path: root/alot/foreign/urwidtrees
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authorPatrick Totzke <>2013-03-03 14:21:44 +0000
committerPatrick Totzke <>2013-03-03 14:21:44 +0000
commit0acb9239f4c20906c50e7dc8378c537cf43f2739 (patch)
tree45d26d546cd74e159026aec5c1840f6422467f02 /alot/foreign/urwidtrees
parent6920cd02e9547dc3b2e01ae0af4972bd09a3f85a (diff)
add urwidtrees lib
Diffstat (limited to 'alot/foreign/urwidtrees')
12 files changed, 1966 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b186b729
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+Urwid Tree Container API
+This is a POC implementation of a new Widget Container API for the [urwid][urwid] toolkit.
+Its design goals are
+* clear separation classes that define, decorate and display trees of widgets
+* representation of trees by local operations on node positions
+* easy to use default implementation for simple trees
+* Collapses are considered decoration
+We propose a `urwid.ListBox`-based widget that display trees where siblings grow vertically and
+children horizontally. This `TreeBox` widget handles key presses to move in the tree and
+collapse/expand subtrees if possible.
+The choice to define trees by overwriting local position movements allows to
+easily define potentially infinite tree structures. See `example4` for how to
+walk local file systems.
+The overall structure of the API contains three parts:
+`tree.Tree` objects define a tree structure by implementing the local movement methods
+ parent_position
+ first_child_position
+ last_child_position
+ next_sibling_position
+ prev_sibling_position
+Each of which takes and returns a `position` object of arbitrary type (fixed for the Tree)
+as done in urwids ListWalker API. Apart from this, a `Tree` is assumed to define a dedicated
+position `tree.root` that is used as fallback initially focussed element,
+and define the `__getitem__` method to return its content (usually a Widget) for a given position.
+Note that `Tree` only defines a tree structure, it does not necessarily have any decoration around
+its contained Widgets.
+There is a ready made subclass called `SimpleTree` that offers the tree API for a given
+nested tuple structure. If you write your own classes its a good idea to subclass `Tree`
+and just overwrite the above mentioned methods as the base class already offers a number of
+derivative methods.
+Is done by using (subclasses of ) `decoration.DecoratedTree`. Objects of this type
+wrap around a given `Tree` and themselves behave like a (possibly altered) tree.
+Per default, `DecoratedTree` just passes every method on to its underlying tree.
+Decoration is done *not* by overwriting `__getitem__`, but by offering two additional
+ get_decorated()
+ decorate().
+`get_decorated(pos)` returns the (decorated) content of the original tree at the given position.
+`decorate(pos, widget,..)` decorates the given widget assuming its placed at a given position.
+The former is trivially based on the latter, Containers that display `Tree`s use `get_decorated`
+instead of `__getitem__` when working on `DecoratedTree`s.
+The reason for this slightly odd design choice is that first it makes it easy to read
+the original content of a decorated tree: You simply use `dtree[pos]`.
+Secondly, this makes it possible to recursively add line decoration when nesting (decorated) Trees.
+The module `decoration` offers a few readily usable `DecoratedTree` subclasses that implement
+decoration by indentation, arrow shapes and subtree collapsing:
+`CollapsibleTree`, `IndentedTree`, `CollapsibleIndentedTree`, `ArrowTree` and `CollapsibleArrowTree`.
+Each can be further customized by constructor parameters.
+`widgets.TreeBox` is essentially a `urwid.ListBox` that displays a given `Tree`.
+Per default no decoration is used and the widgets of the tree are simply displayed line by line in
+depth first order. `TreeBox`'s constructor accepts a `focus` parameter to specify the initially
+focussed position. Internally, it uses a `TreeListWalker` to linearize the tree to a list.
+`widgets.TreeListWalker` serve as adapter between `Tree` and ListWalker APIs:
+They implement the ListWalker API using the data from a given `Tree` in depth-first order.
+As such, one can directly pass on a `TreeListWalker` to an `urwid.ListBox` if one doesn't want
+to use tree-based focus movement or key bindings for collapsing subtrees.
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+ # lru_cache is part of the stdlib from v3.2 onwards
+ import functools.lru_cache as lru_cache
+ # on older versions we use a backport
+ import lru_cache as lru_cache
+from tree import Tree, SimpleTree
+from decoration import DecoratedTree, CollapsibleTree
+from decoration import IndentedTree, CollapsibleIndentedTree
+from decoration import ArrowTree, CollapsibleArrowTree
+from nested import NestedTree
+from widgets import TreeBox
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new file mode 100644
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+# Copyright (C) 2013 Patrick Totzke <>
+# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.
+from tree import Tree, SimpleTree
+import urwid
+import logging
+NO_SPACE_MSG = 'too little space for requested decoration'
+class TreeDecorationError(Exception):
+ pass
+class DecoratedTree(Tree):
+ """
+ :class:`Tree` that wraps around another :class:`Tree` and allows to read
+ original content as well as decorated versions thereof.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, content):
+ if not isinstance(content, Tree):
+ # do we need this?
+ content = SimpleTree(content)
+ self._tree = content
+ self.root = self._tree.root
+ def get_decorated(self, pos):
+ """
+ return widget that consists of the content of original tree at given
+ position plus its decoration.
+ """
+ return self.decorate(pos, self[pos])
+ def decorate(self, pos, widget, is_first=True):
+ """
+ decorate `widget` according to a position `pos` in the original tree.
+ setting `is_first` to False indicates that we are decorating a line
+ that is *part* of the (multi-line) content at this position, but not
+ the first part. This allows to omit incoming arrow heads for example.
+ """
+ return widget
+ # pass on everything else to the original tree.
+ def parent_position(self, pos):
+ return self._tree.parent_position(pos)
+ def first_child_position(self, pos):
+ return self._tree.first_child_position(pos)
+ def last_child_position(self, pos):
+ return self._tree.last_child_position(pos)
+ def next_sibling_position(self, pos):
+ return self._tree.next_sibling_position(pos)
+ def prev_sibling_position(self, pos):
+ return self._tree.prev_sibling_position(pos)
+ def __getitem__(self, pos):
+ return self._tree[pos]
+class CollapseMixin(object):
+ """
+ Mixin for :class:`Tree` that allows to collapse subtrees.
+ This works by overwriting
+ :meth:`[first|last]_child_position <first_child_position>`, forcing them to
+ return `None` if the given position is considered collapsed. We use a
+ (given) callable `is_collapsed` that accepts positions and returns a
+ boolean to determine which node is considered collapsed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, is_collapsed=lambda pos: False,
+ **kwargs):
+ self._initially_collapsed = is_collapsed
+ self._divergent_positions = []
+ def is_collapsed(self, pos):
+ """checks if given position is currently collapsed"""
+ collapsed = self._initially_collapsed(pos)
+ if pos in self._divergent_positions:
+ collapsed = not collapsed
+ return collapsed
+ # implement functionality by overwriting local position transformations
+ # TODO: ATM this assumes we are in a wrapper: it uses self._tree.
+ # This is not necessarily true, for example for subclasses of SimpleTree!
+ # maybe define this whole class as a wrapper?
+ def last_child_position(self, pos):
+ if self.is_collapsed(pos):
+ return None
+ return self._tree.last_child_position(pos)
+ def first_child_position(self, pos):
+ if self.is_collapsed(pos):
+ return None
+ return self._tree.first_child_position(pos)
+ def collapsible(self, pos):
+ return not self._tree.is_leaf(pos)
+ def set_position_collapsed(self, pos, is_collapsed):
+ if self.collapsible(pos):
+ if self._initially_collapsed(pos) == is_collapsed:
+ if pos in self._divergent_positions:
+ self._divergent_positions.remove(pos)
+ else:
+ if pos not in self._divergent_positions:
+ self._divergent_positions.append(pos)
+ def toggle_collapsed(self, pos):
+ self.set_position_collapsed(pos, not self.is_collapsed(pos))
+ def collapse(self, pos):
+ self.set_position_collapsed(pos, True)
+ def collapse_all(self):
+ self.set_collapsed_all(True)
+ def expand_all(self):
+ self.set_collapsed_all(False)
+ def set_collapsed_all(self, is_collapsed):
+ self._initially_collapsed = lambda x: is_collapsed
+ self._divergent_positions = []
+ def expand(self, pos):
+ self.set_position_collapsed(pos, False)
+class CollapseIconMixin(CollapseMixin):
+ """
+ Mixin for :classs:`Tree` that allows to allows to collapse subtrees
+ and use an indicator icon in line decorations.
+ This Mixin adds the ability to construct collapse-icon for a
+ position, indicating its collapse status to :class:`CollapseMixin`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ is_collapsed=lambda pos: False,
+ icon_collapsed_char='+',
+ icon_expanded_char='-',
+ icon_collapsed_att=None,
+ icon_expanded_att=None,
+ icon_frame_left_char='[',
+ icon_frame_right_char=']',
+ icon_frame_att=None,
+ icon_focussed_att=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ """TODO: docstrings"""
+ CollapseMixin.__init__(self, is_collapsed, **kwargs)
+ self._icon_collapsed_char = icon_collapsed_char
+ self._icon_expanded_char = icon_expanded_char
+ self._icon_collapsed_att = icon_collapsed_att
+ self._icon_expanded_att = icon_expanded_att
+ self._icon_frame_left_char = icon_frame_left_char
+ self._icon_frame_right_char = icon_frame_right_char
+ self._icon_frame_att = icon_frame_att
+ self._icon_focussed_att = icon_focussed_att
+ def _construct_collapse_icon(self, pos):
+ width = 0
+ widget = None
+ char = self._icon_expanded_char
+ charatt = self._icon_expanded_att
+ if self.is_collapsed(pos):
+ char = self._icon_collapsed_char
+ charatt = self._icon_collapsed_att
+ if char is not None:
+ columns = []
+ if self._icon_frame_left_char is not None:
+ lchar = self._icon_frame_left_char
+ charlen = len(lchar)
+ leftframe = urwid.Text((self._icon_frame_att, lchar))
+ columns.append((charlen, leftframe))
+ width += charlen
+ # next we build out icon widget: we feed all markups to a Text,
+ # make it selectable (to toggle collapse) if requested
+ markup = (charatt, char)
+ widget = urwid.Text(markup)
+ charlen = len(char)
+ columns.append((charlen, widget))
+ width += charlen
+ if self._icon_frame_right_char is not None:
+ rchar = self._icon_frame_right_char
+ charlen = len(rchar)
+ rightframe = urwid.Text((self._icon_frame_att, rchar))
+ columns.append((charlen, rightframe))
+ width += charlen
+ widget = urwid.Columns(columns)
+ return width, widget
+class CollapsibleTree(CollapseMixin, DecoratedTree):
+ """Undecorated Tree that allows to collapse subtrees"""
+ def __init__(self, tree, **kwargs):
+ DecoratedTree.__init__(self, tree)
+ CollapseMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+class IndentedTree(DecoratedTree):
+ """Indent tree nodes according to their depth in the tree"""
+ def __init__(self, tree, indent=2):
+ """
+ :param tree: tree of widgets to be displayed
+ :type tree: Tree
+ :param indent: indentation width
+ :type indent: int
+ """
+ self._indent = indent
+ DecoratedTree.__init__(self, tree)
+ def decorate(self, pos, widget, is_first=True):
+ line = None
+ indent = self._tree.depth(pos) * self._indent
+ cols = [(indent, urwid.SolidFill(' ')), widget]
+ # construct a Columns, defining all spacer as Box widgets
+ line = urwid.Columns(cols, box_columns=range(len(cols))[:-1])
+ return line
+class CollapsibleIndentedTree(CollapseIconMixin, IndentedTree):
+ """
+ Indent collapsible tree nodes according to their depth in the tree and
+ display icons indicating collapse-status in the gaps.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, walker, icon_offset=1, indent=4, **kwargs):
+ """
+ :param walker: tree of widgets to be displayed
+ :type walker: Tree
+ :param indent: indentation width
+ :type indent: int
+ :param icon_offset: distance from icon to the eginning of the tree
+ node.
+ :type icon_offset: int
+ """
+ self._icon_offset = icon_offset
+ IndentedTree.__init__(self, walker, indent=indent)
+ CollapseIconMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+ def decorate(self, pos, widget, is_first=True):
+ """
+ builds a list element for given position in the tree.
+ It consists of the original widget taken from the Tree and some
+ decoration columns depending on the existence of parent and sibling
+ positions. The result is a urwid.Culumns widget.
+ """
+ void = urwid.SolidFill(' ')
+ line = None
+ cols = []
+ depth = self._tree.depth(pos)
+ # add spacer filling all but the last indent
+ if depth > 0:
+ cols.append((depth * self._indent, void)), # spacer
+ # construct last indent
+ # TODO
+ iwidth, icon = self._construct_collapse_icon(pos)
+ available_space = self._indent
+ firstindent_width = self._icon_offset + iwidth
+ # stop if indent is too small for this decoration
+ if firstindent_width > available_space:
+ raise TreeDecorationError(NO_SPACE_MSG)
+ # add icon only for non-leafs
+ is_leaf = self._tree.is_leaf(pos)
+ if not is_leaf:
+ if icon is not None:
+ # space to the left
+ cols.append((available_space - firstindent_width,
+ urwid.SolidFill(' ')))
+ # icon
+ icon_pile = urwid.Pile([('pack', icon), void])
+ cols.append((iwidth, icon_pile))
+ # spacer until original widget
+ available_space = self._icon_offset
+ cols.append((available_space, urwid.SolidFill(' ')))
+ else: # otherwise just add another spacer
+ cols.append((self._indent, urwid.SolidFill(' ')))
+ cols.append(widget) # original widget ]
+ # construct a Columns, defining all spacer as Box widgets
+ line = urwid.Columns(cols, box_columns=range(len(cols))[:-1])
+ return line
+class ArrowTree(IndentedTree):
+ """
+ Decorates the tree by indenting nodes according to their depth and using
+ the gaps to draw arrows indicate the tree structure.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, walker,
+ indent=3,
+ childbar_offset=0,
+ arrow_hbar_char=u'\u2500',
+ arrow_hbar_att=None,
+ arrow_vbar_char=u'\u2502',
+ arrow_vbar_att=None,
+ arrow_tip_char=u'\u27a4',
+ arrow_tip_att=None,
+ arrow_att=None,
+ arrow_connector_tchar=u'\u251c',
+ arrow_connector_lchar=u'\u2514',
+ arrow_connector_att=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ :param walker: tree of widgets to be displayed
+ :type walker: Tree
+ :param indent: indentation width
+ :type indent: int
+ """
+ IndentedTree.__init__(self, walker, indent)
+ self._childbar_offset = childbar_offset
+ self._arrow_hbar_char = arrow_hbar_char
+ self._arrow_hbar_att = arrow_hbar_att
+ self._arrow_vbar_char = arrow_vbar_char
+ self._arrow_vbar_att = arrow_vbar_att
+ self._arrow_connector_lchar = arrow_connector_lchar
+ self._arrow_connector_tchar = arrow_connector_tchar
+ self._arrow_connector_att = arrow_connector_att
+ self._arrow_tip_char = arrow_tip_char
+ self._arrow_tip_att = arrow_tip_att
+ self._arrow_att = arrow_att
+ def _construct_spacer(self, pos, acc):
+ """
+ build a spacer that occupies the horizontally indented space between
+ pos's parent and the root node. It will return a list of tuples to be
+ fed into a Columns widget.
+ """
+ parent = self._tree.parent_position(pos)
+ if parent is not None:
+ grandparent = self._tree.parent_position(parent)
+ if self._indent > 0 and grandparent is not None:
+ parent_sib = self._tree.next_sibling_position(parent)
+ draw_vbar = parent_sib is not None and \
+ self._arrow_vbar_char is not None
+ space_width = self._indent - 1 * (draw_vbar) - self._childbar_offset
+ if space_width > 0:
+ void = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.SolidFill(' '), self._arrow_att)
+ acc.insert(0, ((space_width, void)))
+ if draw_vbar:
+ barw = urwid.SolidFill(self._arrow_vbar_char)
+ bar = urwid.AttrMap(barw, self._arrow_vbar_att or
+ self._arrow_att)
+ acc.insert(0, ((1, bar)))
+ return self._construct_spacer(parent, acc)
+ else:
+ return acc
+ def _construct_connector(self, pos):
+ """
+ build widget to be used as "connector" bit between the vertical bar
+ between siblings and their respective horizontab bars leading to the
+ arrow tip
+ """
+ # connector symbol, either L or |- shaped.
+ connectorw = None
+ connector = None
+ if self._tree.next_sibling_position(pos) is not None: # |- shaped
+ if self._arrow_connector_tchar is not None:
+ connectorw = urwid.Text(self._arrow_connector_tchar)
+ else: # L shaped
+ if self._arrow_connector_lchar is not None:
+ connectorw = urwid.Text(self._arrow_connector_lchar)
+ if connectorw is not None:
+ att = self._arrow_connector_att or self._arrow_att
+ connector = urwid.AttrMap(connectorw, att)
+ return connector
+ def _construct_arrow_tip(self, pos):
+ """returns arrow tip as (width, widget)"""
+ arrow_tip = None
+ width = 0
+ if self._arrow_tip_char:
+ txt = urwid.Text(self._arrow_tip_char)
+ arrow_tip = urwid.AttrMap(
+ txt, self._arrow_tip_att or self._arrow_att)
+ width = len(self._arrow_tip_char)
+ return width, arrow_tip
+ def _construct_first_indent(self, pos):
+ """
+ build spacer to occupy the first indentation level from pos to the
+ left. This is separate as it adds arrowtip and sibling connector.
+ """
+ cols = []
+ void = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.SolidFill(' '), self._arrow_att)
+ available_width = self._indent
+ if self._tree.depth(pos) > 0:
+ connector = self._construct_connector(pos)
+ if connector is not None:
+ width = connector.pack()[0]
+ if width > available_width:
+ raise TreeDecorationError(NO_SPACE_MSG)
+ available_width -= width
+ if self._tree.next_sibling_position(pos) is not None:
+ barw = urwid.SolidFill(self._arrow_vbar_char)
+ below = urwid.AttrMap(barw, self._arrow_vbar_att or
+ self._arrow_att)
+ else:
+ below = void
+ # pile up connector and bar
+ spacer = urwid.Pile([('pack', connector), below])
+ cols.append((width, spacer))
+ #arrow tip
+ awidth, at = self._construct_arrow_tip(pos)
+ if at is not None:
+ if awidth > available_width:
+ raise TreeDecorationError(NO_SPACE_MSG)
+ available_width -= awidth
+ at_spacer = urwid.Pile([('pack', at), void])
+ cols.append((awidth, at_spacer))
+ # bar between connector and arrow tip
+ if available_width > 0:
+ barw = urwid.SolidFill(self._arrow_hbar_char)
+ bar = urwid.AttrMap(
+ barw, self._arrow_hbar_att or self._arrow_att)
+ hb_spacer = urwid.Pile([(1, bar), void])
+ cols.insert(1, (available_width, hb_spacer))
+ return cols
+ def decorate(self, pos, widget, is_first=True):
+ """
+ builds a list element for given position in the tree.
+ It consists of the original widget taken from the Tree and some
+ decoration columns depending on the existence of parent and sibling
+ positions. The result is a urwid.Culumns widget.
+ """
+ line = None
+ if pos is not None:
+ original_widget = widget
+ cols = self._construct_spacer(pos, [])
+ # Construct arrow leading from parent here,
+ # if we have a parent and indentation is turned on
+ if self._indent > 0:
+ if is_first:
+ indent = self._construct_first_indent(pos)
+ if indent is not None:
+ cols = cols + indent
+ else:
+ parent = self._tree.parent_position(pos)
+ if self._indent > 0 and parent is not None:
+ parent_sib = self._tree.next_sibling_position(pos)
+ draw_vbar = parent_sib is not None
+ void = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.SolidFill(' '),
+ self._arrow_att)
+ if self._childbar_offset > 0:
+ cols.append((self._childbar_offset, void))
+ if draw_vbar:
+ barw = urwid.SolidFill(self._arrow_vbar_char)
+ bar = urwid.AttrMap(
+ barw, self._arrow_vbar_att or self._arrow_att)
+ rspace_width = self._indent - \
+ 1 - self._childbar_offset
+ cols.append((1, bar))
+ cols.append((rspace_width, void))
+ else:
+ cols.append((self._indent, void))
+ # add the original widget for this line
+ cols.append(original_widget)
+ # construct a Columns, defining all spacer as Box widgets
+ line = urwid.Columns(cols, box_columns=range(len(cols))[:-1])
+ return line
+class CollapsibleArrowTree(CollapseIconMixin, ArrowTree):
+ """Arrow-decoration that allows collapsing subtrees"""
+ def __init__(self, treelistwalker, icon_offset=0, indent=5, **kwargs):
+ self._icon_offset = icon_offset
+ ArrowTree.__init__(self, treelistwalker, indent, **kwargs)
+ CollapseIconMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+ def _construct_arrow_tip(self, pos):
+ cols = []
+ overall_width = self._icon_offset
+ if self._icon_offset > 0:
+ # how often we repeat the hbar_char until width icon_offset is
+ # reached
+ hbar_char_count = len(self._arrow_hbar_char) / self._icon_offset
+ barw = urwid.Text(self._arrow_hbar_char * hbar_char_count)
+ bar = urwid.AttrMap(barw, self._arrow_hbar_att or self._arrow_att)
+ cols.insert(1, (self._icon_offset, bar))
+ # add icon only for non-leafs
+ if self.collapsible(pos):
+ iwidth, icon = self._construct_collapse_icon(pos)
+ if icon is not None:
+ cols.insert(0, (iwidth, icon))
+ overall_width += iwidth
+ # get arrow tip
+ awidth, tip = ArrowTree._construct_arrow_tip(self, pos)
+ if tip is not None:
+ cols.append((awidth, tip))
+ overall_width += awidth
+ return overall_width, urwid.Columns(cols)
diff --git a/alot/foreign/urwidtrees/ b/alot/foreign/urwidtrees/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ac1d16e6
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+++ b/alot/foreign/urwidtrees/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Patrick Totzke <>
+# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.
+import urwid
+from tree import SimpleTree
+from widgets import TreeBox
+# define some colours
+palette = [
+ ('body', 'black', 'light gray'),
+ ('focus', 'light gray', 'dark blue', 'standout'),
+ ('bars', 'dark blue', 'light gray', ''),
+ ('arrowtip', 'light blue', 'light gray', ''),
+ ('connectors', 'light red', 'light gray', ''),
+# We use selectable Text widgets for our example..
+class FocusableText(urwid.WidgetWrap):
+ """Selectable Text used for nodes in our example"""
+ def __init__(self, txt):
+ t = urwid.Text(txt)
+ w = urwid.AttrMap(t, 'body', 'focus')
+ urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, w)
+ def selectable(self):
+ return True
+ def keypress(self, size, key):
+ return key
+# define a test tree in the format accepted by SimpleTree. Essentially, a
+# tree is given as (nodewidget, [list, of, subtrees]). SimpleTree accepts
+# lists of such trees.
+def construct_example_simpletree_structure(selectable_nodes=True, children=3):
+ Text = FocusableText if selectable_nodes else urwid.Text
+ # define root node
+ tree = (Text('ROOT'), [])
+ # define some children
+ c = g = gg = 0 # counter
+ for i in range(children):
+ subtree = (Text('Child %d' % c), [])
+ # and grandchildren..
+ for j in range(children):
+ subsubtree = (Text('Grandchild %d' % g), [])
+ for k in range(children):
+ leaf = (Text('Grand Grandchild %d' % gg), None)
+ subsubtree[1].append(leaf)
+ gg += 1 # inc grand-grandchild counter
+ subtree[1].append(subsubtree)
+ g += 1 # inc grandchild counter
+ tree[1].append(subtree)
+ c += 1
+ return tree
+def construct_example_tree(selectable_nodes=True, children=2):
+ # define a list of tree structures to be passed on to SimpleTree
+ forrest = [construct_example_simpletree_structure(selectable_nodes,
+ children)]
+ # stick out test tree into a SimpleTree and return
+ return SimpleTree(forrest)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # get example tree
+ stree = construct_example_tree()
+ # put the tree into a treebox
+ treebox = TreeBox(stree)
+ # add some decoration
+ rootwidget = urwid.AttrMap(treebox, 'body')
+ urwid.MainLoop(rootwidget, palette).run() # go
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+# Copyright (C) 2013 Patrick Totzke <>
+# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.
+from example1 import construct_example_tree, palette # example data
+from decoration import ArrowTree # for Decoration
+from widgets import TreeBox
+import urwid
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # get example tree
+ stree = construct_example_tree()
+ # Here, we add some decoration by wrapping the tree using ArrowTree.
+ atree = ArrowTree(stree,
+ # customize at will..
+ # arrow_hbar_char=u'\u2550',
+ # arrow_vbar_char=u'\u2551',
+ # arrow_tip_char=u'\u25B7',
+ # arrow_connector_tchar=u'\u2560',
+ # arrow_connector_lchar=u'\u255A',
+ )
+ # put the into a treebox
+ treebox = TreeBox(atree)
+ rootwidget = urwid.AttrMap(treebox, 'body')
+ urwid.MainLoop(rootwidget, palette).run() # go
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Patrick Totzke <>
+# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.
+from example1 import construct_example_tree, palette # example data
+from decoration import CollapsibleIndentedTree # for Decoration
+from widgets import TreeBox
+import urwid
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # get some SimpleTree
+ stree = construct_example_tree()
+ # Use (subclasses of) the wrapper decoration.CollapsibleTree to construct a
+ # tree where collapsible subtrees. Apart from the original tree, these take
+ # a callable `is_collapsed` that defines initial collapsed-status if a
+ # given position.
+ # We want all grandchildren collapsed initially
+ if_grandchild = lambda pos: stree.depth(pos) > 1
+ # We use CollapsibleIndentedTree around the original example tree.
+ # This uses Indentation to indicate the tree structure and squeezes in
+ # text-icons to indicate the collapsed status.
+ # Also try CollapsibleTree or CollapsibleArrowTree..
+ tree = CollapsibleIndentedTree(stree,
+ is_collapsed=if_grandchild,
+ icon_focussed_att='focus',
+ # indent=6,
+ # childbar_offset=1,
+ # icon_frame_left_char=None,
+ # icon_frame_right_char=None,
+ # icon_expanded_char='-',
+ # icon_collapsed_char='+',
+ )
+ # put the tree into a treebox
+ treebox = TreeBox(tree)
+ rootwidget = urwid.AttrMap(treebox, 'body')
+ urwid.MainLoop(rootwidget, palette).run() # go
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@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Patrick Totzke <>
+# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.
+import urwid
+import os
+from example1 import palette # example data
+from widgets import TreeBox
+from tree import Tree
+from decoration import CollapsibleArrowTree
+# define selectable urwid.Text widgets to display paths
+class FocusableText(urwid.WidgetWrap):
+ """Widget to display paths lines"""
+ def __init__(self, txt):
+ t = urwid.Text(txt)
+ w = urwid.AttrMap(t, 'body', 'focus')
+ urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, w)
+ def selectable(self):
+ return True
+ def keypress(self, size, key):
+ return key
+# define Tree that can walk your filesystem
+class DirectoryTree(Tree):
+ """
+ A custom Tree representing our filesystem structure.
+ This implementation is rather inefficient: basically every position-lookup
+ will call `os.listdir`.. This makes navigation in the tree quite slow.
+ In real life you'd want to do some caching.
+ As positions we use absolute path strings.
+ """
+ # determine dir separator and form of root node
+ pathsep = os.path.sep
+ drive, _ = os.path.splitdrive(pathsep)
+ # define root node This is part of the Tree API!
+ root = drive + pathsep
+ def __getitem__(self, pos):
+ return FocusableText(pos)
+ # generic helper
+ def _list_dir(self, path):
+ """returns absolute paths for all entries in a directory"""
+ try:
+ elements = [os.path.join(
+ path, x) for x in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(path)]
+ elements.sort()
+ except OSError:
+ elements = None
+ return elements
+ def _get_siblings(self, pos):
+ """lists the parent directory of pos """
+ parent = self.parent_position(pos)
+ siblings = [pos]
+ if parent is not None:
+ siblings = self._list_dir(parent)
+ return siblings
+ # Tree API
+ def parent_position(self, pos):
+ parent = None
+ if pos != '/':
+ parent = os.path.split(pos)[0]
+ return parent
+ def first_child_position(self, pos):
+ candidate = None
+ if os.path.isdir(pos):
+ children = self._list_dir(pos)
+ if children:
+ candidate = children[0]
+ return candidate
+ def last_child_position(self, pos):
+ candidate = None
+ if os.path.isdir(pos):
+ children = self._list_dir(pos)
+ if children:
+ candidate = children[-1]
+ return candidate
+ def next_sibling_position(self, pos):
+ candidate = None
+ siblings = self._get_siblings(pos)
+ myindex = siblings.index(pos)
+ if myindex + 1 < len(siblings): # pos is not the last entry
+ candidate = siblings[myindex + 1]
+ return candidate
+ def prev_sibling_position(self, pos):
+ candidate = None
+ siblings = self._get_siblings(pos)
+ myindex = siblings.index(pos)
+ if myindex > 0: # pos is not the first entry
+ candidate = siblings[myindex - 1]
+ return candidate
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ cwd = os.getcwd() # get current working directory
+ dtree = DirectoryTree() # get a directory walker
+ # Use CollapsibleArrowTree for decoration.
+ # define initial collapse:
+ as_deep_as_cwd = lambda pos: dtree.depth(pos) >= dtree.depth(cwd)
+ # We hide the usual arrow tip and use a customized collapse-icon.
+ decorated_tree = CollapsibleArrowTree(dtree,
+ is_collapsed=as_deep_as_cwd,
+ arrow_tip_char=None,
+ icon_frame_left_char=None,
+ icon_frame_right_char=None,
+ icon_collapsed_char=u'\u25B6',
+ icon_expanded_char=u'\u25B7',)
+ # stick it into a TreeBox and use 'body' color attribute for gaps
+ tb = TreeBox(decorated_tree, focus=cwd)
+ root_widget = urwid.AttrMap(tb, 'body')
+ urwid.MainLoop(root_widget, palette).run() # go
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@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Patrick Totzke <>
+# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.
+from example1 import palette, construct_example_tree # example data
+from example1 import FocusableText # Selectable Text used for nodes
+from widgets import TreeBox
+from tree import SimpleTree
+from nested import NestedTree
+from decoration import ArrowTree, CollapsibleArrowTree # decoration
+import urwid
+import logging
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ #logging.basicConfig(filename='example.log',level=logging.DEBUG)
+ # Take some Arrow decorated Tree that we later stick inside another tree.
+ innertree = ArrowTree(construct_example_tree())
+ # Some collapsible, arrow decorated tree with extra indent
+ anotherinnertree = CollapsibleArrowTree(construct_example_tree(),
+ indent=10)
+ # A SimpleTree, that contains the two above
+ middletree = SimpleTree(
+ [
+ (FocusableText('Middle ROOT'),
+ [
+ (FocusableText('Mid Child One'), None),
+ (FocusableText('Mid Child Two'), None),
+ (innertree, None),
+ (FocusableText('Mid Child Three'),
+ [
+ (FocusableText('Mid Grandchild One'), None),
+ (FocusableText('Mid Grandchild Two'), None),
+ ]
+ ),
+ (anotherinnertree,
+ # middletree defines a childnode here. This is usually
+ # covered by the tree 'anotherinnertree', unless the
+ # interepreting NestedTree's constructor gets parameter
+ # interpret_covered=True..
+ [
+ (FocusableText('XXX I\'m invisible!'), None),
+ ]),
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ ) # end SimpleTree constructor for middletree
+ # use customized arrow decoration for middle tree
+ middletree = ArrowTree(middletree,
+ arrow_hbar_char=u'\u2550',
+ arrow_vbar_char=u'\u2551',
+ arrow_tip_char=u'\u25B7',
+ arrow_connector_tchar=u'\u2560',
+ arrow_connector_lchar=u'\u255A')
+ # define outmost tree
+ outertree = SimpleTree(
+ [
+ (FocusableText('Outer ROOT'),
+ [
+ (FocusableText('Child One'), None),
+ (middletree, None),
+ (FocusableText('last outer child'), None),
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ ) # end SimpleTree constructor
+ # add some Arrow decoration
+ outertree = ArrowTree(outertree)
+ # wrap the whole thing into a Nested Tree
+ outertree = NestedTree(outertree,
+ # show covered nodes like XXX
+ interpret_covered=False
+ )
+ # put it into a treebox and run
+ treebox = TreeBox(outertree)
+ rootwidget = urwid.AttrMap(treebox, 'body')
+ urwid.MainLoop(rootwidget, palette).run() # go
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d87a485
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@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# This is a backport of functools.lru_cache, which is part of the stdlib =>v3.3.
+from collections import namedtuple
+from functools import update_wrapper
+from threading import Lock
+_CacheInfo = namedtuple("CacheInfo", ["hits", "misses", "maxsize", "currsize"])
+def lru_cache(maxsize=100, typed=False):
+ """Least-recently-used cache decorator.
+ If *maxsize* is set to None, the LRU features are disabled and the cache
+ can grow without bound.
+ If *typed* is True, arguments of different types will be cached separately.
+ For example, f(3.0) and f(3) will be treated as distinct calls with
+ distinct results.
+ Arguments to the cached function must be hashable.
+ View the cache statistics named tuple (hits, misses, maxsize, currsize) with
+ f.cache_info(). Clear the cache and statistics with f.cache_clear().
+ Access the underlying function with f.__wrapped__.
+ See:
+ """
+ # Users should only access the lru_cache through its public API:
+ # cache_info, cache_clear, and f.__wrapped__
+ # The internals of the lru_cache are encapsulated for thread safety and
+ # to allow the implementation to change (including a possible C version).
+ def decorating_function(user_function):
+ cache = dict()
+ stats = [0, 0] # make statistics updateable non-locally
+ HITS, MISSES = 0, 1 # names for the stats fields
+ kwd_mark = (object(),) # separate positional and keyword args
+ cache_get = cache.get # bound method to lookup key or return None
+ _len = len # localize the global len() function
+ lock = Lock() # because linkedlist updates aren't threadsafe
+ root = [] # root of the circular doubly linked list
+ nonlocal_root = [root] # make updateable non-locally
+ root[:] = [root, root, None, None] # initialize by pointing to self
+ PREV, NEXT, KEY, RESULT = 0, 1, 2, 3 # names for the link fields
+ def make_key(args, kwds, typed, tuple=tuple, sorted=sorted, type=type):
+ # helper function to build a cache key from positional and keyword args
+ key = args
+ if kwds:
+ sorted_items = tuple(sorted(kwds.items()))
+ key += kwd_mark + sorted_items
+ if typed:
+ key += tuple(type(v) for v in args)
+ if kwds:
+ key += tuple(type(v) for k, v in sorted_items)
+ return key
+ if maxsize == 0:
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
+ # no caching, just do a statistics update after a successful call
+ result = user_function(*args, **kwds)
+ stats[MISSES] += 1
+ return result
+ elif maxsize is None:
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
+ # simple caching without ordering or size limit
+ key = make_key(args, kwds, typed) if kwds or typed else args
+ result = cache_get(key, root) # root used here as a unique not-found sentinel
+ if result is not root:
+ stats[HITS] += 1
+ return result
+ result = user_function(*args, **kwds)
+ cache[key] = result
+ stats[MISSES] += 1
+ return result
+ else:
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
+ # size limited caching that tracks accesses by recency
+ key = make_key(args, kwds, typed) if kwds or typed else args
+ with lock:
+ link = cache_get(key)
+ if link is not None:
+ # record recent use of the key by moving it to the front of the list
+ root, = nonlocal_root
+ link_prev, link_next, key, result = link
+ link_prev[NEXT] = link_next
+ link_next[PREV] = link_prev
+ last = root[PREV]
+ last[NEXT] = root[PREV] = link
+ link[PREV] = last
+ link[NEXT] = root
+ stats[HITS] += 1
+ return result
+ result = user_function(*args, **kwds)
+ with lock:
+ root = nonlocal_root[0]
+ if _len(cache) < maxsize:
+ # put result in a new link at the front of the list
+ last = root[PREV]
+ link = [last, root, key, result]
+ cache[key] = last[NEXT] = root[PREV] = link
+ else:
+ # use root to store the new key and result
+ root[KEY] = key
+ root[RESULT] = result
+ cache[key] = root
+ # empty the oldest link and make it the new root
+ root = nonlocal_root[0] = root[NEXT]
+ del cache[root[KEY]]
+ root[KEY] = None
+ root[RESULT] = None
+ stats[MISSES] += 1
+ return result
+ def cache_info():
+ """Report cache statistics"""
+ with lock:
+ return _CacheInfo(stats[HITS], stats[MISSES], maxsize, len(cache))
+ def cache_clear():
+ """Clear the cache and cache statistics"""
+ with lock:
+ cache.clear()
+ root = nonlocal_root[0]
+ root[:] = [root, root, None, None]
+ stats[:] = [0, 0]
+ wrapper.__wrapped__ = user_function
+ wrapper.cache_info = cache_info
+ wrapper.cache_clear = cache_clear
+ return update_wrapper(wrapper, user_function)
+ return decorating_function
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+# Copyright (C) 2013 Patrick Totzke <>
+# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.
+from tree import Tree
+from decoration import DecoratedTree, CollapseMixin
+class NestedTree(Tree):
+ """
+ A Tree that wraps around Trees that may contain list walkers or other
+ trees. The wrapped tree may contain normal widgets as well. List walkers
+ and subtree contents will be expanded into the tree presented by this
+ wrapper.
+ This wrapper's positions are tuples of positions of the original and
+ subtrees: For example, `(X,Y,Z)` points at position Z in tree/list at
+ position Y in tree/list at position X in the original tree.
+ NestedTree transparently behaves like a collapsible DecoratedTree.
+ """
+ @property
+ def root(self):
+ root = (self._tree.root,)
+ rcontent = self._tree[self._tree.root]
+ if isinstance(rcontent, Tree):
+ root = root + (rcontent.root,)
+ return root
+ def _sanitize_position(self, pos, tree=None):
+ """
+ Ensure a position tuple until the result does not
+ point to a :class:`Tree` any more.
+ """
+ if pos is not None:
+ tree = tree or self._tree
+ entry = self._lookup_entry(tree, pos)
+ if isinstance(entry, Tree):
+ pos = pos + self._sanitize_position((entry.root,), tree=entry)
+ return pos
+ def __init__(self, tree, interpret_covered=False):
+ self._tree = tree
+ self._interpret_covered = interpret_covered
+ def _lookup_entry(self, tree, pos):
+ if len(pos) == 0:
+ entry = tree[tree.root]
+ else:
+ entry = tree[pos[0]]
+ if len(pos) > 1 and isinstance(entry, Tree):
+ subtree = entry
+ entry = self._lookup_entry(subtree, pos[1:])
+ return entry
+ def _depth(self, tree, pos, outmost_only=True):
+ depth = self._tree.depth(pos[1:])
+ if not outmost_only:
+ entry = self._tree[pos[0]]
+ if isinstance(entry, Tree) and len(pos) > 1:
+ depth += self._depth(entry, pos[1:], outmost_only=False)
+ return depth
+ def depth(self, pos, outmost=True):
+ return self._depth(self._tree, pos)
+ def __getitem__(self, pos):
+ return self._lookup_entry(self._tree, pos)
+ # DecoratedTree API
+ def _get_decorated_entry(self, tree, pos, widget=None, is_first=True):
+ entry = tree[pos[0]]
+ if len(pos) > 1 and isinstance(entry, Tree):
+ subtree = entry
+ entry = self._get_decorated_entry(
+ subtree, pos[1:], widget, is_first)
+ else:
+ entry = widget or entry
+ if isinstance(tree, (DecoratedTree, NestedTree)): # has decorate-API
+ isf = len(pos) < 2
+ if not isf and isinstance(tree[pos[0]], Tree):
+ isf = (tree[pos[0]].parent_position(pos[1])
+ is None) or not is_first
+ entry = tree.decorate(pos[0], entry, is_first=isf)
+ return entry
+ def get_decorated(self, pos):
+ return self._get_decorated_entry(self._tree, pos)
+ def decorate(self, pos, widget, is_first=True):
+ return self._get_decorated_entry(self._tree, pos, widget, is_first)
+ # Collapse API
+ def _get_subtree_for(self, pos):
+ """returns Tree that manages pos[-1]"""
+ res = self._tree
+ candidate = self._lookup_entry(self._tree, pos[:-1])
+ if isinstance(candidate, Tree):
+ res = candidate
+ return res
+ def collapsible(self, pos):
+ res = False
+ subtree = self._get_subtree_for(pos)
+ if isinstance(subtree, (CollapseMixin, NestedTree)):
+ res = subtree.collapsible(pos[-1])
+ return res
+ def is_collapsed(self, pos):
+ res = False
+ subtree = self._get_subtree_for(pos)
+ if isinstance(subtree, (CollapseMixin, NestedTree)):
+ res = subtree.is_collapsed(pos[-1])
+ return res
+ def toggle_collapsed(self, pos):
+ subtree = self._get_subtree_for(pos)
+ if isinstance(subtree, (CollapseMixin, NestedTree)):
+ subtree.toggle_collapsed(pos)
+ def collapse(self, pos):
+ subtree = self._get_subtree_for(pos)
+ if isinstance(subtree, (CollapseMixin, NestedTree)):
+ subtree.collapse(pos[-1])
+ def collapse_all(self):
+ self._collapse_all(self._tree, self.root)
+ def _collapse_all(self, tree, pos=None):
+ if pos is not None:
+ if isinstance(tree, (CollapseMixin, NestedTree)):
+ tree.expand_all()
+ if len(pos) > 1:
+ self._collapse_all(tree[pos[0]], pos[1:])
+ nextpos = tree.next_position(pos[0])
+ if nextpos is not None:
+ nentry = tree[nextpos]
+ if isinstance(nentry, Tree):
+ self._collapse_all(nentry, (nentry.root,))
+ self._collapse_all(tree, (nextpos,))
+ if isinstance(tree, (CollapseMixin, NestedTree)):
+ tree.collapse_all()
+ def expand(self, pos):
+ subtree = self._get_subtree_for(pos)
+ if isinstance(subtree, (CollapseMixin, NestedTree)):
+ subtree.expand(pos[-1])
+ def expand_all(self):
+ self._expand_all(self._tree, self.root)
+ def _expand_all(self, tree, pos=None):
+ if pos is not None:
+ if isinstance(tree, (CollapseMixin, NestedTree)):
+ tree.expand_all()
+ if len(pos) > 1:
+ self._expand_all(tree[pos[0]], pos[1:])
+ nextpos = tree.next_position(pos[0])
+ if nextpos is not None:
+ nentry = tree[nextpos]
+ if isinstance(nentry, Tree):
+ self._expand_all(nentry, (nentry.root,))
+ self._expand_all(tree, (nextpos,))
+ if isinstance(tree, (CollapseMixin, NestedTree)):
+ tree.expand_all()
+ def is_leaf(self, pos, outmost_only=False):
+ return self.first_child_position(pos, outmost_only) is None
+ ################################################
+ # Tree API
+ ################################################
+ def parent_position(self, pos):
+ candidate_pos = self._parent_position(self._tree, pos)
+ # return sanitized path (ensure it points to content, not a subtree)
+ return self._sanitize_position(candidate_pos)
+ def _parent_position(self, tree, pos):
+ candidate_pos = None
+ if len(pos) > 1:
+ # get the deepest subtree
+ subtree_pos = pos[:-1]
+ subtree = self._lookup_entry(tree, subtree_pos)
+ # get parent for our position in this subtree
+ least_pos = pos[-1]
+ subparent_pos = subtree.parent_position(least_pos)
+ if subparent_pos is not None:
+ # in case there is one, we are done, the position we look for
+ # is the path up to the subtree plus the local parent position.
+ candidate_pos = subtree_pos + (subparent_pos,)
+ else:
+ # otherwise we recur and look for subtree's parent in the next
+ # outer tree
+ candidate_pos = self._parent_position(self._tree, subtree_pos)
+ else:
+ # there is only one position in the path, we return its parent in
+ # the outmost tree
+ outer_parent = self._tree.parent_position(pos[0])
+ if outer_parent is not None:
+ # result needs to be valid position (tuple of local positions)
+ candidate_pos = outer_parent,
+ return candidate_pos
+ def first_child_position(self, pos, outmost_only=False):
+ childpos = self._first_child_position(self._tree, pos, outmost_only)
+ return self._sanitize_position(childpos, self._tree)
+ def _first_child_position(self, tree, pos, outmost_only=False):
+ childpos = None
+ # get content at first path element in outmost tree
+ entry = tree[pos[0]]
+ if isinstance(entry, Tree) and not outmost_only and len(pos) > 1:
+ # this points to a tree and we don't check the outmost tree only
+ # recur: get first child in the subtree for remaining path
+ subchild = self._first_child_position(entry, pos[1:])
+ if subchild is not None:
+ # found a childposition, re-append the path up to this subtree
+ childpos = (pos[0],) + subchild
+ return childpos
+ else:
+ # continue in the next outer tree only if we do not drop
+ # "covered" parts and the position path points to a parent-less
+ # position in the subtree.
+ if (entry.parent_position(pos[1]) is not None or not
+ self._interpret_covered):
+ return None
+ # return the first child of the outmost tree
+ outerchild = tree.first_child_position(pos[0])
+ if outerchild is not None:
+ childpos = outerchild,
+ return childpos
+ def last_child_position(self, pos, outmost_only=False):
+ childpos = self._last_child_position(self._tree, pos, outmost_only)
+ return self._sanitize_position(childpos, self._tree)
+ def _last_child_position(self, tree, pos, outmost_only=False):
+ childpos = None
+ # get content at first path element in outmost tree
+ entry = tree[pos[0]]
+ if isinstance(entry, Tree) and not outmost_only and len(pos) > 1:
+ # this points to a tree and we don't check the outmost tree only
+ # get last child in the outmost tree if we do not drop "covered"
+ # parts and the position path points to a root of the subtree.
+ if self._interpret_covered:
+ if entry.parent_position(pos[1]) is None:
+ # return the last child of the outmost tree
+ outerchild = tree.last_child_position(pos[0])
+ if outerchild is not None:
+ childpos = outerchild,
+ # continue as if we have not found anything yet
+ if childpos is None:
+ # recur: get last child in the subtree for remaining path
+ subchild = self._last_child_position(entry, pos[1:])
+ if subchild is not None:
+ # found a childposition, re-prepend path up to this subtree
+ childpos = (pos[0],) + subchild
+ else:
+ # outmost position element does not point to a tree:
+ # return the last child of the outmost tree
+ outerchild = tree.last_child_position(pos[0])
+ if outerchild is not None:
+ childpos = outerchild,
+ return childpos
+ def _next_sibling_position(self, tree, pos):
+ candidate = None
+ if len(pos) > 1:
+ # if position path does not point to position in outmost tree,
+ # first get the subtree as pointed out by first dimension, recur
+ # and check if some inner tree already returns a sibling
+ subtree = tree[pos[0]]
+ subsibling_pos = self._next_sibling_position(subtree, pos[1:])
+ if subsibling_pos is not None:
+ # we found our sibling, prepend the path up to the subtree
+ candidate = pos[:1] + subsibling_pos
+ else:
+ # no deeper tree has sibling. If inner position is root node
+ # the sibling in the outer tree is a valid candidate
+ subparent = subtree.parent_position(pos[1])
+ if subparent is None:
+ # check if outer tree defines sibling
+ next_sib = tree.next_sibling_position(pos[0])
+ if next_sib is not None:
+ # it has, we found our candidate
+ candidate = next_sib,
+ # if the inner position has depth 1, then the first child
+ # of its parent in the outer tree can be seen as candidate for
+ # this position next sibling. Those live in the shadow of the
+ # inner tree and are hidden unless requested otherwise
+ elif subtree.parent_position(subparent) is None and \
+ self._interpret_covered:
+ # we respect "covered" stuff and inner position has depth 1
+ # get (possibly nested) first child in outer tree
+ candidate = self._first_child_position(tree, pos[:1])
+ else:
+ # the position path points to the outmost tree
+ # just return its next sibling in the outmost tree
+ next_sib = tree.next_sibling_position(pos[0])
+ if next_sib is not None:
+ candidate = next_sib,
+ return candidate
+ def next_sibling_position(self, pos):
+ candidate = self._next_sibling_position(self._tree, pos)
+ return self._sanitize_position(candidate, self._tree)
+ def _prev_sibling_position(self, tree, pos):
+ candidate = None
+ if len(pos) > 1:
+ # if position path does not point to position in outmost tree,
+ # first get the subtree as pointed out by first dimension, recur
+ # and check if some inner tree already returns a sibling
+ subtree = tree[pos[0]]
+ subsibling_pos = self._prev_sibling_position(subtree, pos[1:])
+ if subsibling_pos is not None:
+ # we found our sibling, prepend the path up to the subtree
+ candidate = pos[:1] + subsibling_pos
+ else:
+ # no deeper tree has sibling. If inner position is root node
+ # the sibling in the outer tree is a valid candidate
+ subparent = subtree.parent_position(pos[1])
+ if subparent is None:
+ prev_sib = tree.prev_sibling_position(pos[0])
+ if prev_sib is not None:
+ candidate = prev_sib,
+ return candidate
+ # my position could be "hidden" by being child of a
+ # position pointing to a Tree object (which is then unfolded).
+ if self._interpret_covered:
+ # we respect "covered" stuff:
+ # if parent is Tree, return last child of its (last) root
+ parent_pos = self._parent_position(tree, pos)
+ if parent_pos is not None:
+ parent = self._lookup_entry(self._tree, parent_pos)
+ if isinstance(parent, Tree):
+ sib = parent.last_sibling_position(parent.root)
+ candidate = parent.last_child_position(sib)
+ if candidate is not None:
+ candidate = parent_pos + (candidate,)
+ else:
+ # pos points to position in outmost tree
+ prev_sib = tree.prev_sibling_position(pos[0])
+ if prev_sib is not None:
+ candidate = prev_sib,
+ # In case our new candidate points to a Tree, pick its last root node
+ if candidate is not None:
+ entry = self._lookup_entry(tree, candidate)
+ if isinstance(entry, Tree):
+ candidate = (candidate) + (entry.last_sibling_position(entry.root),)
+ return candidate
+ def prev_sibling_position(self, pos):
+ candidate = self._prev_sibling_position(self._tree, pos)
+ return self._sanitize_position(candidate, self._tree)
diff --git a/alot/foreign/urwidtrees/ b/alot/foreign/urwidtrees/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0058c177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alot/foreign/urwidtrees/
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Patrick Totzke <>
+# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.
+import logging
+class Tree(object):
+ """
+ Base class for a tree strucures that can be displayed by :class:`TreeBox`
+ widgets. An instance defines a structure by defining local transformations
+ on positions. That is, by overwriting
+ * `next_sibling_position`
+ * `prev_sibling_position`
+ * `parent_position`
+ * `first_child_position`
+ * `last_child_position`
+ that compute the next position in the respective direction. Also, they need
+ to implement method `__getitem__` that returns a :class:`Widget` for a
+ given position.
+ The type of objects used as positions may vary in subclasses and is
+ deliberately unspecified for the base class.
+ This base class already implements methods based on the local
+ transformations above. These include :meth:`depth`, :meth:`last_decendant`
+ and :meth:`[next|prev]_position <next_position>` that computes
+ next/previous positions in depth-first order.
+ """
+ root = None
+ # local helper
+ def _get(self, pos):
+ """loads widget at given position; handling invalid arguments"""
+ res = None, None
+ if pos is not None:
+ try:
+ res = self[pos], pos
+ except (IndexError, KeyError):
+ pass
+ return res
+ def _next_of_kin(self, pos):
+ """
+ looks up the next sibling of the closest ancestor with not-None next
+ siblings.
+ """
+ candidate = None
+ parent = self.parent_position(pos)
+ if parent is not None:
+ candidate = self.next_sibling_position(parent)
+ if candidate is None:
+ candidate = self._next_of_kin(parent)
+ return candidate
+ def _last_in_direction(self, starting_pos, direction):
+ """
+ recursively move in the tree in given direction
+ and return the last position.
+ :param starting_pos: position to start at
+ :param direction: callable that transforms a position into a position.
+ """
+ next_pos = direction(starting_pos)
+ if next_pos is None:
+ return starting_pos
+ else:
+ return self._last_in_direction(next_pos, direction)
+ def depth(self, pos):
+ """determine depth of node at pos"""
+ parent = self.parent_position(pos)
+ if parent is None:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return self.depth(parent) + 1
+ def is_leaf(self, pos):
+ """checks if given position has no children"""
+ return self.first_child_position(pos) is None
+ def first_ancestor(self, pos):
+ """
+ position of pos's ancestor with depth 0. Usually, this should return
+ the root node, but a :class:`Tree` might represent a forrest - have
+ multiple nodes without parent.
+ """
+ return self._last_in_direction(pos, self.parent_position)
+ def last_decendant(self, pos):
+ """position of last (in DFO) decendant of pos"""
+ return self._last_in_direction(pos, self.last_child_position)
+ def last_sibling_position(self, pos):
+ """position of last sibling of pos"""
+ return self._last_in_direction(pos, self.next_sibling_position)
+ def first_sibling_position(self, pos):
+ """position of first sibling of pos"""
+ return self._last_in_direction(pos, self.prev_sibling_position)
+ def next_position(self, pos):
+ """returns the next position in depth-first order"""
+ candidate = None
+ if pos is not None:
+ candidate = self.first_child_position(pos)
+ if candidate is None:
+ candidate = self.next_sibling_position(pos)
+ if candidate is None:
+ candidate = self._next_of_kin(pos)
+ return candidate
+ def prev_position(self, pos):
+ """returns the previous position in depth-first order"""
+ candidate = None
+ if pos is not None:
+ prevsib = self.prev_sibling_position(pos) # is None if first
+ if prevsib is not None:
+ candidate = self.last_decendant(prevsib)
+ else:
+ parent = self.parent_position(pos)
+ if parent is not None:
+ candidate = parent
+ return candidate
+ def positions(self, reverse=False):
+ """returns a generator that walks the positions of this tree in DFO"""
+ def Posgen(reverse):
+ if reverse:
+ lastrootsib = self.last_sibling_position(self.root)
+ current = self.last_decendant(lastrootsib)
+ while current is not None:
+ yield current
+ current = self.prev_position(current)
+ else:
+ current = self.root
+ while current is not None:
+ yield current
+ current = self.next_position(current)
+ return Posgen(reverse)
+ ####################################################################
+ # End of high-level helper implementation. The following need to be
+ # overwritten by subclasses
+ ####################################################################
+ def parent_position(self, pos):
+ """returns the position of the parent node of the node at `pos`
+ or `None` if none exists."""
+ return None
+ def first_child_position(self, pos):
+ """returns the position of the first child of the node at `pos`,
+ or `None` if none exists."""
+ return None
+ def last_child_position(self, pos):
+ """returns the position of the last child of the node at `pos`,
+ or `None` if none exists."""
+ return None
+ def next_sibling_position(self, pos):
+ """returns the position of the next sibling of the node at `pos`,
+ or `None` if none exists."""
+ return None
+ def prev_sibling_position(self, pos):
+ """returns the position of the previous sibling of the node at `pos`,
+ or `None` if none exists."""
+ return None
+class SimpleTree(Tree):
+ """
+ Walks on a given fixed acyclic structure given as a list of nodes; every
+ node is a tuple `(content, children)`, where `content` is a `urwid.Widget`
+ to be displayed at that position and `children` is either `None` or a list
+ of nodes.
+ Positions are lists of integers determining a path from the root node with
+ position `(0,)`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, treelist):
+ self._treelist = treelist
+ self.root = (0,) if treelist else None
+ Tree.__init__(self)
+ # a few local helper methods
+ def _get_substructure(self, treelist, pos):
+ """recursive helper to look up node-tuple for `pos` in `treelist`"""
+ subtree = None
+ if len(pos) > 1:
+ subtree = self._get_substructure(treelist[pos[0]][1], pos[1:])
+ else:
+ try:
+ subtree = treelist[pos[0]]
+ except (IndexError, TypeError):
+ pass
+ return subtree
+ def _get_node(self, treelist, pos):
+ """
+ look up widget at `pos` of `treelist`; default to None if
+ nonexistent.
+ """
+ node = None
+ if pos is not None:
+ subtree = self._get_substructure(treelist, pos)
+ if subtree is not None:
+ node = subtree[0]
+ return node
+ def _confirm_pos(self, pos):
+ """look up widget for pos and default to None"""
+ candidate = None
+ if self._get_node(self._treelist, pos) is not None:
+ candidate = pos
+ return candidate
+ # Tree API
+ def __getitem__(self, pos):
+ return self._get_node(self._treelist, pos)
+ def parent_position(self, pos):
+ parent = None
+ if pos is not None:
+ if len(pos) > 1:
+ parent = pos[:-1]
+ return parent
+ def first_child_position(self, pos):
+ return self._confirm_pos(pos + (0,))
+ def last_child_position(self, pos):
+ candidate = None
+ subtree = self._get_substructure(self._treelist, pos)
+ if subtree is not None:
+ children = subtree[1]
+ if children is not None:
+ candidate = pos + (len(children) - 1,)
+ return candidate
+ def next_sibling_position(self, pos):
+ return self._confirm_pos(pos[:-1] + (pos[-1] + 1,))
+ def prev_sibling_position(self, pos):
+ return pos[:-1] + (pos[-1] - 1,) if (pos[-1] > 0) else None
+ # optimizations
+ def depth(self, pos):
+ """more performant implementation due to specific structure of pos"""
+ return len(pos) - 1
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a9d96e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alot/foreign/urwidtrees/
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Patrick Totzke <>
+# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.
+import urwid
+import logging
+from urwid import WidgetWrap, ListBox
+from urwid import signals
+from decoration import DecoratedTree, CollapseMixin
+from nested import NestedTree
+from lru_cache import lru_cache
+# The following are used to check dynamically if a tree offers sub-APIs
+def implementsDecorateAPI(tree):
+ """determines if given tree offers line decoration"""
+ return isinstance(tree, (DecoratedTree, NestedTree))
+def implementsCollapseAPI(tree):
+ """determines if given tree can collapse positions"""
+ res = False
+ if isinstance(tree, (CollapseMixin, NestedTree)):
+ res = True
+ return res
+class TreeListWalker(urwid.ListWalker):
+ """
+ ListWalker to walk through a class:`Tree`.
+ This translates a :class:`Tree` into a :class:`urwid.ListWalker` that is
+ digestible by :class:`urwid.ListBox`.
+ It uses :meth:`Tree.[next|prev]_position <Tree.next_position>` to determine
+ the next/previous position in depth first order.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, tree, focus=None):
+ """
+ :param tree: the tree to be displayed
+ :type tree: Tree
+ :param focus: position of node to be focussed initially.
+ This has to be a valid position in the Tree.
+ It defaults to the value of `Tree.root`.
+ """
+ self._tree = tree
+ self._focus = focus or tree.root
+ self.root = tree.root
+ @lru_cache()
+ def __getitem__(self, pos):
+ """gets (possibly decorated) line widget at given position"""
+ if implementsDecorateAPI(self._tree):
+ entry = self._tree.get_decorated(pos)
+ else:
+ entry = self._tree[pos]
+ return entry
+ def clear_cache(self):
+ """removes all cached lines"""
+ self.__getitem__.cache_clear()
+ def _get(self, pos):
+ """looks up widget for given position; handling invalid arguments"""
+ res = None, None
+ if pos is not None:
+ try:
+ res = self[pos], pos
+ except (IndexError, KeyError):
+ pass
+ return res
+ # List Walker API.
+ def get_focus(self):
+ return self._get(self._focus)
+ def set_focus(self, pos):
+ self._focus = pos
+ def get_next(self, pos):
+ return self._get(self._tree.next_position(pos))
+ def get_prev(self, pos):
+ return self._get(self._tree.prev_position(pos))
+ def positions(self, reverse=False):
+ """returns a generator that walks the tree's positions"""
+ return self._tree.positions(reverse)
+ # end of List Walker API
+class TreeBox(WidgetWrap):
+ """
+ A widget that displays a given :class:`Tree`.
+ This is essentially a :class:`ListBox` with the ability to move the focus
+ based on directions in the Tree and to collapse/expand subtrees if
+ possible.
+ TreeBox interprets `left/right` as well as `page up/`page down` to move the
+ focus to parent/first child and next/previous sibling respectively. All
+ other keys are passed to the underlying ListBox.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, tree, focus=None):
+ """
+ :param tree: tree of widgets to be displayed.
+ :type tree: Tree
+ :param focus: initially focussed position
+ """
+ self._tree = tree
+ self._walker = TreeListWalker(tree)
+ self._outer_list = ListBox(self._walker)
+ if focus is not None:
+ self._outer_list.set_focus(focus)
+ self.__super.__init__(self._outer_list)
+ # Widget API
+ def get_focus(self):
+ return self._outer_list.get_focus()
+ def set_focus(self, pos):
+ return self._outer_list.set_focus(pos)
+ def refresh(self):
+ self._walker.clear_cache()
+ signals.emit_signal(self._walker, "modified")
+ def keypress(self, size, key):
+ key = self._outer_list.keypress(size, key)
+ if key in ['left', 'right', '[', ']', '-', '+', 'C', 'E', ]:
+ if key == 'left':
+ self.focus_parent()
+ elif key == 'right':
+ self.focus_first_child()
+ elif key == '[':
+ self.focus_prev_sibling()
+ elif key == ']':
+ self.focus_next_sibling()
+ elif key == '-':
+ self.collapse_focussed()
+ elif key == '+':
+ self.expand_focussed()
+ elif key == 'C':
+ self.collapse_all()
+ elif key == 'E':
+ self.expand_all()
+ # This is a hack around ListBox misbehaving:
+ # it seems impossible to set the focus without calling keypress as
+ # otherwise the change becomes visible only after the next render()
+ return self._outer_list.keypress(size, None)
+ else:
+ return self._outer_list.keypress(size, key)
+ # Collapse operations
+ def collapse_focussed(self):
+ """
+ Collapse currently focussed position; works only if the underlying
+ tree allows it.
+ """
+ if implementsCollapseAPI(self._tree):
+ w, focuspos = self.get_focus()
+ self._tree.collapse(focuspos)
+ self._walker.clear_cache()
+ self.refresh()
+ def expand_focussed(self):
+ """
+ Expand currently focussed position; works only if the underlying
+ tree allows it.
+ """
+ if implementsCollapseAPI(self._tree):
+ w, focuspos = self.get_focus()
+ self._tree.expand(focuspos)
+ self._walker.clear_cache()
+ self.refresh()
+ def collapse_all(self):
+ """
+ Collapse all positions; works only if the underlying tree allows it.
+ """
+ if implementsCollapseAPI(self._tree):
+ self._tree.collapse_all()
+ self.set_focus(self._tree.root)
+ self._walker.clear_cache()
+ self.refresh()
+ def expand_all(self):
+ """
+ Expand all positions; works only if the underlying tree allows it.
+ """
+ if implementsCollapseAPI(self._tree):
+ self._tree.expand_all()
+ self._walker.clear_cache()
+ self.refresh()
+ # Tree based focus movement
+ def focus_parent(self):
+ """move focus to parent node of currently focussed one"""
+ w, focuspos = self.get_focus()
+ parent = self._tree.parent_position(focuspos)
+ if parent is not None:
+ self.set_focus(parent)
+ def focus_first_child(self):
+ """move focus to first child of currently focussed one"""
+ w, focuspos = self.get_focus()
+ child = self._tree.first_child_position(focuspos)
+ if child is not None:
+ self.set_focus(child)
+ def focus_last_child(self):
+ """move focus to last child of currently focussed one"""
+ w, focuspos = self.get_focus()
+ child = self._tree.last_child_position(focuspos)
+ if child is not None:
+ self.set_focus(child)
+ def focus_next_sibling(self):
+ """move focus to next sibling of currently focussed one"""
+ w, focuspos = self.get_focus()
+ sib = self._tree.next_sibling_position(focuspos)
+ if sib is not None:
+ self.set_focus(sib)
+ def focus_prev_sibling(self):
+ """move focus to previous sibling of currently focussed one"""
+ w, focuspos = self.get_focus()
+ sib = self._tree.prev_sibling_position(focuspos)
+ if sib is not None:
+ self.set_focus(sib)
+ def focus_next(self):
+ """move focus to next position (DFO)"""
+ w, focuspos = self.get_focus()
+ next = self._tree.next_position(focuspos)
+ if next is not None:
+ self.set_focus(next)
+ def focus_prev(self):
+ """move focus to previous position (DFO)"""
+ w, focuspos = self.get_focus()
+ prev = self._tree.prev_position(focuspos)
+ if prev is not None:
+ self.set_focus(prev)