#! perl # Author: Chip Camden use English; use POSIX; my @hintchars = split //,'jfkdlsahgiroemcx'; my $re_url = qr{ (?:https?://|ftp://|news://|mailto:|file://|\bwww\.) [\w\-\@;\/?:&=%\$.+!*\x27,~#]* ( \([\w\-\@;\/?:&=%\$.+!*\x27,~#]*\)| # Allow a pair of matched parentheses [\w\-\@;\/?:&=%\$+*~] # exclude some trailing characters (heuristic) )+ }x; my $re_git_hash = qr{\b[0-9a-f]{7,40}\b}x; my $re_message_id = qr{<\S+?@\S+?>}x; sub hint_iterator { my ($len) = @_; # generate fixed-length codes of sufficient length for all matches my $code_len; if ($len == 0) { $code_len = 1; } else { $code_len = POSIX::ceil(log($len) / log(@hintchars)); } my $state = 0; return sub { use integer; my $idx = $state; my @retval; for (1..$code_len) { unshift @retval, $hintchars[$idx % @hintchars]; $idx /= @hintchars; } $state++; return join '',@retval; } } sub find_matches { my ($pattern, $text, $rowmap) = @_; my @matches; my $unique_matches = {}; while ($text =~ /$pattern/g) { my $ndx = $-[0]; my $match = $MATCH; my $col = 0; my $row = 0; for my $key (keys %$rowmap) { my $value = $rowmap->{$key}; my ($start, $end) = @$value; if (($start <= $ndx) && ($end >= $ndx)) { $row = $key; $col = $ndx - $start; last; } } if ($row >= 0) { push(@matches, [$col, $row, $match]); $unique_matches->{$match} = 1; } } return { matches => \@matches, unique_count => scalar(keys %{$unique_matches})}; } sub place_hint { my ($match_col, $match_row, $hint_w) = @_; # place the thint so it does not obscure the match, if possible $match_col -= $hint_w; if ($match_col < 0) { $match_col = 0; } return ($match_col, $match_row); } sub build_overlays { my ($self, $pattern, $text, $rowmap) = @_; my $hint_rend = $self->get_rend("hint", urxvt::OVERLAY_RSTYLE); my $res = find_matches($pattern, $text, $rowmap); my @matches = @{$res->{matches}}; @matches = reverse @matches if ($self->{descending}); my $match_hints = {}; my $results = {}; my $hints = hint_iterator($res->{unique_count}); for my $m (@matches) { my ($col, $row, $match) = @$m; # create a new hint if this match was not seen before # reuse an existing one otherwise if (not exists $match_hints->{$match}) { $match_hints->{$match} = $hints->(); } my $hint = $match_hints->{$match}; my $hint_w = $self->strwidth($hint); ($col, $row) = place_hint($col, $row, $hint_w); if (not exists $results->{$hint}) { $results->{$hint} = { match => $match, overlays => [] }; } # create the overlay and add it to the list of overlays for this hint my $overlay = $self->overlay($col, $row, $hint_w, 1, $hint_rend, 0); $overlay->set(0, 0, $hint); push(@{$results->{$hint}->{overlays}}, $overlay); } return $results; }; sub on_action { my ($self, $cmd) = @_; my $pattern = $self->{patterns}->{$cmd}; if (!defined($pattern)) { return; } my $rowmap = {}; my $row = 0; my $base_col = 0; my $text = ''; for (0..($self->nrow - 1)) { $row = $_; my $start = length($text); $text .= $self->ROW_t($row + $self->view_start); $rowmap->{$row} = [$start, (length($text)-1)]; } my $results = $self->build_overlays($pattern, $text, $rowmap); if (keys %{$results} < 1) { $self->status_msg("no $cmd matches found"); } else { my $url_picker = {}; my $prompt = "Select match:"; $url_picker->{prompt} = $self->overlay(0, -1, length $prompt, 1, $self->get_rend("prompt", urxvt::OVERLAY_RSTYLE), 0); $url_picker->{prompt}->set(0, 0, $prompt); $url_picker->{prompt_len} = length $prompt; $url_picker->{results} = $results; $url_picker->{buffer} = ''; my ($crow,$ccol) = $self->screen_cur; $url_picker->{crow} = $crow; $url_picker->{ccol} = $ccol; $self->{url_picker} = $url_picker; $self->update($url_picker); } } sub on_key_press { my ($self, $event, $keysym) = @_; if ($self->{url_picker_msg}) { $self->{url_picker_msg} = (); } my $p = $self->{url_picker}; if ($p) { my $keyname = $self->XKeysymToString($keysym); if ($keyname eq 'Escape' || ($keyname eq 'c' && ($event->{state} & urxvt::ControlMask))) { $self->screen_cur($p->{crow},$p->{ccol}); $self->{url_picker} = (); } elsif ($keyname eq 'BackSpace') { if (length($p->{buffer}) > 0) { $p->{buffer} = substr($p->{buffer},0,-1); $self->update($p); } } elsif ($keyname eq 'Return' || $keyname eq 'KP_Enter') { my $num = $p->{buffer}; my $results = $p->{results}; if (exists $results->{$num}) { my $match = $results->{$num}->{match}; $self->launch($match); } } elsif (grep { $_ eq $keyname } @hintchars) { $p->{buffer} = $p->{buffer} . $keyname; $self->update($p); } return 1; } () } sub update { my ($self, $p) = @_; $p->{typing} = $self->overlay($p->{prompt_len}, -1, length($p->{buffer}), 1, $self->get_rend("input", urxvt::OVERLAY_RSTYLE), 0); $p->{typing}->set(0,0,$p->{buffer}); my $results = $p->{results}; my $len = length($p->{buffer}); my @matches; foreach (keys %{$results}) { my $result = $results->{$_}; if ($len == 0 || index($_, $p->{buffer}) == 0) { for my $overlay (@{$result->{overlays}}) { $overlay->show; } unshift @matches, $result->{match}; } else { for my $overlay (@{$result->{overlays}}) { $overlay->hide; } } } # Auto-launch a single match only if the launchsingle resource is true # (default), or if the user typed something if (scalar(@matches) == 1 && ($self->{launchsingle} || $len > 0)) { $self->launch(@matches[0]); } else { $self->screen_cur($self->nrow,8+$len); } } sub launch { my ($self, $match) = @_; my $p = $self->{url_picker}; $self->screen_cur($p->{crow},$p->{ccol}); $self->{url_picker} = (); $self->status_msg($match); $self->selection($match, 1); $self->selection_grab(urxvt::CurrentTime, 1); } sub status_msg { my ($self, $msg) = @_; $msg = $self->{name} . ":" . $msg; $self->{url_picker_msg} = $self->overlay(0, -1, length($msg), 1, $self->get_rend("status",urxvt::OVERLAY_RSTYLE), 0); $self->{url_picker_msg}->set(0, 0, $msg); $self->{url_picker_timer} = urxvt::timer ->new ->after (5) ->cb (sub { $self->{url_picker_msg} = (); $self->{url_pickertimer} = (); }); } sub get_rend { my ($self, $name, $rend) = @_; # urxvt internal color indices are offset by 2 from the standard values my $color_offset = 2; my $fg = $self->my_resource("$name.foregroundColor"); if ($fg) { $rend = urxvt::SET_FGCOLOR($rend, $color_offset + $fg); } my $bg = $self->my_resource("$name.backgroundColor"); if ($bg) { $rend = urxvt::SET_BGCOLOR($rend, $color_offset + $bg); } return $rend; } sub on_key_release { my ($self, $event, $keysym) = @_; $self->{url_picker}; } sub my_resource { my ($self, $name) = @_; $self->x_resource ("$self->{name}.$name"); } sub on_start { my ($self) = @_; ($self->{name} = __PACKAGE__) =~ s/.*:://; $self->{name} =~ tr/_/-/; $self->{launchsingle} = ($self->my_resource("launchsingle") ne "false"); $self->{descending} = ($self->my_resource("order") eq "descending"); $self->{url_picker} = (); my $patterns = { url => $re_url, git_hash => $re_git_hash, message_id => $re_message_id, }; for (my $idx = 0; defined (my $res = $self->my_resource("pattern.$idx")); $idx++) { $patterns->{"user.$idx"} = qr($res)x; } $self->{patterns} = $patterns; }