path: root/alot/
diff options
authorPatrick Totzke <>2011-10-13 14:36:56 +0100
committerPatrick Totzke <>2011-10-13 14:36:56 +0100
commit765fa19c38e5f5c9c60d8046bb6120b9fcdc7a79 (patch)
treeea14f04e59456bcfb9338fedf0ca484ad55d90d5 /alot/
parentc97102f22c1d19f0e67af878e720710a4cc592ae (diff)
fix imports
Diffstat (limited to 'alot/')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/alot/ b/alot/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57fe9ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alot/
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+This file is part of alot.
+Alot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+option) any later version.
+Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with notmuch. If not, see <>.
+Copyright (C) 2011 Patrick Totzke <>
+import urwid
+from notmuch.globals import NotmuchError
+import widgets
+import settings
+import commands
+from walker import IteratorWalker
+from message import decode_header
+class Buffer(object):
+ def __init__(self, ui, widget, name):
+ self.ui = ui
+ self.typename = name
+ self.body = widget
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.typename
+ def render(self, size, focus=False):
+ return self.body.render(size, focus)
+ def selectable(self):
+ return self.body.selectable()
+ def rebuild(self):
+ pass
+ def apply_command(self, cmd):
+ # call and store it directly for a local cmd history
+ self.ui.apply_command(cmd)
+ def keypress(self, size, key):
+ return self.body.keypress(size, key)
+class BufferlistBuffer(Buffer):
+ def __init__(self, ui, filtfun=None):
+ self.filtfun = filtfun
+ self.ui = ui
+ self.isinitialized = False
+ self.rebuild()
+ Buffer.__init__(self, ui, self.body, 'bufferlist')
+ def index_of(self, b):
+ return self.ui.buffers.index(b)
+ def rebuild(self):
+ if self.isinitialized:
+ focusposition = self.bufferlist.get_focus()[1]
+ else:
+ focusposition = 0
+ self.isinitialized = True
+ lines = list()
+ displayedbuffers = filter(self.filtfun, self.ui.buffers)
+ for (num, b) in enumerate(displayedbuffers):
+ line = widgets.BufferlineWidget(b)
+ if (num % 2) == 0:
+ attr = 'bufferlist_results_even'
+ else:
+ attr = 'bufferlist_results_odd'
+ buf = urwid.AttrMap(line, attr, 'bufferlist_focus')
+ num = urwid.Text('%3d:' % self.index_of(b))
+ lines.append(urwid.Columns([('fixed', 4, num), buf]))
+ self.bufferlist = urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleListWalker(lines))
+ self.bufferlist.set_focus(focusposition % len(displayedbuffers))
+ self.body = self.bufferlist
+ def get_selected_buffer(self):
+ (linewidget, pos) = self.bufferlist.get_focus()
+ bufferlinewidget = linewidget.get_focus().original_widget
+ return bufferlinewidget.get_buffer()
+class EnvelopeBuffer(Buffer):
+ def __init__(self, ui, mail):
+ self.ui = ui
+ self.mail = mail
+ self.rebuild()
+ Buffer.__init__(self, ui, self.body, 'envelope')
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "to: %s" % decode_header(self.mail['To'])
+ def get_email(self):
+ return self.mail
+ def set_email(self, mail):
+ self.mail = mail
+ self.rebuild()
+ def rebuild(self):
+ displayed_widgets = []
+ dh = settings.config.getstringlist('general', 'displayed_headers')
+ self.header_wgt = widgets.MessageHeaderWidget(self.mail,
+ displayed_headers=dh)
+ displayed_widgets.append(self.header_wgt)
+ #display attachments
+ lines = []
+ for part in self.mail.walk():
+ if not part.is_multipart():
+ if part.get_content_maintype() != 'text':
+ lines.append(widgets.AttachmentWidget(part,
+ selectable=False))
+ self.attachment_wgt = urwid.Pile(lines)
+ displayed_widgets.append(self.attachment_wgt)
+ self.body_wgt = widgets.MessageBodyWidget(self.mail)
+ displayed_widgets.append(self.body_wgt)
+ self.body = urwid.ListBox(displayed_widgets)
+class SearchBuffer(Buffer):
+ threads = []
+ def __init__(self, ui, initialquery=''):
+ self.dbman = ui.dbman
+ self.ui = ui
+ self.querystring = initialquery
+ self.result_count = 0
+ self.isinitialized = False
+ self.rebuild()
+ Buffer.__init__(self, ui, self.body, 'search')
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '%s (%d threads)' % (self.querystring, self.result_count)
+ def rebuild(self):
+ if self.isinitialized:
+ pass
+ #focusposition = self.threadlist.get_focus()[1]
+ else:
+ #focusposition = 0
+ self.isinitialized = True
+ self.result_count = self.dbman.count_messages(self.querystring)
+ try:
+ self.tids = self.dbman.search_thread_ids(self.querystring)
+ except NotmuchError:
+ self.ui.notify('malformed query string: %s' % self.querystring,
+ 'error')
+ self.tids = []
+ self.threadlist = IteratorWalker(iter(self.tids),
+ widgets.ThreadlineWidget,
+ dbman=self.dbman)
+ self.listbox = urwid.ListBox(self.threadlist)
+ #self.threadlist.set_focus(focusposition)
+ self.body = self.listbox
+ def debug(self):
+ self.ui.logger.debug(self.threadlist.lines)
+ def get_selected_threadline(self):
+ (threadlinewidget, size) = self.threadlist.get_focus()
+ return threadlinewidget
+ def get_selected_thread(self):
+ threadlinewidget = self.get_selected_threadline()
+ thread = None
+ if threadlinewidget:
+ thread = threadlinewidget.get_thread()
+ return thread
+class ThreadBuffer(Buffer):
+ def __init__(self, ui, thread):
+ self.message_count = thread.get_total_messages()
+ self.thread = thread
+ self.rebuild()
+ Buffer.__init__(self, ui, self.body, 'thread')
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '%s, (%d)' % (self.thread.get_subject(), self.message_count)
+ def get_selected_thread(self):
+ return self.thread
+ def _build_pile(self, acc, msg, parent, depth):
+ acc.append((parent, depth, msg))
+ for reply in self.thread.get_replies_to(msg):
+ self._build_pile(acc, reply, msg, depth + 1)
+ def rebuild(self):
+ self.thread.refresh()
+ # depth-first traversing the thread-tree, thereby
+ # 1) build a list of tuples (parentmsg, depth, message) in DF order
+ # 2) create a dict that counts no. of direct replies per message
+ messages = list() # accumulator for 1,
+ childcount = {None: 0} # accumulator for 2)
+ for msg, replies in self.thread.get_messages().items():
+ childcount[msg] = len(replies)
+ # start with all toplevel msgs, then recursively call _build_pile
+ for msg in self.thread.get_toplevel_messages():
+ self._build_pile(messages, msg, None, 0)
+ childcount[None] += 1
+ # go through list from 1) and pile up message widgets for all msgs.
+ # each one will be given its depth, if siblings follow and where to
+ # draw bars (siblings follow at lower depths)
+ msglines = list()
+ bars = []
+ for (num, (p, depth, m)) in enumerate(messages):
+ bars = bars[:depth]
+ childcount[p] -= 1
+ bars.append(childcount[p] > 0)
+ mwidget = widgets.MessageWidget(m, even=(num % 2 == 0),
+ depth=depth,
+ bars_at=bars)
+ msglines.append(mwidget)
+ self.body = urwid.ListBox(msglines)
+ def get_selection(self):
+ (messagewidget, size) = self.body.get_focus()
+ return messagewidget
+ def get_selected_message(self):
+ messagewidget = self.get_selection()
+ return messagewidget.get_message()
+ def get_message_widgets(self):
+ return self.body.body.contents
+ def get_focus(self):
+ return self.body.get_focus()
+ def unfold_matching(self, querystring):
+ for mw in self.get_message_widgets():
+ msg = mw.get_message()
+ if msg.matches(querystring):
+ mw.fold(visible=True)
+ if 'unread' in msg.get_tags():
+ msg.remove_tags(['unread'])
+ self.ui.apply_command(commands.globals.FlushCommand())
+class TagListBuffer(Buffer):
+ def __init__(self, ui, alltags=[], filtfun=None):
+ self.filtfun = filtfun
+ self.ui = ui
+ self.tags = alltags
+ self.isinitialized = False
+ self.rebuild()
+ Buffer.__init__(self, ui, self.body, 'taglist')
+ def rebuild(self):
+ if self.isinitialized:
+ focusposition = self.taglist.get_focus()[1]
+ else:
+ focusposition = 0
+ self.isinitialized = True
+ lines = list()
+ displayedtags = filter(self.filtfun, self.tags)
+ for (num, b) in enumerate(displayedtags):
+ tw = widgets.TagWidget(b)
+ lines.append(urwid.Columns([('fixed', tw.width(), tw)]))
+ self.taglist = urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleListWalker(lines))
+ self.body = self.taglist
+ self.taglist.set_focus(focusposition % len(displayedtags))
+ def get_selected_tag(self):
+ (cols, pos) = self.taglist.get_focus()
+ tagwidget = cols.get_focus()
+ return tagwidget.get_tag()