/*@@ @file CheckParameters.F @date @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Check parameters for the wave equation evolver @enddesc @@*/ #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_parameters.h" #include "cctk_arguments.h" /*@@ @routine WaveToy_CheckParameters @date @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Check parameters for the wave equation evolver @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @@*/ subroutine WaveToyF90_CheckParameters(CCTK_FARGUMENTS) implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_FARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS INTEGER CCTK_Equals if (CCTK_Equals(initial_data,"box")==1) then if (CCTK_Equals(type, "box")==0) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("Must have a box grid with box initial data") end if if (kx==0 .or. ky==0 .or. kz==0) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("Cannot have zero kx,ky,kz for box initial data") end if end if end subroutine WaveToyF90_CheckParameters