diff options
3 files changed, 402 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/m/Makefile b/m/Makefile
index 27956a5..15fee8b 100644
--- a/m/Makefile
+++ b/m/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# -*-Makefile-*-
-all: McLachlan_ADM.out McLachlan_BSSN.out WaveToy.out
+all: McLachlan_ADM.out McLachlan_BSSN.out WaveToy.out hydro.out
@echo "The Cactus thorns are up to date."
@@ -14,11 +14,17 @@ McLachlan_BSSN.out: McLachlan_BSSN.m
rm -rf ML_BSSN*
./runmath.sh $^
for thorn in ML_BSSN*; do ./copy-if-changed.sh $$thorn ../$$thorn; done
WaveToy.out: WaveToy.m
rm -rf ML_WaveToy ML_FOWaveToy
./runmath.sh $^
for thorn in ML_WaveToy ML_FOWaveToy; do ./copy-if-changed.sh $$thorn ../$$thorn; done
+hydro.out: hydro.m
+ rm -rf ML_hydro
+ ./runmath.sh $^
+ for thorn in ML_hydro; do ./copy-if-changed.sh $$thorn ../$$thorn; done
rm -rf McLachlan_ADM.out McLachlan_ADM.err ML_ADM*
rm -rf McLachlan_BSSN.out McLachlan_BSSN.err ML_BSSN*
diff --git a/m/grhydro.m b/m/grhydro.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a71a28b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/m/grhydro.m
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ Derivatives
+derivatives =
+ PDstandard2nd[i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,1,i],
+ PDstandard2nd[i_, i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[2,1,i],
+ PDstandard2nd[i_, j_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,1,i] *
+ StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,1,j],
+ PDstandard4th[i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,2,i],
+ PDstandard4th[i_, i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[2,2,i],
+ PDstandard4th[i_, j_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,2,i] *
+ StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,2,j],
+ PDplus[i_] -> DPlus[i],
+ PDminus[i_] -> DMinus[i],
+ PDplus[i_,j_] -> DPlus[i] DPlus[j],
+ PDonesided2nd[1] -> dir[1] (-shift[1]^(2 dir[1]) + 4 shift[1]^dir[1] - 3 )/
+ (2 spacing[1]),
+ PDonesided2nd[2] -> dir[2] (-shift[2]^(2 dir[2]) + 4 shift[2]^dir[2] - 3 )/
+ (2 spacing[2]),
+ PDonesided2nd[3] -> dir[3] (-shift[3]^(2 dir[3]) + 4 shift[3]^dir[3] - 3 )/
+ (2 spacing[3])
+(*PD = PDstandard2nd;*)
+ Tensors
+(* Register all the tensors that will be used with TensorTools *)
+ rho, vel, eps, press,
+ dens, mom, tau
+(* Register the TensorTools symmetries (this is very simplistic) *)
+(* Determinants of the metrics in terms of their components
+ (Mathematica symbolic expressions) *)
+gDet = Det[MatrixOfComponents[g[la,lb]]];
+ Groups
+SetGroupTimelevels[g_,tl_] = Join[g, {Timelevels -> tl}];
+evolvedGroups =
+ {CreateGroupFromTensor [dens ], (* mass density *)
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [mom[la]], (* momentum density *)
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [tau ]}; (* energy density *)
+evaluatedGroups =
+ {CreateGroupFromTensor [rho ], (* mass density *)
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [vel[ua]], (* velocity *)
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [eps ], (* specific internal energy *)
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [press ]}; (* pressure *)
+declaredGroups = Join [evolvedGroups, evaluatedGroups];
+declaredGroupNames = Map [First, declaredGroups];
+groups = Join[declaredGroups];
+(* Initial data *)
+initialCalc =
+ Name -> BSSN <> "_vacuum",
+ Schedule -> {"IN ADMBase_InitialData"},
+ ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"my_initial_data", "vacuum"},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ rho -> 0,
+ vel[ua] -> 0,
+ eps -> 0
+ }
+(* Convert from primitive to conserved variables *)
+prim2conCalc =
+ Name -> BSSN <> "_con2prim",
+ Schedule -> {"AT initial AFTER ADMBase_PostInitial"},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ dens -> rho,
+ mom[la] -> rho vel[ua],
+ tau -> (1/2) rho vel[ua] vel[la] + rho eps
+ }
+(* Convert from conserved to primitive variables *)
+con2primCalc =
+ Name -> BSSN <> "_con2prim",
+ Schedule -> {"IN " <> BSSN <>"_con2primGroup"},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ rho -> dens,
+ vel[ua] -> mom[la] / dens,
+ eps -> tau / dens - (1/2) vel[ua] vel[la],
+ press -> Gamma rho eps +
+ alpha PD[vel[ua],la]
+ }
+(* Evolution equations *)
+evolCalc =
+ Name -> BSSN <> "_RHS",
+ Schedule -> {"IN " <> BSSN <>"_evolCalcGroup"},
+ Shorthands -> {rhov[ua], momv[la,ub], tauv[ua]},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ (* dt rho + div rho v = 0 *)
+ rhov[ua] -> mom[la],
+ dot[dens] -> - PD[rhov[ua],la],
+ (* dt pi + div (pi v + P) = 0 *)
+ momv[la,ub] -> mom[la] vel[ub] + KD[la,ub] press,
+ dot[mom[la]] -> - PD[momv[la,ub],lb],
+ (* dt tau + div (tauv + P) = 0 *)
+ tauv[ua] -> tau vel[ua] + press vel[ua],
+ dot[tau] -> - PD[tauv[ua],la]
+ }
diff --git a/m/hydro.m b/m/hydro.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b90f22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/m/hydro.m
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+$Path = Join[$Path, {"~/Calpha/kranc/Tools/CodeGen",
+ "~/Calpha/kranc/Tools/MathematicaMisc"}];
+ Derivatives
+derivOrder = 2;
+KD = KroneckerDelta;
+derivatives =
+ PDstandardNth[i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,derivOrder/2,i],
+ PDstandardNth[i_, i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[2,derivOrder/2,i],
+ PDstandardNth[i_, j_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,derivOrder/2,i]
+ StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,derivOrder/2,j]
+FD = PDstandardNth;
+DefineJacobian[PD, FD, KD, Zero3];
+ Tensors
+(* Register all the tensors that will be used with TensorTools *)
+ rho, vel, eps, press, vol,
+ mass, mom, ene,
+ massflux, momflux, eneflux
+(* Determinants of the metrics in terms of their components
+ (Mathematica symbolic expressions) *)
+gDet = Det[MatrixOfComponents[g[la,lb]]];
+ Groups
+SetGroupTimelevels[g_,tl_] = Join[g, {Timelevels -> tl}];
+evolvedGroups = {
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [mass ], (* mass *)
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [mom[la]], (* momentum *)
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [ene ] (* total energy *)
+evaluatedGroups = {
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [rho ], (* mass density *)
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [vel[ua]], (* velocity *)
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [eps ], (* specific internal energy *)
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [press ], (* pressure *)
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [vol ], (* volume *)
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [massflux[ua]], (* mass flux *)
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [momflux[la,ub]], (* momentum flux *)
+ CreateGroupFromTensor [eneflux[ua]] (* energy flux *)
+declaredGroups = Join [evolvedGroups, evaluatedGroups];
+declaredGroupNames = Map [First, declaredGroups];
+groups = Join[declaredGroups];
+(* Initial data *)
+vacuumCalc =
+ Name -> "hydro_vacuum",
+ Schedule -> {"IN ADMBase_InitialData"},
+ ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"initial_data", "vacuum"},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ rho -> 0,
+ vel[ua] -> 0,
+ eps -> 0
+ }
+soundWaveCalc =
+ Name -> "hydro_soundWave",
+ Schedule -> {"IN ADMBase_InitialData"},
+ ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"initial_data", "sound wave"},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ rho -> 1.0,
+ vel[ua] -> A Sin[2 Pi x / L],
+ eps -> 1.0
+ }
+(* Convert from primitive to conserved variables *)
+prim2conCalc =
+ Name -> "hydro_prim2con",
+ Schedule -> {"AT initial AFTER ADMBase_PostInitial"},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ vol -> h^3,
+ mass -> vol rho,
+ mom[la] -> mass vel[la],
+ ene -> (1/2) mass vel[ua] vel[la] + mass eps
+ }
+(* Convert from conserved to primitive variables *)
+con2primCalc =
+ Name -> "hydro_con2prim",
+ Schedule -> {"IN hydro_con2primGroup"},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ rho -> mass / vol,
+ vel[ua] -> mom[ua] / mass,
+ eps -> ene / mass - (1/2) vel[ua] vel[la],
+ press -> Gamma rho eps +
+ alpha PD[vel[ua],la]
+ }
+(* Evolution equations *)
+fluxCalc =
+ Name -> "hydro_fluxes",
+ Schedule -> {"IN hydro_evolCalcGroup"},
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ massflux[ua] -> mass vel[ua],
+ momflux [la,ub] -> mom[la] vel[ub] + KD[la,ub] press / vol,
+ eneflux [ua] -> (ene + press / vol) vel[ua]
+ }
+evolCalc =
+ Name -> "hydro_RHS",
+ Schedule -> {"IN hydro_evolCalcGroup AFTER hydro_fluxes"},
+ Where -> Interior,
+ Equations ->
+ {
+ (* dt rho + div rho v = 0 *)
+ (* dt m + div m v = 0 *)
+ dot[mass] -> - PD[massflux[ua],la],
+ (* dt pi + div (pi v + P) = 0 *)
+ (* dt p + div (p v + P/V) = 0 *)
+ dot[mom[la]] -> - PD[momflux[la,ub],lb],
+ (* dt tau + div (tau v + P) = 0 *)
+ (* dt t + div (t v + P/V) = 0 *)
+ dot[ene] -> - PD[eneflux[ua],la]
+ }
+(* Parameters *)
+keywordParameters =
+ {
+ Name -> "initial_data",
+ (* Visibility -> "restricted", *)
+ (* Description -> "ddd", *)
+ AllowedValues -> {"vacuum", "sound wave"},
+ Default -> "vacuum"
+ }
+realParameters =
+ {
+ Name -> h,
+ Description -> "grid spacing",
+ Default -> 0.01
+ },
+ {
+ Name -> A,
+ Description -> "sound wave amplitude",
+ Default -> 0.001
+ },
+ {
+ Name -> L,
+ Description -> "sound wave wavelength",
+ Default -> 1
+ },
+ {
+ Name -> alpha,
+ Description -> "artificial viscosity coefficient",
+ Default -> 0
+ },
+ {
+ Name -> Gamma,
+ Description -> "polytropic exponent",
+ Default -> 4/3
+ }
+(* Construct the thorns *)
+calculations =
+ vacuumCalc,
+ soundWaveCalc,
+ prim2conCalc,
+ con2primCalc,
+ evolCalc
+CreateKrancThornTT [groups, ".", "ML_hydro",
+ Calculations -> calculations,
+ DeclaredGroups -> declaredGroupNames,
+ PartialDerivatives -> derivatives,
+ UseLoopControl -> True,
+ KeywordParameters -> keywordParameters,
+ RealParameters -> realParameters