#include #include #include /* Using Cactus infrastructure */ #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" static char *rcsid = "$Header$"; CCTK_FILEVERSION(CactusWave_WaveBinarySource_WaveBinary_c) int IndexCeilC(cGH *GH, CCTK_REAL coord_value, int d); int IndexFloorC(cGH *GH, CCTK_REAL coord_value, int d); void WaveBinaryC(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS int i,j,k,d,index; /* the start/end points in local index space of the binary charge */ int lowerloc[3]; int upperloc[3]; /* lower/upper physical coord. of one binary charge */ CCTK_REAL lbin[3],ubin[3]; CCTK_REAL minc[3],maxc[3]; /* lower/upper grid points, that we own (no ghostzones) */ int mingp[3], maxgp[3]; /* some flags */ int onthisproc, xproc, sign; static int firstcall; CCTK_REAL xs,ys,zs,rad; CCTK_REAL zmin,zmax,charge_factor; /* Because binary_charge and binary_size are a steerable parameters now, charge_factor needs to be recomputed at every iteration. */ charge_factor = 3.0*binary_charge/ (4.0*3.1415*binary_size*binary_size*binary_size); /* Initialize the range arrays */ for (d=0;d<3;d++) { mingp[d] = 0; maxgp[d] = cctk_lsh[d]-1; } /* The physical minimum/maximum coordinates of our grid chunk; will use those to check if the charges are on our proc. */ index = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,0,0,0); minc[0] = x[index]; minc[1] = y[index]; minc[2] = z[index]; index = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,cctk_lsh[0]-1,cctk_lsh[1]-1,cctk_lsh[2]-1); maxc[0] = x[index]; maxc[1] = y[index]; maxc[2] = z[index]; /* we have two charges opposite, origin is the center sign mulitplies the charge xy-positions by +1 and -1 */ for (sign=1; sign>=-1; sign-=2) { /* default flag: the charge is on this proc. */ onthisproc = 0; /* calculate the center of a single binary source */ CCTK_CoordRange(cctkGH, &zmin, &zmax, -1, "z", "cart3d"); xs = sign * binary_radius * cos(binary_omega*(cctk_time-cctk_delta_time)); ys = sign * binary_radius * sin(binary_omega*(cctk_time-cctk_delta_time)); zs = (zmax-zmin)/2 + zmin; /* shortcuts for the physical boundaries of a single charge */ lbin[0] = xs - binary_size; lbin[1] = ys - binary_size; lbin[2] = zs - binary_size; ubin[0] = xs + binary_size; ubin[1] = ys + binary_size; ubin[2] = zs + binary_size; /* loop over all three dimensions */ for (d=0;d<3;d++) { /* check where our binaries are: - the can be on our grid chunk completly - we have a lower part of the source on our grid chunk - we have a upper part - the source covers a grid chunk completetly Get the floor-index of the lower bound and ceiling-index of the upper bound. Increase onthisproc : if equal to three, we have the source */ xproc = 0; lowerloc[d]=mingp[d]; upperloc[d]=maxgp[d]; if ((lbin[d]<=minc[d]) && (ubin[d]>=maxc[d])) { xproc = 1; } else { if ((minc[d]<=lbin[d]) && (lbin[d]<=maxc[d])) { lowerloc[d]=IndexFloorC(cctkGH, lbin[d],d); xproc = 1; } if ((minc[d]<=ubin[d]) && (ubin[d]<=maxc[d])) { upperloc[d]=IndexCeilC (cctkGH, ubin[d],d); xproc = 1; } } onthisproc+=xproc; } /* Debugging debugging */ if (((firstcall==1)&&(CCTK_EQUALS(binary_verbose,"yes"))) || (CCTK_EQUALS(binary_verbose,"debug"))) { printf("Charge: %f \n",charge_factor); printf("On this proc: %d \n",onthisproc); printf("cctk_lsh: %d %d %d\n",cctk_lsh[0],cctk_lsh[0],cctk_lsh[0]); printf("Charge center: %f %f %f \n", xs,ys,zs); printf("Charge extension: \n"); printf(" x-extension: %f -> %f \n",lbin[0],ubin[0]); printf(" y-extension: %f -> %f \n",lbin[1],ubin[1]); printf(" z-extension: %f -> %f \n",lbin[2],ubin[2]); printf("Charge local index range: \n"); printf(" x-index %d %d \n", lowerloc[0],upperloc[0]); printf(" y-index %d %d \n", lowerloc[1],upperloc[1]); printf(" z-index %d %d \n", lowerloc[2],upperloc[2]); index = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, lowerloc[0],lowerloc[1],lowerloc[2]); printf("Charge corner LOW: [%f %f %f] \n",x[index],y[index],z[index]); index = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, upperloc[0],upperloc[1],upperloc[2]); printf("Charge corner UP : [%f %f %f] \n",x[index],y[index],z[index]); printf(" MINC/MAXC [%f %f %f] [%f %f %f] \n\n\n", minc[0],minc[1],minc[2], maxc[0],maxc[1],maxc[2]); } /* we have the source, no loop over the index boudary */ if (onthisproc==3) { for (k=lowerloc[2];k<=upperloc[2];k++) { for (j=lowerloc[1];j<=upperloc[1];j++) { for (i=lowerloc[0];i<=upperloc[0];i++) { index = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k); rad = ((x[index]-xs)*(x[index]-xs)) + ((y[index]-ys)*(y[index]-ys)) + ((z[index]-zs)*(z[index]-zs)); if (rad