/* TwoPunctures: File "TwoPunctures.c"*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "TP_utilities.h" #include "TwoPunctures.h" /* Swap two variables */ static inline void swap (CCTK_REAL * const a, CCTK_REAL * const b) { CCTK_REAL const t = *a; *a=*b; *b=t; } #undef SWAP #define SWAP(a,b) (swap(&(a),&(b))) void set_initial_guess(CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST cctkGH, derivs v) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; int nvar = 1, n1 = npoints_A, n2 = npoints_B, n3 = npoints_phi; CCTK_REAL *s_x, *s_y, *s_z; CCTK_REAL al, A, Am1, be, B, phi, R, r, X; CCTK_INT ivar, i, j, k, i3D, indx; derivs U; FILE *debug_file; if (solve_momentum_constraint) nvar = 4; s_x =calloc(n1*n2*n3, sizeof(CCTK_REAL)); s_y =calloc(n1*n2*n3, sizeof(CCTK_REAL)); s_z =calloc(n1*n2*n3, sizeof(CCTK_REAL)); allocate_derivs (&U, nvar); for (ivar = 0; ivar < nvar; ivar++) for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) for (j = 0; j < n2; j++) for (k = 0; k < n3; k++) { i3D = Index(ivar,i,j,k,1,n1,n2,n3); al = Pih * (2 * i + 1) / n1; A = -cos (al); be = Pih * (2 * j + 1) / n2; B = -cos (be); phi = 2. * Pi * k / n3; /* Calculation of (X,R)*/ AB_To_XR (nvar, A, B, &X, &R, U); /* Calculation of (x,r)*/ C_To_c (nvar, X, R, &(s_x[i3D]), &r, U); /* Calculation of (y,z)*/ rx3_To_xyz (nvar, s_x[i3D], r, phi, &(s_y[i3D]), &(s_z[i3D]), U); } Set_Initial_Guess_for_u(cctkGH, n1*n2*n3, v.d0, s_x, s_y, s_z); for (ivar = 0; ivar < nvar; ivar++) for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) for (j = 0; j < n2; j++) for (k = 0; k < n3; k++) { indx = Index(ivar,i,j,k,1,n1,n2,n3); v.d0[indx]/=(-cos(Pih * (2 * i + 1) / n1)-1.0); } Derivatives_AB3 (nvar, n1, n2, n3, v); if (do_initial_debug_output) { debug_file=fopen("initial.dat", "w"); for (ivar = 0; ivar < nvar; ivar++) for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) for (j = 0; j < n2; j++) { al = Pih * (2 * i + 1) / n1; A = -cos (al); Am1 = A -1.0; be = Pih * (2 * j + 1) / n2; B = -cos (be); phi = 0.0; indx = Index(ivar,i,j,0,1,n1,n2,n3); U.d0[0] = Am1 * v.d0[indx]; /* U*/ U.d1[0] = v.d0[indx] + Am1 * v.d1[indx]; /* U_A*/ U.d2[0] = Am1 * v.d2[indx]; /* U_B*/ U.d3[0] = Am1 * v.d3[indx]; /* U_3*/ U.d11[0] = 2 * v.d1[indx] + Am1 * v.d11[indx]; /* U_AA*/ U.d12[0] = v.d2[indx] + Am1 * v.d12[indx]; /* U_AB*/ U.d13[0] = v.d3[indx] + Am1 * v.d13[indx]; /* U_AB*/ U.d22[0] = Am1 * v.d22[indx]; /* U_BB*/ U.d23[0] = Am1 * v.d23[indx]; /* U_B3*/ U.d33[0] = Am1 * v.d33[indx]; /* U_33*/ /* Calculation of (X,R)*/ AB_To_XR (nvar, A, B, &X, &R, U); /* Calculation of (x,r)*/ C_To_c (nvar, X, R, &(s_x[indx]), &r, U); /* Calculation of (y,z)*/ rx3_To_xyz (nvar, s_x[i3D], r, phi, &(s_y[indx]), &(s_z[indx]), U); fprintf(debug_file, "%.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g " "%.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g\n", (double)s_x[indx], (double)s_y[indx], (double)A,(double)B, (double)U.d0[0], (double)(-cos(Pih * (2 * i + 1) / n1)-1.0), (double)U.d1[0], (double)U.d2[0], (double)U.d3[0], (double)U.d11[0], (double)U.d22[0], (double)U.d33[0], (double)v.d0[indx], (double)v.d1[indx], (double)v.d2[indx], (double)v.d3[indx], (double)v.d11[indx], (double)v.d22[indx], (double)v.d33[indx] ); } fprintf(debug_file, "\n\n"); for (i=n2-10; i 1.0) { C_To_c (nvar, X, R, &(s_x[indx]), &r, U); rx3_To_xyz (nvar, s_x[i3D], r, phi, &(s_y[indx]), &(s_z[indx]), U); *U.d0 = s_x[indx]*s_x[indx]; *U.d1 = 2*s_x[indx]; *U.d2 = 0.0; *U.d3 = 0.0; *U.d11 = 2.0; *U.d22 = 0.0; *U.d33 = *U.d12 = *U.d23 = *U.d13 = 0.0; C_To_c (nvar, X, R, &(s_x[indx]), &r, U); fprintf(debug_file, "%.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g\n", (double)s_x[indx], (double)r, (double)X, (double)R, (double)U.d0[0], (double)U.d1[0], (double)U.d2[0], (double)U.d3[0], (double)U.d11[0], (double)U.d22[0], (double)U.d33[0]); } } fclose(debug_file); } free(s_z); free(s_y); free(s_x); free_derivs (&U, nvar); /*exit(0);*/ } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void TwoPunctures (CCTK_ARGUMENTS) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; * mp = par_m_plus; * mm = par_m_minus; enum GRID_SETUP_METHOD { GSM_Taylor_expansion, GSM_evaluation }; enum GRID_SETUP_METHOD gsm; int antisymmetric_lapse, averaged_lapse, pmn_lapse, brownsville_lapse; int nvar = 1, n1 = npoints_A, n2 = npoints_B, n3 = npoints_phi; int imin[3], imax[3], d; int i, j, k, l, n, ntotal = n1 * n2 * n3 * nvar; int percent10 = 0; static CCTK_REAL *F = NULL; static derivs u, v; CCTK_REAL admMass, M_p, M_m, tmp_p, tmp_m, um, up, new_mass, old_mass; CCTK_REAL old_alp; if (! F) { /* Solve only when called for the first time */ F = dvector (0, ntotal - 1); allocate_derivs (&u, ntotal); allocate_derivs (&v, ntotal); if (use_sources) { CCTK_INFO ("Solving puncture equation for BH-NS/NS-NS system"); } else { CCTK_INFO ("Solving puncture equation for BH-BH system"); } /* initialise to 0 */ for (j = 0; j < ntotal; j++) { v.d0[j] = 0.0; v.d1[j] = 0.0; v.d2[j] = 0.0; v.d3[j] = 0.0; v.d11[j] = 0.0; v.d12[j] = 0.0; v.d13[j] = 0.0; v.d22[j] = 0.0; v.d23[j] = 0.0; v.d33[j] = 0.0; } /* call for external initial guess */ if (use_external_initial_guess) { set_initial_guess(cctkGH, v); } if(!(give_bare_mass)) { * mp = target_M_plus; * mm = target_M_minus; M_p= target_M_plus; M_m= target_M_minus; new_mass = 0; old_mass = 1.; while (new_mass 0) || (pmn_lapse) || (brownsville_lapse)) { CCTK_REAL xp, yp, zp, rp, ir; CCTK_REAL s1, s3, s5; CCTK_REAL p, px, py, pz, pxx, pxy, pxz, pyy, pyz, pzz; p = 1.0; px = py = pz = 0.0; pxx = pxy = pxz = 0.0; pyy = pyz = pzz = 0.0; /* first puncture */ xp = x1 - par_b; yp = y1; zp = z1; rp = sqrt (xp*xp + yp*yp + zp*zp); rp = pow (pow (rp, 4) + pow (TP_epsilon, 4), 0.25); if (rp < TP_Tiny) rp = TP_Tiny; ir = 1.0/rp; if (rp < TP_Extend_Radius) { ir = EXTEND(1., rp); } s1 = 0.5* *mp *ir; s3 = -s1*ir*ir; s5 = -3.0*s3*ir*ir; p += s1; px += xp*s3; py += yp*s3; pz += zp*s3; pxx += xp*xp*s5 + s3; pxy += xp*yp*s5; pxz += xp*zp*s5; pyy += yp*yp*s5 + s3; pyz += yp*zp*s5; pzz += zp*zp*s5 + s3; /* second puncture */ xp = x1 + par_b; yp = y1; zp = z1; rp = sqrt (xp*xp + yp*yp + zp*zp); rp = pow (pow (rp, 4) + pow (TP_epsilon, 4), 0.25); if (rp < TP_Tiny) rp = TP_Tiny; ir = 1.0/rp; if (rp < TP_Extend_Radius) { ir = EXTEND(1., rp); } s1 = 0.5* *mm *ir; s3 = -s1*ir*ir; s5 = -3.0*s3*ir*ir; p += s1; px += xp*s3; py += yp*s3; pz += zp*s3; pxx += xp*xp*s5 + s3; pxy += xp*yp*s5; pxz += xp*zp*s5; pyy += yp*yp*s5 + s3; pyz += yp*zp*s5; pzz += zp*zp*s5 + s3; if (*conformal_state >= 1) { static_psi = p; psi[ind] = static_psi; } if (*conformal_state >= 2) { psix[ind] = px / static_psi; psiy[ind] = py / static_psi; psiz[ind] = pz / static_psi; } if (*conformal_state >= 3) { psixx[ind] = pxx / static_psi; psixy[ind] = pxy / static_psi; psixz[ind] = pxz / static_psi; psiyy[ind] = pyy / static_psi; psiyz[ind] = pyz / static_psi; psizz[ind] = pzz / static_psi; } if (pmn_lapse) alp[ind] = pow(p, initial_lapse_psi_exponent); if (brownsville_lapse) alp[ind] = 2.0/(1.0+pow(p, initial_lapse_psi_exponent)); } /* if conformal-state > 0 */ puncture_u[ind] = U; gxx[ind] = pow (psi1 / static_psi, 4); gxy[ind] = 0; gxz[ind] = 0; gyy[ind] = pow (psi1 / static_psi, 4); gyz[ind] = 0; gzz[ind] = pow (psi1 / static_psi, 4); kxx[ind] = Aij[0][0] / pow(psi1, 2); kxy[ind] = Aij[0][1] / pow(psi1, 2); kxz[ind] = Aij[0][2] / pow(psi1, 2); kyy[ind] = Aij[1][1] / pow(psi1, 2); kyz[ind] = Aij[1][2] / pow(psi1, 2); kzz[ind] = Aij[2][2] / pow(psi1, 2); if (antisymmetric_lapse || averaged_lapse) { alp[ind] = ((1.0 -0.5* *mp /r_plus -0.5* *mm/r_minus) /(1.0 +0.5* *mp /r_plus +0.5* *mm/r_minus)); if (r_plus < TP_Extend_Radius) { alp[ind] = ((1.0 -0.5*EXTEND(*mp, r_plus) -0.5* *mm/r_minus) /(1.0 +0.5*EXTEND(*mp, r_plus) +0.5* *mm/r_minus)); } if (r_minus < TP_Extend_Radius) { alp[ind] = ((1.0 -0.5*EXTEND(*mm, r_minus) -0.5* *mp/r_plus) /(1.0 +0.5*EXTEND(*mp, r_minus) +0.5* *mp/r_plus)); } if (averaged_lapse) { alp[ind] = 0.5 * (1.0 + alp[ind]); } } if (multiply_old_lapse) alp[ind] *= old_alp; if (swap_xz) { /* Swap the x and z components of all tensors */ if (*conformal_state >= 2) { SWAP (psix[ind], psiz[ind]); } if (*conformal_state >= 3) { SWAP (psixx[ind], psizz[ind]); SWAP (psixy[ind], psiyz[ind]); } SWAP (gxx[ind], gzz[ind]); SWAP (gxy[ind], gyz[ind]); SWAP (kxx[ind], kzz[ind]); SWAP (kxy[ind], kyz[ind]); } /* if swap_xz */ } /* for i */ } /* for j */ } /* for k */ for (k = imin[2]; k < imax[2]; ++k) for (j = imin[1]; j < imax[1]; ++j) for (i = imin[0]; i < imax[0]; ++i) { int ijk = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, i, j, k); x[ijk] += center_offset[0]; y[ijk] += center_offset[1]; z[ijk] += center_offset[2]; } if (use_sources && rescale_sources) { Rescale_Sources(cctkGH, cctk_lsh[0]*cctk_lsh[1]*cctk_lsh[2], x, y, z, (*conformal_state > 0) ? psi : NULL, gxx, gyy, gzz, gxy, gxz, gyz); } if (0) { /* Keep the result around for the next time */ free_dvector (F, 0, ntotal - 1); free_derivs (&u, ntotal); free_derivs (&v, ntotal); } }