$Path = Join[$Path, Map[ToString, ReadList[StringToStream[Environment["MATHPATH"]], Word, WordSeparators->{":"}]]]; $RecursionLimit = 1000; Get["KrancThorn`"]; (*SetDebugLevel[InfoFull];*) SetEnhancedTimes[False]; SetSourceLanguage["C"]; (**************************************************************************** Derivatives ****************************************************************************) derivatives = { PDstandard2nd[i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,1,i], PDstandard2nd[i_, i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[2,1,i], PDstandard2nd[i_, j_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,1,i] * StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,1,j], PDstandard4th[i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,2,i], PDstandard4th[i_, i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[2,2,i], PDstandard4th[i_, j_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,2,i] * StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,2,j], PDstandard[i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,fdOrder/2,i], PDstandard[i_, i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[2,fdOrder/2,i], PDstandard[i_, j_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,fdOrder/2,i] * StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,fdOrder/2,j], PDplus[i_] -> DPlus[i], PDminus[i_] -> DMinus[i], PDplus[i_,j_] -> DPlus[i] DPlus[j], PDonesided2nd[1] -> dir[1] (-shift[1]^(2 dir[1]) + 4 shift[1]^dir[1] - 3 )/ (2 spacing[1]), PDonesided2nd[2] -> dir[2] (-shift[2]^(2 dir[2]) + 4 shift[2]^dir[2] - 3 )/ (2 spacing[2]), PDonesided2nd[3] -> dir[3] (-shift[3]^(2 dir[3]) + 4 shift[3]^dir[3] - 3 )/ (2 spacing[3]) }; (*PD = PDstandard2nd;*) (**************************************************************************** Tensors ****************************************************************************) (* Register all the tensors that will be used with TensorTools *) Map[DefineTensor, { R, gamma,g, gInv, k, ltet, n, rm, im, rmbar, imbar, tn, va, vb, vc, wa, wb, wc, ea, eb, ec, Ro, Rojo, R4p, Psi0r, Psi0i, Psi1r, Psi1i, Psi2r, Psi2i, Psi3r, Psi3i, Psi4r,Psi4i }]; (* Psi0,2,4 behave as (pseudo)scalars *) SetTensorAttribute[Psi0r, TensorParity, +1]; SetTensorAttribute[Psi2r, TensorParity, +1]; SetTensorAttribute[Psi4r, TensorParity, +1]; SetTensorAttribute[Psi0i, TensorParity, -1]; SetTensorAttribute[Psi2i, TensorParity, -1]; SetTensorAttribute[Psi4i, TensorParity, -1]; (* these are 'special' and require a patch to the symmetry thorns *) SetTensorAttribute[Psi1r, TensorManualCartesianParities, {1,1,-1}]; SetTensorAttribute[Psi3r, TensorManualCartesianParities, {-1,-1,1}]; SetTensorAttribute[Psi1i, TensorManualCartesianParities, {-1,-1,1}]; SetTensorAttribute[Psi3i, TensorManualCartesianParities, {-1,-1,1}]; (* Register the TensorTools symmetries (this is very simplistic) *) Map[AssertSymmetricDecreasing, { k[la,lb], g[la,lb] }]; AssertSymmetricDecreasing[gamma[ua,lb,lc], lb, lc]; (* Determinants of the metrics in terms of their components (Mathematica symbolic expressions) *) gDet = Det[MatrixOfComponents[g[la,lb]]]; (**************************************************************************** Groups ****************************************************************************) (* Cactus group definitions *) scalars = { (*Psi0r, Psi0i, Psi1r, Psi1i, Psi2r, Psi2i, Psi3r, Psi3i, *) Psi4r,Psi4i}; scalarGroups = Map[CreateGroupFromTensor, scalars]; (* We need extra timelevels so that interpolation onto the extraction sphere works properly with mesh refinement *) scalarGroups = Map[AddGroupExtra[#, Timelevels -> 3] &, scalarGroups]; admGroups = {{"admbase::metric", {gxx,gxy,gxz,gyy,gyz,gzz}}, {"admbase::curv", {kxx,kxy,kxz,kyy,kyz,kzz}}, {"admbase::lapse", {alp}}, {"admbase::shift", {betax,betay,betaz}}}; declaredGroups = scalarGroups; declaredGroupNames = Map[First, declaredGroups]; groups = Join[declaredGroups, admGroups]; (**************************************************************************** Shorthands ****************************************************************************) shorthands = { gamma[ua,lb,lc], R[la,lb,lc,ld], invdetg, detg, third, detgmthirdroot, gInv[ua,ub], Ro[la,lb,lc], Rojo[la,lb], R4p[li,lj,lk,ll], omega11, omega22, omega33, omega12, omega13, omega23, va[ua], vb[ua], vc[ua], wa[ua], wb[ua], wc[ua], ea[ua], eb[ua], ec[ua], tn[ua], nn, ltet[ua],n[ua],rm[ua],im[ua],rmbar[ua],imbar[ua], isqrt2, xmoved, ymoved, zmoved }; k11=kxx; k21=kxy; k22=kyy; k31=kxz; k32=kyz; k33=kzz; g11=gxx; g21=gxy; g22=gyy; g31=gxz; g32=gyz; g33=gzz; realParameters = {{Name -> offset, Default -> 10^(-15)},xorig,yorig,zorig}; PsisCalc[fdOrder_, PD_] := { Name -> "psis_calc_" <> fdOrder, Where -> Interior, ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"fd_order", fdOrder}, Shorthands -> shorthands, Equations -> { detg -> gDet, invdetg -> 1 / detg, gInv[ua,ub] -> invdetg gDet MatrixInverse[g[ua,ub]], gamma[ua, lb, lc] -> 1/2 gInv[ua,ud] (PD[g[lb,ld], lc] + PD[g[lc,ld], lb] - PD[g[lb,lc],ld]), (**************************************************************************** Offset the origin ****************************************************************************) xmoved -> x - xorig, ymoved -> y - yorig, zmoved -> z - zorig, (**************************************************************************** Compute the local tetrad ****************************************************************************) va1 -> -ymoved, va2 -> xmoved+offset, va3 -> 0, vb1 -> xmoved+offset, vb2 -> ymoved, vb3 -> zmoved, vc[ua] -> Sqrt[detg] gInv[ua,ud] Eps[ld,lb,lc] va[ub] vb[uc], (* Orthonormalize using Gram-Schmidt*) wa[ua] -> va[ua], omega11 -> wa[ua] wa[ub] g[la,lb], ea[ua] -> wa[ua] / Sqrt[omega11], omega12 -> ea[ua] vb[ub] g[la,lb], wb[ua] -> vb[ua] - omega12 ea[ua], omega22 -> wb[ua] wb[ub] g[la,lb], eb[ua] -> wb[ua]/Sqrt[omega22], omega13 -> ea[ua] vc[ub] g[la,lb], omega23 -> eb[ua] vc[ub] g[la,lb], wc[ua] -> vc[ua] - omega13 ea[ua] - omega23 eb[ua], omega33 -> wc[ua] wc[ub] g[la,lb], ec[ua] -> wc[ua]/Sqrt[omega33], (* Create Spatial Portion of Null Tetrad *) isqrt2 -> 0.7071067811865475244, ltet[ua] -> isqrt2 eb[ua], n[ua] -> - isqrt2 eb[ua], rm[ua] -> isqrt2 ec[ua], im[ua] -> isqrt2 ea[ua], rmbar[ua] -> isqrt2 ec[ua], imbar[ua] -> -isqrt2 ea[ua], (* nn here is the projection of both l^a and n^a with u^a (the time-like unit vector normal to the hypersurface). We do NOT save the t component of the tetrads in this code to avoid unnecessary factors of lapse and shift. *) nn -> isqrt2, (**************************************************************************** Compute the NP pseudoscalars ****************************************************************************) (* Calculate the relevant Riemann Quantities *) (* The 3-Riemann *) R[la,lb,lc,ld] -> 1/2 ( PD[g[la,ld],lc,lb] + PD[g[lb,lc],ld,la] ) - 1/2 ( PD[g[la,lc],lb,ld] + PD[g[lb,ld],la,lc] ) + g[lj,le] gamma[uj,lb,lc] gamma[ue,la,ld] - g[lj,le] gamma[uj,lb,ld] gamma[ue,la,lc], (* The 4-Riemann projected into the slice on all its indices. The Gauss equation. *) R4p[li,lj,lk,ll] -> R[li,lj,lk,ll] + 2 AntiSymmetrize[k[li,lk] k[ll,lj], lk, ll], (* The 4-Riemann projected in the unit normal direction on one index, then into the slice on the remaining indices. The Codazzi equation. *) Ro[lj,lk,ll] -> - 2 AntiSymmetrize[ PD[k[lj,lk],ll], lk,ll] - 2 AntiSymmetrize[ gamma[up,lj,lk] k[ll,lp], lk,ll], (* The 4-Riemann projected in the unit normal direction on two indices, and into the slice on the remaining two. *) Rojo[lj,ll] -> gInv[uc,ud] (R[lj,lc,ll,ld] ) - k[lj,lp] gInv[up,ud] k[ld,ll] + k[lc,ld] gInv[uc,ud] k[lj,ll], (* Calculate End Quantities NOTE: In writing this, I assume m[0]=0!! to save lots of work *) Psi4r -> R4p[li,lj,lk,ll] n[ui] n[uk] ( rmbar[uj] rmbar[ul] - imbar[uj] imbar[ul] ) + 2 Ro[lj,lk,ll] n[uk] nn ( rmbar[uj] rmbar[ul] - imbar[uj] imbar[ul] ) + Rojo[lj,ll] nn nn ( rmbar[uj] rmbar[ul] - imbar[uj] imbar[ul] (* + terms in mbar^0 == 0*) ), Psi4i -> R4p[la,lb,lc,ld] n[ua] n[uc] ( - rm[ub] im[ud] - im[ub] rm[ud] ) + 2 Ro[la,lb,lc] n[ub] nn ( - rm[ua] im[uc] - im[ua] rm[uc] ) + Rojo[la,lb] nn nn ( - rm[ua] im[ub] - im[ua] rm[ub] ) (*, Psi3r -> R4p[la,lb,lc,ld] ltet[ua] n[ub] rm[uc] n[ud] + Ro[la,lb,lc] ( nn (n[ua]-ltet[ua]) rm[ub] n[uc] - nn rm[ua] ltet[ub] n[uc] ) - Rojo[la,lb] nn (n[ua]-ltet[ua]) nn rm[ub], Psi3i -> - R4p[la,lb,lc,ld] ltet[ua] n[ub] im[uc] n[ud] - Ro[la,lb,lc] ( nn (n[ua]-ltet[ua]) im[ub] n[uc] - nn im[ua] ltet[ub] n[uc] ) + Rojo[la,lb] nn (n[ua]-ltet[ua]) nn im[ub], Psi2r -> R4p[la,lb,lc,ld] ltet[ua] n[ud] (rm[ub] rm[uc] + im[ub] im[uc]) + Ro[la,lb,lc] nn ( n[uc] (rm[ua] rm[ub] + im[ua] im[ub]) - ltet[ub] (rm[ua] rm[uc] + im[ua] im[uc]) ) - Rojo[la,lb] nn nn (rm[ua] rm[ub] + im[ua] im[ub]), Psi2i -> R4p[la,lb,lc,ld] ltet[ua] n[ud] (im[ub] rm[uc] - rm[ub] im[uc]) + Ro[la,lb,lc] nn ( n[uc] (im[ua] rm[ub] - rm[ua] im[ub]) - ltet[ub] (rm[ua] im[uc] - im[ua] rm[uc]) ) - Rojo[la,lb] nn nn (im[ua] rm[ub] - rm[ua] im[ub]), Psi1r -> R4p[la,lb,lc,ld] n[ua] ltet[ub] rm[uc] ltet[ud] + Ro[la,lb,lc] ( nn ltet[ua] rm[ub] ltet[uc] - nn rm[ua] n[ub] ltet[uc] - nn n[ua] rm[ub] ltet[uc] ) + Rojo[la,lb] nn nn ( n[ua] rm[ub] - ltet[ua] rm[ub] ), Psi1i -> R4p[la,lb,lc,ld] n[ua] ltet[ub] im[uc] ltet[ud] + Ro[la,lb,lc] ( nn ltet[ua] im[ub] ltet[uc] - nn im[ua] n[ub] ltet[uc] - nn n[ua] im[ub] ltet[uc] ) + Rojo[la,lb] nn nn ( n[ua] im[ub] - ltet[ua] im[ub] ), Psi0r -> R4p[la,lb,lc,ld] ltet[ua] ltet[uc] (rm[ub] rm[ud] - im[ub] im[ud]) + 2 Ro[la,lb,lc] nn ltet[ub] (rm[ua] rm[uc] - im[ua] im[uc]) + Rojo[la,lb] nn nn (rm[ua] rm[ub] - im[ua] im[ub]), Psi0i -> R4p[la,lb,lc,ld] ltet[ua] ltet[uc] (rm[ub] im[ud] + im[ub] rm[ud]) + 2 Ro[la,lb,lc] nn ltet[ub] (rm[ua] im[uc] + im[ua] rm[uc]) + Rojo[la,lb] nn nn (rm[ua] im[ub] + im[ua] rm[ub]) *) } }; (**************************************************************************** Construct the thorn ****************************************************************************) fdOrderParam = { Name -> "fd_order", Default -> "Nth", AllowedValues -> {"Nth", "2nd", "4th"} }; keywordParameters = { fdOrderParam }; intParameters = { { Name -> fdOrder, Default -> 2, AllowedValues -> {2,4,6,8} } }; calculations = { PsisCalc["Nth", PDstandard], PsisCalc["2nd", PDstandard2nd], PsisCalc["4th", PDstandard4th] }; CreateKrancThornTT[groups, ".", "WeylScal4", Calculations -> calculations, DeclaredGroups -> declaredGroupNames, PartialDerivatives -> derivatives, UseLoopControl -> True, KeywordParameters -> keywordParameters, RealParameters -> realParameters, IntParameters -> intParameters, InheritedImplementations -> {"admbase", "methodoflines"}];