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diff --git a/doc/apsrev-titles-manyauthors.bst b/doc/apsrev-titles-manyauthors.bst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13f3e1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/apsrev-titles-manyauthors.bst
@@ -0,0 +1,2410 @@
+%% This is file `apsrev.bst',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% merlin.mbs (with options: `head,ay,nat,seq-no,nm-init,ed-au,nmlm,x10,x0,m10,m0,nmft,nmft-def,fnm-def,nmfted,lab,lab-def,keyxyr,yr-par,note-yr,tit-it,jtit-x,jttl-rm,thtit-x,trtit-x,vol-bf,vnum-x,volp-com,jpg-1,num-xser,jnm-x,pub-date,pre-pub,isbn,issn,edby,blk-com,pp,ed,abr,ednx,ord,jabr,revdata,eprint,url,url-blk,misc-simple,bibinfo,nfss,{}')
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+%% geojour.mbs (with options: `ay,nat,seq-no,nm-init,ed-au,nmlm,x10,x0,m10,m0,nmft,nmft-def,fnm-def,nmfted,lab,lab-def,keyxyr,yr-par,note-yr,tit-it,jtit-x,jttl-rm,thtit-x,trtit-x,vol-bf,vnum-x,volp-com,jpg-1,num-xser,jnm-x,pub-date,pre-pub,isbn,issn,edby,blk-com,pp,ed,abr,ednx,ord,jabr,revdata,eprint,url,url-blk,misc-simple,bibinfo,nfss,{}')
+%% photjour.mbs (with options: `ay,nat,seq-no,nm-init,ed-au,nmlm,x10,x0,m10,m0,nmft,nmft-def,fnm-def,nmfted,lab,lab-def,keyxyr,yr-par,note-yr,tit-it,jtit-x,jttl-rm,thtit-x,trtit-x,vol-bf,vnum-x,volp-com,jpg-1,num-xser,jnm-x,pub-date,pre-pub,isbn,issn,edby,blk-com,pp,ed,abr,ednx,ord,jabr,revdata,eprint,url,url-blk,misc-simple,bibinfo,nfss,{}')
+%% merlin.mbs (with options: `tail,ay,nat,seq-no,nm-init,ed-au,nmlm,x10,x0,m10,m0,nmft,nmft-def,fnm-def,nmfted,lab,lab-def,keyxyr,yr-par,note-yr,tit-it,jtit-x,jttl-rm,thtit-x,trtit-x,vol-bf,vnum-x,volp-com,jpg-1,num-xser,jnm-x,pub-date,pre-pub,isbn,issn,edby,blk-com,pp,ed,abr,ednx,ord,jabr,revdata,eprint,url,url-blk,misc-simple,bibinfo,nfss,{}')
+%% ----------------------------------------
+%% *** REVTeX-compatible apsrev.bst 1702 ***
+%% Copyright 1994-2000 Patrick W Daly
+ % ===============================================================
+ % This bibliographic style (bst) file has been generated from one or
+ % more master bibliographic style (mbs) files, listed above.
+ %
+ % This generated file can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+ % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
+ % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
+ % version 1 of the License, or any later version.
+ % ===============================================================
+ % Name and version information of the main mbs file:
+ % \ProvidesFile{merlin.mbs}[2000/05/04 4.01 (PWD, AO, DPC)]
+ % For use with BibTeX version 0.99a or later
+ %-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ % This bibliography style file is intended for texts in ENGLISH
+ % This is an author-year citation style bibliography. As such, it is
+ % non-standard LaTeX, and requires a special package file to function properly.
+ % Such a package is natbib.sty by Patrick W. Daly
+ % The form of the \bibitem entries is
+ % \bibitem[Jones et al.(1990)]{key}...
+ % \bibitem[Jones et al.(1990)Jones, Baker, and Smith]{key}...
+ % The essential feature is that the label (the part in brackets) consists
+ % of the author names, as they should appear in the citation, with the year
+ % in parentheses following. There must be no space before the opening
+ % parenthesis!
+ % With natbib v5.3, a full list of authors may also follow the year.
+ % In natbib.sty, it is possible to define the type of enclosures that is
+ % really wanted (brackets or parentheses), but in either case, there must
+ % be parentheses in the label.
+ % The \cite command functions as follows:
+ % \citet{key} ==>> Jones et al. (1990)
+ % \citet*{key} ==>> Jones, Baker, and Smith (1990)
+ % \citep{key} ==>> (Jones et al., 1990)
+ % \citep*{key} ==>> (Jones, Baker, and Smith, 1990)
+ % \citep[chap. 2]{key} ==>> (Jones et al., 1990, chap. 2)
+ % \citep[e.g.][]{key} ==>> (e.g. Jones et al., 1990)
+ % \citep[e.g.][p. 32]{key} ==>> (e.g. Jones et al., p. 32)
+ % \citeauthor{key} ==>> Jones et al.
+ % \citeauthor*{key} ==>> Jones, Baker, and Smith
+ % \citeyear{key} ==>> 1990
+ %---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ { address
+ archive
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+ collaboration
+ edition
+ editor
+ eid
+ eprint
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+ institution
+ isbn
+ issn
+ journal
+ key
+ month
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+ number
+ numpages
+ organization
+ pages
+ publisher
+ school
+ series
+ title
+ type
+ url
+ volume
+ year
+ }
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+ { label extra.label sort.label short.list }
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+ { add.period$ write$
+ newline$
+ "\newblock " write$
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+ { add.period$ " " * write$ }
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+{ output.state after.block =
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+ if$
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+{ 'skip$
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+{ { pop$ #1 }
+ 'skip$
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+{ empty$
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+ and
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+{ duplicate$ text.length$ #3 <
+ { "~" }
+ { " " }
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+{ "u" change.case$ "t" change.case$ }
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+{ " " swap$ * " " * }
+ % Here are the language-specific definitions for explicit words.
+ % Each function has a name bbl.xxx where xxx is the English word.
+ % The language selected here is ENGLISH
+FUNCTION {bbl.and}
+{ "and"}
+FUNCTION {bbl.etal}
+{ "et~al." }
+FUNCTION {bbl.editors}
+{ "eds." }
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+{ "ed." }
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+{ "edited by" }
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+{ "ed." }
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+{ "vol." }
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+{ "of" }
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+{ "no." }
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+{ "no." }
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+{ "in" }
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+{ "pp." }
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+{ "p." }
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+{ "pages" }
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+{ "chap." }
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+{ "Tech. Rep." }
+FUNCTION {bbl.mthesis}
+{ "Master's thesis" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.phdthesis}
+{ "Ph.D. thesis" }
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+{ "1st" }
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+{ "2nd" }
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+{ "3rd" }
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+{ "4th" }
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+{ "st" }
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+{ "nd" }
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+{ "rd" }
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+{ "th" }
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+MACRO {feb} {"Feb."}
+MACRO {mar} {"Mar."}
+MACRO {apr} {"Apr."}
+MACRO {may} {"May"}
+MACRO {jun} {"Jun."}
+MACRO {jul} {"Jul."}
+MACRO {aug} {"Aug."}
+MACRO {sep} {"Sep."}
+MACRO {oct} {"Oct."}
+MACRO {nov} {"Nov."}
+MACRO {dec} {"Dec."}
+FUNCTION {eng.ord}
+{ duplicate$ "1" swap$ *
+ #-2 #1 substring$ "1" =
+ { bbl.th * }
+ { duplicate$ #-1 #1 substring$
+ duplicate$ "1" =
+ { pop$ bbl.st * }
+ { duplicate$ "2" =
+ { pop$ bbl.nd * }
+ { "3" =
+ { bbl.rd * }
+ { bbl.th * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ %-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ % Begin module:
+ % \ProvidesFile{physjour.mbs}[1999/10/05 2.1 (PWD)]
+MACRO {aa}{"Astron. \& Astrophys."}
+MACRO {aasup}{"Astron. \& Astrophys. Suppl. Ser."}
+MACRO {aj} {"Astron. J."}
+MACRO {aph} {"Acta Phys."}
+MACRO {advp} {"Adv. Phys."}
+MACRO {ajp} {"Amer. J. Phys."}
+MACRO {ajm} {"Amer. J. Math."}
+MACRO {amsci} {"Amer. Sci."}
+MACRO {anofd} {"Ann. Fluid Dyn."}
+MACRO {am} {"Ann. Math."}
+MACRO {ap} {"Ann. Phys. (NY)"}
+MACRO {adp} {"Ann. Phys. (Leipzig)"}
+MACRO {ao} {"Appl. Opt."}
+MACRO {apl} {"Appl. Phys. Lett."}
+MACRO {app} {"Astroparticle Phys."}
+MACRO {apj} {"Astrophys. J."}
+MACRO {apjsup} {"Astrophys. J. Suppl."}
+MACRO {apss} {"Astrophys. Space Sci."}
+MACRO {araa} {"Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys."}
+MACRO {baas} {"Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc."}
+MACRO {baps} {"Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc."}
+MACRO {cmp} {"Comm. Math. Phys."}
+MACRO {cpam} {"Commun. Pure Appl. Math."}
+MACRO {cppcf} {"Comm. Plasma Phys. \& Controlled Fusion"}
+MACRO {cpc} {"Comp. Phys. Comm."}
+MACRO {cqg} {"Class. Quant. Grav."}
+MACRO {cra} {"C. R. Acad. Sci. A"}
+MACRO {fed} {"Fusion Eng. \& Design"}
+MACRO {ft} {"Fusion Tech."}
+MACRO {grg} {"Gen. Relativ. Gravit."}
+MACRO {ieeens} {"IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci."}
+MACRO {ieeeps} {"IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci."}
+MACRO {ijimw} {"Interntl. J. Infrared \& Millimeter Waves"}
+MACRO {ip} {"Infrared Phys."}
+MACRO {irp} {"Infrared Phys."}
+MACRO {jap} {"J. Appl. Phys."}
+MACRO {jasa} {"J. Acoust. Soc. America"}
+MACRO {jcp} {"J. Comp. Phys."}
+MACRO {jetp} {"Sov. Phys.--JETP"}
+MACRO {jfe} {"J. Fusion Energy"}
+MACRO {jfm} {"J. Fluid Mech."}
+MACRO {jmp} {"J. Math. Phys."}
+MACRO {jne} {"J. Nucl. Energy"}
+MACRO {jnec} {"J. Nucl. Energy, C: Plasma Phys., Accelerators, Thermonucl. Res."}
+MACRO {jnm} {"J. Nucl. Mat."}
+MACRO {jpc} {"J. Phys. Chem."}
+MACRO {jpp} {"J. Plasma Phys."}
+MACRO {jpsj} {"J. Phys. Soc. Japan"}
+MACRO {jsi} {"J. Sci. Instrum."}
+MACRO {jvst} {"J. Vac. Sci. \& Tech."}
+MACRO {nat} {"Nature"}
+MACRO {nature} {"Nature"}
+MACRO {nedf} {"Nucl. Eng. \& Design/Fusion"}
+MACRO {nf} {"Nucl. Fusion"}
+MACRO {nim} {"Nucl. Inst. \& Meth."}
+MACRO {nimpr} {"Nucl. Inst. \& Meth. in Phys. Res."}
+MACRO {np} {"Nucl. Phys."}
+MACRO {npb} {"Nucl. Phys. B"}
+MACRO {nt/f} {"Nucl. Tech./Fusion"}
+MACRO {npbpc} {"Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.)"}
+MACRO {inc} {"Nuovo Cimento"}
+MACRO {nc} {"Nuovo Cimento"}
+MACRO {pf} {"Phys. Fluids"}
+MACRO {pfa} {"Phys. Fluids A: Fluid Dyn."}
+MACRO {pfb} {"Phys. Fluids B: Plasma Phys."}
+MACRO {pl} {"Phys. Lett."}
+MACRO {pla} {"Phys. Lett. A"}
+MACRO {plb} {"Phys. Lett. B"}
+MACRO {prep} {"Phys. Rep."}
+MACRO {pnas} {"Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA"}
+MACRO {pp} {"Phys. Plasmas"}
+MACRO {ppcf} {"Plasma Phys. \& Controlled Fusion"}
+MACRO {phitrsl} {"Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London"}
+MACRO {prl} {"Phys. Rev. Lett."}
+MACRO {pr} {"Phys. Rev."}
+MACRO {physrev} {"Phys. Rev."}
+MACRO {pra} {"Phys. Rev. A"}
+MACRO {prb} {"Phys. Rev. B"}
+MACRO {prc} {"Phys. Rev. C"}
+MACRO {prd} {"Phys. Rev. D"}
+MACRO {pre} {"Phys. Rev. E"}
+MACRO {ps} {"Phys. Scripta"}
+MACRO {procrsl} {"Proc. Roy. Soc. London"}
+MACRO {rmp} {"Rev. Mod. Phys."}
+MACRO {rsi} {"Rev. Sci. Inst."}
+MACRO {science} {"Science"}
+MACRO {sciam} {"Sci. Am."}
+MACRO {sam} {"Stud. Appl. Math."}
+MACRO {sjpp} {"Sov. J. Plasma Phys."}
+MACRO {spd} {"Sov. Phys.--Doklady"}
+MACRO {sptp} {"Sov. Phys.--Tech. Phys."}
+MACRO {spu} {"Sov. Phys.--Uspeki"}
+MACRO {st} {"Sky and Telesc."}
+ % End module: physjour.mbs
+ %-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ % Begin module:
+ % \ProvidesFile{geojour.mbs}[1999/11/16 2.0g (PWD)]
+MACRO {aisr} {"Adv. Space Res."}
+MACRO {ag} {"Ann. Geophys."}
+MACRO {anigeo} {"Ann. Geofis."}
+MACRO {angl} {"Ann. Glaciol."}
+MACRO {andmet} {"Ann. d. Meteor."}
+MACRO {andgeo} {"Ann. d. Geophys."}
+MACRO {andphy} {"Ann. Phys.-Paris"}
+MACRO {afmgb} {"Arch. Meteor. Geophys. Bioklimatol."}
+MACRO {atph} {"Atm\'osphera"}
+MACRO {aao} {"Atmos. Ocean"}
+MACRO {ass}{"Astrophys. Space Sci."}
+MACRO {atenv} {"Atmos. Environ."}
+MACRO {aujag} {"Aust. J. Agr. Res."}
+MACRO {aumet} {"Aust. Meteorol. Mag."}
+MACRO {blmet} {"Bound.-Lay. Meteorol."}
+MACRO {bams} {"Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc."}
+MACRO {cch} {"Clim. Change"}
+MACRO {cdyn} {"Clim. Dynam."}
+MACRO {cbul} {"Climatol. Bull."}
+MACRO {cap} {"Contrib. Atmos. Phys."}
+MACRO {dsr} {"Deep-Sea Res."}
+MACRO {dhz} {"Dtsch. Hydrogr. Z."}
+MACRO {dao} {"Dynam. Atmos. Oceans"}
+MACRO {eco} {"Ecology"}
+MACRO {empl}{"Earth, Moon and Planets"}
+MACRO {envres} {"Environ. Res."}
+MACRO {envst} {"Environ. Sci. Technol."}
+MACRO {ecms} {"Estuarine Coastal Mar. Sci."}
+MACRO {expa}{"Exper. Astron."}
+MACRO {geoint} {"Geofis. Int."}
+MACRO {geopub} {"Geofys. Publ."}
+MACRO {geogeo} {"Geol. Geofiz."}
+MACRO {gafd} {"Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn."}
+MACRO {gfd} {"Geophys. Fluid Dyn."}
+MACRO {geomag} {"Geophys. Mag."}
+MACRO {georl} {"Geophys. Res. Lett."}
+MACRO {grl} {"Geophys. Res. Lett."}
+MACRO {ga} {"Geophysica"}
+MACRO {gs} {"Geophysics"}
+MACRO {ieeetap} {"IEEE Trans. Antenn. Propag."}
+MACRO {ijawp} {"Int. J. Air Water Pollut."}
+MACRO {ijc} {"Int. J. Climatol."}
+MACRO {ijrs} {"Int. J. Remote Sens."}
+MACRO {jam} {"J. Appl. Meteorol."}
+MACRO {jaot} {"J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol."}
+MACRO {jatp} {"J. Atmos. Terr. Phys."}
+MACRO {jce} {"J. Climate"}
+MACRO {jcam} {"J. Climate Appl. Meteor."}
+MACRO {jcm} {"J. Climate Meteor."}
+MACRO {jcy} {"J. Climatol."}
+MACRO {jgr} {"J. Geophys. Res."}
+MACRO {jga} {"J. Glaciol."}
+MACRO {jh} {"J. Hydrol."}
+MACRO {jmr} {"J. Mar. Res."}
+MACRO {jmrj} {"J. Meteor. Res. Japan"}
+MACRO {jm} {"J. Meteor."}
+MACRO {jpo} {"J. Phys. Oceanogr."}
+MACRO {jra} {"J. Rech. Atmos."}
+MACRO {jaes} {"J. Aeronaut. Sci."}
+MACRO {japca} {"J. Air Pollut. Control Assoc."}
+MACRO {jas} {"J. Atmos. Sci."}
+MACRO {jmts} {"J. Mar. Technol. Soc."}
+MACRO {jmsj} {"J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan"}
+MACRO {josj} {"J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan"}
+MACRO {jwm} {"J. Wea. Mod."}
+MACRO {lao} {"Limnol. Oceanogr."}
+MACRO {mwl} {"Mar. Wea. Log"}
+MACRO {mau} {"Mausam"}
+MACRO {meteor} {"``Meteor'' Forschungsergeb."}
+MACRO {map} {"Meteorol. Atmos. Phys."}
+MACRO {metmag} {"Meteor. Mag."}
+MACRO {metmon} {"Meteor. Monogr."}
+MACRO {metrun} {"Meteor. Rundsch."}
+MACRO {metzeit} {"Meteor. Z."}
+MACRO {metgid} {"Meteor. Gidrol."}
+MACRO {mwr} {"Mon. Weather Rev."}
+MACRO {nwd} {"Natl. Weather Dig."}
+MACRO {nzjmfr} {"New Zeal. J. Mar. Freshwater Res."}
+MACRO {npg} {"Nonlin. Proc. Geophys."}
+MACRO {om} {"Oceanogr. Meteorol."}
+MACRO {ocac} {"Oceanol. Acta"}
+MACRO {oceanus} {"Oceanus"}
+MACRO {paleoc} {"Paleoceanography"}
+MACRO {pce} {"Phys. Chem. Earth"}
+MACRO {pmg} {"Pap. Meteor. Geophys."}
+MACRO {ppom} {"Pap. Phys. Oceanogr. Meteor."}
+MACRO {physzeit} {"Phys. Z."}
+MACRO {pps} {"Planet. Space Sci."}
+MACRO {pss} {"Planet. Space Sci."}
+MACRO {pag} {"Pure Appl. Geophys."}
+MACRO {qjrms} {"Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc."}
+MACRO {quatres} {"Quat. Res."}
+MACRO {rsci} {"Radio Sci."}
+MACRO {rse} {"Remote Sens. Environ."}
+MACRO {rgeo} {"Rev. Geophys."}
+MACRO {rgsp} {"Rev. Geophys. Space Phys."}
+MACRO {rdgeo} {"Rev. Geofis."}
+MACRO {revmeta} {"Rev. Meteorol."}
+MACRO {sgp}{"Surveys in Geophys."}
+MACRO {sp} {"Solar Phys."}
+MACRO {ssr} {"Space Sci. Rev."}
+MACRO {tellus} {"Tellus"}
+MACRO {tac} {"Theor. Appl. Climatol."}
+MACRO {tagu} {"Trans. Am. Geophys. Union (EOS)"}
+MACRO {wrr} {"Water Resour. Res."}
+MACRO {weather} {"Weather"}
+MACRO {wafc} {"Weather Forecast."}
+MACRO {ww} {"Weatherwise"}
+MACRO {wmob} {"WMO Bull."}
+MACRO {zeitmet} {"Z. Meteorol."}
+ % End module: geojour.mbs
+ %-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ % Begin module:
+ % \ProvidesFile{photjour.mbs}[1999/02/24 2.0b (PWD)]
+MACRO {appopt} {"Appl. Opt."}
+MACRO {bell} {"Bell Syst. Tech. J."}
+MACRO {ell} {"Electron. Lett."}
+MACRO {jasp} {"J. Appl. Spectr."}
+MACRO {jqe} {"IEEE J. Quantum Electron."}
+MACRO {jlwt} {"J. Lightwave Technol."}
+MACRO {jmo} {"J. Mod. Opt."}
+MACRO {josa} {"J. Opt. Soc. America"}
+MACRO {josaa} {"J. Opt. Soc. Amer.~A"}
+MACRO {josab} {"J. Opt. Soc. Amer.~B"}
+MACRO {jdp} {"J. Phys. (Paris)"}
+MACRO {oc} {"Opt. Commun."}
+MACRO {ol} {"Opt. Lett."}
+MACRO {phtl} {"IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett."}
+MACRO {pspie} {"Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng."}
+MACRO {sse} {"Solid-State Electron."}
+MACRO {sjot} {"Sov. J. Opt. Technol."}
+MACRO {sjqe} {"Sov. J. Quantum Electron."}
+MACRO {sleb} {"Sov. Phys.--Leb. Inst. Rep."}
+MACRO {stph} {"Sov. Phys.--Techn. Phys."}
+MACRO {stphl} {"Sov. Techn. Phys. Lett."}
+MACRO {vr} {"Vision Res."}
+MACRO {zph} {"Z. f. Physik"}
+MACRO {zphb} {"Z. f. Physik~B"}
+MACRO {zphd} {"Z. f. Physik~D"}
+MACRO {ASSL} {"Adv. Sol.-State Lasers"}
+ % End module: photjour.mbs
+%% Copyright 1994-2000 Patrick W Daly
+MACRO {acmcs} {"ACM Comput. Surv."}
+MACRO {acta} {"Acta Inf."}
+MACRO {cacm} {"Commun. ACM"}
+MACRO {ibmjrd} {"IBM J. Res. Dev."}
+MACRO {ibmsj} {"IBM Syst.~J."}
+MACRO {ieeese} {"IEEE Trans. Software Eng."}
+MACRO {ieeetc} {"IEEE Trans. Comput."}
+MACRO {ieeetcad}
+ {"IEEE Trans. Comput. Aid. Des."}
+MACRO {ipl} {"Inf. Process. Lett."}
+MACRO {jacm} {"J.~ACM"}
+MACRO {jcss} {"J.~Comput. Syst. Sci."}
+MACRO {scp} {"Sci. Comput. Program."}
+MACRO {sicomp} {"SIAM J. Comput."}
+MACRO {tocs} {"ACM Trans. Comput. Syst."}
+MACRO {tods} {"ACM Trans. Database Syst."}
+MACRO {tog} {"ACM Trans. Graphic."}
+MACRO {toms} {"ACM Trans. Math. Software"}
+MACRO {toois} {"ACM Trans. Office Inf. Syst."}
+MACRO {toplas} {"ACM Trans. Progr. Lang. Syst."}
+MACRO {tcs} {"Theor. Comput. Sci."}
+FUNCTION {bibinfo.check}
+{ swap$
+ duplicate$ missing$
+ {
+ pop$ pop$
+ ""
+ }
+ { duplicate$ empty$
+ {
+ swap$ pop$
+ }
+ { swap$
+ "\bibinfo{" swap$ * "}{" * swap$ * "}" *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {bibinfo.warn}
+{ swap$
+ duplicate$ missing$
+ {
+ swap$ "missing " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$ pop$
+ ""
+ }
+ { duplicate$ empty$
+ {
+ swap$ "empty " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$
+ }
+ { swap$
+ "\bibinfo{" swap$ * "}{" * swap$ * "}" *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.eprint}
+{ eprint duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { "\eprint"
+ archive empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { "[" * archive * "]" * }
+ if$
+ "{" * swap$ * "}" *
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.url}
+{ url empty$
+ { "" }
+ { "\urlprefix\url{" url * "}" * }
+ if$
+STRINGS { bibinfo}
+INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames }
+FUNCTION {format.names}
+{ 'bibinfo :=
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ {
+ 's :=
+ "" 't :=
+ #1 'nameptr :=
+ s num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ numnames 'namesleft :=
+ { namesleft #0 > }
+ { s nameptr
+ "{f.}" format.name$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { tie.or.space.prefix bib.fname.font swap$ * }
+ if$
+ s nameptr
+ "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ bib.name.font *
+ s nameptr
+ "{jj}" format.name$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { bib.fname.font ", " swap$ * }
+ if$
+ *
+ bibinfo bibinfo.check
+ 't :=
+ nameptr #1 >
+ {
+ nameptr #0
+ #100 +
+ #1 + =
+ numnames #0
+ #100 +
+ > and
+ { "others" 't :=
+ #1 'namesleft := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ namesleft #1 >
+ { ", " * t * }
+ {
+ numnames #2 >
+ { "," * }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ s nameptr "{ll}" format.name$ duplicate$ "others" =
+ { 't := }
+ { pop$ }
+ if$
+ t "others" =
+ {
+ " " * bbl.etal bib.name.font *
+ }
+ {
+ bbl.and
+ bib.name.font
+ space.word * t *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ 't
+ if$
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
+ }
+ while$
+ } if$
+FUNCTION {format.names.ed}
+ format.names
+FUNCTION {format.key}
+{ empty$
+ { key field.or.null }
+ { "" }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.authors}
+{ author "author" format.names
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { collaboration "collaboration" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { " (" swap$ * ")" * }
+ if$
+ *
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {get.bbl.editor}
+{ editor num.names$ #1 > 'bbl.editors 'bbl.editor if$ }
+FUNCTION {format.editors}
+{ editor "editor" format.names duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+ "," *
+ " " *
+ get.bbl.editor
+ *
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.isbn}
+{ isbn "isbn" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+ "ISBN " swap$ *
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.issn}
+{ issn "issn" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+ "ISSN " swap$ *
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.note}
+ note empty$
+ { "" }
+ { note #1 #1 substring$
+ duplicate$ "{" =
+ 'skip$
+ { output.state mid.sentence =
+ { "l" }
+ { "u" }
+ if$
+ change.case$
+ }
+ if$
+ note #2 global.max$ substring$ * "note" bibinfo.check
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.title}
+{ title
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ { skip$ }
+ { "t" change.case$ }
+ if$
+ "title" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+ emphasize
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.full.names}
+{'s :=
+ "" 't :=
+ #1 'nameptr :=
+ s num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ numnames 'namesleft :=
+ { namesleft #0 > }
+ { s nameptr
+ "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$
+ 't :=
+ nameptr #1 >
+ {
+ nameptr #0
+ #100 +
+ #1 + =
+ numnames #0
+ #100 +
+ > and
+ { "others" 't :=
+ #1 'namesleft := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ namesleft #1 >
+ { ", " * t * }
+ {
+ s nameptr "{ll}" format.name$ duplicate$ "others" =
+ { 't := }
+ { pop$ }
+ if$
+ t "others" =
+ {
+ " " * bbl.etal *
+ cite.name.font
+ }
+ {
+ numnames #2 >
+ { "," * }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ bbl.and
+ space.word * t *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ 't
+ if$
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
+ }
+ while$
+ t "others" =
+ 'skip$
+ { cite.name.font }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.editor.key.full}
+{ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ 'key
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor format.full.names }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.full.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.key.full}
+{ author empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ 'key
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.full.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {editor.key.full}
+{ editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ 'key
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor format.full.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {make.full.names}
+{ type$ "book" =
+ type$ "inbook" =
+ or
+ 'author.editor.key.full
+ { type$ "proceedings" =
+ 'editor.key.full
+ 'author.key.full
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {output.bibitem}
+{ newline$
+ "\bibitem[{" write$
+ label write$
+ ")" make.full.names duplicate$ short.list =
+ { pop$ }
+ { * }
+ if$
+ "}]{" * write$
+ cite$ write$
+ "}" write$
+ newline$
+ ""
+ before.all 'output.state :=
+FUNCTION {n.dashify}
+ 't :=
+ ""
+ { t empty$ not }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" =
+ { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not
+ { "--" *
+ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ }
+ { { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = }
+ { "-" *
+ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ }
+ while$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$ *
+ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+FUNCTION {word.in}
+{ bbl.in
+ " " * }
+FUNCTION {format.date}
+{ year "year" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
+ {
+ "empty year in " cite$ * "; set to ????" * warning$
+ pop$ "????"
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ extra.label *
+ before.all 'output.state :=
+ " (" swap$ * ")" *
+FUNCTION {format.date.misc}
+ year empty$ 'skip$ {
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ } if$
+FUNCTION {format.monthdate}
+{ month "month" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+ " " *
+ }
+ if$
+ year "year" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
+ {
+ "empty year in " cite$ * "; set to ????" * warning$
+ pop$ "????"
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ extra.label *
+ before.all 'output.state :=
+ * " (" swap$ * ")" *
+FUNCTION {format.monthdate.misc}
+ year empty$ 'skip$ {
+ format.monthdate "year" output.check
+ } if$
+FUNCTION {format.btitle}
+{ title "title" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+ emphasize
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {either.or.check}
+{ empty$
+ 'pop$
+ { "can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.bvolume}
+{ volume empty$
+ { "" }
+ { bbl.volume volume tie.or.space.prefix
+ "volume" bibinfo.check * *
+ series "series" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$
+ { swap$ bbl.of space.word * swap$
+ emphasize * }
+ if$
+ "volume and number" number either.or.check
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.number.series}
+{ volume empty$
+ { number empty$
+ { series field.or.null }
+ { series empty$
+ { number "number" bibinfo.check }
+ { output.state mid.sentence =
+ { bbl.number }
+ { bbl.number capitalize }
+ if$
+ number tie.or.space.prefix "number" bibinfo.check * *
+ bbl.in space.word *
+ series "series" bibinfo.check *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { "" }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {is.num}
+{ chr.to.int$
+ duplicate$ "0" chr.to.int$ < not
+ swap$ "9" chr.to.int$ > not and
+FUNCTION {extract.num}
+{ duplicate$ 't :=
+ "" 's :=
+ { t empty$ not }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$
+ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ duplicate$ is.num
+ { s swap$ * 's := }
+ { pop$ "" 't := }
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+ s empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { pop$ s }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {convert.edition}
+{ extract.num "l" change.case$ 's :=
+ s "first" = s "1" = or
+ { bbl.first 't := }
+ { s "second" = s "2" = or
+ { bbl.second 't := }
+ { s "third" = s "3" = or
+ { bbl.third 't := }
+ { s "fourth" = s "4" = or
+ { bbl.fourth 't := }
+ { s "fifth" = s "5" = or
+ { bbl.fifth 't := }
+ { s #1 #1 substring$ is.num
+ { s eng.ord 't := }
+ { edition 't := }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ t
+FUNCTION {format.edition}
+{ edition duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+ convert.edition
+ output.state mid.sentence =
+ { "l" }
+ { "t" }
+ if$ change.case$
+ "edition" bibinfo.check
+ " " * bbl.edition *
+ }
+ if$
+INTEGERS { multiresult }
+FUNCTION {multi.page.check}
+{ 't :=
+ #0 'multiresult :=
+ { multiresult not
+ t empty$ not
+ and
+ }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$
+ duplicate$ "-" =
+ swap$ duplicate$ "," =
+ swap$ "+" =
+ or or
+ { #1 'multiresult := }
+ { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := }
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+ multiresult
+FUNCTION {format.pages}
+{ pages duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { duplicate$ multi.page.check
+ {
+ bbl.pages swap$
+ n.dashify
+ }
+ {
+ bbl.page swap$
+ }
+ if$
+ tie.or.space.prefix
+ "pages" bibinfo.check
+ * *
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {first.page}
+{ 't :=
+ ""
+ { t empty$ not t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = not and }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$ *
+ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ }
+ while$
+FUNCTION {format.journal.pages}
+{ pages duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$
+ { swap$ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ pop$ format.pages }
+ {
+ ", " *
+ swap$
+ first.page
+ "pages" bibinfo.check
+ *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.journal.eid}
+{ eid "eid" bibinfo.check
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ { swap$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+ ", " *
+ }
+ if$
+ swap$
+ numpages empty$ 'skip$
+ { bbl.eidpp numpages tie.or.space.prefix
+ "numpages" bibinfo.check * *
+ " (" swap$ * ")" * *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$ *
+FUNCTION {format.vol.num.pages}
+{ volume field.or.null
+ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+ "volume" bibinfo.check
+ }
+ if$
+ bolden
+ eid empty$
+ { format.journal.pages }
+ { format.journal.eid }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.chapter.pages}
+{ chapter empty$
+ 'format.pages
+ { type empty$
+ { bbl.chapter }
+ { type "l" change.case$
+ "type" bibinfo.check
+ }
+ if$
+ chapter tie.or.space.prefix
+ "chapter" bibinfo.check
+ * *
+ pages empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { ", " * format.pages * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.booktitle}
+ booktitle "booktitle" bibinfo.check
+ emphasize
+FUNCTION {format.in.ed.booktitle}
+{ format.booktitle duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
+ {
+ editor "editor" format.names.ed duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$
+ {
+ bbl.edby
+ " " * swap$ *
+ swap$
+ "," *
+ " " * swap$
+ * }
+ if$
+ word.in swap$ *
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.thesis.type}
+{ type duplicate$ empty$
+ 'pop$
+ { swap$ pop$
+ "t" change.case$ "type" bibinfo.check
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.tr.number}
+{ number "number" bibinfo.check
+ type duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ bbl.techrep }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ "type" bibinfo.check
+ swap$ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "t" change.case$ }
+ { tie.or.space.prefix * * }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.article.crossref}
+ word.in
+ " \cite{" * crossref * "}" *
+FUNCTION {format.book.crossref}
+{ volume duplicate$ empty$
+ { "empty volume in " cite$ * "'s crossref of " * crossref * warning$
+ pop$ word.in
+ }
+ { bbl.volume
+ swap$ tie.or.space.prefix "volume" bibinfo.check * * bbl.of space.word *
+ }
+ if$
+ " \cite{" * crossref * "}" *
+FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref}
+ word.in
+ " \cite{" * crossref * "}" *
+FUNCTION {format.org.or.pub}
+{ 't :=
+ ""
+ add.blank "(" *
+ t empty$
+ { address "address" bibinfo.check *
+ }
+ { t *
+ address empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { ", " * address "address" bibinfo.check * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ year duplicate$ empty$
+ { "empty year in " cite$ * "; set to ????" * warning$
+ pop$ "????" }
+ { "year" bibinfo.check extra.label * }
+ if$
+ t empty$ address empty$ and
+ { * }
+ { ", " swap$ * * }
+ if$
+ ")" *
+FUNCTION {format.publisher.address}
+{ publisher "publisher" bibinfo.warn format.org.or.pub
+FUNCTION {format.organization.address}
+{ organization "organization" bibinfo.check format.org.or.pub
+FUNCTION {article}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+ author format.key output
+ format.title output
+ crossref missing$
+ {
+ ""
+ journal
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ pop$ } {
+ "journal" bibinfo.check
+ * "journal" output.check
+ add.blank
+ } if$
+ format.vol.num.pages output
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ }
+ { format.article.crossref output.nonnull
+ format.pages output
+ }
+ if$
+ format.issn output
+ format.note output
+ format.eprint output
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {book}
+{ output.bibitem
+ author empty$
+ { format.editors "author and editor" output.check
+ editor format.key output
+ }
+ { format.authors output.nonnull
+ crossref missing$
+ { "author and editor" editor either.or.check }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ format.btitle "title" output.check
+ crossref missing$
+ { format.bvolume output
+ format.number.series output
+ format.publisher.address output
+ }
+ {
+ format.book.crossref output.nonnull
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ }
+ if$
+ format.edition output
+ format.isbn output
+ format.note output
+ format.eprint output
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {booklet}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors output
+ author format.key output
+ format.title "title" output.check
+ howpublished "howpublished" bibinfo.check output
+ address "address" bibinfo.check output
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ format.isbn output
+ format.note output
+ format.eprint output
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {inbook}
+{ output.bibitem
+ author empty$
+ { format.editors "author and editor" output.check
+ editor format.key output
+ }
+ { format.authors output.nonnull
+ crossref missing$
+ { "author and editor" editor either.or.check }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ format.btitle "title" output.check
+ crossref missing$
+ {
+ format.publisher.address output
+ format.bvolume output
+ format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check
+ format.number.series output
+ }
+ {
+ format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check
+ format.book.crossref output.nonnull
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ }
+ if$
+ format.edition output
+ crossref missing$
+ { format.isbn output }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ format.note output
+ format.eprint output
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {incollection}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+ author format.key output
+ crossref missing$
+ { format.title output
+ format.in.ed.booktitle "booktitle" output.check
+ format.publisher.address output
+ format.bvolume output
+ format.number.series output
+ format.chapter.pages output
+ format.edition output
+ format.isbn output
+ }
+ { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull
+ format.chapter.pages output
+ }
+ if$
+ format.note output
+ format.eprint output
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {inproceedings}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+ author format.key output
+ format.title output
+ crossref missing$
+ { format.in.ed.booktitle "booktitle" output.check
+ publisher empty$
+ { format.organization.address output }
+ { organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
+ format.publisher.address output
+ }
+ if$
+ format.bvolume output
+ format.number.series output
+ format.pages output
+ format.isbn output
+ format.issn output
+ }
+ { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull
+ format.pages output
+ }
+ if$
+ format.note output
+ format.eprint output
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {conference} { inproceedings }
+FUNCTION {manual}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors output
+ author format.key output
+ format.btitle "title" output.check
+ organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
+ address "address" bibinfo.check output
+ format.edition output
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ format.note output
+ format.eprint output
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {mastersthesis}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+ author format.key output
+ format.title output
+ bbl.mthesis format.thesis.type output.nonnull
+ school "school" bibinfo.warn output
+ address "address" bibinfo.check output
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ format.note output
+ format.eprint output
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {misc}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors output
+ author format.key output
+ format.title output
+ howpublished "howpublished" bibinfo.check output
+ format.date.misc
+ format.note output
+ format.eprint output
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {phdthesis}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+ author format.key output
+ format.title output
+ bbl.phdthesis format.thesis.type output.nonnull
+ school "school" bibinfo.warn output
+ address "address" bibinfo.check output
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ format.note output
+ format.eprint output
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {proceedings}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.editors output
+ editor format.key output
+ format.btitle "title" output.check
+ format.bvolume output
+ format.number.series output
+ publisher empty$
+ { format.organization.address output }
+ { organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
+ format.publisher.address output
+ }
+ if$
+ format.isbn output
+ format.issn output
+ format.note output
+ format.eprint output
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {techreport}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+ author format.key output
+ format.title output
+ format.tr.number output.nonnull
+ institution "institution" bibinfo.warn output
+ address "address" bibinfo.check output
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ format.note output
+ format.eprint output
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {unpublished}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+ author format.key output
+ format.title output
+ format.monthdate.misc
+ format.note "note" output.check
+ format.eprint output
+ format.url output
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {default.type} { misc }
+FUNCTION {sortify}
+{ purify$
+ "l" change.case$
+INTEGERS { len }
+FUNCTION {chop.word}
+{ 's :=
+ 'len :=
+ s #1 len substring$ =
+ { s len #1 + global.max$ substring$ }
+ 's
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.lab.names}
+{ 's :=
+ "" 't :=
+ s #1 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$
+ s num.names$ duplicate$
+ #2 >
+ { pop$
+ " " * bbl.etal *
+ cite.name.font
+ "others" 't :=
+ }
+ { #2 <
+ 'skip$
+ { s #2 "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}" format.name$ "others" =
+ {
+ " " * bbl.etal *
+ cite.name.font
+ "others" 't :=
+ }
+ { bbl.and space.word * s #2 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$
+ * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ t "others" =
+ 'skip$
+ { cite.name.font }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.key.label}
+{ author empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ 'key
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.lab.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.editor.key.label}
+{ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ 'key
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor format.lab.names }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.lab.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {editor.key.label}
+{ editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ 'key
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor format.lab.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {calc.short.authors}
+{ type$ "book" =
+ type$ "inbook" =
+ or
+ 'author.editor.key.label
+ { type$ "proceedings" =
+ 'editor.key.label
+ 'author.key.label
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ 'short.list :=
+FUNCTION {calc.label}
+{ calc.short.authors
+ short.list
+ "("
+ *
+ year duplicate$ empty$
+ short.list key field.or.null = or
+ { pop$ "" }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ *
+ 'label :=
+FUNCTION {sort.format.names}
+{ 's :=
+ #1 'nameptr :=
+ ""
+ s num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ numnames 'namesleft :=
+ { namesleft #0 > }
+ { s nameptr
+ "{vv{ } }{ll{ }}{ f{ }}{ jj{ }}"
+ format.name$ 't :=
+ nameptr #1 >
+ {
+ nameptr #0
+ #100 +
+ #1 + =
+ numnames #0
+ #100 +
+ > and
+ { "others" 't :=
+ #1 'namesleft := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ " " *
+ namesleft #1 = t "others" = and
+ { "zzzzz" * }
+ { t sortify * }
+ if$
+ }
+ { t sortify * }
+ if$
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
+ }
+ while$
+FUNCTION {sort.format.title}
+{ 't :=
+ "A " #2
+ "An " #3
+ "The " #4 t chop.word
+ chop.word
+ chop.word
+ sortify
+ #1 global.max$ substring$
+FUNCTION {author.sort}
+{ author empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { "to sort, need author or key in " cite$ * warning$
+ ""
+ }
+ { key sortify }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author sort.format.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.editor.sort}
+{ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { "to sort, need author, editor, or key in " cite$ * warning$
+ ""
+ }
+ { key sortify }
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor sort.format.names }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author sort.format.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {editor.sort}
+{ editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { "to sort, need editor or key in " cite$ * warning$
+ ""
+ }
+ { key sortify }
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor sort.format.names }
+ if$
+INTEGERS { seq.num }
+FUNCTION {init.seq}
+{ #0 'seq.num :=}
+EXECUTE {init.seq}
+FUNCTION {int.to.fix}
+{ "000000000" swap$ int.to.str$ *
+ #-1 #10 substring$
+FUNCTION {presort}
+{ calc.label
+ label sortify
+ " "
+ *
+ seq.num #1 + 'seq.num :=
+ seq.num int.to.fix
+ 'sort.label :=
+ sort.label
+ *
+ " "
+ *
+ title field.or.null
+ sort.format.title
+ *
+ #1 entry.max$ substring$
+ 'sort.key$ :=
+ITERATE {presort}
+STRINGS { last.label next.extra }
+INTEGERS { last.extra.num number.label }
+FUNCTION {initialize.extra.label.stuff}
+{ #0 int.to.chr$ 'last.label :=
+ "" 'next.extra :=
+ #0 'last.extra.num :=
+ #0 'number.label :=
+FUNCTION {forward.pass}
+{ last.label label =
+ { last.extra.num #1 + 'last.extra.num :=
+ last.extra.num int.to.chr$ 'extra.label :=
+ }
+ { "a" chr.to.int$ 'last.extra.num :=
+ "" 'extra.label :=
+ label 'last.label :=
+ }
+ if$
+ number.label #1 + 'number.label :=
+FUNCTION {reverse.pass}
+{ next.extra "b" =
+ { "a" 'extra.label := }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ extra.label 'next.extra :=
+ extra.label
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { "{\natexlab{" swap$ * "}}" * }
+ if$
+ 'extra.label :=
+ label extra.label * 'label :=
+EXECUTE {initialize.extra.label.stuff}
+ITERATE {forward.pass}
+REVERSE {reverse.pass}
+FUNCTION {bib.sort.order}
+{ sort.label
+ " "
+ *
+ year field.or.null sortify
+ *
+ " "
+ *
+ title field.or.null
+ sort.format.title
+ *
+ #1 entry.max$ substring$
+ 'sort.key$ :=
+ITERATE {bib.sort.order}
+FUNCTION {begin.bib}
+{ preamble$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { preamble$ write$ newline$ }
+ if$
+ "\begin{thebibliography}{" number.label int.to.str$ * "}" *
+ write$ newline$
+ "\expandafter\ifx\csname natexlab\endcsname\relax\def\natexlab#1{#1}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\expandafter\ifx\csname bibnamefont\endcsname\relax"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \def\bibnamefont#1{#1}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\expandafter\ifx\csname bibfnamefont\endcsname\relax"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \def\bibfnamefont#1{#1}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\expandafter\ifx\csname citenamefont\endcsname\relax"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \def\citenamefont#1{#1}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\expandafter\ifx\csname url\endcsname\relax"
+ write$ newline$
+ " \def\url#1{\texttt{#1}}\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\expandafter\ifx\csname urlprefix\endcsname\relax\def\urlprefix{URL }\fi"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\providecommand{\bibinfo}[2]{#2}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\providecommand{\eprint}[2][]{\url{#2}}"
+ write$ newline$
+EXECUTE {begin.bib}
+EXECUTE {init.state.consts}
+ITERATE {call.type$}
+FUNCTION {end.bib}
+{ newline$
+ "\end{thebibliography}" write$ newline$
+EXECUTE {end.bib}
+%% End of customized bst file
+%% End of file `apsrev.bst'.
diff --git a/doc/checkout.sh b/doc/checkout.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b522451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/checkout.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+set +e
+set +x
+# Cactus
+#wget http://preview.cactuscode.org/download/GetCactus
+env CVS_PASSFILE=cvspass cvs -d :pserver:cvs_anon@cvs.cactuscode.org:/cactus checkout -d qqq Utilities/Scripts/GetCactus
+mv qqq/GetCactus .
+rmdir -rf qqq
+#cp /Users/eschnett/Utilities/Scripts/GetCactus .
+chmod a+x GetCactus
+{ echo; echo; echo; echo; } | ./GetCactus
+# Basic thorns
+pushd Cactus
+{ echo; echo; echo q; } | gmake checkout
+# Carpet
+pushd Cactus
+git clone -o carpet git://carpetcode.dyndns.org/carpet.git
+cd arrangements
+ln -s ../carpet/Carpet* .
+# McLachlan
+pushd Cactus
+cd arrangements
+git clone git://carpetcode.dyndns.org/McLachlan.git
+# Kranc
+pushd Cactus
+git clone http://www.aei.mpg.de/~ianhin/kranc.git
+cd arrangements
+ln -s ../kranc/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools .
+# All other public thorns (AEIThorns, AstroGrid, LSUThorns, TAT,
+# Whisky)
+{ echo; echo; echo; echo; echo; } | ./GetCactus qc0-mclachlan-public.th
diff --git a/doc/cvspass b/doc/cvspass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eed6ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cvspass
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+:pserver:cvs_anon@cvs.cactuscode.org:/cactus Ay=0=
diff --git a/doc/mclachlan.tex b/doc/mclachlan.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f2db47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/mclachlan.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+\documentclass[11pt, tightenlines]{revtex4}
+% Put this package last
+\usepackage[bookmarks, bookmarksopen, bookmarksnumbered]{hyperref}
+% Put this package after hyperref
+% Don't use tt font for urls
+% Make a comment stand out visually
+\newcommand{\todo}[1]{{\color{blue}$\blacksquare$~\textsf{[TODO: #1]}}}
+% Name of a code
+\hyphenation{Cac-tus-Ein-stein Schwarz-schild South-amp-ton}
+\date{August 18, 2009}
+\author{Erik Schnetter}
+\address{Center for Computation \& Technology, Louisiana State
+ University, USA}
+ McLachlan is a free Einstein solver that uses the Cactus framework
+ and the Einstein toolkit. This document describes the basic
+ features of the code, and also how to obtain, build, and use the
+ code.
+McLachlan is a free Einstein solver that uses the Cactus framework and
+the Einstein toolkit. McLachlan was developed by Erik Schnetter and
+Peter Diener with the help of Jian Tao and Ian Hinder. It was first
+described in \cite{ES-Brown2007b}, where (to our knowledge) the first
+fully fourth order accurate black hole evolution with adaptive mesh
+refinement is presented. The McLachlan web pages are located at
+% \section{Formulation}
+% \todo{To be written. BSSN equations, time evolution, constraints.}
+% \section{Automated Code Generation}
+% \todo{To be written. Kranc. Modifying the equations.}
+\section{Obtaining McLachlan}
+McLachlan uses the Cactus Software Framework and the Einstein Toolkit.
+Cactus organises applications into \emph{thorns} (modules) that can be
+maintained independently of each other. In order to use McLachlan, it
+is necessary to obtain Cactus as well as a set of supporting thorns.
+The subsections below describe how to obtain Cactus and other
+necessary thorns. McLachlan contains also a shell script
+\code{checkout.sh} that attempts to automate this. However, this
+script is very basic and does not handle errors well.
+Cactus thorns are ususall stored in \emph{repositories} that are
+managed by version control systems such as CVS \cite{cvsweb}, SVN
+(subversion) \cite{svnweb}, or git \cite{gitweb}.
+Before getting the code, you will need to install the following
+software on your local system:
+\item wget (or curl)
+\item CVS
+\item SVN
+\item git
+\item Perl
+These are standard packages, and they should be easily available for
+all Linux systems.
+Cactus \cite{Goodale02a, ES-cactusweb} is a software framework that
+makes it possible to maintain parts of applications independent of
+each other, and combine them into an efficient code when building the
+application. Cactus is described at \url{http://www.cactuscode.org/},
+and a new version of the of Cactus web site is currently being
+prepared at \url{http://preview.cactuscode.org/download/}.
+To obtain Cactus itself as well as a set of basic thorns, follow the
+instructions at \url{http://preview.cactuscode.org/download/}.
+(Additional thorns specific to numerical relativity are also located
+elsewhere.) Don't use a particular thorn list for this; instead,
+download all the basic thorn that Cactus offers.
+For reference, here is a brief overview over the commands to do this:
+\item\verb+wget http://preview.cactuscode.org/download/GetCactus+
+\item\verb-chmod a+x GetCactus-
+ This checks out Cactus itself (the \emph{flesh}) into a new
+ subdirectory \code{Cactus}. Use the default answer for all
+ questions.
+\item\verb+cd Cactus+
+\item\verb+gmake checkout+
+ This checks out some arrangements with basic thorns for Cactus,
+ including the important CactusEinstein arrangement. Again, use the
+ default answer for all questions, except when you are asked for the
+ second time whetyer you want to quit. In this case, quit.
+Carpet \cite{ES-Schnetter2003b, ES-Schnetter2006a, ES-carpetweb} is a
+\emph{driver} for Cactus. A driver manages memory, handles
+parallelism, and performs I/O on behalf of the application. Carpet
+supports adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) and multi-block methods.
+Carpet is described at \url{http://www.carpetcode.org/}.
+To obtain Carpet, follow the instructions at
+\url{http://www.carpetcode.org/get-carpet.html}. Please check out the
+\emph{Development Version}, which is currently quite stable. (We are
+planning to release a new stable version soon.)
+In particular, the commands to obtain the development version are:
+\item\verb+cd Cactus+
+\item\verb+git clone -o carpet git://carpetcode.dyndns.org/carpet.git+
+\item\verb+cd arrangements+
+\item\verb+ln -s ../carpet/Carpet* .+
+(Don't miss the dot after the \verb+Carpet*+ in the last line.) Note
+that Carpet should be checked out into the main Cactus directory, and
+the \code{arrangements} subdirectory needs to contain symbolic links
+pointing into the \code{carpet} directory.
+McLachlan \cite{ES-Brown2007b, ES-mclachlanweb} in an Einstein solver.
+It uses one of the BSSN formulations of the Einstein equations.
+McLachlan is described at
+\url{http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~eschnett/McLachlan/}, which is where you
+may have obtained this documentation.
+To obtain McLachlan, issue the following commands:
+\item\verb+cd Cactus+
+\item\verb+cd arrangements+
+\item\verb+git clone git://carpetcode.dyndns.org/McLachlan.git+
+Note that McLachlan needs to be checked out directly into the
+\code{arrangements} subdirectory.
+McLachlan uses the Kranc code generation package \cite{kranc04,
+ Husa:2004ip, krancweb, ES-krancweb}. Kranc also contains some
+thorns that McLachlan needs. (However, it is not necessary to run
+Kranc in order to use McLachlan. It is only necessary to run Kranc if
+McLachlan is modified.)
+To obtain Kranc, issue the following commands:
+\item\verb+cd Cactus+
+\item\verb+git clone http://www.aei.mpg.de/~ianhin/kranc.git+
+\item\verb+cd arrangements+
+\item\verb+ln -s ../kranc/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools .+
+(Don't miss the dot at the end of the last line.) Note that Kranc
+needs to be check out into the main Cactus directory, and the
+\code{arrangements} subdirectory needs to contain symbolic links
+pointing into the \code{kranc} directory.
+\subsection{Other Thorns}
+All other thorns, including the public Whisky thorns, can be obtained
+via the GetCactus script that was downloaded above (see section
+\item\verb+cd Cactus+
+\item\verb+cd ..+
+\item\verb+./GetCactus qc0-mclachlan-public.th+
+ Use the default answer for all questions.
+\subsection{Consistency Check}
+The \emph{thorn list} \code{qc0-mclachlan-public.th} lists the thorns
+that are necessary for a simple spacetime evolution. The thorns are
+grouped into arrangements. All thorns listed in this file must now be
+present in the \code{arrangements} subdirectory of the main Cactus
+\section{Building McLachlan}
+Building McLachlan and the other thorns requires C, C++, and Fortran
+90 compilers, MPI, as well as the BLAS, GSL, HDF5, and LAPACK
+It is best to begin building Cactus with building documentation:
+\item\verb+cd Cactus+
+\item\verb+make UsersGuide+
+This creates the users' guide as \code{doc/UsersGuid.pdf}.
+All Cactus commands are listed with
+\item\verb+make help+
+\subsection{Option List}
+To build a Cactus application one needs to create an \emph{options
+ list}. This is a text file containing the configuration options
+that tell Cactus what compilers and compiler options to use, and where
+MPI and the auxiliary libraries are installed. This process is very
+specific to each machine and may require some trial and error.
+We distribute options lists for a range of machines that we are using
+on the Cactus web site at
+\url{http://preview.cactuscode.org/download/configfiles/}. Option
+lists are also available together with the Simulation Factory
+\cite{ES-simfactoryweb} at
+To build a Cactus application one starts with an option list and a
+thorn list. The text below assumes that you have an option list
+called \code{einstein-redshift-gcc.cfg}.
+To configure an application
+\item\verb+cd Cactus+
+\item\verb+make sim-config options=einstein-redshift-gcc.cfg \+\\
+ \verb+THORNLIST=qc0-mclachlan-public.th+
+\item\verb+make sim+
+This is necessary only once, or when the configuration options change.
+This will create an application called \code{sim}; of course, the name
+could also be different. Different applications, e.g.\ with different
+options or different thorn lists, can exist side by side.
+To build the application:
+\item\verb+cd Cactus+
+\item\verb+make sim -j4+
+The make option \code{-j4} builds 4 files at the same time. Use this
+option if you have several processors available; this will speed up
+building the application. The executable is called \code{cactus\_sim}
+and is placed in the \code{exe} subdirectory.
+You can also clean the application, removing all object files but
+keeping the configuration options and thorn list:
+\item\verb+cd Cactus+
+\item\verb+make sim-realclean+
+\section{Running McLachlan}
+To run the McLachlan code, one needs a \emph{parameter file}.
+Parameter files select which thorns are activated at run time, and
+what values the thorns' run-time parameters have. They typically have
+a \code{.par} suffix. Below, we use the parameter file
+Cactus applications are started like a regular MPI application. The
+exact mechanism depends on the particular MPI implementation. On
+Redshift, the command is
+\item\verb+cd Cactus+
+\item\verb+mkdir simulations+
+\item\verb+cd simulations+
+\item\verb+env OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 mpirun ../exe/cactus_sim qc0-mclachlan-public.par+
+This parameter file simulates a single, stationary, spinning black
+hole in Kerr-Schild coordinates. It requires about 4~GByte of RAM to
+\emph{Note:} If the options list enables OpenMP, then the Cactus
+application will be multi-threaded. Multi-threading can improve
+performance and reduce memory consumption, especially when many
+($>100$) cores are used. However, it is usually a bad idea to
+over-subscribe cores by having too many threads per node. It is
+usually best to choose both the number of MPI processes per node and
+the number of OpenMP threads per process such that their product
+equals the number of cores on a node. The way in which these numbers
+are chosen depend on the MPI implementation.
diff --git a/doc/publications-schnetter.bib b/doc/publications-schnetter.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1e9a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/publications-schnetter.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,1861 @@
+status (refereed, preparing, thesis, book, report, invited, contributed, webpage)
+Resolve DOI's with http://dx.doi.org/
+add Scale2009 report (planned)
+add multipatch paper (planned)
+add CactusDebugging paper (planned)
+add ICADIWT talk (London, August 4)
+add second xirel report (planned)
+add xirel I/O report (planned)
+add invited talk: Florida mesh refinement from a long time ago
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Steve Brandt and Randall Correll and Roberto Gomez
+ and Mijan Huq and Pablo Laguna and Luis Lehner and
+ Pedro Marronetti and Richard A. Matzner and David
+ Neilsen and Jorge Pullin and Erik Schnetter and
+ Deirdre Shoemaker and Jeffrey Winicour},
+ title = {Grazing Collisions of Black Holes via the Excision
+ of Singularities},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = 2000,
+ volume = 85,
+ pages = {5496-5499},
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0009047},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0009047},
+ receiveddate = {2000-08-15},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v85/p5496},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.5496},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Bernard Kelly and Pablo Laguna and Keith Lockitch
+ and Jorge Pullin and Erik Schnetter and Deirdre
+ Shoemaker and Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {A cure for unstable numerical evolutions of single
+ black holes: adjusting the standard {ADM} equations},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2001,
+ volume = 64,
+ pages = 084013,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0103099},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0103099},
+ receiveddate = {2001-03-28},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v64/e084013},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.64.084013},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Olaf Dreyer and Badri Krishnan and Erik Schnetter
+ and Deirdre Shoemaker},
+ title = {Introduction to Isolated Horizons in Numerical
+ Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2003,
+ volume = 67,
+ pages = 024018,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0206008},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0206008},
+ receiveddate = {2002-06-10},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v67/e024018},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.67.024018},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Deirdre Shoemaker and Kenneth Smith and Ulrich
+ Sperhake and Pablo Laguna and Erik Schnetter and
+ David R. Fiske},
+ title = {Moving black holes via singularity excision},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 2003,
+ volume = 20,
+ pages = {3729-3744},
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0301111},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0301111},
+ receiveddate = {2003-01-30},
+ fulltexturl = {http://stacks.iop.org/CQG/20/3729},
+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/20/16/313},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Gabrielle Allen and Carles
+ Bona and David Fiske and Tom Goodale and
+ F. Siddharta Guzm{\'a}n and Ian Hawke and Scott
+ H. Hawley and Sascha Husa and Michael Koppitz and
+ Christiane Lechner and Denis Pollney and David
+ Rideout and Marcelo Salgado and Erik Schnetter and
+ Edward Seidel and {Hisa-aki} Shinkai and B{\'e}la
+ Szil{\'a}gyi and Deirdre Shoemaker and Ryoji
+ Takahashi and Jeffrey Winicour},
+ title = {Toward standard testbeds for numerical relativity},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 2004,
+ volume = 21,
+ pages = {589-613},
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0305023},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0305023},
+ receiveddate = {2003-05-05},
+ fulltexturl = {http://stacks.iop.org/CQG/21/589},
+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/21/2/019},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Finding apparent horizons and other two-surfaces of
+ constant expansion},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 2003,
+ volume = 20,
+ pages = {4719-4737},
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0306006},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0306006},
+ receiveddate = {2003-06-03},
+ fulltexturl = {http://stacks.iop.org/CQG/20/4719},
+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/20/22/001},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Scott H. Hawley and Ian Hawke},
+ title = {Evolutions in {3D} numerical relativity using fixed
+ mesh refinement},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 2004,
+ volume = 21,
+ pages = {1465-1488},
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0310042},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0310042},
+ receiveddate = {2003-10-07},
+ fulltexturl = {http://stacks.iop.org/CQG/21/1465},
+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/21/6/014},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Frank Herrmann and Denis Pollney},
+ title = {Horizon Pretracking},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2005,
+ volume = 71,
+ pages = 044033,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0410081},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0410081},
+ receiveddate = {2004-10-22},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v71/e044033},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.71.044033},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Burkhard Zink and Nikolaos Stergioulas and Ian Hawke
+ and Christian D. Ott and Erik Schnetter and Ewald
+ M{\"u}ller},
+ title = {Black hole formation through fragmentation of
+ toroidal polytropes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = 2006,
+ volume = 96,
+ pages = 161101,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0501080},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0501080},
+ receiveddate = {2005-02-11},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v96/e161101},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.161101},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Edwin Evans and Sai Iyer and Erik Schnetter and
+ Wai-Mo Suen and Jian Tao and Randy Wolfmeyer and
+ Hui-Min Zhang},
+ title = {Computational Relativistic Astrophysics With
+ Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Testbeds},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2005,
+ volume = 71,
+ pages = {081301(R)},
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0501066},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0501066},
+ receiveddate = {2005-02-21},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v71/e081301},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.71.081301},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Luca Baiotti and Ian Hawke and Luciano Rezzolla and
+ Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Gravitational-Wave Emission from Rotating
+ Gravitational Collapse in three Dimensions},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = 2005,
+ volume = 94,
+ pages = 131101,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0503016},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0503016},
+ receiveddate = {2004-10-12},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v94/e131101},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.131101},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Ulrich Sperhake and Bernard Kelly and Pablo Laguna
+ and Kenneth L. Smith and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Black hole head-on collisions and gravitational
+ waves with fixed mesh-refinement and dynamic
+ singularity excision},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2005,
+ volume = 71,
+ pages = 124042,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0503071},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0503071},
+ receiveddate = {2005-03-16},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v71/e124042},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.71.124042},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Badri Krishnan},
+ title = {Non-symmetric trapped surfaces in the
+ {Schwarzschild} and {Vaidya} spacetimes },
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2006,
+ volume = 73,
+ pages = {021502(R)},
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0511017},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0511017},
+ receiveddate = {2005-11-09},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v73/e021502},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.73.021502},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Peter Diener and Ernst Nils Dorband and Erik
+ Schnetter and Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {Optimized High-Order Derivative and Dissipation
+ Operators Satisfying Summation by Parts, and
+ Applications in Three-dimensional Multi-block
+ Evolutions},
+ journal = {J. Sci. Comput.},
+ volume = 32,
+ pages = {109-145},
+ year = 2007,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0512001},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0512001},
+ receiveddate = {2005-12-22},
+ fulltexturl = {http://www.springerlink.com/
+ content/k24u1g1u64841223/},
+ doi = {10.1007/s10915-006-9123-7},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Peter Diener and Frank Herrmann and Denis Pollney
+ and Erik Schnetter and Edward Seidel and Ryoji
+ Takahashi and Jonathan Thornburg and Jason
+ Ventrella},
+ title = {Accurate Evolution of Orbiting Binary Black Holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = 2006,
+ volume = 96,
+ pages = 121101,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0512108},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0512108},
+ receiveddate = {2005-12-21},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v96/e121101},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.121101},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Peter Diener and Ernst Nils
+ Dorband and Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {A multi-block infrastructure for three-dimensional
+ time-dependent numerical relativity},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 2006,
+ volume = 23,
+ pages = {S553-S578},
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0602104},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0602104},
+ receiveddate = {2006-02-20},
+ fulltexturl = {http://stacks.iop.org/CQG/23/S553},
+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/23/16/S14},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Badri Krishnan and Florian Beyer},
+ title = {Introduction to dynamical horizons in numerical
+ relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2006,
+ volume = 74,
+ pages = 024028,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0604015},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0604015},
+ receiveddate = {2006-04-11},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v74/e024028},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.74.024028},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Ernst Nils Dorband and Emanuele Berti and Peter
+ Diener and Erik Schnetter and Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {A numerical study of the quasinormal mode excitation
+ of {Kerr} black holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2006,
+ volume = 74,
+ pages = 084028,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0608091},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0608091},
+ receiveddate = {2006-08-22},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v74/e084028},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.74.084028},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Christian D. Ott and Harald Dimmelmeier and Andreas
+ Marek and Hans-Thomas Janka and Ian Hawke and
+ Burkhard Zink and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {{3D} Collapse of Rotating Stellar Iron Cores in
+ General Relativity Including Deleptonization and a
+ Nuclear Equation of State},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = 98,
+ pages = 261101,
+ year = 2007,
+ eprint = {arXiv:astro-ph/0609819},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0609819},
+ receiveddate = {2006-09-29},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v98/e261101},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.261101},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Burkhard Zink and Nikolaos Stergioulas and Ian Hawke
+ and Christian D. Ott and Erik Schnetter and Ewald
+ M{\"u}ller},
+ title = {Non-axisymmetric instability and fragmentation of
+ general relativistic quasitoroidal stars},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2007,
+ volume = 76,
+ pages = 024019,
+ eprint = {arXiv:astro-ph/0611601},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0611601},
+ receiveddate = {2006-11-19},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v76/e024019},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.76.024019},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Christian D. Ott and Harald Dimmelmeier and Andreas
+ Marek and Hans-Thomas Janka and Burkhard Zink and
+ Ian Hawke and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Rotating Collapse of Stellar Iron Cores in General
+ Relativity},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 24,
+ year = 2007,
+ pages = {S139-S154},
+ eprint = {arXiv:astro-ph/0612638},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0612638},
+ receiveddate = {2006-12-20},
+ fulltexturl = {http://stacks.iop.org/CQG/24/S139},
+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/24/12/S10},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Enrique Pazos and Ernst Nils Dorband and Alessandro
+ Nagar and Carlos Palenzuela and Erik Schnetter and
+ Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {How far away is far enough for extracting numerical
+ waveforms, and how much do they depend on the
+ extraction method?},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 24,
+ pages = {S341-S368},
+ year = 2007,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0612149},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0612149},
+ receiveddate = {2006-12-22},
+ fulltexturl = {http://stacks.iop.org/CQG/24/S341},
+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/24/12/S22},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Michael Koppitz and Denis Pollney and Christian
+ Reisswig and Luciano Rezzolla and Jonathan Thornburg
+ and Peter Diener and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Recoil Velocities from Equal-Mass Binary-Black-Hole
+ Mergers},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = 2007,
+ volume = 99,
+ pages = 041102,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0701163},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0701163},
+ receiveddate = {2007-01-29},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v99/e041102},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.041102},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Jonathan Thornburg and Peter Diener and Denis
+ Pollney and Luciano Rezzolla and Erik Schnetter and
+ Edward Seidel and Ryoji Takahashi},
+ title = {Are moving punctures equivalent to moving black
+ holes?},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 24,
+ pages = {3911-3918},
+ year = 2007,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0701038},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0701038},
+ receiveddate = {2007-03-22},
+ fulltexturl = {http://stacks.iop.org/CQG/24/3911},
+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/24/15/009},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Dylan Stark and Gabrielle Allen and Tom Goodale and
+ Thomas Radke and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {An Extensible Timing Infrastructure for Adaptive
+ Large-scale Applications},
+ booktitle = {Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM),
+ 2007, Gda{\'n}sk, Poland},
+ pages = {1170-1179},
+ year = 2008,
+ editor = {Roman Wyrzykowski and Jack Dongarra and Konrad
+ Karczewski and Jerzy Wasniewski},
+ volume = 4967,
+ series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ eprint = {arXiv:0705.3015 [cs.PF]},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0705.3015},
+ receiveddate = {2007-05-21},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Denis Pollney and Christian Reisswig and Luciano
+ Rezzolla and B{\'e}la Szil{\'a}gyi and Marcus Ansorg
+ and Barrett Deris and Peter Diener and Ernst Nils
+ Dorband and Michael Koppitz and Alessandro Nagar and
+ Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Recoil velocities from equal-mass binary black-hole
+ mergers: a systematic investigation of spin-orbit
+ aligned configurations},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2007,
+ volume = 76,
+ pages = 124002,
+ eprint = {arXiv:0707.2559 [gr-qc]},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0707.2559},
+ receiveddate = {2007-09-06},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v76/e124002},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.76.124002},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {David Brown and Olivier Sarbach and Erik Schnetter
+ and Manuel Tiglio and Peter Diener and Ian Hawke and
+ Denis Pollney},
+ title = {Excision without excision},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 76,
+ pages = {081503(R)},
+ year = 2007,
+ eprint = {arXiv:0707.3101 [gr-qc]},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0707.3101},
+ receiveddate = {2007-07-20},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v76/e081503},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.76.081503},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Luciano Rezzolla and Ernst Nils Dorband and
+ Christian Reisswig and Peter Diener and Denis
+ Pollney and Erik Schnetter and B{\'e}la
+ Szil{\'a}gyi},
+ title = {Spin Diagrams for Equal-Mass Black-Hole Binaries
+ with Aligned Spins},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = 679,
+ pages = {1422-1426},
+ year = 2008,
+ eprint = {arXiv:0708.3999 [gr-qc]},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0708.3999},
+ receiveddate = {2007-08-29},
+ fulltexturl = {http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/
+ doi/abs/10.1086/587679},
+ doi = {10.1086/587679},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Maria C. Babiuc and Sascha Husa and Ian Hinder and
+ Christiane Lechner and Erik Schnetter and B{\'e}la
+ Szil{\'a}gyi and Yosef Zlochower and Nils Dorband
+ and Denis Pollney and Jeff Winicour},
+ title = {Implementation of standard testbeds for numerical
+ relativity},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 25,
+ pages = 125012,
+ year = 2008,
+ eprint = {arXiv:0709.3559 [gr-qc]},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0709.3559},
+ receiveddate = {2007-09-17},
+ fulltexturl = {http://stacks.iop.org/CQG/25/125012},
+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/25/12/125012},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Luciano Rezzolla and Peter Diener and Ernst Nils
+ Dorband and Denis Pollney and Christian Reisswig and
+ Erik Schnetter and Jennifer Seiler},
+ title = {The final spin from the coalescence of aligned-spin
+ black-hole binaries},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J. Lett.},
+ year = 2008,
+ volume = 674,
+ pages = {L29-L32},
+ eprint = {arXiv:0710.3345 [gr-qc]},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0710.3345},
+ receiveddate = {2007-10-18},
+ fulltexturl = {http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/
+ doi/abs/10.1086/528935},
+ doi = {10.1086/528935},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Burkhard Zink and Erik Schnetter and Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {Multi-patch methods in general relativistic
+ astrophysics -- {I}. {Hydrodynamical} flows on fixed
+ backgrounds},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 77,
+ pages = 103015,
+ year = 2008,
+ eprint = {arXiv:0712.0353 [astro-ph]},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0712.0353},
+ receiveddate = {2007-12-04},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v77/e103015},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.77.103015},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Christian D. Ott and Erik Schnetter and Gabrielle
+ Allen and Edward Seidel and Jian Tao and Burkhard
+ Zink},
+ title = {A Case Study for Petascale Applications in
+ Astrophysics: Simulating {Gamma}-{Ray} {Bursts}},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th ACM Mardi Gras conference:
+ From lightweight mash-ups to lambda grids:
+ Understanding the spectrum of distributed computing
+ requirements, applications, tools, infrastructures,
+ interoperability, and the incremental adoption of
+ key capabilities},
+ number = 18,
+ year = 2008,
+ series = {ACM International Conference Proceeding Series},
+ address = {Baton Rouge, Louisiana},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1341811.1341831},
+ pdf = {doc/BatonRouge-2008-MardiGras-GammaRayBursts.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {2007-11-00},
+ doi = {10.1145/1341811.1341831},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Christian D. Ott and Peter Diener
+ and Christian Reisswig},
+ title = {Astrophysical Applications of Numerical Relativity
+ --- from {Teragrid} to {Petascale}},
+ note = {The 3rd annual {TeraGrid} Conference, {TeraGrid}
+ '08},
+ year = 2008,
+ pdf =
+ {doc/LasVegas-2008-TeraGrid-AstrophysicalApplications.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {2008-05-08},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Multi-Physics Coupling of {Einstein} and
+ Hydrodynamics Evolution: A Case Study of the
+ {Einstein} {Toolkit}},
+ note = {{CBHPC} 2008 (Component-Based High Performance
+ Computing)},
+ year = 2008,
+ pdf = {doc/Karlsruhe-2008-CBHPC-EinsteinToolkit.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {2008-05-26},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {David Brown and Peter Diener and Olivier Sarbach and
+ Erik Schnetter and Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {Turduckening black holes: an analytical and
+ computational study},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2009,
+ volume = 79,
+ pages = 044023,
+ eprint = {arXiv:0809.3533 [gr-qc]},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0809.3533},
+ receiveddate = {2008-09-20},
+ fulltexturl = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v79/e044023},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.79.044023},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Benjamin Aylott and John G. Baker and William
+ D. Boggs and Michael Boyle and Patrick R. Brady and
+ Duncan A. Brown and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann and Luisa
+ T. Buchman and Alessandra Buonanno and Laura
+ Cadonati and Jordan Camp and Manuela Campanelli and
+ Joan Centrella and Shourov Chatterji and Nelson
+ Christensen and Tony Chu and Peter Diener and Nils
+ Dorband and Zachariah B. Etienne and Joshua Faber
+ and Stephen Fairhurst and Benjamin Farr and
+ Sebastian Fischetti and Gianluca Guidi and Lisa
+ M. Goggin and Mark Hannam and Frank Herrmann and Ian
+ Hinder and Sascha Husa and Vicky Kalogera and Drew
+ Keppel and Lawrence E. Kidder and Bernard J. Kelly
+ and Badri Krishnan and Pablo Laguna and Carlos
+ O. Lousto and Ilya Mandel and Pedro Marronetti and
+ Richard Matzner and Sean T. McWilliams and Keith
+ D. Matthews and R. Adam Mercer and Satyanarayan
+ R. P. Mohapatra and Abdul H. Mrou{\'e} and Hiroyuki
+ Nakano and Evan Ochsner and Yi Pan and Larne
+ Pekowsky and Harald P. Pfeiffer and Denis Pollney
+ and Frans Pretorius and Vivien Raymond and Christian
+ Reisswig and Luciano Rezzolla and Oliver Rinne and
+ Craig Robinson and Christian R{\"o}ver and Luc{\'i}a
+ Santamar{\'i}a and Bangalore Sathyaprakash and Mark
+ A. Scheel and Erik Schnetter and Jennifer Seiler and
+ Stuart L. Shapiro and Deirdre Shoemaker and Ulrich
+ Sperhake and Alexander Stroeer and Riccardo Sturani
+ and Wolfgang Tichy and Yuk Tung Liu and Marc van der
+ Sluys and James R. van Meter and Ruslan Vaulin and
+ Alberto Vecchio and John Veitch and Andrea
+ Vicer{\'e} and John T. Whelan and Yosef Zlochower},
+ title = {Testing gravitational-wave searches with numerical
+ relativity waveforms: Results from the first
+ {Numerical} {INJection} {Analysis} ({NINJA})
+ project},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 2009,
+ volume = 26,
+ pages = 165008,
+ eprint = {arXiv:0901.4399 [gr-qc]},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0901.4399},
+ receiveddate = {2009-01-29},
+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/26/16/165008},
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Benjamin Aylott and John G. Baker and William
+ D. Boggs and Michael Boyle and Patrick R. Brady and
+ Duncan A. Brown and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann and Luisa
+ T. Buchman and Alessandra Buonanno and Laura
+ Cadonati and Jordan Camp and Manuela Campanelli and
+ Joan Centrella and Shourov Chatterji and Nelson
+ Christensen and Tony Chu and Peter Diener and Nils
+ Dorband and Zachariah B. Etienne and Joshua Faber
+ and Stephen Fairhurst and Benjamin Farr and
+ Sebastian Fischetti and Gianluca Guidi and Lisa
+ M. Goggin and Mark Hannam and Frank Herrmann and Ian
+ Hinder and Sascha Husa and Vicky Kalogera and Drew
+ Keppel and Lawrence E. Kidder and Bernard J. Kelly
+ and Badri Krishnan and Pablo Laguna and Carlos
+ O. Lousto and Ilya Mandel and Pedro Marronetti and
+ Richard Matzner and Sean T. McWilliams and Keith
+ D. Matthews and R. Adam Mercer and Satyanarayan
+ R. P. Mohapatra and Abdul H. Mrou{\'e} and Hiroyuki
+ Nakano and Evan Ochsner and Yi Pan and Larne
+ Pekowsky and Harald P. Pfeiffer and Denis Pollney
+ and Frans Pretorius and Vivien Raymond and Christian
+ Reisswig and Luciano Rezzolla and Oliver Rinne and
+ Craig Robinson and Christian R{\"o}ver and Luc{\'i}a
+ Santamar{\'i}a and Bangalore Sathyaprakash and Mark
+ A. Scheel and Erik Schnetter and Jennifer Seiler and
+ Stuart L. Shapiro and Deirdre Shoemaker and Ulrich
+ Sperhake and Alexander Stroeer and Riccardo Sturani
+ and Wolfgang Tichy and Yuk Tung Liu and Marc van der
+ Sluys and James R. van Meter and Ruslan Vaulin and
+ Alberto Vecchio and John Veitch and Andrea
+ Vicer{\'e} and John T. Whelan and Yosef Zlochower},
+ title = {Status of {NINJA}: the {Numerical} {INJection}
+ {Analysis} project},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 2009,
+ volume = 26,
+ pages = 114008,
+ eprint = {arXiv:0901.4399 [gr-qc]},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0905.4227},
+ receiveddate = {2009-03-10},
+ fulltexturl = {http://stacks.iop.org/CQG/26/114008},
+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/26/11/114008}
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Jian Tao and Gabrielle Allen and Peter Diener and
+ Frank L{\"o}ffler and Roland Haas and Ian Hinder and
+ Erik Schnetter and Yosef Zlochower},
+ title = {Towards a Highly Efficient and Scalable
+ Infrastructure for Numerical Relativity Codes},
+ note = {Accepted for TeraGrid 2009},
+ year = 2009,
+ hidden-pdf = {doc/Arlington-TeraGrid-2009-XiRel.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {2009-03-20}
+@Comment add pdf
+@Comment correct receiveddate
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Steven Brandt and Gabrielle Allen and Matthew
+ Eastman and Matthew Kemp and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Dynamic Deployment of a Component Framework with the
+ {Ubiqis} System},
+ note = {Accepted for ICADIWT 2009},
+ year = 2009,
+ receiveddate = {2009-05-21}
+@Comment add pdf
+@Comment correct receiveddate
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Christian D. Ott and Erik Schnetter and Adam Burrows
+ and Eli Livne and Evan O'Connor and Frank
+ L{\"o}ffler},
+ title = {Computational Models of Stellar Collapse and
+ Core-Collapse Supernovae},
+ booktitle = {SciDAC 2009},
+ year = 2009,
+ eprint = {arXiv:0907.4043 [astro-ph.HE]},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0907.4043},
+ receiveddate = {2009-06-00},
+@Comment add pdf
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Gabrielle Allen and Frank L{\"o}ffler and Thomas
+ Radke and Erik Schnetter and Edward Seidel},
+ title = {Integrating {Web} 2.0 Technologies with Scientific
+ Simulation Codes for Real-Time Collaboration},
+ note = {Accepted for Research3 Workshop at the Cluster 2009
+ conference in New Orleans, LA},
+ year = 2009,
+ receiveddate = {2009-07-29}
+@Comment add pdf
+@Comment correct receiveddate
+ status = {refereed},
+ author = {Frank L{\"o}ffler and Jian Tao and Gabrielle Allen
+ and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Benchmarking Parallel {I/O} Performance for a Large
+ Scale Scientific Application on the {TeraGrid}},
+ note = {Accepted for the second International Conference on
+ High Performance Computing and Applications
+ (HPCA2009), Shanghai, China},
+ year = 2009,
+ receiveddate = {2009-07-29},
+@Comment add pdf
+@Comment correct receiveddate
+ status = {rejected},
+ author = {Steven Brandt and Matthew Kemp and Gabrielle Allen
+ and Matthew Eastman and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Dynamic Deployment of a Component Framework with the
+ {Ubiqis} System},
+ note = {Submitted to Euro-Par 2009},
+ year = 2009,
+ hidden-pdf = {doc/UBIQIS.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {2009-02-07}
+ status = {rejected},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Steven R. Brandt},
+ title = {Relativistic Astrophysics on the {SiCortex}
+ Architecture},
+ note = {Submitted to TeraGrid 2009},
+ year = 2009,
+ hidden-pdf = {doc/Arlington-TeraGrid-2009-CactusSiCortex.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {2009-03-20}
+ status = {submitted},
+ author = {Denis Pollney and Christian Reisswig and Nils
+ Dorband and Erik Schnetter and Peter Diener},
+ title = {The Asymptotic Falloff of Local Waveform
+ MEasurements in Numerical Relativity},
+ note = {Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = 2009,
+ receiveddate = {2009-08-12}
+ status = {preparing},
+ author = {Christian D. Ott and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {The {Cotton}-{York} tensor as an analysis tool for
+ the conformal flatness for numerical simulations},
+ journal = {in preparation},
+ year = 2009
+ status = {preparing},
+ author = {Christian D. Ott and Harald Dimmelmeier and Andreas
+ Marek and Hans-Thomas Janka and and Ian Hawke and
+ Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {3D general relativistic iron core collapse:
+ postbounce evolution and rotational instabilities},
+ journal = {in preparation},
+ year = 2009
+ status = {thesis},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {{Untersuchungen} zur {Implementierung} von
+ {Strahlungstransport} im {SPH}-{Formalismus}
+ (\emph{engl.}: {Investigations} towards implementing
+ radiative transport in the {SPH} formalism)},
+ howpublished = {Diplomarbeit (in German), Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r
+ Physik, Universit{\"a}t T{\"u}bingen},
+ year = 1998,
+ pdf = {doc/Diplomarbeit-Schnetter.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {1998-04-00},
+ status = {thesis},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Gauge fixing for the simulation of black hole
+ spacetimes},
+ school = {Universit{\"a}t T{\"u}bingen},
+ year = 2003,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0411002},
+ url = {http://w210.ub.uni-tuebingen.de/
+ dbt/volltexte/2003/819/},
+ receiveddate = {2003-06-30},
+ urn = {urn:nbn:de:bsz:21-opus-8191},
+ status = {book},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Christian D. Ott and Gabrielle
+ Allen and Peter Diener and Tom Goodale and Thomas
+ Radke and Edward Seidel and John Shalf},
+ title = {{Cactus} {Framework}: Black Holes to Gamma Ray
+ Bursts},
+ booktitle = {Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications},
+ chapter = 24,
+ publisher = {Chapman \& Hall/CRC Computational Science Series},
+ year = 2008,
+ editor = {David A. Bader},
+ eprint = {arXiv:0707.1607 [cs.DC]},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0707.1607},
+ receiveddate = {2007-07-11},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Stefan Kunze and Erik Schnetter and Roland Speith},
+ title = {Applications of the {Smoothed} {Particle}
+ {Hydrodynamics} method: The Need for Supercomputing},
+ booktitle = {Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, Towards
+ Teraflops, Optimization and Novel Formulations.
+ Proceedings of PARCFD99, the Parallel CFD'99
+ Conference},
+ pages = {289-295},
+ year = 2000,
+ editor = {D. Keyes and A. Ecer and J. Periaux and N. Satofuka
+ and P. Fox},
+ publisher = {Elsevier},
+ pdf = {doc/Williamsburg-1999-PARCFD-SPHandHPC.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {1999-01-00},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Stefan Kunze and Erik Schnetter and Roland Speith},
+ title = {Development and Astrophysical Applications of a
+ Parallel Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Code with
+ {MPI}},
+ booktitle = {High Performance Computing in Science and
+ Engineering '99},
+ pages = {52-61},
+ year = 2000,
+ editor = {E. Krause and W. J{\"a}ger},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ pdf = {doc/Stuttgart-1999-HPCSE-parallelSPH.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {1999-01-00},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Roland Speith and Erik Schnetter and Stefan Kunze
+ and Harald Riffert},
+ title = {Distributed Implementation of {SPH} for Simulations
+ of Accretion Disks},
+ booktitle = {Molecular Dynamics on Parallel Computers},
+ pages = {276-285},
+ year = 2000,
+ editor = {R. Esser and P. Grassberger and J. Grotendorst and
+ M. Lewerenz},
+ publisher = {World Scientific},
+ note = {Proceedings of the Workshop at the John von
+ Neumann-Institut for Computing (NIC), Research
+ Centre J{\"u}lich, 8 - 10 February 1999},
+ pdf = {doc/Juelich-1999-MDPC-distributedSPH.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {1999-03-00},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Stefan Kunze and Roland Speith},
+ title = {Fluid Jet Simulations using {Smoothed} {Particle}
+ {Hydrodynamics}},
+ booktitle = {High Performance Computing in Science and
+ Engineering 2000},
+ pages = {99-113},
+ year = 2001,
+ editor = {E. Krause and W. J{\"a}ger},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ pdf = {doc/Stuttgart-2000-HPCSE-SPHjets.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {2000-01-00},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {The {Maya} Project: Simulations of Binary Black Hole
+ Systems},
+ booktitle = {The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting. On Recent
+ Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General
+ Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field
+ Theories. Proceedings of the MG9 Meeting},
+ pages = {1741-1742},
+ year = 2001,
+ volume = 3,
+ publisher = {World Scientific},
+ receiveddate = {2000-08-00},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {A fast apparent horizon algorithm},
+ year = 2002,
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/0206003},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0206003},
+ receiveddate = {2002-06-02},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Frank Ott and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {A modified {SPH} approach for fluids with large
+ density differences},
+ year = 2003,
+ eprint = {arXiv:physics/0303112},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0303112},
+ receiveddate = {2003-03-27},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Burkhard Zink and Nikolaos Stergioulas and Ian Hawke
+ and Christian D. Ott and Erik Schnetter and Ewald
+ M{\"u}ller},
+ title = {Fragmentation of general relativistic quasi-toroidal
+ polytropes},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Marcel Grossmann Meeting
+ (MG11) in Berlin, Germany, July 23-29, 2006},
+ year = {2007 (submitted)},
+ eprint = {arXiv:0704.0431 [gr-qc]},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0704.0431},
+ receiveddate = {2006-07-23},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Burkhard Zink and Nikolaos Stergioulas and Ian Hawke
+ and Christian D. Ott and Erik Schnetter and Ewald
+ M{\"u}ller},
+ title = {Rotational instabilities in supermassive stars: a
+ new way to form supermassive black holes},
+ booktitle = {International Scientific Workshop on Cosmology and
+ Gravitational Physics, Thessaloniki, December 15-16,
+ 2005},
+ pages = {155-160},
+ year = 2006,
+ editor = {N. K. Spyrou and N. Stergioulas and C. Tsagas},
+ address = {Thessaloniki},
+ publisher = {ZITI},
+ receiveddate = {2005-12-15},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Gabrielle Allen and Elena Caraba and Tom Goodale and
+ El Khamra, Yaakoub and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {A Scientific Application Benchmark using the
+ {Cactus} {Framework}},
+ institution = {Center for Computation \& Technology},
+ month = {April},
+ year = 2007,
+ pdf = {doc/CactusBenchmarking-2007.pdf},
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/},
+ receiveddate = {2007-04-00},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {John Shalf and Erik Schnetter and Gabrielle Allen
+ and Edward Seidel},
+ title = {{Cactus} as Benchmarking Platform},
+ institution = {Louisiana State University},
+ number = {CCT-TR-2006-3},
+ year = 2007,
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/CCT-TR/CCT-TR-2006-3},
+ receiveddate = {2007-04-19},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Gabrielle Allen and Tom Goodale
+ and Mayank Tyagi},
+ title = {{Alpaca}: {Cactus} Tools for Application Level
+ Performance and Correctness Analysis},
+ institution = {Louisiana State University},
+ number = {CCT-TR-2008-2},
+ year = 2008,
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/CCT-TR/CCT-TR-2008-2},
+ receiveddate = {2007-12-30},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Jian Tao and Gabrielle Allen and Ian Hinder and Erik
+ Schnetter and Yosef Zlochower},
+ title = {{XiRel}: Standard Benchmarks for Numerical
+ Relativity Codes Using {Cactus} and {Carpet}},
+ institution = {Louisiana State University},
+ number = {CCT-TR-2008-5},
+ year = 2008,
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/CCT-TR/CCT-TR-2008-5},
+ receiveddate = {2008-06-13},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {{CIGR Collaboration}},
+ title = {Community Infrastructure for General Relativistic
+ {MHD}},
+ institution = {Louisiana State University},
+ number = {CCT-TR-2008-6},
+ year = 2008,
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/CCT-TR/CCT-TR-2008-6},
+ receiveddate = {2008-12-00},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Steven R. Brandt},
+ title = {Relativistic Astrophysics on the {SiCortex}
+ Architecture},
+ institution = {Louisiana State University},
+ number = {CCT-TR-2009-4},
+ year = 2009,
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/CCT-TR/CCT-TR-2009-4},
+ receiveddate = {2009-03-18},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Gabrielle Allen and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {The {Cactus} framework: Software sustainability
+ position paper},
+ institution = {Louisiana State University},
+ number = {CCT-TR-2009-5},
+ year = 2009,
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/CCT-TR/CCT-TR-2009-5},
+ receiveddate = {2009-03-25},
+ status = {report},
+ author = {Andrei Hutanu and Erik Schnetter and Werner Benger
+ and Eloisa Bentivegna and Alex Clary and Peter
+ Diener and Jinghua Ge and Robert Kooima and Oleg
+ Korobkin and Kexi Liu and Frank L{\"o}ffler and Ravi
+ Paruchuri and Jian Tao and Cornelius Toole and Adam
+ Yates and Gabrielle Allen},
+ title = {Large-scale Problem Solving Using Automatic Code
+ Generation and Distributed Visualization},
+ institution = {Louisiana State University},
+ number = {CCT-TR-2009-11},
+ year = 2009,
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/CCT-TR/CCT-TR-2009-11},
+ receiveddate = {2009-08-12},
+ status = {invited},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Modelling Black Holes and Other Exotic Objects},
+ note = {Invited talk given over the phone to HPC EXPO Online
+ Conference \& Exhibition},
+ month = {September},
+ year = 2006,
+ url = {http://advantagebusinessmedia.com/ims/hpc/},
+ pdf = {doc/HPCExpo-2006.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {2006-09-00},
+ status = {invited},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {The {Cactus} Framework},
+ note = {Invited talk given to MODEST collaboration in
+ Pittsburgh, PA},
+ month = {September},
+ year = 2006,
+ url = {http://www.manybody.org/modest/},
+ pdf = {doc/Pittsburgh-2006-MODEST-Cactus.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {2006-09-00},
+ status = {invited},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Singularity replacement for black hole evolutions},
+ note = {Invited talk given at the Instituto de F{\'\i}sica y
+ Matem{\'a}ticas of the Universidad Michoacana de San
+ Nicol{\'a}s de Hidalgo in Morelia, Mexico},
+ month = {June},
+ year = 2007,
+ pdf = {doc/Morelia-2007-SingularityReplacement.pdf},
+ url = {http://www.ifm.umich.mx/},
+ receiveddate = {2007-06-00},
+ status = {invited},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Introduction to Numerical Relativity},
+ note = {Lectures given at KISTI Numerical Relativity summer
+ school in Pohang, South Korea: Part I: The Einstein
+ Equations (Formulations and Gauge Conditions)},
+ month = {July},
+ year = 2007,
+ pdf = {doc/Pohang-2007-KISTI-Lecture-I.pdf},
+ url = {http://www.ksc.re.kr/eng/},
+ receiveddate = {2007-07-00},
+ status = {invited},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Introduction to Numerical Relativity},
+ note = {Lectures given at KISTI Numerical Relativity summer
+ school in Pohang, South Korea: Part II: Analysis
+ Methods (Horizons and Gravitational Waves)},
+ month = {July},
+ year = 2007,
+ pdf = {doc/Pohang-2007-KISTI-Lecture-II.pdf},
+ url = {http://www.ksc.re.kr/eng/},
+ receiveddate = {2007-07-00},
+ status = {invited},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Introduction to Numerical Relativity},
+ note = {Lectures given at KISTI Numerical Relativity summer
+ school in Pohang, South Korea: Part III: Numerical
+ methods (Cactus and Mesh Refinement)},
+ month = {July},
+ year = 2007,
+ pdf = {doc/Pohang-2007-KISTI-Lecture-III.pdf},
+ url = {http://www.ksc.re.kr/eng/},
+ receiveddate = {2007-07-00},
+ status = {invited},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Cactus Concepts for Distributed {HPC} Applications},
+ note = {Invited talk given at the Distributed Programming
+ Abstractions Workshop of the 15th Mardi Gras
+ Conference in Baton Rouge, LA},
+ month = {January},
+ year = 2008,
+ pdf = {doc/BatonRouge-2008-MardiGras-CactusDistributed.pdf},
+ url = {http://www.mardigrasconference.org/},
+ receiveddate = {2008-01-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Formaline},
+ note = {Talk given to Numerical Relativity group at AEI in
+ Potsdam, Germany},
+ month = {October},
+ year = 2005,
+ pdf = {doc/Potsdam-2005-Formaline.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {2005-10-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {gnuplot},
+ note = {Tutorial given to LSU HPC users in Baton Rouge, LA},
+ month = {February},
+ year = 2006,
+ pdf = {doc/BatonRouge-2006-gnuplot.pdf},
+ url = {http://www.hpc.lsu.edu/},
+ receiveddate = {2006-02-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Instant Excision},
+ note = {Talk given at NFNR conference in Potsdam, Germany},
+ month = {July},
+ year = 2006,
+ pdf = {doc/Postdam-2006-NFNR-InstantExcision.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {2006-07-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {The {Cactus} Framework},
+ note = {Talk given at LSU booth at Supercomputing Conference
+ in Tampa, FL},
+ month = {November},
+ year = 2006,
+ pdf = {doc/Tampa-2006-Supercomputing-Cactus.pdf},
+ url = {http://sc06.supercomputing.org/},
+ receiveddate = {2006-11-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Obstacles in Numerical Calculations},
+ note = {Talk given at the workshop ``From geometry to
+ numerics'' in Paris, France},
+ month = {November},
+ year = 2006,
+ pdf = {doc/Paris-2006-Geometry-Obstacles.pdf},
+ url = {http://luth2.obspm.fr/IHP06/workshops/geomnum/},
+ receiveddate = {2006-11-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {{Cactus}/{Carpet}/{CCATIE} Performance Improvements},
+ note = {Talk given to Numerical Relativity group at AEI in
+ Potsdam, Germany},
+ month = {March},
+ year = 2007,
+ url = {http://numrel.aei.mpg.de/},
+ receiveddate = {2007-03-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Multi-block systems in numerical relativity},
+ note = {Talk given at APS April meeting in Jacksonville, FL},
+ month = {April},
+ year = 2007,
+ pdf = {doc/Jacksonville-2007-APS-MultiPatch.pdf},
+ url = {http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/APR07/},
+ receiveddate = {2007-04-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Singularity replacement for black hole evolutions},
+ note = {Talk given at East Coast Gravity Meeting in Ithaca,
+ NY},
+ month = {May},
+ year = 2007,
+ pdf = {doc/Ithaca-2007-EGM-Turduckening.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {2007-05-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {An Extensible Timing Infrastructure for Adaptive
+ Large-scale Applications},
+ note = {Talk given at PPAM conference in Gda{\'n}sk, Poland},
+ month = {September},
+ year = 2007,
+ pdf = {doc/Gdansk-2007-PPAM-TimingInfrastructure.pdf},
+ url = {http://www.ppam.pl/},
+ receiveddate = {2007-09-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {The {BBH} Factory: {Herding} Simulations},
+ note = {Talk given to LSU relativity group in Baton Rouge,
+ LA},
+ month = {October},
+ year = 2007,
+ pdf = {doc/BatonRouge-2007-BBHFactory.pdf},
+ url = {http://relativity.phys.lsu.edu/},
+ receiveddate = {2007-10-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Modern {Carpet}},
+ note = {Talk given to LSU relativity group in Baton Rouge,
+ LA},
+ month = {October},
+ year = 2007,
+ url = {http://relativity.phys.lsu.edu/},
+ receiveddate = {2007-10-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {{Cactus} Tools for Petascale Computing},
+ note = {Talk given at LSU booth at Supercomputing Conference
+ in Reno, NV},
+ month = {November},
+ year = 2007,
+ pdf = {doc/Reno-2007-Supercomputing-CactusPetascale.pdf},
+ url = {http://sc07.supercomputing.org/},
+ receiveddate = {2007-11-00},
+ status = {invited},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {The Final Spin of Black Hole Binaries},
+ note = {Talk given at the Center for Computational
+ Relativity and Gravitation in Rochester, NY},
+ month = {January},
+ year = 2008,
+ pdf = {doc/Rochester-2008-FinalSpin.pdf},
+ url = {http://ccrg.rit.edu/},
+ receiveddate = {2008-01-00},
+ status = {invited},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Modelling Black Hole Binary Mergers},
+ note = {Talk given at the Department of Physics and
+ Astronomy in Oxford, MS},
+ month = {February},
+ year = 2008,
+ pdf = {doc/Oxford-2008-ModellingBlackHoles.pdf},
+ url = {http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/physics_and_astronomy/},
+ receiveddate = {2008-02-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {A Case Study for Petascale Applications in
+ Astrophysics: Simulating Gamma-Ray Bursts},
+ note = {Talk given at the 15th Mardi Gras Conference in
+ Baton Rouge, LA},
+ month = {February},
+ year = 2008,
+ pdf = {doc/BatonRouge-2008-MardiGras-GammaRayBursts.pdf},
+ url = {http://www.mardigrasconference.org/},
+ receiveddate = {2008-02-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {{Alpaca}},
+ note = {Talk given at LSU},
+ month = {February},
+ year = 2008,
+ pdf = {doc/BatonRouge-2008-Alpaca.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {2008-02-21}
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Cactus: A Software Framework for High Performance
+ Computing},
+ note = {Tutorial given at LSU High Performance Computing
+ Workshop in Baton Rouge, LA},
+ month = {March},
+ year = 2008,
+ pdf = {doc/BatonRouge-2008-Cactus.pdf},
+ url = {http://www.hpc.lsu.edu/training/20080311/},
+ receiveddate = {2008-03-00},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Ian Hinder},
+ title = {{Kranc}: Automatic Code Generation for the {Cactus}
+ Framework},
+ note = {Talk given at the Workshop on Automating the
+ Development of Scientific Computing Software},
+ month = {March},
+ year = 2008,
+ pdf = {doc/BatonRouge-2008-WADSC-Kranc.pdf},
+ receiveddate = {2008-03-06},
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Peter Diener and Nils Dorband and Denis Pollney and
+ Christian. Reisswig and Luciano Rezzolla and
+ Jenniver Seiler and B{\'e}la Szil{\'a}gyi},
+ title = {The Final Spin of Black Hole Binaries},
+ note = {Talk given at APS April meeting in St.\ Louis, MO},
+ month = {April},
+ year = 2008,
+ receiveddate = {2008-04-13},
+@Comment add pdf
+ status = {invited},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Modelling black hole binary mergers},
+ note = {Talk given at Department of Physics \& Astronomy,
+ LSU, Baton Rouge, LA},
+ month = {April},
+ year = 2008,
+ receiveddate = {2008-04-22},
+@Comment add pdf
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Multi-Physics Coupling of {Einstein} and
+ Hydrodynamics Evolution: A Case Study of the
+ {Einstein} {Toolkit}},
+ note = {CBHPC 2008 (Component-Based High Performance
+ Computing)},
+ year = 2008,
+ receiveddate = {2008-05-26},
+@Comment add pdf
+ status = {invited},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Black Box Black Hole Binaries and Multi-Patch
+ {GRMHD}},
+ note = {Talk given at Caltech in Pasadena, CA},
+ month = {August},
+ year = 2008,
+ receiveddate = {2008-08-00},
+@Comment add pdf
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Mayank Tyagi},
+ title = {Application Toolkits: Multi-Patch Systems},
+ note = {Talk given at CyberTools All-Hands Meeting in Baton
+ Rouge, LA},
+ month = {August},
+ year = 2008,
+ receiveddate = {2008-08-21},
+@Comment add pdf
+ status = {invited},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {From Black Holes To Gamma-Ray Bursts: Issues in
+ Computational Relativistic Astrophysics},
+ note = {Talk given in School of Physics at Georgia Tech in
+ Atlanta, GA},
+ month = {November},
+ year = 2008,
+ receiveddate = {2008-11-06},
+@Comment add pdf
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Steven Brandt and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {From Black Holes To Gamma-Ray Bursts: {Cactus} on
+ {SiCortex}},
+ note = {Talk given at SiCortex and LSU booths at
+ Supercomputing Conference in Austin, TX},
+ month = {November},
+ year = 2008,
+ receiveddate = {2008-11-18},
+@Comment add pdf
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {{XiRel}: Cyberinfrastructure for Numerical
+ Relativity},
+ note = {Talk given at GA Tech booth at Supercomputing
+ Conference in Austin, TX},
+ month = {November},
+ year = 2008,
+ receiveddate = {2008-11-18},
+@Comment add pdf
+ status = {invited},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Between Application and System: Resilience
+ Mechanisms for the {Cactus} Software Framework},
+ note = {Talk given at Blue Waters/TeraGrid Fault Tolerance
+ Workshop ``Fault Tolerance for Extreme-Scale
+ Computing'' in Albuquerque, NM},
+ month = {March},
+ year = 2009,
+ receiveddate = {2009-03-20},
+@Comment add pdf
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {A Community Infrastructure for General Relativistic
+ {MHD} ({CIGR})},
+ note = {Talk given at the 5th Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting in
+ Baton Rouge, LA},
+ month = {April},
+ year = 2009,
+ url = {https://www.cct.lsu.edu/GCGM2009},
+ receiveddate = {2009-04-18},
+@Comment add pdf
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Cactus Framework},
+ note = {Talk given at CyberTools All-Hands Meeting in Baton
+ Rouge, LA},
+ month = {May},
+ year = 2009,
+ receiveddate = {2009-05-11},
+@Comment add pdf
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Gabrielle Allen and Werner Benger and Eloisa
+ Bentivegna and Alex Clary and Peter Diener and
+ Jinghua Ge and Robert Kooima and Oleg Korobkin and
+ Andrei Hutanu and Frank L{\"o}ffler and Kexi Liu and
+ Cornelius Toole and Ravi Paruchuri and Erik
+ Schnetter and Jian Tao},
+ title = {Large Scale Problem Solving Using Automated Code
+ Generation and Distributed Visualisation},
+ note = {Presentation given at Scale 2009 competition in
+ Shanghai, China},
+ month = {May},
+ year = 2009,
+ receiveddate = {2009-05-20},
+@Comment add pdf
+@Comment point to movie
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Eloisa Bentivegna and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Introduction to the {Cactus} Framework},
+ note = {Tutorial given at the International Conference on
+ Computational Science (ICCS) 2009 in Baton Rouge,
+ LA},
+ month = {May},
+ year = 2009,
+ receiveddate = {2009-05-24},
+@Comment add pdf?
+@Comment point to tutorial
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {{Carpet}: Status and Future Plans},
+ note = {Talk given at XiRel Workshop in Baton Rouge, LA},
+ month = {May},
+ year = 2009,
+ receiveddate = {2009-05-28},
+@Comment add pdf
+ status = {invited},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Steve Brandt},
+ title = {From Black Holes to {Gamma-Ray} {Bursts}},
+ note = {Webinar organised by SiCortex company},
+ month = {March},
+ year = 2009,
+ receiveddate = {2009-05-31},
+@Comment add pdf?
+@Comment point to SiCortex wikipedia entry?
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Numerical Relativity},
+ note = {Talk given at the {Beowulf} {Bootcamp} at LSU in
+ Baton Rouge, LA},
+ month = {June},
+ year = 2009,
+ receiveddate = {2009-06-16},
+@Comment add pdf?
+@Comment point to bootcamp
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Oleg Korobkin and Frank L{\"o}ffler and Erik
+ Schnetter},
+ title = {Introduction to the {Cactus} Framework},
+ note = {Tutorial given at TeraGrid 2009 conference in
+ Arlington, VA},
+ month = {June},
+ year = 2009,
+ receiveddate = {2009-06-22},
+@Comment add pdf?
+@Comment point to tutorial
+ status = {contributed},
+ author = {Oleg Korobkin and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Introduction to the {Cactus} Framework},
+ note = {Tutorial given to high school students at TeraGrid
+ 2009 conference in Arlington, VA},
+ month = {June},
+ year = 2009,
+ receiveddate = {2009-06-22},
+@Comment add pdf?
+@Comment point to tutorial
+ status = {webpage},
+ key = {Alpaca},
+ note = {{Alpaca}: {Cactus} tools for Application-Level
+ Profiling and Correctness Analysis},
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~eschnett/Alpaca/}
+ status = {webpage},
+ key = {BlueWaters},
+ note = {{Blue Waters} Petascale Computing System},
+ url = {http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/BlueWaters/}
+ status = {webpage},
+ key = {Cactus},
+ note = {{Cactus} Computational Toolkit},
+ url = {http://www.cactuscode.org/},
+ status = {webpage},
+ key = {Carpet},
+ note = {Mesh Refinement with {Carpet}},
+ url = {http://www.carpetcode.org/},
+ status = {webpage},
+ key = {CyberTools},
+ note = {{CyberTools}: {Louisiana's} Research Infrastructure
+ Improvement Strategy},
+ url = {http://cybertools.loni.org/},
+ status = {webpage},
+ key = {GRwiki},
+ note = {{GRwiki}: a repository of basic definitions and
+ formulas for gravitational physics},
+ url = {http://grwiki.physics.ncsu.edu/wiki/},
+ status = {webpage},
+ key = {Kranc},
+ note = {{Kranc}: Automated Code Generation},
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~eschnett/Kranc/}
+ status = {webpage},
+ key = {McLachlan},
+ note = {{McLachlan}, a Public {BSSN} Code},
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~eschnett/McLachlan/}
+ status = {webpage},
+ key = {SimFactory},
+ note = {{SimFactory}: Herding Numerical Simulations},
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~eschnett/SimFactory/}
+ status = {webpage},
+ key = {Whisky},
+ note = {{Whisky} --- the {EU} Network {GR} Hydrodynamics
+ code},
+ url = {http://www.whiskycode.org/},
+ status = {webpage},
+ key = {XiRel},
+ note = {{XiRel}: Cyberinfrastructure for Numerical Relativity},
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/xirel/},
diff --git a/doc/qc0-mclachlan-public.par b/doc/qc0-mclachlan-public.par
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df6b944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/qc0-mclachlan-public.par
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+Cactus::cctk_run_title = "QC-0"
+Cactus::cctk_full_warnings = yes
+Cactus::highlight_warning_messages = no
+Cactus::cctk_timer_output = "full"
+Cactus::terminate = "time"
+Cactus::cctk_final_time = 100.0
+ActiveThorns = "IOUtil"
+IO::out_dir = $parfile
+ActiveThorns = "AEILocalInterp"
+ActiveThorns = "Fortran"
+ActiveThorns = "LocalInterp"
+ActiveThorns = "LoopControl"
+ActiveThorns = "GenericFD"
+ActiveThorns = "GSL"
+ActiveThorns = "HDF5"
+ActiveThorns = "Slab"
+ActiveThorns = "InitBase"
+ActiveThorns = "Carpet CarpetLib CarpetInterp CarpetReduce CarpetSlab"
+Carpet::verbose = no
+Carpet::schedule_barriers = no
+Carpet::veryverbose = no
+Carpet::storage_verbose = no
+Carpet::timers_verbose = no
+CarpetLib::output_bboxes = no
+Carpet::domain_from_coordbase = yes
+Carpet::max_refinement_levels = 10
+driver::ghost_size = 3
+Carpet::use_buffer_zones = yes
+Carpet::prolongation_order_space = 5
+Carpet::prolongation_order_time = 2
+Carpet::convergence_level = 0
+Carpet::init_3_timelevels = yes
+Carpet::poison_new_timelevels = yes
+CarpetLib::poison_new_memory = yes
+Carpet::output_timers_every = 512
+CarpetLib::print_timestats_every = 512
+CarpetLib::print_memstats_every = 512
+ActiveThorns = "NaNChecker"
+NaNChecker::check_every = 1 # 512
+NaNChecker::action_if_found = "just warn"
+NaNChecker::check_vars = "
+ ML_BSSN::ML_Gamma
+ ML_BSSN::ML_lapse
+ ML_BSSN::ML_shift
+ ML_BSSN::ML_log_confac
+ ML_BSSN::ML_metric
+ ML_BSSN::ML_trace_curv
+ ML_BSSN::ML_curv
+ ADMBase::metric
+ ADMBase::curv
+ ADMBase::lapse
+ ADMBase::shift
+ ADMBase::dtlapse
+ ADMBase::dtshift
+ActiveThorns = "Boundary CartGrid3D CoordBase ReflectionSymmetry RotatingSymmetry180 SymBase"
+CoordBase::domainsize = "minmax"
+CoordBase::xmin = 0.00
+CoordBase::ymin = -120.00
+CoordBase::zmin = 0.00
+CoordBase::xmax = +120.00
+CoordBase::ymax = +120.00
+CoordBase::zmax = +120.00
+CoordBase::dx = 2.00
+CoordBase::dy = 2.00
+CoordBase::dz = 2.00
+CoordBase::boundary_size_x_lower = 3
+CoordBase::boundary_size_y_lower = 3
+CoordBase::boundary_size_z_lower = 3
+CoordBase::boundary_size_x_upper = 3
+CoordBase::boundary_size_y_upper = 3
+CoordBase::boundary_size_z_upper = 3
+CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_x_lower = 1
+CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_z_lower = 1
+CartGrid3D::type = "coordbase"
+ReflectionSymmetry::reflection_z = yes
+ReflectionSymmetry::avoid_origin_z = no
+ActiveThorns = "SphericalSurface"
+SphericalSurface::nsurfaces = 1
+SphericalSurface::maxntheta = 39
+SphericalSurface::maxnphi = 76
+SphericalSurface::ntheta [0] = 39
+SphericalSurface::nphi [0] = 76
+SphericalSurface::nghoststheta[0] = 2
+SphericalSurface::nghostsphi [0] = 2
+ActiveThorns = "CarpetMask"
+CarpetMask::verbose = yes
+CarpetMask::excluded_surface [0] = 0
+CarpetMask::excluded_surface_factor[0] = 1.0
+ActiveThorns = "CarpetRegrid2 CarpetTracker"
+CarpetTracker::surface[0] = 0
+CarpetRegrid2::regrid_every = 128
+CarpetRegrid2::freeze_unaligned_levels = yes
+CarpetRegrid2::symmetry_rotating180 = yes
+CarpetRegrid2::verbose = yes
+CarpetRegrid2::num_centres = 1
+CarpetRegrid2::num_levels_1 = 5
+CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[1] = 64.0
+CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[2] = 16.0
+CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[3] = 8.0
+CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[4] = 4.0
+ActiveThorns = "MoL Time"
+MoL::ODE_Method = "RK4"
+MoL::MoL_Intermediate_Steps = 4
+MoL::MoL_Num_Scratch_Levels = 1
+Time::dtfac = 0.40
+ActiveThorns = "ADMBase ADMCoupling ADMMacros CoordGauge SpaceMask StaticConformal TmunuBase"
+ADMMacros::spatial_order = 4
+ActiveThorns = "Exact"
+ADMBase::metric_type = "physical"
+ADMBase::initial_data = "exact"
+ADMBase::initial_lapse = "exact"
+ADMBase::initial_shift = "exact"
+ADMBase::initial_dtlapse = "zero"
+ADMBase::initial_dtshift = "zero"
+Exact::exact_model = "Kerr/Kerr-Schild"
+Exact::Kerr_KerrSchild__mass = 1.0
+Exact::Kerr_KerrSchild__spin = 0.8
+ActiveThorns = "ML_BSSN ML_BSSN_Helper"
+ADMBase::evolution_method = "ML_BSSN"
+ADMBase::lapse_evolution_method = "ML_BSSN"
+ADMBase::shift_evolution_method = "ML_BSSN"
+ML_BSSN::harmonicN = 1 # 1+log
+ML_BSSN::harmonicF = 2.0 # 1+log
+ML_BSSN::ShiftGammaCoeff = 0.75
+ML_BSSN::BetaDriver = 1.0
+ML_BSSN::LapseAdvectionCoeff = 1.0
+ML_BSSN::ShiftAdvectionCoeff = 1.0
+ML_BSSN::my_boundary_condition = "Minkowski"
+ML_BSSN::ML_log_confac_bound = "none"
+ML_BSSN::ML_metric_bound = "none"
+ML_BSSN::ML_Gamma_bound = "none"
+ML_BSSN::ML_trace_curv_bound = "none"
+ML_BSSN::ML_curv_bound = "none"
+ML_BSSN::ML_lapse_bound = "none"
+ML_BSSN::ML_dtlapse_bound = "none"
+ML_BSSN::ML_shift_bound = "none"
+ML_BSSN::ML_dtshift_bound = "none"
+ActiveThorns = "Dissipation"
+Dissipation::order = 5
+Dissipation::vars = "
+ ML_BSSN::ML_Gamma
+ ML_BSSN::ML_lapse
+ ML_BSSN::ML_shift
+ ML_BSSN::ML_log_confac
+ ML_BSSN::ML_metric
+ ML_BSSN::ML_trace_curv
+ ML_BSSN::ML_curv
+ActiveThorns = "ADMConstraints"
+ADMConstraints::constraints_persist = yes
+ADMConstraints::constraints_timelevels = 3
+ActiveThorns = "AHFinderDirect"
+AHFinderDirect::find_every = 128
+AHFinderDirect::run_at_CCTK_POST_RECOVER_VARIABLES = no
+AHFinderDirect::move_origins = yes
+AHFinderDirect::reshape_while_moving = yes
+AHFinderDirect::predict_origin_movement = yes
+AHFinderDirect::geometry_interpolator_name = "Lagrange polynomial interpolation"
+AHFinderDirect::geometry_interpolator_pars = "order=4"
+AHFinderDirect::surface_interpolator_name = "Lagrange polynomial interpolation"
+AHFinderDirect::surface_interpolator_pars = "order=4"
+AHFinderDirect::output_h_every = 0
+AHFinderDirect::N_horizons = 1
+AHFinderDirect::initial_guess__coord_sphere__radius[1] = 2.0
+AHFinderDirect::which_surface_to_store_info [1] = 0
+AHFinderDirect::reset_horizon_after_not_finding [1] = no
+ActiveThorns = "CarpetIOBasic"
+IOBasic::outInfo_every = 128
+IOBasic::outInfo_reductions = "norm2"
+IOBasic::outInfo_vars = "
+ Carpet::timing
+ ADMConstraints::ham
+ActiveThorns = "CarpetIOScalar"
+IOScalar::one_file_per_group = yes
+IOScalar::outScalar_every = 128
+IOScalar::outScalar_vars = "
+ CarpetReduce::weight
+ ADMBase::metric
+ ADMBase::curv
+ ADMBase::lapse
+ ADMBase::shift
+ ADMBase::dtlapse
+ ADMBase::dtshift
+ ADMConstraints::hamiltonian
+ ADMConstraints::momentum
+ActiveThorns = "CarpetIOASCII"
+IOASCII::one_file_per_group = yes
+IOASCII::output_symmetry_points = no
+IOASCII::out3D_ghosts = no
+IOASCII::out0D_every = 128
+IOASCII::out0D_vars = "
+ Carpet::timing
+ CarpetReduce::weight
+ ADMBase::metric
+ ADMBase::curv
+ ADMBase::lapse
+ ADMBase::shift
+ ADMBase::dtlapse
+ ADMBase::dtshift
+ ADMConstraints::hamiltonian
+ ADMConstraints::momentum
+IOASCII::out1D_every = 128
+IOASCII::out1D_vars = "
+ CarpetReduce::weight
+ ADMBase::metric
+ ADMBase::curv
+ ADMBase::lapse
+ ADMBase::shift
+ ADMBase::dtlapse
+ ADMBase::dtshift
+ ADMConstraints::hamiltonian
+ ADMConstraints::momentum
+IOASCII::out2D_every = 128
+IOASCII::out2D_vars = "
+ SphericalSurface::sf_radius
+Activethorns = "CarpetIOHDF5"
+IOHDF5::out_every = 512
+IOHDF5::one_file_per_group = yes
+IOHDF5::output_symmetry_points = no
+IOHDF5::out3D_ghosts = no
+IOHDF5::compression_level = 1
+IOHDF5::use_checksums = yes
+IOHDF5::out_vars = "
+ CarpetReduce::weight
+ ADMConstraints::hamiltonian
+IOHDF5::checkpoint = yes
+IO::checkpoint_dir = $parfile
+IO::checkpoint_ID = yes
+IO::checkpoint_every_walltime_hours = 6.0
+IO::checkpoint_on_terminate = yes
+IO::recover = "autoprobe"
+IO::recover_dir = $parfile
+ActiveThorns = "Formaline"
+ActiveThorns = "TimerReport"
+TimerReport::out_every = 512
+TimerReport::out_filename = "TimerReport"
+TimerReport::output_all_timers_together = yes
+TimerReport::output_all_timers_readable = yes
+TimerReport::n_top_timers = 20
diff --git a/doc/qc0-mclachlan-public.th b/doc/qc0-mclachlan-public.th
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28b604a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/qc0-mclachlan-public.th
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+!REPOSITORY_LOCATION cvs.cactuscode.org
+!REPOSITORY_LOCATION cvs.cactuscode.org
+!REPOSITORY_NAME /cactusdevcvs
+!REPOSITORY_LOCATION cvs.cactuscode.org
+!REPOSITORY_NAME /arrangements
+!REPOSITORY_TYPE svn:https://
+!REPOSITORY_LOCATION svn.aei.mpg.de
+!REPOSITORY_TYPE svn:https://
+!REPOSITORY_LOCATION svn.aei.mpg.de
+!REPOSITORY_NAME /eScience/@ARRANGEMENT@/Cactus/Thorns/@THORN@/trunk
+!REPOSITORY_LOCATION cvs.cct.lsu.edu
+!REPOSITORY_TYPE svn:https://
+!REPOSITORY_LOCATION svn.cct.lsu.edu
diff --git a/doc/references.bib b/doc/references.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e367a8c
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@@ -0,0 +1,29368 @@
+% numrel group bibtex file
+% $Header: /numrelcvs/bibtex/references.bib,v 1.1713 2008/05/24 13:37:31 bzink Exp $
+%%%%% Instructions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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+% remove an entry, existing papers won't latex any more.
+% -- Never remove fields from entries. Someone may need this field, and
+% the generated reference is then missing critical information.
+% Worse, that may go unnoticed for a long time, e.g. when a revised
+% version is sent to the referee.
+% -- If an entry doesn't look nice in your references, don't change the
+% entry just to make it look nice. It is likely that your changes
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+% <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX> for instructions.)
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+% -- In general, do not add a "key" field to your entries. The "key"
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+% "[key]" instead of "[42]" in the paper. Unless you really want to
+% use this feature, don't add keys. In particular, don't add keys with
+% underscores, which lead to latex errors.
+% -- In spite of the above, please do update references that are
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+% error, or you have additional information for that entry (e.g. an
+% eprint number or a URL). It is okay to change a references
+% substantially when a preprint has been published.
+% And here are some rules of minor importance.
+% - If you want to add an eprint number, use an "eprint" field.
+% - If an article has not been published yet, then it should not be
+% declared as "Article". You should probably use "Unpublished"
+% instead. This is necessary because published articles are
+% sometimes only listed with their journal information and without
+% eprint information. This does obviously not work for preprints:
+% this produces then citations like "[42] J. Baker (2007)" which are
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+% - If you want to add a URL, use a "url" field. URLs in "url" fields
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+% - We usually create keys of the form "last name of first author",
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+% - Try to avoid adding one-time entries, e.g. for "private
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+% is distributed with your paper. You can use several bibtex files
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+% - Keep the entries sorted. (I don't know why I have to mention this
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+% - Before you commit, run bibtex at least once to make sure that there
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+% - If you find yourself using bibtex a lot, consider reading some
+% documentation, e.g. starting from
+% <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX>.
+%%%%% Journals %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%% A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ author = "Abbott, B. and others",
+ collaboration = "LIGO",
+ title = "Coherent searches for periodic gravitational waves from
+ unknown isolated sources and Scorpius {X-1}: Results from the
+ second LIGO science run",
+ year = "2006",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0605028",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0605028;%%"
+ author = "Abbott, B. and others",
+ collaboration = "LIGO",
+ title = "Joint LIGO and TAMA300 search for gravitational waves from
+ inspiralling neutron star binaries",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "73",
+ year = "2006",
+ pages = "102002",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0512078",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0512078;%%"
+ key = {Abel97a},
+ author = {T. Abel and Peter Anninos and Y. Zhang and
+ M. L. Norman},
+ title = {Modeling Primordial Gas in Numerical Cosmology},
+ journal = {New Astronomy},
+ year = 1997,
+ volume = 2,
+ number = 3,
+ pages = 181
+ key = {Abel97b},
+ author = {Tom Abel and Peter Anninos and Michael L. Norman and
+ Yu Zhang},
+ title = {First Structure Formation: {I}. Primordial Star
+ Forming Regions in Hierarchical Models},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = 1998,
+ volume = 508,
+ eprint = {astro-ph/9705131},
+ pages = {518-529}
+ key = {Abel97c},
+ author = {T. Abel and A. Stebbins and Peter Anninos and
+ M. L. Norman},
+ title = {First Structure Formation: {II}. Cosmic String + Hot
+ Dark Matter Models},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = 1998,
+ volume = 508,
+ eprint = {astro-ph/9706262},
+ pages = {530-534}
+% copied by Joe 4/20/94
+ key = {Abrahams88},
+ author = {Andrew Abrahams},
+ title = {The Synergism of Analytic and Numerical Techniques
+ in General Relativity: Calculation of Radiative
+ Spacetimes},
+ school = {University of Illinois},
+ year = 1988,
+ address = {Urbana, Illinois},
+ X-note = "{U}niversity {M}icrofilms \#DA 89-08603"
+ key = {Abrahams88b},
+ author = {Andrew Abrahams and C. Evans},
+ title = {Reading off Gravitational Radiation Waveforms in
+ Numerical Relativity Calculations: Matching to
+ Linearised Gravity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1988,
+ volume = 37,
+ pages = {318-332}
+%Copied by Karen 4/20/94
+ key = {Abrahams89},
+ author = {Andrew Abrahams},
+ title = {Analytic-Numerical Matching for Gravitational
+ Waveform Extraction},
+ editor = {C. Evans and L. Finn and D. Hobill},
+ booktitle = {Frontiers in Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ year = 1989
+% copied by Joe 4/20/94
+ key = {Abrahams90},
+ author = {Andrew Abrahams and C. Evans},
+ title = {Gauge Invariant Treatment of Gravitational Radiation
+ Near the Source: Analysis and Numerical Simulations},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1990,
+ volume = 42,
+ pages = {2585-2594}
+ key = {Abrahams92a},
+ author = {A. Abrahams and D. Bernstein and D. Hobill and
+ E. Seidel and L. Smarr},
+ title = {Numerically Generated Black Hole Spacetimes:
+ Interaction with Gravitational Waves},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 45,
+ year = 1992,
+ pages = {3544-3558}
+% copied by Joe 4/20/94
+ key = {Abrahams92b},
+ author = {Andrew M. Abrahams and Charles R. Evans},
+ title = {Trapping a Geon: Black Hole Formation by an
+ Imploding Gravitational Wave},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 46,
+ year = 1992,
+ pages = {R4117-R4121}
+ author = "Andrew M. Abrahams and Karen R. Heiderich and Stuart
+ L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky",
+ title = "Vacuum Initial Data, Singularities, and Cosmic
+ Censorship",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 46,
+ number = 6,
+ year = 1992,
+ month = "15 September",
+ pages = "2452-2463",
+ url = "http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v46/p2452",
+ doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.46.2452",
+% copied by Joe 4/20/94
+ key = {Abrahams93a},
+ author = {Andrew M. Abrahams and Charles R. Evans},
+ title = {Critical Behavior and Scaling in Vacuum Axisymmetric
+ Gravitational Collapse},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = 70,
+ year = 1993,
+ pages = 2980
+ author = "Andrew M. Abrahams",
+ title = "Universality in Axisymmeric Vacuum Collapse",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 49,
+ number = 8,
+ year = 1994,
+ month = "15 April",
+ pages = "3998-4003",
+ key = {Abrahams94a},
+ author = {Andrew M. Abrahams and Gregory B. Cook and Stuart
+ L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky},
+ title = {Solving {E}instein's Equations for Rotating
+ Spacetimes: Evolution of Relativistic Star Clusters},
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+ key = {Abrahams94b},
+ author = {A. Abrahams},
+ title = {The No Boundary Proposal},
+ editor = {editor},
+ booktitle = {Numerical Relativity Conference},
+ publisher = {Grand Challenge Meeting, NCSA, Champaign, November,
+ 1994},
+ year = 1994
+ author = {A. Abrahams and G. Cook},
+ title = {Collisions of Boosted Black Holes: Perturbation
+ Theory Prediction of Gravitational Radiation},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1994,
+ volume = 50,
+ pages = {R2364}
+ author = {A. Abrahams and A. Anderson and Y. Choquet-Bruhat
+ and J. York},
+ title = {{E}instein and {Y}ang-{M}ills theories in hyperbolic
+ form without gauge-fixing},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = 1995,
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+ author = {A. Abrahams and R. Price},
+ title = {Applying black hole perturbation theory to
+ numerically generated spacetimes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1996,
+ volume = 53,
+ pages = 163
+ author = {A. Abrahams and R. Price},
+ title = {Black-hole collisions from {B}rill-{L}indquist
+ initial data: Predictions of perturbation theory},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1996,
+ volume = 53,
+ number = 4,
+ pages = {1972-1976}
+ author = "Andrew M. Abrahams and Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A.
+ Teukolsky",
+ title = "Calculation of gravitational wave forms from black
+ hole collisions and disk collapse: Applying
+ perturbation theory to numerical space-times",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
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+ year = 1995,
+ pages = "4295-4301",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9408036",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = PHRVA,D51,4295;%%",
+ author = {Andrew Abrahams and Arlen Anderson and Yvonne
+ Choquet-Bruhat and James York},
+ title = {A non-strictly hyperbolic system for the {E}instein
+ equations with arbitrary lapse and shift},
+ journal = {C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris},
+ volume = {t. 323, Serie II},
+ year = 1996,
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+ author = {A. M. Abrahams and L. Rezzolla and M. E. Rupright
+ and A. Anderson and Peter Anninos and Thomas
+ W. Baumgarte and N. T. Bishop and S. R. Brandt and
+ J. C. Browne and K. Camarda and M. W. Choptuik and
+ Gregory B. Cook and R. R. Correll and C. R. Evans
+ and L. S. Finn and G. C. Fox and R. G{\'o}mez and
+ T. Haupt and M. F. Huq and L. E. Kidder and
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+ P. E. Saylor and Mark A. Scheel and E. Seidel and
+ Stuart L. Shapiro and D. Shoemaker and L. Smarr and
+ B. Szil{\'a}gyi and Saul A. Teukolsky and
+ M. H. P. M. van Putten and P. Walker and J. Winicour
+ and J. W. York, Jr},
+ title = {Gravitational wave extraction and outer boundary
+ conditions by perturbative matching },
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = 1998,
+ volume = 80,
+ pages = {1812-1815},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9709082}
+ author = {Andrew Abrahams and Arlen Anderson and Yvonne
+ Choquet-Bruhat and James York},
+ title = {Geometrical Hyperbolic Systems for General
+ Relavitity and Gauge Theories},
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+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1978A%26A....63..221A},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {O.D. Aguiar and {\it et al.}},
+ title = {The Gravitational Wave Detector "Mario Schenberg": Status of the Project},
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+ title = "Bifurcation and Fine Structure Phenomena
+ in Critical Collapse of a Self-Gravitating $\sigma$-Field",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0512136",
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+ author = "Ajith, P. and others",
+ title = "A template bank for gravitational waveforms from coalescing
+ binary black holes: I. non-spinning binaries",
+ year = "2007",
+ eprint = "arXiv:0710.2335 [gr-qc]",
+ author = "Ajith, Parameswaran and others",
+ title = "Phenomenological template family for black-hole coalescence
+ waveforms",
+ journal = "Class. Quant. Grav.",
+ volume = "24",
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+ pages = "S689-S700",
+ eprint = "arXiv:0704.3764 [gr-qc]",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:0704.3764;%%"
+ author = "Ajith, P.",
+ title = "Gravitational-wave data analysis using binary black-hole
+ waveforms",
+ year = "2007",
+ eprint = "arXiv:0712.0343 [gr-qc]",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:0712.0343;%%"
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Bernard Schutz},
+ title = {Time--Symmetric {ADI} and Causal Reconnection: Stable
+Numerical Techniques for Hyperbolic Systems on Moving Grids},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ journal = {J. Comput. Phys.},
+ year = {1994},
+ volume = {112},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {44},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Bernard Schutz},
+ title = {Numerical instabilities associated with gauge modes},
+ editor = {R. T. Jantzen and G. M. Keiser and R. Ruffini},
+ booktitle = {The Seventh {M}arcel {G}rossmann Meeting: On Recent
+ Developments in Theoretical and Experimental
+ General Relativity, Gravitation, and
+ Relativistic Field Theories},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ year = {1996},
+ pages = {611}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre},
+ title = {The appearance of coordinate shocks in hyperbolic
+ formulations of General Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1997},
+ volume = {55},
+ pages = {5981-5991},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9609015}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Joan Mass{\'o}},
+ title = {Pathologies of hyperbolic gauges in general
+ relativity and other field theories},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {57},
+ number = {8},
+ year = {1998},
+ pages = {R4511-R4515},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9709024},
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and S. R. Brandt and B. Br{\"u}gmann and
+ C. Gundlach and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and P. Walker},
+ title = {Test-beds and applications for apparent horizon
+ finders in numerical relativity},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 2000,
+ volume = 17,
+ pages = {2159--2190},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9809004},
+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/17/11/301},
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and S. R. Brandt and
+ B. Br{\"u}gmann and D. Holz and E. Seidel and
+ R. Takahashi and J. Thornburg},
+ title = {Symmetry without Symmetry: Numerical Simulation of
+ Axisymmetric Systems using {C}artesian Grids},
+ journal = {Int. J. Mod. Phys. D},
+ volume = {10},
+ number = {3},
+ year = 2001,
+ pages = {273-289},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9908012},
+ url = {http://ejournals.worldscientific.com.sg/
+ ijmpd/10/1003/S0218271801000834.html},
+ doi = "10.1142/S0218271801000834",
+ x-note = "cartoon paper",
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and S. R. Brandt and B. Br{\"u}gmann and D. Holz
+ and E. Seidel and R. Takahashi and J. Thornburg},
+ title = {Symmetry without Symmetry: Numerical Simulation of
+ Axisymmetric Systems using {C}artesian Grids},
+ journal = {Int. J. Mod. Phys. D},
+ volume = {10}, number = {3},
+ year = 2001,
+ pages = {273-289},
+ note = {gr-qc/9908012},
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and G. Allen and B. Br{\"u}gmann and
+ G. Lanfermann and E. Seidel
+ and W.-M. Suen and M. Tobias},
+ title = {Gravitational collapse of gravitational waves in {3D}
+ numerical relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {61},
+ year = {2000},
+ pages = {041501 (R)},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9904013}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and B. Br{\"u}gmann and M. Miller
+ and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {A Conformal Hyperbolic Formulation of the {E}instein Equations},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {60},
+ year = 1999,
+ pages = 064017,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9903030}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann and Thomas Dramlitsch
+ and Jos{\'e} A. Font and Philippos Papadopoulos and Edward Seidel
+ and Nikolaos Stergioulas and Ryoji Takahashi},
+ title = {Towards a stable numerical evolution of strongly gravitating
+ systems in general relativity: The conformal treatments},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {62},
+ year = 2000,
+ pages = 044034,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0003071}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Gabrielle Allen and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann and
+ Edward Seidel and Wai-Mo Suen},
+ title = {Towards an understanding of the stability properties
+ of the 3+1 evolution equations in general relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {62},
+ year = 2000,
+ pages = 124011,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9908079}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann},
+ title = {Simple excision of a black hole in 3+1 numerical relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {63},
+ year = 2001,
+ pages = 104006,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0008067}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and W. Benger and B. Br{\"u}gmann and G. Lanfermann and
+ L. Nerger and E. Seidel and R. Takahashi},
+ title = {{3D} {G}razing {C}ollision of {T}wo {B}lack {H}oles},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = {87},
+ pages = {271103},
+ year = {2001},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0012079}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann and Denis Pollney
+ and Edward Seidel and Ryoji Takahashi},
+ title = {Black hole excision for dynamic black holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {64},
+ pages = {061501(R)},
+ year = {2001},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0104020}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann and Peter Diener and
+ Michael Koppitz and Denis Pollney and Edward Seidel and Ryoji Takahashi},
+ title = "Gauge conditions for long-term numerical black hole
+ evolutions without excision",
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {67},
+ pages = {084023},
+ year = 2003,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0206072}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre},
+ title = "Hyperbolic slicings of spacetime: singularity
+ avoidance and gauge shocks",
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 20,
+ number = 4,
+ pages = {607--624},
+ year = 2003,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0210050}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and F. Siddhartha Guzm{\'a}n and
+ Tonatiuh Matos and Dar{\'\i}o N{\'u}{\~n}ez and L.
+ Arturo Ure{\~n}a-L{\'o}pez and Petra Wiederhold},
+ title = {Galactic collapse of scalar field dark matter},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 19,
+ number = 19,
+ pages = {5017--5024},
+ year = 2002
+ author = "Miguel Alcubierre and Alejandro Corichi
+ and Jos{\'e} A. Gonz{\'a}lez and Dar{\'\i}o N{\'u}{\~n}ez
+ and Marcelo Salgado",
+ title = "A hyperbolic slicing condition
+ adapted to Killing fields and densitized lapses",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 20, number = 18,
+ pages = "3951--3968",
+ year = 2003, month = "21 September",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0303069",
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and A. Corichi and
+ J. A. Gonz{\'a}lez and D. N{\'u}{\~n}ez and M. Salgado},
+ title = {Hyperbolicity of the {KST} formulation of {E}instein's
+ equations coupled to a modified {B}ona-{M}asso
+ slicing condition},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {67},
+ pages = {104021},
+ year = {2003},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0303086}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Gabrielle Allen and Thomas
+ W. Baumgarte and Carles Bona and David Fiske and Tom
+ Goodale and Francisco Siddhartha Guzm{\'a}n and Ian
+ Hawke and Scott Hawley and Sascha Husa and Michael
+ Koppitz and Christiane Lechner and Lee Lindblom and
+ Denis Pollney and David Rideout and Marcelo Salgado
+ and Erik Schnetter and Edward Seidel and Hisa-aki
+ Shinkai and Deirdre Shoemaker and B{\'e}la Szil{\'a}gyi
+ and Ryoji Takahashi and Jeffrey Winicour},
+ title = {Towards standard testbeds for numerical relativity},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 21,
+ number = 2,
+ pages = {589--613},
+ year = 2004,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0305023}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann
+ and Peter Diener and Francisco Siddhartha Guzm{\'a}n
+ and Ian Hawke and Scott Hawley and Frank Herrmann
+ and Michael Koppitz and Denis Pollney and Edward Seidel
+ and Jonathan Thornburg},
+ title = "Dynamical evolution of quasi-circular binary black hole data",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ year = 2005, month = "5 August",
+ volume = 72,
+ pages = "044004",
+ url = "http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v72/e044004",
+ doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.72.044004",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0411149",
+ }
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Peter Diener
+ and Francisco Siddhartha Guzm{\'a}n
+ and Scott Hawley and Michael Koppitz and Denis Pollney
+ and Edward Seidel},
+ title = "Shift {C}onditions for {O}rbiting {B}inaries
+ in {N}umerical {R}elativity",
+ note = "in preparation",
+ year = 2006
+ }
+ author = "Miguel Alcubierre and Gabrielle Allen and Carles
+ Bona and David Fiske and Tom Goodale and
+ F. Siddharta Guzm{\'a}n and Ian Hawke and Scott
+ H. Hawley and Sascha Husa and Michael Koppitz and
+ Christiane Lechner and Denis Pollney and David
+ Rideout and Marcelo Salgado and Erik Schnetter and
+ Edward Seidel and Hisa-aki Shinkai and Bela Szilagyi
+ and Deirdre Shoemaker and Ryoji Takahashi and
+ Jeffrey Winicour",
+ title = "Toward standard testbeds for numerical relativity",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 21,
+ year = 2004,
+ pages = 589,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0305023"
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann and Peter Diener
+ and Frank Herrmann and Denis Pollney and Edward Seidel and
+ Ryoji Takahashi},
+ title = "Testing excision techniques
+ for dynamical {3D} black hole evolutions",
+ X-note = "submitted to Phys. Rev. D",
+ year = 2004,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0411137},
+ }
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and J. A. Gonz{\'a}lez},
+ title = {Regularization of spherically symmetric evolution codes
+ in numerical relativity},
+ journal = {Comp. Phys. Comm.},
+ volume = {167},
+ pages = {76-84},
+ year = {2005},
+ note = {gr-qc/0401113}
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann
+ and Peter Diener and Francisco Siddhartha Guzm{\'a}n
+ and Ian Hawke and Scott Hawley and Frank Herrmann
+ and Michael Koppitz and Denis Pollney and Edward Seidel
+ and Jonathan Thornburg},
+ title = "Dynamical evolution of quasi-circular binary black hole
+ data",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "72", number = 4,
+ year = "2005",
+ pages = "044004",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0411149",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0411149;%%"
+ author = " Miguel Alcubierre and Alejandro Corichi and
+ Jos{\'e} A. Gonz{\'a}lez and Dar{\'\i}o
+ N{\'u}{\~n}ez and Bernd Reimann and Marcelo Salgado",
+ title = "Generalized harmonic spatial coordinates and
+ hyperbolic shift conditions",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 72,
+ year = 2005,
+ pages = 124018,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0507007",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0507007;%%"
+ author = "Alcubierre, Miguel",
+ title = "Are gauge shocks really shocks?",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = "22",
+ year = "2005",
+ pages = "4071-4082",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0503030",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0503030;%%"
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann and Peter Diener
+ and F. Siddhartha Guzm{\'a}n and Ian Hawke and Scott Hawley
+ and Frank Herrmann and Michael Koppitz and Denis Pollney
+ and Edward Seidel and Ryoji Takahashi and Jonathan Thornburg
+ and Jason Ventrella},
+ title = "Dynamical evolution of orbiting binary black hole data:
+ Comparison of different codes",
+ note = "in preparation"
+ }
+ author = "Miguel Alcubierre and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann and Peter
+ Diener and Frank Herrmann and Denis Pollney and
+ Edward Seidel and Ryoji Takahashi",
+ title = "Testing excision techniques for dynamical 3D black
+ hole evolutions",
+ year = 2004,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0411137",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0411137;%%"
+ key = {Alekseenko02},
+ author = {Alexander Alekseenko and Douglas Arnold},
+ title = {A new symmetric hyperbolic formulation for the {E}instein equations},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {68},
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+ year = 2003,
+ note = {gr-qc/0210071}
+ author = {D. Alic},
+ title = {Toward the Numerical Implementation of Well-Posed, Constraint Preserving Evolution Systems for General Relativity},
+ school = {University of Timisoara},
+ year = {2005}
+ author = "S. Alinhac",
+ title = "Blowup for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations",
+ publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user},
+ address = "Boston, USA",
+ year = 1995,
+ author = {},
+ year = {},
+ note = {For the Binary Black Hole Grand Challenge, see www.npac.syr.edu/projects/bh/}
+ author = {B. Allen and J. K. Blackburn and P. R. Brady and J. D. E.
+ Creighton and T. Creighton and S. Droz and A. D. Gillespie and S. A.
+ Hughes and S. Kawamura and T. T. Lyons and J. E. Mason and B. J. Owen
+ and F. J. Raab and M. W. Regehr and B. S. Sathyaprakash and
+ {Savage Jr.}, R. L. and S. Whitcomb and A. G. Wiseman},
+ title = {Observational Limit on Gravitational Waves from Binary Neutron
+ Stars in the Galaxy},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = {83},
+ pages = {1498},
+ year = {1999},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9903108}
+ author = {Bruce Allen and Jolien D. E. Creighton {\'E}anna {\'E}. Flanagan
+ and Joseph D. Romano},
+ title = {Robust statistics for deterministic and stochastic gravitational
+ waves in non-Gaussian noise},
+ journal = {submitted to Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2001},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0105100}
+ key = {Allen92a},
+ author = {G. Allen and B.F. Schutz},
+ title = {An {ADI} Scheme for a Black Hole Problem},
+ booktitle = {Approaches to Numerical Relativity},
+ editor = {R. d'Inverno},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge},
+ year = {1992},
+ key = {Allen94a},
+ author = {G. Allen},
+ title = {Numerical Relativists Illuminate Black Holes},
+ journal = {Physics World},
+ volume = 7,
+ number = 1,
+ year = 1994
+ key = {Allen96a},
+ author = {G. Allen and Miguel Alcubierre and S. Farrar and B.F. Schutz and L.A. Wild},
+ title = {Modeling Moving Black Holes},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th {M}arcel {G}rossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Stanford 24-30 July 1994},
+ editor = {R. Jantzen},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ year = {1996},
+ key = {Allen97a},
+ author = {G. Allen and K. Camarda and E. Seidel},
+ title = {Evolution of distorted black holes: A Perturbative Approach},
+ year = 1998,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9806014, submitted to Phys. Rev. D}
+ key = {Allen98a},
+ author = {G. Allen and K. Camarda and E. Seidel},
+ title = {{3D} Black Hole Spectroscopy: Determining Waveforms from {3D} Excited Black Holes},
+ year = 1998,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9806036}
+ key = {Allen98c},
+ author = {G. Allen and N. Andersson and K.~D. Kokkotas and B.~F. Schutz},
+ title = {Gravitational waves from pulsating stars: Evolving the perturbation equations for a relativistic star},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {58},
+ pages = {124012},
+ year = 1998
+ key = {Allen99a},
+ author = {G. Allen and T. Goodale and E. Seidel},
+ title = {The Cactus Computational Collaboratory:
+ Enabling Technologies for Relativistic Astrophysics, and a
+ Toolkit for Solving PDEs by Communities in
+ Science and Engineering},
+ booktitle = {7th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel
+ Computation-Frontiers 99},
+ address = {New York},
+ publisher = {IEEE},
+ year = 1999
+ key = {Allen99b},
+ author = {G. Allen and T. Goodale and G. Lanfermann and T. Radke and E. Seidel and W. Benger and C. Hege and A. Merzky and J. Mass{\'o}
+ and J. Shalf},
+ title = {Solving {E}instein's Equations on Supercomputers},
+ journal = {IEEE Computer},
+ volume = {32},
+ pages = {52--59},
+ number = {12},
+ year = 1999,
+ note = {{\tt http://www.computer.org/computer/articles/einstein\_1299\_1.htm}}
+ key = {Allen99c},
+ author = {G. Allen and T. Goodale and J. Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel},
+ title = {The Cactus Computational Toolkit and Using Distributed Computing to Collide Neutron Stars},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of Eighth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, HPDC-8, Redondo Beach, 1999},
+ address = {},
+ publisher = {IEEE Press},
+ year = 1999
+ author = {G.~D. Allen and N. Andersson and K.~D. Kokkotas and B.~F. Schutz},
+ title = {Evolutions of Stellar Oscillations},
+ editor = {Tsvi Piran},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th {M}arcel {G}rossmann Meeting
+ on General Relativity},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ pages = {732-734},
+ year = {1999},
+ key = {Allen993},
+ author = "G. Allen and N. Andersson and K.D. Kokkotas and P. Laguna and J. Pullin and J. Ruoff",
+ title = "The close-limit approximation to neutron star collisions",
+ note = {},
+ eprint = "",
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {60},
+ pages = {104021},
+ year = 1999
+ key = {Allen00a},
+ author = {G. Allen and W. Benger and T. Goodale and H. Hege and G. Lanfermann and A. Merzky and T. Radke and E. Seidel and J. Shalf},
+ title = {The Cactus Code: A Problem Solving Environment for the Grid},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of Ninth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, HPDC-9, August 1-4 2000, Pittsburgh},
+ address = {},
+ pages = {253--260},
+ publisher = {IEEE Press},
+ year = 2000,
+ note = {{\tt http://www.cactuscode.org/Articles/Cactus\_Allen00f.pre.pdf}}
+ key = {Allen00b},
+ author = {G. Allen and T. Goodale and G. Lanfermann and T. Radke and E. Seidel},
+ title = {The Cactus Code: A Problem Solving Environment for the Grid},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of First Egrid Meeting at ISTHMUS, Poznan, April 2000},
+ address = {},
+ publisher = {},
+ year = 2000,
+ note = {http://www.zib.de/visual/projects/TIKSL/Papers/EGrid2000-Cactus.ps}
+ key = {Allen00c},
+ author = {G. Allen and T. Dramlitsch and T. Goodale and G. Lanfermann and T. Radke and E. Seidel and T. Kielmann and K. Verstoep and Z. Balaton and P. Kacsuk and F. Szalai and J. Gehring and A. Keller and A. Streit and L. Matyska and M. Ruda and A. Krenek and H. Frese and H. Knipp and A. Merzky and A. Reinefeld and F. Schintke and B. Ludwiczak and J. Nabrzyski and J. Pukacki and H-P. Kersken and M. Russell},
+ title = {Early Experiences with the EGrid Testbed},
+ booktitle = {IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Brisbane, Australia, May 16-18 2001},
+ address = {},
+ publisher = {},
+ year = 2001,
+ note = {Available at {\tt http://www.cactuscode.org/Articles/Cactus\_Allen01d.pre.pdf}}
+ key = {Allen00d},
+ author = {G. Allen and T. Dramlitsch and I. Foster and T. Goodale and N. Karonis and M. Ripeanu and B. Toonen},
+ title = {Cactus-G: Enabling High-Performance Simulation in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environments},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of 4th Globus Retreat, July 30 to August 1 2000, Pittsburg},
+ address = {},
+ publisher = {},
+ year = 2000,
+ url = {http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/allen00cactusg.html}
+ key = {Allen01a},
+ author = "G. Allen and D. Angulo and I. Foster and G. Lanfermann and C. Liu and T. Radke and E. Seidel and J. Shalf",
+ title = "The Cactus Worm: Experiments with Dynamic Resource Discovery and Allocation in a Grid Environment",
+ note = {{\tt http://www.cactuscode.org/Articles/Cactus\_Allen01a.pre.pdf}},
+ eprint = "http://www.cactuscode.org/Articles/Cactus\_Allen01a.pre.pdf",
+ journal = {Int. J. of High Performance Computing Applications},
+ volume = {15},
+ number = {4},
+ year = 2001
+ key = {Allen01b},
+ author = "G. Allen and W. Benger and T. Goodale and H. Hege and G. Lanfermann and A. Merzky and T. Radke and E. Seidel and J. Shalf",
+ title = "Cactus Tools for Grid Applications",
+ note = {{\tt http://www.cactuscode.org/Articles/Cactus\_Allen01c.pre.pdf}},
+ eprint = "http://www.cactuscode.org/Articles/Cactus\_Allen01c.pre.pdf",
+ journal = {Cluster Computing},
+ volume = {4},
+ pages = {179-188},
+ year = 2001
+ key = {Allen01c},
+ author = {G. Allen and W. Benger and T. Dramlitsch and T. Goodale and H. Hege and G. Lanfermann and A. Merzky and T. Radke and E. Seidel},
+ title = {Cactus Grid Computing: Review of Current Development},
+ booktitle = {Europar 2001: Parallel Processing, Proceedings of 7th International Conference Manchester, UK August 28-31, 2001},
+ editor = "R. Sakellariou and J. Keane and J. Gurd and L. Freeman",
+ address = {},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ note = {{\tt http://www.cactuscode.org/Articles/Cactus\_Allen01b.pre.pdf}},
+ year = 2001,
+ key = {Allen01d},
+ author = {G. Allen and T. Dramlitsch and I. Foster and N. Karonis and M. Ripeanu and E. Seidel and B. Toonen},
+ title = {Supporting Efficient Execution in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environments with Cactus and Globus},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of Supercomputing 2001, Denver, USA},
+ note = {http://www.cactuscode.org/Articles/Cactus\_Allen00d.pre.pdfz},
+ address = {},
+ publisher = {},
+ year = 2001
+ key = {Allen02a},
+ author = "G. Allen and E. Seidel and J. Shalf",
+ title = "Scientific Computing on the Grid",
+ journal = {Byte},
+ volume = {Spring},
+ pages = {24--32},
+ year = 2002
+ key = {Allen02b},
+ author = {G. Allen and T. Goodale and M. Russell and E. Seidel and J. Shalf},
+ editor = {F. Berman and A. Hey and G. Fox},
+ title = {Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality},
+ chapter = {Classifying and Enabling Grid Applications},
+ publisher = {Wiley},
+ address = {},
+ year = {2003}
+ key = {Allen02c},
+ author = {G. Allen and T. Goodale and M. Russell and E. Seidel and J. Shalf},
+ title = {Classifying and Enabling Grid Applications},
+ eprint = "",
+ journal = {Concurrency: Practice and Experience},
+ volume = {},
+ pages = {},
+ year = {},
+ note = {In press}
+ key = {Allen02d},
+ author = {G. Allen and T. Goodale and T. Radke and E. Seidel},
+ title = {Requirements Document: Grid Application Toolkit},
+ institution = {GridLab},
+ number = {D1.1},
+ year = 2002,
+ note = {{\tt http://www.gridlab.org/Resources/Deliverables/D1.1.pdf}}
+ key = {Allen03a},
+ author = {G. Allen and E. Seidel},
+ editor = {I. Foster and C. Kessellman},
+ title = {The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure},
+ chapter = {Computational Astrophysics and the Grid},
+ publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
+ address = {},
+ note = {Second Edition}
+ key = {Allen03b},
+ author = {G. Allen and T. Goodale and I. Kelley and E. Seidel},
+ title = {Experiences of Running Applications in a Large Multi-Organisational Heterogeneous Testbed},
+ year = {},
+ note = {In preparation}
+ key = {Allen03c},
+ title = {Enabling Applications on the Grid: A GridLab Overview},
+ author = {Gabrielle Allen and Kelly Davis and Konstantinos N. Dolkas and Nikolaos D. Doulamis and
+ Tom Goodale and Thilo Kielmann and Andre Merzky and Jarek Nabrzyski and Juliusz Pukacki
+ and Thomas Radke and Michael Russell and Ed Seidel and John Shalf and Ian Taylor},
+ journal = {International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications},
+ note = {Special issue on Grid Computing: Infrastructure and Applications, To be published August 2003},
+ eprint = {http://www.gridlab.org/Resources/Papers/ijhpca_gridlab_2003.pdf}
+ }
+ author = {Gabrielle Allen and Ed Seidel},
+ title = {The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing
+ Infrastructure (2nd Edition)},
+ chapter = {Collaborative Science: Astrophysics Requirements and
+ Experiences},
+ publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
+ year = 2004,
+ pages = {201-213}
+ key = {Aloy98a},
+ author = {M.~A. Aloy and C. Bona and J.~A. Font and
+ J.~M. Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel},
+ title = {},
+ year = 1998,
+ note = {In preparation}
+ key = {Aloy99a},
+ author = {M.~A. Aloy and J. A. Pons and J. M. Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {Comput. Phys. Commun.},
+ volume = {120},
+ pages = {115},
+ year = 1999,
+ key = {Aloy99b},
+ author = {M.~A. Aloy and J. M$^{\underline{\mbox{a}}}$. Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez and J. M$^{\underline{\mbox{a}}}$. Mart{\'\i} and E. M{\"u}ller},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J. Supp.},
+ volume = {122},
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+ author = {{Alpar}, M.~A. and {Pines}, D. and {Anderson}, P.~W. and {Shaham},
+ J.},
+ title = "{Vortex creep and the internal temperature of neutron stars.
+ {I} -- {G}eneral theory}",
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+ year = 1984,
+ volume = 276,
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+ author = "Kashif Alvi",
+ title = "An approximate binary-black-hole metric",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9912113",
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {61},
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+ title = "Note on ingoing coordinates for binary black holes",
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+ journal = {Gen. Rel. Grav.},
+ year = {1991},
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+ author = "W. F. Ames",
+ title = "Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations",
+ edition = "2nd",
+ publisher = "Academic Press",
+ address = "New York",
+ year = "1977",
+ X-isbn = "FIXME",
+ X-note = "nice elementary intro",
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+ author = {Lars Andersson and Marc Mars and Walter Simon},
+ title = {Local existence of dynamical and trapping horizons},
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+ volume = 95,
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+ eprint = {gr-qc/0506013}
+ author = "Andersson, Lars",
+ title = "Construction of hyperboloidal initial data",
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+ volume = "604",
+ year = "2002",
+ pages = "183-194",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0205083",
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+ author = {{Anderson}, P.~W. and {Itoh}, N.},
+ title = "{Pulsar glitches and restlessness as a hard superfluidity
+ phenomenon}",
+ journal = {Nature},
+ year = 1975,
+ volume = 256,
+ pages = {25-27},
+ key = {Anderson84},
+ author = {D. A. Anderson and J. C. Tannehill and R. H. Pletcher},
+ title = {Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer},
+ publisher = {Hemisphere},
+ address = {New York},
+ year = 1984
+ author = {J. L. Anderson and D. W. Hobill},
+ title = {A Study of Nonlinear Radiation Damping by Matching
+ Analytic and Numerical Solutions},
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+ key = {Anderson88},
+ journal = { J. Comput. Phys.},
+ year = {1988},
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+ author = {A. Anderson and Y.Choquet-Bruhat and J.W. York},
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+ key = {Anderson97},
+ journal = {Topol. Meth. Nonlinear Anal.},
+ year = {1997},
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+ author = "Anderson, Arlen and York, James W.",
+ title = "Hamiltonian time evolution for general relativity",
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/9807041",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 9807041;%%"
+ author = {A. Anderson and J. W. York},
+ title = {Fixing {E}instein's equations},
+ key = {Anderson99},
+ journal = {Phy. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = {1999},
+ volume = {82},
+ pages = {4384-4387},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9901021}
+ author = {Warren G. Anderson and R. Balasubramanian},
+ title = {Time-frequency detection of Gravitational Waves},
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+ year = {1999},
+ volume = {60},
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+ author = "Anderson, Warren G. and Brady, Patrick R. and Creighton,
+ Jolien D. E. and Flanagan, Eanna E.",
+ title = "An excess power statistic for detection of burst sources of
+ gravitational radiation",
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+ year = "2001",
+ pages = "042003",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0008066",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0008066;%%",
+ author = {M. T. Anderson},
+ title = {On Long-time evolution in general relativity and geometrization of 3-manifolds},
+ journal = {Commun. Math. Phys. 222},
+ volume = {222},
+ year = "2001",
+ pages = {533-567}
+ author = "Matthew Willian Anderson",
+ title = "Constrained Evolution in Numerical Relativity",
+ school = "The University of Texas at Austin",
+ address = "Austin, Texas, U.S.A.",
+ year = "2004",
+ supervisor = "Richard A. Matzner",
+ author = "Matthew Anderson and Richard A. Matzner",
+ title = "Extended Lifetime in Computational Evolution of
+ Isolated Black Holes",
+ year = "2003",
+ note = "gr-qc/0307055",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0307055",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = PHRVA,D51,4295;%%",
+ author = {Matthew Anderson and Jung-Han Kimn},
+ title = {A Numerical Approach to Space-Time Finite Elements
+ for the Wave Equation},
+ note = {gr-qc/0601099},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0601099}
+ author = "Anderson, Matthew and Lehner, Luis and Pullin, Jorge",
+ title = "Arbitrary black-string deformations in the black string --
+ black hole transitions",
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+ volume = "73",
+ year = "2006",
+ pages = "064011",
+ eprint = "hep-th/0510051",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = HEP-TH 0510051;%%"
+ author = {Matthew Anderson and Eric Hirschmann and Steven
+ L. Liebling and David Neilsen},
+ title = {Relativistic {MHD} with {Adaptive} {Mesh}
+ {Refinement}},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 2006,
+ volume = 23,
+ pages = {6503-6524},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0605102},
+ url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0605102}
+ author = {{Anderson}, M. and {Hirschmann}, E.~W. and {Lehner}, L. and
+ {Liebling}, S.~L. and {Motl}, P.~M. and {Neilsen}, D. and {Palenzuela}, C. and
+ {Tohline}, J.~E.},
+ title = "{Simulating binary neutron stars: dynamics and gravitational waves}",
+ journal = {ArXiv e-prints},
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+ year = 2007,
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+ note = {},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007arXiv0708.2720A},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {{Anderson}, M. and {Hirschmann}, E.~W. and {Lehner}, L. and
+ {Liebling}, S.~L. and {Motl}, P.~M. and {Neilsen}, D. and
+ {Palenzuela}, C. and {Tohline}, J.~E.},
+ title = "{Simulating binary neutron stars: dynamics and gravitational
+ waves}",
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+ year = 2008,
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+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007arXiv0708.2720A},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {{Anderson}, M. and {Hirschmann}, E.~W. and {Lehner}, L. and
+ {Liebling}, S.~L. and {Motl}, P.~M. and {Neilsen}, D. and
+ {Palenzuela}, C. and {Tohline}, J.~E.},
+ title = "{Magnetized Neutron Star Mergers and Gravitational Wave Signals}",
+ eprint = {arXiv:0801.4387 [gr-q]},
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+ author = {N. Andersson and K.~D. Kokkotas and B.~F. Schutz},
+ journal = {Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.},
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+ year = 1995,
+ note= {in press},
+ pages = {}
+ author = {Nils Andersson},
+ title = {Excitation of {Schwarzschild} black-hole quasinormal
+ modes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1995,
+ volume = 51,
+ pages = 353
+ author = {Nils Andersson},
+ title = {Evolving test fields in a black-hole geometry},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1997,
+ volume = 55,
+ pages = 468
+%Nils Andersson, Kostas D. Kokkotas and Bernard F. Schutz
+ author = {L. Andersson and V. Moncrief},
+ title = {Local existence for certain quasi-linear hyperbolic systems},
+ year = 1998,
+ note = {unpublished}
+ author = {N. Andersson and K.~D. Kokkotas and N. Stergioulas},
+ title = {On the Relevance of the r-mode Instability for Accreting
+ Neutron Stars and White Dwarfs},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = {510},
+ pages = {854},
+ year = 1999,
+ note = {}
+ key = {Andersson01},
+ author = {N. Andersson and K.~D.Kokkotas},
+ title = {The r-mode Instability in Rotating Neutron Stars},
+ journal = {Int. J. Mod. Phys. D},
+ volume = {},
+ pages = {},
+ year = 2001,
+ eprint = {in press, gr-qc/0010102}
+ author = " Matthew Anderson and Richard A. Matzner",
+ title = "Extended Lifetime in Computational Evolution of Isolated Black Holes",
+ journal = "Submitted to Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "",
+ year = "2004",
+ pages = "",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0307055",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = PHRVA,D51,4295;%%",
+ author = {L. Andersson and V. Moncrief},
+ title = {Elliptic-hyperbolic systems and the {E}instein equations},
+ journal = {Ann. H. {P}oincare},
+ year = 2001,
+ eprint = {submitted, gr-qc/0110111}
+ author = "Andersson, Lars",
+ title = "Construction of hyperboloidal initial data",
+ journal = "Lect. Notes Phys.",
+ volume = "604",
+ year = "2002",
+ pages = "183-194",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0205083"
+ author = {Lars Andersson and Jan Metzger},
+ title = {Curvature estimates for stable marginally trapped
+ surfaces},
+ year = 2005,
+ note = {gr-qc/0512106}
+ author = {H. Andreasson and A. Rendall and M. Weaver},
+ title = {Existence of CMC and constant areal time foliations in T$^2$ symmetric spacetimes with Vlasov matter},
+ year = 2002,
+ eprint = {submitted, gr-qc/0211063}
+ author = "Andrade, Zeferino and Price, Richard H.",
+ title = "Head-on collisions of unequal mass black holes: Close-limit
+ predictions",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "56",
+ year = "1997",
+ pages = "6336-6350",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9611022",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 9611022;%%",
+ author = "Andrade, Zeferino and Beetle, Christopher and
+ Blinov, Alexey and Bromley, Benjamin and Burko, Lior M and
+ Cranor, Maria and Owen, Robert and Price, Richard H.",
+ title = "The Periodic Standing-Wave Approximation: Overview and
+ Three Dimensional Scalar Models",
+ year = "2003",
+ note = "gr-qc/0310001",
+ author = {Peter Anninos},
+ title = {},
+ school = {Drexel University},
+ year = {1989},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {Anninos89},
+ OPTaddress = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTtype = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {Peter Anninos and J. Centrella and R. A. Matzner},
+ title = {Nonlinear Solutions for Initial Data in the Vacuum
+ {E}instein Equations in plane symmetry},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1989,
+ volume = 39,
+ pages = 2155
+ key = {Anninos89b},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and J. Centrella and Richard
+ A. Matzner},
+ title = {Initial Value Solutions in Planar Cosmologies},
+ editor = {C. Evans and L. Finn and D. Hobill},
+ booktitle = {Frontiers in Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ year = 1989
+% copied by Bharat for 3/17/94 meeting
+ author = {Peter Anninos and J. Centrella and Richard
+ A. Matzner},
+ title = {Numerical Methods for Solving the Planar Vacuum
+ {E}instein Equations},
+ key = {Anninos91a},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1991,
+ volume = 43,
+ pages = 1808
+ key = {Anninos92},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and D. Bernstein and D. Hobill and
+ E. Seidel and L. Smarr},
+ title = {Colliding Black Holes},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the $13^{th}$ Conference on General
+ Relativity and Gravitation},
+ year = 1992
+% oscil.tex
+ key = {Anninos93a},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and D. Bernstein and S. R. Brandt and
+ D. Hobill and E. Seidel and L. Smarr},
+ title = {Dynamics of Black Hole Apparent Horizons},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 50,
+ pages = {3801-3815},
+ year = 1994,
+ url = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v50/p3801}
+% copied by Karen
+ key = {Anninos93b},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and D. Hobill and E. Seidel and
+ L. Smarr and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {The Collision of Two Black Holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = 71,
+ number = 18,
+ year = 1993,
+ pages = {2851-2854},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9309016},
+ key = {Anninos93c},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and D. Bernstein and D. Hobill and
+ E. Seidel and L. Smarr and J. Towns},
+ title = {Gravitational Waves from Oscillating Black Holes},
+ editor = {W. Benz and J. Barnes and E. M{\"u}ller and
+ M. Norman},
+ booktitle = {Computational Astrophysics: Gas Dynamics and
+ Particle Methods},
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+ address = {New York},
+ year = 1997,
+ note = {In press}
+ key = {Anninos93d},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and M. Bajuk and D. Bernstein and
+ D. Hobill and E. Seidel and L. Smarr},
+ title = {Visualizing Black Hole Spacetimes},
+ journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications},
+ volume = 13,
+ number = 1,
+ year = 1993,
+ pages = {12-14}
+ author = {Peter Anninos and D. Hobill and E. Seidel and
+ L. Smarr and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {The Head-On Collision of Two Equal Mass Black Holes:
+ Numerical Methods},
+ institution = {National Center for Supercomputing Applications},
+ year = 1994,
+ volume = 24,
+ month = 6,
+ annote = {PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,ASC93-18152},
+ key = {Anninos94b},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and D. Hobill and E. Seidel and
+ L. Smarr and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {The Head-on collision of two equal mass black holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1995,
+ volume = 52,
+ annote = {PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,PHY91-16682,ASC93-18152},
+ pages = {2044-2058},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9408041}
+ key = {Anninos94c},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and K. Camarda and Joan Mass{\'o} and
+ E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen and J. Towns},
+ title = {Three-dimensional numerical relativity: The
+ evolution of black holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1995,
+ volume = 52,
+ number = 4,
+ pages = {2059-2082},
+ annote = {NAG
+ 5-2201,PHY91-16682,PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,ASC93-18152}
+ key = {Anninos94d},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and
+ W.-M. Suen and M. Tobias},
+ title = {Dynamics of Gravitational Waves in {3D}:
+ Formulations, Methods and Tests},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1997,
+ volume = 56,
+ pages = 842,
+ annote = {PHY94-04788,PHY94-07882,PHY96-00587}
+ key = {Anninos94e},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and G. Daues and Joan Mass{\'o} and
+ E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Horizon Boundary Conditions for Black Hole
+ Spacetimes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1995,
+ volume = 51,
+ number = 10,
+ pages = {5562--5578},
+ annote = {PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,ASC93-18152}
+ key = {Anninos94f},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and D. Bernstein and S. Brandt and
+ J. Libson and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and
+ L. Smarr and W.-M. Suen and P. Walker},
+ title = {Dynamics of Apparent and Event Horizons},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = 1995,
+ volume = 74,
+ number = 5,
+ pages = {630-633},
+ month = {30 January},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9403011},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.74.630},
+ url = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v74/p630},
+ annote = {PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,ASC93-18152},
+ author = {Peter Anninos},
+ note = {private communication},
+ year = {1994}
+ author = {Peter Anninos and G. Daues and Joan Mass{\'o} and
+ E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Singularity Avoidance in Numerical Black Hole
+ Spacetimes},
+ editor = {R. T. Jantzen and G. M. Keiser and R. Ruffini},
+ booktitle = {The Seventh {M}arcel {G}rossmann Meeting: On Recent
+ Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General
+ Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field
+ Theories},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ year = 1996,
+ annote = {PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,ASC93-18152},
+ pages = 637
+ author = {Peter Anninos and D. Bernstein and S. R. Brandt and
+ J. Libson and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and
+ L. Smarr and P. Walker and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Event Horizons of Numerical Black Holes},
+ editor = {R. T. Jantzen and G. M. Keiser and R. Ruffini},
+ booktitle = {The Seventh {M}arcel {G}rossmann Meeting: On Recent
+ Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General
+ Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field
+ Theories},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ pages = 648,
+ year = 1996
+ key = {Anninos95c},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and D. Bernstein and S. Brandt and
+ D. Hobill and E. Seidel and L. Smarr},
+ title = {Oscillating Apparent Horizons in Numerically
+ Generated Spacetimes},
+ journal = {Australian Journal of Physics},
+ volume = 48,
+ pages = 1027,
+ annote = {PHY91-16682,PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,ASC93-18152},
+ year = 1995
+ author = {Peter Anninos and K. Camarda and Joan Mass{\'o} and
+ E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen and M. Tobias and J. Towns},
+ title = {{3D} Numerical Relativity at NCSA},
+ editor = {R. T. Jantzen and G. M. Keiser and R. Ruffini},
+ booktitle = {The Seventh {M}arcel {G}rossmann Meeting: On Recent
+ Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General
+ Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field
+ Theories},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ pages = {644-647},
+ annote = {PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,ASC93-18152},
+ year = 1996
+ key = {Anninos95e},
+ author = {W. Anninos and M. Norman and Peter Anninos},
+ title = {Nonlinear Hydrodynamics of Cosmological Sheets:
+ {II}. Fragmentation and the Thin Shell, Cooling, and
+ Gravitational Instabilities},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = 450,
+ pages = 1,
+ year = 1995
+ key = {Anninos95e},
+ author = {Y. Zhang and Peter Anninos and M. Norman},
+ title = {A Multispecies Model for Hydrogen and Helium
+ Absorbers in {L}yman Alpha Forest Clouds},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J. Lett.},
+ volume = 453,
+ pages = {L57},
+ year = 1995
+% Also entered as Price94b
+ key = {Anninos95g},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and R. H. Price and J. Pullin and
+ E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Head-on collision of two black holes: comparison of
+ different approaches},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1995,
+ volume = 52,
+ pages = {4462-4480},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and G. Daues and J. Libson and Joan
+ Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen and
+ P. Walker},
+ editor = {M. Francaviglia and G. Longhi and L. Lusanna and
+ E. Sorace},
+ title = {Horizon Dynamics in Numerical Relativity},
+ booktitle = {14th International Conference on General Relativity,
+ and Gravitation},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ year = 1995
+ author = {Peter Anninos and D. Hobill and E. Seidel and
+ W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {When Black Holes Collide},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth Canadian Conference on
+ General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics},
+ publisher = {Fields Institute Comunications},
+ address = {Providence, R.I.},
+ volume = 54,
+ pages = 151,
+ year = 1997
+ key = {Anninos96b},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and
+ W.-M. Suen and M. Tobias},
+ title = {The Near-Linear Regime of Gravitational Waves in
+ Numerical Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1996,
+ volume = 54,
+ pages = 6544,
+ annote = {PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,ASC93-18152,ASC95-03978},
+ key = {Anninos96c},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Numerical relativity and black holes},
+ journal = {Physics World},
+ year = {1996},
+ volume = {9},
+ number = {7},
+ pages = {43-48},
+ month = {July}
+ key = {Anninos96d},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and M. Norman},
+ title = {Hierarchical Numerical Cosmology with Hydrodynamics:
+ Resolving X-Ray Clusters},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = {459},
+ pages = {12},
+ year = 1996
+ key = {Anninos96e},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and M. Norman},
+ title = {Role of Hydrogen Molecules in Radiative Cooling
+ and Fragmentation of Cosmological Sheets},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = {460},
+ pages = {556},
+ year = 1996
+ key = {Anninos96f},
+ author = {Y. Zhang and Peter Anninos and M. Norman and A.
+ Meiksin},
+ title = {Spectral Analysis of the Ly$\alpha$ Forest
+ in a Cold Dark Matter Cosmology},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = {485},
+ pages = {496},
+ year = 1996
+ key = {Anninos97a},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and S. R. Brandt and P. Walker},
+ title = {New Coordinate Systems for
+ Axisymmetric Black Hole Collisions},
+ journal = {gr-qc/9711018},
+ year = {1997},
+ volume = {},
+ number = {},
+ pages = {},
+ note = {To appear in the proceedings of {M}arcel {G}rossmann 8.}
+ key = {Anninos97b},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and S. R. Brandt and P. Walker},
+ title = {New Coordinate Systems for Axisymmetric Black Hole
+ Collisions},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1998},
+ volume = {57},
+ pages = {6158-6167},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9712047}
+ key = {Anninos97c},
+ author = {Peter Anninos},
+ title = {Plane-Symmetric Cosmology with Relativistic Hydrodynamics},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1997},
+ volume = {D},
+ number = {},
+ pages = {},
+ note = {submitted}
+ key = {Anninos97d},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and Y. Zhang and T. Abel and M. Norman},
+ title = {Cosmological Hydrodynamics with Multi-Species Chemistry
+ and Nonequilibrium Ionization and Cooling},
+ journal = {New Astronomy},
+ volume = {2},
+ pages = {209},
+ number = {3},
+ year = 1997
+ author = {Peter Anninos and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen and M. Tobias},
+ title = {Dynamics of Gravitational Waves in {3D}:
+ Formulations, Methods, and Tests},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {56},
+ pages = {842},
+ year = {1997},
+ key = {Anninos98a},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and S. R. Brandt},
+ title = {Head-on collision of two unequal mass black holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = {81},
+ year = {1998},
+ pages = {508-511},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9806031},
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = PRLTA,81,508;%%",
+ key = {Anninos98b},
+ author = {Peter Anninos and Karen Camarda and Joseph Libson and
+ Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Finding Apparent Horizons in Dynamic {3D} Numerical
+ Spacetimes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1998,
+ volume = 58,
+ pages = {024003},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.58.024003},
+ key = {Anninos05c},
+ author = {Anninos, Peter and Fragile, P. Chris and Salmonson, Jay D},
+ title = {Cosmos++: Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics on Unstructured
+ Grids with Local Adaptive Refinement},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = 2005,
+ volume = 635,
+ pages = {723},
+ doi = {10.1086},
+ author = {M. Ansorg and A. Kleinw{\"a}chter and R. Meinel and
+ G. Neugebauer},
+ title = {Dirichlet Boundary Value Problems of the Ernst Equation},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2002},
+ volume = {65},
+ pages = {044006},
+ note = {gr-qc/0109094}
+ author = {M. Ansorg and A. Kleinw{\"a}chter and R. Meinel},
+ title = {Highly accurate calculation of rotating neutron stars},
+ journal = {Astron. Astrophys.},
+ year = {2002},
+ volume = {381},
+ pages = {L49},
+ note = {astro-ph/0111080}
+ author = {Ansorg, M. and Kleinw{\"a}chter, A. and Meinel, R.},
+ title = "Relativistic Dyson Rings and their Black Hole Limit",
+ journal = "Astrophys. J.",
+ volume = "582",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "L87",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0211040",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0211040;%%",
+ author = {Ansorg, M. and Kleinw{\"a}chter, A. and Meinel, R.},
+ title = "Highly accurate calculation of rotating neutron stars:
+ Detailed description of the numerical methods",
+ journal = "Astron. Astrophys.",
+ volume = "405",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "711",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0301173",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0301173;%%"
+ author = {M. Ansorg and T. Fischer and A. Kleinw{\"a}chter and
+ R. Meinel and D. Petroff and K. Sch{\"o}bel},
+ title = "Equilibrium Configurations of Homogeneous Fluids in General
+ Relativity",
+ journal = "Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc.",
+ year = "2004",
+ note = "in press",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0402102",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0402102;%%"
+ author = {Ansorg, Marcus and Br{\"u}gmann, Bernd and Tichy, Wolfgang},
+ title = "A single-domain spectral method for black hole puncture
+ data",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = {70},
+ pages = {064011},
+ year = "2004",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0404056",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0404056;%%"
+ author = "Ansorg, Marcus",
+ title = "A double-domain spectral method for black hole
+ excision data",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 72,
+ year = 2005,
+ pages = 024018,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0505059",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0505059;%%"
+ author = {Ansorg, Marcus and Petroff, David},
+ title = {Black holes surrounded by uniformly rotating rings},
+ year = {2005},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 72, pages = {024019},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.72.024019},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0505060}
+ author = {Ant{\'o}n, Luis and Zanotti, Olindo and Miralles,
+ Joan. A. and Mart{\'\i}, Jos{\'e} M. and
+ Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez, Jos{\'e} M. and Font, Jos{\'e} A.
+ and Pons, Jos{\'e} A.},
+ title = {Numerical 3+1 general relativistic
+ magnetohydrodynamics: a local characteristic
+ approach},
+ journal = "Astrophys. J.",
+ volume = 637,
+ year = 2006,
+ pages = 296,
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0506063",
+ key = {Apostolatos94},
+ author = {T. A. Apostolatos and C. Cutler and G. J. Sussman
+ and K. S. Thorne},
+ title = {Spin-induced orbital precession and its
+ modulation of the gravitational waveforms
+ from merging binaries},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {49},
+ number = 12,
+ year = 1994,
+ pages = {6274-6297}
+ author = {A. Arbona and C. Bona and J. Carot and L. Mas
+ and Joan Mass{\'o} and J. Stela},
+ title = {Stuffed Black Holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {57},
+ year = {1998},
+ pages = {2397}
+ author = {A. Arbona and C. Bona and Joan Mass{\'o} and J. Stela},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {In preparation},
+ volume = {},
+ year = {1998},
+ pages = {}
+ author = {A. Arbona and C. Bona and Joan Mass{\'o} and J. Stela},
+ title = {Robust evolution system for Numerical Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {60},
+ year = {1999},
+ pages = {104014},
+ note = {gr-qc/9902053}
+ author = {A. Arbona and C. Bona and Joan Mass{\'o} and J. Stela},
+ title = {Robust evolution system for Numerical Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {60},
+ year = {1999},
+ pages = {104014},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9902053}
+ key = {Argast04},
+ journal = {Astron. and Astrophys.},
+ author = {D. Argast and M. Samland and F.K. Thielemann and Y. Z. Qian},
+ volume = {416},
+ pages = {997-1011},
+ year = {2004}
+ key = {Arianrhod91},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ author = {R. Arianrhod and S. Fletcher and C.B.G. McIntosh},
+ volume = {8},
+ pages = {1519},
+ year = {1991}
+ author = {Nicolas Arnaud and Fabien Cavalier and Michel Davier and Patrice
+ Hello},
+ title = {Detection of gravitational wave bursts by interferometric detectors},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {59},
+ year = {1999},
+ pages = {082002},
+ note = {gr-qc/9812015}
+ key = {Arnett77},
+ journal = {Astrohys. J. Suppl.},
+ author = {Arnett and Bowers},
+ volume = {415},
+ pages = {415},
+ year = {1977}
+ author = {Arnold, Douglas N. and Mukherjee, Arup and Pouly, Luc},
+ title = {Adaptive finite elements and colliding black holes},
+ booktitle = {Numerical Analysis 1997},
+ pages = {1--15},
+ year = {1998},
+ editor = {D. F. Griffiths, D. J. Higham and G. A. Watson},
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9709038",
+ publisher = {Addison Wesley Longman},
+%Copied by Joe 4/7/94
+ key = {Arnowitt62},
+ author = {Richard Arnowitt and Stanley Deser and Charles W. Misner},
+ title = {The Dynamics of General Relativity},
+ editor = {L. Witten},
+ booktitle = {Gravitation: An introduction to current research},
+ publisher = {John Wiley},
+ address = {New York},
+ pages = {227-265},
+ year = 1962,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0405109",
+ eprint-note = {This article--summarizing the authors' then novel
+ formulation of General Relativity--appeared as
+ Chapter 7 of an often cited compendium edited by
+ L. Witten in 1962, which is now long out of print.
+ Intentionally unretouched, this posting is intended
+ to provide contemporary accessibility to the flavor
+ of the original ideas. Some typographical corrections
+ have been made: footnote and page numbering have
+ changed--but not section nor equation numbering etc.
+ The authors' current institutional affiliations
+ are encoded in: arnowitt@physics.tamu.edu,
+ deser@brandeis.edu, misner@physics.umd.edu},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ author = {K.G. Arun and L. Blanchet and B. R. Iyer and M. S. S. Qusailah},
+ title = {The 2.5PN gravitational wave polarisations from inspiralling compact binaries in circular orbits},
+ volume = {21},
+ pages = {3771-3802},
+ year = {2004},
+ note = {Erratum-ibid. 22, 3115, (2005)}
+ author = "Uri M. Ascher and Robert M. M. Mattheij and Robert D. Russell",
+ title = "Numerical Solution of Boundary Value Problems
+ for Ordinary Differential Equations",
+ publisher = "Prentice-Hall",
+ address = "Englewood Cliffs, USA",
+ year = 1988,
+ isbn = "0-13-627266-5",
+%Copied by Karen 4/20/94
+ key = {Ashby90},
+ author = {S. F. Ashby and T. A. Manteuffel and P. E. Saylor},
+ title = {A Taxonomy for Conjugate Gradient Methods},
+ journal = {SIAM J. Num. Anal.},
+ volume = 27,
+ number = 6,
+ year = 1990,
+ pages = {1542-1568}
+ key = {Ashby96a},
+ author = {S. F. Ashby and S. L. Lee and L. R. Petzold and P. E. Saylor and E. Seidel},
+ title = {Computing Spacetime Curvature via Differential-Algebraic
+ Equations},
+ journal = {SIAM J. Num. Anal.},
+ volume = {},
+ number = {},
+ year = 1996,
+ pages = {},
+ OPTnote = {PHY94-07882},
+ note = {to appear}
+ author = {Neil Ashby},
+ title = {Relativity in the Global Positioning System},
+ journal = {Living Rev. Relativity},
+ year = 2003,
+ volume = 6,
+ pages = 1,
+ url = {http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2003-1},
+ key = {Ashtekar79a},
+ author = {Abhay Ashtekar and A. Magnon-Ashtekar},
+ title = {On conserved quantities in general relativity },
+ journal = {J. Math. Phys.},
+ volume = 20,
+ number = 5,
+ year = 1979,
+ pages = {793-800}
+ author = {Abhay Ashtekar and Christopher Beetle and Stephen Fairhurst},
+ title = {Isolated Horizons: A Generalization of Black Hole
+ Mechanics},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 16,
+ year = 1999,
+ pages = {L1-L7},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9812065}
+ author = {Abhay Ashtekar and Christopher Beetle and Stephen Fairhurst},
+ title = {Mechanics of Isolated Horizons},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 17,
+ year = 2000,
+ pages = {253-298},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9907068}
+ author = {Abhay Ashtekar and Christopher Beetle and Olaf
+ Dreyer and Stephen Fairhurst and Badri Krishnan and
+ Jerzy Lewandowski and Jacek Wisniewski},
+ title = {Generic Isolated Horizons and their Applications},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = 85,
+ year = 2000,
+ pages = {3564-3567},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0006006}
+ author = {Abhay Ashtekar and Stephen Fairhurst and Badri
+ Krishnan},
+ title = {Isolated horizons: {H}amiltonian evolution and the
+ first law},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2000,
+ volume = 62,
+ pages = 104025,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0005083}
+ author = {Abhay Ashtekar and John Baez and Kirill Krasnov},
+ title = {Quantum Geometry of Isolated Horizons and Black Hole
+ Entropy},
+ journal = {Adv. Theor. Math. Phys.},
+ year = 2000,
+ volume = 4,
+ pages = {1-94},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0005126}
+ author = {Abhay Ashtekar and Christopher Beetle and Jerzy
+ Lewandowski},
+ title = {Mechanics of Rotating Isolated Horizons},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 64,
+ year = 2001,
+ pages = 044016,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0103026}
+ author = {Abhay Ashtekar and Alejandro Corichi and Daniel
+ Sudarsky},
+ title = {Hairy Black Holes, Horizon Mass and Solitons},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 2001,
+ volume = 18,
+ pages = {919-940},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0011081}
+ author = {Abhay Ashtekar and Badri Krishnan},
+ title = {{Dynamical} {Horizons}: Energy, Angular Momentum,
+ Fluxes, and Balance Laws},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = 2002,
+ volume = 89,
+ pages = 261101,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0207080},
+ author = {Abhay Ashtekar and Badri Krishnan},
+ title = {{Dynamical} {Horizons}: Energy, Angular Momentum,
+ Fluxes, and Balance Laws},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = 2002,
+ volume = 89,
+ pages = 261101,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0207080},
+ author = {Abhay Ashtekar and Badri Krishnan},
+ title = {Dynamical horizons and their properties},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2003,
+ volume = 68,
+ pages = 104030,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0308033}
+ author = {Abhay Ashtekar and Greg Galloway},
+ title = {Some uniqueness results for dynamical horizons},
+ year = 2005,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0503109},
+ journal = {Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics},
+ volume = 9, number = 1,
+ pages = "1--30",
+ author = {Abhay Ashtekar and Jonathan Engle and Tomasz
+ Pawlowski and Chris {Van Den Broeck}},
+ title = {Multipole Moments of Isolated Horizons},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 2004,
+ volume = 21,
+ pages = {2549-2570},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0401114}
+ author = {Abhay Ashtekar and Badri Krishnan},
+ title = {Isolated and dynamical horizons and their
+ applications},
+ journal = {Living Rev. Relativity},
+ year = 2004,
+ volume = 7,
+ pages = 10,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0407042},
+ url = {http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2004-10},
+ author = {P. Astone and {\it et al.}},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1993},
+ volume = {47},
+ pages = {362},
+ author = {P. Astone and {\it et al.}},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {Astroparticle Physics},
+ year = {1997},
+ volume = {7},
+ pages = {231},
+ author = {},
+ year = {},
+ note = {The Autoconf Home Page {\tt http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/autoconf.html}}
+%%%%% B %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ author = {{Baade}, W. and {Zwicky}, F.},
+ title = "{On Super-novae}",
+ journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Science},
+ year = 1934,
+ volume = 20,
+ pages = {254},
+ author = {{Baade}, W. and {Zwicky}, F.},
+ title = "{Remarks on Super-Novae and Cosmic Rays}",
+ journal = {Phys. Rev.},
+ year = 1934,
+ volume = 46,
+ pages = {76-77},
+ author = "Maria C. Babiuc and B{\'e}la Szil{\'a}gyi and
+ J. Winicour",
+ title = "Some mathematical problems in numerical relativity",
+ journal = "Lect. Notes Phys.",
+ volume = "692",
+ year = "2006",
+ pages = "251-274",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0404092",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0404092;%%"
+ author = {Maria C. Babiuc and B{\'e}la Szil{\'a}gyi and Jeffrey Winicour},
+ title = {Testing numerical relativity with the shifted gauge wave},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume ={23},
+ year = {2006},
+ pages = {S319-S342},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0511154},
+ author = "Babiuc, Maria and Szilagyi, Bela and Hawke, Ian and
+ Zlochower, Yosef",
+ title = "Gravitational wave extraction based on
+ {C}auchy-characteristic extraction
+ and characteristic evolution",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = "22",
+ year = "2005",
+ pages = "5089-5108",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0501008",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0501008;%%"
+ author = "Maria C. Babiuc and B{\'e}la Szil{\'a}gyi and
+ J.Winicour",
+ title = "Harmonic Initial-Boundary Evolution in General
+ Relativity",
+ year = 2006,
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 73,
+ pages = 064017,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0601039",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0601039;%%"
+ author = "Maria C. Babiuc and
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+ journal = "submitted to Phys. Rev. D",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0612051",
+ year = 2006,
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0612051 ;%%"
+ author = "Babiuc, M. C. and others",
+ collaboration = "Apples With Apples",
+ title = "Implementation of standard testbeds for numerical
+ relativity",
+ year = "2007",
+ eprint = "arXiv:0709.3559 [gr-qc]",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:0709.3559;%%"
+ key = {Babusci01},
+ author = {Danilo Babusci and Luca Baiotti and Francesco Fucito and Alessandro Nagar},
+ title = {On the detection of a scalar stochastic background of gravitational
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+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {64},
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+ author = "David H. Bailey and Yozo Hida and Karthik Jeyabalan
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+ key = {Baiotti03a},
+ author = {Luca Baiotti and Ian Hawke and Pedro Montero and Luciano Rezzolla},
+ title = {A new three-dimensional general-relativistic
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+ volume = {1},
+ editor = {R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta},
+ booktitle = {Computational Astrophysics in Italy: Methods and Tools},
+ publisher = {Mem. Soc. Astron. It. Suppl.},
+ address = {Trieste},
+ year = 2003,
+ pages = 210
+ key = {Baiotti04},
+ author = {Luca Baiotti and Ian Hawke and Pedro J. Montero and
+ Frank L{\"o}ffler and Luciano Rezzolla and
+ Nikolaos Stergioulas and Jos{\'e} A. Font and Ed Seidel},
+ title = {Three-dimensional relativistic simulations of rotating
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+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {71},
+ year = {2005},
+ pages = {024035},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0403029}
+ author = {Luca Baiotti and Ian Hawke and Luciano Rezzolla and
+ Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Gravitational-Wave Emission from Rotating
+ Gravitational Collapse in three Dimensions},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = 94,
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+ eprint = {gr-qc/0503016}
+ key = {Baiotti06},
+ author = {Luca Baiotti and Luciano Rezzolla},
+ title = {Challenging the paradigm of singularity excision in gravitational collapse},
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+ volume = 97,
+ pages = 141101,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0608113},
+ year = {2006},
+ author = {Luca Baiotti and Roberto De Pietri and Gian Mario Manca and
+ Luciano Rezzolla},
+ title = "Accurate simulations of the dynamical bar-mode instability in full
+ General Relativity",
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D.},
+ volume = 75,
+ pages = 044023,
+ year = "2007",
+ archive = "http://arXiv.org/abs",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0609473"
+ author = {Luca Baiotti and Ian Hawke and Luciano Rezzolla and
+ Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Details on the gravitational-wave emission from
+ rotating gravitational collapse in 3D},
+ editor = {A. Sintes Olives and J. Carot},
+ booktitle = {XXIX Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE 2006)},
+ year = {to be published in July 2007},
+ address = {Palma de Mallorca},
+ publisher = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}
+ key = {Baiotti07},
+ author = {Luca Baiotti and Ian Hawke and Luciano Rezzolla},
+ title = {On the gravitational radiation from
+ the collapse of neutron stars to rotating black holes},
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+ volume = {24 \it in press},
+ year = {2007},
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+ eprint = {gr-qc/0701043}
+ author = {{Baiotti}, L. and {Giacomazzo}, B. and {Rezzolla}, L.},
+ title = "{Accurate evolutions of inspiralling neutron-star binaries: prompt and delayed collapse to black hole}",
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+ volume = {78},
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+ eprint = {ArXiv e-prints 0804.0594},
+ keywords = {General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, Astrophysics},
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+ author = {J. Baker and A. Abrahams and Peter Anninos and
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+ year = 1997,
+ OPTnote = {PHY94-07882},
+ pages = {829-834}
+ author = {J. Baker and C. B. Li.},
+ title = {The two-phase approximation for black hole
+ collisions: Is it robust?},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 14,
+ year = 1997,
+ pages = {L77}
+ author = {J. Baker and S.~R. Brandt and M. Campanelli and
+ C.~O. Lousto and E. Seidel and R. Takahashi},
+ title = {Nonlinear and perturbative evolution of distorted
+ black holes: Odd-parity Modes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {62},
+ number = {},
+ year = {2000},
+ OPTnote = {AEI-2000-52},
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+ e-print = {gr-qc/9911017},
+ note = {gr-qc/9911017},
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = PHRVA,D62,127701;%%",
+ author = {J. Baker and R. Puzio},
+ title = {A new method for solving the initial value problem with
+ application to multiple black holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {59},
+ number = {},
+ year = {1999},
+ OPTnote ={},
+ pages = {044030}
+ author = {J. Baker},
+ title = {The Perturbative Study of Black Hole Collisions},
+ school = {The Pennsylvania State University},
+ address = {University Park, Pennsylvania},
+ year = {1999}
+ author = {J. Baker and M. Campanelli},
+ title = {Making use of geometrical invariants in black hole
+ collisions},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {62},
+ number = {},
+ year = {2000},
+ OPTnote = {AEI-2000-016},
+ pages = {127501},
+ e-print = {gr-qc/0003031}
+% note = {gr-qc/0003031},
+ author = {John Baker and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann and Manuela
+ Campanelli and Carlos O. Lousto},
+ title = "Gravitational waves from black hole collisions via
+ an eclectic approach",
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 17,
+ year = 2000,
+ pages = {L149-L156},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0003027},
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = CQGRD,17,L149;%%",
+ author = {J. Baker and S.~R. Brandt and M. Campanelli and C.~O. Lousto and E. Seidel and R. Takahashi},
+ title = {Nonlinear and perturbative evolution of distorted black holes: Odd-parity Modes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {62},
+ number = {},
+ year = {2000},
+ OPTnote = {AEI-2000-52},
+ pages = {127701},
+ e-print = {gr-qc/9911017},
+ OPTnote = {gr-qc/9911017},
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = PHRVA,D62,127701;%%",
+ author = "Baker, John and Br{\"u}gmann, Bernd and Campanelli, Manuela and
+ Lousto, Carlos O. and Takahashi, Ryoji",
+ title = "Plunge waveforms from inspiralling binary black holes",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
+ volume = "87",
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+ archive = "http://arXiv.org/abs",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0102037",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0102037;%%",
+ author = "Baker, John and Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, Carlos O.",
+ title = "The {L}azarus project: A pragmatic approach to binary black
+ hole evolutions",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "65",
+ year = "2002",
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+ archive = "http://arXiv.org/abs",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0104063",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0104063;%%",
+ author = "Baker, John and Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, Carlos O. and
+ Takahashi, Ryoji",
+ title = "Modeling gravitational radiation from coalescing binary
+ black holes",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "65",
+ year = "2002",
+ pages = "124012",
+ archive = "http://arXiv.org/abs",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0202469",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0202469;%%",
+ author = "Baker, J. and Campanelli, M. and Lousto, C. O. and
+ Takahashi, R.",
+ title = "The final plunge of spinning binary black holes",
+ journal = "",
+ volume = "",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "",
+ archive = "http://arXiv.org/abs",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0305287",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0305287;%%",
+ author = "Baker, J. and Campanelli, M. and Lousto, C. O. and
+ Takahashi, R.",
+ title = "Coalescence remnant of spinning binary black holes",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "69",
+ year = "2004",
+ pages = "027505",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = PHRVA,D69,027505;%%"
+ author = {Miguel Alcubierre and John Baker and Bernd
+ Bru{\"u}gmann and Manuela Campanelli and Peter Diener
+ and Frank Herrmann and Carlos O. Lousto and Denis
+ Pollney and Edward Seidel},
+ title = "Gravitational waveforms from black hole collisions",
+ year = 2003,
+ note = "in preparation",
+ author = "B. D. Baker",
+ title = "Binary Black Holes in Quasi-Stationary Circular Orbits",
+ year = "2002",
+ archive = "http://arXiv.org/abs",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0205082",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0205082;%%",
+ author = {John G. Baker and Joan Centrella and Dae-Il Choi and Michael
+ Koppitz and James van Meter},
+ title = {Gravitational wave extraction from an inspiraling
+ configuration of merging black holes},
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
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+ eprint = {gr-qc/0511103},
+ author = "Baker, John G. and Centrella, Joan and Choi, Dae-Il and
+ Koppitz, Michael and van Meter, James",
+ title = "Gravitational wave extraction from an inspiraling
+ configuration of merging black holes",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
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+ year = "2006",
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0511103;%%"
+ author = "Baker, John G. and Meter, James R.",
+ title = "Reducing reflections from mesh refinement interfaces in
+ numerical relativity",
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+ volume = "72",
+ year = "2005",
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0505100;%%"
+ author = "Baker, John G. and Centrella, Joan and Choi, Dae-Il and
+ Koppitz, Michael and van Meter, James",
+ title = "Binary black hole merger dynamics and waveforms",
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0602026;%%"
+ author = "Baker, John G. and Centrella, Joan and Choi, Dae-Il and
+ Koppitz, Michael and van Meter, James and Miller, M. Coleman",
+ title = "Getting a kick out of numerical relativity",
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH /0603204;%%"
+ author = "van Meter, James and Baker, John G. and Koppitz,
+ Michael and Choi, Dae-Il",
+ title = "How to move a black hole without excision: gauge
+ conditions for the numerical evolution of a moving
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC /0605030;%%"
+ author = "Baker, John G. and van Meter, James R. and
+ McWilliams, Sean T. and Centrella, Joan and Kelly,
+ Bernard J.",
+ title = "Consistency of post-{Newtonian} waveforms with
+ numerical relativity",
+ year = 2006,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0612024",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0612024;%%"
+ author = "Baker, John G. and McWilliams, Sean T. and van Meter,
+ James R. and Centrella, Joan and Choi, Dae-Il and Kelly,
+ Bernard J. and Koppitz, M.",
+ title = "Binary black hole late inspiral: Simulations for
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+ year = 2006,
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+ note = "gr-qc/0612117",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0612117;%%"
+ author = "Baker, John G. and McWilliams, Sean T. and van Meter,
+ James R. and Centrella, Joan and Choi, Dae-Il and Kelly,
+ Bernard J. and Koppitz, M.",
+ title = "Binary black hole late inspiral: Simulations for
+ gravitational wave observations ",
+ year = 2006,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0612117",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0612117;%%"
+ author = "John G. Baker and Manuela Campanelli and Frans Pretorius
+ and Yosef Zlochower",
+ title = "Comparisons of binary black hole merger waveforms",
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/0701016",
+ note = "gr-qc/0701016",
+ author = "John G. Baker and Manuela Campanelli and Frans Pretorius
+ and Yosef Zlochower",
+ title = "Comparisons of binary black hole merger waveforms",
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+ author = "Baker, John G. and others",
+ title = "Modeling kicks from the merger of
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+ title = {Dynamical Evolution of Boson Stars in {B}rans-{D}icke
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+ author = {J. Balakrishna and G.L. Comer and H. Shinkai and E. Seidel and W-M. Suen},
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+ key = {Balakrishna98c},
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+ title = {Dynamical Evolution of Boson Stars {II}:
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+ author = {J. Balakrishna},
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+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
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+ M. Coleman",
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+%Copied by Karen 4/20/94
+ key = {Bona88},
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+ title = {Harmonic Synchronizations of Spacetime},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 38,
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+%Copied by Karen 4/20/94
+ key = {Bona89},
+ author = {C. Bona and J. Mass{\'o}},
+ title = {{E}instein's evolution equations as a system of balance laws},
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+ volume = 40,
+ number = 4,
+ year = 1989,
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+% copied by Bharat for 3/17/94 meeting
+ key = {Bona92},
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+ title = {Hyperbolic Evolution System for Numerical Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
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+ title = {Progress in 3-D Numerical Relativity: Towards a
+ Harmonic Code},
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+ booktitle = {Sixth {M}arcel {G}rossman Meeting on
+ General Relativity (Proceedings, Kyoto, Japan, 1991)},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ pages = {335},
+ year = 1992
+ key = {Bona92b},
+ author = {C. Bona and Joan Mass{\'o}},
+ title = {},
+ editor = {R. D'Inverno},
+ booktitle = {Approaches to Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ pages = {},
+ year = 1992
+%Copied by Karen 4/20/94
+ author = {C. Bona and Joan Mass{\'o}},
+ title = {Numerical Relativity: evolving space-time},
+ journal = {International Journal of Modern Physics C: Physics and Computers},
+ year = {1993},
+ volume = 4,
+ pages = 883
+ author = {C. Bona and J.M. Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez and J.M. Mart{\'\i} and
+ J. Mass{\'o}},
+ title = {Gravitation and General Relativity: rotating bodies and other topics},
+ chapter = {Shock Capturing Methods in {1D} Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+ year = {1993},
+ editor = {F. Chinea},
+ volume = {423},
+ series = {Lecture Notes in Physics},
+ address = {New York}
+ key = {Bona94a},
+ author = {C. Bona and Joan Mass{\'o} and J. Stela},
+ title = {Numerical Black Holes: A Moving Grid Approach},
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+ year = {1995},
+ volume = {51},
+ OPTnumber = {4},
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+ key = {Bona94b},
+ author = {C. Bona and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and J. Stela},
+ title = {New {F}ormalism for {N}umerical {R}elativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = {1995},
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+ eprint = {gr-qc/9412071},
+ OPTnumber = {4},
+ OPTnote = {PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,ASC93-18152}
+ key = {Bona94c},
+ author = {C. Bona and Joan Mass{\'o} and J. Stela and E. Seidel},
+ title = {A Class Of Hyperbolic Gauge Conditions},
+ editor = {R. T. Jantzen and G. M. Keiser and R. Ruffini},
+ booktitle = {The Seventh {M}arcel {G}rossmann Meeting: On Recent
+ Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General
+ Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field
+ Theories},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ year = {1996},
+ OPTnote = {PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,ASC93-18152}
+ author = {C. Bona and J. Stela and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel},
+ title = {Invariant Algebraic Slicing of the Spacetime},
+ editor = {A. Molina and J. Senovilla},
+ booktitle = {Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models and other
+ topics (ERE 94)},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ year = {1995},
+ OPTnote = {PHY94-07882,ASC93-18152}
+ author = {{Bona}, C. and {Mass{\'o}}, J. and {Seidel}, E. and {Stela}, J.
+ },
+ title = "{New Formalism for Numerical Relativity}",
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = 1995,
+ month = jul,
+ volume = 75,
+ pages = {600-603},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9412071},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1995PhRvL..75..600B&db_key=AS},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {C. Bona},
+ title = {},
+ editor = {F. Hehl},
+ booktitle = {Relativity and Scientific Computing},
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+ address = {Berlin},
+ year = {1996}
+ author = {C. Bona and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and J. Stela},
+ title = {First order hyperbolic formalism for numerical
+ relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 56,
+ year = {1997},
+ pages = {3405-3415},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9709016},
+ OPTnote = {PHY94-07882,INT94-14185},
+ author = {C. Bona and J. Carot and Joan Mass{\'o}},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {In preparation},
+ volume = {},
+ year = {1998},
+ pages = {}
+% This is ALSO Masso98a; please update both!
+ author = {C. Bona and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and P. Walker},
+ title = {Three Dimensional Numerical Relativity with a Hyperbolic
+ Formulation},
+ journal = {},
+ volume = {},
+ year = {1998},
+ pages = {},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/980405}
+ author = {C. Bona and C. Palenzuela},
+ chapter = {Flux {L}imiter methods in {3D} {N}umerical {R}elativity},
+ booktitle = {Current trends in relativistic astrophysics},
+ editor = {L. Fern{\'a}ndez and L. Manuel Gonz{\'a}lez},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ series = {Lecture Notes in Physics},
+ volume = {617},
+ address = {},
+ year = {2002},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0202101}
+ author = "Bona, C. and T. , Ledvinka. and Palenzuela, C.",
+ title = "A 3+1 covariant suite of numerical relativity evolution
+ systems",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "66",
+ year = "2002",
+ pages = "084013",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0208087",
+ author = "Bona, C. and Ledvinka, T. and Palenzuela, C. and Zacek, M.
+ ",
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+ Relativity",
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+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "104005",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0302083",
+ author = "Bona, C. and Ledvinka, T. and Palenzuela, C. and Zacek, M.
+ ",
+ title = "A symmetry-breaking mechanism for the {Z4} general-covariant
+ evolution system",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "69",
+ year = "2004",
+ pages = "064036",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0307067",
+ author = "Bona, C. and Ledvinka, T. and Palenzuela-Luque,
+ C. and Pons, J.~A. and {\u{Z}}{\'a}{\u{c}}ek, M.",
+ title = "Gauge pathologies in singularity-avoidant spacetime
+ foliations",
+ year = "2004",
+ note = "gr-qc/0410079",
+ author = "Bona, C. and Palenzuela, C.",
+ title = "Dynamical shift conditions for the {Z4} and {BSSN} hyperbolic
+ formalisms",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "69",
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+ snote = "E-mail discussion about multiple-patch schemes
+ between Jonathan Thornburg
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+ title = {Three-dimensional simulations of distorted black holes. {II}.
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+ title = {The imposition of {C}auchy data
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+ author = {Manuela Campanelli and Carlos~O. Lousto and John Baker
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+ key = {Campanelli00a},
+ author = "Manuela Campanelli and Gaurav Khanna and Pablo Laguna and
+ Jorge Pullin and Michael P. Ryan",
+ title = "Perturbations of the {K}err spacetime in horizon penetrating
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0012107;%%",
+ author = "Campanelli, Manuela",
+ title = "Understanding the fate of merging supermassive black holes",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav",
+ volume = "22",
+ year = "2005",
+ pages = "S387",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0411744",
+ author = "Campanelli, Manuela and Kelly, Bernard J. and Lousto,
+ Carlos O.",
+ title = "The {L}azarus Project {II}: Space-like extraction with the
+ Quasi-{K}innersley tetrad",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "73",
+ year = "2006",
+ pages = "064005",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0510122",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0510122;%%"
+ author = "Campanelli, Manuela and Dettwyler, Miranda and Hannam, Mark
+ and Lousto, Carlos O.",
+ title = "Relativistic three-body effects in black hole coalescence",
+ year = "2005",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0509814",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0509814;%%"
+ author = "Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, Carlos O. and Marronetti, Pedro
+ and Zlochower, Yosef",
+ title = "Accurate evolutions of orbiting black-hole binaries without
+ excision",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
+ volume = "96",
+ year = "2006",
+ pages = "111101",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0511048",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0511048;%%"
+ author = "Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, C. O. and Zlochower, Y.",
+ title = "The last orbit of binary black holes",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "73",
+ year = "2006",
+ pages = "061501(R)",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0601091",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0601091;%%"
+ author = "Campanelli, M. and Lousto, C. O. and Zlochower, Y.",
+ title = "Gravitational radiation from spinning-black-hole
+ binaries: The orbital hang up",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "74",
+ year = "2006",
+ pages = "041501(R)",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0604012",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0604012;%%"
+ author = {Manuela Campanelli and Carlos O. Lousto and Yosef
+ Zlochower},
+ title = {Spin-orbit interactions in black-hole binaries},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2006,
+ volume = 74,
+ pages = 084023,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0608275},
+% outdated -- don't use this
+ author = "Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, Carlos O. and
+ Zlochower, Yosef and Krishnan, Badri and Merritt,
+ David",
+ title = "Spin Flips and Precession in Black-Hole-Binary
+ Mergers",
+ year = 2006,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0612076",
+ note = "gr-qc/0612076",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0612076;%%"
+ author = "Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, Carlos O. and
+ Zlochower, Yosef and Krishnan, Badri and Merritt,
+ David",
+ title = "Spin Flips and Precession in Black-Hole-Binary
+ Mergers",
+ year = 2007,
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ number = 75,
+ pages = 064030,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0612076",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0612076;%%"
+ author = "Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, Carlos O. and
+ Zlochower, Yosef and and Merritt, David",
+ title = "Large Merger Recoils and Spin Flips From Generic
+ Black-Hole Binaries",
+ year = 2007,
+ journal = "Astrophys. J.",
+ number = 659,
+ pages = {L5-L8},
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0701164",
+ author = "Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, Carlos O. and
+ Zlochower, Yosef and Merritt, David",
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+ author = "Thorne, K. S. and Campolattaro, A",
+ title = "Non-Radial Pulsation of General-Relativistic Stellar Models. {I}.
+ Analytic Analysis for {L} >= 2",
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+ title = "Semiclassical equations for weakly inhomogeneous
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/9307027",
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+ author = {M. Cantor and D. {B}rill},
+ title = {The {L}aplacian On Asymptotically Flat Manifolds
+ and the Specification of Scalar Curvature},
+ journal = {Compositio Mathematica},
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+@book {Canuto-Hussaini-Quarteroni-Zang:pseudospectral,
+ author = "Claudio Canuto and M. Yousuff Hussani
+ and Alfio Quarteroni and Thomas A. Zang",
+ title = "Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics",
+ edition = "2nd Printing",
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+ address = "New York and Berlin",
+ year = 1988,
+ isbn = "3-540-52205-0 (Berlin), 0-387-52205-0 (New York)",
+ key = {Carminati91},
+ author = {J. Carminati and R.G. McLenaghan},
+ title = {Algebraic invariants of the Riemann tensor in a four-
+ dimensional Lorentzian space},
+ year = 1991,
+ journal = {J. Math. Phys.},
+ volume = 32,
+ number = {},
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+ author = {Mark H. Carpenter and Jan Nordstr{\"o}m and David Gottlieb},
+ title = "A Stable and Conservative Interface Treatment
+ of Arbitrary Spatial Accuracy",
+ journal = "J. Comput. Phys.",
+ volume = 148, number = 2, pages = "341--365",
+ year = 1999,
+ author = {M. Carpenter and D. Gottlieb and S. Abarbanel},
+ title = {Time-Stable boundary conditions for
+ finite-difference schemes solving hyperbolic
+ systems. Methodology and application to high-order
+ compact schemes},
+ journal = {J. Comput. Phys.},
+ year = 1994,
+ volume = 111,
+ pages = {220-236}
+ author = {M. Carpenter and J. Nordstr{\"o}m and D. Gottlieb},
+ title = {A stable and conservative interface treatment of
+ arbitrary spatial accuracy},
+ journal = {J. Comput. Phys.},
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+ title = {Primordial black holes and generalized constraints on chaotic inflation},
+ year = {1993},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {48},
+ pages = {543-553},
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+ title = {A No-Nonsense Introduction to General Relativity},
+ year = 2001,
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+ notes/grtiny.pdf}
+ key = {Carter65},
+ author = {B. Carter},
+ title = {Complete Analytic Extension of the Symmetry Axis of {K}err's
+ Solution of {E}instein's Equations},
+ year = 1965,
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 141,
+ number = 4,
+ pages = 1242
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+ key = {Carter71},
+ author = {B. Carter},
+ title = {Axisymmetric Black Hole Has Only Two Degrees of Freedom},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = {26},
+ number = {6},
+ year = {1971},
+ pages = {331-333}
+ author = {B. Carter},
+ title = {General Relativity: An {E}instein Centenary Survey},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ year = {1979},
+ editor = {S.W. Hawking and W. Israel},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ author = "Caudill, Matthew and Cook, Gregory B. and Grigsby, Jason D.
+ and Pfeiffer, Harald P.",
+ title = "Circular orbits and spin in black-hole initial data",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "74",
+ year = "2006",
+ pages = "064011",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0605053",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0605053;%%"
+ author = "Scott A. Caveny",
+ title = "Tracking Black Holes in Numerical Relativity:
+ Foundations and Applications",
+ school = "University of Texas at Austin",
+ address= "Austin, USA",
+ year = 2002,
+ author = {Scott A. Caveny and Matthew Anderson and Richard
+ A. Matzner},
+ title = {Tracking Black Holes in Numerical Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2003,
+ volume = 68,
+ pages = 104009,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0303099},
+ X-note = {method = evolve level-set function,
+ with artificial viscosity to handle the jump discontinuity},
+ author = {Scott A. Caveny and Richard A. Matzner},
+ title = {Adaptive Event Horizon Tracking and Critical
+ Phenomena in Binary Black Hole Coalescence},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2003,
+ volume = 68,
+ pages = 104003,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0303109},
+ X-note = {method = comoving front tracking method
+ (explicit EH surface representation)}
+% copied by Bharat for 3/17/94 meeting
+ key = {Centrella80},
+ author = {J. Centrella},
+ title = {Gravitational wave perturbations and gauge conditions},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 21,
+ year = 1980,
+ pages = 2776
+ key = {Centrella84},
+ author = {J. Centrella and J.R. Wilson},
+ title = {Planar numerical cosmology. {II} -
+ {T}he difference equations and numerical tests},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J. SS},
+ volume = {54},
+ year = {1984},
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+ key = {Centrella86b},
+ author = {J. Centrella and Stuart L. Shapiro and C. Evans and J.
+ Hawley and S. Teukolsky},
+ title = {Test-Bed calculations in Numerical Relativity},
+ editor = {J. Centrella},
+ booktitle = {Dynamical Spacetimes and Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ year = 1986
+ author = "Centrella, Joan M. and New, Kimberly C. B. and Lowe, Lisa
+ L. and Brown, J. David",
+ title = "Dynamical Rotational Instability at Low {$T/W$}",
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+ eprint = "astro-ph/0010574",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0010574;%%"
+ author = "Centrella, Joan M.",
+ title = "Resource letter GrW-1: Gravitational waves",
+ journal = "Am. J. Phys.",
+ volume = "71",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "520-525",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0211084",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0211084;%%",
+ author = "Centrella, Joan M.",
+ title = "What can we learn about cosmic structure from gravitational
+ waves?",
+ journal = "AIP Conf. Proc.",
+ volume = "666",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "337-346",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0302125",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0302125;%%",
+ author = {Cerdonio, M. and {\it et al.}},
+ title = {The ultracryogenic gravitational-wave detector AURIGA},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = {1997},
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+ author = {{Chandrasekhar}, S.},
+ title = "{The Dynamical Instability of Gaseous Masses
+ Approaching the {S}chwarzschild Limit in General
+ Relativity.}",
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = 1964,
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+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?
+ bibcode=1964ApJ...140..417C&db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data
+ System}
+ author = {{Chandrasekhar}, S.},
+ title = "{Dynamical Instability of Gaseous Masses Approaching the {S}chwarzschild Limit in General Relativity.}",
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+ title = "{The Pulsations and the Dynamical Stability of
+ Gaseous Masses in Uniform Rotation}",
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = 1968,
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+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?
+ bibcode=1968ApJ...152..267C&db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data
+ System}
+ author = {S. Chandrasekhar},
+ title = {Conservation Laws in General Relativity and in the
+ Post-Newtonian Approximations},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = 1969,
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+ pages = {45},
+ author = {S. Chandrasekhar and Y. Nutku},
+ title = {The Second Post-Newtonian Equations of Hydrodynamics in General
+ Relativity},
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+ year = 1969,
+ volume = {158},
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+ author = {S. Chandrasekhar},
+ title = {Ellipsoidal Figures of Equilibrium},
+ publisher = { Yale University Press},
+ year = {1969},
+ address = {New Haven, USA},
+ note = {revised edition 1987},
+ key = {Chandrasekhar75},
+ author = {S. Chandrasekhar and S. Detweiler},
+ title = {?????},
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+ year = "1984",
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+ author = {S. Chandrasekhar},
+ title = {The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes},
+ publisher = {Oxford University Press},
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+ address = {Oxford, England},
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+ OPTnote = {},
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+ key = {Charlton96a},
+ author = {J. C. Charlton and Peter Anninos and Y. Zhang and M. L. Norman},
+ title = {Probing Ly A Absorbers in Cosmological Simulations with Double Lines
+of Sight},
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+ author = {K.S. Cheng and Y. Li and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {The Thermal Response of a Pulsar Glitch : The Non-spherical Symmetric Case},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J. Letter},
+ volume = {449},
+ year = 1998,
+ pages = 45
+ key = {Cheng98b},
+ author = {K.S. Cheng and Z. G. DAI},
+ title = {Gravitational Waves from Phase Transitions of Accreting Neutron Stars},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = {492},
+ year = 1998,
+ pages = 281
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+ author = {A. Chervenak and I. Foster and C. Kesselman and C. Salisbury and S. Tuecke},
+ title = {The Data Grid: Towards an Architecture for the Distributed Management and Analysis of Large Scientific Datasets},
+ booktitle = {Netstore 99},
+ address = {},
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+ year = 1999,
+ author = "Geoffrey S. Chesshire and William D. Henshaw",
+ title = "Composite Overlapping Meshes for the
+ Solution of Partial Differential Equations",
+ journal = "J. Comput. Phys.",
+ year = 1990,
+ volume = 90, number = 1, pages = "1--64",
+ author = "Geoffrey S. Chesshire and William D. Henshaw",
+ title = "A Scheme for Conservative Interpolation
+ on Overlapping Grids",
+ journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Comput.",
+ year = 1994,
+ volume = 15, number = 4, pages = "819--845",
+ author = {T. Chiba and Takashi Nakamura and K. Nakao and
+ M. Sasaki},
+ title = {Hoop Conjecture for apparent horizon formation},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 1994,
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+ author={Chernoff, D.~F. and Finn, L.~S.},
+ title={Gravitational Radiation,
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+ author = {E.S.C. Ching and P. T. Leung and S. Y. Liu and
+ W.-M. Suen and S. S. Tong and K. Young},
+ title = {Quasinormal Modes in Optical Cavities and for
+Gravitational Waves},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ journal = {Proceedings of the 6th Asian Pacific Physics Conference},
+ year = {1994},
+ OPTvolume = {},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ OPTpages = {},
+ note = {}
+ author = {E.S.C. Ching and P. T. Leung and W.-M. Suen and K. Young},
+ title = {Late Time Tail of Wave Propagation on Curved Spacetime},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = {1995},
+ volume = {74},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {2414},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {E.S.C. Ching and P. T. Leung and W.-M. Suen and K. Young},
+ title = {Quasi-Normal Mode Expansion for Linearized Waves in
+Gravitational systems},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
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+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = {1995},
+ volume = {74},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {4588},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {E.S.C. Ching and P. T. Leung and W.-M. Suen and K. Young},
+ title = {Wave propagation in gravitational systems: Late time
+ OPTcrossref = {},
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+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1995},
+ volume = {52},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {2118},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {E.S.C. Ching and P. T. Leung and W.-M. Suen and
+K. Young},
+ title = {Quasi-Normal Modes and Late Time Behavior of
+Gravitational Waves in Black
+Hole Spacetimes},
+ editor = {Remo Ruffini and M. Keiser},
+ booktitle = {General Relativity (MG7 Proceedings)},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ year = {1995},
+ note = {in press}
+ author={E.S.C. Ching and P. T. Leung and W.-M. Suen and
+K. Young},
+ editor={M. Francaviglia and G. Longhi and L. Lusanna and E. Sorace},
+ title={Quasi-Normal Modes and Late Time Behavior
+of Gravitational Waves},
+ booktitle={14th International Conference on General Relativity, and
+ publisher={World {S}cientific},
+ address={Singapore},
+ year={1995},
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+ author = {E.S.C. Ching and P. T. Leung and W.-M. Suen and K. Young},
+ title = {Wave propagation in gravitational systems: Completeness
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+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1996},
+ volume = {54},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {3778},
+ eprint = { (gr-qc/9507034)}
+ author = {E.S.C. Ching and P. T. Leung and W.-M. Suen
+and S. S. Tong and K. Young},
+ title = {Quasinormal-mode Expansion for Waves in Open Systems},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ journal = {Rev. of Mod. Phys.},
+ year = {1998},
+ volume = {70},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {1545-1554},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = "Choi, Dae-Il and Brown, J. David and Imbiriba, Breno and
+ Centrella, Joan and MacNeice, Peter",
+ title = "Interface Conditions for Wave Propagation Through Mesh
+ Refinement Boundaries",
+ year = "2004",
+ journal = "J. Comput. Phys.",
+ volume = {193},
+ pages = {398--425},
+ eprint = "physics/0307036"
+ author = {Choi, Dae-Il},
+ title = {Recent Results on Binary Black Hole Simulations},
+ note = {Talk given at Penn State Sources and Simulations
+ Seminar Seroes, April 11 2006},
+ year = 2006,
+ url = {http://cgpg.gravity.psu.edu/
+ events/sss/2006/spring.shtml#2006_04_11_Choi}
+ author = "Choi, Dae-Il and Kelly, Bernard J. and , Boggs, William D. and
+ Baker, John G and Centrella, Joan and van Meter, James",
+ title = "Recoiling from a Kick in the Head-On Case",
+ year = "2007",
+ journal = "",
+ volume = "",
+ pages = "",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0702016"
+ author = {M. W. Choptuik},
+ note = {private communication}
+ key = {Choptuik},
+ author = {M. W. Choptuik},
+ title = {A Study of Numerical Techniques for the
+ Initial Value Problem of General Relativity},
+ school = {University of {B}ritish {C}olumbia},
+ year = {1982}, month = {November},
+ key = {Choptuik},
+ author = {Matthew W. Choptuik},
+ title = {A Study of Numerical Techniques for Radiative
+ Problems in General Relativity},
+ school = {University of {B}ritish {C}olumbia},
+ address = {Vancouver, Canada},
+ year = {1986}
+ author = {Matthew W. Choptuik and William G. Unruh},
+ title = {An introduction to the multi-grid method for numerical
+ relativists},
+ journal = {Gen. Rel. Grav.},
+ volume = 18,
+ year = 1986,
+ pages = {818-843}
+ key = {Choptuik89},
+ author = {Matthew W. Choptuik},
+ title = {Experiences with an Adaptive Mesh Refinement
+ Algorithm in Numerical Relativity},
+ pages = "206--221",
+ editor = {C. Evans and L. Finn and D. Hobill},
+ booktitle = {Frontiers in Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ year = 1989
+% copied by Paul Walker for 3/17/94 meeting
+ key = {Choptuik91},
+ author = {Matthew W. Choptuik},
+ title = {Consistency of Finite-Difference Solutions to
+ {E}instein's Equations},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 44,
+ year = 1991,
+ pages = "3124--3135",
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ OPTauthor = {},
+ OPTtitle = {},
+ OPThowpublished = {},
+ OPTyear = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ note = {Matt Choptuik, private communication.},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = "Matthew William Choptuik and Dalia S. Goldwirth and Tsvi Piran",
+ title = "A Direct Comparison of Two Codes in Numerical Relativity",
+ journal = "Class. Quant. Grav.",
+ volume = 9,
+ number = 3,
+ pages = "721--750",
+ year = 1992,
+ month = "March",
+% copied by Joe 4/20/94 . Corrected by Joan 9/24/94
+ key = {Choptuik93},
+ author = {Matthew W. Choptuik},
+ title = {Universality and Scaling in Gravitational Collapse
+of Massless Scalar Field},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = 70,
+ year = 1993,
+ pages = 9
+ author = {M. W. Choptuik},
+ year = {1995},
+ note = {WWW-page (2005/08/22):
+ \texttt{http://wwwrel.ph.utexas.edu/Members/matt/Doc/texas95.amr.ps}},
+ author = {M. W. Choptuik},
+ year = {1995},
+ note = {URL: \texttt{http://wwwrel.ph.utexas.edu/Members/matt/Doc/texas95.amr.ps}},
+ author = "Choptuik, Matthew W. and Chmaj, Tadeusz and Bizon, Piotr",
+ title = "Critical Behaviour in Gravitational Collapse of a Yang-
+ Mills Field",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
+ volume = "77",
+ year = "1996",
+ pages = "424-427",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9603051",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 9603051;%%"
+ author = {Matthew W. Choptuik},
+ title = {Fundamental issues of numerical relativity},
+ journal = {IMA {N}umerical {R}elativity {W}orkshop, Minneapolis},
+ note = {http://www.ima.umn.edu/nr/index.html},
+ year = 2002
+ author = "Choptuik, Matthew W. and Hirschmann, Eric W. and Liebling,
+ Steven L. and Pretorius, Frans",
+ title = "An Axisymmetric Gravitational Collapse Code",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = "20",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "1857-1878",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0301006",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0301006;%%"
+ author = "Choptuik, Matthew W. and Hirschmann, Eric W. and Liebling,
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+ author = "Dain, Sergio and Lousto, Carlos O. and Zlochower, Yosef",
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+ author = "Damour, Thibault and Soffel, Michael and Xu, Chong-ming",
+ title = "General relativistic celestial mechanics. 1. Method and
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+ volume = "43",
+ year = "1991",
+ pages = "3272-3307",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = PHRVA,D43,3272;%%",
+ author = {T. Damour},
+ title = {Selected Themes in Relativistic Gravity},
+ editor = {J. Marck and J. Lasota},
+ booktitle = {Relativistic Gravitation and Gravitational Radiation},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ year = 1997,
+ pages = {1-31}
+ author = "Thibault Damour and Bala R. Iyer and B. S. Sathyaprakash",
+ title = {Improved filters for gravitational waves from inspiralling
+ compact binaries},
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "57",
+ year = "1998",
+ pages = "885-907",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9708034",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0010009;%%",
+ author = "Damour, Thibault and Jaranowski, Piotr and Sch{\"a}fer,
+ Gerhard",
+ title = "Dynamical invariants for general relativistic two-body
+ systems at the third post-{N}ewtonian approximation",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "62",
+ year = "2000",
+ pages = "044024",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9912092",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 9912092;%%"
+ author = {T. Damour and P. Jaranowski and G. Sch{\"a}fer},
+ title = {{P}oincare invariance in the {ADM} {H}amiltonian approach
+ to the general relativistic two-body problem},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {62},
+ year = {2000},
+ pages = {021501}
+ author = "Thibault Damour and Bala R. Iyer and B. S. Sathyaprakash",
+ title = "A comparison of search templates for gravitational waves
+ from binary inspiral",
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+ volume = "63",
+ year = "2001",
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/0010009",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0010009;%%",
+ author = {Damour, Thibault and Jaranowski, Piotr and
+ Sch{\"a}fer, Gerhard},
+ title = "Equivalence between the {ADM}-{H}amiltonian and the harmonic-
+ coordinates approaches to the third post-{N}ewtonian dynamics
+ of compact binaries",
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+ year = "2001",
+ pages = "044021",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0010040",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0010040;%%",
+ author = {Damour, Thibault and Jaranowski, Piotr and Sch{\"a}fer,
+ Gerhard},
+ title = "On the determination of the last stable orbit for circular
+ general relativistic binaries at the third post-{N}ewtonian
+ approximation",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "62",
+ year = "2000",
+ pages = "084011",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0005034",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0005034;%%",
+ author = {Damour, Thibault and Jaranowski, Piotr and Sch{\"a}fer,
+ Gerhard},
+ title = "Dimensional regularization of the gravitational interaction
+ of point masses",
+ journal = "Phys. Lett. B",
+ volume = "513",
+ year = "2001",
+ pages = "147-155",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0105038",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0105038;%%",
+ author = "Damour, Thibault",
+ title = "Coalescence of two spinning black holes: An effective one-
+ body approach",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "64",
+ year = "2001",
+ pages = "124013",
+ archive = "http://arXiv.org/abs",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0103018",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0103018;%%",
+ author = "Damour, Thibault and Gourgoulhon, Eric and Grandcl{\'e}ment,
+ Philippe",
+ title = "Circular orbits of corotating binary black holes:
+ Comparison between analytical and numerical results",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "66",
+ year = "2002",
+ pages = "024007",
+ archive = "http://arXiv.org/abs",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0204011",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0204011;%%",
+ author = "Damour, Thibault and Iyer, Bala R. and Jaranowski, Piotr
+ and Sathyaprakash, B. S.",
+ title = "Gravitational waves from black hole binary inspiral and
+ merger: The span of third post-{N}ewtonian effective-one-
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+ year = "2002",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0211041",
+ note = "gr-qc/0211041",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0211041;%%",
+ author = "Damour, Thibault and Nagar, Alessandro and Dorband, Ernst
+ Nils and Pollney, Denis and Rezzolla, Luciano",
+ title = "{Faithful Effective-One-Body waveforms of equal-mass
+ coalescing black-hole binaries}",
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+ archivePrefix = "arXiv",
+ primaryClass = "gr-qc",
+ doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.77.084017",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = 0712.3003;%%"
+ author = "Damour, Thibault and Nagar, Alessandro and Hannam, Mark and
+ Husa, Sascha and Bruegmann, Bernd",
+ title = "{Accurate Effective-One-Body waveforms of inspiralling and
+ coalescing black-hole binaries}",
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = 0803.3162;%%"
+ author = "Thibault Damour and Achamveedu Gopakumar",
+ title = "Gravitational recoil during binary black hole coalescence
+ using the effective one body approach",
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+ volume = 73,
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+ title = {{LISA} technology -- {Concept}, status, prospects},
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+ title = {Radiation from collapsing relativistic stars. {I}.
+ Linearized odd-parity radiation},
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+ author = {G. E. Daues},
+ title = {Numerical Studies of Black Hole Spacetimes},
+ school = {Washington University},
+ address = {St. Louis, Missouri},
+ year = 1996
+ author = "Dautcourt, G.",
+ title = "",
+ journal = "Acta Physica Polonica",
+ volume = "B21",
+ year = "1990",
+ pages = "755",
+ author = "Dautcourt, G.",
+ title = "Post-Newtonian extension of the Newton-Cartan theory",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = "14",
+ year = "1997",
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/9610036",
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+%Copied by Joe 4/7/94
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+ author = {M. Davis and Remo Ruffini and H. Press and R. H. Price},
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+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = {1971},
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+ year = {1972},
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+ author={Timothy A. Davis},
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+ institution={Univ. of Florida, CISE Dept.},
+ year={2002}
+ ,number={TR-02-001}
+ ,address={Gainesville, FL}
+ ,month={January}
+ ,note={(http://www.cise.ufl.edu/tech-reports.
+ Submitted to {\em ACM Trans. Math. Softw.})}
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+ author={Timothy A. Davis},
+ title={Algorithm 8xx: {UMFPACK V3.2}, an unsymmetric-pattern
+ multifrontal method with a column pre-ordering strategy},
+ institution={Univ. of Florida, CISE Dept.},
+ year={2002}
+ ,number={TR-02-002}
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+ ,month={January}
+ ,note={(http://www.cise.ufl.edu/tech-reports.
+ Submitted to {\em ACM Trans. Math. Softw.})}
+ }
+ author = "Timothy A. Davis and Iain S. Duff",
+ title = "An unsymmetric-pattern multifrontal method
+ for sparse {LU} factorization",
+ journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Applic.",
+ year = 1997, volume = 18, number = 1,
+ pages = "140--158",
+ }
+ author = "Timothy A. Davis and Iain S. Duff",
+ title = "A combined unifrontal/multifrontal method
+ for unsymmetric sparse matrices",
+ journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Softw.",
+ year = 1999, volume = 25, number = 1,
+ pages = "1-19",
+ }
+ author={Davies, M.~B. and Benz, M.~B. and Piran, T.
+and Thielemann, F.~K.},
+ title={Merging Neutron Stars. {I}. Initial Results for
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+ key = {Davis96a},
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+ year = {1996},
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+ OPTtitle = {Generalized Topological Sigma Model},
+ year = {1997},
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+ key = {Davis02a},
+ author = {K. Davis and T. Goodale},
+ title = {GAT Technical Specification},
+ institution = {GridLab},
+ number = {D1.2},
+ year = 2002,
+ note = {\url{http://www.gridlab.org/
+ Resources/Deliverables/D1.2.pdf}}
+ key = {Davis02b},
+ author = {Ian Taylor and Shalil Majithia and Matthew Shields and Ian Wang and Kelly Davis},
+ title = {Triana Metadata Specification},
+ institution = {GridLab},
+ number = {D3.1},
+ year = 2002,
+ note = {{\tt https://www.gridlab.org/Resources/Deliverables/D3.1c.pdf}}
+ author = {{Davies}, M.~B. and {King}, A. and {Rosswog}, S. and {Wynn}, G.
+ },
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+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=2002ApJ...579L..63D&db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {D. S. P. Dearborn and J. R. Wilson and G. J. Mathews},
+ title = {Relativistically Compressed Exploding White Dwarf
+ Model for Sagittarius A East},
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+ author = {{Dedner}, A. and {Kemm}, F. and {Kr{\"o}ner}, D. and {Munz}, C.-D. and {Schnitzer}, T. and {Wesenberg}, M.},
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+ publisher = {Gauthiers-Villars},
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+ author = {F. de Felice and C. J. S. Clarke},
+ title = {Relativity on curved manifolds},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ year = 1990
+ key = {Demmel93},
+ author = {J. W. Demmel and M. T. Heath and H. A. van der Vorst},
+ title = {Parallel Numerical Linear Algebra},
+ journal = {Acta Numerica},
+ year = {1993},
+ volume = {2},
+ pages = {111},
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+ author = "Dennis, Jr., John E. and Robert B. Schnabel",
+ title = "Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization
+ and Nonlinear Equations",
+ publisher = "Prentice-Hall",
+ address = "Englewood Cliffs",
+ year = 1983,
+ isbn = "0-13-627216-9",
+ X-note = "out of print; see \cite{Dennis-Schnabel-1996}
+ for reprint edition by different publisher",
+ author = "Dennis, Jr., John E. and Robert B. Schnabel",
+ title = "Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization
+ and Nonlinear Equations",
+ publisher = "SIAM",
+ address = "Philadelphia, USA",
+ year = 1996,
+ isbn = "0-89871-364-1",
+ X-note = "This SIAM edition is an unabrided, corrected republication
+ of \cite{Denis-Schnabel-1983}.",
+ author = "Dessart, Luc and Burrows, A. and Livne, E. and Ott, C. D.",
+ title = "Multi-Dimensional Radiation/Hydrodynamic Simulations of
+ Protoneutron Star Convection",
+ journal = "Astrophys. J.",
+ volume = "645",
+ year = "2006",
+ pages = "534-550",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0510229",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0510229;%%"
+% copied by Paul Walker for 3/17/94 meeting
+ key = {Detweiler87},
+ author = {S. Detweiler},
+ title = {Evolution of the constraint equations in general
+ relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {35},
+ year = 1987,
+ pages = {1095}
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+ key = {Detweiler79},
+ author = {S. Detweiler and E. Szedenits},
+ title = {Black Holes and Gravitational Waves. {II}. Trajectories
+ Plunging Into a Nonrotating Hole},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ journal = {Astrophys.~J},
+ year = {1979},
+ volume = {231},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {211},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {S. L. Detweiler},
+ title = {Black Holes and Gravitational Waves: Perturbation Analysis},
+ editor = {L. Smarr},
+ booktitle = {Sources of gravitational radiation},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ year = 1979,
+ pages = {211--230}
+ author = "Detweiler, Steven and Whiting, Bernard F.",
+ title = "Self-force via a Green's function decomposition",
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+ volume = "67",
+ year = "2003",
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/0202086",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0202086;%%"
+ author = "Detweiler, Steven and Poisson, Eric",
+ title = "Low multipole contributions to the gravitational self-
+ force",
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+ volume = "69",
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0312010;%%"
+ author = "J. P. De Villiers and J. F. Hawley",
+ title = " Global General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic
+ Simulations of Accretion Tori",
+ journal = "Astrophys. J.",
+ volume = "592",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "1060",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0210518",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0312010;%%"
+ key = {Diener99},
+ author = {Peter Diener and Nina Jansen
+ and Alexei Khokhlov and Igor Novikov},
+ title = {Adaptive mesh refinement approach to construction of
+ initial data for black hole collisions},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 17, number = 2,
+ year = 2000,
+ pages = {435--451},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9905079},
+ doi = {doi:10.1088/0264-9381/17/2/312},
+ author = {P. Diener},
+ title = {A New General Purpose Event Horizon Finder for {3D}
+ Numerical Spacetimes},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 20,
+ number = 22,
+ year = 2003,
+ pages = {4901-4917},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0305039},
+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/20/22/014},
+ url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0264-9381/20/4901},
+ author = {Peter Diener and Ryoji Takahashi and Denis Pollney
+ and Edward Seidel},
+ title = "The Evolution of 3D Rotating Distorted Black Holes",
+ note = "in preparation",
+ }
+ author = {Peter Diener and Frank Herrmann and Denis Pollney
+ and Edward Seidel and Ryoji Takahashi},
+ title = {Dynamical Gauge Conditions for Numerical Evolution
+ of Binary Black Hole Spacetimes},
+ year = {2005},
+ note = {in preparation}
+% Don't use this; use Diener05b1 instead
+ author = {Peter Diener and Ernst Nils Dorband and Erik
+ Schnetter and Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {New, efficient, and accurate high order derivative
+ and dissipation operators satisfying summation by
+ parts, and applications in three-dimensional
+ multi-block evolutions},
+ year = 2005,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0512001},
+ note = {gr-qc/0512001},
+ author = {Peter Diener and Ernst Nils Dorband and Erik
+ Schnetter and Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {Optimized High-Order Derivative and Dissipation
+ Operators Satisfying Summation by Parts, and
+ Applications in Three-dimensional Multi-block
+ Evolutions},
+ journal = {J. Sci. Comput.},
+ volume = 32,
+ pages = {109-145},
+ year = 2007,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0512001},
+ author = {Peter Diener and Frank Herrmann and Denis Pollney
+ and Edward Seidel and Ryoji Takahashi and Jason Ventrella},
+ title = {Determining the Transition from Orbit to Plunge in
+ Binary Black Hole Initial Data},
+ year = {2006},
+ note = {in preparation}
+ author = "Peter Diener and Frank Herrmann and Denis Pollney
+ and Erik Schnetter and Edward Seidel and Ryoji Takahashi
+ and Jonathan Thornburg and Jason Ventrella",
+ title = "Accurate Evolution of Orbiting Binary Black Holes",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
+ volume = 96, number = 12, pages = 121101,
+ year = 2006,
+ month = "March 30",
+ url = "http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v96/e121101",
+ doi = "10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.121101",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0512108",
+ author = "Peter Diener and Frank Herrmann and Denis Pollney
+ and Erik Schnetter and Edward Seidel and Ryoji
+ Takahashi and Jonathan Thornburg and Jason
+ Ventrella",
+ title = "Accurate evolution of orbiting binary black holes",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
+ volume = 96,
+ year = 2006,
+ pages = 121101,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0512108",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0512108;%%"
+ author = "Peter Diener",
+ title = "personal communication",
+ year = "2005",
+ note = "Diener is enhancing \textsc{EHFinder} to work with
+ Schnetter's \textsc{Carpet} mesh-refinement driver
+ (\cite{Schnetter-etal-03b, carpet-author-and-web-site}).",
+ key = {Dijkstra01},
+ author = {H. A. Dijkstra and H. Oksuzoglu and F. W. Wubs and F. F. Botta},
+ title = {A Fully Implicit Model of the three-dimensional thermohaline ocean circulation},
+ journal = {J. Comput. Phys.},
+ volume = 173,
+ year = 2001,
+ pages = {685715}
+ author = {H. Dimmelmeier and J.~A. Font and E. M{\"u}ller},
+ title = {Gravitational Waves from Relativistic Rotational Core Collapse},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J. Lett.},
+ year = {2001},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ volume = {560},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {L163--166},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {H. Dimmelmeier and J.~A. Font and E. M{\"u}ller},
+ title = {Relativistic simulations of rotational core collapse. {I}. {M}ethods, initial models, and code tests},
+ journal = {Astron. Astrophys.},
+ year = {2002},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ volume = {388},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {917--935},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {H. Dimmelmeier and J.~A. Font and E. M{\"u}ller},
+ title = {Relativistic simulations of rotational core collapse. {II}. {C}ollapse dynamics and gravitational radiation},
+ journal = {Astron. Astrophys.},
+ year = {2002},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ volume = {393},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {523--542},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {Harald Dimmelmeier and J{\'e}r{\^o}me Novak and
+ Jos{\'e} A. Font and Jos{\'e} M. Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez and
+ Ewald M{\"u}ller},
+ title = {``Mariage des Maillages'': {A} new numerical
+ approach for {3D} relativistic core collapse
+ simulations},
+ journal = {astro-ph/0407174},
+ year = 2004
+ author = {{Dimmelmeier}, H. and {Ott}, C.~D. and {Janka}, H.-T. and {Marek}, A. and
+ {M{\"u}ller}, E.},
+ title = "{Generic Gravitational-Wave Signals from the Collapse of Rotating Stellar Cores}",
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ eprint = {arXiv:astro-ph/0702305},
+ year = 2007,
+ month = jun,
+ volume = 98,
+ number = 25,
+ pages = {251101-+},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.251101},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007PhRvL..98y1101D},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = "Ray A. dInverno and James A. Vickers",
+ title = "Combining {C}auchy and characteristic codes.
+ {IV}. {T}he characteristic field equations in axial symmetry",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 56, number = 2,
+ year = 1997, month = "July 15",
+ pages = "772--784",
+ doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.56.772",
+ author = "Ray A. dInverno and Mark R. Dubal and E. A. Sarkies",
+ title = "{C}auchy-characteristic matching
+ for a family of cylindrical solutions
+ possessing both gravitational degrees of freedom",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ year = 2000, month = "21 August",
+ volume = 17, number = 16,
+ pages = "3157--3170",
+ doi = "10.1088/0264-9381/17/16/305",
+ author = {P. A. M. Dirac},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {Proc. R. Soc. London},
+ volume = {A246},
+ pages = {326},
+ year = {1958}
+ author = {P. A. M. Dirac},
+ title = {Fixation of Coordinates in the Hamiltonian Theory of Gravitation},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev.},
+ volume = {114},
+ pages = {924},
+ year = {1959}
+ author = {Willy D{\"o}rfler},
+ title = {A convergent adaptive algorithm for {P}oisson's equation},
+ journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.",
+ year = {1996},
+ volume = {33},
+ number = {3},
+ pages = {1106--1124},
+ key = {Donat96},
+ author = {R. Donat and A. Marquina},
+ title = {Capturing shock reflections: an improved flux formula},
+ journal = {J. Comput. Phys.},
+ volume = {125},
+ year = 1996,
+ pages = {42}
+ key = {Donat98},
+ author = {R. Donat and J.~A. Font and
+ J.~M. Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez and A. Marquina},
+ title = {A Flux-Split Algorithm applied to
+ Relativistic Flows},
+ journal = {J. Comput. Phys.},
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+ note = {{\tt http://www.cactuscode.org/Articles/Cactus_Dramlitsch01a.pre.pdf}},
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+ author = {Olaf Dreyer and Badri Krishnan and Deirdre Shoemaker
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+ author = "Olaf Dreyer and Badri Krishnan and Deirdre Shoemaker
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+ author = {{Durisen}, R.~H. and {Gingold}, R.~A. and {Tohline}, J.~E. and
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+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {{Durney}, B.~R. and {Roxburgh}, I.~W.},
+ title = "{Rotating Massive Stars in General Relativity}",
+ journal = {Royal Society of London Proceedings Series A},
+ year = 1967,
+ month = jan,
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+ pages = {189-200},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1967RSPSA.296..189D&db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ key = {Dykema80},
+ author = {P.~G. Dykema},
+ title = "The Numerical Simulation of
+ Axially Symmetric Gravitational Collapse",
+ school = {University of Texas at Austin},
+ address = {Austin, USA},
+ year = 1980,
+ X-note = "{U}niversity {M}icrofilms \#DA 81-09156",
+%%%%% E %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ author = "Douglas M. Eardley",
+ title = "Gravitational Collapse of Marginally Bound Spheroids:
+ {I}nitial Conditions",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 12, number = 10,
+ year = 1975, month = "15 November",
+ pages = "3072--3076",
+ doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.12.3072",
+ url = "http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v12/p3072",
+ snote = "This paper doesn't say how the author finds apparent horizons,
+ but \cite[page 135]{Eppley75} cites a preprint of this as
+ treating the apparent-horizon equation as a 2-point (ODE)
+ boundary value problem:
+ Eardley uses a 'beads on a string' technique to
+ solve the set of simultaneous equations, i.e.,
+ imagining the curve to be defined as a bead on
+ each ray of constant angle. He solves for the
+ positions on each ray at which the relation is
+ satisfied everywhere."
+% Copied by Joe 3/21/94
+ key = {Eardley79},
+ author = {D. M. Eardley and L. Smarr},
+ title = {Time Functions in Numerical Relativity: Marginally Bound
+ Dust Collapse},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 19,
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+ pages = {2239}
+ author = {D. M. Eardley},
+ title = {Black hole boundary conditions and coordinate conditions},
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+ year = {1998},
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+ author = {F. Echeverr{\'\i}a},
+ title = {Gravitational-wave measurements of mass and angular
+ momentum of a black hole},
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+ volume = 40,
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+ title = {The thermodynamics of irreversible processes {III}:
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+ title={A comparison of {W}hitehead's and {E}instein's formulas},
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+ title = {On {G}odunov-type methods for gas dynamics},
+ journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.},
+ year = 1988,
+ volume = 25,
+ pages = {294--318}}
+ key = {Einstein05a},
+ author = {Albert Einstein},
+ title = {Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K{\"o}rper},
+ journal = {Ann. Phys.},
+ volume = {17},
+ year = 1905,
+ pages = {891-921}
+ key = {Einstein05b},
+ author = {Albert Einstein},
+ title = {Ist die Tr{\"a}gheit eines K{\"o}rpers von seinem Energieinhalt abh{\"a}ngig?},
+ journal = {Ann. Phys.},
+ volume = {18},
+ year = 1905,
+ pages = {639-641}
+ key = {Einstein15a},
+ author = {Albert Einstein},
+ title = {Zur Algemeinen Relativit{\"a}tstheorie},
+ journal = {Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitzungsber.},
+ year = 1915,
+ pages = {778-786}
+ key = {Einstein15b},
+ author = {Albert Einstein},
+ title = {Die Feldgleichungen der Gravitation},
+ journal = {Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitzungsber.},
+ year = 1915,
+ pages = {844-847}
+% copied by Steve Brandt for 4/21/94 meeting
+ key = {Einstein35},
+ author = {A. Einstein and N. Rosen},
+ title = {The Particle Problem in the General Theory of Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 48,
+ year = 1935,
+ pages = 73
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+ author = {S. C. Eisenstat and J. M. Ortega and C. T. Vaughan},
+ title = {Efficient Polnomial Preconditioning for the Conjugate
+ Gradient Method},
+ journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Stat.},
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+ year = 1990,
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+ author = {R. Emden},
+ title = {Gaskugeln, {A}nwendungen der mechanischen {W}{\"a}rmetheorie},
+ publisher ={Teubner},
+ address = {Leipzig},
+ year = {1907}
+ author = {Engstler, C. and Lubich, C.},
+ title = {Multirate extrapolation methods for differential equations
+ with different time scales},
+ journal = {Computing},
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+ volume = 58,
+ pages = {173-185}
+ author = {Bjorn Engquist and Andrew Majda},
+ title = {Absorbing Boundary Conditions for the Numerical Simulation
+ of Waves},
+ journal = {Mathematics of Computation},
+ volume = 31,
+ number = 139,
+ year = 1977,
+ pages = {629--651}
+ key = {Eppley75},
+ author = {Kenneth R. Eppley},
+ title = {The numerical evolution of the collision of two
+ black holes},
+ school = {Princeton University},
+ address = {Princeton, New Jersey},
+ year = 1975
+% copied by Steve Brandt for 4/21/94 meeting
+ key = {Eppley77},
+ author = {Kenneth R. Eppley},
+ title = {Evolution of time-symmetric gravitational waves:
+ Initial data and apparent horizons},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 16,
+ number = 6,
+ year = 1977,
+ pages = {1609-1614}
+ key = {Eppley79},
+ author = {Kenneth R. Eppley},
+ title = {Pure Gravitational Waves},
+ editor = {L. Smarr},
+ booktitle = {Sources of gravitational radiation},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ year = 1979,
+ pages = {275}
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+ title = {Post-Newtonian generation of gravitational waves},
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+ author = {Frank Estabrook and Hugo Wahlquist and Steve
+ Christensen and Bryce DeWitt and Larry Smarr},
+ OPTtitle = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ OPTvolume = {},
+ year = 1971,
+ OPTpages = {}
+%Copied by Joe 4/7/94
+ key = {Estabrook73},
+ author = {Frank Estabrook and Hugo Wahlquist and Steve
+ Christensen and Bryce DeWitt and Larry Smarr and
+ Elaine Tsiang},
+ title = {Maximally Slicing a Black Hole},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 7,
+ number = 10,
+ year = 1973,
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+ author = {Zachariah B. Etienne and Joshua A. Faber and Yuk
+ Tung Liu and Stuart L. Shapiro and Thomas
+ W. Baumgarte},
+ title = {Filling the holes: Evolving excised binary black
+ hole initial data with puncture techniques},
+ note = {arXiv:0707.2083 [gr-qc]}
+ author = "Etienne, Zachariah B. and others",
+ title = "Fully General Relativistic Simulations of Black Hole-
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+ year = "2007",
+ note = "arXiv:0712.2460 [astro-ph]"
+ author = {{Etienne}, Z.~B. and {Liu}, Y.~T. and {Shapiro}, S.~L. and {Baumgarte}, T.~W.},
+ title = "{Relativistic Simulations of Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers: Effects of black-hole spin}",
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+ eprint = {0812.2245},
+ keywords = {Astrophysics, General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology},
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+ title = "A Method for Numerical Relativity:
+ Simulation of Axisymmetric Gravitational Collapse
+ and Gravitational Radiation Generation",
+ school = {University of Texas at Austin},
+ year = 1984,
+ X-note = "{U}niversity {M}icrofilms \#DA 85-08264",
+ key = {Evans86},
+ author = {C. Evans},
+ title = {An Approach for Calculating Axisymmetric
+ Gravitational Collapse},
+ editor = {J. Centrella},
+ booktitle = {Dynamical Spacetimes and Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ year = 1986,
+ pages = {3-39}
+ author={Evans, C.~R. and Mathews, G.~J.},
+ editor={G.~J. Mathews},
+ title={Shock Driven Neutronized Wind from Binary Neutron Star
+Coalesence as a Site for the r--Process},
+ booktitle={Origin and Distribtution of the Elements},
+ publisher={},
+ address={},
+ year={1988},
+ pages={} }
+ key = {Evans89},
+ author = {C. R. Evans},
+ title = {Enforcing the Momentum Constraints During Axisymmetric
+ Spacelike Simulations},
+ pages = "194--205",
+ editor = {C. Evans and L. Finn and D. Hobill},
+ booktitle = {Frontiers in Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ year = 1989,
+ note = {and references therein}
+ author = {Edwin Evans and A. Gopakumar and Philip Gressman and
+ Sai Iyer and Mark Miller and Wai-Mo Suen and Hui-Min
+ Zhang},
+ title = "Head-on/{N}ear {H}ead-on {C}ollisions of {N}eutron
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+ year = 2003,
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "67",
+ pages = "104001",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0301011"
+ }
+ author = {Edwin Evans and Sai Iyer and Erik Schnetter and
+ Wai-Mo Suen and Jian Tao and Randy Wolfmeyer and
+ Hui-Min Zhang},
+ title = {Computational Relativistic Astrophysics With
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+ key = {Eulderink94},
+ author = {F. Eulderink and G. Mellema},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {Astron. Astrophys.},
+ volume = 284,
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+ year = 1994
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+ author = {F. Eulderink and G. Mellema},
+ title = {General relativistic hydrodynamics with a Roe solver},
+ journal = {Astron. Astrophys.Suppl.},
+ volume = 110,
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+ title = {},
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+ year = 2000,
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+ author = {Joshua A. Faber, Philippe Grandcl�ent, Frederic A. Rasio},
+ title = {Mergers of Irrotational Neutron Star Binaries in
+ Conformally Flat Gravity},
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+ pages = 124036
+ author = {Joshua A. Faber and Thomas W. Baumgarte and
+ Stuart L. Shapiro and Keisuke Taniguchi and
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+ title = {{T}he {D}ynamical {E}volution of {B}lack {H}ole-{N}eutron
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+ journal= {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2006,
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+ note = {astro-ph/0511366},
+ author = {Joshua A. Faber and Thomas W. Baumgarte and
+ Stuart L. Shapiro and Keisuke Taniguchi},
+ title = {General Relativistic Binary Merger Simulations and Short
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+ Z.~B. and {Shapiro}, S.~L. and {Taniguchi}, K.},
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+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007PhRvD..76j4021F},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {Stephen Fairhurst and Badri Krishnan},
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+ author = {Faye, Guillaume and Jaranowski, Piotr and Sch{\"a}fer, Gerhard
+ },
+ title = "A skeleton approximate solution of the {E}instein field
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0311018;%%"
+% copied by steve brandt for 10/29/94 meeting
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+ author = {Valeria Ferrari},
+ title = {Identification of black holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Lett. A},
+ volume = 171,
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+ adsnote = {Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System}
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+ title={Past-future asymmetry of the gravitational field of a point particle},
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+ author = {David R. Fiske and John G. Baker and James R. van
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+ title = {Toward Making the Constraint Hypersurface an Attractor in Free Evolution},
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+ author = {Fitchett, M.~J.},
+ title = {},
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+ journal = {Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc.},
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+ title = {Hoop conjecture for black hole horizon formation},
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+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1991},
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+ pages = {2409-2420},
+ OPTannote = {}
+% copied by Peter Leppik for 3/17/94 meeting
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+ title = {Trapped surfaces in nonspherical initial data sets
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+ OPTcrossref = {},
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+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1992},
+ volume = {46},
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/9602052",
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+ author = "Flanagan, E. E. and Hughes, S.A.",
+ title = "Measuring gravitational waves from binary black hole coalescences. {I}. {Signal} to noise for inspiral, merger, and ringdown",
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+ eprint = "",
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+ title = "Measuring gravitational waves from binary black hole coalescences. {II}. The waves' information and its extraction, with and without templates",
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+ author = {{\'E}anna {\'E}. Flanagan and Scott A. Hughes},
+ title = {Measuring gravitational waves from binary black
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+ and A. Marquina},
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+ author = {J.~A. Font and Joan Mass{\'o}},
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+ on General Relativity},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ year = 1997
+ key = {Font98a},
+ author = {J.~A. Font and J.~M. Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez},
+ title = {A Numerical Study of Relativistic {B}ondi-{H}oyle Accretion
+ onto a Moving Black Hole: Axisymmetric Computations
+ in a {S}chwarzschild Background},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = {494},
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+ key = {Font98c},
+ author = {J.~A. Font and J.~M. Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez},
+ journal = {Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.},
+ title = {Non-axisymmetric Relativistic {B}ondi-{H}oyle Accretion
+ onto a {S}chwarzschild Black Hole},
+ volume = {298},
+ year = {1998},
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+ key = {Font98b},
+ author = {J.~A. Font and M. Miller and W.~-M. Suen and M. Tobias},
+ title = {Three-dimensional numerical general relativistic
+ hydrodynamics: {F}ormulations, methods, and code tests},
+ year = {2000},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
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+ pages = {044011},
+ note = {gr-qc/9811015},
+ key = {Font98d},
+ author = {J.~A. Font and J.~M. Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez and Philippos Papadopoulos},
+ title = {A "horizon adapted" approach to the study of relativistic
+accretion flows onto rotating black holes},
+ year = {1998},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J. Lett.},
+ volume = {507},
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+ key = {Font98e},
+ author = {J.~A. Font and J.~M. Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez and Philippos Papadopoulos},
+ title = {Non-axisymmetric Relativistic {B}ondi-{H}oyle Accretion
+ onto a {K}err Black Hole},
+ year = {1998},
+ note = {submitted to Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.}
+ key = {Font98f},
+ author = {J.~A. Font and M. Miller and W.~-M. Suen and M. Tobias},
+ title = {{PAPS} Supplement to Three Dimensional Numerical General
+ Relativistic Hydrodynamics {I}: Formulations, Methods, and
+ Code Tests},
+ year = {2000},
+ note = {See AIP Document No. EPAPS: E-PRVDAQ-61-029004. This
+ document may be retrieved via the EPAPS homepage
+ (http:/www.aip.org/pubservs/epaps.html) or from ftp.aip.org
+ in the directory /epaps/.}
+ key = {Font99},
+ author = {J.~A. Font and N. Stergioulas and K.~D. Kokkotas},
+ title = {Nonlinear Hydrodynamical Evolution of Rotating Relativistic Stars: Numerical Methods and Code Tests},
+ year = {2000},
+ journal = {Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.},
+ volume = {313},
+ pages = {678},
+ note = {}
+ key = {Font99a},
+ author = {J.~A. Font and T. Goodale and M. Miller and N. Stergioulas
+and M. Tobias},
+ title = {Three Dimensional Numerical General Relativistic
+ Hydrodynamics {II}: Code Tests},
+ year = {1999},
+ note = {in preparation},
+ author = {J. A. Font},
+ title = {Numerical hydrodynamics in general relativity},
+ year = 2000,
+ journal = {Living Rev. Relativity},
+ volume = 3,
+ pages = 2,
+ url = {http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2000-2},
+; see Font98b !
+ key = {Font00b},
+ author = {J. A. Font and M. Miller and W. M. Suen and M. Tobias},
+ title = {Three-dimensional numerical general relativistic
+ hydrodynamics: {F}ormulations, methods, and code tests},
+ year = 2000,
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 61,
+ pages = 044011
+ key = {Font01},
+ author = {J.~A. Font and H. Dimmelmeier and A. Gupta and N. Stergioulas},
+ title = {Axisymmetric Modes of Rotating Relativistic Stars in the {Cowling} Approximation},
+ year = {2001},
+ journal = {Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.},
+ volume = {},
+ pages = {1463},
+ note = {}
+ author = {Jos{\'e} A. Font and Tom Goodale and Sai Iyer and Mark Miller and Luciano Rezzolla and Edward Seidel and Nikolaos Stergioulas and Wai-Mo Suen and Malcolm Tobias},
+ title = {Three-dimensional general relativistic hydrodynamics. {II}. {L}ong-term dynamics of single relativistic stars},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 65,
+ year = 2002,
+ pages = {084024},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0110047}
+ key = {Font02a},
+ author = {Jos{\'e} A. Font and Frederic Daigne},
+ title = {The runaway instability of thick discs around black holes
+ -- {I}. The constant angular momentum case},
+ year = {2002},
+ journal = {Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.},
+ volume = {334},
+ pages = {383-400},
+ note = {}
+ key = {Font02b},
+ author = {Jos{\'e} A. Font and Frederic Daigne},
+ title = {On the stability of thick accretion disks around black holes},
+ year = {2002},
+ journal = {Astrophys.J},
+ volume = {581},
+ pages = {L23-L26},
+ note = {}
+% See Font01b
+ key = {Font02c},
+ author = {J.~A. Font and T. Goodale and S. Iyer and M. Miller and L. Rezzolla and E. Seidel and N. Stergioulas and W. M. Suen and M. Tobias},
+ title = {Three-dimensional general relativistic hydrodynamics. {II}. {L}ong-term dynamics of single relativistic stars},
+ year = {2002},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {65},
+ pages = {084024},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0110047}
+ key = {Font03},
+ author = {J.~A. Font},
+ title = {Numerical hydrodynamics in general relativity},
+ year = {2003},
+ journal = {Living Rev. Relativity},
+ volume = {6},
+ pages = {4},
+ url = {http://www.livingreviews.org/Articles/lrr-2003-4}
+ author = "Bengt Fornberg",
+ title = "Generation of Finite Difference Formulas
+ on Arbitrarily Spaced Grids",
+ year = 1988, month = "October",
+ journal = "Mathematics of Computation",
+ volume = 51, number = 184,
+ pages = "699--706",
+ doi = "doi:10.2307/2008770",
+ author = "Bengt Fornberg",
+ title = "A Practical Guide to Pseudospectral Methods",
+ publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
+ address = "Cambridge, UK",
+ year = 1998,
+ ISBN = "0-521-64564-6 (paperback)",
+ author = "George E. Forsythe and Michael A. Malcolm
+ and Cleve B. Moler",
+ title = "Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations",
+ publisher = "Prentice-Hall",
+ address = "Englewood Cliffs",
+ year = 1977,
+ isbn = "0-13-165332-6",
+ note = "software available at \texttt{http://www.netlib.org/fmm/}",
+ snote = "See \cite{Kahaner-Moler-Nash} for a greatly revised
+ and expanded successor. IMHO both books are still
+ valuable, though.",
+ author = {Ian Foster},
+ title = {Desinging and Building Parallel Programs},
+ publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
+ address = {Reading, Massachusetts},
+ note = {The book is also available on-line at {\tt
+ http://www.mcs.anl.gov/dbpp/}},
+ year = {1995}
+ key = {Foster98a},
+ author = {I. Foster and C. Kesselman and G. Tsudik and S. Tuecke},
+ title = {A Security Architecture for Computational Grids},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of 5th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security Conference},
+ address = {},
+ publisher = {},
+ pages = {83--92},
+ note = {},
+ year = {1998}
+ key = {Foster01a},
+ author = {I. Foster and C. Kesselman and S. Tuecke},
+ title = {The Anatomy of the Grid: Enabling Scalable Virtual Organizations},
+ journal = {Intl J. Supercomputer Applications},
+ volume = {15},
+ number = {3},
+ year = 2001,
+ note = {{\tt http://www.globus.org/research/papers/anatomy.pdf}}
+ author = {Ian Foster},
+ title = {The Grid: A New Infrastructure for 21st Century Science},
+ journal = {Physics Today},
+ volume = {Febrary},
+ year = 2002,
+ pages = {},
+ eprint = {http://www.physicstoday.org/vol-55/iss-2/p42.html}
+ author = {I. Foster and C. Kesselman and J. Nick and S. Tuecke},
+ title = {The Physiology of the Grid: An Open Grid Services
+ Architecture for Distributed Systems Integration},
+ journal = {Open Grid Service Infrastructure WG, Global Grid Forum},
+ volume = {June},
+ year = 2002,
+ pages = {},
+ eprint = {http://www.globus.org/research/papers/ogsa.pdf}
+ author = {{Fowler}, W.~A.},
+ title = "{Massive Stars, Relativistic Polytropes, and Gravitational Radiation}",
+ journal = {Reviews of Modern Physics},
+ year = 1964,
+ month = apr,
+ volume = 36,
+ pages = {545-554},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1964RvMP...36..545F&db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {D.~B.~Fox and D.~A.~Frail and P.~A.~Price and S.~R.~Kulkarni and
+ E.~Berger and T.~Piran and A.~M.~Soderberg and S.~B.~Cenko and
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+ F.~A.~Harrison and E.~Nakar and B.~P.~Schmidt and B.~Penprase and
+ R.~A.~Chevalier and P.~Kumar and K.~Roth and D.~Watson and
+ B.~L.~Lee and S.~Shectman and M.~M.~Phillips and M.~Roth and
+ P.~J.~McCarthy and M.~Rauch and L.~Cowie and B.~A.~Peterson and
+ J.~Rich and N.~Kawai and K.~Aoki and G.~Kosugi and T.~Totani and
+ H.-S.~Park and A.~MacFadyen and K.~C.~Hurley},
+ title= {The afterglow of {GRB050709} and the nature of the short-hard
+ gamma-ray bursts},
+ journal = {Nature},
+ volume = {437},
+ pages = {845-850},
+ year = {2005},
+ note = {astro-ph/0510110},
+ author = {J. Frauendiener},
+ title = {Numerical treatment of the hyperboloidal initial value problem for
+ the vacuum {E}instein equations. {I}. The conformal field equations},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1998},
+ volume = {58},
+ pages = {064002}
+ author = {J. Frauendiener},
+ title = {Numerical treatment of the hyperboloidal initial value problem for
+ the vacuum {E}instein equations. {II}. The evolution equations},
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+ year = {1998},
+ volume = {58},
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+ author = {J. Frauendiener},
+ title = {Numerical treatment of the hyperboloidal initial value problem for
+ the vacuum {E}instein equations. {III}. On the determination of
+ radiation},
+ journal = {gr-qc/9808072},
+ author = {J. Frauendiener},
+ title = {Discretizations of axisymmetric systems},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2002},
+ volume = {66},
+ pages = {104027},
+ note = {gr-qc/0207092}
+ author = "Frauendiener, Jorg",
+ title = "Some aspects of the numerical treatment of the conformal
+ field equations",
+ journal = "Lect. Notes Phys.",
+ volume = "604",
+ year = "2002",
+ pages = "261-282",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0207093",
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+ author = {Frauendiener, J{\"o}rg},
+ title = {Conformal Infinity},
+ journal = {Living Rev. Relativity},
+ year = 2004,
+ volume = 7,
+ number = 1,
+ note = {http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2004-1}
+ author = "Frauendiener, Jorg and Vogel, Tilman",
+ title = "Algebraic stability analysis of constraint propagation",
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+ author = {A. Friedman},
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+ year = {1965},
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+ key = {Friedman88},
+ author = {J. L. Friedman and J. R. Ipser and R. D. Sorkin},
+ title = {Turning-Point Method for Axisymmetric Stability of Rotating
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+ notes = {Erratum-ibid. \textbf{75}, 1872 (1995)}
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+ title = {Implications of the r-Mode Instability of Rotating Relativistic Stars},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th {M}arcel {G}rossman Meeting},
+ editor = {Vahe G. Gurzadyan and R. Jantzen and Remo Ruffini},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ year = {2001},
+ note = {gr-qc/0102114}
+ author = {J. L. Friedman and K. Ury{\={u}} and M. Shibata},
+ title = {Thermodynamics of binary black holes and neutron stars},
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+ author = {H. Friedrich},
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+ author = {H. Friedrich},
+ title = {The asymptotic characteristic initial value problem for {E}instein's vacuum field
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+ author = {H. Friedrich},
+ title = {On the hyperbolicity of {E}instein's and other gauge
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+ journal = {Comm. Math. Phys.},
+ year = {1985},
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+ author = {H. Friedrich},
+ title = {On the existence of n-geodesically complete or future complete
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+ year = {1986},
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+ author = {Helmut Friedrich},
+ title = {On Static and Radiative Space-Time},
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+ year = 1988,
+ author = {Helmut Friedrich},
+ title = {Hyperbolic reductions for {E}instein's Equations},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
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+ pages = {1451-1469}
+ author = {Helmut Friedrich and Gabriel Nagy},
+ title = {The initial boundary value problem for {E}instein's vacuum field
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+ pages = "127-224",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0002074",
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+ title = {Stable characteristic evolution of generic three-dimensional single-black-hole spacetimes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = {1998},
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+ author = {R. G{\'o}mez},
+ title = {Gravitational waveforms with controlled accuracy},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2001,
+ volume = 64,
+ pages = 024007,
+ note = {gr-qc/0103011}}
+ author = {Roberto G{\'o}mez and S. Husa and Jeffrey Winicour},
+ title = {Complete null data for a black hole collision},
+ volume = {64},
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+ pages = {024010},
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+ author = {Roberto G{\'o}mez and S. Husa and Luis Lehner and Jeffrey Winicour},
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+ volume = {66},
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+ author = {Jos{\'e} A. Gonz{\'a}lez and Ulrich Sperhake
+ and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann and Mark Hannam and Sascha Husa},
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+ author = {Jos{\'e} A. Gonz{\'a}lez and Ulrich Sperhake
+ and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann and Mark Hannam and Sascha Husa},
+ title = {Total recoil: the maximum kick from nonspinning black-hole
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+ journal = {},
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+ eprint = {gr-qc/0610154},
+ pages = {},
+ author = "Gonzalez, J. A. and Hannam, M. D. and Sperhake, U. and
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+ booktitle = {Vector and Parallel Processing -- VECPAR'2002, 5th
+ International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer
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+ address = {Berlin},
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+ key = {Goodale03a},
+ author = {T. Goodale and G. Allen and D. Angulo and D. Pollney and K. Rasul and E. Seidel},
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+ key = {Goodale03b},
+ author = {T. Goodale},
+ title = {A Survey of Frameworks for Computational Science},
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+ note = {In Preparation}
+ author={Goodman, J.},
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+ title={Second post-{N}ewtonian gravitational radiation reaction for two-body
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+ key = {GordonBellPrize},
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+ author = {Stephen Jay Gould},
+ title = {Dinousaur in a Haystack},
+ publisher = {Crown Trade Paperbacks},
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+ title={},
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+ key = {Granot99a},
+ author = {J. Granot and M. Miller and Tsvi Piran and W. Suen},
+ title = {Hydrodynamics and Radiation from a Relativistic
+ Expanding Jet with Applications to GRB Afterglow},
+ editor = {},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Huntsville Symposium
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+@book {Gottlieb-Orszag:pseudospectral,
+ author = "David Gottlieb and Steven A. Orszag",
+ title = "Numerical Analysis of Spectral Methods",
+ series = "CMBS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics",
+ volume = 26,
+ publisher = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics",
+ address = "Philadelphia",
+ year = "1977, 1981, 1983, 1986, 1989",
+ isbn = "0-89871-023-5 (paperback)",
+ snote = "CMBS = Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences",
+ }
+ author = {S. Gottlieb and C. Shu},
+ title = {Total {V}ariation {D}iminishing {R}unge-{K}utta schemes},
+ journal = {Math. Comp.},
+ year = {1998},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ volume = {67},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {73--85},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ key = {Gourgoulhon91},
+ author={Gourgoulhon, E.},
+ journal={Astron. Astrophys.},
+ year={1991},
+ volume={252},
+ pages={651} }
+ key = {Gourgoulhon98a},
+ author={Gourgoulhon, E.},
+ title={Relations Between Three Formalisms for Irrotational Binary Neutron Stars in General Relativity},
+ journal={gr-qc/9804054},
+ year={1998}
+ author = "Eric Gourgoulhon and Philippe Grandcl{\'e}ment and
+ Keisuke Taniguchi and Jean-Alain Marck and Silvano
+ Bonazzola",
+ title = "Quasiequilibrium sequences of synchronized and
+ irrotational binary neutron stars in general
+ relativity: Method and tests",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0007028",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 63,
+ year = 2001,
+ pages = 064029,
+ key = {Gourgoulhon01},
+ author={E. Gourgoulhon and P. Grandcl{\'e}ment and K. Taniguchi and
+J. Marck and S. Bonazzola},
+ title={Quasiequilibrium sequences of synchronized and irrotational
+ binary neutron stars in general relativity: Method and tests},
+ journal={Phys. Rev. D},
+ year={2001},
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+ pages={064029} }
+ author = "Gourgoulhon, Eric and Grandcl{\'e}ment, Philippe
+ and Bonazzola, Silvano",
+ title = "Binary black holes in circular orbits. {I}. {A} global
+ spacetime approach",
+ year = "2002",
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+ volume = 65,
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/0106015",
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+ author = "Gourgoulhon, Eric",
+ title = "A generalized {D}amour-{N}avier-{S}tokes equation applied to
+ trapping horizons",
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+ author = "Philippe Grandcl{\'e}ment and Silvano Bonazzola
+ and Eric Gourgoulhon and Jean-Alain Marck",
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+ author = "Grandcl{\'e}ment, Philippe and Gourgoulhon, Eric
+ and Bonazzola, Silvano",
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+ methods and first results",
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+ author = "Grandcl{\'e}ment, Philippe and Kalogera, Vassiliki",
+ title = "Searching for gravitational waves from the inspiral of
+ precessing binary systems: New hierarchical scheme using
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+ author = "Grandcl{\'e}ment, Philippe and Kalogera, Vicky and Vecchio,
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+ title = "Searching for gravitational waves from the inspiral of
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+ author = {J. Granot and M. Miller and Tsvi Piran and W. Suen and
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+ note = {GridLab: A Grid Application Toolkit and Testbed Project Home Page: {\tt http://www.gridlab.org}},
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+ title = {Adaptive sparse grid multilevel methods for elliptic
+ {PDEs} based on finite differences},
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+ author = {M. Griebel and F. Koster},
+ title = {Adaptive wavelet solvers for the unsteady
+ incompressible Navier Stokes equations},
+ booktitle = {Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Lecture
+ Notes of the Sixth International School
+ ''Mathematical Theory in Fluid Mechanics'', Paseky,
+ Czech Republic, September 1999},
+ year = 2000,
+ editor = {J. Malek and J. Necas and M. Rokyta},
+ publisher = {Springer Verlag}
+ author = {Michael Griebel and Gerhard Zumbusch},
+ title = {Adaptive Sparse Grids for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws},
+ booktitle = {Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications},
+ series = {ISNM 129},
+ pages = {411--422},
+ year = {1999},
+ volume = {1},
+ editor = {Michael Fey and Rolf Jeltsch},
+ publisher = BIRKHAUSER,
+ annote = {Proc. 7th Int. Conf., Z{\"u}rich},
+ author = {Michael Griebel and Gerhard Zumbusch},
+ title = {Parallel Multigrid in an Adaptive {PDE} Solver based on Hashing and Space-Filling Curves},
+ journal = {Parallel Comput.},
+ year = {1999},
+ volume = {25},
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+ pages = {827--843},
+ author = {M. Griebel and G. Zumbusch},
+ title = {Parallel Adaptive Subspace Correction Schemes with Applications to Elasticity},
+ journal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering},
+ publisher = {Elsevier},
+ address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
+ volume = {184},
+ year = {2000},
+ pages = {303--332},
+ author = {J. B. Griffiths},
+ title = {Colliding Plane Waves in General Relativity},
+ publisher = {Oxford University Press},
+ year = {1991},
+ address = {Oxford}
+ author = "W. Gropp and E. Lusk and N. Doss and A. Skjellum",
+ title = "A high-performance, portable implementation of the
+ {MPI} message passing interface standard",
+ journal = "Parallel Computing",
+ volume = "22",
+ number = "6",
+ pages = "789--828",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1996"
+ key = {GR3D},
+ author = {},
+ note = {The source and documentation of the released code can be
+downloaded at http://wugrav.wustl.edu/Codes/GR3D. For credit of the code
+development, see the document http://wugrav.wustl.edu/Codes/GR3D/nasa\_ms2.ps},
+ key = {GR3D_2},
+ author = {},
+ note = {for a description of the project, see
+ author = {A. Gullstrand},
+ title = {Allgemeine L{\"o}sung des statischen Eink{\"o}rperproblems
+ in der {E}insteinschen {G}ravitationstheorie},
+ journal = {Ark. Mat. Astron. Fys.},
+ year = {1922},
+ volume = {16},
+ number = {8},
+ pages = {1-15}
+ author = {C. Gundlach and R. Price and J. Pullin},
+ title = {Late-time behaviour of stellar collapse and explosions:
+ {I}. Linearized perturbations},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1994},
+ volume = {49},
+ OPTpages = {883},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9307009},
+ author = {C. Gundlach and R. Price and J. Pullin},
+ title = {Late-time behaviour of stellar collapse and explosions:
+ {II}. Nonlinear Evolution},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1994},
+ volume = {49},
+ OPTpages = {890},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9307010},
+ author = {Carsten Gundlach},
+ title = {The {C}hoptuik spacetime as an eigenvalue problem},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = { 75 },
+ year = {1995},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9507054},
+ pages = {3214}
+ author = {Carsten Gundlach},
+ title = {Echoing and scaling in {E}instein-{Y}ang-{M}ills critical collapse},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {55},
+ year = {1997},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9610069},
+ pages = {6002-6013}
+ author = {C. Gundlach and J. M. Martin-Garcia},
+ title = {Charge scaling and universality in critical collapse},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {54},
+ year = {1996},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9610069},
+ pages = {7353}
+ key = {Gundlach97a},
+ author = {Carsten Gundlach},
+ title = {Pseudo-spectral apparent horizon finders: An efficient new
+ algorithm},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {57},
+ year = {1998},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9707050},
+ pages = {863-875}
+ key = {Gundlach97b},
+ author = {Carsten Gundlach},
+ title = {Nonspherical perturbations of critical collapse and
+ cosmic censorship},
+ year = {1998},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9710066}
+ author = {Carsten Gundlach},
+ title = {Angular momentum at the black hole threshold},
+ key = {Gundlach97c},
+ year = {1998},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9711079},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {57},
+ pages = {R7080}
+ key = {Gundlach97d},
+ author = {Carsten Gundlach},
+ title = {Critical phenomena in gravitational collapse},
+ journal = {Adv. Theor. Math. Phys},
+ volume = {2},
+ year = {1998},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9712084},
+ pages = {1}
+ author = {C. Gundlach and J. Pullin},
+ title = {Instability of free evolution in double null coordinates},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = {14},
+ year = {1997},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9606022},
+ pages = {991}
+ author = {Carsten Gundlach},
+ title = {Understanding critical collapse of a scalar field},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {55},
+ year = {1997},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9604019},
+ pages = {695}
+% See Gundlach97a
+ author = {Carsten Gundlach},
+ title = {Pseudo-spectral apparent horizon finders:
+ an efficient new algorithm},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {57}, number = {2},
+ year = {1998}, month = {15 January},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9707050},
+ pages = {863--875},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.57.863},
+ author = {Carsten Gundlach},
+ title = {Nonspherical perturbations of critical collapse and
+ cosmic censorship},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {57},
+ year = {1998},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9710066},
+ pages = {R7075}
+ key = {Gundlach98a},
+ author = {C. Gundlach and P. Walker},
+ title = {Causal differencing of flux-conservative equations
+ applied to black hole spacetimes},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = {16},
+ year = {1999},
+ pages = {991-1010},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9809021}
+ author = {Carsten Gundlach},
+ title = {Critical phenomena in gravitational collapse},
+ journal = {Living Rev. Relativity},
+ volume = 2,
+ year = 1999,
+ pages = 4,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0001046},
+ url = {http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-1999-4},
+ author = {C. Gundlach and J. M. Martin-Garcia},
+ title = {Gauge-invariant and coordinate-independent perturbations of stellar
+ collapse {I}: the interior},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {61},
+ year = {2000},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9906068},
+ pages = {08024}
+ author = {C. Gundlach and J. M. Martin-Garcia},
+ title = {Gauge-invariant and coordinate-independent perturbations of stellar
+ collapse {II}: matching to the exterior},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {64},
+ year = {2001},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0012056},
+ pages = {024012}
+ author = "Carsten Gundlach",
+ title = "Critical Gravitational Collapse of a Perfect Fluid
+ with $p = k\rho$: Nonspherical Perturbations",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 65,
+ pages = 084021,
+ year = 2002,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9906124",
+ author = "Carsten Gundlach",
+ title = "Critical Gravitational Collapse with Angular Momentum:
+ From Critical Exponents to Universal Scaling Functions",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 65,
+ pages = "064019",
+ year = 2002,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0110049",
+ author = "Carsten Gundlach",
+ title = "Critical phenomena in gravitational collapse",
+ journal = "Physics Reports",
+ volume = 376,
+ year = 2003,
+ pages = "339--405",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0210101",
+ author = {C. Gundlach and J.M. Martin-Garcia},
+ title = {Symmetric hyperbolic form of systems of second-order
+ evolution equations subject to constraints},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {70},
+ year = {2004},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0402079},
+ pages = {044031}
+ author = "Gundlach, Carsten and Martin-Garcia, Jose M.",
+ title = "Symmetric hyperbolicity and consistent boundary conditions
+ for second-order {E}instein equations",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "70",
+ year = "2004",
+ pages = "044032",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0403019",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0403019;%%"
+ author = "Gundlach, Carsten and Martin-Garcia, Jose M. and G.
+ Calabrese and I. Hinder",
+ title = "Constraint Damping in the {Z4} Formulation and Harmonic Gauge",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 22,
+ year = "2005",
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/0504114",
+ author = "Gundlach, Carsten and Martin-Garcia, Jose M.",
+ title = "Hyperbolicity of second-order in space systems of evolution
+ equations",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = "23",
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/0506037",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0506037;%%"
+ author = "Gundlach, Carsten and Martin-Garcia, Jose M.",
+ title = "Well-posedness of formulations of the {E}instein equations
+ with dynamical lapse and shift conditions",
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+ key = {Gunnarsen95},
+ author = {L. Gunnarsen and H. Shinkai and K. Maeda},
+ OPTtitle = {},
+ title = {A `3+1' method for finding principal null
+ directions},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = {1995},
+ volume = {12},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {133-140},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9406003}
+ key = {Gupta00a},
+ author = {Anshu Gupta and A.Gopakumar and B. R. Iyer
+ and Sai Iyer},
+ OPTtitle = {},
+ title = {Pad{\'e} Approximants for Truncated
+ Post-{N}ewtonian Neutron Star Models},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2000},
+ volume = {62},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {044038}
+ author = "Bertil Gustafsson",
+ title = "On the Convergence Rate for Difference
+ Approximations to Mixed Initial Boundary Value
+ Problems",
+ institution = "Department of Computer Science, Uppsala University",
+ X-institution ="Uppsala University",
+ department = "Department of Computer Science",
+ year = 1971,
+ month = "May",
+ number = 33,
+ author = "Bertil Gustafsson",
+ title = "The Convergence Rate for Difference Approximations
+ to Mixed Initial Boundary Value Problems",
+ journal = "Mathematics of Computation",
+ volume = 29,
+ number = 130,
+ pages = "396-406",
+ year = 1975,
+ author = {Bertil Gustafsson and Heinz-Otto Kreiss},
+ title = {Boundary conditions for time dependent problems with
+ an artificial boundary},
+ journal = {J. Comput. Phys.},
+ year = 1979,
+ volume = 30,
+ pages = {333-351}
+ author = "Bertil Gustafsson",
+ title = "The Choice of Numerical Boundary Conditions for
+ Hyperbolic Systems",
+ journal = "J. Comput. Phys.",
+ volume = 48,
+ pages = "270-283",
+ year = 1982,
+ author = {Bertil Gustafsson and Heinz-Otto Kreiss and Joseph
+ Oliger},
+ title = {Time dependent problems and difference methods},
+ publisher = {Wiley},
+ year = 1995,
+ address = {New York}
+ author = {Bertil Gustafsson},
+ title = {On the implementation of boundary conditions for the
+ method of lines},
+ journal = {BIT},
+ year = 1998,
+ volume = 38,
+ number = 2,
+ pages = {293-314}
+ key = {Gutknecht91},
+ author = {M. H. Gutknecht},
+ title = {Variants of Bi-CGStab for Matricies with Complex
+ Spectrum},
+ institution = {Eidgenossische Techniche Hochschule},
+ address = {Zurich},
+ month = {August},
+ year = 1991,
+ note = {IPS Research Report 91-14}
+ author = "J. Guven and Niall {\'O}~Murchadha",
+ title = "The Constraints in Spherically Symmetric
+ Classical General Relativity: {I}.
+ Optical Scalars, Foliations,
+ Bounds on the Configuration Space Variables,
+ and the Positivity of the Quasilocal Mass",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 52, number = 2,
+ pages = "758--775",
+ year = 1995,
+ snote = "includes proof that Misner-Sharp local mass can be
+ written as the volume integral of a positive definite
+ local mass density",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9411009",
+ author = {F. Siddhartha Guzm{\'a}n},
+ title = "Evolving spherical {Boson} Stars on a 3D {cartesian} grid",
+ year = 2004,
+ note = "in preparation",
+%%%%% H %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+@book {Hackbusch85,
+author = {Wolfgang Hackbusch},
+title = {Multi-Grid Methods and Applications},
+publisher = "Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg",
+year = 1985
+ author = {P. Haensel},
+ title = {Equation of state of dense matter and maximum mass of neutron stars},
+ year = {2003},
+ booktitle = {Final Stages of Stellar Evolution},
+ publisher = {EDP Sciences},
+ series = {7},
+ editor = {C. Motch and J.-M. Hameury},
+ note = {astro-ph/0301073},
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+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1996PhRvD..54.7278H&db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
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+ key = {Huang95},
+ journal = {Research Report at the Department of Computer Science,
+University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign},
+ note = {In preparation. Also presented at the 7th Copper Mountain
+Conference on Multigrid Methods, April 3-7, 1995.},
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+ title = {Numerische und analytische Untersuchungen von
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+ key = {Hubner98},
+ author = {Peter H{\"u}bner},
+ title = {How to Avoid Artificial Boundaries in the Numerical
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+ journal = {gr-qc/9804065},
+ volume = {},
+ year = {1998},
+ pages = {},
+ note = {}
+ author = {P. H{\"u}bner},
+ note = {private communication}
+ key = {Hubner99},
+ author = {Peter H{\"u}bner},
+ title = {A scheme to numerically evolve data for the
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+ key = {Huebner01},
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+ title = {From now to timelike infinity on a finite grid},
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 9910091;%%",
+ author = "Hughes, Scott A.",
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+ author = "Hughes, Scott A. and Marka, Szabolcs and Bender, Peter L.
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+ author = "Hughes, Scott A.",
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0210481;%%",
+ author = "Hughes, Scott A. and Blandford, Roger D.",
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0208484;%%",
+ author = "Hughes, Scott A. and Favata, Marc and Holz, Daniel E.",
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+ author = {Gerhard Huisken and Shing-Tung Yau},
+ title = {Definition of the Center of Mass for Isolated
+ Physical Systems and Unique Foliations by Stable
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+ journal = {Invent. Math.},
+ year = 1996,
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+ author = {Gerhard Huisken and Tom Ilmanen},
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+ author = "Hulse, R.N. and Taylor, J.H.",
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+ note = {private communication}
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+ title = "Initial data for general relativity with toroidal conformal
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+ author = "Husa, S.",
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+ author = "S. Husa",
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 9811005;%%"
+ author = "Sascha Husa and Jeffrey Winicour",
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+ author = "Sascha Husa and Manuela Campanelli and Roberto G{\'o}mez and
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+ author = {Sascha Husa and Christiane Lechner
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+ publisher = {Springer},
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+ volume = {617},
+ address = {},
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0204043;%%"
+ author = {S. Husa},
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+ booktitle = {The Conformal Structure of Spacetimes: Geometry, Analysis, Numerics},
+ chapter = {Problems and {S}uccesses in the {N}umerical {A}pproach to the
+ {C}onformal {F}ield {E}quations},
+ volume = {604},
+ year = {2002}
+ author = {Sascha Husa},
+ booktitle = {Current trends in relativistic astrophysics},
+ editor = {L. Fern{\'a}ndez and L. Manuel Gonz{\'a}lez},
+ chapter = {Numerical relativity with the conformal field equations},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ series = {Lecture Notes in Physics},
+ volume = {617},
+ address = {},
+ year = {2002}
+ author = {Sascha Husa and Yosef Zlochower and Roberto
+ G{\'o}mez and Jeffrey Winicour},
+ title = {Retarded radiation from colliding black holes in the
+ close limit},
+ year = 2002,
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 65,
+ pages = 084034,
+ author = "Husa, Sascha and Lechner, Christiane",
+ title = "Computer Algebra Applications for Numerical Relativity",
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/0301076",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0301076;%%",
+ author = "Husa, Sascha and Hinder, Ian and Lechner,
+ Christiane",
+ title = "Kranc: a {Mathematica} application to generate
+ numerical codes for tensorial evolution equations",
+ journal = "Comput. Phys. Comm.",
+ year = 2006,
+ volume = 174,
+ pages = "983-1004",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0404023",
+ author = "Husa, Sascha and Schneemann, Carsten and Vogel, Tilman and
+ Zenginoglu, Anil",
+ title = "Hyperboloidal data and evolution",
+ year = "2005",
+ note = "To appear in Proceedings of the 2005 spanish relativity meeting,
+ AIP Conference Proceedings, 8 pages.",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0512033",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0512033;%%"
+ author={Viqar Husain and Michel Olivier},
+ title={Scalar field collapse in three-dimensional {AdS} spacetime},
+ journal={Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume={18},
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+ author={V. Husain and G. Kunstatter and B. Preston and M. Birukou},
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+ title = "The Method of Lines Solution
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+ institution = "ERDA Mathematics and Computing Laboratory,
+ Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
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+ X-institution = "New York University",
+ department = "ERDA Mathematics and Computing Laboratory,
+ Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences",
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+ snote = "++good; this is the best overall MOL reference I know",
+ author = "James M. Hyman",
+ title = "A Method of Lines Approach to the
+ Numerical Solution of Conservation Laws",
+ institution = "Los Alamos National Laboratory",
+ year = 1979,
+ number = "LA-UR 79-837",
+ note = "submitted to Third IMACS International Symposium on
+ Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations,
+ 20-22 June 1979, Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA 18015, USA",
+ snote = "FIXME: get proceedings author and this article page numbers",
+ }
+ author = "James M. Hyman",
+ title = "Numerical Methodologies for Solving
+ Partial Differential Equations",
+ pages = "215--237",
+ editor = "J. R. Buchler",
+ booktitle = "NATO Advanced Research Workshop on the
+ Numerical Modeling of Nonlinear Stellar Pulsations:
+ Problems and Prospects",
+ publisher = "Kluwer",
+ address = "Dordrecht",
+ year = 1989,
+ isbn = "0-7923-0598-1",
+ note = "Also available as
+ Los Alamos National Laboratories
+ Report LA-UR 89-3136",
+ }
+ author = {J. M. Hyman},
+ title = {},
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+ key = {Hyman83},
+ journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput.},
+ year = {1983},
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+ editor={A. Olinto and J. Frieman and D. Schramm},
+ booktitle={Proceedings of {\it The 18th {T}exas Symposium on
+ Relativistic Astrophysics}},
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+ address={Singapore},
+ year={1998},
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+ title={Riemann solvers in relativistic astrophysics},
+ journal={Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics},
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+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=2001ApJ...549.1062I&db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {{Imamura}, J.~N. and {Pickett}, B.~K. and {Durisen}, R.~H.},
+ title = "{The Nonlinear Evolution of Massive Stellar Core Collapses That ``Fizzle''}",
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+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = "Breno Imbiriba and John Baker and Dae-Il Choi
+ and Joan Centrella and David R. Fiske and J. David Brown
+ and James R. van Meter and Kevin Olson",
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+ Joan Centrella and David R. Fiske and J. David Brown
+ and James R. van Meter and Kevin Olson",
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+ title = {Methods for the approximate solution of time
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+ publisher = {GARP publication series No. 10},
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+ address = {Geneva}
+ author = {Heinz Otto Kreiss and G. Scherer},
+ title = {Finite element and finite difference methods for
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+ booktitle = {Mathematical Aspects of Finite Elements in Partial
+ Differential Equations},
+ year = 1974,
+ editor = {C. De Boor},
+ address = {New York},
+ publisher = {Academica Press}
+ author = {Heinz Otto Kreiss and G. Scherer},
+ title = {On the existence of energy estimates for difference
+ approximations for hyperbolic systems},
+ institution = {Dept. of Scientific Computing, Uppsala University},
+ year = 1977
+ author = {Heinz Otto Kreiss and J. Lorenz},
+ title = {Initial-boundary value problems and the
+ {N}avier-{S}tokes equations},
+ publisher = {Academic Press},
+ address = {New York},
+ year = {1989}
+ author = "Heinz Otto Kreiss and Godela Scherer",
+ title = "Method of lines for hyperbolic equations",
+ journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.",
+ volume = "29",
+ year = "1992",
+ pages = "640-646"
+ author = "Kreiss, Heinz O. and Ortiz, Omar E.",
+ title = "Some Mathematical And Numerical Questions Connected With
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+ journal = "Lect. Notes Phys.",
+ volume = "604",
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/0106085",
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+ author = {Heinz-Otto Kreiss and N. Anders Petersson and Jacob Ystr{\"o}m},
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+ journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.},
+ volume = {40},
+ pages ={1940-1967},
+ year = {2002}
+ author = {Heinz-Otto Kreiss and Jeffrey Winicour},
+ title = "Problems which are well-posed in a generalized sense
+ with applications to the {E}instein equations",
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume ={23},
+ year = {2006},
+ pages = {S405-S420},
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0602051",
+ author = {Heinz-Otto Kreiss and N. Anders Petersson and Jacob Ystr{\"o}m},
+ title = {Difference approximations of the {N}eumann problem for the second order wave equation},
+ journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.},
+ year = {2003}
+ key = {Kreiss04a},
+ author ={Heinz-Otto Kreiss and N. Anders Petersson},
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+ title = {Computational Gasdynamics},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ author = {G.~Lanfermann},
+ title = {A Three Dimensional Fixed Mesh Refinement Algorithm in Numerical
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+ school = {Freie Universit{\"a}t Berlin, MPI f{\"u}r Gravitationsphysik},
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+ key = {Lanfer01a},
+ author = {G. Lanfermann and G. Allen and T. Radke and E. Seidel},
+ title = {Nomadic Migration: A New Tool for Dynamic Grid Computing},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of Tenth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, HPDC-10, San Francisco},
+ address = {},
+ publisher = {IEEE Press},
+ pages = {435--436},
+ note = {{\tt http://www.cactuscode.org/Articles/Cactus\_Lanfermann01a.pre.pdf}},
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+ author = {G. Lanfermann and G. Allen and T. Radke and E. Seidel},
+ title = {Nomadic Migration: Fault Tolerance in a Disruptive Grid Environment},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid},
+ address = {},
+ publisher = {},
+ pages = {280--281},
+ note = {},
+ year = 2002
+ key = {Lanfermann02b},
+ author = {G. Lanfermann},
+ title = {{N}omadic {M}igration -- {A} {S}ervice {E}nvironment for
+ {A}utonomic {C}omputing on the {G}rid},
+ address = {Potsdam},
+ month = {October},
+ year = {2002},
+ school = {University of Potsdam},
+ institution = {University of Potsdam},
+ affiliation = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Gravitationsphysik}
+ key = {Lanfermann03a},
+ author = {G. Lanfermann and B. Schnor and E.Seidel},
+ title = {{G}rid {O}bject {D}escription: Characterizing
+ howpublished = {IFIP/IEEE Internation Symposium on Integrated Network
+ month = {March},
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+ note = {to be published}
+ author = "Lau, Stephen R.",
+ title = "Analytic structure of radiation boundary kernels for
+ blackhole perturbations",
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+ AUTHOR = {Anderson, E. and Bai, Z. and Bischof, C. and
+ Blackford, S. and Demmel, J. and Dongarra, J. and
+ Du Croz, J. and Greenbaum, A. and Hammarling, S. and
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+ TITLE = {{LAPACK} Users' Guide},
+ EDITION = {Third},
+ PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics},
+ YEAR = {1999},
+ ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
+ ISBN = {0-89871-447-8 (paperback)} }
+ author = {Christiane Lechner and Dana Alic and Sascha Husa},
+ title = {From Tensor Equations to Numerical Code -- Computer
+ Algebra Tools for Numerical Relativity},
+ booktitle = {SYNASC 2004 -- 6th International Symposium on
+ Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific
+ Computing, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-30,
+ 2004},
+ year = 2004,
+ eprint = {cs.SC/0411063}
+ author = {L. Lehner},
+ title = {Gravitational radiation from black hole spacetimes},
+ school = {University of Pittsburgh},
+ year = {1998},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ OPTtype = {},
+ OPTaddress = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = "Luis Lehner and Nigel T. Bishop and Roberto G{\'o}mez
+ and B{\'e}la Szil{\'a}gyi and Jeffrey Winicour",
+ title = "Exact solutions for the intrinsic geometry
+ of black hole coalescence",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 60, number = 4,
+ year = 1999, month = "15 August",
+ pages = "044005",
+ key = {Lehner99a},
+ author = {L. Lehner},
+ title = {A Dissipative Algorithm for Wave-like
+ Equations in the Characteristic Formulation.},
+ journal = {J. Comput. Phys.},
+ volume = {149},
+ year = 1999,
+ pages = {59},
+ note = {}
+ author = {Luis Lehner},
+ OPTtitle = {},
+ note = {private communication},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ year = {1999},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ key = {Lehner00a},
+ author = {Luis Lehner and Mijan F. Huq and D. Garrison},
+ title = {Notes on causal differencing in {ADM}/{CADM} formulations:
+ a {1D} comparison},
+ journal = {},
+ note = {gr-qc/0004065},
+ year = {2000}
+ author = {Luis Lehner},
+ title = {Numerical Relativity: A Review},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 18,
+ year = 2001,
+ pages = {R25-R86},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0106072}
+ author = "Luis Lehner",
+ title = "personal communication",
+ year = "2003",
+ note = "cited in \cite{Calabrese2003:excision-and-summation-by-parts}",
+ author = {Luis Lehner and David Neilsen and Oscar Reula and
+ Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {The discrete energy method in numerical relativity:
+ Towards long-term stability},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav},
+ year = 2004,
+ volume = 21,
+ pages = {5819-5848},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0406116},
+% Do not use this; use Lehner2005a instead
+ author = "Luis Lehner and Oscar Reula and Manuel Tiglio",
+ title = "Multi-block simulations in general relativity: high order discretizations, numerical stability and applications",
+ year = 2005,
+ note = {gr-qc/0507004},
+ }
+ author = {Luis Lehner and Oscar Reula and Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {Multi-block simulations in general relativity: high
+ order discretizations, numerical stability, and
+ applications},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 22,
+ pages = {5283-5322},
+ year = 2005,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0507004}
+ author = "Lehner, Luis and Liebling, Steven L. and Reula,
+ Oscar",
+ title = "{AMR}, stability and higher accuracy",
+ year = 2006,
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 23,
+ pages = "S421-S446",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0510111",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0510111;%%"
+ author = "Luis Lehner and Roberto G{\'o}mez and Sascha Husa
+ and B{\'e}la Szil{\'a}gyi and Nigel T. Bishop and Jeffrey Winicour",
+ title = "Bagels Form When Black Holes Collide",
+ url = "http://www.psc.edu/research/graphics/gallery/winicour.html",
+ author = {Luis Lehner and David Neilsen and Oscar Reula and Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {The discrete energy method in numerical relativity: Towards long-term stability},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = {21},
+ year = 2004,
+ pages = {5819-5848},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0406116},
+ author = {Gregor Leiler and Luciano Rezzolla},
+ title = {On the iterated {C}rank-{N}icolson method
+ for hyperbolic and parabolic equations
+ in numerical relativity},
+ year = 2006,
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 73, pages = "044001",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0601139",
+ author = {Leimkuhler, B. and Reich, S.},
+ title = "Simulating Hamiltonian Dynamics",
+ year = 2005,
+ publisher = "Cambridge Univ. Press"
+ author = {{Leismann}, T. and {Aloy}, M. and {M{\" u}ller}, E.},
+ title = "{MHD Simulations of Relativistic Jets}",
+ journal = {AStrophys. Space-Sci.},
+ year = 2004,
+ volume = 293,
+ pages = {157-163},
+ key = {Leung97},
+ author = {P. T. Leung and Y. T. Liu and W.-M. Suen and
+ C. Y. Tam and K. Young},
+ title = {Quasinormal Modes of Dirty Black Holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = {78},
+ number = {15},
+ year = {1997},
+ pages = {2894-2897}
+ key = {Leung97a},
+ author = {P. T. Leung and W.-M. Suen and
+ C. P. Sun and K. Young},
+ title = {Waves in Open Systems Via Bi-Orthogonal Basis},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. E},
+ volume = {57},
+ number = {},
+ year = {1998},
+ note = {},
+ pages = {6101}
+ key = {Leung97b},
+ author = {P. T. Leung and Y. T. Liu and W.-M. Suen and
+ C. Y. Tam and K. Young},
+ title = {Logarithmic Perturbation Theory for Quasinormal Modes},
+ volume = {31},
+ journal = {J. Phys. A},
+ number = {},
+ year = {1998},
+ note = {},
+ pages = {3271}
+ key = {Leung98a},
+ author = {P. T. Leung and Y. T. Liu and W.-M. Suen and
+ C. Y. Tam and K. Young},
+ title = {Perturbative Approach to Quasi-Normal Modes
+ of Dirty Black Holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {59},
+ number = {},
+ year = {1999},
+ note = {gr-qc/9903032},
+ pages = {044034}
+ author = {P. T. Leung and A. Maassen van den Brink and
+ W.-M. Suen and C. W. Wong and K. Young},
+ title = {SUSY transformations for Quasinormal and
+ Total-Transmission Modes of Open Systems},
+ journal = {J. Math. Phys.},
+ volume = {},
+ year = {},
+ pages = {},
+ note = {in press},
+ author = "Liebling, Steven L.",
+ title = "Critical phenomena inside global monopoles",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "60",
+ year = "1999",
+ pages = "061502",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9904077",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 9904077;%%"
+ author = "Steven L. Liebling",
+ title = "The Singularity Threshold of the Nonlinear Sigma Model
+ Using 3{D} Adaptive Mesh Refinement",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0202093",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ year = 2002, volume = 66, pages = "041703",
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+ editor = {H. Sato and Takashi Nakamura},
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+ General Relativity (Proceedings, Kyoto, Japan, 1991)},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ pages = {244-266},
+ year = 1992
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+ author = {K. Thorne},
+ title = {},
+ note = {whatever the best, most current reference is}
+ key = {LIGO3},
+ author = {A. A. Abramovici and W. Althouse and R. P. Drever
+ and Y. Gursel and S. Kawamura and F. Raab and D.
+ Shoemaker and L. Sievers and R. Spero and K. S.
+ Thorne and R. Vogt and R. Weiss and S. Whitcomb and
+ M. Zuker},
+ title = {{LIGO}: The {Laser} {Interferometer} {Gravitational} Wave
+ {Observatory}},
+ journal = {Science},
+ year = {1992},
+ volume = {256},
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+ author = "Lindblom, Lee and Scheel, Mark A.",
+ title = "Energy Norms and the Stability of the {E}instein Evolution
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+ year = "2002",
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/0206035",
+ author = "Lindblom, Lee and Scheel, Mark A.",
+ title = "Dynamical Gauge Conditions for the {E}instein Evolution
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+ volume = "67",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "124005",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0301120",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0301120;%%"
+ author = "Lee Lindblom and Mark A. Scheel and Lawrence E. Kidder and
+ Harald P. Pfeiffer and Deirdre Shoemaker and Saul A. Teukolsky",
+ title = "Controlling the Growth of Constraints in Hyperbolic Evolution Systems",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "69",
+ year = "2004",
+ pages = "124025",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0402027"
+ author = "Lindblom, Lee and Scheel, Mark A. and Kidder, Lawrence E.
+ and Owen, Robert and Rinne, Oliver",
+ title = "A New Generalized Harmonic Evolution System",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume ="23",
+ year = "2006",
+ pages = {S447-S462},
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0512093",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0512093;%%"
+ key = {Lindquist63},
+ author = {Richard W. Lindquist},
+ title = {Initial-Value Problem on {E}instein-{R}osen Manifolds},
+ journal = {Jour. Math. Phys.},
+ volume = 4,
+ number = 7,
+ year = 1963,
+ pages = {938}
+ key = {Laguna91},
+ author = {P. Laguna and H. Kurki-Suonio and R.A. Matzner},
+ title = {Inhomogeneous inflation: The initial-value problem},
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+ volume = {44},
+ number = 10,
+ year = 1991,
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+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ OPTauthor = {},
+ OPTtitle = {},
+ OPThowpublished = {},
+ OPTyear = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ note = {Pablo Laguna, private communication.},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ key = {Laguna94},
+ author = {P. Laguna},
+ title = {Boundary Conditions: Horizon Locking and Causal
+ Differencing},
+ editor = {editor},
+ booktitle = {Numerical Relativity Conference},
+ publisher = {Grand Challenge Meeting, NCSA, Champaign,
+ November, 1994},
+ address = {???},
+ pages = {},
+ year = 1994
+ author = {P. Laguna},
+ note = {private communication}
+ author = {P. Laguna},
+ title = {A Linear-Nonlinear Formulation of {E}instein Equations
+ for the Two-Body Problem in General Relativity},
+ year = 1999,
+ pages = {084012},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {60},
+ note = {gr-qc/9907005}
+ author = {P. Laguna and D. Shoemaker},
+ title = {Numerical stability of a new conformal-traceless 3+1
+ formulation of the {E}instein equation},
+ year = 2002,
+ pages = {3679-3686},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = {19},
+ note = {gr-qc/0202105}
+ author = {P. Laguna},
+ title = {Toward reconciling ISCO calculations of binary black holes},
+ year = 2003,
+ pages = {},
+ journal = {},
+ volume = {},
+ note = {in preparation}
+ author = "Laguna, Pablo",
+ title = "Conformal-thin-sandwich initial data for a single boosted
+ or spinning black hole puncture",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "69",
+ year = "2004",
+ pages = "104020",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0310073",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0310073;%%"
+ author = {D. Lai and F. A. Rasio and Stuart L. Shapiro},
+ title = {Ellipsoidal Figures of Equilibrium: Compressible Modles},
+ year = 1993,
+ pages = {205-252},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser.},
+ volume = {88}
+ key = {Lai96},
+ author = {D. Lai},
+ title = {Tidal Stabilization of Neutron Stars and White Dwarfs},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = {76},
+ year = 1996,
+ pages = {4878-4881}
+ key = {Lai98},
+ author = {C. W. Lai et al.},
+ title = {},
+ note = {Preprint, Physics Department,
+ Chinese University of Hong Kong},
+ year = 1998
+ key = {Lamb94},
+ author = {M. C. Miller and F. K. Lamb},
+ title = {Critical Radiation Fluxes and Luminosities of
+ Black Holes and Relativistic Stars},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = {1994}
+ author = {L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz},
+ title = {The Classical Theory of Fields,
+ Course of Theoretical Physics, Volume 2},
+ publisher = {Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann},
+ year = {2004},
+ address = {Oxford}
+ author = {L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz},
+ title = {Fluid Mechanics,
+ Course of Theoretical Physics, Volume 6},
+ publisher = {Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann},
+ year = {2004},
+ address = {Oxford}
+ author = {G. Von Laszewski and M. Russell and I. Foster and J. Shalf
+ and G. Allen and G. Daues and J. Novotny and E. Seidel},
+ title = {Community software development with the Astrophysics
+ Simulation Collaboratory},
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+ journal = {Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience},
+ volume = {14},
+ number = {13-15},
+ note = {http://www.cactuscode.org/Articles/Cactus\_Laszewski01a.pre.pdf}
+% Use Szabados04 instead
+ author = {L{\'a}szl{\'o} B. Szabados},
+ title = {Quasi-Local Energy-Momentum and Angular Momentum in
+ {GR}: A Review Article},
+ journal = {Living Rev. Relativity},
+ year = 2004,
+ volume = 7,
+ pages = 4,
+ url = {http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2004-4}
+ key ="Lasseter96",
+ author="John Lasseter (Director)",
+ title ="Toy Story",
+ year = 1996,
+ note = "Distributed by Walt Disney Pictures",
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+ title={},
+ journal={Astrophys. J.},
+ year={1976},
+ volume={210},
+ pages={549} }
+ author={Lattimer, J.~M. and Mackie, F. and Ravenhall, D.~G.
+ and Schramm, D.~N.},
+ title={},
+ journal={Astrophys. J.},
+ year={1977},
+ volume={213},
+ pages={225} }
+ author={Lattimer, J.~M. and Pethick, C.~J. and Ravenhall, D.~G.
+ and Lamb, D.~Q.},
+ title={Physical Properties of Hot, Dense Matter: The General Case},
+ journal={Nucl. Phys. A},
+ year={1985},
+ volume={432},
+ pages={646-742} }
+ author={Lattimer, J.~M. and Masak, D. and Prakash, M. and Yahil, A.},
+ title={},
+ journal={Astrophys. J.},
+ year={1990},
+ volume={355},
+ pages={241-254} }
+ author={Lattimer, James~M. and Swesty, F.~Douglas},
+ title={A Generalized Equation of State for Hot, Dense Matter},
+ journal={Nucl. Phys. A},
+ year={1991},
+ volume={535},
+ pages={331-376} }
+ author = {Lattimer, J.~M. and Van Riper, K.~A. and
+ Prakash, M. and Prakash, M},
+ title = {},
+ journal= {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = {1994},
+ volume = {425},
+ pages = 802
+ author = {Lattimer, J.~M. and Prakash, M.},
+ title = {Neutron star structure and the equation of state},
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+ volume = {550},
+ pages = {426-442},
+ author = "Lau, S. R.",
+ title = "Rapid evaluation of radiation boundary kernels for time-
+ domain wave propagation on black holes: Implementation and
+ numerical tests",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = "21",
+ year = "2004",
+ pages = "4147-4192",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = CQGRD,21,4147;%%"
+ author = "Lau, Stephen R.",
+ title = "Rapid evaluation of radiation boundary kernels for time-
+ domain wave propagation on blackholes",
+ journal = "J. Comput. Phys.",
+ volume = "199",
+ year = "2004",
+ pages = "376-422",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0401001",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0401001;%%"
+ author = {Lau, Stephen R.},
+ title = {Analytic structure of radiation boundary kernels
+ for black hole perturbations},
+ journal = {},
+ year = {2005},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0507140}
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+ author = {P.D. Lax},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {Commun. Pure Appl. Math.},
+ year = {1956},
+ volume = {9},
+ pages = {135}
+ author = {P. D. Lax and B. Wendroff},
+ title = {Systems of conservation laws},
+ journal = {Commun. Pure Appl. Math.},
+ year = {1960},
+ volume = {13},
+ pages = {217--237}
+ author = {P. D. Lax and R. S. Phillips},
+ title = {Local boundary conditions for dissipative symmetric linear
+ differential operators},
+ journal = {Commun. Pure Appl. Math.},
+ year = {1960},
+ volume = {13},
+ pages = {427-455}
+ key = {Lax73},
+ author = {P. D. Lax},
+ title = {Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws
+ and the Mathematical Theory of Shock Waves},
+ publisher = {SIAM},
+ year = {1973},
+ address = {Philadelphia, USA}
+ author = {P. D. Lax},
+ title = {Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws and the Mathematical Theory
+ of Shock Waves},
+ year = {1990},
+ publisher = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia},
+ key = {Leaver85},
+ author = {E.W. Leaver},
+ title = {An analytic representation for the quasi-normal modes of
+ {K}err black holes},
+ journal = {Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A},
+ volume = {402},
+ year = {1985},
+ pages = {285-298},
+ key = {Leaver86},
+ author = {E. W. Leaver},
+ title = {An Analytic Representation for the
+ Quasi-Normal Modes of {K}err Black Holes},
+ journal = {Proc. R. Soc. London, Series A},
+ volume = {402},
+ number = {1823},
+ pages = {285--298},
+ year = 1986,
+ month = "December 9",
+ key = {Leaver86b},
+ author = {E. W. Leaver},
+ title = {Solutions to a generalized spheroidal wave equation: Teukolsky's equations in general relativity, and the two-center problem in molecular quantum mechanics},
+ journal = {Journal Math. Phys.},
+ volume = {27},
+ number = {5},
+ pages = {1238--1265},
+ year = 1986,
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+ author = {E. W. Leaver},
+ title = {Spectral decomposition of the perturbation response of the {S}chwarzschild geometry},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {34},
+ number = {2},
+ pages = {384--408},
+ year = 1986,
+ key = {Leaver90},
+ author = {E. W. Leaver},
+ title = {Quasinormal modes of Reissner-Nordstr{\"o}m black holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {41},
+ number = {},
+ page = {2986-2997},
+ year = 1990
+ author = "Aichelburg, Peter C. and Lechner, Christiane",
+ title = "sigma-model on de Sitter space",
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+ volume = "57",
+ year = "1998",
+ pages = "6176-6180",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9710126",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 9710126;%%"
+ author = {Christiane Lechner and Sascha Husa
+ and Peter C. Aichelburg},
+ title = "SU(2) Cosmological Solitons",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 62,
+ year = 2000,
+ pages = "044047",
+ }
+ author = {Christiane Lechner and Jonathan Thornburg and Sascha Husa
+ and Peter C. Aichelburg},
+ title = "A New Transition between Discrete and Continuous
+ Self-Similarity in Critical Gravitational Collapse",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
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+ pages = "081501(R)",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0112008",
+ url = "http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v65/e081501",
+ doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.65.081501",
+ }
+ author = "Lechner, Christiane",
+ title = "Staticity, self-similarity and critical phenomena in a
+ self-gravitating nonlinear sigma model",
+ year = "2001",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0507009",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0507009;%%"
+ key = {Lee92},
+ author = {Kimyeong Lee, V.P. Nair, and Erick J. Weinberg},
+ title = {A Classical Instability of the Reissner-Nordstr{\"o}m
+ Solutions and the Fate of Magnetically Charged
+ Black Holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = {68},
+ year = 1992,
+ pages = 1100
+ author = {T. D. Lee and Y. Pang},
+ title = {},
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+ journal = {Phys. Rep.},
+ year = {1992},
+ volume = {221},
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+ pages = {215},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ key = {Lee93},
+ author = {S. Lee},
+ title = {Krylov Methods for the Numerical Solutiohn of
+ Initial-Value Problems in Differential-Algebraic Equations},
+ school = {University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign},
+ year = 1993
+ key = {Lee94a},
+ author = {S. Ashby and S. Lee and L. Petzold and P. Saylor and E. Seidel},
+ title = {Computing spacetime curvature via differential-algebraic
+ journal = {Elsevier Science},
+ year = 1995,
+ note = {submitted}
+ key = {Lee95a},
+ author = {W. H. Lee and K. Wlodzimierz},
+ title = {Merger of a Neutron Star with a {N}ewtonian Black Hole},
+ journal = {Acta Astron.},
+ year = {1995},
+ volume = {45},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {705},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ key = {Lee96a},
+ author = {W. H. Lee and K. Wlodzimierz},
+ title = {Merger of a Neutron Star with a {N}ewtonian Black Hole},
+ journal = {American Astronomical Society Meeting, 188, 84.04},
+ year = {1996},
+ volume = {},
+ OPTnumber = {},
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+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ key = {Lee98a},
+ author = {W. H. Lee and W. Kluzniak},
+ title = {{N}ewtonian Hydrodynamics of the Coalescence of Black Holes with Neutron Stars {I}: Tidally locked binaries with a stiff equation of state},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J},
+ year = {1998},
+ volume = {},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {},
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+ OPTnote = {submitted, astro-ph/9808185},
+ key = {Lee99a},
+ author = {W. H. Lee and W. Kluzniak},
+ title = {{N}ewtonian hydrodynamics of the coalescence of black holes with neutron stars {II}: Tidally locked binaries with a soft equation of state},
+ journal = {Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.},
+ year = {1999},
+ volume = {308},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {780},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {astro-ph/9904328},
+ key = {Lee99b},
+ author = {W. H. Lee and W. Kluzniak},
+ title = {Newtonian Hydrodynamics of the Coalescence of Black Holes
+ with Neutron Stars. {I}. Tidally Locked Binaries with a Stiff
+ Equation of State},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = 526,
+ year = 1999,
+ pages = {178}
+ key = {Leins93},
+ author = {M. Leins and H. P. Nollert and M. H. Soffel},
+ title = {Nonradial oscillations of neutron stars: A new branch of strongly damped normal modes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {48},
+ year = 1993,
+ pages = {3467-3472}
+ key = {Leppik95a},
+ author = {P. Leppik and E. Seidel and D. Swesty},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1995,
+ note = {in preparation},
+ key = {Leveque92},
+ author = {R. J. Leveque},
+ title = {Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws},
+ publisher = {Birkhauser Verlag},
+ year = {1992},
+ address = {Basel}
+ key = {Leveque98},
+ author = {R. J. Leveque},
+ title = {yhg},
+ booktitle = {Computational Methods for Astrophysical Fluid Flow},
+ editor = {Steiner O. and Gautschy A.},
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+ year = {1998},
+ address = {},
+ OPTedition = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {R.J.~Leveque and M.~Berger},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.},
+ year = {1998},
+ volume = {},
+ number = {},
+ pages = {},
+ note = {to appear}
+ author = {Antony Lewis and Anthony Challinor and Neil Turok},
+ title = {Analysis of {CMB} polarization on an incomplete sky},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2002,
+ volume = 65,
+ pages = 023505,
+ eprint = {astro-ph/0106536}
+ title = {Spin-weight spherical harmonics},
+ author = {Antony Lewis},
+ note = {F90 module for computing spin-weight spherical
+ harmonics},
+ url = {http://cosmologist.info/polar/}
+% anyone have the real reference to that? these are just guesses
+ author = {J. Libson},
+ title = {On apparent horizon finding},
+ year = {1994},
+ booktitle = {Numerical Relativity Conference},
+ publisher = {Grand Challenge Meeting, NCSA, Champaign,
+ November, 1994},
+ pages = {},
+ editor = {Pablo Laguna}
+% this reference was also duplicated as Libson96
+ author = {Joseph Libson and Joan Mass{\'o} and Edward Seidel
+ and Wai-Mo Suen and Paul Walker},
+ title = {Event horizons in numerical relativity: Methods and
+ tests},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1996,
+ volume = 53,
+ number = 8,
+ pages = {4335-4350},
+ annote = {PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,ASC93-18152},
+ url = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v53/p4335}
+ author = {Peter Anninos and K. Camarda and J. Libson and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Finding apparent horizons in dynamic {3D} numerical spacetimes},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
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+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1998},
+ volume = {58},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {024003},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,PHY96-00507,ASC93-18152}
+ author = {J. Libson and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {A {3D} Apparent Horizon Finder},
+ editor = {R. T. Jantzen and G. M. Keiser and R. Ruffini},
+ booktitle = {The Seventh {M}arcel {G}rossmann Meeting: On Recent
+ Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General
+ Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field
+ Theories},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ year = {1996},
+ OPTnote = {PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,ASC93-18152},
+ pages = 631
+ key = {Lichnerowicz44},
+ author = {Andre Lichnerowicz},
+ title = {L'int{\'e}gration des {\'e}quations de la
+ gravitation relativiste et la probl{\`e}me des n
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+ journal = {J. Math. Pures et Appl.},
+ volume = 23,
+ year = 1944,
+ pages = 37
+ author = {A. R. Liddle and M. S. Madsen},
+ journal = {Int. J. Mod. Phys. D},
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+ author = {Matthias Liebendoerfer and Anthony Mezzacappa and Friederich-Karl Thielemann and O. E. Bronson Messer and W. Raphael Hix and Stephen W. Bruenn},
+ title = {Probing the gravitational well: {N}o supernova
+ explosion in spherical symmetry with general
+ relativistic {B}oltzmann neutrino transport},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2001},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ volume = {63},
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+ OPTmonth = {},
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+ OPTannote = {astro-ph/0006418}
+ author = {{Liebend{\"o}rfer}, M.},
+ title = "{A Simple Parameterization of the Consequences of Deleptonization for Simulations of Stellar Core Collapse}",
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ eprint = {astro-ph/0504072},
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+ pages = {1042},
+ doi = {10.1086/466517},
+ key = {LIGO},
+ note = {LIGO -- http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/}
+ author = {Alan P. Lightman and William H. Press and Richard H.
+ Price and Saul A. {T}eukolsky},
+ title = {Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation},
+ publisher = {Princeton University Press},
+ year = {1975},
+ address = {Princeton, NJ},
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+ OPTnote = {},
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+ author = {{Lin}, L.-M. and {Cheng}, K.~S. and {Chu}, M.-C. and {Suen}, W.-M.
+ },
+ title = "{Gravitational Waves from Phase-Transition-Induced Collapse of Neutron Stars}",
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+ year = 2006,
+ month = mar,
+ volume = 639,
+ pages = {382-396},
+ doi = {10.1086/499202},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=2006ApJ...639..382L&db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = "C. W. Lincoln and C. M. Will",
+ title = "Coalescing binary systems of compact objects to
+ (post)${}^{5/2}$-{N}ewtonian order: Late-time evolution and
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+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
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+ author = {V. Lipunov and A. Nazin and I. Panchencko and K.
+ Postnov and M. Prokhorov},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {Astron. and Astrophys.},
+ year = {1995},
+ note = {in press},
+ author = {V. M. Lipunov and K.A. Postnov and M. E. Prokhorov},
+ title = {},
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+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1994ApJ...432...52L&db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {Frank L{\"o}ffler},
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+ address= {Am M{\"u}hlenberg 1, D-14476 Potsdam, Germany},
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+ key = {Loeffler06a},
+ author = {Frank L{\"o}ffler and Luciano Rezzolla and Marcus
+ Ansorg},
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+ author = "Carlos O. Lousto",
+ title = "Towards the Solution of the Relativistic Gravitational
+ Radiation Reaction Problem for Binary Black Holes",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
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+ OPTnote = {AEI-2000-061},
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0010007 ",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0010007;%%",
+ author = "Lousto, Carlos O. and Whiting, Bernard F.",
+ title = "Reconstruction of black hole metric perturbations from Weyl
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+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "66",
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/0203061",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0203061;%%"
+ author = "Lousto, C. O. and Price, Richard H.",
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+ author = "Lousto, Carlos O.",
+ title = "Gravitational waves from binary black holes in the extreme
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+ year = "2005",
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 22,
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+ eprint = "astro-ph/0501238",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0501238;%%"
+ author = "Lousto, Carlos O.",
+ title = "Reconstruction of Black Hole Metric Perturbations from Weyl
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0501088;%%"
+ author = "Lubich, C. and Nowak, U. and P{\"o}hle, U. and Engstler, C.",
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+ author = "Lubich, C. and Sch{\"a}dle, A.",
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+ author = {Maurice H.P.M. van Putten and Douglas Eardley},
+ title = {Nonlinear Wave Equation for Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
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+ key = {MVP97},
+ author = {Maurice H.P.M. van Putten},
+ title = {Numerical Integration of Nonlinear Wave Equations
+ for General Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {55},
+ year = 1997,
+ pages = {4705-4711}
+ author = "Maartens, Roy",
+ title = "Dissipative cosmology",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = "12",
+ pages = "1455",
+ year = "1995"
+ author = "Maartens, Roy",
+ title = "Causal thermodynamics in relativity",
+ year = "1996",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/9609119",
+ note = {Lectures given at the Hanno Rund Workshop on
+ Relativity and Thermodynamics, South Africa,
+ June 1996; astro-ph/9609119},
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 9609119;%%"
+ key = {Madau2001},
+ author = {Madau, P and Rees M. J.},
+ title = {Massive Black Holes as Population III Remnants},
+ journal = {Astrophys.J},
+ volume = {551},
+ year = 2001,
+ pages = {L24}
+ key = {Madau2004},
+ author = {Madau, P and Quataet, E},
+ title = {The effect of gravitational-wave
+ recoil on the demography of massive black holes},
+ journal = {Astrophys.J},
+ volume = {606},
+ year = 2004,
+ pages = {L17-L20}
+ author = "P. Madderom",
+ title = "Incomplete $\sf LU$-Decomposition -- Conjugate Gradient",
+ note = "Fortran~66 subroutine implementing the method
+ of \cite{Kershaw1978:ilucg}",
+ institution = "University of British Columbia",
+ address = "Vancouver, Canada",
+ year = 1984,
+ author = "N. K. Madsen and R. F. Sincovec",
+ title = "The Numerical Method of Lines for the Solution of
+ Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations",
+ institution = "Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories",
+ year = 1973, month = "September",
+ number = "UCRL-75142",
+ snote = "a longer and IMHO somewhat more readable
+ version of this report has appeared as
+ \cite{Madsen-Sincovec-1974}",
+ }
+ author = "N. K. Madsen and R. F. Sincovec",
+ title = "The Numerical Solution of Nonlinear
+ Partial Differential Equations",
+ pages = "371--380",
+ editor = "J. T. Oden {\it et al.}",
+ booktitle = "Computational Methods in Nonlinear Mechanics",
+ publisher = "Texas Institute for Computational Mechanics",
+ address = "Austin, Texas, USA",
+ year = 1974,
+ X-isbn = "no ISBN",
+ snote = "a shorter and IMHO somewhat less readable
+ version of this report has appeared as
+ \cite{Madsen-Sincovec-1973}",
+ }
+ key = {Maeda80},
+ author = {K. Maeda and M. Sasaki and Takashi Nakamura and S. Miyana},
+ title = {????},
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys.},
+ volume = 63,
+ year = 1980,
+ pages = 719
+ author = {Magierski, P. and Bulgac, A. and Heenen, P.-H.},
+ title = "{Exotic nuclear phases in the inner crust of neutron stars in
+ the light of {Skyrme}-{Hartree}-{Fock} theory}",
+ journal = {Nucl. Phys. A},
+ year = 2003,
+ volume = 719,
+ pages = {217-220},
+ author = "Seth Major and David Rideout and Sumati Surya",
+ title = "On Recovering Continuum Topology from a Causal Set",
+ journal = "J. Math. Phys. (accepted)",
+ year = 2007,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0604124"
+% Copied by Joe 3/21/94
+ key = {Malec91},
+ author = {Edward Malec},
+ title = {Hoop Conjecture and Trapped Surfaces in
+ Nonspherical Massive Systems},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = 67,
+ number = 5,
+ year = 1991,
+ pages = {949}
+% copied by Karen
+ key = {Malec94},
+ author = {Edward Malec},
+ title = {Event horizons and apparent horizons in
+ spherically symmetric geometries},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 49,
+ number = 12,
+ year = 1994,
+ pages = {6475-6483}
+ author = "Malec, Edward and Murchadha, Niall O",
+ title = "Constant mean curvature slices in the extended
+ {S}chwarzschild solution and collapse of the lapse: Part {I}",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "68",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "124019",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0307046",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0307046;%%"
+ key = {Mao94},
+ author = {S. Mao and R. Narayan and Tsvi Piran},
+ title = {On the bimodal distribution of gamma-ray bursts},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = 420,
+ year = 1994,
+ pages = {171}
+ key = {MacNeice00},
+ author = {Peter MacNeice and Kevin M. Olson and Clark Mobarry and
+ Rosalinda de Fainchtein and Charles Packer},
+ title = {{PARAMESH}: A parallel adaptive mesh refinement
+ community toolkit},
+ journal = {Comp. Phys. Comm.},
+ volume = 126,
+ number = 3,
+ year = 2000,
+ month = {11 April},
+ pages = {330--354},
+ doi = {10.1016/S0010-4655(99)00501-9},
+ author={Markovic, Dragoljub},
+ title={Possibility of Determining Cosmological Parameters from
+Measurements of Gravitational Waves Emitted by Coalescing,
+ Compact Binaries},
+ journal={Phys. Rev. D},
+ year={1993},
+ volume={48},
+ pages={4738-4756}
+ author = {P. Marronetti and G. J. Mathews and J. R. Wilson},
+ title = {Binary neutron-star systems: From the {N}ewtonian regime
+ to the last stable orbit},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 58,
+ year = 1998,
+ pages = 107503
+ author = "Marronetti, P. and Mathews, G. J. and Wilson, J. R.",
+ title = "Irrotational binary neutron stars in quasi-equilibrium",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "60",
+ year = "1999",
+ pages = "087301",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9906088",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 9906088;%%",
+ author = {P. Marronetti and Mijan F. Huq and P. Laguna and Luis Lehner
+ and Richard A. Matzner and D. Shoemaker},
+ title = {Approximate Analytical Solutions to the Initial Data
+ Problem of Black Hole Binary Systems},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 62,
+ year = 2000,
+ pages = 024017,
+ note = {gr-qc/0001077}
+ key = {Marronetti00},
+ author = {P. Marronetti and Richard A. Matzner},
+ title = {Solving the Initial Value Problem of two Black Holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = 85,
+ year = 2000,
+ pages = {5500-5503},
+ note = {gr-qc/0009044}
+ author = "Pedro Marronetti and Matthew D. Duez and Stuart L. Shapiro and
+ Thomas W. Baumgarte",
+ title = "Dynamical Determination of the Innermost Stable Circular Orbit
+ of Binary Neutron Stars",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
+ volume = "92",
+ year = "2004",
+ pages = "141101",
+ author = "Pedro Marronetti and Wolfgang Tichy and Bernd Br{\"u}gmann and
+ Jose Gonz{\'a}lez and Ulrich Sperhake",
+ title = "High-spin binary black hole mergers",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "77",
+ year = "2008",
+ pages = "064010",
+ eprint = "arXiv:0709.2160"
+ key = {Marsa96},
+ author = {R. L. Marsa and M. W. Choptuik},
+ title = {Black Hole--Scalar Field Interactions in Spherical
+ Symmetry},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 54,
+ year = 1996,
+ pages = {4929-4943}
+ author = "Martel, Karl and Poisson, Eric",
+ title = "Regular coordinate systems for {S}chwarzschild and other
+ spherical spacetimes",
+ journal = "Am. J. Phys.",
+ volume = "69",
+ year = "2001",
+ pages = "476-480",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0001069"
+ author = "Martel, Karl and Poisson, Eric",
+ title = "A one-parameter family of time-symmetric initial data for
+ the radial infall of a particle into a {S}chwarzschild black
+ hole",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "66",
+ year = "2002",
+ pages = "084001",
+ note = "gr-qc/0107104",
+ author = {Martel, Karl and Poisson, Eric},
+ title = {Gravitational perturbations of the Schwarzschild spacetime:
+ A practical covariant and gauge-invariant formalism},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2005},
+ volume = {71},
+ pages = {104003}
+ key = {Marti91},
+ author = {J.~M. Mart{\'\i} and J.~M. Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez and J.~M. Miralles},
+ title = {Numerical relativistic hydrodynamics: Local characteristic
+ approach},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {43},
+ year = {1991},
+ pages = {3794}
+ key = {Marti94},
+ author = {J.~M. Mart{\'\i} and E. M{\"{u}}ller},
+ title = {The Analytical Solution of the Riemann Problem in
+ Relativistic Hydrodynamics},
+ journal = {J. Fluid Mech.},
+ volume = {258},
+ year = {1994},
+ pages = {317-333}
+ key = {Marti96},
+ author = {J.~M. Mart{\'\i} and E. M{\"u}ller},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {J. Comput. Phys.},
+ volume = {123},
+ year = {1996},
+ pages = {1}
+ key = {Marti97},
+ author = {J.~M. Mart{\'\i} and E. M{\"u}ller and J.~A. Font
+ and J.~M. Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez and A. Marquina},
+ title = {Morphology and Dynamics of Relativistic Jets },
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = {479},
+ year = {1997},
+ pages = {151}
+ author = "J.~M. Mart{\'\i} and E. M{\"{u}}ller",
+ title = "Numerical Hydrodynamics in Special Relativity",
+ year = 1999,
+ volume = 2,
+ pages = 3,
+ journal = {Living Rev. Relativity},
+ eprint = {astro-ph/9906333},
+ url = {http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-1999-3},
+ author = {J.~M. Mart{\'\i} and E. M{\"u}ller},
+ title = {Numerical Hydrodynamics in Special Relativity},
+ journal = {Living Rev. Relativity},
+ year = 2003,
+ volume = 6,
+ pages = 7,
+ url = {http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2003-7},
+ author = {J. M. Martin-Garcia and C. Gundlach},
+ title = {All nonspherical perturbations of the Choptuik spacetime decay},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {59},
+ year = {1999},
+ pages = "064031",
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9809059},
+ author = {Joan Mass{\'o}},
+ title = {Numerical relativity: the quest for a three dimensional code},
+ school = {University of the Balearic Islands},
+ year = {1992},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {Masso92},
+ OPTaddress = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTtype = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and P. Walker},
+ title = {Adaptative Mesh Refinement in Numerical Relativity},
+ editor = {R. T. Jantzen and G. M. Keiser and R. Ruffini},
+ booktitle = {The Seventh {M}arcel {G}rossmann Meeting: On Recent
+ Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General
+ Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field
+ Theories},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ year = {1996},
+ OPTnote = {PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,ASC93-18152},
+ pages = 634,
+ note = {gr-qc/9412057}
+ author = {Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen and
+ P. Walker},
+ title = {Event Horizons in Numerical Relativity {II}:
+ Analyzing the Horizon},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1999,
+ volume = 59,
+ pages = 064015,
+ note = {gr-qc/9804059},
+ annote =
+ {PHY94-07882,ASC93-18152,ASC95-03978,PHY94-04788,PHY96-00567},
+ url = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v59/e064015}
+ author = {Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen and P. Walker},
+ title = {Event Horizons in Numerical Relativity {III}: Physics},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1995},
+ OPTvolume = {},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ OPTpages = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ note = {in preparation},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {Joan Mass{\'o}},
+ title = {Numerical Relativity and Black Hole Horizons},
+ editor = {A. Molina and J. Senovilla},
+ booktitle = {Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models and other
+ topics (ERE 94)},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ year = {1995},
+ note = {in press}
+ author={Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen and P. Walker},
+ editor={Naresh Dadhich and Jayant Narlikar},
+ title={Event Horizons in Numerical Relativity},
+ booktitle={The 15th International Conference on General Relativity
+and Gravitation},
+ publisher={IUCAA},
+ address={India},
+ year={1997},
+ pages={}
+% This is ALSO Bona98b; Please update both!
+ author = {C. Bona and Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and P. Walker},
+ title = {Three Dimensional Numerical Relativity with a Hyperbolic
+ Formulation},
+ journal = {?},
+ year = {1998},
+ volume = {?},
+ pages = {?},
+ note = {gr-qc/9804052. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D}
+ author = {Joan Mass{\'o} and P. Walker},
+ title = {Cactus: Thorny Problems in Numerical Relativity},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ journal = {},
+ year = {1998},
+ volume = {},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ note = {in preparation},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and Wai-Mo Suen and P. Walker},
+ title = {Event horizons in numerical relativity. {II}. {A}nalyzing the horizon},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1999},
+ volume = {59},
+ pages = {064015},
+ author = {G. Mathews and J. Wilson},
+ title = {},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ key = {Mathews97},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = {1997},
+ volume = {482},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {929},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {G. Mathews and P. Marronetti and J. Wilson},
+ title = {Relativistic hydrodynamics in close binary systems:
+ Analysis of neutron-star collapse},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1998},
+ volume = {58},
+ pages = {043003},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {G. Mathews and J. Wilson},
+ title = {Revised Relativistic Hydrodynamical Model for Neutron Star Binaries},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ key = {Mathews00},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2000},
+ volume = {61},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {127304},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = "Marronetti, P. and Mathews, G. J. and Wilson, J. R.",
+ title = "Irrotational binary neutron stars in quasi-equilibrium",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "60",
+ year = "1999",
+ pages = "087301",
+ eprint = "arXiv:gr-qc/9906088",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 9906088;%%",
+ author={Mathews, G.~J. and Evans, CV.~R. and Wilson, J.~R.},
+ editor={},
+ title={Relativistic (3+1) Dimensional Hydrodynamic Simulations
+of Compact Interactings Binary Systems},
+ booktitle={},
+ publisher={},
+ address={},
+ year={1986},
+ pages={}
+ author={Mathews, G.~J.and Bazan, G. and Cowan, J.~J.},
+ title={},
+ journal={Astrophys. J.},
+ year={1992},
+ volume={391},
+ pages={719} }
+ author={Ken Mattsson et al.},
+ note={unpublished},
+ year=2005
+ author = {K. Mattsson},
+ title = {Boundary procedures for summation by parts
+ operators},
+ journal = {J. Sci. Comput.},
+ year = 2003,
+ volume = 18,
+ pages = {133-153}
+ author = {K. Mattsson and M. Sv{\"a}rd and J. Nordstr\"{o}m},
+ title = {Stable and accurate artificial dissipation},
+ journal = {J. Sci. Comput.},
+ year = 2004,
+ volume = 21,
+ pages = {57-79}
+ author = {Ken Mattsson and Jan Nordstr{\"o}m},
+ title = "Summation by parts operators for finite difference
+ approximations of second derivatives",
+ journal = "J. Comput. Phys.",
+ volume = 199, number = 2,
+ year = 2004, month = "20 September",
+ pages = "503--540",
+ doi = "doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2004.03.001",
+ author = {Mattsson, Ken and Sv{\"a}rd, Magnus and Carpenter, Mark
+ and Nordstr{\"o}m, Jan},
+ title = {Accuracy requirements for transient aerodynamics },
+ booktitle = {16th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference},
+ year = 2003,
+ address = {Orlando, FL}
+ author = {Richard A. Matzner and F. Tipler},
+ title = {Metaphysics of colliding self-gravitating plane waves},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1984},
+ volume = {29},
+ pages = {1575}
+ author = {Richard A. Matzner and E. Seidel and Stuart L. Shapiro and L. Smarr
+ and W.-M. Suen and S. Teukolsky and Jeffrey Winicour},
+ title = {Geometry of a Black Hole Collision},
+ pages = {941-947},
+ journal = {Science},
+ year = {1995},
+ month = {November 10},
+ volume = {270},
+ issue = {5238},
+ url = {http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/270/5238/941},
+ abstract= {
+ The Binary Black Hole Alliance was formed to study the
+ collision of black holes and the resulting gravitational
+ radiation by computationally solving Einstein's equations
+ for general relativity. The location of the black hole
+ surface in a head-on collision has been determined in
+ detail and is described here. The geometrical features
+ that emerge are presented along with an analysis and
+ explanation in terms of the spacetime curvature inherent
+ in the strongly gravitating black hole region. This
+ curvature plays a direct, important, and analytically
+ explicable role in the formation and evolution of
+ the event horizon associated with the surfaces of the
+ black holes.
+ },
+ X-note = {"pair of pants" figure = front cover of this Science issue},
+ author = {Richard A. Matzner and Mijan Huq and Alonso Botero and Dae Il Choi
+ and Ullar Kask and Juan Lara and Steven Liebling and David Neilsen
+ and Premana Premadi and Deirdre Shoemaker},
+ title = {Analysis of ``Gauge Modes'' in Linearized Relativity},
+ year = {1997},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ pages = {L21},
+ volume = {14}
+ author = {Richard A. Matzner and Mijan F. Huq and Deirdre Shoemaker},
+ title = {Initial Data and Coordinates for Multiple Black Hole Systems},
+ year = {1999},
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+ pages = {024015},
+ volume = {59}
+ author = "Matzner, Richard A.",
+ title = "Hyperbolicity and constrained evolution in linearized
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+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0408003;%%"
+ author = {Mauceli, E. and {\it et al.}},
+ title = {The Allegro gravitational wave detector: Data acquisition and analysis},
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+ key = {May66},
+ author = {May, M.~M. and White, R.~H.},
+ title = {Hydrodynamic calculations of general
+ relativistic collapse},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev.},
+ volume = {141},
+ year = {1966},
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+ key = {May67},
+ author = {May, M.~M. and White, R.~H.},
+ title = {Stellar Dynamics and Gravitational Collapse},
+ booktitle = {Methods in Computational Physics},
+ editor = {Alder, B.},
+ volume = {7},
+ pages = {129},
+ year = {1967},
+ key = {McAbee94},
+ author = {McAbee, T.L. and Wilson J.R.},
+ title = {Mean-field pion calculations of heavy-ion collisions at Bevalac energies},
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+ volume = {576},
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+ title={A Measurement of the Electromagnetic Luminosity of a {Kerr} Black Hole},
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+ author={Meegan, C.~R. and {\it et al.} },
+ title={},
+ journal={Nature},
+ year={1992},
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+ author = "Meier, David L.",
+ title = "Constrained Transport Algorithms for Numerical Relativity.
+ I. Development of a Finite Difference Scheme",
+ journal = "Astrophys. J.",
+ volume = "595",
+ year = "2003",
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+ eprint = "astro-ph/0312052",
+ author={Merkowitz, S.~M. and Johnson, W.~W.},
+ title={Spherical Gravitational Wave Antennas and the Truncated
+Icoshedral Arrangement},
+ journal={Phys. Rev. D},
+ year={1995},
+ volume={51},
+ pages={2546-2558} }
+ author = "Merritt, David and Ekers, R. D.",
+ title = "Tracing Black Hole Mergers Through Radio Lobe Morphology",
+ journal = "Science",
+ volume = "297",
+ year = "2002",
+ pages = "1310-1313",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0208001",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0208001;%%",
+ author = "Merritt, David and Milosavljevic, Milos",
+ title = "Massive Black Hole Binary Evolution",
+ year = "2004",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0410364",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0410364;%%"
+ author = "Merritt, David and Milosavljevic, Milos and Favata, Marc
+ and Hughes, Scott A. and Holz, Daniel E.",
+ title = "Consequences of gravitational radiation recoil",
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+ volume = "607",
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+ eprint = "astro-ph/0402057",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0402057;%%"
+ author = {Albert Messiah},
+ title = {Quatum Mechanics},
+ publisher = {Dover Publications},
+ address = {New York},
+ year = 1999
+ author = {Meszaros, P. and Rees, M.~J.},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {AAstrophys. J.},
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+ key = {Meszaros00},
+ author = {P. Meszaros},
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+ volume = 69,
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+ author = {Jan Metzger},
+ title = {Numerical computation of constant mean curvature
+ surfaces using finite elements},
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+ author={Meyer, B.~S.},
+ title={Decompression of Initially Cold Neutron Star Matter:
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+ author={Meyer, B.~S. and Brown, J.~S.},
+ title={},
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+ year={1997},
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+ key = {Mezzacappa89},
+ author={Mezzacappa, A. and Matzner, R.~A.},
+ journal={Astrophys. J.},
+ year={1989},
+ volume={343},
+ pages={853}
+ author = {A. Mezzacappa and M. Liebend{\"o}rfer and
+ O.~E. Bronson Messer and W. Raphael Hix and
+ F.-K. Thilemann and S.~W. Bruenn},
+ title = {Simulation of the {S}pherically {S}ymmetric
+ {S}tellar {C}ore {C}ollapse, {B}ounce, and
+ {P}ostbounce {E}volution of a {S}tar of 13 {S}olar
+ {M}asses with {B}oltzmann {N}eutrino {T}ransport,
+ and {I}ts {I}mplications for the {S}upernova
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+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = {2001},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ volume = {86},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {1935--1938},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {A.~Mezzacappa},
+ title = {The Core Collapse Supernova Mechanism:\
+ Current Models, Gaps, and the Road Ahead},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the conference Supernovae as Cosmological Lighthouses,
+ Padua, Italy, June 16-19, 2004},
+ editor= {},
+ year = {2004},
+ publisher={ASP Conference Series},
+ address = {USA},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ OPTvolume = {},
+ OPTnumber = {},
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+ OPTmonth = {},
+ note = {astro-ph/0410085},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ key = {Michel72},
+ author = {F.~C. Michel},
+ title = {Accretion of matter by condensed objects},
+ journal = {Astrophys. Spa. Sci.},
+ year = {1972},
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+ pages = {153}
+ author = {{Mignone}, A. and {McKinney}, J.~C.},
+ title = "{Equation of state in relativistic magnetohydrodynamics: variable versus constant adiabatic index}",
+ journal = {Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.},
+ eprint = {arXiv:0704.1679},
+ year = 2007,
+ month = jul,
+ volume = 378,
+ pages = {1118-1130},
+ doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.11849.x},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007MNRAS.378.1118M},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = "Mark A. Miller",
+ title = "Regge Calculus as a Fourth Order Method in Numerical Relativity",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 12, number = 12,
+ year = 1995, month = "December",
+ pages = "3037--3051",
+ doi = "10.1088/0264-9381/12/12/019",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9502044",
+ author = {M. Miller},
+ note = {private communication}
+ key = {Miller99c},
+ author = {M. Miller and W.-M. Suen and M. Tobias},
+ title = {Collision of 1.4 $M_{\odot}$ Neutron Stars: Dynamical or
+ Quasi-Equilibrium?},
+ note = {gr-qc/9910022}
+ key = {Miller00},
+ author = {M. Miller},
+ title = {On the Numerical Stability of the {E}instein Equations},
+ year = 2000,
+ note = {submitted to Phys. Rev. D; gr-qc/0008017}
+ key = {Miller01a},
+ author = {M. Miller and W.-M. Suen and M. Tobias},
+ title = {Shapiro conjecture: Prompt or delayed collapse in the
+ head-on collision of neutron stars?},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D. Rapid Comm.},
+ volume = 63,
+ year = 2001,
+ pages = {121501(R)},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9904041}
+ key = {Miller01b},
+ author = {M. Miller},
+ title = {General Relativistic Initial Data for the Binary
+ Black Hole / Neutron Star System in Quasicircular Orbit},
+ OPTjournal = {Phys. Rev. D., submitted },
+ year = 2001,
+ note = {gr-qc/0106017}
+ key = {},
+ author = {M. Coleman Miller and Douglas P. Hamilton},
+ title = {Four-Body Effects in Globular Cluster Black Hole Coalescence},
+ OPTjournal = {ApJ Letters, submitted},
+ year = 2002,
+ note = {},
+ eprint = {arXiv:astro-ph/0202298v1}
+ author = {Mark Miller and Wai-Mo Suen},
+ title = {Towards a {R}ealistic {N}eutron {S}tar {B}inary
+ {I}nspiral},
+ year = {2003},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ OPTvolume = {},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ OPTpages = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ note = {gr-qc/0301112},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {Mark Miller and Philip Gressman and Wai-Mo Suen},
+ title = {Towards a Realistic Neutron Star Binary Inspiral:
+ Initial Data and Multiple Orbit Evolution in Full
+ General Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 69,
+ year = 2004,
+ pages = 064026,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0312030},
+% See Miller:2003b
+ author = "Miller, Mark and Gressman, Philip and Suen, Wai-Mo",
+ title = "Towards a Realistic Neutron Star Binary Inspiral: Initial
+ Data and Multiple Orbit Evolution in Full General
+ Relativity",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "69",
+ year = "2004",
+ pages = "064026",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0312030",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0312030;%%"
+ author = {Mark Miller},
+ title = {On the circular orbit approximation for initial data
+ in numerical relativity},
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "69",
+ year = {2004},
+ pages = "124013",
+ note = {gr-qc/0305024}
+% See Miller:2003b
+ author = {Mark Miller and Philip Gressman and Wai-Mo Suen},
+ title = {Towards a Realistic Neutron Star Binary Inspiral:
+ Initial Data and Multiple Orbit Evolution in Full
+ General Relativity},
+ year = 2004,
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 69,
+ pages = 064026,
+ author = "Miller, Mark",
+ title = "Accuracy requirements for the calculation of gravitational
+ waveforms from coalescing compact binaries in numerical
+ relativity",
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {71},
+ pages = {104016},
+ year = "2005",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0502087",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0502087;%%"
+ author = {M. Coleman Miller},
+ title = {Prompt Mergers of Neutron Stars with Black Holes},
+ year = {2005},
+ volume = {626},
+ pages = {L41},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ author = {Miller, J. C. and Sciama, D. W.},
+ title = {Gravitational collapse to the black hole state},
+ pages = "359-391",
+ booktitle = "General relativity and gravitation, II",
+ editor={Held A.},
+ publisher={Plenum Press},
+ address={New York, U.S.A.},
+ year = 1980,
+ author = "Miller, J. C., and Motta, S.",
+ title = "Computations of spherical gravitational collapse using null slicing",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = "6",
+ year = "1989",
+ pages = "185-193",
+ author = {Milosavlje{\'c}, Milo{\v{s}} and Phinney, E. S.},
+ title = {The afterglow of massive black hole coalescence},
+ year = {2005},
+ volume = {622},
+ pages = {L93},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ author = "Mino, Yasushi and Sasaki, Misao and Tanaka, Takahiro",
+ title = "Gravitational radiation reaction to a particle motion",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "55",
+ year = "1997",
+ pages = "3457-3476",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9606018",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 9606018;%%",
+ author = "Jorge J. Mor{{\'e}} and Burton S. Garbow and Kenneth E. Hillstrom",
+ title = "User Guide for {MINPACK-1}",
+ number = "ANL-80-74",
+ institution = "Argonne National Laboratory",
+ address = "Argonne, USA",
+ month = aug,
+ year = "1980",
+ note = "available from the {\sc NETLIB} online software repository,
+ \texttt{http://www.netlib.org/minpack/}",
+ author = {C. Misner and J. Wheeler},
+ title = {Classical Physics as Geometry},
+ journal = {Ann. Phys. (N.Y.)},
+ volume = 2,
+ year = 1957,
+ pages = {525-603}
+ key = {Misner60},
+ author = {C. Misner},
+ title = {Wormhole Initial Conditions},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev.},
+ volume = 118,
+ number = 4,
+ year = 1960,
+ pages = {1110-1111}
+ key = {Misner63},
+ author = {C. W. Misner},
+ title = {The Method of Images in Geometrostatics},
+ journal = {Ann. Phys.},
+ volume = 24,
+ year = 1963,
+ pages = {102-117}
+ author = "Charles W. Misner and D. H. Sharp",
+ title = "Relativistic Equations for Adiabatic,
+ Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Collapse",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev.",
+ volume = 136, number = 2,
+ pages = "B571--B576",
+ year = 1964,
+ snote = "definition of local mass in spherical symmetry",
+ key = {Misner73},
+ author = {Charles W. Misner and Kip S. Thorne and John A. Wheeler},
+ title = {Gravitation},
+ publisher = {W. H. Freeman},
+ address = {San Francisco},
+ year = 1973
+ author = "Charles W. Misner",
+ title = "Magic Matter, the Computational Aether, and Miner's Canary",
+ year = "2001", month = "January",
+ url = "https://drum.umd.edu/dspace/handle/1903/4361"
+ key = {Misner73},
+ author = {Charles W. Misner and Kip S. Thorne and John A. Wheeler},
+ title = {Gravitation},
+ publisher = {W. H. Freeman},
+ address = {San Francisco},
+ pages = 867,
+ year = 1973
+ key = {Mitchell77},
+ author = {A. R. Mitchell},
+ title = {The finite element method in partial differential equations},
+ publisher = {J. Wiley and Sons},
+ address = {U.S.A.},
+ year = 1977
+ author = "A. R. Mitchell and D. F. Griffiths",
+ title = "The Finite Difference Method in
+ Partial Differential Equations",
+ publisher = "Wiley",
+ address = "New York",
+ year = 1980,
+ X-isbn = "FIXME",
+ X-note = "nice elementary intro (also includes finite elements)",
+ key = {Miyama81},
+ author = {S. M. Miyama},
+ title = {Time Evolution of Pure GRavitational Waves},
+ journal = {Prog. Theoret. Phys.},
+ volume = 65,
+ year = 1981,
+ pages = {894-909}
+ key = {Mizuno04},
+ author = {Y. Mizuno and S. Yamada and S. Koide and K. Shibata},
+ title = {General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Collapsars:
+ Rotating Black Hole Cases},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
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+ year = 2004,
+ pages = {395}
+ author={Mochkovitch, R. and Hernanz, M. and Isern, J. and Martin, X.},
+ title={},
+ journal={Nature},
+ year={1993},
+ volume={361},
+ pages={236}
+ author={Mochkovitch, R. and Hernanz, M. and Isern, J. and Loiseau, S.},
+ title={},
+ journal={Astron. Astrophys.},
+ year={1995},
+ volume={293},
+ pages={803-809}
+ author = {{M\"onchmeyer}, R. and {Sch\"afer}, G. and {M\"uller}, E. and {Kates}, R.~E.
+ },
+ title = "{Gravitational waves from the collapse of rotating stellar cores}",
+ journal = {Astron. Astrophys.},
+ year = 1991,
+ month = jun,
+ volume = 246,
+ pages = {417},
+ author={Soumya D. Mohanty},
+ title={A Robust Test for Detecting Non-Stationarity in Data from
+ Gravitational Wave Detectors},
+ journal={Phys.Rev. D},
+ volume=61,
+ year=2000,
+ pages=122002
+ key = {Moncrief74},
+ author = {V. Moncrief},
+ title = {Gravitational Perturbations of Spherically
+ Symmetric Systems. {I}. The Exterior Problem},
+ journal = {Annals of Physics},
+ address = {New York},
+ volume = 88,
+ year = 1974,
+ pages = {323-342}
+ key = {Moncrief74b},
+ author = {V. Moncrief},
+ title = {Gravitational Perturbations of Spherically
+ Symmetric Systems. {II}. Perfect Fluid Interiors},
+ journal = {Annals of Physics},
+ address = {New York},
+ volume = 88,
+ year = 1974,
+ pages = {343-370}
+ author = {Moncrief, V.},
+ title = {Odd-parity stability of a Reissner-Nordstr{\"o}m black holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {9},
+ pages = {2707--2709},
+ year = {1974},
+ keywords = {Reissner-Nordstr{\"o}m solution, black holes, perturbation theory,
+ stability theory},
+ key = {Moncrief,1974(2)}
+ author = {Moncrief, V.},
+ title = {Stability of a Reissner-Nordstr{\"o}m black hole},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {10},
+ pages = {1057--1059},
+ year = {1974},
+ keywords = {Reissner-Nordstr{\"o}m solution, black holes, perturbation theory, stability theory},
+ key = {Moncrief,1974(3)}
+ key = {Moncrief80a},
+ author = {V. Moncrief},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {Astrophys.J.},
+ address = {},
+ volume = 238,
+ year = 1980,
+ pages = {333}
+ author = {Moncrief, V.},
+ title = {Finite-Difference Approach to Solving Operator Equations of Motion in Quantum Theory},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {28},
+ pages = {2485--2490},
+ year = {1983},
+ keywords = {numerical methods},
+ key = {Moncrief,1983}
+ author = {{Montero}, P.~J. and {Zanotti}, O. and {Font}, J.~A. and {Rezzolla}, L.
+ },
+ title = "{Dynamics of magnetized relativistic tori oscillating around black holes}",
+ journal = {Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.},
+ eprint = {arXiv:astro-ph/0702485},
+ year = 2007,
+ month = jul,
+ volume = 378,
+ pages = {1101-1110},
+ doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.11844.x},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007MNRAS.378.1101M},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {Gordon E. Moore},
+ title = {Cramming more components onto integrated circuits},
+ journal = {Electronics},
+ year = 1965,
+ volume = 38,
+ number = 8,
+ month = {April},
+ annote = {This is the famous more-transistors-every-year paper
+ which prompted "Moore's law"},
+ url = {ftp://download.intel.com/
+ museum/Moores_Law/Articles-Press_Releases/Gordon_Moore_1965_Article.pdf}
+ author = {T. Mora and C. M. Will},
+ title = {Numerically generated quasi-equilibrium orbits of
+ black holes: Circular or eccentric?},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {66},
+ year = {2002},
+ pages = {101501(R)}
+ author = "Moreno, Claudia and Nunez, Dario and Sarbach, Olivier",
+ title = "Kerr-{S}child type initial data for two {Kerr} black holes",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = "19",
+ year = "2002",
+ pages = "6059-6073",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0205060",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0205060;%%"
+ author = "Moretti, Valter",
+ title = "Direct zeta-function approach and renormalization of one-
+ loop stress tensors in curved spacetimes",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "56",
+ year = "1997",
+ pages = "7797-7819",
+ eprint = "hep-th/9705060",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = HEP-TH 9705060;%%",
+ author = "Moretti, Valter",
+ title = "Local zeta-function techniques vs point-splitting
+ procedure: A few rigorous results",
+ journal = "Commun. Math. Phys.",
+ volume = "201",
+ year = "1999",
+ pages = "327-363",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9805091",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 9805091;%%",
+ author = {S. M. Morsink and N. Stergioulas and S. R. Blattnig},
+ title = {Quasi-normal Modes of Rotating Relativistic Stars -- Neutral
+ Modes for Realistic Equations of State},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = {510},
+ year = {1999},
+ pages = {854},
+ note = {}
+ author = {Mohammad Motamed and M.~C. Babiuc and B. Szilagyi and
+ H-O. Kreiss and J.Winicour},
+ title = {Finite difference schemes for second order systems
+ describing black holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {73},
+ year = {2006},
+ pages = {124008},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0604010},
+ note = {Connect to the URL
+ http://jean-luc.ncsa.uiuc.edu
+ for a {M}osaic page containing information on the {NCSA}
+ Relativity Group, publications, and scientific animations.}
+% This should be a talk or something ... don't know what to do for it.
+% Paul, from GRQC 4/21
+ key = {Moss94},
+ author = {Ian G. Moss},
+ title = {Exotic Black Holes},
+ journal = {Presented at the 8th {N}ishinomiya-{Y}ukawa Symposum / GRQC},
+ address = {},
+ volume = 9404014,
+ year = 1994,
+ pages = {}
+ title = {User's Guide for {\tt mpich}, a Portable
+ Implementation of {MPI}},
+ author = {William D. Gropp and Ewing Lusk},
+ note = {{ANL}-96/6},
+ organization = {Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne
+ National Laboratory},
+ year = 1996
+ author = {E. M{\"u}ller and M. Rampp and R. Buras and
+ H. T. Janka and D. H. Shoemaker},
+ title = {Toward {G}ravitational {W}ave {S}ignals from
+ {R}ealistic {C}ore-{C}ollapse S{u}pernova {M}odels},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = {2004},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ volume = {603},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {221-230},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {{Mukhopadhyay}, B. and {Misra}, R.},
+ title = "{Pseudo-Newtonian Potentials to Describe the Temporal Effects on
+ Relativistic Accretion Disks around Rotating Black Holes and
+ Neutron Stars}",
+ journal = "Astrophys. J.",
+ year = 2003,
+ volume = 582,
+ pages = {347-351},
+ author = {Ilia Musco and John C. Miller and Luciano Rezzola},
+ title = {Computations of primordial black-hole formation},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = {2005},
+ volume = {22},
+ pages = {1405-1424},
+%%%%% N %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ author={D. K. Nad{\"e}zhin and I. D. Novikov and A. G. Polnarev},
+ title={The hydrodynamics of primordial black hole formation},
+ journal={Sov. Astron.},
+ volume={22},
+ number= {2},
+ year={1978},
+ pages={129-137}
+ author = {Alessandro Nagar and Luciano Rezzolla},
+ title = {Gauge-invariant non-spherical metric perturbations
+ of {S}chwarzschild black-hole spacetimes},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume={22},
+ number={16},
+ pages={R167-R192},
+ url={http://stacks.iop.org/0264-9381/22/R167},
+ year={2005},
+ note = {erratum \textit{Class. Quantum Grav.} \textbf{23}, 4297 (2006)},
+ author = "Nagar, Alessandro and Rezzolla, Luciano",
+ title = "Gauge-invariant non-spherical metric perturbations
+ of Schwarzschild black-hole spacetimes",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 22,
+ year = 2005,
+ pages = "R167",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0502064",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0502064;%%"
+ author = {G. Nagy and O.~E. Ortiz and O.~A. Reula},
+ title = {Strongly hyperbolic second order {E}instein's
+ evolution equations},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2004,
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+ pages = 044012,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0402123},
+ author = {{Nakamura}, T. and {Maeda}, K. and {Miyama}, S. and {Sasaki}, M.
+ },
+ title = "{General Relativistic Collapse of an Axially Symmetric Star. I ---The Formulation and the Initial Value Equations---}",
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys.},
+ year = 1980,
+ month = apr,
+ volume = 63,
+ pages = {1229-1244},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1980PThPh..63.1229N&db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ key = {Nakamura80},
+ author = {Takashi Nakamura},
+ title = "{General Relativistic Collapse of Axially Symmetric Stars Leading to the Formation of Rotating Black Holes}",
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys.},
+ volume = 65,
+ year = 1981,
+ pages = {1876-1890}
+ key = {Nakamura81},
+ author = {Takashi Nakamura},
+ title = "{General Relativistic Collapse of Rotating Supermassive Stars}",
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys.},
+ volume = 66,
+ year = 1981,
+ pages = {2038-2051}
+ key = {Nakamura81b},
+ author = {Takashi Nakamura and M. Sasaki},
+ journal = {Phys. Lett.},
+ volume = {106 B},
+ year = {1981},
+ pages = {69}
+ key = {Nakamura83},
+ author = {Takashi Nakamura},
+ title = "{General Relativistic Collapse of Accreting Neutron Stars with
+ Rotation}",
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys.},
+ volume = 70,
+ year = 1983,
+ pages = 1144
+ author = "Nakamura, T. and Haugan, M. P.",
+ journal = "Astrophys. J.",
+ volume = "269",
+ year = "1983",
+ pages = "292-296",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASJOA,269,292;%%",
+ author = {Takashi Nakamura and Yasufumi Kojima and {Ken-ichi} Oohara},
+ title = {A Method of Determining Apparent Horizons in
+ Three-Dimensional Numerical Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Lett. A},
+ year = {1984},
+ month = {10 December},
+ volume = {106},
+ number = {5-6},
+ pages = {235-238},
+ doi = {10.1016/0375-9601(84)91016-8},
+ key = {Nakamura87},
+ author = {Takashi Nakamura and {Ken-ichi} Oohara and Yasufumi Kojima},
+ title = {General Relativistic Collapse to Black Holes
+ and Gravitational Waves from Black Holes},
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl.},
+ volume = 90,
+ year = 1987,
+ pages = "1--218",
+ key = {Nakamura89},
+ author = {Takashi Nakamura and {Ken-ichi} Oohara},
+ title = {Methods in {3D} Numerical Relativity},
+ editor = {C. Evans and L. Finn and D. Hobill},
+ booktitle = {Frontiers in Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ year = 1989,
+ pages = {254-280}
+ author = {Takashi Nakamura},
+ title = {},
+ note = {private communication},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ OPTyear = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author={Nakamura, T.},
+ title={},
+ journal={Unpublished},
+ year={},
+ volume={},
+ pages={} }
+ author = {Takashi Nakamura and {Ken-ichi} Oohara},
+ title = {A Way to {3D} Numerical Relativity --- Coalescing
+ Binary Neutron Stars},
+ booktitle = "Numerical Astrophysics 1998 (NAP98) -- Proceedings",
+ year = 1998,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9812054",
+ url = "http://www.a.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp/
+ NAP98-proceedings-official.html",
+ author = {E. Nakar and A. Gal-Yam and Tsvi Piran and D. B. Fox},
+ title = {The distances of short-hard GRBs and the SGR connection},
+ year = 2005,
+ note = {astro-ph/0502148}
+ author = "{Ken-ichi} Nakao",
+ title = "personal communication to {M}asaru {S}hibata,
+ cited in \cite{Shibata97a}" ,
+ summary = "The AH finding algorithm of Nakamura, Kojima, and Oohara
+ becomes inefficient (and possibly inaccurate) for large $\ell$
+ (high angular resolution), because the $Y_{\ell m}$ fail
+ to be numerically orthogonal (which the algorithm needs
+ for convergence).",
+ author = {{Ken-ichi} Nakao and Tomohiro Harada and Masaru
+ Shibata and Seiji Kawamura},
+ title = {Response of {I}nterferometric {D}etectors to
+ {S}calar {G}ravitational {W}aves},
+ journal = {Phys.Rev. D},
+ year = {2001},
+ volume = {63},
+ pages = {082001}
+ author = {R. Narayan and Tsvi Piran and A. Shemi},
+ title = {Neutron Star and Black Hole Binaries in the Galaxy},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = 1991,
+ volume = 379,
+ pages = {L17-L20}
+ author = {R. Narayan and B. Paczy{\'n}ski and Tsvi Piran},
+ title = {Gamma-ray bursts as the death throes of massive binary stars},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = 1992,
+ volume = 395,
+ pages = {L83}
+ key = {Nasa98},
+ note = {For the NASA Neutron Star Grand
+ Challenge Project, see, e.g., \\ http://wugrav.wustl.edu/Relativ/nsgc.html.}
+ author={Neeman, H.},
+ title={Hierarchical Adaptive Mesh Refinemen },
+ school={University of Illinois at Urbana--Champaign},
+ year={1995}
+ author = {L. Nerger},
+ title = {Investigations of {3D} Binary Black Hole Systems},
+ school = {Universit{\"a}t Bremen},
+ year = {2000}
+ author = "Nerozzi, Andrea and Beetle, Christopher and Bruni,
+ Marco and Burko, Lior M. and Pollney, Denis",
+ title = "Towards wave extraction in numerical relativity: The
+ quasi-{Kinnersley} frame",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 72,
+ year = 2005,
+ pages = 024014,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0407013",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0407013;%%"
+ author = "Nerozzi, Andrea and Bruni, Marco and Re, Virginia
+ and Burko, Lior M.",
+ title = "Towards a wave-extraction method for numerical
+ relativity. {IV}: Testing the quasi-{Kinnersley}
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+ author = {Christian D. Ott and Harald Dimmelmeier and Ian
+ Hawke and Erik Schnetter and Burkhard Zink and Ewald
+ M{\"u}ller and Ed Seidel},
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+ author = {Christian D. Ott and Harald Dimmelmeier and Andreas
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+ Burkhard Zink and Erik Schnetter},
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+ author = "Christian D. Ott and Harald Dimmelmeier and Andreas
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+ Ian Hawke and Erik Schnetter",
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+ author = {{Ott}, C.~D. and {Burrows}, A. and {Thompson}, T.~A. and {Livne}, E. and
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+ title = {{E}instein Spaces},
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+ author = "Pollney, Denis and Reisswig, Christian and Rezzolla, Luciano and Szil{\'a}gyi, B{\'e}la and Ansorg, Marcus and Deris, Barret and Diener, Peter and Dorband, Ernst Nils and Koppitz, \
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+ title = "{PETSc}- The Portable, Extensible Toolkit for
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+ Author = "Satish Balay and Kris Buschelman and William D. Gropp
+ and Dinesh Kaushik and Matt Knepley
+ and Lois Curfman McInnes and Barry F. Smith
+ and Hong Zhang",
+ Title = "{PETSc} home page",
+ Note = "{\tt http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc}",
+ url = "http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc",
+ Year = "2001",
+ }
+ Author = "Satish Balay and Kris Buschelman and William D. Gropp
+ and Dinesh Kaushik and Matt Knepley
+ and Lois Curfman McInnes and Barry F. Smith
+ and Hong Zhang",
+ Title = "{PETSc} Users Manual",
+ Number = "ANL-95/11 -- Revision 2.1.5",
+ Institution = "Argonne National Laboratory",
+ Address = "Argonne, USA",
+ Year = "2002",
+ Author = "Satish Balay and William D. Gropp
+ and Lois Curfman McInnes and Barry F. Smith",
+ Title = "Efficient Management of Parallelism in Object
+ Oriented Numerical Software Libraries",
+ Booktitle = "Modern Software Tools in Scientific Computing",
+ Editor = "E. Arge and A. M. Bruaset and H. P. Langtangen",
+ Pages = "163--202",
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+ Year = "1997",
+ author = {H. Pfeiffer},
+ note = {private communication}
+ author = "Harald P. Pfeiffer and Saul A. {T}eukolsky and Gregory B.
+ Cook",
+ title = "Quasi-circular Orbits for Spinning Binary Black Holes",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
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+ author = "Pfeiffer, Harald P. and Kidder, Lawrence E. and Scheel,
+ Mark A. and Teukolsky, Saul A.",
+ title = "A multidomain spectral method for solving elliptic
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+ Saul A.",
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+ title = "Extrinsic Curvature and the {E}instein Constraints",
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+ Mark A. and Shoemaker, Deirdre",
+ title = "Initial data for {E}instein's equations with superposed
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+ author = "Pfeiffer, Harald P. and Brown, Duncan and Kidder,
+ Lawrence E. and Lindblom, Lee and Lovelance,
+ Geoffrey and Scheel, Mark A.",
+ title = "Reducing orbital eccentricity in binary black hole
+ simulations",
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+ title = {Binary and Millisecond Pulsars},
+ journal = {Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics},
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+ volume = {32},
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+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
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+ booktitle={Proc. of the IAU Symposium 165 ``Compact Stars in Binaries''},
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+ Bela Szilagyi and Marcus Ansorg and Barrett Deris and Peter Diener
+ and Ernst Nils Dorband and Michael Koppitz and Alessandro Nagar
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+ systematic investigation of spin-orbit aligned configurations},
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+ B. Waldhauser and J.~A Maruhn and C.~D. Munz},
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+ snote = "see \cite{Schnetter03a} for a substantially revised
+ version",
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Finding Apparent Horizons and other Two-Surfaces of
+ Constant Expansion},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 2003,
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+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/20/22/001},
+ url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0264-9381/20/4719},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {Gauge fixing for the simulation of black hole
+ spacetimes},
+ school = {Universit{\"a}t T{\"u}bingen},
+ address = {T{\"u}bingen, Germany},
+ year = 2003,
+ note = {{URN}: urn:nbn:de:bsz:21-opus-8191},
+ url = {http://w210.ub.uni-tuebingen.de/
+ dbt/volltexte/2003/819/}
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Scott H. Hawley and Ian Hawke},
+ title = {Evolutions in {3D} numerical relativity using fixed
+ mesh refinement},
+ year = 2004,
+ month = "21 March",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 21,
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+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Scott H. Hawley and Ian Hawke},
+ title = {Evolutions in {3D} numerical relativity using fixed
+ mesh refinement},
+ year = 2004,
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 21,
+ pages = "1465--1488",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0310042",
+% this is obselete, use Schnetter-etal-03b
+ author = "Schnetter, Erik and Hawley, Scott H. and Hawke, Ian",
+ title = "Evolutions in 3D numerical relativity using fixed mesh
+ refinement",
+ year = "2003",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0310042",
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Frank Herrmann and Denis Pollney},
+ title = {Horizon Pretracking},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2005,
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+ eprint = {gr-qc/0410081},
+ doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.71.044033},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Peter Diener and Nils Dorband and
+ Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {A multi-block infrastructure for three-dimensional
+ time-dependent numerical relativity},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 2006,
+ volume = 23,
+ pages = {S553-S578},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0602104},
+ url = {http://stacks.iop.org/CQG/23/S553},
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Peter Diener and Nils Dorband and
+ Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {A multi-block infrastructure for three-dimensional
+ time-dependent numerical relativity},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = 2006,
+ volume = 23,
+ pages = {S553-S578},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0602104},
+ author = "Erik Schnetter and Badri Krishnan",
+ title = "Non-symmetric trapped surfaces in the
+ {S}chwarzschild and {V}aidya spacetimes",
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 73,
+ pages = {021502(R)},
+ year = 2006,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0511017",
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Badri Krishnan and Florian Beyer},
+ title = {Introduction to {Dynamical} {Horizons} in numerical
+ relativity},
+ year = 2006,
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 74,
+ pages = 024028,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0604015",
+ author = "Erik Schnetter",
+ title = "Instant Excision",
+ note = "Talk at the NFNR Conference, Potsdam, Germany",
+ year = 2006,
+ month = "July 17-21",
+ url = "http://numrel.aei.mpg.de/nfnr/"
+ author = {Erik Schnetter and Christian D. Ott and Gabrielle
+ Allen and Peter Diener and Tom Goodale and Thomas
+ Radke and Edward Seidel and John Shalf},
+ title = {{Cactus} {Framework}: Black Holes to Gamma Ray
+ Bursts},
+ booktitle = {Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications},
+ publisher = {Chapman \& Hall/CRC Computational Science Series},
+ year = 2007,
+ editor = {David A. Bader},
+ eprint = {arXiv:0707.1607 [cs.DC]},
+ chapter = 24,
+ author = "Schnittman, Jeremy D. and Buonanno, Alessandra",
+ title = "The Distribution of Recoil Velocities from Merging Black Holes",
+ year = "2007",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0702641",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = % ASTRO-PH 0702641;%%"
+ author = {Sch{\"o}bel, K. and Ansorg, M.},
+ title = "Maximal mass of uniformly rotating homogeneous stars in
+ {E}insteinian gravity",
+ journal = "Astron. Astrophys.",
+ volume = "405",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "405-408",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0301618",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0301618;%%"
+ author = {R. Schoen and S. T. Yau},
+ title = "On the structure of manifolds with positive scalar curvature",
+ journal = {Manuscr. Math.},
+ volume = {28},
+ pages = {159-183},
+ year = {1979},
+ author = {R. Schoen and S. T. Yau},
+ title = "On the proof of the positive mass conjecture in
+ general relativity",
+ journal = {Commun. Math. Phys.},
+ volume = {65},
+ pages = {45-76},
+ year = {1979},
+ author = {R. Schoen},
+ year = 2005,
+ note = {Presentation at the Miami waves conference}
+ author = {Manfred R. Schroeder},
+ title = {Number Theory in Science and Communication},
+ edition = {2nd enlarged},
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+ address = {Berlin},
+ year = 1986,
+ isbn = {3-540-15800-6},
+ X-note = {Minkowski's definition of a Strahlk{\"o}rper
+ is in section 7.9, page 108},
+ key = {Schutz80},
+ author = {Bernard F. Schutz},
+ title = {Geometrical methods of mathematical physics},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ year = {1980},
+ isbn = "0-521-29887-3 (paperback); 0-521-23271-6 (hardcover)",
+ author = {{Schutz}, B.~F. and {Verdaguer}, E.},
+ title = "{Normal modes of Bardeen discs. II -- A sequence of N = 2 polytropes}",
+ journal = {Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.},
+ year = 1983,
+ month = mar,
+ volume = 202,
+ pages = {881-901},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1983MNRAS.202..881S&db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ key = {Schutz85},
+ author = {Bernard F. Schutz},
+ title = {A first course in general relativity},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ year = {1985},
+ author={B. F. Schutz and C. M. Will},
+ title={Black hole normal modes: a semianalytic approach},
+ journal={Astrophys. J.},
+ volume={291},
+ year={1985},
+ pages={L33-L36}
+ author = {Bernard F. Schutz},
+ title = {Synergism between Numerical and Analytic Relativity},
+ booktitle = {Dynamical Spacetimes and Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ year = {1986},
+ editor = {J. Centrella},
+ pages = {446},
+ address = {Cambridge}
+ author={Bernard F. Schutz},
+ title={Determining the Hubble Constant from Gravitational Wave
+ Observations},
+ journal={Nature},
+ year={1986},
+ volume={323},
+ pages={310-311}
+ author={Bernard F. Schutz},
+ title={Gravitational wave astronomy},
+ year={1999},
+ journal={Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume={16},
+ pages={A131-A156}
+ author={B. Schmidt},
+ editor={S. Perjes},
+ title={},
+ booktitle={Proceedings of the 4th Hungarian Relativity Workshop},
+ publisher={},
+ address={},
+ year={1995},
+ pages={}
+ key = {Schwarzschild16a},
+ author = {Karl Schwarzschild},
+ title = {{\"U}ber das {G}ravitationsfeld eines {M}assenpunktes
+ nach der {E}insteinchen {T}heorie},
+ journal = {Sitzungsber. Dtsch. Akad. Wiss. Berlin,
+ Kl. Math. Phys. Tech.},
+ year = {1916},
+ pages = {189-196}
+ key = {Schwarzschild16b},
+ author = {Karl Schwarzschild},
+ title = {{\"U}ber das {G}ravitationsfeld einer {K}ugel aus
+ inkompressibler {F}l{\"u}ssigkeit nach der
+ {E}insteinschen {T}heorie},
+ journal = {Sitzungsber. Dtsch. Akad. Wiss. Berlin,
+ Kl. Math. Phys. Tech.},
+ year = {1916},
+ pages= {424-434}
+ author = {J. Schwinger},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {J. Math. Phys.},
+ volume = {2},
+ year = {1961},
+ pages = {407},
+ author = {Paolo Secchi},
+ title = {The initial boundary value problem for linear symmetric
+ hyperbolic systems with characteristic boundary of constant
+ multiplicity},
+ journal = {Differential Integral Equations},
+ year = 1996,
+ volume = 9,
+ pages = {671-700}
+ author = {Paolo Secchi},
+ title = {Well-posedness of characteristic symmetric hyperbolic
+ systems},
+ journal = {Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.},
+ year = 1996,
+ volume = 134,
+ pages = {155-197}
+ key = {Seidel87a},
+ author = {E. Seidel and G. S. DaCosta and P. Demarque},
+ title = {Intermediate-Age Core Helium Burning Stars and the
+ Distance to the Magellanic Clouds},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = 303,
+ year = 1987,
+ pages = 192
+ key = {Seidel87b},
+ author = {E. Seidel and P. Demarque and D. Weinberg},
+ title = {The Evolution of Red Clump Stars:
+ Theoretical Sequences},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser.},
+ volume = 63,
+ year = 1987,
+ pages = 917
+ key = {Seidel87c},
+ author = {E. Seidel and T. Moore},
+ title = {Gravitational Radiation from Realistic Relativistic
+ Stars: Odd-Parity Fluid Perturbations},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 35,
+ year = 1987,
+ pages = 2287
+ author = {E. Seidel and E. Myra and T. Moore},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1988},
+ volume = {38},
+ pages = {2349}
+ author = {Edward Seidel},
+ title = {Pertrubations of Spherically Symmetric Spacetimes
+ with Applications to Stellar Core Collapse},
+ school = {Yale University},
+ year = {1988}
+ key = {Seidel89a},
+ author = {Edward Seidel and Thomas Moore},
+ title = {Gravitational Radiation from Stellar Core Collapse},
+ editor = {C. Evans and L. Finn and D. Hobill},
+ booktitle = {Frontiers in Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ year = 1989
+ key = {Seidel89b},
+ author = {Edward Seidel},
+ title = {A Comment on the Eigenvalues of Spin-weighted Spheroidal
+ Functions},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 6,
+ year = 1989,
+ pages = 1057
+ key = {Seidel90a},
+ author = {E. Seidel and S. Iyer},
+ title = {Black Hole Normal Modes: A {WKB} Approach. {IV}.
+ {K}err Black Holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 41,
+ year = 1990,
+ pages = 374
+ key = {Seidel90b},
+ author = {E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {The Dynamical Evolution of Boson Stars: Perturbing
+ the Ground State},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 42,
+ year = 1990,
+ pages = 384
+ key = {Seidel90c},
+ author = {E. Seidel},
+ title = {Gravitational Radiation from Even-Parity
+ Perturbations of Stellar Collapse: Mathematical
+ Formalism and Code Tests},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 42,
+ year = 1990,
+ pages = 1884
+ key = {Seidel90d},
+ author = {E. Seidel},
+ title = {Gravitational Radiation from Stellar Collapse and Distorted
+ Black Holes},
+ editor = {O. Fackler and J. Tran Thanh Van},
+ booktitle = {New and Exotic Phenomena '90},
+ publisher = {Editions Frontieres},
+ address = {},
+ pages = {},
+ year = 1990
+ key = {Seidel90e},
+ author = {E. Seidel},
+ title = {Boson Stars},
+ editor = {O. Fackler and J. Tran Thanh Van},
+ booktitle = {New and Exotic Phenomena '90},
+ publisher = {Editions Frontieres},
+ address = {},
+ pages = {},
+ year = 1990
+ key = {Seidel91a},
+ author = {E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Oscillating Soliton Stars},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = 66,
+ year = 1991,
+ pages = 1659
+ key = {Seidel91b},
+ author = {Edward Seidel},
+ title = {Normal Mode Excitation from Stellar Collapse to a Black
+ Hole: Odd-Parity Perturbations},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 44,
+ year = 1991,
+ pages = 950
+ key = {Seidel92a},
+ author = {Edward Seidel and Wai-Mo Suen},
+ title = {Towards a Singularity-Proof Scheme in Numerical
+ Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = 69,
+ number = 13,
+ year = 1992,
+ pages = {1845-1848},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9210016}
+ key = {Seidel92b},
+ author = {E. Seidel},
+ title = {?????},
+ note = {in talks presented at the {T}exas Workshop on the two
+ black hole problem, and GR13 in Cordoba.},
+ year = 1992
+ key = {Seidel92c},
+ author = {Edward Seidel},
+ title = {Normal Mode Excitation from Collapse to {S}chwarzschild
+ Black Holes},
+ editor = {H. Sato and Takashi Nakamura},
+ booktitle = {Sixth {M}arcel {G}rossman Meeting on
+ General Relativity (Proceedings, Kyoto, Japan, 1991)},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ pages = {},
+ year = 1992
+ key = {Seidel92d},
+ author = {Edward Seidel and Wai-Mo Suen},
+ title = {Compact Scalar Objects},
+ editor = {H. Sato and Takashi Nakamura},
+ booktitle = {Sixth {M}arcel {G}rossman Meeting on
+ General Relativity (Proceedings, Kyoto, Japan, 1991)},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ pages = {887},
+ year = 1992
+ key = {Seidel92e},
+ author = {David Bernstein and David Hobill and Edward Seidel and Larry Smarr},
+ title = {Numerically Generated Black Hole Spacetimes},
+ editor = {H. Sato and Takashi Nakamura},
+ booktitle = {Sixth {M}arcel {G}rossman Meeting on
+ General Relativity (Proceedings, Kyoto, Japan, 1991)},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ pages = {},
+ year = 1992
+ author = {E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ note = {Work presented in a talk at the 6th Gregynog
+ Workshop, Aug 23-25, 1993.},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ key = {Seidel94a},
+ author = {E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Formation of Soliton Stars through Gravitational Cooling},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = {72},
+ year = 1994,
+ pages = {2516-2519},
+ note = {}
+ author = {E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Numerical Relativity},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ booktitle = {Computational Physics},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ year = {1994},
+ editor = {Jean Potvin},
+ OPTvolume = {},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ OPTseries = {},
+ OPTtype = {},
+ OPTchapter = {},
+ OPTpages = {},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ OPTedition = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ note = {Special Issue of International Journal of Modern
+ Physics C},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {E. Seidel},
+ title = {Solving {E}instein's Equations on Supercomputers},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the Cornelius Lanczos Centenary Conference},
+ publisher = {SIAM},
+ year = {1994},
+ editor = {M. Chu and R. Plemmons and D. Brown},
+ pages = {529-531},
+ address = {Philadelphia},
+ OPTedition = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTannote = {referred to grant ASC9318152 (arpa supplemented)}
+ author = {E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Dark Matter in the Form of Boson (Axion) Stars},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th Yamada Conference on the
+Evolution of the Universe and Its Observational Quest},
+ OPTpublisher = {},
+ year = {1994},
+ editor = {},
+ note = {in press},
+ author = {E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Numerical Relativity},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ journal = {International Journal of Modern Physics C: Physics
+ and Computers},
+ year = {1994},
+ volume = {5},
+ number = {2},
+ pages = {181},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {E. Seidel},
+ title = {},
+ note = {},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ OPTyear = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ annote = {in a talk at the Pittsburgh Grand Challenge Meeting,
+ May 5-6, 1994.}
+ author = { E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Formation of Bosonic Compact Objects},
+ editor = {R. T. Jantzen and G. M. Keiser and R. Ruffini},
+ booktitle = {The Seventh {M}arcel {G}rossmann Meeting: On Recent
+ Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General
+ Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field
+ Theories},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ year = {1996},
+ OPTnote = {PHY94-07882,PHY94-04788,ASC93-18152}
+ author = { E. Seidel},
+ title = {Numerical Relativity and Black Hole Collisions},
+ editor = {F. Hehl},
+ booktitle = {Relativity and Scientific Computing},
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+ address = {Berlin, Germany},
+ year = {1996},
+ OPTannote = {PHY94-07882,ASC93-18152,PHY 94-14185}
+ author = { E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Black Holes in Numerical Relativity},
+ editor = {Jean-Pierre Lasota and Jean-Alain Marck},
+ booktitle = {Relativistic Gravitation and Gravitational Radiation},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ pages = {335-360},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+OPTannote = {ASC93-18152,PHY94-04788,PHY94-07882,INT94-14185,ASC95-03978,NAG5-2201},
+ year = {1997}
+ author = { Edward Seidel},
+ title = {Numerical Relativity},
+ editor = {Sanjeev Dhurandhar and Thanu Padmanabhan},
+ publisher = {Kluwer Academic},
+ booktitle = {Gravitation and Cosmology},
+ pages = {125-144},
+ address = {Dordrecht},
+ year = {1997},
+ OPTnote = {ASC93-18152,PHY94-04788,PHY94-07882,INT94-14185,ASC95-03978,NAG5-2201}
+ author = {E. Seidel},
+ title = {New Developments in Numerical Relativity},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ journal = {Acta Helvetica},
+ year = {1996},
+ volume = {69},
+ OPTnumber = {2},
+ pages = {454},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {ASC93-18152,PHY94-04788,PHY94-07882,INT94-14185,ASC95-03978,NAG5-2201}
+ author = {Edward Seidel},
+ title = {Numerical Relativity},
+ editor = {Miralles and Morales and S{\'a}ez},
+ booktitle = {Some Topics on General Relativity and
+ Gravitational Radiation},
+ year = {1997},
+ publisher = {Editions Frontieres},
+ address = {Paris},
+ OPTnote = {ASC93-18152,PHY94-04788,PHY94-07882,INT94-14185,
+ ASC95-03978,NAG5-2201},
+ pages = {71-85}
+ author = {Edward Seidel},
+ title = {A General Relativistic Approach to Neutron Star
+ Binary Evolution},
+ editor = {F. Hehl and H.-P. Nollert and H. Riffert},
+ publisher = {Vieweg},
+ booktitle = {Relativistic Astrophysics},
+ year = {1997}
+ author = {Edward Seidel and Paul Walker and Joan Mass{\'o}},
+ title = {Colliding Black Holes and Neutron Stars on Supercomputers},
+ editor = {H.-W. Meuer},
+ publisher = {K. G. Sauer-Verlag},
+ booktitle = {Supercomputer 97},
+ year = {1997}
+ author={Edward Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+ editor={Naresh Dadhich and Jayant Narlikar},
+ title={Computational General Relativistic Astrophysics},
+ booktitle={The 15th International Conference on General Relativity
+and Gravitation},
+ publisher={IUCAA},
+ address={India},
+ year={1997},
+ pages={}
+ author = {Edward Seidel},
+ title = {Synergy between Numerical and Perturbative Approaches to Black Holes},
+ editor = {Bala Iyer and Biplab Bhawal},
+ booktitle = {Black Holes, Gravitational Radiation, and the Universe},
+ publisher = {Kluwer},
+ pages = {367-382},
+ year = {1998},
+ note = {gr-qc/9806087}
+ author = {Edward Seidel},
+ title = {Numerical Relativity: Towards Simulations of 3{D}
+ Black Hole Coalescence},
+ editor = {N. Dadich},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of GR15},
+ publisher = {},
+ year = {1998},
+ note = {}
+ key = {Seidel98c},
+ author = {Edward Seidel and Wai-Mo Suen},
+ title = {Numerical relativity as a tool for computational astrophysics},
+ journal = {J. Comp. Appl. Math.},
+ year = {1999},
+ volume = {109},
+ pages = {493},
+ note = {gr-qc/9904014}
+ author = {Edward Seidel},
+ title = {A Numerical Approach to Black Holes},
+ editor = {F. Hehl},
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+ booktitle = {Bad Honnef Meeting on Black Holes},
+ year = {1998}
+ author = {Edward Seidel},
+ title = {Technologies for Collaborative, Large Scale Simulation
+ in Astrophysics and a General Toolkit for solving {PDE's} in Science and Engineering},
+ booktitle = {Forschung und wissenschaftliches Rechnen},
+ publisher = {Max-Planck-Gesselschaft, M{\"u}nchen},
+ editor = {T. Plesser and P. Wittenburg},
+ OPTnote = {Heinz-Billing-Preis Essay},
+ year = 1999,
+ key = {Seidel99b},
+ author = {Edward Seidel},
+ title = {Black {H}ole {C}oalescence and {M}ergers: {R}eview, {S}tatus,
+ and ``{W}here are {W}e {H}eading?''},
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl.},
+ volume = {136},
+ year = {1999},
+ pages = {87--106},
+ url = {http://ptp.ipap.jp/link?PTPS/136/87/}
+ author = {E. Seidel},
+ title = {3D Mergers of Binary BHs},
+ note = {Talk at NR2001,
+ July 24-27 2001, Krugersdorp},
+ year = 2001,
+ month = {24-27 2005}
+ author = {E. Seidel},
+ title = {Progress in 3D Binary BH Collisions},
+ note = {Talk at LIGO Scientific Collaboration Meeting,
+ March 20-23, 2002, Livingston, LA},
+ year = 2002,
+ month = {20-23 2005}
+ key = {Seidel02a},
+ author = {E. Seidel and G. Allen and A. Merzky and J. Nabrzyski},
+ title = {GridLab --- A Grid Application Toolkit and Testbed},
+ note = {},
+ eprint = "http://www.elsevier.com/gej-ng/10/19/19/60/59/40/abstract.html",
+ journal = {Future Generation Computer Systems},
+ volume = {18},
+ issue = {8},
+ pages = {1143-1153},
+ year = 2002
+ author = {E. Seidel},
+ title = {Recent Results in BH Orbits},
+ note = {Talk at Le Si{\`e}cle d'A.~{E}instein, A.~{E}instein's
+ Century, June 18-22 2005, {P}aris},
+ year = 2005,
+ month = {18-22 2005},
+ url = {http://einstein2005.obspm.fr/},
+ annote = {Le Si{\`e}cle d'A. Einstein, A. Einstein's Century,
+ Paris, June 18-22, 2005.}
+ author = {E. Seidel},
+ note = {private communication}
+ author = "Sekiguchi, Yu-ichirou and Shibata, Masaru",
+ title = "New criterion for direct black hole formation in rapidly
+ rotating stellar collapse",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "70",
+ year = "2004",
+ pages = "084005",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0403036",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0403036;%%"
+ author = {{Shakura}, N.~I. and {Sunyaev}, R.~A.},
+ title = "{Black holes in binary systems. Observational appearance.}",
+ journal = {Astron. Astrophys.},
+ year = 1973,
+ volume = 24,
+ pages = {337-355},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1973A%26A....24..337S},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ key = {Shalf02a},
+ author = {J. Shalf and E. W. Bethel},
+ title = {Cactus and Visapult: An Ultra-High Performance Grid-Distributed Visualization Architecture Using Connectionless Protocols},
+ journal = {Submitted to IEEE Computer Graphics and Animation},
+ volume = {},
+ number = {},
+ year = {},
+ note = "",
+ eprint = {{http://www-library.lbl.gov/docs/LBNL/515/64/PDF/LBNL-51564.pdf}}
+ author = {John Shalf and Erik Schnetter and Gabrielle Allen and Edward Seidel},
+ title = {Cactus as Benchmarking Platform},
+ institution = {LSU Center for computation and technology},
+ year = {2007}
+ author = "Lawrence F. Shampine and Marilyn Kay Gordon",
+ title = "Computer solution of Ordinary Differential Equations",
+ publisher = "W. H. Freeman and Company",
+ address = "San Francisco",
+ year = "1975",
+ ISBN = "0-7167-0461-7",
+ author = "Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky",
+ title = "Gravitational Collapse of Supermassive Stars to Black Holes:
+ Numerical Solution of the {E}instein Equations",
+ journal= "Astrophysical J.",
+ year = 1979, month = "December 15",
+ volume = 234,
+ pages = "L177--L181",
+ key = {Shapiro80},
+ author = "Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky",
+ title = "Gravitational Collapse to Neutron Stars and Black Holes:
+ Computer Generation of Spherical Spacetimes",
+ journal = {Astrophysical J.},
+ year = {1980},
+ volume = {235},
+ pages = {199--215},
+ key = {Shapiro82},
+ author = {S.~L. Shapiro and I. Wasserman},
+ title = {},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = {1982},
+ volume = {260},
+ pages = {838},
+ author={Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky},
+ title={Black Holes, White Dwarfs, and Neutron Stars},
+ publisher={John Wiley \& Sons},
+ address={New York},
+ year={1983}
+ author = {Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky},
+ title = {Relativistic stellar dynamics on the
+ computer. {I}. {M}otivation and Numerical Method},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = 1985, month = "November 1",
+ volume = 298,
+ pages = {34--57},
+ author = {Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky},
+ title = {Relativistic stellar dynamics on the
+ computer. {II}. {P}hysical applications},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = 1985, month = "November 1",
+ volume = 298,
+ pages = {58--79},
+ key = {Shapiro86},
+ author = {Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky},
+ title = {Relativistic Stellar Dynamics on the Computer},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ booktitle = {Dynamical Spacetimes and Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ year = {1986},
+ pages = {74-100},
+ editor = {J. M. Centrella},
+ OPTvolume = {},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ OPTseries = {},
+ OPTtype = {},
+ OPTchapter = {},
+ OPTpages = {},
+ address = {Cambridge, England}
+ author = {Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky},
+ title = {Formation of Naked Singularities:
+ The Violation of Cosmic Censorship},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = {1991},
+ volume = {66},
+ pages = {994-997},
+% copied by Bharat for 3/17/94 meeting
+ author = {Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky},
+ title = {Collision of relativistic clusters and the formation
+ of black holes},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1992},
+ volume = {45},
+ number = {8},
+ pages = {2739--2750}
+ author = {Stuart L. Shapiro and S. Teukolsky and Jeffrey Winicour},
+ title = {Toroidal black holes and topological censorship},
+ key = {Shapiro95a},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1995},
+ volume = {52},
+ number = {12},
+ pages = {6982-6987},
+ OPTpages = {6982-6987},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {Stuart L. Shapiro},
+ title = {Head-On Collision of Neutron Stars As A Thought Experiment},
+ key = {Shapiro98a},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1998},
+ volume = {58},
+ number = {},
+ OPTpages = {103002},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {Stuart L. Shapiro},
+ title = {Brief Comments on ``The Shapiro Conjecture, Prompt or Delayed
+ Collapse?'' by Miller, Suen, and Tobias},
+ key = {Shapiro99a},
+ journal = {},
+ year = {1999},
+ volume = {},
+ pages = {},
+ note = {gr-qc/9909059}
+ author = {{Shapiro}, S.~L.},
+ title = "{Differential Rotation in Neutron Stars:
+ Magnetic Braking and Viscous Damping}",
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = 2000,
+ month = nov,
+ volume = 544,
+ pages = {397-408},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=2000ApJ...544..397S&amp;db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {{Cook}, J.~N. and {Shapiro}, S.~L. and {Stephens}, B.~C.},
+ title = "{Magnetic Braking and Viscous Damping of Differential Rotation in Cylindrical Stars}",
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = 2003,
+ month = dec,
+ volume = 599,
+ pages = {1272-1292},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=2003ApJ...599.1272C&amp;db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {{Liu}, Y.~T. and {Shapiro}, S.~L.},
+ title = "{Magnetic Braking in Differentially Rotating, Relativistic Stars}",
+ journal = {ArXiv Astrophysics e-prints},
+ eprint = {astro-ph/0312038},
+ year = 2003,
+ month = dec,
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=2003astro.ph.12038L&amp;db_key=PRE},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {{Shapiro}, S.~L.},
+ title = {Collapse of Uniformly Rotating Stars to Black Holes
+ and the Formation of Disks},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = 2004,
+ volume = 610,
+ pages = 913
+ author = {{Shapiro}, S.~L.},
+ title = {Spin, Accretion and the Cosmological Growth of Supermassive Black Holes},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = 2005,
+ volume = 620,
+ pages = 59,
+ author = "Shapiro, Stuart L.",
+ title = "Numerical Relativity at the Frontier",
+ year = "2005",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0509094",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0509094;%%"
+ author = {H. Shen and H. Toki and K. Oyamatsu and K. Sumiyoshi},
+ title = {Relativistic Equation of State of Nuclear Matter for Supernova and Neutron Star},
+ journal = {Nucl. Phys. A},
+ volume = {637},
+ year = {1998},
+ pages = {435-450},
+ note = {nucl-th/9805035},
+ author = {Jonathan Richard Shewchuk},
+ title = {An Introduction to the Conjugate Gradient Method
+ Without the Agonizing Pain},
+ institution = {School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon
+ University Pittsburgh, PA 15213},
+ year = 1994,
+ url = {www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake-papers/
+ painless-conjugate-gradient.pdf}
+ key = {Shibata92},
+ author = {Masaru Shibata and Takashi Nakamura and {Ken-ichi} Oohara},
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys.},
+ volume = {88},
+ year = {1992},
+ pages = {1079}
+ key = {Shibata88},
+ author = {Masaru Shibata and Takashi Nakamura and {Ken-ichi} Oohara},
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys.},
+ title = {},
+ volume = {88},
+ year = {1992},
+ pages = {1079}
+ key = {Shibata95},
+ author = {Masaru Shibata and Takashi Nakamura},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ title = {Evolution of three-dimensional gravitational waves:
+ {H}armonic slicing case},
+ volume = {52},
+ year = {1995},
+ pages = {5428}
+ key = {Shibata97a},
+ author = {Masaru Shibata},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ title = {Apparent horizon finder for a special family of
+ spacetimes in 3{D} numerical relativity},
+ volume = {55}, number = {4},
+ year = {1997}, month = {15 February},
+ pages = {2002--2013}
+ key = {Shibata97b},
+ author = {Masaru Shibata},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ title = {Time symmetric initial conditions of gravitational
+ waves for 3{D} numerical relativity},
+ volume = {55},
+ year = {1997},
+ pages = {7529-7537}
+ key = {Shibata97c},
+ author = {Masaru Shibata and {Ken-ichi} Oohara and Takashi Nakamura},
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys.},
+ title = {Numerical study on the hydrodynamic instability of
+ binary stars in the first post {N}ewtonian
+ approximation of general relativity},
+ volume = {98},
+ year = {1997},
+ pages = {},
+ note = {to appear}
+ key = {Shibata97d},
+ author = {Masaru Shibata},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ title = {Numerical study of synchronized binary neutron stars
+ in the post-{N}ewtonian approximation of general relativity},
+ volume = {55},
+ year = {1997},
+ pages = {6019}
+ author = {Masaru Shibata and Keisuke Taniguchi and Takashi Nakamura},
+ title = {Location of the innermost stable circular orbit of
+ binary neutron stars in the post {N}ewtonian
+ approximations of general relativity},
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl.},
+ year = {1997},
+ volume = {128},
+ pages = {295-333},
+ note = {gr-qc/9801004}
+ key = {Shibata98},
+ author = {Masaru Shibata},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ title = {A relativistic formalism for computation of
+ irrotational binary stars in quasi equilibrium states},
+ volume = {58},
+ year = {1998},
+ pages = {024012}
+ key = {Shibata98b},
+ author = {Masaru Shibata and Thomas W. Baumgarte and Stuart L. Shapiro},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ title = {Stability of coalescing binary stars against gravitational
+ collapse: Hydrodynamical simulations},
+ volume = {58},
+ year = {1998},
+ pages = {023002}
+ key = {Shibata99a},
+ author = {M. Shibata},
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys.},
+ title = {Fully general relativistic simulation of merging binary
+ clusters -- Spatial gauge condition --},
+ volume = {101},
+ year = {1999},
+ pages = {1199-1233},
+ note = {gr-qc/9905058}
+ author = {M. Shibata and M. Sasaki},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ title = {Black hole formation in the Friedmann universe:
+ Formulation and computation in numerical relativity},
+ volume = {},
+ year = {1999},
+ pages = {},
+ note = {gr-qc/9905064}
+ author = {M. Shibata},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ title = {Fully general relativistic simulation of coalescing binary neutron stars:
+ Preparatory tests},
+ volume = {60},
+ year = {1999},
+ pages = {104052},
+ note = {gr-qc/9908027}
+ author = {M. Shibata and K. Ury{\={u}}},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ title = {Simulation of merging binary neutron stars in full general
+ relativity: Gamma=2 case},
+ volume = {61},
+ year = {2000},
+ pages = {064001},
+ note = {gr-qc/9911058}
+ author = {M. Shibata and T.~W. Baumgarte and S.~L. Shapiro},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ title = {Stability and collapse of rapidly rotating, supramassive
+ neutron stars: {3D} simulations in general relativity},
+ volume = {61},
+ year = {2000},
+ pages = {044012},
+ note = {gr-qc/9911308}
+ author = {M. Shibata},
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys.},
+ title = {Axisymmetric {S}imulations of {R}otating {S}tellar
+ {C}ollapse in {F}ull {G}eneral {R}elativity},
+ volume = {104},
+ year = {2000},
+ pages = {325-358}
+ author = "Masaru Shibata and K{\={o}}ji Ury{\={u}}",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ title = "Apparent Horizon Finder
+ for General Three-Dimensional Spaces",
+ volume = 62, pages = "087501",
+ year = 2000,
+ author = "Shibata, Masaru and Baumgarte, Thomas W. and Shapiro,
+ Stuart L.",
+ title = "The bar-mode instability in differentially rotating neutron
+ stars: Simulations in full general relativity",
+ journal = "Astrophys. J.",
+ volume = "542",
+ year = "2000",
+ pages = "453-463",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0005378",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0005378;%%"
+ author = {M. Shibata and K. Ury{\={u}}},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ title = {Computation of gravitational waves from inspiraling binary
+ neutron stars in quasiequilibrium circular orbits:
+ Formulation and calibration},
+ volume = {64},
+ year = {2001},
+ pages = {104017}
+ author = {M. Shibata and Stuart L. Shapiro},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J. Lett.},
+ title = {Collapse of a Rotating Supermassive Star to a Supermassive Black Hole:
+ Fully Relativistic Simulations},
+ volume = {572},
+ year = {2002},
+ pages = {L39},
+ eprint = {astro-ph/0205091}
+ author = {M. Shibata and K. Ury{\={u}}},
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys.},
+ title = {Gravitational Waves from the Merger of Binary
+ Neutron Stars in a Fully General Relativistic
+ Simulation},
+ volume = 107,
+ year = 2002,
+ pages = 265,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0203037},
+ author = "Shibata, Masaru and Karino, Shigeyuki and Eriguchi,
+ Yoshiharu",
+ title = "Dynamical instability of differentially rotating stars",
+ journal = "Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.",
+ volume = "334",
+ year = "2002",
+ pages = "L27",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0206002",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0206002;%%"
+ author = "Shibata, Masaru and Karino, Shigeyuki and Eriguchi,
+ Yoshiharu",
+ title = "Dynamical bar-mode instability of differentially rotating
+ stars: Effects of equations of state and velocity
+ profiles",
+ journal = "Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.",
+ volume = "343",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "619",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0304298",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0304298;%%"
+%Before: Shibata03
+ author = "Shibata, Masaru",
+ title = "Axisymmetric general relativistic hydrodynamics: Long-term
+ evolution of neutron stars and stellar collapse to neutron
+ stars and black holes",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "67",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "024033",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0301103",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0301103;%%"
+% Before: Shibara03b
+ author = "Shibata, Masaru",
+ title = "Collapse of Rotating Supramassive Neutron Stars to Black
+ Holes: Fully General Relativistic Simulations",
+ journal = "Astrophys. J.",
+ volume = "595",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "992",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0310020",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0310020;%%"
+% Before: Shibata03c
+ author = "Shibata, Masaru and Taniguchi, Keisuke
+ and Ury{\={u}}, K{\={o}}ji",
+ title = "Merger of binary neutron stars of unequal mass in full
+ general relativity",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "68",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "084020",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0310030",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0310030;%%"
+ author = {{Shibata}, M. and {Sekiguchi}, Y.-I.},
+ title = "{Gravitational waves from axisymmetrically oscillating neutron stars in general relativistic simulations}",
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2003,
+ month = nov,
+ volume = 68,
+ number = 10,
+ pages = {104020-+},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=2003PhRvD..68j4020S&db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ author = {{Shibata}, M. and {Sekiguchi}, Y.},
+ title = "{Gravitational waves from axisymmetric rotating stellar core collapse to a neutron star in full general relativity}",
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2004,
+ month = apr,
+ volume = "69",
+ number = 8,
+ pages = {084024},
+% This should be replaced by Shibata:2004kb.
+ author = {{Shibata}, M. and {Sekiguchi}, Y.},
+ title = "{Three-dimensional simulations of stellar core collapse in full
+ general relativity: Nonaxisymmetric dynamical instabilities}",
+ journal = "{Phys. Rev. D in print}",
+ year = 2005,
+ author = "Shibata, Masaru and Sekiguchi, Yu-ichirou",
+ title = "Three-dimensional simulations of stellar core collapse in
+ full general relativity: Nonaxisymmetric dynamical
+ instabilities",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "71",
+ year = "2005",
+ pages = "024014",
+ eprint = "astro-ph/0412243",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0412243;%%"
+ author = {{Shibata}, M. and {Sekiguchi}, Y.},
+ title = "{Magnetohydrodynamics in full general relativity:
+ Formulation and tests}",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ year = 2005,
+ month = august,
+ volume = 72,
+ pages = "{044014}",
+ author = {Masaru Shibata and Keisuke Taniguchi and K{\={o}}ji
+ Ury{\={u}}},
+ title = {Merger of binary neutron stars with realistic
+ equations of state in full general relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2005,
+ volume = 71,
+ pages = 084021,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0503119},
+ author = {{Shibata}, M. and {Taniguchi}, K.},
+ title = "{Merger of binary neutron stars to a black hole:
+ Disk mass, short gamma-ray bursts, and quasinormal mode ringing}",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ year = 2006,
+ month = {March},
+ volume = 73,
+ pages = "{064027}",
+ author = {{Shibata}, M. and {Uryu}, K.},
+ title = "{Merger of black hole-neutron star binaries:
+ nonspinning black hole case}",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ year = 2006,
+ month = {December},
+ volume = 74,
+ pages = "{121503(R)}",
+ author = {{Shibata}, M. and {Sekiguchi}, Y. and {Takahashi}, R.},
+ title = "{Magnetohydrodynamics of Neutrino-Cooled Accretion Tori around a Rotating Black Hole in General Relativity}",
+ journal = {Prog. Theo. Phys.},
+ eprint = {arXiv:0709.1766 [astro-ph]},
+ year = 2007,
+ month = aug,
+ volume = 118,
+ pages = {257-302},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007PThPh.118..257S},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+author = {Masaru Shibata and Matthew D. Duez and Yuk Tung Liu and Stuart L. Shapiro and Branson C. Stephens},
+collaboration = {},
+title = {Magnetized Hypermassive Neutron-Star Collapse: A Central Engine for Short Gamma-Ray Bursts},
+publisher = {APS},
+year = {2006},
+journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+volume = {96},
+number = {3},
+eid = {031102},
+numpages = {4},
+pages = {031102},
+keywords = {neutron stars; gravitational collapse; gamma-ray bursts; astrophysical radiation mechanisms; stellar magnetism; black holes},
+url = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v96/e031102},
+doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.031102}
+ author = "Shibata, Masaru and Taniguchi, Keisuke",
+ title = "Merger of black hole and neutron star in general
+ relativity: Tidal disruption, torus mass, and gravitational
+ waves",
+ year = "2007",
+ note = "arXiv:0711.1410 [gr-qc]"
+ author = {L. Gunnarsen and H. Shinkai and K. Maeda},
+ title = {A `3+1' method for finding principal null directions},
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ year = {1995},
+ volume = {12},
+ pages = {133-140},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9406003}
+ author = {H. Shinkai and M. Saijo and K. Maeda},
+ title = {Can We Detect {B}rans-{D}icke Scalar Gravitational Waves in
+ Gravitational Collapse?},
+ editor = {A. Olinto and J. Frieman and D. Schramm},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of {\it The 18th {T}exas Symposium on
+ Relativistic Astrophysics}},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ address = {Singapore},
+ year = {1998},
+ pages = {619}
+ key = {Shinkai97a},
+ author = {H. Shinkai and F.D. Swesty and M. Tobias and W-M. Suen and
+ E.Y.M. Wang and C.M. Will},
+ title = {{N}ewtonian and post-{N}ewtonian binary neutron star mergers},
+ journal = {Proceedings of {\it The 8th {M}arcel {G}rossmann Meeting }
+ (1997 June, Jerusalem), World {S}cientific },
+ year = {to be published, gr-qc/9710073},
+ volume = {},
+ pages = {}
+ key = {Shinkai97b},
+ author = {H. Shinkai and G. Yoneda},
+ OPTtitle = {},
+ title = {Lorentzian dynamics in Ashtekar gravity},
+ journal = {Proceedings of {\it The 8th {M}arcel {G}rossmann Meeting }
+ (1997 June, Jerusalem), World {S}cientific },
+ year = {to be published, gr-qc/9710074},
+ volume = {},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {}
+ key = {Shinkai99a},
+ author = {H. Shinkai and {\it et al.}},
+ title = {Post-{N}ewtonian Initial Data for Numerical Relativity},
+ note = {in preparation},
+ key = {Shinkai99b},
+ author = "H. Shinkai and G. Yoneda",
+ title = {Asymptotically constrained and real-valued system based on {A}shtekar's
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {60},
+ year = {1999},
+ pages = {101502},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9906062}
+ author = "H. Shinkai and S. A. Hayward",
+ title = "Quasi-spherical approximation for rotating black holes",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0008075",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0008075;%%",
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {64},
+ year = {2001},
+ pages = {044002}
+ author = "H. Shinkai and G. Yoneda",
+ title = "Hyperbolic formulations and numerical relativity: experiments using
+ {A}shtekar's connection variables",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ year = "2000",
+ volume = "17",
+ pages = "4799-4822",
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0005003}
+ author = {Hisa-aki Shinkai and Sean A. Hayward},
+ title = {Quasispherical approximation for rotating black holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2001,
+ volume = 64,
+ pages = 044002}
+ author = "H. Shinkai and G. Yoneda",
+ title = "Adjusted {ADM} systems and their expected stability properties:
+ constraint propagation analysis in {S}chwarzschild spacetime ",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ year = "2002",
+ volume = "19",
+ pages = "1027-1049",
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0111008}
+ author = {Hisa-aki Shinkai and Gen Yoneda},
+ title = {Progress in Astronomy and Astrophysics},
+ chapter = {Re-formulating the {E}instein equations for stable
+ numerical simulations: Formulation Problem in
+ Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Nova Science},
+ year = 2003,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0209111}
+ author = {Deirdre M. Shoemaker},
+ title = {Apparent Horizons in Binary Black Hole Spacetimes},
+ school = {The University of Texas at Austin},
+ address = {Austin, USA},
+ year = 1999,
+ author = {Hans-Peter Nollert},
+ title = {Astrophysik in der Schwarzschildmetrik am Beispiel von Quasi-Normalmoden schwarzer L\"ocher und Lichtablenkung bei R\"ontgenpulsaren},
+ school = {Universit\"at T\"ubingen},
+ address = {T\"ubingen, Germany},
+ year = 1990,
+ author = "Deirdre M. Shoemaker and Mijan F. Huq and Richard A. Matzner",
+ title = "Generic tracking of multiple apparent horizons
+ with level flow",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 62,
+ year = 2000,
+ pages = "124005",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0006042",
+ doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.62.124005",
+ author = "Deirdre Shoemaker and Kenneth L. Smith and Ulrich
+ Sperhake and Pablo Laguna and Erik Schnetter and
+ David Fiske",
+ title = "Moving black holes via singularity excision",
+ year = "2003",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 20,
+ pages = {3729--3744},
+ note = {gr-qc/0301111}
+ key = {Shu88},
+ author = {C.~W. Shu and S.~J. Osher},
+ journal = {J. Comput. Phys.},
+ title = {},
+ year = {1988},
+ volume = {77},
+ pages = {439}
+ key = {Shu89},
+ author = {C.~W. Shu and S.~J. Osher},
+ journal = {J. Comput. Phy.},
+ title = {},
+ year = {1989},
+ volume = {83},
+ pages = {32}
+ author = {C.~W. Shu},
+ title = {{E}ssentially non-oscillatory and weighted essentially non-oscillatory schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws},
+ institution = {NASA Langley Research Center},
+ type = {Lecture notes},
+ number={ICASE Report 97-65; NASA CR-97-206253},
+ year={1997},
+ note = {{\tt http://techreports.larc.nasa.gov/icase/1997/icase-1997-65.pdf} }
+ author = {C.~W. Shu},
+ title = {{H}igh {O}rder {ENO} and {WENO} {S}chemes for {C}omputational {F}luid {D}ynamics},
+ booktitle = {High-{O}rder {M}ethods for {C}omputational {P}hysics},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ year = {1999},
+ editor = {T.~J. Barth and H. Deconinck},
+ OPTnote = {A related online version can be found under {\em
+ Essentially {N}on-{O}scillatory and {W}eighted {E}ssentially
+ {N}on-{O}scillatory {S}chemes for {H}yperbolic {C}onservation
+ {L}aws} at {\tt
+ http://www.icase.edu/library/reports/rdp/97/97-65RDP.tex.refer.html}}
+ author = {F. Siebel and P. H{\"u}bner},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ title = {On the Effect of Constraint Enforcement on the Quality of
+ Numerical Solutions in General Relativity},
+ year = {2001},
+ volume = {64},
+ pages = {024021},
+ note = {gr-qc/0104079}
+ author = "Florian Siebel and Jos{\'e} A.~Font",
+ title = "Scalar field induced oscillations of relativistic stars
+ and gravitational collapse",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = 65, number = 2,
+ pages = 024021,
+ year = 2001, month = "December",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0108006",
+ author = {Florian Siebel and Jos{\'e} A.~Font and Ewald
+ M{\"u}ller and Philippos Papadopoulos},
+ title = {Simulating the dynamics of relativistic stars via a
+ light-cone approach},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2002,
+ volume = 65,
+ pages = 064038}
+ author = {Florian Siebel and Jos{\'e} A. Font and Ewald Mueller
+ and Philippos Papadopoulos},
+ title = "Axisymmetric core collapse simulations using
+ characteristic numerical relativity",
+ year = 2003,
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 67,
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+ title = {Comparing Criteria for Circular Orbits in General
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+ key = {Sluis86},
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+ title = {The Rate of Convergence of Conjugate Gradients},
+ journal = {Numer. Math.},
+ volume = 48,
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+ pages = {543-560}
+ author = {L. L. Smarr},
+ title = {Mass Formula for {K}err Black Holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = {1973},
+ volume = {30},
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+% copied by Steven Brandt for 3/16/94 meeting
+ key = {Smarr73b},
+ author = {L. L. Smarr},
+ title = {Surface Geometry of Charged Rotating Black Holes},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1973},
+ volume = {7},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {289},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ key = {Smarr75},
+ author = {L. Smarr},
+ title = {The Structure of General Relativity with a Numerical
+ Illustration: The Collision of Two Black Holes},
+ school = {University of Texas, Austin},
+ address = {Austin, Texas},
+ year = 1975,
+ X-note = "{U}niversity {M}icrofilms \#DA 75-16738",
+% copied by Peter Leppik for 3/17/94 meeting
+ key = {Smarr76},
+ author = {Larry Smarr and Andrej {\v{C}}ade{\v{z}} and Bryce DeWitt and Kenneth R. Eppley},
+ title = {Collision of Two Black Holes: Theoretical Framework},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 14,
+ number = 10,
+ year = 1976,
+ pages = {2443-2452}
+% Copied by Karen for 3/24/95 group meeting
+ key = {Smarr77},
+ author = {L. Smarr},
+ title = {Spacetimes generated by computers: Black holes with
+ gravitational radiation},
+ journal = {Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci.},
+ volume = 302,
+ year = 1977,
+ pages = {569-604}
+ key = {Smarr78a},
+ author = {Larry Smarr and James W. York},
+ title = {Radiation Gauge in General Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 17,
+ year = 1978,
+ pages = {1945}
+% copied by Doug Swesty for 3/17/94 meeting
+ key = {Smarr78b},
+ author = {Larry Smarr and James W. York},
+ title = {Kinematical conditions in the construction of spacetime},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 17, number = 10,
+ year = 1978, month = "15 May",
+ pages = "2529--2552",
+ key = {Smarr79},
+ author = {L. Smarr},
+ title = {Gauge Conditions, Radiation Formulae and the Two
+ Black Hole Collision},
+ editor = {L. Smarr},
+ booktitle = {Sources of gravitational radiation},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ year = 1979,
+ pages = {245}
+ key = {Smarr79a},
+ author = {L. Smarr},
+ title = {Basic Concepts in Finite Differencing of Partial
+ Differential Equations},
+ editor = {L. Smarr},
+ booktitle = {Sources of gravitational radiation},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, England},
+ year = 1979,
+ pages = 139
+ author = {L. Smarr},
+ title = {The Supercomputer Famine in American Universities},
+ editor = {P.D. Lax},
+ booktitle = {The Report of the Panel on Large Scale Computing in
+ Science and Engineering},
+ year = {1982}
+ author = "Larry L. Smarr",
+ title = "Computational Relativity: Numerical and Algebraic Approaches
+ (Report of Workshop A4)",
+ pages = "163--183",
+ editor = {Bertotti, B. and de Felice, F. and Pascolini, A.},
+ booktitle = "General Relativity and Gravitation:
+ Invited Papers and Discussion Reports
+ of the 10th International Conference
+ on General Relativity and Gravitation,
+ Padua, July 3--8, 1983",
+ year = 1984,
+ publisher = "Reidel",
+ city = "Dordrecht",
+ isbn = "90-277-1819-9",
+ author = {L. Smarr},
+ title = {},
+ note = {private communication},
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+ year = {1994},
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+ title = {Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations},
+ author = {G. D. Smith},
+ publisher = {Oxfort University Press},
+ year = {1985},
+ edition = {third},
+ note = {ISBN 0198596502},
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+ author = {S. C. Smith and J. L. Houser and J. M. Centrella},
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+ pages = {620}
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+ author = {P. Sonneveld},
+ title = {CGS, A Fast Lanczos-Type Solver for Non-symmetric Linear
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+ Pablo ",
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+ eprint = "gr-qc/0605018",
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+ author = {R. D. Sorkin},
+ title = {A Stability Criterion for Many-Parameter
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+ author = {Roland Speith and Erik Schnetter and Stefan Kunze
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+ title = {Distributed implementation of {SPH} for simulations
+ of accretion disks},
+ booktitle = {Molecular Dynamics on Parallel Computers
+ (Proceedings of the Workshop at the John von
+ Neumann--Institut for Computing (NIC), Research
+ Centre J{\"u}lich, 8 -- 10 February 1999)},
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+ editor = {R{\"ud}iger Esser and Peter Grassberger and Johannes
+ Grotendorst andMarius Lewerenz},
+ publisher = {World Scientific}
+ author = "Sperhake, Ulrich and Smith, Kenneth L. and Kelly, Bernard
+ and Laguna, Pablo and Shoemaker, Deirdre",
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+ author = "Sperhake, Ulrich and Kelly, Bernard and Laguna,
+ Pablo and Smith, Kenneth L. and Schnetter, Erik",
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+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
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+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
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+ author = {H. C. Spruit},
+ title = {},
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+ author = {Jeffrey M. Squyres and Andrew Lumsdaine},
+ title = {{A Component Architecture for LAM/MPI}},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings, 10th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting},
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+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
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+ note = {in a talk given in Austin, TX, October 1991},
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+ author = {Dylan Stark and Gabrielle Allen and Tom Goodale and Thomas Radke and Erik Schnetter},
+ title = {An Extensible Timing Infrastructure for Adaptive Large-scale Applications},
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+ author = {H. Stephani},
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+ publisher = {Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge},
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+ doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/24/12/S14},
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+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
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+ title = {The Structure and Stability of Rotating Relativistic Stars},
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+ author = {N. Stergioulas and J. L. Friedman},
+ title = {Comparing Models of Rapidly Rotating Relativistic Stars
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+ pages = 8,
+ url = {http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-1998-8},
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+ pages = {301}
+ author = {N. Stergioulas and J.~A. Font and K.~D. Kokkotas},
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+ publisher = {Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 80},
+ address = {},
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+ editor = {{\'E}. Aubourg {\it et al.}},
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+ author = {N. Stergioulas and W. Kluzniak and T. Bulik},
+ title = {Keplerian Frequencies and Innermost Stable Circular Orbits
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+ title = {Equilibrium and Pulsations of Rotating Stars in Numerical Relativity},
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+ booktitle = {{\it Recent Developments in Gravity}, Proceedings of the 10th Hellenic Relativity Conference},
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+ adsnote = {Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ key = {Stewart84},
+ author = {J. M. Stewart},
+ title = {Numerical Relativity},
+ editor = {W. B. Bonner and J. N. Islam and M. A. MacCallum},
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+ address = {Cambridge, England},
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+ title={ZEUS--2D: A Radiation MagnetoHydrodynamics Code For
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+Radiation Hydrodynamic Algorithms and Tests},
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+ year={1992},
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+ author={Stone, J.~M. and Norman, M.~L.},
+ title={ZEUS--2D: A Radiation MagnetoHydrodynamics Code For
+Astrophysical Flows in Two Space Dimensions. {I}. The Hydrodynamic
+Algorithms and Tests},
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+ title = {Distorted black holes in terms of multipole moments},
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+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1986},
+ volume = {34},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {3633},
+% copied by Joe 3/24/94
+ key = {Suen86b},
+ author = {W. M. Suen},
+ title = {Multipole moments for stationary non-asymptotically
+ flat systems in general relativity},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1986},
+ volume = {34},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {3617},
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+ author = {W. M. Suen and R. H. Price and I. Redmount},
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+ Perturbations of the horizon},
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+ year = {1988},
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+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {2761},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
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+ author = {W.-M. Suen and K. Young},
+ title = {Equilibrium Conditions for Relativistic Rotating
+ Systems},
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+ year = 1988,
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+ year = {1988},
+ volume = {205},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {447},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ key = {Suen89b},
+ author = {W. M. Suen},
+ title = {Minkowski Spacetime is Unstable in Semi-Classical Gravity},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ year = {1989},
+ volume = {62},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {2217},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ key = {Suen89c},
+ author = {W. M. Suen},
+ title = {The Wave Function of the Universe as A Leaking System},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1989},
+ volume = {39},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {2201},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ key = {Suen89d},
+ author = {M. B. Mijic, M. S. Morris, and W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Initial Conditions for the $R+\epsilon R^2$ Cosmology},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1989},
+ volume = {39},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {1496},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ key = {Suen91a},
+ author = {W.-M. Suen and K. Young},
+ title = {Quasinormal Mode Expansion and Late-Time Behavior of Leaking System},
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+ year = {1991},
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+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {1},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
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+ key = {Suen94a},
+ author = {W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Response to Comment on the Stability of the Semiclassical
+ {E}instein Equation},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1994},
+ volume = {50},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {5453},
+ author = {W.-M. Suen},
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+ OPTkey = {},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on
+ Frontiers of Physics, Shantou, China, August 1995},
+ publisher = {Freeman},
+ address = {San Francisco},
+ year = {1996},
+ OPTeditor = {},
+ pages = {},
+ OPTaddress = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ key = {Suen95b},
+ author = {W.M. Suen},
+ title = {Coordinate Conditions in Numerical Relativity},
+ editor = {},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the {C}ornell Black Hole Workshop},
+ publisher = {Black Hole Grand Challenge Meeting},
+ address = {Cornell},
+ pages = {},
+ year = {1995}
+ key = {Suen95c},
+ author = {W.M. Suen},
+ title = {{3D} Gravitational Waves},
+ editor = {},
+ booktitle = {Third {T}exas Workshop on {3D} Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Black Hole Grand Challenge Meeting},
+ address = {Texas},
+ pages = {},
+ year = {1995}
+ key = {Suen95d},
+ author = {W.M. Suen},
+ title = {Semi-Analytical Methods and Numerical Relativity},
+ editor = {},
+ booktitle = {Third {T}exas Workshop on {3D} Numerical Relativity},
+ publisher = {Black Hole Grand Challenge Meeting},
+ address = {},
+ pages = {},
+ year = {1995}
+ key = {Suen96a},
+ author = {W.M. Suen},
+ title = {Computational General Relativistic Astrophysics
+and Gravitational Wave Astronomy},
+ editor = {K. S. Chang},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st Century Chinese
+Astronomy Conference},
+ publisher = {Hong Kong University},
+ address = {Hong Kong},
+ pages = {},
+ year = {1996}
+ key = {Suen96b},
+ author = {W.M. Suen},
+ title = {Coordinate Conditions in Numerical Relativity},
+ editor = {},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the Chapel Hill Black Hole
+ publisher = {Black Hole Grand Challenge Meeting},
+ address = {Chapel Hill},
+ pages = {},
+ year = {1996}
+ key = {Suen96c},
+ author = {W.M. Suen},
+ title = {Common Issues in the Black Hole and Neutron Star
+Grand Challenge Projects},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the Syracuse Black Hole Workshop},
+ publisher = {Black Hole Grand Challenge Meeting},
+ address = {Syracuse},
+ pages = { },
+ year = {1996}
+ author={W.-M. Suen},
+ editor={},
+ title={Black Holes and Numerical Relativity},
+ booktitle={Pacific Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology},
+ publisher={Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics},
+ address={Seoul},
+ year={1996},
+ pages={}
+ author={W.-M. Suen},
+ editor={A. Olinto and J. Frieman and D. Schramm},
+ booktitle={Proceedings of {\it The 18th {T}exas Symposium on
+ Relativistic Astrophysics}},
+ publisher={World {S}cientific},
+ address={Singapore},
+ year={1998},
+ pages={}
+ author={E. S. C. Ching and P. T. Leung and A. Maassen Van den Brink
+and S. S. Tong and W.-M. Suen and K. Young},
+ editor={},
+ title={Waves in Open Systems},
+ booktitle={2nd Joint Meeting of Chinese Physical Societies},
+ publisher={Taipei},
+ address={China},
+ year={1997},
+ pages={}
+ author={W.-M. Suen},
+ editor={},
+ title={Numerical Relativity and General Relativistic Astrophysics},
+ booktitle={2nd Joint Meeting of Chinese Physical Societies},
+ publisher={Taipei},
+ address={China},
+ year={1997},
+ pages={}
+ author={E. S. C. Ching and P. T. Leung and A. Maassen Van den Brink
+and S. S. Tong and W.-M. Suen and K. Young},
+ editor={},
+ title={Open Wave Systems},
+ booktitle={7th Asia Pacific Physics Conference},
+ publisher={Beijing},
+ address={China},
+ year={1997},
+ pages={}
+ author = {W.-M. Suen},
+ title = {Computational {G}eneral {R}elativistic {A}strophysics: {T}he {N}eutron {S}tar {G}rand {C}hallenge {P}roject},
+ journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl.},
+ volume = 136,
+ year = 1999,
+ pages = 251
+ author={W.-M. Suen},
+ editor={},
+ title={Numerical Relativity and Gamma Ray Burst},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the American Physical,
+ Society Meeting (April 2000, Long Beach, invited talk)},
+ publisher = {},
+ address={},
+ year = {2000},
+ pages={}
+ author = {W.-M. Suen and the NASA Neutron Star Grand Challenge
+ Collaboration},
+ title = "{NASA} {N}eutron {S}tar {G}rand {C}hallenge {P}roject {F}inal {R}eport",
+ year = 2000,
+ note = {http://wugrav.wustl.edu/Relativ/final\_report/nasafinal3.html}
+ author = {W.-M. Suen and C. W. Wong and K. Young},
+ title = {Supersymmetry in classical mechanics},
+ year = 2000,
+ journal = {Phys. Lett. A},
+ volume = 271,
+ pages = 54
+% copied by Bharat for 3/17/94 meeting
+ key = {Sun88},
+ author = {Yonghe Sun and R. H. Price},
+ title = {Excitation of quasinomral ringing of a
+ {S}chwarzschild blach hole},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {1988},
+ volume = {38},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ pages = {1040},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {Mark Sussman and Peter Smereka and Stanley Osher},
+ title = {A Level Set Approach for Computing Solutions to
+ Incompressible Two-Phase Flow},
+ journal = {J. Comput. Phys.},
+ volume = 114,
+ pages = {146--159},
+ year = 1994,
+ author = {M. Sv{\"a}rd and K. Mattsson and J. Nordstr{\"o}m},
+ title = {Steady State Computations Using Summation by Parts
+ Operators},
+ journal = {J. Sci. Comput.},
+ year = 2005,
+ volume = 24,
+ pages = {79-95}
+ author = {M. Sv{\"a}rd},
+ title = {On coordinate transformations for summation-by-parts
+ operators},
+ journal = {J. Sci. Comput.},
+ year = 2004,
+ volume = 20,
+ pages = 1
+ author = {P. K. Sweby},
+ title = {High Resolution Schemes Using Flux Limiters for Hyperbolic
+ Conservation Laws},
+ journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.},
+ volume = {21},
+ pages = {995-1011},
+ year = {1984},
+ author={Swesty, F.~D. and Lattimer, J.~M. and Myra, E.~S.},
+ title={The Role of The Equation of State in the ``Prompt''
+Phase of Type II Supernovae},
+ journal={Astrophys. J.},
+ year={1994},
+ volume={425},
+ pages={195-204}
+ author={Swesty, F.~D.},
+ title={Thermodynamically Consistent Interpolation for
+Equation of State Tables},
+ journal={Submitted to J. Comput. Phys.},
+ year={1995},
+ volume={},
+ pages={}
+ author = {Julien Sylvestre},
+ title = {Non-Linear Methods for Detecting Unmodeled Transients},
+ institution = {LIGO},
+ type = {presentation},
+ number={LIGO-G010216-00-D},
+ year={2001},
+ note = {url -- \texttt{http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/docs/G/G010216-00.pdf}}
+ author={Symbalisty, E.~M.~D. and Schramm, D.~N.},
+ title={},
+ journal={Astrophys. Lett.},
+ year={1982},
+ volume={22},
+ pages={143}
+ author = {L{\'a}szl{\'o} B. Szabados},
+ title = {Quasi-Local Energy-Momentum and Angular Momentum in
+ {GR}: A Review Article},
+ journal = {Living Rev. Relativity},
+ year = 2004,
+ volume = 7,
+ pages = 4,
+ url = {http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2004-4}
+ author = {Peter Szekeres},
+ title = {On the singularities of a {R}iemannian manifold},
+ journal={Publ. Mat. Debrecen},
+ volume=7,
+ year=1960,
+ pages={285-301},
+ author = {P. Szekeres},
+ title = {The Gravitational Compass},
+ journal = {J. Math. Phys},
+ year = {1965},
+ volume = {6},
+ pages = {1387-1391},
+ author = {B. Szil{\'a}gyi},
+ title = {{C}auchy-{C}haracteristic {M}atching {I}n {G}eneral
+ {R}elativity},
+ school = {University of Pittsburgh},
+ year = {2000}
+ author = {B. Szil{\'a}gyi and Roberto Gomez and N. T. Bishop and Jeffrey Winicour},
+ title = {{C}auchy boundaries in linearized gravitational theory},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {62},
+ year = {2000},
+ pages = {104006},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9912030}
+ author = {B. Szil{\'a}gyi and Jeffrey Winicour},
+ title = {Well-Posed initial-boundary evolution in general relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {68},
+ year = {2003},
+ pages = {041501},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0205044}
+ author = {B. Szil{\'a}gyi and B. Schmidt and Jeffrey Winicour},
+ title = {Boundary conditions in linearized harmonic gravity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {65},
+ year = {2002},
+ pages = {064015},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0106026}
+ author = {B. Szil{\'a}gyi and H-O. Kreiss and J. Winicour},
+ title = {Modeling the black hole excision problem},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {71},
+ year = {2005},
+ pages = {104035},
+% Don't use this; use Szilagyi-etal-2006a1 instead
+ author = "Bela Szil{\'a}gyi and Denis Pollney and Luciano Rezzolla
+ and Jonathan Thornburg and Jeffrey Winicour",
+ title = "An explicit harmonic code for black-hole evolution using excision",
+ year = 2006,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0612150",
+ note = "gr-qc/0612150",
+ author = "B{\'e}la Szil{\'a}gyi and Denis Pollney and Luciano
+ Rezzolla and Jonathan Thornburg and Jeffrey
+ Winicour",
+ title = "An explicit harmonic code for black-hole evolution
+ using excision",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 24,
+ pages = {S275-S293},
+ year = 2007,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0612150",
+%%%%% T %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ author = {E. Tadmor},
+ title = {Spectral methods for hyperbolic problems},
+ year = 1994,
+ booktitle = {Lecture notes delivered at Ecole des Ondes,
+ "M{\'e}thodes num{\'e}riques d'ordre {\'e}lev{\'e}
+ pour les ondes en {r\'e}gime transitoire",
+ INRIA--Rocquencourt January 24-28.},
+ url = {http://www.cscamm.umd.edu/
+ people/faculty/tadmor/pub/spectral-approximations/
+ Tadmor.INRIA-94.pdf}
+ key = {TAMA},
+ note = {TAMA -- http://tamago.mtk.nao.ac.jp/}
+ author = "Tagoshi, Hideyuki and Ohashi, Akira and Owen, Benjamin J.",
+ title = "Gravitational field and equations of motion of spinning
+ compact binaries to 2.5 post-{N}ewtonian order",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+ volume = "63",
+ year = "2001",
+ pages = "044006",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0010014",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0010014;%%"
+ author = {Hideyuki Tagoshi and Nobuyuki Kanda and Takahiro Tanaka and
+ Daisuke Tatsumi and Souichi Telada and others},
+ title = {The First Search for Gravitational Waves from Inspiraling Compact
+ Binaries using {TAMA300} data},
+ key = {Tagoshi_H:01},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2001},
+ volume = {63},
+ pages = {062001},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0012010}
+ author = "Takahashi, Ryuichi and Nakamura, Takashi",
+ title = "The Decihertz Laser Interferometer Can Determine the Position
+ of the Coalescing Binary Neutron Stars within an Arcminute a Week before
+ the Final Merging Event to the Black Hole",
+ journal = "Astrophys. J.",
+ volume = "596",
+ year = "2003",
+ pages = "L231",
+ author = {Takahiro Tanaka and Hideyuki Tagoshi},
+ title = {The use of new coordinates for the template space in hierarchical
+ search for gravitational waves from inspiraling binaries},
+ key = {Tanaka_T:00},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2000},
+ volume = {62},
+ pages = {082001}
+ author = {K. Taniguchi and E. Gourgoulhon and S. Bonazzola},
+ title = {},
+ key = {Taniguchi01},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2001},
+ volume = {64},
+ pages = {64012}
+ author = {K. Taniguchi and E. Gourgoulhon},
+ title = {},
+ key = {Taniguchi02a},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2002},
+ volume = {65},
+ pages = {44027}
+ author = {K. Taniguchi and E. Gourgoulhon},
+ title = {},
+ key = {Taniguchi02b},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2002},
+ volume = {66},
+ pages = {104019}
+ author = {K. Taniguchi and E. Gourgoulhon},
+ title = {},
+ key = {Taniguchi03},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2003},
+ volume = {68},
+ pages = {124025}
+ author = {Keisuke Taniguchi and Thomas W. Baumgarte and Joshua A. Faber
+ and Stuart L. Shapiro},
+ title = {Black hole-neutron star binaries in general relativity:
+ effects of neutron star spin},
+ journal= {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2005},
+ volume = {72},
+ pages = {044008},
+ note = {astro-ph/0505450},
+ author = "Taniguchi, Keisuke and Baumgarte, Thomas W. and Faber,
+ Joshua A. and Shapiro, Stuart L.",
+ title = "Quasiequilibrium black hole-neutron star binaries in
+ general relativity",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev.",
+ volume = "D75",
+ year = "2007",
+ pages = "084005",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0701110",
+ author = "Jean-Louis Tassoul",
+ title = "Theory of Rotating Stars",
+ publisher = "Princeton University Press",
+ year = 1978,
+ isbn = " 0-691-08211-1"
+ author = {J. H. Taylor and J. M. Weisberg},
+ title = {A New Test of General Relativity: Gravitational
+ Radiation and the Binary Pulsar {PSR} 1913+16},
+ key = {Taylor82a},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = {1982},
+ volume = {253},
+ pages = {908-920}
+ key = {Taylor96},
+ author = {M. E. Taylor},
+ title = {Partial Differenaitl Equations {I}. {B}asic Theory},
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+ address = {New York},
+ year = {1996}
+ author = {{Tchekhovskoy}, A. and {McKinney}, J.~C. and {Narayan}, R.},
+ title = "{WHAM: a WENO-based general relativistic numerical scheme - I. Hydrodynamics}",
+ journal = {Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.},
+ eprint = {arXiv:0704.2608},
+ year = 2007,
+ month = aug,
+ volume = 379,
+ pages = {469-497},
+ doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.11876.x},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007MNRAS.379..469T},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+ key = {Teukolsky73},
+ author = {Saul A. Teukolsky},
+ title = {Perturbations of a Rotating Black Hole. {I}. Fundamental Equations
+ for Gravitational, Electromagnetic, and Neutrino-Field
+ Perturbations},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = 185,
+ pages = {635-647},
+ year = 1973
+% copied by Doug Swesty for 3/17/94 meeting
+ author = {Saul A. Teukolsky},
+ title = {Linearized quadrupole waves in general relativity
+ and the motion of test particles},
+ key = {Teukolsky82},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 1982,
+ volume = 26,
+ pages = {745-750},
+ author = {S. Teukolsky},
+ title = {Irrotational Binary Neutron Stars in Quasi-equilibrium in
+ General Relativity},
+ key = {Teukolsky98},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ year = {1998},
+ volume = {504},
+ pages = {442-449}
+ author = {S. Teukolsky},
+ title = {On the Stability of the Iterated Crank-Nicholson Method
+ in Numerical Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = {2000},
+ volume = {61},
+ pages = {087501}
+ author = {S. Teukolsky and P. Brady and J. Centrella and P. Laguna and A. Lazzarini
+ and F. Rasio and K. Thorne and B. Barish and T. Prince},
+ title = {Preliminary Report of the Task Group for an {NSF/NASA} Computational
+ Effort in Gravitational Wave Science},
+ year = {2002},
+ note = {Report prepared for NASA and NSF.}
+ author = "Joe F. Thompson",
+ title = "Numerical Grid Generation",
+ publisher = "North-Holland", address = "New York",
+ year = 1982,
+ isbn = "0-444-00757-1",
+ snote = "Proceedings of a Symposium on the Numerical Generation
+ of Curvilinear Coordinate Systems and their Use in the
+ Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations,
+ April 1982, Nashville, Tennessee",
+ author = "Joe F. Thompson and Z. U. A. Warsi and {C. Wayne} Mastin",
+ title = "Numerical Grid Generation: Foundations and Applications",
+ publisher = "North-Holland", address = "New York",
+ year = 1985,
+ isbn = "0-444-00985-X",
+ author = {Todd A. Thompson and Adam Burrows and B. S. Meyer},
+ title = {},
+ year = {2001},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J.},
+ volume = {562},
+ pages = {887},
+ note = {},
+ author = {Todd A. Thompson and Adam Burrows and Philip A. Pinto},
+ title = {Shock {B}reakout in {C}ore-{C}ollapse {S}upernovae
+ and its {N}eutrino {S}ignature},
+ year = {2002},
+ note = {Submitted to Astrophys. J., astro-ph/0211194},
+ key = {Thornburg85},
+ author = {Jonathan Thornburg},
+ title = {Coordinates and Boundary Conditions for the
+ General Relativistic Initial Data Problem},
+ school = {University of {B}ritish {C}olumbia},
+ address = {{V}ancouver, {B}ritish {C}olumbia},
+ year = {1985},
+ key = "Thornburg87",
+ author = "Jonathan Thornburg",
+ title = "Coordinates and Boundary Conditions for the General
+ Relativistic Initial Data Problem",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ year = 1987, volume = 4, number = 5, month = "September",
+ pages = "1119--1131",
+ doi = "10.1088/0264-9381/4/5/013",
+ url = "http://stacks.iop.org/0264-9381/4/1119",
+ snote = "cites \cite{Unruh84} as the originator of excision",
+ author = {Jonathan Thornburg},
+ year = {1991},
+ note = {A talk given at CITA, Toronto, May, 1991.}
+ key = {Thornburg93},
+ author = {Jonathan Thornburg},
+ title = {Numerical Relativity in Black Hole Spacetimes},
+ school = {University of {B}ritish {C}olumbia},
+ address = {{V}ancouver, {B}ritish {C}olumbia},
+ year = {1993}
+ author = {Jonathan Thornburg},
+ title = {Finding apparent horizons in numerical relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 54,
+ number = 8,
+ year = {1996},
+ month = {October 15},
+ pages = {4899--4918},
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9508014",
+ author = {Jonathan Thornburg},
+ title = {A 3+1 Computational Scheme for Dynamic Spherically Symmetric
+ Black Hole Spacetimes -- {I}: Initial Data},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 59, number = 10,
+ year = 1999,
+ pages = "104007",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/9801087",
+ author = {Jonathan Thornburg},
+ title = {A 3+1 Computational Scheme for Dynamic Spherically Symmetric
+ Black Hole Spacetimes -- {II}: Time Evolution},
+ year = {1999},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/9906022},
+ note = {gr-qc/9906022},
+ author = "Jonathan Thornburg",
+ title = "A Multiple-Grid-Patch Evolution Scheme
+ for {3-D} Black Hole Excision",
+ pages = "1743--1744",
+ editor = "Vahe G. Gurzadyan and Robert T. Jantzen and Remo Ruffini",
+ booktitle = "The Ninth {M}arcel {G}rossman Meeting:
+ On Recent Developments in Theoretical
+ and Experimental General Relavtivity, Gravitation,
+ and Relativistic Field Theories",
+ publisher = "World {S}cientific",
+ address = "Singapore",
+ year = 2003,
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0012012"
+ author = "Jonathan Thornburg",
+ title = "A Fast Apparent-Horizon Finder
+ for 3-Dimensional {C}artesian Grids in Numerical Relativity",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 21, number = 2,
+ year = "2004", month = "21 January",
+ pages = "743--766",
+ doi = "10.1088/0264-9381/21/2/026",
+ url = "http://stacks.iop.org/0264-9381/21/743",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0306056",
+ author = "Jonathan Thornburg",
+ title = "A Fast Apparent-Horizon Finder
+ for 3-Dimensional {C}artesian Grids in Numerical Relativity",
+ journal= "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 21, number = 2,
+ year = "2004",
+ pages = "743--766",
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0306056},
+ author = "Jonathan Thornburg",
+ title = "Black Hole Excision with Multiple Grid Patches",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 21, number = 15,
+ year = 2004, month = "7 August",
+ pages = "3665--3691",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0404059"
+ author = "Jonathan Thornburg",
+ title = "Black Hole Excision with Multiple Grid Patches",
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 21, number = 15,
+ year = 2004,
+ pages = "3665--3691",
+ note = {gr-qc/0404059},
+ author = "Jonathan Thornburg",
+ title = "Event and Apparent Horizon Finders for $3+1$ Numerical Relativity",
+ journal= {Living Reviews in Relativity},
+ year = {2007},
+ number = {3},
+ volume = {10},
+ url = "http://relativity.livingreviews.org/Articles/lrr-2007-3/",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0512169",
+% Same as Thornburg-2006:horizon-review [miguel]
+ author = "Thornburg, Jonathan",
+ title = "Event and Apparent Horizon Finders for $3+1$ Numerical
+ Relativity",
+ journal = {Living Reviews in Relativity},
+ year = {2007},
+ number = {3},
+ volume = {10},
+ url = "http://relativity.livingreviews.org/Articles/lrr-2007-3/",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0512169",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0512169;%%"
+ author = "Jonathan Thornburg and Peter Diener and Denis
+ Pollney and Luciano Rezzolla and Erik Schnetter and
+ Ed Seidel and Ryoji Takahashi",
+ title = "Are moving punctures equivalent to moving black
+ holes?",
+ year = 2007,
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 24,
+ number = 15,
+ pages = "3911-3918",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0701038",
+ url = "http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0264-9381/24/15/009/",
+ author = "Jonathan Thornburg and Peter Diener and Denis
+ Pollney and Luciano Rezzolla and Erik Schnetter and
+ Ed Seidel and Ryoji Takahashi",
+ title = "Are moving punctures equivalent to moving black
+ holes?",
+ year = 2007,
+ journal = "Class. Quantum Grav.",
+ volume = 24,
+ number = 15,
+ pages = "3911-3918",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0701038",
+ key = {Thorne1},
+ author = {K. Thorne},
+ title = {gravitational wave reference},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = {????},
+ year = {????},
+ pages = {????}
+ author = {K. Thorne},
+ title = {Nonspherical Gravitational Collapse: A Short Review},
+ booktitle = {Magic Without Magic: John Archibald Wheeler},
+ publisher = {Freeman},
+ year = {1972},
+ editor = {J. Klauder},
+ pages = {231},
+ address = {San Francisco},
+ author = {K. Thorne},
+ title = {Gravitational-wave research: Current status and
+ future prospects},
+ journal = {Rev. Mod. Phys.},
+ year = {1980},
+ volume = 52,
+ number = 2,
+ pages = 285
+ author = {K. Thorne},
+ title = {Multipole expansions of gravitational radiation},
+ journal = {Rev. Mod. Phys.},
+ year = {1980},
+ volume = 52,
+ number = 2,
+ pages = 299
+ key = {Thorne86},
+ OPTauthor = {},
+ title = {Black Holes: The Membrane Paradigm},
+ publisher = {Yale University Press},
+ year = {1986},
+ editor = {K. S. Thorne and R. H. Price and D. A. Macdonald},
+ address = {London},
+ key = {Thorne87},
+ author = {Kip S. Thorne},
+ title = {},
+ editor = {S. W. Hawking and Israel W.},
+ booktitle = {300 hundred years of gravitation},
+ publisher = { Cambridge University Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, Massachusets},
+ pages = {},
+ year = {1987}
+ key = {Thorne91},
+ author = {K. Thorne},
+ title = {?????},
+ editor = {Richard A. Matzner},
+ booktitle = {talk at the Second {T}exas Symposium on 3-D
+ Numerical Relativity},
+ address = {Austin, Texas},
+ pages = {?????},
+ year = 1991
+ key = {Thorne94a},
+ author = {K. Thorne},
+ title = {LIGO, VIRGO, and the International Network of
+ Laser-Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Detectors},
+ publisher = {Universal Academy Press},
+ editor = {M. Sasaki},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth {N}ishinomiya-{Y}ukawa
+ Symposium on Relativistic Cosmology},
+ address = {Japan},
+ pages = {},
+ year = 1994
+ author={Thorne, K.~S.},
+ editor={M. Sasaki},
+ title={LIGO, VIRGO, and the International Network of
+Laser--Interferometer Gravitational--Wave Detectors},
+ booktitle={Proceedings of the Eighth {N}ishinomiya-{Y}ukawa
+Symposium on Relativistic Cosmology},
+ publisher={Universal Academy Press},
+ address={Japan},
+ year={1994},
+ pages={}
+ author = "Kip S. Thorne",
+ title = "suggestion (cited in \cite{Anninos94f,Libson94a,Walker98a})
+ to solve for the \emph{union} of event horizon and all
+ its null generators (including those which haven't yet
+ joined the surface), since this \emph{is} a smooth surface",
+ year = "1994",
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ OPTauthor = {},
+ OPTtitle = {},
+ OPThowpublished = {},
+ OPTyear = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ note = {We thank Kip Thorne for this idea},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {Kip Thorne},
+ title = {Black Holes and Time Warps:
+ {E}instein's Outrageous Legacy},
+ publisher={W.W. Norton and Company},
+ year = {1995},
+ address = {New York}
+ key = {Thorne95b},
+ author = {K. Thorne},
+ title = {},
+ publisher = {World {S}cientific},
+ editor = {E. W. Kolb and R. Peccei},
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+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System},
+ eprint = {arXiv:gr-qc/9704042}
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+% This reference has the wrong date in its key,
+% but we have to keep the key for older papers
+% (use Wald91 instead)
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+%Added by Joe 3/24/94 (unsure that this is correct. title was blank.)
+% added title JL 3/24/94
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+ author = "Yunes, Nicolas and Tichy, Wolfgang and Owen, Benjamin and
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+ author = "Yunes, Nicolas and Tichy, Wolfgang and Owen, Benjamin J.
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+% copied by Steve Brandt for 9/29/94 journal club
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+ number = "TR-91-10",
+ author = {Y. Zlochower},
+ title = {Waveforms from {C}olliding {B}lack {H}oles},
+ school = {University of Pittsburgh},
+ year = {2002},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ OPTtype = {},
+ OPTaddress = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {Y. Zlochower and R. G{\'o}mez and S. Husa and L. Lehner
+ and J. Winicour},
+ title = {Mode coupling in the nonlinear response of black holes},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2003,
+ volume = 68,
+ pages = 084014
+ author = {Y. Zlochower and J. G. Baker and M. Campanelli and
+ C. O. Lousto},
+ title = {Accurate Black Hole Evolutions by Fourth-Order
+ Numerical Relativity},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ year = 2005,
+ volume = 72,
+ pages = 024021,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0505055},
+ author = {Burkhard Zink and Nikolaos Stergioulas and Ian Hawke
+ and Christian D. Ott and Erik Schnetter and Ewald
+ M{\"u}ller},
+ title = {Formation of supermassive black holes through fragmentation
+ of toroidal supermassive stars},
+ year = 2006,
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0501080},
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+ volume = 96,
+ pages = 161101
+ author = {Burkhard Zink and Peter Diener and Enrique Pazos and
+ Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {{C}auchy-perturbative matching reexamined: Tests in
+ spherical symmetry},
+ eprint = {gr-qc/0511163},
+ year = 2006,
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 73,
+ pages = 084011
+ author = {Burkhard Zink and Nikolaos Stergioulas and Ian Hawke
+ and Christian D. Ott and Erik Schnetter and Ewald
+ M{\"u}ller},
+ title = {Nonaxisymmetric instability and fragmentation of
+ general relativistic quasitoroidal stars},
+ year = 2007,
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 76,
+ pages = 024019,
+ eprint = {astro-ph/0611601}
+ author = {Burkhard Zink and Erik Schnetter and Manuel Tiglio},
+ title = {Multipatch methods in general relativistic
+ astrophysics -- Hydrodynamical flows on fixed
+ backgrounds},
+ year = 2008,
+ journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+ volume = 77,
+ pages = 103015,
+ eprint = {arXiv:0712.0353 [astro-ph]}
+ author = "Zink, Burkhard and others",
+ title = "Fragmentation of general relativistic quasi-toroidal
+ polytropes",
+ year = "2007",
+ eprint = "arXiv:0704.0431 [gr-qc]",
+ SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:0704.0431;%%"
+ title = {A general relativistic evolution code on {CUDA}
+ architectures},
+ author = {Burkhard Zink},
+ year = {2008},
+ note = {contributed paper to the 9th LCI International Conference on
+ High-Performance Clustered Computing at the
+ NCSA in Urbana, IL, USA (2008). Also: CCT Technical Report Series, CCT-TR-2008-1 (2008).}
+ author = {Burkhard Zink},
+ title = {Monte Carlo discretization of general relativistic
+ radiation transport},
+ year = 2008,
+ eprint = {arXiv:0810.5349},
+ author = {Gerhard Zumbusch},
+ title = {Simultanous h-p Adaptation in Multilevel Finite Elements},
+ school = {FU Berlin},
+ type = {{D}oktorarbeit},
+ year = {1995},
+ author = {G. Zumbusch},
+ title = {Simultanous h-p Adaptation in Multilevel Finite Elements},
+ publisher = {Shaker},
+ address = {Aachen},
+ year = {1996},
+ annote = {Doktorarbeit, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, FU Berlin, 1995},
+ AUTHOR = {G. Zumbusch},
+ TITLE = {Parallel Multilevel Methods. Adaptive Mesh Refinement and
+ Loadbalancing},
+ PUBLISHER = {Teubner},
+ YEAR = {2003},
+ ANNOTE = {editorial},
+ SERIES = {Advances in Numerical Mathematics},
+ HTTP = {http://www.minet.uni-jena.de/~zumbusch/pub/zumbusch/teubner03.htm}
+ key = {Zwart1998a},
+ author = {S.~F. {Portegies Zwart}},
+ title = {Gamma-Ray Binaries:
+ Stable Mass Transfer from a Neutron Star to a Black Hole},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J. Lett.},
+ volume = {503},
+ year = {1998},
+ pages = {L53}
+ key = {Zwart98},
+ author = {S.~F. {Portegies Zwart} and L.~R. Yungelson},
+ title = {Formation and evolution of binary neutron stars},
+ journal = {Astron. Astrophys.},
+ volume = {332},
+ year = {1998},
+ pages = {173-188},
+ key = {Zwart99},
+ author = {S.~F. {Portegies Zwart} and S.~L.~W. McMillan},
+ title = {Black hole mergers in the universe},
+ journal = {Astrophys. J. Lett.},
+ volume = {528},
+ year = {2000},
+ pages = {L17},
+ key = {Zwart99},
+ author = {S.~F. {Portegies Zwart} and S.~L.~W. McMillan},
+ title = {Gravitational Thermodynamics and Black-Hole Mergers},
+ journal = {Int. J. of Mod. Physics A.},
+ volume = {15},
+ number = {30},
+ year = {2000},
+ pages = {4871},
+ eprint = {astro-ph/9910061},
+ key = {Zwerger95},
+ author = {T. Zwerger},
+ title = {},
+ school = {Technische Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen},
+ year = {1995},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ address = {M{\"u}nchen, Germany},
+ author = {T. Zwerger and E. M{\"u}ller},
+ title = {Dynamics and gravitational wave signature of axisymmetric rotational core collapse.},
+ journal = {Astron. Astrophys.},
+ year = 1997,
+ volume = 320,
+ pages = 209,
+ author = {John Towns},
+ title = {Cmstab, a Package of Iterative Solvers for Linear
+ Systems on the Connection Machines},
+ institution = {University of Illinois},
+ year = {1993},
+ note = {Send email to cmstab\@ncsa.uiuc.edu for details},
+ author = "B. Schutz, Editor",
+ title = "Proceedings of the 3rd International LISA Symposium",
+ journal = {Class. Quantum Grav.},
+ volume = 18,
+ pages = {3965-4164},
+ year = 2001,
+ author = {},
+ title = {{LISA} (laser interferometer space antenna), Proposal
+ for a gravitational wave detector in space},
+ note = {Preprint, Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Quantenoptik, MPQ 177,
+May 1993.}
+ note={\texttt{http://phys.utb.edu/UTBRG/}}
+ key = {SSL},
+ author = {A. Frier and P. Karlton and P. Kocher},
+ note = {The SSL 3.0 Protocol. Netscape Communications Corp. November 18, 1996}
+ key = {TLS},
+ author = {T. Dierks and C. Allen},
+ note = {The TLS Protocol Version 1.0: RFC 2246 January 1999},
+ key = {cactusmaintainersguide},
+ title = {Cactus Maintainers Guide \\{\tt http://www.cactuscode.org/Guides/Stable/MaintGuide/MaintGuideStable.pdf}}
+ key = {cactusthornguide},
+ title = {Cactus Computational Toolkit Thorn Guide \\{\tt http://www.cactuscode.org/Guides/Stable/ThornGuide/ThornGuideStable.pdf}}
+ key = {cactususersguide},
+ title = {Cactus Users Guide \\{\tt http://www.cactuscode.org/Guides/Stable/UsersGuide/UsersGuideStable.pdf}}
+ key = {cfd-online-web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {{\it Computational Fluid Dynamics Wiki},
+ CFD Online},
+ url = {\tt http://www.cfd-online.com/Wiki}}
+ key = {CFD online tests},
+ author = {},
+ note = {{\it Computational Fluid Dynamics Wiki /
+ Validation and test cases}, CFD Online},
+ url = {http://www.cfd-online.com/Wiki/Validation_and_test_cases},
+ key = {amira_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {{\it Amira -- Users Guide and Reference Manual} \ and
+ {\it AmiraDev -- Programmers Guide,}
+ Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB) and
+ Indeed -- Visual Concepts, Berlin, {\tt http://amira.zib.de}}
+ key = {asc_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Astrophysics Simulation Collaboratory (ASC) Home Page {\tt http://www.ascportal.org}},
+ key = {servlet_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Servlet API documentation: {\tt http://www.sun.com/products/servlets}},
+ key = {tomcat_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Tomcat server documentation: {\tt http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat}},
+ key = {applesweb},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Apples {W}ith {A}pples: {N}umerical {R}elativity {C}omparisons and {T}ests: {\tt http://www.ApplesWithApples.org}},
+ key = {apples_with_apples_page},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Apples {W}ith {A}pples: {N}umerical {R}elativity {C}omparisons and {T}ests: {\tt http://www.ApplesWithApples.org}},
+ key = {condor_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Condor Home Page {\tt http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor}},
+ key = {cog_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Commodity Grid Kits: {\tt http://www.globus.org/cog}},
+ key = {cygwin_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Cygnus Solutions (Cygwin) Home Page: {\tt http://www.cygwin.com}},
+ key = {griksl_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {DFN-Verein Project {\it ``Development of Grid Based Simulation and Visualization Techniques''} (GRIKSL) Home Page {\tt http://www.griksl.org}},
+ key = {grads_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Grid Adaptive Development Software (GrADS) Home Page {\tt http://www.isi.edu/grads/}},
+ key = {cvs_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Concurrent Versions System (CVS) Home Page {\tt http://www.cvshome.org/}},
+ key = {autoconf_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Autoconf Home Page {\tt http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/autoconf.html}},
+ key = {gnuplot_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Gnuplot Home Page {\tt http://www.gnuplot.org}},
+ key = {mpichg_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Grid Enabled MPICH Implementation (MPICH-G) Home Page {\tt http://www.globus.org/mpi}},
+ key = {hdf5_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Hierarchical Data Format Version 5 (HDF5) Home Page {\tt http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5}},
+ key = {flexio_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {FlexIO Home Page {\tt http://zeus.ncsa.uiuc.edu/{\textasciitilde}jshalf/FlexIO/}},
+ key = {opendx_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Open DX Home Page {\tt http://www.opendx.org}},
+ key = {globus_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Globus Project Home Page {\tt http://www.globus.org}},
+ key = {Cactus Website},
+ title = {{Cactus} {Computational} {Toolkit}},
+ note = {{\tt http://www.cactuscode.org}},
+% Alternative entry to satisfy some versions of BibTeX.
+ url = {http://www.cactuscode.org}
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ note = {\textsc{Carpet}: A Mesh Refinement driver for
+ \textsc{Cactus}},
+ url = {http://www.carpetcode.org},
+ key = {Carpet Website},
+ title = {Adaptive Mesh Refinement with {C}arpet},
+ note = {{\tt http://www.carpetcode.org/}},
+% Alternative entry to satisfy some versions of BibTeX.
+ url = {http://www.carpetcode.org}
+ key = {whisky-web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Whisky, EU Network GR Hydrodynamics Code:\\{\tt http://www.whiskycode.org}},
+% Alternative entry to satisfy some versions of BibTeX.
+ url = {http://www.whiskycode.org}
+ key = {egrid_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {EGrid Home Page {\tt http://www.egrid.org}},
+ key = {ggf_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Global Grid Forum Home Page {\tt http://www.gridforum.org}, Applications Research Group home page: {\tt http://www.zib.de/ggf/apps/}},
+ key = {ieeeio_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {IEEEIO Home Page {\tt http://zeus.ncsa.uiuc.edu/{\textasciitilde}jshalf/FlexIO/}},
+ key = {Cactus distribution},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Distributed simulations with Cactus: {\tt http://www.cactuscode.org/Projects/Distributed/Distributed.html}}
+ key = {entropia_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Entropia Home Page {\tt http://www.entropia.com}},
+ key = {gpc_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Grid portal collaboration: {\tt http://www.ipg.nasa.gov/portals/}},
+ key = {grace_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Grid Adaptive Computational Engine (GrACE) \\{\tt http://www.caip.rutgers.edu/{\textasciitilde}parashar/TASSL/Projects/GrACE/}},
+ key = {griphyn_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {GriPhyN Project home page: {\tt http://www.griphyn.org}},
+ key = {hotpage_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {NPACI HotPage grid computing portal {\tt http://hotpage.npaci.edu}},
+ key = {HTTPS},
+ author = {E. Rescorla},
+ note = {HTTP Over TLS: RFC 2818 May 2000}},
+ key = {papi_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {The Performance API (PAPI) Home Page {\tt http://icl.cs.utk.edu/projects/papi/}},
+ url = {http://relativity.phys.lsu.edu/postdocs/matt/taka.php}
+ key = {triana_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Triana Graphical Programming Environment: {\tt http://www.triana.co.uk}}
+ key = {xgraph_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {The xgraph and ygraph Home Pages \\{\tt http://jean-luc.aei-potsdam.mpg.de/Codes/xgraph}, {\tt http://www.aei.mpg.de/{\textasciitilde}pollney/ygraph}}
+ key = {Frameworks},
+ author = {},
+ note = {TASC:
+Software Engineering Support of the Third Round of Scientific Grand
+Challenge Investigations: Task 4, Review of Current Frameworks
+{\tt http://sdcd.gsfc.nasa.gov/ESS/esmf\_tasc/t400.html}},
+ key = {lca_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {LCA Vision home page: {\tt http://zeus.ncsa.uiuc.edu/~miksa/LCAVision.html}},
+ key = {cca_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Component Component Architecture (CCA) Home Page {\tt http://www.cca-forum.org}},
+ key = {nr_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Cactus Numerical Relativity Community \\{\tt http://www.cactuscode.org/Community/Relativity.html}}
+ key = {petsc_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {PETSc Home Page {\tt http://www-fp.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/}}
+ key = {sc95},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Supercomputing 1995 distributed computing experiments: {\tt http://jean-luc.aei.mpg.de/Projects/SC95/}}
+ key = {datagrid_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {European DataGrid project Home Page {\tt http://eu-datagrid.org}},
+ key = {eurogrid_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {European EuroGrid project Home Page {\tt http://www.eurogrid.org}},
+ key = {tiksl_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {DFN Gigabit Project {\it ``Tele-Immersion: Collision of Black Holes''} (TIKSL) Home Page {\tt http://www.zib.de/Visual/projects/TIKSL}},
+ key = {jsp_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {Java Server Pages documentation: {\tt
+ key = {mysql_web},
+ author = {},
+ note = {MySQL Database Documentation: {\tt http://www.mysql.com}},
+ key = {ggtc},
+ author = {},
+ note = {The Global Grid Testbed Collaboration: \\ {\tt
+ author = {},
+ note = {{h}ypre -- High Performance Preconditioners: \\ {\tt http://www.llnl.gov/CASC/hypre/}},
+ author = {},
+ note = {{GSL}: the {GNU} Scientific Library: {\tt http://www.gnu.org
+ author = {},
+ note = {{LAPACK}: Linear Algebra Package: {\tt http://www.netlib.org
+ author = {},
+ note = {{BLAS}: Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines: {\tt http://www.ne
+%%% Pointers to web pages that use the url field,
+%%% and that don't have the key field
+ note = {{Alpaca}: Tools for Application-Level Profiling and
+ Correctness Analysis},
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~eschnett/Alpaca/}
+ note = {Apples {W}ith {A}pples: Numerical Relativity
+ Comparisons and Tests},
+ url = {http://www.ApplesWithApples.org/},
+ note = {{AWFD}: Adaptivitiy, Wavelets, and Finite
+ Differences},
+ url = {http://wissrech.ins.uni-bonn.de/
+ research/projects/AWFD/},
+ note = {{AstroGrid-D}: {German} {Astronomy} {Community}
+ {Grid} ({GACG})},
+ url = {http://www.gac-grid.org/
+ project-products/Software/InformationService/
+ InformationProducer/CactusRDFProducer.html}
+ note = {{BLAS}: Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines},
+ url = {http://www.netlib.org/blas/},
+ note = {{Blue Waters} Petascale Computing System},
+ url = {http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/BlueWaters/}
+ note = {{Cactus} benchmarking results},
+ url = {http://www.cactuscode.org/Benchmarks/},
+ note = {{CactusEinstein} Toolkit home page},
+ url = {http://www.cactuscode.org/Community/NumericalRelativity/},
+ title = {{Cactus} users' guide},
+ url = {http://www.cactuscode.org/}
+ note = {{Cactus} Computational Toolkit home page},
+ url = {http://www.cactuscode.org/},
+ note = {{Cactus} web server (live demonstration)},
+ url = {http://cactus.cct.lsu.edu:5555/}
+ note = {Mesh refinement with {Carpet}},
+ url = {http://www.carpetcode.org/},
+ note = {Spacetime evolution with {CCATIE}},
+ url = {http://numrel.aei.mpg.de/Research/codes.html}
+ note = {{CCA}: {Common} {Component} {Architecture}},
+ url = {http://www.cca-forum.org},
+ note = {{CCA}: {Common} {Component} {Architecture}},
+ url = {http://www.cca-forum.org},
+ note = {{CFD} Toolkit for {Cactus}},
+ url = {http://www.cactuscode.org/Community/CFDToolkit/}
+ note = {{CompFrame}: Component and Framework Technology for
+ {HPC}},
+ url = {http://www.compframe.org/}
+ note = {{CompFrame}: Component and Framework Technology for
+ {HPC}},
+ url = {http://www.compframe.org/}
+ note = {{CVS}: {Concurrent} {Versions} {System}},
+ url = {http://www.nongnu.org/cvs/}
+ note = {{Eclipse}: An open development platform},
+ url = {http://www.eclipse.org/}
+ note = {{Eclipse}: An open development platform},
+ url = {http://www.eclipse.org/}
+ note = {{Einstein@Home}},
+ url = {http://www.einsteinathome.org/}
+ note = {Enlightened: Dynamic {E-science} Applications Driving
+ Adaptive Optical Control Plane and Compute
+ Resources},
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/projects/Enlightened/}
+ note = {{ESMF}: {Earth} {System} {Modeling} {Framework}},
+ url = {http://www.esmf.ucar.edu/}
+ note = {{EU} Astrophysics Network Home Page},
+ url = {http://www.eu-network.org},
+ note = {{F5}: The Fiber Bundle HDF5 Library},
+ url = {http://f5.photon.at/},
+ note = {{FFTW} Home Page},
+ url = {http://www.fftw.org/}
+ note = {{FT-MPI}: {Fault} {Tolerant} {MPI}},
+ url = {http://icl.cs.utk.edu/ftmpi/}
+ note = {{GCC}, the {GNU} {Compiler} {Collection}},
+ url = {http://gcc.gnu.org/}
+ note = {{GEO} 600},
+ url = {http://www.geo600.uni-hannover.de/}
+ note = {git: Fast version control system},
+ url = {http://www.git-scm.org/}
+ note = {{GNU} {C} Library},
+ url = {http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/}
+ note = {{GNATS}: the {GNU} bug tracking system},
+ url = {http://www.gnu.org/software/gnats/}
+ note = {Gnuplot home page},
+ url = {http://www.gnuplot.info/},
+ note = {{GNU} Binary Utilities},
+ url = {http://www.gnu.org/software/binutils/},
+ note = {{GR3D}: A multi-purpose {3D} code for compuational
+ general relativistic astrophysics},
+ url = {http://wugrav.wustl.edu/research/codes/GR3D}
+ note = {grdoc: A Code Documenting System},
+ url = {http://jean-luc.aei.mpg.de/Codes/grdoc/index.html}
+ note = {{GridLab}: {G}rid Application Toolkit and Testbed
+ Project},
+ url = {http://www.gridlab.org/},
+ note = {{GridPro} {Program} {Development} {Company}},
+ url = {http://www.gridpro.com/}
+ note = {{GRIKSL}: {DFN-Verein} Project \emph{Development of
+ Grid Based Simulation and Visualization Techniques}},
+ url = {http://www.griksl.org/},
+ note = {{GRwiki}: a repository of basic definitions and
+ formulas for gravitational physics},
+ url = {http://grwiki.physics.ncsu.edu/}
+ note = {{GSL}: the {GNU} Scientific Library},
+ url = {http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/},
+ title = {{HAD}: Distributed {AMR} infrastructure for {PDEs}},
+ url = {http://had.lui.edu/},
+ note = {{HDF 5}: Hierarchical Data Format Version 5},
+ url = {http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/},
+ note = {{HLA}: {High} {Level} {Architecture}},
+ url = {https://www.dmso.mil/public/transition/hla/}
+ note = {{IPM}: Integrated Performance Monitoring},
+ url = {http://ipm-hpc.sourceforge.net/}
+ note = {Javadoc},
+ url = {http://java.sun.com/j2se/javadoc/}
+ note = {{Kranc}: Automated Code Generation},
+ url = {http://numrel.aei.mpg.de/Research/Kranc/}
+ note = {{LAM}: {LAM}/{MPI} Parallel Computing},
+ url = {http://www.lam-mpi.org/},
+ note = {{LAPACK}: Linear Algebra Package},
+ url = {http://www.netlib.org/lapack/},
+ note = {{LGPL:} The GNU Lesser General Public License},
+ url = {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html},
+ note = {{LIGO}: {Laser} {Interferometer} {Gravitational}
+ Wave {Observatory}},
+ url = {http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/}
+ note = {{LISA}: {Laser} {Interferometer} {Space} {Antenna}},
+ url = {http://lisa.nasa.gov/}
+ note = {{LONI:} {Louisiana} Optical Network Initiative},
+ url = {http://www.loni.org/},
+ note = {{McLachlan}, a Public {BSSN} Code},
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~eschnett/McLachlan/index.html}
+ note = {Mojave web page},
+ url = {http://www.cactuscode.org/Community/Mojave/},
+ note = {{Mojave}},
+ url = {http://www.cactuscode.org/Community/Mojave/},
+ note = {{MPICH:} {ANL}/{MSU} {MPI} implementation},
+ url = {http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich/},
+ note = {{mpiP}: Lightweight, Scalable {MPI} Profiling},
+ url = {http://mpip.sourceforge.net/}
+ note = {{MPI:} Message Passing Interface Forum},
+ url = {http://www.mpi-forum.org/},
+ note = {Cactus Papers presented at {NCUR-20}},
+ url = {http://www.cactuscode.org/News/ncur20}
+ note = {Netlib Repository},
+ url = {http://www.netlib.org/},
+ note = {{CCT} Numerical Relativity},
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/about/focus/numerical/}
+ note = {{OpenCL}: Open Computing Language},
+ url = {http://www.khronos.org/opencl/}
+ note = {{OProfile} web pages},
+ url = {http://oprofile.sourceforge.net/}
+ note = {{PetaShare} web page},
+ url = {http://www.petashare.org/},
+ note = {Plone web pages},
+ url = {http://plone.org/}
+ note = {Test Set for IVP Solvers},
+ url = {http://pitagora.dm.uniba.it/~testset}
+ note = {{Open~DX}: Open Source Data Explorer},
+ url = {http://www.opendx.org/},
+ note = {{Open} {MPI}: Open Source High Performance
+ Computing},
+ url = {http://www.open-mpi.org/}
+ note = {{Open} {MPI}: Open Source High Performance
+ Computing},
+ url = {http://www.open-mpi.org/}
+ note = {{OpenMP}: Simple, Portable, Scalable {SMP}
+ Programming},
+ url = {http://www.openmp.org/}
+ note = {{OSI:} The Open Source Initiative},
+ url = {http://www.opensource.org/},
+ note = {{PAPI}: Performance Application Programming
+ Interface},
+ url = {http://icl.cs.utk.edu/projects/papi/}
+ note = {{ParalleX} ({PS}) parallel execution model},
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~tron/research.html}
+ note = {{PARAMESH:} Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement},
+ url =
+ {http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~olson/paramesh-doc/Users_manual/amr.html}
+ note = {Report to the president, June 2005. Computational
+ Science: Ensuring America's
+ competitiveness. President's Information Technology
+ Advisory Commitee},
+ url = {http://www.nitrd.gov/
+ pitac/reports/20050609_computational/computational.pdf}
+ note = {{PRISM}: {PRogram} for {Integrated} {Earth} {System}
+ {Modelling}},
+ url = {http://prism.enes.org/}
+ note = {{PTP}: Parallel Tools Platform},
+ url = {http://www.eclipse.org/ptp/}
+ note = {{SAMRAI}: Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement
+ Application Infrastructure},
+ url = {http://www.llnl.gov/CASC/SAMRAI/},
+ note = {{Serendipity} {Wikipedia} entry},
+ url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serendipity},
+ note = {{Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio} 7
+ ``Gravitational Wave Astronomy''},
+ url = {http://www.tpi.uni-jena.de/SFB/},
+ note = {Stress-Energy Tensor},
+ url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stress-energy_tensor}
+ note = {{SVN}: {Subversion}},
+ url = {http://subversion.tigris.org/}
+ title = {Taka web pages},
+ url = {http://relativity.phys.lsu.edu/
+ postdocs/matt/samrai.html},
+ note = {{TAMA}},
+ url = {http://tamago.mtk.nao.ac.jp/}
+ title = {{TAU}: {Tuning} and {Analysis} {Utilities}},
+ url = {http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/home.php}
+ note = {{TAU}: {Tuning} and {Analysis} {Utilities}},
+ url = {http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/home.php}
+ title = {Triana web pages},
+ url = {http://www.trianacode.org}
+ note = {{Triana}},
+ url = {http://www.trianacode.org}
+ title = {{UCoMS}: Ubiquitous Computing and Monitoring System},
+ url = {http://www.ucoms.org/}
+ author = {Timothy A. Davis},
+ publisher = {University of Florida, Department of Computer and
+ Information Science and Engineering},
+ title = {{UMFPACK}: {A} set of routines for solving sparse
+ linear systems via {LU} factorization},
+ note = {{UMFPACK}},
+ url = {http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack/},
+ note = {{VIRGO}},
+ url = {http://www.virgo.infn.it/}
+ note = {{VisIt} Visualization Tool},
+ url = {https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit/}
+ note = {{Whisky}, {EU} {Network} {GR} Hydrodynamics Code},
+ url = {http://www.whiskycode.org/},
+ note = {{XiRel}: Next Generation Infrastructure for
+ Numerical Relativity},
+ url = {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/xirel/},
+%%% Public Cactus Thorns
+ author = {Erik Schnetter},
+ note = {{\tt AEIThorns/Dissipation} Cactus thorn},
+ url = {http://numrel.aei.mpg.de/THORNS-PAGE-TO-BE-DEFINED},
+ author = {Frank Herrmann and Erik Schnetter},
+ note = {{\tt AEIThorns/Norms} Cactus thorn},
+ url = {http://numrel.aei.mpg.de/THORNS-PAGE-TO-BE-DEFINED},
+ author = {{Nollert}, H.-P.},
+ title = "{Quasinormal modes of Schwarzschild black holes: The determination of quasinormal frequencies with very large imaginary parts}",
+ journal = {\prd},
+ year = 1993,
+ month = jun,
+ volume = 47,
+ pages = {5253-5258},
+ adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1993PhRvD..47.5253N&db_key=AST},
+ adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}