!DESC "Wavetoy scalarfield evolution with rotating binary sources (C)" ActiveThorns = "time wavetoyc pugh pughslab pughreduce CartGrid3D CoordBase SymBase boundary ioutil ioascii iobasic idscalarwaveC wavebinarysource localreduce" time::dtfac = 0.25 wavebinarysource::binary_omega = 26 wavebinarysource::binary_charge = 0.00001 wavebinarysource::binary_radius = 0.07 wavebinarysource::binary_size = 0.04 wavetoy::bound = "radiation" grid::type = "BySpacing" grid::domain = "full" grid::dxyz = 0.01 driver::global_nx = 20 driver::global_ny = 20 driver::global_nz = 20 cactus::cctk_itlast = 5 IOBasic::outScalar_reductions = "norm1 norm2 minimum maximum norm_inf" IOBasic::outScalar_every = 1 IOBasic::outScalar_vars = "wavetoy::phi" IOBasic::outInfo_every = 1 IOBasic::outInfo_vars = "wavetoy::phi" IO::out_dir = "test_binary_1" IO::out_fileinfo = "none" # temporarily initialize all allocated memory to zero # until the boundary conditions are fixed PUGH::initialize_memory = "zero" # do not use the new scheme for names of output files IO::new_filename_scheme = "no"