
- DefineCCTKSubroutine[functionName,
- "GenericFD_LoopOverBoundary(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n"],
- BoundaryWithGhosts,
- DefineCCTKSubroutine[functionName,
- "GenericFD_LoopOverBoundaryWithGhosts(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n"],
- PenaltyPrim2Char,
- DefineFunction[functionName, "CCTK_INT",
- "CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST const cctkGH_, CCTK_INT const dir, CCTK_INT const face, CCTK_REAL const * restrict const base_, CCTK_INT const * restrict const lbnd, CCTK_INT const * restrict const lsh, CCTK_INT const * restrict const from, CCTK_INT const * restrict const to, CCTK_INT const rhs_flag, CCTK_INT const num_modes, CCTK_POINTER const * restrict const modes, CCTK_POINTER const * restrict const speeds",
- "GenericFD_PenaltyPrim2Char(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n"],
- _,
- ThrowError["Unknown 'Where' entry in calculation " <>
- functionName <> ": " <> ToString[where]]]}];
+ (* OpenCL kernel epologue *)
+ If[OptionValue[UseOpenCL],
+ {
+ ";\n\n",
+ Module[
+ {ignoreGroups, groupsNames, groupNameList},
+ ignoreGroups = {"TmunuBase::stress_energy_scalar",
+ "TmunuBase::stress_energy_vector",
+ "TmunuBase::stress_energy_tensor"};
+ groupNames = groupsInCalculation[cleancalc, imp];
+ groupNames = Select[groupNames, !MemberQ[ignoreGroups, #] &];
+ {
+ "char const * const groups[] = {",
+ Riffle[Join[Map[Quote, groupNames], {"NULL"}], ","],
+ "};\n\n"
+ }
+ ],
+ "static struct OpenCLKernel * kernel = NULL;\n",
+ "char const * const sources[] = {differencing, source, NULL};\n",
+ "OpenCLRunTime_CallKernel (cctkGH, CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"" <> functionName <> "\",\n",
+ " sources, groups, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1,\n",
+ " imin, imax, &kernel);\n\n"
+ },
+ {
+ }]
+ }],
+ DefineCCTKSubroutine[functionName,
+ FlattenBlock[{
+ ConditionalOnParameterTextual["verbose > 1",
+ "CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING,\"Entering " <> bodyFunctionName <> "\");\n"],
+ ConditionalOnParameterTextual["cctk_iteration % " <> functionName <> "_calc_every != " <>
+ functionName <> "_calc_offset", "return;\n"],
+ CheckGroupStorage[groupsInCalculation[cleancalc, imp], functionName],
+ "\n",
+ CheckStencil[pddefs, eqs, functionName, OptionValue[ZeroDimensions],
+ lookup[{opts}, IntParameters, {}]],
+ "\n",
+ If[haveCondTextuals, Map[ConditionalOnParameterTextual["!(" <> # <> ")", "return;\n"] &,condTextuals], {}],
+ kernelCall,
+ ConditionalOnParameterTextual["verbose > 1",
+ "CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING,\"Leaving " <> bodyFunctionName <> "\");\n"]
+ }]]
+ }]];
Options[equationLoop] = ThornOptions;
-equationLoop[eqs_, cleancalc_, gfs_, shorts_, incs_, groups_, pddefs_,
+ equationLoop[eqs_, cleancalc_, gfs_, shorts_, incs_, groups_, pddefs_,
where_, addToStencilWidth_,
opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
Module[{rhss, lhss, gfsInRHS, gfsInLHS, gfsOnlyInRHS, localGFs,
@@ -563,10 +607,12 @@ equationLoop[eqs_, cleancalc_, gfs_, shorts_, incs_, groups_, pddefs_,
localMap = Map[# -> localName[#] &, gfs];
derivSwitch =
- GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[pddefs, eqsOrdered] != {};
+ GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[pddefs, eqsOrdered,
+ OptionValue[ZeroDimensions]] != {};
gfsDifferentiated = Map[First,
- GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[pddefs, eqsOrdered]];
+ GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[pddefs, eqsOrdered,
+ OptionValue[ZeroDimensions]]];
gfsDifferentiatedAndOnLHS = Intersection[gfsDifferentiated, gfsInLHS];
@@ -579,8 +625,9 @@ equationLoop[eqs_, cleancalc_, gfs_, shorts_, incs_, groups_, pddefs_,
(* Replace the partial derivatives *)
{defsWithoutShorts, defsWithShorts} = splitPDDefsWithShorthands[pddefs, shorts];
- eqs2 = ReplaceDerivatives[defsWithoutShorts, eqsOrdered, True];
- eqs2 = ReplaceDerivatives[defsWithShorts, eqs2, False];
+ eqs2 = ReplaceDerivatives[defsWithoutShorts, eqsOrdered, True,
+ OptionValue[ZeroDimensions]];
+ eqs2 = ReplaceDerivatives[defsWithShorts, eqs2, False, OptionValue[ZeroDimensions]];
checkEquationAssignmentOrder[eqs2, shorts];
functionName = ToString@lookup[cleancalc, Name];
@@ -673,7 +720,9 @@ equationLoop[eqs_, cleancalc_, gfs_, shorts_, incs_, groups_, pddefs_,
Map[IncludeFile, incs]],
CommentedBlock["Precompute derivatives",
- PrecomputeDerivatives[defsWithoutShorts, eqsOrdered, lookup[{opts}, IntParameters, {}]]],
+ PrecomputeDerivatives[defsWithoutShorts, eqsOrdered,
+ lookup[{opts}, IntParameters, {}],
+ OptionValue[ZeroDimensions]]],
CommentedBlock["Calculate temporaries and grid functions", calcCode],
@@ -681,37 +730,40 @@ equationLoop[eqs_, cleancalc_, gfs_, shorts_, incs_, groups_, pddefs_,
Map[InfoVariable[#[[1]]] &, (eqs2 /. localMap)],
- If[OptionValue[UseVectors], {
- CommentedBlock["If necessary, store only partial vectors after the first iteration",
- ConditionalOnParameterTextual["CCTK_REAL_VEC_SIZE > 2 && CCTK_BUILTIN_EXPECT(i < lc_imin && i+CCTK_REAL_VEC_SIZE > lc_imax, 0)",
- {
- DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "elt_count_lo", "lc_imin-i"],
- DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "elt_count_hi", "lc_imax-i"],
- Map[StoreMiddlePartialVariableInLoop[GridName[#], localName[#], "elt_count_lo", "elt_count_hi"] &,
- gfsInLHS],
- "break;\n"
- }]],
- CommentedBlock["If necessary, store only partial vectors after the first iteration",
- ConditionalOnParameterTextual["CCTK_REAL_VEC_SIZE > 1 && CCTK_BUILTIN_EXPECT(i < lc_imin, 0)",
- {
- DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "elt_count", "lc_imin-i"],
- Map[StoreHighPartialVariableInLoop[GridName[#], localName[#], "elt_count"] &,
- gfsInLHS],
- "continue;\n"
- }]],
- CommentedBlock["If necessary, store only partial vectors after the last iteration",
- ConditionalOnParameterTextual["CCTK_REAL_VEC_SIZE > 1 && CCTK_BUILTIN_EXPECT(i+CCTK_REAL_VEC_SIZE > lc_imax, 0)",
- {
- DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "elt_count", "lc_imax-i"],
- Map[StoreLowPartialVariableInLoop[GridName[#], localName[#], "elt_count"] &,
- gfsInLHS],
- "break;\n"
- }]]}, {}],
- CommentedBlock["Copy local copies back to grid functions",
- Map[(If[OptionValue[UseVectors], StoreVariableInLoop, AssignVariableInLoop][GridName[#], localName[#]]) &,
- gfsInLHS]],
- If[debugInLoop, Map[InfoVariable[GridName[#]] &, gfsInLHS], ""]}, opts]];
+ Which[OptionValue[UseOpenCL],
+ CommentedBlock["Copy local copies back to grid functions",
+ Map[StorePartialVariableInLoop[GridName[#], localName[#]] &, gfsInLHS]],
+ OptionValue[UseVectors],
+ {
+ CommentedBlock["If necessary, store only partial vectors after the first iteration",
+ ConditionalOnParameterTextual["CCTK_REAL_VEC_SIZE > 2 && CCTK_BUILTIN_EXPECT(i < lc_imin && i+CCTK_REAL_VEC_SIZE > lc_imax, 0)",
+ {
+ DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "elt_count_lo", "lc_imin-i"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "elt_count_hi", "lc_imax-i"],
+ Map[StoreMiddlePartialVariableInLoop[GridName[#], localName[#], "elt_count_lo", "elt_count_hi"] &, gfsInLHS],
+ "break;\n"
+ }]],
+ CommentedBlock["If necessary, store only partial vectors after the first iteration",
+ ConditionalOnParameterTextual["CCTK_REAL_VEC_SIZE > 1 && CCTK_BUILTIN_EXPECT(i < lc_imin, 0)",
+ {
+ DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "elt_count", "lc_imin-i"],
+ Map[StoreHighPartialVariableInLoop[GridName[#], localName[#], "elt_count"] &, gfsInLHS],
+ "continue;\n"
+ }]],
+ CommentedBlock["If necessary, store only partial vectors after the last iteration",
+ ConditionalOnParameterTextual["CCTK_REAL_VEC_SIZE > 1 && CCTK_BUILTIN_EXPECT(i+CCTK_REAL_VEC_SIZE > lc_imax, 0)",
+ {
+ DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "elt_count", "lc_imax-i"],
+ Map[StoreLowPartialVariableInLoop[GridName[#], localName[#], "elt_count"] &, gfsInLHS],
+ "break;\n"
+ }]],
+ Map[StoreVariableInLoop[GridName[#], localName[#]] &, gfsInLHS]
+ },
+ True,
+ CommentedBlock["Copy local copies back to grid functions",
+ Map[AssignVariableInLoop[GridName[#], localName[#]] &, gfsInLHS]]],
+ If[debugInLoop, Map[InfoVariable[GridName[#]] &, gfsInLHS], ""]}, opts]]];
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGen.m b/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGen.m
index 127ee81..c2cb890 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGen.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGen.m
@@ -22,13 +22,6 @@
BeginPackage["CodeGen`", {"Errors`", "Kranc`"}];
-SOURCELANGUAGE::usage = "global variable == \"C\" or \"Fortran\" determines language
- for code generation";
-SOURCESUFFIX::usage = "file suffix for source files";
-EOL::usage = "the end of line termination string";
-SetSourceLanguage::usage = "set the source language to \"C\" or \"Fortran\"";
FlattenBlock::usage = "FlattenBlock[block] converts 'block' to a string.";
SeparatedBlock::usage = "SeparatedBlock[block] returns a version of 'block' with " <>
"a newline before it.";
@@ -36,961 +29,133 @@ GenerateFile::usage = "GenerateFile[name, block] writes 'block' to a file of the
"specified 'name'.";
AddToFile::usage = "AddToFile[name, block] appends 'block' to a file of the " <>
"specified 'name'.";
-IncludeFile::usage = "IncludeFile[name] returns a block of code" <>
- "that includes a header file (i.e '#include \"name\"').";
-IncludeSystemFile::usage = "IncludeFile[name] returns a block of code" <>
- "that includes a system header file (i.e '#include <name>').";
-DeclareVariable::usage = "DeclareVariable[name, type] returns a block of code " <>
- "that declares a variable of given name and type. 'name' and 'type' should be " <>
- "strings.";
-DeclareVariableNoInit::usage = "DeclareVariableNoInit[name, type] returns a block of code " <>
- "that declares a variable of given name and type without initialising it. 'name' and 'type' should be " <>
- "strings.";
-DeclareVariables::usage = "DeclareVariables[names, type] returns a block of code " <>
- "that declares a list of variables of given name and type. 'names' should be a list" <>
- " of strings and 'type' should be a string string.";
-DeclarePointer::usage = "DeclarePointer[name, type] returns a block of code " <>
- "that declares a pointer of given name and type. 'name' and 'type' should be " <>
- "strings.";
-DeclarePointers::usage = "DeclarePointers[names, type] returns a block of code " <>
- "that declares a list of pointers of given name and type. 'names' should be a list" <>
- " of strings and 'type' should be a string string.";
-DefineVariable::usage = "DefineVariable[name, type, value] returns a block of " <>
- "code that declares and initialised a variable 'name' of type 'type' to value 'value'.";
-AssignVariable::usage = "AssignVariable[dest_, src_] returns a block of code " <>
- "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
-DeclareAssignVariable::usage = "DeclareAssignVariable[type_, dest_, src_] returns a block of code " <>
- "that declares and sets a constant variable of given name and type.";
-AssignVariableInLoop::usage = "AssignVariableInLoop[dest_, src_] returns a block of code " <>
- "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
-StoreVariableInLoop::usage = "StoreVariableInLoop[dest_, src_] returns a block of code " <>
- "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
-StoreLowPartialVariableInLoop::usage = "StoreLowPartialVariableInLoop[dest_, src_, count_] returns a block of code " <>
- "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
-StoreHighPartialVariableInLoop::usage = "StoreHighPartialVariableInLoop[dest_, src_, count_] returns a block of code " <>
- "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
-StoreMiddlePartialVariableInLoop::usage = "StoreMiddlePartialVariableInLoop[dest_, src_, countLow_, countHigh_] returns a block of code " <>
- "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
-DeclareAssignVariableInLoop::usage = "DeclareAssignVariableInLoop[type_, dest_, src_] returns a block of code " <>
- "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
-MaybeAssignVariableInLoop::usage = "MaybeAssignVariableInLoop[dest_, src_, cond_] returns a block of code " <>
- "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
-DeclareMaybeAssignVariableInLoop::usage = "DeclareMaybeAssignVariableInLoop[type_, dest_, src_, cond_] returns a block of code " <>
- "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
-TestForNaN::usage = "TestForNaN[expr_] returns a block of code " <>
- "that tests 'expr' for nan.";
-CommentedBlock::usage = "CommentedBlock[comment, block] returns a block consisting " <>
- "of 'comment' followed by 'block'.";
-DefineCCTKFunction::usage = "DefineCCTKFunction[name, type, block] returns a block " <>
- "of code that defines a CCTK function of name 'name' returning type 'type' with " <>
- "body 'block'.";
-DefineCCTKSubroutine::usage = "DefineCCTKSubroutine[name, block] returns a block " <>
- "of code that defines a CCTK Fortran subroutine of name 'name' with body 'block'.";
-GridName::usage = "GridName[variable] returns the name needed to access variable " <>
- "assuming it is a grid variable when inside a grid loop.";
-DeclareGridLoopVariables::usage = "DeclareGridLoopVariables[] returns a block " <>
- "that defines the variables needed during a grid loop.";
-InitialiseGridLoopVariables::usage = "InitialiseGridLoopVariables[] returns a block " <>
- "that initialises variables needed by a grid loop.";
-InitialiseGridLoopVariablesWithStencil::usage = "InitialiseGridLoopVariables[] returns a block " <>
- "that initialises variables needed by a grid loop using the evolution stencils.";
-ConditionalOnParameter::usage = "ConditionalOnParameter[name, value, block] returns " <>
- "a block that introduces a conditional expression whereby 'block' is only executed " <>
- "if the Cactus parameter 'name' has value 'value'.";
-GridLoop::usage = "GridLoop[block] returns a block that is looped over for every " <>
- "grid point. Must have previously set up the grid loop variables (see " <>
- "DeclareGridLoopVariables and InitialiseGridLoopVariables.";
-GridLoop::usage = "GridLoop[block] returns a block that is looped over for every " <>
- "grid point. Must have previously set up the grid loop variables (see " <>
- "InitialiseGridLoopVariables.";
-DeclareArray::usage = "";
-DefineFunction::usage = "";
-ConditionalOnParameterTextual::usage = "";
-SpaceSeparated::usage = ""; (* This should not really be in CodeGen *)
-NewlineSeparated::usage = ""; (* This should not really be in CodeGen *)
-CBlock::usage = "";
-SuffixedCBlock::usage = "";
+SpaceSeparated::usage = "";
+NewlineSeparated::usage = "";
InfoVariable::usage = "";
-DeclareFDVariables::usage = "";
-InitialiseFDVariables::usage = "";
-CommaNewlineSeparated::usage = ""; (* This should not really be in CodeGen *)
+CommaNewlineSeparated::usage = "";
CommaSeparated::usage = "";
-ReplacePowers::usage = "";
-CFormHideStrings::usage = "";
-BoundaryLoop::usage = "";
-BoundaryWithGhostsLoop::usage = "";
-GenericGridLoop::usage = "";
-NameRoot::usage = "";
-PartitionVarList::usage = "";
+Stringify::usage = "";
Quote::usage = "Quote[x] returns x surrounded by quotes";
-DataType::usage = "DataType[] returns a string for the grid function data type (e.g. CCTK_REAL)";
-SetDataType::usage = "SetDataType[type] sets a string for the grid function data type (e.g. CCTK_REAL)";
-setSourceSuffix[lang_] :=
-If[ (lang == "C"),
-SetSourceLanguage[lang_] :=
-If[ (lang == "C" || lang == "Fortran"),
- setSourceSuffix[lang];
- InfoMessage[Terse, "User set source language to " <> lang],
+IndentBlock::usage = "";
+CheckBlock::usage = "";
- setSourceSuffix[".cc"];
- InfoMessage[Terse, "Setting Source Language to C"];
+CodeGenBlock := _String | _?AtomQ | List[(_?(MatchQ[#, CodeGenBlock] &)) ...];
+Boolean = (True | False);
-SetDataType[type_String] :=
- dataType = type;
-DataType[] :=
- If[dataType === Symbol["datatype"],
- Throw["DataType: Have not set a data type"],
- dataType];
(* Code generation utilities; not specific to any language *)
-FlattenBlock[b_] := Apply[StringJoin,Map[ToString,If[! AtomQ[b], Flatten[b, Infinity], b]]];
-indentBlock[block_] :=
- StringDrop[" " <> StringReplace[FlattenBlock[block], {"\n" -> "\n "}],-2];
-SeparatedBlock[block_] := {"\n", block};
-GenerateFile[filename_, contents_] :=
- Module[{fp = OpenWrite[filename]},
- WriteString[fp, FlattenBlock[contents]];
- Close[fp]];
-AddToFile[filename_, contents_] :=
- Module[{fp = OpenAppend[filename]},
- WriteString[fp, FlattenBlock[contents]];
- Close[fp]];
-intersperse[l_, x_] :=
- If[l == {},
- {},
- If[Rest[l] == {},
- {l[[1]]},
- Join[{l[[1]]}, {x}, intersperse[Rest[l],x]]]];
-CommaNewlineSeparated[l_] := intersperse[l, ",\n"];
-SpaceSeparated[l_] :=
- Module[{},
- If[!ListQ[l],
- ThrowError["SpaceSeparated: Expecting a list, but was given", l]];
- intersperse[l, " "]];
-CommaSeparated[l_] :=
- intersperse[l, ", "];
-NewlineSeparated[l_] :=
- intersperse[l, "\n"];
-CommaInitSeparated[l_] :=
- intersperse[Map[{#," = INITVALUE"} &, l], ", "];
-(* intersperse[l, " = INITVALUE, "];*)
-NameRoot[name_] := Module[{dropNumberRule, root},
+ CheckBlock[s_String] := s];
- dropNumberRule = {"1" -> "", "2" -> "", "3" -> "", "4" -> "", "5" -> "",
- "6" -> "", "7" -> "", "8" -> "", "9" -> "", "0" -> "", "rhs" -> ""};
+ CheckBlock[a_?AtomQ] := a];
- root = StringReplace[ToString@name, dropNumberRule]
- ];
+ CheckBlock[l_List] := Map[CheckBlock, l]];
-PartitionVarList[list_]:= Module[{partition, split},
+ FlattenBlock[b_] :=
+ Module[
+ {flattenBlock},
+ flattenBlock[x_String] := x;
+ flattenBlock[l_List] := StringJoin@@Map[FlattenBlock, l];
+ flattenBlock[a_?AtomQ] := ToString[a];
-partition[locallist_] := Module[{cutoff},
- cutoff = 6;
- If[Length@locallist > cutoff, Partition[locallist, cutoff, cutoff, {1,1}, {}], {locallist}]
+ CheckBlock[b];
+ flattenBlock[b]]];
-split = Split[list, NameRoot[#1] == NameRoot[#2] &];
-split = Flatten[Map[partition, split], 1];
+ IndentBlock[block:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ StringDrop[" " <> StringReplace[FlattenBlock[block], {"\n" -> "\n "}],-2]];
+ SeparatedBlock[block:CodeGenBlock] := {"\n", block}];
+ GenerateFile[filename_String, contents_] :=
+ Module[
+ {fp = OpenWrite[filename]},
+ CheckBlock[contents];
+ WriteString[fp, FlattenBlock[contents]];
+ Close[fp]]];
-(* Code generation for generic C and C-preprocessed Fortran *)
-EOL[dummy___] := If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C" || SOURCELANGUAGE == "C++", ";\n", "\n"];
-IncludeFile[filename_] :=
- {"#include \"", filename, "\"\n"};
-IncludeSystemFile[filename_] :=
- {"#include <", filename, ">\n"};
-DeclareVariable[name_, type_] :=
- {type, " ", name, " = INITVALUE" <> EOL[]},
- {type, " :: ", name, EOL[]} (* no value init here to avoid implicit SAVE attribute *)
- ];
-DeclareVariableNoInit[name_, type_] :=
- {type, " ", name, EOL[]},
- {type, " :: ", name, EOL[]} (* no value init here to avoid implicit SAVE attribute *)
- ];
-DeclareVariables[names_?ListQ, type_] :=
- {type, " ", CommaSeparated@names, EOL[]},
- {type, " :: ", CommaSeparated@names, EOL[]} (* no value init avoids implicit SAVE attribute *)
- ];
-DeclarePointer[name_, type_] :=
- {type, " *", name, EOL[]},
- {type, ", target :: ", name, EOL[]}
- ];
-DeclarePointers[names_?ListQ, type_] :=
- {type, " *", CommaInitSeparated@names, EOL[]},
- {type, ", target :: ", CommaSeparated@names, EOL[]}
- ];
-DeclareArray[name_, dim_, type_] :=
- DeclareArrayC[name, dim, type],
- DeclareArrayFortran[name, dim, type]];
-DeclareArrayC[name_, dim_, type_] :=
- {type, " ", name, "[", dim, "];","\n"};
-DeclareArrayFortran[name_, dim_, type_] :=
- {type, " :: ", name, "(", dim, ")","\n"};
-DefineVariable[name_, type_, value_] :=
- {type, " ", name, " = ", value, EOL[]};
-AssignVariable[dest_, src_] :=
- {dest, " = ", src, EOL[]};
-DeclareAssignVariable[type_, dest_, src_] :=
- {type, " const ", dest, " = ", src, EOL[]};
-AssignVariableInLoop[dest_, src_, vectorise_:False] :=
- Module[{loader},
- loader[x_] := If[vectorise, {"vec_load(", x, ")"}, x];
- {dest, " = ", loader[src], EOL[]}];
- {dest, " = ", src, EOL[],
- TestForNaN[dest]};
-StoreVariableInLoop[dest_, src_] :=
- {"vec_store_nta(", dest, ",", src, ")", EOL[]};
-StoreLowPartialVariableInLoop[dest_, src_, count_] :=
- {"vec_store_nta_partial_lo(", dest, ",", src, ",", count, ")", EOL[]};
-StoreHighPartialVariableInLoop[dest_, src_, count_] :=
- {"vec_store_nta_partial_hi(", dest, ",", src, ",", count, ")", EOL[]};
-StoreMiddlePartialVariableInLoop[dest_, src_, countLow_, countHigh_] :=
- {"vec_store_nta_partial_mid(", dest, ",", src, ",", countLow, ",", countHigh, ")", EOL[]};
-DeclareAssignVariableInLoop[type_, dest_, src_] :=
- {type, " const ", dest, " = vec_load(", src, ")", EOL[]};
-MaybeAssignVariableInLoop[dest_, src_, cond_] :=
- If [cond,
- {dest, " = useMatter ? vec_load(", src, ") : ToReal(0.0)", EOL[]},
- {dest, " = vec_load(", src, ")", EOL[]}];
-DeclareMaybeAssignVariableInLoop[type_, dest_, src_, mmaCond_, codeCond_, vectorise_:False] :=
- Module[{loader},
- loader[x_] := If[vectorise, {"vec_load(", x, ")"}, x];
- If [mmaCond,
- {type, " ", dest, " = (", codeCond, ") ? ", loader[src], " : ToReal(0.0)", EOL[]},
- {type, " ", dest, " = ", loader[src], EOL[]}]];
-TestForNaN[expr_] :=
- {"if (isnan(", expr, ")) {\n",
- " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"NaN found\");\n",
- " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"ipos: %d %d %d\", i, j, k);\n",
- " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"lbnd: %d %d %d\", cctk_lbnd[0], cctk_lbnd[1], cctk_lbnd[2]);\n",
- " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"lsh: %d %d %d\", cctk_lsh[0], cctk_lsh[1], cctk_lsh[2]);\n",
- " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"LSSH: %d %d %d\", CCTK_LSSH(0,0), CCTK_LSSH(0,1), CCTK_LSSH(0,2));\n",
- " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"", expr, ": %.17g\", (double)", expr, ");\n",
- "}\n"};
-(* comments are always done C-style because they are killed by cpp anyway *)
-insertComment[text_] := {"/* ", text, " */\n"};
-CBlock[block_] :=
- {"{\n",
- indentBlock[block],
- "}\n"};
-SuffixedCBlock[block_, suffix_] :=
- {"{\n",
- indentBlock[block],
- "} ", suffix, "\n"};
-loopOverInteger[name_, start_, endplusone_, block_] :=
- {"for (", name, " = ", start, "; ", name, " < ", endplusone, "; ", name, "++)\n",
- "{\n",
- indentBlock[block],
- "}\n"},
- {"Do ", name, " = ", start, ", ", endplusone, "\n",
- "\n",
- indentBlock[block],
- "End Do\n"}
-CommentedBlock[comment_, block_] :=
- SeparatedBlock[{insertComment[comment],
- block}];
-defineFunctionC[name_, type_, args_, contents_] :=
- SeparatedBlock[
- {type, " ", name, "(", args, ")\n",
- CBlock[contents]}];
-defineFunctionF[name_, args_, contents_] :=
- SeparatedBlock[
- {"FUNCTION", " ", name, "(", args, ")\n",
- indentBlock[contents]}];
-DefineFunction[name_, type_, args_, contents_] :=
- defineFunctionC[name, type, args, contents],
- defineFunctionF[name, args, contents]];
-defineSubroutine[name_, args_, contents_] :=
- defineSubroutineC[name, args, contents],
- defineSubroutineF[name, args, contents]];
-defineSubroutineC[name_, args_, contents_] :=
- SeparatedBlock[
- {"extern \"C\" void ", name, "(", args, ")", "\n",
- CBlock[contents]}];
-defineSubroutineF[name_, args_, contents_] :=
- SeparatedBlock[
- {"subroutine ", name, "(", args, ")", "\n",
- "\nimplicit none\n\n",
- contents,
- "end subroutine\n"}];
-(********* Code generation for Cactus C or Fortran code **********)
-(* This is a Cactus-callable function *)
-DefineCCTKFunction[name_, type_, contents_] :=
- DefineFunction[name, "extern \"C\" " <> type, "CCTK_ARGUMENTS",
- {
- contents
- }];
-(* This is a Cactus-callable subroutine *)
-DefineCCTKSubroutine[name_, contents_] :=
- defineSubroutine[
- {
- contents
- }];
-DeclareFDVariables[] :=
- CommentedBlock["Declare finite differencing variables",
- {Map[DeclareVariables[#, "CCTK_REAL"] &, {{"dx", "dy", "dz"},
- {"dxi", "dyi", "dzi"},
- {khalf,kthird,ktwothird,kfourthird,keightthird},
- {"hdxi", "hdyi", "hdzi"}}],
- "\n"},
- {Map[DeclareVariables[#, "ptrdiff_t"] &, {{"di", "dj", "dk"}}],
- "\n"}];
- CommentedBlock["Declare finite differencing variables", {}];
-InitialiseFDSpacingVariablesC[] :=
- {
- (* DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "di", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,1,0,0) - CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,0,0,0)"], *)
- DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "di", "1"],
- DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "dj", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,0,1,0) - CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,0,0,0)"],
- DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "dk", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,0,0,1) - CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,0,0,0)"],
- DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "cdi", "sizeof(CCTK_REAL) * di"],
- DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "cdj", "sizeof(CCTK_REAL) * dj"],
- DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "cdk", "sizeof(CCTK_REAL) * dk"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dx", "ToReal(CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(0))"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dy", "ToReal(CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(1))"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dz", "ToReal(CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(2))"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dt", "ToReal(CCTK_DELTA_TIME)"]
- };
-InitialiseFDSpacingVariablesFortran[] :=
- {
- AssignVariable["dt", "CCTK_DELTA_TIME"],
- AssignVariable["dx", "CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(1)"],
- AssignVariable["dy", "CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(2)"],
- AssignVariable["dz", "CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(3)"]
- }
-InitialiseFDVariables[vectorise_] :=
- CommentedBlock["Initialise finite differencing variables",
- { If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "Fortran",
- InitialiseFDSpacingVariablesFortran[],
- InitialiseFDSpacingVariablesC[]],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dxi", "INV(dx)"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dyi", "INV(dy)"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dzi", "INV(dz)"],
- If[vectorise,
- {DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "khalf", "ToReal(0.5)"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "kthird", "ToReal(1.0/3.0)"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "ktwothird", "ToReal(2.0/3.0)"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "kfourthird", "ToReal(4.0/3.0)"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "keightthird", "ToReal(8.0/3.0)"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdxi", "kmul(ToReal(0.5), dxi)"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdyi", "kmul(ToReal(0.5), dyi)"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdzi", "kmul(ToReal(0.5), dzi)"]},
- {DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "khalf", "0.5"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "kthird", "1/3.0"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "ktwothird", "2.0/3.0"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "kfourthird", "4.0/3.0"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "keightthird", "8.0/3.0"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdxi", "0.5 * dxi"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdyi", "0.5 * dyi"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdzi", "0.5 * dzi"]}]}];
-GridName[x_] := If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C",
- ToExpression[ToString[x] <> "[index]"],
- ToString[x] <> "(i,j,k)"
- ];
-DeclareGridLoopVariables[] :=
- SeparatedBlock[
- {insertComment["Declare the variables used for looping over grid points"],
- Map[DeclareVariables[#, "CCTK_INT"] &,
- {{"i", "j", "k"}(*, {"istart", "jstart", "kstart"},
- {"iend", "jend", "kend"},
- {"index_offset_x", "index_offset_y", "index_offset_z", "dir", "face"} *)}] (*,
- Map[DeclareArray[#, 6, "CCTK_INT"] &, {"is_symbnd", "is_physbnd", "is_ipbnd"}],
- Map[DeclareArray[#, 3, "CCTK_INT"] &, {"imin", "imax", "bmin", "bmax"}] *),
- If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", DeclareVariable["index", "// CCTK_INT"], "\n"]
- }];
-(* Access an element of an array; syntax is different between C and
- Fortran. Always give this function a C-style array index. *)
-arrayElement[var_, i_] :=
- {var, "[", arrayIndex[i], "]"},
- {var, "(", arrayIndex[i], ")"}];
-(* Given a C-style variable index, return the corresponding index for
- the language currently in use. The idea is that the caller does not
- need to know what language is being used. *)
-arrayIndex[i_] :=
- i,
- If[NumberQ[i], i+1, {i, " + 1"}]];
-max[]:= If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", "IMAX", "max"];
-InitialiseGridLoopVariables[derivativesUsedSwitch_, addToStencilWidth_] :=
- CommentedBlock["Set up variables used in the grid loop for the physical grid points",
- If[ (derivativesUsedSwitch),
- {
- AssignVariable["index_offset_x", max[] <>"(stencil_width, stencil_width_x) + " <> ToString[addToStencilWidth]],
- AssignVariable["index_offset_y", max[] <>"(stencil_width, stencil_width_y) + " <> ToString[addToStencilWidth]],
- AssignVariable["index_offset_z", max[] <>"(stencil_width, stencil_width_z) + " <> ToString[addToStencilWidth]],
- "\n",
- AssignVariable["istart", arrayIndex["index_offset_x"]],
- AssignVariable["jstart", arrayIndex["index_offset_y"]],
- AssignVariable["kstart", arrayIndex["index_offset_z"]],
- "\n",
- AssignVariable["iend", {"CCTK_LSSH(0,0) - index_offset_x"}],
- AssignVariable["jend", {"CCTK_LSSH(0,1) - index_offset_y"}],
- AssignVariable["kend", {"CCTK_LSSH(0,2) - index_offset_z"}]
- },
- {
- AssignVariable["istart", arrayIndex[0]],
- AssignVariable["jstart", arrayIndex[0]],
- AssignVariable["kstart", arrayIndex[0]],
- "\n",
- AssignVariable["iend", "CCTK_LSSH(0,0)"],
- AssignVariable["jend", "CCTK_LSSH(0,1)"],
- AssignVariable["kend", "CCTK_LSSH(0,2)"]
- }]
-ConditionalOnParameter[name_, value_, block_] :=
- SeparatedBlock[
- {"if (CCTK_EQUALS(", name, ", \"", value, "\"))\n",
- "{\n",
- indentBlock[block],
- "}\n"}];
-ConditionalOnParameterTextual[text_, block_] :=
- SeparatedBlock[
- {"if (", text, ")\n",
- "{\n",
- indentBlock[block],
- "}\n"}];
-GridLoop[block_] :=
- CommentedBlock["Loop over the grid points",
- loopOverInteger["k", "kstart", "kend",
- loopOverInteger["j", "jstart", "jend",
- loopOverInteger["i", "istart", "iend",
- AssignVariable["index", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k)"],
- ""],
- block
- }
- ]]]];
-GridLoop[block_] :=
- CommentedBlock["Loop over the grid points",
- {
- "#pragma omp parallel\n",
- "LC_LOOP3 (unnamed,\n",
- " i,j,k, istart,jstart,kstart, iend,jend,kend,\n",
- " cctk_lsh[0],cctk_lsh[1],cctk_lsh[2])\n",
- "{\n",
- indentBlock[
- {
- DeclareVariable["index", "int"],
- AssignVariable["index", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k)"],
- block
- }
- ],
- "}\n",
- "LC_ENDLOOP3 (unnamed);\n"
- }
- ],
- CommentedBlock["Loop over the grid points",
- {
- "#pragma omp parallel\n",
- "LC_LOOP3 (unnamed,\n",
- " i,j,k, istart,jstart,kstart, iend,jend,kend,\n",
- " cctk_lsh(1),cctk_lsh(2),cctk_lsh(3))\n",
- indentBlock[block],
- "LC_ENDLOOP3 (unnamed)\n"
- }
- ]
- ];
-Options[GenericGridLoop] = ThornOptions;
-GenericGridLoop[functionName_, block_, opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
- If[OptionValue[UseLoopControl],
- GenericGridLoopUsingLoopControl[functionName, block, OptionValue[UseVectors]],
- GenericGridLoopTraditional[block]];
-GenericGridLoopTraditional[block_] :=
- CommentedBlock["Loop over the grid points",
- loopOverInteger["k", "min[2]", "max[2]",
- loopOverInteger["j", "min[1]", "max[1]",
- loopOverInteger["i", "min[0]", "max[0]",
- {
- DeclareAssignVariable["int", "index", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k)"]
- }
- ""],
- block
- }
- ]]]];
-GenericGridLoopUsingLoopControl[functionName_, block_, vectorise_] :=
- CommentedBlock["Loop over the grid points",
- {
- "#pragma omp parallel\n",
- If[vectorise, "LC_LOOP3VEC", "LC_LOOP3"] <> " (", functionName, ",\n",
- " i,j,k, min[0],min[1],min[2], max[0],max[1],max[2],\n",
- " cctk_lsh[0],cctk_lsh[1],cctk_lsh[2]", If[vectorise, {",\n",
- " CCTK_REAL_VEC_SIZE"},""] <> ")\n",
- "{\n",
- indentBlock[
- {
- (* DeclareVariable["index", "// int"], *)
- (* DeclareAssignVariable["int", "index", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k)"], *)
- DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "index", "di*i + dj*j + dk*k"],
- block
- }
- ],
- "}\n",
- If[vectorise, "LC_ENDLOOP3VEC", "LC_ENDLOOP3"] <> " (", functionName, ");\n"
- }
- ],
- ""
- ];
-switchOptions[{value_, block_}] :=
- "case ", value, ":\n", indentBlock[{block,"break;\n"}]
-SwitchStatement[var_, pairs__] :=
- "switch(", var, ")\n",
- CBlock[{Riffle[Map[switchOptions, {pairs}],"\n"]}]
-BoundaryLoop[block_] :=
- "\nGenericFD_GetBoundaryInfo(cctkGH, cctk_lsh, cctk_lssh, cctk_bbox, cctk_nghostzones, imin, imax, is_symbnd, is_physbnd, is_ipbnd);\n",
- CommentedBlock["Start by looping over the whole grid, minus the NON-PHYSICAL boundary points, which are set by synchronization. ", {
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", 0], "is_physbnd[0*2+0] ? 0 : imin[0]"],
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", 1], "is_physbnd[1*2+0] ? 0 : imin[1]"],
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", 2], "is_physbnd[2*2+0] ? 0 : imin[2]"],
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", 0], "is_physbnd[0*2+1] ? CCTK_LSSH(0,0) : imax[0]"],
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", 1], "is_physbnd[1*2+1] ? CCTK_LSSH(0,1) : imax[1]"],
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", 2], "is_physbnd[2*2+1] ? CCTK_LSSH(0,2) : imax[2]"]}],
- CommentedBlock["Loop over all faces",
- loopOverInteger["dir", "0", "3",
- loopOverInteger["face", "0", "2",
- {
- CommentedBlock["Now restrict to only the boundary points on the current face",
- SwitchStatement["face",
- {0, {AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", "dir"], {arrayElement["imin", "dir"], ""}],
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", "dir"], {0, ""}]}},
- {1, {AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", "dir"], {arrayElement["imax", "dir"], "" }],
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", "dir"], {"CCTK_LSSH(0,dir)", ""}]}}]],
- conditional[arrayElement["is_physbnd", "dir * 2 + face"],
- loopOverInteger["k", arrayElement["bmin",2], arrayElement["bmax",2],
- loopOverInteger["j", arrayElement["bmin",1], arrayElement["bmax",1],
- loopOverInteger["i", arrayElement["bmin",0], arrayElement["bmax",0],
- AssignVariable["index", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k)"],
- ""],
- block
- }
- ]]]
- ]}
- ]]]};
-BoundaryWithGhostsLoop[block_] :=
- "\nGenericFD_GetBoundaryInfo(cctkGH, cctk_lsh, cctk_lssh, cctk_bbox, cctk_nghostzones, imin, imax, is_symbnd, is_physbnd, is_ipbnd);\n",
- CommentedBlock["Start by looping over the whole grid, including the NON-PHYSICAL boundary points. ", {
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", 0], "0"],
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", 1], "0"],
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", 2], "0"],
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", 0], "CCTK_LSSH(0,0)"],
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", 1], "CCTK_LSSH(0,1)"],
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", 2], "CCTK_LSSH(0,2)"]}],
- CommentedBlock["Loop over all faces",
- loopOverInteger["dir", "0", "3",
- loopOverInteger["face", "0", "2",
- {
- CommentedBlock["Now restrict to only the boundary points on the current face",
- SwitchStatement["face",
- {0, {AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", "dir"], {arrayElement["imin", "dir"], ""}],
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", "dir"], {0, ""}]}},
- {1, {AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", "dir"], {arrayElement["imax", "dir"], "" }],
- AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", "dir"], {"CCTK_LSSH(0,dir)]", ""}]}}]],
- conditional[arrayElement["is_physbnd", "dir * 2 + face"],
- loopOverInteger["k", arrayElement["bmin",2], arrayElement["bmax",2],
- loopOverInteger["j", arrayElement["bmin",1], arrayElement["bmax",1],
- loopOverInteger["i", arrayElement["bmin",0], arrayElement["bmax",0],
- AssignVariable["index", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k)"],
- ""],
- block
- }
- ]]]
- ]}
- ]]]};
-Conditional[condition_, block_] :=
- {"if (", condition, ")\n",
- CBlock[block]};
-Conditional[condition_, block1_, block2_] :=
- {"if (", condition, ")\n",
- CBlock[block1], "else\n", CBlock[block2]};
-onceInGridLoop[block_] :=
- Conditional["i == 5 && j == 5 && k == 5",
- block];
-InfoVariable[name_] :=
- onceInGridLoop[
- { "char buffer[255];\n",
- "sprintf(buffer,\"" , name , " == %f\", " , name , ");\n",
- "CCTK_INFO(buffer);\n"}];
-(* Code generation for Cactus .par files *)
-activeThorns[list_] :=
- {"ActiveThorns = \"", SpaceSeparated[list], "\"\n"};
-setParameter[thorn_, par_, value_] :=
- {thorn, " = ", If[NumberQ[value], ToString[value], "\"" <> value <> "\""], "\n"};
-setParametersForThorn[thorn_, map_] :=
- Map[setParameter[thorn, #[[1]], #[[2]]] &, map];
-insertFile[name_] :=
- Module[{istream_, contents_},
+ AddToFile[filename_String, contents:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ Module[
+ {fp = OpenAppend[filename]},
+ WriteString[fp, FlattenBlock[contents]];
+ Close[fp]]];
+ CommaNewlineSeparated[l_List] :=
+ Riffle[l, ",\n"]];
+ SpaceSeparated[l_List] :=
+ Riffle[l, " "]];
+ CommaSeparated[l_List] :=
+ Riffle[l, ", "]];
+ NewlineSeparated[l_List] :=
+ Riffle[l, "\n"]];
+ CommaInitSeparated[l_List] :=
+ Riffle[Map[{#," = INITVALUE"} &, l], ", "]];
+(* Turn a section of code into a string:
+ 1. quote all quotes (replace all quotes with backslash-quote)
+ 2. break the string into lines to make it readable (replace all newlines
+ with quote-newline-quote)
+ 3. surround the result with quotes *)
+ Stringify[x:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ "\"" <> StringReplace[StringReplace[FlattenBlock[x], "\"" -> "\\\""],
+ "\n" -> "\\n\"\n\""] <> "\"\n"];
+ PartitionVarList[list_List] :=
+ Module[
+ {partition, split},
+ partition[locallist_] :=
+ Module[
+ {cutoff},
+ cutoff = 6;
+ If[Length@locallist > cutoff, Partition[locallist, cutoff, cutoff, {1,1}, {}],
+ {locallist}]];
+ split = Split[list, NameRoot[#1] == NameRoot[#2] &];
+ split = Flatten[Map[partition, split], 1];
+ split]];
+ insertFile[name_String] :=
+ Module[
+ {istream_, contents_},
istream = OpenRead[name];
contents = ReadList[istream, String];
- contents];
-vectoriseExpression[exprp_] :=
- Module[{isNotMinusOneQ, isNotTimesMinusOneQ, fmaRules, isNotKneg, arithRules, undoRules, expr},
- expr = exprp;
- (* Constants *)
- (* expr = expr /. xx_Integer/; xx!=-1 :> ToReal[xx]; *)
- expr = expr /. xx_Integer -> ToReal[xx];
- expr = expr /. xx_Real -> ToReal[xx];
- removeToRealRules = {
- - ToReal[xx_] -> ToReal[- xx],
- ToReal[xx_] + ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx + yy],
- ToReal[xx_] - ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx - yy],
- ToReal[xx_] * ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx * yy],
- ToReal[xx_] == ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx == yy],
- ToReal[xx_] != ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx != yy],
- pow[xx_, ToReal[power_]] -> pow[xx, power]
- };
- expr = expr //. removeToRealRules;
- (* Replace all operators and functions *)
- (* kneg, kadd, ksub, kmul, kdiv *)
- isNotKneg[n_] := ! MatchQ[n,kneg[_]];
- arithRules = {
- - xx_ -> kneg[xx],
- xx_ * yy_ -> kmul[xx,yy],
- xx_ / yy_ -> kdiv[xx,yy],
- xx_ + yy_ -> kadd[xx,yy],
- xx_ - yy_ -> ksub[xx,yy],
- kmul[-1,xx_] -> kneg[xx],
- kmul[xx_,-1] -> kneg[xx],
- kmul[ToReal[-1],xx_] -> kneg[xx],
- kmul[xx_,ToReal[-1]] -> kneg[xx],
- ToReal[- xx_] -> kneg[ToReal[xx]],
- (* kmul[xx_,INV[yy_]] -> kdiv[xx,yy], *)
- (* kmul[INV[xx_],yy_] -> kdiv[yy,xx], *)
- kdiv[xx_,kdiv[yy_,zz_]] -> kdiv[kmul[xx,zz],yy],
- kdiv[kdiv[xx_,yy_],zz_] -> kdiv[xx,kmul[yy,zz]],
- kmul[kneg[xx_],yy_] -> kneg[kmul[xx,yy]],
- kmul[xx_,kneg[yy_]] -> kneg[kmul[xx,yy]],
- kdiv[kneg[xx_],yy_] -> kneg[kdiv[xx,yy]],
- kdiv[xx_,kneg[yy_]] -> kneg[kdiv[xx,yy]],
- kadd[kneg[xx_],yy_] -> ksub[yy,xx],
- ksub[kneg[xx_],yy_] -> kneg[kadd[xx,yy]],
- kadd[xx_,kneg[yy_]] -> ksub[xx,yy],
- ksub[xx_,kneg[yy_]] -> kadd[xx,yy],
- kneg[ksub[xx_,yy_]] -> ksub[yy,xx],
- Abs[xx_] -> kfabs[xx],
- Log[xx_] -> klog[xx],
- fabs[xx_] -> kfabs[xx],
- fmax[xx_,yy_] -> kfmax[xx,yy],
- fmin[xx_,yy_] -> kfmin[xx,yy],
- sqrt[xx_] -> ksqrt[xx],
- exp[xx_] -> kexp[xx],
- log[xx_] -> klog[xx],
- pow[xx_,yy_] -> kpow[xx,yy],
- kneg[kneg[xx_]] -> xx,
- kfabs[kneg[xx_]] -> kfabs[xx],
- kfnabs[kneg[xx_]] -> kfnabs[xx],
- kneg[kfabs[xx_]] -> kfnabs[xx],
- kneg[kfnabs[xx_]] -> kfabs[xx]
- };
- expr = expr //. arithRules;
- (* Undo some transformations *)
- undoRules = {
- IfThen[_, aa_, aa_] -> aa,
- IfThen[xx_?IntegerQ, aa_, bb_] /; xx!=0 :> aa,
- IfThen[xx_?IntegerQ, aa_, bb_] /; xx==0 :> bb,
- IfThen[kmul[xx_,yy_], aa_, bb_] -> IfThen[xx*yy, aa, bb],
- IfThen[kmul[xx_,yy_] != zz_, aa_, bb_] -> IfThen[xx*yy!=zz, aa, bb],
- IfThen[ToReal[xx_], aa_, bb_] -> IfThen[xx, aa, bb],
- Scalar[kmul[xx_,yy_]] -> Scalar[xx*yy],
- Scalar[kmul[xx_,yy_] != zz_] -> Scalar[xx*yy!=zz],
- Scalar[ToReal[xx_]] -> Scalar[xx],
- Scalar[xx_ != ToReal[yy_]] -> Scalar[xx != yy],
- ToReal[kneg[xx_]] -> ToReal[-xx],
- ToReal[kadd[xx_,yy_]] -> ToReal[xx+yy],
- ToReal[ksub[xx_,yy_]] -> ToReal[xx-yy],
- ToReal[kmul[xx_,yy_]] -> ToReal[xx*yy],
- ToReal[xx_*kadd[yy_,zz_]] -> ToReal[xx*(yy+zz)],
- kpow[xx_, kneg[power_]] -> kpow[xx, -power]
- };
- expr = expr //. undoRules;
- (* FMA (fused multiply-add) instructions *)
- (* kmadd (x,y,z) = xy+z
- kmsub (x,y,z) = xy-z
- knmadd(x,y,z) = -(xy+z)
- knmsub(x,y,z) = -(xy-z) *)
- fmaRules = {
- kadd[kmul[xx_,yy_],zz_] -> kmadd[xx,yy,zz],
- kadd[zz_,kmul[xx_,yy_]] -> kmadd[xx,yy,zz],
- ksub[kmul[xx_,yy_],zz_] -> kmsub[xx,yy,zz],
- ksub[zz_,kmul[xx_,yy_]] -> knmsub[xx,yy,zz],
- kneg[kmadd [xx_,yy_,zz_]] -> knmadd[xx,yy,zz],
- kneg[kmsub [xx_,yy_,zz_]] -> knmsub[xx,yy,zz],
- kneg[knmadd[xx_,yy_,zz_]] -> kmadd [xx,yy,zz],
- kneg[knmsub[xx_,yy_,zz_]] -> kmsub [xx,yy,zz]
- (* we could match this and similar patterns
- kmul[xx_, kadd[yy_, ToReal[+1]]] -> kmadd[xx, yy, xx],
- kmul[xx_, kadd[yy_, ToReal[-1]]] -> kmsub[xx, yy, xx],
- *)
- };
- expr = expr //. fmaRules;
- Return[expr]];
-(* Take an expression x and replace occurrences of Powers with the C
-macros SQR, CUB, QAD *)
-ReplacePowers[expr_, vectorise_] :=
- Module[{rhs},
- rhs = expr /. Power[xx_, -1] -> INV[xx];
- Module[{},
- rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, 2 ] -> SQR[xx];
- rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, 3 ] -> CUB[xx];
- rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, 4 ] -> QAD[xx];
- rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, -2 ] -> INV[SQR[xx]];
- rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, 1/2] -> sqrt[xx];
- rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, -1/2] -> INV[sqrt[xx]];
- rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, 0.5] -> sqrt[xx];
- rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, -0.5] -> INV[sqrt[xx]];
- (*
- rhs = rhs /. 1/2 -> khalf
- rhs = rhs /. -1/2 -> -khalf;
- rhs = rhs /. 1/3 -> kthird;
- rhs = rhs /. -1/3 -> -kthird;
- rhs = rhs /. 2/3 -> ktwothird;
- rhs = rhs /. -2/3 -> -ktwothird;
- rhs = rhs /. 4/3 -> kfourthird;
- rhs = rhs /. -4/3 -> -kfourthird;
- rhs = rhs /. 8/3 -> keightthird;
- rhs = rhs /. -8/3 -> -keightthird;
- *)
- (* Avoid rational numbers *)
- rhs = rhs /. Rational[xx_,yy_] :> N[xx/yy, 30];
- rhs = rhs //. IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :> IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ xx1 + xx2], Simplify[ yy1 + yy2]];
- rhs = rhs //. ff1_ IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :> IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ff1 xx1 + xx2], Simplify[ff1 yy1 + yy2]];
- rhs = rhs //. IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + ff2_ IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :> IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ xx1 + ff2 xx2], Simplify[ yy1 + ff2 yy2]];
- rhs = rhs //. ff1_ IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + ff2_ IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :> IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ff1 xx1 + ff2 xx2], Simplify[ff1 yy1 + ff2 yy2]];
- (* Is this still a good idea when FMA instructions are used? *)
- rhs = rhs //. xx_ yy_ + xx_ zz_ -> xx (yy+zz);
- rhs = rhs //. xx_ yy_ - xx_ zz_ -> xx (yy-zz);
- rhs = rhs /. Power[E, power_] -> exp[power];
- (* there have been some problems doing the Max/Min
- replacement via the preprocessor for C, so we do it
- here *)
- (* Note: Mathematica simplifies Max[xx_] -> xx automatically *)
- rhs = rhs //. Max[xx_, yy__] -> fmax[xx, Max[yy]];
- rhs = rhs //. Min[xx_, yy__] -> fmin[xx, Min[yy]];
- rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, power_] -> pow[xx, power];
- If[vectorise === True,
- rhs = vectoriseExpression[rhs]];
- (* Remove Scalar[] after vectorising *)
- rhs = rhs /. Scalar[xx_] -> xx;
- ],
- rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, power_] -> xx^power
- ];
-(* Print[rhs//FullForm];*)
- rhs
- ];
-(* Convert an expression to CForm, but remove the quotes from any
- strings present *)
-CFormHideStrings[x_, opts___] := StringReplace[ToString[CForm[x,opts]], "\"" -> ""];
-Quote[x_] := {"\"", x, "\""};
+ contents]];
+ NameRoot[name_Symbol] :=
+ Module[
+ {dropNumberRule, root},
+ dropNumberRule = {"1" -> "", "2" -> "", "3" -> "", "4" -> "", "5" -> "",
+ "6" -> "", "7" -> "", "8" -> "", "9" -> "", "0" -> "", "rhs" -> ""};
+ root = StringReplace[ToString@name, dropNumberRule]]];
+ Quote[x:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ {"\"", x, "\""}];
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenC.m b/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenC.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95d1591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenC.m
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* Copyright 2004 Sascha Husa, Ian Hinder, Christiane Lechner
+ This file is part of Kranc.
+ Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Kranc; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+BeginPackage["CodeGenC`", {"Errors`", "Kranc`", "CodeGen`"}];
+SOURCELANGUAGE::usage = "global variable == \"C\" or \"Fortran\" determines language
+ for code generation";
+SOURCESUFFIX::usage = "file suffix for source files";
+SetSourceLanguage::usage = "set the source language to \"C\" or \"Fortran\"";
+EOL::usage = "the end of line termination string";
+CommentedBlock::usage = "CommentedBlock[comment, block] returns a block consisting " <>
+ "of 'comment' followed by 'block'.";
+CBlock::usage = "";
+SuffixedCBlock::usage = "";
+IncludeFile::usage = "IncludeFile[name] returns a block of code" <>
+ "that includes a header file (i.e '#include \"name\"').";
+IncludeSystemFile::usage = "IncludeFile[name] returns a block of code" <>
+ "that includes a system header file (i.e '#include <name>').";
+DeclareVariable::usage = "DeclareVariable[name, type] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that declares a variable of given name and type. 'name' and 'type' should be " <>
+ "strings.";
+DeclareVariableNoInit::usage = "DeclareVariableNoInit[name, type] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that declares a variable of given name and type without initialising it. 'name' and 'type' should be " <>
+ "strings.";
+DeclareVariables::usage = "DeclareVariables[names, type] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that declares a list of variables of given name and type. 'names' should be a list" <>
+ " of strings and 'type' should be a string string.";
+DeclarePointer::usage = "DeclarePointer[name, type] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that declares a pointer of given name and type. 'name' and 'type' should be " <>
+ "strings.";
+DeclarePointers::usage = "DeclarePointers[names, type] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that declares a list of pointers of given name and type. 'names' should be a list" <>
+ " of strings and 'type' should be a string string.";
+DefineVariable::usage = "DefineVariable[name, type, value] returns a block of " <>
+ "code that declares and initialised a variable 'name' of type 'type' to value 'value'.";
+AssignVariable::usage = "AssignVariable[dest_, src_] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
+DeclareAssignVariable::usage = "DeclareAssignVariable[type_, dest_, src_] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that declares and sets a constant variable of given name and type.";
+DeclareArray::usage = "";
+DefineFunction::usage = "";
+DefineSubroutine::usage = "";
+Conditional::usage = "";
+SwitchStatement::usage = "";
+CFormHideStrings::usage = "";
+InsertComment::usage = "";
+setSourceSuffix[lang_] :=
+ If[lang == "C", SOURCESUFFIX = ".cc", SOURCESUFFIX = ".F90"];
+SetSourceLanguage[lang_] :=
+ If[lang == "C" || lang == "Fortran",
+ setSourceSuffix[lang];
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "User set source language to " <> lang],
+ (* else *)
+ setSourceSuffix[".cc"];
+ InfoMessage[Terse, "Setting Source Language to C"]];
+EOL[dummy___] :=
+ If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C" || SOURCELANGUAGE == "C++", ";\n", "\n"];
+ IncludeFile[filename_String] :=
+ {"#include \"", filename, "\"\n"}];
+ IncludeSystemFile[filename_String] :=
+ {"#include <", filename, ">\n"}];
+ DeclareVariable[name:(_String|_Symbol), type_String] :=
+ {type, " ", name, " = INITVALUE" <> EOL[]},
+ {type, " :: ", name, EOL[]} (* no value init here to avoid implicit SAVE attribute *)]];
+ DeclareVariableNoInit[name:(_String|_Symbol), type_String] :=
+ {type, " ", name, EOL[]},
+ {type, " :: ", name, EOL[]} (* no value init here to avoid implicit SAVE attribute *)]];
+ DeclareVariables[names_?ListQ, type_String] :=
+ {type, " ", CommaSeparated@names, EOL[]},
+ {type, " :: ", CommaSeparated@names, EOL[]} (* no value init avoids implicit SAVE attribute *)]];
+ DeclarePointer[name:(_String|_Symbol), type_String] :=
+ {type, " *", name, EOL[]},
+ {type, ", target :: ", name, EOL[]}]];
+ DeclarePointers[names_?ListQ, type_String] :=
+ {type, " *", CommaInitSeparated@names, EOL[]},
+ {type, ", target :: ", CommaSeparated@names, EOL[]}]];
+ DeclareArray[name:(_String|_Symbol), dim_Integer, type_String] :=
+ DeclareArrayC[name, dim, type],
+ DeclareArrayFortran[name, dim, type]]];
+ DeclareArrayC[name:(_String|_Symbol), dim_Integer, type_String] :=
+ {type, " ", name, "[", dim, "];","\n"}];
+ DeclareArrayFortran[name:(_String|_Symbol), dim_Integer, type_String] :=
+ {type, " :: ", name, "(", dim, ")","\n"}];
+ DefineVariable[name:(_String|_Symbol), type_String, value:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ {type, " ", name, " = ", value, EOL[]}];
+ AssignVariable[dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ {dest, " = ", src, EOL[]}];
+ DeclareAssignVariable[type_String, dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ {type, " const ", dest, " = ", src, EOL[]}];
+(* comments are always done C-style because they are killed by cpp anyway *)
+ InsertComment[text:CodeGenBlock] := {"/* ", text, " */\n"}];
+ CBlock[block:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ {"{\n",
+ IndentBlock[block],
+ "}\n"}];
+ SuffixedCBlock[block:CodeGenBlock, suffix_] :=
+ {"{\n",
+ IndentBlock[block],
+ "} ", suffix, "\n"}];
+ CommentedBlock[comment:CodeGenBlock, block:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ SeparatedBlock[{InsertComment[comment],
+ block}]];
+ defineFunctionC[name_String, type_String, args:CodeGenBlock, contents:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ SeparatedBlock[
+ {type, " ", name, "(", args, ")\n",
+ CBlock[contents]}]];
+ defineFunctionF[name_String, args:CodeGenBlock, contents:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ SeparatedBlock[
+ {"FUNCTION", " ", name, "(", args, ")\n",
+ IndentBlock[contents]}]];
+ DefineFunction[name_String, type_String, args:CodeGenBlock, contents:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ defineFunctionC[name, type, args, contents],
+ defineFunctionF[name, args, contents]]];
+ DefineSubroutine[name_String, args:CodeGenBlock, contents:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ DefineSubroutineC[name, args, contents],
+ DefineSubroutineF[name, args, contents]]];
+ DefineSubroutineC[name_String, args:CodeGenBlock, contents:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ SeparatedBlock[
+ {"extern \"C\" void ", name, "(", args, ")", "\n",
+ CBlock[contents]}]];
+ DefineSubroutineF[name_String, args:CodeGenBlock, contents:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ SeparatedBlock[
+ {"subroutine ", name, "(", args, ")", "\n",
+ "\nimplicit none\n\n",
+ contents,
+ "end subroutine\n"}]];
+ switchOption[{value:(_String|_Symbol|_?NumberQ), block:CodeGenBlock}] :=
+ {"case ", value, ":\n", IndentBlock[{block,"break;\n"}]}];
+(* Outer list unnecessary? *)
+ SwitchStatement[var:(_String|_Symbol), pairs__] :=
+ {"switch(", var, ")\n",
+ CBlock[{Riffle[Map[switchOption, {pairs}],"\n"]}]}];
+ Conditional[condition:CodeGenBlock, block:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ {"if (", condition, ")\n",
+ CBlock[block]}];
+ Conditional[condition:CodeGenBlock, block1:CodeGenBlock, block2:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ {"if (", condition, ")\n",
+ CBlock[block1], "else\n", CBlock[block2]}];
+(* Convert an expression to CForm, but remove the quotes from any
+ strings present *)
+ CFormHideStrings[x_, opts___] :=
+ StringReplace[ToString[CForm[x,opts]], "\"" -> ""]];
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenCactus.m b/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenCactus.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..092b00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenCactus.m
@@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* Copyright 2004 Sascha Husa, Ian Hinder, Christiane Lechner
+ This file is part of Kranc.
+ Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Kranc; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+BeginPackage["CodeGenCactus`", {"Errors`", "Kranc`", "CodeGenC`", "CodeGen`"}];
+AssignVariableInLoop::usage = "AssignVariableInLoop[dest_, src_] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
+StoreVariableInLoop::usage = "StoreVariableInLoop[dest_, src_] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
+StoreLowPartialVariableInLoop::usage = "StoreLowPartialVariableInLoop[dest_, src_, count_] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
+StoreHighPartialVariableInLoop::usage = "StoreHighPartialVariableInLoop[dest_, src_, count_] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
+StoreMiddlePartialVariableInLoop::usage = "StoreMiddlePartialVariableInLoop[dest_, src_, countLow_, countHigh_] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
+StorePartialVariableInLoop::usage = "StorePartialVariableInLoop[dest_, src_] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
+DeclareAssignVariableInLoop::usage = "DeclareAssignVariableInLoop[type_, dest_, src_] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
+MaybeAssignVariableInLoop::usage = "MaybeAssignVariableInLoop[dest_, src_, cond_] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
+DeclareMaybeAssignVariableInLoop::usage = "DeclareMaybeAssignVariableInLoop[type_, dest_, src_, cond_] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'.";
+TestForNaN::usage = "TestForNaN[expr_] returns a block of code " <>
+ "that tests 'expr' for nan.";
+DefineCCTKFunction::usage = "DefineCCTKFunction[name, type, block] returns a block " <>
+ "of code that defines a CCTK function of name 'name' returning type 'type' with " <>
+ "body 'block'.";
+DefineCCTKSubroutine::usage = "DefineCCTKSubroutine[name, block] returns a block " <>
+ "of code that defines a CCTK Fortran subroutine of name 'name' with body 'block'.";
+GridName::usage = "GridName[variable] returns the name needed to access variable " <>
+ "assuming it is a grid variable when inside a grid loop.";
+DeclareGridLoopVariables::usage = "DeclareGridLoopVariables[] returns a block " <>
+ "that defines the variables needed during a grid loop.";
+InitialiseGridLoopVariables::usage = "InitialiseGridLoopVariables[] returns a block " <>
+ "that initialises variables needed by a grid loop.";
+InitialiseGridLoopVariablesWithStencil::usage = "InitialiseGridLoopVariables[] returns a block " <>
+ "that initialises variables needed by a grid loop using the evolution stencils.";
+ConditionalOnParameter::usage = "ConditionalOnParameter[name, value, block] returns " <>
+ "a block that introduces a conditional expression whereby 'block' is only executed " <>
+ "if the Cactus parameter 'name' has value 'value'.";
+GridLoop::usage = "GridLoop[block] returns a block that is looped over for every " <>
+ "grid point. Must have previously set up the grid loop variables (see " <>
+ "DeclareGridLoopVariables and InitialiseGridLoopVariables.";
+GridLoop::usage = "GridLoop[block] returns a block that is looped over for every " <>
+ "grid point. Must have previously set up the grid loop variables (see " <>
+ "InitialiseGridLoopVariables.";
+ConditionalOnParameterTextual::usage = "";
+DeclareFDVariables::usage = "";
+InitialiseFDVariables::usage = "";
+ReplacePowers::usage = "";
+BoundaryLoop::usage = "";
+BoundaryWithGhostsLoop::usage = "";
+GenericGridLoop::usage = "";
+NameRoot::usage = "";
+PartitionVarList::usage = "";
+DataType::usage = "DataType[] returns a string for the grid function data type (e.g. CCTK_REAL)";
+SetDataType::usage = "SetDataType[type] sets a string for the grid function data type (e.g. CCTK_REAL)";
+ SetDataType[type_String] :=
+ dataType = type];
+ DataType[] :=
+ If[dataType === Symbol["datatype"],
+ Throw["DataType: Have not set a data type"],
+ dataType]];
+ AssignVariableInLoop[dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:CodeGenBlock, vectorise_:False] :=
+ Module[
+ {loader},
+ loader[x_] := If[vectorise, {"vec_load(", x, ")"}, x];
+ {dest, " = ", loader[src], EOL[]}]];
+ StoreVariableInLoop[dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:(_String|_Symbol)] :=
+ {"vec_store_nta(", dest, ",", src, ")", EOL[]}];
+ StoreLowPartialVariableInLoop[dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:(_String|_Symbol), count_String] :=
+ {"vec_store_nta_partial_lo(", dest, ",", src, ",", count, ")", EOL[]}];
+ StoreHighPartialVariableInLoop[dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:(_String|_Symbol), count_String] :=
+ {"vec_store_nta_partial_hi(", dest, ",", src, ",", count, ")", EOL[]}];
+ StoreMiddlePartialVariableInLoop[dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:(_String|_Symbol), countLow_String, countHigh_String] :=
+ {"vec_store_nta_partial_mid(", dest, ",", src, ",", countLow, ",", countHigh, ")", EOL[]}];
+ StorePartialVariableInLoop[dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:(_String|_Symbol)] :=
+ {"vec_store_nta_partial(", dest, ",", src, ")", EOL[]}];
+ DeclareAssignVariableInLoop[type_String, dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:(_String|_Symbol)] :=
+ {type, " const ", dest, " = vec_load(", src, ")", EOL[]}];
+ MaybeAssignVariableInLoop[dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:(_String|_Symbol), cond:Boolean] :=
+ If[cond,
+ {dest, " = useMatter ? vec_load(", src, ") : ToReal(0.0)", EOL[]},
+ {dest, " = vec_load(", src, ")", EOL[]}]];
+ DeclareMaybeAssignVariableInLoop[type_String, dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:(_String|_Symbol),
+ mmaCond:Boolean, codeCond:CodeGenBlock,
+ vectorise:Boolean:False] :=
+ Module[
+ {loader},
+ loader[x_] := If[vectorise, {"vec_load(", x, ")"}, x];
+ If[mmaCond,
+ {type, " ", dest, " = (", codeCond, ") ? ", loader[src], " : ToReal(0.0)", EOL[]},
+ {type, " ", dest, " = ", loader[src], EOL[]}]]];
+ TestForNaN[expr:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ {"if (isnan(", expr, ")) {\n",
+ " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"NaN found\");\n",
+ " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"ipos: %d %d %d\", i, j, k);\n",
+ " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"lbnd: %d %d %d\", cctk_lbnd[0], cctk_lbnd[1], cctk_lbnd[2]);\n",
+ " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"lsh: %d %d %d\", cctk_lsh[0], cctk_lsh[1], cctk_lsh[2]);\n",
+ " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"LSSH: %d %d %d\", CCTK_LSSH(0,0), CCTK_LSSH(0,1), CCTK_LSSH(0,2));\n",
+ " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"", expr, ": %.17g\", (double)", expr, ");\n",
+ "}\n"}];
+ loopOverInteger[name_String, start_String, endplusone_String, block:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ {"for (", name, " = ", start, "; ", name, " < ", endplusone, "; ", name, "++)\n",
+ "{\n",
+ IndentBlock[block],
+ "}\n"},
+ {"Do ", name, " = ", start, ", ", endplusone, "\n",
+ "\n",
+ IndentBlock[block],
+ "End Do\n"}
+ ]];
+(* This is a Cactus-callable function *)
+ DefineCCTKFunction[name_String, type_String, contents:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ DefineFunction[
+ name, "extern \"C\" " <> type, "CCTK_ARGUMENTS",
+ {
+ contents
+ }]];
+(* This is a Cactus-callable subroutine *)
+ DefineCCTKSubroutine[name_String, contents:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ DefineSubroutine[
+ {
+ contents
+ }]];
+ DeclareFDVariables[] :=
+ CommentedBlock["Declare finite differencing variables",
+ {Map[DeclareVariables[#, "CCTK_REAL"] &, {{"dx", "dy", "dz"},
+ {"dxi", "dyi", "dzi"},
+ {khalf,kthird,ktwothird,kfourthird,keightthird},
+ {"hdxi", "hdyi", "hdzi"}}],
+ "\n"},
+ {Map[DeclareVariables[#, "ptrdiff_t"] &, {{"di", "dj", "dk"}}],
+ "\n"}];
+ CommentedBlock["Declare finite differencing variables", {}]];
+ InitialiseFDSpacingVariablesC[] :=
+ {
+ (* DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "di", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,1,0,0) - CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,0,0,0)"], *)
+ DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "di", "1"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "dj", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,0,1,0) - CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,0,0,0)"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "dk", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,0,0,1) - CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,0,0,0)"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "cdi", "sizeof(CCTK_REAL) * di"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "cdj", "sizeof(CCTK_REAL) * dj"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "cdk", "sizeof(CCTK_REAL) * dk"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dx", "ToReal(CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(0))"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dy", "ToReal(CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(1))"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dz", "ToReal(CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(2))"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dt", "ToReal(CCTK_DELTA_TIME)"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "t", "ToReal(cctk_time)"]}];
+ InitialiseFDSpacingVariablesFortran[] :=
+ {
+ AssignVariable["dt", "CCTK_DELTA_TIME"],
+ AssignVariable["dx", "CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(1)"],
+ AssignVariable["dy", "CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(2)"],
+ AssignVariable["dz", "CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(3)"]
+ }];
+ InitialiseFDVariables[vectorise:Boolean] :=
+ CommentedBlock[
+ "Initialise finite differencing variables",
+ {
+ If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "Fortran",
+ InitialiseFDSpacingVariablesFortran[],
+ InitialiseFDSpacingVariablesC[]],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dxi", "INV(dx)"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dyi", "INV(dy)"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dzi", "INV(dz)"],
+ If[vectorise,
+ {DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "khalf", "ToReal(0.5)"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "kthird", "ToReal(1.0/3.0)"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "ktwothird", "ToReal(2.0/3.0)"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "kfourthird", "ToReal(4.0/3.0)"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "keightthird", "ToReal(8.0/3.0)"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdxi", "kmul(ToReal(0.5), dxi)"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdyi", "kmul(ToReal(0.5), dyi)"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdzi", "kmul(ToReal(0.5), dzi)"]},
+ (* else *)
+ {DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "khalf", "0.5"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "kthird", "1/3.0"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "ktwothird", "2.0/3.0"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "kfourthird", "4.0/3.0"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "keightthird", "8.0/3.0"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdxi", "0.5 * dxi"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdyi", "0.5 * dyi"],
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdzi", "0.5 * dzi"]}]}]];
+ GridName[x_Symbol] :=
+ ToString[x] <> "[index]",
+ ToString[x] <> "(i,j,k)"]];
+ DeclareGridLoopVariables[] :=
+ SeparatedBlock[
+ {InsertComment["Declare the variables used for looping over grid points"],
+ Map[DeclareVariables[#, "CCTK_INT"] &,
+ {{"i", "j", "k"}
+ (*, {"istart", "jstart", "kstart"},
+ {"iend", "jend", "kend"},
+ {"index_offset_x", "index_offset_y", "index_offset_z", "dir", "face"} *)}]
+ (*, Map[DeclareArray[#, 6, "CCTK_INT"] &, {"is_symbnd", "is_physbnd", "is_ipbnd"}],
+ Map[DeclareArray[#, 3, "CCTK_INT"] &, {"imin", "imax", "bmin", "bmax"}] *),
+ If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", DeclareVariable["index", "// CCTK_INT"], "\n"]}]];
+(* Access an element of an array; syntax is different between C and
+ Fortran. Always give this function a C-style array index. *)
+ arrayElement[var_String, i_String] :=
+ {var, "[", arrayIndex[i], "]"},
+ {var, "(", arrayIndex[i], ")"}]];
+(* Given a C-style variable index, return the corresponding index for
+ the language currently in use. The idea is that the caller does not
+ need to know what language is being used. *)
+ arrayIndex[i:(_Integer|_String|_Symbol)] :=
+ i,
+ If[NumberQ[i], i+1, {i, " + 1"}]]];
+ max[]:= If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", "IMAX", "max"]];
+ InitialiseGridLoopVariables[derivativesUsedSwitch:Boolean, addToStencilWidth_Integer] :=
+ CommentedBlock[
+ "Set up variables used in the grid loop for the physical grid points",
+ If[derivativesUsedSwitch,
+ {AssignVariable["index_offset_x", max[] <>"(stencil_width, stencil_width_x) + " <> ToString[addToStencilWidth]],
+ AssignVariable["index_offset_y", max[] <>"(stencil_width, stencil_width_y) + " <> ToString[addToStencilWidth]],
+ AssignVariable["index_offset_z", max[] <>"(stencil_width, stencil_width_z) + " <> ToString[addToStencilWidth]],
+ "\n",
+ AssignVariable["istart", arrayIndex["index_offset_x"]],
+ AssignVariable["jstart", arrayIndex["index_offset_y"]],
+ AssignVariable["kstart", arrayIndex["index_offset_z"]],
+ "\n",
+ AssignVariable["iend", {"CCTK_LSSH(0,0) - index_offset_x"}],
+ AssignVariable["jend", {"CCTK_LSSH(0,1) - index_offset_y"}],
+ AssignVariable["kend", {"CCTK_LSSH(0,2) - index_offset_z"}]},
+ (* else *)
+ {AssignVariable["istart", arrayIndex[0]],
+ AssignVariable["jstart", arrayIndex[0]],
+ AssignVariable["kstart", arrayIndex[0]],
+ "\n",
+ AssignVariable["iend", "CCTK_LSSH(0,0)"],
+ AssignVariable["jend", "CCTK_LSSH(0,1)"],
+ AssignVariable["kend", "CCTK_LSSH(0,2)"]}]]];
+ ConditionalOnParameter[name_String, value_String, block:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ SeparatedBlock[
+ {"if (CCTK_EQUALS(", name, ", \"", value, "\"))\n",
+ "{\n",
+ IndentBlock[block],
+ "}\n"}]];
+ ConditionalOnParameterTextual[text:CodeGenBlock, block:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ SeparatedBlock[
+ {"if (", text, ")\n",
+ "{\n",
+ IndentBlock[block],
+ "}\n"}]];
+GridLoop[block_] :=
+ CommentedBlock["Loop over the grid points",
+ loopOverInteger["k", "kstart", "kend",
+ loopOverInteger["j", "jstart", "jend",
+ loopOverInteger["i", "istart", "iend",
+ AssignVariable["index", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k)"],
+ ""],
+ block
+ }
+ ]]]];
+GridLoop[block_] :=
+ CommentedBlock["Loop over the grid points",
+ {
+ "#pragma omp parallel\n",
+ "LC_LOOP3 (unnamed,\n",
+ " i,j,k, istart,jstart,kstart, iend,jend,kend,\n",
+ " cctk_lsh[0],cctk_lsh[1],cctk_lsh[2])\n",
+ "{\n",
+ IndentBlock[
+ {
+ DeclareVariable["index", "int"],
+ AssignVariable["index", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k)"],
+ block
+ }
+ ],
+ "}\n",
+ "LC_ENDLOOP3 (unnamed);\n"
+ }
+ ],
+ CommentedBlock["Loop over the grid points",
+ {
+ "#pragma omp parallel\n",
+ "LC_LOOP3 (unnamed,\n",
+ " i,j,k, istart,jstart,kstart, iend,jend,kend,\n",
+ " cctk_lsh(1),cctk_lsh(2),cctk_lsh(3))\n",
+ IndentBlock[block],
+ "LC_ENDLOOP3 (unnamed)\n"
+ }
+ ]
+ ];
+Options[GenericGridLoop] = ThornOptions;
+ GenericGridLoop[functionName_String, block:CodeGenBlock, opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
+ If[OptionValue[UseLoopControl],
+ GenericGridLoopUsingLoopControl[functionName, block, OptionValue[UseVectors]],
+ GenericGridLoopTraditional[block]]];
+ GenericGridLoopTraditional[block:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ CommentedBlock[
+ "Loop over the grid points",
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "k", "imin[2]", "imax[2]",
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "j", "imin[1]", "imax[1]",
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "i", "imin[0]", "imax[0]",
+ DeclareAssignVariable["int", "index", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k)"],
+ ""],
+ block}]]]]];
+ GenericGridLoopUsingLoopControl[functionName_String, block:CodeGenBlock, vectorise:Boolean] :=
+ CommentedBlock[
+ "Loop over the grid points",
+ {"#pragma omp parallel\n",
+ If[vectorise, "LC_LOOP3VEC", "LC_LOOP3"],
+ " (", functionName, ",\n",
+ " i,j,k, imin[0],imin[1],imin[2], imax[0],imax[1],imax[2],\n",
+ " cctk_lsh[0],cctk_lsh[1],cctk_lsh[2]",
+ If[vectorise, {",\n", " CCTK_REAL_VEC_SIZE"}, ""],
+ ")\n",
+ "{\n",
+ IndentBlock[
+ {(* DeclareVariable["index", "// int"], *)
+ (* DeclareAssignVariable["int", "index", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k)"], *)
+ DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "index", "di*i + dj*j + dk*k"],
+ block}], "}\n",
+ If[vectorise, "LC_ENDLOOP3VEC", "LC_ENDLOOP3"] <> " (", functionName, ");\n"}],
+ (* else *)
+ ""]];
+ BoundaryLoop[block:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ {
+ "\nGenericFD_GetBoundaryInfo(cctkGH, cctk_lsh, cctk_lssh, cctk_bbox, cctk_nghostzones, imin, imax, is_symbnd, is_physbnd, is_ipbnd);\n",
+ CommentedBlock[
+ "Start by looping over the whole grid, minus the NON-PHYSICAL boundary points, which are set by synchronization. ", {
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", 0], "is_physbnd[0*2+0] ? 0 : imin[0]"],
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", 1], "is_physbnd[1*2+0] ? 0 : imin[1]"],
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", 2], "is_physbnd[2*2+0] ? 0 : imin[2]"],
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", 0], "is_physbnd[0*2+1] ? CCTK_LSSH(0,0) : imax[0]"],
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", 1], "is_physbnd[1*2+1] ? CCTK_LSSH(0,1) : imax[1]"],
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", 2], "is_physbnd[2*2+1] ? CCTK_LSSH(0,2) : imax[2]"]}],
+ CommentedBlock[
+ "Loop over all faces",
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "dir", "0", "3",
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "face", "0", "2",
+ {CommentedBlock[
+ "Now restrict to only the boundary points on the current face",
+ SwitchStatement[
+ "face",
+ {0, {AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", "dir"], {arrayElement["imin", "dir"], ""}],
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", "dir"], {0, ""}]}},
+ {1, {AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", "dir"], {arrayElement["imax", "dir"], "" }],
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", "dir"], {"CCTK_LSSH(0,dir)", ""}]}}]],
+ conditional[
+ arrayElement["is_physbnd", "dir * 2 + face"],
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "k", arrayElement["bmin",2], arrayElement["bmax",2],
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "j", arrayElement["bmin",1], arrayElement["bmax",1],
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "i", arrayElement["bmin",0], arrayElement["bmax",0],
+ {If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", AssignVariable["index", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k)"], ""],
+ block}]]]]}]]]}];
+ BoundaryWithGhostsLoop[block:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ {
+ "\nGenericFD_GetBoundaryInfo(cctkGH, cctk_lsh, cctk_lssh, cctk_bbox, cctk_nghostzones, imin, imax, is_symbnd, is_physbnd, is_ipbnd);\n",
+ CommentedBlock[
+ "Start by looping over the whole grid, including the NON-PHYSICAL boundary points. ", {
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", 0], "0"],
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", 1], "0"],
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", 2], "0"],
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", 0], "CCTK_LSSH(0,0)"],
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", 1], "CCTK_LSSH(0,1)"],
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", 2], "CCTK_LSSH(0,2)"]}],
+ CommentedBlock[
+ "Loop over all faces",
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "dir", "0", "3",
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "face", "0", "2",
+ {
+ CommentedBlock[
+ "Now restrict to only the boundary points on the current face",
+ SwitchStatement[
+ "face",
+ {0, {AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", "dir"], {arrayElement["imin", "dir"], ""}],
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", "dir"], {0, ""}]}},
+ {1, {AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmin", "dir"], {arrayElement["imax", "dir"], "" }],
+ AssignVariable[arrayElement["bmax", "dir"], {"CCTK_LSSH(0,dir)]", ""}]}}]],
+ conditional[arrayElement["is_physbnd", "dir * 2 + face"],
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "k", arrayElement["bmin",2], arrayElement["bmax",2],
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "j", arrayElement["bmin",1], arrayElement["bmax",1],
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "i", arrayElement["bmin",0], arrayElement["bmax",0],
+ {If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", AssignVariable["index", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k)"], ""],
+ block}]]]]}]]]}];
+ onceInGridLoop[block:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ Conditional[
+ "i == 5 && j == 5 && k == 5",
+ block]];
+ InfoVariable[name_String] :=
+ onceInGridLoop[
+ {"char buffer[255];\n",
+ "sprintf(buffer,\"" , name , " == %f\", " , name , ");\n",
+ "CCTK_INFO(buffer);\n"}]];
+(* Code generation for Cactus .par files *)
+ activeThorns[list:{_String...}] :=
+ {"ActiveThorns = \"", SpaceSeparated[list], "\"\n"}];
+ setParameter[thorn_String, par_String, value_] :=
+ {thorn, " = ", If[NumberQ[value], ToString[value], "\"" <> value <> "\""], "\n"}];
+ setParametersForThorn[thorn_String, map_List] :=
+ Map[setParameter[thorn, #[[1]], #[[2]]] &, map]];
+ vectoriseExpression[exprp_] :=
+ Module[
+ {isNotMinusOneQ, isNotTimesMinusOneQ, fmaRules, isNotKneg, arithRules, undoRules, expr},
+ expr = exprp;
+ (* Constants *)
+ (* expr = expr /. xx_Integer/; xx!=-1 :> ToReal[xx]; *)
+ expr = expr /. xx_Integer -> ToReal[xx];
+ expr = expr /. xx_Real -> ToReal[xx];
+ removeToRealRules =
+ {-ToReal[xx_] -> ToReal[- xx],
+ ToReal[xx_] + ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx + yy],
+ ToReal[xx_] - ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx - yy],
+ ToReal[xx_] * ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx * yy],
+ ToReal[xx_] == ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx == yy],
+ ToReal[xx_] != ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx != yy],
+ pow[xx_, ToReal[power_]] -> pow[xx, power]};
+ expr = expr //. removeToRealRules;
+ (* Replace all operators and functions *)
+ (* kneg, kadd, ksub, kmul, kdiv *)
+ isNotKneg[n_] := ! MatchQ[n,kneg[_]];
+ arithRules =
+ { - xx_ -> kneg[xx],
+ xx_ * yy_ -> kmul[xx,yy],
+ xx_ / yy_ -> kdiv[xx,yy],
+ xx_ + yy_ -> kadd[xx,yy],
+ xx_ - yy_ -> ksub[xx,yy],
+ kmul[-1,xx_] -> kneg[xx],
+ kmul[xx_,-1] -> kneg[xx],
+ kmul[ToReal[-1],xx_] -> kneg[xx],
+ kmul[xx_,ToReal[-1]] -> kneg[xx],
+ ToReal[- xx_] -> kneg[ToReal[xx]],
+ (* kmul[xx_,INV[yy_]] -> kdiv[xx,yy], *)
+ (* kmul[INV[xx_],yy_] -> kdiv[yy,xx], *)
+ kdiv[xx_,kdiv[yy_,zz_]] -> kdiv[kmul[xx,zz],yy],
+ kdiv[kdiv[xx_,yy_],zz_] -> kdiv[xx,kmul[yy,zz]],
+ kmul[kneg[xx_],yy_] -> kneg[kmul[xx,yy]],
+ kmul[xx_,kneg[yy_]] -> kneg[kmul[xx,yy]],
+ kdiv[kneg[xx_],yy_] -> kneg[kdiv[xx,yy]],
+ kdiv[xx_,kneg[yy_]] -> kneg[kdiv[xx,yy]],
+ kadd[kneg[xx_],yy_] -> ksub[yy,xx],
+ ksub[kneg[xx_],yy_] -> kneg[kadd[xx,yy]],
+ kadd[xx_,kneg[yy_]] -> ksub[xx,yy],
+ ksub[xx_,kneg[yy_]] -> kadd[xx,yy],
+ kneg[ksub[xx_,yy_]] -> ksub[yy,xx],
+ Abs[xx_] -> kfabs[xx],
+ Cos[xx_] -> kcos[xx],
+ Log[xx_] -> klog[xx],
+ Sin[xx_] -> ksin[xx],
+ Tan[xx_] -> ktan[xx],
+ exp[xx_] -> kexp[xx],
+ fabs[xx_] -> kfabs[xx],
+ fmax[xx_,yy_] -> kfmax[xx,yy],
+ fmin[xx_,yy_] -> kfmin[xx,yy],
+ log[xx_] -> klog[xx],
+ pow[xx_,yy_] -> kpow[xx,yy],
+ sqrt[xx_] -> ksqrt[xx],
+ kcos[kneg[xx_]] -> kcos[xx],
+ kfabs[kneg[xx_]] -> kfabs[xx],
+ kfnabs[kneg[xx_]] -> kfnabs[xx],
+ kneg[kfabs[xx_]] -> kfnabs[xx],
+ kneg[kfnabs[xx_]] -> kfabs[xx],
+ kneg[kneg[xx_]] -> xx,
+ ksin[kneg[xx_]] -> kneg[ksin[xx]],
+ ktan[kneg[xx_]] -> kneg[ktan[xx]]};
+ expr = expr //. arithRules;
+ (* Undo some transformations *)
+ undoRules =
+ { IfThen[_, aa_, aa_] -> aa,
+ IfThen[xx_?IntegerQ, aa_, bb_] /; xx!=0 :> aa,
+ IfThen[xx_?IntegerQ, aa_, bb_] /; xx==0 :> bb,
+ IfThen[kmul[xx_,yy_], aa_, bb_] -> IfThen[xx*yy, aa, bb],
+ IfThen[kmul[xx_,yy_] != zz_, aa_, bb_] -> IfThen[xx*yy!=zz, aa, bb],
+ IfThen[ToReal[xx_], aa_, bb_] -> IfThen[xx, aa, bb],
+ Scalar[kmul[xx_,yy_]] -> Scalar[xx*yy],
+ Scalar[kmul[xx_,yy_] != zz_] -> Scalar[xx*yy!=zz],
+ Scalar[ToReal[xx_]] -> Scalar[xx],
+ Scalar[xx_ != ToReal[yy_]] -> Scalar[xx != yy],
+ ToReal[kneg[xx_]] -> ToReal[-xx],
+ ToReal[kadd[xx_,yy_]] -> ToReal[xx+yy],
+ ToReal[ksub[xx_,yy_]] -> ToReal[xx-yy],
+ ToReal[kmul[xx_,yy_]] -> ToReal[xx*yy],
+ ToReal[xx_*kadd[yy_,zz_]] -> ToReal[xx*(yy+zz)],
+ kpow[xx_, kneg[power_]] -> kpow[xx, -power]};
+ expr = expr //. undoRules;
+ (* FMA (fused multiply-add) instructions *)
+ (* kmadd (x,y,z) = xy+z
+ kmsub (x,y,z) = xy-z
+ knmadd(x,y,z) = -(xy+z)
+ knmsub(x,y,z) = -(xy-z) *)
+ fmaRules =
+ { kadd[kmul[xx_,yy_],zz_] -> kmadd[xx,yy,zz],
+ kadd[zz_,kmul[xx_,yy_]] -> kmadd[xx,yy,zz],
+ ksub[kmul[xx_,yy_],zz_] -> kmsub[xx,yy,zz],
+ ksub[zz_,kmul[xx_,yy_]] -> knmsub[xx,yy,zz],
+ kneg[kmadd [xx_,yy_,zz_]] -> knmadd[xx,yy,zz],
+ kneg[kmsub [xx_,yy_,zz_]] -> knmsub[xx,yy,zz],
+ kneg[knmadd[xx_,yy_,zz_]] -> kmadd [xx,yy,zz],
+ kneg[knmsub[xx_,yy_,zz_]] -> kmsub [xx,yy,zz]
+ (* we could match this and similar patterns
+ kmul[xx_, kadd[yy_, ToReal[+1]]] -> kmadd[xx, yy, xx],
+ kmul[xx_, kadd[yy_, ToReal[-1]]] -> kmsub[xx, yy, xx],
+ *)};
+ expr = expr //. fmaRules;
+ Return[expr]]];
+(* Take an expression x and replace occurrences of Powers with the C
+ macros SQR, CUB, QAD *)
+ ReplacePowers[expr_, vectorise:Boolean] :=
+ Module[
+ {rhs},
+ rhs = expr /. Power[xx_, -1] -> INV[xx];
+ {rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, 2 ] -> SQR[xx];
+ rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, 3 ] -> CUB[xx];
+ rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, 4 ] -> QAD[xx];
+ rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, -2 ] -> INV[SQR[xx]];
+ rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, 1/2] -> sqrt[xx];
+ rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, -1/2] -> INV[sqrt[xx]];
+ rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, 0.5] -> sqrt[xx];
+ rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, -0.5] -> INV[sqrt[xx]];
+ (*
+ rhs = rhs /. 1/2 -> khalf
+ rhs = rhs /. -1/2 -> -khalf;
+ rhs = rhs /. 1/3 -> kthird;
+ rhs = rhs /. -1/3 -> -kthird;
+ rhs = rhs /. 2/3 -> ktwothird;
+ rhs = rhs /. -2/3 -> -ktwothird;
+ rhs = rhs /. 4/3 -> kfourthird;
+ rhs = rhs /. -4/3 -> -kfourthird;
+ rhs = rhs /. 8/3 -> keightthird;
+ rhs = rhs /. -8/3 -> -keightthird;
+ *)
+ (* Remove parentheses *)
+ rhs = rhs //. Parenthesis[xx_] -> xx;
+ (* Avoid rational numbers *)
+ rhs = rhs /. Rational[xx_,yy_] :> N[xx/yy, 30];
+ rhs = rhs //. IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :>
+ IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ xx1 + xx2], Simplify[ yy1 + yy2]];
+ rhs = rhs //. ff1_ IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :>
+ IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ff1 xx1 + xx2], Simplify[ff1 yy1 + yy2]];
+ rhs = rhs //. IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + ff2_ IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :>
+ IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ xx1 + ff2 xx2], Simplify[ yy1 + ff2 yy2]];
+ rhs = rhs //. ff1_ IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + ff2_ IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :>
+ IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ff1 xx1 + ff2 xx2], Simplify[ff1 yy1 + ff2 yy2]];
+ (* Is this still a good idea when FMA instructions are used? *)
+ rhs = rhs //. xx_ yy_ + xx_ zz_ -> xx (yy+zz);
+ rhs = rhs //. xx_ yy_ - xx_ zz_ -> xx (yy-zz);
+ rhs = rhs /. Power[E, power_] -> exp[power];
+ (* there have been some problems doing the Max/Min
+ replacement via the preprocessor for C, so we do it
+ here *)
+ (* Note: Mathematica simplifies Max[xx_] -> xx automatically *)
+ rhs = rhs //. Max[xx_, yy__] -> fmax[xx, Max[yy]];
+ rhs = rhs //. Min[xx_, yy__] -> fmin[xx, Min[yy]];
+ rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, power_] -> pow[xx, power];
+ If[vectorise === True,
+ rhs = vectoriseExpression[rhs]];
+ (* Remove Scalar[] after vectorising *)
+ rhs = rhs /. Scalar[xx_] -> xx},
+ (* else *)
+ rhs = rhs /. Power[xx_, power_] -> xx^power];
+ (* Print[rhs//FullForm];*)
+ rhs]];
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m b/Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m
index 7b4e021..60e4b80 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ point. Should be checked by someone competent!
-BeginPackage["Differencing`", {"CodeGen`", "Kranc`", "MapLookup`",
+BeginPackage["Differencing`", {"CodeGen`", "CodeGenC`", "CodeGenCactus`", "Kranc`", "MapLookup`",
(* "LinearAlgebra`MatrixManipulation`", *) "Errors`"}];
CreateDifferencingHeader::usage = "";
@@ -153,26 +153,28 @@ DZero[n_] := (DPlus[n] + DMinus[n])/2;
(* User API *)
-CreateDifferencingHeader[derivOps1_, zeroDims_, vectorise_, intParams_] :=
+ CreateDifferencingHeader[derivOps1_, zeroDims_, vectorise_, intParams_] :=
Module[{componentDerivOps, dupsRemoved, expressions, componentDerivOps2, zeroDimRules,
pDefs, derivOps},
derivOps = Flatten[Map[expandDerivOpOverParameters[#, intParams] &, derivOps1],1];
Map[DerivativeOperatorVerify, derivOps];
- zeroDimRules = Map[shift[#] -> 1 &, zeroDims];
- componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents, derivOps]];
+ componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents[#,zeroDims] &,
+ derivOps]];
- componentDerivOps2 = componentDerivOps /. zeroDimRules;
+ componentDerivOps2 = componentDerivOps;
dupsRemoved = Block[{$RecursionLimit = Infinity}, RemoveDuplicateRules[componentDerivOps2]];
mDefPairs = Map[ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroDefinition[#, vectorise] &, dupsRemoved];
pDefs = Union[Flatten[Map[First, mDefPairs]]];
expressions = Flatten[Map[#[[2]]&, mDefPairs]];
- {pDefs, Map[{#, "\n"} &, expressions]}];
+ {pDefs, Map[{#, "\n"} &, expressions]}]];
ordergfds[_[v1_,___], _[v2_,___]] :=
Order[v1,v2] != -1;
@@ -180,10 +182,11 @@ ordergfds[_[v1_,___], _[v2_,___]] :=
getParamName[p_List] := lookup[p,Name];
getParamName[p_] := p;
-PrecomputeDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_, intParams_] :=
+ PrecomputeDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_, intParams_, zeroDims_] :=
Module[{componentDerivOps, gfds, sortedgfds, opNames, intParamNames, paramsInOps,
paramName, opsWithParam, opNamesWithParam, replace, param},
- gfds = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps, expr];
+ gfds = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps, expr, zeroDims];
sortedgfds = Sort[gfds, ordergfds];
opNames = Union[Map[Head, sortedgfds]];
@@ -209,72 +212,78 @@ PrecomputeDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_, intParams_] :=
Sequence@@Table[{value, Map[PrecomputeDerivative[# /. replace[value],#] &, sortedgfds]},
- {value, lookup[param, AllowedValues]}]]}]];
+ {value, lookup[param, AllowedValues]}]]}]]];
-DeclareDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_] :=
+ DeclareDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_] :=
Module[{componentDerivOps, gfds, sortedgfds},
Map[DerivativeOperatorVerify, derivOps];
gfds = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps, expr];
sortedgfds = Sort[gfds, ordergfds];
{"/* Declare derivatives */\n",
- Map[DeclareDerivative, sortedgfds]}];
+ Map[DeclareDerivative, sortedgfds]}]];
-ReplaceDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_, precompute_] :=
+ ReplaceDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_, precompute_, zeroDims_] :=
Module[{componentDerivOps, gfds},
Map[DerivativeOperatorVerify, derivOps];
- componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents, derivOps]];
- gfds = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps, expr];
+ componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents[#,zeroDims] &, derivOps]];
+ gfds = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps, expr, zeroDims];
rules = Map[# :> GridFunctionDerivativeName[#] &, gfds],
rules = Map[# :> evaluateDerivative[#] &, gfds]];
- expr /. rules];
+ expr /. rules]];
(* Generate code to ensure that there are sufficient ghost and
boundary points for the passed derivative operators used in eqs *)
-CheckStencil[derivOps_, eqs_, name_] :=
+ CheckStencil[derivOps_, eqs_, name_, zeroDims_] :=
Module[{gfds, rgzList, rgz},
- gfds = Map[GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[{#}, eqs] &, derivOps];
- rgzList = MapThread[If[Length[#2] > 0, DerivativeOperatorStencilWidth[#1], {0,0,0}] &, {derivOps, gfds}];
+ gfds = Map[GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[{#}, eqs, zeroDims] &, derivOps];
+ rgzList = MapThread[If[Length[#2] > 0, DerivativeOperatorStencilWidth[#1,zeroDims], {0,0,0}] &, {derivOps, gfds}];
If[Length[rgzList] === 0, Return[{}]];
rgz = Map[Max, Transpose[rgzList]];
If[Max[rgz] == 0, {},
- {"GenericFD_EnsureStencilFits(cctkGH, ", Quote@name, ", ", Riffle[rgz,", "], ");\n"}]];
+ {"GenericFD_EnsureStencilFits(cctkGH, ", Quote@name, ", ", Riffle[rgz,", "], ");\n"}]]];
parametersUsedInOps[derivOps_, intParams_] :=
Union@Flatten[Map[Cases[derivOps, getParamName[#] -> #, Infinity] &,
intParams], 1];
-CheckStencil[derivOps_, eqs_, name_, intParams_] :=
+ CheckStencil[derivOps_, eqs_, name_, zeroDims_, intParams_] :=
Module[{psUsed, p},
psUsed = parametersUsedInOps[derivOps, intParams];
If[Length[psUsed] > 1, Throw["Too many parameters in partial derivatives"]];
If[psUsed === {},
- CheckStencil[derivOps,eqs,name],
+ CheckStencil[derivOps,eqs,name,zeroDims],
p = psUsed[[1]];
CheckStencil[derivOps/.getParamName[p]->value, eqs,
- name]},
- {value, lookup[p, AllowedValues]}]]]];
+ name, zeroDims]},
+ {value, lookup[p, AllowedValues]}]]]]];
(* Misc *)
-PrecomputeDerivative[d:pd_[gf_, inds___], vargfd_:Automatic] :=
+ PrecomputeDerivative[d:pd_[gf_, inds___], vargfd_:Automatic] :=
If[vargfd === Automatic,
DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], GridFunctionDerivativeName[d], evaluateDerivative[d]],
- AssignVariable[GridFunctionDerivativeName[vargfd], evaluateDerivative[d]]]];
+ AssignVariable[GridFunctionDerivativeName[vargfd], evaluateDerivative[d]]]]];
-evaluateDerivative[d:pd_[gf_, inds___]] :=
+ evaluateDerivative[d:pd_[gf_, inds___]] :=
macroName = ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroName[pd[inds] -> expr];
(* Return[ToString[macroName] <> "(" <> ToString[gf] <> ", i, j, k)"] *)
(* Return[ToString[macroName] <> "(" <> ToString[gf] <> ")"] *)
Return[ToString[macroName] <> "(&" <> ToString[gf] <> "[index])"]
- ];
+ ]];
DeclareDerivative[d:pd_[gf_, inds___]] :=
DeclareVariable[GridFunctionDerivativeName[d], "// CCTK_REAL_VEC"];
@@ -284,37 +293,41 @@ DeclareDerivative[d:pd_[gf_, inds___]] :=
(* GridFunctionDerivative *)
-GridFunctionDerivativeName[pd_[gf_, inds___]] :=
+ GridFunctionDerivativeName[pd_[gf_, inds___]] :=
stringName = StringJoin[Map[ToString, Join[{pd}, {inds}, {gf}]]];
- Symbol["Global`" <> stringName]];
+ Symbol["Global`" <> stringName]]];
-GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps_, expr_] :=
+ GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps_, expr_, zeroDims_] :=
Module[{componentDerivOps, derivs, patterns, dupsRemoved},
- componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents, derivOps]];
+ componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents[#,zeroDims]&, derivOps]];
dupsRemoved = RemoveDuplicateRules[componentDerivOps];
derivs = Map[First, dupsRemoved];
patterns = Map[# /. x_[inds___] -> x[y_, inds] &, derivs];
- Flatten[Map[Union[Cases[{expr}, #, Infinity]] &, patterns]]];
+ Flatten[Map[Union[Cases[{expr}, #, Infinity]] &, patterns]]]];
(* Return the definition associated with a grid function derivative *)
-GridFunctionDerivativeToDef[pd_[gf_, inds___], derivOps_] :=
+GridFunctionDerivativeToDef[pd_[gf_, inds___], derivOps_, zeroDims] :=
- componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents, derivOps]];
+ componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents[#,zeroDims]&, derivOps]];
pd[inds] /. componentDerivOps];
(* DerivativeOperator *)
-sbpMacroDefinition[macroName_, d_] :=
+ sbpMacroDefinition[macroName_, d_] :=
Module[{ds = Switch[d, 1, "x", 2, "y", 3, "z"],
l = Switch[d, 1, "i", 2, "j", 3, "k"]},
FlattenBlock[{"#define ", macroName, "(u,i,j,k) (sbp_deriv_" <> ds
- <> "(i,j,k,sbp_" <> l <> "min,sbp_" <> l <> "max,d" <> ds <> ",u,q" <> ds <> ",cctkGH))"}] ];
+ <> "(i,j,k,sbp_" <> l <> "min,sbp_" <> l <> "max,d" <> ds <> ",u,q" <> ds <> ",cctkGH))"}] ]];
-ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroDefinition[componentDerivOp:(name_[inds___] -> expr_), vectorise_] :=
+ ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroDefinition[componentDerivOp:(name_[inds___] -> expr_), vectorise_] :=
Module[{macroName, rhs, i = "i", j = "j", k = "k", spacings, spacings2, pat, ss, num, den, newnum, signModifier, quotient, liName, finalDef},
macroName = ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroName[componentDerivOp];
@@ -369,15 +382,16 @@ ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroDefinition[componentDerivOp:(name_[inds___] -> e
Print["Sequenced: ", Apply[SequenceForm,Simplify[1/(ss /. spacings2)],{0,Infinity}]];*)
liName = "p" <> signModifier <> quotient <> ToString[Apply[SequenceForm,Simplify[1/(ss /. spacings2)],{0,Infinity}]];
-(* Print["liName == ", liName];*)
+ pDefs = {{liName -> CFormHideStrings[ReplacePowers[num / den ss /. spacings2, vectorise]]}};
rhs = rhs /. pat -> Times[liName, rest],
(* Print["!!!!!!!!DOES NOT MATCH!!!!!!!!!"];*)
- rhs = rhs];
+ rhs = rhs;
+ pDefs = {};
+ liName = rhs];
(* Print["rhs3 == ", FullForm[rhs]];*)
- pDefs = {{liName -> CFormHideStrings[ReplacePowers[num / den ss /. spacings2, vectorise]]}};
(* rhs = Factor[rhs];*)
rhs = rhs //. (x_ a_ + x_ b_) -> x (a+b);
@@ -442,17 +456,19 @@ ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroDefinition[componentDerivOp:(name_[inds___] -> e
ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroName[componentDerivOp:(name_[inds___] -> expr_)] :=
stringName = StringJoin[Map[ToString, Join[{name}, {inds}]]];
-DerivativeOperatorStencilWidth[derivOp_] :=
- Map[Max, Transpose[Map[ComponentDerivativeOperatorStencilWidth, DerivativeOperatorToComponents[derivOp]]]];
+DerivativeOperatorStencilWidth[derivOp_,zeroDims_] :=
+ Map[Max, Transpose[Map[ComponentDerivativeOperatorStencilWidth,
+ DerivativeOperatorToComponents[derivOp,zeroDims]]]];
-ComponentDerivativeOperatorStencilWidth[componentDerivOp:(name_[inds___] -> expr_)] :=
+ ComponentDerivativeOperatorStencilWidth[componentDerivOp:(name_[inds___] -> expr_)] :=
Module[{cases, nx, ny, nz, result},
result = Table[
cases = Union[Flatten[Cases[{expr}, shift[d] | Power[shift[d],_], Infinity]]];
@@ -468,7 +484,7 @@ ComponentDerivativeOperatorStencilWidth[componentDerivOp:(name_[inds___] -> expr
If[!And@@Map[NumericQ, result],
Throw["Stencil width is not numeric in "<>ToString[componentDerivOp]]];
- result];
+ result]];
(* Farm out each term of a difference operator *)
DifferenceGF[op_, i_, j_, k_, vectorise_] :=
@@ -477,7 +493,7 @@ DifferenceGF[op_, i_, j_, k_, vectorise_] :=
If[Head[expanded] === Plus,
Apply[Plus, Map[DifferenceGFTerm[#, i, j, k, vectorise] &, expanded]],
- DifferenceGFTerm[expanded, i, j, k]]];
+ DifferenceGFTerm[expanded, i, j, k, vectorise]]];
(* Return the fragment of a macro definition for defining a derivative
@@ -500,23 +516,18 @@ DifferenceGFTerm[op_, i_, j_, k_, vectorise_] :=
If[Cases[{remaining}, shift[_], Infinity] != {},
ThrowError["Could not parse difference operator", op]];
- remaining "vec_loadu_maybe3" <>
- "(" <> ToString[CFormHideStrings[nx /. {dir1->1, dir2->1, dir3->1}]] <> "," <>
- ToString[CFormHideStrings[ny /. {dir1->1, dir2->1, dir3->1}]] <> "," <>
- ToString[CFormHideStrings[nz /. {dir1->1, dir2->1, dir3->1}]] <> "," <>
- "*(CCTK_REAL const*)&((char const*)(u))" <>
- "[cdi*(" <> ToString[CFormHideStrings[nx]] <> ")" <>
- "+cdj*(" <> ToString[CFormHideStrings[ny]] <> ")" <>
- "+cdk*(" <> ToString[CFormHideStrings[nz]] <> ")])",
- remaining
- "(*(CCTK_REAL const*)&((char const*)(u))" <>
- "[cdi*(" <> ToString[CFormHideStrings[nx]] <> ")" <>
- "+cdj*(" <> ToString[CFormHideStrings[ny]] <> ")" <>
- "+cdk*(" <> ToString[CFormHideStrings[nz]] <> ")])"],
+ remaining "KRANC_GFOFFSET3D(u," <>
+ ToString[CFormHideStrings[nx /. {dir1->1, dir2->1, dir3->1}]] <> "," <>
+ ToString[CFormHideStrings[ny /. {dir1->1, dir2->1, dir3->1}]] <> "," <>
+ ToString[CFormHideStrings[nz /. {dir1->1, dir2->1, dir3->1}]] <> ")",
+ remaining "KRANC_GFOFFSET3D(u," <>
+ ToString[CFormHideStrings[nx]] <> "," <>
+ ToString[CFormHideStrings[ny]] <> "," <>
+ ToString[CFormHideStrings[nz]] <> ")"],
remaining "u(" <> ToString[FortranForm[i+nx]] <> "," <>
ToString[FortranForm[j+ny]] <> "," <> ToString[FortranForm[k+nz]] <> ")"] ];
@@ -524,24 +535,27 @@ DifferenceGFTerm[op_, i_, j_, k_, vectorise_] :=
-DerivativeOperatorToComponents[name_[indPatterns___] -> expr_] :=
- Module[{ips, symbols, symbolRanges, symbolLHS, table},
+ DerivativeOperatorToComponents[name_[indPatterns___] -> expr_, zeroDims_] :=
+ Module[{ips, symbols, symbolRanges, symbolLHS, table, zeroDimRules},
ips = {indPatterns};
+ zeroDimRules = Map[shift[#] -> 1 &, zeroDims];
If[MatchQ[ips, List[ (_Pattern) ...]],
symbols = Map[First, ips];
symbolRanges = Map[{#, 1, 3} &, Union[symbols]];
symbolLHS = name[Apply[Sequence, symbols]];
table = Apply[Table, Join[{symbolLHS -> expr}, symbolRanges]];
- Return[Flatten[table]]];
+ Return[Flatten[table/.zeroDimRules]]];
If[MatchQ[ips, List[ (_ ? NumberQ) ...]],
- Return[{name[indPatterns] -> expr}]];
+ Return[{name[indPatterns] -> expr/.zeroDimRules}]];
Throw["DerivativeOperatorToComponents: Expecting indices which are symbolic patterns or numbers"];
DerivativeOperatorVerify[derivOp_] :=
If[!MatchQ[derivOp, pd_[_Pattern ...] -> expr_?DerivativeOperatorRHSVerify] &&
@@ -555,7 +569,8 @@ DerivativeOperatorRHSVerify[expr_] :=
-RemoveDuplicates[l_] :=
+ RemoveDuplicates[l_] :=
If[l === {},
@@ -566,7 +581,7 @@ RemoveDuplicates[l_] :=
positions = Position[rest, this];
next = Delete[rest, positions];
- Prepend[RemoveDuplicates[next], this]]];
+ Prepend[RemoveDuplicates[next], this]]]];
RemoveDuplicateRules[l_] :=
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/Interface.m b/Tools/CodeGen/Interface.m
index 5f8f613..c547b58 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/Interface.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/Interface.m
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ CreateKrancInterface[nonevolvedGroups_, evolvedGroups_, rhsGroups_, groups_,
interface = CreateInterface[implementation, inheritedImplementations,
Join[includeFiles, {CactusBoundary`GetIncludeFiles[]},
If[OptionValue[UseLoopControl], {"loopcontrol.h"}, {}],
+ If[OptionValue[UseOpenCL], {"OpenCLRunTime.h"}, {}],
If[OptionValue[UseVectors], {"vectors.h"}, {}]],
UsesFunctions ->
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/Jacobian.m b/Tools/CodeGen/Jacobian.m
index 20f24df..bd72845 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/Jacobian.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/Jacobian.m
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-BeginPackage["Jacobian`", {"Errors`", "Helpers`", "Kranc`", "Differencing`", "MapLookup`", "CodeGen`", "KrancGroups`"}];
+BeginPackage["Jacobian`", {"Errors`", "Helpers`", "Kranc`", "Differencing`", "MapLookup`",
+ "CodeGen`", "CodeGenC`", "KrancGroups`"}];
@@ -69,11 +70,11 @@ shorthandsInDerivDef[def_, shorthands_] :=
(* Insert a Jacobian shorthand definition into a list of equations
after all the shorthands that it uses *)
-insertDerivInEqs[deriv_, defs_, eqs_, shorthands_] :=
+insertDerivInEqs[deriv_, defs_, eqs_, shorthands_, zeroDims_] :=
Module[{shortsUsed, lhss, positions, positions2, position, newShort, derivsInShort, defsUsed},
newShort = jacobianShorthand[deriv]; (* Definition expression for new shorthand *)
- derivsInShort = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[defs, newShort]; (* Derivatives needed *)
- defsUsed = Map[GridFunctionDerivativeToDef[#, defs] &, derivsInShort]; (* Definitions of those derivatives *)
+ derivsInShort = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[defs, newShort, zeroDims]; (* Derivatives needed *)
+ defsUsed = Map[GridFunctionDerivativeToDef[#, defs, zeroDims] &, derivsInShort]; (* Definitions of those derivatives *)
shortsUsed = Union[Flatten[Map[shorthandsInDerivDef[#, shorthands] &, defsUsed],1]];
lhss = Map[First, eqs];
positions = Map[Position[lhss, #, {1}, 1] &, shortsUsed];
@@ -94,7 +95,8 @@ InsertJacobian[calc_List, opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
shorts = lookupDefault[calc, Shorthands, {}];
pdDefs = OptionValue[PartialDerivatives];
- derivs = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[pdDefs, lookup[calc, Equations]];
+ derivs = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[pdDefs, lookup[calc, Equations],
+ OptionValue[ZeroDimensions]];
If[Length[derivs] === 0, Return[calc]];
newShortDefs = Map[jacobianShorthand, derivs];
newShorts = Map[First, newShortDefs];
@@ -104,7 +106,8 @@ InsertJacobian[calc_List, opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
combinedEqs = newEqs;
- combinedEqs = insertDerivInEqs[derivs[[i]], pdDefs, combinedEqs, shorts],
+ combinedEqs = insertDerivInEqs[derivs[[i]], pdDefs, combinedEqs, shorts,
+ OptionValue[ZeroDimensions]],
{i, Length[derivs], 1, -1}];
combinedCalc = mapReplace[mapReplace[mapEnsureKey[calc, Shorthands, {}], Shorthands, combinedShorts], Equations, combinedEqs];
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/Kranc.m b/Tools/CodeGen/Kranc.m
index 3606a74..4b47c52 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/Kranc.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/Kranc.m
@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ BeginPackage["Kranc`"];
(* CodeGen.m *)
-{INV, SQR, CUB, QAD, IfThen, Scalar, ToReal, sqrt, exp, pow, fmax, fmin,
+{INV, SQR, CUB, QAD, IfThen, Parenthesis, Scalar, ToReal,
+ sqrt, exp, pow, fmax, fmin,
kmadd, kmsub, knmadd, knmsub, kpos, kneg, kadd, ksub, kmul, kdiv,
- kfabs, kfmax, kfmin, ksqrt, kexp, klog, kpow,
- dir1, dir2, dir3, dt, dx, dy, dz,
+ kcos, kfabs, kfmax, kfmin, ksqrt, kexp, klog, kpow, ksin, ktan,
+ dir1, dir2, dir3, dt, dx, dy, dz, t,
khalf, kthird, ktwothird, kfourthird, keightthird};
(* Helpers.m *)
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ dummy;
LoopPreIncludes, GroupImplementations, PartialDerivatives, NoSimplify,
Boundary, Interior, InteriorNoSync, Where, AddToStencilWidth,
Everywhere, normal1, normal2, normal3, INV, SQR, CUB, QAD, dot, pow,
-exp, dt, dx, dy, dz, idx, idy, idz}
+exp, dt, dx, dy, dz, idx, idy, idz, t}
{ConditionalOnKeyword, ConditionalOnKeywords, CollectList, Interior,
InteriorNoSync, Boundary, BoundaryWithGhosts, Where, PreDefinitions,
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ ThornOptions =
ReflectionSymmetries -> {},
ZeroDimensions -> {},
UseLoopControl -> False,
+ UseOpenCL -> False,
UseVectors -> False,
ProhibitAssignmentToGridFunctionsRead -> False,
IncludeFiles -> {},
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/KrancThorn.m b/Tools/CodeGen/KrancThorn.m
index 44ee16f..26ca6ef 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/KrancThorn.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/KrancThorn.m
@@ -208,16 +208,22 @@ CreateKrancThorn[groupsOrig_, parentDirectory_, thornName_, opts:OptionsPattern[
InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating differencing header file"];
{pDefs, diffHeader} = CreateDifferencingHeader[partialDerivs, OptionValue[ZeroDimensions], OptionValue[UseVectors], OptionValue[IntParameters]];
diffHeader = Join[
- If[OptionValue[UseVectors], {"#include <assert.h>\n",
- "#include \"vectors.h\"\n",
- "\n"},
- {}],
+ If[OptionValue[UseVectors] && ! OptionValue[UseOpenCL],
+ {"#include <assert.h>\n",
+ "#include \"vectors.h\"\n",
+ "\n"},
+ {}],
+ diffHeader = If[OptionValue[UseOpenCL],
+ "static char const * const differencing =\n" <>
+ Stringify[diffHeader] <>
+ ";\n",
+ diffHeader];
(* Add the predefinitions into the calcs *)
calcs = Map[Join[#, {PreDefinitions -> pDefs}] &, calcs];
- ext = CodeGen`SOURCESUFFIX;
+ ext = CodeGenC`SOURCESUFFIX;
(* Construct a source file for each calculation *)
allParams = Join[Map[ParamName, realParamDefs],
@@ -249,7 +255,7 @@ CreateKrancThorn[groupsOrig_, parentDirectory_, thornName_, opts:OptionsPattern[
{Filename -> "Startup.cc", Contents -> startup},
{Filename -> "RegisterMoL.cc", Contents -> molregister},
{Filename -> "RegisterSymmetries.cc", Contents -> symregister},
- {Filename -> "Differencing.h", Contents -> diffHeader}},
+ {Filename -> "Differencing.h", Contents -> diffHeader}},
MapThread[{Filename -> #1, Contents -> #2} &,
{calcFilenames, calcSources}], boundarySources]};
InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating thorn"];
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/Schedule.m b/Tools/CodeGen/Schedule.m
index 66dec5a..f596ad1 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/Schedule.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/Schedule.m
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ scheduleCalc[calc_, groups_] :=
SynchronizedGroups -> If[StringMatchQ[#, "*MoL_CalcRHS*", IgnoreCase -> True] || StringMatchQ[#, "*MoL_RHSBoundaries*", IgnoreCase -> True],
- Language -> CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE,
+ Language -> CodeGenC`SOURCELANGUAGE,
Comment -> lookup[calc, Name]
If[triggered, {TriggerGroups -> lookup[calc, TriggerGroups]},
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ scheduleCalc[calc_, groups_] :=
fnSched = {
Name -> lookup[calc, Name],
SchedulePoint -> "in " <> groupName,
- Language -> CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE,
+ Language -> CodeGenC`SOURCELANGUAGE,
Comment -> lookup[calc, Name]
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ scheduleCalc[calc_, groups_] :=
SchedulePoint -> "in " <> bcGroupName,
SynchronizedGroups -> groupsToSync,
Options -> "level",
- Language -> CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE,
+ Language -> CodeGenC`SOURCELANGUAGE,
Comment -> lookup[calc, Name] <> "_SelectBCs"
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/Thorn.m b/Tools/CodeGen/Thorn.m
index 8033d2a..afffb47 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/Thorn.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/Thorn.m
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
(* This package provides a set of functions to create the various
parts of a Cactus thorn and assemble them. *)
-BeginPackage["Thorn`", "CodeGen`", "CalculationFunction`",
+BeginPackage["Thorn`", "CodeGen`", "CodeGenC`", "CodeGenCactus`", "CalculationFunction`",
"CalculationBoundaries`", "MapLookup`", "KrancGroups`", "Helpers`",
"Errors`", "Kranc`"];
@@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ CreateConfiguration[opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
"REQUIRES GenericFD\n",
If[OptionValue[UseLoopControl], "REQUIRES LoopControl\n", {}],
+ If[OptionValue[UseOpenCL], "REQUIRES OpenCL OpenCLRunTime\n", {}],
If[OptionValue[UseVectors], "REQUIRES Vectors\n", {}]
@@ -501,11 +502,11 @@ CreateSetterSource[calcs_, debug_, include_, imp_,
If[!MatchQ[include, _List],
Throw["CreateSetterSource: Include should be a list but is in fact " <> ToString[include]]];
- {whoWhen[CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE],
+ {whoWhen[CodeGenC`SOURCELANGUAGE],
- "#define KRANC_" <> ToUpperCase[CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE] <> "\n\n",
+ "#define KRANC_" <> ToUpperCase[CodeGenC`SOURCELANGUAGE] <> "\n\n",
@@ -518,6 +519,7 @@ CreateSetterSource[calcs_, debug_, include_, imp_,
(*"precomputations.h",*) "GenericFD.h", "Differencing.h"},
If[OptionValue[UseLoopControl], {"loopcontrol.h"}, {}],
+ If[OptionValue[UseOpenCL], {"OpenCLRunTime.h"}, {}],
If[OptionValue[UseVectors], {"vectors.h"}, {}]]],
@@ -591,8 +593,8 @@ CreateSymmetriesRegistrationSource[thornName_, implementationName_, GFs_, reflec
Print["Registering Symmetries for: ", GFs];
- lang = CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE;
spec = Table[{FullName -> implementationName <> "::" <> ToString@GFs[[j]],
Sym -> If[reflectionSymmetries === False,
@@ -615,7 +617,7 @@ CreateSymmetriesRegistrationSource[thornName_, implementationName_, GFs_, reflec
- CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = lang;
@@ -642,8 +644,8 @@ CreateMoLRegistrationSource[spec_, debug_] :=
Print[" Primitive Gridfunctions: ", lookup[spec, PrimitiveGFs] ];
- lang = CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE;
tmp = {whoWhen["C"],
@@ -674,7 +676,7 @@ CreateMoLRegistrationSource[spec_, debug_] :=
lookup[spec, PrimitiveGFs]]], *)
- CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = lang;
@@ -907,8 +909,8 @@ CreateMoLBoundariesSource[spec_] :=
- lang = CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE;
tmp = {whoWhen["C"],
@@ -958,7 +960,7 @@ CreateMoLBoundariesSource[spec_] :=
- CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = lang;
@@ -970,8 +972,8 @@ CreateMoLExcisionSource[spec_] :=
Print["Applying excision to GFs: ", gfs];
- currentlang = CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE;
- CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = "Fortran";
+ currentlang = CodeGenC`SOURCELANGUAGE;
+ CodeGenC`SOURCELANGUAGE = "Fortran";
excisionExtrap[gf_] := " call ExcisionExtrapolate(ierr, "
<> ToString@gf <> ", " <> ToString@gf
@@ -1055,7 +1057,7 @@ CreateMoLExcisionSource[spec_] :=
-CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = currentlang;
+CodeGenC`SOURCELANGUAGE = currentlang;
@@ -1242,8 +1244,8 @@ CreateMPCharSource[spec_, debug_] :=
groups = Map[unqualifiedGroupName, lookup[spec, Groups]];
- lang = CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE;
tmp = {whoWhen["C"],
@@ -1305,7 +1307,7 @@ charInfoFunction["C2P", spec, debug], "\n\n",
charInfoFunction["WHATEVER", spec, debug]
@@ -1332,8 +1334,8 @@ CreatePrecompMacros[functions_] :=
CreateStartupFile[thornName_, bannerText_] :=
Module[{tmp, lang},
- lang = CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE;
tmp = {whoWhen["C"],
@@ -1343,7 +1345,7 @@ CreateStartupFile[thornName_, bannerText_] :=
"return 0;\n"}]};
- CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = lang;
diff --git a/Tools/MathematicaMisc/Errors.m b/Tools/MathematicaMisc/Errors.m
index 4de9a65..6032b0a 100644
--- a/Tools/MathematicaMisc/Errors.m
+++ b/Tools/MathematicaMisc/Errors.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+BeginPackage["Errors`", {"Profile`"}];
PrintError::usage = "";
ThrowError::usage = "";
@@ -9,12 +9,14 @@ VerifyStringList;
+ErrorDefinition::usage = "ErrorDefinition[f] creates a default definition of a function f which throws an exception. This can be used to catch programming errors where f is called with incorrect arguments.";
DebugQuiet = 0;
Warnings = 1
Terse = 2;
Info = 3;
InfoFull = 4;
@@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ PrintStructure[x_]:=
PrintStructure[l_List, prefix_, suffix_] :=
- If[StringLength[ToString[l] <> prefix] > 50,
+ If[StringLength[ToString[l,InputForm] <> prefix] > 50,
Print[prefix, "{"];
Map[PrintStructure[#, " " <> prefix, ","] &, l];
Print[prefix, "}"],
@@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ PrintStructure[l_List, prefix_, suffix_] :=
Print[prefix, ToString[l,InputForm]]]];
PrintStructure[s_, prefix_, suffix_] :=
- Print[prefix, s, suffix];
+ Print[prefix, s//InputForm, suffix];
PrintError[err_] :=
@@ -82,12 +84,24 @@ VerifyList[l_] :=
InfoMessage[level_, message__] :=
Module[{args = {message}},
If[level <= debugLevel,
- Map[PrintStructure, args]];
+ Map[Print, args]];
SetDebugLevel[level_] :=
debugLevel = level;
+ErrorDefinition[x_] :=
+ x[args___] :=
+ ThrowError["Invalid arguments to "<>ToString[x], {args}//FullForm];
+SetAttributes[DefFn, HoldAll];
+DefFn[def:(fn_[args___] := body_)] :=
+ Module[
+ {},
+ ErrorDefinition[fn];
+ fn[args] := (*Profile[fn,*)body(*]*)];
diff --git a/Tools/MathematicaMisc/MapLookup.m b/Tools/MathematicaMisc/MapLookup.m
index 1711cdf..ee0c85b 100644
--- a/Tools/MathematicaMisc/MapLookup.m
+++ b/Tools/MathematicaMisc/MapLookup.m
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ BeginPackage["MapLookup`", {"Errors`"}];
lookup::usage = "";
mapContains::usage = "";
mapReplace::usage = "";
+mapReplaceAdd::usage = "";
mapValueMap::usage = "";
lookupDefault::usage = "";
mapValueMapMultiple::usage = "";
@@ -59,6 +60,13 @@ mapReplace[map_, key_, value_] :=
Map[If[First[#] === key, key -> value, #] &, map]];
+mapReplaceAdd[map_, key_, value_] :=
+ Module[{},
+ VerifyMap[map];
+ If[mapContains[map, key],
+ mapReplace[map, key, value],
+ mapAdd[map, key, value]]];
mapAdd[map_, key_, value_] :=
diff --git a/Tools/MathematicaMisc/Profile.m b/Tools/MathematicaMisc/Profile.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8df42b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/MathematicaMisc/Profile.m
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2010 Ian Hinder and Barry Wardell *)
+ClearProfile[] :=
+ Module[{},
+ Clear[ProfileTime];
+ Clear[ProfileCount]];
+SetAttributes[Profile, HoldAll];
+Profile[name_, code_] :=
+ Module[{time, result, name2, result2, subTimers},
+ name2 = Evaluate[name];
+ {result2,subTimers} = Reap[{time, result} = AbsoluteTiming[ReleaseHold[code]]];
+ If[Head[ProfileTime[name2]] === ProfileTime, ProfileTime[name2] = 0.0];
+ If[Head[ProfileCount[name2]] === ProfileCount, ProfileCount[name2] = 0];
+ ProfileTime[name2] += time;
+ ProfileCount[name2] += 1;
+ Sow[Timer[name2,time,If[subTimers === {}, {}, subTimers[[1]]]]];
+ result];
+(* Profile[n_, x_] := x; *)
+(* The code below is a prototype for handling a tree of timer
+ information from Profile. It needs to be tidied up and a good
+ interface defined. Example of use:
+ {result, timers} = Reap@MyProfile["Total", <code>];
+ treeView@addUntimed@
+ Timer[timers[[1, 1, 1]], timers[[1, 1, 2]],
+ addTimers[timers[[1, 1, 3]], sameq, plus]]
+treeView[t : Timer[n_, v_, c_]] :=
+ Module[{},
+ If[c === {},
+ Row[{" ", v, " ", n}],
+ OpenerView[{Row[{v, " ", n}],
+ Column[treeView /@ c]}, True]]]
+(* Take a list and, for all the members which are "sameq" as each \
+other, replace them with the application of "plus" to them *)
+add[l_, sameq_, plus_] :=
+ Map[plus, Gather[l, sameq]];
+addTimers[ts_List, sameq_, plus_] :=
+ add[Map[Timer[#[[1]], #[[2]], addTimers[#[[3]], sameq, plus]] &, ts],
+ sameq, plus];
+sameq[Timer[n1_, v1_, s1_], Timer[n2_, v2_, s2_]] :=
+ n1 === n2 && Length[s1] == Length[s2] &&
+ And @@ MapThread[sameq, {s1, s2}];
+plus[ts_List] :=
+ Timer[ts[[1, 1]], Plus @@ Map[#[[2]] &, ts],
+ MapThread[plus[{##}] &, Map[#[[3]] &, ts]]];
+addUntimed[Timer[n_, v_, s_List]] :=
+ If[Length[s] === 0, Timer[n, v, s],
+ Module[{total},
+ total = Plus @@ Map[#[[2]] &, s];
+ Timer[n, v,
+ Append[Map[addUntimed, s], Timer["untimed", v - total, {}]]]]];
+SetAttributes[GetTimers, HoldAll];
+GetTimers[expr_] :=
+ Module[
+ {result,timers},
+ {result,timers} = Reap[Profile["Total", expr]];
+ {result, timers[[1,1]]}];
+CoalesceTimers[t_Timer] :=
+ addTimers[{t}, sameq, plus][[1]];
+(* GetTimers[expr_] := *)
+(* addUntimed[ *)
+(* Timer[timers[[1, 1, 1]], timers[[1, 1, 2]], *)
+(* addTimers[timers[[1, 1, 3]], sameq, plus]]]; *)
+RemoveTimers[timers_, remove_List] :=
+ timers //. Table[Timer[name, _, {sub___}] :> sub, {name, remove}];
+ThresholdTimers[t:Timer[name_, value_, sub_], threshold_:0.1] :=
+ thresholdTimers[t, threshold*value];
+thresholdTimers[t:Timer[name_, value_, sub_], absThreshold_] :=
+ DeleteCases[t, Timer[n_, v_, s_] /; v < absThreshold, Infinity] /.
+ Timer[tt_,v_,{Timer["untimed",_,{}]}] :> Timer[tt,v,{}];
+PrintTimerTree[Timer[name_, value_, sub_], indent_:0] :=
+ Module[
+ {},
+ Print[StringJoin@@ConstantArray["| ", indent],"o",PaddedForm[value,{3,2}], " ", name];
+ Map[PrintTimerTree[#, indent+1]&, sub]];
diff --git a/Tools/MathematicaMisc/RunKranc.m b/Tools/MathematicaMisc/RunKranc.m
index bd6dec6..b554c9c 100644
--- a/Tools/MathematicaMisc/RunKranc.m
+++ b/Tools/MathematicaMisc/RunKranc.m
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ $Path = Join[$Path,
krancDir <> "/Tools/External"}];
If[Environment["KRANCVERBOSE"] == "yes",
@@ -59,7 +60,23 @@ SetOptions["stdout", PageWidth -> Infinity];
exception = Catch[Catch[
- Get[script];None,
+ Block[
+ {$RecursionLimit = Infinity},
+ (*{result,timers} = GetTimers[ *) Get[script](*]*)];
+ (* Put[timers, "timer-output-1.m"]; *)
+ (* timers = CoalesceTimers[timers]; *)
+ (* Put[timers, "timer-output-2.m"]; *)
+ (* timers = ThresholdTimers[timers,0.1]; *)
+ (* Put[timers, "timer-output-3.m"]; *)
+ (* (\* Put[timers2, "timer-output-2.m"]; *\) *)
+ (* PrintTimerTree[timers]; *)
+ None,
ThrowError["Messages were generated - aborted"]]], _];
If[exception =!= None,