diff options
authorErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2010-12-06 08:20:22 -0600
committerErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2010-12-06 08:20:22 -0600
commit114be04441e1362c4d4577f7d70f46d5f062a920 (patch)
parenteca08f2292aa7d86d783e6de4fc956bd49537387 (diff)
ML_BSSN: Simplify handling of upwinding derivatives
Use a new function Upwind to calculate upwind derivatives. Introduce a new (Mathematica) parameter that decides whether to implement upwind derivatives the old way (using IfThen depending on the direction) or the new way (using Abs and the symmetric/antisymmetric parts of the stencils). Improve how to create partial calculations automatically. Evaluate the constraints in two partial calculations.
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/m/McLachlan_BSSN.m b/m/McLachlan_BSSN.m
index e3ac952..2a09b03 100644
--- a/m/McLachlan_BSSN.m
+++ b/m/McLachlan_BSSN.m
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ SetSourceLanguage["C"];
(* Options *)
-createCode[derivOrder_, useGlobalDerivs_, evolutionTimelevels_, addMatter_] :=
+createCode[derivOrder_, useGlobalDerivs_, splitUpwindDerivs_, evolutionTimelevels_, addMatter_] :=
prefix = "ML_";
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ suffix =
<> If [useGlobalDerivs, "_MP", ""]
<> If [derivOrder!=4, "_O" <> ToString[derivOrder], ""]
+ <> If [splitUpwindDerivs, "", "_UPW"]
(* <> If [evolutionTimelevels!=3, "_TL" <> ToString[evolutionTimelevels], ""] *)
(* <> If [addMatter==1, "_M", ""] *)
@@ -187,31 +188,35 @@ FD = PDstandardNth;
FDu = PDupwindNth;
FDua = PDupwindNthAnti;
FDus = PDupwindNthSymm;
-FDo = PDonesided;
+(* FDo = PDonesided; *)
FDdiss = PDdissipationNth;
If [useGlobalDerivs,
DefineJacobian[PD, FD, J, dJ],
DefineJacobian[PD, FD, KD, Zero3]];
If [useGlobalDerivs,
DefineJacobian[PDu, FDu, J, dJ],
DefineJacobian[PDu, FDu, KD, Zero3]];
If [useGlobalDerivs,
DefineJacobian[PDua, FDua, J, dJ],
DefineJacobian[PDua, FDua, KD, Zero3]];
If [useGlobalDerivs,
DefineJacobian[PDus, FDus, J, dJ],
DefineJacobian[PDus, FDus, KD, Zero3]];
If [useGlobalDerivs,
DefineJacobian[PDo, FDo, J, dJ],
DefineJacobian[PDo, FDo, KD, Zero3]];
If [useGlobalDerivs,
DefineJacobian[PDdiss, FDdiss, J, dJ],
DefineJacobian[PDdiss, FDdiss, KD, Zero3]];
+If [splitUpwindDerivs,
+ Upwind[dir_, var_, idx_] := dir PDua[var,idx] + Abs[dir] PDus[var,idx],
+ Upwind[dir_, var_, idx_] := dir PDu[var,idx]];
@@ -277,6 +282,8 @@ T00=eTtt;
T01=eTtx; T02=eTty; T03=eTtz;
T11=eTxx; T12=eTxy; T22=eTyy; T13=eTxz; T23=eTyz; T33=eTzz;
(* Expressions *)
@@ -293,15 +300,11 @@ ddetgtExpr[la_] =
Sum [D[Det[MatrixOfComponents[gt[la, lb]]], X] PD[X, la],
{X, Union[Flatten[MatrixOfComponents[gt[la, lb]]]]}];
-etaExpr = IfThen [r > SpatialBetaDriverRadius, SpatialBetaDriverRadius / r, 1];
-thetaExpr = IfThen [r > SpatialShiftGammaCoeffRadius,
- Exp [1 - r / SpatialShiftGammaCoeffRadius],
- 1];
etaExpr = Min [SpatialBetaDriverRadius / r, 1];
thetaExpr = Min [Exp [1 - r / SpatialShiftGammaCoeffRadius], 1];
(* Groups *)
@@ -374,21 +377,33 @@ initialCalc =
(* Split a calculation *)
-PartialCalculation[calc_, suffix_, evolVars_] :=
+PartialCalculation[calc_, suffix_, updates_, evolVars_] :=
- {vars, patterns, eqs, name},
- vars = Join[evolVars, lookup[calc, Shorthands]];
- patterns = Replace[vars, { Tensor[n_,__] -> Tensor[n,__] ,
- dot[Tensor[n_,__]] -> dot[Tensor[n,__]]}, 1];
- eqs = FilterRules[lookup[calc, Equations], patterns];
- name = lookup[calc, Name] <> suffix;
- mapReplace[mapReplace[calc, Equations, eqs], Name, name]
+ {name, calc1, replaces, calc2, vars, patterns, eqs, calc3},
+ (* Add suffix to name *)
+ name = lookup[calc, Name] <> suffix;
+ calc1 = mapReplace[calc, Name, name];
+ (* Replace some entries in the calculation *)
+ (* replaces = Map[Function[rule, mapReplace[#, rule[[1]], rule[[2]]]&], updates]; *)
+ replaces = updates //. (lhs_ -> rhs_) -> (mapReplace[#, lhs, rhs]&);
+ calc2 = Apply[Composition, replaces][calc1];
+ (* Remove unnecessary equations *)
+ vars = Join[evolVars, lookup[calc2, Shorthands]];
+ patterns = Replace[vars, { Tensor[n_,__] -> Tensor[n,__] ,
+ dot[Tensor[n_,__]] -> dot[Tensor[n,__]]}, 1];
+ eqs = FilterRules[lookup[calc, Equations], patterns];
+ calc3 = mapReplace[calc2, Equations, eqs];
+ calc3
(* Convert from ADMBase *)
@@ -453,8 +468,7 @@ convertFromADMBaseGammaCalc =
A -> IfThen [LapseACoeff != 0,
1 / (- harmonicF alpha^harmonicN)
(+ admdtalpha
- - LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDua[alpha,la]
- - LapseAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[alpha,la]),
+ - LapseAdvectionCoeff Upwind[beta[ua], alpha, la]),
theta -> thetaExpr,
@@ -465,8 +479,7 @@ convertFromADMBaseGammaCalc =
B[ua] -> IfThen [ShiftGammaCoeff ShiftBCoeff != 0,
1 / (theta ShiftGammaCoeff)
(+ admdtbeta[ua]
- - ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PDua[beta[ua],lb]
- - ShiftAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ub]] PDus[beta[ua],lb]),
+ - ShiftAdvectionCoeff Upwind[beta[ub], beta[ua], lb]),
@@ -514,13 +527,11 @@ convertToADMBaseDtLapseShiftCalc =
admdtalpha -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN
(+ LapseACoeff A
+ (1 - LapseACoeff) trK)
- + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDua[alpha,la]
- + LapseAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[alpha,la],
+ + LapseAdvectionCoeff Upwind[beta[ua], alpha, la],
admdtbeta[ua] -> + theta ShiftGammaCoeff
(+ ShiftBCoeff B[ua]
+ (1 - ShiftBCoeff) (Xt[ua] - eta BetaDriver beta[ua]))
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PDua[beta[ua],lb]
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ub]] PDus[beta[ua],lb]
+ + ShiftAdvectionCoeff Upwind[beta[ub], beta[ua], lb]
@@ -670,15 +681,13 @@ evolCalc =
(* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (10) *)
(* PRD 67 084023 (2003), eqn. (16) and (23) *)
dot[phi] -> IfThen [conformalMethod, 1/3 phi, -1/6] alpha trK
- + beta[ua] PDua[phi,la]
- + Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[phi,la]
+ + Upwind[beta[ua], phi, la]
+ epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[phi,la]
+ IfThen [conformalMethod, -1/3 phi, 1/6] PD[beta[ua],la],
(* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (9) *)
dot[gt[la,lb]] -> - 2 alpha At[la,lb]
- + beta[uc] PDua[gt[la,lb],lc]
- + Abs[beta[uc]] PDus[gt[la,lb],lc]
+ + Upwind[beta[uc], gt[la,lb], lc]
+ epsdiss[uc] PDdiss[gt[la,lb],lc]
+ gt[la,lc] PD[beta[uc],lb] + gt[lb,lc] PD[beta[uc],la]
- (2/3) gt[la,lb] PD[beta[uc],lc],
@@ -690,8 +699,7 @@ evolCalc =
+ 6 Atu[ui,uj] cdphi[lj])
+ gtu[uj,ul] PD[beta[ui],lj,ll]
+ (1/3) gtu[ui,uj] PD[beta[ul],lj,ll]
- + beta[uj] PDua[Xt[ui],lj]
- + Abs[beta[uj]] PDus[Xt[ui],lj]
+ + Upwind[beta[uj], Xt[ui], lj]
+ epsdiss[uj] PDdiss[Xt[ui],lj]
- Xtn[uj] PD[beta[ui],lj]
+ (2/3) Xtn[ui] PD[beta[uj],lj]
@@ -704,8 +712,7 @@ evolCalc =
+ 2 cdphi[la] PD[alpha,lb] )
- Xtn[ua] PD[alpha,la] )
+ alpha (Atm[ua,lb] Atm[ub,la] + (1/3) trK^2)
- + beta[ua] PDua[trK,la]
- + Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[trK,la]
+ + Upwind[beta[ua], trK, la]
+ epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[trK,la]
(* Equation (4.21) in Baumgarte & Shapiro (Phys. Rept. 376 (2003) 41-131) *)
+ addMatter (4 pi alpha (rho + trS)),
@@ -719,8 +726,7 @@ evolCalc =
trAts -> gu[ua,ub] Ats[la,lb],
dot[At[la,lb]] -> + em4phi (+ Ats[la,lb] - (1/3) g[la,lb] trAts )
+ alpha (trK At[la,lb] - 2 At[la,lc] Atm[uc,lb])
- + beta[uc] PDua[At[la,lb],lc]
- + Abs[beta[uc]] PDus[At[la,lb],lc]
+ + Upwind[beta[uc], At[la,lb], lc]
+ epsdiss[uc] PDdiss[At[la,lb],lc]
+ At[la,lc] PD[beta[uc],lb] + At[lb,lc] PD[beta[uc],la]
- (2/3) At[la,lb] PD[beta[uc],lc]
@@ -742,13 +748,11 @@ evolCalc =
dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN
(+ LapseACoeff A
+ (1 - LapseACoeff) trK)
- + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDua[alpha,la]
- + LapseAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[alpha,la]
+ + LapseAdvectionCoeff Upwind[beta[ua], alpha, la]
+ epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[alpha,la],
dot[A] -> + LapseACoeff (dottrK - AlphaDriver A)
- + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDua[A,la]
- + LapseAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[A,la]
+ + LapseAdvectionCoeff Upwind[beta[ua], A, la]
+ epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[A,la],
eta -> etaExpr,
@@ -759,285 +763,40 @@ evolCalc =
dot[beta[ua]] -> + theta ShiftGammaCoeff
(+ ShiftBCoeff B[ua]
+ (1 - ShiftBCoeff) (Xt[ua] - eta BetaDriver beta[ua]))
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PDua[beta[ua],lb]
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ub]] PDus[beta[ua],lb]
+ + ShiftAdvectionCoeff Upwind[beta[ub], beta[ua], lb]
+ epsdiss[ub] PDdiss[beta[ua],lb],
dot[B[ua]] -> + ShiftBCoeff (dotXt[ua] - eta BetaDriver B[ua])
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] (+ PDua[B[ua],lb]
- - PDua[Xt[ua],lb])
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ub]] (+ PDus[B[ua],lb]
- - PDus[Xt[ua],lb])
+ + ShiftAdvectionCoeff Upwind[beta[ub], B[ua], lb]
+ - ShiftAdvectionCoeff Upwind[beta[ub], Xt[ua], lb]
+ epsdiss[ub] PDdiss[B[ua],lb]
evolCalc1 = PartialCalculation[evolCalc, "1",
- { dot[trK],
- dot[phi],
- dot[gt[la,lb]],
- dot[Xt[ui]],
- dot[alpha],
- dot[A],
- dot[beta[ua]],
- dot[B[ua]]
+ {
+ ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"RHS_calculation", "split"}
+ },
+ {
+ dot[trK],
+ dot[phi],
+ dot[gt[la,lb]],
+ dot[Xt[ui]],
+ dot[alpha],
+ dot[A],
+ dot[beta[ua]],
+ dot[B[ua]]
-vars = Join[evolVars1, lookup[evolCalc, Shorthands]];
-patterns = Replace[vars, { Tensor[n_,__] -> Tensor[n,__] ,
- dot[Tensor[n_,__]] -> dot[Tensor[n,__]]}, 1];
-eqs = FilterRules[lookup[evolCalc, Equations], patterns];
-name = lookup[evolCalc, Name] <> "1";
-evolCalc1 = mapReplace[mapReplace[evolCalc, Equations, eqs], Name, name];
-evolCalc2 = PartialCalculation[evolCalc, "2", {dot[At[la,lb]]}];
-evol1Calc =
- Name -> BSSN <> "_RHS1",
- Schedule -> {"IN " <> BSSN <> "_evolCalcGroup"},
- (*
- Where -> Interior,
- *)
- (* Synchronise the RHS grid functions after this routine, so that
- the refinement boundaries are set correctly before applying the
- radiative boundary conditions. *)
- Where -> InteriorNoSync,
- Shorthands -> {dir[ua],
- detgt, gtu[ua,ub],
- Gt[ua,lb,lc], Xtn[ua],
- Atm[ua,lb], Atu[ua,ub],
- e4phi, em4phi, cdphi[la], eta, theta,
- rho, S[la], trS, fac1, dottrK, dotXt[ua], epsdiss[ua]},
- Equations ->
+evolCalc2 = PartialCalculation[evolCalc, "2",
- dir[ua] -> Sign[beta[ua]],
- epsdiss[ua] -> EpsDiss,
- detgt -> 1 (* detgtExpr *),
- (* This leads to simpler code... *)
- gtu[ua,ub] -> 1/detgt detgtExpr MatrixInverse [gt[ua,ub]],
- Gt[ua,lb,lc] -> 1/2 gtu[ua,ud]
- (PD[gt[lb,ld],lc] + PD[gt[lc,ld],lb] - PD[gt[lb,lc],ld]),
- (* The conformal connection functions calculated from the conformal metric,
- used instead of Xt where no derivatives of Xt are taken *)
- Xtn[ui] -> gtu[uj,uk] Gt[ui,lj,lk],
- fac1 -> IfThen [conformalMethod, -1/(2 phi), 1],
- cdphi[la] -> fac1 CDt[phi,la],
- Atm[ua,lb] -> gtu[ua,uc] At[lc,lb],
- Atu[ua,ub] -> Atm[ua,lc] gtu[ub,uc],
- e4phi -> IfThen [conformalMethod, 1/phi^2, Exp[4 phi]],
- em4phi -> 1 / e4phi,
- (* Matter terms *)
- (* rho = n^a n^b T_ab *)
- rho -> addMatter
- (1/alpha^2 (T00 - 2 beta[ui] T0[li] + beta[ui] beta[uj] T[li,lj])),
- (* trS = gamma^ij T_ij *)
- trS -> addMatter (em4phi gtu[ui,uj] T[li,lj]),
- (* S_i = -p^a_i n^b T_ab, where p^a_i = delta^a_i + n^a n_i *)
- S[li] -> addMatter (-1/alpha (T0[li] - beta[uj] T[li,lj])),
- (* RHS terms *)
- (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (11) *)
- (* Note, Covariant derivatives with respect to the physical metric
- has been replaced with derivatives with respect to the
- conformal metric *)
- dottrK -> - em4phi ( gtu[ua,ub] ( PD[alpha,la,lb]
- + 2 cdphi[la] PD[alpha,lb] )
- - Xtn[ua] PD[alpha,la] )
- + alpha (Atm[ua,lb] Atm[ub,la] + (1/3) trK^2)
- + beta[ua] PDua[trK,la]
- + Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[trK,la]
- + epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[trK,la]
- (* Equation (4.21) in Baumgarte & Shapiro (Phys. Rept. 376 (2003) 41-131) *)
- + addMatter (4 pi alpha (rho + trS)),
- dot[trK] -> dottrK,
- (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (10) *)
- (* PRD 67 084023 (2003), eqn. (16) and (23) *)
- dot[phi] -> IfThen [conformalMethod, 1/3 phi, -1/6] alpha trK
- + beta[ua] PDua[phi,la]
- + Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[phi,la]
- + epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[phi,la]
- + IfThen [conformalMethod, -1/3 phi, 1/6] PD[beta[ua],la],
- (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (9) *)
- dot[gt[la,lb]] -> - 2 alpha At[la,lb]
- + beta[uc] PDua[gt[la,lb],lc]
- + Abs[beta[uc]] PDus[gt[la,lb],lc]
- + epsdiss[uc] PDdiss[gt[la,lb],lc]
- + gt[la,lc] PD[beta[uc],lb] + gt[lb,lc] PD[beta[uc],la]
- - (2/3) gt[la,lb] PD[beta[uc],lc],
- (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (20) *)
- (* PRD 67 084023 (2003), eqn (26) *)
- dotXt[ui] -> - 2 Atu[ui,uj] PD[alpha,lj]
- + 2 alpha (+ Gt[ui,lj,lk] Atu[uk,uj]
- - (2/3) gtu[ui,uj] PD[trK,lj]
- + 6 Atu[ui,uj] cdphi[lj])
- + gtu[uj,ul] PD[beta[ui],lj,ll]
- + (1/3) gtu[ui,uj] PD[beta[ul],lj,ll]
- + beta[uj] PDua[Xt[ui],lj]
- + Abs[beta[uj]] PDus[Xt[ui],lj]
- + epsdiss[uj] PDdiss[Xt[ui],lj]
- - Xtn[uj] PD[beta[ui],lj]
- + (2/3) Xtn[ui] PD[beta[uj],lj]
- (* Equation (4.28) in Baumgarte & Shapiro (Phys. Rept. 376 (2003) 41-131) *)
- + addMatter (- 16 pi alpha gtu[ui,uj] S[lj]),
- dot[Xt[ui]] -> dotXt[ui],
- eta -> etaExpr,
- theta -> thetaExpr,
- (* dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN trK, *)
- (* dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN A + Lie[alpha, beta], *)
- dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN (
- (1 - LapseAdvectionCoeff) A + LapseAdvectionCoeff trK)
- + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDu[alpha,la],
- dot[A] -> (1 - LapseAdvectionCoeff) (dottrK - AlphaDriver A),
- dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN
- (+ LapseACoeff A
- + (1 - LapseACoeff) trK)
- + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDua[alpha,la]
- + LapseAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[alpha,la]
- + epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[alpha,la],
- dot[A] -> + LapseACoeff (dottrK - AlphaDriver A)
- + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDua[A,la]
- + LapseAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[A,la]
- + epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[A,la],
- (* dot[beta[ua]] -> eta Xt[ua], *)
- (* dot[beta[ua]] -> ShiftGammaCoeff alpha^ShiftAlphaPower B[ua], *)
- dot[beta[ua]] -> + theta ShiftGammaCoeff
- (+ ShiftBCoeff B[ua]
- + (1 - ShiftBCoeff) (Xt[ua] - eta BetaDriver beta[ua]))
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PDua[beta[ua],lb]
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ub]] PDus[beta[ua],lb]
- + epsdiss[ub] PDdiss[beta[ua],lb],
- dot[B[ua]] -> + ShiftBCoeff (dotXt[ua] - eta BetaDriver B[ua])
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] (+ PDua[B[ua],lb]
- - PDua[Xt[ua],lb])
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ub]] (+ PDus[B[ua],lb]
- - PDus[Xt[ua],lb])
- + epsdiss[ub] PDdiss[B[ua],lb]
- }
-evol2Calc =
- Name -> BSSN <> "_RHS2",
- Schedule -> {"IN " <> BSSN <> "_evolCalcGroup"},
- (*
- Where -> Interior,
- *)
- (* Synchronise the RHS grid functions after this routine, so that
- the refinement boundaries are set correctly before applying the
- radiative boundary conditions. *)
- Where -> InteriorNoSync,
- Shorthands -> {dir[ua],
- detgt, gtu[ua,ub],
- Gtl[la,lb,lc], Gtlu[la,lb,uc], Gt[ua,lb,lc], Xtn[ua],
- Rt[la,lb], Rphi[la,lb], R[la,lb],
- Atm[ua,lb],
- e4phi, em4phi, cdphi[la], cdphi2[la,lb], g[la,lb], detg,
- gu[ua,ub], Ats[la,lb], trAts,
- rho, S[la], trS, fac1, fac2, epsdiss[ua]},
- Equations ->
+ ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"RHS_calculation", "split"}
+ },
- dir[ua] -> Sign[beta[ua]],
- epsdiss[ua] -> EpsDiss,
- detgt -> 1 (* detgtExpr *),
- (* This leads to simpler code... *)
- gtu[ua,ub] -> 1/detgt detgtExpr MatrixInverse [gt[ua,ub]],
- Gtl[la,lb,lc] -> 1/2
- (PD[gt[lb,la],lc] + PD[gt[lc,la],lb] - PD[gt[lb,lc],la]),
- Gtlu[la,lb,uc] -> gtu[uc,ud] Gtl[la,lb,ld],
- Gt[ua,lb,lc] -> gtu[ua,ud] Gtl[ld,lb,lc],
- (* The conformal connection functions calculated from the conformal metric,
- used instead of Xt where no derivatives of Xt are taken *)
- Xtn[ui] -> gtu[uj,uk] Gt[ui,lj,lk],
- (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (18) *)
- Rt[li,lj] -> - (1/2) gtu[ul,um] PD[gt[li,lj],ll,lm]
- + (1/2) gt[lk,li] PD[Xt[uk],lj]
- + (1/2) gt[lk,lj] PD[Xt[uk],li]
- + (1/2) Xtn[uk] Gtl[li,lj,lk]
- + (1/2) Xtn[uk] Gtl[lj,li,lk]
- + (+ Gt[uk,li,ll] Gtlu[lj,lk,ul]
- + Gt[uk,lj,ll] Gtlu[li,lk,ul]
- + Gt[uk,li,ll] Gtlu[lk,lj,ul]),
+ dot[At[la,lb]]
+ }];
- fac1 -> IfThen [conformalMethod, -1/(2 phi), 1],
- cdphi[la] -> fac1 CDt[phi,la],
- fac2 -> IfThen [conformalMethod, 1/(2 phi^2), 0],
- cdphi2[la,lb] -> fac1 CDt[phi,la,lb] + fac2 CDt[phi,la] CDt[phi,lb],
- (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (15) *)
- Rphi[li,lj] -> - 2 cdphi2[lj,li]
- - 2 gt[li,lj] gtu[ul,un] cdphi2[ll,ln]
- + 4 cdphi[li] cdphi[lj]
- - 4 gt[li,lj] gtu[ul,un] cdphi[ln] cdphi[ll],
- Atm[ua,lb] -> gtu[ua,uc] At[lc,lb],
- e4phi -> IfThen [conformalMethod, 1/phi^2, Exp[4 phi]],
- em4phi -> 1 / e4phi,
- g[la,lb] -> e4phi gt[la,lb],
- (* gu[ua,ub] -> 1/detg detgExpr MatrixInverse [g[ua,ub]], *)
- gu[ua,ub] -> em4phi gtu[ua,ub],
- R[la,lb] -> Rt[la,lb] + Rphi[la,lb],
- (* Matter terms *)
- (* trS = gamma^ij T_ij *)
- trS -> addMatter (gu[ui,uj] T[li,lj]),
- (* RHS terms *)
- (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (12) *)
- (* TODO: Should we use the Hamiltonian constraint to make Rij tracefree? *)
- (* Note, Covariant derivatives with respect to the physical metric
- has been replaced with derivatives with respect to the
- conformal metric *)
- Ats[la,lb] -> - CDt[alpha,la,lb] +
- + 2 (PD[alpha,la] cdphi[lb] + PD[alpha,lb] cdphi[la] )
- + alpha R[la,lb],
- trAts -> gu[ua,ub] Ats[la,lb],
- dot[At[la,lb]] -> + em4phi (+ Ats[la,lb] - (1/3) g[la,lb] trAts )
- + alpha (trK At[la,lb] - 2 At[la,lc] Atm[uc,lb])
- + beta[uc] PDua[At[la,lb],lc]
- + Abs[beta[uc]] PDus[At[la,lb],lc]
- + epsdiss[uc] PDdiss[At[la,lb],lc]
- + At[la,lc] PD[beta[uc],lb] + At[lb,lc] PD[beta[uc],la]
- - (2/3) At[la,lb] PD[beta[uc],lc]
- (* Equation (4.23) in Baumgarte & Shapiro (Phys. Rept. 376 (2003) 41-131) *)
- + addMatter (- em4phi alpha 8 pi
- (T[la,lb] - (1/3) g[la,lb] trS))
- }
RHSStaticBoundaryCalc =
@@ -1266,6 +1025,23 @@ constraintsCalc =
+constraintsCalc1 = PartialCalculation[constraintsCalc, "1",
+ {},
+ {
+ H,
+ cS,
+ cXt[ua]
+ }];
+constraintsCalc2 = PartialCalculation[constraintsCalc, "2",
+ {},
+ {
+ M[li],
+ cA
+ }];
constraintsBoundaryCalc =
Name -> BSSN <> "_constraints_boundary",
@@ -1471,14 +1247,15 @@ calculations =
evolCalc1, evolCalc2,
(* evol1Calc, evol2Calc, *)
- RHSRadiativeBoundaryCalc,
+ (* RHSRadiativeBoundaryCalc, *)
- constraintsCalc,
+ (* constraintsCalc, *)
+ constraintsCalc1, constraintsCalc2,
@@ -1512,7 +1289,9 @@ CreateKrancThornTT [groups, ".", BSSN,
(* matter: 0 or 1
(matter seems cheap; it should be always enabled) *)
-createCode[2, False, 3, 1];
-createCode[4, False, 3, 1];
-createCode[4, True, 3, 1];
-createCode[8, False, 3, 1];
+createCode[2, False, True , 3, 1];
+createCode[4, False, True , 3, 1];
+createCode[4, False, False, 3, 1];
+createCode[4, True , True , 3, 1];
+createCode[8, False, True , 3, 1];
+createCode[8, True , True , 3, 1];